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Assassin Creed 3 passage of missions. Story line

Part 1.


After listening to the stories on behalf of Desmond's father that the culminating notorious date of 12/21/12 is approaching, we leave the van and head to the cave. The main character uses the Apple of Edemen and opens a passage. We continue to move deeper into the cave until we find ourselves on the training field of the Animus.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Updating the Animus firmware is a reason to train. Management from the time of the previous parts has practically not changed, but it became much easier to climb. Now you do not need to clamp additional buttons for this. It is still recommended to use the controller together with the traditional PC-based mouse + keyboard combination. We quickly run forward and climb the ledges. We kill two enemies in the air and get to the exit.

Deadly number.

Playing as the ancestor of Haytham Kenway, we follow forward. We pass through the door and find ourselves at the ball. We pass into the hall of the opera house and take our place on the left. After talking with the ally, we activate the Eagle vision and find the target on the balcony on the right at the far end. We move to the left, we pass into small room and we climb up. We move along the ledge to the right (occasionally upward). We find ourselves on the bed, which is opposite to the one where the target is. We go backstage, after having broken the lock on the door. We rotate each of the master keys to a characteristic click and quickly press the corresponding button to complete the hack. We jump onto unstable decorations that constantly fall down. But this will not prevent us from reaching the right place and dealing with the enemy. We take away his amulet and leave the building, pushing aside the panicking crowd.

A journey into a new world.

Additional assignments:

Lost health limit: 10% (during the first fight with sailors)
- Save James in a given time (after the mast collapses)

On the ship "Providence" we go to the distant continent - America, namely to the city of Boston, where we will find like-minded people for our great cause. We will walk to the upper deck and meet aggressive-minded sailors. We ought to teach them a lesson. To do this, hold down the counterattack button and parry the enemy's blows three times. We carry out a series of quick strikes. With the next opponent, quickly press the counterattack button and also quickly the hit button. This will knock out your opponent. We will repeat this action again to finish off the previous impudent person. The sailor pulled out a knife, as soon as he is about to strike, we press the counterattack button, and then the buttons indicated on the screen. By doing this, we will disarm the opponent. Let's follow the appeared captain. He will ask for a favor: find out what is going on on the ship. We return to the cabin and interact with the table.

The captain says it's time to act. Let's talk with the sailor who sends us to the cook and the doctor. Cock, in turn, will direct us to James. We rise to the steering wheel. Someone is dropping barrels of food from the side. We get down to the lower deck and head to the green area on the minimap. We activate the Eagle vision to see the clue on the barrel. We return to the cabin.

Let's talk with the captain, and then we will be sent to the lower deck in connection with the offensive of the enemy ship. Downstairs, Mills reports that it was he who set up this whole mess in order to get even with us for what we did in the theater. We counterattack and deliver quick blows to deal with the enemy. We climb up, fix the tackle at the points indicated by the marker. Climb onto the mast and lower the sails. Next, we help James; getting to it will not be difficult.

We go upstairs and talk to the captain. After 72 days, we successfully moored to the coast of America! We climb to the highest mast.

Part 2.

Boston, 1755.

Welcome to Boston.

We are met by Charlie Lee, after which we will follow him. He wants us to train him. We get to a shop with mixed goods. Near the entrance we meet Benjamin Franklin, who asks for help (it is his physiognomy that is depicted on one hundred dollar bills). We pass inside, we acquire a saber and a pistol from the merchant. We go outside, where Lee is already waiting for us with the horses. Let us saddle the one that is intended for us and go to the "Green Dragon".

Arriving at the place, dismount and enter the building. We follow Charles upstairs and meet with William Johnson - a connoisseur of local lands. He is one of our future like-minded people. William reports that his tapes were stolen by bandits.

Johnson's order.

Additional assignments:

Shoot 10 Mercenaries
- Prevent Hickey and Lee from losing more than half their health

We leave the building, we communicate with William's assistant - Thomas Hickey. He has already found the kidnappers, all that remains is to help him take what belongs to Johnson. We make a shot at the sentinel. Climb to his position, help the allies to deal with the enemies at the entrance to the camp. To achieve one hundred percent synchronization, you need to shoot nine more enemies. Having cleared the point, few enemies hide behind the gate. We destroy the powder keg with an aimed shot and go inside. We take away the box, we deal with the opponents.

It's time to leave the camp. We accompany Hickey all the way; we must not allow a decrease in his health by more than fifty percent. We search the bodies after the murder in order to get ourselves bullets and some money. We shoot enemies on the roofs with aimed fire. It is advisable to get closer to them, otherwise the firepower of the pistol will not be enough to kill them with one shot.

Demonstrating the amulet to William.


Additional assignments:

Stay unnoticed
- Eavesdrop on the conversation of the patrolmen (not just the locals)
- Eavesdrop on all conversations without being noticed

We communicate with Charles and together we decide to free the slaves. We leave outside, we approach the house of Church. No one opened the door when there was a knock on the door, so the bolder Charles knocks down the door. There is no one inside, so we cut off part of the canvas and get to the orange marker. Being in the fenced area, we eavesdrop on the conversation of the neighbors. We will be noticed, then we quickly merge with the crowd and avoid exposure. Next, we get to the green area, where we will find many orange targets - gossips and similarly eavesdrop on their conversations. In the meantime, the green area will shrink. We get across the roofs to the restricted area and try to enter the barn. You will need a key that can be stolen from any of the captains marked with an orange marker. The easiest way to do this is for those who are not always watched by the guards. We enter the barn and observe the conversation. Then we Eliminate three enemies, sneaking up to them with a hidden blade, and free Church.


Additional assignments:

Do not exceed the detection time limit (the easiest is to hide behind buildings)
- Get three consecutive multi-kills (Hidden Blade is ideal for this)
- Prevent informers from calling for reinforcements (follow the mini-map to track the farther away enemy)

We follow Charles to Pitcairn. An attempt to free him from the clutches of General Braddock was unsuccessful. We follow a group of soldiers, trying not to catch their eyes at all. Lee will distract them with a daring act, we catch up with him. We deal with nine guards and free Pitcairn, who will "play" in our team.

Infiltrating Southgate.

Additional assignments:

Find and kill the general
- Get 3 consecutive stealth kills from around the corner
- Do not take damage from the rifle chain

We set off on the execution of an uncomplicated plan to penetrate the fort. Directly from the roof we attack the wagon train and destroy thirteen guards. After changing clothes, we head to the fort. On the way, the guards will have suspicions, we will promptly neutralize them by giving orders to the allies. Arriving at the place, we free the captive.

We go forward to the crossroads, then we turn right. Let's go to the end and find the general. We will hide in a cart with hay and, when he comes up to us, press the hit button. To make three kills from around the corner, you need to snuggle up to the corner of a tent or other tall objects and destroy nearby enemies with a hidden blade. You can use a whistle to lure.

We free the captives in three places. But before that, we deal with vigilant officers when they are left alone. Or just waiting for them to leave.

We grab the enemy and save ourselves from four shots. We deal with the enemies, we get to Cyrus. We destroy everyone in the same way.

Part 3.

Boston, 1755.

After talking with Charles, we go to the frontier and get to Lexington.

With your opinion.

Additional assignments:

The limit of lost health is 50% (when fighting wolves, you need to press the first two buttons in time)
- Use destructible items in battle (in the tavern we stand so that there are tables behind our backs and then, after a counterattack, the enemies will break interior items with their bodies)

Together with Charles we set off in search of the mysterious woman, whom we freed earlier. We follow Lee on horseback and discover a recently extinguished fire. We move upward along a thick continuous trail. Charles kills the attacking wolf, we run after the woman. It's time to face the beasts face to face. We quickly press the corresponding buttons to deal with the bloodthirsty wolves on the fly. We activate Eagle vision to find the woman (she is on the wooden platform above). We continue the pursuit and when the stranger descends to the ground, we will be able to overtake her. The woman's name is Gadzidzio, we show her the amulet. She does not want to talk about the signs depicted on it, but asks to climb the hill.

From above, we observe the camp in which the Bulldog (Braddock) is in command. To deal with him, you must first find him. We dive into the haystack below and, reaching the tavern, we go inside. Let's go right and snuggle up to the counter. Having overheard the first conversation, we go to the left. We get up at the window, eavesdrop on the second conversation. We return to the counter and listen to the conversation. We are heading for the exit, but the drunken guards will not let us leave. In hand-to-hand combat, we deal with eight opponents.

