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"It was in the old days when hobbits lived ...". He lived in the hole under Earth, the Hobbit lived was in the hole under the ground hobbit

Megatory group "Bastilia" in the hole under the ground hobbit.
Not in some grind dirty raw hole there, where the tails of worms stick out from all sides and smells safely mold,
But not in the dry sandy naked Nore, where it is not for what to sit down and eat.
No, Nora was a hobbic, and therefore - landscaped.

represents Megarole game


Hobbits. For many of us, a long way to role-playing games began with this word, or rather, with phrases that we made in the title. We all know well: the hobbits live in Norah underground, and these are very well-maintained holes. Hobbits are engaged in agriculture, guests love and smoking the tubes. Some coward, avoid adventures and love their home. But one day, one day, the hobbit can stand up, throw all your important things and go to search for adventures. Similarly, we, as once Gandalf, call "highly paid specialists" for several days in August to discard their affairs and go, forgetting your handkerchief and hat, on a trip


where, as in the old good times, the dragon sits under the mountain and protects the treasures, Elrond rules in the last shelter, where every day is a real holiday, the black forest elves with distrust look at the dwarfs, but also those and others and distrust relate to the dwelling In the caves of goblins, which in turn feeds on the thylum.
You ask us why we appeal to this old and beaten theme? The answer to this question is simple: all that we want is to transfer the atmosphere of the "Hobbit" to the game. The atmosphere of a fabulous cozy adventure is without Silmarillion, the "Lord of the Rings" and the centuries-old history of the world. We suggest you to forget about the existence of Sauron, that the magic ring is a ring of all-in-law, and the whole hobbit trip is part of the multi-dimensional gandalf plans. In short, we invite you to play not in the Mediterranean, but in the "Hobbit, or back". Return


on solid soil, we inform you that our megarole game will take place August 8-10, 2008. year at the landfill in Leningrad region. Workshop game group - MTG "Bastilia". The planned number is no more 100 players. The game will be: Hobbiton, trolls, the last shelter, foggy mountains (with goblins and eagles), Bjorn's house, black forest (with elves and spiders), lake city and lonely mountain (with dragon and diamond).

We remain sincerely yours, MTG "Bastilia"

John Ronald Ruel Tolkin

Hobbit, or back and back

Translation from English Cyril Queen

Poems translated by Vladimir Tikhomirov

Unexpected treat

In the ground was Nora, and the Hobbit lived in Nore. Nora was not dirty and not raw at all; worms did not dig in her, they did not flip on the walls of the slugs, no - it was dry and warm and warm, it smelled, there was something to sit there and what to eat, "in a word, Nora belonged to the Hobbit, and therefore, it was a cozy all respects.

The entrance door to Noura, a round, exactly hatch, with a sparkling copper handle in the middle, was painted in green. It opened in a spacious and long corridor, similar to the cave, but clean and not smoke; It had stools, the floor ripped carpets, walls, covered with wooden panels, were equipped with a great multitude of hooks for a raincoat and hats - this hobbit just adored to receive guests. The corridor, flexing, was held in the depths of the hill - or steal, as the hill called a lot of miles around. On both sides of the corridor in two rows, small round doors were drawn in two rows, for which a variety of premises were hidden, so it was not necessary to climb up the hobbit: bedrooms, bathrooms, cellars and pantry (they were not counting), kitchens, refectory, wardrobe ( There was a special room in Nore, entirely settled under the clothes) - everything was near, in any room it was possible to get from the same corridor. The best chambers were located on the left hand, if you stand back to the entrance, and only there were windows, deeply planted round rubs, which went into the garden, followed by the hollow rolled to the river Meadow.

This hobbit was very prosperous, and his last name was Torbins. Torbins were inhabit the steeper too, since when they were very respected very much - not only because they were famous for their wealth, but also because they did not have Sadrods in the family and nothing had happened to anyone from Tombers. And everyone could guess in advance that any Tubbins will answer one or another question. However, our story - about how one of the Tombers Zasumabrodil and, not knowing why, began to speak and do things truly incredible. Perhaps, after that, he lost his respect for the neighbors, but acquired ... - However, you will soon find out whether it acquired at least something.

