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Ivan Tsarevich Russian folk. Fairy Tale "Ivan-Tsarevich and Gray Wolf

In some kingdom, in some state, there was a king of Demyan. He had three sons: Peter-Tsarevich, Vasily-Tsarevich and Ivan-Tsarevich. And the king had such a rich garden that better than that Garden is not found in any kingdom. Different trees grew in that garden, and there was one apple tree there, which brought gold apples. Tsar These apples are very shore and every morning the score was led. Here began to notice the king that someone at night began to disorder his garden. In the evening, on his beloved apple tree, that neither the best apple hangs, poured, and in the morning it did not happen. And no guinea users could frank the thief. Every morning, everything again and again the king was not taken away with apples on his beloved apple tree. He stopped drinking with grief, eat and sleep, and then urged his sons to him and told them: - That's what my sons are cute! Which of you will be able to specify and caress in my garden of the thief, I will give me half of the kingdom during my life, but everything will refuse everything.

The sons were promised, and the first went guard Petr-Tsarevich. How much did it go from the evening, did not see anyone, and then sat down on a soft grass under an apple tree with gold apples, and fell asleep. And on the apple tree apples again disappeared.

In the morning the king asks him:

What, my son is kind, will you please do me than? Have you seen a thief?

No, sovereign-father! All night I did not sleep, but I did not see anyone. And I can't cut out how apples were gone.

He sees the king - the thief is elusive. Even more he was saddened. But he hoped on his second son.

On the other night went guard Vasily-Tsarevich. He sat under the apple tree and began to watch, if there was anyone in the bushes. And how the deaf night came, fell asleep so hard that I did not see anything and did not hear. And apples again disappeared.

In the morning the king asks him:

Well, my son is kind, what will you please me? Did you see a thief or not?

No, sovereign-father! I walked up with all the diligence, the eye was not closed, but I did not see anyone and know I don't know how gold apples were missing.

The king was even more sad. On the third night, Ivan-Tsarevich went to the garden. He began to walk near the apple tree, even sitting afraid, Kaba did not fall asleep. Karaulit hour, Karaulit of another and the third. Sleep wants to sleep - the eyes of Rosya promotes. Half of the night passed, and suddenly something was lit into the distance. The light flew straight to him, and became light in the garden, as the day. It flew the firebird, sat on the apple tree and began to pinch gold apples. Ivan-Tsarevich was attached, tipped, I was silent and grabbed her tail. And the firebird began to rush so much that, no matter how firmly Ivan-Tsarevich, still broke out and flew away, leaving only one feather from his tail in his hand.

In the morning, only only the king woke up, Ivan-Tsarevich went to him, said what a thief was having fallen to them, and showed feather-birds. The king was delighted that a smaller son managed to get a little one, and hid him in his rest. Since then, the firebird did not fly to the garden, and the king began and eat, and drink, and sleep. But he admired her feather, thought yes he thought about the firebird and decided to send her sons for her. He called them to himself and said:

That's what my sons are cute! Would you clue to good horses, would go to Belo Light, I would find the fire-birds, they would bring it to me, and then she would again start to fly yes apples steal.

The elder sons of the Father bowed, gathered in the path, saddled their good horses, they put the armor of the boys, and went to the pure field to look for fire-birds, and Ivan-Tsarevich did not let the king for his departure. He began to tearfully to ask him Ivan-Tsarevich and blew finally. He sits on a boat horse and rides, how long, is briefly, - soon the fairy tale affects, but no sooner is done. Finally, he reached Rosstani, and from Rosstan, three roads go, and there is a stone pillar there, and on that post it is written:

"Who will go from the pillar of this right, will be hungry and cold; who will go to the right side, will be alive and alive, and the horse is dead; and who will go to the left side, will be killed himself, and the horse alive."

Ivan-Tsarevich read this inscription, he thought for a long time, according to which the road to decide to go, finally went to the right side to stay alone. He was driving the day, drove another and the third and arrived at the dense forest. In the yard it became dark - suddenly jumped out of the bushes grey Wolf And rushed to the horse Ivan Tsarevich. Carevich did not have time and be grabbed behind the sword, as the wolf ripped her horse and again disappeared into the bushes.

Ivan-Tsarevich was sealing - how to be without a good horse - and went on foot. Walked day, and the other, and the third, became his hunger to overcome. He was tired to death and sat down on the foams to relax. Suddenly, where neither take, jumps out a gray wolf and tells him:

What have you hurt, Ivan-Tsarevich? What did you hang your head?

How can I not grieve, gray wolf? Where would I get without a good horse?

You yourself chose this road. But I'm sorry for me. Tell me where are you going, where do you keep the way?

I sent me a king-father to get a fire-bird that the corners of our gold apples.

Yes, you will not worry about the firebird on your good horse. I know one where she lives. Saddy-ka is better for me and hold on stronger. I'm getting your good horse, now I will serve you faith and truth.

Sell \u200b\u200bIvan-Tsarevich on a gray wolf. How will the wolf surround that there is a spirit. Dollas and mountains between the legs allow the tail track notice. How long is they briefly, they come to the stone wall. The wolf stopped and says: - Well, Ivan-Tsarevich! Pleep through this wall. Here, behind the wall, the garden, and in that garden is a bird-bird in a golden cage. The hourly sleep, you take the fire-bird, and see the golden cage, do not touch, and then the trouble will be.

The Ivan-Tsarevich gray wolf listened, climbed over the stone wall, went down to the garden and saw the fire-bird in a golden cage. He took out a bird from the cage and went back, and then he was thinking: "Why did I take the fire-bird without a cage, what do I take it for the sinus? Yes, and the cell is expensive, all the diamonds are sleeping." He forgot, what he spoke to him a gray wolf, grilled and only grabbed the golden cage - how suddenly the knock and ringing all over the garden went. From the cell that there were hiding strings with all sorts of puments and rattles.

The guard was awakened, came running into the garden, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich, twisted his hands and led to his king Afron. King Afron was very angry with Ivan Tsarevich and shouted at him:

Who are you? From which land? What father son and what is your name?

Ivan-Tsarevich answers him:

I am the son of King Demyan, and Ivan-Tsarevich's name is me. Your firebird has fallen to our garden to fly, our garden is broken. She drank all night by the King of Demyan, my father, with his beloved apple-apple gold apples. So I sent me my parent to be sipped and brought to him.

And you, Ivan-Tsarevich, "King Aphron says to him," I would have come to me, I would ask you to make a feather-bird, and I would give it to you and I would give it. And now I will send the messengers in all the land, in all the kingdoms and the forests about you are bad fame that Tsarevich turned out to be. Anyway! Listen, Ivan-Tsarevich! If you serve me the service, then I will forgive you in your fault and I will give the heat-bird in your fault. Congress you for the thirty lands, in the thirtieth kingdom and get me from the king of Cumana a goldcree horse.

Ivan-Tsarevich twisted and went from Tsar A Afron to a gray wolf. He told about everything that King Afron spoke to him.

What are you, Ivan-Tsarevich, said a gray wolf to him, did not listen to my punishment? I told you - do not take a cage, the trouble will be.

I am guilty before you, forgive me, "said Ivan-Tsarevich Volku.

