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Metal Gear 5 How to open 6 mission. Story line

Do you have any problems with evacuation of translators? There are problems with the capture of the drawings? Or maybe you have any problems with the evacuation of prisoners and animals? Or the destruction of min, heavy infantry and other things? Not trouble, because the manual for passing any task in you can find exactly from us and it is in this section. If you have any comments or you have found a mistake, then write it in the comments, and we will answer you!

Soon the screenshots will appear! Stay tuned!

Passage of tasks for the capture of drawings

Purpose of tasks: In each task you need to capture the drawings of the enemy, which will be useful for the research part of your main base.

1 - drawing capture: "RiotSMG"

To find this drawing, you first have to get to the village of Valo. The location of the drawing can be seen on the screenshot that is slightly higher. In addition, do not forget that you can always interrogate the soldiers who will gladly tell you where the drawing needed to you.

2 - drawing capture: "Stunarm"

You can see this drawing on the screenshot that is above. There is also a plan for the power plant. You have enough that you just climb above. Throughout there (at least) with the triple guards, you will calmly pick up the drawing.

3 - drawing capture: "IR-SENSOR"

The location of this drawing can be seen if you look higher on the screenshot. If you got to the right place on the south side, then you can get to the door, having met the smallest resistance. On the way, you have to figure out a maximum of three fighters, but provided that you will not raise noise. By the way, do not forget to pull out the audio cassette with a nearby tape recorder.

4 - drawing capture: "Anti-Theft Device"

In the camp where this drawing is located, there will be a sufficiently large number of fighters rating "A +" and more "A ++". So we recommend that you try to evacuate as many people as possible. If you do not eager to enter into battle, then just make your way carefully inside the desired tent and take the drawing there. In addition, pay your attention to the fact that the location will patrol a large truck, so be careful. To figure out the sniper distance, use the tranquilizer. And keep in mind that you need to immediately shoot him in my head so that he fell asleep.

5 - drawing capture: "Gun-Cam Defender"

The drawing that you need is shown in the screenshot that is above. So, you will have to wade to the drawing at the airport. As soon as you get to the desired building, enter. If you try to keep the back of this place, then you will have the maximum to kill three people. In any case, when you find a drawing, more like it and leave this place.

6 - drawing capture: "UA-DRONE"

Reaching the specified place, you can thorough soldiers who will be happy to tell you where and how to find the drawing needed to you. As soon as you receive information, the location of the drawing will be marked. Having touched the drawing, you can safely leave this place.

Passage of tasks for evacuation of translators

1 - Translator Evacuation - Language: Russian

Your aim: Evacuate, which is able to translate "Russian".

If you do this task, then you will get the opportunity to understand all Russian conversations, and with interrogations too. Due to this, with the interrogation of any prisoner, you can find out not only about hostages, but about untreated diamonds, drawings, useful specialists and commanders (a similar situation will be when taking / salving other translators). That is why the search for translators, and their salvation is very useful for passing and the game as a whole.

First of all, get to the point marked. Upon arrival to the destination, you can see the building with the doors of red. Two soldiers (on the street) will watch this building. The translator in turn is inside. From time to time he will go out to knead his legs. Remember that you should not kill the boy with a red color. The rest can be calmly shoot. Once you look through the binoculars on the translator, he immediately check for you as a goal. After that, you can save and take a translator. As soon as you get to him, then the first thing is for the head, and then evacuate using the Fulton installation. After evacuation, the task will be considered performed.

2 - Translator Evacuation - Language: Pashto

Your aim: Evacuate a soldier who is able to translate the "Pushtu language"

Go to the relevant marker and will soon be able to notice the hostage, which will be lying on Earth, and surrounded by two fighters. The guard post, which is located there, will accommodate six soldiers, so it is better to deal with those enemies that patrol the territory, because they are located farther from the rest and no problems will arise with them. Try to get rid of the enemies so that at the very end there are two soldiers who stand near the hostage. By killing them, free the hostage and at this stage, the task will be fulfilled.

3 - Translator Evacuation - Language: Afrikaans

Your aim: Evacuate a soldier who is able to translate the "Afrikaans language".

On your turntance, land in the specified place. First of all, consider what, unlike the plot task, here you have to independently open the card and put the appropriate label in the area, which is marked in blue. The translator, which you need to take pronounced in this task, will be a conventional fighter, as in the case of the seizure of the Russian translator. About the translator will also have two soldiers, so do not shoot the person you need.

To determine "Who is who", use your binoculars. As soon as the translator is labeled, get rid of two soldiers and capture the translator. And by the way, if it happened that you got under rainy weather, and the level of your evacuation squad is quite low, then it is better not to risk at all and take an interpreter on the turntable.

4 - Translator Evacuation - Language: Kikongo

Your aim: Evacuate a soldier who is able to translate the "Kikongo language".

Move the point marked. The translator you need will be prisoner. It will be located in one of the tents, which in turn are located in the northeastern part of the guard train at the station "Munko Ya Niotoka". By the way, in the Chamber, where to find the prisoner, you can still find the drawing. We also recommend that you either neutralize, or kill all the soldiers who will be here, but it is already better to do after the evacuation of the translator.

Passage of tasks for evacuation of experienced fighters

Purpose of tasks: In each task, you need to evacuate a fighter that has valuable skills.

1 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 01

Reaching the key point on the map, you will immediately see a bridge that is near a small outpost. Pay your attention to the other end, because it is there that there is a small cliff. The soldier you need will stand at the very top of this cliff. At the same time, we will still be accompanied by two ordinary fighters. So that your goal is marked, just go to the bridge and go a little ahead. As soon as the necessary person notes you, it will shoot and thus will remain marked.

Now let's get down to how to get to it. So, the best way will go down to the ravine below and climb on the wall, which is opposite. Next you need to get around everything on the left side. From there you can crack up the slope above. Soon you will seek a beautiful view of all three fighters. You can neutralize with the help of the tranquilizer of the desired person, and after shooting it. In any case, as soon as you neutralize unnecessary fighters, and your goal will be neutralized (not deadly), use the Fulton system, which will deliver this person to the base. At this stage, the building will be executed.

2 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 02

First of all, you should understand that this fighter will not be so strong and useful in the later stages of the game, but will be extremely effective in the early, which is very good. You can find it in a village called "Yes Vial Callai." It will be surrounded by a whole "pack of" soldiers, so taking into account this. In addition, it is engaged in patrolling among other fighters. He patrols exclusively the center of the town. To find out its more accurate location, caught on the external perimeter of some fighter and interrogate it. It is better to take "D-D-D-D-" as a partner, which will allow you to determine all enemy targets. If you do not have this partner, then binoculars will help you. In any case, as soon as you get to goal, stun her and evacuate using Fulton technology.

In the course of the capture, we recommend to start neutralize the fighter, which will be located on all. With your actions, you will be able to alert the soldiers who are near him. As soon as they match, you will have to deal with that soldier who is not a sniper. In any case, after the neutralization of the first fighter, with the help of a tranquilizer, neutralize the sniper.

3 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 03

In addition, you will have the main goal, you can neutralize and evacuate other enemies that will have the same skills: "A +" and "A ++". In any case, as soon as you get to the goal, neutralize and evacuate it.

4 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 04

The location of the fighter you can see on the screenshot that is above. It will be quite simple to find this person, but it concerns evacuation, there may be certain complications. Located your goal will be around armored vehicles that will stand still. You have to get to the target Clear, and coming to neutralize with the help of a tranquilizer. By the way, you can still shoot him in the chest a couple of times, but be careful because, hitting the head, the task will be failed. So, after you neutralized your goal, put "CI-4" to the technique and evacuate with the fighter. After that, just run away and explode the equipment. While they rush all to the technique, you can calmly leave this place without paying any attention.

5 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 05

In this task, be extremely attentive, because it is in it that is easiest to shoot the right goal. First of all, mark all the fighters with the help of binoculars, or use the partner (preferably "D-D-D-DOG") so that he marks all the goals. In total, there will be eight fighters in this place and two sniper on one rock. First of all, of course, kill snipers and only after that begin the search you need. In order to put everyone in the camp, use tranquilizers.

6 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 06

You have to evacuate one of the fighters in the enemy army. It will be on the outpost, which is located in the northeastern part (from the east point of the enemy). You need to get to the blue zone. As a partner, it is best to take a dog. The dog will help you not only to reveal all enemies, but also to highlight the right goal. It is better to start your attack from the hill, after previating with snipers. Try to use the pistol, which is charged with tranquilizers. Going down lower, try to extremely gently shooting all the enemies that remained. To end the task, you remain evacuating the key goal.

7 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 07

The place in which you can get a steep fighter with just a huge experience of fighting, is in the southwestern part of the guard post near the Munco Nioca train station. Move in the middle of the circle of blue (what will be on the map). There you can find an armored personnel carrier. Soldiers will stand on the sides. One of these fighters will turn out to be a steep fighter with great experience. Check it through your binoculars, or let it make a partner "D-D-DOG". As soon as everyone is marked, it will be necessary to deal with snipers that are in front of one conveyor, which in turn is located on the hill. Go around this vehicle from the other side with which the coolest fighting is located. It is better to put it on. Having done it, start the evacuation of technology, and then neutralize the second fighter. And evacuate the two fighters, because they are useful together. Two more enemy fighters will be located a little further, but after evacuating the purpose, the task will be executed.

8 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 08

It should be planted in the east side from the Mfinda oil field. And it is better to plan exactly there, because you risks to face strong enemies, the resistance of which will be almost invincible. In general, landing in the specified location, move to the oil field, passing the right goal. Note that on the basis of you there is a huge number of enemies, so it's better to help bring the turntable. But at the same time, keep in mind that your helicopter can shoot a key target. So, first is best to evacuate the goal and only after that, call the turntable so that the total meat grinder began.

9 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 09

Your next stop is a Kiziba guard camp (which is located in the south-east). There you need to evacuate one experienced fighter. Upon arrival before this place, move in the northeast direction from the guard camp. Your goal will be free to wander around the guard post along with a soldier who keeps the shield with him. So, starting to turn the operation, go around this post around the perimeter and deal with all the snipers. After you neutralize all snipers, it's time to sneak from the same side where the enemies do not look and neutralize the back of each opponent. Remove opponents of one after the other until you cut the right goal and do not evacuate it, after which the task will be fulfilled.

10 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 10

This goal will be located in the northeastern part of the abandoned village called "Ditadi". As soon as you land in the blue area (which is marked on your card), move in the northwest direction. Literally after a couple of meters you are stumbled on the very guard post, where your goal is inhabited. In this place, besides a heap of soldiers, there will be a tank. That is why it will be necessary to be extremely careful here. Do not forget with the help of binoculars to mark everyone. Once you evacuate the necessary goal, the task will be executed, and you can leave this place.

11 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 11

First of all, you need to choose a place to disembark. The best place will be the western part from the Munko Ya Niota station. If you want to fall right at the station itself, then keep in mind that it will be a very dangerous check. In any case, as soon as you land in the specified location, immediately start moving in the northeast direction. So you will get to the station itself, where you will find the fighter you need. Capturing the goal, evacuate it, and after and leave this place yourself.

12 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 12

You will have to evacuate this fighter from the guard of a certain mine "Kungeng". Moreover, you need the guard post that is located in the southwestern part. Place disembarking Choose closer to this place, then you can safely move to the specified area. And keep in mind that the fighter you need will be in the southwestern part of the cockpit itself. Natural, which should be known: The goal will not go alone, so for a start, as usual, we look at all through binoculars, remove the security and only after that make a key goal. Evacuating the fighter, the task will be fulfilled.

13 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 13

You once again have to evacuate the soldier from the enemy army. This time it is necessary to look for him already in Africa, somewhere in the vicinity of the fortress called "Konagmay". By the way, with this place you could already familiarize yourself, passing the storyline. In the second chapter you have to look for a container with a film in this place. In any case, as a partner, it is better to take "D-D-D-DOG".

So, first of all, remember what you land in this place, on all sides you will start to fill, so the first thing to neutralize all enemies. On the nearest hill there will be a sniper - he is your goal. Stuning it, rather evacuate it and carry from this hot spot.

14 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 14

Get to the southern part of the base and disperse there with a small "pack of enemies." The soldier who will stand on the roof is exactly the fighter that you need on the task. As soon as you get up, use the rifle with tranquilizers to neutralize the soldier at a distance and do not kill it. Rising a little higher, pay your attention on two soldiers who are engaged in patrolling this building. They can not be removed, but just carefully sneak past. And there, coming to the desired goal, neutralize it, evacuate and task will be fulfilled.

15 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 15

So, your next stop of a certain Valley "Lufva". Looking around in this place, you have to get to the house called "Tokker Code". The desired fighter will be inside the house. Separate it will succeed only in two ways: 1 - lure; 2 - arrange a real meat grinder. As soon as you detect your goal and evacuate it, the task will be executed.

16 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 16

You can find the last experienced fighter in the camp of the central base, which is located in Afghanistan. You again have to be to "OKB ZERO", where you once met the "skulls", their main enemy. Upon arrival there, first you will need to get through a couple of cashposts. If you adhere to the right side, then no one can notice you. Your goal is the commander. That is why move continuously to it. As soon as you get to it, take a gun with tranquilizer charges and a pawing on it. Perhaps the other soldier will stand near him - it can be neutralized with the help of tranquilizers. In any case, setting the right goal, immediately evacuate it. After successful evacuation, return back to your base.

