Repair Design Furniture

Autonomous sewerage for a private house: how to do it. Autonomous sewerage in a private house and for a summer residence, turnkey price in the description New sewerage systems for a private house

Currently, modern construction of suburban housing is developing rapidly. Cottages, houses, villages are being built at a remote distance from industrial centers. Due to the fact that there are no centralized sewerage, heating networks and water supply systems nearby.

People who live in settlements far from city amenities are trying to solve the issue of arranging their suburban housing on their own - they equip with their own hands an autonomous sewage system in a private house, cottage or in the country. To understand what is the best sewer system to buy and equip in the country, you need to understand what it is and what role it plays.

What it is?

Residents of the metropolis are not worried about the question of where the wastewater disappears from the vent of the sewer system, in fact, and why should they bother themselves with such a question, pressed the button, the water flowed from the cistern, washed away the waste, and where did they go to them before that little business. But outside the city limits, things are completely different.

If wastewater is discharged into the terrain, it can have catastrophic consequences. First of all, an unpleasant odor will hover throughout the site, then waterlogging will begin, the water in the well will become unfit for drinking.

In this case, you cannot do without a war with your neighbors, who will like to breathe an unbearable stench instead of fresh air, and of course they will certainly call the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, which, in turn, will not only close your site, but you will also have to pay a fine.

To avoid such troubles, you need to equip an autonomous sewage system with your own hands on the site, which will process and divert water waste. Autonomous sewerage for a private house or summer cottage is an integral part of systems that perform the functions of drainage and water supply of a residential building.

The main role that it performs is the drainage of effluents that are formed as a result of the household and economic activities of people living in the house, the drainage of surface water, the removal of liquid and solid waste, which then undergo effective treatment in the sewer system.

main destination

The main purpose of the sewerage system is to effectively drain wastewater that has formed as a result of our economic and domestic activities, in addition, it serves as a drainage of surface water, as well as solid and liquid waste, which are deeply treated.

For houses that are located far from the centralized sewerage system, the device of an autonomous sewerage system can be considered the only possible solution, thanks to which it will be possible to ensure a positive sanitary and epidemic result.

In the photo you can see a diagram of the device of the autonomous sewage system of a private house.

Varieties of autonomous sewage

Based on what tasks the autonomous sewage systems will solve, they can be divided into several types:

  • Household sewerage system.
  • Storm sewer system.

Below we will talk in more detail about each of them, this will help you choose the most suitable option.

Storm autonomous sewerage system for a country house. The main purpose of this system is to drain rain and melt water from the site. The design of an autonomous stormwater drainage system is a system consisting of drainage and drainage pipes that are connected to special ladders and storage wells - the places where water is discharged into the sewer system.

In the photo above, you can see the installation of a storm sewer system on the site.

Accumulative type wells, in addition to their main role, can serve as engineering and observation structures, and also perform purification functions.

Household sewerage system. This type of sewage system requires a more complex treatment plant. The presence of organic inclusions in household waste, as well as the presence of biological and chemical. substances do not allow to discharge domestic wastewater into a nearby ravine or river.

And now let's talk about what types of treatment facilities exist that are successfully used today to equip the local sewerage system of a country house, dacha or cottage.

To properly organize a local sewage system in the country or at home, watch the video presented here:

  • Septic tanks

This type of sewage treatment plant is very often used if it is not possible to connect to a city sewage treatment plant. They are accumulative, sealed, made from polymer-based materials, from concrete, brick and even from car tires. In the photo below you can see various types of septic tanks that you can do yourself quickly and inexpensively. You can also choose and install a ready-made septic tank in the country or at home.

This video shows how you can make a cesspool out of car tires:

In fact, a septic tank is an ordinary cesspool, which requires constant pumping of drains and their removal. How often the pumping out of the pit will be carried out depends on the number of people living in the country house and how often they will use the plumbing.

Among the advantages of such a sewer system, it is worth highlighting the ease of installation, low price and long service life. As for the drawback, there is only one - it will be necessary to constantly resolve the issue of pumping out of the septic tank and disposing of used waste, which entails additional costs and considerable, because the price of such services is far from cheap.

