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They disappeared the keys to the apartment. Snacks "Lose Keys": People's beliefs, interpretation, tips on neutralization of negative consequences

Estimation of centuries Folk beliefs and customs attach great importance to the key symbol. It is believed that this is a sign of something new and unknown, the foreskins of change, transition to a new quality. This subject is associated with the opportunities, new knowledge, replacement of beliefs.

In different cultures, the interpretation of the symbol may vary. For example, Japanese wise men believe that this device for opening the doors is a symbol of prosperity and fertility. In Christianity, the key is interpreted as a binder between the worlds.

Signs about keys originated in ancient times. All of them are boring positive valueBut still with this item should be careful. Invalid use or prediction abuse can lead to a response. For an accurate omen it is necessary to consider a number of factors that connect you with keys.


What does the keys mean? Is it worth raising them? Does the interpretation depend on the circumstances associated with the find? Answers to these questions you will find in this article.

Sometimes, walking, we accidentally find something on the street. Do not pass by, it is better to pay attention to this item - perhaps this is a sign. Sick find the key is considered good. Consider predictions by day of the week:

  • Detect find on Monday means an ambulance road. Probably, you will travel on a journey, which have been waiting for a long time, or meet with your relatives. In any case, the trip promises to be useful and enjoyable.
  • What to find it on Tuesday? Definitely it promises you a monetary increase, enrichment. You may receive a premium at work, win the lottery or you will be returned with old forgotten debt. It is important to correctly distribute the funds received - it is better to invest them into something for the subsequent, significantly greater profits.
  • If the subject caught you on the way on Wednesday - wait for meetings with the old familiar. An unexpected collision will bring him good newswhich you have long been waiting. If you come out some kind of offer, it is better to agree on it. Perhaps now it will seem not particularly attractive, but in the future will bring its fruits.
  • Find the key on Thursday on the street means acquaintance. For women, it will be romantic in nature and can continue to pour into something serious. Men this meeting will bring success in the career, new opportunities, promising connections.
  • On Friday, detect the key lost by someone - to luck. Competently, use it, but do not abuse luck. Try to take part in the lottery, gambling. People overly gambling should be careful, otherwise you can descend success.
  • If a piece of stamped metal lost by someone, you caught on Saturday, be prepared for a large purchase. Real estate, car, or something else, no less expensive - any acquisition will be successful and bring you only joy.
  • Found on Sunday? The upcoming work week will seem easy to you: work will be a bit, and it will only bring pleasure.

In addition to the day of the week, when the discovery happened, attention should be paid to the signs of this subject. If he is old and rusty, then you will learn a long-standing secret close man. Information can shock you, but you should not express your opinion directly, try not to offend the interlocutor. Found a new brilliant key - wait for changes in life. Most likely, you will change the work on a more profitable and close to your heart. New prospects will open in front of you - we will immediately use them.

Found a bundle of keys on the road? Pay attention to your health. You should visit the doctor, pass a preventive examination. It will not hinder also to strengthen its immunity, to support the body by receiving vitamins. Do not neglect the rest and try to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.

Many are wondering whether it is worth raising other people's keys. In order to avoid the consequences, it is better not to do this. There are special conspiracies on the key when a person with him throws everything bad from his life. If you come across such a case, other people's troubles can go to you along with the found item.

As popular predictions say, find the key - excellent sign. Believe it or not - to solve you.


There are situations when you cannot find such an important thing in your pocket or bag, like a key, and start nervous, worry. In this case, it is worth looking at everything on the other hand.

It turns out that losing the key is good sign. Despite additional expenses related to the replacement of the castle, the leadership of the keys promise only the advantages. It is likely that soon you will break a large kush in the form of a cash remuneration. It is recommended to spend this money exclusively on yourself. Buy what you have long dreamed of, treat yourself. This purchase will deliver you true joy.

If you found your lost keys, wait for the addition in the family. It can touch you personally or members of your family.

Forgotten this subject in the castle? For a young girl or guy, it means to meet your love, start romantic relationship, lose your head. For the rest, this is a sign of positive change. At first, you may seem that these changes are not particularly successful, but they must be accepted, as you subsequently get a good result. If a businessman forgot this item in the castle, it is waiting for changes in business: the chance falls out to significantly increase their well-being.