Passage of prison evacuation tasks

Purpose of tasks: In each task, it is necessary to evacuate the prisoner who was captured by the enemy. There is a summary that this prisoner has valuable skills.

1 - Captive Evacuation - 01

You will be able to find this prisoner in the territories of the Eastern Communications. In order to learn more accurate coordinates, in the place of what was indicated earlier, you will need to grab one of the fighters that are on outside, and interrogate. After that, you have to deal with the rest of the enemies. As for the camp itself, inside you will find only one opponent with a shield. We do not recommend shooting from behind. It is better to take a gun into your hands, which is charged with tranquilizers, attract the attention and in slow motion to shove some fighter in the face. Having done it, you will only have evacuating him and that's all.

2 - Captive Evacuation - 02

This prisoner evacuate will be quite problematic. To at least somehow facilitate the passage of this task, we recommend to start to go to the specified place, but at night. There you will need to be as usual to interrogate someone to find out key coordinates. As soon as you get the necessary information, then the first thing to determine the location of enemies. First, disperse with a sniper that will be located at the top. It should be killed first because the air is your ball, he will notice 100% and will raise 100% because of this alarm. In any case, as soon as you figure it out with a sniper, make up the enemies that are located all over the perimeter and, in the end, evacuate the specified goal.

3 - Captive Evacuation - 03

You can find this prisoner only in the very depths of the specified database. In any case, you have to deal with the lion's share of enemies. So as soon as you get to the specified goal, evacuate it, and the task will be executed.

4 - Captive Evacuation - 04

Perhaps one of the easiest evacuation: you understand the enemies, evacuate the target and task end.

5 - Captive Evacuation - 05

The simplicity of this task is that you can safely shoot all the enemies with the help of a sniper rifle, which is charged with tranquilizers, after which you can also calmly evacuate the goal, and the task will suit the end.

6 - Captive Evacuation - 06

In the area there are as many as six fighters. Two of them will be snipers, and one of them will be located on the top of the watchtower - it should be removed first. As soon as you remove snipers, you must move to the tent and kill the remaining soldiers there. And if you do not remove the sniper, and immediately move to the tent, it should be cleaned all the extremely quiet so that the sniper in no way your divishes noticed. And by the way, you can put a sniper, as it has a very good rating. In the end, evacuate the captive, and with it you can catch sniper.

7 - Captive Evacuation - 07

So, this hostage you have to look for in the already familiar to the previous mission. The search area will be the fortress "Design". If you have a partner "D-D-Dog", then the location of your goal will be marked with green. The captive in turn will be located in the northern part of the ruins themselves. Reaching there, you have to climb the hill, which is located between the stones. In general, find the right place is not so difficult. As soon as you evacuate the specified person, the task will be executed.

8 - Captive Evacuation - 08

You can find one more hostage on the plantation called "Bamphev". And by the way, in this place it is better to try not to lift the alarm, as more than two dozen soldiers ride. In order to get to the target, try to keep the top of this camp. So you can not only reach faster, but also to go through most of the soldiers. As soon as you get to the goal, you can immediately evacuate it.

9 - Captive Evacuation - 09

This time the hostage will turn out to be in the town called "Aabi Schilup". The ruins will be this place. Moreover, note that you can land right away in the ruins. As soon as you find yourself on Earth, then the first thing to shoot a couple of snipers, and after that, just start looking for a place where it would be hiding. You can also call your turntable again to finish the remaining enemies. In any case, you can get to the hostage, evacuate him and fly away from here away.

10 - Captive Evacuation - 10

It follows in the northern part of Kabul - this is the southern part of your key point. You have to get to the palace "Lamar Haate". Moreover, keep in mind that the hostage you need to save, you will find not in the ruins of the palace, but in the northern part of this place. There are 3 metal cabins. And in one of these cabins, the hostage will be sitting. As soon as you get to the target, evacuate it, and the task will be fulfilled.

11 - Captive Evacuation - 11

Taking a new task, go to the landing point, which is located in the western part of the village called "Masa". As soon as you are near the village, go a little in the southern direction, because it is there that you need to find a hostage. The hostages will be a girl, and it turns out that she climbed onto the roof of a small house, near which will run an evil wild dog. Neutralizing the dog, climb the roof and evacuate your goal.

12 - Captive Evacuation - 12

The next place where you have to search for hostage will be "point 17". This place is an industrial zone "Ngumba". Moving to the place, although you have to remove about ten soldiers. By the way, you can use the turntance that will provide you with firing support. If there is a strong fog on the street, then the hostage will have to do to the landing point. You can find the hostage yourself under hinged tarpaulter, so don't miss it.

13 - Captive Evacuation - 13

Your new stop is the southeastern part of the guard for the Plantation "Bampheva". The hostage in turn will hide on the hill, on the hill in the neighborhood (from behind stone). In addition, learn that on this territory soldiers will be wandering, which will mainly move on pairs, which clearly may complicate passage with invisible and silent liquidation. Once you get to the hostage, as usual evacuate it and return to myself.

14 - Captive Evacuation - 14

You have to get to the southern part, which is located near the "Kungeng" mine. You can find a hostage there, as in the previous task - under hinged tarpaulter. If you move to the hostage to the mine, then you will be much closer to you, but in any case, it is necessary to deal with the enemies and evacuate the hostage, after which the task will be fulfilled.

15 - Captive Evacuation - 15

This time the hostage will have to pull out from the airport called "Nova Braga". First of all, it is worth deciding on the disembarkation point and the best place will be the south-eastern part of the blue zone. Locked there, move to the main goal, then go through them. In the most important airport building, it will be necessary to rise to the second floor, and there to go into the right wing. From here you can freely get to the hangar, where they hold your goal. As soon as you manage to evacuate the goal, immediately dump themselves.

16 - Captive Evacuation - 16

Place the landing is better to choose a little further zone of blue, as if you are somewhat too close, you will simply be separated into sins. In any case, as soon as you find yourself on solid land, move to Munko Ya Nioca Station. In order to make it easier to figure out the flying apparatus of the enemy, call your flying machine - helicopter. As soon as the turntable enemy is broken, you can calmly kill other fighters. The hostage you can find inside the house, which is located at the opposite end of this camp. And by the way, to replenish stocks, do not forget to evacuate a couple of containers.

17 - Captive Evacuation - 17

You will be able to find the next hostage in the southeastern part of the Northeast post of the Kungeng mine. The landing site is better to choose somewhere in the eastern part of the coordinates you specified. As soon as you land, head to the blue zone, where they hush up to enemies. The necessary goal will be located in one of the buildings near the cliff on the left side (on the plantation). Look for it in one of the buildings. And evacuate the hostage will be only after you destroy about a dozen enemy fighters.

18 - Captive Evacuation - 18

Taking a new task, land in the eastern part of the village "Shahra Ye". Along the rocks on the left side will be located at home. Either in the third, or in the fourth house will sit the hostage. As soon as you evacuate it, you can go back to your helicopter center.

19 - Captive Evacuation - 19

After taking the task immediately go to the northern part of Kabul. Try to get as close as possible to the OKB "Zero". In one of the premises, at the very end, you can find the hostage you need. Moreover, as soon as you find it, it will be treated outside and after evacuating. On the right side of this place, near the opposite wall, you can find four extremely useful containers that can also be evacuated. When you evacuate the last container, you can climb on it and fly together with it to quickly return to the base and do not drag back to the place of planting the turntable.

20 - Captive Evacuation - 20

You have to evacuate another hostage from Munko Ya Niota Station. As usual, choose a landing space (better somewhere in the southeastern part of this station itself). After disembarking, get to the station, where you definitely call your helicopter to help you deal with enemy flying technician, then get to the goal and evacuate it.

Passage of evacuation tasks with old GB

Purpose of tasks: In each task you need to find and evacuate the surviving soldier with the old GB (the old main base). Defeated nine years ago, they still walk through the battlefield.

Among all other tasks, there are 10 unique missions that are associated with the search for soldiers who consisted in the old team of the main character of the game - Snake. Moreover, keep in mind that while you do not execute the current task, the following task will open. And after each successfully completed building, do not forget to go and talk with the groove. After each task completed, you have a photo. I give a groove, listen to what you are told, and leave the climb to perform a new task.

Once you take the task, you are sent to find a goal within the specified area. The specified purpose must not be killed, but to quietly die and neutralize. You can use any weapon that has tranquilizers. And also, it is best to start looking at night, because you are the harder to detect you. Use the same more often cardboard box. At the end of each task you get a photo.

1 - Evacuation with Old GB - 01

Location: Southeastern part of Afghanistan;

Terms of implementation: Finish the sixth episode;

30.000 GMP.

The soldier you need to find will be on the very top of the hill, which is located in the northeast side from the connection point.

2 - Evacuation with old GB - 02

Location: Southwestern part of Afghanistan;

Terms of implementation: Finish the eighth episode and the previous task (watching above);

Remuneration (except photo): 60.000 GMP.

You can find this fighter in the southwestern side of the village called "Shago Callai". There is nothing difficult, except that if this fighter is noticed, it will take advantage of the smoke grenade.

3 - Evacuation with old GB - 03

Location:Northern Africa;

Terms of implementation: Finish the sixteenth episode and the previous task (Looking above);

Remuneration (except photo): 80.000 GMP.

4 - Evacuation with Old GB - 04


Terms of implementation: Finish the twentieth episode and the previous task (Looking above);

Remuneration (except photo): 90.000 GMP.

So, your new stop - westing the side from Nova Braga Airport. If you already notice this soldier, then it will use a stunning grenade.

5 - Evacuation with old GB - 05

Location: Northeast of Africa;

Terms of implementation: Finish twenty-third episode and previous task (Looking above);

Remuneration (except photo): 100.000 GMP.

You can find this soldier in a mine called "Kungeng". This fighter will have a shield with him, so it will be not so sleeping.

6 - Evacuation with old GB - 06

Location: Southeast of Africa;

Terms of implementation:

Remuneration (except photo): 120.000 GMP.

You will be able to find another fighter in the eastern part of the station, which is called "Munko Ya Niotoka." This unit will have to be equipped with an equipment that will make it well masked. The only advice that will be here is useful - use the night vision device.

7 - Evacuation with Old GB - 07

Location: Western part of Africa;

Terms of implementation:Finish the thirty-first episode and the previous task (watching above);

Remuneration (except photo): 140.000 GMP.

Your new stop is the supply base that is called "jacket shoes". Reaching this place, you need to go a little below the bridge in the southern direction. The soldier you will find, will be with you to have a disguise device.

8 - Evacuation with old GB - 08

Location:Eastern part of Africa;

Terms of implementation:Finish the thirty-fifth episode and the previous task (Looking above);

Remuneration (except photo): 180.000 GMP.

You need to get to a certain Valley "Lufva". The soldier who lives here has the same camouflage equipment as the previous one.

9 - Evacuation with old GB - 09

Location: Eastern part of Afghanistan;

Terms of implementation:

Remuneration (except photo): 200.000 GMP.

You can find a soldier at the very top of the hill in the east side from the village called "Shahra Ye". This fighter, like a pair of previous ones, will have a device for disguise. In addition, if this soldier notices you, it will use a stunning grenade.

10 - Evacuation with old GB - 10

Location: Northwest of Afghanistan;

Terms of implementation: Finish the thirty-eighth episode and the previous task (watching above);

Remuneration (except photo): 300.000 GMP.

This soldier will be among the ruins that are called "Aabi Schifap". There is nothing complicated, except that it will have a device for disguise.

Passage of Animal Evacuation Tasks

1 - Evacuation of Lost Lamb

Your aim:Evacuate the sheep, who fought off his herd and now turned out to be in the specified area.

First of all, you have to save the unfortunate lamb, which is located in the village of Valo. To begin with, it is necessary to deal with enemy fighters and only after that evacuate a lamb.

2 - Catch the legendary bear

Your aim: It is necessary to catch a unique brown bear, about which local residents compose legends. Because of its monstrous force, the capture may be difficult.

The first thing you need to remember is not to come across the eyes of this animal. The second one that should be remembered - you will not be able to put it on with a single shot. And, shifting once, the bear will surely notice you and then it will be very bad. We recommend that you be on the far distance, get your sniper rifle with tranquilizers and start to fill. By the way, excellent idea There will be a challenge of a shipping gas. In any case, as soon as the wild animal falls, immediately evacuate it.

3 - Catch the legendary Ibis

Your aim: It is necessary to catch a unique Ibis, about which locals compound legends. It is rumored that his beautiful blue feathers resembles the ancient Egyptian God Tote.

As a partner, it is best to take "D-D-Dog", since this dog will seriously help in tracking the monsters. To deal with this animal, you can also yourself as with a bear in the previous task. Shoot, as usual follows from sniper rifles with tranquilizers. Let the small head of this animal are a tiny target, getting into it still really. As for the location, the bird will most likely be located on the opposite side of the cliff. You can get there thanks to the bridge, which is located in the north. Getting to this bird will not be easy. As soon as you go through the bridge, you need to go a little forward and after, bypass all the clocks clockwise (that is, on the right side). As soon as you manage to put this bird, they immediately evacuate it.

4 - Catch the legendary jackal

Your aim: It is necessary to catch a unique jackal, about which locals compound legends. It is concerned that the color of his skins resembles the ancient Egyptian God Anubis.

