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Pretty peppers after landing in the greenhouse. When and what can you feed peppers at home and after disembarking into the ground. What sweet pepper loves

Pepper sweet is a representative of the Polenic (along with eggplants and tomatoes). This multi-year view of the plant, the fruits of which are used both in fresh and in the treated form, is a shrub. Vegetable culture perfectly responds to substances entered into the soil. Especially good peppers tolerate nitrogen and potassium, but with chlorine you need to be careful - the vegetable does not like him.

What sweet pepper loves

In general, the pepper is known as a rather whimsical plant, but it is not worth it to be afraid and abandon culture. It must be remembered that it does not tolerate abundant irrigation, as well as the lack of water. Pepper is good fruit, when it is warm and sunny weather. Soil looser should be carried out carefully, since the vegetable culture has a surface root system.

It should be remembered that such a vegetable culture, like pepper, loves a loamy and fertile soil. The plant does not tolerate heavy earth, because it is acidic. If there is such a soil on the site, it should be facilitated. To do this, use peat or sand, which is introduced at the Packet of Earth. Together with this, you can add last year's organic mixtures, for example, cow manure or compost.

From factors such as seedlings, vegetable grade, weather conditions depends on the composition of organic and mineral fertilizers added to the soil. Also, you should understand why it is specifically used for a sweet bell pepper. For example, for the growth and development of the plant (before the start of the formation of the fruit), phosphoric additives are necessary. During the period of active formation of barriers, pepper requires potassium. Throughout the period, starting with the development and growth, and ending with flowering, vegetable culture needs feeding from calcium and nitrogen.

Did you know?
With long-term cloudy weather, the number of potash fertilizers should be increased, about 1/5 part. In the event that the street is dry and sunny, on the contrary, the amount of 20% should be reduced.

Podrelka on the open soil

When seedling grows up to the desired value, go to its landing into open ground. Peppers before that need to carefully easily. For these purposes, wood ash, potassium sulfate, as well as humid and superphosphates. To simplify the task, you can take advantage of the finished complex fertilizer for sweet peppers, which contain a balanced amount of beneficial substances. Fortunately, in the 21st century in the market can easily find such mixtures. After disembarking seedlings into open ground, it should be continued to feed with a clear frequency to the stage of formation of the first fruit.

In general, the deadline for the beginning of the feeding of pepper depends on such factors as the time of disembarking, the volume, number and composition of the first fertilizers. For example, in the case of feeding the soil in the fall, it will take less mineral fertilizers in the spring.

Sweet peppers planted on the outdoor ground traditionally feed once every 3 weeks. The seedling market is carried out when the height is reached by a height of about 15-25 centimeters, as well as when the buds are embedded. About 2.5 weeks after the transplantation of vegetable culture at a permanent place, it blooms. It is during this period that the first feeding is carried out.

To do this, use nonstable cow manure or a bird litter solution divorced in water. If there are no finished organic fertilizers, pepper fertilize with a composition dissolved in warm water, from ammonia nitrate, superphosphate, and potassium.

Useful fact

Beautiful fertilizer that contains all the necessary macro and trace elements serves herbal cocktail. It is very easy to do it yourself. For this, they will need herbs such as dandelion, nettle, plantain, as well as any weeds. Plants are finely cut and used as feeding.

Second feeding pepper

After two weeks, after the first payment of the beneficial substances, the second feeding should be conducted. It falls at the time of formation of inflorescences, up to the formation of the first fruit. In case the mineral agents were previously used, now organic substances should be used. To do this, you can use urea, bird litter, as well as manure since last year. The ingredients dissolve in water and insist during the week. The feeder is made as follows: five liters of fluid per square meter of the site.

How to improve yield?

We constantly write letters in which lovers of gardeners are experiencing that because of the cold summer this year, poor crops of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year, we published tips on this. But unfortunately, many were not listened, but some were still applied. Here is a report from our readers, we want to advise plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the harvest to 50-70%.

Read ...

As already written above, peppers need various trace elements throughout the term of development and growth. These include phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iodine, zinc, moldben, manganese and boron. Extra-corner feeding is an ideal way to make beneficial substances. In other words, pepper is subjected to spraying with a solution containing the necessary elements.

Fertilizer pepper in greenhouses

A strange fact, but pepper, which is grown in a greenhouse, and not on the outdoor soil, feeds with the useful substances in a completely different scheme. So, the organic has a positive effect on the number of future harvest, and minerals are responsible for the height and volume of bushes.

