Repairs Design Furniture

Feeding chair size for manufacture. Child chair do-it-yourself - drawings sizes of the scheme. Feeding chair with her own hands - Separate words about wood and paintwork

We collect a growing chair with your own hands.
I think it will be superfluous once again to talk about the relevance of the problem of preserving the right posture in children. One of the most important conditions is to ensure the correct posture of the seat, which depends on the set of parameters. Conventional chairs will not fit. Unfortunately, office chairs with a gas lift are also not able to solve this problem, since there are neither an adjustable footrest, nor adjustment of the seating, and alone the adjustments of the height of the seating and the angle of the back of the back is not enough. In such a situation, a special adjustable chair will become an excellent solution!

On the Internet you can find many different options for every taste. From the whole manifold chose the structurally favorite.

The design is not so simple as it may seem at first glance. It is very technological. It is important to take into account the ratio of the size of the elements, their mutual location, strength and sustainability of the entire structure. Of course, no drawings on the manufacturer's website or on the Internet could not find. Therefore, I had to develop the drawings. The more interesting. The design went for several days.

Unfortunately, in my disposal there is no plotter to display images of the desired size, and the program in which I worked does not know how to print large images in parts (or just could not figure out how to do it). Therefore, I had to solve the problem with the neighbral paths. Drawings of parts were saved as ordinary photos with great resolution. Next, using a free Posterazor program, converted to PDF documents containing drawings on the desired scale and divided into separate sheets of A4 format.

Do I have the right to publish them? Will there be no copyright? After all, the chair I was peered on the Internet and someone developed him! Let's deal with.

This situation can be viewed from two points of view: ethical and legal. The ethical side of the question is determined, because here there is a whole range of quite reasoned opinions and most likely come to the truth. But from a legal point of view, the search for truth is not so hopeless.

So, legally, a chair cannot be an object of copyright. In this case, according to GK, it may be either a useful model or an industrial model that is recognized and protected only under the condition of state registration, on the basis of which the federal executive authority for intellectual property issues a patent. On the manufacturer's website, no speech patents do not go, most likely, no one has a patent. Honestly, I do not see that it is possible to patent - in comparison with the analogues, neither a special novelty or originality. Although the design is quite successful. Yes, and at I did not find it. So, therefore, I do not break any patent rights for the absence of those.

But the drawings, according to the Administrative Code, are copyright objects and are protected without any registration by default, as a type of works of fine art, (programs for computer, by the way, as literary works). The drawings developed by me are not an exact copy of the original, which is not available to me, but are the result of intellectual work and reflect my vision of the design, the general features of which saw in the photos. And on the publication of the results of their work, I have a full right as the author. Unlike those who, without permission and references to the source, places articles from my blog on their sites to attract visitors. You have to install copyrights in the photo.

Well, enough for the bore, it's time for business!
Drawings of a growing chair can be downloaded by reference:
If there is no details in the archive, then its description will be further in the text.

We print them as a regular multi-page document on A4 sheets. At the same time, in the print wizard Acrobat Reader, it is important not to forget to specify the "real size" scale. As a result, after gluing individual sheets, we get the drawing of the part on the scale of 1: 1.

Cut the drawing of racks along the contour and stick it on a sheet of plywood.

As a material for racks, a plywood with a thickness of 22 mm is selected. Cut the first part by retreating 5 mm contour. In general, the quality and accuracy of the cut is not very important. If only some reserve remained.

Now the resulting coarse edges of the workpiece must be aligned exactly according to the drawing. Usually, to designate this action, I use the term "combing". To do this, press a flat rack to the workpiece along the drawing line and pass through the edge of the copier with the upper bearing. Roundings processed by directing the milling hand with a subsequent edge of the grinding machines. You can spend more time to spend on this workpiece. It will serve as a template and the quality of the remaining racks depends on the quality of its processing.

Now, having a template, mark and cut out the rest of the blanks for the racks

Next, with the help of self-samples, we fix the pattern on the workpieces. To twist the screws in the template we make holes, in those places in which there will be holes for fastening the seating and footrest. At the same time, the shirl-screw hat should not be issued from the template.

And with the help of a copy cutter, align the edges of the workpiece by template.

Using a milling mill inserted into the table, we make the groove in which the elements fixing the seat and foot stand will move. For simplicity, I decided to call them sluts. The depth of the groove is 10 mm, the width of the groove is 24 mm (it would be more convenient to make a width of the groove, equal to the width of the available plywood - 22 mm, but there was no such cutter in the workshop).

