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Which means if a person often loses the keys. Signs Losing Ring, Cross, Earrings, Keys

Despite the fact that the keys are important and necessary, they are among the most frequent losses. They are forgotten or losing more often than decorations, buttons, glasses or gloves. Lose keys - a sign that promises problems in the very near future.

It is clear, because the key clearly needs to open something: apartment, safe with documents, cars, cottage, garage. Without them, really, there are no problems. But exist various interpretations Losses that depend on the condition of the key, its functional purpose and the degree of their own forgetfulness.

What can mean the loss of the key.

When the decoration is lost, you can reflect anything over how it has been removed from someone else's negative, what pleasant changes can mean and that it can be a reason to buy something new. Another thing is your own home or working keys.

In addition to problems, such a loss can not mean anything more. After all, it will have to do with replacing and installing a new castle. You never know where the key is lost, but attackers who are ready to use someone else's scattered, today is enough. However, it should be noted that everything is not so sad.

According to the old folk signs, the loss of a new key meant a certain profitable business offer, good luck in business. But the modern interpretation is more realistic, the loss of keys warned about a possible robbery, theft of valuable documents, money. What is not surprising. Little pleasant and if the old rusty key is lost or garage. This means that luck will turn away at the most inopportune moment and will have to count only on own forces. But if the key from the apartment loses young unmarried girl - This is a quick unexpected and pleasant acquaintance.

Magic keys.

Magic force keys

The keys are generally a lot of magical and interesting. The key together with the lock was used for conspiracies for love, in the vigors and other magical spells, taking, for example, good luck or health. And for a separate person, and for his dwelling, the key could serve as a talisman and guarded from enemies and a bad eyes. However, the keys were not considered a very good omen. After all, someone could run the key to "lose", leaving the energy of the witchcraft action on it. Therefore, even new found keys should not be lifted and all the more leaving with you.

However, as found knives.

Although earlier for a person, losing a knife meant to lose their life defense, so they were shouted as the Zenitsa Oka. Even goes to bed, the knife was put under the head.

For men of Scandinavian peoples, the loss of a knife generally meant close death. Based on these, the loss of keys is not the worst superstition. Although unpleasant. True, in some interpretations it is said that if the key is lost unexpectedly, it seems to be, and there is no it, then this is to relieve personal relationships. Thus, the lost key takes the problem with you existing in the house or family.

The question of interpretation of losses, as seen multifaceted. Therefore, it is always necessary to take into account the circumstances of personal life at the time of the key of the key. This to lose the bracelet of a young girl is always to a new novel, but the work with the keys is more complicated.

Do you believe in various signs and beliefs that even our great-grandmothers tell us about? Everyone knows that any sign has never been created from scratch. Some actions are definitely leading to natural consequences. For centuries, the people on the grooves engaged in collecting and their interpretation. So almost all of them (signs) and reached our days. Whether in our advanced time to believe in various superstitions? And let's just remember some of the takes and follow, which will come true and what is not. Talk today about the keys. Rather about the signs about them. What awaits someone who inadvertently lost their key or found someone else's? What promises the disappearance of keys from the apartment, and what are the consequences if you lose the keys from the car. So, what do you accept the loss of the keys?

All important - under the lock

Note that the signs associated with this subject (the key) appeared immediately after people came up with the castle. It is not difficult to assume why the key initially symbolized wealth and wisdom: priests, and later various inventors and scientists kept their books and works under the castle. The keys to the castle were always with the owner. The same with wealth: chests or wardrobes with good locked on the key. Accordingly, if the keys had happened, the sign was not good, since this incident did not promise anything positive.

Key from home (or apartments)

If we speak frankly, then the loss of this important thing that causes a storm of emotions. These emotions are not painted in beautiful colors of happiness. For example, losing the keys to the apartment - the sign and today clearly hints at the problems. At a minimum, you will get some unpleasant hours of life when you look for a key or make it duplicate. And then you will master the most different fears and fears: because the lost key can someone find and use it. Or worse - suddenly the keys deliberately stole intruders, and they already prepare the robbery of your home? Inevitably begin to believe that the sign of losing the keys to the house really acts. If you do not handle the alarm, then the locks from the house will have to be changed, and this is a significant loss in the financial aspect.

