Repairs Design Furniture

What the largest wrench. Types of horn keys, requirements for size and labeling. Sizes of wrench keys

In technique wrench It is called a specialized tool that is intended to collect or disassemble threaded connections. To do this, they are unscrewed from other parts bolts or nuts, or they are screwed to them.

Everything spanners The technique is divided into two main varieties: covered and covering. Holes in which the nuts or heads of the bolts are called gods, and they dimensions are standardized. In the metric system, they are measured in millimeters, and in inches - in inches.

Despite the fact that the construction of a wrench is very simple and simple, it finds extremely widespread use: without this tool, almost no assembly production is required, it is necessary when repairing the most different techniques. There are wrench and in space, for example, at the International Space Station.

If we talk about what kind of multiple varieties spanic keys spread more than others, then they are definitely rozhkovaya. As for the material used for their manufacture, the most common is high-quality tool steel, in which chromium and vanadium are poured as the main alloying additives.

GOST 6424 - 73

Key holes and turnkey size
S; S1; S2; S3.
Limit key sizes Limit deviations of the size of "turnkey"
S. S 1 S 2. S 3.
Keys of normal accuracy Keys of rough accuracy Products of increased accuracy Products of normal accuracy Rough accuracy products
2.5* - - −0.040 - - - +0.09
3.0* - - −0.040 - - - +0.09
3.2 +0.08
- −0.048 −0.16 - - +0.12
4.0 +0.12
- −0.048 −0.16 - - +0.12
5.0 +0.12
- −0.048 −0.16 - - +0.12
5.5 +0.12
- −0.048 −0.16 - - +0.12
6.0* +0.15
- −0.048 −0.16 - - +0.12
7.0 +0.15
- −0.058 −0.20 - - +0.15
8.0 +0.15
−0.058 −0.20 −0.36 - +0.15
(9.0) +0.15
−0.058 −0.20 −0.36 - +0.15
10.0 +0.19
−0.058 −0.20 −0.36 - +0.15
(11.0) +0.19
−0.120 −0.24 −0.43 - +0.18
12.0 +0.24
−0.120 −0.24 −0.43 - +0.18
13.0 +0.24
−0.120 −0.24 −0.43 - +0.18
14.0 +0.27
−0.120 −0.24 −0.43 - +0.18
(15.0) +0.27
−0.120 −0.24 −0.43 - +0.18
16.0 +0.27
−0.120 −0.24 −0.43 - +0.18
17.0 +0.30
−0.120 −0.24 −0.43 - +0.18
18.0 +0.30
−0.120 −0.24 −0.43 - +0.18
19.0 +0.36
−0.140 −0.28 −0.52 - +0.21
21.0 +0.36
−0.140 −0.28 −0.52 - +0.21
22.0 +0.36
−0.140 −0.28 −0.52 - +0.21
24.0 +0.36
−0.140 −0.28 −0.52 - +0.21
27.0 +0.48
−0.140 −0.28 −0.52 −0.84 +0.21
30.0 +0.48
−0.140 −0.28 −0.52 −0.84 +0.21
32.0 +0.48
−0.170 −0.34 −1.00 −1.00 +0.25
34.0 +0.60
−0.170 −0.34 −1.00 −1.00 +0.25
36.0 +0.60
−0.170 −0.34 −1.00 −1.00 +0.25
41.0 +0.60
−0.170 −0.34 −1.00 −1.00 +0.25
46.0 +0.60
−0.170 −0.34 −1.00 −1.00 +0.25
50.0 +0.60
−0.170 −0.34 −1.00 −1.00 +0.25
55.0 +0.72
−0.200 −0.40 −1.20 −1.20 +0.30
60.0 +0.72
−0.200 −0.40 −1.20 −1.20 +0.30
65.0 +0.72
−0.200 −0.40 −1.20 −1.20 +0.30
70.0 +0.72
−0.200 −0.40 −1.20 −1.20 +0.30
75.0 +0.85
−0.200 −0.40 −1.20 −1.20 +0.30
80.0 +0.85
−0.200 −0.40 −1.20 −1.20 +0.30
85.0 +0.85
- −0.87 −1.40 −1.40 -
90.0 +0.85
- −0.87 −1.40 −1.40 -
95.0 +0.85
- −0.87 −1.40 −1.40 -
100.0 +0.85
- −0.87 −1.40 −1.40 -
105.0 +1.00
- −0.87 −1.40 −1.40 -
110.0 +1.00
- −0.87 −1.40 −1.40 -
115.0 +1.00
- −0.87 −1.40 −1.40 -
120.0 +1.00
- −0.87 −1.40 −1.40 -
130.0 +1.25
- −0.87 −1.40 −1.40 -
135.0 +1.00
- −1.00 −1.60 −1.60 -
145.0 +1.25
- −1.00 −1.60 −1.60 -
150.0 +1.25
- −1.00 −1.60 −1.60 -
155.0 +1.25
- - −1.00 −1.60 −1.60 -
165.0 +1.25
- - −1.00 −1.60 −1.60 -
170.0 +1.25
- - −1.00 −1.60 −1.60 -
175.0 +1.25
- - −1.00 −1.60 −1.60 -
180.0 +1.25
- - −1.00 −1.60 −1.60 -
185.0 +1.25
- - −1.15 −1.90 −1.90 -
200.0 +1.25
- - −1.15 −1.90 −1.90 -
210.0 +1.25
- - −1.15 −1.90 −1.90 -
225.0 +1.50
- - −1.15 −1.90 −1.90 -

Production of turnkey holes

In most cases turnkey response elements have holes of hex or square cross section dimensions which are stored. Unlike the openings of the round, the technological process of their manufacture is much more complicated and is characterized by high labor intensity. These holes are most often the results of such processes as milling and stretching. In addition, such equipment as rolling machines are used to receive them, specialized firmware are used. Recently, such advanced methods such as electroerosive treatment and laser cutting are applied by by all other things.