When planting pepper to a greenhouse, you should adhere to the following fertilizer application scheme:

Rules of subcord

There are a number of rules that must be observed when organizing feeding for seedlings of sweet peppers:

  • This vegetable culture does not very well tolerate fresh manure. Best for these purposes is suitable for last year's fertilizer.
  • Seedlings are forbidden to feed after the dive procedure, you should wait two weeks.
  • The fertilizer solution should be slightly warmer room temperature.
  • The feeder should be carried out carefully, without falling on the stems and leaves of pepper.
  • The best time to fertilize peppers is early morning or evening after sunset.

Pepper fertilizer types

Mineral feeding for peppers are applied only in liquid form. The powders are made to breed in water room temperature to the necessary consistency, after which the ground is soaked under the plant, without falling on the stems and leaves. To date, in the market of garden products, you can find various mineral mixtures. Specialists and experienced gardeners advise to acquire complex products that have a balanced composition.

As for organic fertilizers, here is the best option to last year's manure and bird litter. This type of feeding has a beneficial effect on the number of future harvest and its fruitful properties. Soil feeding fertilizer is carried out in accordance with previously developed diagrams, in order not to overlapping a vegetable culture.

Folk remedies for fertilizers from ash and shell

If you put the prepared fertilizer next to the sediment of pepper, the hydrogen sulfide in the air will be positively influenced by the plant, stimulating its development. Before making the resulting solution, the soil should be thoroughly fluffed.

How to eat yeast

The introduction into the soil yeast has a positive effect on the composition of the soil, completely rebuilding its structure. The feeding microorganisms contribute to rapid growth of seedlings, and also increase the yield of vegetable culture.

In order to prepare feeding, the following ingredients should be mixed: 10 grams of dry yeast, water bucket, 4 tablespoons of sugar sand. The resulting solution is concentrated, so before the fertilizer of the soil should be diluted with water in the proportion of one to ten.

Experienced garders sometimes replace yeast on wheat grain. To do this, they should be poured with water and leave in a warm place for a day. During this time, the grains will swell, after which they need to be confused in the toss and mix with sugar. Before using fertilizers, the mass is also diluted with water in proportion to one to ten.

Additional fertilizer application

Sometimes it happens that vegetable culture requires additional fertilizer's introduction over the main scheme and feeding rates. This can happen in cases where the soil is too acidic and the pepper bushes very slowly grow.

Additional feeding is performed in accordance with the following rules:

Perepariming soil can adversely affect the fertility of peppers.

When making fertilizers and feeding sweet peppers, it is necessary to understand, somehow or another affects the plant, as well as what consequences can be from an overdose:


Pepper is undoubtedly a popular vegetable on the Russian table. It is consumed in the raw form (adding to salads), as well as in the treated - marinated stew. Thanks to the peculiar taste and the useful composition of the vegetable won the love of gardeners.

Summing up, it should be noted that the feeding of such a vegetable culture as pepper has a great influence on its yield. It is important to make feeding according to the scheme and within the recommended norm, not overgrowing the soil. And remember, the plant, followed by the correctly caught, will definitely thank you with juicy fruits.

Options for feeding peppers

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Representatives of the Family Family are very demanding on the conditions of content, so the feeding of peppers in the greenhouse is made with jewelry accuracy. The rate is made on fertilizers containing nitrogen and potassium. It should always be remembered about the degree of soil acidity. Taking into account this factor, choose the optimal composition of the nutrient mixture and determine the regularity of the feeding.

In addition to nitrogen and potash fertilizers in gardening, chlorine-based feeding is actively used. It is necessary to apply it with great care. On the one hand, they allow us to normalize the chemical composition of the acid soil. On the other hand, peppers poorly carry even a minor quantity of chlorine. In this regard, this substance is necessary in minor quantities.

Continuing the topic of the physicochemical composition of fertilizers, it is necessary to dwell on a number of other significant factors:

  • Grained vegetables;
  • Minimum and maximum temperature in the region;
  • The age of the seedlings used;
  • The number of bones that appeared;
  • Characteristics of binding appeared.

Food crops falling in a greenhouse from polycarbonate need permanent fertilizer. Before you do, you need to find out the chemical composition of the soil and the characteristics of the selected grade of the grained crops.

The goal determines the means: fertilizer for pepper in the greenhouse

The basis of any action is needed by the need to achieve a certain result. In the middle lane, fertilizers are made to normalize the development and growth of seedlings. This is done from the moment their land appeared the first sprouts.

