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Scoob for beach search. Search in old houses. Cheap options for homemade scare

Scuba is a kind of shovel only to search for water or on the beach, in one word is a scoop with holes, without which you cannot work under water underwater metal detector.

Each beach digger, such a device is. If you want to do underwater search, or just beach. This thing will not be replaceable for you. They are both made with their own hands from the sewer tube with a diameter of 100-110 mm and the factory metal, and a special grid for sipping sand.

In fact, the scube make it out of the plastic pipe, it is not difficult at all. In any construction store, buy residues of sewer pipes with a diameter of 100-110 mm. Mult holes. Diameter of holes, do according to your beach sand. Cut the handle and your scuba is ready.

Examples of such works:

You can also make from the canister from under the oil, or other liquid:

Metal scuba

Metal scube make not much more difficult. First, you need welding skills, secondly drawing. You can download it below:

It is desirable to make it desirable from stainless steel, for this you will need special electrodes that can boil in stales. Be sure to make a place for a cutting, so that you can work on the depth of the chest.

You should succeed like this:

Scoob metal can be bought, but it is not so little, the normal scoop costs from $ 30 to $ 70. It is easier to make himself, or order those who can cook.

Beach search. How to make it effective?

What is a good beach search? First of all, the fact that the search on the beach using a metal detector is allowed, which means you can safely go to the beach with a metal detector and a shovel, without fear that a variety of questions may arise from some of the unstring citizens. It is clear that after the surrounding will understand that in itself a hobby with a metal detector is not a crime, but it will have to get acquainted, spend your time and nerves.

The second, which is interesting to the beach search, so that thousands of people attend large beaches annually, they lose something. Most often, you can find a walk on the beach, but not the rare coin of the USSR period, metal toys, hairpins, brooches and so on.

But the most common find, which meets the search engine on the shore of the reservoir - these are beer and vodka covers and tongues from metal cans. This good so much that just a diva is given, how many people drink. But not only such things can give the beach to the digger. Particularly we can find silver or gold jewelry: chains, pendants, rings and earrings.

80% of all beach finds - beer and vodka

In principle, it is for these things that thousands of search engines with a metal detector on the beaches are published. And legally, everything, and the chance to find a jeweler high enough. But there is one nuance. Those of the diggers, who at least once dug on the beaches of the country, know perfectly well that rummage in the sand is not the simplest and interesting lesson.

Any beach search Slitis Find Gold and Silver

And if on the field or in the forest is ordinary - an indispensable treasure detector tool, then the beach search implies a slightly other equipment. On any treasurefooting forum, you can understand in a matter of minutes that the search for the plaid is more convenient to keep using a scoop.

Skup - Beach Toolkit Search Engine

Skup is a kind of bucket with holes through which sand and land passes, but latter items remain, including coins, rings and other useful Swaming. The easiest way to buy a storm in a specialized store. This purchase is justified, since the handle has already been thought out in industrial samples, you can use it as a scoop, and as a shovel, inserting a stalk into it.

It is also better to use a stingy water branch

By the way, if you fasten a stingy on a cutting, the search can be kept under water. And what if the beach search for you is a random phenomenon, if you only visit the beach with a metal detector for the whole season for the whole season? Is it really for the sake of these two times to buy a meager? You can do everything with your own hands.

Options to make a meager self-mass. On the Internet there are many drawings and quite affordable instructions, how to do it, possessing the minimum knowledge and skills. But if you do not plan to look for water, and the main goal is to run with the detector on the coastal sandy line, then the task is simplified at times.

Cheap options for homemade scare

See ourselves: you can take the usual plastic bucket (the children's bucket or bucket from the mayonnaise is suitable for these purposes). Then, a hot item, for example, a nail, in the bottom of the ass, you need to do several dozen holes, if you wish, additional holes can be made on the sides of the bucket. That's all the technology for making a score - tool without which the beach search is difficult.

Your Alexander Maximchuk!
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It is practically no possible to get the find from the water of the find, with water from the shovel, soil is washed together with the find. For underwater search, a special tool is needed - a scoop with holes, called scuba. Scuba can be bought on alerting sites or make independently from the girlfriend. The scuba should be strong as a bayonet shovel, as the search has to be conducted not only in a soft sand, but also on a solid stony or or or orst day for which a very strong scuba is needed.