As a partner, it is better to take a dog again, which will help track the desired goal. As soon as you track down the animal, then immediately shoot it from a sniper rifle with tranquilizers. So that this animal goes to sleep, you will need to shoot for about five times in the body, or once in the head. In any case, as soon as you put to sleep Shakala, evacuate.

Passage of assignments for evacuation of legendary gunsmiths

Evacuation of the first legendary gunsmith

Your aim: It is necessary to evacuate the legendary gunsmith, while traveling through the territories where conflicts occur.

The necessary goal will be surrounded by three opponents. On the head of each opponent will be helmet. The helmet will not be only on who you need. We recommend that you use a grenade, which neutralizes everyone with electricity. As soon as you neutralize the whole group, shoot weapons with tranquilizers for the purpose that you need on the job, then you can safely get rid of the rest of the fighters.

Evacuation of the second legendary gunsmith

Your aim: So, the gunsmith, whom you found in the village of Musa, was just a student of the master. You need to continue searching and find His mentor.

You find yourself in Afghanistan, where you already expect a new gunsmith, which instructed the previous one. Come go and jump there where your goal is located. Using a gun with tranquilizers, neutralize protection along with a key purpose. After that, you can evacuate the gunsmith and a couple of useful soldiers.

Evacuation of the third legendary gunsmith

Your aim:The gunmaker, whom you found on the central base, also turned out to be a student. Continue to wander around the conflict zones to find and evacuate the masters. For the third time you are accurately lucky.

Having received a gunsmith from this task, you will get the opportunity to configure weapons on your discretion and the taste. You have to go under Fort. Near the first doors there will be two ordinary soldiers, so, getting rid of them, switch to the target and evacuate it.

Evacuation of containers

Your aim: This task needs to evacuate materials that will be required to develop your main base.

All that is required from you in this task is to find a small house that is located in the heart of the blue circle. About this house there will be containers. About the containers will be a couple of guards, so, neutralizing the soldiers, take the evacuation of containers and on this task will be completed.

Scout Evacuation

Your aim:It is necessary to evacuate the fighter from the detachment of intelligence, which was captured by the enemy.

So, now you have to find an important scout, which is located somewhere in the northern part of Kabul, somewhere on the territory of the town "Yes Gwandai Har". The partner is best as usual to take "D-D-Dog". In the city, the captive will be sitting in one of the houses, which will be chained to the pipe. When you exempt this person, it turns out to be Hideo Codisima. After that, you will only evacuate it. To do this, simply choose the limits of the task area.

Passage of Looleg Rescue Tasks

1 - Poor - 01

Your aim: Evacuate the prisoner who was captured by the enemy. There are information that the plated has useful skills.

In the first task you need to get up to the supply base "Jackup" and save the prisoner there. This task is interesting to the fact that you can do without any problems to penetrate inside the outpost under the walls of the building. The hole leading inside is near the wall, which is located in the northeastern part. As for the soldiers, the part will patrol the upper floor, and two more will be protected. Past soldiers who guard the goal, you can slip when they won't look into your direction. In addition, inside the cameras you will not hear. And yet, the lattice will stand in the doorway, so you can shoot the guards through it.

2 - Poor - 02

Your aim: The attempt to evacuate the captive was unsuccessful, so one of the "Diamond Dogs" officers was captured. You need to save both the employee and the captive.

This person can you find in the same place where you found a "sting" in the storyline of the game. As for the enemies, you can either evacuate almost everyone, because each of them has a high rating. As a partner, it is usually better to take a dog. It is useful in that it will not only notice the goal, but will bark, thereby smearing the enemies.

3 - Poor - 03

You can find this prisoner on the roof of the longest house, which is located on the other side of the airfield (immediately opposite the central terminal). As soon as the hostage is evacuated, you can safely leave this place.

4 - Poor - 04

Selecting a new task, move the marker to a circle of blue. From there, move the marker slightly in the southwest direction. The place of action will be the Valley of "Lufva". You will save two prisoners. First do you move to the house "Tokker Code". Move to the extent while in one of the tents do not find the first prisoner. Before you evacuate it, to start neutralize all the guards. In addition, from this prisoner you will learn where and in where you can find the second hostage. Deliver to the specified house, go around the perimeter of the house clockwise and then climb above - to the mountain. In this place, the second hostage will be sitting near the waterfall somewhere on the ledge.

5 - Poor - 05

After selecting a new task, try to move as close as possible OKB "Zero". You have a heavy task - it is necessary to break into the very end of the base. In addition, there will also be two hostages. Before the latest goal (on the right side), be careful, because the hostage will sit here. How to evacuate you know already. After evacuating the first hostage, go back to the gate and kill the last enemies. By killing guards, you can calmly evacuate the second hostage. The hostage will sit in the building forward on the right.

Passage of tasks for the destruction of heavy infantry

Purpose of tasks: In each task it is necessary to destroy the heavy infantry. The fighters with whom have to fight, know how to defend very effectively.

1 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 01

So, in the first task you need to kill two soldiers who will be dressed in heavy armor. Without any work, you can kill them with the help of a missile, or any other explosive weapons / devices. You can also try to sneak to them from behind. Goals will be located on the guard post of the Palace of Lamar Haate, which is located in the north. In addition, keep in mind that about the soldiers can be a red butterfly. If you shoot this red butterfly, then an explosion will occur, which will kill all your enemies.

2 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 02

Look at the northern part of Kabul. You will find yourself in the southeastern part of the guard of the supply base of the "jacket". Two key goals that you need will move on the left side of this camp. They move on the hill along the road. If you are a wonderful shooter, then you can kill two key targets immediately with one rocket. As soon as the murder goes successfully, you can leave this place.

3 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 03

Choosing the following task, disembark as close as possible to the marked area on the map. You have to deal with the heavy infant infantry. It is located in the eastern part of the guard of the ruins "Aabe Schifap".

4 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 04

Taking the next task, move to the specified place. Your stop is a village called "Shahra Ye". You have to neutralize three soldiers who will be dressed in severe armor. What to do with them - kill or evacuate - to solve only you.

5 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 05

The key goals of this task will be on the guard near the village called Ditadi (South side). This time you have to deal with four fighters. As usual, every fighter will be wearing heavy armor. Do not forget that each of these soldiers will have very good skills, so it will be useful to evacuate them on the base, but to solve you.

6 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 06

You have to find a "pack" of heavy infantry, which is located somewhere in the southeast guard airport from Nova Braga. Enemies will be four. One of these steep fighters will sit on the tower - remember. As usual we use to eliminate the rocket, or we work quietly and imperceptibly for the sake of evacuation.

7 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 07

After taking this task, you need to go to the Western guard post, which relates to a mining transaction. As before - you need to destroy four soldiers. Please note that each of them has an "a ++" rating, so it makes sense to evacuate them.

8 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 08

Choosing the following task, land in the place that will border the blue area (where you need to destroy the marked infantrymen). This time the location of the action will be a guard post of a certain fortress "Sumy". Upon arrival at the specified place, you as usual you need to get to key goals and kill them. And by the way, learn that this time there will be five enemy purposes, so try to be extremely careful.

9 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 09

The key goals in this task are conveniently located in the eastern part of the village called Masa. You will also have to fall like an east of the specified area, after which you will just have to go a little ahead and deal with enemy soldiers. You can kill them as usual with the help of rocket, grenades, or grenade launcher. Total enemy goals will be six, and all six soldiers will strictly wander through the hill on the right side.

10 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 10

Next Your Stop is a southeast guard post of the BMPAVE plantation. It is there that will be your new goals. Looking down best somewhere in the southwest side from the key area. As soon as you land, immediately move to the camp. There you will need to kill four infantry in severe armor. And remember that in addition to them there will be more and ordinary - ordinary enemies.

11 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 11

This time you can fall right in the blue area, what will be on the map. You have to find and destroy six heavy infantrymen. So, four of the key goals will move in the group, while the other two will move individually, so that they will become excellent targets for your missile.

12 - the destruction of heavy infantry - 12

The following your goals will be located in a southwest guard, which is located in the industrial zone "Ngumba". It is best to land in the northeastern part from the marked area. As soon as you land, as usual, start moving to the destination, where then begin the search for enemy soldiers. All you have to destroy six heavy infantrymen.

13 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 13

Taking the next task to destroy the enemy infantry, go to the specified place. So, the key targets this time will be located in the northeast latch of the airport "Nova Braga". Looking better as close as possible to the blue area. As usual to destroy them easier with the help of the rocket, or the grenade launcher. Heavy infantry in total will be eight, and this is not taking into account the ordinary enemies in which are included both snipers and machine gunners.

14 - the destruction of heavy infantry - 14

You can find the next enemies in an abandoned village called "Ditadi". There you have to get to the northeast guard post. Choosing a landing place is best somewhere in the southeastern side from the key area. As soon as landed, move in the very center of the blue area. There you can find eight key goals to destroy you. Ordinary - ordinary fighters will not be here, so no one hinders you.

15 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 15

Scene of action: guard post (southeast) Fortress called "Sumy". As you usually need to destroy heavy infantry. This post will be eight key goals to which four ordinary soldiers will also help, so be careful.

16 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 16

So, finally, you have to destroy the last detachment with heavy infantrymen. This last detachment you can find in the Military camp "Kiziba", in the guard, which is located in the northwestern part. It is best to plan somewhere in the northeast side, near the blue zone. As soon as you find yourself on Earth, move immediately to the guard post. In addition to the key goals, there will be about three ordinary soldiers there, so be careful.

Passage of tasks for the destruction of puppets

Purpose of tasks: In each task you have to destroy the stray soldiers who were once puppets "Skull". And let them come out from under control, they forever lost their minds and are dangerous enemies.

1 - Destruction of puppets - 01

In this task, you can land at a point even with a high level of threat level, because the base of the "jacket of the couch" will be literally overflowed only by one puppets soldiers that will not imagine any threat to you. You have to kill seven puppets in this mission. You can find them in the premises that are located all over the area of \u200b\u200bthe landing zone.

2 - Destruction of puppets - 02

Do not be afraid, in this task you can calmly land on the territory of Nova Braga airport. Here you have to kill eight puppet soldiers. They will be wandering inside the most important terminal. In addition, remember that on the perimeter of the airport, new containers will have to appear, which try not to miss and evacuate.

3 - Destruction of Puppets - 03

Move into the western part of the place called "Yes Schago Callai." In the West there will be a village, and eight puppets soldiers will be in the village - destroy them.

4 - Destruction of puppets - 04

In this mission, it is best to disembark in the northeast side from the Kasual post of the Industrial Zone "Ngubma", which is in the West. As soon as you land, move to the blue area. Purse through the gorge on the right side (if you go to the left side, then this task will be considered failed). You need to find a guard post, because it is there there will be eight puppets that you need to kill. Moreover, they will not be all in one pile. They will scatter around the mountain. It is better to take "D-D-D-D-" as a partner, because only it is easiest to determine the location of the key goals.

5 - Destruction of puppets - 05

So, sit down on the territory of the Lamar Haate Palace. After disembarking, pierced inside what remained from the fortress itself. Inside there will be puppets, as before - all of them eight. They will be located in different rooms, so they will have to look a little.

6 - Destruction of puppets - 06

As soon as descend, immediately make a stripping plant called "Serak". This factory will have eight puppets. They will be located both inside and near the plant. Entrance inside the plant you can find on the first floor from the facade.

7 - Destruction of puppets - 07

This time the landing occurs in the town of "Yes Guandai Har". As usual, the territory will have to be cleaned of puppets. If you did not destroy the radar, which is located here, then it's time to do it. If you do not do this, then your turntable will not be able to sit on the territory of the town. If the radar has not yet been destroyed, then it is planted to be in the south side of the city. This time will be seven in this time, and they will all be located in the heart of the town.

8 - Destruction of puppets - 08

It should be planted in the northern part of the Valley of the "Lufva". After disembarking, you should move to the mansion called "Tokker Code". There you are waiting for eight puppets, which you need to kill.

9 - Destruction of puppets - 09

The landing site will be the eastern side of the village called "Valo". As soon as you find yourself in need, go down from the turntable and move gently to the village. Starting from this task, each puppet will begin to carry on itself the armored personnel, so the level of complexity will increase. It is easiest to destroy such enemies with the help of a rocket, or a grenade that can be quitted. In total, you need to destroy seven key goals in this mission, so I'm ahead and with a song.

10 - Destruction of puppets - 10

Your new landing point is the eastern part of the ruins "Aabe Schifap". In the East will be a guard post. As soon as you land, move to the most guard post and destroy eight puppets there. All of them will be located on the street, so nothing will be difficult for you to notice them.

11 - Destruction of puppets - 11

In this mission you will have to visit the fortress called "Yes, Laman Lama." Looking around to be in a point with a high level of threat - this is the best option. When you find yourself on Earth, enter the cave inside the cliff (as in one of the plot tasks) and make your way to the water building. It is here that you have to face the key goals that will be only eight. After their destruction, you can get out of here thanks to the helicopter. And by the way, do not use the rocket, as the corronders are narrow here, respectively will be amazed not only your enemies, but you yourself. Here it will make more pomegranate and grenades.

12 - Destruction of puppets - 12

Looking to be in the territory of the village called "Shahra Ye". If it happened that you have no active point there, then choose the place that is located in the northwestern side of the village itself. In any case, you have to face twelve puppets, each of which will have a bronoront. And note that as before, with the help of the grenades, they cannot immediately dissemble. After hitting one grenade, you just break the helmet. The second grenade is better to throw under my feet. In addition, some rifle will help in this battle, for example, assault. Shoot should be in open parts of the body, and more than once!