Well, okay, sit down on me, on a gray wolf, and he hold onto the stronger, I will be vividly in converge, where you need.

Ivan-Tsarevich sat the wolf on his back, and rushed a gray wolf like the wind. Dollas and mountains between the legs allow the tail track notice. How long whether he ran into the king of King Kmana at night shortly. The wolf was stopped in front of the white-named royal stables and says Ivan Tsarevich:

Foresting, Ivan-Tsarevich, through the wall, take the goldcraft horse and run. Just look, - hanging there is a golden junk there, do not touch her, again in trouble you will go.

Ivan-Tsarevich Perelzhez through a stone wall and scratched into white stables. All the guard slept, took Tsarevich's horse for the mane and went back with him back, but I saw the golden ultieu on the wall. "Without a bridle, it is necessary to lead, you need to take a bridle," I was thinking Ivan-Tsarevich. He just touched before the bridle - how suddenly the thunder and the ringing went on all the stables. The guard barns woke up, came running, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich and led to King Kvmanan. Tsar Kosman began to ask him:

Who are you? From which land and what father's son? What is your name name? And how dare you to steal my horse?

Answered him Ivan-Tsarevich:

I am the son of King Demyan, and Ivan-Tsarevich's name is me.

Ah, Ivan-Tsarevich! Said Tsar Kosman. -Contently Vityaz this thing? You would come to me how I would ask the goldcraft horse, I would give it to your father and so I gave it. And now I will send the messengers to all states to declare to all that the royal son is a thief turned out to be. Well, okay, Ivan-Tsarevich! If you serve me the service, then I can't give you this guilt and I will give you the horse of the goldcree. Congress you for thirty lands, in the thirtieth state, to the king of Dalmatu, and bring me his daughter, the King of Elena is beautiful.

Ivan-Tsarevich went from the royal chambers and Gorky Gorky. Came to a gray wolf and told everything that happened to him.

What are you, Ivan-Tsarevich, "the gray wolf told him," I didn't listen to my words, why did you take the golden ulus? To me, a gray wolf, all the troubles, and you only dirty!

Again, I am to blame before you, "said Ivan-Tsarevich," forgive this time.

Well, okay, took up the man, do not say that not a dowel. Sit down on me, on a gray wolf, and hold on with a stronger, we will go to find Elena beautiful.

Ivan-Tsarevich sat down a gray wolf on his back, and the wolf rushed like the wind. Dollas and mountains between the legs allow the tail track notice. Finally came ran to the state of the Tsar Dalmata to the garden for the Golden Grill.

Well, Ivan-Tsarevich! This time, I will not go to the garden to the garden, but it is better to go to extract Elena beautiful. Peeze now with me, from a gray wolf, go back on the same road and expect me in a clean field under a green oak.

Ivan-Tsarevich went where he was ordered, and the gray wolf waited dark at night, he jumped over the grille and sat down in the bushes. In the morning I began to wait, whether the Royal Elena would not come out. I was waiting for a whole day, only in the evening Elena is beautiful with his nyanyushi, Mamuhm, the near boyfriends came out green Garden take a walk clean air ride Yes, shruvyuchi flowers, went to that bustice, where the gray wolf hid. He grasped Elena beautiful, wounded on his back, rearranged through the grille and ran with her, only him and saw him. I came ran into a clean field under the green oak, where his Ivan-Tsarevich waited, and told him:

Sit down quickly with Elena's beautiful on me, otherwise there was no chase. Ivan-Tsarevich took Elena beautiful on his hands, sat on a gray wolf, and they rushed that there is a spirit. And the nanniki, mothers, the near boyars burned, shouted, the king came running and could not disassemble what was happening. And when disassembled, the convened all hunters and the psares and the wolf went into the pursuit. But how many deaths were neither chasing, could not put a gray wolf and looked back with nothing.

Elena's beautiful opened his eyes and saw her on his hands holding a young and beautiful knight. Both of them, we are walking on a gray wolf, could not break away from each other and fell in love with each other.

When the gray wolf came to the state of King Kvmana, Tsarevich was sealing and began to shed combustible tears. The wolf asked him:

What are you, Ivan-Tsarevich, has fun, what are you crying about?

Yes, how can I, Gray Wolf, do not cry, do not go. I loved the king of Elena beautiful, how to part with such a beauty?

What to do? Looked on them the wolf and says:

I served you a lot, Ivan-Tsarevich, I will listen and this service, not separating you with that beauty. I have to go for Elena beautiful. I hit the semes, turning the journal, you and lead me to King Kluman. And Elena is beautiful let him be waiting for topics. Then you will give a goldcraft horse and ride small. I am after the camps.

They left Elena's beautiful under the oak, the wolf hit the wolf of the earth and got exactly the perfect Royal Elena. Ivan-Tsarevich took him and went to the palace to King Kmanan. The king was delighted, ordered to bring the horse to Ivan-Tsarevich's horse, gave him and bridle in addition. Ivan-Tsarevich took the goldcard horse and went for Elena beautiful. He planted her to the horse, and they went to the kingdom of the king of Afron.

And King Kosman arranged a lush wedding. In the palace there were oak tables with sugar dishes, biothery drinks. Raised Cups, began to congratulate the young, began to shout "bitterly. It was necessary to kill Kissan his young wife to kiss. He leaned, yes, instead of the beautiful sponges, Elena's beautiful his lips stumbled upon a bristly wolf face. The king bounced off, shouted into all the throat, and the wolf is shaining the window, and he was.

Want a gray wolf Ivan-Tsarevich with Elena's beautiful and said:

Sit down, Ivan-Tsarevich, on me, on a gray wolf, and the beautiful Kingana let him go on horseback from gold.

Ivan-Tsarevich moved on a gray wolf, and they went to their way-expensive. I didn't reach the king of the king A Afron, Ivan-Tsarevich again twisted. Again the wolf asks him:

What did Ivan-Tsarevich think about?

How can I not think about? I feel sorry to part with the horse the goldcree. It is a pity to change it on the firebird. And it is impossible not to give, will reflect me King Afron in all states.

Not sad, Ivan-Tsarevich! I will help you now. I swore to serve you faith and truth. I'll turn around the horse in gold, and you will be given to the king.

They hid in the forest to Elena a beautiful and goldcraft horse, a wolf had hit the wolf of the land - and became a horse with a gold man. Ivan-Tsarevich sat on him and drove into the palace to the king Afron. King Afron came out of his chambers, met Tsarevich on a wide yard, took him for right hand And led to the chambers of white. He began to call his bread-salt to bite, but Ivan-Tsarevich was in a hurry to Elena's beautiful, and King Afron handed him a poultry in a golden cage. Tsarevich took a cage, went to the forest on foot, sat down there with Elena, beautiful on the horse of the goldcree, took the fire-bird and went to his native side.

And the king of Afron as another day, he decided his horse of the goldcree ride in a clean field. We left for the hunt, I drove to the forest, made a cloud and began to pour beasts. And suddenly the fox seemed. All hunters rushed after her pursuit. But she fled quickly, and hunters began to lag behind it. Only King Afron on his goldcraft horse rushed so quickly that everyone was ahead.

