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Quotes Nice is not that you. Best Quotes Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - Born on October 15, 1844 in Rökken (not far from Leipzig), Prussia. German philosopher, representative of irrationalism. He exposed to a sharp criticism of religion, culture and moral of his time and developed his own ethical theory. Philosophy Nietzsche had a great influence on the formation of existentialism and postmodernism, and also became very popular in literary and artistic circles. The interpretation of his works is pretty difficult and still causes a lot of disputes. The author of the works - "Birth of the tragedy, or elling and pessimism", "Human, too human. A book for free minds "," on the other side of good and evil. The prelude to the philosophy of the future "," Twilight of idols, or as philosophy a hammer, "" Reflections in a home coat "and others died on August 25, 1900 in a psychiatric hospital in Weimar, Germany.

Aphorisms, quotes, sayings, phrases Nietzsche Friedrich Wilhelm

  • The fact is always stupid.
  • Whether who are you!
  • Clean spirit - clean lie.
  • Woman is the second mistake of God.
  • You go to a woman - take a web.
  • Martyrs only harmed truth.
  • We need new ears for new music.
  • Without music life would be a mistake.
  • Faith saves - hence she lies.
  • Philologist is a slow reading teacher.
  • No winner believes in chance.
  • All that does not kill me, makes only stronger.
  • There is no excellent surface without terrible depth.
  • Facts do not exist - there are only interpretations.
  • You need to proudly worship, if you can't be an idol.
  • In every religion, a religious person has an exception.
  • In this man, a child who wants to play is hidden.
  • The best author will be the one who is ashamed to become a writer.
  • Laugh means to be malicious, but with a clean conscience.
  • When skepticism and tomorrow fall, mysticism occurs.
  • Long and great suffering are raised in the man of Tirana.
  • Dogmat about "immaculate conception"? .. Why is the conception of conception.
  • Death is close enough to not be afraid of life.
  • Highly smart people Start not trust, if they see their embarrassment.
  • Moral people feel complacency in conscience removal.
  • Majestic nature suffer from doubt in their own greatness.
  • There is a degree of avid falsehood, which is called a "clean conscience".
  • For stupid forehead, it is necessary, in the form of an argument, a compressed fist.
  • We will be cooled to what you know, as soon as we share it with others.
  • Who feels insecluding will, he is mentally ill; Who deny her, that stupid.
  • When the gratitude of many to one discarded any shame, glory arises.
  • Buddhism does not promise, but keeps the word, Christianity promises everything, and the words does not hold.
  • Not pure conscience - This is the tax that the invention of pure conscience laid people.
  • Spirituality heart; The spirit sits and instills courage in danger. Oh, this language!
  • Vera for the cause and consequence is rooted in the strongest of instincts: in the instinct of revenge.
  • The danger of the wise is that he is most susceptible to the temptation to fall in love with the unreasonable.
  • The desire for greatness issues with his head: who possesses the greatness, he strives for kindness.
  • Mystical explanations are considered deep. The truth is that they are not even superficial.
  • Only a person resists the direction of gravity: he constantly wants to fall up.
  • On the other side of the north, on the other side of the ice, on the other side today - our life, our happiness.
  • Who wants to justify existence, it is also necessary to be able to be a lawyer of God before the devil.
  • Each church is a stone on the grave of the Godhead: she certainly wants him to be resurrected again.
  • Supreme thesis: "God forgives who goes out," the same translated: forgives who one who submits the priest.
  • The word "Christianity" is based on a misunderstanding; In essence, there was one Christian, and he died on the cross.
  • In the world, there are not enough love and goodness so that they can still be bore with imaginary creatures.
  • Love, perhaps, your neighbor as yourself. But first of all, be such that they like themselves.
  • A person forgets his guilt when she confesses to another, but this latter does not usually forget her.
  • Blood is the worst witness of truth; Blood poison the cleanest teaching to the degree of madness and hatred of hearts.
  • Who wants to become a driver of people must hear their dangerous enemy among them during a good period of time.