The end point in time when fertilizers are no longer required, the formation of basic fruits is considered. Phosphoric feeders are used as the main nutrient.

In some cases, it is necessary to feed the seedlings in the greenhouse by calcium and the jam. It is done to accelerate the process of formation of the barriers.

If we talk about other practical councils, they look like this:

  • Long rains outside the window - reason more often feed pepper with potash fertilizers;
  • The reverse council is given in the case when the vests are larger;
  • The greater the risk of various diseases in the seedlings, the less nitrogenous feeding should be made.

The work of the gardener is largely coincided with the work of the sapper. Each step in both cases should be repeatedly turned out. Making any feeding starts from the moment of disembarking and before the start of flowering. The composition of the nutrient mixture is determined by the climatic conditions and requirements of the selected variety of pepper.

Cooking the ground for planting: how to water the pepper in the greenhouse

The correct ratio of water and feeding is the key to getting a good crop. All work begins at the moment when the temperature frame has become stably positive. Depending on the resources available, the gardener can water the ground with a ready-made feeder bought in the store, or make it yourself. The second option is preferable when it comes to a sufficiently large greenhouse.

The recipe of a proper cooked nutrient solution for peppers is as follows:

  • 1 teaspoon potassium sulfate;
  • 1 spoon dining room superphosphate;
  • ½ bucket of commercial excerpts;
  • 1 Full glass of wood ash.

This quantity is enough for 1 meter square square. In order to determine the actual number for a separate greenhouse, it is necessary to carry out simple mathematical operations. The preparation of the soil takes no more than 3-5 days before the start of active field work. The procedure begins at the beginning of spring, as soon as the weather outside the window normalized.

Food and watering peppers in a greenarbonate greenhouse

Healthy food for peppers is always complemented by a proper amount of liquid. In this case, not every dachnik is able to determine the optimal volume of irrigation.

Regardless of the sowing material, it is necessary to comply with the balance. The lack of water will lead to the weakening of the pepper structure and its fading.

If there is too much fluid, then the appeared rot will put the cross on the future crop.

To determine how often it is necessary to supply seedlings to the life of moisture, the following recommendations will be helped:

  1. The automatic system is used in large greenhouses. It is based on the operation of the sensors, which in real time monitors the level of moisture concentration in the soil.
  2. The manual method is suitable for those cases when the greenhouse is small and the amount of planting of pepper is strictly limited.
  3. Mechanical - transitional option between the automatic and manual method of supplying seedlings with water. It is useful in cases where a high greenhouse is used seasonally.
  4. Time for watering is chosen in such a way as not to be too hot or cold.

The volume of the injected fluid is determined solely by the characteristics of a particular variety. More precisely, the dacnik familiarize himself with the data on the packaging with seeds, the less problems will have.

Peppers watering nuances in greenhouse: how often at what temperature

Continuing the topic of the right sediment care, it is necessary to dwell on the developed recommendations regarding care issues. First you need to remember that nutrients are made no more than 1 times every 14 days.

Regardless of the type of fertilizer, it is necessary to feed substances divorced exclusively in heat solution (+ 25c).

To begin with, the plant does not rush to heat water and only then the feeding is made.

In addition, there are some other nuances:

  • Within one month, the ½ time are organic fertilizers and ½ time - mineral;
  • Water is entered in small quantities - a drip irrigation system has proven itself;
  • For irrigation, it is possible to use collected rainwater, but only after pre-cleaning.

What to feed peppers in the greenhouse (video)

Ensuring normalized nutrition and watering seedlings - a guarantee of a good crop. Characteristics of varieties and soils, climatic features of the region, the types of fertilizers - all this needs to be taken into account before the start of any action. Even a minor error will lead to a slowdown in seedlings or just to crop death. In addition, it is worth remembering the need for regular normalized irrigation.

Not every garden manages to get a good pepper seedlings. Well, about an adult, developed plant, giving large, delicious crops, many are just dreaming. The reason is that the pepper needs special conditions for growth and care, which is a mandatory part of the feeding. If it is not fertilized, it begins to slow down growth, stretch, and not grow beautiful bush, root, reduce yield or the quality of fruits. What to feed the pepper and how to do it right, you can read below in the article.

How often feather peppers?