And suddenly everyone saw the horse at the Tsar Afron stumbled and disappeared, and a gray wolf escaped from under the feet of the king. Then King Afrona, from all over, hit his head on the ground and prominently at the very shoulders. The servants arrived, somehow it was pulled out, the wolf began to wag and do the cloud, and the wolf was already a trace.

He caught the horse of the goldcraft, Ivan-Tsarevich moved to him, and they went home. As the gray wolf Ivan-Tsarevich was brought to the place where he ripped his horse, he stopped and said:

Well, Ivan-Tsarevich! At this place, I broke your horse, to this place and brought you. I'm not a servant anymore.

Ivan-Tsarevich three times bowed to the wolf to the ground, and the gray wolf says to him:

Do not forever come true with me, I'm still fitting for you.

Ivan-Tsarevich thought: "Where else can you come in handy, I don't need anything else." I sat down on the horse of the goldcree, planted Elena the beautiful, took a cage with the firebird and moved in the path of the road. Li, whether they were briefly driving and, without reaching the kingdom of King Demyan, stopped and easily relax. As we fell asleep, Ivan-Tsarevich's brothers hit them. They traveled in different countries, were looking for a fire-bird and returned home with empty hands. They saw a sleepy brother, Elena beautiful, fire-bird and a goldcraft horse and said:

He hit us in front of his father and so in dirt. We could not focus the firebird, and he was speculating and she snatched her feather. And now how much did it get. It will turn off to him forward. Here we will show him.

They exposed their swords and cut off Ivan-Tsarevich's head. At this time, Elena woke up beautiful and, seeing Ivan Tsarevich the dead, began to cry bitterly. Then Petr-Tsarevich attached his sword to her heart and said:

You are now in our hands, we will take you to your father, and you say that this we got you, the fire-bird and horse of the goldcraft, and now you are death of your death!

Beautiful Kingana, frightened death, swore them, what will say, as she ordered. Then Tsarevichi began to throw lot. Elena loved Peter-Tsarevich, and the golden horse is Vasily-Tsarevich. They planted Elena beautiful on the goldcraft horse, took the firebird and went home.

And Ivan-Tsarevich lies in the pure field dead, and over him is a rope, it will begin to root. From nowhere to take, came running a gray wolf, I saw Ivan Tsarevich and sat down on the sidelines, waiting for Roronee to be flown. Here the raven came down with Voroneins to Ivan Tsarevich and let's get up. The wolf trunks and grabbed the blizzard. Fallowed to him Raven - asks to let his cubs.

Well, "says Gray Wolf," let him break through me, and you are flying for the thirty lands in the thirtieth kingdom and bring me dead and living water. Then you get the Voronenka.

Flew raven behind dead and vibrant water. Li Li, briefly flew, finally flew and brought two flasks with him - in one dead, in another living water. The gray wolf took and ruined the Voronenka in half, then folded, blurted out with dead water - the blizzard merged, blurted out his lively - he was fixed and flew. Then the wolf folded Ivan-Tsarevich's body and blurted out dead water - the body has grown up, eating, looked alive - Ivan-Tsarevich came to life and said:

Oh, how long I slept!

Yes, Ivan-Tsarevich! Would you like to sleep forever, I can't me. After all, your brothers were lit up, and Elena is beautiful, the horse of gold and the fireband was taken away with him. Now sitting on me, on a gray wolf, and we'll go back to your fatherland, and then your brother, Peter-Tsarevich, marries today on your bride.

Ivan-Tsarevich sat on a gray wolf, and marked his wolf to the house. He brought him to a capital and says:

Well, Ivan-Tsarevich, now for goodbye forever. Go hurry home! Ivan-Tsarevich went around the city, goes to the palace, sees - the people are spooled at the festive. He asks that they have for the holiday.

Senior Tsarevich marries Elena's beautiful!

Even more hurried to the Palace of Ivan-Tsarevich, it comes, he was learned there, they were running to report to the king, and he himself follows. As his older brother saw, he donated from fear, and Elena perfectly delighted, came out because of the table, ran to Ivan Tsarevich, took his hand, and he tells the king:

That's whoever took me, here's who my fiance! - And told everything as it was.

The king was angry with his older sons and drove them from himself, and Ivan Tsarevich made his heir. Spearness played a wedding and asked a feast to the whole world. And they began to live-wait yes good story.

Artist I.Y.Bibin

Morality. Whether you are a crook and a rogue, but if you have an omnipotentist patron, then you will get everything from hand.

All the best! To new meetings!

D Aven has long been in some kingdom

Mighty king, named Demyan

Danilovich. He reigned the wisdom;

And he had three sons: Climate

Tsarevich, Peter-Tsarevich and Ivan

Tsarevich. Yes, he was still

Beautiful garden, and wonderful grew

In the garden Tov the apple tree; All gold

Apples were born on her. But suddenly

In those apples, prince

Great shortcomings; And King Demyan

Danilovich was so sad,

What lost weight, lost appetite

And fell into insomnia. Finally,

Calling to her three sons,

He said to them: "Cardiac friends

And my family sons, Klim

Tsarevich, Peter-Tsarevich and Ivan

Tsarevich; should you now big

Service to render me; in my royal garden

Having burned to drag the thief at night;

And gold a lot of apples

Gone; for me whatever this

Sick of death. Listen, friends:

That of you who will be able to catch

Under an apple tree night thief, I

I will give at least half of the kingdom;

When I die, and leave him all

Inheritance. Sons, having heard that

What did his father said, persuaded

Alternately go to the garden, and night

Do not sleep, and the thief is watching. And the first

Went how soon came the night, Klim

Tsarevich in the garden, and there it was damaged

Grass under the apple tree, and from half an hour

I lay down in it, and fell asleep so hard,

That noon was when, the eyes of the right

He rose, to the whole yawning mouth.

And, return, the king of Demian he

He said that the thief did not come to that night.

Another night has come; Peter-Tsarevich

Sat down under an apple tree thief;

He was attached for a whole hour, in the dark

In all eyes looked, but in the dark

Everything was empty; Finally he

Not defeated, fell

In the grass and clutched on the whole garden.

It has long been a day when he woke up.

Come to the king, he was the same, he also

Like Klim-Tsarevich, that and that night

The steal of royal apples did not come.

On the third night Ivan

Tsarevich in the garden in turn thigh

Hang. Under the apple tree, he was attached,

Sitting without moving, looked diligently

And not dreamed; And so, when it came

Deaf midnight, the garden is all injected

As if zipper; And what sees

Ivan Tsarevich? From the east quick

Fire-bird flies fiery star

Brilliant and on the day the prerequisite night.

Putting to the apple tree, Ivan-Tsarevich

Sits, not moving, does not breathe, waiting:

What will happen? Sitting on the apple tree, firebird

The case began and narrowing

With a dozen apples. Here Ivan-Tsarevich,

Tihochonko rising from the grass,

Grabbed the tailing thief; Uroniv

Apples on the ground, she rushed

All power and broke out of the hands

Tsarevich his tail and flew away;

However, he has one in his hands

Feather left and so was shine

From this pen that is a whole garden

It seemed fiery. To the king of Demyan

Came, Ivan-Tsarevich reported

Him that thief was found and that this

The thief was not a man, but a bird; in the same

What truth he said, Ivan-Tsarevich

Respectfully king Demyan filed

Pen, which is from the tail

The thief snapped. With the joy of father

He kissed him. Since then, not

Steal apple gold, and king Demyan

Cheated, replenished and started

Still eat, drink and sleep. But in me

The desire is severely lit: get

Tasting apples, wonderful fire-bird.