13 - Destruction of puppets - 13

The next landing should be the south-eastern part of the North-Eastern post of the Kungerg mines. You have to once again deal with the eight puppets that will be walking along this territory. The whole group of enemies will wander in the jungle - in the heart of the zone, which is highlighted from you on the map.

14 - Destruction of puppets - 14

It falls around, it will have to be in the red zone on the Plantation "Bamphev". Puppets will wander in the territory of this settlement, so find them will not be difficult.

15 - Destruction of puppets - 15

Lock in the south side of the village called "Masa". On the territory of this village you have to destroy eight puppets. Each puppet will be equipped with a bronoront. And pay your attention to the fact that excessive barrels will be located throughout the village, thanks to which you can easily get rid of your goals. But do not forget that some puppets will be also inside the houses.

Passage of tasks for the destruction of tank units

Purpose of tasks: In each task you just need to destroy the enemy's tank units.

1 - Destruction of a tank division - 01

2 - Destruction of the Tank Unit - 02

3 - Destruction of the Tank Unit - 03

4 - Destruction of the Tank Unit - 04

5 - Destruction of the Tank Unit - 05

6 - Destruction of the Tank Unit - 06

7 - Destruction of the Tank Unit - 07

8 - Destruction of the Tank Unit - 08

9 - Destruction of the Tank Unit - 09

10 - Destruction of the Tank Unit - 10

11 - Destruction of the Tank Unit - 11

12 - Destruction of the Tank Unit - 12

13 - Destruction of the Tank Unit - 13

14 - Destruction of the Tank Unit - 14

Passage of tasks for the destruction of armored vehicles

Purpose of tasks: In each task you need to destroy the enemy's indicated armored vehicles.

1 - Destruction of the Division of Armor - 01

Taking the first task, you have to make your way to the supply base of the "jacket of foot". It is best to plan in the southern part, as there you will immediately find yourself near a soldier who wakes armored vehicles. In general, there will be about four soldiers in the district. All of them will guard just one armored person. You will have to either kill everyone and blow up the technique, or evacuate everything - choose to you.

And remember that if the alarm was not raised, then you will have the opportunity to dry up to the rear technique and after, use the Fulton function. As soon as you understand with all the soldiers, the task will be considered performed.

2 - Destruction of the Bronamers division - 02

The zone of landing will be located inside the blue area, where the division with enemy technique will be located. This time, in addition to technology, four soldiers will be wandered in the district, and about six soldiers will guard armored vehicles. It is better to get around and get to the enemies that are further, after which it is quiet to neutralize them. And consider if you are not going to kill soldiers, then it is better to neutralize them with tranquilizers, because shock lasts much longer stunning. In general, in this way you can deal with the rest of the fighters. As soon as you figure out the soldiers who patrol the terrain, switch to the armored person and evacuate it, after which the task will be executed.

3 - Destruction of the Bronamers division - 03

Your landing point will be located right in the key zone, so you will find yourself around the unit that protects armored vehicles. You have to deal with enemy technician (there will be two armored vehicles) and kill all the soldiers (all of them six), or evacuate everything. Two groups of soldiers in which two soldiers will be, they are located on the sides, so for starters come around them. You can deal with them as you like, but we recommend using a pistol with a silencer. To start, do those soldiers who are closest. As soon as you figure it out with the enemies around the perimeter, then do the other two. After that, go back and make your way to enemy armored vehicles to evacuate it. In the end, you will remain to deal with two solitary fighters.

4 - Destruction of the Bronamers division - 04

You again have to either destroy enemy soldiers along with armored vehicles, or evacuate. Moving to the specified purpose, try not to miss the patrol, which consists of four soldiers. Having understood with the enemies, make your way to the enemy technique. Three soldiers will stand near her. As soon as you figure them out, you can calmly evacuate the armored person, and at this stage the task will be performed.

5 - Destruction of the Bronamers division - 05

Area information by enemy column: the western part of the guard post in the south, which is located near the Ditadi village. You have to deal with one enemy armored car, one tank, two snipers and four soldiers. The technique will be located near each other. Sniper firepoints are located in two sides. In addition, there will be ordinary soldiers and one mortar. To begin with, it is better to deal with snipers and mortar calculation, and after switching to ordinary fighters and only at the very end to evacuate the technique.

6 - Destruction of the Bronamers division - 06

The new place of action will be the station called "Munko Ya Niotoka". Choosing a landing place is best with a lower level of threat, but so that this place is in the redistribution zone of blue. In any case, as soon as you get to the destination, you will understand that you need to evacuate one turntable and two armored personnel carriers. There will be two enemy soldiers to guard all the technique, so you can either neutralize them or evacuate them. To begin with, we recommend evacuating the helicopter and only after that do armored vehicles. If the situation becomes complicated, then call armored vehicles.

7 - Destruction of the Division of Armor - 07

First, choose the disembarkation area. It is better to choose the place that will be closer to the village, to the city, or to the outpost. You have to destroy nine enemy units, among which there will be one turntable and two armored vehicles. Among the enemy soldiers will be several snipers, and everything else is infantry. When you fall to the database of the enemy, then it is best to sit behind the machine gun to remove the enemy helicopter immediately. When the turntable will be shot, then do not lose time and immediately switch to the enemy armored vehicle. In addition, you can also try to shoot at this time and a couple of enemy soldiers. In any case, when you land, just recycle the remaining enemies.

8 - Destruction of the Division of Armor - 08

In the southern part of the town "da Gwandai Har" you have to neutralize, or evacuate one enemy armored vehicle and seven enemy fighters, among which three will be snipers and are located in general in the opposite side. As soon as you land, move along the road to the right side, and go to the other side, where and find snipers. After you kill snipers, deal with soldiers and, in the end, evacuate the enemy's technique.

9 - Destruction of the Bronamers division - 09

The task is quite simple, because you only need to destroy two enemy armored vehicles, eliminate two snipers and four ordinary soldiers.

10 - Destruction of the Bronamers division - 10

Now you have to go to the airport entitled "Nova Braga". It is necessary to land in the south-eastern side. It will be necessary to destroy one turntable, two heavy tanks, neutralize six ordinary fighters and two snipers.

11 - Destruction of the Bronamers division - 11

The next place the landing will be the ruins "Aaba Schifap". Get ready for the fact that you are thrown into the pool itself, because your enemies will notice you immediately. As soon as you land, immediately laying your head off my head. You have to destroy, or evacuate one turntable, two enemy armored vehicles, neutralize three snipers and neutralize five ordinary soldiers. As soon as everyone is finished, you can calmly call the helicopter and leave this place.

12 - Destruction of the Bronamers division - 12

It follows this time somewhere in the southeastern part, not far from the Mfinda field. After disembarking, start moving into the blue area. Get ready for the fact that you will meet strong resistance. To at least somehow facilitate the task, we recommend calling fire support. While the helicopter will fill in enemies, you will have a great opportunity to mark enemies and call the art print. In addition, keep in mind that there will also be an enemy helicopter in this place. It should be destroyed in the first place, because it will hurt very much. In addition, it will be necessary to destroy two tanks and six ordinary soldiers, including a couple of snipers, a couple of machine gunners and a couple of grenade trams.

13 - Destruction of the Bronamers division - 13

It should be planted in the southeastern part of the guard of the abandoned village "Ditadi". There will be two enemy armored vehicles, one assault turntable and six ordinary soldiers. Through binoculars try to mark the enemy tanks. As soon as you mark them, right away with the help of the art printing. After that, you should put out the turntance on yourself and deal with it. You can hide behind any stones. As soon as you look out, call your own helicopter, after which the turntable the enemy will be shot down. And if your helicopter is badly pumped, then you will be shot down your turntable, consider it. In any case, after that you will remain to figure out only with enemy fighters.

14 - Destruction of the Bronamers division - 14

The last task will be held on the territory of Lamar Haate Palace. It should be planted a little south of the key point. This is done so that the enemies do not notice you. Prepare in advance to what you have to face a very powerful helicopter of the enemy, according to which at best there is about ten times from the rocket travelers. In addition, there will also be enemy armored vehicles, the strength of which is less than the turntable only twice. That is why the final battle of these tasks will be much more complicated by the previous ones. Try to use art prints as possible and relieve ammunition, well, just be extremely neat.

Passage of assignments for demining bombs

Purpose of tasks: In each task you need to neutralize installed, as well as forgotten mines. Diamond Dogs This case is engaged at the request of one humanitarian organization.

1 - Demining - 01

Try to take the dog to this task, because thanks to her you can find mines that will instantly be denoted on your card. They will have a form of a red curved line. You can either explode them from afar or gently sneaking and press the deactivation button.

2 - Demining - 02

It is necessary to land in the northern part of Kabul, in the eastern side of the palace "Lamar Haate". After disembarking, move to the area that is marked with you on the map. Take advantage of the dog to make it easier to deminate mines. Two mines will be located on the right side immediately behind the stones - the middle of the marked area on your card.

3 - Demining - 03

Taking a new task, planted on the turntable a little south of the place, which is indicated on your map. Nearby the oil field called "Mfinda" will be located. Move to the marked marker. Upon arrival you have to neutralize eight minutes. All mines will be scattered throughout the location, so that a dog will help you very much. Mainly mines will be hidden between barrels and ruins. Moreover, even if you perform this task in the afternoon, we recommend anyway to use the device of night vision, which will highlight all mines. By the way, do not forget that mines can be located near each other or near the hot substance.

4 - Demining - 04

Go to the next place you need to delete. The new place will be expensive through the guard post that in the west of the fortress "Sumy". There you will meet four soldiers - deal with them. After that, roll on the right side and there are already looking for a minefield where eight minutes will lie.

5 - Demining - 05

In the southern part of the North-Eastern Guard Past Station "Munko Ya Niotoka". Move should move between the rocks, where mines will be located. There will be nine mines. The latest mine will be closest to the guard post, right at wooden barriers. To make it easier to detect mines, use the device night vision.

6 - Demining - 06

Your next stop is the Southeast Kasual post of Nova Braga Airport. Planning should be in the northeastern part of the blue area, which is marked on your card. All you have to neutralize nine mines. If you can't find all the mines, then the dog will help you in this matter that everyone will mark them.

7 - Demining - 07

This time you have to clear the road that goes through the northwest guard post of the village, which is called Shahhar Ye. Move follows asphalt road. When you pass grass, which lies between the rocks, turn in this pass and go straight. Soon you will hush on the minefield. Only mines will be eleven pieces. Before you start neutralizing mines, it is best to clean up for the beginning of an externalpost, which is located down a little further, because the deactivation of minutes will create a lot of noise and thus attract the attention of your enemies.

8 - Demining - 08

This time you have to go to the southeast guard post of Plantation "Bampheva". South in the southwest side from the key area. After disembarking, make your way to the specified territory and move to the most center. Mines will be located there. Just mines will be eleven. They will be located across the slope: from Niza to the very top. A couple of mines will be located near the barrels that are filled with flammable, so try not to approach them close.

9 - Demining - 09

10 - Demining - 10

Passage of tasks for the search for escaped children

Purpose of tasks: In each task you have to search and evacuate the children who escaped from the main base.

1 - Search for escaped children - 01

If this task does not appear, then you need to perform an episode from the second chapter. Move to the base, which is marked with you on the map. From the side of the cliff, descend closer. Near the Middle Building will stand the fence - jump over it, using containers or drawers. And by the way, in this task you will help you well, which can mark all the goals in the territory of this base. When you find yourself on the other side, you have to get around the building clockwise - remember it.

Near the entrance to the inside will stand soldiers. Do not rush to clean it and move inside. Wait until two enemies will come inside this building. After that, pick up time and move after your head will fly the turntable. Immediately after the turntables, you need to rush to the soldier, which is outside of this building, and drag it inside some room. After that, you have to take the boy and extremely gently get out of this room so that you can not see the pin pilot.

Behind the house will stand a jeep. It is better to get to it and already on it to dump with this military base. Once you find yourself by the wheel, cut off this hot spot. And if the turntable will take care of you, all the same, the task will be soon fulfilled. So the boy will automatically disappear and everything will be fine.

2 - search for escaped children - 02

Now you have to go to the mansion called "Tolcher code". Inside this mansion it is necessary to find another child. When I stick to the soldier, wait for the point when they tell the location of the child, and only after that kill them. As soon as you recognize the place where the boy is holding, go there and pull it out. And consider the fact that if the soldiers see you with a guy on the shoulders, then with a probability of 100% will start to fill in you, so 100% kille the boy. That is why we recommend to start exposing the territory and only after that the boy's evacuation.

3 - search for escaped children - 03

You have to be in the same place where you once fought with Mistun. On one of the next rings, the next child will be another child. It is necessary to go upstairs and in the very corner of the construction of finding a spill. Selecting up, evacuate the boy. For evacuation, Fulton will need for children, and for it it will be necessary to raise the level of support to 24 levels.

4 - search for escaped children - 04

Move to the marked building. Along the way, kill every opponent who will interfere. About one of the buildings will stand cars with a radar. If you destroy this wheelbarrow, then your enemies are deprived of the opportunity to cause reinforcements. In any case, make the way inside the building, where the radar once stood and move along the steps up. It is necessary to climb the third floor. Throw the room there, in which there will be a bribe floor. Move through very narrow ruins until you find a child. As soon as you take it, it is necessary to endure it on the same path that you got here. In addition, if necessary, ask me to inspect the location carefully to mark all enemy goals. By the way, the location of the boy she can also mark.