Pepper Californian miracle

Before you feed the pepper, one or another fertilizer you need to figure out how often you need to do it. Many factors (grades, climate, place of cultivation, quantity and variety of peppers) affect the intensity of making feeders, but mainly to pay attention to the quality of the soil. Pepper loves the nutritional land, and in the empty soil does not develop at all. Therefore, it is necessary to plant seeds or already finished seedlings only in a fertilous land and as the culture grows, but, that is, the consumption of nutrients from the soil, to feed it.

If we talk about a normal primer, then peppers needed for the entire period of development of approximately 5 feeding. The first is carried out after picking seedlings into separate cups (2-3 sheets). During the day before landing seedlings at a permanent place in an open or closed soil, you also need to hold a feeder to reinforce the seedlings. When seedlings come down in a new place (2 weeks after landing) you can easily feel them. The next fertilizer is added during the flowering period, and then during the start of fruiting (fruit formation). After the fruits begin to grow, poured with color, feeders are carried out only as a last resort, for example, if the plant cares, poorly develops. Do not forget that any feeding at this time can negatively affect the quality, taste and even crop color.


Determine whether the pepper was correctly carried out correctly. If the plant has new, green leaves - then everything is done without errors, but if the development has not changed, the leaves are not growing, the color dulls, then, most likely something was done wrong.

What to feed the pepper for growth?

Types of feeding for pepper

If pepper is poorly growing or does not develop properly, you need to make appropriate fertilizers. The sluggish leaflets, dim color, thin stem, weakness of the twigs indicate the lack of calcium, nitrogen, boron, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, and some other elements. What to feed peppers to restore its appearance and speed up growth?

  • The eggshell is most often laid in the ground when planting a plant, but can be made of infusion. For this, the crushed shell of 2-3 eggs is taken, it is poured with 3 liters of water and insisted in a dark place for 3-4 days. Then it is used for watering young and already adult bushes. This is especially proven to be a means of growing seedlings.
  • An abundance of a variety of elements contains an abundance of various elements. It will be useful for the growth and development of the plant, as well as significantly increase the yield. To prepare the drug, it is necessary to crush the leaves of the plantain, coltsfoot, dandelion, nettle, wets and pour water in a 1: 5 ratio. It is a remedy for a week, and then used by liter for each bush.


Pretty peppers spend usually in the morning or in the evening, when the sun does not shine too bright, it's not hot on the street, there is no rain.

  • So that young seedlings develop quickly, you need to go to each well when landing at a permanent place, add a handful of ashes.
  • The yeast contributes to the growth of root and green mass, increase yield, so it is not necessary to neglect such fertilizer, especially since it is natural and harmless. 1 kg of wet yeast insisted in 5 liters of water all day (preferably in a dark, warm place). Then, 2-3 spoons of ashes are added to the solution and used for irrigation.

Yeast fertilizer is useful, but it is used only in combination with ash, as the yeast by themselves wash out the potassium.

Mineral fertilizers can be used for active plant growth. With the first subcorter, it is worth providing a abundance of potassium and nitrogen by the plant, applicable, for example, "Kemira-suite", "Crystallon" or "Gum Kuznetsova" according to the instructions. If there is a desire, you can make fertilizer and yourself. 3 tablespoons of superphosphate are taken on the water bucket, 3 teaspoons of potassium sulfate, 2 teaspoons of ammonium nitrate. During the second feeding, the same means are used, but the concentration increases by 2 times.

What to feed the pepper for a good crop?

Vintage pepper

A large crop of pepper can be obtained only when making timely, good feeding. You can do them yourself or use purchased. So what to feed the pepper? Many gardeners prefer to use folk methods. They include green infusions, decoctions, as well as fertilizers made on the basis of organic "garbage", like banana peel, cleaning vegetables, egg shells, ashes and similar components.

  • Peel 2-3 banana is crushed and insisted in water 3 days. After that, the infusions are filtered and peppers watered. The banana peel contains a lot of potassium, so it is extremely necessary in the spring, during the growth of the plant and during fruiting so that the pepper is beautiful, smooth, saturated color.
  • At the time of flowering, it will not hurt to feed the peppers against bird litter or humus. But to use them in pure form is dangerous, therefore a solution is prepared. Chicken litter interfere with water in proportion 1:10, and humid 1: 5 and then used for irrigation. But at once it is possible to use either humus, or litter, it is not recommended to combine them.


Pepper loves ash very much. This is not only affordable, but also a very useful fertilizer, which has a positive effect on the plant throughout the entire period of its growing season. But fresh manure can hurt peppers.