For the manufacture of the scuba, you need a bayonet shovel and a metal strip or even better perforated sheet so as not to drill holes in it. The holes in the upper part can be of any diameter, since the top is not a washing scuba area, but it serves to desert rock and strengthen the entire structure.

Fig. 2 Drills of holes with a diameter of 13 mm in a shovel and sheet.

Fig.3 Holes in the strip are drilled, you can measure and cut off.

Fig. 4. We welded the top perforated part to the shovel and make a paper template for the back wall. The rear wall of the scuba should also be with holes.

Fig.5. We clean the burrs and cut off everything too much.

Fig. 6. Last bar. Place a long and durable birch handle. The handle is best to do wood so that the scuba does not sneak in the water.

For 2 hours we made a scuba, spending 850 rubles on materials. Shovel 600 rub, metal sheet 100 rub, long birch cutlets 150 rub. You can go to search.

From the video on the website of the storefishing video you can learn in detail how to make scuba from the shovel.

(He is a scuba or stingy, who like it) is just vital for searching on the beaches.

What is given scoop for beach search Is different from his fellow (shovels or just scoop)? The answer to pain is simple - the fact that it has holes (a mesh, perforated or other structure), through which the main material (soil) wakes up or washed out and only the subject remains in the scoop, which filed a signal to the metal detector.

A variety of scoops (stingy) is simply amazing. This is their shape, and the size and material, and indeed the appointment itself.

It is like a table knife, which can be different for different types of cutting ...

Main types of scoops for beach search (stacking):

The first type is made of stainless steel, which is necessary for its strength and opposition to an aggressive wet environment (corrosion or simply speaking rust). About forms, thickness and other data while we are not talking.

The second type is manufactured from various plastics, which also allows you to counteract corrosion, it is less durable, however, it has a huge plus compared to other metal scoopes / scoopers, namely, it does not see the metal detector, which allows you to check the cropped content. That is, we are scratching (digging) portion of soil and carry out the device. If the target is still in the bore (scoop), the metal detector clearly informs about this sound or otherwise. And then there is no need for sifting the contents of the scoop. It really saves your time and strength.

Also scoops are short (manual) and long (foot). That is, it is more convenient to use during diving and swimming, as well as with a minimum set (takes little space). The scoop (scoop) is needed to drag large volumes of the soil by a similarly ordinary garden shovel. Thus, we have more lever (long handle) and larger weight on the shovel (the weight of the whole body through the leg we transmit a scoop) ...

Well, I use these so stupid:

For those who can make a stingy (scoop) with their own hands, or ask to make it their good acquaintances, I post templates / patterns of scoop. Its dimensions are 240 x 300 mm. Such a storm can be made both manual short and with mounting to a wooden long handle.

I did not make a newly wooden. The tree is the most suitable material for handles.

But the handle should be handled in a special way to prevent the wetting of the tree and further rotting the material.

The prepared dry handle from the tree must be sanded to a smooth state, and then warm in air (technical hairdryer or burner) and to gamble with a ghardy wooden surface with a heated paraffin (to the state of the liquid close to the boil). The surplus of paraffin on the handle is removed by repeated wood with a hairdryer and rubbing with a rag (rag x / b).

The handle made in this way serves for many years and does not absorb moisture!

Today, the sights of Armenia are popular with tourists. For those who are engaged in a cop on the seashore, a bomb for a beach search, it's just not a replaceable thing. After all, if you want to get a find, which is located at a depth of 1 m, or a little more, you just need to somehow get the handful of sand, which beats. For it was invented scuba!

Scube - in one word is a scoop with holes. The diameter of which, does not allow the find to sleep, and the sand goes away. Thus, the signal remains in the scoop.

Modern underwater search treasor, simply does not represent his life without this miracle scoop. Scubs are different, both plastic and iron, for underwater search.

Here for example, this scoop that you see below is designed to search for land. It makes it very easy, from the pipe "diameter 110". To do this, you will need:

A piece of pipe plastic sewage, diameter 110 or 100, 500mm long. It will not be very difficult to find such a piece. You can buy, but usually removes, you will be given to you.

Metal scube will make it hard. You need to be able to use welding. It's easier to order in a turning shop. It will cost all about 200 UAH. The main thing that the scuba was comfortable, in use. Order something from this and necessarily stainless iron.

So the scuba for the beach search is very simple, especially from the pipe. True, if you dig up in antiquity, and you rarely go to the beach, you can not do it, he will come in handy from the strength of times 5.