You can be sure that the sign of losing the keys does not bear anything negative. And if you believe in good signs, they will definitely come true.

Other situations

It is impossible to consider all situations and predictions associated with keys. Next more we describe the most common of them:

  • If you managed to drop the keys - try to pay more attention to your relatives and friends. Call your parents, spend time with friends, take a visit to the grandmother. This sign talks about the loss of connections, cooling of relationships. It is not too late, restore them.
  • You went out of the apartment, and did you have a keys in front of the door? Soon you will go on the journey. You can begin to prepare for this, the trip promises to be interesting and exciting.
  • Faced the fact that the key broke? Pay attention to your environment. Next to you there is a man who flies intrigue, dismisses gossip and envies you. Most likely, you have long guess this. Twist communication with this person to a minimum, it will benefit you.
  • Found that the object rusted? Wait for good changes in family life. Resolution of conflicts inside the family, exit from controversial situations - all this is waiting for you in the near future.

Due to the fact that such a symbol, as the key, is given great importance since antiquity, you can trust the signs about them. But do not forget about the precautionary measures: if you have discovered the loss, change the castle as soon as possible in order to avoid troubles in the future.

Write your opinion

A bunch of keys from the house with a lot of keyfobs, the key with the tag that opens the door in the office, big key From the safe. Such little things have each of us. We casually throw them on the nightstand, returning home, looking at the bottom of the bag, standing in front of the door, forget, but we never think about the importance of all these actions, and even more so about the value of keys as such.

But the key symbol from ancient times met in different cultures. In the beliefs of the ancient peoples, the key had several values. The priest depicted in the hands, the key was considered a symbol of wisdom, access to unexplored secrets. With keys depicted and gods. In their hands, he symbolized power. In the Middle Ages, the key was considered a symbol not only power, but also security. Conquered cities handed over the new ruler key as a sign of recognition and adolescence.

If we consider the key as a symbol, then in most believes it has a positive value. Therefore, his find does not promise anything bad. Found key brings good luck and foreseen the ambulance permission. However, in each individual case, the interpretation of such a find has its own nuances.

The key found on the road foreshadows the successful resolution of a difficult situation. If you bring it home, it will help close access negative energy In the life of households.

Sick find a clean and brilliant key promults well-being in the financial sector. Rusty key does not foreshadow anything bad, but on the contrary promises a quick receipt of a gift or profits. In order not to miss good luck, it is necessary to raise it, bring home and hide in a safe place.

If a person finds a whole bundle of keys, in this case, the folk sign promises well-being in family life, as well as a successful way out of the confusing situation.

But there are such keys that you should leave where they lie. For example, in no case should not pick the key found in the reservoir. There is a possibility that he was there after holding a ritual aimed at locating all the adversity under water.

Do not take the key lying on the intersection. This belief is also associated with a similar ritual. In addition, it is believed that a multiple person may drop it at the intersection. And the thing itself can carry his energy.

Sketches to lose the key

With the loss of keys in his life, everyone came across, and in itself this situation is not pleasant. That is why at present many are convinced that his loss promises exclusively trouble and trouble. However, if you think about it, then all the difficulties after the loss of keys are reduced only to the domestic issue of the replacement of locks, which is not associated with folk signs. Most will attack the loss of keys with coming change. True, in each case, they have different character.

So, if a young girl will find the loss of keys from home, then the signs promise to her change in his personal life. For people dealing with business, such a loss promises profit in affairs.

But mothers are better careful to watch the keys. It is believed that losing the keysticks from the apartment, the mother can be expected to be disclaimed in relations with children, quarrels and misunderstanding.

The interpretation will adopt may depend on the situation in which they were lost. For example, their loss in front of an important event, such as standing or exam - a good sign. But before the far expensive, the opposite is bad. Lose the keys after the wedding or moving means that life in the new status or in a new place will be easy.

Sometimes, after we already said goodbye to the thing, she suddenly detected in an unexpected place. In this case, it should be rejected doubly. In addition to the fact that there was a loss, this situation also promises the beginning of a new light strip in the life, completion of trouble and troubles.

