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As you can take a picture in nature. Wedding photo session in nature

Photo session in nature

Friends, for a few more decades ago, we could not imagine that you could easily get a camera from the back pocket of the trousers and capture the first step of the child, the gentle kiss of the newlyweds, a joint journey to the uncharted countries. Now it is an affordable reality.

Photo is a great way to make time stop and leave emotions for memory forever. And that neither say, the most colorful, "delicious" photo shoots are obtained on the street, in whatever time they did not pass. The variety of ideas of street photo shoots depends only on your imagination, I, as a photographer, implement the most bold wishes.

Ideas for photo session in nature

Original ideas for a photo session in nature can be embodied at any time of the year. Someone prefers a magnificent, juicy greenery sheets of summer forest, someone - gold spills of young wheat splashes. One adores the blue of the lake, the other is a cloudless sky and sun bunnies on the winter snow. A photo session will always get memorable, and snapshots - fascinating, we only stand in advance to discuss the image of the model, pick up and prepare a place of shooting, think about the choice of costumes and makeup.

Here are just a few ideas for a photo session in nature:

Ideas for the winter photo session in nature

I invite winter stories lovers to organize both individual and group shooting. In winter, plots built on contrasts are very bright. In clothes, it is better to give preference to choose a calm color scheme, clean, transparent tones, similar to natural paints of nature at this time. At the same time, red, red shades are suitable as contrast. So in the hands of the model there can be a basket of ripe, red apples, fiery bunches of Ryabina, and from under the caps of the shock of red hair.

Collective photos in this style look no less colorful. The company can wear cozy felt boots, colored knitted hats, scarves and just sculpt a snowman together, ride sledding, catch the mouths falling snowflake until I will professionally do my job. Such a relaxed photo session will allow to capture the most sincere emotions and will forever retain pleasant memories.

Ideas of unusual children's photos in nature

You are happy parents and do not fully believe your happiness?

It is not necessary to wait for the baby to become a year or two to create its first unique pictures. Photo sessions can be arranged from the first days of life. I will create unusual story photos even when the child is serenely sleeping. For such photo sessions, sometimes enough to re-establish a small cradle with a baby under the kochan cabbage and an unusual plot is provided.

With the kids, older can experiment, as in the playground, surrounded by peers. Photographing children in nature is always one pleasure! You can make a photo session separately in the cloud of soap bubbles, with a bouquet of dandelions in hand, or just standing in the autumn puddle.

Your baby does not get fat to shoot, the process will be unobtrusive, built in a game form, because in working with children the main thing is delicacy.

And if you want really amazing photos with your children, then we will talk about the fairy plot of photo shoots in nature and capture an incredible fabulous story in the pictures, whose chief hero will be your child!

Ideas using auto and moto technology

A photo session in nature with a car or moto technique is always popular due to the availability of the organization - you can use both your transport, and to rent a car. In this case, the overall stylistic direction is given by the outfits of models, accessories, the design of the transport used. Fashionable style company will perfectly look at the retro car, the gangster party will end with a photo session in a stylish cabriolet, and a couple in the village rods with a breeze ride along a rural road in a motorcycle with a trailer.

Thematic photo session in nature

Residents of megacities try to spend each free minute outside the city. People go to the cottages or recreation areas at any time of the year. In the summer they bathe in stormy rivers or quiet ponds, in the winter ride on the cheesecakes. Spring and autumn - time for walking through the forest, drawing up Ikebane, bouquets of yellow leaves.

Thematic photo sessions are very popular and distinguished by greater dynamism than shooting indoors. I will help choose a storyline in accordance with the time of the year and your way of life: in winter - fun games and fun, sledding, bathing in the snowdrifts; In the spring - a picnic, songs under the guitar near the fire; in summer - beach holidays, volleyball; In the autumn - walks in the park, forest, hiking berries.

Spring nature, like a young girl, comes to life, wakes up from sleep. The sweet smell of the first kidneys appears in the air, the last snowy snow drifts, turning into the murmur boring. Is this not a reason for the thematic spring photo shoot? And nature helps us in this, suggesting spring images, throwing out ideas for filming.

