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Parade planets in your home. Calf. Planet, Stones, Colors, Talismans, Flowers, Trees, Symbols, Happy Numbers

09.07.09 Nadezhda Galynskaya

calf- The youngest among earthly signs of the zodiac. This is a symbol of material stability, leaning, endurance and physical strength. Taurus plants must be autonous, not high or low. And Venus, which controls the Taurus, endowed some of them unique beauty, sophistication and a wonderful thin aroma.

Garden plants Taland - Altea, Barwin, Begonia, Tourish, Turkish Carnation, Geranium Field, Dushey, Iris, Kaluzhnitsa, Camellia, Levka, White Lily, Lily of the Lily, Margarita, Melissa, Sparking, Narcissus Yellow or Pale Yellow, Fern, Primula (Soft, Innokonic Chinese, Keyful), Roses miniature and low-spirited, chassis, lilac, yarrow, sage, cleanliness. Tank plants also include woody plants: elder, black alder, ash; Fruit and berry and vegetable cultures: apricot, artichoke, beans, cherry, gooseberry, almonds, rowan red, bean bush, sorrel, apples; And the field herbs: clover, nick, nettle deaf, burdock, mint fleshing, peppermint, bustling grass, senna, drying, toloknyanka ordinary.

Power engineering Plant Telta Develops in man creative abilities, endurance and patience, sense of measure. It teaches to enjoy life, develops the ability to needlework, helps in search of permanent operation (the energy of plants will attract employers in your life). These are talismans for secured life. They are recommended to grow to those who do not know how to save and spend money, do not know how to take their own strength.

cleans from negative energy of words and thoughts, scatters indecisiveness and despondency. Develops a feeling of taste.

Dusenay He inspires man calm and self-confidence, cleans from despondency and longing, develops hard work. Increases the forces of the body.

Lily, Narcissus purifyspace from negative energies of thoughts and bad feelings. Inspire and remove the feeling of constraint. Cleans the body from chronic diseases and colds, from salt deposits.

Daisyprotects from evil thoughts and from leadership, scatters indecision, helps girls find the groom faster. The stepper cleans from the energy that occurred during the conflict, removes the inner irritation.

Fernthey are a magnet that attracts wealth, as well as a symbol of wisdom. The plant is controlled simultaneously three planets - Mercury, Moon and Venus. It harmonizes emotions, feelings and thoughts, which will help to establish a healthy and active rhythm of life. He will contribute to the manifestation of the hidden strength and abilities of a person, develops a sense of measure. He heals from laziness, inexlessness, increased emotionality. In addition, the fern eliminates a pair of formaldehyde, xylene and toluene from the atmosphere. Absorbs radiation from household and computer equipment. Beneficially affect the nervous system, lungs, bronchi and brush hands.

Primroseradiates the energy of joy and fun; Encaps, raises the mood, it is cheerritated and stimulated.

Rose miniatureit causes love to the world around in people who surround, contributes to improving relationships.

it will save us from unnecessary waste of forces, feelings and money. Will help forget the former love, and surrender to a new feeling; Inspires and configures to work.

07.07.09 Nadezhda Galynskaya

Cultivated lilac In Europe more than 400 years. For such a period, many varieties and hybrids have been created. Different inflorescences are white, pink, blue-lilac, blue, reddish, simple and terry, small-bedroom and large-flowered, loose and dense adorn bushes and spread the gentle fragrance to the entire district. Find in inflorescence Flower with 5 petals is considered to be happily (more of them in white lilac), and with three to separation with your beloved. Therefore, in England, Lilac, oddly enough, was considered a flower of grief and misfortune.

Care. Lilac is a light-loving plant. Unpretentious and grows on any no raw soils with a pH 6.5-8, but better on looglist. On low raw places it is necessary to drain the soil and fading of the Earth, the acidic soils are lime. The soil under lilac pipped to a depth of 50-60 cm, refuel with organic and mineral fertilizers. It is planted so that the root neck is on the same level of soil or higher by 2-3 cm. On raw places it is necessary to plant on small hills, towering above the ground. The distance between the plants is 3-4 x 2.5 m. Every year, the soil is drunk annually to a depth of 10-12 cm, and they are watching not to damage the roots. Near the root neck, the roots are located at the very surface of the Earth, so the land is not drunk near it.

The first feeding is carried out early in the spring, as soon as they begin to grow shoots (20-30 g of ammonium nitrate, 30 g of superphosphate and 15-20 g of potassium chloride on one plant and close to a depth of 10-15 cm, pouring with a solution of a dung alive or a cow). The second in the middle of the summer during the formation of the kidneys (ammonia nitrate is 10-15 g, superphosphate - 40-50 g, potassium chloride 25-30 g).

Remove root pigs. Crop the shiny brush lilac immediately after flowering. With the autumn trimming lilac, the next spring will not bloom. The pruning of lilac is to take the timely removal of the blurred inflorescences, preventing the development of the heads around the main trunks of the bush. The formation of a bush, trimming of fatty shoots and trimming branches, directed inward crowns, as needed in autumn or in winter. Crucify lilac by the secateur, and large branches are cut with a hacksaw. Sections of sections are smeared.

Energy of Lilan.
Inflorescences with white flowers purify space from energies of negative and bad feelings. It will help to find confidence to those who feel deprived of attention and love. With pink and light-lilac flowers, plants will be removed from the excessive waste of forces, feelings and money. With purple and purple - will help to gain wisdom, grow anger, the face of misunderstandings between family members. Lilac will help forget the former love, and surrender to a new feeling; Inspires and configures to work. Impact on health: Cleans air from pathogens and from poisonous gases. He opposes colds. Leaves, flowers and roots are used in traditional medicine. Putting, antimalarial and painkillers. Treat stones in the kidneys and liver, joints, radiculitis.

07.07.09 Nadezhda Galynskaya

Who does not know these beauties?
Distille violetsdecorate any room. And so that they grow well to comply with the five basic rules:

  1. moderate temperature (in winter not lower than 16 degrees),
  2. cautious watering
  3. good lighting (a lot of light - little sun),
  4. high humidity
  5. regular feeding.

Care Not complicated, but permanent. Follow the leaves to not touch the window glass; Constantly remove the shrinking flowers and damaged leaves, not leaving a stuff; Pump out the side processes as they appear. Pots should not be too big and better plastic. The soils are prepared from sheet, peat land or chopped moss and a small amount of sand (4: 1: 1) (or equal parts by humus, sand, leaf and conifer land). And necessarily a good drainage on 1/4 part pot.

