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What is a morphological analysis of the words on specific examples. How to make a morphological analysis of the word

Glag Collection Plan

I. Part of speech, general grammatical meaning and question.
II. Initial form (infinitive). Morphological signs:
A. Permanent morphological signs:
1 view (perfect, imperfect);
2 return (non-returnable, returnable);
3 transitivity (transitional, non-transition);
4 conjugation;
B. Non-permanent morphological signs:
1 mood;
2 time (in the zealing inclination);
3 number;
4 face (in the present, the future; in imperative inclination);
5 rank (In the singular time and subjunctive inclination).
III Role in sentence (What a member of the sentence is the verb in this sentence).

Samples of learning verbs

Love to ride - Love and Santocho carry (proverb).


  1. what are you doing?
  2. N. f. - be in love. Morphological signs:
    1) imperfect;
    2) non-return;
    3) transitional;
    4) II Hiding.

    2) of the present time;
    3) the only number;
    4) 2nd persons.


  1. Verb; denotes action; answers the question what to do?
  2. N. f. - ride. Morphological signs:
    A) Permanent morphological signs:
    1) imperfect;
    2) Return;
    3) non-repease;
    4) I Hiding.
    B) non-permanent morphological signs. Used in the form of an infinitive (unchanged form).
  3. The proposal is part of a composite verb faith.


  1. Verb; denotes action; answers the question what do you do?
  2. N. f. - be in love. Morphological signs:
    A) Permanent morphological signs:
    1) imperfect;
    2) non-return;
    3) transitional;
    4) II Hiding.
    B) non-permanent morphological signs. Used in shape:
    1) imperative inclinations;
    2) the only number;
    3) 2nd persons.
  3. The proposal is part of a composite verb faith.

Pakhote began (Provine).


  1. Verb; denotes action; answers the question what did you do?
  2. N. f. - to begin. Morphological signs:
    A) Permanent morphological signs:
    1) perfect species;
    2) Return;
    3) non-repease;
    4) I Hiding.
    B) non-permanent morphological signs. Used in shape:
    1) expressive inclinations;
    2) past time;
    3) the only number;
    4) female genus.
  3. The proposal is a surehead.


Details of the morphological parsing vary depending on which part of speech we are dealing with. But the overall always remains unchanged. At the first stage, it is necessary to determine which part of speech belongs to the disassembled word and on what grounds (which question to it can be set). Then the word is put in the initial form and its unchanged morphological signs are determined - those that are characteristic of it in all forms. Describing the "Word as a whole", you can move to the context, by defining those signs that are inherent in this sentence (for example, a case for nouns, a genus and a number for adjectives and so on). The last stage is the syntactic role of the word in the sentence (which is a member of the sentence it is). A syntax role is determined only for significant parts of speech - service words are not considered members of the proposal. Consider a morphological parsing scheme on several examples for different parts of speech.

Hearing nouns

Debaming scheme:
- definition of the word as part of speech (name noun, denotes an object or face, answers the question "Who?" Or "What?");
- definition of the initial form, i.e. nominative case in the singular;
- Analysis of permanent signs (is a noun or inanimate, animate or inanimate, to which grammatical kind refers, the type of declination);
- non-permanent signs defined in the context (number and case),
- The role in the proposal, which examines the noun (usually subject to or addition).

For example, we will analyze the word "cats" in the sentence "In March cats sing songs on the roofs."
Cats - noun (who?). Initial form - cat. Permanent signs are an animated, nominal, male genus, 2. Non-permanent signs are a nominative case, a plural. The role in the proposal is subject to.

Debriefing the name of the adjective

Debaming scheme:
- Definition of the word as part of speech (the adjective name, denotes the sign of the subject, answers the question "What?"),
- definition of the initial form, i.e. Men's nominative case in the singular;
- permanent morphological signs (for adjectives, this is only a discharge - qualitative, relative or it is);
- non-permanent signs (for high-quality adjectives, the degree of comparison is determined and the form is complete or brief, for all of the representatives of this part of speech - the number, the genus in the singular and the case);
- The role in the proposal (as a rule, the adjective is or registered part of the facility).

For example, consider the adjective "birch" in the sentence "The window of the apartment went on a birch grove."
Berezova - the adjective name, answers the question "What?" And denotes a sign of the subject. The initial form is birch. Permanent sign of adjective - relative. Non-permanent signs are the only number, female genus, accusative case. The function in the proposal is the definition.

