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Children's birthday in the style of Paris script. French party: three options within one topic. Construction of the Eiffel Tower

Paris, Elysee fields, romance ... It is these associations that arise in memory when we think about France. We do not always afford to break from the place and visit this beautiful country, but we can easily organize a party - be it birthday, a bachelorette party or corporate in French style. This earlier before the organizers arose many problems with preparation - where to take the necessary accessories, how to place the room, how to entertain guests, etc. Now everything has become much easier, and in this article you will find answers to the most important questions in the preparation of the holiday.

In order for the atmosphere of Paris-style parties to be complete, start with thematic invitations, where you must specify the dress code or the mandatory availability of accessories in this style:
. Color gamut - red, pink, white, black or dark blue;
. Elegant slats on the neck - suitable for men, and for women;
. Berets or hats a la french;
. Stockings into a large strip.

Ideas for registration of a party in the style of "Paris"
In decorating the premises, it all depends on the scale of the celebration and budget. If you need to do everything quickly, beautifully, not very intrusive, but in this case, the topic of Paris is clearly traced - take advantage of the ready-made decor in the form of spirals, garlands and other accessories with the image of the Eiffel Tower and other symbols of France, as well as festive disposable dishes and serving for Table. It looks very elegant and gives a unique chic event.

If the time allows you to approach the preparation of a French party in advance and really surprise guests, and at the same time please please, then here are some ideas:
. Eiffel Tower, Paris or France words made of wood or cardboard. Beautifully decorated with flowers or white-pink-black ribbons / paper;
. Tablecloth, napkins, dishes and other accessories for serving a french table. Here again, a one-time dishes with the Paris print look great;
. Be sure to add live flowers - small vases placed on the table will give ease and romantic mood;
. Walls can be decorated with garlands, lanterns and other paper décor in pink-black color gamma;
. Balloons are absolutely any in shape and size, but the color scheme should be in general Concept. You can independently make several compositions from ordinary balloons With the addition of foil balls of French themes or refer to the decorator, which, depending on the room, will offer several design options.

PAGE IN THE French party
French cuisine is considered one of the most sophisticated all over the world, but at the same time it is simple, tasty, light, sometimes contradictive, but is undoubtedly memorable.
There are basic dishes that are associated with France and will not leave indifferent even gourmets:
1) Cheese - any. Choose a variety that will be combined with your chosen wines and champagne;
2) Fondue is a dish and entertainment. You can make cheese, and you can also chocolate, as a dessert. Perfectly suitable for a small company;
3) PAstets ... The French are just idle. You can prepare yourself or buy already ready. Split toasts and decorate greens or vegetables canned (mushrooms, rootiers, etc.);
4) Meat in French - variations of this recipe mass, choose which you like more, and treat guests;
5) Light salads - greens, a variety of vegetables, meat, or fish ... Here you can fantasize in full;
6) Seafood, mussels, snails - buy ready-made or prepare yourself. It is not necessary to buy a lot, you can literally 1-2 snails, as a raisin of the evening;
7) Onion soup is a very original dish, which or adore or do not perceive at all. Cook a little. Let it be a culinary excursion for guests. Feed original, tell short story The occurrence of dishes and success is guaranteed to you;
8) Baguettes - a mandatory addition to the table. You can simply cut or make sandwiches. Already at your discretion;
9) Croasanes - can be done with a sweet filling and serve to a sweet table;
10) fruit - any and a lot;
11) Mousse - very light, air, but tasty dishwhich the French loves very much.
And, of course, drinks are French wines, champagne, non-alcoholic drinks.

Of course, a particular atmosphere will create thematic musical design - French music is very multiple from Joe Dassin and Edith Piaf and ending with Aliz and Zaz. Choose that you like more.
And the mood to raise both children and adults will be able to a variety of contests, but in each of them make the binding of France.
Here are some, most popular and fascinating:
. "Competition of Aromas" is one of the easiest and relaxing guests. Everyone knows that France is a country of perfumes and fashion law. You will need a variety of tanks with all sorts of differences that exist in almost every home: coffee, cocoa, garlic, dill, honey, vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, etc. Participants tie their eyes and let it determine the scents that in tanks;
. « Famous personalities" Print photos of famous French personalities in advance - ranging from Pierre Rishar, Caas Patricia and ending with Alexander Duma. Internet to help you;)
. "Pantomime" or the more famous "crocodile" game. The main requirements are the words of French themes. One participant shows the rest guess. Typically, everything is laugh;)
. Quiz "On France". Inventing questions, use interesting Facts About this country. Variations of answers can be made very unexpected.

