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Loss of keys from the apartment. Lose keys: Signs

If you believe folk schools and literary works, armed necessary key, You can get a lot of useful things and even arrange a personal life. Golden key, the key from the apartment, where the money is lying ... or here: "Happiness keys in their hands are looking for." But there are such doors that are not what to open, even in locking well It is not recommended to look around - hidden unpleasant things behind them. So the key is keen. And with household signs, the same thing: In one case, the "latter" will force you a major success and happiness, in the other - no less large problems.

Folk signs about keys

Each person in his pocket or purse there is a key, or even one. From the apartment, cars, a drawer of a table with valuable documents. From bank cell. Channel, under the eyeballs scored with old trash. Box with family jewels. Some, as if fabulous trolls, grab the whole bundles of a variety of keys! And each of the "launders" has its own energy - depending on how much the door for you, which it opens. Therefore, everything that happens to the cherished subject for superstition lovers is important.

Lose the key from the castle or the whole bundle

Despite the fact that the loss of an important key will certainly force you to revere in order, in some cases it is good sign:

  • Young and not burdens of marriage, especially girls, she promises changes in personal life, from an unexpected interesting acquaintance to the proposal of hands and hearts.
  • If in lately Troubles fall on you from all sides, rejoice. It is believed that the missing key opens the doors to a new bright life band.
  • Another good interpretation: "Sowed" the key - get a profitable contract or business offer.
  • Do not be nervous and those who discovered the loss of shortly before any important event. Signs outer assured: Whatever you have - a presentation, an interview or submission of documents in prestigious Institute - The conceived case will be able to perform "with a bang."
  • Alas, you can't tell this married woman. The loss of keys serves as an unpleasant hint that the lady's lacking mistress and soon it will be announced by the open text. Domestic affairs will begin to fall out of the hands, the children will cease to obey, presents claims of beloved ... It is worth collecting forces and put in order everything you could run lately, yielding fatigue or laziness.
  • A little offensive that at the same time the chapter of the Superstition family does not buy anything, but only promise a successful move - they say, prepare a pocket for new keys, you will no longer need these.
  • The same meaning has a wedding for the young on the eve. Once the keys were lost, it means that in the father's house neither the bridegroom nor the bride will not return, but healing the friendly family in a new place.
  • The guy who lost the key on the eve of the call to the army risks after the service not to return home. But you should not immediately think about the worst version of the development of events! In wartime, signs and in fact was considered gloomy, but now it is interpreted somewhat differently. Perhaps the young man will decide to associate his life with armed ForcesAnd maybe he will meet the pressed where he falls to serve, and no longer wants to return home.

People constantly lose the keys

But not all signs are configured so complacently.

  • The keys lost during the move predict that you will not like it too much in a new place, but it will not be changed anymore.
  • Gathered on the road and suddenly found emptiness in your pocket? Get a negative forecast for the whole trip: personally for you - the risk of injury on the way, and for the remaining property of the property - undesirable interest from the robberies.
  • A later option of believing any disappearance of the key from the house, an apartment or car considers a warning that fraudsters are attempted on your property. Especially if you do not first find a loss! And it seems that this is not so much sign as observation. Indeed, the more keys you are left unknown where, the higher the likelihood that someone sacrificed them was chosen.

Find from the door of an apartment or car on the road, new or rusty

The key found is one of the most favorable predictions, but immediately pick it up from the ground. Like any personal thing, such a find is filled with someone else's energy that is not too intelligent to bring into your home.

  • If the key, which separated from the bundle, was found on the road or in the grass, he promises the influx of finances into your wallet and the permission of the difficulties that seemed indirectly. Do not hang your nose! But there is one refinement: the key must be new and brilliant! Scratched, rumped or broken is considered a sign of trouble, however, not too large. The exception is a truly old and strongly rusted key. And if it is still decorated with a beautiful thread or curls on the handle, such a gift of fate is not afraid of picking up with me even the most superstitious people, because by legends he is able to close the doors to your home any trouble!
  • A whole bundle of keys foreshadows the deliverance from the voroch of the problems - every one will pick up. And if you have long been able to conflict with a close man, the bundle found signals about the right time to take the first step to reconciliation. Your impulse will probably take advantage and support.
  • To the key found at the crossroads or in water, it is better not to touch. At such places they usually drop the conspiracy things, hoping to get rid of the problem or even translate her to someone else. Often in the water the key is put to neutralize the negative, maybe you should not take someone else's? Believe it or not to believe in "Podes", depends only on you, but agree that it is unpleasant to keep a similar thing in your hands in your hands.
  • Find your own keys once lost, means starting a new favorable stage of life.