Mother of our Hobbit ... Yes, by the way, and who are those hobbits? After all, today the hobbits occur very rarely and diligently avoid Homadin (they gave people such a nickname), therefore it does not prevent, probably describe them, at least in general terms. These are small creatures, an increase in an adult to the belt. But they are not gnomes: the hobbits will lower, and the beard did not have a beard. They are not engaged in magic, but they know how to disappear in the blink of an eye, if there are bulwishes nearby, the stuffing elephants will appear. The hobbits are predisposed to the completeness, wear bright colors, preferring mostly yellow and green; They go barefoot - they do not need shoes, for their skin on their feet is stronger than the shoal soles, and the stops are covered with a thick reddish wool heating in the cold; Hobbit fingers are long and sensitive, good-natured face, and they laugh from the soul (especially in part, and they often eat and remember). Well, now you know about the hobbits enough, and I can continue.

As I said, the Mother of our Hobbit, Bilbo Torbis, was the famous Belladonna Tuk, one of the three daughters of Hobbitan Tuka, who lived in the string, for a small robust, which flows at the foot of the pitch. Neighbors rumored that a long time ago, one of the ancestors of the Old Tuk married the elf. This, of course, full of nonsense, but still there was something in Tukah, not at all the Hobbitovskoye, and from time to time Raish Tukov, and then they themselves, found an adventure on their heads. Sometimes some of them disappeared unknown where, and the remaining when they were asked to ask, stubbornly chopped, pretending to be anything about anything - neither a dream ...

In general, Tukov, even though they were richer, respected less in the Hobbits than Torbins.

Fortunately, Belladonna Tuk was married to Mr. Bango Torbis, and the adventures went around her face. Bangoga, Father Bilbo, dismissed for his wife (part of money from her dowry) such a luxurious Nora, with which there was not any other comparison, whether on a cooler, in Eastorbing or in a string. In this hole they lived until the end of their days. Maybe Bilbo Torbins, the only offense of the worthless spike of Belladonna, in appearance - an exact copy of his good-natured and fitted father, inherited from the mother this very tukovskaya feature, which was only suitable to manifest itself in all its glory. However ... Bilbo grew safely, became a respected hobbit in the heyday (he was already under fifty), and the appropriate time did not come. And only when it began to seem that Mr. Torbins would seek in his Nore to the condation of days, a significant event occurred.

Some accidents, somehow quiet in the morning - in those days noise was less, greenery more, and the hobbits crowded and flourished, - Bilbly Torbins, tightly under the door, stood at the door of his dwelling, smoking a long wooden tube, almost drowned by a letter in his feet , The wool on which was neatly bissing. And then he saw Gandalf. Oh, this gandalf! When you could hear about him at least a quarter of what I heard (I heard only a small tolik from what could be heard), you would immediately understand - you are waiting for a truly wonderful story. Everywhere where Gandalf visited, the most incredible non-residents told him everywhere. In the Hobbits, he did not show up since his friend's old one died, and the current generation of hobbit almost forgot, what he was. After all, Gandalf left more wagon and retired to the unknown edges, behind the string, even at that time, when they were essentially disinterested.

I didn't think good-natured about a strangely dressed old man who didn't think of Bilbo. On Gandalfe there was a long gray cloak with a silver scarf and a high, pointed, slightly shaped blue hat. Supplements of huge black shoes complemented. In his hand, the old man squeezed the staff.

Good morning, "Bilbo greeted. After all, the morning was really kind, the sun was shining, on the yard of green grass.

Gandalf looked closely at the Hobbit, stroked his long and fluffy gray beard and moved bushy eyebrows, outstanding from under wide hats.

And what does this mean? - he asked. - Do you want a good morning to me or want to say that it was good to my appearance? Or hint that you are all right and you do not mind chat?

Both both, and the third, the Bilbo responded. - Sit down, Mr. Good. In such morning, it's just a sin not to smoke the tube in the fresh air. I have an excellent tobacco. Help yourself. Sweet nowhere, all day ahead. - Bilbo sat on the shop, crossed his legs and released a wonderful ring of smoke. The breeze picked it up and led towards the string.