There are more complex systems that provide for the possibility of several cleaning methods at once: sedimentation of organic inclusions and their subsequent crushing and decomposition. Cleaning with this method reaches almost one hundred percent.

It must be said that such autonomous sewage systems require a more serious approach to do-it-yourself installation on the site. Of course, the cost of installing such systems will be high, but you will have a good and highly efficient sewage system in your home.

  • Two-tiered sedimentation tanks

The autonomous sewerage system of this type is very simple, but at the same time its work is very effective. Clarification of water waste is carried out by the method of gravitational sedimentation.

To make it clearer, the work of the sewage system is as follows: when organic inclusions enter the system, they are delayed by obstacles that are made like a labyrinth, and due to the delay in the upper tier (obstacle), a mud crust gradually forms, then it begins to settle under its own weight to the bottom of the receiving compartment.

In the photo you can see a diagram of a two-tier sump device.

If you do not know how to make a sump, then a video will help you:

  • Aeration tanks

Such a system is a container that is made of metal. The tanks are permeated by pipes with aerators and filled with colonies of microorganisms, under high pressure air is pumped through the pipes of the aerators, which saturates the drains, and they, in turn, form a favorable environment for aerobic bacteria that oxidize organic inclusions. Such an autonomous sewerage system in a country house provides the highest degree of purification.

In the photo you can see the aeration tank device.

  • Biofilters

This type is not used as an autonomous sewage system for a country house. They are used for the final stage of cleaning organic impurities before the effluent is removed from city treatment facilities and powerful septic tanks, which serve several country houses, cottages or summer cottages at once. the sewerage system is a multilayer polymer sieve - the basis, in their cells the vital activity of colonies of aerobic microorganisms occurs.

The photo shows a diagram of the biofilter device.

In the photo you can see how the polymer sieves look like - the bases.

This type of sewer system, judging by the reviews, can be called the best, since it provides almost one hundred percent degree of purification.


This type of autonomous sewage system in a private house can be called the simplest and most inexpensive solution. Equipping a cesspool on your own is not particularly difficult.

Photo: cesspool made of concrete rings.

Advantages and disadvantages


Among the advantages of this type of autonomous sewage system for summer cottages, one should highlight:

  • Minimum costs for the installation of the sewerage system.
  • Low price and ease of use.


  • The cesspool can receive a small amount of wastewater.
  • The cost of a sewer truck (the price for pumping out can range from fifty to one hundred dollars, and sometimes more).
  • The presence of unpleasant odors.

Septic tanks

Among the advantages of using septic tanks for a country house, they should be especially noted:

  • Relatively low price for installation on the site.
  • Using a septic tank does not harm the environment.
  • The cleaning cycle is self-contained; no external intervention is needed.

The above list of the advantages of a septic tank is far from complete. Also, like any other sewerage system of a country house, its use has its drawbacks, the main ones of which are:

  • Operating costs.
  • Installation of additional equipment may be required.
  • Low cleaning level.

Autonomous sewerage in a private house. The work of an autonomous sewage system in a country house is exactly the same as the work of a septic tank, only more efficient. Among the advantages are:

  • The service life is fifty years, and with proper care it can last even more.
  • Lack of unpleasant odors.
  • The cleaning efficiency reaches up to ninety-eight percent.
  • You will need to order a sewage truck only once a year.

Among the disadvantages, judging by the reviews of people from the disadvantages, one can note the high price for an autonomous sewage system for a private house.

In the photo you can see an autonomous sewerage device.

Photo: autonomous sewage system.

Comparison of popular systems

Septic tank Triton

Septic tank Triton, it is also called. Its price is low, easy to use, almost never breaks during operation. Numerous reviews of people about a septic tank suggest that it is better to choose it for an autonomous sewage system in a private house in the event that there are small volumes of liquid waste.

It will work effectively if a small family of two lives in a private house. Otherwise, you will often have to pay for pumping out the septic tank, and the price for such services is rather big.

In the photo you can see what a sealed septic tank Triton looks like.

Two-chamber septic tank

This option does not require pumping out. The device of such an autonomous sewage system in a private house will be an excellent solution for a family of two to six people. It should be especially noted that the two-chamber septic tank requires almost no maintenance, cleaning can be carried out only once every two years. Among the advantages, one can single out the fact that the installation of an autonomous sewage system can be quickly and easily performed on your own in the country or next to a private house.