With the onset of golden autumn it is time to think about how it would be great to capture yourself at this magnificent season. I will spend a wonderful autumn photo session for you in the most magnificent landscapes of St. Petersburg, Pushkin and Pavlovsk. Let's think together what your theme of the photo shoot will be!

Makeup for photo session in nature

Makeup for a photo shoot Against the background of nature, you need to carefully select under the created image. It is important that Make-AP was made correctly and neatly, it will give the face naturalness and freshness. The skin of the face must be prepared in advance by visiting the cosmetologist in a couple of weeks before the filming. Talk tools to use with a matting effect, more attention to devoting make-up eyes, eyebrows and lips. With the right selection of cosmetics, Make-up will last the entire photo session without correction. Together we will discuss not only the plot of the future photo shoot, but also the corresponding outfits and, of course, makeup.

The cost of a photo session in nature

The cost of outdoor photomotive 5000 rubles per hour. An extra time is 1000 rubles per hour. Get acquainted with prices

Order photo session in nature: +7 -911 237- 02-25

Photographer: Natalia Rodionova

Dream will learn how to photograph professionally, but you can not find time and finance for visiting specialized courses. Our article will help you solve this problem in a few minutes. From it you will learn what postures will help you make beautiful, original and natural photos.

  • Every person at home can see hundreds of photos. But very often in this huge quantity it is not possible to find even a few decent pictures. This is connected with the fact that we practically we will take pictures, without thinking about the landscape around us, light, and, of course, about in which posture
  • It is usually a good view that allows you to make the most natural snapshot, which conveys the nature and mood of a person. In addition, the correct posture can help break the flaws of the figure and emphasize all its advantages.
  • Professional photographers know a lot of interesting angles, allowing them to take photos that are not ashamed to show friends and acquaintances. For this, they take into account the time of year, the mood and type of the figure of a person, and already relying on this data, decide which posture will be optimal
  • If you also want to feel like a real fashion model, then let's deal with what angle will help you make an original and beautiful picture

How beautiful to be photographed: poses

Successful Pose for Women's Photo Session

If you are going to arrange your first photo session, then remember the main thing, you must receive the maximum pleasure from the process. If you do not like something, and you will be tense, it will immediately feel the camera and photograph to get unscracing. So try to behave most naturally and do not smile if you do not want it.

Basic postures:

  • View over the shoulder. Snapshots made from this angle are obtained very penetrated, so most suitable for portrait photos. But in order for the picture to be perfect very important to keep the neck and back. If you lift your shoulder very highly, then people will seem that you have no neck
  • Hands of the face. This posture is also perfect for a portrait. You can launch your hair, and to bring the other to the chin and relax a brush slightly. In this posture, the main thing is not to show the back side of the brushes in the frame. It will look not very beautiful and create a certain imbalance with your face.
  • Focus on elbows. You can rely on the elbows as sitting and lying. In this case, your smile will play the main role. It should be natural and open. So you can close as much as possible to the camera lens, thereby showing the surrounding how open you are

Winning Posses for Photos
  • Very often in social networks you can see candid photos of girls made in the bedroom, on the beach or on the dance floor. On them, ladies are posing in vulgar poses, unnaturally bending their body and hands. The worst thing is that they do not even think about the fact that in the future these pictures can see their children and parents of her husband
  • Therefore, if you do not want to get into such an unpleasant situation, then try minimally to collapse your body and in no case do not accept the poses. Photographed without clothes pervertible only on the beach, and then if you have an ideal figure

Original postures for domestic photos:

  • Take your hands. Very often incorrectly arranged hands spoil the photo. It is they who pass on how tense and the man are stressed. Therefore, if you want to look as much as possible, then take something wrong. Take a flower in them, a soft toy or what kind of original decor. If the concept of a photo shoot does not imply the use of any foreign objects, then let the hand play with curls
  • Take pictures standing. In this case, it is also strictly forbidden to stand at a fast. Try to make your body to be relaxed, but the posture remained perfect. If you do not want to seem older than you are, then try not to tilt your body towards the lens. In the event that you are very much closer to him, then in the photo I will be visible all flaws of your skin and it will make you visually less attractive

