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Description of appearance from the work of a small prince. Heroes and characteristics of the story "Little Prince"

In the Fairy Tale of Saint-Exupery "Little Prince" Hero - a gold-haired boy who studies the world of people looking for meaning in their occupations, actions and looks for life. The story of the author-pilot is not at all a children's work: the truths embedded in the mouth of a small hero are able to correctly understand only an adult man. This does not detract from the values \u200b\u200bof a fairy tale age for small readers, at each age of the books of Exupery perceived in different ways. In the work of "Little Prince", the main character symbolizes children's purity and immediacy, naivety, kindness and sincerity.

Characteristics of the heroes "Little Prince"

main characters

Little Prince

Little gold-haired boy, the owner of a small planet, on which there are 1 rose and three volcanoes. Adult smart, thinking kid. He is alone. Traveling on the planets and is surprised by the "oddities" adults. To return to your planet, asks the snake to bite it, it is a forced step. A symbol of loyalty, wisdom, purity, eternal childhood.


The pilot forced to land in the desert to fix the aircraft's problems. He meets a little prince and ties him. Together they find water, they are saved from thirst.


An animal wishing to be tamed. He made friends with the boy, he taught him with tame and revealed the main secret.

rose flower

Proud, touching, capricious. Her seed listed on the planet of a small prince by chance, she was "missed" for a long time, before revealing. Roses are difficult, she loves himself and waiting for worries and compliments. Requests for help to protect against wind, afraid of insects and animals (which is not on the planet). Many flirts and manners. When it understands that the little prince leaves the planet, he recognizes him in love, wishes happiness, does not blame anything. Asks to leave, not wanting him to see her tears.

Minor characters

Mr. with a crimp

Lives on a separate little planet. All my life folds the numbers, repeating that he is a serious person. I did not love anyone, I did not rejoice in the colors, I did not notice the stars.


Alone lives on a small planet, his mantle covers it completely. Proud, but kind. He has no subjects, only the old rat. The king thinks logically, however, he believes that he obeyed all the heavenly shining. Invites the little prince to stay with him, become a minister and judge himself (because it is the most difficult).

The monarch suggests to judge the rat, sentenced to the death penalty, and then to bed. After all, the rat is one, you need to take care of it.


She lives alone on a small planet, meets the prince with joy, he is glad that someone will worship him. Explains what is ambition, asks to applaud many times in a row.


His planet, a small guest visited after the ambition. It was nothing but empty and full bottles. The drunkard said that he was drinking, because he was conscientious for drinking ... This planet the boy left the faster than everyone else.

Business man

All the time considers the stars, very busy. He lives on the planet of 54 years, he has no time to hurt, and there is no time to relax. For all these years he was distracted from work 2 times: the May beetle, accidentally flown to him, and attack of rheumatism. The importance of the work of a serious person is that he calculates the stars, writes their number and owns them, closing the key in the safe. Little prince sees in it similarity with drunkard.


Lights and extinguishes the lantern every minute according to a persuade.


Old manograph who does not know anything about his planet, as it does not travel through it. Records the data of the planet of the Little Prince and advises him to visit the Earth.


The first one who met a boy on earth. She does not bite him, but he suggests to turn to her when he gets tired of everything. To her "services" drawn kid to return to his planet.

For a reader diary, it will be useful to familiarize themselves with the description of the main and secondary characters of the fairy tales. There are heroes living on all the planets who visited the Little Prince, as well as those whom he met and tamed on Earth.