In the diagram above, you can see the device of a 2-chamber septic tank for a private house.

Septic Tank

This type of system has a simple yet very reliable design. Despite the fact that it is equipped with two purification chambers for collecting wastewater, the waters come out slightly clarified, therefore, for better work, the installation of an infiltrator module is required, usually it is included in the kit.

In the photo you can see the factory septic tank Tank.

To better find out what it is and how a septic tank works, you can read on the network the reviews of people who have dealt with such an autonomous sewage system in a private house, in the country, and only then decide whether it is suitable in your case or not. If we judge the operation of the septic tank Tank, then in terms of efficiency it can be compared with the septic tank Topas, which is widely used for installation in a house, cottage or in the country.

Septic tank Topas

Modern autonomous sewage system Topas for a private house or for a summer residence is an ideal solution, as it provides the highest degree of wastewater treatment. Due to the complex design, water purification is quite effective, such water can be safely poured into the ground or watered with it. As for the installation of an autonomous sewage system, it should be noted here that its installation is quick and easy.

Based on the feedback from people, such a system can be considered the best option for a device in a private house, because it does not have a single drawback, solid advantages. If you decide to choose this particular version of the sewer system, then carefully study its characteristics.

In the photo you can see the Topas septic tank installed in a private house.

Septic tank Tver

The photo shows a septic tank Tver for a private house.

Criteria for the right choice

If you do not know how to choose an autonomous sewage system for a private house, then in this case, ask for help from knowledgeable people or read people's reviews about this or that type of septic tank and only then proceed to choosing the model you need for your summer cottage. Important: when choosing an autonomous sewage system for a summer cottage, house or cottage, always remember that its installation is carried out not for one year, but for many decades.

The most important criterion when choosing an autonomous sewage system for a summer residence is a competent calculation of the load on a septic tank, for this it will be necessary to correctly determine the number of people who will live in a country house, for example, if you install an autonomous unilos sewage system for a family of two, then you may be in big trouble if the number of tenants increases to four.

Also, a great role is played by the competent location of the sewage system in the country (applies only to those treatment plants that will use infiltration fields for additional treatment of effluents). The installed storage septic tank should be located from a well with drinking water at a distance of at least thirty meters, and at a distance of at least five to six meters from the foundation of a summer cottage or a private house. If you cannot maintain such a distance, then you will face big problems, just read the reviews of people, and you yourself will understand everything.

During the installation of the storage well, it is also important to take into account the direction in which the groundwater moves, the installation of an autonomous sewage system should be carried out downstream than a well with drinking water. If you live in an area where electricity problems often appear, then it would be better to buy a septic tank model that will not depend on power supply.

In order to choose the right one or another model of a septic tank, read the reviews of people or ask a question to specialists, they will give you detailed information about the existing types of sewerage systems and help you with choosing the model of a storage septic tank you need for a summer residence.

Popular models

In order to fundamentally solve the issue of contamination of the aquifer and the site at the dacha with wastewater, you can choose the Unilos sewage system and equip a storage well. It must be said that such an autonomous sewage system for a summer residence is considered the most versatile solution.

The fact is, the Unilos septic tank can provide ninety-eight percent wastewater treatment, which makes it possible to use such water for draining into the ground or for irrigating green spaces in the country or near the house.

For the device of an autonomous sewage system in a private house, the models of septic tanks Unilos of the Scarbey, Astra 5 or Cyclone series are ideal. These models of septic tanks can easily cope with the removal and processing of waste water, the volume of which ranges from 0.6 to 30 m3 per day. Judging by the reviews of people of these three models, the Astra 5 septic tank is the most popular, since it works much faster and more efficiently.

The photo above shows a diagram of the principle of operation of the Unilos septic tank in the country.

Before you buy a Unilos septic tank, first of all you need to decide the issue of choosing a model, their assortment on the market is quite extensive: from Astra 5 septic tanks and so on to Astra 150. The number designation at the end of the model name indicates the number of people that the model can serve, for example , the number 5 indicates that the septic tank model is designed for a family of five. By the way, it is this septic tank model, judging by numerous reviews, is the most attractive solution both in price and in power.