Execution is everything.

Additional assignments:

Do not kill guards (after listening to the conversation, use only melee combat)
- Spoil two cannons

We meet with Dzio not far from the camp. The easiest way to get inside is unnoticed by a carriage, which just passes by to the left of us. Having penetrated the camp, the wagon will soon stop. Let's leave it and go down the grass to the right. We disable the first cannon, without catching the eyes of enemies. We return to the cart and follow the left side. We go to the white area on the minimap and start listening to the conversation. When the enemies are a little further away, it is best to immediately climb onto the roof. And jump off the other side onto the grass. Before getting into the tent, we stun the guard from behind without using a weapon. We take away the card, disable the second cannon. From here we go down, leave the camp through a side passage and get to Gadzidza.

Expedition Braddock.

Additional assignments:

Kill two militias without drawing attention
- Destroy the carts with gunpowder (we purchase cartridges in advance!)

Together with like-minded people, we go to the north, where we will meet with Dzio and her tribe. Let's go right and enter the red zone. Let's hide in a haystack and deal with the enemy. A little further there is another haystack. We will get there through the grass and deal with the guard in the same way. Now we can kill everyone else.

We change clothes and on horseback we get to Braddock. He decided to run away from us, taking advantage of the French attack. We rush in pursuit, on the way we shoot at the powder kegs on the carts. Having overtaken the general, he runs away again. We select the blade, catch up with the target and deal with it.

Not finding anything interesting in the cave, we return to the allies. We take the oath of oath for Charles. From now on, he is a Templar.

general information

The entire game represents the memories of distant ancestors, relived with the help of a special Animus device. Desmond, a descendant of the ancient assassin family, experiences all these memories of past centuries in order to synchronize his memory with the memory of his ancestors, and thereby find the key to saving humanity in the present time.

Memories are divided into sequences (parts) and individual events (missions). Almost every mission has additional assignments. If you complete all the instructions, then a separate section of memory will be fully synchronized. If this could not be done the first time, then you can always return to the completed mission by entering the menu and selecting the line "DNA sensor".

Passage. Part 1. London 1754

Repetition of what has been learned
Assassin's Creed 3. Part 1: Refresher Course

In the Animus, we go through a little training on overcoming obstacles, jumping and killing in the air. We reach the control point, here Desmond is transformed into his ancestor - Haytem Kenway. We go forward along the emerging path to the wooden door.

Deadly number
Assassins Creed 3. Passage of the game. Part 2: Deadly Performance

We enter the royal theater. We go forward into the main hall, take our place on the left in one of the rows. Here the accomplices point to the target - a man on the balcony of the third floor. We turn on the ability "eagle vision" (Eagle Vision) (press the "V" key, press the "space" to look directly at the target), direct the gaze to desired balcony... We get up from our place, we move to the left wall of the hall. We enter a small room, climb up the stairs. Grabbing the parapet, we move to the right, we continue to move to the right and up the balconies. We take away into the uppermost balcony on the right.

We open the doors (we rotate each of the master keys until a characteristic click and quickly press the corresponding button to complete the hacking), we pass behind the scenes of the stage. We move forward, grabbing the stupas of theatrical scenery. Thus, we find ourselves on the other side of the theater. We enter the box, silently kill the man and take one of his buttons, which is actually a disguised ancient artifact. Without panic, we leave the crime scene, moving along the checkpoints that appear.

Journey to a new world
Assassin's Creed III. Part 3: Journey to the New World

Captured in last mission artifact - the key to a secret vault, which is located somewhere in America. Haytham Kenway immediately sets out in search of this place.

We sail from London to Boston on the ship "Providence". On board the ship, you can talk to two people (marked on the minimap with dots with waves), and play two games (marked with game cubes).

We leave on deck, we speak with the captain. We go to the sailors, a fight breaks out.

In the first battle, you only need to fend off enemy attacks by pressing the "E" button. Here a problem may arise: you need not block the blow, but rather dodge it, for this you need to press "E" on great distance and constantly move away from the enemy, otherwise the parry will not count. After that we inflict blows on the enemy (left mouse button), carry out a counterattack (key "E", then "left mouse button") and disarm the enemy (key "E", then "space").

We go into the captain's cabin, we receive from him the task of scouting the situation on the ship, and learn about the impending riot. We leave, we go down into the hold to our cabin.

We go around the ship, talk with the sailors, with the doctor, with James, with the helmsman at the helm, in the end we see someone throwing barrels into the sea, using this as a hint for the pursuer ship. We go down into the hold, go to the place from where the barrels were thrown off. We include eagle vision (key "V"), we find evidence. We return to the cabin.

The pursuing ship catches up and fires at Providence. We go down into the hold, here the conspirator is waiting for us. We participate in a duel with swords: we repulse enemy blows (key "E") and attack ("left mouse button").

Providence moves away from the pursuing ship right into the eye of the storm. At this time, we walk around the ship, following the checkpoints, and perform various actions... We climb up to the mast, release the sail. After that, we run along the wreckage of the masts to rescue the hanging sailor.

After the storm we leave the cabin again, we approach the captain. We climb to the top of the highest mast and see the ground in front of us. The voyage across the Atlantic is over.

Part 2. Boston 1754

Welcome to boston
AC 3. Passage. site

Right at the ramp we are met by a man named Charles Lee (historical figure), we follow him. This person will be our main assistant for the entire first part of the game.

We go to the shop of mixed goods, indicated by the green marker on the minimap. Near the shop we meet Benjamin Franklin (historical figure), he asks us to collect all the lost sheets from his first almanac.

We enter the shop, buy a regular saber and a flintlock pistol.

We go outside, mount a horse (space bar), together with Lee we jump to the next goal. We enter the Green Dragon tavern. On the second floor we meet William Johnson - a pathfinder who knows the local lands well. William is tasked with collecting his notes, stolen by the robbers. We leave the building.

Johnson's commission
Assassin Creed 3. Walkthrough. Part 2: Johnson's Errand

We find ourselves next to the cornfield. Here we approach a man near the field. This is Thomas Hickey, William's assistant tracker. Together with him, we need to attack a small outpost of mercenaries.

We shoot (key "Q") at the first robber, we climb up to him. We take the gun from the rack, look down and shoot at one of the four bandits standing at the gate.

We go further, we shoot at one of the enemies in front, we finish off the rest with a sword, since it takes a long time to reload a firearm. The remaining bandits disappeared through the door. We aim (key "F") and shoot (key "Q") into the powder keg. From the explosion blows the door, we go inside, we finish off the enemies. We search the killed bandits (near the bodies we hold down the "E" key) in order to take cartridges or some money. We take away the large box.

Now you need to get out of the enemy camp with the box.

We run ahead of our two allies, kill the jumping out enemies, shoot at the bandits who have perched on the roofs of houses. (While aiming at the enemy, you can only shoot from a short distance, if the distance is sufficient, then the enemy will be surrounded by a white silhouette, otherwise the hero will not even shoot). We get to the tavern, we return the box.

Assassin's Creed 3. Part 3: Surgeon

We receive a new task - we need to find another person for our team. We leave the tavern, together with Charles we burst into the house opposite. Dr. Church lives here, but he is not at home, there are only traces of the abduction. We go out into the street to find out from the neighbors where the doctor has disappeared.

On the street we go to the orange target, we go into the zone, fenced off by the sound wave. We eavesdrop on the conversation of neighbors.

In the overheard conversation, we learn that the doctor with the company went to the northeast.

Next, we move to the green target. We need to get to the top of the church. From the bottom we climb along the large windows, we continue to climb up. At the top of the church, press the "E" key to inspect (synchronize) the area around. We jump down into the haystack, we move into the green zone, seen on the map.

In the green zone, we eavesdrop on the conversations of residents (yellow targets) and soldiers (orange targets).

After three eavesdropping, we understand that the doctor is locked in a warehouse in the port. The warehouse is located in a protected area (highlighted on the map in red), which means that soldiers in red uniforms cannot be seen here. We leave Charles at the entrance to the restricted area (next to him we press the "E" key), we climb up alone, along the roofs we reach the warehouse doors.