Beautiful poses for photo on the street

Successful postures for photographing
  • If you want your photos to get the most picturesque, then spend a photo session on the street. In this case, you will not have to spend money on extra entourage, because the sun, the sky, beautiful buildings, scenic reservoirs and cozy courtyards will be used as original scenery.
  • If we talk about the theme of the city photo shoot, then it can be completely different. Depending on the site you like, a photo session can be romantic, family, beach or fabulous

Poses for street photo shoot:

  • Triumfator. Such an angle will show others that you like to be in the spotlight. So, find a beautiful place, relax, lift both hands up above your head and bend one leg in the knee. At the same time, your chest should be as pulled as much as possible and slightly tilted forward.
  • Supermodel. Take a relaxed pose and distribute the weight of your body to one thigh. Wide the second leg forward slightly, removing the foot to the side. For more natural, put one arm on the thigh, and to a friend to lower the body. I need to keep my head as much as possible without tilting it in any direction
  • Support for item. As a support, you can use a car, a large tree, a wall of the house or garden bench. All you want to do in this case will learn it, for example, to the wall and slightly cross legs. If we talk about hands, then they can also lie on the wall or just play with hair or love to others

Pose sideways for photo

Pose sideways
  • If you want to look slightly trying to take pictures in the side postures. They will help smooth all the minor flaws, hide fat folding and make you visually higher. But if you will be photographed from this point, then special attention is paid by clothes.
  • She must sit on you perfectly. If the dress, blouse or trousers will be small for you, then you will not be able to move freely. Burglary Open will add you weight and make you non-existent folds


  • Become sideways to the photographer and incarn the back of the letter S. The face is lifting, and the hands are crossed in the waist area or put on the hips. Consider the fact that in such a posture weight should be distributed only on one leg. Another leg should remain completely relaxed
  • If you have beautiful hair lengths, then try to show them around. To do this, stand sideways to the camera lens and start moving your head so that the hair flutter. Ask the photographer so that she captures you exactly from such an angle
  • You can try to take pictures in a sitting side pose. To do this, sit on the ground and lean against the wall or tree trunk. At the same time, keep your back straight, but put your hands on your foot, bent in the knee. Another leg should freely lie on the surface of the earth

Poses for photo in dress

Poses for photo in dress
  • Photos on which the woman is imprinted in the dress is always gentle and beautiful. It does not matter short or long, evening or everyday, usually such pictures always emit positive energy.
  • Of course, in this case, an important role is played by the right post. It will be better if you refuse ridiculous photos and make a truly romantic and feminine pictures
  • Do not forget that the dress should go well with the surrounding environment. And if you, for example, wearing an evening outfit, then spend a photo session on the beach in such a dress forbidden

Ideas for photo shoot in dress:

  • In the event that you are dressed easy summer dress in the floor you can try to take a picture in motion. Sit, for example, on a swing and start swing. Snapshot should be done at the moment when your dress will start beautifully waiting in the wind
  • Stand straight, slightly lift your head and bring back. Put one hand on the thigh, and the other is slightly removing the hem of its outfit. Do not forget to smile cute
  • If you want to show your beautiful figure, then we dress the tight short dress and lie in it in it in such a way that all your bends are visible. On the stomach in this case it is impossible to place as in such a posture on the finished photo only your head will be visible

Posses for photo in full growth

Interesting Pose for Women's Photo Session
  • Absolutely all people seek to look beautiful in the photos. But unfortunately, the camera loves everyone, and if a person does not know how to serve himself correctly, it immediately affects the pictures. This is especially noticeable in photographs on which people are captured in full growth.
  • But still there are several poses, with which every person can cope. Believe me if you are calm, cheerful and confident, your pictures will be worthy of any fashion magazine
  • Concentrate the severity of the body on some one leg and make movements that imitate calm walking
  • Put the feet as close to each other and bend one leg into your knees. Hands at it put on the hips and keep them relaxed in the waist area
  • Oh up your shoulders about any support, take a little back of your hands. Leave one leg as a support to stand on the floor, bend another and lean back to the point of support
  • Take a relaxed pose, carrying the severity of the body from one foot to another. Hold your head as much as possible and slightly burn back

