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Mental fatigue. Psychology of Diseases: Fatigue

Fatigue, apathy, disappointment ... Is it time to change jobs?

It is said that happiness is when in the morning you happily go to work, and in the evening you want to go home. It is difficult to argue with the fact that the well-being in the professional and personal spheres of life is extremely important for each of us. Everything, however, flows, everything changes, and if we talk about work, then sooner or later enthusiasm and cheerness are replaced by fatigue, doubts, and even disappointment. When such feelings come, it is important not to make mistakes, not "chop from the shoulder", but to figure out what is happening.

Fatigue is not scary

"I'm just tired," the man speaks often, feeling that once his favorite work has ceased to bring to the former joy and satisfaction. What is this: self-deception or truth? It is not difficult to find the answer to the question: you just need to give yourself a vacation.

Take a timeout after complex negotiations. Make a break after completion big project. Do not work with work when you come home. And, of course, dedicate your holidays to get to relax!

It is good to rest - this means not to think about things, give a breather to tired muscles and activate inactive.

Soothe, bring joy and optimistic attitudes of a favorite hobby. Since emotions are closely related to the body, it will not be an exaggeration to say that a good mood contributes to better work Internal organs: How long have known, wound wounds are heal faster.

If the rest does not return you to the cheerful, energetic condition, there is reason to assume that you are worried about the psychological crisis in your professional sphere.

Combustion without fire

The main symptom of a professional psychological crisis is a change in human attitude towards his work. The feeling of devastation appears: "I don't want anything already", "I'm all tired." The replacement of interest comes a detachment. Enthusiasm is replaced by disappointment. The attitude towards other people is changing - to colleagues or customers: internal irritation, initially contained, breaks through outbreaks of accusations, sarcastic comments or even rudeness. Other manifestation is possible: detailing from colleagues, distancing from everything that is happening in the company. The sense of own insolvency increases: "I can't get anything", "bad I am a specialist."

The psychological crisis tends to strengthen. Man begins to do his work formally. Indifference can turn into a sense of helplessness and hopelessness. Worsening well-being and different appear physical symptoms: Headache, sleep disorder, asthenia, the change in the usual pressure and weight for humans. At this stage, it is often alas, people resort to alcohol. There is a crisis. What to do?

We are looking for out

The psychological crisis in the professional sphere has internal psychological reasons And in order to cope with it, you need to figure it out.

It seems that in our troubles to blame the evil chief, stupid colleagues, harmful customers and other external circumstances. Alas, we love to look lost keys Where the lantern burns, and not where we chose them.

To understand why your attitude to work has changed for the worse, you need to analyze your expectations, hopes and plans associated with professional activities. Probably some of them, and important for you, turned out to be unrealized. If this is actually like this, then think if you can change the situation, remaining at the same place of work. Can you? - So, think about the transition is still early.

If you save even deeper, then it is worth thinking about why, on the basis of what considerations you chose this work. Was it your own decision or was it influenced by other people's opinions? The choice was made by someone for you? - It's time to take life into your hands.

Finally, you need to think about whether your character is matched, your individual features and features of the work that you do, the requirements that it presents. Missing and misappropriations may be genuine causes of emotional burnout.

Complete? I agree. But not all problems have simple solutions.

The awareness and discoveries to which you will come will tell you what to do next: to look for the way to adapt to the situation, develop your stress resistance, sociability and other skills, increase your professional level or, yet, change the place of work, and even professional sphere.

Studies of American psychologists under the leadership of the famous Martin Seligman led to the conclusion that the correctly chosen work corresponds to the three main criteria: (1) you get pleasure, making it; (2) You see the meaning of what you do; (3) performing your work you use your strengths, talents and abilities.

Check if it matches these criteria what you do.

Suppose that your work has successfully passed such an inspection, but you still have a feeling of dissatisfaction. This may mean that you have chosen your profession correctly, and problems are associated with a specific place of work, with specific people and existing circumstances. In this case, the measures must be adequate: to improve the relationship, destroy conflicts, solve current tasks. To do this, you will probably have to master the missing skills, passing special trainings.

If the analysis shows that your work does not match your true "I" and your needs, which means "cosmetic" measures will not help, and correct solution It is to change the professional sphere. Of course, it is difficult, but otherwise you can spend your whole life on the wrong thing.

Seven times fatten ...

In the nearby past, in our country was considered to be right in one place of work for decades. Also accepted, for example, in modern Japan. We now often say that it is desirable to change the work about every three years.

As a psychologist, I can not agree with this.