And what did the people spoke?

Old signs suggest a variety of events. For example, for young and non-burdened family obligations of people, a sign - losing the keys to housing - the promise of successful incidents and well-being in love. So young people seem to be very careless to the safety of keys, in the hope of finding the love of the whole life. And girls - in the hope of successfully married.

For serious people

It is believed that any key has strong energy. Accordingly, losing the keys by decision foreshadows the cardinal life changes even for serious people with family and decent work. The changes will be so large-scale that it is immediately decided to decide on them - a difficult step. How to prevent unexpected changes on life path? It turns out that it is not difficult. It is enough just to be more respectful to such a small but strong subject, like a housing key.

Prevent loss

Always keep your keys in special places for storage. Different attacities are not in vain invested, on their hooks you can hang a key chain that bonds the keys necessary to get into the apartment (or house). Purchase a special key-pocket, then your key will not be able to slip out of the handbag unnoticed.

Theft of Property and Forces

Specifications: The lost key that disappeared, despite all precautions and respectful attitude (the keystitch, a noticeable key chain, attention paid to the things) is still considered a precursor of the loss of property through possible theft.

There will be a bad sign that if the keys are constantly "lying" from your hands and fall - someone deprives you of energy. Nearby is the so-called energy vampire, squeezing your vitality. To protect yourself from of this person, Wear a small mirror with you. The mirror side of the subject should be directed from himself to reflect the attack of the vampire.

Dangerous find - keys

To find lost keys - Sketch is not at all better than losing this subject. Of course, once it was for a long time ago: if a person inadvertently found a key, he learns some kind of secret. Also, the find promised the resolution of all difficult life situations for lucky. The person who happened to inadvertently pick up this subject, carried it with a reverence in his home and put on the night under the pillow - for a more successful life. Over time, many began to notice that instead of good luck, they get something completely opposite. And today, the situation (and together with it and the sign) has undergone a radical change, which gives an explanation of such a strange metamorphosis with the execution of traditionally good signs in the opposite direction.

And that's why

Just in case you should know:

  • The key lying at the crossroads, time immemorial, is considered a bad find. Such an item could not be lost by someone, but it was fully subsened. Otherwise, such a thing is called a "lining". The lining is known for its malicious force for found. On the lock or separately the key makes damage and "lock" their "word". The key is thrown at the crossroads and go, not looking around and not talking, from this place. If you are inadvertently noticed this thing - do not check the truthfulness old signs. Follow past and do not touch the dangerous find.
  • One of the magical rituals is associated with "locking key failures." The magician conducts a certain rite associated with this subject and a loser person, and in the completion of the ritual, the sorcerer throws a closing link (key) into water. It can be any reservoir, from the puddles at the house, to the ocean in distant edges. Found the key in the water? Do not touch it, otherwise all the troubles that these troubles are removed from which these troubles.

More Signals about the keys

What kind of signs - lose the keys from the car or break the key? There is an attempt to hack in the near future. Push up from failure in advance - change the lock.

The keys began to rust - the sign indicates a gift. Perhaps one-time money infusion into your budget. Often rust keys are covered - expect a spiritual gift.

On the table keys left - not to avoid the scandal. Also lying on the table, the keys promise a monetary loss and other losses associated with finance.

There are craftsmen whistling "in the keys" - such virtuosos need to be warned that if they do not stop a similar action, they will soon lose their memory.

So that the husband loved his wife hard, the keys should be stored in one place.

Ring the keys - probably this person will have a problem in the mental sphere of life. So as not to be at risk of madness, you should forget about bad habit And stop enjoying the metal clawing of these items (at the same time and the psyche of those surrounding the coast, and the karma cleansing is accurate for you).

Each loss of something valuable for a person is a special sign. There are many people with loss associated with loss. If you have lost something, do not be lazy to learn the meaning of this sign, suddenly, it will help you learn something important.