If your home has a lot of equipment whose work is related to water recycling, and you do not know which model of the sewer system to choose - Unilos septic tank or some other, then read the reviews about them, this will help you choose a really good septic tank.

There are a lot of good reviews about the Astra 10 septic tank. The fact is that such a septic tank can easily purify a large volume of wastewater - it purifies up to 2 m3 of water per day and freely withstands the discharge of up to five hundred and fifty liters. This model is well suited for a private home with multiple bathrooms, showers or dishwashers.

The Topas septic tank is in no way inferior in popularity to the Unilos autonomous sewage system. The main role it performs is the accumulation of sewage, as well as their subsequent processing. A wide range of modifications of such equipment allows you to solve the issue of arranging a good sewage system not only for one family living in a private house, but also for a small village.

The photo shows the septic tank Topas.


The purpose of the maintenance of the autonomous sewage network in a private house is not only to achieve uninterrupted operation of the sewer system, but also to prevent blockages in the storage system, as well as to prevent unpleasant situations, among which the breakthrough of pipeline systems is in the first place.

The main purpose of servicing the device of the sewer network is to thoroughly clean the sewer pipes, this makes it possible to significantly improve the throughput in them, also to increase the functioning of the system, thereby increasing the time of its operation.

During the maintenance of the sewer system, it is recommended to carry out diagnostics, this will allow you to get more accurate information about whether it is necessary to carry out preventive cleaning of the laid pipeline or whether there is a need to eliminate the resulting blockages in the sewer network and in the storage well, which may soon cause an emergency.

To understand how the service is carried out, we have presented a video for you, where you will be given useful tips:


Today, there is a huge selection of septic tanks on the market, the price of which can vary greatly, below we will talk about the cost of the most popular models.

  • Septic Tank 1 is suitable for a family of two to three people. On the market, its cost is about eighteen thousand rubles (without an infiltrator, you will need to buy it separately). If you want to choose it for arranging the sewer network in the country, then based on the reviews, this is the most ideal option.
  • Septic tank Topas, which has the same throughput capacity as Tank 1, will cost about seventy thousand rubles.
  • Septic tank Tver1P has a cost of ninety thousand rubles. It must be said that the price for it is quite reasonable, because it provides such deep cleaning in a storage well that then the treated water can be discharged into a reservoir in which fish swim. Today, many people prefer to choose just this type of sewer system.
  • Septic tank Astra 5. On the market its cost is approximately eighty-five thousand rubles.

To make it clearer for you how to choose and determine the price, a table will be presented below for you. In the Table, some names of septic tanks are designated AST (aster), TOP (topas).

Number of people living in the house SEPTIC ASTRA SEPTIC PELICAN SEPTIC TOPAS PRICE


Two - three people SEPTIC AST 3 69,000 thousand rubles. From 18 to 19 thousand rubles.
Five people. SEPTIC AST 5 83 thousand rubles. SEPTIC PELICAN 5 83 thousand rubles SEPTIC TOP 5 85 thousand rubles 20 thousand rubles.
Eight people. AST 8 105 thousand rubles SEPTIC PELICAN 8 101 thousand rubles SEPTIC TOP 8 107 thousand rubles 22 thousand rubles.
Ten people. AST 10 127,000 thousand rubles. SEPTIC TOP 10 134 thousand rubles 26 thousand rubles.
Fifteen people. AST 15 163 thousand rubles SEPTIC PELICAN 15 130 thousand rubles SEPTIC TOP 15 170 thousand rubles 30 thousand rubles.
Twenty people. AST 20 211 thousand rubles. SEPTIC TOP 20 223 thousand rubles 35 thousand rubles.

When building their country house or summer cottage, owners often come across such a term as ""and often an abundant variety of sewerage systems for a house, a summer residence - confuses the happy owner and the question arises before him: -" Which autonomous sewerage system to choose? "

Let's be honest, in our experience, most of the reviews on certain resources are, so to speak, "not entirely honest", articles on portals and forums are paid for. But let's skip this question - it's just competition. And we want to tell you what points you need to pay attention to when choosing autonomous sewerage- septic tank.