On the different stages His professional path is a person solves different tasks. At the beginning it is especially important to recruit practical experience and have prospects for further professional growth. Of course, if you find yourself in a situation where neither one or the other is impossible, most likely will have to go. But automatically measured the service life in this company for three years, or five, or seven - incorrectly. All people are different: one like novelty, changes, new people, new challenges, new professional areas; Others appreciate stability, deepening to a certain range of issues established by relationships. You need to not focus on fashion, trends and trends, and hear yourself and remain ourselves.

Put stones or build a cathedral?

In the famous parable, he is talking about the traveler who came to the city and saw a big construction site. "What are you doing?" - asked the trainee trader. "Standing Stones" - he replied. Passing a little forward, the traveler asked the same question to another builder. "Making money" - was the answer. And the third man asked the traveler about the same, and he answered: "I build a cathedral who will have a century and glorify our city!" From the point of view of the external observer, all three did exactly the same actions. But everyone put in his work different meaningSo, it treated her differently, that is, the feelings in relation to their work in three builders are different. Probably, it is obvious to someone who does not threaten in the near future emotional burnout and professional crisis?

Find a deep personal sense in your work, the fact that it is truly important and valuable for you. If the former meaning you entered into your work is already impairment (it happens, and this is normal), find a new one. Attitude towards work as a particularly important lesson for you, it will not be possible to not take individual unpleasant episodes to heart, incomplete coincidences of wishes and reality, small "scratches", inevitable when communicating.

If self-help is ineffective, a psychologist-consultant will help to cope with the professional crisis. Most likely, the output will be found quickly, for one or two consultations. And the "Sheepbank is worth a highlight": We are too much time and strength to work to do it through "I do not want!".

Information Age is the time of intensive actions and a rapid pace of life. Many information comes from different sources. Part of it remains unconscious, left somewhere in the depths of the unconscious. Part of the action takes place automatically. And life can remind a treadmill. Running is useful. Each adult knows that workouts consist of loads and rest. Then it is effective and efficiently for muscles. They become strong and flexible, strain and relax.

So in life, fast paced must be combined with stops. In these pauses have the opportunity orientation:

  • notice yourself what you do and how;
  • see what happens around;
  • notice how living what you want, what you like.

The absence of these pauses creates internal voltage, which manifests itself in irritation and alarm. It tires, and the person gets tired of life in constant tension.

Fatigue - This is a condition when you notice that the energy supply is consumed and is not replenished.

Signs of fatigue:

  • - the lack of desire to do something;
  • - Loss of interest in yourself and the world around.

Causes of fatigue:

  • - physical overload;
  • - Short-term or long stress.

May be:

Physical fatigue - temporary decline in the body's performance. This is a protective mechanism that prevents the organism overvoltage.

Psychological fatigue - accumulated emotional tensionthat did not find the method of discharge.

Every day, fatigue appears and everyone has their own ways to overcome it. Adults learn this throughout their lives. OK, when Significant adults They can teach a child to notice their tension and fatigue, to be able to relax qualitatively and relax, will share their experiences, their own ways and skills.

This can be done in a game form. Come up with a story with the child. The story on how to navigate both in others, about fatigue and rest. Or talk, using the proposed questions.

This is an exemplary text that is the basis for history or conversation.


Somewhere far away in the east. Where the sun splits the earth. Where the air is so hot that the world Swim. Where legs are dried in burning hot sand. Where I really want to cool and water. Where you want to eat sweets and relax in the shade. Where the magic dreams are dreaming about wonders and adventures.

There was a live, or there was a lot, ___________ (the character comes up with a child).

Offer to describe the child of this hero of history:

  • - What is the name?
  • - What does he look like?
  • - What (what, or maybe what) he was?
  • - Where does it live?
  • - Who surrounds? Who is near? Who is far from him?
  • - What surrounds him?
  • - What do you like, and what does not like?
  • - Who loves him?
  • - What is he doing?
  • - How does he live there far away, far in the east?

IN lately There were changes in the life of our character.

Questions for a child:

  • - What are these changes?
  • - What is the hero of our story now?

___________(name of the hero) There were lungs and hard days.

  • - What days of the week were light, and what are heavy?
  • - What did you need to do?
  • - What did you want to do?
  • - What prevented doing what I wanted?
  • - What was the mood in the light days, and what in heavy?

What happened to our hero when I did not want to do what you need?

The description comes up with a child.

  • - Have our hero we were tired? What was he?
  • - appeared fatigue in difficult days?
  • - How did the fatigue noticed?
  • - How could I say about it? Who?
  • - What was our character when tired?
  • - How did you get relaxing?
  • - What is our hero rested?