In the middle of the groove at equal distances we make holes. On the reverse side of the workpiece at the point of the drill exit, it is necessary to put the bar to put the bar so that the drill does not break the bottom layer of the veneer. Close or disguise such chip will be extremely difficult.

Similarly, we do with runners. We print the drawing in real size, cut out and glue on the plywood sheet. Next, cut out with a reserve and "combat", as they did with a rack template.

From the same sheet of plywood, 22 mm jigsaw roughly with a margin cut out future runners.

All the same self-drawing fix template on the workpiece

And on the milling table with a copy cutter, equalize the edges of the blanks on the pattern.

With the help of the edge cutting milling cutters, twigrate the edges on all the resulting details. Radius of rounding 4.8 mm.

Next, the rail is cut, with the help of which the runners come into engagement with the groove on the racks. Rake height 20 mm, width 24 mm. Because Nor 20 mm, no 24mm plywood I did not have, rake was decided to make a massive ash. This wood has excellent strength characteristics.

In the runners on the milling table, an appropriate chute was made and rails are glued into it. At the same time, when you do a chute, you must not forget that the runners are right and left.

After drying glue, the rails are cut and covered with a flush with a slut. Also in runners made holes for fixing them on racks.

Also in runners are erected in parallel floor. The depth of the gutter is 10 mm, width 16 mm. In these gutters will be recorded seating and footrests. On the next photo you can see ready-made slides.

Similarly, we do with the seating patterns and foot stands: We print the drawing, glue it to the phaneer and cut out the workpiece.

In order to make smooth roundings used a thin rail from 5 mm plywood passed between self-draws defining the desired radius. It bends well and creates smooth transitions. How it is done in the photo:

As a result, we get two templates - footrests (left) and seats (right). Next, we work with them along the already spent scheme - place the workpiece (we supply the templates with a pencil) and cut them with an electrollized with an indentation of 5 mm. For them, a 16 mm plywood is used, although it is possible to 22 mm. Fix the template on the workpiece using the screws and we work out the edges of the copier. Having ready-made templates All operation takes a few minutes. The smallest holes left on the finished parts can be either just ignored due to their minor size, or hide with putty at the grinding stage. Personally, I went on the first way. Do not forget to round the edges using the edge steam mill.

The template for the back did "in place." Therefore, there is no drawing back. The upper and lower edge did on the seating pattern. The height of the back is 100 mm, width is 464 mm (the depth of the groove for the backrest in the racks is 10 mm). After the template is ready, we make a pair of backs over it with a pair of back in a few minutes using an electrollized and copy cutter.

Total three crossbars in the chair. They are made of the same sheet of 22 mm. The dimensions of the crossbar fixing the slots 399x50x22 mm. Lower crossbar (at the bottom near the floor) - 444x30x22 mm. With a straight cutter 10 mm, we make grooves for secret furniture nuts - barrels.

Next, we make a groove for the back. Gulbery tilt the back chose in accordance with GOST 19301.2-94. "Furniture children's preschool ..." the angle of inclination of the back on it is at least 5 degrees and more. My stool has an angle of 11 degrees - it seems to me a very comfortable angle.

We get a small pile of details

Each chair is assembled on the hexagon bolts and furniture hidden braid nuts. Bolts have dimensions of 6x70 and 6x50, nuts - 10x20 and 10x12. The fastener set is presented in the photo.

Ready. As they say, "Looks like the truth." When assembling, the quality of manufacturing and fitting parts is checked, small disadvantages are eliminated, "refinement with a file" is being performed. On this, the pylon-drilling-milling stage is completed.

The grinding and painting stage begins. Now the chairs are completely disassembled and all parts are grouped before applying the coating. Used paper 180. Somehow I had to convert 80 and even 40.

Painting works are separate discipline. Poor finish coating can spoil all the work. Winter on the street and the lack of heating in the workshop introduced their own adjustments to the usual process. Painting the chair had to go straight at home. Therefore, neither kraskopultum nor multicomponent stinking varnishes cannot be used - only inappropriate water varnish and brush.

Because The chair did from the remains of plywood, some details had contaminants. Unfortunately, it was not possible to completely get rid of them with grinding, so I decided to cover one chair with dark color - "Mahagon", the second - glossy opaque enamel of dairy color. While ready only first. The second, milk, is waiting for his time.