Poses for photo with baby

Children's photo session
  • For any married couple, the child is the biggest happiness. That is why they try to capture all his achievements and pleasant moments of life
  • But since all the kids are terrible fidgets, then make a good photo it is possible very rarely. Therefore, if you want a kid at least a little listen to your wishes, then spend a photograph in a game form


  • Place your child in the garden and put about it as many toys as possible. Wait until the kid begins to play enthusiastically and only after that start shooting it.
  • Let the dad or grandfather comes with his knees and puts the child to himself on his back. Try to laugh it than anyway at this moment, and when the kid sincerely laughs Make a photo
  • Invite your crumb to catch up with soap bubbles and take a picture of it for this occupation. If you wish, soap bubbles can be replaced with bright balloons, believe me in any case such photos will be very touching

Poses for photo in summer

Poses for flight photos

Summer photo sessions are always very bright, original and colorful. This contributes like nature, so the mood of people. It happened so, but in the summer we become more fun, energetic and cheerful. And it is such an internal state that contributes to the fact that the pictures during this period are obtained as vital and natural as possible.

Poses for flight photos:

  • Lady on the bench. Such angle is suitable for absolutely all women. For such a snapshot, you will need to find an old shop in the park and how to lie on it. Your body should be as relaxed as much as possible, one hand lie on the back of the bench, and the other elegant to sign
  • Crossed hands. Such a posture is ideal for street photo shoots. All that you will need to do in this case is just to be opposite what neither be beautiful building and cross hands on the chest
  • Pose lying. Stick to the green grass and thoughtfully look at the sky if you want such a picture to get the most gentle as possible, then dress a light flying dress, and decorate your head with a wreath of wildflowers

Poses for family photo

Pose for a family photo shoot,
  • With the right approach, the family photo session can be an ideal pastime for the whole family. If your family has small kids, then you definitely think about how you will entertain them so that they agree for a long time to pose in front of the camera
  • In general, try to draw up a certain shooting plan and, if possible, stick to it. And remember, group pictures are obtained alive if they are removed in motion, so if you want your family photo to work as much as possible, then do them while your relatives will play football, swim, fry kebabs or just roll on the grass

Ideas for family photo:

  • If you want to get a beautiful frame, then try to make a group photo in the jump. The optimal option for such a frame was a beautiful forest glade or picturesque river bank. Find the most convenient place, become all in one row, and just jump at the same time. Try to all at the same time looked into the camera lens and openly smiled
  • If your family is so far only from three people, then try to make a gentle home photo in the walls of your dwelling. To do this, it is convenient to stay on the bed or on the floor by the fireplace and put your little treasure with each other. Ask grandmother or grandfather laugh baby, and when he smile Make the perfect shot
  • Make dad center photo. Put it for a beautifully served table, and you will wave for him, as close as possible by leaning my head to Him. If desired, the head of the family can be put on the floor, and around him sear all his households. In such photos, smiles play not the last role, so it will be better if there will be no pensive views and extinct eyes on the family photo

Successful postures for full girls

  • Frequently often ladies with lush forms flatly refuse to be photographed. It seems to them that the camera makes them even less attractive and more voluminous. But still if you know a few secrets, even such forms can be made the main highlight photo
  • The main thing, do not try to hide your completeness of baggy outfits, fully hiding your body. Choose a beautiful summer dress for a photo shoot, a pencil skirt and a light romantic blouse or trendy jeans and an original T-shirt
  • Choose outfits that will show those surrounding the most attractive parts of your body. Also, do not forget that the pyshes are categorically forbidden to be photographed into profile and face. Optimal are considered pose sideways or three quarters

Poses for lush ladies:

  • If you take pictures of all the growth, then in no case will not stand smoothly. Try slightly set one leg forward and lean to the side. At the same time, the hands should be in the field of the waist, and the head must be assigned to the opposite side of the side of the body
  • Sitting Pose must also be removed with a slight slope. In this case, too, it is necessary to refuse horizontal and parallel lines. The best seating pose for pieces are the angles, in which their legs are at different heights.
  • Full women are very well obtained in the pictures on which they are captured lying. With such an angle, the chest and thighs, and the priest look quite advantageously. Unlike wellness, they can safely pose lying on the stomach

Video: Posted on photo shoots (Fundamentals of paired posing)

To make wonderful pictures, it is important to choose the right poses for a photo session in the winter on the street. Of great importance is the selection of props and accessories, and the combination of photographer's talent and successful posing will reveal the creative idea and will enable the important moments of life.