Test on the work

The scarlet prince is the main hero of the fairy tale, which flew with his little planet to the ground. Before that, he made a long journey through the most different planets, which were inhabited by "strange adults". A little prince has its own world, so the collision with the world of adults gives birth to a lot of questions and bewilders. The crazy pilot is engaged in eliminating troubleshooting. At dawn, the rear-year pilot hears a thin voice of a child: "Please ... Draw me a lamb!" So the narrator introduces the reader with a little prince, so miraculously appeared among the sands of the Sahara. The journey of a small prince, which he undertakes having quarreling with his rose, meets the king, ambition, drunkard, a business man, geographer - the only inhabitants of small planets - allowed the author to conclude: "Yes, the strange people are these adults! The trifles seem important to them, and they do not see the main thing. Instead of decorating your home, cultivate your garden, your planet, they lead wars, tirank other people, and dried their brains to Duracki Typhyry, and chores misery, and insult their fuss and greed beauty of sunsets and sunrises, fields and sands. No, you do not need to live! " The little prince did not meet anyone on the planets, who could be his friend. Only the image of a flashroad is favorably different from other images in that it is faithful to his debt. And this loyalty though meaningless, but reliable. The little prince meets on Earth with a fox and at his request gradually tames it. They become friends, but part. The wise commandment sounds the words of Lisa: "... You are forever responsible for all who tamed. You are responsible for your rose. " The most expensive in this life for a small prince becomes foxes and abandoned by him Rosa, because they are the only in the world. The appearance of a small prince in the desert, his phenomenon of the pilot, the crazy, is a symbolic reminder of an adult about his "inner homeland", and his "death", disappearance and mountain caused by this, - the adult tragedy, in the soul of which the child dies. It is the child that makes it all the kind, clean, beautiful. Therefore, the writer with bitterness suggests that adults, parting with childhood, often forget about eternal, incurred values; They are concerned with important, in their opinion, things and are boring, sad existence. And people should live in a different way, they need clean water of deep wells, you need tubers of stars in the night sky. And because Saint-Exupery is not sure if it will be able to inspire their own people - their own! - The truth, the fairy tale is so sad, so sad.

The content of the "Little Prince" is difficult to convey, because or you need to write one line, as the scenery to all the dialogs of the heroes are simple, or rewrite the whole book, if not literally, then several offers for each chapter. And it is better to quote whole paragraphs. In a nutshell, this is the memories of Exupery about a small Prince and a few days that they spent together, lost in the Sahara desert, right up to death (or liberation) of the Prince.

Star boy met with characteristic characters during a journey and talked to them and the author (the book was written by first person). Love for the sole satellite of life is the main topic. "Little Prince" also addresses the most exciting issues of human being. If they list them, it will seem boring - already so much written. Fear of death, confrontation of fathers and children, materialism, the world of childhood - who will surprise the next fairy tale about all this? What is the striking secret of the popularity of the story "Little Prince"? You can briefly express your review: it is in the top ten of the most published artistic works of the twentieth century.


As recognized at the beginning of the book by Exupery himself, the genre of the "Little Prince" he finds it difficult to define, calling the book by the story-fairy tale. There is a generally accepted classification for literary works, which is focused on the plot, volume and content. "Little Prince", according to it, is a story. In a narrower sense, an allegorical story-tale with illustrations of the author himself.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery and Little Prince

The story is largely autobiographical. But not in the literal sense, although they were in the life of Exupery many hours of flights, a plane crash, a disastrous desert and thirst. Such is the book because the little prince is Antoine de Saint-Exupii, only in childhood. Nowhere is not said about it straight.

But throughout the story, Exupery mourns his children's dreams. Easy, without drama, even with some humor retells comic stories from his communication with older relatives in childhood. He would like to stay by a child, how his new friend is, but succumbed and grew up in a landed and pragmatic pilot. This is such an oxymoron. The pilot, who is forced to return to the sinful, torn to the war of the earth from the sky, and the soul is still rushing to the stars. After all, all adults were first children, only few of them remember this.

rose flower

Consuelo, the author's wife is a prototype of a capricious rose. The main heroine of the story is simple, if not to say the near, beautiful and very inconsistent, probably, like all women. If you choose one word to describe its character - a manipulator. The prince saw all her tricks and tricks through, but cared for his beauty.