Now I no longer remember (after all, 12 years have passed) how quickly we read it. I remember to finish reading, the next day they started again. Then I asked to take a break for a couple of months. From the very first line Misha listened to his breath. "He lived in the hole under the ground hobbit. Not in some frozen dirty crude, where the tails of the worms stick out from all sides and disgusts mold, but not in dry sandy naked Nore, where it is not for what to sit down and eat. No, Nora was a hobby, which means that ... "(Translation of Natalia Rakhmanova). And then you just need to know everything about the device hole, find out who is this - a hobbit, and already on the third page to get acquainted with the mysterious old man with the staff. Call him, by the way, Gendalf. And of course, the author's warning that "stories and adventures crossed as mushrooms everywhere, wherever he appeared," could not help the desire to interrupt reading 10 minutes after the start.

The new country opens unexpectedly and rapidly, surprises and amazes, causes his trust perfect and takes advantage of your mind. But the consciousness, especially belonging to a small child, has the most difficult job. Maybe even rebirth. During and especially after reading, Misha was immersed in such a peaceful state, which seemed to me just blasphemy to pester him with questions. But one day I still could not keep it and asked: "Misha, you think about hobbits?" - "Yes". - "What?" - "How they went there, went ..." I did not interfere anymore.

In fact, he said a lot. After all, first of all is a journey book. Travel, lasted for a whole year. The heroes were mostly walked, they drove a little bit, sailed and even flew. All the time moved from some amazing events to others. But travel and travelers are different, and here the journey occurs seems to be involved. Hobbit Bilbo Baggins most of all in the world loves his village and his home (and Mishe is completely comfortable only at home), he is not at all inclined to rejoice in a new one, change something in the usual lifestyle (also just like Misha). But he is forced to suddenly change his life, abandon the arguing lifestyle and plunge into the unknown. Yes, under what circumstances - in a large company (large companies are generally Mishin nightmare) barely familiar gnomes and in such a hurry that they failed to capture the most necessary for life, as it seemed to him! (When I bought the Mishe pants, then the pockets in them had to be at least six - also for things, without which you can not live outside the house.)

The first chapters were the most difficult for Misha, because together with the Hobbit, he overcomed himself. And it was quite difficult, the emotional tension was so great that Misha, not at all inclined to share his experiences even with me, one day I could not stand: "And when will he return home, in his mink? And if it does not return? .. "Of course, Bilbo will return to his mink, in a different way should not be in a good fairy tale. But upon returning, he will be waiting for a fairly unpleasant surprise, which could knock out anyone anyone, but not our hobbit - the present, who has changed who can find a way out and not from such a situation.

The first three chapters are especially important. It is not necessary to skip something here or retell your words. And in general, the tongue and style of Tolkina is extremely clear and clean, the images are unusually expressive. So much that even no illustrations are required. We didn't like the illustrations in our book at all, so Misha simply decided not to notice them. In general, after reading the "Hobbit" illustrations in the books of steel for Misha are very optional. Rather, he preferred books "without pictures." It seems that just many words should be incomprehensible to a four-year-old child, but Misha was not distracted at all to find out the meaning of words, because much becomes clear from the context.

Of course, in the company with respectable Bilbo Baggins, it is much easier to be released from any kind of stereotypes. Feel free, ready to solve it would seem impossible tasks and, most importantly, to be able to make a worthy choice more than once. And in order to understand what is meant by the words "worthy choice", it is possible, for example, to read to the story with the diamond of Arkenston: learn about his incredible value, and for the dwarves - and in general, the pricelessness, along with Bilbo, accidentally find this diamond and slowly put in His pocket, considering it with his own share in the general enterprise, and then generously, without unnecessary regrets to part with him, to avoid the war between former supporters (fearing at the same time to cause contempt of those who have already managed to become friends). The child does not have doubts that the act is correct, as Bilbo gets the approval of the Gendalf himself: "An excellent act, Mr. Beggins! (...) Simple-simple, and always throw out something unexpected! .. "All that is how it should be in the children's book.

Of course, it would be more seriously to argue that this book in the blink of the eye solved the psychological problems of Misha. The main thing is that someone was able to find the right words and intonation to talk to him about complex and important things for him. Would you make a movie, even the most excellent quality? I doubt. Here the case is also that only the world of the book, over which the child's imagination seriously worked out, can be your own, belong only to you. For some children, such possession is very important.