The keys fell

Regardless of the size of the bundle of keys, this thing often strives to slip out of the hands. In general, this situation in the belief is negative. Keys fallen before entrance door - Bad sign. If this happened when leaving the house, you expect small trouble ahead. But if the bundle fell out of the hands to return home, then soon the door can do large problems.

If the keys fall regularly, it may be a sign of warning. In the room, the keys from which constantly fall out of the hands, someone is going to penetrate the unkind intentions.

You should think about and having heard a loud ringing sound from falling keys. In the house where it happened, the probability of quarrels and misunderstanding is great.

Other Signals related to keys

It is believed that quarrels in the family of promlit and habit leave the keys on the table. The table and other horizontal surfaces in the house were considered the conductors in the other world. Therefore, with the help of keys that lie on the table, dark forces can penetrate into the dwelling. So the keys are better to highlight permanent place Not on an open horizontal surface. This will protect them from hitting their hands to unfriendly.

Hidden meaning can have and key rings that we wear on the keys. By correctly choosing a decoration for a bundle, you can attract good luck. Conversely, if approaching the choice of this accessory is inappropriate, there is probability of sticking trouble.

It may seem to see the rule that one should not decorate their keys to the keychain in the form of negative characters. Often on key bundles you can find figures in the form of weapons, skulls and the like. But such things simply cannot bear positive energy.

With caution, you need to treat trinkets with the image of unknown characters. For example, the ancient runes may bear a negative value, while the owner of such a thing may not even guess about it.

As for positive characters, it largely depends on self-imposition. For example, if you believe that the key chain with the image of the horseshoe or sign of the zodiac is able to bring good luck, then the thing is really able to help its owner.

In addition, it is believed that if you hang on the keys to the keychain in the form of the one that you want to possess, it will help to achieve the desired one. For example, you can decorate your ligament reduced copy of the car, houses or coins. And the travelers are perfectly suitable key rings in the form of sights of those places where I would like to visit. So the keys may appear miniatures Eiffel Tower or Egyptian pyramid.

The key was never an ordinary thing, the value of which did not attach any meaning. On the contrary, in each culture, it is a specific symbol to which the abilities are attributed, or is considered an omens to any events. About the signs of keys and about their interpretation and will be discussed.

What does the key symbolize?

Usually exactly from the purpose of the key different peoples Draised inspiration to attribute to him one or another ability. Once they can handle the doors, it means that it is a means of knowledge, wisdom and even wealth, both spiritual and material. Among other things, according to beliefs, it gives the allowance and limiting force by providing:

  • safety;
  • power;
  • knowledge;
  • liberation;
  • submission;
  • freedom;
  • limitation.

The keys are the constant attribute of many deities and rituals in different religions. Including in Christianity: Some apostles are depicted with keys or even with their bundle in hand, on a belt, etc.

Well, in folk signs about the keys, you can find a lot of interpretations as to what they can fill: from good luck in personal life to the most real trouble, because depending on what kind of doors it unlocks, it is impregnated with positive or negative energy.

Signs about the worship of the key

It is not enough to lose the keys very unpleasant in itself: without them, do not get into the house, in the office, do not unlock the car, safe, etc., so also folk wisdom refers to this event ambiguously.

Positive value

The most common interpretation of key loss signs about changes for the better. This is especially true of those people to whom the whole series of failures fell before it. In this case, the loss is encouraging: a new bright page is open for you.

It may also be due to the approach of a beneficial transaction or the implementation of the conceived. Sometimes it says about the approaching move. For unmarried girls, this is not a holiday: they should be waiting for fast changes in their personal life.

By the way, if a couple of days before the wedding, the bride or groom disappeared the keys from the doors of the house, it means that they live together for a long time and happily.

What is bad in the loss of keys?

Unfortunately, there are less pleasant superstitions associated with losing keys. So, there is a sign: losing the keys for a married woman means that homemade things will go awry. Skandals will begin with homemade, where solid reproaches will be poured on the hostess. Although, if a wise woman, she will demand such a superstition as a signal of what should be sought in themselves, revise some of their actions, etc.