Reviews about Consuell de Saint-Exupery, of course, cannot be so one-sided. One thing speaks of her generosity, that, despite the frequent life, apart and constant fear of the death of desperately bold man-pilot, she remained with him. His character was difficult. Not in the sense of malice and aggression, but just in excessive openness than enjoyed numerous mistresses. Despite all this, the marriage was not collapsed until death could have separated them. After many years their correspondence was published, from which it is clearly seen that Consuelo was the Museum of Exupery, the harbor, where his soul was hidden. And although the temperament of the Consuelo itself, which friends called the Salvador volcano, did not always fit into the image of a quiet homely focus, the love between them was all-friendly.

Publishing book

It seems that the book was given to Exupery easily. But the translator of the first edition into English Lewis Galanther recalled that he rewritten in many ways every sheet of manuscript. And also painted wonderful pictures of gouache. Exupery wrote a book at the time of acute political confrontation around the world - Nazi Germany began the second world war. This tragedy alone responded in the soul and heart of the patriot. He said that France would defend and could not stay away from the battlefield. Despite all the attempts of friends and bosses to protect the already popular writer from the harvest and danger, Exupery achieved enrollment in a combat squadron.

In 1943, the book was published in the United States in English, where the writer had lived in New York, forced to leave Germany Occupied by Germany. And immediately after that, the story came out in French - the author's native language. Only in three years later, the Motherland of Exupery was published by the "Little Prince", the author was not alive for two years. And Exupery, and Tolkien, and Clive Lewis created amazing fantasy fairy tales. They were all worked in the first half of the terrible twentieth century. But they did not know how much their work was influenced by generations after their lives.


A miracle, created Exupery in the "Little Prince," is the dialogues of the heroes and the Prince. A conversation with a drunkard on the next planet in the journey of the boy is very short compared to others, the most brightest example. There are only four questions and answers, but this is the best presentation of the theory of the vicious circle of guilt, a well-known psychological phenomenon, for the explanation and justification of whose eminent psychologists spent many pages, and it was necessary to include a quotation from the "Little Prince" in their works.

This is the best therapy for dependent people. The language of the story is simple and clear, but mercilessly exposes the whole depth of the problem, hurts pain and doctor. In this magic of the book "Little Prince" - the deep disclosure of the most trapped, but the urgent problems of all mankind on the example of one conversation with one individual. About these difficulties of human clan is not accepted publicly or with children.


And these dialogs lead a child and different adults. Little prince and heroes are blind people who want to also teach other lives, and a clean child. The child is mercilened in his questions, hits the patient, sees the essence. At the same time only asks the right questions. Most of the opponents' characters remain blind and continue to teach everyone around, without seeing their own weakness.

But the reader does notice the story and recognizes himself in one, then in another character. Begins the path to the light and the author of the "Little Prince".


The lamprik is the only representative of the adult world, which, although grumbling, but a positive character. He is faithful to his word, let him do it no longer need it. But after all, after meeting, it remains aftertaste from doubt and hope. It seems that not so wisely blindly follow the promise, which has lost its meaning. Although the sacrifice of the lamporian causes respect. But come to mind examples of mothers who are burning for their children, but linger with love, without ceasing to complain about fatigue, without taking anything to find the opportunity to relax. And yet, every time a flashlight star is lit, there is hope that someone will look at her. The prince highlighted it among all familiar from different planets, appreciating the beauty of his work.


The most famous quotation of the "Little Prince" belongs to this character. "You are forever responsible for those who have tamed!" He said to the prince. Lis is the source of the main lesson who learned the prince. They met after the bitter disappointment of the main character - the beautiful rose turned out to be one of five thousand the same, no remarkable flower with a bad character. The sorry child lay down on the grass and cried. After meeting with the fox, the prince realized that he was important for him to return to his little asteroid to his beloved rose. This is his responsibility to her, and to fulfill the debt, he must die.

The second important truth that the fox was opened by a new friend: Zorkko is one heart, and you will not see the main eyes. It was after a conversation with the fox, the prince repented against Rosa and realized that in vain took her words close to the heart. It was necessary to love her as it was, not offended by the shimmers.