The warehouse is locked, you need to find the key to it. The key can be stolen from one of the three captains, but this must be done discreetly. The easiest way to do this is on the pier behind the warehouse (there are only two people): we kill the soldier behind the warehouse, then we kill the captain standing on the pier. The fishermen sitting next to you will not panic about this.

We enter the barn, from behind we imperceptibly kill the nearest enemy, another will be killed by Charles. Then we kill the interrogating soldier named Carver and free Church. We return to the tavern.

AC 3. Passage. Part 4: The Soldier

Together with Charles we go to the military regiment. We need to pick up a man named Pitcairn who serves as a soldier here. It is impossible to agree peacefully. We leave the regiment, go through the city, follow the detachment of soldiers.

Soon Charles will attract the attention of the military and take them to a quiet, deserted place.

Having lured the detachment into a trap, we begin to openly kill the military.

After the victory, we speak with Braddock. We return to the tavern with a new recruit.

Infiltrating Southgate
Assassin's Creed 3. Passage of the game. 5: Infiltrating Southgate

We are waiting on the roof when the wagon arrives. We shoot at one of the soldiers, jump down, finish off the rest.

Our entire squadron is changing into British military uniforms. We ride a cart and only give the order when exactly to attack the enemies (key "T"). Giving orders on time, we silently eliminate individual military groups. We enter the fort.

In the fort we see several field camps. It is better to bypass the congregations of the military, if they suspect us and reveal a deception with disguise, then the mission will be failed.

While no one is around, we free two groups of prisoners between the camps. We go to the ship, free the third group of slaves.

Commander Cyrus notices the disappearance of the slaves, after which a real massacre begins. We kill the nearest soldiers, we run to the walls of the fort.

From the gate of the fort, we run to the left to the cart, climb up the stone wall. We kill Cyrus, the mission is completed.

Part 3. BOSTON 1755

With your opinion
Assassin's Creed

Several months passed, winter came. We move on to the next task, we go to another area - Frontnier. We find Charles, together with him we ride horses in search of a girl from an Indian tribe.

We see the girl, we run after her on the tracks in the snow. We leave to the camp. Here we are attacked by three wolves. To fight off the wolves, you need to wait for their attack, and then quickly press the emerging keys (the first key is always "E", the second key can be either "Q", or "space", or "left mouse button").

After the battle, we are looking for a girl near the camp (green zone on the minimap). We find it, we run after. Another wolf will jump out. We catch up with the girl and talk to her.

Together with the girl we go down from the cliff, in a small settlement we go to a tavern. Inside you need to overhear the conversations of the soldiers, learn about the commander Braddock, nicknamed Bulldog. We approach the bar counter between visitors, eavesdrop on the first conversation. We approach the second group of soldiers, stand between the visitors at the window, eavesdrop on the second conversation.

We go to the exit from the tavern, but we are stopped by the soldiers. You need to defeat them in hand-to-hand combat.

Execution is everything
AC3. Walkthrough. Part 2: Execution is Everything

Together with the girl Gadzidzio we approach the wooden outpost of the soldiers. You need to sneak into this settlement unnoticed.

We run to the left to the road, a carriage is slowly going here. We approach the carriage from behind, we climb inside. In the cart we pass inside the outpost, the guards will not check it at the entrance.

We get out of the cart, go to a small field in front, hide in the bushes, eavesdrop on the conversation of two soldiers. The soldiers will follow the road, you need to follow them unnoticed. When the soldiers pass by, we climb over the fence, climb onto the stone house across the road, from there we can eavesdrop on the conversation until the very end.

After listening, we approach the lone guard from behind, strangle him, carry the body into the bushes near the wooden wall. We enter the large tent inside and take the map.

Now it remains to get out of the camp of the soldiers imperceptibly. To do this, you can simply walk up to the cannon and jump off the cliff down into the water. Only then will you have to swim on the water to get to the girl Gadzidzio.

Expedition Braddock
Assassin's Creed 3. Part 3: The Braddock Expedition

5 months have passed, winter is over. Braddock's regiment sets out on an expedition to the west. Finally he got out of his fortified fort. It's time to attack him in the right place. Together with our allies, we gallop forward along the forest road, we speak with an Indian girl.

To begin with, we attack a small field camp of soldiers in the forest.

We kill all the soldiers, we put on their uniforms.

On horseback, we move forward, go around all the detachments of soldiers, we get to Braddock. He manages to avoid a quick death, he runs away, now you need to catch up with him on a horse.

The Indians are cutting down a tree right in front of Braddock. He falls off his horse and runs further, crossing shallow streams. To catch up with Breddock, we run not through the water, but through the fallen trees, so it will be much faster. We catch up with the enemy and kill him.

Mission completed. We examine the cave together with the Indian girl, but we find nothing. We find ourselves in Boston, go to the Green Dragon tavern and talk to our squad. The main character officially accepts Charles into the ranks of the order, ... and then we suddenly learn that Haytham Kenway serves not the Assassin Order, but the Templar Order!

Part 4. Ganadazedon, 1760

Hide and seek
How to pass Part 1: Hide and Seek

Now we play as the son of an Indian girl Gazidzio, born of the Templar Haytham Kenway. Little five-year-old Radunhageidu (simply Connor) plays with his peers.

We run after other children into the forest. We start playing hide and seek. We draw lots, we remain to drive, the rest of the Indian children are hiding nearby. We need to find four of our friends.

We find all four friends. Now another child will be looking for, and we need to hide in any suitable place.

In a hidden place we are found by a detachment of Templars led by Charles Lee. We are deafened and we are left unconscious.

After some time, we wake up and run to the village. The village is ablaze, someone set it on fire. We run into the village, we enter big house in the center, we pass further. Having reached the closed door, we go to the right, go around the rocks, we pass into the house from the other side. Here our mother Gadzidzio is littered with wooden debris, she can no longer be saved.

Feathers and trees

9 years have passed. We are now playing the grown-up Indian Connor.

We need to run through the trees in search of bird feathers. We climb to a high stump, and then to an inclined tree. Then we run along the branches and stones, the hero himself will find a suitable path. We linger on a log above the water, here our friend will fall into the water, you need to help him get out.

After that, we start directly searching for feathers.

We move along the rocks to the right side, climb to the very top, get an eagle feather. An eagle flies in and throws us down, we fall into a stack of grass. (After that, you can walk on the ground, the additional assignment has already been completed. You can safely collect the remaining uncollected feathers, if any).

We approach a friend, finish the mission.

(Additional quests for collecting feathers have opened).

Hunting lessons
Assassin's Creed in America. Part 3: Hunting Lessons

We shoot from a bow to kill a hare from afar. We find a place for feeding hares, set a trap there. We go further, we find a bush with red berries, this is a hint that there is a deer nearby. We enter the tall bushes and imperceptibly approach the deer. We stay in the bushes, scatter the bait in front of us, hold down the left mouse button and wait for the deer to come closer. Let's refresh the deer, return to the hare traps, take the prey.

Now you need to independently obtain meat from five more animals.

1. Get three different species of animals.

We need to get meat from a hare, a fox, a deer.

2. Set up a trap with bait to catch the animal.

You need to combine the trap and bait. We set a trap, then we scatter the bait directly on it. The main thing is to keep the deer out of the trap, they will break the trap and eat the food. Only a hare or a fox can fall into the trap. It is best to set a bait trap at the right edge of the green area, where foxes are found and where deer do not enter.

3. Kill two animals in the air.

We are looking for a tree with many knots, climb up, climb onto a horizontal branch. We scatter the bait directly from the tree. We are waiting for the animals to come up, then we jump on them from above, inflicting a fatal blow (hold down the left mouse button).

After collecting five pieces of meat, we return to our friend Ganadogon.

Suddenly a bear appears. Quickly press the keys that appear on the screen to avoid the bear's blows. We quickly run out of the red zone on the minimap. We return to the village.

There will be something to remember
Assassin 3. Part 4: Something to Remember

We pass into the main building of the settlement of the Indians, we speak with the old shamaness Rhoda. The old woman gives us the artifact "Apple of Eden", a spirit appears in front of us.

We fly forward in the body of a bird, following the fiery bird.

The spirit tells us that we have to fight the Templars. To do this, you need to find a teacher who will teach the skills of the assassins.

Part 5. Frontier 1769

Assassin's Creed 3. Walkthrough site

(Additional missions of the society of tappers - hunters were opened).