SENPOLIA - Shadowish, but non-changing plants, the optimal condition will be soft scattered light for 11-13 hours per day. The windowsill on the northern window in the summer (on the windows of other destinations it is necessary to protect against direct sunlight, gauze curtains, white matter), and in the winter - oriental or south window. In winter, blossoms include artificial illumination 14 hours a day. Remember that excess lighting is oppressed by the plant: slows down and then growth is stopped, short bluer paints are developing, the flowers are minimized and pale, quickly faded. Light green leaves are yellow, dark green acquire a brownish shade. Sheet plates become dense, stuffed stuffed. A varieties with wavy light green, strongly sowed, as well as with large star colors need to be shared. And with insufficient lighting, the violet ceases to bloom, the cuttings of the leaves are pulled out, thin, the leaves become thinner and without shine. The darker the leaves, the more lights are required.

Brings to the house comfort. Palks with white flowers eliminate the space from the energies of unclean thoughts and bad feelings. Even cleans the house from ants and other household insects. With pink and red violet flowers, clean us and house from thoughts and feelings associated with carnal needs, accumulation and from gluttony. Thanks to this, the inhabitants of the house will hurt less. The violets with blue flowers fill the space of the energy of creativity and get rid of boredom, as it becomes more interesting and more fun to live. The violet with purple flowers will help overcome misunderstanding and rejection between the tenants of the house, developing earthly wisdom in man. This flower helps with meditation and fortune telling. The violets warm our soul will prevent the nervous breakdowns. They are useful to have home people who often experience strong feelings, and those who feel deprived of the attention of others who are missing love. It is especially useful to keep violets in a room with infants. Influence on health. He opposes the diseases of the throat and harmonizes the work of the thyroid gland.

All Taurus plants are talismans for secured life. They endow a person endurance and patience, learn to enjoy life, develop a sense of measures and ability to do with needlework, help in search of permanent operation (the energy of plants will attract employers in your life). They are recommended to grow people who do not know how to save and spend money, do not know how to take their own strength.

Power engineering plants

Begonia (Winter, tuber, multi-flower) cleans the atmosphere of the house from the energy that has arisen when conflict with spouses, guests. Removes internal mental stress, irritation. When the blooming begonias quickly passes cough.

Kalanchoe Blossfeldafalls the energy of words and thoughts. It must be kept where people are constantly dissatisfied. The plant will help when heavily in the soul, and find simple ways to solve problems. Develops a feeling of taste. Calanechoe energy strengthens blood vessels and contributes to the dissolution of blood clots in the vessels.

Kalanchoe manginacleans from despondency and longing, develops hard work and inspires a calm, confident attitude towards his capabilities, strengthens the desire of a person to work and meet the deadlines for delivery. Cleans the body from chronic throat diseases and from the slags accumulated over the years. Increases the forces of the body.

brings the comfort to the house, eliminates the space from the energies of unclean thoughts and bad feelings, from boredom.

Cyclamen Persian makes in the atmosphere the energy of inspiration and creates a relaxed atmosphere, raises the mood

Compatibility Horoscope: Taurus Zodiac sign What flower is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Mascot: Owl, Golden Taurus.

Element Taurus: Earth than and explains their stability and thoroughness. Tales from those who need confidence in their rear, a clear understanding of the goals and aspirations.

Symbols: Bull (winged), cow (winged).

Colors: Lemon, yellow, bright blue, deep orange, lemon and green and all spring (red - unsuccessful).

Stones: Turquoise, sapphire, agate, opal, emerald, Esmerald, green marble, jade, carisol.

Fragrance: Taurus is happy when calm and harmony reigns in his family. It is not located to any changes and innovations. Loves nature and he is not alien to romance. Spring twig of lilac could turn his head. The most suitable perfumes are inherent in flower-sweet notes, as well as fresh bergamot aroma (pear view). This perfume stimulates their aesthetics and a tendency to laziness. The pegument of the flavor of the forest moss helps them easier to adapt to any changes and new items, making them more adventurous and active. calf Big bottle will be delighted in bright red or bright green packaging. Women amarige, champagne, organza, xs. Men eGoist, Fahrenheit, Hugo, Yatagan.

Essential oils: mint, lemon, sage, laurel, rosemary, cypress, thuja, jasmmin, fennel.

Flowers: Lily of Lily, Lilac.

Plants: Taurus is the first ground zodiac sign, and manages the beautiful Venus. Therefore, the calf is owned by low, strong, decorative-flowering plants: cyclamen, Gloxinia (Sinning) Lovely, Violet Dylzbarskaya (SENPOLIA), Begonia Decorative-Flowering, Primrose (Primula), Kalanchoe Blossfeld and Mangin, Pecheromy.

Days and numbers

Favorable numbers: 2, 4, 16 (and all numbers divided by 6).

Happy Days: Monday Friday.

Unlucky day: Tuesday.

Born from April 21 to May 1 - under the influence of Mercury possess great mental abilities and a tendency to commercial and agricultural enterprises. Melancholic. Important years: 16, 24, 30, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57.

Born from 2 to 11 May - under the influence of the moon - dreamed, noble, indecisive, prone to politics and literature. Important years: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64.

Born from 12 to 20 May - under the influence of Saturn - uncommunicative, pessimists, afraid of poverty and love loneliness. Important years: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64.

Taurus flower horoscope | Taurus - Zodiac sign flower

Improve overall health, health and mental condition, as well as the atmosphere in the house of the Cleans will help short, strong, beautifully blooming plants. Taurus flowers on a horoscope - short and blooming violets and begonias. Low growth, which has each of them, is associated with the nature of this sign.

What flower is suitable for a horoscope

As you know, the Taurus is the second earth mark in the zodiacal circle and it is he who is closest to the material sphere and to the Earth. In addition, some explain the low growth of plants and the economy of representatives of this sign.

The flower of the Taurus according to the horoscope is SENPOLIA (DVIDSBARY VIOLE), KALANKHEANAN AND BLOSSFELD, decorative combating begonias (multi-flowered, tube and winter), sinning (gloxinia) beautiful, ampel peperomy and primula. In these plants, many properties of calves are manifested, but they have all two common properties.

First of all, it is worth noting that any of the plants mentioned above can be grown in the house as a talisman to attract wealth. Taurus is a sign that is peculiar to the stability of the material situation, and it is precisely plants that will help to strengthen it. In addition, the shoulders are considered physically strong and endless, so plants of this sign can be grown to maintain the forces of their body.

It is about the violet that it can be said that it is the most typical flower of the Taurus on a horoscope. After all, both this zodiacal sign is typical of calm and slowness, and violetically affects the atmosphere in the house and make it comfort. And so that this plant becomes exactly the note that is missing for harmony, it is worth choosing the palette of his colors.