Geographic and others

It is worth being grateful geographer at least for told the prince about the Earth. Otherwise, another crochetine who believed that his work is fundamental and eternal. They are all similar - these stupid, important, Green people. Business man, ambition, king, geographer - these heroes of the "Little Prince" with a significant species did useless things and could not stop and think. "But no, I am serious, I have no time!". One word is adults.

Planet with a good reputation

Such a review in the "Little Prince" about the planet Earth gives a geographer. Exupery is much less inspired about her and iron. Two billion adults who swell from their own significance, easier than emptiness compared to their big planet.

Yellow Snake

Snake is the first living creature that a small prince met on Earth. She is death itself. Poisonous so much that after her bite, life lasts half a minute. Amazing collective image. Speaks riddles like Sphinx. Snake - the image of an ancient tempter from the Bible, who sowed death and this is busy so far. The evil, harmful creature that the Prince regretted. But only to the pore, predicting that they will still meet, and a clean boy from the star will look for her in good kind.

Prince learns, reader learns

After each meeting of the Little Prince, the reader comprehends the new truth about himself. Prince also went to travel to learn. Only two facts are spelled in the book - he became unhappy because of the pick-up capricious rose and decided to travel with migratory birds. It is the impression that he is tired of his beauty and ran. But, although she thought so and apologized before his departure for the bad behavior, the reason for his departure was the search for knowledge.

What did he learn at the end of the journey? He learned to love his wonderful, but the only spiny flower with a difficult character. This is the most important idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Little Prince" - to love the only one who sent you fate, contrary to everything, even bad in it. For love to make it perfection.

Fathers and Sons

Another major thought of a little prince is the confrontation of the world of adults and children. The first is presented mainly by the worst members - from Zabuldigi to the Zhadyna. He is unanimous condemned Exupery, whose memories are sad from childhood. The older he became, the more hid his inner world, learned to be "like everything." He constantly emphasizes that being adult and hypocritical is the same thing. The adult world throughout the narration was constantly surprised by Prince. This is a subtle and significant moment - the prince amazed and did not always understand, and one day to the tears was angry, but never condemned anyone. And it helps to let inside the heart and take lessons from him. Both children and adults are better learn and gladly change for the better only in the atmosphere of trust and adoption.

Christian parallels

To expand the horizons and perception of new ideas that, by virtue of another worldview, do not come to mind naturally, it is interesting to familiarize themselves with the review of the "Little Prince" Christians.

The book "Little Prince" with its allegicity looks like the Bible. She also teaches softly and unobtrusively, through parables. No matter how boldly it sounded, when the prince reminds Christ. But this is not surprising. When the Lord asked to call the most important in the heavenly kingdom, he set a two-year-old child before the crowd of arguing men. Prince, as a collective image, absorbed all children's immediacy, openness, trust, defenselessness.

The last conversation of Exupery with a little prince on the theme of death as liberation from the shackles of the body is sad and light. Easy, weightless soul flies to the best world (in the place desired for the prince - to his rose). The prince teaches a large-age pilot lost in the desert, which is not necessary to be afraid of death.

It is worth spending quite a bit of time to read this wonderful artwork, but you should prepare to meet the reflection of your soul. Because the best review of the "Little Prince" is a heart mirror, because the most important thing can only be seen.

At six years, the boy read about how the boa swallows his sacrifice, and drew a snake, swallowed by an elephant. It was a drawing of a boat outside, however, adults claimed that it was a hat. Adults always need to explain everything, so the boy made another drawing - the boost from the inside. Then adults advised the boy to quit this nonsense - according to them, it was necessary to engage in geography, history, arithmetic and spelling. So the boy refused the brilliant career of the artist. He had to choose another profession: he grew up and became a pilot, but still showed his first drawing of those adults who seemed reasonable to him and the rest of the rest, and everyone answered that it was a hat. They could not speak with them - about the benefits, jungle and stars. And the pilot lived alone, until he met a little prince.