We leave the village, walk to the goal. We fall into the Davenport estate. (Through the global map to the point, you can move instantly).

In an abandoned estate we find one of the assassins - the old man Achilles, but he refuses to help us and does not let us into the house. We go to the stable to spend the night. The next day we knock on all the doors of the house again, but to no avail. We return to the stable.

At night, robbers attack the house. We fight with them.

Achilles himself enters the battle and kills the robbers. After that, he still lets us into the house. We listen to the story of the confrontation between the Templars and Assassins. We go down to the basement and see a place for training.

Achilles' commission
Assassin's Creed 3. Passage of the game. A trip to boston

(Additional Boston Combat Missions have opened in the city.)

Together with Achilles we go to Boston to buy materials for the repair of the house. We go to the shop of mixed goods, buy goods for repair. You can go back to the merchant to sell all your hunting trophies and buy ammunition.

We leave the store, we notice that popular unrest is growing on the street. Among the crowd we notice the father - Haytem. We follow in the alley behind one of the Templars. We do not catch his eye, but we also do not lag behind much. Following the Templar, we climb onto the roof, strangle him from behind, as soon as he is about to shoot. It doesn't help, another Templar shoots from the other roof.

Now you need to quickly escape from the red zone shown on the minimap.

Especially dangerous
Assassin's Creed 3. Part 3: Boston's Most Wanted

We are registered as criminals (notoriety level 3), now the whole city is looking for us. You should not be afraid of ordinary residents, but it is better for the soldiers not to be seen, when they meet, they will immediately begin to attack us.

One of Achilles' assistants named Samuel Adams tells us how to get rid of his bad reputation. First you need to run through the streets and tear flyers with our image from the walls.

We tear off a couple of posters, we break away from the chase (the red zone should disappear on the minimap). After that we return to Samuel.

Samuel shows another way to lower the wanted level - we give the money to the herald, he convinces all residents that it is us who need to be looked for.

After that, we go together with Samuel to the entrance to the basement.

Lay down to the bottom

Through the basement we find ourselves in a system of underground tunnels. The whole of Boston is enveloped in such tunnels. In total, there are 10 different exits from the tunnels. If one day we find some way out, then next time we can quickly move to this point.

This time we need to reach the nearest door. It is indicated by the target, so you won't be able to get lost. At the end of the path we open the lock, go out to the surface.

Fighting the seal

Samuel reveals another effective way to lower the wanted level. To do this, we need to visit a printing workshop. Hand-to-hand we deal with two guards at the door, we enter the workshop. Here we pay money to the printer so that he distorts the information on the printed leaflets.

Reputation management training completed. Together with Samuel we go to the port. We approach the captain (anchor sign on the mini-map), on the global map, select the point where we want to sail. We will sail to the Davenport estate.

Return of the prodigal son

We go into the estate. For the fact that we alone remained alive in the city, Achilles gives us a new weapon - the hidden blade.

Rescue on the river
Assassin's Creed 3. Passage of the game. River rescue

A man knocks on the window. We go out into the street, we run with him to the river in order to save one more person. In the river we see a man on a log who is carried away by the current. We run over stones and fallen trees to catch up with the log.

We save the person, after that we get to know both. These are the woodcutters Terry and Godfrey. They will be our first workers. The timber they produce will help rebuild the estate.

Start date

We enter the house on the shore. Inside we are met by a drunken captain, Robert Faulkner. He has a destroyed ship "Aquila", which we have to repair.

We return to the estate. Achilles hands us the ledger (ledger). With the help of the book, we can distribute the extracted resources to various buildings. This time, in the "Stocks" section, we take the wood obtained by two lumberjacks, and in the "Trade" section we send it by a cart to the captain.

We are not looking for easy ways
Assassin 3. Passage of the game. Part 5: The Hard Way

Several months passed. The ship "Aquila" has been completely restored, it's time to run it in.

We come to the coast to the captain, we sit on the ship. We get up at the helm and sail forward. Learning to steer a ship and steer the sails.

We sail to the port. We enter the tavern in search of new sailors. The captain will buy guns and hire two gunners.

We go out to sea again. On old ships that have run aground, we train the ability to shoot cannons. Shot with side guns - left mouse button, shot from falconets (more accurate but low-power guns) - right button mice.

We swim back to our native coast, but on the way we meet enemy English ships. We are entering a sea battle.

Mission Complete. We return to the estate. Achilles is finally giving us the real assassin's robe.

Assassin's Creed 3. Power Source 1 - New York

Desmond disconnects from the Animus. Now the time has come to act independently, and not remember the exploits of the ancestors. Assistant Sean reports that he found another artifact (energy source) in one of the skyscrapers of Manhattan. We leave for New York.

We land on the next building. Here you need to climb to the very top. We climb onto the crane boom at the very top of the building. From here, with a parachute (opened by pressing any button), we jump down onto the helipad of the skyscraper. We take away the source of energy. We meet here a renegade assassin working for the Templars. He can't stop us. We return to the cave.

Inside the cave, we jump over to the platform to the left of the locked energy gates. We rise along the rubble of stairs to the third floor, insert the energy source into the connector on a special panel. This opens up another room in the cave. It is not possible to go there yet, there will be a need for a second source of energy, which is not yet available.

We approach the Animus (a small red armchair), again returning to the history of the Indian Connor.

Part 6. Davenport Estate 1773

Before completing the main missions, you can bypass the surrounding lands and complete all the additional missions of the estate:

Encyclopedia common man - inspect (key "F") working people living around.

Silent hunter- after completion, the hunter Miriam joins us, she will get hunting trophies for us: skins, meat.

Carver's weapon- after completion, a master carpenter joins us, who can produce barrels and boxes from the mined timber.

On the trail of Johnson
Assassin's Creed 3. Walkthrough. On Johnson's Trail

The Indian Ganadogan comes to the estate and reports about the trouble in the native village of the protagonist - the Indians are forced to leave their lands, since they were bought by a certain William Johnson.

We go to the port at the estate, sail to Boston. We meet Samuel Adams, from him we learn about our goal. On the way, we see a man defending his home from the military and tax collectors. We help the villager and engage in battle with the soldiers.

We reach the pub, get acquainted with the person who was helped, this is the chef Stefan Schafo. Samuel tells the story of the villain Johnson, who trades in additional tax collection, smuggling, selling tea and buying up the surrounding land.

We go to the port to destroy the contraband cargo of our enemy.

Cook in anger
Assassin's Creed 3. The Angry Chef

In the house of our new acquaintance, the chefs have staged a pogrom, now he goes out into the street and takes revenge on all the soldiers he meets. An angry chef with a huge kitchen cleaver in his hand is a terrible thing.

We follow the chef and try to calm him down, or rather, we help to deal with the soldiers.

Additional mission assignments:

1. Do not participate in collisions for more than 15 seconds.

2. Limit of lost health Shafo: 30%.

3. Commit five stealth kills.

We choose a hidden blade as the main weapon, a musket as an additional weapon. We go in front of the cook, we kill the groups of two soldiers ourselves (hold down the left mouse button, then approach the enemies at close range, the hero will quietly kill both). We approach large groups of enemies simultaneously with the cook, kill two enemies with a hidden blade, the third with a musket shot, and finish off the rest in a team with the cook. The collision time will be counted only when killing other enemies, but there will be only two such large groups on the way, 15 seconds should be enough to kill them.

At the end of our bloody journey, the chef Stefan Schafo enters the market and kills the main villain who runs the sale of contraband.

For completing the mission, the killer recruit Stefan joins us. Now at any moment of the game you can call him for help by pressing the "T" key.

After completing the main mission, you can complete additional missions to free the city from the oppression of the authorities.

1. After completing all the tasks for the liberation in the northern district of Boston, we get a recruit-bodyguard (helps to escape from pursuit).

2. Having completed all the tasks for the liberation in the central district of Boston, we get the opportunity to cause a riot of the townspeople (the townspeople will distract our enemies).

3. After completing all the tasks for the liberation in the southern district of Boston, we get a recruit-sniper (quietly kills the selected target).

By holding down the "T" key, you can choose the type of help your recruits and use in battle.

Tea drinking
Assassin's Creed 3. Walkthrough site

We continue to destroy the business of our enemy - William Johnson. This time we need to drown all the tea on the merchant's ship in water ( historical event: Boston Tea Party of 1773 - the reason for the start of the American Revolution).