  • The wonderful taste of fruits and their abundance will provide the gardener feeding ash in the period of fruiting pepper. 2 liters of hot water takes on a tablespoon of pure wood ash. After the mixture was blinking, it is well shaken and used for irrigation.
  • Increase the yield and taste of pepper by iodine fertilizer. The liter of water takes no more than 2 drops of iodine and 100 ml of serum. After thorough mixing, you can use a solution for purpose.

If there is no desire to do natural fertilizers, you can apply like fertilizer and minerals. To increase yields, the drugs "Agrikola", "Uniflor-growth", "Gomel", "Nitroammofoska" and the like are used. All of them are bred according to the instructions.

How to choose feeding?

Podcock pepper

If the gardener has no time to prepare fertilizers, their breeding, measurement and compliance with the correct proportions, it simply acquires complex fertilizers for pepper: "ideal", "Kemira-suite", "Akvadon-micro", "Orton-Fe". They provide a plant at least or maximum useful substances (depending on the type and concentration), and fully justify their use. Pepper grows well, gives a crop, becomes more resistant to diseases, cultivation conditions.

Acquire complex fertilizers, minerals or other finished fertilizers, even if it is an organic agent, you only need to have proven sellers or in specialized stores.

The choice of mineral drug should be based on the features of planting pepper (greenhouse, open ground), cultural problems (no harvest, weak shoots, loss of color, etc.) and other similar moments. Therefore, the composition before buying and before you feed the pepper, you need to study well so that it does not turn out that the substance does not contain the elements necessary for the plant.

With organic fertilizers, it can be made of herbs, products stored in the refrigerator. That up to the humor, compost, litter, and even wood ash, then buy them preferably on large farms with a good reputation. After all, poor manure, like other fertilizers, can be infected with pests, diseases, or have low quality.

Girling pepper

Even the feeding during the cultivation of peppers do not always give good results if they are incorrect. Than to feed the pepper, it was described above, and now it is worth understanding the specifics of the procedure.

  1. Extra-corner feeders for pepper never apply! All fertilizers are poured right under the bush. And when dropping drops on the leaves, it is necessary to rinse them with clean water. Since it is very harmful to the plant.
  2. It is necessary to plant sprouts to a permanent place only to a nutritious, fertilized land, otherwise even a good seedlings will start quickly.
  3. Solutions and infusions are made always when using warm, not cold water. Sometimes you need a hot water, but only in certain recipes.
  4. If the sun is small, peppers provide additional feeders with the abundance of potassium (ash, banana peel). In particular, it concerns greenhouse varieties.

Finally, I would like to note that when growing peppers, you need to be very attentive. The plant reacts very sharply on the lack of elements: worsens the appearance, reduces the yield, dull or changes the color of the leaves. And if such signs appeared to postpone with feeding it is impossible. It is worth remembering that the timely making of fertilizers under the bushes can not only increase the yield or improve the taste of fruits, but also to save the life of the plant that will die in a matter of days with a lack of vital elements.

Pepper is a popular vegetable culture, although he is inferior to such leaders like tomatoes, potatoes or cucumbers. Despite its thermo-lobility, this vegetable culture is grown not only in the southern regions of our country, but also in the Volga region, the middle lane and the Moscow region, in the Urals and Siberia. But in areas with a short summer period, this vegetable culture is pre-grown at home, and then planted in greenhouses.

Get a rich harvest of this vegetable (sweet and bitter) in the greenhouse is not as simple as it seems at first glance. It is necessary to prepare the soil and the very greenhouse in the spring for planting seedlings, grow strong and strong seedlings at home, and after transplanting seedlings to a permanent place in the protected primer to care for it. Caring for the bushes of this vegetable culture includes not only watering, soil looser and weed removal, but also timely making nutrients.

Pretty peppers in the greenhouse is carried out about the same time as in open soil. What fertilizers should be used, which there are folk remedies for feeding these vegetables in protected ground - all this will be written below.

The advantages of polycarbonate greenhouses

Many gardeners make greenhouses from any girlfriend, but those who are engaged in growing vegetable crops in the regions with a short summer, prefer to build greenhouses from polycarbonate. This relatively recent building material has a number of advantages: the ability to maintain heat into the night hours, when the ambient temperature decreases sharply, retains a certain humidity of air independent of weather conditions.