Draw a tired hero and rested on a sheet A4.

Repeat how and from what the hero gets tired, what kind of ways he has to rest.

  • - And now let's see what your day is. When you get tired, how do you rest?

Perhaps the child will be curious from which your day consists. Make and for yourself the routine of the day.

Make a day with a child's routine for every day of the week. Before Highlight time for recreation and time for personal space (when it can be rested and do what he likes). You can, next to the clock and text in the routine of the day, draw pictures illustrating the mood of the child.

Tell your child about fatigue. Add to the story of your experience.

Discuss how a child can notice his fatigue as it can tell that he needs to relax, as can relax in difficult days, and as in the lungs, which can remind the fatigue and the need for rest. Make a little talisman.

At the end of the conversation, you can sum up: "There are in life different situations: Light and heavy. And our days consist of them. We need to do what you like and what do not like. We learn to notice what happens to us and with our surroundings. We notice what we do that we feel that we think. We notice what others do. We notice how people and the world are arranged, which surrounds us. From this there is our life. "

psychologist certified Gestalt therapist

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of stresses, they will always accompany us throughout life. But to reduce the impact of stress per person to a minimum is quite possible.

Stress resistance is the ability of a person to withstand the action of stressful factors. This is a kind of prevention of stress. There are such methods for the prevention of stress:

  • physical: Sports, proper nutrition, Fresh air, full sleep, timely rest;
  • psychological trainings: affirmation, meditation, "health formula";
  • household: Hobby occupation (for example, needlework, running, swimming, walking, pet-friendly);
  • spiritual:

1) know yourself at the genetic level
2) learn to live in accordance with your own genetics
3) clearly define your place in space, engaged in your favorite thing.

About these and other ways energy protection From stress in more detail you can learn by posting practical psychologist In Simferopol.

Psychological fatigue

The widespread concept associated with the loss of mental energy and the need for its restoration, rest.

This is a long period, throughout which a person feels a certain decline of strength on the psychological and physical level. The body loses the ability to fully restore during the rest.

Reasons psychological fatigue There may be long-term stressful states, problems at work, personal difficulties, monotonous and monotonous activities, boring and unloved work. Sometimes psychological fatigue can be experienced, even by doing a favorite thing, if it does not switch or change the situation on time. Often young parents, despite greater joy, become victims of psychological fatigue due to monotonous and dense schedule.

In most cases, fatigue can be overcome using a full-fledged rest. But, unfortunately, it does not always help. It all depends on the reasons that caused this condition. At the beginning you need to find out what the strength and vital energy. It may be strong experiences, explicit or hidden from your consciousness. Strong emotions, resentment, pride, feeling of guilt or unfulfilled duty. Unrealizations in plan labor activity or in terms of family and relationships. There may be a lot of reasons, and they are not always apparent and understandable to humans.

If you do not know what exactly caused your condition, contact a psychologist in Simferopol Victoria Solovyeva. It will be able not only to find out the causes of your psychological fatigue, but will help you return to you a normal lifestyle, filled with energy, joy and meaning.

Ways to combat psychological fatigue:

    • A sufficient amount of quality drinking water It will help to fill the lack of energy.
    • The correct power supply will allow you to reinforce and reduce the feeling of weakness and powerlessness.
    • Everyday physical exercise will strengthen blood circulation, they will remove internal tension and fatigue, help feel cheerful, full of power and energy.
    • Full sleep is a pledge proper work ours nervous systemHe provides both physical and psychological rest.
    • Communication with pleasant and interesting people will help switch and charge positive energy.
    • A visit to various events dedicated to self-knowledge and work on themselves will add sense and awareness of your life. For example, psychological trainings in the center of Victoria Solovyva "Acquaintance with me" at the first visit allow you to get rid of the accumulated psychological fatigue and cause the desire to act and move forward.

Psychological (nervous) tension

This is a psychological state in which a person is constantly experiencing excessive psychological tensions, nervousness in communicating with people when performing any activity.

Such a state usually poorly affects human performance. Leads to different errors, inadequate reactions on occurring events. It causes unpleasant emotional experiences and a feeling of dissatisfaction. Staying in such a state, a person can show uncontrollable aggression, provoke conflict situations. It is difficult for him to control his own emotions.

There are many factors capable of calling a nervous voltage in humans:

long stress, heavy loads, fatigue, conflict relationship, communication with unpleasant people, complex and confusing life situations. No possibility of self-realization and career growth. Conflicts in the team. Family problems. Financial difficulties. Bad habitsAlcohol abuse.