5 - search for escaped children - 05

Go to the cave. Thanks to the torment, you can find enemy soldiers and generally carefully examine this location. The child you need will be on the right side, slightly higher than the entrance. In addition, there is a couple of zombies. You can get there thanks to the room with a reservoir. As soon as you figure it out with all the enemies, do the evacuation of the boy.

Perform all tasks with S. rank

To task it is better to take PSA, which will mark your enemy / hostage and it will save you a lot of time. To achieve rank S, you need to get 130,000 points and more. What grade s consists of: 1) the speed of execution is the most important 2) injured - they should not be at all 3) the use of rapid - allowed, but when using you do not get the missing 10K points, and in some cases it can have a critical solution ( You will receive for example 126,000 and will have to rebuild it again) 4) the absence of killings and the lack of anxiety - the ideal to which you need to strive (you can kill, but it will undergo your rating and you will not get a bonus at the end of the mission) 5) It is prohibited to use the use of art printing and other helicopter chips other than ammunition 6) Be sure to skip the rollers - they go to the overall mission account. Be sure to get the portal Fulton and the hand of Jahuti. 1) Your Fulton no one can interrupt. 2) You can get enough armored soldiers in capturing from a distance of 10 meters. After developing portals, you can leave missions through them. For example, in the mission to save the scientist who developed a prosthesis for the venoma, there is a container if you go from the cleft. We save the scientist, we choose from the basements, climb the container, become near the center, open the portal, after the portal opens the opportunity to open it again - open it, voila - we go to an order faster.

Passage "Prologue: Awakening" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 1: Phantom Limbs" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 2: Diamond Dogs" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 3: A Hero" s Way "with rank" S "

Passage "Mission 4: C2W" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 5: Over the Fence" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 7: Red Brass" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 8: Occupation Forces" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 9: Backup, Back Down" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 10: Angel With Broken Wings" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 11: Cloaked in Silence" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 12: HellBound" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 13: Pitch Dark" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 14: Lingua Franca" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 15: Footprints of Phantoms" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 16: Traitor" S Caravan "with rank" S "

Passage "Mission 17: Rescue The Intel Agents" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 18: Blood Runs Deep" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 19: on the Trail" with rank "s"

Passage "Mission 20: Voices" with rank "s"

Passage "Mission 21: The War Economy" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 22: Retake The Platform" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 23: The White Mamba" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 24: Close Contact" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 25: Aim True, Ye Vengeful" with "S" rank

Passage "Mission 26: Hunting Down" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 27: Root Cause" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 28: Code Talker" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 29: Metallic Archaea" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 30: Skull Face" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 31: Sahelanthropus (Boss Fight)" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 33: C2W" with "S" rank

Passage "Mission 34: Backup, Back Down" with rank "s"

Passage "Mission 35: Cursed Legacy" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 36: Total Footprints of Phantoms" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 37: Traitors" Caravan "with rank" S "

Passage "Mission 38: Extraordinary" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 39: Total Stealth Over The Fence" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 40: Cloaked in Silence" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 41: Proxy War War Without End" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 42: Metallic Archaea" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 43: Shining Lights Even in Death" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 44: Pitch Dark" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 45: A QUIET EXIT" with "S" rank

Passage "Mission 46: The Man Who Sold the World" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 47: War Economy" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 48: Code Talker" with rank "S"

Passage "Mission 49: Subsistence Occupation Force" with "S" rank

Passage "Mission 50: Sahelanthropus" with rank "S"

Full arsenal

Develop 300 or more items.

Total items for development are much more than 300. So you can not worry. First, we need what you need, and then everything else. Those who use resource farm in 12 mission - sell extra recycled resources - get more GMP on development. This is especially true of diamonds, where 1000 pieces give one GMP lemon. And to honestly earn money - just pass the game, and GMP will gradually add from different tasks. Especially well, you can get from the protection of the bases in FOB / advanced databases.

Skull (secret)

Perform the SachelanTrope task.

Option 1 - before the rusty fog will appear, you can use the technique from the nearest blocks. - If you go down below, there will be a tank and near the BTR. But in general, nothing complicated in battle, the maximum pumped thunder hits Mahine, the main thing that he does not kill him from his Railgan for 1 hitting. Use either the landscape or shoot, a couple of rockets and he will change his mind to shoot in you. Option 2 - As soon as the battle is started, immediately make the delivery of ammunition wherever it is down on the way, so that I would not be distracted in the future - shoot at the torso only when it gets a sword, at that moment there are orange sparks from some opening mechanisms on the torsa, these The sparks periodically appear at the time when it is hammering the helicopter of support, in other situations (when he just walks, hammering out of the machine gun) Shots of a grenade launcher will apply extremely little damage - on the back it is necessary to destroy 4 tanks or tanks on his back, H.Z. what it is, near the head, their destruction nano him a lot of damage - when he jumps on the mountain and starts aiming from the Railgan (somewhere 10-15% HP) it is necessary to just run or hide behind the terrain, the main thing that would be visible under you Circle (guidance of the weapon) and steal a couple of times from a grenade launcher - when the boss has 10% HP see what you have had to be in the reserve of a grenade launcher, periodically he makes a jump on you, at this moment rapid mode appears and you need to shoot rapid In it, otherwise kills, but this attack is not always. P.S.: In the last phase of the battle, when the Sachelanpop starts to jump on you, you do not need to panic. Wait for the "third child" - a psycho mantis and shoot it. When the boy gets damage, he will temporarily stop controlling the Sahelanprop and you will have freezing a few seconds, Metal Gear will stand motionless.

Disappearance (secret)

Perform the task "silent output".

To open this mission, you need to link to Muchunya to be maximal. To do this, play the missions in which she is your partner. It is also necessary to pass about 45 major missions and, after that, to go through an additional issue "Protect Molchuna". Now you can go through the mission required for trophy.

Do not hurry to fulfill this mission. It is better to leave this trophy closer to the final, for the consequences of his irreversible and most they will not. So that this mission does not start automatically need to open the emblem for cooperation with the shape. To do this, it should be 3 times on missions to stun more people than Snake. After that, this emblem must be installed in the sign (looks like a butterfly), as long as the emblem with you is the mission will not begin. Who wants the details and is not afraid of spoilers - you have a screen here from the official leadership in English, everything is clear and clear there.

When the Side ops appears # 150 - we go to it in full armor, with a gangster, grenade launcher and rocket. It is desirable that everything is pumped to the maximum, since after it is activated by the mission you can not go out. If you have come to the 45th mission with a weak weapon and too late, they should not be desirable to be desirable. If you have a portal Fulton, then you can return to the base through the container and already gain a powerful weapon and start the mission again ready.

Truth (secret)

Perform the task "True: a man who sold the world."

Perform all the basic tasks and all side, marked yellow, then you will open 46 mission, which will answer all your questions. An exemplary algorithm is: 1) you need to go through tasks 1-45, 47-50 2) Listen to all cassettes with a yellow icon 3) Complete all side tasks marked with a yellow icon 4) to constantly return to the database to activate "events" some key missions ( All that after the 40th and next) open only after a while. THIS IS NORMAL. Just go through 3-4 side tasks, go back to the base and voila.



Reach all goals of all tasks.

In the prologue it is necessary that the burning person during his shots does not burn you, nor Ocelot, nor a horse. The fact of the shot is not important for you. Also does not follow damage from burning trees during the horse. The goal of the mission may be buggy, because it may turn out from the first and not from the second time.

In the mission, the White Mamba is the goal to capture Eli without giving him the opportunity to resist. To successfully do this, do not step on the stairs on the ship TC, it activates the video with it that precedes the fight. Need to come from the back.

Trophy is a bit buggy. If you did not fall after the last time, click on the pause, you will go to the helicopter. Next to land on the database and back down the helicopter and the trophy will fall.

Mission 0: Prolog
1. The task is made without the use of rapid
2. The task is made so that the burning person never can attack after meeting with Ocelot

Mission 1: phantom limbs
1. Location Kazuhira Miller Set
2. Kazuhira Miller evacuated
3. From the barracks Wah Sind evacuated commander
4. The task is set in secret from the "skulls"

The easiest way - on the second pass, we call the helicopter to another point

5. Captured untreated diamonds from the fortress of the soupagmay

On the rock, on the left, if you turn right away at the beginning of the mission

Mission 2: [Memory] Diamond DC
No additional goals.

Mission 3: Hero's path
1. Special Forces Commander eliminated
2. The special forces commander is eliminated from a long distance (100 m or more)
3. Special Force Commander Evacued
4. Collected catfish, which rolled up in the desert between the village of Scho and the fortress of the soup

5. Captured recycled materials from the village of Scho

Mission 4: Information War

5. From the village of Valo evacuated 2 captives

Mission 5: for the fence

Mission 6: Where does the sting hide?
1. Captured the "Sting" system
2. Skulls are eliminated
3. The "Powers" system is captured with ammunition
4. Evacuated captive, unable to talk
5. Two snipers are evacuated from a mining transit point.
6. Assault helicopter is destroyed

Mission 7: Bloody Copper
1. Liquidated commander of the company from the village of Valo
2. Eliminated platoon commander from the village of Shago
3. The platoon commander from the barracks of Wah Sind is eliminated
4. The commander is evacuated with its soldiers (only 4)

It is enough to cut down all who guard the house in which the commanders talk and get them to the balloons (well, and the commanders at the same time).

5. Three commander were evacuated
6. Conversation of three commanders is listened to the end

Next to the house where the commanders are going to the garbage container, you can get into it and listened to their conversation in silence.

7. Two captives were evacuated from the city of Guvanda

Mission 8 (49): occupation forces
1. Deployment plans received
2. Colonel liquidated
3. All tanks are destroyed
4. Colonel evacuated
5. Colonel and all his tanks are eliminated before arrival in the Fortress
6. The captive from the village of Shah Yeva was evacuated
7. All tanks are evacuated

Mission 9: Help and rest
1. Armor destroyed

5. Armor evacuated
6. Evacuated 4 soldiers who were looking for a runaway captive
7. Evacuated 6 captives

Two at the bases from the bottom of the Lamar Khaate Palace card and Wakh Sind Barracks, on each database one by one. The third brings on a jeep from Aabe Shifap Ruins, you will give Miller to him to give it to him. The fourth is located on a hidden path in the mountains between Palace and Barracks, it is advisable to save it faster, a detachment of 4 soldiers sent to his searches, they kill him after a certain time. If they, by the way, interrogate, they say where the remaining two captives. The fifth walks in the sands of Palace, and the sixth hides in the stones at the very beginning of the river, which is between Palace and Supply Outpost, there is still over the river Stone Bridge.

8. Evacuated 3 tank

Mission 10: Angel with broken wings
1. Folded Mujahed Malac evacuated
2. Armored accompaniment evacuated
3. 3 captives were evacuated from Lamar Haate Palace
4. From the feeding base of Yaho on evacuated 2 captives
5. Listening to the last conversation between the driver and Malak

You need to overhear their conversation on Yakho Oboo Suply Avanpost.

Mission 11: Surrounded by Silence
1. Molchunya liquidated

3. Silence is neutralized, without applying a lethal weapon against her

Mission 12: Road to hell
1. Contact with Dr. Emmerich took place
2. Dr. Emmerich evacuated
3. From the central base evacuated 3 Walker Gear
4. Dr. Emmerich evacuated whole and unharmed
5. Captured a vertical poster with a fashion model from the central base
6. Captured drawings from the central base

Perfectionist - 2.

Mission 13: impenetrable darkness

A little south-west of destination on the map there is a designation of a lone structure on the road. There burned village. Birds are flying over it. The easiest way to find with the PCS in the partners.

Mission 14: Common language
1. Translator with Afrikaans found
2. Viscount found
3. Viscount evacuated
4. On the intelligent location 4 prisoners
5. Camp Kiziba evacuated 3 captives
6. From the camp of Kiziba evacuated container with materials

7. Listened to interrogation of all 4 captives

1) If you start a mission at night, the translator will not interrogate anyone and immediately go to the main goal. 2) If the mission is started at 16:00 on gaming time, then the translator will cease to interrogate as the night will come. The mission needs to start in the morning in the morning it would show a maximum of 10-11 in the morning. Next, listen to the quiet interrogation of all prisoners go to a safe place and smoke cigar to 22-23 nights and go to listen to the last interrogation. To interrogate it will be the main goal in the house.