The book also caused a number of "side effects", including a long time not fading interest in precious stones and minerals. It was all: Encyclopedias, a geological circle, visiting the quarries, museums, home collection of minerals ... About spiders We read everything that got into your hands, and in the Mishina room there was a place for the most outstanding copies - the truth is unreal (my liberalism on living spiders does not apply ). The head of "Riddles in the Dark" caused a real delight and the desire to also solve a variety of riddles. Since this is a very useful occupation for a child, I very much supported such a desire.

And although Misha clearly understood that the Hobbiting, the last home shelter, the wild edge and the lonely mountain does not really exist, but when he told about something outsiders, he didn't have it left: "It was in the old days when Hobbits lived ... "

Of course, all people are different, and I know children and adults who have not been able to read "Hobbit" at all. This is normal. But I think, there will always be sensitive and disturbing boys who would be incredibly glad to such a book journey.

Natalia Solynik

CHAPTER 1 . Unexpected guests lived in the hole under the hobbit ground. Not in some frozen dirty crude, where the tails of the worms stick out from all sides and disgusts mold, but not in dry sandy naked Nore, where it is not for what to sit down and eat. No, Nora was a hobbic, and therefore - landscaped. It started perfectly round, like the porthole, a door, painted green paint, with a shining copper handle exactly in the middle. The door warned inside, in a long corridor, similar to the railway tunnel, but the tunnel without Gary and without smoke and also very well-sustained: the walls there were covered with panels, the floor was laid out with tiles and the carpeted carpet, along the walls stood polished chairs, and hooks were nailed for the walls. Hats and coats, since the Hobbit loved guests. The tunnel turned farther and farther and came in rather deeply, but not to the very depth of the hill, as the inhabitants were called on a lot of miles in the circumference. On both sides of the tunnel there were doors - a lot of a lot of round doors. The Hobbit did not recognize the climbing of stairs: bedrooms, bathrooms, cellar, pantry (whole pile of pantry), dressing rooms (Hobbit took several rooms for storing clothes), kitchens, tabletops were located on the same floor and, moreover, in the same corridor. The best rooms were on your left hand, and only there were windows in them - deeply seated round windows overlooking the garden and the long meadow, descending to the river. Our hobbit was a very wealthy hobbit on the name Baggins. Baggins lived in the vicinity of the hill from time immemorial and were considered a very honorable family not only because they were rich, but also because they never happened to them and they did not allow themselves any unexpected: you could always guess in advance without asking, What exactly will say one or another Baggins by a particular occasion. But we tell you a story about how one of the Baggins was drawn in adventures and, to his own surprise, he began to speak the most unexpected things and commit the most unexpected acts. Maybe he lost respect for the neighbors, but it became acquired ... However, you will see, he has acquired in the end or not. Mother of our Hobbit ... By the way, who is this hobbit? Perhaps it is worth talking about the hobbits in more detail, as in our time they have become a rarity and face the high people, as they call us, people. They themselves are a low-spirited population, about half of our growth and lower bearded gnomes. Hobbits have beards. Magic in them, too, in general, there is nothing, if not considered the magic ability to quickly and silently disappear in cases where all sorts of stupid, clumsy versilles, like us with you, with noise and cracks are breaking like elephants. Hobbits have a thick abdomen; They dress bright, mainly in green and yellow; Shoes are not worn, because on their feet, they have hard leather soles and thick warm brown fur, as on the head. Only on the head he curls. Hobbits have long deft dark fingers on their hands, good-natured faces; They laugh with a thick morning laughter (especially after lunch, and they dine, as a rule, twice a day, if it turns out). Now you know enough, and you can continue. As I said, Mother of our Hobbit, that is, Bilbo Baggins, was the legendary Belladonna Tuk, one of the three memorable daughters of the Old Tuka, the heads of the hobbits who lived on the other side of the river, that is, a river that took place at the foot of the hill. They rummed like a long time ago, someone from Tukov took his wife from the elves. Stupidity, of course, but still in all tukah and in fact slipped something not quite Hobbitovskoye: from time to time someone from the tanks clan was launched in search of adventures. He disappeared quite delicately, and the family tried to lean this matter. But the fact remains a fact: Tuki was considered not so honorable like baggins, although, no doubt, were richer. It is impossible, however, to say that after Belladonna Tuk married Mr. Bangu Banggins, she ever started searching for adventures. Bangu, the father of the hero of our story, built for her (and partly on her money) the luxurious Hobby of Noura, which was not the luxury nor under the hill, nor for the hill, nor on the other side of the river, and they lived there until the end of their days. And yet it is quite likely that Bilbo, her only son, in appearance and all the coupings, an exact copy of his solid decent dad, received some oddity from Tukov, which only waiting for the case of herself. Such a case was not turned long, so Bilbo Baggins managed to become an adult hobbit, about fifty years old; He lived-lived in the beautiful Hobby Nore, built by the Father, in that very, which I described in such detail at the beginning of the chapter, and it seemed that he would no longer move away from the place. But it happened that one day in the silence of the morning, in those distant times, when there were much less noise and more than greenery in the world, and the hobbits were numerous and bled, Bilbo Baggins stood after breakfast in the doorway and smoked his wooden tube, such a long one that She almost touched his shaggy feet (by the way, neatly combed brushing). And at this time, Gandalf passed by. Gandalf! If you have heard at least a quarter of what I heard about him, and I heard only a small tolik