If, after applying the first layer of varnish, the color is unevenly, the details due to varying degrees of absorption are coated with oscillates, the pile has risen and the surface has become like a sandpaper, and in general it looks terrible and want to quit everything, then you are on the right track. After drying the first layer (three-to-four hours), we take the emery paper with graininess 180 and grind all the rissed pile. Next, we put the second layer, after the drying of which the surface has become a little better - there is no pile and the color left smaller, but still far from the picture on the label with varnish. Therefore, we mature the details of the same sandpaper and put the third layer. Behind him fourth. Etc. We continue until the result becomes satisfying you. For this I had enough five layers, which were spent two days.

Growing chair is ready. The cost of two chairs is a sheet of plywood 1500x1500 mm thick 22 mm, fasteners on 50 p. And bank varnish. This is also electricity, depreciation of fixed assets, work salary.

I saw similar designs of 250 US dollars on Amazon - not the price, but some kind of tin. We, of us, of course, are much cheaper.

Despite the dubious design design is quite thoughtful.
This is not just a children's chair, it's rather office furniture for a schoolboy. Because it is schoolchildren who hold many hours first at the lessons, and then behind the computer games and for them, the correct convenient posture for posture, less fatigue and preservation of vision. At the same time, schoolchildren also grow actively.

For greater comfort, you can make removable soft linings on the seat and back. As an option. But I do not see much need - usually school furniture without pillows. The armrests are also without much need, because during the letter or when working on the keyboard, the elbows should freely lie on the table so as not to cause voltage in the shoulders. All these calculations are described in general, the set of guests and the growing chair corresponds to them. In general, I am satisfied with the result.

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To ensure your child comfortable, durable, beautiful furniture, without spending a lot of money, you need to make it yourself. Start with a smaller - try to make a chair with your own hands. Consider the photos presented on the Internet of such pieces of furniture, ready-made schemes, drawings, determine which sizes should have a finished product, how it will fit into the interior of the children's room, etc.

What material to choose?

An important value is the choice of manufacturing material. Of course, it will depend on financial capabilities, master's skills, but it is impossible to miss the factor of its naturalness and security for the health of the child. In the production of children's furniture, it is best to use the raw materials of their deciduous trees. The advantage belongs to beech, since its wood is characterized by good density, hardness, easy to process (for example, compared to oak). You can also use a lipa, birch. From coniferous breeds - pine, spruce, but in order during operation on the surface of the product, resin spots are not formed, the wood should be desirable.

Choosing wood for the chair, be sure to note that the blanks are without bitch. Such sections of the tree are worse than the processing, they are less strong. The active use of the stool can lead to a breakdown at the site of the bitch, as a result - to injure the child.

Inexpensive wood materials include Phaneur. It consists of several layers of veneer of coniferous and hardwood trees. In addition to low prices, plywood are small, as well as ease of work. The elasticity of the material allows you to create original curved forms of various parts.

The chipboard is considered the most short-lived, but cheap material. The essential disadvantage is the use of formaldehyde, phenol formaldehyde resins in its production (6-18%). Also, the chipboard does not have a dense texture, because of this attachment do not differ reliability. In children's furniture from chipboard (as well as from plywood) often make flat details: seats, backs, table top tables.

What is needed for the manufacture of a wooden children's chairs

We offer drawings and the procedure for making a children's chair. Its dimensions:

  • the height of the product is 630 mm;
  • distance between legs: in depth (from the front to rear) - 280 mm, in width (between the front / rear) - 320 mm;
  • leg length: rear - 630 mm, front - 410 mm.

For a more reliable connection, the parts will be simultaneously used with screws, as well as spikes.

To make your own hands a wooden chair to a child, you need to prepare the following materials, tools and fasteners in advance:

  • Bar cross section 50x50 mm will be used in the framework of the frame.
  • Bar 20x40 mm for rigidity and crossbar.
  • From plywood, boards or a piece of array 30x10 mm make a chair seat.
  • To enhance the reliability of perpendicular compounds, we use metal corners.
  • Electric jigsaw or hacksaw.
  • Plane.
  • Screwdriver or electric drill.
  • If the mount is carried out with the help of spikes, you need an electric power.
  • Sandpaper or grinding machine for giving smoothness with wooden surfaces.
  • Roulette, square, ruler.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. First you need to cut off the bar (20x35) 4 legs. 2 of them should be 410 mm long and 2 more - 630 mm. Then you prepare 4 connecting staps (from the same timber) with a length of 280 mm. They will be entrusted with the function of rigidity, as well as handrails.
  2. With the help of standard diameter spikes (from 8 to 10 mm), we perform the connection of the left legs: a short front and long rear. In the right places of the connectable parts, drill the opening electrode. In order for the connection to be strong, the hole should have a smaller diameter with a 0.5 mm than spikes. Then we abundantly lubricate each hole with glue and tightly score a spike into it.