Causes two senior sons to themselves

"My friends," he said, - Klim-Tsarevich

And Peter-Tsarevich, for a long time

It's time to see and yourself

To them show. With my blessing

And with the help of the Lord pass

On the feats and hurt the honor

Yourself and glory; me, king, get

Firebird; Which of you will get her

I will give this under lifetime.

And after death, I will leave him

Inheritance. Worshiping king immediately

Tsarevichi went on the road.

A little time later came

To the king Ivan-Tsarevich and said:

"My parent, great sovereign

Demyan Danilovich, let me go

Behind the brothers; And I have time to people

See yourself to show them

And honor yourself to get from them and glory.

And you, king, I can please

Wasting, for you delivered the firebird.

Parenti me blessing

Give and let me get into my way with God. "

The king said this: "Ivan-Tsarevich,

You are also young, wait for; yours

It's time will come; Now you are me

Do not leave; I'm old, I'm not long

In the light of living; And if I am alone

Die on whom

People and kingdom? " But Ivan-Tsarevich

Was so stubborn that finally the king

And reluctantly blessed him.

And Ivan-Tsarevich went to the road;

And drove, drove, and came to the place,

Where the road was divided into three.

He saw a pillar at the crossroads,

And on the column such an inscription: "Who

Will go straight, it will be all the way

And hungry and cold; Who is right

Will go, it will be alive, yes his horse

Will die, and left who will go, himself

He will die, but his horse will be alive. " Right

Think, thinking decided to turn

Ivan Tsarevich. He was long driving;

Suddenly ran gray wolf from the forest

And rushed fierce on the horse;

And did not have time Ivan-Tsarevich take

Behind the sword, how was the horse being sang,

And the gray wolf disappeared. Ivan Tsarevich,

Hanging his head, went quietly

On foot; But he walked for a long time; in front of him

The gray wolf was still

"I'm sorry, Ivan-Tsarevich, my hearty,

What is your good horse

Led, but you yourself, of course, saw

That the column is written; agriculture

So followed; however, you

Forget your sadness and for me

Sit down; I am faithful to you

I will serve now. Well, tell me

Where are you going now and why? "

And gray Ivan-Tsarevich Wolf

Everything told. And the gray wolf him

Responsible: "Where to find the firebird,

I know; Well, sit on me,

Ivan-Tsarevich, and go with God. "

Rushed with the saddle, and he is at midnight

W. stone Wall has stopped.

"We arrived, Ivan-Tsarevich! - Wolf

Said - but listen, in the cage gold

For this fear hangs

Firebird; You are from a cage

Get quietly, the cells are by no means

Do not touch: get into trouble. " Ivan

Tsarevich Perelza through the fence;

He saw a fire-bird in the garden

In a rich cage gold and garden

It was lit as if the sun. Introduce

From the cage of golden fire-bird, he

I thought: "What are you going to carry it?"

And by forgetting that the gray wolf him

Advised, took a cage; But disgust

The strings were held to her; loud

The ringing rose, and the guard woke up,

And in the garden fled, and in the garden Ivan-

Tsarevich grabbed, and to the king

Presented, and the king (he was called

Dalmatoma) So said: "Where are you from?

And who are you?" - "I am Ivan-Tsarevich; my

Father, Demyan Danilovich, owns

Great, strong state; yours

Firebird at night fly to our garden

Having fallen to gold steal

There apples: I sent me for her

My parent, great sovereign

Demyan Danilovich. " On this king

Dalmat said: "Tsarevich you are not,

I do not know; But if truth

You said, then not royal craft

You are industrial; Could right me

Say: Give me, Tsar Dalmat, Firebird,

And I gave her hands to her

In respect of the fact that the king

Demyan Danilovich, so famous

With his wisdom, your father.

But listen, I'll be my fire-bird to you

Willingly give away when you yourself

You will give me a horse gold engine;

Belongs to the mighty king.

Afrona he. For thirty lands

You go to the thirty kingdom

And at the mighty king afron

I scrape a horse goldcree

Ile cunning what to get it.

When you do not return to me with a horse,

That all I will ring the light I,

That you are not a royal son, but a thief; and will be

Then you great sakes and shame. "

Hanging his head, Ivan-Tsarevich

Went to where there was a gray wolf

Left. Gray Wolf said to him:

"In vain me, Ivan-Tsarevich,

You did not obey; But add

Nothing else; be ahead smart; Let's go

For thirty lands to the king Afron. "

And gray wolf faster than birds

Rushed with the saddle; And by night in the kingdom

King afron arrived they

And at the door stables tsar

Stopped. "Well, Ivan-Tsarevich,

Listen, - Gray Wolf said - Enter

In a stable; The bray is sleeping hard; you

Easy from the stall will bring a horse

Goldcree; Just do not take

His bridles; Write again in trouble. "

In the stable Tsarist Ivan-Tsarevich

He entered and brought the horse from the stall;

But on trouble, looking at the bridle,

Crash her so that forgotten

Also about the fact that the gray wolf said

And removed the bridle from the nail. But also to her

Strings were held again;

All rang; Konya jumped;

And was with the horse Ivan-Tsarevich caught,

And led him to the king Afron.

And King Afron asked Surgovo: "Who are you?"

He is Ivan-Tsarevich then in response

He said that both the king of Dalmatu. King

Aphron responded: "Good you

Tsarevich! How should it come

Tsarevicham? And the royal business

Wander at night and steal

Horses? I would have crazy with you

Remove the head; But youth is yours

I feel sorry to destroy; Yes, and horse

Gold Golden I agree,

Just go for the thirty lands

You're in the thirtieth of the kingdom

Yes bring me a princess

Beautiful Elena, the daughter of the king

Mighty casima; If me

Her you will not bring, then I'm walking everywhere,

What are you night tramp, plow and thief. "

Again, hanging his head, went

There Ivan-Tsarevich, where his

Waiting for a gray wolf. And the gray wolf said:

"Oh you, Ivan-Tsarevich! If B I.

You did not like that, here my

And there was no spirit. Well, fully fuck,

Sit on me, go with God

For thirty lands to King Casima;

Now mine, and not your thing. "

And gray wolf ride again with Ivan-

Tsarevich set. Here they are

We traveled to thirty lands,

And here they are in the thirtieth of the kingdom;

And gray wolf, abandoned by Ivan-

Tsarevich, said: "Not far

Hence the royal garden; there one

I'll go; Well you wait for this

Green oak. " Gray wolf went

And passing through the garden fence,

And buried in a bush, and lay there

Not moving. Beautiful Elena

Kasimovna - with her red girls,

And mamuhes, and nyanyushki - went

Walk to the garden; A gray wolf

Togo and waited: Napping that Tsarevna,

From others, separated, was one,

He jumped out from under the bush grabbed

Tsarevna, behind her back

I threw and let the God's leg. Terrible

Creek raised and red maidens,

And Mother and Nyanyushki; and all

Falling the courtyard, ministers, chamber

And generals; The king ordered to collect

Hunters and let down their

Dogs of greyhound and hounds - everything is in vain:

Gray wolf with princess and with Ivan-

Tsarevich was far away and the trail

Long ago heated; Tsarevna Lyzhala

Without any movement in Ivan-

Tsarevich in his hands (so gray wolf

Her, heart, strain).