Morphological analysis of verb

The declaration of verbs is based on the same scheme, the initial form is considered an infinitive. If the analysis is subjected to a composite verb (such, for example, as "will be linked" or "to go") - for the parsing, it is discharged from the proposal entirely if parts are divided by in other words. This part of the speech indicates the form (perfect or imperfect it), transition or incompleteness, repayment and type of touch.

The greatest complexity in the analysis of verbs causes the transfer of non-permanent signs - their set is highly dependent on a specific form. Non-permanent signs may be as follows:
- inclination - expressive, imperative or conditional (indicated for all verbs),
- number (where it is determined),
- the present, past or future time (determined only in the verbs of the image of the display),
- face (for the present and future time of the expressive verbs, as well as for the verbs in the imperative),
- Rod (only for the verbs of the only number of past time of the isexic and conditional inclination).

Disbanding numericual names

When analyzing the numeral, as an initial form, a nominative case is indicated for quantitative numerals, for ordinal - the same case in the singular male race. Listing the constant features, it is necessary to specify, simple, complex or composite is numerical and determine whether it is quantitative or ordinal. In non-permanent features, the case is indicated (always), genus and number - in cases where they can be defined.

Morphological parsing of service parts of speech

The service parts of the speech are not changed, are not members of the sentence, therefore they are carried out under a simplified scheme. The first point is indicated to which part of speech they belong (preposition, union or particle) and is called its general value. As morphological signs are listed as follows:
- For - simple or composite, it is derived or non-derivative;
- for the Union - written it or submitting, simple or composite;
- For a particle - discharge.

When characterizing the syntactic role of service words, it is sometimes especially indicated that they are not members of the sentence.

Morphemic parse the words - parse According to the composition, determination and allocation of significant word-forming parts of the word. Morphemic parse Precedes word-forming - defining how the word appeared.



Always remember that the adverbs, infinitives, verbalists, the official parts of speech and the unclean nouns are not expirations, which means the basis will be all the word.

The morphological analysis implies the word parsing as part of speech and determining his role in the proposal - a syntactic role. Each part of speech has its own characteristics and, accordingly, methods of morphological parsing.


Before proceeding to the analysis of constant and non-permanent morphological signs, determine which part of speech is the word considered. To do this, it is necessary to determine that this word is indicating and what. Then put the word in question in and install permanent (unchanged) morphological features of this form.

The next action, define non-perceptible signs in this context.

At the final third stage, determine the syntactic role of the test word in the proposal, that is, what a member of the proposal or, if this is the service part of speech, is not.

Consider as an example of the proposal: "Make morphological analysis."
I. Part of speech: do - verb, indicates the action: (What are you doing?) We do.

II. Morphological signs.

1. Initial form (uncertain form): do.

2. Permanent signs:

1) View: imperfect.

2) Return: Non-returnable.

3) Inspection-failure: transitional.

4) Hiding: 1st lining.

3. Non-permanent signs:

1) Test: Expressive.

2) Time (if any): Present.

3) face (if any): 1 person.

4) Number: Multiple.

5) Rod (if any): -

III. Syntactic function: in the sentence is simple verbal to be sure.

I. Part of speech: morphological - name, denotes a sign of the subject: (which?).

II. Morphological signs:

1. Protective form: morphological

2. Constituted signs:

1) The discharge by value: relative.

2) the comparison degree (for high-quality): -

3.Nepotsed signs:

1) Rod: Male.

Make (who? What?) Hall.

The morphological analysis is a characteristic of the word as part of speech taking into account the specifics of its use in a particular offer. Such a parse allows you to identify the constant and variable properties of the word.


Symptoms for which are produced, differ for different parts of speech, i.e. It is impossible to analyze the same as or. It is impossible because each part of speech has its own properties that distinguish it from others. It is to identify these properties that morphological analysis is directed. However, its main principles are the same for all parts of speech.

First, the general grammatical is indicated. At this stage you need to determine which part of speech you are dealing, and what is his role. For example, when analyzing a noun role will be the designation of the subject. Here, select the initial form of the variable parts of speech.

Select permanent, unchanged properties of an united unit. At this stage, the morphological value of the word is determined. For each part of speech, a set of permanent features. For example, for noun constants are: own / nominal, animation /, genus and.

The next stage of morphological is the syntactic role designation in the proposal. This characteristic fully depends on the context. If you need to make a morphological analysis of the noun, given outside the sentence, then this moment should be omitted. Most often, the noun in the sentence is subject to or addition, but there are such cases when it acts as a faithful.

Tip 6: how to make a morphological analysis of adjectives

The morphological analysis considers the word as part of the speech and the features of its use in a given proposal. The adjective name is one of the list of independent parts of speech.