Look for inspiration, get ready for a party and everything will be delightful!

Millions of people dream at least once to visit France. "To see Paris and die," little about which cities hear like this. France is associated with romance, art, boom and fine cuisine. If you plan to arrange a party and want it to be non-bank and stylish, while cheerful and romantic, perhaps French theme is what you need.

A French-style party will be appropriate about the birthday of a beautiful lady, in honor of Valentine's Day, on the occasion of New Year's and Christmas holidays, etc.

There are various narrowings of the main topic. So you can do not just "French party", but "Paris-style party". For the female anniversary, the bachelorette party or the second day of the wedding can be chosen the topic Provence. In accordance with the selected concept, entourage is formed.

Decor of the French Party

If it is precisely paris themeThe stylization under the city cafe will be appropriate: cozy tables, striped tablecloths or cells, cute bouquets, baskets and drawers with flowers, wine bottles. Walls can be decorate with postures with city landscapes of Paris and the original menu.

For french-style parties You can use a mixed decor. Everything is suitable for France: for example, images and figures of the Eiffel Tower, the colors of the French tricolor, the reproduction of famous canvases of the Louvre, wine bottles, butt cheese, plastic grape borders and much more.

As decor parties B. olive style Lavender flowers can be involved, wicker accessories (vases, cores, baskets), sea attributes, a rooster figure. Lavender color can be the main one.

Do not forget to choose music. Fortunately, there is something to choose: chanson, jazz, rock, hip-hop and even rap in french. For any audience you can make a suitable play list.

The French party will be more than appropriate photobutaforia: glasses, mustache, lips, hats, berets, etc. on chopsticks.

French-style party: treat

France is famous for its cheeses, so the abundant cheese plate is just "Mast Hav" for a French party. Ideally, it is worth incorporating in its range the most famous cheeses: Camembert, Brie, Roquefort, Bofort, Conte, etc. However, more than 500 varieties produce cheeses in France, so you can choose from anything, including inexpensive options.

In addition, a salad with any vegetables, cheese and olives can be served for a snack, which is also typically for France, where Mediterranean cuisine prevails.

If you can, it is worth offering to the guests such a treat like fondue.

On onion soup and, of course, french meat with mushrooms and behamel sauce can be served. For dessert - meringue, croissants with sweet filling, profiteroli, eclairs, cream-brulee.

Drinks - French wines. For those who do not drink alcohol, grape juice and mineral water "Perrier".

French party clothes

The French style traditionally belongs to such elements, like takes, a hat, a scarf, a cervical handkerchief and "Tel" (horizontal strip clothing). Girls can try the corset. Men are the costume of Paris Mim or French sailor.

French party scenario: contests, games, entertainment

Command Competition: "Frenchman in Spirit"

Participants are divided into 2-4 teams. Competition can both groups and pairs (one pair \u003d one team). We find out which teams is more French in spirit.

Task 1. View

Participants must call their names to the French manner (you can modify the name or focus only on pronunciation). It is especially important to pay attention to the roscation (the pronunciation of the "R" sound as the French do). Next, the presenter counts how many times the sound "P" is found in the names of the members of each team. What team is more "P" - that receives 1 point.

Task 2. Abstractionism

Most tourists who come to France seek to visit not only Louvre and Eiffel Tower, but also Montmartre occupied by street artists. Any French, if his money runs out, will be able to close a little, drawing tourists. If he has no abilities, it will draw abstractions. You do not believe me? So you are not the French! Or are the French? Let's check - whether you can make high-quality abstraction.

Each team gets a blank sheet, finger paints and wet wipes. One participant becomes a fitter, and the remaining team members are artists. They must draw a portrait of a model in the style of abstractionism, using the tool with their fingers. All about everything is given 3-5 minutes.