Universal option - violets with white flowers, especially if there are children in the house. Plants with flowers with flowers purify the atmosphere in the house, delivered non-negative thoughts and feelings, prevent nerve breaks and reduce the load on the nervous system.

Violets who have pink or red flowers clean the space from thoughts and feelings that are associated with instincts, carnal needs, thirst for storage. They inspire a sense of satisfaction, reducing physical needs. In addition, such violets facilitate the atmosphere in the house and improve health.

Blue violets fill the house atmosphere of creative inspiration and beauty, contribute to the development of creative potential. While violets with purple flowers rise feelings and thoughts, improve relations between family members, help them achieve mutual understanding.

What is the Taurus flower on a horoscope? Lily of the valley is known from antiquity as a valuable medicinal plant. It is also used for the needs of medicine and perfumery. Cosmetics prepared on the basis of valley essential oils never cause allergies.

Many nations revered the valley as a symbol of spring. So, the ancient Germans decorated their clothes in the spring holiday Oster. At the end of the holiday, the faded flowers were solemnly burned, as if sacrificing the Ostass - the goddess of dawn, herue of heat. In French villages to this day, the first May Sunday is celebrated as a feast of Lrangeis.

The valley decorate the windows, fireplaces, and, by itself, tables. The feast does not work out without songs dedicated to the Messenger of Spring. When dancing starts, the girls pin down the bouquets of Lily of the Lily of the dresses, the guys insert into the loop of the jackets. If the dancing couple becomes bouquets - young people liked each other.

And at all in ancient times, they would already be taught engaged. Failure from a bouquet - a refusal of friendship, throw the valley under his feet - not otherwise how to send the extreme degree of contempt. Latin name in translation sounds like "Lily Dolin". Russian nicknames of the valley are as follows. Yaroslavl and Voronezhz are called Landecadushka, Kostromichi - weak grass, Kaluzhan - Zayachya Salt, Tambovtsy - culprit.

He is also known as the Puncher, Gladsh, Voronets, Hare ears and Forest language. The word "lily of the valley" rises to the concept of "smooth". Perhaps due to smooth soft leaves. The valley is compared with tears, and the old legend says that this wonderful flower has grown out of the drop-down tears.

The delicate fragrance of the valley attracts bees and bumblebees, which contribute to pollination of flowers, after which they are developing at the beginning of green, and when ripening orange-red berries. They are dedicated to the poetic legend: once, a long time ago, Lily of Lily loved the beauty of spring and, when she left, mourned it with such flammable tears, that the blood spoke from his heart and painted tears.

Taurus flower on a horoscope - lilac. With Lilac, we have a memoir about the spring, about the wonderful May, when the renewed nature is in all its glory. Heated with large brushes their adorable white and purple flowers, lilac serves as the best decoration of our gardens. Its wonderful smell is felt from afar, and somehow involuntarily stretches the hand to pour flowers to decorate their home.

Lilac received its name from Greek Sirinx - tube. In one of the ancient Greek legends, it is described about how Pan, the God of Forests and Fields, loved the beauty of Nymph Sirring. But God was ugroen: Bearded, horny goat, and Sirring, fleeing his persecution, turned into a beautiful fragrant plant - lilac.

Anyone who at least once heard melodic overflows of a squirrel made from lilac, will never forget her charming sounds. Motherland of Lilac - Balkans. Four hundred years ago, she was brought to Vienna, and from there she spread across Europe. Shades and shapes of lilac are extremely diverse. In Russia, it was first called Sinel - from the word blue.

Flower horoscope Taurus: Plants, Flowers and Taurus sign trees

Plants sign Zodiac Taurus in the Celtic and Horoscope Druids

calf - The very first sign from the entire zodiac circle belonging to the earthly element. And therefore, it is closest to the material sphere.

This is in many ways and explains the fact that there is a low growth of the Taurus and small flower-sizes. But beautiful buds and bright painting them gave this sign of the zodiac to his patroness - Planet Venus.

Tales are patient, non-aggressive and sometimes sentimental. So their talisman plants are famous for their grace - everything is modest, but tasteful.

Talisman Talisman Flowers

Taltsov a lot of colors-talismans. And if at least one of them is "settled" next to him, it is certainly awaited by luck, success and a positive atmosphere around. What colors the patronage of this sign of the zodiac?

Whatever the buds of buds, in whatever care they need, they are combining 2 common features.

First, they are capable of, literally as a magnet, attract cash. And for people born under the sign of the Taurus, their material status is very important.

And secondly, since all the identities are very strong, then the flowers are extremely hardy and unpretentious in care.

The houseplants of the Taurus on a horoscope can be attached in their home to all those who wish to live in sufficient and maintain their body in good shape.

Special talisman for Taurus is kalanchoe. This flower, like all the calves, is distinguished by its unobtrusive beauty and strength. Astrologers argue that it will help the bodies in the performance of desires. The plant is blooming usually in the spring, but calves, with their diligent characteristic, will certainly help their favorite to dismiss even in winter. Calanchoe still helps to cope with many ailments (for example, thrombosis), and therefore, the elderly shoulder it will be very useful.

And here cyclamen It will help to achieve mental equilibrium to the bodies, will bring peace and peace to their home.

Talisman Tales

Tales are under the auspices of apple trees, chestnut, hazel, oak, aspen, linden, ash. Each Taurus tree is distinguished by the presence of deep roots in the ground. That is why all the tales are so reverently relate to related relations and honor their ancestors.

Almost all Taurus trees are famous for their healing properties. Having done on them to the charm, you can protect yourself from the evil eye and improve the state of health.

Oshness and oak helps the tanks to gain energy for great achievements. But the lime color will make representatives of this sign still hardy towards success. The wubble, made of Osin, will not allow to impose someone else's will. The nut will become an excellent talisman that protect against overvoltages at work and helping to establish relationships with others.

Plants of other signs of the zodiac:

What flowers should Calm Taurus?

Taurus zodiac sign flowers

Taurus in nature and nature are calm and balanced, romantic. Love in all harmony and calm and order. And, they simply do not endure noise and mess, do not like and avoid noisy companies, painfully perceive any changes in life. Tales, love nature. To please them with a bouquet of flowers will not be much difficult. The main thing is that flowers are present in the bouquet, possessing not very pronounced, but natural smells, such as chrysanthemums, poppies or roses. At the same time, the bouquet should be stylish, beautiful and neat. Tales love large flowers: roses, gladiolus - pink and red, in combination with white. But, the Taurus can be touched and from small blonde flowers - snowdrops, forget-me-not, and lilies. In the package, such attributes should be avoided as gold ribbons and bows shiny beads. Calves are more slopes to bouquets without framing. Orchids and tulips of dark shades are preferably not to give to the calves - these flowers can bring sadness on them.