That's gradually started

Enter yourself, stirred, eyes

Lovely opened and, at all

Waking up, raised them to Ivan

Tsarevich and blushed all

As a rose ala, and with her Ivan-

Tsarevich blushed, and in this moment

She loved each other

So strongly, not in a fairy tale,

Neither describe the pen is not possible.

And fell into deep sadness Ivan-

Tsarevich: Hard, I did not want firmly

With princess helen

Part and give her king

Afron; And she himself was

Worse than death. Gray wolf, noticing

Their grief, so said: "Ivan-Tsarevich,

You will choose to twist in vain;

I will help your clever: it

Not service - the service; Direct service

Waiting ahead. " And here they are in the kingdom

Tsar A Afron. Gray wolf said:

"Ivan-Tsarevich, here must be smart

We do: I turn to the princess;

And you come to me to the king Afron.

Give me to him and, getting

Horse Goldriva, go ahead

With Elena Kasimovna; me you

Wait in a secretive place; Waiting for you

Will not be bored. " Here, hitting semes

He became a gray wolf Princess Elena

Casimovna. Ivan-Tsarevich, passing

His hands on the hands of the king afroad

And having received a horse gold woman

On that horse the arrow went into the forest,

Where did the real waiting for him

Tsarevna. In the palace of king afron

Meanwhile, the wedding was preparing:

And on the same day with the bride king to the crown

Went; when they were translated

And young was supposed to

Kiss, lips king afron

With Shershavoy collided with wolf muzzle,

And this muzzle was bitten

King, and not wife in front

Beauty, and Wolf King Afron

Had seen; Gray wolf briefly became

Here to ceremony: he knocked down his tail

Tsar Alfron with legs and hurried to the door.

Everyone began to shout: "Keep, keep!

Catch, catch! " Where are you going! Ivan-

Tsarevich with Princess Elena

For a long time caught up with a venative gray wolf;

And soothing from the horse Zologriva,

Ivan-Tsarevich moved to the wolf,

And forward they again, like vortices,

Flew. Here arrived in the kingdom

Dalmatovo they. And gray wolf

Said: "In the horse Golder

I turn, and you, Ivan-Tsarevich,

I gave me the king and taking the firebird,

Still with princess Elena

Go ahead; I'll catch you soon. "

So everything was done, as the wolf arranged.

Immediately ordered Zologriva

The king to settle down and drove on it

He is with a detecting hunt;

And in front of all he cried

Behind the hare; All courtes shouted:

"How do youdgegovka jumps Tsar Dalmat!"

But suddenly from under him all at all

Jurknuned the rough wolf, and the king Dalmat,

Rebuilding with his back,

VMIG found his head down

Legs up, and, on the shoulder of the Uzedeshi

In the plowed land, rested

In her hands, and, in vain

Break free in the air

Legs; All to him here

Galloped; Released

King; Then everyone took loud

Shout: "Catch, catch! Trevi, Main! "

But there was no one to ride; On wolf

I was still sitting Ivan

Tsarevich; on horse zh goldry

Tsarevna, and under it golden

Proud and danced; slowly,

Big most expensive with a chamber

Quietly drove; And little, long

Their road lasted - finally

They reached the place where Ivan-

Tsarevich Gray Wolf for the first time

Was met; And still lay there

His horse whitewing bones;

And gray wolf, sighing, said Ivan-

Tsarevich: "Now, Ivan-Tsarevich,

It's time to leave each other;

I'm faithful and true donny

Served to you, and I do not care

Satisfied, and, as long as you are alive, you

Do not forget; here on a farewell

I want to give you a useful advice:

Be careful, people evil; and brothers

Native not to believe. I pray hard to God

So that you drove home without trouble

And so that I am pleased with

Lime about yourself. Sorry, Ivan-

Tsarevich. " With this word wolf disappeared.

Having grown about him, Ivan-Tsarevich,

With princess Elena on the saddle,

With a fire-bird in a cage by shoulders, Dale

I went on horseback from Zologod

And they drove three days, four;

And so, driving up to the border of the kingdom,

Where ruled the wisdom king Demyan

Danilovich saw rich

Tent, broken in the meadow green;

And from the tent came out ... Who? Klim.

And Peter Tsarevichi. Ivan Tsarevich

There was a meeting of such an extremely

Delighted; and brothers in the heart envy

Snake crawled when they are fire-bird

With Ivana Zinguva

Tsarevich saw in his hands:

There was a thought of imbidden to seem

Without anything to his father, while brother

Little grinds to it with a fire-bird,

With a beautiful bride and with a horse

Goldcree and will get

Falling on arrival; and when

Father will die, and everything will take inheritance.

And here they found the villain:

View friendly, invited

They are in a tent of relaxing Ivan-

Tsarevich with Princess Elena

Beautiful. Without suspicion both

Entered the tent. Ivan-Tsarevich, long

Expensive tired, lay and soon

Asleep deep Snam; Togo and waited

Villains Brothers: MiG A sharp sword

He looked in the chest and in the field

He was left, and taking princess,

Firebird and horse Goldriva,

How good, went on the road.

And meanwhile, immovable,

Indulged in blood on the field wide

Ivan-Tsarevich lay. So passed

All day; Already led to the beginning

West sun; The field was empty;

And over the dead with a black blieuner

Worn, kakaya and blossoming

Wide wings, predatory raven. Suddenly,

From where neither take, came gray

Wolf: He, Bed Great Having Having

To the aid arrived; also b a minute

And it was too late. Guessing, what

There was intent at the crow, he gave

To him to descend the body;

And only he descended, by once the DAC

His tail; Rarrarka Old Raven.

"Let me on the will. Grey Wolf, -

He shouted. "Not to me, - he answered, -

Until your blizzard bring

Live and dead me water! " And Roron

Ordered to fly soon to Voronen

For the dead and for living water.

Son flew, and a gray wolf, father

By order when combed, with him a very courtege

Began to talk and old raven

I could enough to pour

That he saw in his long age

Birds and between people. And listened

His with great attention gray wolf

And wisdom of his extraordinary

Was divided, but, however, everything is for the tail

His kept and sometimes he

I was not forgotten, my mall is light

In clawed paws. Sun village; night

Came and passed; And it was done

Dawn, when with live water and dead

In two bubbles, agile veonenok

Appeared. Gray wolf took bubbles

And the crow went to the will.

Then he came with bubbles

To lying immovily Ivan-

Tsarevich: At first he is dead

The water bought the water - and in a minute of the wound

It was closed, osheaselity

Disappeared in dead members played

Blush on the cheeks; He fused him

Living water - and he opened his eyes

Stirred, reached out, got up

And Milns: "How long I slept!"