Ideas for photographing in the winter season

In the cold season, preference is not necessary to give shooting in the studio. Snapshots in winter on the street will not be less, and sometimes more beautiful. Elegant trees in more than harmoniously complement the street photo session:

  • lovers
  • girls with girlfriend or boyfriend

If the thematic shooting is planned, the proper requisition is selected. It opens the space for the realization of any ideas. Unlike the static interior of the studio, the photoset in nature is not limited to a given topic. At the Plenuel, you can embody different ideas, from the filming of children's fun to portrait frames. A photo session in winter on the street will complement:

  • sledge - suitable for both children's and friendly shooting in nature
  • new Year's toys - Winter is associated with them
  • snow Hearts - Simple, But a Cute Photo Session Attribute for Two
  • snowman - Universal Detail of Winter Acourage and Family or Friendly Shooting
  • warm clothes - fur coats, coat emphasize the image and will naturally look in the snowy forest
  • warm scarf and gloves - cozy accessories adding tenderness to pictures

In winter, many opportunities are opening for girls to realize unusual ideas. It is at this time of the year that the best shots with a samovar are obtained in the image of a simple Russian beauty, which will suit the tender blonde and burning brunette. You can do without additional accessories. In winter, the dress will turn out good photos for both professional portfolio and personal archive.

Photoset for two

For a photo session, a couple in the frame is quite some lovers, it is not necessary to pick up accessories. Sincere feelings of loving people, skillfully captured by the photographer, emphasize correctly selected poses. Professional photo artists recommend using such of them:

  • free - a couple stands face to face, looks into the camera or each other. This snapshot can be both in full growth and closely
  • romantic - a man hugs his beloved from behind, as if warming and defending it from frost. Particularly touching girl bride in winter in a dress or light dress
  • hand in hand or hugging - such poses for a photo shoot on the street are suitable for walking shooting a couple from the back, or going towards the photographer along the snow-covered park
  • leaning his back on a tree - such wedding pictures will be original, they can be made both in the forest and in the city. Alternative option - rely on a festively decorated car
  • lying - depending on the wishes of lovers, they can lie on the blanket or right on the snow. To frames, especially portrait, were successful, the shooting point should be low enough

These postures for the photo session in the winter are one of the components of great pictures on the street. Emotions must be present in the frame. If the lovers are clamped, they cannot liberate, which often happens when shooting teenagers, the photographer will advise them to relax and look at each other warm, gentle. Then emotions in the photograph will be natural, and poses are relaxed.

Wedding images will complement a romantic attribute: elements in the shape of a heart, wooden plates with the inscription "I love you." And for the shooting of a man with a pregnant wife, how can it be booties, nipples, rattles. Do not forget that the number of accessories, regardless of the topic, must be moderate.

Posing for family winter shooting

Poses to preferably discuss in advance. For a family photo shoot in the city or in the forest, such postures will be suitable:

  • game - catch-up or snowball game will emphasize joyful emotions, such family photos will cause warm memories for many years.
  • pleasure - parents with children go towards the photographer or removing from him, interesting photos will turn out not only during the day in the park or city, but in the evening, in the light of street lights
  • production - family stands on a forest glade or on the background of the house, holding hands or hugging. Simple composition will emphasize the warmth of family relations

For the photographing of the family, the interesting idea of \u200b\u200busing "Family Look" is suitable - outfits in one style, one color scheme. Adults and children can wear equal coats or fur coats, fur caps. Good snapshots are obtained when all participants feel easily. Therefore, take care that the walking shooting is not boring for kids, enter the elements of the game. This will help both toys and the mood of the parents. And the frost will take care of creating natural makeup - ruddy cheeks are provided to everyone.

