Repair Design Furniture

DIY wedding albums. Wedding album (scrapbooking). DIY wedding album: tips, ideas, photo examples

A wedding is an exciting and wonderful event, the memory of which should remain with the newlyweds not only as pleasant memories, but also in the form of beautiful pictures that can be reviewed from time to time. You can put photos from this important event in a photo album specially purchased for such an occasion, but it is better to do it yourself, using a lot of pleasant memorabilia left after the wedding. It is about flowers from a bridal bouquet, bows and ribbons. In the manufacture of such an album for photographs will help you scrapbooking technique.

What is a scrapbooking wedding album

Scrapbooking is special kind needlework. Its purpose is to convey the emotional state of people and the atmosphere of the moment in which this or that picture is captured.

Translated from of English language scrapbooking is a scrapbook. The name speaks for itself, since initially clippings from old books, newspapers and magazines were used to decorate individual pages with photographs and entire albums.

Today, any memorable little things can be used for this technique. Here are a few characteristic features scrapbooking, which you will use to design a wedding album:

  • Cropping pictures... This technique is necessary in order to focus on the most important details. Earlier photography cropped by hand using clerical scissors. In other words, everything unnecessary was removed from the picture. Today, photographs from digital media can be transferred to a computer, processed in special programs and only then printed in a proper form.
  • Writing headings for each page... Images for a wedding album should be divided into groups and placed several images on a page. You shouldn't try to put all the photos you have in it. For a wedding chronicle in the style of scrapbooking, you should select only the most important, brightest and most memorable moments. For each page that contains a group of pictures, you need to write a beautiful and unusual heading. This can be done manually or using a printer and interesting fonts. In addition, cut letters from newspapers and magazines can be used to title the pages.

  • Placing notes for some pictures in the album... If you have funny and unusual memories associated with some photos that you do not want to forget over time, write small interesting notes to them. Of course, we are not talking about such moments, the notes to which can be the inscription "We left the house and went to the registry office" or "Aunt Lyuba dropped a piece of the wedding cake." It is worth writing them only for really bright and unusual moments.
  • Using aged paper... In some cases, the scrapbooking technique allows the use of artificially aged paper. Basically, such techniques are used when really old pictures are placed in the album. However, if you are a fan of retro style, you can print your wedding photos in sepia or black and white and place them in an album with aged pages. Giving paper that look is a snap. To do this, it is necessary, after having previously kneaded, place it in a solution of strong coffee and soak in it for about three minutes. Dry the sheet on a stack of old newspapers. The edges of the aged paper should be held over the candle to make them uneven. This will add an additional antiquity effect.
  • Jagged edges can also be done for albums in which you plan to place non-retro pictures. Such a method is necessary in order to show that the purpose of this album is to show that the characters in these photographs and the events depicted on them are about to break out into reality again. Tearing off the edges of the paper is quite simple, for this you should, holding it in front of you, tear off pieces of the edge with light tweaks.

What materials and ideas can be used to create a scrapbooking wedding album

Those who decide to design a wedding album in the scrapbooking style should be aware that there are no strict rules in this case. You can use any materials you see fit. Here is an approximate list of them:

In principle, such a list can be continued indefinitely, the main thing is that all the materials you use are in good harmony with each other and remind you of the past event.

For a wedding album made using the scrapbooking technique, you can use aged paper, fabric beige colour, the same lace and ribbons, in the event that you were hosting a celebration in a retro style.