  1. Next, perform at an altitude of 250 and 410 mm connecting the front and rear legs with crossbars (we get the height on which the seat will be installed).
  2. Similarly, in the same sequence, it is necessary to make with right legs - connect the front and rear.
  3. Places where the legs of the chair with crossbars are connected, additionally amplify metal corners. Fresh them on the self-tapping screw.
  4. Upon completion, compare the two constructions obtained. They must mirror a repeat one another, otherwise the chair will be uneven.
  5. We fasten both halves using bars 20x20x310 mm. Drive in crossbars with a diameter of 8 mm in the crossbars. We screw in them with self-tapping screws containing internal hexagon depresses in the head. At the end of this process, we get almost the finished chairs yet without a back and seats.
  6. At the next stage of work, you need to make a back. To do this, take a few (2-3) pieces of plywood or plank with parameters: width - 30 mm, thickness - 10 mm. We glue them between themselves and put under the press until the glue is dry. Fix the back to long legs with small nails. This detail will give the entire design additional rigidity. Similarly (from glued skiing of the same size or plywood) the seat should be made.

Children's furniture should be not only comfortable and easy, but also completely safe for the child. Therefore, after assembling a chairs, it must be processed, cover with varnish or paint. Playing with your furniture, the baby will move it, turn over. All surfaces, edges and connections need to be thoroughly glued with sandpaper or grinding machine, make sharp corners with round.

Several layers of olifa will create a protective coating of the tree, will prolong its operation time. After you can start painting. Choose light or bright colors for children's furniture decor, paints that differ wear resistance will not be peeling. Paint the paint reliably help the layer of colorless lacquer on a water basis.

High chair for kid

Such an original highchair can be done using simple drawings, or even without them from light weight (715 g) and in the work of the material - plywood. The chair has a small size, namely:

  • product height - 360 mm,
  • height to the seat - 180 mm,
  • seat - 190x240 mm,
  • back - 115x235 mm.

From the cardboard you can make a test model to understand whether to your child a chair for such sizes. If this product is not enough, increase it on the desired coefficient and boldly proceed to work.

Materials and tools

  • Plywood with a thickness of 8 mm.
  • You can collect a chair at will be on the spikes or just on the screws.
  • Pern drill, electrolovka.
  • Sandpaper.
  • PVA glue.
  • Drill with screws for connecting parts.
  • Colorless varnish.

Operating procedure

  1. Focusing on data or sizes, draw a pencil on a piece of plywood lateral detail for the chair.
  2. Drill with perico decorative holes. Large - applying an electrolybiz.
  3. So that the second sidewall is exactly the exact same, as the first, the finished item we put on the paneur and describe the pencil. Cut it in the same way.

  1. We make the markup of the back, seats and parts, which gives the stiffery chaul, does not allow separating the sidewalls.
  2. When all the details of the chair are ready, it is necessary to make them absolutely smooth, rounded, diligently pollute the surfaces and especially the place of the cut.
  3. We collect a chairs on glue and secure connections with screws.
  4. At the final stage, we engage in the decor of the chair. Cover it with several layers of the veil, if you want to make darker, or paint in a bright color and cover the layer of varnish water based.

Showing a little fantasy and prepare your own drawings, you can change the appearance and finishing of the chairs, as well as make a table for a child like a similar design. Your child will appreciate it.

Still do not know how to construct a children's chairs yourself? Our article will help you understand all the subtleties of folding this indispensable furniture item. You will make sure that it is easy to collect children's chairs from a tree with their own hands.


Before you start collecting the chairs with your own hands, you should decide on the material. Of course, the tree is the best choice, it is completely safe and environmentally friendly. What kind of wood to choose? Let's start with the beech. Beech is considered a dense and durable tree, and it is easier to work with it than, for example, with oak. If you are looking for something attendant, birch and pine is a good option. But before starting work, it is necessary to use a tree, since the resin, even if it is natural, is unsafe. Also, for the manufacture of the chair, you can choose a fane - a good material made from the layers of a veneer of trees. Plywood is not heavy and easily processed. The chipboard is the most affordable, but at the same time, the most short-lived. It is suitable for the manufacture of stool countertops for feeding.