To obtain square hole, You can use such a non-standard method as drilling with the use of a specialized tool. This method is based on the trajectory of the movement of the cutting tool, called the "Triangle of Relo". So it is referred to in honor of his inventor, the French mechanical engineer Franz Relo, who at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries, taught in the Berlin Royal Technical Academy, and eventually became its president. The essence of the "Relo triangle" is that the cutting tool is moved not by direct, but on arcs that have the same radius and size. If during the drilling process, it is exactly the movement of the drill, then you can get a square hole, which have completely slightly round the corners.


The technique under drilling means a technological process, to implement or spirals, or other types of drills are used. The result of using this cutting tool is education in details, blanks or semi-finished holes that have a given diameter and strictly defined depth.

In cases where they are manufactured holes turnkeyThe drilling is used as auxiliary technological operation. It is necessary in order to pre-process the hole.

Erosion treatment

Electroerosion treatment is a directed effect on the material of pulse discharges, as a result of which the destruction of a certain layer of the material being processed occurs. It is placed under a special electrode.

With the help of electric erosion technology, you can process materials from almost any degree of hardness, and the holes of any configuration can be done in them, including holes turnkey.


This technological process is one of the varieties of metal processing with cutting. It is used to carry out operations both on the outer and in the inner surfaces, is applied to both metal and non-metallic materials. Using stretching, you can make holes turnkey Higher quality.

Laser cut

This method is today considered the most advanced and most effective in all respects. In the process of metal processing with a laser beam, it is evaporation of its part, and in the end, it turns out or blanks, or ready-made items.

The main types of wrench keys:

- Rozhkovy (with an open zev);
- Caid (ring);
- gas;
- end;
- divorce;
- combined;
- balloon;
- candle (for spark plugs);
- Hex.

Spanic keys:

- ZEV (Distance between Sponges): from 3.2 (mm), up to 155 (mm);
- the size of the thread (for the nut): from M1.6, to M110;
- Handle length: from 150 (mm), up to 500 (mm).

Common parameters:

1. Two-sided wheelboards have two gods, and the sizes of zev stand in the dimensional row near, for example, the key on 8/10.
2. Ring (Caid) keys may have 4, 6 or 12 internal faces.
3. Deploy keys are divided into 6 main numbers.
4. Ballon keys in parameters are completely similar to the end, the difference is only in the form of a handle.
5. The second name of the gas key is pipe;
6. The key on one side of the Horn to another is called the combined.

The dimensional series is presented: in the table below.
Dimensions of all types of keys: based on the links in subsections.

Types of screws





Women are not allowed to know what is the key.

Men from this tip is just a smile: they say, since childhood we already knew that yes, like. But in a deeper reflection on this issue, many will pull the hand to the back of the head, because the types of locks are different. This category of tools actually contains many subcategories, and not all of them are familiar with their properties.

First, the key is a tool for a wide range of applications, including for plumbing, which serves to screw or unscrew the screws, couplings or walnuts in various connections.

To perform its function, it has a working head, the type and size of which depends on the field of action, as well as from the handle, which also includes the function of the handle.

Types of screws You can divide into two subclass: collected and single (integer).

The first have several parts that facilitate access to spiral parts, increase its impact (for example, an additional shoulder) or reduce the working load of the worker. The second subtype is the whole subject.

Types of screws

Another classification divides all keys to adjustable keys and fixed head size. The latter include a description of the cap, the end, colors and other tools, the working part of which is monolithic and has the dimensions defined by the manufacturer.

They are usually marked in millimeters or inches.

Adjustable key (see photo) Allows you to adjust the size of the head.

Now in more detail about what types of locks are most often found.

It has a U-shaped head and usually closes the screw from three sides.

The "Horn" of the device (from which, by the way, the name) is at an angle to the handle, which allows you to better manage it in a small space. The disadvantage of such a tool is a small area of \u200b\u200binteraction with the matrix or bolt.

All the power is not quite on the screwdriver, but only on the faces that relate to the pistol.

Desktop keys size. How to choose keys: types and sizes

Because of this, their surface can be quickly removed, burst the thread, especially if a tool is used with an incorrect size.

Castles are often manufactured in combination, that is, the heads of different sizes on both sides of the handle.

It saves a place in the toolbar.

Folding key

It has a solid head with an internal vertical thread and in the process of work "rests" on a nut or screw. This format allows you to evenly distribute pressure with all aspects of the object and do not remove its corners. However, this type of key can not work anywhere, but only where there is the possibility of direct access to the entire screw.