It happened in Sahara. Something broke in the engine of the aircraft: the pilot was supposed to fix it or die, because the water remained only for the week. At the dawn, the pilot woke a thin voice - a tiny kid with gold hair, unknown how to go to the desert, asked to draw a lamb. The amazed pilot did not dare to refuse, especially since his new friend turned out to be the only one who managed to see the first drawing of the Beat, swallowing an elephant. Gradually it turned out that the Little Prince flew from the planet called "Asteroid B-612" - Of course, the room is only necessary for boring adults who adore numbers.

The entire planet was the magnitude of the house, and a small prince had to be careed after her: every day to clean three volcanoes - two acting and one extinct, as well as sprouting the sprouts of baobabs. The pilot did not immediately understand what a danger represent Baobabs, but then guessed and to warn all the children, painted a planet, where there was a lazy, who did not perform three bustle on time. But the little prince always led his planet in order. But his life was sad and lonely, so he loved to look at the sunset - especially when he happened sad. He did it several times on the day, just moving the chair after the sun. Everything has changed when a wonderful flower appeared on his planet: it was a beauty with spikes - proud, touching and cozy. The little prince loved her, but she seemed like a capricious, cruel and arrogant - he was then too young and did not understand how this flower was illuminated. And here, the little prince cleared his volcanoes for the last time, pulled off the sprouts of Baobabs, and then said goodbye to his flower, which only at the time of farewell admitted that he loved him.

He went to walked and visited six neighboring asteroids. The king in the first lived: he so wanted to have subjects that he offered a small prince to become a minister, and the baby thought that adults were a very strange people. Ambulance lived on the second planet, on the third - drunkard, on the fourth - a business man, and on the fifth - a lamprik. All adults seemed to a small prince extremely strange, and only a flashar driver liked: this man remained faithful to healing in the evenings and extinguish in the morning the lanterns, although his planet decreased so much that day and night changed every minute. Do not be so little place here. The little prince would stay with a flashroad, because he really wanted to make friends with someone - besides, on this planet, it was possible to admire the sunset by a thousand four hundred forty times a day!

On the sixth planet there was a geographer. And since he was a geographer, he was supposed to ask travelers about those countries from where they arrived to record their stories in the books. The little prince wanted to tell about his flower, but the geographer explained that only the mountains and oceans were recorded in the books, because they were eternal and unchanged, and the flowers live long. Only then the little prince realized that his beauty would soon disappear, and he threw it alone, without protection and help! But the offense has not passed yet, and the little prince went on, but he thought only about his abandoned flower.

The seventh was the Earth - a very difficult planet! It is enough to say that it has one hundred eleven kings, seven thousand geographers, nine hundred thousand Deltsov, seven and a half million drunks, three hundred eleven millions of ambition - and about two billion adults. But the little prince made friends only with a snake, fox and pilot. The snake promised to help him when he bitally regret his planet. And the fox taught him to be friends. Everyone can tame someone and become a friend to him, but you always need to be responsible for those who have tamed. And more Lis said that Zorkko is one heart - you won't see the most important eyes. Then the little prince decided to return to his rose, because he was responsible for her. He went to the Desert - at the very place where he fell. So they with a pilot and met. The pilot drew a lamb in a box and even a muzzle for a lamb, although he used to think that he was able to draw only boats - outside and inside. The little prince was happy, and the pilot became sad - he realized that he was also tamed. Then the little prince found a yellow snake, whose bite kills at half a minute: she helped him, as promised. The snake can be back there, where he came from, - she returns the earth, and the little prince returned the stars. The little girl said that it would only look like death, so it is not necessary to sadness - let the pilot remembers him, looking at the night sky. And when the little prince laughs, the pilot will seem like all the stars laugh like five hundred millions of buberets.