If there are retro cars in the pictures, then they can be done using a special computer program translate to sepia color. You will surely like this idea of ​​decorating an album with wedding pictures. For bright summer shots, you can apply a design using juicy bright colors... Standard white, for example, can be paired with pink, green, and red. Do not be afraid that such a combination of colors will look too flashy. In combination with bright pictures, everything will look beautiful and somewhat unusual. If you decide to design a photo album with wedding pictures in the scrapbooking style, remember that the main condition for its manufacture is accurate work... All details should be glued or sewn to the pages so that no glue or threads protruding beyond the borders are visible. It is better to use transparent compounds for fastening the elements, which, when dried, do not give any shades. We are talking here about a special hot glue and composition for nail design, which is also transparent. The threads should be the same color as the fabric, so that they are seen as little as possible. Don't forget that the main attention should be paid to the design of the cover, which is known to be the face of the album. Its background should be combined with the background of the rest of the pages..
Better to cover it with fabric or lace, which you can buy in a specialty store. Remember that the cover must be made of thick cardboard. If you do not have the desire to suffer with the binding, which is not so easy to make, use a student notebook-block, into which, instead of ordinary sheets of paper, you can insert cardboard pages with pictures, and holes in them should be made using an ordinary clerical hole punch.

Do you need? We are ready to offer several original options... How to make a toast to a wedding in your own words? Ours has answers to this question. At the following address, you can read an article on what is the best gift for housewarming friends.

How to DIY a wedding scrapbooking album in retro style

For a photo album with pictures from a wedding held in a retro style, artificially aged sheets of paper should be used. How to achieve this effect was discussed above. In addition, you will need satin fabric, beige lace and ribbons, several white imitation pearls and a small oval frame made of metal or resin, artificial flowers and leaves, and a heart-shaped wax seal attached to a piece of string. The cover of the album should be covered with a beige fabric with a pattern embossed on it. These can be flowers or ornate patterns. The main thing is that the drawing is not too catchy. In the center of the composition, you need to place an oval frame with one of the photographs, which depicts a married couple. The frame can be pasted over with artificial pearls up to half, and lower part decorate with artificial flowers and leaves. Use the heart-shaped wax seal as a fastener. To do this, sew or glue to the fabric on the cover a small button matching the color of the wax. Under the oval frame, you can glue a small piece of lace, on which a rectangle of fabric with an inscription on it will be placed. It should reflect the content of the album. You can write the following on the fabric:

  • Best DD day. MM. YY.
  • Our wedding.
  • An ode to our love.
  • Memories of the wedding.

Several ribbons and imitation pearls bows can be glued to the corners of the fabric rectangle containing the lettering.

After the cover is ready, you can start designing the pages.... For them, it is necessary to use pre-prepared paper aged in a coffee solution with burnt edges. Pictures should be glued to them in a chaotic manner, which can be framed with buds and butterflies cut out of pastel-colored paper. If you know how to draw well, apply images of retro cars, as well as old household items on the pages of the album. Notes and page titles are best written with ink using a pen... V self-production scrapbooking album is no big deal. The main thing here is creativity, great taste and the ability to show imagination.... Don't be afraid to improvise and you will succeed! To give you an even better idea of ​​what a scrapbooking wedding album looks like, we suggest you watch the following video:

A wedding is the main holiday in the life of a man and a woman. The ransom of the bride, the ceremony of exchanging rings, the oaths of the newlyweds, the wedding procession, a photo session, competitions from the host and much more make this holiday bright and unforgettable. But the holiday is over, but the memories remain. We have already prepared wedding photos with the central characters - the bride and groom. You can save these memorable pictures in a DIY wedding album. By signing or commenting on each photo, you are like putting a piece of your soul into it. And this is no longer just a photo album, but a family heirloom that will be proudly displayed to children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren.

Create your own and unique wedding album it is possible with the help of improvised stationery. There are several options for the basis of the album:

In the process of creating an album for wedding photos every detail must be well thought out. What style do you want to design it in? What kind of cover will you have? How many photos do you plan to include in this album? After all, every wedding is individual and unique, which means that the design of the album depends on the preferences, character and taste of its owner. When creating a wedding album, do not hesitate to involve your soul mate in this work. After all, this album will reflect your union, which has created a family out of you.

Gallery: DIY wedding album (25 photos)

Cover design

The first step in designing an album is creating the cover. It usually reflects family traditions and values. On the cover you can place a photo of the newlyweds with a beautiful signature and names.