Non-permanent signs of adjective much more than constant. If the adjective quality, then it depends on the degree of comparison and the form (complete or brief). It happens that the qualitative adjective does not have a brief form or the degree of comparison. Then his form relates to constant features.

It is worth remembering that when performing a morphological analysis of the name of the adjective, it must be written out of the sentence unchanged. If its syntactic role is for with a pretext (for example, "in a beautiful place"), then you do not need to touch, because it does not apply to the adjective.

It is also necessary to remember that this part of speech may have an integral form (for example, the "closest"). Then the adjective need to be written out of the offer completely.

And it is not necessary to forget that the non-permanent sign of the case is the adjectives of only full form. When analyzing, it is necessary to indicate only constant features.

Morphology is a grammar section that studies the word as part of speech. In Russian, there are ten parts of speech, which is accepted to divide on independent, official and interjections.

Perform pace

The morphological analysis of words is carried out according to a certain scheme in a strict order. In order to analyze the words in parts of speech, you need to determine:

  1. general grammatical meaning;
  2. morphological signs (or grammatical values);
  3. syntactic role.

Analysis of the word as part of speech is the simultaneously capacious and complete characteristics of a separate word form, taking into account the grammatical features of its use. Each part of speech has permanent and changing features. When analyzing, you need to be able to determine which part of speech is the word, find its initial shape, extract morphological signs.

Morphological analysis, the example of which is presented on our website, will help improve the analysis skills.

In order to correctly perform the morphological analysis of the word, you should remember the sequence and principle of analysis. So, you must first select the general signs of speech parts, and then find specific signs of this word form.

General Speech Collection Scheme

Morphological analysis plan Next:

  1. Specify part of speech and its value, what a question is responsible for.
  2. Put the word in the initial form: IP, units - for nouns, im.p., units, m.r. - For adjectives, an indefinite form - for verbs (what (s) to do?).
  3. Determine permanent signs: nominal or own, animated or inaniseable, genus and decline in nouns; view, repayment, transition and hiding in the verb; The discharge by value, the degree of comparison, complete or brief form of adjectives.
  4. Describe the form in which the word is used: the nouns determine the number and case, the adjectives are the degree of comparison, a brief or complete form, a number, case and genus; The verbs are inclination, time, number, genus or face, if there is.
  5. The role in the proposal - to show how the member is the word in the sentence: secondary or main. Sometimes it is necessary to write to the phrase and show its syntactic role graphically.

Sample noun morphological sample:

On the table stood a jug with milk.

  1. With milk - sults., With which?; Item.
  2. Initial form - milk.
  3. Nennaya, inanimate, medium genus, 2nd declination
  4. In the singular, in the apparel case
  5. Addition.

Our service uses the most modern technology for analyzing morphology and will be useful to those who want to know how to make a morphological analysis.

Basic rules of morphological parsing

It is important to remember that non-permanent signs of adjectives are determined by the word to which it obeys. It should also be borne in mind that the genus can only be determined in the last time of the only number, and the face is in the present and the future.

To determine the syntactic role, it is necessary to know the context related to the Word. So, the noun can act as subject, addition or circumstances. An adjective adjacent to the noun is a definition, and in a brief form can be a sure. The verb is always a surehead. The letter E can change the meaning of the word, and the morphological analysis will be different. For example, Steklo (SUB., and glass (verb., Pr.V.).

How to make a morphological word parsing? First you need to decide what part of speech and understand the specific points associated with this action. In this article we will analyze how to make a morphological analysis.

Most know how to make a word parsing. However, the morphological analysis is simple enough.

The following points must be specified:

  • which part of speech is a specific word;
  • initial form;
  • constant and non-permanent signs;
  • what is the syntactic role in the sentence, with the exception of official.

These are common momentswhich indicate with the analysis of any word, regardless of the part of speech. Now consider in more detail each part of speech. Remember an important point: you first need to characterize it as a whole, and then look at the context of the sentence and continue from it. Also consider that in some parts of the speech you need to be attentive, since for some words, in addition to general features, it is necessary to describe additional characteristics.


The most popular and frequently used part of speech is a noun. The analysis must be done according to the following instructions:

  • initial form;
  • nominal or own;
  • animated or not;
  • number, sole or multiple;
  • declination;
  • female or male family;
  • padge and role in the proposal.

for example: "Man eats pizza". Pizza is the name of the noun, the initial form - pizza, inanimate, in the singular, the second declination, the female genus, the accusative case, plays the role of add-on in the proposal.


The morphological analysis of the verb should be done as follows:

  1. initial form;
  2. transitional or non-repease;
  3. return or non-refundable;
  4. mood;
  5. time - past, present or future;
  6. family and face;
  7. number;
  8. what role plays in the sentence.