Morning Nakhodka - Fortunately, Night - To Difficulties

Besides external view It has the value and time in which the key caught your eyes. At dawn or day, he symbolizes success in conceived business and many joyful events. Found at dusk denotes the enemy or problem that suddenly disappear from your path. And only if you manage to notice a small piece of metal in the night darkness, he warns about the fatal error that you are about to make. Do not take rapid decisions, they will cost you expensive.

Drop, fell on the street or in the house

Release the keys from the hands in any case unpleasant. Especially for a superstitious person!

  • If they fall at the time of your return home, commemorates serious problems.
  • If you drop when you go out, we are afraid of trouble with a smaller caliber. Global changes in life will not happen, but the case, for which you gathered on the road, it is not crowned with luck. It is worth postpone it for a couple of days and once again to think about it.
  • The keys fell from the table? In this case, the ringing of the metal on the floor serves as a warning of a quarrel, which is about to grow together in the family.

If a bunch of things and it falls out of your hands, although you do not complain about coordination and do not suffer in high fatigue, we wonder the penetration into the house of robbers.

Give or get as a gift

Without the slightest doubt, give the keys to the one who you are dear, and yourself willingly take them! It is believed that such a receipt of such a present forever "will close" your connection, whether it is friendly or love. What is nice, it does not necessarily have to be the keys to the car or personal yacht. The little catulcher or keychain will cope with the role of a gift "With hidden meaning" no worse.

Break or broke inadvertently

But this sign is twofold. Some believe that the breakdown of the key warns about the robberies that aimed at your home, and it is necessary to urgently take increased security measures until it has become late. And others believe that the attempt of hacking was already, but she was not crowned with success, and the unreasonable guests left unsolon bread, about whom the key tells you.

Forget home on the table or elsewhere

Wherever you leave the key to scattered!

We are somewhere forgetting something somewhere. Some occasionally, and others with enviable constancy. If you enter into merry company "Crackers", which are forever come around the house with the screams "Where is my wallet, a telephone, a remote control," you can not pay attention to you, it does not have a relationship. In fact, it is ridiculous to give a special value to the key, if this month you have already managed to lose two pairs of glasses, glove and wallet with the last postponed to the salary of thousands! However, for those who differ accuracy and always firmly knows, in which pocket that he lies, forgotten keys Serve warning to fear thieves. Or, in a broader sense, mobilize and be ready to resist some hypothetical troubles that wait ahead.

Suffered one key from the bundle (separated and disappeared, broken)

Of the half-life of constantly demanded "bastards" hanging on one ring, a nuisance - for example, breakdown or loss - happened only with one? Alas, this event also speaks of a threat to your property from dark personalities. Check the locks, set the alarm in the apartment and the car. In any case, you do not lose anyway, confuse yourself from unwanted visits.

What do other beliefs mean

  • If your ligion is incomprehensible to rust, do not worry. Either you still did not get rid of the habit of throwing it where it fell, or you prepare an expensive gift.
  • Change locks? Get rid of the keys. From now on, they are no longer connected with anyone with your home or personal energy field.
  • The key, which is also thrown on the windowsill, is considered a magnet for problems, and on the table he pulls into the house of flirt and needs.
  • The key under the pillow protects sleeping from evil, and hidden under the mattress returns male strength to his spouse.
  • If a husband or wife, returning home, hang her bundle of keys to the hook allotted for them so that the second spouse does not hear it, the life of the couple will flow in Lada and the world. And do not be surprised in a strange reference! Remember how you throw the keys to the bedside table in the hallway, after going home in a bad mood. If the bunch quietly takes place on the hook, it means that the spouse has peace about the soul, and there is nothing to fear the quarrel.
  • But there are also really inexplicable signs. For example, fans pointing the superstition with the help of a hollow key promise failures in memory. And those who will ring the keys on Wednesday - and the loss of reason is altogether!