On the Internet, you can choose for yourself exactly the style that matches your nature and character. Here is some of them:

Opening of a wedding album

To make your wedding album not only beautiful, but also reliable, you need to come up with convenient photo mounts. Our mothers and grandmothers in the old fashioned way pasted their photos on thick cardboard, unable to remove them without sad consequences.

In order not to spoil and reprint photos, consider safe methods of attaching images to spreads:

Wedding album style and technique

If you do not know in what style to make a wedding photo album with your own hands, then this section is for you. Today there are such styles and design techniques:

Master class on creating wedding albums scrapbooking

Studying the technique of wedding scrapbooking in detail, you need to know that there are many different styles of this type of creativity. Everyone will be able to find and make something that reflects their tastes:

  • Vintage style.
  • Heritage style.
  • American style.
  • Shabby chic.

If you romantic and creative person, then a wedding scrapbooking album performed by "shabby chic" will suit you. This style is considered royally honorable with a pretense of aristocracy. To create a unique and dignified cover for your album, consider this master class.

We carry out all the actions in turn:

Wedding is a romantic and long-awaited holiday in the life of every young couple, because new family... Everyone tries to make this day simply fabulous, as most often it is the only day in life that you want to truly remember for the rest of your life. And so that bright and positive moments of this day remain, the newlyweds always order video and photography, so that everything remains in memorable frames. It goes without saying that any photos should be kept in a special wedding album, which at any time you can get out and look through, remember everything that happened on this wonderful day. Since now they are considered very relevant and valuable self made, then it will be very useful to give the newlyweds this very album, which will be made with soul and love. We will now consider a master class on making a wedding album with our own hands.
For its manufacture we take:

  • Binding cardboard, 1.5 mm thick, 21 * 21 cm, two sheets;
  • Metal rings;
  • Printed pages with elements and wedding lettering;
  • Sintepon;
  • The fabric is lilac in two shades, we take good Korean cotton;
  • Chipboard "Album" or "Our wedding";
  • Lace lilac wide embroidered and double cotton;
  • Scrap paper in a lilac tone three sheets 30 * 30 cm;
  • Lilac eyelets;
  • Paper roses of white and white-lilac color;
  • Eyelet installer;
  • Lilac satin ribbon 25 mm wide;
  • Semi-pearl lilac;
  • Metal swans and hearts pendants;
  • Brads metal;
  • Cutting out of mother-of-pearl lilac cardboard: hearts, butterflies, flowers, glasses;
  • Scissors, ruler, glue stick, pencil, lighter, Focus glue, double-sided tape.

We take square blanks from binding cardboard and glue strips of double-sided tape on them.

Now we cut off and glue the synthetic winterizer.

We will combine the fabric, so we cut a little less cuts into small peas, two cuts, and with a floral print we cut a little more than two cuts. Do not forget to make a reserve for sewing fabrics and tucking around.

Also, immediately cut off two cuts of the satin ribbon and two cuts of lace. Now we need to iron all the fabric cuts and the tape well. We sew the pieces of fabric in two, and at the joints we sew first one lace, and then another.

Now we need to cover our binding with fabric. First we smear the corners, wrap and glue, and then completely cover the edges. In the center we glue strips of tape from the inside onto double-sided tape.

We have prepared the cover, it remains to stitch it along the edges. Cut out two squares for endpapers 20.5 by 20.5 cm and a rectangle 11 * 13 cm from scrap paper.

Trying on the decorations for the cover and sewing them on.

Now we glue the scrapbook endpapers inside the covers.

If you have opted for a purchased photo album, then first you need to decide on the type of product. Today, on store shelves, you can find a wide variety of photo albums, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Album with "pockets" for photos

it classic version- photos are placed in transparent plastic "pockets". The main advantages of this design method are the protection of the surface of the picture from dirt, as well as the ability to easily change the position of the photo at your discretion. However, one of the significant disadvantages of this method of decorating a wedding album is the lack of “space” for imagination - you just need to insert a photo into the “pockets”. In addition, you will have to select photos of only one format.