In addition, polycarbonate does not miss ultraviolet radiation inside the premises. Even a person who does not have special construction skills can work with the material. Polycarbonate is easy to cut with reinforced scissors for metal or electric jigsaw. In addition, this light material is flexible and plastic. Therefore, greenhouse greenhouses can have any forms that are convenient for growing vegetables or colors.

Soil preparation in the spring

To prepare the soil for planting seeds, as well as for planting seedlings of this heat-loving vegetable culture in greenhouses should be taken seriously. Seedling should grow at home in the same soil as in the future after transplantation. Therefore, from the identity of the soil compositions, in which the seeds will grow, and in the future - transplanted seedlings will depend on how quickly the seedlings are acclimatized after a transplantation to the greenhouse. And the faster and easier seedlings of peppers will transfer a transplant to protected primer, further growth of bushes, a set of vegetative mass, active flowering, abundant formation of obscenities and a friendly ripening of the crop.

The soil in which these vegetables will grow should be the following conditions:

  • Be fertile, loose and well to skip moisture.
  • Put the weakness, neutral or slightly alkaline pH. If the soil in the greenhouse is screened, then in the fall after harvesting vegetables under the pixel in the ground bringing lime or dolomite flour.
  • In the greenhouse ground can be made fresh bird litter or dung in the fall. In the spring, a similar fresh feeding will provoke a rapid growth of peppers foliage, but bloom will be weak.
  • In the spring, protected primer is equipped with comprehensive fertilizers, which includes more nitrogen and potassium, but less phosphorus.

Important! Fresh manure made to soil in spring or summer provokes the development of rotted on vegetable plants such as pepper or tomatoes.

Therefore, to make feeding it is better to use complex types of fertilizers that are sold in specialized stores and adapted directly for pepper.

How to make fertilizers

Undercores of this vegetable culture in the conditions of protected soil are divided into:

  • the mains that make under this vegetable culture under a specific scheme;
  • additional, which are necessary to peppers grown in greenhouses.

Make feeders with certain nutrients are necessary in specific time, they also differ in their composition:

  • making organic (humid, compost, chicken litter, overwhelmed manure, riding peat);
  • complex mineral feeders, which include in different proportions of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus;
  • making comprehensive fertilizers.

You can feed plants in several ways:

  • making useful substances "under the root";
  • extractive feeders.

With the first method of making fertilizers, the absorption of nutrients introduced directly into the ground is produced by the roots of peppers. Fertilizers are entered both along the surface of the soil and inside the soil.

Scattering fertilizers on the surface of the soil, it should be remembered that in this case the feeding will be assisted for a long time:

  • fertilizers will slowly decompose on nutrients that are easier to digest on roots;
  • entry to the root system These beneficial substances can with irrigation water or with rains.

With intravenous feeding, fertilizers are directly close in those places where the roots of the plant can get them faster. Thus, liquid manure or chicken litter contribute to the soil, as well as other mineral fertilizers rich in nitrogen.

If the vegetative mass of the bushes of this vegetable is actively growing, but bloom passes inactive, then it is necessary to stop entering any fertilizers containing nitrogen into the soil. The abundant appearance of buds and oblasts contributes to the grounding of liquid fertilizers containing superphosphate.

Comment! The feeding "under the root" is slowly absorbed by the root system of culture - it can pass at least 2-2.5 weeks before the nutrients get to the plant.

But often an experienced vegetable breeder in the state of peppers sees, what substances the plant is urgently lacking. In this case, extractive feeders are usually carried out.

Undercalinks "on the sheet" should be alternating with the introduction of useful substances "under the root" in the greenhouses. The main positive impact of extractive feeding is a faster absorption of beneficial substances by an overhead part of plants. Therefore, fertilizers "List" are carried out when vegetable plants urgently need some specific types of mineral or other beneficial substances.

This type of fertilizer is economical and recommended to conduct in cases where the trace elements are required so that they are quickly learned by peppers. When making feeding "on the sheet" in the greenhouses, you can not pay attention to weather conditions, but in the open soil, extractive feeders are carried out only in dry weather so that the precipitation is not washed off the non-foliate fertilizers from foliage.