We approach the ship, we deal with 15 soldiers of the guard.

We go aboard, together with the assistants we begin to throw boxes of tea overboard, we destroy constantly arriving soldiers.

Additional mission assignments:

1. Throw 10 boxes of tea into the water.

We begin to throw boxes before the appearance of enemies (press "E" to raise the box, then "space" to throw it).

2. Throw 3 British soldiers into the water.

We meet the soldier on the pier or on the bridge, stand with our backs to the water, wait for the soldier to hit us, during the strike we counterattack (press "E" and then "space") - the hero will throw the soldier over himself directly into the water.

3. Make one kill with a musket in the air (a musket can be obtained from enemies, we jump on them directly from the side and attack in the air).

The musket is a long gun for the military. The musket can be picked up from the soldiers or taken from the stand on the ship. With a musket, we climb any hill, the easiest way is to fence the side of the ship, press the left mouse button to jump from a height and stab the enemy with the tip of the musket in the fall.

As soon as all the boxes with tea are overboard, the mission will be completed. Johnson's business is ruined.

Aggressive negotiations
AC3. Passage. Hostile Negotiations

6 months have passed. Ganadogan again comes to the estate and reports that Johnson is again trying to seize the land of the Indians. "Negotiations" are going on right now between the merchant and the Indians, we must intervene in this matter.

We get to the Frontier area, we find Ganadogan. He shows us where the negotiations are taking place. It remains to move to the other side of the bay. We go a little to the right, carefully jump off the rocks, we approach the water.

We reach the house in front of which the Indians are sitting and Johnson is standing.

Additional mission assignments:

1. Imperceptibly get close to Johnson.

From the hill we go down to the right, climb the stairs to the roof of the house. Select Johnson as a target and jump down (left mouse button).

2. Prevent the killing of more than one Indian.

You need to approach the house from the back, closer to the stairs. After that, a game video will start, where Johnson communicates with the Indians. If you skip the video, the hero will continue the game from another place - in the bushes on the hill. From this place it is very difficult to have time to kill Johnson before his shot. If you watch the video to the end, then we will continue the game from where we really reached. From here we quickly climb the stairs, from the roof we jump onto Johnson even before his shot.

We kill Johnson. After that, you need to hide from the crime scene.

Achievement "Honorary reader of the site"
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Achievement "Honorary Sponsor Site"
For those who are especially generous, there is an opportunity to transfer money to the account of the site. In this case, you can influence the choice new topic for an article or passage.

Loss and find

Remembrance 1

Task: The man was arrested for stealing food. Show compassion for the poor fellow. 100% S - Steal the key from the guard's pocket. New armor items have become available in the forge - NARUCH AZAPA... Now let's start recruiting new recruits. We go to the ZhM. If you want to do everything quietly, then climb onto the roof of the house closest to the green area. Eagle's Sense - V- define your goal. Do not forget that guards' escort routes often run over rooftops. Choose the moment when the captain is not looking in our direction and we go down to him closer on the rope. On the left side of the building on which we are standing, below, there is a small group of people talking - go down to them. When the captain is level with you, wait for him to turn away and steal the key - Space when walking... After the perfect theft, you can run straight to the pier. If you are not lazy, you can swim a little.

We run to the next NF. One of the unique features of the game allows Ezio to appoint the Commander of the new base himself. Remember that after the Assassin is appointed commander of the base, he will forever remain tied to this base, so take this into account when assigning. Base commanders can gain the rank of Master Assassin by completing a number of unique missions with you. After the assignment, talk to the student and begin the next flashback.

Remembrance 2
Sentinel, part I

Task: This student is worried about some suspicious activity in this block. Listen to him. 100% S - Use your signal at least 1 time. We run on ZhM. To synchronize, you need to kill at least one Templar by calling the Assassin - T... Let's get started. One Byzantine is located below, the second is on the ledge of the roof (on which we are standing), and the third is located on the neighboring building (and just above the second). We call our assassin to the third Templar, kill the second with a hidden blade, and finish the lower one with a speed-kill.

Next, using Eagle Sense, investigate the area for suspicious activity. We approach the corpse on the bench, then to the pool of blood.

Remembrance 3
Guild contracts

Task: Send your student on a contract assignment to gain experience. Now we will get acquainted with the mini-game "Defense of the Mediterranean". It will allow us to send the Assassin on missions in various cities of the region with the aim of undermining the position of the Templars there and ultimately completely freeing the city from their influence. When the city is recaptured from the Templars, the Assassins can establish their permanent base there and gain access to the city's development opportunities. Templar agents will try to recapture their lost cities and may even launch a massive attack if you do not strengthen your influence in the captured cities. Defense consists of several stages.
1. Choosing a city. V this example, one city is available - Bursa. In the future, there will be much more cities. When choosing a city, pay attention to the number of contracts and the percentage of its capture by the Templars.

2. Choosing a mission. Now we have only one mission available - Little Prince... On the field on the right, pay attention to the indicators of the difficulty level - 3 out of 6, the experience gained, after successful completion - +13500, the indicator of the mission time is unknown, and the reward - -15% control of the Templars in this city.

3. Choosing the assassin (s) to complete the mission. At this stage, it depends on us whether the mission will be successful, or we will fail and our agent will die. In order to correctly distribute the forces for the fulfillment of the contract, pay attention to the indicator - the probability of success. If, when choosing an assassin, the indicator calculates a 100% performance forecast, then you can safely send him on this mission. If this percentage is significantly lower, I can say with more confidence that you sent him to his death. Several assassins can be sent on a mission, increasing the success of the implementation. I advise you to send one (or several) experienced assassins and one beginner on difficult missions. In this way, a new recruit will pump experience much faster.

4. And the final stage is the confirmation of the mission. At any stage, you can cancel any of your actions; after confirming the mission, nothing can be changed.
After the end of training, we run to the beginning of the fragment.

Remembrance 4
Bomb making

Task: The Assassins now control the Imperial North Base and Yusuf has calmed down a bit. Learn more about how to craft bombs before moving on Now let's study the technology for making our own bombs. There are three classes of bombs: lethal, tactical and diversionary... Each class has its own characteristics. For example, flying bombs are used to kill. A tactical bomb is used primarily to disrupt an enemy attack. A sabotage bomb is used to distract attention. To make bombs, loot corpses and caches with bombs to pick up hulls, gunpowder and find the very filling for the bombs. The bomb making process consists of several stages.

1. We choose the class of the bomb we need. For an example of creation, we select a lethal class.

2. The first thing we can choose from is the bomb body. In the description for each case, you can get acquainted with their key features. Some kind of bomb will bounce and explode 3 seconds after the first bounce off the ground, and some will explode immediately after touching a hard surface. For now, we choose a case with a fuse.

3. After choosing the case, let's proceed to the choice of gunpowder. There are three types of gunpowder available. Differences in the range of the bomb.

4. We select the key component - the filling of our bomb. At this stage, you can make a bomb of an explosive or, for example, a poisonous nature.

5. At this stage, you can test the result of our efforts.

6. And if we are satisfied with the collected bomb, we can put it on the "conveyor" and create, without resorting to this editor, two more pieces.

After training, on the advice of Yusuf, go to the bazaar to the master Piri and find out where Paul's shop was.

Remembrance 5
Familiar face

Task: The site where Paul's shop used to be may contain clues as to the location of Masyaf's keys. Take a close look at this area this area and look for secrets Fate brings Sofia and me once again. Using her generosity, inspect the next room with Eagle's Sense.

Remembrance 6
Basilica cistern

Task: Through a secret door in Sofia's shop, Ezio entered the underground cistern in which the Templars were in charge. Look closely at the tank, but be careful ... 100% S - Stay unnoticed. Synchronization will not be easy to achieve. But bombs will help us a lot in this. So let's get started. We jump along the beams to the right column with scaffolding and from it to the ZhM. We go down and we will collect ourselves some bombs. During the passage, all three classes were used, the composition can be viewed below:

After we have filled our pockets of bombs, let's proceed to the passage of the halls. There will be plenty of guards, so just starting to pass below is pure suicide. We kill the Byzantine closest to us and climb up through the forests. From above, the commander's route of movement is perfectly observed.