  • A person, who has never been thinking about money, about honoring, about acquiring influential connections, - can he know people?
  • Whose thought at least once crossed the bridge leading to mysticism, he does not return from there without thoughts not marked with stigmatics.
  • I distinguish among the philosophies two varieties of people: some are always reflected on their defense, others - about attacking their enemies.
  • And the truth requires, like all women, so that her lover is for the sake of her lie, but not a vanity requires it, but its cruelty.
  • Man is a rope, stretched between animals and superhorecom, - rope over the abyss. In man, it is valuable that he is a bridge, and not a goal.
  • Philosophy opens a man asylum where no tyranny, valley penetrate inner world, Labyrinth of the heart, and it annoys tyrants.
  • We praise what we need to taste: this means when we praise, we praise our own taste - Will it sin against any good taste?
  • The perfect cognition of the need to eliminate any "must be", but it would have comprehended the need for "must", as a result of ignorance.
  • In the heat of the struggle, you can sacrifice your life: but defeating it in art, to trample your life. Each victory is inherent contempt for life.
  • You, lovers of knowledge! What is still from love you did for knowledge? Did you have already theft or murder to find out what is like a thief and killer?
  • Love for life is almost the opposite of love for long-life. Every love thinks about moments and eternity, but never about duration.
  • Patients with fever see only ghosts of things, and those who have a normal temperature - only shadows of things; At the same time, those and others need identical words.
  • God himself can not exist without wise people"," said Luther, and with full right; but "God may even less exist without stupid people" - this Luther did not say!
  • Heroism is such a mood of a person who seeks to goal, besides which he no longer goes into account. Heroism is a goodwill to absolute self-death.
  • Without dogmas faith, no one could live and moments! But thereby the dogmas are still not proven. Life is not an argument at all; Among the conditions of life could be a misconception.
  • An evil God is needed no less than good - after all, and by its own existence you do not at all tolerance and philanthropy. What kind of god from God, who is unknown anger, envy, cunning, mockery, vigilance and violence?
  • The doctrine and the apostle that does not see the weakness of his teachings, his religion, etc., blinded by the authority of the teacher and awe's reverence, usually has a greater force than the teacher. Never still influenced the human and his affairs without blind students.
  • Marriage is fused for mediocre people who are not in great friendship, both in great friendship - it became, for the majority: but also for those completely rare people who are capable of both love and friendship.
  • Who is able to feel very much the look of the thinker, he can not get rid of a terrible impression that animals produce whose eyes slowly, as it were, on the rod, staring out of the head and looks around.
  • To whom the disgust to the sublime, not only "yes", but also "no" seems too pathetic, "he does not belong to the denying minds, and, it happens to be on their ways, he suddenly stops and runs away - in the thickets of skepticism.
  • There is nothing in my head, except for personal morality, and to create the right to her make up the meaning of all my historical issues about morality. It is terribly difficult - to create such a right.
  • Strange! It is only for me to keep silend about some thought and stay away from her, as this very thought is certainly embodied in the guise of a person, and I now have to kindly with this "God's angel"!
  • To cause the pain to whom we love is, the dental damn. In relation to us, the very state of heroic people: limit violence. The desire to fall into the opposite extreme belongs to the same.
  • Virtue only the topics gives happiness and some bliss, who firmly believes in their virtue, - by no means of the more sophisticated souls, whose virtue is in deep distrust of himself and every virtue. In the end, here "faith makes blissful"! - And not, carefully notice it, virtue!
  • The founder of Christianity believed that the people did not suffer more than from their sins: it was his delusion, the delusion of who felt without sin, who had lacking experience here.
  • If God wanted to be a subject of love, he should be first renounced by the position of the judge, wheezing justice: the judge, and even the merciful judge "is not a subject of love.