of what is told about him, then you would be prepared for any incredible story. Stories and adventures grew like mushrooms everywhere, wherever he appeared. He did not have been in these edges a long time ago, in fact, from the day his friend's old tuk died, and the hobbits had already managed to forget what Gandalf was looking at. He was absent on his affairs since then, when they were still still hobbits. So that morning did not suspect Bilbo just saw some old man with a staff. On the old man there was a high island blue hat, a long gray raincoat, a silver scarf, huge black boots, and he also had a long, below the belt, a white beard. - Good morning! "Said Bilbo, wanting to say exactly the fact that the morning is good: the sun shone brightly and grass green. But Gandalf threw on him a sharp view from under dense brunette eyebrows. - What are you trying to say? - he asked. - Just want a good morning to me? Or argue that the morning is good today - it doesn't matter what I think about him? Or do you mean that everyone should be good in the morning? - both, and the third, - answered Bilbo. - And also - that in such a wonderful morning to smoke the tube in the air. If you have a handset, sit down, taste my tobacco! There is nowhere to hurry, all day ahead! And Bilbo sat on the bench near the door, crossed his legs and released a beautiful gray ring of smoke; It rose up and swam away over the hill. - Charming! Said Gandalf. "But today I have no challenge today." I am looking for a participant in the adventure, which I now arrange, but not so easy to find it. - still, in our sorts! We are a simple peaceful people, adventures do not complain. Br-r, from them one concern and trouble! Also, what a good one, dine because of them are late! I do not understand what they find good in them, "said our Mr. Baggins and, having laid a thumb for a suspender, again released a ring, even more luxurious. Then pulled the morning mail from the box and began to read, pretending to forget about the old man. He decided that he did not inspire confidence, and hoped that the old man would go his own way. But he did not think to leave. He stood, leaning on the staff, and, without saying a word, she looked at the Hobbit so long that Bilbo was completely embarrassed and even angry a little. - Good morning to you! - He finally said. - We do not need an adventure here, thanks! Look for companions behind the hill or on the other side of the river. He wanted to make it clear that the conversation was over. "Why not serves you," good morning, "said Gandalf. - Now it means that it is time for me to get out. - What are you, that you, the Miley Sir! Allow ... It seems I have no honor to know your name ... - Have you have, Miley Sir, and I know yours, Mr. Bilbo Baggins, and you are mine, although do not remember that this is me. I am Gandal, and Gandalf is me! Think about what I lived: the son of Balladonna Tuk is getting out of me with his "good morning", as if I were whitening a bangs! - Gandalf! God is gracious, Gandalf! Are you really the same wandering wizard who gave a pair of magical diamond cuffs to the old Tuku, - they still fastened themselves, and they were unbounded only by order? He who told such wonderful stories about the dragons and goblins, about the giants and saved princesses and the lucky sons of the poor widows about giants and saved princesses and the lucky sons of the poor widows? The one that suited such inimitable fireworks? I remember them! Old Tuk loved to start them on the eve of Ivanov's Day. What a magnificence! They took off the upstairs, exactly giant fiery lilies, and lion's zev, and golden rain, and held the whole evening in the twilight sky! You probably have already noticed that Mr. Baggins was not so pronounced at all, as he wanted, and also that he was a big amateur color. - My God! He continued. - Are you really the same Gandalf, whose grace so much quiet young men and girls disappeared where, going to search for adventures? Any - from Lazagany in trees to visits to elves. They even walked on ships to someone else's shores! God you are mine, how then was interesting ... I want to say, you knew how to turn everything upside down in our areas! I apologize, I did not think that you were still ... We work. - And what should I do? - asked the wizard. - Well, all the same it's nice that you remember something about me. In any case, remember my fireworks. So you are not completely hopeless. Therefore, for the sake of your grandfather and for the sake of poor Balladonna, I give you what you have asked for me. - I apologize, I did not ask you anything! - No, asked. And now for the second time - my forgiveness. I give him. And I will go even further: I will send you to participate in my adventure. This will entertain it, and you will be useful, and perhaps, and profitable if you get to the end. - Sorry! I don't want something, thanks, somehow another time. Good luck! Please come to me on a cup of tea on any day! Say, tomorrow? Come back tomorrow! Goodbye! And with these words, the Hobbit turned, whirled in a round green door and slammed her as soon as possible, trying at the same time to slapped too loudly, so that it was not rude, - after all, the wizard is a wizard. - What did I invite him to tea? He asked himself, heading to the storage room. Bilbo, however, quite recently had breakfast, but after such an exciting conversation did not interfere with a couple of cupcakes and a sip of something like that. And Gandalf was still standing behind the door and quietly rolled with laughter. Then she approached closer and the edge of the staff scarked on a beautiful green door a certain strange sign. Then he walked away, and at that time Bilbo just reached the second cupcake and thought about how deftly he was tuned by adventure. The next day he, in general, forgot about Gandalf. He had an unimportant memory, and he had to make notes in a special guest book, for example: "Gandalf, tea, Wednesday. But on the day before he was so promoted that he did not record anything. Just when he was going to drink tea, someone pulled the door bell with force with force, and here Bilbo remembered everything! He first rushed into the kitchen set a teapot on the fire, pulled out another cup with a saucer, put another cup of cupcakes on the dish and then ran to the door. Only he wanted to say: "Sorry, what made you wait!" How suddenly I saw that he was not Gandalf in front of him, but some gnome with a blue beard, shut down for the Golden Quusha; Brilliant eyes of him and sparkle