Filming children

The key to gaining interesting children's photos is the casual behavior of small shooting participants. Unquestionable to fulfill the requests of the photographer can except adolescents. Baby is better to shoot in the game of the game. If a photo session with children spend in the park, ask the child to make a snowman or play snowballs. Also good frames will turn out if the child is:

  • look out from behind a tree and play hide and seek
  • lying on the snow, spreading hands on the sides
  • sit on the threshold of a wooden house and join the plaid

If the number of participants in children's photography is more than one, it is necessary to take care that the kids do not scatter in different directions. This is especially true for shooting fidget three or four years. Professional photographers recommend cooking costumes for guys. In cold weather, you can restrict ourselves to the original caps in the form of animals, warm bright scarves and mittens. Baby will like the unusual shooting topic - animals in the forest, because the guys love to try on the role of bears, bunnies and wolves. A girlfriend girls will easily reincarnate in red hats or chanterelles. Baby is better to shoot in the afternoon, as in the evening the pictures will not work so colorful, as I would like.

Female photography

Women's photo session in cold weather can be organized in the city or beyond. For photographs, you need to think in advance makeup, clothes. Usually stop your choice on a coat or fur coat, but also often removed in winter in the dress. Blondes advise to choose bright outfits to stand out against white snow background. So that the girl in nature does not frozen, it is advisable to take care of the warm room. In the city it can be a cafe, and beyond the limits or in the park there is a well-heated car interior.

Women's shooting is impossible without proper posing. The best footage on the street is obtained using such provisions:

  • portrait - The girl looks at the photographer or turns around the shoulder, while it can be put on her hat and scarf, even men's
  • in the profile - a good frame will work out if you catch falling snowflakes, standing in profile or half-trip about the camera lens. Beautiful pictures are guaranteed when shooting in the evening, in the light of the lantern
  • jump - At the same time, the legs in the knees must be bent at different angles, the position is profile or semi-adfass
  • sitting - For photographing, a place will fit on a bench or steps, a cup of hot drink will look good in your hands. This simple idea is useful for photography with a guy or girlfriend.
  • the half turn - the heroine goes on the road or frozen river, turns around and looks into the lens. Unusual frame guaranteed
  • ichieve the car - you can use such a pose and during romantic shooting with your beloved man

Such posing is suitable for photoset on any topic. Ideas can be used to shoot a pregnant woman. In this case, the photo session in the winter in the coat will be preferable, because it is impossible to forget about health.

Discussing the subjects of the shooting, be sure to take time to the question of posing. Properly selected poses for a photo session in winter on the street - a guarantee of a successful photo of two lovers, male or children's photography.

Nature as a scenery is always a good choice for a photo shoot. Shooting on the pleinier makes it possible not only to realize the most bold ideas, but still relax, enjoy the beauty of the surrounding world and charges positive a few days ahead. Such a photo session is a great opportunity for experiments. You can try to play in different images at any time of the year and weather. If you think about the details to the smallest detail, you will get a lot of positive impressions and stunning photos.

Images for a photo session in nature

It turns out well in the photo - this is a whole art associated with a lot of tricks and secrets. No wonder of professional models specifically teach it.

As a rule, the most difficult part is the choice of posture. Of course, if a professional photographer takes off, this problem simply does not exist for you. He will always tell me how to get up, lie down and in what direction to turn your head. If not a professional acts in your photo session in the role of the photographer, then you try to think about the choice in advance.

Pledge of successful photos - Practice. Look at the photo shoots made by professionals and try repeating model postures. Practice at the beginning at home in front of the mirror, in which angles you look the winner, ask your beloved or girlfriend to ponph at home. Thus, you get rid of stiffness in front of the camera, and you will already have a certain idea of \u200b\u200bwhat poses look best.

Here are some options for successful poses, they are elementary, but better.

The facial expression plays the last role, here without practicing the mirror can not do. Practice to smile correctly, choose a good head tilt and a view direction.