In other cases, a combined tool is used, which has one flower and the head of the second lid.

End key

Combination version.

It has a curved handle, more often in the form of the letter "g", which allows us to first climb into heavy places, and secondly, have a stronger lever. The most famous representative can be called a car that is used to work with bikes.

Another key type - tubularconnection.

It is usually a piece of tube with a curved shape at one end. As a rule, it is a hexagon. On the other end there is a hole for inserting the handle. This device works in very narrow spaces, where it is impossible to swing a little. The most common example of such a tool is a candle.

to come back to the beginning

Adjustable key

As mentioned above, its characteristic is the ability to change the width of the work area coverage.

And this is a really diverse tool of rosemary. It has a sufficiently heavy head, whose horn is still, and the other can change the position due to the movable cart with which it is connected. Flexible photo key is usually used in everyday life, because it replaces a small set of ordinary colors or combined, but due to the large and relative complexity, the device is not always suitable.

Such a tool cannot support work so close as the usual horny stone, and, in addition, the mechanism of the movement of horns ultimately is erased, and the fixation force decreases even more.

Wrench pipe

The same applies to the subtype adjustable, but it has a lever mechanism for reliably attaching objects.

It is usually used to capture and fastening pipes, for example, in plumbing.

to come back to the beginning

Complicated nested keys

These are "plumbing tools" that have several parts for promoting work and improve access to various heavy attachments or bottlenecks.

Some, for example, a tubular key can have only one fixed handle. Others consist of a movable handle with a "crack", a certain size head and a row of nozzles that allow you to cover various configurations and dimensions of the joints. Such a composite device is already a complete set of tools.

All the above-mentioned brackets are a type of woman, that is, those that cover attachment to your body.

However, tools are covered: they work with special connections, they are inserted in their grooves (splines) and therefore have similarities with other locks and screwdrivers.

This, for example, hexagon.

to come back to the beginning

Spanners - Purpose and Views

Home\u003e Articles\u003e Tools & Equipment\u003e Wrench Keys - Purpose and Types

Wrench keys are existing types and their appointment, which will be discussed in this article.

Wrenchthis is a tool that is needed in modern life, because quite often we are faced with such elements of fastening, like screws, bolts, studs, nuts, etc.

So it turns out that without the right tool in the work can not do. Set of wrenches useful thing when assembling furniture, bicycle repair, plumbing or car.


To easily use existing tools without any problems, you need to know the purpose of each of them.

More about different types of wrench keys

Adjustable key

An important characteristic of the adjustable key is the possibility of capturing various types of fastening elements, even non-standard.

However, there is a minus here, namely not high capture reliability. This is due to the occurrence of the backlash when adjusting this type of wrench. because wrench It does not allow to firmly capture the fastener and in the process of work it may unexpectedly break and damage the face. This is especially true to hexagons of rusted nuts, as they require an application with no small effort when rejected.

In order for the verge of the fastening element, it is necessary to use the adjustable key with great care, preferably without extra effort.

In addition, in this situation, the optimal option will be the use of other existing types of wrench keys that have the desired shape and size for this fastener. Applying the exact tool can be adjusted when the fasteners are rejected by force and at the same time not to fear for the carving of the part and get injury, which is quite possible when working with a confusing key.

Horn Key

Rozhnik wrench It is a handle, on both sides of which are two heads.

The size of the head is different for a couple of millimeters. The working part of the horn key firmly captures parallel faces of the nut or bolt head. In addition, using the horn key fasteners can be captured on the side. Today, a combined key is considered fairly common, which refers to a variety of spanning horn keys. At the same time, a horn key is located on one side of the handle of the combined key, and on the other side, a ring-key key is similar.


Such keys due to the existing working surface can be tightly and at the same time capture each line of the hexagon.

During the operation of turning or tightening the fasteners, the latter is practically not at risk of damage, even if great efforts were made.

Wrench Caiden can be two types, each of them has a different shape of the handle - curved and straight, and as for their size, then they are similar to the size of the horn key.

The area of \u200b\u200buse of such keys is limited, usually used when there is access to the fasteners from above.

Facial keys

They are also one of the types of wrench.

Thanks to the existing shift heads, this type of keys is becoming increasingly popular. Like a cape key, the end key has the ability to firmly and tightly capture all six faces of nuts or bolts at the same time. As a rule, end wrench wrenches are purchased with interchangeable heads, handle extensions, cardan hinges and other additional devices.

Buying, any wrench Or a complete set of such tools first need to pay attention to the material from which they were made.

The best choice will be the tool made of chromovanadium steel.

The mouth size (holes) of the keys, the end of the keys for the products with the color key and the size of the product key are increased, normal and coarse.