Pictures are demonstrated, discussion and remain in memory. Each team, in the abstraction of which is clearly guessed the portrait of the model, gets 1 point.

Task 3. French lovers

Commands receive cards on which the French names are written. Participants must remember their lovers and mistresses. Perhaps it was unrequited love or strong relationships. Maybe the connection was extramarular. A loved one could be not a Frenchman at all. The main thing is that their names are persistently associated with each other.

Each name can be written on a separate card and offer commands pull several pieces.

1. Constance (Dartanyan)
2. Vanessa Paradi (Johnny Depp)
3. Quasimodo (Esmeralda)
4. Karl Bruni (Nicolas Sarkozy)
5. Napoleon (Josephine)
6. Vensean Kassel (Monica Belucci)
7. Joffrey de Paerac (Angelica)
8. Pierre Curie (Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie)
9. Duchess de Lavalier (Louis 14)

For each correct answer, the team earns 1 point.

Task 4. Construction of the Eiffel Tower

Every Frenchman should be able to build an Eiffel Tower. Yes, yes, I'm not kidding. They are already taught in this primary grades. Now let's see how you can handle it.

Commands are issued at 50-100 paper cups with or without lids (better with covers). Task - Build from them the tower.

Which team will cope faster, using all glasses, that and wins, getting 3 points. The team that completed the task of the second earns 1 point. You can charge an additional score for creativity and originality, if some of the teams will show these qualities in the construction of its tower.

Task 5. Pantomimima

Have you ever been to Paris? Then you, of course, have seen Paris mimes who have fun. Every Frenchman must be a little mime. And as otherwise, France is filled with tourists who do not know a word in French. I have to somehow get out, explaining the road.

The team chooses one mime. It pulls the card with a task that contains 3-4 words associated with France. Further, MIM through the pantomime demonstrates these words to members of their team, and they are trying to understand what it is about. The presenter flows time. How fast will all the words be solved?

In the end, the indicators are compared. That team that guessed the words faster than others, gets 2 points.

Sample words for pantomime:

  • Croissant
  • Eiffel Tower
  • Grapes
  • Musketeer
  • Bastille
  • Cancan
  • Gerard Depardieu

According to the results, 5 tasks are summed up. Participants of the winning team receive medals with the inscription "True French". Everyone who participated is awarded prizes.

After command Competition You can spend other entertainment.

Cheerful croissants

Parts are involved M + F. Ladies are obtained by a very long and narrow cut of the fabric. Men are depicting croissant filling. The fabric is the "dough", which participants must wrap filling.

At first, the presenter asks men to come up with what filling they are. Then the women on the speed wrap their "delicious" men into the dough - so that it does not unfold. The participant wins the participant who woined the croissant faster than others.

This entertainment does not end. The lead offers the viewers of the show "Dancing Croissants". Music turns on. Men wrapped in fabric are tangled. The presenter sets the movement by offering Croissants show themselves in all its glory:
- Show that you are lush (dance, like fataches)
- Show that you are seductive delicious (erotic stroke yourself)
- Show that you are hot (jump slightly)
- Offer to eat yourself (use inviting gestures)
- Show how the head comes from happiness from anyone who will treat you (spin).

Fishing frogs

As you know, the French do not mind to enjoy frogy legs. Now we will arrange traditional French fun - frog hunting.

The volunteers-hunters are caused - two people. All others remain in their places. The presenter passes near the seats and distributes the chips to them, each of which is depicted by a particular animal. Hunters do not see the contents of chips. Only one of those present gets a frog chip.

According to the sign of the host sitting begin to choose the sounds of those animals that they got. Someone meows, someone barks, someone might, someone grunts, someone shifts, etc. And only one of them boys. However, this sound is sinking in the animal cacophony. The task of hunters is to find a frog as quickly as possible and take it by the hand (catch behind the paw).

Who is faster - the prize. You can repeat the hunt several times, changing hunters if guests are interested. Each time the chips are collected, shuffled and again they are distributed to the participants.

Pictures of Louvre

We need 2-3 couples guests. You can participate either only men (it turns out more fun), or mixed pairs.

Each pair receives a printed image of a picture stored in the Louvre. The task is to realistically reproduce its plot (naturally, without undressing). This is the old entertainment "Live Painting". Spectators are assessed which country was closest to the original.