Speczing losing the ring

Losing the ring - the sign is bad. If you lost the ring, then it promises the separation with those who gave it to you. It is believed that rings are decorations that connect two energies - the energy of the one who wears and the energy of the person who gave it. When the ring is loss, the connection between people is broken. If the wedding ring is lost, then it threatens with a quick divorce or misfortune in the family.

Sketches to lose cross

There are several versions about this loss. From a religious point of view, the loss of the cross means that God makes it possible not to bear his cross. Under this implies exemption from karma and destination. Higher power As if they give the right to choose, the chance to choose his way or correct the situation.

From an esoteric point of view, losing a cross - the sign is bad. In this case, a person simply loses his guard, protection.

Speczing to lose earrings

Lose the earrings - signs fortunately. If the earring lost a unmarried woman, then it will be very soon for her soul mate. For a woman in marriage, such a sign means the beginning of changes that may also be associated with new relationships.

Sketches to lose keys

If you constantly lose the keys - to be trouble. If you do not really lose your things so often and suddenly, somehow lost their keys, it will promise incredible good luck. Another thing, if you forgot the keys - this sign is promoting a quarrel with loved ones. If the keys were lost on the road - you are waiting for trouble in the way or bad dating.

Always watch out the signs that fate gives you. Sometimes simple events and phenomena make a sacred meaning in themselves, learning which, you can change your life for the better. We wish good luck and do not forget to click on the buttons and

05.10.2014 09:46

Wedding rings Not only a symbol of love and loyalty, but are talismans for a young ...

Rings from ancient times attributed magic properties. This jewelry was wore as a chap or talisman, ...

By itself, the loss of any subject is very upsetting, especially if you have lost such an important thing as keys, because it means that you cannot open the door yourself, you will have to look for them everywhere where you have been to do new, fuss. The only thing that raises the mood is the likelihood of something good. So, what does it promise a scattered person loss of a bundle with a keychain?

If you suddenly discovered that the key, which a couple of minutes ago, lay somewhere here, and now disappeared, then folk wisdom promises you an ambulance success. Ahead of you awaits some good event, some unexpected breakthrough in personal life or at work. Do not be upset because of the loss, as the key will be detected, and with it will come and something positive.

Be careful. If you often lose the keys - being trouble. Excessive diffusion leads to problems. However, it is so understandable. In everyday life it is better to be more attentive. When a person constantly forgets or loses the keys from his house, it can easily rob it. So says many years of experience of grandparents, so the police say, so the folk wisdom says. Permanent loss of keys - to robbery.

If you lose an old rusty key, which still used for some reason, take care of - from you will be successful. The one who is your thing will find your good luck and get. So try to find your lost thing as soon as possible. The same applies to other metallic things with rust - such as nails, horseshoes, hammers. If you wear all these items with yourself - follow them in all eyes so as not to lose good luck. Well, the rusty keys better replace.

It is very important where you lost it, and then found our keys. If they were lost in a long road or in a long way - beware of casual dating. If you have lost the key when they were headed on an ordinary route, carefully look for them. It will be better if you find them yourself, because to find a loss - unfortunately. Therefore, quite well thank someone who will return to you your thing, because because of your absentness, he may have problems.

If you forget the keys at home, for example, on the table or on the bedside table, soon you are waiting for a quarrel. Be more kind and miles with your family and friends, with someone of them is "explosion" in relationships. If the keys were left at work, a successful deal is waiting for you ahead or something related to business and finance. A bunch thrown away - to failure.

In any case, the good sign "lose the keys" or bad - you're better to follow them, especially if it is a "key from an apartment where money is lying."

If you believe folk schools and literary works, armed necessary key, You can get a lot of useful things and even arrange a personal life. Golden key, the key from the apartment, where the money is lying ... or here: "Happiness keys in their hands are looking for." But there are such doors that are not what to open, even in locking well It is not recommended to look around - hidden unpleasant things behind them. So the key is keen. And with household signs, the same thing: In one case, the "latter" will force you a major success and happiness, in the other - no less large problems.