Mission 15: Footprints of ghosts
1. All Walker Gear are destroyed

Mission 16 (37): Caravan Traitors

2. Truck found
3. Truck evacuated
4. "Skulls" are eliminated

Mission 17: Saving scouts
1. Evacuoked
2. From camp Kiziba evacuated fighter of intelligence detachment
3. Evacuated 2 employees C.F.A.
4. The prisoner evacuated from Camp
5. Evacuated 4 soldiers reinforcement of the search group
6. Truck driver evacuated

Mission 18: blood bonds
1. The former Mestel Army Piston is eliminated
2. 5 captives in the Kungenga mine liquidated
3. Frenched baby evacuated
4. Former Mestel Army Restanzed Evacucked
5. The task is designed so that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of 5 children soldiers
6. Assault helicopter is destroyed
7. Evacuated 5 snipers near the northeast and south-western guard mini Kungenga mine

8. Evacuated 3 armored vehicles

Mission 19: on the trail
1. Found the subordinate commander of the ChvK on the nicknamed "Major"
2. The commander of the CHHV on the nicknamed "Major" found
3. The commander of the ChVC on the nicknamed "Major" is eliminated
4. The commander of the CHVK on the nickname "Major" is evacuated
5. Subordinate Major evacuated
6. The captive with the northeast guard post of Munco Station Nioca will be evacuated
7. Listen to the conversation between the ChvK commander on the nicknamed "Major" and his subordinate

Main Don't Shoot in Small - Otherwise, he moves

3. The attack of the burning person is reflected
4. In the intelligence, the path to the Western guard post of the industrial zone of Ngumba
5. Near the western guard of the industrial zone Ngumba caught the Hyeno-shaped dog
6. Listened to conversation about corpses at the station Munco Ya Niotoka

The name of the target may be misleading. The task is better to start at night. Penetrate the station and hear how the truck drives off. We try to quickly cross the territory and run until the next block of fasting. We listen to the conversation truck driver with guards. The driver returns to the truck and goes further until the next post. We again listen to the conversation, then it goes down on foot in fog and goes to the very last tent in front of the tunnel - the last dialogue will take place, which will perform a goal.

M. iSSIA 21 (47): Military Economy
1. The arms dealer found
2. Employee C.F.A. Detected
3. Employee C.F.A. Liquidated
4. Employee C.F.A. Evacuoked
5. Arms dealer evacuated
6. Listen to all conversations between the merchant and the staff of C.F.A.

We knock off the helicopter and in the fall place will be a drawing.

8. Evacuated container with hangar materials at Nova Braga Airport

Mission 22: Platform Liberation
1. The enemy commander is eliminated

Mission 23: White Mamba
1. White Mamba evacuated
2. The captive of the village of Masa is evacuated
3. White Mamba is evacuated without having to resist

From afar with a hill, shoot from sniper with a tranquilizer to his head.

4. Raw diamonds are captured near the village of Mas

5. Evacuated 20 children soldiers

Mission 24: close contact
1. Male Engineer evacuated
2. Woman engineer evacuated
3. Evacuated 6 Nubits near the South-West Western Waistcoat of Industrial Zone Ngumba

Translators visited. 6 goats graze one of the posts, they need to evacuate them.

4. 2 SUVs evacuated
5. From the northeastern guard post of Munco Nioca train station evacuated 4 containers
6. Near Munco Rock Station, African Peach is assembled
7. Near Munko Ya Niota Station Powed Battle Eagle

Mission 25: The right hand of the avenger
1. Head of the militant headquarters evacuated
2. Commander of children soldier evacuated

3. The captive who fled from the northeastern guard station of the station Munco ya Nioca
4. 12 children soldiers evacuated

Export by car outside the danger zone

5. Head of the headquarters and commander of children soldiers were simultaneously evacuated by transport
6. On the northeastern guard traffic, Munco Station Nioca collected internship (purple)

Perfectionist - 3.

Mission 26: Hunting
1. Discontinued Defined Route Route
2. The worker is eliminated
3. The slave trade is eliminated before arriving at Camp Kizib
4. The worker is evacuated together with 5 accompanying soldiers
5. 4 captives were evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi
6. Near the camp Kiziba caught the striped jackal

Mission 27: a radical reason
1. Evacuated intelligence detachment fighter
2. The fighter of the intelligence detachment is evacuated before he could suffer
3. The danger zone is abandoned by land

Mission 28 (48): Code Talker
1. Contact with Code Talker took place
2. Code Talker evacuated
3. Code Talker is evacuated with whole and unharmed
4. "Skulls" are eliminated
5. "Skulls" evacuated
6. Evacuated armored vehicle by blocked by the Valley of the Lufva

Mission 29: Metal Archai
1. "Skulls" are eliminated
2. Code Talker evacuated

4. "Skulls" evacuated

Mission 30: Skull
1. Contact with a skull took place
2. Information from the skull received
3. Evacuated 4 Walker Gear
4. In OKB "Zero" found audio cassette

Move through the entire base. Raised the large stairs to the roof. Left will be elevator shaft. Now run on the roof and here the choice: right to go up on a small staircase on the helicopter raincoat, where the skull is waiting for you, and left down the stairs to return to the side of the very mine of the elevator (the magnetophone can be seen when you run on the roof)

5. 7 red containers are evacuated from OKB "Zero"
6. 3 tanks were evacuated from OKB "Zero"

Mission 31: SahelanTrope
1. Sahelanhrop destroyed
2. Head of Sachelanopa destroyed
3. Flying boy successfully attacked

We need a Salekhantropus to leave 10% of life and wait until he jumps to you himself. It turns on the slowdown and the boy will come out. Shooting from the rocket directly in the catch of the Salekhantropus thereby make two additional tasks at once.

Mission 32: Too much knowledge
1. The CIA agent is evacuated
2. The CIA agent is evacuated before the arrival of the search group
3. Evacuated 4 search team soldiers
4. Evacuated vehicle driver
5. Two captives were evacuated by 2 captives from the village of Schoo and the Palace of Lamar Haate
6. The Soviet soldier was evacuated, who planned an attempt on the CIA agent

Mission 33: Information War (autonomy)
1. Equipment of the Eastern Communications Point Found
2. Equipment Equipment Equipment
3. Nearby diamonds are captured near the Eastern Communications Point
4. The transmitter of the eastern connection point is destroyed
5. From the village of Valo evacuated 2 captives
6. A container with materials is exported from the Eastern Communications

Mission 34: Help and waste (extreme)
1. Armor destroyed
2. Several combat vehicles or helicopters are eliminated
3. All armored vehicles are destroyed without the use of supply and fire support
4. Captured weapons transported on a truck
5. Armor evacuated
6. Evacuated 4 soldiers who were looking for a runaway captive
7. Evacuated 6 captives
8. Evacuated 3 tank

Mission 35: Damned Inheritance
1. Evacuated 2 containers
2. The task is completed by leaving the danger zone on the container, evacuated using the Fulton system

We climb into the container, cling Fulton, the "Cold" icon appears.

3. The task is designed so that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of containers
4. The location of the soldier was established on the intelligence
5. Evacucked by the commander of the Zero Risk Security squad, guarding mansion
6. Unprocessed diamonds kidnapped by Raine near the North-West Lufva valley post

Mission 36: Footprints of ghosts (invisible)
1. All Walker Gear are destroyed
2. Two captives were evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi
3. All Walker Gear evacuated
4. In the abandoned village of Ditadi, a midwives collected (yellow)
5. Evacuated truck from the abandoned village of Ditadi

Mission 37: Caravan Traitors (Extreme)
1. Armored accompaniment found

Armor will go to the truck in a couple of minutes to the airport.

2. Truck found
3. Truck evacuated
4. "Skulls" are eliminated
5. Truck driver evacuated
6. Approximate maintenance route

Detachments lie in the tent where the arrow is pointing at the beginning of the mission.

7. Listen to all the conversations of the truck driver with soldiers on advanced and guard posts

Total conversations 3. The first starts before their departure. Just download immediately to the airport and driving a scop and wait. When a BTR comes to the airport, the driver will first call on the radio and then someone from the accompaniment soldiers will come to him.

8. Evacuated 3 soldiers Zero Risk Security

VIS Soldier is easier to evacuate running the script for the appearance of skulls at the airport itself. The main thing to take them to another end or to bring them away from the airport to do not hurt them when you kill skulls.

Mission 38: Unusual Phenomenon (Extreme)
1. Film container captured
2. The fortress of the soupage is captured
3. The film container is captured before the reinforcement approach
4. Captive from the Eastern Laid Warm of the Round Fortress
5. Near Ruins Kuagmay caught a white-headed sip

Mission 39: for the fence (invisible)
1. The plated engineer is evacuated
2. The engineer is evacuated using Fulton across the hole in the basement overlap
3. The captive was evacuated, which planned to escape from the barracks Wah Sind
4. Evacuated SUV, which carried out patrols between advanced
5. Captured drawings from the barracks Wah Sind

Mission 40: Surrounded by Silence (Extreme)

It is possible to go with all the goals with all costumes and sophistication. Using tactics from the last version of the task with one but: when the Sapp drops remain 15 meters to Molchunya, it is necessary to start to pace with her in the sight to do not jump.

You can only win for simultaneously executing all tasks, but for the mission, get a maximum of rank A. To do this, in the area of \u200b\u200bits position in the Support section, we choose the sleeping gas and the area will cover gas from the aircraft, it will fall asleep.

1. Molchunya liquidated
2. You decide how to do with the pile
3. Silence is neutralized without applying a flying weapon against her
4. Silence neutralized without the use of firearms

We run in the disguise and laid sleeping mines in places where she usually sits. Then they hide and wait.

Perfectionist - 4.

Mission 41: War in other people's hands
1. A assault helicopter is destroyed
2. 2 tank destroyed
3. Two armored vehicles destroyed
4. Evacuated 2 tanks and 2 armored vehicles
5. Evacuated commander column armored vehicles
6. The raw diamond is found at the column commander

When the helicopter will reach the airport from it the commander will come out, they interrogate it several times and you will find a place with a diamond.

7. Captured drawings from assault helicopter

Mission 42: Metal Archaei (Extreme)
1. "Skulls" are eliminated
2. Code Talker evacuated
3. The task is made without capturing a puppet soldier
4. "Skulls" evacuated

With Molchunya

Without Molchunya

Mission 43: Reassemble Light
1. Sender message found
2. Infected liquidated

Mission 44: impeding darkness (invisible)
1. Oil pump disabled
2. The separator of the oil-containing water is destroyed
3. Evacuated 4 child soldiers who studied in the village of Masa
4. Leaving the danger zone completed to the blockade of the Mfinda deposit
5. Called African eared vulture, flown in burned village
6. Evacuated 4 Walker Gear, blocked Mfinda deposit

Mission 45:
1. Contact with Molchunya took place

We run along the arrow to the nurse and we find itcho.

2. Soviet mechanized division destroyed
3. Received audio cassette

The Kasset will be at the very end of the mission after cat scenes. (Climb on a slide and hanging a player on a tree)

4. Evacuated 7 tanks and 7 armored vehicles

5. The task is made without damage

Mission 46: True: a man who sold the world
1. Liquidated 6 soldiers at the entrance to the hospital
2. Perfect 20 or more hits in a burning person

Episode 8 (49): Occupation Forces

Episode 50: Sahelanthropus



Perform all key external tasks.

After the Hewie game in your database will build a super-tank on your base, the "External Tasks" menu will have a mission to send personnel with this tank (will be marked with a yellow dot). After performing several such tasks, get a trophy.

Reach 50 level of all detachments.

The army of this level is collected in the later stages of the game, when more professional soldiers begin to appear. Accelerate the process is unlikely to succeed, because it is necessary to simply develop its base, expanding the contingent of the detachments. We play the plot, build a base. If all the detachments are already collected 50+, except for the "watchdog" (because it is formed by the residual principle), we try to hand over the soldiers from more advanced database detachments into it. Permanent shootings for soldiers of the level "A ++" and "S" are required. Unfortunately, the base protection squad, which is added in the middle of the game, the same dollane to be pumped up to 50 LVL, the main detachment for this is the skill of a combat detachment (that which with two crossed swords), so that these opponents are full thin, and perform External tasks in which you can get recruits with the same skill type.

Soldiers of "High Quality" can be mined at the mission of 16 "convoy", we run to the airport, we defeat the skulls, but do not evacuate the jeep, after the victory over the skulls, all the soldiers in the task zone will be stunned, it is better to take a rider costume or Graha Fox, they increase the speed of running , and in the partner D-Dog, so that it is easier to search for soldiers. So I advise you to "farm" after the scene is completed, so that the soldiers were a +, a ++, s 29 mission - there without preludes the battle with the skulls, stunned high-quality opponents will also be abuse.




Collector (Secret)

Collect all drawings and key subjects.



The location of invoices [Afghanistan]:

Invoice location [Africa]:

Hero (secret)

Get a call sign "Hero".

The trophy arrives at 180000+ heroism. Perform sided missionsEspecially with the destruction of the tank units and the divisions of the armored vehicles - for them a lot of heroism give. Constantly send to the external tasks of the fighters, for them, too, the experience goes.


Phantom limb

Perform the task "phantom limbs".

Nothing to meet with the skulls need to cause a helicopter to another point. You can sit down a little under the bridge, the skull will start go down, you can climb back and go through the bridge unnoticed ....


Perform the task "where is the sting hiding?".

Find a silent hostage, he will tell you that the sting inside the caves. How to take it, there will be a fight with the skulls. Kill quite just from the sting itself. The hostage can kill if you find it, then what time there is still a chance to save it but very minimal, no matter how the mission does not fall on it, in this case, hide somewhere and wait for the enemies to lose you out of sight and slowly move in In the very end of the temple of the "sting" temple, be at the very end of the location ... You can not fight with the turtles, just go along the rocks before the exit and the fog dispel.

Rotate gear

Perform the "Road to Hell" task.

With Sahelontrop, hide behind the stones (do not forget Hughi), how to pick up the place of the helicopter landing, wait until it turns away. With alarm, you won't call the helicopter.

Caravan (Secret)

Perform the task "Caravan Traitors".