Material and drawings for children's furniture can be found in any construction store. Drain the tree, leaving indoors with room temperature for a day. Wood will become suitable for work.
You are not sure that you can make all the elements of the chair with your own hands? Contact a construction store.

The back and the seat must be rectangular. Side parts of a children's chair can be made and decorate as you like. Try not to make a highchair with sharp corners - they are dangerous for the child.

Processing material

Naturally, the use of the material in its original form is impossible for a conventional chair and the stool for feeding. It needs to be processed. It can be done with your own hands or contact professionals. The tree should be treated with a manual milling or ordinary emery paper. With a milling, processing needed transverse sections. Cover with varnish. Get the lacquer with the turpentine base - there are no poisonous substances. Perhaps lacquer dry, treat the surface with emery paper several times. For smoothness, cover lacquer again.

Procedure and Design Scheme

On video: Another chalk design option. Be sure to look 🙂

For fasteners of a conventional chair, you can use the seasons. They are good because they can be made from wood with their own hands. Under them should be done with a diameter of 6-8 mm. Slide tightly details on the sewage, tapping the hammer on them. Lock the clamp and leave for 24 hours. If you need to fix the elements of the stool for feeding, it will be more convenient to use confirm. Similar screeds are suitable for folding a large number of parts.

Drawings and schemes you can do yourself or find on the construction site. It is better to do the drawing yourself, measuring the parameters of the child. Carefully calculate the dimensions, the ratio of height and width. Of course, the scheme for the haul for feeding is more difficult to draw yourself, so it is better to turn to ready-made drawings.

If you have made a drawing, but not quite sure whether it is right, test it, folding the cardboard model of the chair.

Typically, children from 1 to 6 are folded either ordinary wooden chairs for games or classes, or a haul for feeding. You can make your own hands a separate small table and chair using the drawing.

Normal Wooden Chair

For ordinary chairs, do it yourself, you will need the following details:

  • 2 short legs, 2 long (53 cm high). Sizes of 4-legs - 3.8 * 3.3 cm;
  • seat (approx .30 * 30 cm);
  • backrest (6 mm thick, 22.5 cm height);
  • bruks under the seat;
  • drawing of ordinary chair.

From the wide parts of high legs should be made angle. Align the sides of the short legs and bars with grinding. Take the drilling machine and set the drill with a diameter of 6 mm. Measure 1.5 cm depth on the drill and mark it using the drawing. Drill along the long legs in places at an angle, having done 12 holes. We choose everything with a chisel with drilled parts, make the grooves. Insert the back in the grooves.

If part of the back rests, cut the triangle, take the back in the groove with a hammer. Make from the sides of the spike bar and round the corners. We make grooves for spikes in the legs. We collect a frame. If the back is too wide and not included in the grooves, measure it too superfluous. Do not forget to make triangles on the sides of the back, so that it is firmly sitting in the grooves. Do not rush to insert into the rear legs. Make a handle for the chair in the back. Mark the distance and cut the hole for the handle.

Insert the back into the frame. Now we make tags for the seat and cut out. Severate the seat and insert into the frame.

Lubricate the holes, elements and spikes for fastening, fix the clamps, leave dry.

Wooden Children's Chair for Feeding

On a wooden chair for feeding the child will have to spend more time and money. In order to make such a piece of furniture with your own hands, you will need:

  • bruks with a cross section 400 * 200 mm
  • board (thickness 20 mm)
  • warfather plate size 2000 * 2100 mm.
  • drawing Chair for feeding

For the chair will be needed: 4 legs, 2 upper crossbars and 2 bottoms, cross-shoes 3 pcs., Tabletop.
For the table: legs, planks, cross-shoes for 4 pieces, countertop

We cut the parts for the chair from the bars, process the sandpaper. Elements for stool pens cut out from the board. We connect with the help of a wanking and glue. Under the waders need holes in a depth of 30 mm.

For the sidewall, you will need crossbars, 2 roundings, 2 legs. Lubricate the wrappers and holes with glue. To begin with, collect the lower crossbar and legs (the angle should be 90 degrees). Then we collect the upper crossbar and two roundings. We tighten all the clamp. We leave on one day. The second sidewall is similar. Make sure they are the same.