When to enter nutrients

The main elements needed by this vegetable culture in the process of growth, flowering and ripening fruit is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. But at different stages of the growth of this vegetable culture, the proportions of mineral substances will be different, because each of these elements affects the plant in its own way. Thus, additives with nitrogen included in the organic or complex mineral elements contribute to the active growth of the root system and the vegetative mass. However, the same element negatively affects the beginning of the flowering of the plant. Therefore, by the time of the appearance of nitrogen buds, they stop under plants in the greenhouses. In this period, peppers growing in polycarbonate greenhouses, phosphorus and potassium are required. There are a number of feeders that are carried out exclusively during the ripening of fruits. So, performing peppers in the greenhouses follows these times:

  1. The first feeding is made 14-15 days after the transplant of seedlings in the closed soil. During this period, seedlings will have time to come in a new place - in a greenhouse from polycarbonate. The first making of nutrients into the closed soil is a necessarily organic (divorced in the ratio of 1:10 liquid solution of chicken litter or diluted cow manure as in the ratio of 1:10). Organizer, as part of which a lot of easily digestible nitrogen helps peppers growing in greenhouses, increase the vegetative mass faster. 10-12 days after the first organic feeding, it is recommended to make a mineral fertilizer consisting of salts of calcium and superphosphate.
  2. The second feeding of peppers spend at the beginning of flowering - 7-10 days after the appearance of the first buds. This time a solution of mixed fertilizers consisting of organic organics (cow manure) and phosphorus-potash mineral fertilizers are introduced.
  3. For the third time, peppers should be contacted at the initial stage of ripening fruit. This time, substances are added to the ground, similar to what they were introduced at the beginning of flowering.

Folk recipes feeding vegetables

Not always complex mineral useful substances or the body can be made in time under the bunches of peppers in the open ground or in the greenhouses. However, these plants require feeding for growth, active flowering and normal fruiting. People's recipes can come to the rescue.

Tip! Do not throw food waste into the trash can - for example, perficing tea bags, housing from bananas or egg peel.

The peel from 4 bananas is brewed with boiling water (at the rate of 3 l of water on 4 skins) and insisted for 3 days. Then the solution is filtered and entered under the hectares of peppers in the greenhouse. Such an infusion contains a lot of potassium.

Egg shell, spiny teaweed usually laid in compost. These waste contain many useful trace elements, in particular - calcium.

It is useful to prepare the following "green tea" for watering peppers in a greenhouse: plantain, nettle, dandelion, a wet and a mother and a stepmome are taken in equal proportions and poured cool water. It follows such grass for 7 days. Then 1 l of such an infusion is bred in a bucket of water and under each bush pepper contributes 1 liter of this "green" tea.

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In the conditions of protected soil, it is possible to achieve a good harvest of the thermal-loving vegetable culture. In order to understand what types of fertilizers are used to feed peppers in a greenhouse from polycarbonate, you need to know the requirements for soil fertility at different stages of vegetation.

Nutritionality during the season

The cultivation of Bulgarian pepper in a closed soil involves holding a few feeding from the moment of planting seedlings and before the formation of fruits. The number of fertilizers depends on the initial composition of the soil and the state of the culture. For greenhouse peppers, high consumption of nutrients from the soil throughout the entire period of development is characterized.

During the active formation of young shoots and the growth of roots, culture is experiencing a need for phosphorus and nitrogen. The lack of important elements is manifested in the appearance of seedlings in the greenhouse:

  • the barrel is pulled out and becomes thin;
  • new leaves grow slowly, they are smaller;
  • lower shoots acquire a yellow shade and die away.

During flowering and pouring fruits in a greenhouse, vegetable requires feeding of potassium. This substance contributes to the formation of the strings and accelerates the ripening of vegetables. Calcium and magnesium are needed by culture throughout all stages of development.

Garders should adhere to several fertilizer rules for pepper grown in the greenhouse:

  • apply working solutions after soil moisturizing;
  • break the upper layer of soil after making nutrients;
  • use fertilizer under the root of landings or to spray shoots;
  • guided the appearance of shoots to determine the need for nutrition;
  • apply alternate mineral feeding and organic.

Peppers in a greenhouse or greenhouse fertilize no more often than once every 2 weeks. Excess minerals accumulates in the form of nitrates in the pulp of vegetable. The feeder does not change the composition of the fruit, while calculating the exact content of the elements, for example, in a compost or the infusion of a cowboy.

For seedlings

Favorable conditions and fertile soil helps to develop strong pepper seedlings. If the seedlings are growing poorly, changes the color of the greenery and pulls out, it is necessary to feed the soil with the missing substances before landing in a greenhouse. Complex mineral fertilizer will increase the immunity of peppers, will allow seedlings faster to take root in the greenhouse in a new place.

Young cultural sprouts feed to the dive when the 2 trial leaf unfolds. Fertilizer are under root into a wet ground. In the dressing should be a high nitrogen content. The re-procedure is carried out after 14 days, after the seedlings have time to root in individual pots.