For the guys who gathered to the service in the army, the loss of the key threatens what he won't return home. But you should not panic. Perhaps the young man will make a successful career in the army, remaining to serve there for a long time, or marries the place of service and will also remain on his wife's homeland.

If the keys are lost when moving, then in a new place is unlikely to be alive well. The same applies to those who have gathered in the road: it will not be successful.

Finally, the most realistic sign reads: lost the key (from the car, apartments, etc.) - change the locks, perhaps you have stolen it and get ready to penetrate your possessions.

What promises the find of the key?

Find the key is considered in general good familiar. But not without exceptions, of course.

Positive value

Folk wisdom believes that it is good to stumble upon someone else's key. It means that the problems available are now quickly permitted, and the threats will bypass. If you could find a bundle - it's just a jackpot. You are expected to success in financial affairs, long-awaited reconciliation with an expensive person. Moreover, your step towards the resumption of relationship will be appreciated and adopted.

A rusty key is considered a rusty key, and the older, the more lucky the new owner. He reliably "ban" the doors of your home for any misfortunes and envious people.

Find the key that you yourself and lost, means that there is a turn in good by unexpected and favorable events.

When the key does not cost?

Now about the negative finding of the find. If a old curved key is found in an unexpected form, let him lies further. He will not bring any kind.

Signs of the keys found at crossroads have a witchcraft subtext. Most likely, they were spoken and thrown onto the intersection of roads, which is old magic ritual. Featuring such a key, you accept different troubles: illness, failure, damage, etc.

If the lock is detected in water (river, lake, swamp, etc.), here you should also be careful. This may be part of a witchcraft rite or someone thus removes the negative from the subject.

Other signs

On this, the signs of the keys do not end. There are still very many of them:

  • dropped;
  • fell themselves;
  • forgot the key;
  • put on the table;
  • presented or received as a gift;
  • broke or broke, etc.

and they also deserve attention.

Folk signs about keys

When the key falls

Ronal keys are most often communicated in a hurry, so it is not always time to give this value. However, superstitions say that if you have fallen keys with certain circumstances, you need to stop and think about it, because it may be a saving warning.

When it happens when returning home, wait for major problems. When you go out of the apartment, small trouble happens, perhaps the case, because of which you had to go out, it simply will not succeed today.

If the keys are falling, your plans will also be impossible to come true. If this happens regularly not by your fault, i.e. You do not suffer nervous disorder, chronic fatigue Etc., then above the room, from which the keys are constantly dropped, hung the threat of illegal penetration.

But there is another belief: whenever you happened to drop the keys, you need to quickly make a desire. If they flew from the table, loudly ringing about the floor, a quarrel happens in the house.

Key as a gift

Naturally, if the keys presented to you or you, open the car, an apartment or a cute yacht, this is an obvious luck! But the keys are still made in the form of jewelry (pendants, earrings, suspension, etc.). This is a wonderful gift, symbolizing friendship, strong love and devotion.

Broken key

In case the key broke, different signs Slight different events. This may be a sign of danger from thieves. But also the key may be trying to "tell" you that the robbery attempt was already undertaken, but did not be crowned for villains with success.

Forgotten key

If the key nowhere can be found, then here and "do not go to the fortuneteller": it could have been perfectly kidnapped with you to clean the dwelling, car, office, etc.

Again, when a person is already scattered and this is only a small part in the coupe of ever-losing things, then look for a hidden subtext in this event - a waste of time and strength.

Other superstitions

Often people wear some keys connected by one ring. In this case, loss, damage or breakage only one warns about the danger. Moreover, it can be a real threat to theft of property or the occurrence of the problem.

They also say that the keys on the table - to a quarrel or to the absence of money. In any case, first of all it is nonhygienic, because where they just do not roll.

When the key unexpectedly broke, it is excellent: wait for pleasant news, surprises, gifts.

Never throw the keys: they must have their place (shelf, hook, for example), where they are calm. By the way, the keys that are no longer needed due to the fact that the locks are replaced, you need to bury in the ground. They already have no purpose, their energy is superfluous.