"And I will forever sleep here, Ivan-

Tsarevich, - Gray Wolf said - when

Not me; Now you live

I served; But this service, know

Last; From now on about me

Be care yourself. And from me accept

Council and do, as I tell you.

Your villains brothers are no big

In the world; It is a mighty magician

Blasting immortal head both

Turned, and this magician brought

On your kingdom dream; And your parent,

And subjects all it now

Sleep obedibly; Your zarevna

With fire-bird and horse gold

Kidnapped the thief of wrap; All three

Enclosed in his magic castle.

But you, Ivan-Tsarevich, for his

The bride is not afraid of anything; evil

Koshi over her power no

Does not: a strong talisman

There is a princess; Get to her from the castle

It is impossible; It will only save death

Koshcheeva; and how to find that death and i

Tovert, I do not know; About this baba

Yaga one can only say. You,

Ivan-Tsarevich, must this woman

Jagi find; She is in a dense, dark forest,

In the sad, deaf bore lives in the hut.

On kurichy legs; In this forest yet

No one was traced; in it

Neither wild beast came nor bird

Not flew. Drives Baba

Yaga for the whole subwayed in the stage,

Pest Iron drives track

Metllus notice. From her

One will recognize you, Ivan-Tsarevich,

How Death Koshcheyev to get to you.

And I tell you where you find

Horse that brings you

Straight road to the forest dense to the beach

Yaga. Go from here to the east;

Come on the meadow green; in the country

It grows three oaks; between oaks

In the ground cast iron buried the door

With a ring; For the ring you are under

That door and down the stairs somewhere;

There for twelve doors locked

Horse Bogatyrsky; From the dungeon itself

He will lead to you; of that horse

Take and go with God; from the road

It does not bet. Well, now sorry

Ivan Tsarevich; If God is reliable

We will talk to us, it will be

Otherwise, like you at your wedding. "

And the gray wolf rushed to the forest; Following

He watched Ivan-Tsarevich with sadness;

Wolf, to the forest ranging, turned around,

Last waved from afar

Tail and disappeared. And Ivan-Tsarevich,

Turn around the east face

Went ahead. He goes day, goes

Other; On the third he comes to the meadow

Green; on that meadow three oak

Grow; between those oaks find

Cast iron with an iron door ring;

He raises the door; Under the door door

Steep stairs; it's down

Descends and in front of it

Other door, cast iron, and firmly

She castle hangs locked.

And suddenly he hears, the horse called; And Rzhanye

So it was strong that with a loop having broken,

The door has grown up with a terrible knock;

And he sees that with her fell

Another eleven cast iron doors.

Behind these cast-iron doors

Long ago Horse Bogatyr locked

Was a sorcerer. Ivan-Tsarevich whistled;

Having reassured the saddle, on the youth

Whistling bogatyr horse from the stall hurried

And came running, easy, mighty, handsome,

Eyes like stars, fiery nostrils,

Like a cloud of mane, in a word, horse is not a horse,

And a miracle. To find out what he is power,

Ivan-Tsarevich on his back

Led his hand, and at hand

The horse scared and stunned strongly,

But he settled, hoof squeezing into the ground;

Tsarevich said he: "Good Vityaz,

Ivan-Tsarevich, I like you like

Sedok and needed; Ready to you

I faithfully serve as a faith;

Sitting on me and with God our way

Let's go; In the light of all roads

I know; Only the orders where

You will take you, there and bring. "

Ivan-Tsarevich in two words horse

All explained and, Sevsha on him,

Shout. And mighty horse swayed,

From joy rusted, on the piles;

Beats the steep hips of his sedok;

And the horse runs, the earth trembles under him;

He stands above, he is standing

Rushing below the Walki clouds

And hides through a wide dol

And covers a narrow dollar tail,

And the breasts are all swabs,

Flying an arrow and light legs

There are not bending to the ground,

Dirty from the ground is not lifting.

But, so jumping the day the whole, finally

Horse tired, the sweat ran from it

Streams, all was surrounded as smoke,

Hot ferry he. Ivan Tsarevich,

To give him to breathe, went step;

It was in the evening; Wide field

Ivan-Tsarevich rode and beautiful

Sunset admired. Suddenly

He hears a wild cry; Looks ... and what?

Two lash fights on the road,

Bite, ball, each other

The horns are twitch. To them Ivan-Tsarevich

Drown up, asked: "For what you have,

Guys, it became? " - "That's what, -

Said one. - Three treasures got us:

Dubinka Dube, Tablecloth

Yes hat-invisible - we are two;

How do we divide us? we

help, and a fight came out; you

Reasonable person; Submit advice to us

How to proceed?" - "But how, - Ivan-

Tsarevich answered. - put the arrow,

And you run behind her; from the place where

She will fall to the ground, back

Break into me; Who is first

Here will be, he will take himself to choose

Two treasures; And to take one to another.

Do you agree? " - "Agree", - shouted

Horned; And became near. Onion

Tight pulling your own, let the arrow

Ivan-Tsarevich: Demoles for her

Rushed, leaking eyes, leaving

There is a tablecloth, cap and a baton.

Then Ivan-Tsarevich, taking under the mouse

And tablecloth and battleship

Put on a calmly invisible hat,

Became invisible and self and horse and Dale

I went, Leshai's stupid leaving

On the arbitrariness, to start a fight again

Il to reconcile. Bogatyr horse

I slept before the sun go

In the dense forest, where Baba dwells

Yaga. And, walking in the forest, Ivan-Tsarevich

The antiquity of his huge

Oaks and pines, dimly lit

Gouring evening; And everything in it is quiet:

Trees are all like sleepy stand,

Does not break the sheet, it won't move

Mink; No living anything

In the silent depth of forest, nor bird

Between the branches, nor in the grass worm;

Only hears in silence widespread

Horse horses. Finally

Ivan-Tsarevich drove to the hut

On cooking legs. He said: "Hut,

Hut, to the forest, become a back, to me

Before the front. " And in front of him

Turned over; He entered it;

In the door stopping, crossed himself

On all four sides, then

How should, bowed and, eyes

History all overwhelmed, saw,

That she was bab on her floor

Yaga, stopped in the ceiling

And in the angle head. Hearing knock

In the doorway, she said: "Fu! Fu! Fu!

What Divo! Russian here is spirit

Until then, not dumbfounded by layer,

Not seen a view, but now

The spirit is already happening. What for

He granted here, Ivan-Tsarevich?