How to neutralize bad signs

Some keys really want to turn into a pendant!

  • If you still have not kept the key in your hands and now we are afraid of bad consequences, drop it again, is already targeted. No matter how strange it sounds, but this is how our ancestors coped with a bad admission.
  • Deciding to pick up the key found on the road, hold it under the water jets, in the flame of the candle or throw a few days in flower pot. The power of the elements will relieve your find from someone else's and hostile energy.
  • If you want to turn the key into a real mascot, immediately after cleansing it in the palms and sit for a while, thinking about something nice. For example, imagine how difficulties standing on your way are permitted one after another. Or how comes true what you have long dreamed of. Or ... come up with yourself! The main thing is that the picture is the most positive and raised you the mood. Then say: "As the lock is unlocked, so my problem is solved" and remove your new talisman in a handbag or another place where you are going to store it. You can tie the key with a red ribbon or put into a cute cover to emphasize its importance. And you can hang on the chain and wear on the neck instead of a pendant. The sooner you believe the new happy TalismanThe greater chance that he will work.

It is not enough in the world of things so ordinary and distributed and at the same time caused the amount of testes and will take as the key. He was dedicated to the gods, they wore on the belt as a sign of a special position in society, with his help worked and made witchcraft rites ... However, in modern times the keys first fulfill the main function: opening and locking locks and doors. Only mysterious signs know whose heart you will be able to spill, finding a small key on your way!

The key is a fairly small thing, which is very easy to lose, but it is very problematic. People who have lost the key are forced to use spare options or make duplicates. But what to do a person who found the lost item? It is not possible to return it to the owner, yes, most likely, it will be irrelevant. Interpretation of signs Find the key We will look at in this material.

Our ancestors transferred us a huge number of different adoption related to lost or found things, different phenomena of the surrounding world. How to interpret the key found on the road? Should the trouble be fear or prepare for unexpected joy? And also what to do with the key yourself - take it with you or pass by?

It is noteworthy that it is interpreted by the sign on the key found in different ways. In some sources, it indicates greater joy, and secondly, it foreshadows trouble. Which of the interpretations believe and how to do with the find is already a personal business. But, of course, all those who believes in the message, more curious to learn about the most common explanations of the signs.

Folk interpretations Signs

To love luck

According to one of the versions, find the key - it means to strengthen your love feelings. This interpretation They adhered to Gypsies. It was assumed before to take the words of a special conspiracy in the hands of saying. At the same time, it was necessary to imagine their second half and visualize how you happily live with her and harmoniously until the end of my days.

Then nine nights put the key under the pillow, and on the day all the time was kept with you. When the time passed the time, the key should be strained in a safe place and not to tell anyone about him, as well as about the rite.

The interpretation described above remains popular today. An excellent sex representative is especially resorted to it. Magic force A conspiracy will increase if the key you found is old.

Found problems

If you turn to another interpretation of signs, the find of the key denotes the emergence of various problems in life and fraught with hazards. Perhaps the detractors are falling against you a conspiracy or intrigue. Therefore, you should not take the key with you or in any way to contact with the subject - just so you can save yourself from troubles.

But even left in place the key will foresee certain life difficultieswhich will happen soon.

If scratches or darkening are present on the key - this especially indicates negative events.

Note about housing

In another interpretation, the sign find the key indicates that you will come across the need to change the place of residence.

It may still be a message from above that your dwelling is protected from evil forces. The house will remove you from trouble. And if some kind of jealous or envious person will try to hurt you - the key reliably closes entrance door from negative radiation.

In the family you will reign peace and harmony. If the key is very old - it indicates even greater housing protection.

But if this object is broken - you should be more vigilant, possible theft should be feared.