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Calf. Planet, stones, colors, talismans, flowers, trees, symbols, happy numbers.

Most of all recalls the sign of the zodiac Taurus the myth of Dionesis, which seems to be the same way by youthful power in his heyday. Son of Zeus (Jupiter in Roman mythology), the young man of a stormy in the face, endowed with immortality, with a taurus head, crowned with ivy, grape vines and fig leaves. Sometimes he was depicted sitting on a barrel, sometimes - standing in a chariot, harnessed by tigers and centaurs, and playing on the lyre or on a double flute.

The first mentions of Kalanchoe are found in the semi-previeted records of medicinal plants dated to the beginning of the XVIII century. They led scientists to the idea that Kalanchoe's flower was brought to us by Russian merchants. By the way, one of the merchants in the ship journal was recorded a very interesting story of the healing of the Russian sailor, which fell ill with a rare form of tropical fever. The sick sailor was removed from the ship on one of the islands near the shores of South Africa and left for the care of local residents. A month later, a completely healthy sailor was rising on board the ship loaded by various goods. His pockets were packed with thick leaflets that sailor chewed and called them "Calanch", which translated from the language of the natives means nothing but health.

And if you believe an ancient Greek legend, then the young pan is the God of Forests and Lugov, once the beautiful river Nymif Sirring - a gentle brisk of the morning dawn and so he loved her tender grace and beauty that forgot about his fun. I decided Pan to speak with Siring, but she was frightened and ran away. Pan ran the next, wanting her to calm her, but Nimifa unexpectedly turned into a fragrant bush with gentle purple flowers. So the name of Sirring and gave the name of the tree - lilac.

The easiest and most adorable colors. The origin of him is associated with Ostarta (Ishtar at Sumerov) - the goddess of radiant dawn and spring among the ancient Germans, who decorated themselves with the valley, and then threw them into fires as a sacrifice. The pagan goddess subsequently replaced the Mother of God, and all the Middle Ages of the Lolanchei was considered symbols of indispensability and holiness, and their ripe red berries - christ blood drops.

Luxury dahlia should always keep the golden middle. Maximalism often prevents the desired one. Georgina should be more suspended than others, count on their strength. It is not necessary to fully rely on good luck. This applies to personal life.

The generous, the open heart of Lrangess is the reason that he can be rudied with a merciless hand of the Herbarium collector or just a fan of a thin fragrance. Woman-Lily of Lily of the Lily of the Landforetter is needed, for example, a male thistle (Capricorn). At work at the Lily of the Lolan, everything is in order, although the excessive zeal sometimes acts on the nerves.

Walnut often consists of contradictions, there is a capricious, aggressive, selfish. Never know how it will do in a matter of or another and how to contact him. It takes care of the style, thin and sophisticated manners, but in reality it can be caused by the usual timidity. Often it is inclined to complicate the situation. At the same time, it is able to be a magnificent strategist: well asks the possible consequences of their intentions, it is decided on very insidious actions and not tormented by remorse. Often it amazes the surrounding speed of action. Out has many friends, as well as enemies. He is convinced that it is possible to count on life in life only on himself, and his own independence and isolation.

Jasmine movable, alive and sociable. He attracts free and skillful conversation to himself and becomes the center of attention even contrary to his wishes. Jasmine does not like to feel connected, does not endure restrictions, the duties depress him. But despite this, he always obeys his debt. He is not afraid of work, like no other, understands the need for diplomatic behavior and knows how to organize harmonious relations in the team. His intelligence and ability of thoughts are highly appreciated by the authorities. The greatest joy in life, Jasmine deliver children.

Chestnut - a beautiful tree and even decorative, however, to go into the course of your charm to attract someone, it will not become. He is full of vitality and needs a spacious. Chestnut has an innate sense of justice, and anyone of her abrasion causes an involuntary protest. Chestnut gives, fast and accurate, but has a tendency to dreaminess and philosophical thought. In his life, much depends on the environment. The lack of flexibility in communication often leads to the fact that throughout life it changes many classes and is experiencing many disappointments that remember long, as it is very impressionable and sensitive. An unexpected feature of Chestnuts can be called a desire for convenience in everyday life.

Part 4 - Taurus. Planet, stones, colors, talismans, flowers, trees, symbols, happy numbers.

Flowers Taland

Most owners seek to decorate their home with flowers. Women Tales are no exception. They are happy to fulfill all the work related to the departure for Flora. Indoor plants allow them to improve the atmosphere in the house and general well-being.

Since this zodiac sign is the first earth among the zodiac circle, it is closest to the land and the material sphere in general. Therefore, its representatives are more suitable for low and strong flowers, i.e., also close to Earth. Low growth in this case symbolizes the proximity to the earth's surface.

Taurizes are also characterized by material stability and physical endurance, and the corresponding room plants help these qualities to strengthen. They can be kept in the house as talismans for secured life and improved health.

Sitepolya, calangean, begonias, cyclamen and primers, which have many qualities inherent in the nature of these people are best suited for the horoscope to the calves. Women of this sign of the zodiac prefer gentle small plants that bloom beautifully and smell well. Among the unconcerning varieties are the most popular with a geogenantus.

The houseplants of the Taurus on a horoscope can be attached in their home to all those who wish to live in sufficient and maintain their body in good shape.

Special talisman for Taurus is kalanchoe. This flower, like all the calves, is distinguished by its unobtrusive beauty and strength. Astrologers argue that it will help the bodies in the performance of desires. The plant is blooming usually in the spring, but calves, with their diligent characteristic, will certainly help their favorite to dismiss even in winter. Calanchoe still helps to cope with many ailments (for example, thrombosis), and therefore, the elderly shoulder it will be very useful.

And here cyclamen It will help to achieve mental equilibrium to the bodies, will bring peace and peace to their home.

Talisman Tales

Tales are under the auspices of apple trees, chestnut, hazel, oak, aspen, linden, ash. Each Taurus tree is distinguished by the presence of deep roots in the ground. That is why all the tales are so reverently relate to related relations and honor their ancestors.

Almost all Taurus trees are famous for their healing properties. Having done on them to the charm, you can protect yourself from the evil eye and improve the state of health.