Unheard or will? Donyn

There was no dubber beast here,

Neither the bird lightly fluttered,

Neither the bogatyr did not pass;

How God gave you here, Ivan

Tsarevich? " - "Ah, brainless you witch! -

Said Ivan-Tsarevich Baba

Yaga. - first foam, not

Me you, well done, yes bed

The bed to me, yes, let me sleep

Then ask. " And immediately Baba

Yaga, rising to his feet, Ivan-

Tsarevich as he watched

And evaporated in the bath, fed

And drove out yes and immediately sleep

I put in the bed, so attending:

"Sleep, kind knight; Morning wisely,

Than evening; Here now calmly

You will rest; need your you will tell

Me tomorrow; I, as I know, help. "

Ivan-Tsarevich, poring God,

In the bed lay down and soon sleep deep

Fell asleep and slept until noon. Insert

Washing, dressed, he is a ban

Yaga told in detail why

Drove to her in the dense forest; and baba

Yaga responded to him:

"Oh! good well done Ivan Tsarevich,

You started a serious business;

But do not twist, everyone will be wished with God;

I will teach as death to you

Immortal to get; Estimated me

listen; on the sea on the outbreak

On the island of great on Buyan

There is an old oak; Under this old oak

Buried the chest furnished with iron;

In the chest lies fluffy hare;

In that hazel duck gray sits;

And in the duck of that egg; in the egg

Koshcheeva. You take the egg

And go to blaspheme with him, and when

In his castle, you will see,

That snakes twelve -igin entrance

In that lock sees; You are with this snake

Do not think to fight, you have

There is a baton; She is His Uymet.

And you, put on the invisible hat,

Go straight expensive to blast

Immortal; per minute he will die

How soon you will crush the egg with it,

Watch not forget when ago

We will go, take and take the hussley sophistication:

Only their parents only your parent

Demyan Danilovich and all his

He fell asleep with him

Awakened to be. Well, now

Sorry, Ivan-Tsarevich; God with you;

Your good horse will find the road itself;

When to come in dangerous feathers,

Then me, old woman, obstay

Not lich, but good. " Ivan Tsarevich,

Run with Baboy Yagoi, sat down

On a good horse, crossed,

By the youth whistled, the horse rushed

And soon the forest is dense for Ivan-

Tsarevich disappeared into Dali, and soon

Flashed ahead lady blue

At the edge of the sky, the sea of \u200b\u200bOkyyan.

Here rinsed and the sea

Ivan Tsarevich. Looking at he sees

That the sea is a fisherman

And that in that nemko sea pike

Tremble. And suddenly he is the pike

In humans says: "Ivan-

Tsarevich, take me out of the nonma

And throw in the sea; I come to you. "

Ivan-Tsarevich immediately about the pussy

Performed, and she, chlenvtv tail

As a sign of gratitude, disappeared into the sea.

And Ivan-Tsarevich looks at the sea

In bewilderment; At the very edge,

Where the sky with him seems to be a plunge

He sees a long band island

Buyan blacks; he is not far away;

But who will transport there? Suddenly horse

Speak: "Oh, Ivan-Tsarevich,

Wondered? About Tom, how to get

Us to Buyan Island? What

For difficulty? I ship you; Sidi.

On me, and hard for me hold on,

Yes, not Roby, and insert the Spirit. "

And in the mane Konskoy Ivan-Tsarevich

Hand invested, steep hips

Horse feet firmly sick; horse

Smashed and talking, hurried

From the steep shore to the marine abyss;

On a moment and he and the rider in the depths

Disappeared; Suddenly spied with noise

Sea Zybn, and snapped mighty

Horse from her with brave sedock;

And started the horse with hooves and breasts

Beat around the waters and break through

And it was boiling, worried,

And foam, and splashes took off

Sea zyrie, and strong jumps,

Under strong hoofs rake

Circle roaring wave like light

On the sails ship with a passing wind,

Ahead sought a horse and a long track

Swinning behind him fled Snake;

And soon he is to the island of Buyan

Fell ashore

From the sea ran out, covered with foam.

Ivan-Tsarevich was slow; is he,

Horse Pushing on Silk Meadow

Walk, walk and grass honey

Pinch, went hasty steps to the oak,

Which grew by the shore of the sea

At the height of the Anthole Hill.

And, to the dube approached, Ivan-Tsarevich

His shovel of the richro

But strong oak did not shake; is he

Again, Shatnul - Oak creaked; is he

Still shoven it and row

Oak swayed, and under it root

Hatched the earth; here Ivan-Tsarevich

All the power rushed it - and with a crash

He fell out of the ground root

From all sides, like snakes, rose,

And where they dug in the ground,

Mauma deep opened. In Ne.

Ivan-Tsarevich Worn Chest

Had seen; immediately that chest of pit

He pulled out, hanging knocked down the castle,

He took a hare lying there

And ripped; But only managed

He is a hare break like from him

Suddenly a duck swept away; fast

She swayed and flew to the sea;

In it, let the boom Ivan-Tsarevich,

And aptive so that he penetrated her

Through; Crushing, knocked a duck;

And from her suddenly the egg fell

And straight into the sea; and went like a key

To the bottom. Ivan-Tsarevich agoned; suddenly,

From nowhere either, sea pike

Flashed on the water, then whispered,

Xlestow tails, on the bottom, then again

Pop up and, to the shore with an egg in the mouth

Tihochonko approaching sand

The egg left, then said:

"You see himself now, Ivan-Tsarevich,

What I needed for an hour you needed. "

With SIM word pike floated. Ivan

Tsarevich took an egg; And the horse mighty

From Buyan Island on Solid Coast

His back suffered. And Dale

Horse pockey and soon rushed

To cool grief, at the height of which

Koshcheyev castle was; Her sole

Applied was the wall of iron;

And at the gate of the iron that wall

The twelve-fight snake lay;

And from his twelve heads

Always six slept, six did not sleep, during the day

And at night twice for supervision

Replacing but in mind the gate of iron

Nobody stop

Did not bother; snakes risen and from the tooth

His no salvation - he

Was unharmed and only self

Could kill: Alien Must Sold

No could not. But horse

Was careful; he gave way to Ivan

Tsarevich to grief from the side,

Nasty goal in which snakes

Lying and guard; Slowly

Ivan-Tsarevich in the Invisible Head

Drove to the snake; Six his heads

In all eyes on the sides looked,

Rutting the mouths, grinding his teeth; six

Other heads on stretched necks

Lay on the ground, not moving,

And, with some embraced, snores. Here

Ivan-Tsarevich, pushing the baton,

Hanging calmly on the saddle,

Whispered to her: "Start!" Did not last long

Dubink think immediately jump from the saddle,

On the snake rushed and well

On heads and sleep and unquest

Cute. He came across, he glanced, began

There, here to rush here; And Dubinka

His kogotit is herself;

Only he only disassemble the mouth,

To grab it - no, please

Don't rush

His other scratches his face; All O.

Twelve mouths will open it

Catch - she is all his teeth,

Scolded as if pamped,

Walks and all the teeth cleans; Watching

And all the noses frightening, he will heaz

All mouths and paws grab the baton

Tries - she then his

Calt on all twelve headings;

Snakes in the frenzy, like a fiery,

Thrown, crawled, tumbling, from anger

I breathed fire, gnawed earth - everything is in vain!