Now another important stage is the collection of seats and backs. Here be attentive, since the children are very nonsense during feeding, so all the details must be fixed hard. You need 6 parts from the slab with dimensions of 300 * 250 mm. Corners round up so that the radius was 50 mm. Next you need to engage the ends of the ends. Lubricate with glue parts and press. You can connect the back and seat with screws. We glue the planks crossing the sidewalls. Then you need to connect the legs with all the straps, we attach the sidewalls by crossings and on one with the ends fix the worktop. We get a finished children's chair for feeding.

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Furniture in the nursery should be high-quality, eco-friendly, hypoallergenic. But many manufacturers do not pay attention to increased demands on children's furniture - use low quality materials, make fastening unreliable. The use of such furniture can harm your child. That is why some parents come to the opinion that it is worth making a children's table and their own hands. Moreover, it is not so difficult to assemble it.


Of course, choosing material for children's furniture, it is worth stopping your choice on a natural array of wood. Wooden table and chair will be not only an ornament in the children's room, but also eco-friendly, will not cause allergies, will become practical furniture objects.

Table and chairs are better made from a tree beech. It is easy to process and does not secrete resin. But as a budget version is quite suitable for pine or birch, only they need to be desirable, since the resin is unsafe for the child, and the clothes can spoil.

Plywood, like the cheapest material, is also quite acceptable in the manufacture of a children's chairs. It will easily result in the weight of the child, light, well-processed.

Chipboard is a very fragile material and can come only for the table top.

Alternatively, you can build a table and a chair from plastic bottles in the dacha in the zone of the playground. At the same time, it is practically no need to invest money, and when exposed to weather conditions, this kit will not be.


Initially, you need to make detailed drawings with all sizes. Please note that when planning furniture for a child cannot be made of sharp corners, which the child can be born during active games.

If you are not quite confident in stability, before making parts made of wood, make a cardboard layout on 1: 1.

To bonding parts, you can use spikes and glue, but for the reliability of the design it is better to use self-drawers and corners of various shapes.

Processing material

Before assembly, you need to process all the details. To do this, you can use the electrolaws, or to open wood with sandpaper.

Then you can process with various dyes such as simply emphasize the texture of the tree or paint.

If you want to cover the products with varnish, it is better to choose it on the basis of a turpidar. It does not contain toxic substances, and does not harm your child to your child. After you covered the details of the lacquer, it is necessary to handle its sandpaper. And then cover the finish layer of varnish. In this case, the wood will be well protected, and the shine will not disappear for many years.

We make a regular chair and table

To build an ordinary chair, we need to cut the following details:

  1. Short legs - 2 pieces, 25 cm long, cross section 3.3x 3.8 cm.
  2. Long legs - 2 pieces, 53 cm high, cross section of 3.3x3.8 cm.
  3. Back - 1 piece, 10x30 cm.
  4. Seat - 1 piece, 30x30 cm.

The crossbars for the strapping of the chair under the seat - 2 pieces, a length of 25.7 cm, 2 minutes with a length of 25.2 cm.

At the same time, the legs must be escaped from the middle of the chair. Long, reduce the thickness to the top to 1.9 cm, and short - to the bottom to 2.4 cm. It is necessary so that the front legs do not interfere with the legs, and the back was under a slight slope.

First, fasten the rear legs, for this, screw the crossbar with self-links. The same is done with the front, and freamed them among themselves.

Then screw the back. We assume that all the details have a clear horizontal mount. Otherwise, the aesthetic appearance of the chair will not be very good.

In the end of the assembly, we screw the seat.

For the table, we will need 4 legs, the bond from the same bar. They make them from the bar and a countertop, we are made of plywood or LDSP. Sizes here depend on your wishes and growth of the child

We collect the strapping, in the corners of the feet of the legs and on top we screw the countertop. Table ready. The size of the screw must be carefully chosen, otherwise you can drill the tabletop through that it will break the aesthetic appearance and can pervise your child.

Mastery chairs from plywood

Since plywood is easily processed. It is easy to make a thread stool from it.

In order to make it you need:

  • A sheet of plywood, 8 mm thick.
  • Drill, electrolovik.
  • Drill, screws.
  • Sandpaper.
  • PVA glue.
  • Consumer lacquer based on turpentar.

Based on its sizes, we transfer the drawing of the chair on the sheet of plywood. Electrolovka can be cut out an unusual shape of the opening, which will give an interesting view of the stool.