Modern life is very dynamic. Sometimes there is no time to detain your opinion on some accidents or signs. However, if you know the signs and correctly apply them, you can save ourselves from many small and large troubles.

Signs to keys

We are surrounded by many keys: from home, machine, garage, safe, mailbox, beloved secret locker and a lot more from what. Often opening or closing something key, you do not think that the key is a strong mystical sign. It is associated with wealth, with a subtle world, with various love rituals and traditions. That is why a little knowledge about the signs associated with the keys must be considered in your life.

Keys, being a strong talisman, require a serious and attentive relationship. Each key should know its permanent place in the house. And taking it with you, you need to take him a separate pocket of your bag.

If your keys fell out of hand or from the table, then such a sign means an imminent quarrel with loved ones. Try to prevent begging. Write the keys on the table and think well about whether you always behave with your loved ones. Such actions and reflections will definitely help you get away from the conflict.

Bad admission is to break the key. This may mean material loss or even theft. Try to be attentive to your things, take precautions and carefully close the door to the key before leaving.

Hold your keys on the table, is always a bad admission. Mystically keys are associated with money. If you are used to keeping your keys on the table, you can inevitably lose all your savings, stay just poor. Keys should always be kept in a certain place, on the shelf, on the hook, in the key. If you often can't find your keys in the house, then such a habit should urgently change, and take a certain place to your keys.

For married women There is such a sign associated with keys. Come home, quiet, without sound, hang your keys in place. It will save your home from unnecessary locked quarrels.

The loss of the key turns around, as a rule, large hassles and inconveniences. But as a sign - losing the key - the sign of kind. It means that in a short time you spare with a strip of failures, with old unresolved problems, maybe with diseases. Ahead opens new life With new prospects.

With the found keys are not so unambiguous. In general, find the key to get rid of ourselves from problems. If you are found new keyThis may mean ambulance financial assistance or relief from financial problems. But this key should not be lifted, especially if it lies at the crossroads or on the road.

If you were lucky enough to find an old or very beautiful key, then good changes will wait for you ahead. Such a key can be lifted, bring home, rinse under running water and roll church candles. If after all these rituals key to put the key for the pillow and ask higher power Assistance, then maybe you will have a solution to you at night.

Signs associated with a bracelet

Women have always loved bracelets. And at present, the bracelet is a popular and fashionable decoration. Some signs are connected with it that can indicate her further fate to a woman or a girl. And these signs should be known.

For example, if the bracelet on hand cracked or broke, it can lead to quarrels and conflicts in everyday life and at work.

Bracelet as a gift is good in all respects. If relatives were presented with him, then a good and trusting relationship could be found with them. If a gift in the form of a bracelet made colleagues for work, then your further cooperation will be friendly and enjoyable. The appropriate gift, presented with a beloved man, will mean the transition to new level In relations and further strengthening them.

Find a bracelet for a woman is bad sign. It means that the woman will soon be disappointed in her beloved man and it can bring to breaking relationships. Do not lift the find, go by.

But if the girl lost his bracelet, then it should not be desirable. On the contrary, such a loss carries a rapid marriage, and it will be long and happy.

If you have dreamed of a dream, and in it a dressed bracelet dressed on you, then such a sign means an early, but extremely successful marriage.

Losing a bracelet in a dream, unlike everyday lifemeans that soon troubles are waiting for you. If you have found a bracelet in a dream, then a shortness of your property is waiting for you, this is a good sign.

Signs on the knife

The knife is a special and very mystical object. From ancient times, the knife was considered a symbol of power, a tool of protection, guarded, protective talisman. The knife is often used in mystical rituals, witchcraft conspiracies and is one of the main items of various cults.

Specify the largest knife associated with a knife. His magic force Can predict fate and point out the near future. Knowing some tips associated with a knife, you can protect yourself and loved ones from troubles or be prepared for a meeting with them.

The most common belief is a knife fallen on the floor. If the knife fell to the floor, wait visit to the house, and be sure to male. But, for example, if the knife fell and hit the floor with a handle, it should not be noticed simply unfamiliar man, and a close and pleasant person. His visit will not bring you any bad news.