If your nervous tension is caused by any unresolved problem or a difficult life situation, you can not do without the help of a qualified psychologist in Simferopol. In this case, only getting rid of the cause, you can solve the problem, and with it there will be a psychological stress.

Very often, the reason for this state is also the unfavorable setting that surrounds us. Modern man The negative factors of urban life feels acute. Accelerated rhythm of life, big load. You have to communicate S. large quantity People carrying different, often negative energy. In this case, to prevent the appearance nervous tension, It is necessary to pay more attention to your lifestyle, try not to accumulate the negative, and get rid of it in a timely manner.

Ways to combat psychological tension:

    Passive - you can stay alone, see your favorite movie, read good bookwalk in the park, listen to pleasant music, drink soothing herbs, make a massage, go to the sauna, make respiratory gymnastics, Aromatherapy.

    Active - take a journey, preferably at the place where you have long wanted to go, or where you were once very good. Try sport games on the fresh air. Prepare a delicious unusual dish. Make a permutation in the room, update the interior.

For women, visiting beauty salons, light shopping, girlfriends with girlfriends is also helpful. Some good fit fit.

For men - Fishing, Bowling, Billiards, watching sports matches in the company of friends.

Modern cities are able to offer us many more ways to have fun and relax. Everyone can choose to their own taste.

This means that performance is reduced compared with the normal level of physical ability. Mental fatigue is a predisposing feeling sleeping state And inability to concentrate correctly.

It is a symptom, rather than a visual sign. The symptom is that a person feels and describes, for example, headaches and, while a sign of a doctor can detect without a conversation with a person, for example, rash. Fatigue is a non-specific symptom, that is, it can have several possible causes.

Physical fatigue-, And he cannot do things in the usual rhythm. Lifting the stairs or hike to the supermarket can be much more complicated than before. Physical fatigue is also known as muscular weakness. Doctors tend to conduct diagnostics and are trying to find out the causes of individual cases of physical fatigue.

Psychological fatigue - Focus on things, it became more difficult. Often appears with physical fatigue. People may feel, have a reduced level of consciousness, and in some cases indicate signs similar to alcoholic intoxication. Mental fatigue may be dangerous for life, especially when the patient must perform such tasks like driving a car or the operation of heavy equipment.

Why am I so tired?

Possible causes of fatigue are practically limitless. Most of the diseases listed in the medical literature include indisposition or fatigue as one of the potential symptoms. Causes are sometimes classified for several lifestyle problems.

Possible causes of fatigue:

  • Mental health - Mount (loss), alcohol abuse, drug addiction, anxiety, moving, boredom, divorce. A certain amount can revive us, most of us need some kind of psychological pressure to gather. However, when the stress level becomes excessive, it can easily cause fatigue. Stress and anxiety - two emotions that usually cause fatigue. Stress can reach a point in which a person comes to despair. Despair ultimately can lead to fatigue and, if it continues long enough. Clinical depression can cause fatigue for several reasons. Fatigue can be caused by the depression itself or one of the problems associated with depression, such as insomnia.
  • Problems with sleep - Work until late at night, changing time zones, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, insomnia and reflux-esophagitis.
  • Some jobs are more closely related to the risk of fatigue. , than others. Examples include police, doctors, nurses, firefighters. The problem of fatigue is exacerbated if graphics and employment change regularly.
  • Consumption too large number Caffeine or alcoholic beverages Can make symptoms of fatigue harder.
  • Various diseases, conditions, condition and treatment of cancer - Chemotherapy, radiation therapy (radiation therapy), chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity,. Chemotherapy for breast cancer, most likely, can cause prolonged.
  • Chronic pain - People with chronic pain, as a rule, wake up from fatigue, even after they slept over time. For many, pain violates their sleep, which also affects their fatigue. The combination of sleep disorders and permanent pain extremely reduces strength, leaving a person in such a state for a long time. Some diseases and conditions in which pain is a major symptom, for example, are also associated with other diseases, such as sleep apnea, restless legs, which exacerbate the symptoms of fatigue.

Changes in neural bonds of the structure of the body

Scientists have proven that there is a link between muscle fatigue and changes in the interaction between neural structures.

Fatigue can become chronic. A person who feels tired maybe leads sedentary lifestylewhich causes fatigue. In addition, the lack of physical activity may eventually make a disease stronger and person will more tediously carry out routine activities requiring a normal physical condition.

Overweight and insufficient weight

Excessive body mass (obesity) today is a rapidly growing problem in most countries of the world. Fat people have much more chances, experience fatigue, for various reasons.

Fatigue can affect people at any age.