Sizes are ready (holes) key and key
(GOST 6424-73)

Nominal sizes
S, S1, S2, S3
Boundary deviations
keys size key dimensions
which includes S. coated S1. covered S2. which covers S3.
keys products
normal accuracy serious accuracy increased accuracy normal accuracy serious accuracy
2,5 *; 3,0 * -0040 +12:09
3,2 +12:08
-0048 -0,16 +12:12
4,0; 4.5; 5,5 +12:12
6.0 * +0,15
7,0 -0058 -0,20 +0,15
8,0; (9,0) +0,18
10,0 +0,19
(11.0) -0120 -0,24 -0,43 +0,18
12,0; 13,0 +0,24
14,0; (15,0); 16 +0,27
17; 18 +0:30
19; 21; 22; 24 +0,36
-0140 -0,28 -0,52 +0,21
27; 30 +0,48
32 -12:17 -0,34 -1:00 -1:00 0,25
34; 36; 41; 46; 50 +0,60
55; 60; 65; 70 +0,72
-0,20 -0,40 -1:20 -1:20 +0:30
75; 80 +0,85
85; 90; 95; 100 -0,87 -1:40 -1:40
105; 110; 115; 120 +1:00
130 +1:25
135 +1:00
-1:00 -1,60 -1,60
145; 150 +1:25
155; 165; 170; 175; 180
185; 200; 210 -1:15 -1,90 -1,90
225 +1:50

* Allowed to use only for items with a recessed key and for keys at this depth.

How to choose keys: types and sizes

1. Dimensions enclosed in brackets can be used for finished products.
2. Dimensions 17, 19, 22 and 32 mm are not preferred.

Place the right key
(GOST 13682-80)

S, mm.
E \u003d K. M. L. L1 R. D. A1 SAP
S, mm.
E \u003d K. M. L. L1 R. D. A1
8th place
12th place
8th place
12th place
8th place
8th place
12th place
12th place




in the GOST table up to 225 mm.

Related Documents:

GOST 12876-67 - gaskets for fasteners. Dimensions
GOST 1574-91 - Metal cutting machines. Grooves have a T-shaped form. Dimensions

The thickness of the workpiece is 8-11 mm, of course, is strongly cut with wire. Gas burner is also not allowed. The protected edges can only be worn on sharpening due to increased hardness, so the permitted amount should be increased to 4-6 mm depending on the accuracy of the segment. With easier forging, when a slightly hot steel wand flattens, the whole key can be brought to the size of the workpiece.

If you have a blank, you can continue the layout.

If the part side is uneven, reduce it, removing the scale, the rest of the legs and the like. The surface of the treated surface. To do this, use quick-drying paints or varnish or copper sulfate solution (2-3 teaspoons on a water cup). After drying on the workpiece, use the sample. It would be nice to correct them or brackets so that they do not move relative to each other during drawing. You can do it without compression, if you simply place the template on the surface that was just painted in color or color.

As soon as they dry, they will glue, and then the samples will need to be cleaned.

From steel wire with a diameter of 5-6 mm and a length of 130-150 mm, make a duck and place it for a length of 30 mm. In the quality of the scribe you can use the needle for sewing a bag. It is inconvenient to do so, so it is better to use a scribe who clearly prevents the end.

When labeling with your left hand, keep the pattern and follow the letter to the right, tilt it against movement and pattern. At the place of the throat, you need to risk once. Error risk must be painted.

Disconnect the sample and workpiece. At a distance of 1-2 mm from the existing risks in the throat, install the control risks and correct them. Kern first with a slope mounted on danger, and when he hit the hammer straight.

The depth of caves from the nucleus is 0.2-0.4 mm.

Staple size

The distance between the caves in the throat is 3-4 mm, and the other places are more. Pay attention to the risks that were originally completed in accordance with the model. The wire can be drilled directly with a diameter of 18 mm. First find the center. If there is no metal for the compass, use it as usual. Draw a circle on cardboard with a circular diameter of 18 mm. Reduce the circle.

Attach it to rounding the control risks at the bottom of the throat. With a regular needle penetrating the center of the jug, mark this center in the throat. Remove the circle and fix the center. Protect the workpiece in the handle and turn the hole on the vertical drilling machine.

You can use drilling for drilling. But then you should use the exercises with a diameter of 3-5 mm. Avoid overheating of the drill, remove it from the hole together of the 0 drillers and the lower part of the drill in the glass of water "before drilling the deep throat of the third to cause risk in the area of \u200b\u200bhalf the exercise diameter, risk.

When this third risk is assumed, place the cave with the drilling diameter plus 1 mm. The drill tire, strictly perpendicular to the plane of the workpiece, should not touch the test risks. Remove the cap from the vice and place it so that the cut is a saw disk for metal blades controlled by risks of drilling holes or storage of holes. The remaining partitions between the holes are cut by a narrow bit on a solid steel base (on wires, rails, panels, etc.).

Again in the bag cut the hollow flat file (side surfaces). Use a semicircular file for the rounded part of the throat. Leave the covering additive 0.5 mm everywhere. Before applying, you can do without bit, drill another hole by drilling a large diameter, remove the barrier between. In easily located holes with a diameter of 3-5 mm.

Go from control and third risk of marking, which was originally drilled.

After performing the second key spill from the opposite side of the workpiece, editing the forging or the size of the stamping 19 × 22, carefully remove the remaining additive with the treatment of 0.5 mm.

You can check the correctness of the throat using the "when cleaning" matrix. Before this, check the nut with a brush for parallelism of the faces and size between them.

The latter procedure remains consolidation. At home, the fungal button on each side can be heated to the gas.