Oshness and oak helps the tanks to gain energy for great achievements. But the lime color will make representatives of this sign still hardy towards success. The wubble, made of Osin, will not allow to impose someone else's will. The nut will become an excellent talisman that protect against overvoltages at work and helping to establish relationships with others.

Plants of other signs of the zodiac:

Compatibility of zodiac signs:

Every day we are watching around themselves many colors - indoor, garden, field. Possessing powerful energy, plants are capable of helping and harbor. Knowing what flowers are the signs of the zodiac, we can surround themselves with the right energy.

Fire Aries are targeted personality, constantly seeking leadership, therefore the flowers of this sign are bright red, burgundy, orange high growth. The prickly stem reflects the hot-tempered nature of the Aries.

From room options energy Aries coincides with Grenade Karlikov, Azalia of the Japanese and Indian, Begonia Royal, Roby Brilliant, Rose.

Azalea, for example, contributes to the successful implementation of creative projects. In the workplace, the flower sets up on the working way, helps to negotiate in the dispute.

Begonia Royal - Assistant Aries in the development of eloquence and building relationships with others. A detailed description of the subtleties of this flower we gave in the article.

Plants Aries symbolize the career ladder, spiritual development, reflect success and solidity. Therefore, for help them can contact them who wish to build a career, learn to set goals and achieve them.

Aries preferably avoid Asparagus, Lemon, Orchid, Maranta, Chrysntera.


Taurus - the earthly symbol, which is patronized by Venus. It is firmly on the legs, landed, gives greater importance to the material side of life, so the tank flowers are strong and low.

Signal choice for him:

will help the calves to relocate from the opinions of others And to form your own view of the world. How to choose such a pet and care for him, we were described in the section.
  • Begonia decorative and blooming will set up relationships with others.
  • Gloxinia absorbs negative energy, contributes to the achievement of financial well-being and stability, will support the achievement of dreams and the implementation of goals.
  • The violet strengthens family relationships, gives the calves to wisdom, creates a comfort in the house.

Pet Tales - symbol of wealth and stabilityTherefore, they can be recommended to those who seek material well-being.

Cleans should avoid peppers and calkelylarium, it is also desirable not to grow in the house of Agava.


Gemini under the auspices of Mercury are friendly, but change. Their plants have a lot of small leaves.

Asparagus, for example, you must have in the house of those twins, who do not work realize their dreams. He will help representatives of the sign that speak a lot, but do little.

The flower is able to orient and send to the faithful life path, to gain harmony with him. You can only choose the desired instance: We described the various varieties in the section.

Fern need maxima to make their world requirements more realistic, as well as smooth over the experience about the past and present.

clean the atmosphere in the house From unfinished thoughts. Also, the twins feel comfortable next to ivy and tillandisia.

Twins plants protect friendship, contribute to good relationship with others.

Codium (Croton) and Maranth are not combined.


Cancer is a watermark, whose flowers are distinguished by fleshy leaves and stems. The house creates comfort and contribute to a happy family relationship.

Fuchsia, for example, will help find a common language between family members, especially from different generations. If cancer is confused and can not find a way out, the plant will prompt an alternative solution.

  • Begonia Manson holds cancer from the state of longing, the decline of strength and depression, makes the atmosphere around more joyful.
  • Peperomia Kustoid Utichomirite in Cancer Energy of the dispute, teach him to listen to the opinions of others.
  • Aloe will restore biofield and mental health.

Energy racks facing Monster, Ficus and Oleander.

a lion

Fiery lions under the control of the Sun need bright and aristocratic colors that reflect their character, contribute to creativity and high feelings.

Plants of this sign need a lot of light, they are demanding in care.

Calla is able to bring harmony and inspiration to the house, as well as increase stress resistance.

One of the most striking representatives - Rosa Chinese, helps see new faces in familiar things, It is a flower of passion and emotions, way to turn laziness into creation.

Also, the lions will find harmony with Gardenia, Tsarist Geranus and Califa bristle-resistant. Camellia helps to fight laziness and inaction.

Avoid sign representatives follows Croton, Laurel and Maranta.


Virgo - earthly sign, the patron of which is air Mercury.

Plants of the sign symbolize practicality, intelligence and prudence.

  • Dracaena promotes success in school.
  • Monster helps to look at the world wider, and also structures thinking.
  • Aloe protects from diseases.
  • Red poppies restore nerves, improve well-being and help to fall asleep.
  • Astra helps to know better.

Also, the Virgin is suitable birch trees (ROCISSUS ROMBICH), AsParagus, Philodendron. The latter we described in the article.

To keep on the decent distance to the devians recommend bulbous and clivia cinnabar.


Flowers of scales are bright and beautiful, as a rule, possess the motley leaves. Such an appearance of the plant was given Venus, Saturn makes stalks strong and strong, thanks to which they keep posture.

Flowers of scales positively affect the relationship in the family, between friends, in business, and also form taste in people.

  • Podpick pepper cleans the atmosphere from envy and anger.
  • Pineapple introduces changes, forces people living on the inertia, to stop and look at the world in a new way.
  • Fatsia Japanese will help get rid of pessimism and gloomy thoughts.

Sign representatives should avoid growing Echmea, Begonias, Drageren.


Water Scorpio, which is controlled by Pluto and Mars, is harmonized with plants, which contain a large amount of moisture. It seems attractive, possess spines. Develop supernatural abilities, intuition and clairvoyance.

    eliminates nightmares and dangerous thoughts.
  • Drazen will help scorpion from permanent self-confidence.
  • Oleander ordinary will contribute to getting rid of bad habits.

Sign representatives are better to refrain from growing hypipestrukum, clivia and citrus.


The patronage over the Fiery Archerter is carried out by Jupiter. The signs of the sign are beautiful and original, directed up and possess high growth. Develop in the Sagittarius desire to travel and know the world.

From the houseplants to the shooters better stop choice on citrus, clivia cinnabar, schifleria and sanitary.

Sansevieria, for example, cleans the house from evil thoughts, creates a creative atmosphere and helps the education receive. Description of the flower and its features you can find in the section.

Unsuitable Aloe, Cacti, Ferns, Illya.


The Capricorn is landed, has a conservative character, so plants that have a straight and strong stem are suitable for signs that have a straight and sturdy stem.

Capricorn he is a sign of the head, Therefore, his flowers protect their careers and help achieve success in work.

Capricorn help and support can be expected from the drakes of the dermal and fragrant, ficus of the rubber, laurel, Liviston, lithopsy, Tolstyanka silver, Benjamin ficus.

Capricorn is better not to surround himself with Redem, Astra, Jasmine, the bell.