Folk signs about keys

Each person in his pocket or purse there is a key, or even one. From the apartment, cars, a drawer of a table with valuable documents. From bank cell. Channel, under the eyeballs scored with old trash. Box with family jewels. Some, as if fabulous trolls, grab the whole bundles of a variety of keys! And each of the "launders" has its own energy - depending on how much the door for you, which it opens. Therefore, everything that happens to the cherished subject for superstition lovers is important.

Lose the key from the castle or the whole bundle

Despite the fact that the loss of an important key will certainly force you to revere in order, in some cases it is good sign:

  • Young and not burdens of marriage, especially girls, she promises changes in personal life, from an unexpected interesting acquaintance to the proposal of hands and hearts.
  • If in lately Troubles fall on you from all sides, rejoice. It is believed that the missing key opens the doors to a new bright life band.
  • Another good interpretation: "Sowed" the key - get a profitable contract or business offer.
  • Do not be nervous and those who discovered the loss of shortly before any important event. Signs outer assured: Whatever you have - a presentation, an interview or submission of documents in prestigious Institute - The conceived case will be able to perform "with a bang."
  • Alas, O. married woman You will not say that. The loss of keys serves as an unpleasant hint that the lady's lacking mistress and soon it will be announced by the open text. Domestic affairs will begin to fall out of the hands, the children will cease to obey, presents claims of beloved ... It is worth collecting forces and put in order everything you could run lately, yielding fatigue or laziness.
  • A little offensive that at the same time the chapter of the Superstition family does not buy anything, but only promise a successful move - they say, prepare a pocket for new keys, you will no longer need these.
  • The same meaning has a wedding for the young on the eve. Once the keys were lost, it means that in the father's house neither the bridegroom nor the bride will not return, but healing the friendly family in a new place.
  • The guy who lost the key on the eve of the call to the army risks after the service not to return home. But you should not immediately think about the worst version of the development of events! In wartime, signs and in fact was considered gloomy, but now it is interpreted somewhat differently. Perhaps the young man will decide to associate his life with armed ForcesAnd maybe he will meet the pressed where he falls to serve, and no longer wants to return home.

People constantly lose the keys

But not all signs are configured so complacently.

  • The keys lost during the move predict that you will not like it too much in a new place, but it will not be changed anymore.
  • Gathered on the road and suddenly found emptiness in your pocket? Get a negative forecast for the whole trip: personally for you - the risk of injury on the way, and for the remaining property of the property - undesirable interest from the robberies.
  • A later option of believing any disappearance of the key from the house, an apartment or car considers a warning that fraudsters are attempted on your property. Especially if you do not first find a loss! And it seems that this is not so much sign as observation. Indeed, the more keys you are left unknown where, the higher the likelihood that someone sacrificed them was chosen.

Find from the door of an apartment or car on the road, new or rusty

The key found is one of the most favorable predictions, but immediately pick it up from the ground. Like any personal thing, such a find is filled with someone else's energy that is not too intelligent to bring into your home.

  • If the key, which separated from the bundle, was found on the road or in the grass, he promises the influx of finances into your wallet and the permission of the difficulties that seemed indirectly. Do not hang your nose! But there is one refinement: the key must be new and brilliant! Scratched, rumped or broken is considered a sign of trouble, however, not too large. The exception is a truly old and strongly rusted key. And if it is still decorated with a beautiful thread or curls on the handle, such a gift of fate is not afraid of picking up with me even the most superstitious people, because by legends he is able to close the doors to your home any trouble!
  • A whole bundle of keys foreshadows the deliverance from the voroch of the problems - every one will pick up. And if you have long been able to conflict with a close man, the bundle found signals about the right time to take the first step to reconciliation. Your impulse will probably take advantage and support.
  • To the key found at the crossroads or in water, it is better not to touch. At such places they usually drop the conspiracy things, hoping to get rid of the problem or even translate her to someone else. Often in the water the key is put to neutralize the negative, maybe you should not take someone else's? Believe it or not to believe in "Podes", depends only on you, but agree that it is unpleasant to keep a similar thing in your hands in your hands.
  • Find your own keys once lost, means starting a new favorable stage of life.