In the case of a classic furnace or heated part of the fire, it is difficult to switch with light red to bright red, which appears at a temperature of 800-900 ° C, for better heating of the blast furnace or the use of a special oven. The key is taken from a bench or wire wound in advance to the handle and vertically descends into the water from the sponge on one side of the key. Leave and lower until the sponges become dull.

Place a little sponge into the air. Then lower them into the water for perfect cooling. Repeat for sponges on the opposite side of the key.

During intermediate cooling sponges in the air, they can be cleaned of weight. If you know in advance that you can't consolidate sponges, make them more massive.

Sometimes the nut and the lock on one screw is in this position that you need a key with thin lips.

Is it possible to make at least one-sided key without a key, but if the nut need to unwind? Well, let's say, for anchor, which is fastened with a table mixer "ELOCH" to washbasin. Without a doubt you can.

You need to know only the size between opposite faces or length of individuals. For example, the length of the face is equal to half the diameter of the circle, which determines the curved part of the throat (Fig. 11a). Mark the marking on the steel surface, as described above. Large and disposable buttons can even be cut from the gas burner plate without further metal processing.

Keep your brush to handle such a key so as not to damage the palm.


A wrench is called a tool for creating a large moment (pair of forces) on the nut or screw head. This contributes to either wrapping, or turning into a threaded connection. The first nuts were square, but then the basis was taken form of the right hexagon at the base. This reduced the angle in which the spanch-wrench can be held (lever) during operation. If it was 90 degrees for a square nut for a square nut, now 60. Wrench keys are divided into three main types.

Types of keys and geometry

Horn bilateral keys

The most familiar to us and most likely the most frequently used type of wrench keys. The ends of this key resemble the "horns", from here and such a name. At the ends of these keys, two sizes, for example, 10 to 12, 13 to 15 and so on. Have a wide range of sizes: from the smallest 4mm to the largest 55mm. You can purchase such keys both individually and in multiple pieces.

Rozhkovy one-sided keys

A rather rare key in the household, its mainly applied in industry. Hence their size: the smallest - 36mm, and the largest - 95mm. Very important dignity is the possibility of putting on the handle of the metal pipe, which will increase the lever and significantly increase the power of the tightening.

Caid bilateral keys

It differs from the horn key by the fact that the ends of these keys are made in the form of rings. This allows the key to disappear and allows you torsion without rearrange the key. Dimensions at different parts of the key are different, for example 10 by 12, or 17 to 19. Dimensions vary from 6mm to 55mm.

Cape unilateral keys

Like one-way horn keys, the precipitated unilateral keys are notated little in the household. Its dimensions from 30 to 50mm. You can enhance the power of the tightening due to the dishthew on the handle of the metal pipe.

A variation of a single-sided key is a shock key. Outwardly similar to a precipitated one-sided key, but is much thicker and equipped with a special platform for hammer or sledge hammer. This key is used for a powerful tightening, its dimensions vary from 27 to 105 mm.

Combined keys

These keys are a combination of a horned and cape key: on the one hand, this is a horn key of a certain size, and on the other hand, the key key of the same size. The sizes of such keys range from 5 to 32 mm.

Facial keys

Such keys are also called tubular. This kind is familiar to any motorist - just such a key unscrewed and screw the wheels. The main purpose of such a key is to unscrew the recessed nuts or bolts heads, when it is impossible to use any other key. It can be made simply in the form of a tube - such a key is spinning using any lever of a piece through a special opening at the end, or have a M-shaped form - it is simply spinning with a hand or pipe (to increase the effort).

Deployed keys

This is the most common type of keys in the household. Equipped with sliding sponges, this key is easily adjusted for the size of the nut. The adjustable keys are small - up to 20mm, medium - up to 30mm and large - up to 46mm.

When choosing such a key, please note that the sponges are easily and smoothly, and also so that there is no backlash. Purchase the key with a rubber handle - it will prevent the gliding of the hand. On some recording keys, digital markup is applied, which allows you to set the key to the necessary size and even measure the size of the part instead of the caliper. As a rule, the adjustable keys have a small allowance, therefore, if the maximum size is 19 mm, then with full sprinkle, you will almost certainly be able to unscrew the nut and size 20mm.

Pipe keys

In the people, they are sometimes called gas keys. These keys are universal. They can be unscrew both ordinary nuts and parts that do not have special grabs (couplings, pipes, etc.). The key is moving on various diameters of the clamping parts. Depending on the maximum diameter, the keys are divided into the following categories in the Russian classification: No. 1 (from 10 to 36mm), No. 2 (from 20 to 50 mm), No. 3 (from 20 to 63 mm), No. 4 (from 25 to 90 mm), №5 (from 32 to 120mm). In Western classification, keys are marked by inches: 1, 1.5, 2, 3 inches.

The pipe keys and the form of sponges differ. Sponges can be g-shaped - well suited for unscrewing ordinary nuts and S-shaped to unscrew round blanks.

Belligent keys

If you caught the key of yellow or red (copper) color, then you are a non-commander key. Such keys are applied on explosive industries, they do not give a spark when hitting the metal or drop. When working with gas, it is necessary to apply such keys.