Not in a hurry, distinctly, calmly,

Without misses, over him is his club

Work continues and his















































































































































































{!LANG-ca1c6553d4a7b529508be15ba3a349f3!} {!LANG-490fe6300ababf198841d691e580aaff!}{!LANG-b0e757d032c383b24e8bf02aad989fff!}








































































































































































10 In those apples, prince
20 Service to render me; in my royal garden
30 What did his father said, persuaded
40 He said that the thief did not come to that night.
50 Like Klim-Tsarevich, that and that night
60 Fire-bird flies fiery star
70 All power and broke out of the hands
80 Respectfully king Demyan filed
90 {!LANG-1d998c19f1d61ae421793481aaf6612c!}
100 Inheritance. Worshiping king immediately
110 Wasting, for you delivered the firebird.
120 Was so stubborn that finally the king
{!LANG-e21f05a9c3b8b64a22d0dc29b2289299!} {!LANG-2014ef0082eb072ebee151073250339d!}
130 {!LANG-9751d43608fbc523c9c26f386ef67080!}
140 On foot; But he walked for a long time; in front of him
150 I will serve now. Well, tell me
160 {!LANG-cae3f4570bd39bd6befadfb56e8a584c!}
170 From the cage of golden fire-bird, he
180 {!LANG-49e6f6f1224d65259c923b2ce71d9c28!}
190 You said, then not royal craft
200 Belongs to the mighty king.
210 Hanging his head, Ivan-Tsarevich
220 And at the door stables tsar
230 Crash her so that forgotten
240 Aphron responded: "Good you
250 Yes bring me a princess
260 And there was no spirit. Well, fully fuck,
270 Hence the royal garden; there one
280 From others, separated, was one,


290 {!LANG-65bbf26944f80f3f5b84a650f23d1a57!}
300 Tsarevich and blushed all
310 Afron; And she himself was
320 And you come to me to the king Afron.
330 On that horse the arrow went into the forest,
340 King, and not wife in front
350 Ivan-Tsarevich moved to the wolf,
360 Immediately ordered Zologriva
370 Legs up, and, on the shoulder of the Uzedeshi
380 Tsarevich; on horse zh goldry
390 {!LANG-841d3bd2898dce6f6e302b0605f09b93!}
400 So that you drove home without trouble
410 Where ruled the wisdom king Demyan
420 There was a thought of imbidden to seem
430 Tsarevich with Princess Elena
440 And meanwhile, immovable,
450 To the aid arrived; also b a minute
460 Ordered to fly soon to Voronen
470 Was divided, but, however, everything is for the tail
480 To lying immovily Ivan-
490 {!LANG-321a523198652969b2ef613b9e0841b6!}
500 {!LANG-44d5437e60fd33fcb5ef64a08d91e22a!}
510 There is a princess; Get to her from the castle
520 Neither wild beast came nor bird
530 Yaga. Go from here to the east;
540 It does not bet. Well, now sorry
550 Went ahead. He goes day, goes
560 {!LANG-e6102a3ced16baea744bb8fd5df30e5a!}
570 And came running, easy, mighty, handsome,
580 Ivan-Tsarevich, I like you like
590 From joy rusted, on the piles;
600 Dirty from the ground is not lifting.
610 Two lash fights on the road,
620 Reasonable person; Submit advice to us
630 Tight pulling your own, let the arrow
640 Il to reconcile. Bogatyr horse
650 In the silent depth of forest, nor bird
660 On all four sides, then
670 The spirit is already happening. What for
680 {!LANG-b8ca49de3b6dba0747309350721cf5dc!}
690 You will rest; need your you will tell
700 You started a serious business;
710 And in the duck of that egg; in the egg
720 Immortal; per minute he will die
730 When to come in dangerous feathers,
740 {!LANG-d0886f07bc123c976894687974f5b76b!}
750 As a sign of gratitude, disappeared into the sea.
760 For difficulty? I ship you; Sidi.
770 Sea Zybn, and snapped mighty
780 Ahead sought a horse and a long track
790 At the height of the Anthole Hill.
800 From all sides, like snakes, rose,
810 She swayed and flew to the sea;
820 Pop up and, to the shore with an egg in the mouth
830 To cool grief, at the height of which
840 Did not bother; snakes risen and from the tooth
850 Drove to the snake; Six his heads
860 {!LANG-28895f16334d3182a3b69778f6148df6!}
870 {!LANG-118ab3a1512e3c1b8c3a121fe03d055c!}
880 Not in a hurry, distinctly, calmly,
890 {!LANG-8b818de0a35aed24dea3097959206ca6!}
900 {!LANG-ef5d8c74d81a13d94cf24d651aa8eba2!}
910 {!LANG-1c7eb2c0f63b9ffd0968a9aaeae072cb!}
920 {!LANG-892ca0a9d459a1ef161ab9d062fdecef!}
930 {!LANG-fce9c907e633ae158ef6d144ddf9351a!}
940 {!LANG-c604fa895862af4026a815b7ee8fa399!}
950 {!LANG-8617286a98e5c45f2962ac8d79e301cc!}
960 {!LANG-8a7982e72142cf469955a383d5795e72!}
970 {!LANG-804c458d1d1a029f7019cfa248f67eef!}
980 {!LANG-58ba5f65fa30d7fccef8a436e29d6776!}
990 {!LANG-bc0cdef95f7a794b7b5fd4fbcfbf5d2e!}
1000 {!LANG-2e503700bea541a7a20881b93574f3fa!}

1010 {!LANG-fe6a45e6fe04d19980495f7704c433d4!}
1020 {!LANG-b08f54b0c5aeea5ca27ca744081595bb!}
1030 {!LANG-4641e9545e4f670997106f0b0fcb7764!}
1040 {!LANG-e28236d0a72dd8b02e6e30c19ef1e1a3!}
1050 {!LANG-9709471423f3490ba6eb0348d2039fe4!}
1060 {!LANG-08ceee53afbfbf1a5699e5668ad54546!}
1070 {!LANG-8f64959ecf34922cc45970407157015a!}
1080 {!LANG-677af6c05fe86518027b91cb4118b03d!}
1090 {!LANG-38c5a5b70908d457344389befa36836a!}
1100 {!LANG-8ba105ca62507745db59e8ca01050737!}
1110 {!LANG-0242a8c9c4abc8e8562cc644d15c52f6!}
1120 {!LANG-80d86c7c54e766c9a5f50f9689ff9eb3!}
1130 {!LANG-1075f3a01d81d01b9bff251fd2dc7b8c!}
1140 {!LANG-3fda8bd8e4b77c0adb199165ed2303d1!}
1150 {!LANG-4718a3eaf23f441b2d258af60af461db!}
1160 {!LANG-e3de397f6b5add5694cf5a9222c32c93!}
1170 {!LANG-94f02f86b16e02669b21b87fb3846ce6!}
1180 {!LANG-3476c1e5eb2454a63edb7519bdf87a22!}
1190 {!LANG-7b88a59f08feff4f1aca0914d75210c9!}
1200 {!LANG-9f0baf6676fb9ac0df34359642bf231b!}
1210 {!LANG-0a4e1349646652c897d54e728860ced6!}
1220 {!LANG-23e0038782001161944b8b7fd7e7cc14!}
1230 {!LANG-64e5453a89bb64df2a35ce25dd0de375!}

{!LANG-ddf8b5a75fe68fc6a4a1c9cbd0a3bedf!} {!LANG-ca9327240c7ec90034e0a4b758fca410!}{!LANG-dd7abf118484945e8fe7b228d28e6790!}














{!LANG-5a6ee6b2d1f56bb0bca51ba31bde04de!} {!LANG-4ffab42391f2f009ae6276017e918e21!}{!LANG-48d506c01524f81d4ae72a6af6414417!}



































































































