Consider example: "They spoke everything in the face, not particularly afraid of the consequences". It was said to be transitional, in perfect form and the last time, the inclusion of the display, the plural, the role in the proposal is to be considered.


Consider how to make a dissemination of an example relating to the communion:

  • initial form;
  • is suffering or valid;
  • time and type of communion;
  • return it or not;
  • for the suffering communion - a brief or complete;
  • in complete communion, the case is indicated;
  • the communion in the singular will require the determination of the kind;
  • the number and role of the word in the proposal.

Example: "In view of the species seeds". Here, we saw - the sacrament, the initial form - who has seen, the actual, past time, the female genus, the perfect appearance, non-returnable, in the singular, the role in the proposal of the agreed definition.


Sometimes this part of speech is considered a special type of verb. Collapse such a word:

  1. what part of the word;
  2. initial form;
  3. it is changeable or not;
  4. view of a test word;
  5. role in sentence.

We will understand: "Leaving from Moscow, you already miss her". There is a designer from the initial shape of the verb to leave, imperfect species, unchangeable, in the sentence acts as an circumstance of an image of action.


Now let's try to understand how the word is dealt with from the other categories. Let's start with adverbs.

If you need to disassemble the word related to the adverb, the scheme will be the following:

  • initial form;
  • pronoun or significant;
  • discharge of adverbs;
  • if there is a degree of comparison;
  • role in sentence.

Example: "Tuchi thickened very low, all darkened". Low - adverb, in the initial form, significant, thorough and high-quality, comparison degree - negative, syntactic role as an circumstance of an image of action.

Example: "Full bucket of water accumulated from the ceiling."Full - adjective, its initial form is a complete, high-quality, full and medium kind, in the vinegenous case, the singular, the comparison degree is positive, the syntactic role is determined.


We reveal the initial form. Then we determine the simple or composite number, it is quantitative or ordinal, the first should determine the discharge, the case, the number, the syntactic role in the proposal.

for example: "Two months have passed". Two - numeral, in primary form, simple, quantitative, whole, nominative case, acts as an integral part of the subject.


Morphological analysis of the words at first glance is quite complicated. An unprepared person can get confused which word, his role in the sentence, his form, and so on. But thanks to our article You cleared these moments. Now you understand what role the word is played in the proposal, step-by-step instructions for the analysis, capture the context of the proposal that determines the role of the word in each case. Learn Russian, disassemble offers and you can learn a lot of new, including concerning the morphological parsing of various parts of speech!


From the video you will learn how to make a morphological analysis of the noun.

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Nowadays, the Russian language undergoes significant losses - wonderedly. And even though the language is replenished with new slang clichés, it does not affect the level of knowledge of the language. Not that various borrowing from foreign languages \u200b\u200bdo not affect our speech, it is more likely to replenish the list of weaknesses of Russian speakers. To eliminate such "places", a huge number of dictionaries are published, encyclopedias, they are also engaged in schools and universities. The World Wide Web is not lagging behind these matters. On the Internet are full of different dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, translators. And for particularly interested in there are also phonetic, orphographic, and morphemes, as well as morphological dictionaries. Consider the last:

You can find on the Internet, of course, anything, that's just no guarantees that the information is reliable. But the presence, for example, the dictionary that carries out not only the morphological analysis of the words of the noun, but also providing various examples causes more trust.

Morphological analysis of the word online for free, in our case - the noun is an excellent opportunity to test your knowledge or fill the gaps. This dictionary provides a full morphological analysis of the noun, indicating:

Animateness and inanimateness;

Initial shape;

Part of speech.

The online dictionary has a convenient searching system in alphabetical order, and each letter is represented by combinations of the first four letters, which significantly reduces the search for the desired word. The content is represented not only by the words of Russian origin, but also by various borrowings, as well as combinations of prepositions and case forms (in our case) nouns names. The presence of such combinations helps not only to produce a competent analysis, but also to verify the correctness of writing: a fusion or separate. The greatest difficulties in the morphological analysis of the word causes the part of the speech, due to the fact that, for example, adjectives, the communities can move into nouns, and the significant parts of the speech - to the service. A huge advantage of such a dictionary is the ability to compare or verify data with other dictionaries, a list of references to which is provided by performing a morphological analysis of a noun sample in this way:

Ablative - Noun

The initial form - the ablative, the accusative case, the only number, male genus, inanimate.

If you are faced with difficulties, making a morphological analysis of the noun exhibitions from the online dictionary will help solve your problems quickly and easily.