Aquarius plants will help look a fresh look at the old problems, find a way out of a difficult situation, get rid of conservatism. The regulator of the sign is uranium, so plants-aquatic light, air with a pleasant smell.

    helps waterwords in search of their vocation
  • Reo motley - in the fight against negative emotions
  • Drazena Godsefa - in search of a right decision.

On other indoor plants of the sign include a cross, a marant. The description of the latter is presented in the article.

To refrain the representatives of the sign stands from the cultivation of bulk.


Fish plants are similar to algae, possess beautiful flowers or a pleasant smell, less often - strong stem, as a rule, it has no foundation. Promote creativity, beneficial meditation, Designed for servants of the Church.

  • Sideraxis drowned helps to calm their emotions to fish, return from heaven to the ground and start acting.
  • Cipelus Papyrus protects against lies.
  • Fastelline Playanoid forms an excerpt.

Fite bulbous plants, echons and podpick peppers are not suitable.

Whatever flowers are prescribed to you by the zodiac sign, relate them to their individual preferences, and then you can surround yourself by harmonyand also gain the source of forces and energy.

It is said that certain plants affect people badly. All this is a myth. Plants are neutral or weakly positive to their owners, if contained in moderate quantities and in favorable conditions. Nevertheless, it is believed that some plants are more favorable to representatives of this or that zodiac sign. But you should not worry: the wards of other signs living in the same apartment or house, they will not cause any harm at all!

Aries - fire sign, hot, so its plants have fiery - red, burgundy, pink or orange flowers and leaves. Sharp, sharp Mars, managing this sign, gave the bumps of spiny plants. A proud oyan loves to be noticeable, so his plants are not small. Aries in the zodiac symbolizes the personality of man, "I" of each of us and is associated with the personal aspirations of every person. Therefore, all Aries plants have one general and strongest property: they strengthen our inner "I", help us become a strong personality and can serve as talismans for personal success, achieving their goals.

Aries plants: for personal success, for scattered and indecisive, for lonely, for men, for athletes.
Aries are desirable to start the Royal Begonia, the head of the tongue, echoma sparkling; Ehmya Strusy; Puffed fluffy; dwarf grenade; Garden geranium; Azalia Indian and Japanese; Journery brilliant; Havortia striped. And the begonia is useful to have in the house to everyone who would like to learn to eat and meaning their thoughts.

Improve physical and mental well-being to people born under the sign of the Taurus, clean the energy of the atmosphere in their house will help strong, low, beautifully blooming plants. Low growth of plants of this sign is associated with the nature of the Taurus itself. Taurus is the first of earthly signs in the zodiacal circle, which means the most close to the material spheres, to the ground. Symbolic image of the Taurus shows its immersion in the ground. Low growth of plants of this sign is also connected with the economy of the Taurus. But where in the Taurus beautiful flowers? Beauty Venus, managing this sign, gave them to him. All Taurus plants can be kept in the house as mascots if not for a rich, then at least for secured life. Taurus - a sign of a stable material situation, and its plants will help us to achieve stability in the material sphere. Besides. Taurus is a sign of physical strength and endurance, so all the plants of this sign can be kept in the house to maintain the forces of your body.

Taurus plants: for rich life and physical endurance.
Taurus plants - violet DVYABARSKA, KALANKHE BLOSFELD, CALANKHE Mangin, Persian cyclamen, Gloxinia, primula, peperomy, begonia decorative mixing: tube, multilateral, winter. It is believed that violets with white flowers are ideal for families with children. Red - feel space in homes where quick-tempered, passionate people live. And blue and purple violets are useful not only to calves, but also all creative parts.

Gemini - air, lightweight, most mobile zodiac sign. Controls them the mobile and changeable Mercury - the planet of the air element, which put the twins with curly plants and plants with lush foliage. In plants, twins are pretty small or narrow leaves. Belongs to the twins and "atmospheric" bromels, for example, tillandsia, not needing in the soil, nor in watering, feed on moisture and dust of the atmosphere. Gemini plants will primarily help people born under the sign of the twins, improve their physical and mental health, clean the atmosphere in the house. Gemini - a sign of friendship, friendly relations. Any plants of this sign can be at home as a talismans of good relationships with friends. Gemini is also a sign of primary education, so its plants are good in schools and at home as the talismans of successful study and the rapid assimilation of information.

Gemini plants: For friendship and study.
Asparagus peristically; Asparagus husto-flowering; Asparagus asparazhenoid; Asparagus Meyer; Ferns; Advocacy; Curish palm trees; Tradecations; Chlorophyteum. Asparagus all kinds, ferns, glasses, cigarette palms, chlorophyteum, palm palm trees, tradescania, all kinds of binders have a positive effect on the twins.
Pictio and coconut palms are excellent sources of positive energy. Moreover, the chipstick is easy to grow from the bone.

Cancer is a sign of water element, so its plants are saturated with moisture, they have fleshy, juicy stalks walked leaves, need abundant irrigation. Cancer sign in the life of every person is associated with the house, with family, and many plants of this sign live together by friendly families, form compact bushes. These plants will primarily help people born under cancer sign, preserve their physical and mental health, improve the atmosphere in the house. A variety of properties beneficial for man have cancer plants, but all these plants have one common property. As mentioned at the beginning, Cancer heads the topic of the house, a person's family, so the plants of this sign can be kept at home to people of any signs of the zodiac as a talisman for happiness in the family. If you want to improve relationships with relatives, you want the atmosphere at home to become more kind, put one or more plant of this sign.

Cancer plants: For happiness in the family.
Diffenbachia, Fuchsia, mounted cute and roofing, aglaonem modest, agawa American and nittens, AIR cereal; Aloe (Countercake) tree and ostic, Mason Begonia, Warthiy, Calanch Felt and Bejar; Kustoid peperomies (silver, plush, wrinkled), cules (castoliste, red, Morgan, Adolf), eggpaths, perfectly fit in the house of crayfish. Aloe will help strengthen health, and a gorgeous fuchsia will make the inhabitants of the house stretch to beauty and fashion.

The royal lion is endowed with many beautiful plants, most of them beautifully bloom. The king always chooses the best, and the plants of the lion are quite demanding on the conditions of content. Fire Lvom manages the sun itself, so the plants of this sign need good lighting. All lion plants are most useful for people born under this fiery sign. These plants are needed at home or at work lions to maintain emotional and physical tone, to purify the energy of the atmosphere around them. A lot of useful properties are concluded in the plants of the lion, but all of them have two unique properties that a person can take advantage of any sign of the zodiac. The lion and the sun manager in astrology are associated with creativity and high feelings, true love. Any plants of this sign can be at home as talismans for successful creativity and happiness in love.