Morning Nakhodka - Fortunately, Night - To Difficulties

Besides external view It has the value and time in which the key caught your eyes. At dawn or day, he symbolizes success in conceived business and many joyful events. Found at dusk denotes the enemy or problem that suddenly disappear from your path. And only if you manage to notice a small piece of metal in the night darkness, he warns about the fatal error that you are about to make. Do not take rapid decisions, they will cost you expensive.

Drop, fell on the street or in the house

Release the keys from the hands in any case unpleasant. Especially for a superstitious person!

  • If they fall at the time of your return home, commemorates serious problems.
  • If you drop when you go out, we are afraid of trouble with a smaller caliber. Global changes in life will not happen, but the case, for which you gathered on the road, it is not crowned with luck. It is worth postpone it for a couple of days and once again to think about it.
  • The keys fell from the table? In this case, the ringing of the metal on the floor serves as a warning of a quarrel, which is about to grow together in the family.

If a bunch of things and it falls out of your hands, although you do not complain about coordination and do not suffer in high fatigue, we wonder the penetration into the house of robbers.

Give or get as a gift

Without the slightest doubt, give the keys to the one who you are dear, and yourself willingly take them! It is believed that such a receipt of such a present forever "will close" your connection, whether it is friendly or love. What is nice, it does not necessarily have to be the keys to the car or personal yacht. The little catulcher or keychain will cope with the role of a gift "With hidden meaning" no worse.

Break or broke inadvertently

But this sign is twofold. Some believe that the breakdown of the key warns about the robberies that aimed at your home, and it is necessary to urgently take increased security measures until it has become late. And others believe that the attempt of hacking was already, but she was not crowned with success, and the unreasonable guests left unsolon bread, about whom the key tells you.

Forget home on the table or elsewhere

We are somewhere forgetting something somewhere. Some occasionally, and others with enviable constancy. If you enter into merry company "Crackers", which are forever come around the house with the screams "Where is my wallet, a telephone, a remote control," you can not pay attention to you, it does not have a relationship. In fact, it is ridiculous to give a special value to the key, if this month you have already managed to lose two pairs of glasses, glove and wallet with the last postponed to the salary of thousands! However, for those who differ accuracy and always firmly knows, in which pocket that he lies, forgotten keys Serve warning to fear thieves. Or, in a broader sense, mobilize and be ready to resist some hypothetical troubles that wait ahead.

Suffered one key from the bundle (separated and disappeared, broken)

Of the half-life of constantly demanded "bastards" hanging on one ring, a nuisance - for example, breakdown or loss - happened only with one? Alas, this event also speaks of a threat to your property from dark personalities. Check the locks, set the alarm in the apartment and the car. In any case, you do not lose anyway, confuse yourself from unwanted visits.

What do other beliefs mean

  • If your ligion is incomprehensible to rust, do not worry. Either you still did not get rid of the habit of throwing it where it fell, or you prepare an expensive gift.
  • Change locks? Get rid of the keys. From now on, they are no longer connected with anyone with your home or personal energy field.
  • The key, which is also thrown on the windowsill, is considered a magnet for problems, and on the table he pulls into the house of flirt and needs.
  • The key under the pillow protects sleeping from evil, and hidden under the mattress returns male strength to his spouse.
  • If a husband or wife, returning home, hang her bundle of keys to the hook allotted for them so that the second spouse does not hear it, the life of the couple will flow in Lada and the world. And do not be surprised in a strange reference! Remember how you throw the keys to the bedside table in the hallway, after going home in a bad mood. If the bunch quietly takes place on the hook, it means that the spouse has peace about the soul, and there is nothing to fear the quarrel.
  • But there are also really inexplicable signs. For example, fans pointing the superstition with the help of a hollow key promise failures in memory. And those who will ring the keys on Wednesday - and the loss of reason is altogether!

How to neutralize bad signs

It is not enough in the world of things so ordinary and distributed and at the same time caused the amount of testes and will take as the key. He was dedicated to the gods, they wore on the belt as a sign of a special position in society, with his help worked and made witchcraft rites ... However, in modern times the keys first fulfill the main function: opening and locking locks and doors. Only mysterious signs know whose heart you will be able to spill, finding a small key on your way!