Next, jump to the nearest canopy and get ready to throw bombs. I advise you to carry out the attack in three stages. At the first stage, with the approaching commander, throw a decoy bomb. After everyone is gathered in one place, throw a smoke bomb (by doing this, delay for a moment those who have already examined the place and buy yourself a little time for the third stage). As soon as you guess the bomb bounce, throw a lethal bomb into the general pile. When the smoke clears everyone will be dead. We jump further along the top. Having a key, we need to break through two guards - you can use a sound bomb a little further from their post. We jump onto the boxes and into the door.

In the next hall, be sure to replenish the supply of bombs and run further. Let's try to pass quietly here too. Jump to the first beam and prepare the bombs. We will act in the same way as in the first room, in three stages: first, a decoy bomb, then we throw a smoke bomb and finish off a lethal one. After this attack, only two Byzantines survived and they work with a hammer. Finish them off and climb the ledges of the column to the top, where you can pull down another Templar.

Climb the stone stairs, kill the Byzantine with a hidden blade, two more Templars can be poisoned with poison darts. And at the end of our wanderings in this hall we finish off the commander. If there are darts left, you can kill from a distance, or wait until he looks in our direction and you can jump over the awnings and kill him with a speed-kill from the air. In the next room, be sure to replenish the supply of bombs and kill the Templar, which is at the distant gate, you can use bombs.

In the next room, define the captain with Eagle's Sense and can be used like our favorite bombs, in three stages, or top beams, on the opposite side from us and poison the captain with a dart.

Remains only in last room Identify the secret door with Eagle's Sense and collect the key to the library in Masiafe.

Remembrance 7
One good turn deserves another

Task: Having found one of the keys of Masyaf and a map of Constantinople, completely covered with strange symbols, Ezio decided to return to Sophia's shop and show her his findings. Not knowing the true goals and about our secret struggle, Sofia agrees to help in exchange for ancient books, which should lead to other keys to Altair's library.

Remembrance 8
Mentor keeper

Task: The Templar Crusaders attacked Masiaf. Fight your way to the fortress and save Al-Mualim. 100% S - Rescue all endangered civilians To synchronize, help all your comrades in battle. After the cutscene, climb up the ledges on the right, throw off the Templar and jump into the haystack. Without getting out of the stack, kill two enemies and run to the left. Climb up the ledges to the roof. A beautiful view opens up from it and there is an opportunity to make a speed-kill.

Remembrance 9
Gypsy curse

Task: A group of Byzantine Templars stole a chest of gypsy gold. Poison everyone who dares to touch the chest, and give the impression that the chest is cursed. 100% S - Poison the guards carrying the stolen chest from the crowd of gypsies. The task is simple, get to the blue marker by hiring a group of gypsies, I advise you not to get involved in a battle, but to act silently. Next, follow the guards with the chest and try not to leave the "gypsy circle". As soon as you are level with the guard holding the chest (it is still marked with CM), go closer to him with the gypsies and pierce him with a poisoned click. After that, move some distance with your group. Repeat the murder operation until the chest is in your hands.

Remembrance 10
Sentinel, part II

Task: One of our base commanders has obtained information on a former assassin known as the Watcher. It's time to deal with this traitor. 100% S - Track down the prisoners while remaining undetected. We learn from our student about the capture of the assassins. We run to the blue markers. You cannot get involved in a fight, all kinds of murders must be quiet, otherwise you will break the synchronization. There will be a guard next to each captured assassin. I advise you not to get involved in battle with them, but to incite a group of thieves on them - they are located not far from each blue marker.

We learn about another trick of Vali and run on the GM. On the way, you can help our assassins in battle near the tower, where we trained somersaults. We run after Vali, watch his death.

From impressive list achievements available in Assassin's Creed 3 stand out achievement "Completionist"... It serves as a crown on the head of the "winning player" who managed to go through fire, water and copper pipes: visit all accessible corners of the game world and complete all the tasks invented by the developers from Ubisoft (including where to look in the Epilogue). The whole difficulty of obtaining the achievement lies in the series of trials that Connor must overcome throughout the game. This is the milestone after which there is absolutely nothing to do in AC3 (apart from the multiplayer mode), since all possible tasks and conditions will be met. Undoubtedly, not everyone strives to complete the game in order to see the coveted numbers on the statistics screen. But there are those who do their best to achieve the goal in pursuit of a 100% result. Even if the reward is ephemeral or in the form of STEAM badges. For full passage the game you need to have a licensed copy of Assassin's Creed 3: some tasks require.

The maximum DNA score is 17070 points.

List of requirements for the achievement "Meticulous" in Assassin's Creed 3:

  • Complete all story missions, and in the epilogue (license required).
  • Pass and train them to the level of assassins.
  • Uncover Captain Kidd's secret and find his treasure ().
  • Complete all assassination contracts in New York, Boston, and the Frontier.
  • Complete everything for New Yorkers, Bostonians, and Frontier.
  • , capturing three different actions of y.
  • Pass tests and, and.
  • in New York and Boston,

Refresher Course

We watch the video. So, we find ourselves Desmond with the guys in the forest. We pass into the cave, where we install the equipment.

Assassin's Creed 3 Walkthrough

Before the start of the game, we will have a little training in Amnimus. After that, we carry out a simple mission to kill a man in the theater and go by ship to the New World. While sailing, you can try yourself in the Fanoron and Mill minigames. We carry out several introductory missions on the ship and, finally, we find ourselves in Boston in the 18th century. Here we are met by Charles Lee, who brings us up to date. The first task is to return Benjamin Franklin to his lost almanac. You will have to run after them throughout the city. Almost immediately we take the second assignment from Johnson. To complete the quest, you need to attack the mercenary outpost. Then we take one more task, which is to hire another person to join our team. To do this, you first need to find and free Dr. Church.

Next, we move to Li in the military regiment. Here we need to find a certain Pitcairn. He refuses to cooperate with us. We return to the city, where the new mission "Infiltration into Southgate" begins. We climb onto the roof and dive from there onto the cart. We change into military uniforms and so we enter the closed fort. Here we need to kill Cyrus.

After that, the plot of the game takes us three months ahead. We need to get to the Frontier and find Charles here, so that we can then go in search of the Indian girl. She leads us to the camp. After that, we go with her to the outpost. It is necessary to sneak into this settlement unnoticed and complete the accompanying missions.

Again we move in time for five months ahead and pass the mission "Braddock's Expedition". The main task of the mission is to attack the expedition and kill its leader. Next, we go through the "Hide and Seek" mission, in which we have to play not for our usual character, but for the son of an Indian girl. The mission is simple, you just need to find four children with whom the child plays hide and seek. After her on the plot, we will find ourselves even further in the future. Now we have to play as a fourteen-year-old Indian boy. The main task of the mission is to find a certain number of birds. The essence of the mission "Hunting Lessons" is clear from the name. In it, you need to kill a hare from a bow from afar. The mission "There will be something to remember" allows you to transform into a bird and make a dizzying flight.

Then we find ourselves in 1769. In the Frontier, we have to find the old man Achilles and try to persuade him to teach us the skills of the art of assassins. We get a refusal and go to carry out additional missions. In the mission "Assignment of Achilles" we carry out a small task of the old man and get his consent. Almost immediately after that, you find yourself on the list of especially dangerous criminals and learn to live with a bad reputation. The name of the mission "Rescue on the River" speaks for itself. Use a log to pull the drowning person out of the water. Fast forward a few more months and test the ship "Aquilla". Finally, we return to our time and disconnect from Amnimus. We carry out several simple tasks here.

Back in the past again. This time to the city of Davenport in 1773. We follow Johnson's trail, help the Angry Chef, continue to destroy our enemies in the Tea Party, and conduct Aggressive Negotiations. Time takes us forward again to 1775. The situation here is much more tense, the freedom fighters have organized themselves into an armed army and are now actively persecuting supporters of the monarchy. Your first task is to go around all the surrounding villages and warn about the appearance of British troops. After that, of course, you yourself will have to take part in armed clashes between the two sides.