In order for the photo session to be successful, you need the perfect makeup. So, here are some tips, following which, you will look at the photo shoot ideal:

  • 72 hours before shooting, try to exclude alcohol from your diet, red meat, caffeine and sharp food. These products can make the skin greasy and cause swelling of the face.
  • Take care of the eyebrows in advance, they must be the right form and look well.
  • Make a manicure. Even the most successful photo can spoil the lacquer on the nails.
  • If you paint your hair, be sure to take care of what would be uniform hair. The profound roots in the photo will be very noticeable.
  • On the night before shooting, lie down to sleep early and do not drink the night of water, that in the morning there were no edema and bags under the eyes.
  • If you make a make yourself, take a mirror with a magnification. Remember, professional cameras, capture all the little things and face defects.
  • Makeup for a photo shoot should be brighter and rich than the usual.
  • Try to achieve perfect facial tone. In the process of shooting, always keep the powder, so that time from time to time to clean the bold glitter.
  • Choose the eyeshadow, choose matte, in the photo they look winning than pearl.
  • The owners of dark skin is better to abandon pink, purple and burgundy shades in make-up, but blondes with light skin, on the contrary, they are very suitable.

Ideas for photo session in nature: seasons

Of course, most comfort and joy bring shooting in the warm season, bright and sunny days. It is not necessary to reject rainy and frosty weather, dawn, night and twilight, it is at this time that you can make unique and unusual photos.

  • Photos during the Golden Autumn period are bright and pleasing to the eye with unique melancholy and longing about fading nature. It can be romantic pictures with notching sadness. After all, no wonder many poets loved this time of year. "Sad time! Ocho charming! "
  • Lovestory on the background of autumn nature are obtained very touching and sincere, such styles are ideal as grunge, Retro, Hippie, Classic, Fantasy, Beauty, Naturel.
  • In a photo session on the background of bright nature, contrasting tones should prevail in clothes, since black, white, blue, purple, green and any other, the main thing that he does not merge with red and yellow foliage. The prints and patterns on clothes are wonderful. The most advantageous options will be a cell, strip and a rough knitting. Do not also forget about accessories and bright make-up.

  • Be sure to take with you different details, since the bright umbrella, a warm plaid, a scarf, a book, a mug, apples, etc., depending on what image you want to embody.
  • Do not miss the opportunity to be photographed on a rainy day, such weather, as if it is impossible, you will have to implement ideas in the style of erotic romance or retro drama. Nature itself dictates acute and nostalgic ideas.

  • At this time of the year, especially in snowy weather, atmospheric styles watched. Incredibly beautiful will be photos in gothic, Dark, Duck-Fashion, Fantasy Styles. Winter as it is impossible to suitable for gloomy, mysterious plots: witches, vampires and other fabulous characters. Winter period of splin and sadness, bright colors on the background of frozen nature look especially fascinating. Great in the winter atmosphere will fit the classics: high hairstyles, rigorous makeup and natural fur. If you manage to get into the village where the logs are still preserved, you can make a photo session in the style of Gogol "Night before Christmas."
  • Makeup for the winter photo session should be thought out to the smallest detail. Perfectly even skin tone, clearly suspended eyes and eyebrows, bright lips.

  • In solar and dignity, winter days can be selected on a photo session with the whole family and play snowballs, blind a snowman, ride with an ice slide. Or grab the New Year's attribute, champagne, cocoa, sausages and warm blankets, ignite a fire and arrange a small family holiday. Such photos are obtained very positive and cheerful.

  • For the spring photo shoot, it is impossible, by the way, come light styles Beauty, Naturel, Classic. You can act as a spring girl on the background of awakening nature. Photos near the flowering trees are always beautiful if the inhibitory plot originally originates and create a unique composition. Spring is considered the romantic time of the year, and is a wonderful background for various lavstory.
  • Spring image should be lightweight, muted tones, gentle colors and paints, air textures. Makeup must echo with the palette of the shades of nature. The best colors are light-lilac, gentle pink, green. On the hair, it is recommended not to make wisdom hairstyles, but leave them away.

  • The main task of the spring photo shoot is to convey the beauty of nature. Therefore, the model should look neutral without drawing attention to itself.

  • Ideas for a photo session in the summer so much that one may not even be enough. In addition to the wonderful photos, you will still be shuffled on the warm sun and get a lot of positive emotions. For shooting it is better to choose the second half of the day, when the sun shines not so bright, then the photo will be softer light. T. K. Summer is a bright time, then the clothes must be appropriate.