Angry mystery

If you are this moment Income over some complicated life task, and then suddenly find the key is definitely a sign over. It is necessary to rinse the object under running water (for cleaning it from someone else's negative energy), and then read the conspiracy. Then throughout the day and the evening you need to save silence, and hide the key under the pillow on the night and go to bed. Cause you will find a right solution.

Did you find a whole bundle of keys? This indicates the elimination of old and boring family problems. Relationships with long-range relatives improve, if someone from households are in a quarrel - it will surely be thrilled.

Wait for the addition of the family

See bright Son. About how you find the key, according to accept, is a very favorable interpretation. Most likely, in the near future your family will appear another member. This may not be a child, but a person who came to the family - for example, a daughter-in-law or son-in-law.

At idle and unmarried relatives easily and harmoniously will work out a personal life.

There is also another interpretation of the key discovered in a dream - it also denotes moving to a new home or the repair of housing in which you live at the moment.

Monetary gain

Most people believe that the key found is foreshadowing safe changes in life.

Finding a new and brilliant key foreshadows the transition to an interesting and high-paying work, as well as moving to spacious accommodation.

And the found key key will attract material benefits to your life. Note promises a quick wealth - getting an inheritance, gifts, dear finds. And the more the key in size, the more the good you will be discharged.

Rusty key and at all is a real Mascot of Fortune. Many superstitious people advise to take him with them and very carefully store. Hide the find in such a place where no one can find it. Good luck will necessarily help you in all areas of activity, which at first glance may seem absolutely unqualified.

Pass by a rusty key lying on the road, or give it to another person - in this case you risk offend "luck" for such a dismissive attitude and she probably turns away from you for a long time.


It is possible to sum up that there is a huge number of interpretation of signs of the found key. And every person will be able to establish its own, intuitively feeling which one is the most correct. But, of course, if you are tune in to positive - you get it, because our universe materializes exactly what we believe, and makes it our reality.

Any loss immediately worsens the mood, especially if valuable or necessary thing. To the category of extremely unpleasant loss of undoubtedly include keys. Just one small object, imperceptibly dissolved in the surrounding space, is able to make you temporarily homeless, leave without your favorite work or block access to the desired things. In addition, the incident promises many unforeseen concerns: the sophisticated search for missing ligaments, ordering new copies or even shift locks, and maybe the whole door.

In such a situation about positive emotions It is not necessary to speak. The only thing that can at least discharge the "bitterness of the loss" is a happy interpretation of signs. And what actually foreshadows loss of keys?

"Incinse" - a happy omen

In most cases, the disappearance of the ring with a keychain and other wiring content brings positive changes in fate and material position.

  • For multiple youth, the loss of the key of any caliber and significance is promoting the cardinal changes associated with personal status. The young and in love with the wind-in-law turns into the head of the family. Carefree girl having a fan, after a while becomes a solid married lady. Well, the lonely hearts are acquired, finally, their halves.
  • For a person who has been pursued for a long time, the width of the key means that the doors for further problems and misfortunes will remain closed forever, and the "white" band will begin in life.
  • It happens that a whole bunch of office space disappears. For business people The loss will be a happy omen, as it promises the conclusion of a new and very favorable contract, establishing useful ties with partners and suppliers.
  • Wonderful if you lost the keys on the eve of the responsible event. Any exam, interview or negotiations will end with full and unconditional success, which is not surprising. After all, locked up the door in front of you new life There will be nothing.
  • "Key" sign works great for newlyweds and long-married men. These two happy categories of crawls unexpected loss promises moving. Old keys exempt the place for fresh copies from the new housing.

Unfortunate "Key" Signs

Not every loss of keys can compensate for unforeseen difficulties with a pleasant interpretation.