In anticipation that "War is impending", we get a new task - to find and kill the Templar Pirkern, the very one with whom we talked at the very beginning of the game. After we return to the rebel camp and take part in one of the most full-scale battles of our era - the "Battle of Bunker Hill". Here we will have the opportunity to kill the Templar from the air. After the task is completed, we find ourselves in New York in 1776. Here we meet with our informant and track down the counterfeiter. Further in new location we go to "Bridewell Prison" as a prisoner. We are trying to pull off the murder of our enemy here. We fail and go to death. Allies who arrived on time save us from a sad outcome. This concludes our stay in New York and we leave for Philadelphia. Here we are met by Achilles, and together with the old man we witness the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Moving back to our time. We are going to Brazil to find a new source of energy. We return to Amnimus and find ourselves in Davenport in 1777. We pass the mission "The Lost Cargo", in which we have to meet with George Washington and find the missing carts. In the mission "Father and Son" we meet with Haytem in New York. We move across the roofs to the building in which Benjamin Church is located.

Then we go with a guide to the brewery, fight off an ambush, try to find Church, but he is no longer here. We pass the mission "Bitter experience", in which we have to go in search of Church that sailed into the Caribbean and kill him. We travel back in time to 1778 and find ourselves in Davenport. We pass "Alternative methods"
and Berm captured by the commanders of the British army. We take them to the interrogation room. We leave for the field camp to George Washington and find out that our village is about to be attacked. We try to prevent the bloody massacre and kill all the messengers carrying military orders and neutralize the most aggressive Indians. We decide to kill Chalz Lee, as he continues to incite the village to revolt. We jump to the field camp again in order to have time to take part in the "Battle of Monmouth". We move to our time and leave the Animus. We carry out the task of freeing the father from the den of enemies. Serving in 1781 at Davenport. We take part in the "Chesapeake Battle" and "The Last Battle of Lee". We find ourselves in New York in 1782, we come to Haytham's funeral, we find Charles Lee here. We are trying to find out where he disappeared. We arrange a pursuit of Lee, we track him down to Boston. We use eagle sight to find him in the city. As a result, we go to the ship where Charles is. We sit down with him at the same table and quickly kill the enemy.

We are moving to our time. We find the key, go to the cave and install the energy sources. We insert the artifact found at Charles in transparent wall in the center of the cave.

Completed the game.

A few examples of completing the Boston Tea Party missions:

(watch from the 1st minute).

An example of the passage of the mission "The war is coming:

(watch from the beginning)

"Battle of the Chesapeake:

(watch from the 2nd minute).

Passage of "The last battle of Charles":

(watch from the 1st minute).

A deadly performance

So, we continue to be in the virtual world. Now we have changed into the clothes of that time. Moving forward. Before us will immediately build the world. We go to the theater. We find our place in the hall and sit down. The show begins. We get up and move to the left. Then we climb the stairs to the ledge, from it we go to the right, we rise even higher, to the balcony.


We move along the beam to the right, then even higher and again along the edge of the balcony to the right, then along the ledge even higher and again to the right, to an empty balcony.

We jump onto the balcony and left. We need to break the door with a master key. We hack and go in. With a running start, we jump onto the hanging sign and go down.


We jump from it to the ledge to the left and go to the stairs. Then we jump onto the hanging month and from it also onto the beam on the left. We move to the left and climb onto the ledge that leads to the door. Next is the video. At the right time, press the key and kill the old man.

We go down the stairs. Then to the right along the corridor and then to the left, towards the crowd and turn right behind the red curtains. We pass to the other end of the balcony and go out into the corridor, where we turn left again and go down the stairs, then left and straight, and then right and leave the theater. Basically, the point you need is indicated on the map, be guided by it. Next is the video.

Journey to the New World

We watch the video, then we fight on the ship with the sailor.


We will learn to disarm the enemy and fight. Then follows the pilot into the cabin. Video clip. Now we go down to the tier below the stairs and run to the table. Press the action key and the video again. After the video we go to James and talk to him. Then we run to the barrel, after which we run out to the karma of the ship. The ship gets caught in a storm. We run to the stick and tie the rope tighter. Then to the second rope. We tie it up too. Next, we climb up the grid to the mast. We approach the edge and cut the rope to unfurl the sails.

Welcome to boston

After the video, we move forward along the pier. A point is marked on the map. We get to her. Again the video. After the video, we go to the store.


He will be there. We buy a sword and a pistol. After the store, we get on a horse and follow our friend. We reach the desired point and that's it.

Johnson "s Errand

We watch the video and follow to the table, where we are introduced to Johnson. After the feast we talk with Johnson. Then we go down and go outside. We go to the gate and again the roller. Now we kill the guard and take the point. We rise along the ledge above and kill the rest of the soldiers. Again the video. Next, we learn how to shoot a rifle. We shoot at the target at the carriage and a small explosion.


The gate is broken. We run forward, then we select the necessary thing, but again the video. Then a fight. We kill enemies. At the gate again we fight with the enemies. We kill them and run to the house by the field. We are fighting enemies again. Then we kill enemies on the roof of the house with rifles. Then the video.

In the house we rise to Johnson and talk to him. Next, the video and go out into the street. We drive into the city, after the video. Now, applying the skills of parkour, we run to the church. We get to the very cross of the church and inspect the territory.


After that we jump into the haystack. Points are now marked on the map. We reach them and eavesdrop on the conversation of the guards. There are 3 points in total.

Then, together with Lee, we run to the mark on the map. We reach the pier and carefully carry out the theft from the guard. Next is the video. We find ourselves in the barn. Again we steal the necessary thing from the guards, and then we kill them, freeing our man.

After the video, follow Lee. We go along the pier. Next, we follow the specified detachment. We just track it, but don't get too close. We watch until the video starts. Then we run after the detachment and a mass mess begins. We kill enemies and watch the video.

Infiltrating Southgate

We pass through the door we need. We rise to the top floor of the tavern. Now the video. Next, we need to carefully kill 13 targets. Climb to the roof and higher and start shooting people. Our guys will immediately attack the soldiers. Continue shooting from above.


Next, we free the girl in the video and run to the camp. Next, we find the general in the camp and kill him. There is nothing complicated. Try to watch for the moment when he will be alone. Further on the map, 3 points are marked where we must free the prisoners.


The first two are on the territory of the camp, but the next one is already on the ship. Next we have a video. Now the game is in our hands. We will need to cover ourselves with the body of one of the soldiers so that all the bullets fly into him. Next, we fight the enemies in the camp. Then everyone will get confused and start hitting themselves. But, the most interesting thing is that you don't have to participate in the mess. Just run towards the marker on the target. We reach the video.

Winter came. We go into the house. We are all in the same cabaret. We communicate with Johnson. Now we can open the map and view the world map and use fast travel. We make it immediately to the goal we need. We reach Li and get on a horse. We get to the goal and make our way through the thickness of the snow. We find the same girl, but the wolves are stepping on her. Then we run after her.


She deftly runs through the trees, and we follow her. Next, we kill the wolves. To do this, at the time of their jump, press in turn the 2 keys indicated on the screen. We catch up with her. Video clip. Her name is Jio.


Execution is Everything

We start the mission with Dzio. Video clip. Further, through the storm we make our way to our goal. To get to the camp, climb into the carriage, which stands at the checkpoint by the road. And you can easily get to the camp. We need to sabotage. Next, we eavesdrop on the conversation of two soldiers, after which we go in search of a map, but before that we can disable two guns so that they themselves explode later. After all the work, we leave the fort and return to Dzio.

The braddock expedition

We are watching the video. It's a wonderful summer heat outside. We jump to the goal and meet with Dzio. The group and I are sitting in ambush. We need to kill the enemies in their small camp. There are two guards who depart from the camp to the gorge. You can kill them silently, and then attack the enemies. We clean the camp and the video. We change again.

Now let's jump to Braddock. After a short video, we jump to the goal. We need to kill Braddock. We gallop after him until his horse falls.


We are watching the video. So, we are back in the present in the role of Desmond himself. Well, let's get into the animus and let's go. So now we are in the role of an Indian. We run into the forest with the guys. We start playing hide and seek. So, we’ll track the guys. Analyze the footprints nearby and we will be shown on the map the area that needs to be explored. After reaching it, investigate the tracks again and so on, until the territory is compacted and we find the first boy at the rocks. Next, we again study the tracks at one of the circles so that it narrows, then we go to its center, again we study the tracks and find two small ones at once in a stack of grass and branches.