When approaching a truck, a skull will get out. Kill them sitting in a tank or a BTR. Silent is a good assistant. You can use D-Walker and shell from the machine gun. Do not forget to evacuate all the soldiers, 2 additional goals. As an option: It is easiest to soak the skulls with artillery fire! It is necessary to lure them a little on the safe distance from the truck, for this, as soon as the skulls appear, just hide behind any building (the main thing is that they do not find you) and then the skulls will be slow, to sneak to you, then call art shelling! He will cover them all! Another option: in fact, there is even easier way to defeat the skull. You need C4 and bait. 1) We destroy armored vehicles before arriving at the meeting place with a truck at the airport. 2) Not far from the airport is an SUV at the intersection, waiting for a truck to join the convoy, sleeping these guys (this is an additional task on evacuation of 3 soldiers, and there are 4) 3) at the place of the truck, it is better to a little further from the airport, We put the bait (inflatable Snake) and three C4. 4) After the destruction of the BTR, the truck begins to leave the airport if you come closer - the driver says that the armored vehicles did not come and leaves. Seeing the bait (do not forget our C4 on it), it stops in meters 30 and goes to check it, sleep drill (additional task evacuate the driver). The main thing is that the bait does not burst or become new. 5) Touch slowly to the truck, climb the skull, immediately crawling back !!! - They will not see you in such cases and go to the bait one. We blame the first. Then the second one will go to the other side, we put 2-3 C4 on them bait, blast the second, etc. Thus, we kill them so that they don't even see who killed them .... You can also give the team to shoot the turtles. On one there is enough of it, it is completely capable of stalling him by teams. But for two skulls - no, it is wounded and she is evacuated.

Immortal (secret)

Perform the Metal Archaeus task.

Option 1. After the screensaver, we run away sharply right, for the containers and further between the fence and the long hangar. Skulls lose the character from the view. We return to the upbart and gently shoot the "ordinary" silencer sniper. We return to the house with the doors near the hangar, we call the art print on the corner of the skulls, again we give a circle on the uptake, to the aircraft, to the helicopter and again in the far way to the house, another art print, there was only one skull, a pretty shabby, quickly with him We are afraid. Option 2. You can use D-Walker with machine guns of a gatling, or sitting on the roof of the hangar with a sniper, or to transmit-shoot the skulls on the tank (tank from their effects rust and breaks).

Make a task by running a combat officer.

For the side task will not give a trophy. It is necessary before the start of a plot of any mission to choose the Snake of any soldier for the place and fully pass the mission.

Part-time job

Perform all subscriptions like "Demining".

D-Dog as a partner celebrates mines on the map. It is necessary to approach the back of the mines, so that the Mina Faper does not get under the character. The easiest way to blow up mines is easiest. There is no special profit to collect them

In the next part of the MGS did not cost without the corporate style of the goat. In the game for each plot mission there are a number of tasks and many of them are sometimes simply not amenable to logic. This article describes all the additional Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain tasks. Performing these tasks will give you the achievement of the Perfectionist.

Prologue: Awakening

1. The task is made without the use of rapid

It is better to disconnect the rapid in the menu than each time you hysterically load the checkpoint.

2. The task is done so that the burning person never was able to attack you

Tactics here is very simple. Just keep the Volga on the distance removed from you. If you do not miss, then you are enough ammunition. Drive damage it can when he is preparing to shoot fiery arrows.

Mission 1. Phantom limbs

1. Location Kazuhira Miller installed

2. Kazuhira Miller Evacuoked

3. From the barracks Wah Sind evacuated commander

The commander is different from the soldiers and it is not so difficult to find. If you do not want to look for it among the soldiers, you can simply evacuate all the staff.

4. The task is fulfilled in secret from the skulls

There are so many ways to bypass the skulls, applying clips and active bait. But there is a way even simpler - just do not get to the landing point and change it using the iDroid and the skull simply will not appear.

5. Captured untreated diamonds from the rock fortress

Diamond is here, they are easy to miss sight.

6. Truck driver evacuated

The driver moves between three locations, it will be enough to wait for it on one of them or take a horse and ride along the main road connecting three advanceplates.

Mission 3. Hero path

1. Special Force commander liquidated

2. The special forces commander is eliminated from a long distance (100 meters or more)

3. Special Force Evacuoked Commander

4. Soma collected, growing in the desert between the village "Scho" and the fortress of the soup.

This plant grows on a deserted plain. It is easy to find if you take with me to the partner of Pesik.

Attention! If you have gathered this plant in the open world mode, it will not be in the task and will have to wait for a long timewhile she does not sleep again.

5. Captured recycled materials from the village of Shago.

Mission 4. Information War

1. Equipment of the Eastern Communications Point Found.

2. Equipment of the Eastern Communication Point is destroyed.

3. Unprocessed diamonds are captured from the Eastern Communications Point.

Diamonds are located on the cliff right behind the east. Their exact location can be found by conducting interrogation of Soviet soldiers.

4. The transmitter of the eastern connection point is destroyed.

It is in one of the buildings. It is best to destroy the transmitter using a water pistol

5. Two captives were evacuated from the village of Valo.

Their location is easy to find out by questioning Soviet soldiers.

Mission 5. For the fence

1. The plated engineer is evacuated.

2. The engineer is evacuated using Fulton through a hole in the basement.

The hole is not so difficult to find. It is in the next room. Just put the engineer under the hole and evacuate Fulton.

3. The captive was evacuated, which planned to escape from the barracks Wah Sind.

Inattentive players will be very hard to find this prisoner, since he took such a place about which any common man would not even guessed.

4. Evacuated SUV, performing patrol.

With this it is better not to slow, as it can just go beyond the limits of the card and not return. He will make his stop near Barack Wah Sind.

5. Captured drawings from the barracks of Wah Sind.

To find out where the drawings are better to interrogate the soldiers. They lie in one of the small houses in the barracks.

Mission 6. Where does the sting hide?

1. Cooking "Sting".

2. Skulls are eliminated.

For this task, it is better to take to the partner of silent and equip it with a sinful butterfly. Just distract attention to yourself, and Molchka will destroy all goals. You do not even have to spend the ammunition of the "Powers" system.

3. The sting system is captured with ammunition.

Will be fulfilled under the condition that you have never been shot in the "Powers" attachment

4. Captive, unable to speak evacuated.

Pretty difficult task. You need imperceptibly to go through the bridge, and evacuate the Mujahed before he was taken away from the jeep, otherwise it would just be killed.

5. Two snipers are evacuated from the transit point.

To wait and best in the afternoon. At night you can not find them. One snapper will sit on the tower, the other on the forests of the other end of the bridge.


It is better to use the installation of "Javelin". If it is shooting from an ordinary gun, the helicopter will have time to fly before you destroy it.

Mission 7. Bloody copper

1. Liquidated commander of the company from the village of Valo.

2. The platoon commander from the village of Shago is eliminated.

3. The platoon commander from the barracks of Wah Sind is eliminated.

4. The commander is evacuated with his soldiers (only 4).

To convulsely do not disassemble which soldiers came with commanders, it is proposed to simply call the helicopter and destroy everyone who was in the village or evacuate. It will fit with the three previous tasks.

5. Three commanders were evacuated.

Commanders will look different than ordinary soldiers. So here it is not possible to confuse.

6. The conversation of three commanders is obedient to the end.

It should be borne in mind that any alarm challenge will force the script and have to reboot to the save point. The conversation will be short-lived, so wait long does not have to.

7. Two captives were evacuated from Gweandai.

Standard task, coordinates can be found by questioning soldiers.

Mission 8. Payback

In this mission, all tasks can be performed in one approach, except for the liberation of the captive. Just turn the road column and evacuate all the technique from the rear.

1. Deployment plans are obtained.

2. Colonel is eliminated.

3. All tanks are destroyed.

4. Colonel is evacuated.

5. Colonel and all his tanks are eliminated before arriving in the fortress of the soup.

6. The captive of the village of Shah Ye is evacuated.

7. All tanks are evacuated.

Mission 9. Help and waste

1. Armor destroyed.

2. Several combat machines and helicopters are eliminated.

3. All armored vehicles are destroyed without the use of supply and fire support.

It is best to block the road in this place and evacuate all the technique. Time will be more than enough.

All cars are going along this road, so be careful, have time to run back to the armored vehicles and the "fulton" them before they end patience, and they will break the truck.

4. Captured weapons transported on a truck.

5. Armor is evacuated.

6. Evacuated 4 soldiers who were looking for a runaway captive.

Soldiers are in this canyon, there you will find one of the prisoners.

7. Evacuated 6 prisoners.

Open in the next to the Lamar Khaate Palace point.

Next to the landing point, literally in ten meters, there will be the first prisoner.

Next, very quickly put forward to the prisoner at number two. If you have not spent a lot of time looking for the first prisoner, then you have time to save the second, since it is a punitive detachment, which you also need to evacuate to perform another task.

The third captive advise the release of one that is located directly in the Lamar Khaate Palace, in one of the carcers.

By the time you finish the release of the third, the 4th one should appear on the map. It will be transported in the jeep. Its route can be traced by iDroid.

The fifth hidden in the subway in Wakh Sind Barrazks.

The latter lies near the river, downstairs at the rocks.

8. 3 tanks evacuated.

Tanks will appear as soon as you steal a secret weapon from a truck. Here it is best to use bait that distracting the attention of tanks while you will evacuate them.

Mission 10. Aangel with broken wings

1. Packed Mujahide Mall evacuated.

2. Evacuated accompaniment armored.

Make it best on the fork. When the convoy is installed and the crew armored vehicles says goodbye to the driver, you will have time while transport will leave and will not notice how you are fulltonite armored vehicle.

3. Three captives were evacuated from the palace of Larom Haat.

Here you should hurry and not listen to the conversation of the driver. Prisoners are going to execute and you will have very little time to save them. Their location can be found by questioning the soldier.

4. Two captives were evacuated from the supply base from the bubbly.

They can also be found by questioning the soldier.

5. Listening to the last conversation between the driver and Malak.

Any alarm call will cut the script chain. The last conversation will be held in the interrogation room, based on. You can mark goals and wait for them on the basis, hiding under the bed.

Mission 11. Surrounded by silence

All four tasks can be performed in one right. Just point out the silence and call the ammunition to it through the iDroid. When the cargo is reset, a little more than 10 meters will remain, look out and provoke it on a shot. While she will shoot and reload the shutter, the box will have time to fall on her head.

1. Muschunya is eliminated.

2. You decided how to do with Molchunya.

3. Musching is neutralized without applying a fatal weapon against her.

4. Silence is neutralized without the use of firearms.

Mission 12. Road to hell

The main problem is to fulfill the task of rescue Emmerich. The fact is that, no matter how good you hide him, he will still receive damage. Even if he, at first glance, did not receive it. If we take into account that you will learn about the fulfillment of the task only after passing the mission, the further overlap turns simply into hell. For this task, it is better to take with you D-HORSE.

1. Contact with Dr. Emmerich took place.

2. Dr. Emmerich evacuated.

3. From the central base were evacuated 3 (three)WalkerGear.

4. Dr. Emmerich evacuated whole and unharmed.

For a guaranteed task execution, it is necessary to start to neutralize all the protection on the base. Then bring Emmerich to the control point. After the cat scene, press and reboot to the control point, in order for Emmerich to be on your shoulders. Then immediately put it on the horse and order her to move away, but to flee the satellip himself. Then hide and cause a helicopter to the long point of disembarkation. When Sahelanter runs towards landing, change the landing point to the near point and fill there. As soon as you arrive at the place, call the horse to which you planted Emmerich, and evacuate it on the helicopter.

5. Captured a vertical poster with a fashion model from the central base.

6. Captured drawings from the central base.

The drawings are in the nearby bunker.

Mission 13. Impropering Darkness

1. The oil refining pump is disabled.

2. The separator of the oil-containing water is destroyed.

3. Four children-soldiers who studied in the village of Masa were evacuated.

Children you will not be able to evacuate without a children's Fulton. You will get it when overpowering Eli on your base.

4. The output from the danger zone is completed to the blockade of the Mfinda field.

After you explode the tank run to the container, which is nearby, take it onto it and Fultonite yourself.

5. Powed eared neck, whipped in a burned village.

6. Evacuated 4.WalkerGear, blocked Mfinda deposit.

Mission 14. Total language

1. Translator with Afrikaans found.

2. Viscount found.

3. Viscount is evacuated.

4. In the intelligence, the location of 4 captives was established.

5. Three captives were evacuated from Camp Camp.

6. The container with materials is evacuated from the camp of Kiziba.

It is located next to the main building, there you will find and explored. The container may not appear if you evacuated it in the open world. In this case, you will have to wait until it is sleeping .

7. Oversized interrogation of all 4 prisoners.

The problem is that any alarm will cause a script break and you will not be able to listen to all conversations. The first three interrogation will not cause difficulties, just follow the commander and translator and listen to the conversations. The last interrogation will occur at night in the house.

Mission 15. Footprints of ghosts

1. EverythingWalkerGear destroyed.

2. From the abandoned village of Ditadi, 2 captives were evacuated.

3. EverythingWalker Gear is evacuated.

4. In the abandoned village of Ditadi, a ride collected (yellow).

5. A truck was evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi.

Truck will stand on the edge of the camps near the road .

Mission 16. Caravan Traitors

1. The accompaniment armor was found.

2. Truck found.

3. Truck evacuated.

4. Skulls are eliminated.

To do this, it is best to use itching with a sinful butterfly. Just exit an open area and let it shoot all the skulls.