Sizes and key material

The keys in continental Europe are numbered in the distance between parallel edges, expressed in millimeters. In the Russian Empire, and later in the USSR, the German technique mainly dominated, and the influence of German engineers was stronger than the influence of the British. Therefore, the top over inches took millimeters, the basis of Soviet guests is the German standards. The keys can be divided into three groups: small, medium and large.

Small keys are designed to work with nuts having a size of up to 10-12 mm. Medium keys occupy a gap from 12 to 22 mm. Large keys - from 22 and more. This division is quite conditionally and depends on the collected or repaired technique.

In order for mechanics and electricians to do not interfere with the work of adjacent specialists, which favors the prevention of accidents, a pretty beautiful move: "Mechanical" keys have even numbers, and the keys for electrical connections are odd.

Material for wrench keys is high-strength carbon alloys, the so-called tool steel. Ideal keys are those that are made of tool steel on milling machines, and crushed ("black" keys). From such steel often manufactured a military-type firearm. The main attention should be paid to the colors - the accuracy of their processing is crucial. Only this will allow you to apply to the nut the greatest moment without damage ("folding") the shape of its faces. Such a key is worth any money, since it is an eternal key, in the literal sense, if you take care of rusting with rusting in a dry place with lubrication and storage. Unfortunately, now such keys are rare. Alloy and stamped keys that shine like silver, can be beautiful, but from the point of view of a specialist - just junk. Do not seek to acquire sets - it is expensive and not optimal. Even if the wrenches are good, select the tool strictly individually to your work.

Select a wrench

So, before you pay for wrenches, appreciate them in the upcoming work. Previous sections should help you with this. For tight nuts, buy only the best keys. If the nut is available, choose a wide key, with powerful horns - it will not break. If the geometry of the mechanism is a complicated, useful advice - to make a model of a key of plasticine and evaluate it for the accessibility of the operation. Be a bit and designer, and technologist. When buying, choose a wrench: 1) from the best varieties of steel; 2) with the most accurate and purely treated faces and the most suitable light height.

The wrench is the usual tool used quite often. For such a simple action, like twisting of nuts or bolts, a variety of wrench execution options are offered, and this is not counting narrowly specialized wrench keys. An only simple listing of the species of this instrument will take more than one minute, and each view has its own purpose, their advantages and disadvantages that are important to know, here are the main types: Rozhkov, Caid, Combined (from one end Rozhnaya, from another cape), end divorce.

Rozhkov wrenches

When it comes to a spanner, usually the horn key comes to mind. The Horkin Key Nut is fixed between sponges resembling horns, which gave this key name - Rozhnik. Another name of this species used and in Guest is a wrench wrench with an open zev.

Horn Key

The longitudinal axis of the head and the longitudinal axis of the handle are at an angle, usually this angle is equal to 15 ° (there are keys with a different angle).

This is done to facilitate work in a limited space.

The angle between the axes of the head and the handles is made to others, for example, 75 °, while in one key the angles are combined.

The key with the same size of the oz on both sides,
with inclination angles of 15 ° and 75 °

Often the horn key has two heads (double-sided key), one at the ends of the handle, for different sizes of nuts. This twice reduces the number of items in the set of such keys.

Rozhkov keys will be widely used due to relative versatility and simplicity, despite serious disadvantages. The main lack of a horn key is only two small contact zones that are close to the corners of the nuts. The pressure on these zones seeks to mix the corners, if the size of the oz is a little more than the size of the nut, then the key will be pressed directly on two corners and with an effort to doubt them. The same thing will happen when the key will be the right size, but the effort will be much more. With a decrease in the thickness of the lips, the probability of minimizing the angles increases.

At the impact key used to unscrew the unsuitable (accurate or rusty) nuts or bolts, a special thickening is made at the second end, which takes the hammer or sledge hammer blows.

Manufacturers are offered horn keys with a modified lip profile (Rozhkin). For example, the keys of IBEX one lip is shortened and has a small protrusion, and the other is made convex, and the excavation is changed. Thanks to such a modification, two pluses appeared at the key. First, the speed is the key can be rearranged, without removing the nut from the ZEV, but only slightly pulling it back. Secondly, the contact stains are on the corners of the nut, which reduces the ability to lubricate the face. The modification is simpler, it can be concluded either in creating a small convexity of the working surface, or in its rifer. Manufacturers argue that the keys with a convex working surface can be operated even with nuts or bolts that have crumpled faces.


Washing wrenches

Caid wrench, it is a ring, is a more perfect view of the keys than the horny. Its design is deprived of the main lack of horn keys having only two small spots of contact. The head of the cape cover covers the entire nut and the pressure is distributed on all six faces of the nut or bolt, that is, instead of two contact spots, their six, in addition, the contact stains are a little further from the corners, it all almost completely eliminates the crimes of the corners. The head of the cape key has a smaller size compared to the horn key for the same nut, and in general it is more convenient to work.

The profile of the head of the cape key can be with 12 faces (the most common option) or from 6 (TORX profile). A twelve key is more convenient to work more conveniently and for work it is enough to rotate 30 °, and the key with the TORX profile is needed 60 °, so the latter may not cope with an annoying or unscrewing in the cramped space. But the key with the TORX profile, thanks to the big glands, the contact area is greater, and it further from the corners of the nut. As a result, such a key can be applied more effort, without fearing to lubricate the corners.