After landing on a permanent place

The first feeding of pepper after transplantation into a closed soil is carried out by organic fertilizers. After 14 days, after the seedlings were planted in a greenhouse, the land enriched with a organic. Use a solution of a cowboat or bird litter. Recommended fertilizer concentration in standing water - 1:10. Before you feed the pepper after disembarking to a greenhouse, it is necessary to compare the fertility of the soil on the beds and the state of seedlings. The nutrient composition of the soil and strong bushes do not have the need for additional enrichment by trace elements. The feeder can be postponed for 1-2 weeks.

Blaries bloom and education

During flowering, the saplings are actively absorbed from the soil of potassium and phosphorus. During this period, you can feed peppers in a greenhouse with ammonium nitrate and superphosphate. The flow rate of the bush is 0.5 liters. Dosage - according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Gardeners are recommended to additionally feed the landings in the greenhouse at the time of the binding of fruits by spraying the ground part of the culture. As a source of nutrients, a green nasty nettle is used with the addition of wood ash or special preparations ovary and bud.

If the pepper in the greenhouse began to reset the wound up, it should be placed landing a teaspoon of boric acid divorced in 10 liters of water.

Growth and ripening of fruits

The last 2 feeding of peppers in the greenhouse are held at the time of ripening of vegetables. During fruiting culture should receive a sufficient number of potash and phosphoric fertilizers. Microelements contribute to the growth of the mass of peppers and the acquisition of the characteristic color. For feeding in the greenhouse, one of the recipes is used:

  1. Mix 40 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium sulphate, add 10 liters of water and shedding landings at the rate of 1 l of a solution on 1 bush.
  2. In plastic containers, weaning herbs and ashes are soaked, insist under the lid during the week. The concentrated concentrate is bred by water 1:15 for soil fertilizer.
  3. Porosal granules of potassium enriched with microelements are divorced in water according to the instructions, shed a solution for the root of each bush.

You can feed peppers for the growth of fruits in the greenhouse by other folk remedies. Garders recommend using ash, reworked manure and other sources of organic fertilizers.

Features of feeding in greenhouse cultivation

In contrast to the fertilizer of peppers on open beds, greenhouse conditions suggest regular subcording. The gardener should be conducted as a calendar, which marks the timing and types of fertilizer used.

In the closed ground, it is better to give preference to organic feeding. The ash, the infusion of a cowboy and bird litter is easily absorbed by pepper and allow you to assemble an environmentally friendly crop in the greenhouse.

Technique of undercaming

The microclimate of the greenhouse in which the pepper grows, must comply with the requirements of the culture. The vegetable loves high humidity, but its excessive concentration can lead to fungal diseases. After each application of the root or extractive feeding, it is necessary to ventilate the room.

Plant should be protected from drafts. The greenhouse is ventilated, opening or the door or the window.

The root feeding of culture is always done in the morning. The thermal-loving pepper is watered with a nutrient solution, heated in the sun to 25 ° C. Extreme power is recommended to be carried out in cloudy weather at a temperature of 20-22 ° C. In such conditions, the Ustian on the shoots are maximally open, and the absorption of useful elements is faster. With the help of spraying, the deficit of elements is replenished in the shortest possible time.

The most common mistakes

Capricious vegetable culture requires the close attention of the gardener during the season. Often, the lack of experience forces gardeners to make mistakes in organizing feeding:

  • excessively supply soil nitrogen-containing fertilizers. In this case, the bushes are actively increasing the shoots to the detriment of the tamental of peppers. The element is sufficient to make at the beginning of the vegetation in the form of 1 glasses of urea by 10 l;
  • fertilizers in dry ground. It provokes the burn of root processes, and inhibits the development of culture;
  • ignore the extra-root spraying during the cooling period when the bushes need to strengthen immunity against fungal diseases;
  • overly enjoy the use of mineral fertilizers to feed the beds. Nitrates accumulate in the fruits;
  • watering mode breaks. In dry ground, peppers experience the deficit of boron, which is absorbed with water. The lack of an element leads to the fallout of buds and barriers.

Without additional feeding, it fails to get a rich harvest of vegetable in the greenhouse. Properly organized food contributes to the ripening of a large amount of fruits, positively affects the taste and juiciness of the pulp. Fertilize peppers should be based on the recommendations of experienced gardens to avoid unwanted errors.