Autonomous sewerage in a private house how to choose

1) All systems are efficient! (here we consider only the equipment that has passed certification and has a SES certificate, this has nothing to do with concrete rings, septic tanks made of euro cubes and tires). This is important to understand, since companies that sell septic tanks of only one manufacturer will naturally assure you that this particular septic tank is the best! Just like a neighbor who has already installed a sewage system for himself on the site, it is unlikely that he will admit that he is suffering, but rather will say that an excellent septic tank))) - this is already psychology. Many companies also offer referral rewards.

THEREFORE!!! The first step towards choice autonomous sewerage- throw all the "reviews" out of your head and make a choice with a cool head.

2) At the second stage, so that there are no problems in the future, we decide on the type of autonomous sewage system (in the common people of the septic tank). Let's list them:

Deep biological treatment station

Mechanical non-volatile septic tanks with a purification degree of up to 65% ("tank" type)

Storage capacity

Below is information about the most common septic tanks.

Autonomous sewerage in a private house

The most modern way to solve the issue of autonomous sewerage is the stationbiological treatment, or the so-called bio septic tanks, septic tanks with a purification degree of up to 98%. The main advantage of such septic tanks is a high degree of purification, which allows the purified water to be discharged onto the relief - into a roadside ditch, used for irrigation and other technical purposes, or when installing UV disinfection - to be discharged into a reservoir.

The tightness of the case (melt water will not get into the case of such a septic tank).

Soil type - ANY.

Ground level waters - any

Reset cleareddrains: on the relief, by gravity into a ditch or ravine, filtration into the ground, into a reservoir when installing a disinfection system.

Volatile, there are also non-volatile.

If you decide to buy a septic tank for biological treatment, then the main attention should be paid to service! Here you need to decide how often you want to do this 4 times a year or 1 time a year, or even twice. Take into account that the service life is 50 years and decide what is most important for you: to buy a septic tank at the initial stage at a low price with discounts, but then often servicing or a septic tank with installation will cost you a little more, but maintenance and service will be less burdensome.

Therefore, we look:

Service frequencyptica, and the actual labor intensity

The electronic component (what equipment is installed in the septic tank, the cost - after all, it does not last forever and most likely in closethe next 5 years it needs to be changed, accessibility - is it easy to buy it)

Deep biological treatment station - types:

One of the varieties is an autonomous sewage system that works with the help of a compressor and airlifts, where aeration and overflow from chamber to chamber occurs with the help of a compressor. But there are pluses and minuses here.Plus, this saturation of water with oxygen occurs with an aerotank, and minus it is overflowing through pipes of a sufficiently small diameter, where there is a possibility of blockage and failure of the septic tank.

The next type of autonomous deep cleaning sewage is a septic tank on the internal structure of gravity. Such stations have a blockage percentage -minimal, and aeration can be done with a spray and biofuel. Possibleminus of such septic tanks is the work of a drainage pump for spraying clarified water on bioloading. And the electricity will be spent a little more.

The third type of autonomous sewage system is a septic tank, which took both the compressor and the internal structure by gravity. Such (septic tanks) and economical in terms of electricity and minimal chances of clogging. And the horizontal design makes them especially comfortable with a high level of groundwater.

And the fourth type of biological sewage treatment plant is completely energy-independent (with the exception of forced discharge) mechanical septic tanks. Their design consists of several containers: the first is a conventional septic tank, in which the water is purified up to 65%, and a biofilter or several is installed behind it. Such septic tanks are not afraid of a large salvo discharge and go into operation from the first day.

In any case, the choice is yours. And if you do not neglect what is written in the passport (septic tank), then you will protect it from premature failure.

Autonomous sewerage price

Autonomous sewage systems

Mechanical (non-volatile septic tanks)

Autonomous sewerage - septic tank 65% mechanical treatment, then additional treatment of clarified effluents should take place in the ground, it follows that the ground should be sand or sandy loam, because filtration into loam, and even more so clay, is difficult and with frequent use, the site can become swampy. Accordingly, the groundwater level should also be low.

Energy Independent

Soil type - sand, sandy loam.