The ring can lie in the same plane with the handle (flat key), can be tilted at an angle, usually angle of inclination 15 ° (the key with a bent head) or have a knee (key with bend). For different situations, it is optimal (sometimes the only possible) a certain arrangement of the ring, but the most universal can be called the key with a bent head, flat are almost not used.

Cauly keys with a snoring mechanism (about them below) are sometimes made with a hinge head.

Like the horn keys, the capes are often made with two rings having different size.

Impact modifications differ from shock horns only heads.

For cases when it is impossible to throw the key on top, there is an option with an open ring (slot key). Such situations often occur when servicing hydraulic and pneumatic plants.

The key knob, to work in difficult places, can be bent, for example, a motor (starter) wrench is bent in the form of a crescent (C-shaped), there are S-shaped keys.

Combined wrenches

The combination on one knob's knob, from one end, and the exact size of the same size, from the other, created the key, devoid of flaws of each of them separately. Combined wrenches are the most popular and distributed. Of course, the combination of the horn and cape keys are not limited to the manufacturers, they are combined by other species, for example, a horn with an end, but if they say a combined key, without specifying which one, this is what we are talking about the Rozhkovo-Caid.

There are modifications with a 90 ° head turned, in this case, during the operation, the palm rests on a wide plane of the head, and not in a narrow part.

Deploying wrenches

The adjustable wrench simplified is a horn key with a variable distance between sponges. They are more often used in everyday life than in professional activities, and in everyday life they may occur more often than other wrenches.

Dislikes to them professionals are well due to their significant disadvantages, namely:

  • The relatively large size of the head can be an obstacle when working in a hard-to-reach place.
  • The backlash sponge is not allowed to squeeze the nut, as a result of which with a relatively small force, the key will smooth the corners of the nut and tighten, while the person can get injured.
  • Over time, the mechanism of the movable sponge is wear out, leading to even greater backlash.
  • Low strength does not allow creating a large torque.
  • The need to constantly adjust the position of the movable sponge.

And the advantage is only one - a variable distance between sponges. Yes, and this is an advantage, it can be reduced to no protes key with interchangeable heads or cycling.

Overty wrench

The end keys in the end have a recess, usually in the form of a hexagon, covering a bolt or nut, they are mainly used when servicing cars. Often these keys have a g-shaped form, while the hexagon is in both ends. Moreover, the size of the excavation on both sides is the same, that is, not as, for example, in the attic keys. This is due to the different functionality of the two ends, the long part can be obtained deeply "hidden" bolts, but the lever will be shorter and it will turn out to create a small torque, covering the bolts with a short end, a long part is created a large torque. Knowing that for unscrewing the bolt, you need a greater force than it was applied when spinning, due to the overclocking of the threaded connection, you can use a short part when it is possible (if possible and the bolt is delayed quite strongly), and for unscrewing - long, it It will save from the situation when a strongly tightened bolt or a nut to be surrounded.

The end key can be with a twelve margin, like a cape key, with the same pluses and minuses compared to TORX profile, namely: to work it is enough to rotate 30 °, it is more convenient for work, it will be more convenient to work, the corners of the bolt with a smaller force or with less Wear bolt hats. Sometimes six and twelve head heads are combined in one way.

The keys are made with the head fastening to the handle through the hinge. In this case, the sizes of the heads, from two ends, different.

There are T-shaped keys with one head; in the form of a cross - some balloon; with replaceable heads, significantly reduced dialing dimensions; Various devices are produced to replacement heads.

Manufacturers offer such options:

He has a very significant disadvantage - a very large size of the head that limits its application.

Tubular wrenches

The tubular key is a tube, at the ends of which hexagon is formed, the holes are made in the tube (the rod performing the role of the lever). The size of the hexagon, at the ends of one key, is different. Such simple keys are sometimes equipped with equipment and cars, in particular cars.

Sometimes manufacturers bend the tube to give a M-shaped tubular key. They have the size of the hexagon, at the ends of one key, the same, and the functionality of the positions as in M-shaped end keys.

A variety of tubular keys is a candle wrench (for the ignition car candles), having a hexagon on one side.

In the cavity of the tube can fit the discovering parts of the threaded connections, for example, strongly protruding parts of the candle.

Spanic wrenches

Caid and end keys have modifications with a ratchet mechanism (differently, with a ratchet). The main advantage of a ratchet key is not to throw the key. Another important advantage in a very small corner, to which you need to rotate the key to screw or unscrewing the nut. The ratchet mechanisms differ, in particular, the number of teeth, if in the tooth mechanism 72, then 5 ° is sufficient for rotation, if 40, then 9 °, etc., the angle is 360 ° divided by the number of teeth. This is very important when working in highly cramped conditions.

The lack of a ratchet is that it is a weak point of the key and breaks under excessive load, with a significantly greater cost of such a tool.

Other keys

In this thread, others will also be mentioned, the other keys are as important as the above described. So, many familiar cycling key, used to be an integral part of any bike.

And the key for the spokes is still the necessary part of the bike set of tools, but it has changed much.