Album with sheets-"magnets"

This type of photo album is the latest trendy "squeak". Its peculiarity is that the photos are placed on the main page, and then covered with a special transparent film. The photos are held in place with an adhesive applied to the main sheet. This makes it possible to post photos of the most different sizes in any "angles".

The disadvantage of an album with "magnetic" sheets is the limited life of the adhesive that holds the photographs. Therefore, after a certain time, photographs may fall out of their "familiar" place. In addition, with long-term storage of the photo album, yellowing of the magnetic film is not excluded.

Album "with corners"

Such a wedding album can be decorated, for example, in the style of the 19th century. After all, it was in old albums that photographs were attached with the help of beautiful corners or glue on parchment paper pads. Today, instead of corners, you can use a double-sided sticker. This design of the wedding album gives room for imagination, since you can develop the design of each page - photos, decorations, applications from sequins and scraps of fabric, inscriptions-wishes to young spouses. True, over time, some design elements may come off.

So, if you already have a ready-made album, all that remains is to place wedding photos in its "pockets" or on magnetic sheets. In the album with "corners" the composition can be supplemented with original wishes or comments.

How to design a wedding album cover

The cover for the wedding album is a kind of “ business card". The choice of cover depends on the style of the wedding, the taste of the newlyweds, as well as the creativity and imagination of the donor. In general, these details need to be carefully thought out taking into account the wishes of all "parties".

The finished wedding album in a beautiful leather cover is practical and durable. Indeed, the leather is resistant to damage and will reliably protect the contents of the album from the effects of time. Photo - wedding albums in leather cover:

However, to many, leather will seem a little "official" option, so you can stretch velvet, silk or other luxurious fabric over it. The result is a truly royal wedding photo album:

A great option would be a combination different materials- for example, leather and velvet. The wedding photo of the newlyweds looks original on the cover, so choose the best photo for this purpose.

Wedding Album Style

The photo album usually displays a wedding theme, inner world or hobbies of young spouses. Is your wedding a European style? Design a photo album in the appropriate theme with the addition of photos of a wedding cake, bridal bouquet, wedding premises. You can come up with interesting stories by posting photos of guests and relatives of the bride and groom in the album.

Lovers of vintage style will love the following wedding photo album design:

Pages can also be designed in a "retro" style - this is fashionable today. Find funny photos of the bride and groom as a child and combine all the elements of the composition together. Black and white photographs will also add a touch of flavor to a retro wedding album. The photo shows some options:

And here's a look at the design of the album pages in different colors:

Wedding album - scrapbooking

What is scrapbooking? This is a decor style using various materials- lace, ribbons, beads, rhinestones, foil, paper, artificial flowers and many others. How to make a scrapbooking wedding album? Let's go through a small master class.

To begin with, we determine the size of the future album - we calculate based on the size of the photos. For example, 10x15 photos look good on a 25x30 sheet. Take watercolor paper and cut out 14 sheets. We glue 12 of them in pairs (we get 6 sheets), and two sheets - onto the endpapers. Stencil on sheets with "gold" acrylic paint we apply a pattern drawing. We tint the edges of the sheet with a dry brush.

We make 12 substrates for photos - according to the number of pages in the album. We lay out several substrates in random order and apply golden paint through a stencil. We now have separate parts of the pattern on each backing. It came out original and creative!

Now we take a patterned hole punch and start decorating the corners of our sheets. Then you should determine the location of the photo slot on the substrate. Mark the line with a pencil and cut it with a mock knife. When the slots are ready, glue the backing onto paper in a contrasting color. We are careful not to glue the slots!

So, the backing of the wedding album is ready and you can glue it onto our blank sheets. Now - what will the fantasy tell! Lace, satin ribbons, rhinestones, flowers ... before you start decorating, think carefully about the concept of the future product.