Examples of paintings for "revival":

  • Reni Gwido: Hercules fighting with Aheley
  • Pico Francois-Eduar: Amur and Psyche
  • David Jacques-Louis: Paris and Elena
  • Pierre Minyar: Madonna with grapes

Amur and Psyma


it comic competitionwhich you can spend if several men came to a party in scarves. After all, the scarf is considered a typical French accessory.

So, the presenter invites men with scarves to participate in the competition. But about scarves - no word! Summary: "Now we will evaluate, who has the longest French dignity of men." Men and audience come into a slight confusion. After that, the master clarifies the situation: "We are talking about your French scarves! What did you think about? "

It gets a centimeter tape with which the scarf length is measured. Who has the longest - the funny prize and ovation as a man with the most impressive dignity.

French cinema

Participants are invited to guess the name of the film by quotation from it.

Do you like painting?
- Yes very. I love Rafael.
- And I more like other ninja turtles.
(1 + 1 / untouchables)

What kind beautiful flowers. Can they smoke?

These new Romans fly better. Probably this is due to a more streamlined shape of the helmet.
(Asterix and Obelix)

Do not kill me, please! I'm on vacation!
(The fifth Element)

He is a tree ... a singing tree ... also in German.
(1 + 1 / untouchables)

These hieroglyphs are all on one person.
(Asterix and Obelix)

- Boom, yes, I understood.
- Bad Boom!
(The fifth Element)

Sorry, my microwave calls me.

You called me a gloomy killer. Me, such a funny, cheerful creature! Of course, I love to kill, but I do it with a smile.

If I said "kill the goat", kill the goat!
(From Paris with love)

- ... I'm in the position.
- What? .. How could I not notice this?!
- I have been trying to tell you for 8 months!

Will them! And pour the aperitif of the sacred crocodiles.
(Asterix and Obelix)

© 2014 ATTENTION! The script of the French party is designed specifically for this site. Full or partial reprint of the material and its publication on other websites are possible only with the written consent of his author and the editorial board of the site.

If you are waiting for guests and want to hit them with something unusual, then try to organize a French-style party. First of all, it should be declared those who will be invited to the holiday. Since the theme of France is multifaceted, the idea of \u200b\u200ba party can develop in several directions.

If you want to celebrate memorial date In the circle of friends, try to organize a romantic French-style atmosphere for guests. In this you will be helped by the muted light, the abundance of candles and flowers, all sorts of compositions with floating candles in the middle of flower petals look very beautifully.

Print two or three beautiful romantic pictures of French artists and place them harmoniously indoors. Harmony smooth music will configure you on a romantic way.

Guests offer to put on holiday something gorgeous with expensive jewelry and accessories.

Serve the table with a snow-white tablecloth and good dining room. Prepare French meat, fondue, light snacks (cheens, seafood, salads). Champagne or good wine will complement the exquisite menu.

Children's holiday

The organization of such an event will be especially useful for children learning french. The room can be decorated balloons, Paris's species, images of the characters of French fairy tales or photographs of the favorite heroes of the series (for example, "Helen and Guys" for older children).

All invited can be suggested to communicate in French or all the time, or at certain points, and at the end of the evening to give the most knowledgeable book or a disk talking about the country. Help the defer to show your own taste in choosing clothes, offering them to play famous couturiers, and then all together choose the brightest and extravagant guest. It will be good in contests and games to use the most unusual traditions and the most famous historical facts of this country. As a prizes, souvenirs and delicacies with French symbols are suitable for the winners.

French cuisine is perfect for the organization of a children's buffet: tiny cakes, crispy croissants, elegant tartlets will enjoy all participants of the holiday. From drinks, the defector will fall to taste unusual fruit cocktails and grape or apple juice.


Since France in the minds of many beautiful ladies are associated with fashion and style, then the lack of ideas for the organization will not be. The design will suit the traditional red-blue and white colors or images of the most beautiful outfits and decorations of famous French brands (by the way, it can become an excellent topic for discussion or a riddle competition).

The music will suit any, which will reflect the mood of your party. In the clothes, the girls will surely want to hit each other, so offer them the possibility of self-expression not only in their own costume, but also organize the contest "Sand girlfriend with Paris Chic."