The pilot repaired his plane, and the comrades were delighted with his return. Since then, six years have passed: he grabbed and loved to look at the stars. But he always covers excitement: he forgot to draw a strap for a muzzle, and lamb could eat rose. Then it seems to him that all the bubbles cry. After all, if the roses are no longer in the world, everything will become different, but no adult will ever understand how important it is.

"Little Prince" is the most famous work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Published in 1943 as a children's book. The drawings in the book are made by the author himself and are not less famous than the book itself. It is important that this is not an illustration, but the organic part of the work as a whole: the author himself and the heroes of the fairy tales all the time refer to the drawings and even argue about them. "After all, all adults first were children, only few of them remember this" - Antoine de Saint-Exupery, from a dedication to the book. During a meeting with the author, a small prince is already familiar with the drawing of "Elephant in Breave". The story about the "little prince" originated from one of the plots of the "Planet of People". This is the story of a random landing of the writer himself and its mechanics narrow in the desert.

Features of the genre of the work. The need for deep generalizations prompted Saint Exupery to refer to the genre of parables. The absence of a specific historical content, the convention characteristic of this genre, his didactic necessitability allowed the writer to express their views on the worried moral problems of time. The paradise genre becomes the realizer of the reflection of Saint-Exupery on the essence of human being. The fairy tale, like the parable, the oldest genre of oral folk creativity. She teaches a person to live, optimism instigates him, claims the faith in the triumph of good and justice. For fantastic fabulous fabul and fiction, real human relations are always hiding. Like parable, in the fairy tale always triumph and social truth. The fairy tale-parable "Little Prince" is written not only for children, but also for adults who have not yet lost their childhood impressionability, childishly an open look at the world and the ability to fantasize. The author himself possessed such a childish sharp vision. The fact that the "Little Prince" is a fairy tale, we define on the fabulous signs available in the story: Fantastic Hero's Travel, Fabulous Characters (Lis, Snake, Rosa). The work of A. Saint-Exupery "Little Prince" refers to the genre of philosophical fairy tale-parable. Topics and fairy tales. The salvation of mankind from the upcoming inevitable catastrophe is one of the main topics of the fairy tale "Little Prince". This poetic fairy tale of courage and wisdom of the undispical children's soul, about such important "nonsense" concepts, as life and death, love and responsibility, friendship and loyalty. The ideological idea of \u200b\u200bfairy tales. "Love is that it does not mean to look at each other, it means to look in the same direction" - This thought determines the ideological idea of \u200b\u200bthe story-fairy tales. The "Little Prince" was written in 1943, and the tragedy of Europe in World War II, the memories of the writer about the defeated, occupied France impose their mark on the work. With his bright, sad and wise fairy tale, Exupery defended the unreasonable humanity, a live spark in the souls of people. In a certain sense, the story was the result of the creative path of the writer, the philosophical, artistic understanding. Only the artist is able to see the essence - the inner beauty and harmony of the surrounding world. Even on the planet of the flashroad, the little prince notes: "When he lights a lantern - as if one star or flower is also born. And when he quenches the lantern - as if a star or flower fall asleep. Great lesson. It is truly useful because it is beautiful. " The main character tells the inside of the beautiful, and not its outer shell. Human work should make sense - and not just turn into mechanical actions. Any business is useful only when it is internally perfect. Features of the plot of fairy tales. St. Exupery Coast as the basis of the traditional fabulous story (a beautiful prince, due to unfortunate love, leaves the father's house and wanders