To create the cover, you need to take a fairly thick cardboard, the size of which should be slightly larger than the sheets of the album. Then we upholster the cardboard with a beautiful fabric - for example, velvet. How to calculate fabric size correctly? We spread it on the table, and put cardboard on top. We retreat from the edges of the cardboard 2 - 3 cm, mark the lines and cut along them. On the surface of the fabric, you can glue or sew lace or beads, as well as make an inscription on the wedding album - "Happy wedding!", "Congratulations!" or other options. We also sew or glue decorative ornaments on the back of the cover.

So, we collect all the details of our cover. We take a piece of padding polyester, to which we apply a cardboard blank, bending its edges inside the future cover. We cut off the corners of the padding polyester to give a beautiful neat shape. We glue the synthetic winterizer to the base, and on top we glue the velvet fabric. The seamy side of the two parts of the cover is pasted over with sheets of the endpaper. On the front side of the cover we place decorative elements - beads, ribbons, rhinestones.

Now you need to connect the prepared album sheets together. For this we use double-sided tape and a hole punch. We make holes, insert metal rings (eyelets), on which you need to collect all the sheets. You can make a decorative bandage to securely fix the album cover.

Wedding album with our own hands - we admire the result of the work!

And here's another photo of scrapbooking wedding albums:

The main difference between a photobook and an album is that the photos are printed right on the page. Of course, you won't be able to make such a thing yourself, so it's better to order a wedding photobook from a professional photographer. What is the principle of making a photo book? First, you need to make computer collages, which are then stitched together in the form of a book. Such a product is a real work of art, moreover, it is very expensive. However, many accept such newfangled "trends" and order a wedding photobook.

Wedding albums are a great opportunity to capture the best moments of this joyful and have a good day... And if you make an album with your own hands, then a particle of your soul will remain in it. How nice it will be then to turn it over and over again together with your beloved husband, and there with the children and grandchildren. For a long memory - the best memories!

A wedding is one important and unforgettable event for a couple in love. The celebration passes quickly, and the memory of it remains for your whole life. The album will help you save a particle of celebration. A wedding album using scrapbooking technique will be a bright, beautiful, impressive memory of your wedding day. Making it with your own hands is not so difficult, you need to be patient and have everything you need at hand.

DIY wedding album

V recent times the technique of making a wedding album, called "scrapbooking", is becoming popular. Manual decoration books, albums with ribbons, beads, paper, and other beautiful little things - all this is scrapbooking. For the design of the compositions, special skills and great experience are not required, it all depends on your ideas, preferences, imagination, inspiration. An album using the scrapbooking technique will be a lovely gift for newlyweds.

For manufacturing, stock up on materials and tools in advance. Think ahead about how you want to design the album, and then go to the place where everything for scrapbooking is sold. Have you decided? Make a sketch or sketch, develop it down to the smallest detail. Each page is a short story that conveys emotions, mood, feelings of the wedding day.

Often creative ideas come directly during the production itself. In addition to photographs, use memorabilia from the wedding celebration, for example, dried flowers that were dried after a solemn bouquet role, beads from a dress, a boutonniere from the groom's attire.

For an example of a handmade wedding album, see this video:

Scrapbooking albums are decorated with pastel materials (see the photo), for example, blue, pale purple, etc.

Tip: when decorating pages with dried flowers, protect them with special bags, otherwise they will crumble.

Materials and tools

For the scrapbooking style, the choice of materials and tools is important. In addition to your shots, use the following items to choose from:

  • Bases, substrates. Cardstock (thick paper), design paper, overlay (printed film), parchment, chipboard (cardboard with cut out figures), foil.
  • Decorations. Choose ribbons, beads, napkins, bows, wedding garter, invitations for guests, elements wedding bouquet, postcards. Also paper or fabric flowers, lace, illustrations, buttons, rhinestones, volumetric appliques. There are stencils for creating drawings.

In addition to the materials suggested above, use others, preferably those that can be stored long years... When doing it, do not forget about the corners for pictures, it is better to buy them, but if you wish, you can do it yourself.

Tools that you may need - glue, scissors, double-sided tape, a variety of composters and stamps, a hole punch. All this is located on the shelves of stores specializing in fabrics, accessories, crafts, as well as in your home.