To the sidewalls of the chair were completely identical, you must first cut one one, then it is to circle it on a sheet of plywood so that the second side wall is completely coincided with the first.

You can perform them in the form of elephant. It turns out the original stool design.

After all parts are cut, cuts must be carefully polished using sandpaper.

We collect a chairs, for this I will fond the seat and the back of the glue, and fix all the self-draws.

Cover the lacquer chair.

Making a chairs for kid feeding

The easiest model of this chair is a transformer that is easily folded into a separate small table and chair.

We make the basis from the wood array, the back and the seat of the chairs - from plywood. Tabletop - from LDSP.

We will need a wooden bar, a cross section of 20x40 mm, LDSP, the size of 200x340 for the table top on the chair and 450x380 mm on the table, scene plywood. In the absence of LDSP, the countertops can also be made of plywood.

First collect the table. From bars we make two frames. We connect their crossbars so that later between them it was possible to insert the legs of the chair. Finish the tabletop.

The chair is made in the same way as an ordinary chair, only for seating and backs, we use the Faneer to be sewed to sew a calene case and insert the foam rubber for softness. This will make it easily laundering the chair if the kid stains it with food, and will not allow the foam rubber to wet.

Other species

You can also make furniture for the cottage from plastic bottles. To do this, select the bottles of the same size. The child is quite sufficient to a capacity of 1 liters. Watching scotch, forming a seat. For the surface to be smooth, cover with a wooden box. It remains to be sewed a dermatina case, and an excellent stool for the garden is ready.

How to decorate

Even the most good furniture made by your own hands may not please your child. Therefore, it must be decorated. To do this, you can use different ways.

Bright paint. This is the easiest method. It is possible before coating with varnish, paint the table and a chair bright paint, thereby attracting the attention of the child.

If you have a drawing ability, you can draw different cartoon characters or simply apply a children's drawing.

If the appearance of your chair turned out not very beautiful, but reliable, then all the flaws can be hidden, sewing a cover from the fabric. It can always be filtered if necessary.

Another method of decorating the chair is stickers. They can be bought already ready or to make self-adhesive film themselves using a stencil.


Chairs and tables with their own hands can make any, what is enough for your imagination and the ability to handle the tools.

It all started with the fact that I had a daughter :) Now she is 1.3 years old and she has already learned to deftly sit down to the dad on the knees and read the book. Each child, as in an adult, should have its own chair. Searches in children's stores were not crowned with success, all plastic chairs and large or with a pork hole. We needed a normal chair for the seating, for a very little girl.

Here he is a chair, made with his own hands for a couple of evenings, not a work of art, but very comfortable and the daughter checks out!

There were no drawings initially, everything was done on the eye.

On the photo, my daughter is already sitting on a new chair :)

Children's chair made from plywood 8 mm. Details are glued with PVA glue, several screws and the whole design is covered with a breaking varnish in one layer. Stool weight 715 grams, the child calmly drags him around the apartment.

Height from the floor to seating 180 mm, the size of the seat cover is 240x190 mm, the height of the floor chair to the top edge of the backrest is 360 mm, the sizes of the backrest 235x115 mm.

Test version of the chair was made of cardboard in three minutes. He was made to get approximate sizes and understand how comfortable it would be for the child. To satisfy the baby on this chair did not really work out, but in size it turned out to be!

To make the second part of the chair, I just circled the first pencil and also cut out the jigsaw.

By the way, I must say about connecting details. Initially, I thought everything was done without screws and nails, and since everything was made with an expression, then without errors it did not cost. The photo shows below that the details have spikes, there is not enough spikes on the details on the right, I forgot to draw it and saws :)

Schip on the details on the left, I later dug, so the back had to be fixed with screws.

Below in the photo Detail of the back and the item, which is under the seat, it does not give a chair to swing. On this detail, also had to be spikes, about which I also forgot :)

After all the details of the chair are drinking, everything must be cleaned with sandpaper, I spent a bunch of time for a single kink! After all the glue plow glue or twist the screws, if suddenly you like it to make spikes :) And finally, cover the product with a layer of varnish or how fashionably make decoupage. I would like to paint a chair with bright colored paints, but while left a blank color of the tree.

Update: cut a few such chairs on the CNC, so I had to transfer the drawings to AutoCAD.

Alice: "And I still will sit on my father's chairs!":)

Send pictures of your chairs and satisfied smiles of kids, mail address on page