Lion plants: for success in love and work.
"Lion" flowers are Pelargonium, Chinese Rose (Hibiscus), Akalifa bristle-blowing, Amarantus Tailed (Shiny), Amarantra, Felt, Balzamine (Lady), Gardenia Jasmine, Zantencia Ethiopian (Kala), Calciolaria Hybrid, Camellia Japanese, Mimosa. The Chinese rose is a large plant, it cleans the space in the house and purely physically (due to the large mass of dense leaves), and energy, especially if it blooms regularly (that is, it feels well).

Earth Virgo is endowed with many strong plants. Although the Virgo and the Earth Sign, but manages the air Mercury, so there are curly lianas among the plants of this sign, plants with flexible stem and producing air roots. The practical Virgo owns some fruit plants, for example, self-polling cucumbers grown in the house not so much for decorative beauty, as well as the benefit for the table. All the plants of the Virgin are hiding in themselves energy to maintain a good emotional and physical tone and purify the energy of the housing of people of this sign. The plants of the earthly, practical virgin have a lot of properties beneficial for man, but there are two unique, which can be used in any of the signs of the zodiac. If the calf, the first earthly sign, gives endurance, then Virgo is health. Although Virgo and manages specific organs in the human body, but its role is to support the health of the entire body. The name of this sign sounds deceptively. There are almost no femininity in Virgo, soon there is more male qualities, sober, rational mind. Virgin plants give a person with reasonableness, good intelligence. Any of the plants of this sign can be at home as talismans to maintain the health and development of intelligence, mind abilities.

Virgin plants: to maintain the health and development of intelligence.
Aukuba Japanese, Fatja Japanese, Monster Deliciosis, Philodendron: Lacencing and Guitar, SzindapSus (Potos, "Decks of Ivy"): Golden and Painted, Singonium, Cissor (Antarctic, Multicolored, Striped), Roggissus (Birch): Kapsky or Rhombic, Drazen Bending will fit the devies.
Monster is better to keep in the office, not at home. This is a "order and collence" plant.

Scales are a sign of beautiful, strict forms, because he controls the beauty-Venus, and strict Saturn manifests itself in this sign is the most bright. Venus gives plants of scales Beautiful flowers and fruits, the Pestro paints the leaves or envelops the plants with a halo of attractiveness, and Saturn strengthens the stalks, allowing them to stay straight. Weighing plants can bring much benefit not only to people born under this sign. Of the numerous beneficial properties inherent in the plants of the scales, we will highlight two universal: influence on partnership and assistance in the development of taste. Harmonize the partnership relations of the plant taught their sign of the zodiac, because the scales are governed by this area of \u200b\u200bhuman relations. And Saturn and Venus presented the ability to develop a thin taste in people. If you are tired of nonsense with your husband or with your wife, with business partners, or would like to bring your feeling of taste to perfection, plant this sign of this sign, even if your own zodiac sign is not at all scales. The sense of partnership peculiar to these plants will allow them to make friends with you and help establish relationships and harmonize your taste.

Scales plants: for partnerships and the development of fine taste.
Achimensa hybrid, Azalea Indian (white), and nanas (large -hold, brawl), siegocactus truncated (Decembrist), podpper pepper (Mexican pepper, christmas pepper), targeting peristy, cestrum night, chrysanthemum small, cherryurium (crison crison), codium ( Croton), Crossander Vollarient, Kufa Fire-Red, Fatja Japanese, Feliotrope Hybrid, Hibiscus (Chinese Rose), Hydrangea Large, Lilia may be useful.
Azalia is recommended to start all the "owls": wake up in the morning in the company of this plant is much simpler and more pleasant.

The character of the scorpion plants is associated astrologically with the biblical snake-tempter, so most of the plants of this sign can look very attractive, in itself the deadly poison or an unpleasant, dramatic smell. Scorpio is a sign of water element, compiled (along with Pluto) fiery, barbed Mars, so its plants are saturated with moisture and have spines. The cunning scorpion has both insectivorous plants, however, to grow them very difficult at home. Not only people born under this sign can take advantage of the useful properties of scorpion plants. Anyone who dreams of developing clairvoyance or clarity can make at home one or more plants of this sign - and the mysterious scorpion through its plants will open them the other, invisible world.

Scorpio plants: for the development of unusual abilities.
With scorpions perfectly get along desert cactuses, snow-white dome, stapeline PEST, Aloe Cap, Dragon Mountains, Dragon Drakeen, Hanor Wovenaya, Faucaria Tiger, Oleander.
The oleander will relocate the temptations and excesses, helps to fight drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking, increasing.

Each sign of the zodiac has their own quirks. The main fad of Sagittarius - his desire to die away, beyond the horizon, away from the sinful land, because the Sagittarius is a sign of spiritual aspiration to other worlds. Therefore, among its plants there are a lot of tall or stretched out in the desire to upwards. Sagittarius is a sign of spiritual life, spiritual thoughts and discoveries, love for philosophy, therefore Bonsai, who inspires the desire to spiltily, - the nominal one, which is needed. Belongs to this sign and fruiting acidic or acidic citrus fruits, because sour - the favorite taste of Jupiter - the planet-ruler of Sagittarius. With the benefit for yourself, Sagittari can keep at home a person of any sign of the zodiac. Many benefits are able to bring those plants to a person, but they have one general one, the most striking property. Sagittarius manages the theme of the abroad, distant travel, so its plants develop in the human quality needed for travel, strengthen the attraction to the cultures of other countries.

Sagittari plants: For success in travel. Bonnet bonsai, tetrastigm Vuan (room grapes), Sanseveria Three-band, lemon, clivia Cynicar, citrus and ficuses - Favorite plants of Sagittarov. Sansevier is appropriate in any house, especially if the owners (regardless of the sign of the zodiac) respect the sport and all kinds of contests.


Capricorn in the zodiac - the third earthly sign. This is the most restrained land. Saturn, controlling Capricorn, awarded this sign of a strict form, sustainable character, so many plants are Capricorn direct, strong stem. In Capricorn, the fiery Mars, endowing plants by barns and spikes, is most bright. Capricorn controlling Saturn is headed by the stems of all the plant, and the connection in Capricorn Saturn and Mars gave this sign of the plant with spiny stems. Being earthly, Capricorn leisurely, so there is an extremely slow growing plants under this sign. It is these plants first of all to help people sign Capricorn to improve their mental and physical health, clean the atmosphere in the house. Capricorn plants are endowed with many wonderful properties, but all these plants have one common property. Capricorn sign heads the topic of work, the social status of man, so all Capricorn plants can be at home or in the office as talismans for successful work. To everyone who is not indifferent to the theme of work, and even more so, for whom work is important, it is very profitable to have one or more Capricorn plants. Capricorn - chief sign. The legislator, therefore, especially good Capricorn plants for chiefs and those who want to become a coser - a sign-ascetic, strict Saturn, manager, limits any forms and structures. Suturne does not tolerate anything superfluous, so all the plants of Capricorn can have next to those who dream of a good figure want to part with overweight.