IN A HOLE IN THE GROUND THERE LED A HOBBIT. Not a Nasty, Dirty, Wet Hole, Filled With the Ends of Wet A Oozy Smell, Nor Yet A Dry, Bare, Sandy Hole With Nothing In It to Sit Down On Or to Eat: It Was a Hobbit-Hole and That Means Comfort.


He lived in the hole under the hobbit ground. It's not in some grind, dirty, raw hole, where the tails of worms stick out from all sides and disgusts mold, but also not in dry, sandy naked Nore, where it is not for what to sit down and eat. No, Nora was a hobbic, and therefore - landscaped.


In the ground was Nora, and the Hobbit lived in Nore. Nora was not dirty and not raw at all; worms did not dig in her, they did not flip on the walls of the slugs, no - it was dry and warm and warm, it smelled, there was something to sit there and what to eat, "in a word, Nora belonged to the Hobbit, and therefore, it was a cozy all respects.


Nore in the slope of the hill there was a hobbit. There are uncomfortable, dirty, wet, in which worms are full and smells of dampness; There are dry, dumped in the sand, but naked, nothing to sit in them and there is nothing. It was the real Hobby of Mink, and the Hobbic Nora means first of all the comfort.


In the underground mink, there was once one hobbit. Nora was not urban, dirty, raw, complete smoking worms and the smell of mold; She was not bare, dry mink in the sand, where there is nothing to sit on and there is nothing. It was a Hobbitov mink, which means that cozy and comfortable.


Nori pius the earth alive grasi gobt. Not in Bridki Zagygenii Mokri Nori, de Mokhlih Cherviiv I, Thena Baghnoy, Ale, not in dry Taji Pictyciai Pechersi-Vigribanzi, de Ani Sisti, Ani Popo- Europe - NiChogiSynko Maja. Boula then Gobtytship Nora, and de Gobti, there I Stick.

K & S.

In deep hole, there was a hobbit. Of course, not in a dirty raw hole, where worms climb out of the walls and smells badly, but not in dry sandy hole, where the ball will slide and nothing to sit on something, not to mention that something to eat something. Not at all! That was the real Hobby of Nora, which means it is very very comfortable.