I laugh at all, who is unable to laugh at himself.

It is better to dance badly than walking chrome.

Do not confuse: actors are dying from negligence, real people are from short-lived.

Happiness Men calling "I want." Happiness Women - "He wants."

Do you go to women? Do not forget the flutter!

The church is a stone on God's grave.

And most of all hate someone able to fly.

A woman begins to hate when she stops charming.

If a woman detects scientific inclined, then something in her sexual system is not in order.

What business woman, to truth! Her great art is a lie. Her main concern is illusion and beauty. And we love the woman in this woman.

A woman begins to lose shame, she learns to be afraid of a man. Thanks to this - the woman degenerates.

None of the philosopher was not right. Including me.

Everything that is being done from love is always performed on the other side of good and evil.

You, lovers of knowledge! Have you already committed a murder to find out what is the soul of the killer?

A person is experiencing true creature, raping himself.

To repent - it means to add a new stupidity.

Who is not capable of love or friendship, the right one bets - for marriage.

I do not understand what to do the crosses. If you want to pump someone,
It is enough to say about it some truth.

In this man is always hidden by a child who wants to play. And therefore you need a woman as the most interesting toy.

Women deprives children's fact that they are constantly taking with children as their educators.

Marriage is inventious for mediocre people who are tangle both in great love and in great friendship ... But for those rare people who are capable of both love and friendship.

Good deeds are sophisticated bad things, and evil acts are the same good deedsbut in more roughly.

A person is a fantastic animal that to exist must satisfy one need more than any other animal: faith in what his life makes sense.

If the spouses did not live together, successful marriages I would meet more often.

The requirement of man to love him, is the greatest of all the mygals.

When a hundred people stand a friend near a friend, everyone loses his mind and gets some other.

Facts do not exist - there are only interpretations.

The beliefs are more dangerous enemies of truth than false.

Excessive - the enemy of the necessary one.

Better clumsy dance than walking chrome.

As only prudence says: "Do not do this, it will be badly interpreted," I always do in spite of him.

The one who praises, pretend to pay due, but in fact he wants to get even more.

We praise what we need to taste; That is, we praise your own taste.

Praise, praise always yourself; Swear, scolding always the other.

People are grateful to the same way they are prone to revenge. I cry good for good, and therefore evil for evil.

Does life not too short to miss!

The lawyers of the criminal are rarely so artists so that the entire charm of the terror of the Act is to in favor of his culprit.

Madness units - an exception, and madness of entire groups, parties, peoples, times the rule.

Inhumanly bless there, where you curse.

More inaccier people belong to their God: he does not dare to sin.

Seduce your neighbor on a good opinion about it and then to the whole soul to believe this opinion of the near, - who will compare in this focus with women!

The perfect woman is engaged in literature as much as it makes a small sin: For the experience, passing, looking back, does anyone notice, and that someone notice this ...

The Council in the form of a riddle: "If the bonds do not rob themselves," try to take their teeth. "

The compassion in the person of knowledge is almost as funny as gentle hands in the cyclope.

"The compassion to all" would be a severity and tyranny towards you, sir my neighbor!

Comparing the whole man and a woman, we can say the following: The woman would not be so brilliant in art to dress up, if she didn't feel instinctively,
that her will go - the second role.

It is possible to become exclusively in such provisions when you can not have apparent virtues when, on the contrary, like a cable dance on its rope, or you fall, or stand - either weave safely ...

Become a mature husband - it means to regain the seriousness that has possessed in childhood during the games.

To be ashamed of his immorality - this is one of the steps of the staircase, at the top of which are also ashamed of their morality.

So cold, such an ice, that fingers burn on it! Every hand shudders, touching him! That is why he is considered hot.

Where love or hatred does not fit, the woman plays mediocre.

The fact that at this time is considered evil, it usually has a late echo of what was once considered good, - the atavism of the oldest ideal.

Only from the field of feelings and effortlessness expires, every clean conscience, every evidence of truth.
It is the harder to vulnerable our vanity just when our pride is visible.

Do you run ahead? - Do you do it like a shepherd? Or as an exception? The third case would be a fugitive ... the first question of conscience.

Heavy, sullen people are getting easier precisely from what aggravates others, from love and hatred, and for a while rose to their surface.

Do you want to arrange it to yourself? So do the view that you are lost in front of him.

"W. evil people No songs. " - Why do Russians have songs?

The women themselves in the depths of their personal vanity always lies impersonal contempt - contempt "to a woman."

In harsh people, incessia is a matter of shame - and there is something valuable.

The trait open on God the widest perspectives; That is why he keeps away from him - the hell is there a replicious friend of knowledge.

Terribly die in the sea from thirst. Do you want to pray for your truth so that it never quenched thirst?

The terrible experiences of life give the opportunity to solve whether there is something a terrible one who is experiencing them.

The familiarity of the man is stronger than the strongest, because it is impossible to pay the same coin for it.

Phariseism is not degeneration good man: on the contrary, a fair amount is rather a condition for any prosperity.

Formula of my happiness: yes, no, straight line, goal ...

Do you want to accompany? Or precede? Or go by itself? We must know what you want and if you want. The fourth question of conscience.

Often, sensuality distilts the sprout of love, so the root remains weak and easily breaks out.

The abstraction of the truth that you want to teach, the stronger you should cherish her even feelings.