on endless roads in search of happiness and adventures. He tries to decide fame and conquer the inaccessible heart of the princess.), But rethinks him Its even ironically. His beautiful prince is completely a child suffering from a capricious and wrought-over flower. Naturally, the happy finals with the wedding does not go and speech. In the wanders, the Little Prince does not meet with fabulous monsters, but with people, the perishable, as if by evil spells, selfish and petty passions. But this is only the outer side of the story. Despite the fact that the little prince of the child, he opens the true vision of the world, inaccessible even to an adult person. Yes, and people with dead souls who meet the main character on their way, much worse than fabulous monsters. The relationship between the prince and roses is much more complicated than the relationship of the princes and princesses from folklore fairy tales. After all, it is for the sake of roses a small prince sacrifices the material shell - he chooses a bodily death. In the story two storylines: the storytellor and the theme of the world of adults and the line of a little prince, the story of his life. Features of the composition of the fairy tale. The composition of the work is very peculiar. Parabola is the main component of the structure of traditional parables. "Little Prince" is no exception. It looks like this: the action takes place in a specific time and concrete situation. The plot is developing as follows: Move on the curve, which, reaching the highest glow point, is returned again to the starting point. The peculiarity of such a plundering is that, returning to the starting point, the plot acquires a new philosophical and ethical meaning. A new point of view on the problem finds a solution. The beginning and the end of the story "Little Prince" are related to the arrival of the hero on Earth or with the resurrection of land, pilot and fox. A little prince again flies to his planet to care for and raise a beautiful rose. The time that the pilot and the prince is an adult and the child held together, they discovered a lot of new things in each other, and in life. After parting, they took pieces of each other with them, they became more wise, they learned the world of another and their own, only on the other side. Art features of the work. In the story a very rich language. The author uses a lot of amazing and inimitable literary techniques. The melody is heard in his text: "... And at night I love listening to stars. As if five hundred millions of bubrels ... "It is simple - it is a children's truth and accuracy. The language of Exupery is full of memories and reflections about life, about the world and, of course, about childhood: "... when I was six years old ... I saw an amazing picture once ..." Or: "... For six years already, As my friend, together with a lamb, left me. " Style and special, not similar to anything mystical manner of St. Exupery is a transition from the image to a generalization, from parables to morality. The language of his work is natural and expressive: "Laughter, accurate spring in the desert", "five hundred million puments" would seem to be ordinary, the usual concepts suddenly acquire a new original meaning: "Water", "fire", "friendship", etc. d. Many of his metaphors are as fresh and natural: "They (volcanoes) sleep deep underground, while one of them does not try to wake up"; The writer uses paradoxical combinations of words, which in the usual speech you will not meet: "Children must be very indulgent to adults," "If you go straight, right, you will not leave ..." Or "people are not enough time to learn anything " The narrative manner of the story also has a number of features. This is a trustful conversation of old friends - so the author communicates with the reader. We feel the presence of the author who believes in good and mind, in an ambulance, when life on earth will change. You can talk about the peculiar melon of the narrative, sad and thoughtful, built on the soft transitions from humor to serious thinking, on halftons, transparent and lungs, like watercolor illustrations of a fairy tale, created by the writer himself and being an integral part of the artistic fabric of the work. The phenomenon of the fairy tale "Little Prince" is that she written for adults she firmly entered the circle of children's reading.