Capricorn plants: for success in work and weight loss.
DERSEY DEREY, DRATSEN Fascinous, coniferous plants, ivory yucca, Ficus rubbing, Ficus Benjamin, Ficus Lire-shaped, Ficus Bengali (Badyan), Laurel Noble, "Live Stones", Ferry Palm trees, Silver Fatty, Sickle Corps are perfectly coexist with Capricorn.
The only limitation is: if there are little children in the house, then it is better to give up from the ficus. Or accommodate in the living room, and not in the nursery. Then in the living room, the baby will behave quietly and peacefully, obeying the energy of this plant ..

Aquarius is a sign of original ideas, so its plants can all serve us with talismans for innovative activities. Any Aquarius plants stimulate people to find new, unconventional solutions in any spheres of life. Whoever you are, whatever do, the plants of this sign will help you look at the old new eyes. And if you are tired of acting in a habit if you want to surprise people unusual, not like that of everyone, a vision of problems, put in your home or at work one or several plants of Aquarius.

Aquarius plants - for innovators.

Abutilon (indoor maple) striped and hybrid, sander alocation, bent, bent (noline), DRATSEEN OF HOMEFA, Calatea (Lubbers, striped, decorated, pinkish, makoy, wonderful), berry coccal, Koleus (dwarf, blue) , Callisterenev Lemon-Yellow, Maranta Three-color (prayer plant), Puancettius The Beautiful (Much Forest), Reo Motley, Stromant Pleasant, Fittonia: Silver-Groilt and Verscheffelt, Yatrofa Purganic well affect water.
Maranta allows you to actively learn and develop intelligence (not only Aquarius).


The name of this sign itself is associated with the underwater world. Indeed, fish are a sign of water element and manages the king of the aquatic expanses Neptune. The prominent element has endowed fish aquarium, terrarium and algae terrarium and algae. In the guise of many green fish representatives, an animal forms taken by a sign symbol are guessed. In the fishes, the beauty of Venus is most harmoniously manifest. She endows some plants of fish with fragrant odor or beautiful flowers. All plants of the sign of fish, regardless of their properties, are good to have near (at home or at work) people born under this sign. But not only fish are helpful. Fish - the last, twelfth zodiac sign, the wisest, experienced, spiritualized fish closer to all approached the understanding of divine laws, so they are a sign of divine ministry. They are engaged in an awry business and plants of fish: they help all of us develop spirituality, move away from the concerns of fumes and pay attention to the eternal. Therefore, everyone who is aware of the need for such a development may have one or more plants of this elevated sign as an assistant-talisman.

Fish plants: for the development of spirituality. For fish are good any aquarium, terrarium, as well as ampel (hanging down) plants. In addition to them, you can start fragrant geranium, ciprus, orchids, dwarf ficus, bovieu (sea, or climbing cucumber), briefilulum, Budrhon ivy-shaped, hypocirate naked, Kostenets (asplenium) nest, palm tree "Fish Tail", Pillow (Kadier, Crane, Melts ), platitizerium (flat) large, PlexTrans; Ripzalis Empty and strange, Sideraxis Brown, Tolstanka (Wovenolat, Tolmia Menzis).
Fascinous geranium cleans the space in the house is energetically and physically - at the expense of the smell (phytoncides) and the active work of the peristys, pubescent of ionic leaves.

What to choose flowers for what window?

Do you want your indoor plants to be bright green and regularly bloomed? A lot depends on how true you will pick them up. After all, for one flower, the southern side of the destruction, and for the other - paradise!

On the northern windows. The owners of the northern apartments are often upset, they say, what will grow on the northern windowsill. However, there are quite a few plants that can live and feel great in half. They even look different: they have dark green dense, leathery leaves. They love the shadow of begonia and tradition, asparagus and drazes, monster and pelleya. In such conditions, Azalea blossoms perfectly. True, in addition to the shadow, she will have to organize and cold - after all, it can only bloom with +18. But the fuchsia will gladly live on your glazed balcony, because it blooms with +5 degrees Celsius! It is possible to rank cyclamen to the army of grated plants, it also gives +10 degrees, otherwise there will be no bloom! In general, violets and calangeans, indoor roses, chrysanthemums can live on the northern windows. The only thing worth it take care So this is that the roots of flowers do not frills. Therefore, use wicker or wooden stands for vases.

Residents of the south. In my opinion, to care for flowers, living on the southern windows the most difficult. They are constantly under sunshine, overheat and burn. Not every flower can survive in such conditions. Cacti, for example, exactly, like other succulents, aloe is only this - the Sun - and are waiting. Nevertheless, you need to regularly rotate pots for uniform lighting of plants. Many plants love the sun, but require shading in the hot season. This is Mirt, Crassus, Hameronop, Coffee Tree. And be prepared for the fact that in winter your pets will not be enough and you will have to arrange additional lighting.

Eastern and Western windows suitable many colors. Ficus, Drazena, Asparagus, Begonias, Ilayshes, violets without problems will be seated by the East window. And in the western, too, together with Jasmine, Eucalyptus, a palm tree.

Attention - poisonous flowers!

They say flowers like people, feel when they love and please the eyes of their owners. Moreover, the flowers have a special ability - to charge people with energy. My friend has a whole room-greenhouse. She loves her flowers very much, cares for them, talking to them and argues that it was after such conversations full of his strength. Nevertheless, you need to do flower growing with the mind. For example, it is strictly forbidden to put flowers into the bedroom, especially for kids. The fact is that many flowers can provoke allergies, rashes, become culprits of bronchial asthma. Therefore, do not carry out experiments - put flowers in those rooms where no one sleeps!

And another advice. Before you have a kitten or a dog, you ask yourself a question, but where am I attached to the time of vacation or forced departure? Flowers are much easier. Before leaving, type water in the pelvis or bath (if you have too many colors) and put the ranges so that the 3-4 centimeters of the vase near the bottom are in the water. Believe me, as long as you did not leave, returning, your beauties will meet you in the same bright form - they also had a vacation with water treatments!