The knife falls on the floor with the edge of you - this is a sign that the coming person will bring a quarrel or unknown news to the house. Raise the knife and knock the handle on the table. At the same time, say quietly: "Sidi at home." An unpleasant person will go through your home.

If the knife fell to the floor and stuck in it, it should not be frightened. It only means a visit to your home unfamiliar man. That the news brought by them will be bad, not a fact. But it is better to raise the knife and knock them about the table with a handle.

If when you work you broke a knife, then this is a more serious. A broken knife means fail. Do not blame such a knife or a long time to regret his loss. It is best to throw it away, but at the same time read the following conspiracy: "The knife breaks, my grief does not concern."

If your favorite knife began to be covered with rust, then you should pay attention not only to the way it is storage, but also on your own health.

Anyone knows that a gift in the form of a knife is bad sign, it will definitely be a disorder or quarrel. But instead of a gift, the knife can be sold. Ask for the knife a symbolic fee in several kopecks and there will be no trouble.

Crosse the knives on the table, play them, eat food from the knife is also not followed. Get yourself from trouble.

Bad admission is considered to find a knife. But the troubles may occur only when you have not kept and picked up a knife. The knife is very strong Obereg and talisman. He carries a large energy of that person who dropped him. Therefore, pass by the finds and do not take a knife with you.

But to lose the knife, as it would not sound scary, does not carry anything fatal and mystical. Fate in the form of this loss saved you from some evil intentions and tracks of your enemies. Do not regret the loss.

Knowledge of all sorts of visits is a good help in various life situations. Use this knowledge without fanaticism, and the opposite is coming and correct. Then fate will tell you right choice In life path.

Everyone knows that it cannot be shown on something or someone with a finger, but for sailors it is not an empty sound, as it is believed that you can angry the gods, cause a storm or become a victim of shipwreck.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you soon.

Note Pro Key - Lost and Broken

Things that seem to be ordinary, sometimes possess ancient mystical meaning. Signs about the keys, for example, can serve as an important caution, and a favorable sign. It depends on whether they should open the door to happiness and good luck, or vice versa - to release Pandora Pandora's hundred and troubles from the chest. Sometimes the signs associated with the keys help protect a person or his home: they are hanging over the entrance door (as an analogue of a "happy horseshoe"), carry on the neck from the evil eye, put under the pillow to drive nightmares and evil spirits.

Lose house keys, cars, apartments

It would seem that to lose your property is always sad, but the sign of the lost key is not too categorical.

  • It will be less likely to make married women - for them loss of keys are fraught with a change in family status, the loss of familiar well-being and conflicts.

There should be no other people to scare the rest of the people. On the contrary:

  • grooms and brides Speczing about the lost keys from home promotes a quick marriage and its own family nest;
  • young men promise success in overcoming some obstacles;
  • adult men guarantee a successful move and new perspectives.

It turns out that sometimes it is very helpful to lose the keys to work - the sign clearly hints at career growth. Does not do without important warnings: sometimes lose or drop the keys - a sign, speaking close attention intruders. For example, apartment vorays. Only vigilance will help here. And probably changing locks.

What breaks in the lock or the key falls - the sign


Metal objects are often used for "linings" - magical rites that help "give" their trouble to someone else. So it turns out that finding the keys to the house on the road on the road - not always to good. It should be alerted if the thing came across the eyes somewhere at the crossroads (it was in such places that "otkup", charged by a stranger negative). But there are other signs:

  • Detect in the ground a rusty key with "old" curls - close access to your home by any troubles.
  • Find a bundle of keys - to solve several problems at once.


  • From their own keys after replacing locks, it is recommended to immediately get rid of nothing preventing the movement forward.
  • You should not leave a bundle on the windowsill, so as not to "call" in your home of the outside.
  • Keys on the table - signs to small quarrels.
  • Stuck or broke in the castle - waiting for changes in the material area.

Fell - what?

Fallen keys hint at threatening trouble. If the incident happened before the door in the apartment - the trouble would try to penetrate the house. The same thing happened on the street? Ahead of the series of small, but unpleasant excesses. To dispel this magic, it is enough to repeat the action for the second time - already consciously. Simply put, raise the ligament, hold it in the palms and leave again.