  • Sea coast, reservoirs, blooming fields, forests, lawns, hazelles, parks - excellent seats for shooting in summer. For the embodiment of various themes, the historical directions of cosplay, hippie, grunge, etc. are suitable.

Top postures for photo shoot for beginner models

Posses for photo shoot in summer, poses for a photo shoot in nature, a photo session of the house pose

You do not need to be a model from nature to make good photos. For a good photo session of the portfolio type, only two things you need. Good photographer. And the minimum knowledge about how it is correct and beautifully being photographed. And this article is visited by the Councils, Rules and Recommendations how it is right and beautiful to be photographed a girl and a woman without experience photos

If you have a tight with ideas or you just want to get some recommendations for the clips, you can use the following examples as Cheat sheet. If you are a starting model, then be sure to "try" each posture in front of the mirror, so that it is easy to repeat it on the photo shoot.

If you are a professional or almost professional photographer, then use this aid as a corpuscle.

The postures proposed in this article can be used as a starting point.

I advise you to look at the postures together with the model, especially if it is inexperienced. During the photo session, it is necessary to talk to the model and suggest how to change the position if the model accepted it unsuccessfully. If you emit confidence, it is transmitted by the model, as a result, work becomes more productive.

So let's consider the main poses:

1. Very simple pose to start portrait shooting. Ask the model to look at you over your shoulder. Pay attention to how an unusual and interesting can look like a portrait, if you just shoot it from an unusual angle.

2. In the portrait photo, the position of the hands is paid to little attention. However, you can add a certain mood to your pictures if you ask the model to experiment with the position of the hands around the head and face. Do not forget that in the frame should not be deployed palms, remove the palms only on the side!

3. Perhaps you already familiarize such a rule composition, as a rule of thirds. You can not only have a shooting object at certain points, but also use diagonal lines or tilt the chamber. So you will achieve interesting and unusual angles.

7. Universal simple posture, which, however, looks just luxurious. You will need to go down and shoot almost from the ground level. Then move around the model, making a series of pictures. Also ask the model to change the position of the head and hand.

9. Very cute pose. It is equally well suited for different shooting places: the model can be located both on the bed and on the ground in the grass or on the sandy beach. Remove from a small height and make focus on the eyes.

17. For a photo in full growth is an infinite set of options. This posture is just a starting point. Ask the model to turn a little, change the position of the head, the direction of the view, etc.

19. Please note that frames in full growth are quite specific and best suited for slender models. The secret of pose is simple: the body should be curved like the letter S, the hands are relaxed, the weight is distributed only on one leg.

20. Elegant posture for a slender model. Different options are possible. To find the best pose, ask the model to slowly move your hands and bend. When you notice a good option, ask the model to measure and make several frames. Repeat until you make as many frames as you need.

22. Successful initial pose for photosette and excellent angle, from which the model seems slimmer. The seabling of the model is slightly represented forward and tilted down, the shoulder is raised, but not too! Please note that there should be a small distance between the chin and shoulder.

25. If the model has long hair, capture them in motion. Ask her to quickly turn your head so that the hair develops and continue the movement after turning the head. You can experiment with exposure to get clear or, on the contrary, smeared and emphasizing the movement of the frames.

31. According to the rules of the body and gestures, crossed hands and legs symbolize some barriers (obstacles), etc. Despite the fact that this opinion is widespread, it does not mean that this is an axiom. In the photo, the hands crossed on the chest do not send any warning signals to the viewer. Different crossed arms and legs for positiveness during the photo shoot fit perfectly!

32. It is not always necessary to invent, where to do your hands. Completely normally leave them in the natural position, stretched along the body. The same can be said about the legs. The only thing, remember that standing, the model should carry the body weight on one leg.

38. If there is any high object of furniture at hand, which you can learn with one hand, be sure to use it. This will help create formal, but at the same time free and posing posture.

All photos on the slideshow below are made by me. The photo shows not the model, but mostly girls without the experience of the model and without special preparation of defile. What to make good photos need at least minimal knowledge is beautifully being photographed, which are described above. As well as a good photographer. If the photos you see on the slideshow below you like, I will be glad to offer you my photo services in Kiev.