Album size and volume

Stores offer us stitched albums, blank sheets for scrapbooking. But before buying, you should decide on the size. There are three standard sizes:

  • Size 30 x 30 cm. Perfect option if you want several photos to be placed on one page at once. It will look great if each spread is decorated in its own way, such an album will be large and voluminous.
  • Size 20 x 20 cm.One photo is placed on such sheets standard size 10 x 15 cm. The album comes out convenient and small in volume and weight.
  • Size 25 x 25 cm. This album format offers a cross between the two previous ones, not only in terms of size, but also in terms of volume and weight. Large photos will look good on such sheets, and there is also an opportunity to place several small ones (see the photo below).

The volume of a scrapbooking album depends not only on the number and size of pages, but also on the number of decorations and photographs.

Cover Ideas

The cover will be the face of your album, and it will create the first impression before viewing. Therefore, you should work well on its design. Consider interesting ideas for the cover.

  • For the base, several layers of thick paper or fabric are used, decorated with lace on the sides. A joint photo of the bride and groom is usually made out: it is placed in the center of the cover. Around the photo itself, stick a frame, add a signature to it if you wish, or make a couple of slots for corners. The original title is also used instead of the picture.
  • One or several fabric, paper flowers, the middle of which is decorated with a bead (rhinestones), will look good on the cover. Instead of them, bows are suitable, they are also used as strings. The edge of the cover or a place near the edge is decorated with a strip of lace. Also beautiful is such a design option as a heart created from a ribbon tied at the bottom with a bow, which is placed in the center of the cover.Often, as a decorative addition on the cover, there are two painted or glued rings - a symbol of marriage.

A master class on scrapbooking cover design will show the video:

original name

The highlight of the cover design is the original title of the wedding album, which will be associated directly with the newlyweds. The title can be drawn in pencil, engraved, or made of paper.

Consider the options for names:

  • Standard - "Our wedding", "Wedding", "Wedding day".
  • With names - the name of the groom + the name of the bride, the first letter of the bride's name + the first letter of the groom's name, the surname of the spouses.
  • Other names - "Day of Happiness", " Eternal love", "Together forever".

The wedding date will look great under the name. Use your imagination, don't be afraid to experiment.

Chronology of wedding events

The ideal option for decorating an album in the style of scrapbooking on the inner pages will be a correctly arranged chronology of wedding events from a photo. Add photos that show how young people met, interesting moments from their life, marriage proposal, joint wedding planning, choice of wedding dresses.

The chronology of events from the pictures on the day of the wedding looks good in the album: morning preparation, ransom of the bride, ceremony, reception, contests, completion of the wedding. A great addition (another spread in the album) will be photos from the trip that follows the wedding - the honeymoon. It is very advantageous to attach something small to each photo from the trip that is associated with the place captured in the photo (leaves from trees, flat souvenirs).

Sections for future anniversaries

The wedding album can be filled not only directly with wedding photos, but you can also continue an interesting activity throughout life together... To do this, leave the anniversary pages in the wedding album. A great idea is to write the name of the anniversary and add a photo of the day.

If the album is large, place two photos per page to save space. With a small remainder of the number of pages, glue the picture taken on the day of every fifth anniversary.

How to store

A wedding album made using the scrapbooking method requires a special type of storage: since its cover has voluminous details, they can be accidentally damaged during storage. An excellent solution this problem will be a case made to the size of the album, a package made of paper or a box (look at the photo). They are also slightly decorated: for example, it is recommended to sew flat patterns on the cover, and glue the box with cloth or paper.

You can purchase or order a unique scrapbooking album. But it would be better to make it with your own hands, putting a piece of your soul there, because a wedding album is a bright story of a family from the moment of its inception. This lesson will take a lot of time, perseverance, but the result is worth it: there will be a memory for a lifetime.

If you have experience in creating such crafts, or interesting ideas on this issue, leave your comments, they will be useful to the rest of the readers.