  • For married woman The disappeared bundle serves as a warning that is not all right with a household. While the husband did not begin to show discontent, and the children did not come out of control, they should urgently return the reenforce on their hands. Shake and spend general cleaning, prepare a delicious lunch, visit the teachers at school.
  • If the keys are OT. new apartment Mysteriously disappear during the move, the sign foreshadows troubles and family problems. Most likely, the change of dwelling will bring you no long-awaited joy, but discontent with repair and location.
  • It is completely unwanted to lose the keys before departing to a long journey. An unpleasant incident will be a guarantee of an unsuccessful trip. It is possible that you will be a victim of fraudsters or robbers, get injured or getting influenza.
  • One of the most explained interpretations of the signs of "missing keys" says that the Zhuliki was "put" your property "put an eye". Such an incident requires immediate actions: Change locks, connect the alarm, always carefully lock the doors.
  • If the keys are not lost completely and irrevocably, but just forgotten at home, visiting or at work, then the sign also does not promise anything good. Scatleton can lead to quarrels with family, friends or colleagues.
  • Beware to lose ancient, rusty lays. After all, such touched by the time of things are the key to good luck. Most people carefully belong to the rose and slightly deformed horseshoes, hammers or nails. They know: the loss of the talisman will definitely lead to the fact that things will cease to accompany success, all undertakings will end with full collapse, and the luck will turn to the one who detects the loss.

Despite the fact that the keys are important and necessary, they are among the most frequent losses. They are forgotten or losing more often than decorations, buttons, glasses or gloves. Lose keys - a sign that promises problems in the very near future.

It is clear, because the key clearly needs to open something: apartment, safe with documents, cars, cottage, garage. Without them, really, there are no problems. But exist various interpretations Losses that depend on the condition of the key, its functional purpose and the degree of their own forgetfulness.

What can mean the loss of the key.

When the decoration is lost, you can reflect anything over how it has been removed from someone else's negative, what pleasant changes can mean and that it can be a reason to buy something new. Another thing is your own home or working keys.

In addition to problems, such a loss can not mean anything more. After all, it will have to do with replacing and installing a new castle. You never know where the key is lost, but attackers who are ready to use someone else's scattered, today is enough. However, it should be noted that everything is not so sad.

In older folk signs The loss of a new key meant a kind of profitable business offer, good luck in business. But the modern interpretation is more realistic, the loss of keys warned about a possible robbery, theft of valuable documents, money. What is not surprising. Little pleasant and if the old rusty key is lost or garage. This means that luck will turn away at the most inopportune moment and will have to count only on own forces. But if the key from the apartment loses young unmarried girl - This is a quick unexpected and pleasant acquaintance.

Magic keys.

Magic power of keys

The keys are generally a lot of magical and interesting. The key together with the lock was used for conspiracies for love, in the vigors and other magical spells, taking, for example, good luck or health. And for a separate person, and for his dwelling, the key could serve as a talisman and guarded from enemies and a bad eyes. However, the keys were not considered a very good omen. After all, someone could run the key to "lose", leaving the energy of the witchcraft action on it. Therefore, even new found keys should not be lifted and all the more leaving with you.

However, as found knives.

Although earlier for a person, losing a knife meant to lose their life defense, so they were shouted as the Zenitsa Oka. Even goes to bed, the knife was put under the head.

For men of Scandinavian peoples, the loss of a knife generally meant close death. Based on these, the loss of keys is not the worst superstition. Although unpleasant. True, in some interpretations it is said that if the key is lost unexpectedly, it seems to be, and there is no it, then this is to relieve personal relationships. Thus, the lost key takes the problem with you existing in the house or family.

The question of interpretation of losses, as seen multifaceted. Therefore, it is always necessary to take into account the circumstances of personal life at the time of the key of the key. This to lose the bracelet of a young girl is always to a new novel, but the work with the keys is more complicated.


Remember the "Encyclopedia of Young Surkov" - an invariable assistant ducklings from the animated series "Duck stories". One of the recommendations in this book reads: "If you want to find some thing, think: where would you lie in her place." Oddly enough, this thought has under the foundation.
Losing the keys, put yourself in their place. Where would you be? The answer may come quickly enough. Some psychologists argue that this way the subconscious has it. But this reception does not work as often as I would like.

Remember when you last saw the keys. Try the exact sequence of your actions from now on and carefully examine each place suggested by your memory. Maybe the keys lie in your pocket. Maybe they fell from the shelf. Or maybe you forgot to remove them from the castle. But the person is not a computer, and memory can bring.

Inspect the room in which you are. If you can invite a third-party observer. He can get a "fresh" look. The likelihood is that you do not notice the bundle lying with you before.