Experts say 10% of people around the world at any time suffer from the constant feeling of fatigue. Resistant fatigue affects women more than men. Fatigue can also affect healthy people After intense mental or physical activity.

What is the difference between fatigue and drowsiness?

Fatigue has a longer period than drowsiness. Drowsiness can be a symptom of the disease. Fatigue, especially chronic usually cause big medical problems.

People who suffer from fatigue feel that they lack motivation and energy. Even if fatigue and drowsiness are not the same, drowsiness or desire to sleep, is a common symptom that accompanies fatigue. Apathia can also accompany fatigue.

Signs and symptoms of fatigue

The main symptom of fatigue is exhaustion after physical or mental activity. The patient does not feel better after rest or sleep. Heavy fatigue can undermine the human ability to fulfill its usual actions. Patients describe fatigue, especially chronic fatigue (), as overwhelming and describe a condition that differs from what they have experienced before - not as a result of excessive work, but simply due to the loss of motivation. Fatigue is a common symptom among people with clinical depression.

Signs and symptoms of fatigue can be a physical, mental or emotional nature.

Below is a list of some more possible features and fatigue symptoms:

  • bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, possible, problems similar to irritable bowel syndrome;
  • muscle pain;
  • painful lymph nodes;
  • apathy, lack of motivation;
  • long fatigue;
  • complexity in concentration;
  • dizziness;
  • hallucinations;
  • migraine;
  • indecision;
  • loss of appetite;
  • prosuchence;
  • weakened immune system;
  • short-term memory deterioration, problems of the organization of thought may arise;
  • drowsiness;
  • weak reflexes;

Diagnosis of fatigue

Fatigue is present in many diseases, conditions, lifestyles and syndromes and can be caused by a wide range of factors that usually work in combination, so the diagnosis can be an extremely difficult task.

The doctor can carry out the following diagnostic procedures and analyzes:

  • Estimation of the state of fatigue itself - If the patient can determine the patterns of fatigue, for example, whether the symptoms are gradually deteriorating during the day and whether sleep helps. The doctor will try to evaluate the patient's sleep quality, its emotional state and voltage level.
  • History and current diseases - It will be prompted to tell about any recent events that cause fatigue, such as a person has transferred an operation in the past, severe loss, etc.
  • Lifestyle - A patient can be offered a few questions regarding the lifestyle, diet, alcohol, illegal drug use, etc.
  • Physical examination.
  • Diagnostic tests - include: urine analysis, x-rays, blood tests, etc. It is important to try to exclude any physical reasons, such as infection, hormonal problems, anemia, liver problems, kidneys. The doctor may assign sleep research to eliminate sleep disruption.

Treatment of fatigue

Successful fatigue treatment requires the search for deep reasons.


  • Try to go down and wake up at the same time every day.
  • Set the temperature in your bedroom at a comfortable level.
  • It is important that the last meal on the day was 2 hours before sleep.
  • Take warm bath And listen to soothing music. Clean your mind stressful and disturbing thoughts.

Physical activity

Remember that fatigue and physical activity are closely connected and a sedentary lifestyle I am the main reason for the occurrence of the disease. . Regular sports provide best Son. And reduce the likelihood of fatigue to a minimum.

From stress, depressions will effectively save nervous twist. The mother-in-law, Valerian and Blue have a sedative action, normalizes sleep, which is an important condition for the treatment of fatigue. Nervo Vit. Strengthened, powerful antioxidant.

For the treatment of fatigue, it is better to use natural components - plants adaptogens, such as Eleutherococcus, Levsay, and plants with a sedative effect (Valerian, mother-in-law).

It is able to raise the mood is not worse than ginseng. It tones like coffee, but in the preparation does not contain caffeine. improves performance, reduces drowsiness, this is the difference from others medicines Similar action. Due to the fact that the plant does not force the body to mobilize energy, the apathy period does not arise.

It helps to eliminate asthenic and depressive states, prevents overexcitation and overwork.

Contains the entire complex of trace elements, amino acids and vitamins of the necessary athletes in a digestible form. The drug tones the central nervous system, improves the learning process, memory, conditionaloreflex activity, improves synaptic transmission in sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers of the peripheral nervous system; Controls the process of formation and consumption of energy in actuating cells (muscles, liver, kidneys, brain and other organs); restores the immunosuppression effect due to training and competitive processes, affecting humoral and cellular immunity; Improves the microcirculation of brain vessels and working muscles by improving the rheological properties of blood (the presence in the structure of vitamins E and C, kumarine derivatives, ecices and other ingredients). Admission order: adults on the 1st tablet 2 times a day while eating in the morning. Reception duration: 3-4 weeks.