Discharge of treated wastewater: filtration into the ground

Accommodation restriction

Maintenance of such a septic tank must be done once a year for permanent residence or once every 2 years for seasonal residence, and when using bacteria for a septic tank, this interval can be increased to 5 years.

But once again we emphasize that with all the advantages - this type of sewerage is suitable for a site with a low groundwater level and good filtering ability, respectively, if you have water on your site for a long time after rain or snow melting - this type of septic tank will not suit you!

Plastic septic tanks with anaerobic wastewater treatment

Non-volatile septic tanks

Autonomous sewerage - storage tank (storage)

The degree of purification - does not clean, but accumulates drains - it is recommended for installation when arranging a cesspool "summer cottages

th toilet "- since the discharge of unclarified drains into the ground is prohibited by article 250 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Or it is served when installing a sewage system in a house, provided that only a toilet bowl is connected. In other cases, this type of autonomous sewage system is not economically profitable.

Tightness of the case (melt water will not get into the case of such a septic tank)

Energy Independent

Any type of soil.Groundwater level - any

Mandatory anchoring

Groundwater level - low (below 1.5m)

Restriction on plumbing equipment. Frequent call of the flusher.

Service as the tank is full.

The construction of an autonomous sewage system for a private house today is not a difficult task if you turn to specialists working in this field. This is due to the availability of modern treatment equipment on the market, which allows not only accumulating aggressive liquid, but also purifying it to such an extent that the resulting water can be reused for household purposes.

If you need to buy a sewerage system for a private house, we recommend that you do it in our company in Moscow. We not only implement high-quality wastewater treatment systems, but also offer their professional installation.

Photo Name Price, rub.
MICROBE from 12 400
TANK Wagon from 22 100

Cleansing from 20 280
DSK from 22,000

Triton from 24 500
Sprout from 25,000
Termite from 18,000
TANK from 16 500

Concrete ring septic tank from 30,000
Summer resident from 31 800
Biotank from 33 300

Eurolos from 33 000

Eurotank from 48 750
Ergobox from 58 900

Daughter from 59 700
Biodeca from 61 500

Tver from 62 700

Aster from 73 000
Poplar from 67 150

Topas from 74,000

Leader from 76,000

Alta Bio from 77 500

Septic tank Ecopan from 82,000
Yubas from 139 000

Autonomous sewerage scheme

The suburban sewerage system is built according to the same scheme as in the apartment, with the only difference that the dirty water flows not into the central sewer canal, but into the purification device. Through pipes with a diameter of 50 millimeters, all devices and devices are connected, leading to a waste pipe with a diameter of 110 mm. The same pipe diameter must be used to connect the toilet.

  • light weight, which makes it easy to work with them
  • well resist aggressive environment
  • have a sufficient margin of safety
  • installation of plastic sewer pipes is carried out without the use of any equipment
  • the inner surface of such pipes is very smooth, which reduces the likelihood of blockages

At the same time, the price of a sewage system in a private house, made of polymer pipes, is lower than when using cast iron or asbestos counterparts, due to the low cost of plastic.


  • Without smell
  • Eco-friendly and passes all standards
  • Convenience in any weather
  • Service life up to 50 years
  • Does not violate the law
  • Minimum operating costs

Installation work

Installation work must begin with the installation of a treatment plant, in the capacity of which the specialists of our company recommend using a septic tank, or better, several such devices connected to the system in order to obtain better treatment. Septic tanks are containers of different volumes, depending on how much waste you need to process per day. Recommended containers made of polypropylene or metal are durable, lightweight and easy to install.

In order to install a septic tank, it is necessary to dig a pit by arranging a concrete cushion at the bottom, if the bottom of the polypropylene container does not have additional reinforcement. Metal septic tanks can be installed directly on the ground. There should be a gap of about 20 centimeters between the walls of the tank and the pit, which is subsequently filled with heat-insulating bulk materials.

After that, you can dig trenches for pipe laying. This must be done at a certain angle, since the sewer pipes must be laid with a slope, which is calculated based on their diameter, as well as the difference in the height of laying the edges of each linear meter (minimum 7 and maximum 30 millimeters). After completing the installation and bringing the drain pipe to the house, it is necessary to test the system for leaks at the joints. Only after that, the pipe is covered with heat-insulating material and soil.