Who did not have to at least once sacrifice himself for their good reputation?

Who reaches his ideal, that this most develops him.

Whoever sniffs even on the fire, he tries not over pain, and over the fact that he does not feel pain where he expected her. Parable.

Who does not know how to impose their will in things, he at least still moists the meaning in them: i.e. He believes that there is no will in them. (Principle "faith")

Who does not know how to find the road to their ideal, he lives frivolous and shamelessly than a person without an ideal.

Who fights with monsters, one should be worse, so that it does not become a monster. And if you look at the abyss for a long time, then the abyss also looks at you.

Who is a teacher to the brain of bones, he applies to all things seriously, only taking into account his students, even to himself.

Who feels intended for contemplation, and not for faith, for the whole believers are too silvivi and annoyed, - he defends himself from them.

Love for one there is barbarism: for it is carried out to the detriment of everyone else. Also love for God.

Love reveals high and hidden qualities of a loving thing - that he has a rare, exceptional: In addition, it is easily deceiving about what he serves as a rule.

People are punished strongest for their virtues.

People rarely make one inconsity. In the first inconsisiency always make too much. That is why they make it usually still the second - and this time they do too little ...

People are free to lie in the mouth, but the face, which they are crushed at the same time, still says the truth.

To talk a lot about yourself - can also serve as a means to hide yourself.

Can donkey be tragic? - What do you die under the weight that you can neither carry nor reset? ..

A sage as an astronomer: - While you still feel the stars as something "over to you", you still do not have the eyes of knowing.

A man created a woman - but what? From the edge of her God - her "ideal" ...

Music is a means of self-consideration of passions.

We do not believe in nonsense of smart people - what a violation of human rights!

We do not hate another person, since I will soon consider it below yourself; We hate only when we consider it equal to yourself or above yourself.

We will be cooled to what you know, as soon as we share it with others.

We are noticeable to life, if we do not notice that hand that gentle - kills.

We do not reach the same way as in a dream: we first invent and compose a person with whom we enter into communication - and now forget about it.

The thought of suicide is a strong consolation: other dark nights are safely experienced with it.

Alone with your own, we imagine all ingeniously yourself: So we give yourself a rest from our neighbors.

Do we do, immoralists, harm virtue? - just as little as anarchists kings. Only since they began to shoot them, they are firmly sitting on their throne. Moral: you need to shoot morality.

The people have an area of \u200b\u200bnature to come to six seven great people. Yes, and then to get around them.

As for the fact that such "reliability" may be, no one has made a sufficiently sufficiently.

Are you true or just an actor? Deputy or substituted itself? - In the end, you maybe just a fake actor ... The second question of conscience.

Science also victites all true women. At the same time, they feel so, for sure they looked under the skin or, even worse, under the dress and a dress.

"Our neighbor is not our neighbor, but a neighbor's neighbor," every people think so.

Our strongest instinct, Tiran in us, is subject not only to our mind, but also our conscience.

Our vanity wants what we do is best to be considered the most difficult for us. The origin of many types of morality.

No need to exercise cowardice towards your actions! No need to run away from them! - The remorse of the conscience is indecent.

Not power, and the duration of higher sensations creates higher people.

Not humiliation, and the powerlessness of their humanity prevents these Christians to betray us.

Not that you wrap me shocked me, but the fact that I no longer believe you.

There are no moral phenomena, there is only moral interpretation of phenomena ...

It is necessary to part with life as Odyssey with Novikay, - more blessing than in love.

Both sex are deceived in each other - this happens that, in essence, they are honored and love themselves only
(or, if you like, your own ideal). Thus, a man wants a peaceful woman from a woman - and meanwhile the woman is essentially an unemployful, like a cat, no matter how well she learned to look peace-loving.

Huge expectations from sexual love and shame of these expectations in advance spoil women all perspectives.

One is looking for an obstetrician for his thoughts, another person to whom he can help resolve them: So there is a kind conversation.

The same affects of the man and women are still different in the pace - so the man and woman do not cease not to understand each other.

Danger of happiness. - "Everything serves for the benefit of me; Now Mila me every fate - who hunt is the fate of mine? "

Disgusted to dirt can be so great, which will prevent us from cleaning - "justify".

The discovery of reciprocity actually would have been able to sort a loving creature relative to their beloved. "How? Even love you - is it quite modest? Or rather stupid? Or or".

Very smart people begin not to trust if they see them embarrassed.