6. The explored is an approximate support route.

7. Listen to all the conversations of the driver of the truck with soldiers at advanced and guard posts.

Conversations will be three. The first will be near the truck, when the armored vehicles column will arrive. The latter will happen in Cizibe camp. To fulfill, it is best to use Stealth to disguise Emmerich.

8. 3 soldiers were evacuatedZero.Risk.Security.

Just evacuate any three soldiers of this grouping, the task is asked at the end of the mission.

Mission 17. Saving scouts

1. Evacuated by the fighter of intelligence detachment, fled to the forest to the north of Camp Camp!

2. The camp of Kiziba was evacuated by a fighter of intelligence detachment.

3. Evacuated 2 employeesC.F.A.

4. Captive prisoner evacuated from Camp.

5. Evacuated 4 soldiers reinforcement of the search group.

Soldiers reinforcement of the search group will quickly find a second prisoner who hides in the forest near the camp of Kiziba.

6. The driver of the truck is evacuated.

Mission 18. blood bonds

1. The former rebel of their army Mbele is liquidated.

2. 5 captives in the kungeng mine are eliminated.

3. A flock is evacuated.

4. The former Mestel's army is evacuated.

5. The task is designed so that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of 5 children.

It is best to fulfill this task using the Children's Futton, which you will get from the ela in the second duel.

6. The assault helicopter is destroyed.

7. They evacuated 5 snipers near the northeast and south-western guard of the Mine Kungenga.

It makes no sense for a long time, the problem is not to destroy snipers, but to find them.

8. Evacuated 3 armored vehicles.

Mission 19. On the trail

1. Found the subordinate commander of the ChvK on the nicknamed "Major".

2. The commander of the CHHV on the nicknamed "Major" was found.

3. The commander of the CHVK on the nicknamed "Major is liquidated.

4. The commander of the ChvK on the nicknamed "Major" was evacuated.

5. Subordinate major evacuated.

6. The captive with the northeastern guard post of Munko Ja Nioca will be evacuated.

7. Suspended the conversation between the NPC commander on the nicknamed "Major" and his subordinates.

Just follow the commander, and he will lead you lately .

Mission 20. Votes

1. Shabani evacuated.


To successfully perform the task, you will need a C4-charge.

Upon completion of all cat-scenes, run to any remaining whole water tower. Freak to her C4 charge and wait until "MAN ON Fire" is suitable for a sufficient distance so that it is water.

Let's come to him immediately, as it will go out. And someone knew how in a sober mind, you can guess this - we call the removal of ammunition.

Ideally, psycho mantis spins over the "man on fire" counterclockwise, and the discharge of the supplies in this mission does not have a delay (literally 3-4 seconds) of time. If you are all done correctly - the container will fall exactly on the head of the flying boy.

3. The attack of a burning person is reflected.

4. On the intelligence, the path of the Western Karaul post of the industrial zone of Ngumba is established.

The intelligence is here, they are also easy to find out by questioning one of the soldiers.

5. Near the western guard of the industrial zone Ngumba caught a hyenous dog.

The dog is not far from the post behind the river. Just go along the river to the waterfall and turn to the right side, there and come across the dog.

6. Listen to the conversation about the corpses at the station Munko Ya Niota.

The goal of the task is slightly not corresponding to its name, so you can fight for a very long time in hysterics, trying to overhear the conversation between local soldiers from the station. But everything turns out to be processed ...

Almost at the very beginning of the mission, meters in 200,000 from the starting point, the station "Munko Ya Niotoka" is located. The most important thing in this additional task - Do not lift anxiety, because the movement script may break the goal, because of which it will have to undergo a mission.

In the far (from us) part of the station, behind the fence, it is a cargo car. But it will not stand for long. Therefore, from the very beginning, we find the way to the car and put in the body.

Our first stop will be near the camp, where the driver will talk to the guard. You can not crawling out of the body to overhear this conversation, the benefit of the truck will be parked very convenient for this event. After the end of the conversation, the blacks will go to look for some documents, so that you can lie further and wait for the next shipment.

The second stop will be the last on the trip, but not the latter in the task. We approach the second cashpost, which is guarded by three mercenaries. A second dialogue will take place with one of them, after which the driver will be slowed down to a change. He will go down to the foggy territory, which the local call "the abode of evil spirits." Follow him to the end of his route, and the last conversation will take place near the stone tunnel, which you need to listen.

Mission 21. Military Economy

1. The arms dealer is found.

2. EmployeeC.F.A. Detected.

3. EmployeeC.F.A. liquidated.

4. EmployeeC.F.A. evacuated.

5. {!LANG-e69c2862cd337cd72188de106be0a77a!}

6. {!LANG-39a2665c053738e94d40db77b85c9e4f!}C.F.A.








8. {!LANG-71aadbe8e99204e33036d4e9071f3004!}



1. {!LANG-55e40ef374a903fabe435523951966aa!}

2. {!LANG-33df4488f6de3f66f23eb36240771c3c!}

3. {!LANG-3cf7446aad04967723c660303e391da3!}



{!LANG-73ceb0cd1967494ca9405f949281eabd!} {!LANG-d7ae98202c9c763f4d6d15f3d87ccab5!}{!LANG-0578074dfedbeea72f191d1aac4beb4b!}

{!LANG-4177d2983eb9f2d5d71521e5a3ca46a6!} {!LANG-b764a89e50cf19632c70c8f1a7e950d2!}{!LANG-50828bfc202fd93821e9f1bd95d828a2!}

4. {!LANG-d059290e8b8fa08e7bc7240072eb8d71!}


5. {!LANG-b3c73db12aa21a8d1fd402cba6c2e9b2!}


1. {!LANG-c3fb92e42e60fcb117893b75d3e8c1d3!}

2. {!LANG-5e37f101786763f9ccdbba749860320b!}

3. {!LANG-8bdfec9717e638124efc313ff007ba05!}

4. {!LANG-2ae8dafb293708aa92ee95eebc7e2105!}

5. {!LANG-06414887384fcea861695074ff7b407c!}

6. {!LANG-d77788505df800dda2a5f8fc0ee270e9!}


7. {!LANG-e21a2de03bac66ec5ea4678423ca0688!}



1. {!LANG-f9900cae6453120223ff38fbc8110ec1!}

2. {!LANG-81413dd3242e6db8d40b2f0ab72a9d77!}

3. {!LANG-6921620cb7b9907043b923264ddc436a!}


4. {!LANG-983609332d8ec6873b3838806ff9d5cc!}

5. {!LANG-9045c82cc6ca6da8e50cf81ca097e5a3!}


6. {!LANG-b845021b97005e992fec1d45a84c7aa6!}



1. {!LANG-7a4e64242a4f3fef1b4a766dd85399d5!}

2. {!LANG-ea59e9402154cc17a4b00d1787702e14!}

3. {!LANG-ed5afe6c456357c3108c8eaf0638eccb!}

4. {!LANG-a721d2040e87ebe6b64872fea52a5654!}

5. {!LANG-74f64a843e6bda769bc72411df050b4c!}

6. {!LANG-87e0d89a4d3ea67a9e60bce172fcf62c!}



1. {!LANG-7a77025ea2ebb9b2c1418e4a16e1d7f4!}

2. {!LANG-04791e500b55e4abd7c26d92882066af!}


3. {!LANG-4b7f617bc2eef008eca5a47de41bc92a!}


1. {!LANG-e0429645120e98b54c93af6b3d169c3c!}{!LANG-3339c3b5d0f0a25b93f02e49df07d5e1!}{!LANG-1068c47b39d1dd79f364713a47f5730f!}

2. {!LANG-3339c3b5d0f0a25b93f02e49df07d5e1!}{!LANG-0c4afb426fc1fdfad829a022283001d0!}

3. {!LANG-3339c3b5d0f0a25b93f02e49df07d5e1!}{!LANG-5932cb6fd39cd83bc68ee3f005b291e6!}

4. Skulls are eliminated.

5. {!LANG-ea118cdb634530b9b5e264599bf05836!}

6. {!LANG-cc1f84e41b0cd22112c72dc98b585d36!}



1. Skulls are eliminated.

2. {!LANG-65260caecfca3df2302255533efd55a4!}

3. {!LANG-b2780c1ab9aab9a118cc623068e329d2!}

{!LANG-ba3cbda9743e553fe2d08d4b9196c10b!} .

4. {!LANG-ea118cdb634530b9b5e264599bf05836!}



1. {!LANG-476fa96c838da832b81891f7db3ed6c1!}

2. {!LANG-a9701dfc0bbe2bf75721845c46f566b4!}

3. Evacuated 4.{!LANG-02562e17bec698958820768366b07e12!}


4. {!LANG-b101abee7ce1b7473a45942ae9450697!}


5. {!LANG-9b072d28e1527a4dbdc05a9c6ad5c3b3!}

6. {!LANG-ec031cfa852b293b32430cb6e5d8c113!}



1. {!LANG-346515f4996e41b465b53aa6aaf02de0!}

2. {!LANG-f5d64a54ead1efb29f443bc113bfdb26!}

3. {!LANG-7c5ab2a17b0b6633824acd313902be10!}


1. {!LANG-7705db4bc9d6ac1c730bbaca81fd1b14!}

2. {!LANG-78767c24e3bf62e805b1f2b34f67fab6!}

3. {!LANG-7197a3710dae596d447e18f9472d03c9!}


4. {!LANG-6f5c90a124dc9653aeb0946e76c4e911!}

5. {!LANG-5e412d29e5e7065f5d224a07b3a438b6!}


6. {!LANG-998e8706664efe6a8dad40e10357f592!}



1. {!LANG-d89426cdcd1f440d3aaa958512c4b8e7!}

2. {!LANG-d7ccda8382ad5fb81c28217118ab54e6!}



3. {!LANG-c6a030703b94b0b4eeb3b6ba28436883!}


4. {!LANG-b3a7ff5699301d142644df09e88e8d10!}

5. {!LANG-1c780219b873a19c3c80c13cef8b4fe0!}Zero.Risk.{!LANG-6257729a6f94766bb4b08cb784249c92!}

{!LANG-ba1776678034b5c217582604da7e60c0!} {!LANG-7139bbd42b9f928d8aaf0cbbad282c6c!}{!LANG-31ce59efcc8328e12f6ab4e567d71b89!}

6. {!LANG-80978f280400775a1b778eda3baaaccd!}



1. {!LANG-6bc7c4e90a2e94fe8937a852bacb7dca!}


2. {!LANG-3a1ad1ee326c79f20c047139bed6c0d1!}


3. {!LANG-7997aad54053975ddcb458b72e160967!}


4. {!LANG-2f0e61f4ae6bb82ddfb2934683a753d6!}


5. {!LANG-18a162d4cdbbc271f46a61616d71eb14!}



1. The assault helicopter is destroyed.

2. {!LANG-74db2b060a2ccd1b42edc307658dc6b5!}

3. {!LANG-8159321c2d62ea53144ee68a522e854b!}

4. {!LANG-a690814ce7c5472fd773539f411a1d1e!}


5. {!LANG-11ca72bb35253226085fd4484eaef490!}


6. {!LANG-3ca4214f8ebec4484fb81ee15bb81cbd!}










1. {!LANG-33af616a97a5da856358ed34c6675b68!}


















{!LANG-1db016da15bd93474705ea6f69135c6d!} {!LANG-cd476b950fd697dd144e8b84646473ff!}{!LANG-cc8afce7127f39b1ad82799993c5b2bf!}




{!LANG-a803b21ffdfec6e5e1b438af2dc753a2!} {!LANG-185ddcbca9607f458bd2fc32c792be47!}{!LANG-f1fa1f936f0b6ed4e5d15331aa97d11b!}


















{!LANG-bcbb0798a3a58a345b1b7f5b58c8d7fd!} {!LANG-22728f8ea346facebde0c80d5e14bec3!}{!LANG-a42f9092dc1e9e049536c5465ecbf6f4!}



























{!LANG-63fd09b3476ca2f20c36ce88698bab2d!} {!LANG-bfc47feba4269d334cc0ea68b552b3f5!}{!LANG-1cd4136180446787d0df646fc48e31e2!}














{!LANG-d20f0c5482c164ef2997f4781306f8b6!} {!LANG-bb54a8d8089c21006d8820f98a566b6a!}{!LANG-0f1636b314c399f2564bfdac10fc63df!}



















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{!LANG-9b762d5e74e0de884d1902df9e8e8b5c!} {!LANG-552ad38ac18c9c36ae381a576118c9af!}{!LANG-dcb6e58cdae5224050991393513f2eeb!} {!LANG-eb9560a56620e9207239dcbbe6d775f1!}{!LANG-1b1fec4aab4c5b090d8829318d1d24bc!}







{!LANG-3046f35342f767b19bcb35bfb85d2eea!} {!LANG-a60d1f23d357afa86dfb3c7739135301!}{!LANG-ea96e51a413fca9124617ee7767c2377!}






{!LANG-6b81f861817cb28285e8a454f042f80b!} {!LANG-82619949a1d78811343de267857e9d42!}{!LANG-99010c4bf03916c64e4deb0b00554bf9!}







{!LANG-56fe6d1d957f3065ce5296e1d12b0d3c!} {!LANG-538d9cc4c03987e88451f5a373ada90d!}{!LANG-a61f187340b919a3a4339d449bafd3e0!}





{!LANG-4814b87aab0f8cffd3b0d483c8fb65ae!} {!LANG-741220bce2957785041d95815cf7a577!}{!LANG-bccfff44c38709dc1e14496dd69d7865!}