When using heat-insulating materials, prices for an autonomous sewage system for a private house, arranged on a turnkey basis, will be slightly higher, but this ensures that the pipes will not freeze even in severe frosts.

Our advantages

Our company offers you a sewerage system at an affordable price in a private house. We also provide prompt delivery of equipment across the Moscow region. Our specialists carry out the installation of the sewerage system, check the absence of leaks and carry out maintenance during operation. For the convenience of our customers, payment for treatment equipment with materials and installation services can be carried out in any way.

One of the most popular systems for wastewater treatment is the Topas autonomous sewage system. Its main advantages include:

  • - Compactness;
  • - Easy to install;
  • - No need for complex service;
  • - High degree of wastewater treatment (up to 98%).

Autonomous sewage system Topas does not require regular call of sewers, since bacteria used for sewage treatment completely decompose organic residues. The liquid, purified using the Topas autonomous sewage system, can be drained directly onto the relief or used for economic purposes. A wide range of models allows you to choose a local sewerage system of any working volume.

An autonomous sewage system in a country house or in a country house is a modern, environmentally friendly solution to the problem of wastewater treatment at a reasonable price. Today, manufacturers offer a wide selection of different models of autonomous sewers - both completely non-volatile and requiring an electricity connection. Therefore, it will not be difficult to choose an autonomous sewage system for a summer residence, where it is planned to spend only the warm season, or a local wastewater treatment system for a cottage where they live permanently.

Criteria for choosing an autonomous sewage system.

An autonomous sewage system will function efficiently and without interruption if initially all its structural elements are selected correctly, design work is professionally performed and calculations are made. Such a range of tasks is performed taking into account the following factors:

  • - Feature of the landscape;
  • - Soil composition;
  • - The level of occurrence of aquifers;
  • - Operating conditions - permanently or seasonally;
  • - Specificity of service - whether or not it is possible to organize access roads for the sewer truck.

The possibility of connecting to the power supply network is also taken into account - depending on this, the system will be with forced transportation of wastewater or completely gravity.

Aerobic and anaerobic septic tanks

  • - Aerobic bacteria are intended for deep biological treatment plants. These microorganisms develop and show vital activity only with a regular supply of free oxygen. In the septic tank, an oxidative reaction is constantly taking place, as a result of which organic suspensions decompose, which is accompanied by the release of heat and carbon dioxide. It is important that bacteria are not washed out - they linger on textile panels (fine-fleecy fabric). The key disadvantage of such structures is energy dependence.
  • - For systems without forced air supply, anaerobic bacteria are intended. They concentrate at the bottom of the aeration tank, where activated sludge settles. In such an environment, they multiply and work to break down organic inclusions in waste water. As a result, it is clarified and cleaned. The plus of this type of sewage is complete energy independence. The disadvantage is the degree of cleaning at the level of 65-70%, which requires the device of filtration fields or drainage ditches.

If necessary, it is possible to create combined wastewater treatment systems, when both anaerobic and aerobic processes take place in the septic tank.

When choosing an autonomous sewage system for a cottage, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the working volume of the chambers. If it is insufficient, the septic tank will not cope with the filtration of effluents and treatment will be ineffective.

Experts recommend giving preference to autonomous sewerage systems for a cottage from well-known manufacturers. These are systems such as Topas, Chistok, Tank, Astra. They are easy to install, do not require complex maintenance, are quiet and safe for the environment, and a wide range of models allows you to easily choose an autonomous sewage system that ideally meets your specific needs.

Installation of an autonomous sewerage system.

A modern autonomous sewage system is a wastewater treatment facility that is completely independent from central engineering systems. As practice shows, the most in demand is the arrangement of an autonomous sewage system using septic tanks, which, in turn, are of the following types:

  • - Accumulative - their contents must be periodically removed using sewage equipment; suitable for houses with a small amount of drains;
  • - Installations of biological treatment, independently filtering wastewater, using biochemical principles; ideal for homes in which permanent residence is planned.

From the above, we can conclude that the installation of an autonomous sewage system is a convenience in your home.

Septic tank selection calculator