We go to the center of the remaining circle and study the tracks. The circle narrows, go to its center and study the tracks again. We find it in a haystack as well. We return to the tree. Now we will have to hide. There are many places on the map where we need to hide. Run as far as possible and jump somewhere until the cutscene starts. Familiar heroes meet us. We return to our village, but it is all on fire. We pass forward, remove the stick that blocks the path.

We reach the shack, but the door is closed. We must go around it on the right, behind a stone. Then we remove the sticks at the feet.


To do this, press the key indicated on the screen, but nothing will come of it. Sadness, sadness, emotions. We leave mom and run away.

Feathers and Trees

We have already grown considerably. Now we will be taught how to move quickly through the trees. Nothing complicated. Our old friend is with us. Climbing higher, you can explore the territory. We run to the goal, but our friend will fall into the water. We help him. We climb a steep cliff and to the nest, where we will find ourselves an eagle feather, however, the bird will scare us and we will fall down. Fortunately, fell into a haystack.


We need to find three more feathers. On the map, nests are marked with a feather icon, where we can find them. We just have to get to them. We collect them and return to our friend.

Hunting Lessons

Nothing complicated. We will be taught to hunt, as well as skin the caught prey. Help will help you figure out a simple task anyway. Hunt simpler animals like deer, hares, etc. First, we kill a hare and butcher it, then a deer. Now we need to kill five more animals ourselves. Then a bear will attack us. We press the necessary keys on the screen, and also use the bow to drive it away. We return to the village.

Something to Remember

Beginning a Conversation with the Elder. After the video we will be an eagle. We fly ahead of the spirit. We fly until the video starts.

We left our village and went on a free journey. We go to the goal on the map. We reach the house and start the mission.


Video clip. After the video, we run to the barn and stay here. We go to bed, and in the morning we knock on the door again. Then we rise to the balcony and enter the house. We go to the barn again, and at night we will meet strange guys here. Next is a fight. We kill enemies.

A trip to boston

6 months have passed. Winter. We sit down in the carriage and go to the city. We follow the old man. After the video, we climb onto the roof of the house and get to our point on the map. We go inside and buy everything we need. We return to Achilles. We follow him. Now our goal is, heck, let's not reveal all the secrets. We chase one of the guys and kill him. Further in the video, our father will point to us.

Now we need to run away as quickly as possible. Get out of the risk zone and sit in a haystack or bush.

Boston "s Most Wanted

We reach the goal on the map and start the mission. We are now the most wanted guy in Boston. We need to find 2 posters and tear them out.


After a couple of fights and finding posters, we accompany Sam to the basement.

We are watching the video. Then we run to the goal on the map. We go into the house and again the video. We read the diary. So, we will be taught to purchase the necessary goods, bargain, etc. immediately buy wood to repair the ship. Six months have passed. Summer. It is beautiful here, and in general it is beautiful. More colors. Yes, not about that.


We swim towards the goal. Using the B key, we can open all the sails or close them halfway. Wind direction is also important during steering. Open your sails in the wind, of course. If the wind blows from left to right, then keep the rudder to the left so that the ship does not turn around. In general, it is interesting and simple to operate the ship.

We swim to the desired place and video. After the cutscene, we control the ship again. Further, it is even more interesting, since we will be taught to shoot cannons, or rather, to issue orders to fire cannons. After training, we sail to the goal, and on the way we will have to fight on the water with a British patrol ship. Real pirates caribbean... At the moment when we are fired upon, press the key to squat. We destroy the enemy ships and then the video.

Desmond on the skyscraper

We are watching the video. We play for Desmond himself. We are back in the present. Nothing complicated. We go up the stairs, then to the right, and through all kinds of pipes we make our way along the only road that exists. There will be no branches as such.

After all the actions we will get out onto the balcony. We are very high up. We jump to the yellow beam on the right. Then we climb up. Further along the construction site, we rise higher and higher. At one point, you will have to jump onto a hanging beam. Do not be afraid, jump, after that we jump further, forward and rise higher. Our goal is the crane.


After the cutscene, we jump with a parachute and land on the adjacent roof on the helicopter platform.

Oh Johnson "s Trail

So now we are in our suit. We follow Sam. Next is the video, after which we fight the enemies. Then we follow to the marker indicated on the map. Then we have a video. We reach the pier and three points appear on the map at once. We need to destroy the cargo with explosives at each point. This is easy to do. Take a keg with explosives and roll it to the load, then shoot at it.


Then we kill three carriers of the cargo and that's it.

We are watching the video. We follow our partners. On the way we kill the guards. For 100% synchronization, it is desirable that his life does not fall below 50 percent, and we do not come into conflict every 15 seconds. We continue our joint path, killing enemies, until the cutscene begins.

Watching the video again. Next, we kill the guards. There are 15 of them in total. After their murder, another video. Next, you need to get on the ship and throw out 10 boxes of tea.For 100 percent synchronization, you should also throw three guards overboard. We are waiting for the indicator on the left to fill up to 100. During this time, we defend ourselves and complete the remaining additional goals.

Hostile Negotiations

We watch the video. We find ourselves in the forest and run to a point on the map.


Again the video. We run again to the point on the map. Move from the cliff along trees and bars. The goal is one - to kill Johnson. This is easy to do. You don't have to kill everyone. Climb onto the roof of the house where he stands with a tree and kill him while jumping down. Easy. True, now we have to kill the rest and leave the red circle on the map.

The midnight ride


We run into the green circle on the map and jump to the farm and just below. Find desired house... Then again the video. Next, we ride a horse again. This time, Jump to the second green circle on the map. Then we jump into the green circle again and find a boring house. Video clip. After the video, we need to get out and as soon as possible out of the yellow circle on the map, after which we run into the green circle and knock on the door again. Video clip.

Lexington and concord

Yes, you guessed it, again the movie. Next, we sit on the horse. We need to get the letter to Concorde in 3 minutes. Let's jump over the checkpoints on the map. We get there and watch the video. After the video, we will be given command of two military groups. We move from one to another on horseback. You can give only 2 orders.

Video clip. Here we now have large-scale hostilities. We sail to one of the ships on the map. We kill enemies on it, then we set explosives at the mast and we wind up in 10 seconds, but not very far.


Now we need to climb to the top of the central mast and change the flag, after which we boldly jump into the water.

Battle of bunker hill

So, we run to the battlefield and cross it. Next, we follow to a point on the map. We reach the red circle. We just need to kill John Pitcain. The easiest way to kill John is by jumping on top of him. Not far from him there is a tree from which you can jump onto a bar with a flag, and then onto John with a dagger.


Something on the Side

After watching the video, let's jump after Sam. Then we follow the specified goal. We follow until he meets with an accomplice. Then we follow them to eavesdrop on the conversation. We follow until the video begins. Then we catch up with the target we need and admire the video again.

Bridewell prison

We wake up in prison. How interesting. We eavesdrop on the conversation of two people through the hole in the wall. Then we go to bed. Waking up, we go downstairs and follow the indicated guard. Next, we sit down at the table to the guy who plays a board game.


We play a game with him and communicate at the same time. After we run upstairs to the messenger and return to our cell. On the trail. Day we inform the guy that the key is useless and does not work. Then we just start a fight and the zavorushka begins. Then again there is a video, they put us in a punishment cell, but we have a key to it. We open the door and get out. Then we go upstairs to kill Hickey, but he is not there, and we were caught.

Public Execution

We are led through an angry crowd, which, as we are sure, shouts something bad and throws poop. They are going to hang us in public. Achilles himself, our teacher, will save us. It remains for us to catch up and kill Hickey under the slowing down of time, which we will do. Further conversation and find ourselves at Achilles' house.

Desmond in the stadium

We find ourselves in Desmond's shoes. We leave the subway car. We are moving towards the exit from the metro.


It is dark outside. We avoid guards. Hiding in the bushes, etc. We won't have maps and other things. But it is difficult to get lost, since there is only one road to the stadium, just avoid the guards, because they are looking for us everywhere. Even posters hang with us. Then through the window we get out through the pipes through the stage with the ring we pass into another window opposite.

Here we have a video. We are chasing the guy now. We'll have to fight along the way. Then we run to the subway car. Back to our guys and the video.

Missing supplies

It's winter again. After the video, we sit on a horse and jump to a point on the map. We reach and again the video. We communicate with our father. Next, you need to overhear the conversation of a couple of guards, while you will have to move after them constantly through the trees.

Then we watch how our father is beaten. Naturally, let's go help him!