I started looking for, make cancer. Historian looks back; In the end, he believes also reversed.

In relation to any party. The shepherd is always needed by ram-front, so that it does not become a ram at the case.

Help yourself: then everyone will help you. The principle of love to neighbor.

Understanding the tragic weakens and enhanced with sensuality.

Poets Shameless in relation to their experiences: they exploit them.

The idleness is the mother of all psychology. How? Is psychology - vice?

The despised himself still honors himself at the same time as a person who despises.

The attractiveness of knowledge would be insignificant if on the way to him did not have to overcome so much shame.

Time decision Close the ears even in front of the thorough opposite argument - a sign strong character. It became a random will to stupidity.

Disappointed says: "I was looking for great people, and only the monkeys of their ideal always found."

Disappointed says: "I listened to Echo and heard only praise."

An explained thing ceases to interest us. - What gave birth to God, who gave advice: "Know yourself!" Maybe it meant: "Stop wondering, become objective!" And Socrates? And "man of science"?

"Self-sufficient knowledge" is the last Silks, arranged by morality: with their help in it, it is possible to quickly get confused.

We want our principles either to customize our habits, or to justify them, or pay them a tribute to them, or express the censure, or hide them; It is very likely that two people with the same principles wish at the same time completely different.

Caught heart, free mind. If you face your heart tight and keep it in captivity, then you can give a lot of freedom to your mind - I said it once again. But I do not believe in it, assuming that they yourself do not know this.

The consequences of our actions are enough of us by the hair, without taking into account the fact that we, meanwhile "corrected".

The worm, which came, begins to shovel. This is prudent. It reduces this chance that it will come again. In the language of morality: humility.

What? you are looking for? Would you like to deal with me, increase a hundred times? Are you looking for adherents? Looking for zeros!

That God learned to Greek when he wanted to become a writer, there is a big refinement in this - as well as he did not learn him better.

What is that I stay right! I am too right. And who today laughs better than everyone, will also laugh and last.

What a person is represented by, it begins to open when his talent is weakened, - when he ceases to show what he can. Talent - also outfit: outfit is also a way to hide.

To live alone, you have to be an animal or god, says Aristotle. There is a lack of a third case: it is necessary to be the other - the philosopher.

Alien vanity accounts for us not to taste only when it hurts our vanity.

It was a step for me, I rose above them - for this I had to go through them. They thought I wanted to sit on them for rest ...

"I don't like it." - Why? - "I am not Doros before that." - Would you ever answered at least one person?

I do not trust all the systematics and sore them. The will to the system is a lack of honesty.

I want once and forever not know much. Wisdom believes borders also to knowledge.

"I did it," says my memory. "I could not do this," says my pride and remains adamant. In the end, the memory is inferior.

The belly serves as a person is not so easy to bring himself to God.

It happens quite often that the criminal is not on the shoulder of his act - he diminishes him and slanders him.

It is the arrogance of kindness, having a kind of malice.

It happens innocence in lies, and it serves as a sign of strong faith in some thing.

There are cases when we like horses, we, psychologists, and fall into concern: we see our own fluctuating shadow in front of them. The psychologist should not pay attention to see in general.

Perhaps, in the inclination to make themselves to humiliate yourself, to attaint, deceive, exploit the shame of some God among people.

In the end, we love our own lust, and not the subject of it.

In a peaceful atmosphere, a militant person attacks himself.

In Misty and Love, a woman more barbarian than a man.

Nowadays, it can easily feel like an animal to turn the deity.

In his wildath, rest is best from our unnaturalness, from its spirituality ...

In condescension there is no trace of mansion, but it is because there is too much contempt for people.

Praise more tittedness than in the censure.

The great era of our life comes when we have the courage to rename our evil in our best.

Objection, stupid, funny distrust, mockery essence signs of health: all unconditional belongs to the field of pathology.

Everything becomes a tragedy around the hero, everything becomes a drama of satirs around the demigod, and everything becomes around God - how? Maybe the "world"?

Will to victory over one affect in the end, however, there is only the will of another or many other affects.

Here is an artist, what I love, modest in my needs: He wants actually only two things, his bread and his art, - Panem et Circen ...

Rounding among scientists and artists, it is very easy to make a mistake in the opposite direction: often in a wonderful scientist we find a mediocre person, and in a mediocre artist very often - an extremely wonderful person.