All about wrench - types and classification

The wrench seems to be such a simple tool that you can't say a lot. However, as it turned out, this is an amazingly simple tool can be said so much. In this article we will try to tell everything related to wrench - their types, appointment, from which the keys and other are manufactured, where they can somehow appear.

Main types of wrench keys

So, let's start with the most important types of wrench keys that exist today. So, until recently there were only 3-4 types of keys, but today, their number increased a little, due to a small "modernization". Well, wrench keys have the following types:

Rozhkovoy wrenches;

Washing keys;

Combined wrenches;

Original wrench.

Well, let's consider all kinds of wrench, in order. As you can see, the topic for discussion is very and very big.

Rozhkov keys

Perhaps the most common type of spanner, which has become a kind of symbol of this tool. So, the horn keys exist, perhaps since those times when the first nuts and bolts appeared. The differences between these keys is that the axes of the heads of such keys are usually rejected by 15 °. Earlier, the form of horns had the usual form and was manufactured according to a specific GOST. However, recently, adjustments have made adjustments to the horn keys - in particular, special notes appeared on the horns, which allow you to more hard to fix the nut, and therefore almost exclude the ability to thwart the edge of the head or bolt head. In addition, the second adjustment was the shortening of one horny, which allows you to faster rearrange the key from one nut to another.

Also, it is worth noting that the horn keys can be two-rod and one-sided. Actually, it is possible to distinguish them enough simply - on one-sided, horns are present only on the one hand, on a two-barrel, on both sides.

Cape keys

Immediately make a reservation, which is the keypone as well as the Rozhnaya, it happens one-sided and double-sided. The difference of this key is in the other - namely, in the form of the head itself. If in the previous case, the wrench had horns, between which the nuts and bolts are fixed, then in this case, instead of Rozhkin, we have some "rings", inside which wearing a hex shape, which completely repeats the shape of the head or bolt head shape. Accordingly, the product to be unscrewed or spinning is selected, the appropriate key is selected. The advantage of this type of key is that in this case there is almost excluded the possibility of disrupting the verge of the part, since the head is clamped even more tightly than in a situation with a regular horn key.

The disadvantage of the cape key is one item that it is worth considering when working with nuts. So, you can only use the keyword only if there is free access to the nut or bolt. That is, in some situations, the nut can be closed with a sleeve, or any other item. Then, it will be possible to use either the horn key given above, or by the divorce, which we describe below.

Facial keys

No, unscrew the nuts without free access, you can not use this key. In fact, the end key will also not be unscrewed with a nut, which has no free access. In general, the end key is designed to unscrew the nuts and bolts, and it completely covers the nut during operation. Thus, the grip occurs at all its faces. The head key, the head can have both 6 and 12 faces, and in general, this tool has several varieties - for example, they are "t" or "g" of the figurative shape, and at the same time, the head and handle will form a single design . In the other case, the heads can be removable.

Another variety of the end key is a tubular key. It is performed in the form of a tube, at the end of which there is a head in the form of a hex manner, and at the other end there are 2 holes where the pin is inserted. The pin that is inserted into the key performs the handle function. Also, such a key may not have a head, but just a hex hole.

Adjustable key

It is the key with which you can unscrew the nut or bolt without having free access to it. So, the adjustable key is a type of key whose lumen between horns, or "sponges" can be smoothly altered depending on what kind of nut you work. The size of the gap between the horns changes the rotation of the wheel operating in the worm type.

Such a key is very good because it can be completely customized to be completely adjusted for twisting or spinning the nut, so it has a certain property of "versatility". However, he has significant drawbacks - so under any circumstances can not knock on this key with a hammer. Also, this key comes into contact with the nut or bolt only on its two faces, so the risk of breaking the threads increases. And the last disadvantage is that with improper use or high effort, the "worm" key can disperse, slip off the nuts, and also thread threads. Therefore, when working with an enlightest key, you need to be extremely attentive and careful.

Wrench material and sizes

Regarding the size of wrenches, it is worth saying a little - they are measured in millimeters, and have dimensions from 4 m to 12 mm. This concerns the keys of small sizes. Then, go the keys of medium sizes - their value from 12 to 22 mm. And, the keys of large sizes are from 22 mm and above.

More interesting is the section on the material manufacturing material. So, almost all the keys are made of high-strength carbon alloys, or as they are also called, from instrumental steel. The most qualitative are the keys from the instrumental steel, which were made on the milling machine, and after being crossed (such keys are black). Also, on modern wrench, you can see the inscription "Chrome Vanadium", that is, it is clear that such a key is made of chromium-vanadium. This alloy is very durable, not exposed to deformation, and have high quality. Therefore, such keys are not at all, not cheap.

When producing wrench keys, the process of manufacturing the horns themselves is very important, because it is necessary to make a very precise distance between them, in order to turn out the correct key size. Moreover, the horns of wrenches are usually enhanced even more high-strength alloys, so sometimes it can occur so that the key horns can be integer, and the knob is somewhat deformed.

Well, now you know almost everything about such an instrument as a wrench - about its views and materials from which it is manufactured. This knowledge luggage will be quite enough to choose high-quality keys in the tool store, without resorting to the consultant prompts, which are often interested in selling the necessary tool.