Cooking treatments will not cause difficulties: cheeses of various varieties, olives, seafood, fruit and, of course, all sorts of salads will make your table festive and acceptable even for the most desperate fans of diets. Light young wines perfectly complement the feast. You can complete the evening by viewing a romantic French film or some interesting fashion collection.

The most important thing when organizing a French style parties is sincere interest in the culture of the country, the feeling of taste and the desire to please the guests. Good luck and good mood!

Crispy Croissants and Fresh Coffee, Magic Confectionery, Romantic Embankments of Seine, Endless Show-windows of stores and sparkling Eiffel Tower ...

And what images do you have with the word Paris?

Today we will tell you how to create an atmosphere of Paris at your home and help you organize the most elegant holiday.

Color spectrum

Let's start with the selection of the main colors of our holiday. We recommend to give preference to an unusual combination of gentle pink, elegant black and white. We will use these colors in the filling of the sweet table, the decoration of the room, you can ask for guests to choose outfits in this color scheme. No detail should be missed - because we are preparing the perfect holiday!

Table design

In the design of the table, paper tableware from the new collection "Paris" will help us.

Complement cups and plates of a gentle pink tablecloth and contrasting black table appliances, striated tubes and black napkins.

Decorate chairs with depths from satin ribbons or air fate.

The background for your sweet table can be a big poster with the views of Paris - type it in advance in the printing house.

Holiday decoration

Balloons of black and gentle pink flowers can be inflated to helium from our portable cylinder and let go under the ceiling or fasten on the weights of the floor. You can do without helium - take our new set of balls "Paris", fill the balls with air with the pump, scatter them on the floor or create a garland of them with satin ribbons as a background for a sweet table.


Croissants and pancakes with different fillers, cheese plate (suitable to a greater degree for adult table), classic Kish Lauren, tartlets with various fillings.

Sweet table

Merengi, Eclairs, Makarone - All these truly French sweets must certainly be on your desk. Wonderful if you get them to choose them in the main colors of the holiday, but also in classic black and white tones, they will also look beautiful.

Buy a multi-colored ice cream, offer to a choice of different spripes, syrups, berries, M & MS. Especially beautiful will be to file such ice cream in waffle horns - they can be found in large supermarkets.

Cake - the main character Any holiday, it must be flawless.

Here are several interesting options Cake decorations on such a holiday. When you look at these cakes, you will not be able to give up a French party already - because there should be a reason to eat such beauty!

Do not forget about Cake Candles. You can buy candles in the shape of a figure or to give preference to thin candles of pink or black.


Do not forget about entertainment. They must fit the overall concept of the holiday.

The choice of competitions will depend on the age of birthmarks and guests. We will share with you several ideas for different ages.


Prepare Boa, pearl threads, beautiful glasses, clips, caps, gloves, umbrellas - Give your guests the opportunity to dress up and walk along the podium. Take a little free space for the podium and separate it from another space with the help of balloons fixed to the floor to small loads.

Defile can be combined with a photo session. If you have a printer for photos or a camera with snapshots, type and distribute their photos right away at the holiday.


Prepare cookies, different confectionery powder, glaze and invite your confectioners at the table.

Discuss in advance prepared cookies and marshmellos so that they can turn them into masterpieces of culinary art.

Build your tower

Weightful guests will probably be interested in building their tower from cubes. Spend a competition for the highest Eiffel Tower - children together with parents can participate.

Cover bow on the tower

Prepare a large poster with the image of the famous tower and stickers in the form of a bow. The participant tie his eyes and give the sticker. The one wins, whose sticker turned out to be closer to the top of the tower.

Alternatively, you can make a poster with the views of Paris and give all the stickers in the form of the Tower - who will better place it on the panorama of the city, the main prize.

Fashion house birthdaynage

Give children the opportunity to feel like designers. Options creative tasks Maybe weight. For example, you can prepare empty layouts of caps or dresses from cardboard and offer children to decorate them. It will take glue, scissors, sequins, beads and, of course, fantasy.

You can distribute to girls pieces of fabrics and ribbons and offer them to come up with dolls. Do not forget to arrange a defile doll and a photo session - they also have everything really.