Survey the most impregnable places of your home. Sometimes lost things lie there. Someone explains it with the intervention of the otherworldly forces, someone about this is just perplexed. But the fact remains a fact: the keys are sometimes there, where they simply should not.

Inspect the pad before. Perhaps you chose a bundle here. Search keys on the grass whipped is very difficult. Therefore, if you have, remove one carbox from it. If not, lend "damn" from someone from the neighbors. Armed with them, go through the entire platform, holding it with a magnet to. As soon as the key turns out to be in close proximity, it instantly will attract a magnet.


  • how to find keys at home

The search for the keys lost in the apartment may take several hours, and even after that they will not be crowned with success. Easy this work will help the sound key chain. It reacts to a high-frequency sound and responds to it intermittent signal.


By purchasing a sound keychain, put everything keys On his ring, or stop it already existing. If the batteries are supplied in a separate package compartment, rearrange them into the battery pack of the block, observing the polarity. If they are already installed there, pull the plastic tongue with a plastic tongue through the slot in the cover of the compartment cover. From now on, the device is ready to work.

Check, sound keychain. Stand up at a distance of two or three meters from it and loudly whistled. If you do not know how to whistle, use a whistle, (than it is less, the better). Can fit quite loud musical instrumentif you play on it high Note. For each signal, the keychain must respond with a intermittent pisk or a series of trills.

Check the efficiency of the device at least every six months. If he starts responding to high-frequency sounds inevitably, either stopped working at all, replace batteries in it. Use depending on its model, three or four AG13 elements. They are similar to those used in the cheapest laser pointers. When installing them, observe the polarity. Used elements. Purchase in the reception points available with many dishes.

If the keychain with the keys is lost within apartments, Make a high-frequency sound in any way described above alternately in each of the rooms, in the hallway, kitchen. If you determine by rumor where the response was heard from, I could not repeat the attempt until keys Will not find.

Sound keychain can be accommodated for searching for other frequently lost objects, such as a TV. To do this, glue between themselves the hulls of both devices so that the batteries can still be changed in them, and the button of the remote control, nor the hole and sound easel of the key fob (they are often combined as a single piezoelectric converter with reversibility).


The range of key fob is limited. It is not suitable for finding items that have lost far.

In Russia, about 300 people disappears daily. Every year this indicator grows. Relatives and acquaintances who collided with a relatives of loved ones man, very often do not know where to turn. At the same time, the services, who are ready to help them, are currently enough.


Start the search for a missing person is needed from addressing the police. The department at the place of registration needs to come with a passport and a photo of lost. Be prepared to describe the details as much as possible, which will help the consequence. What a man was dressed, what date and how much came out of the house, where and when it was last seen. The statement about the disappearance of an adult will take three days after its absence. A child under 18 will start looking at once.

After the statement in the police is accepted, start independent searches. You will need with the help of friends and relatives to call all hospitals and morgues. The task is more complicated if the missing did not have documents with him. Then you have to ride the identification. One will cope very hard, ask for support from loved ones. Let someone always be near the case of bad news.

Usually the first two stages allow you to quickly find out the fate of the lost person. But if there are no results, you need to move on. Contact online portals that are engaged in the wanted missing people. Place an advertisement asking for help there. Write as much more details about the lost. Sometimes little things, not significant at first glance, help attack the right track.

Attract the media. Many of them print ads about people's disappearance for free. Provide all resources - radio, printed press, newspapers, television. The more people be notified about the search for a person, the rather it will be.

When all the tools are triggered and hope almost left, write to the program "Wait for me." This is a unique international project. Program staff searches not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world. On the site "Wait for me" - - You can fill out the questionnaire and describe the missing person. It will immediately begin to look. Weekly, with the help of this transfer, about 60 people are looking for. The main thing is not to lower your hands. You will help you!

Video on the topic

Many of us at least once had to face the situation when being after a hard working day, studying or just walks near the door of your house, overpowing all pockets and bias branches and not finding keys in them, had to stand under the door and wait for the parish of relatives. In order to avoid this unpleasant situation again, keep some simple rules.