All that is done from love is always performed on the other side of good and evil.

"Where the tree of knowledge, there is always paradise," so the oldest and newest snakes are broadcast.

The brilliant person is unbearable, if he does not have at the same time, at least two qualities: a sense of gratitude and clean.

Even the competition is corrupted - marriage.

Saulation protects even from a cold. Did you ever catch a cold craven to dress well? - I suppose the case that she was barely dressed.

It must pay for good and for evil, but why exactly to the person who did good or evil?

The soul, which felt that she love her, but not loving her, he detects her scum: the lowest pops up in it.

If you train your conscience, then it will kiss us.

If a woman has men's virtues, then it needs to run away; If it does not have male virtues, it runs herself.

If a woman discovers scientific inclinations, then something in her sexual system is not in order. Already infertility has a certain masculine taste; The man, with the permission to say, just the "fruitless animal".

If you have a character, you have and your typical remnants that are constantly repeated.

If we have to retrain in relation to some person, then we are having sternly by the inconvenience, which he causing it.

There is the innocence of admiration: it has the one who has not yet occurred to them, which they can ever admire.

There is a hatred of lies and pretense, resulting from sensitivity in matters of honor; There is the same hatred arising from cowardice, because a lie is forbidden by the Divine Command. Too cowardly to lie ...

A woman will learn to hate to the extent that she is enchanted to charming.

Woman consider deep - why? Because she will never get the bottom. Woman even not chalk.

And the most courageous of us only rarely possesses the courage to the fact that he actually knows ...

From the military school of life: that he does not kill me, then makes me stronger.

Are you, who looks like a viewer? Or who participates? - Or who does not pay attention, goes to the party? The third question of conscience.

Of the personism, we sometimes hug the first oncoming (because it is impossible to hug everyone): but this is exactly what you should not open the first oncoming ...

It is not enough to have a talent: you need to have your permission to do this, - aren't my friends?

Other peacock hides from all his peacock tail - and calls it with his pride.

A person who rejoicing praise, only detects the courtesy of the heart - and just something opposite to the vanity of the mind.

Instinct. - When the house burns, they even forget about dinner. Yes - but he is convicted on the ash region.

How little is needed for happiness! Break sound. - Without music, life would be delusion. German represents even God by sinking songs.

"How many had no time to bite conscience! What good teeth were her! - And now? What is missing?" - Question of the dentist.

How? great person? - I still see only the actor of my own ideal.

How? Have you chosen virtue and sublime feelings, and at the same time dare to the ladies of the people of unceremonious? - But by choosing virtue, refuse to be "lady" ... entrance door anti-Semitis)

How? Is the man just to miss God? Or is God only a person's miss?

His books experienced their era, and his thoughts have long disassembled quotes

About truth and mind

1. And you tell me, friends, that there can be no disputes about tastes and views? But all life is a dispute about tastes and views.

2. Beliefs are more dangerous enemies of truth than false.

3. In the end, no one can of things, including from books, learn more than he already knows.

About books

4. The generally accepted books are always silent books: the smell of little people sticks to them.

5. The book that you love, do not have to take, you need to have.

About time and history

6. The one who has no two-third time for himself, there is a slave.

7. We are the heirs of the Vivissection and self-reliance committed during the two millennia.

8. We live not for the sake of the future. We live to keep our past.

9. Little policy time ends. Already the next century will lead to the struggle for domination on earth.

About a human

10. People find their own life much more pleasant if they cease to compare it with the life of other people.

11. God died: now we want to live superman.

12. I was looking for great people, and only the monkeys of their ideal always found.

13. In respectable people, I last reveals the evil, which they are worn in themselves.

About power

14. Who wants to become a driver of people, should take their dangerous enemy among them during a good period of time.

15. To be great - it means to give direction.

16. The dominance of virtues can be achieved only with the help of the same funds that dominance at all achieve, and, in any case, not by virtue.

17. Wherever I find life, I also found the will to power.

About good and evil

18. The most erroneous people's ideas are the following: The thing exists, therefore, it has the right to it.

19. I hate people who do not know how to forgive.

About love

20. There are two ways to save you from suffering: Fast death and long love.

21. "Love your neighbor" means, first of all: "Leave your neighbor alone!" - And just this detail of virtues is associated with the greatest difficulties.

22. Requesting requirement is not a requirement of love, but vanity.

23. A good marriage is based on talent for friendship.