Nail salon

Buy children's varnishes and invite small fashionistas on a real manicure. The manicure master can be the name of the birthday girl, mother or someone from the girlfriends.


After a rapid fun, small guests should relax a little. Include a cartoon, for example, Ratatouh - Events in it are unfolded at the background of the Eiffel Tower.


Guests are always pleased to get a small gift for the festival. These can be key chains with images of the Eiffel Tower, magnets with views of Paris, wheels with french songs.


I distracted a little from children's holidays .. Paris's stylistics can become the ideal option Not only for child holidayBut for the bachelorette party before the wedding or just dinner with girlfriends. Beautiful table And the lack of need to wash the dishes - what could be better!

Snacks and desserts remain the same, to visit everyone together the manicure salon will also be an excellent idea, and at the end of the evening you can see your favorite French film. We recommend Amelie, Paris or Boom.

We wish you an elegant holiday!

Oh, how seductively drunk velvet leather dancers, flickering in the muted light, smells of flowers, expensive alcohol and sweet perfume! Theme party In the style of Moulin Rouge liberates, immersing guests in the playful erotic atmosphere of French cabaret. Ideal for anyone who wants to relax noisy, fun and without cramps!

The classic interior of Moulin Rouge is red, black and gold. Red deep, languid, not screaming - the color of passion and love. Golden - color of the holiday and luxury. Black balancing two bright shade, Balance. It is desirable that visually red amounted to 60%, and the remaining 40% shared black and gold color.

Start with a red satin fabric - drapeting furniture, tracks, red bow and flowers from ribbons, napkins. Fabric, forming lush folds, you can close the walls and the ceiling of the hall. Ideally fit into the setting of textiles with black / gold ornament or fringe.

Elements in the style of Moulin Rouge for the party and decoration hall:

  • snapshots (posters, paintings) of the building and hall of cabaret, night Paris, scenes and actors of the film, musicians and dancers. Vintage posters and programs;
  • any large flowers (roses or peonies, hydrangea or Valina Bulderezh) in Vases made of glass or black "gold";

  • mirrors B. full height, in heavy ornamental frames. From cardboard or foam plastic you can make decorative frames (paint the gold from the can and sponge to add mobiles, attach to the real frame with double-sided scotch);

  • large feathers as separate compositions, addition to bouquets, decoration of tables;

  • golden beads (for example, for the New Year tree - 100% in the theme and inexpensive), serpentine, garlands made of golden paper;

  • many gold electric garlands with small round or conical lanterns. Floor lamps table lamps And brake in lampshades with fringe. Light in the hall scattered and muted;
  • mill with red wings (can be made of plywood, cardboard, print a large photo). Note, but this element must be present, because Moulin Rouge is translated from Franz. - Red mill;

  • another traditional element - Luxurious scene, drowning in golden light and red. You can build a real scene or a small butafors, you can use a huge poster as a background for a photo shoot.


Puritan sentiments in Moulin Rouge there is no place. And although the street of red lanterns is located next door, cabaret - by no means a public house. Therefore, the costumes should be frank to the measure to be a little bit, and completely indecent. But about the "slightly" forget it is impossible, otherwise it is not at all in the style of Moulin Rouge.

Extremely frankly - tight corset and very short skirt or shorts. Stockings in a grid or striped, high heel, a naughty hat. Makeup causing, seductive. Hair in artistic disorder - curls, curls.

Almost the same, but slightly less open - add a playful loop or a magnificent skirt for the execution of a cancanya:

The image of a noble aristocrat is suitable for shy girl. Gorgeous evening dress in the floor, high heels, gloves, fur boa, hat. Special famous names Moulen Rouge visited, hiding behind bright masks, embroidered feathers or beads. Drops of perfume, bright evening makeup, large expensive (or looking such) decorations. Male party suit in Moulin Rouge - Classic Frak, Butterfly, Snow-White Shirt. It is possible a conventional three, cylinder, cane and rose in a loop.


In accordance with the theme table should be small - a maximum of four persons, and necessarily round. If you do not want to share guests, arrange a buffet. White, gold or red tablecloths almost to the floor, slim porcelain, crystal glasses.