Everyone has such books that he reread several times. Works that affect the course of thoughts and perception of life. This includes the creation of Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Little Prince". A children's fairy tale translated by more than 180 languages \u200b\u200bis an already a textbook work that is studied in most educational institutions in the world. Favorite book is not only children, but also adults - it is so penetrated, life and at the same time simple.

"Little Prince": main points content

French writer Exupery completed work on the work in a very difficult time - in 1943. In the midst of the Second World War and "Little Prince" appeared. Book-Tale, Parable Book, Prediction Book - All definitions are unable to fit the philosophical, socio-cultural and psychological meaning of the work. "We are responsible for those who have tamed" - the legendary phrase, familiar to everyone. And there are still a lot of such in this book.

27 fragments, colorful author's illustrations of the author and the life of a little boy in the big world - that is what the "Little Prince" consists of. The theme is quite simple, but filled with a huge philosophical value. What is good? Who is a person? In agreement with me and the world around?

The narrative is built around the stories of an unusual boy - the aliens from the asteroid B-612. He was met by the crash in the desert, the pilot, who had previously dreamed of becoming an artist, but under the pressure of the requirements of the "adult" life changed his intention. The little prince tells about his life on his native planet, about meetings with a rose flower, about travels to neighboring asteroids and acquaintances with various adults who inhabited her: king, drunkard, ambition, lamparer, geographer and business man. Each of these characters shows all the vices, which are endowed with an adult world: Plushevoy, dependence, vanity, pride and others. The land of the prince became an extreme center, where he meets with the future friend of the fox. This character tells the boy about the real truths that no one must forget. Aphorisms Fox "Little Prince" know everything, because this is a real guide to wisdom.

Prince - Who is he?

Little prince is an personification of a child who lives in every adult. Live, creative and indifferent soul, which with age does not give live. Thinking with minor problems, cease to appreciate the nature and surrounding people, think that everyone knows, lose curiosity and interest in everything that is happening. Neighboring asteroids are the same high-rise buildings in which people return after work. Monotonous who do not know the name of the neighbor. An example of an adult who has not lost his inner child, remembers his dreams, is an artist.

The children's soul of the Prince carries in itself and the ability to self-sacrifice - he must be followed by anything and care for his rose, because he tamed her.

"Truth does not lie on the surface": philosophical thoughts in the "Little Prince"

All the details described in the book are metaphors and symbols through which a small prince passes. Aphorisms Fox and the Boy himself are simple things, the truths that the heroes dialogue are leading.

For example, Baobabs, whose sprouts took off the little prince every morning so that they would not break the planet. These plants symbolize both external evil (fascism) and the inner - germ sprouts in the soul of man. They need to eradicate and not give them to absorb themselves.

In addition, you need to keep your inner beauty. As in the case of a flashroad. When in the evening he lit up the lanterns, it seemed to light up a new star or blooming a flower. Giving this beauty to the world, the lamprik becomes the only one, according to the prince, who thinks about someone, besides himself.

"Little Prince" is a book with a simple plot, but an endless flow of philosophical reflections on the theme of good and evil, the soul of a person, the beauty of the external and internal, environmental protection, real love and loneliness, a child and an adult.

Symbolism in all details

In addition to baobabs, residents of asteroids, other planets, there are many other characters.

Rose is a symbol of love, feminine essence. Beautiful outside, she always liked the prince. But after a conversation with the fox, he understands that he sees her inner beauty, he realizes that he is responsible for her, and is ready to sacrifice his life for her.

The desert in which actions occur is a thirsty of good peace. He devastated wars, hostile and egoism. In such a world, as in the desert without water, it is impossible to survive.

"Little Prince": Aphorisms about man

Any roads in the world, one way or another, will lead to a person, says in his fairy tale Exupery. "Little Prince" helps to understand that the desire for external material makes a person limited, worm and selfish. He is able to see the world around us only through the prism of its cost and only thus gives an assessment "beautifully - ugly." Hence the total loneliness of a modern person.

Not all adults become unable to see spiritual beauty. Those who find in life the place of creativity, openness to communication and knowledge, make it possible to survive their inner child. You need to judge yourself, but this is the hardest, as the work says.

Aphorisms about life and love

The topic of love is presented in the prince and rose relationships. To tame, according to Lis, is to create invisible bonds among themselves and the object of love. It makes the world kinder. It is impossible to find real friends and love if you do not give them a part of your soul. Love is to look in one direction, as the words "Little Prince" says famous to the world.

Aphorisms about life in the work reveal the essence of being. The boy and the artist manages to understand that true life is much wider than the real existence of a person on Earth. And only the open soul is given to realize that the true world opens in eternal values: real friendship, love and beauty. "Looking for a heart," - continues "Little Prince" aphorisms.

The attitude of a person to the world around the world should begin with washed himself - to put in order and planet. Exupery managed to anticipate the ecological problems of the Earth's population, to which the irrational activities of people led.

Who and why is it worth reading this fairy tale?

It is difficult to imagine a more sincere and good book than the "Little Prince". Aphorisms Exupery have long become known to the whole world. It seems that all the work consists of winged words - all phrases of the book are so capacious, understandable and filled with meaning.