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How to deal with laziness? Psychologist's advice. Fighting laziness: simple tips from successful people

“I am the laziest person in the world,” I said to myself more than once. Because of my many years of laziness, I have not achieved much in my life. Very often I put off good undertakings “for tomorrow”, and “tomorrow” simply disappeared in time ... Her Majesty Laziness completely took possession of me, it was not easy to get rid of this infection!

Is this creature controlling you?!

How to overcome laziness

There are many tips on fighting this rubbish, I want to offer my own path to victory. Get angry at laziness as an enemy that takes your life! Make a firm decision to banish this toadstool from you and from your home! Believe me, after that you will want to get up from the couch and act.

My method of dealing with laziness:

Project, duration 21 days

It has been proven that if you decide to do something seriously, you need to do it exactly 21 days. Not 18,19,20 days, but strictly 21 days. After this period, a need and a habit arise.

First step

Put things in order in the house: get rid of rubbish, unnecessary things that pull you back. Unnecessary things, dirt, dust and cobwebs - this is the realm of Sloth. Idleness does not get along where everything is clean and everything is in its place. Both in the house and in the head. How to do it - written in the article

Second step

Do exercises daily, only 10 minutes, but daily! Plus, a contrast shower is a cool thing, it invigorates perfectly. This will help restore your strength, replenish energy reserves. This is one of the reasons why a person is lazy, he lacks physical strength. Light physical activity is something like warming up a car engine before a long journey.

Example: you are a homebody and watch your favorite series in the evenings. If you have a home simulator, then you can combine business with pleasure: watch a series and “peddle” at the same time! Or do self-massage (massage hands, feet, face).

Third step

Planning. Make a plan for the day, week or month. Write down on paper! It is very important. You will not forget anything and will enjoy when you put a plus in front of the item that the goal has been achieved. This is very motivating for further action.

Big deal

You can't jump right into something big. Our enemy must be fought in small steps, but every day. If we need to do a big job, then it is better to break it into several parts. Because when we see a big task ahead of us, it seems to us that it is impossible.

As a result, it may turn out that we constantly put it off until later, as a result, we can completely forget about it.

Example: you have been going to study for a long time English language. Start today! Memorize 3 new words every day. In a month you will know 90 words, and in a year - 1080 words!

Fighting laziness → useful tips (video) ↓

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How to motivate yourself? - No way, stay in the f#pe. — Artemy Lebedev

How to deal with laziness

4. procrastination is one of the causes of laziness. It's a habit of procrastinating. Or take on secondary matters first, and a person simply does not have enough strength for the main thing. A person may not have enough willpower to stop procrastinating until the deadline (deadline) comes and then begins - sleepless nights preparing a diploma or submitting an annual report. Of course, with this approach to business, both the quality of work and the health of the person himself suffer. Many self-development experts say that it is possible to deal with this. Sometimes it's enough just to start doing some work. And then you get so involved in your work and you get into a state of flow. As a result, you will do more than you expect from yourself. If it develops into a habit, you have a chance to stop being lazy.

5. Doing things you don't like. Of course, when you go to study where your parents put you, and you don’t like your specialty, you will be too lazy to study. In the same way, you will be too lazy to do an unloved job and go there. Careful consideration should be given to the choice of profession and work. And also, you should not take on a job that is not characteristic of you.

The myth of Russian laziness

Fight against laziness. Causes of laziness

- How to motivate yourself? - No way, stay in the f#pe. — Artemy Lebedev

I don't think it's worth explaining why laziness is bad. When we are lazy, life passes by and we do not achieve what we would like in our dreams. In religion, laziness is considered a serious sin, which is compared with lust, pride, and gluttony in severity. All these sins are serious because they corrupt our soul. Laziness makes a person weaker in every sense. A person who has fallen under the power of laziness can slip in moral character: it will be easier for him to steal something than to earn by honest work. Ultimately, a person can deteriorate as a person or become simply dependent. Both are not good.

On the dangers of laziness, the causes of its occurrence and methods of dealing with it

Burnt lazy people think that fighting laziness is too much. They are too lazy to get off the couch and start making their dreams come true. To start fighting laziness, you need to realize

How to deal with laziness

To start fighting laziness, you first need to recognize the problem. After all, laziness can eventually turn into bad habit and begin to have a destructive effect on your life. Sometimes laziness can spoil the fate, or at least cause serious failures, if measures are not taken in time.

In our Slavic culture, it is believed that laziness is a spirit that corrupts a person and prevents him from living like a human being. At the same time, laziness is considered the first step into the abyss. The second step (or second spirit) is Otet. Relatively speaking, this means a neglected case of laziness, when a person becomes excessively fat to such a degree that the thickness of the waist makes it difficult to move. And in case emergencies a person is inactive and does not contribute to a way out of the situation, even if he himself becomes a victim or one of his relatives. In the end, everything ends very badly - premature death due to obesity and gluttony.

Laziness brings people to such an extent that he stops cleaning in own house, does not take out the trash and so on. As they say, until the thunder breaks out, the peasant will not cross himself. So in the case of laziness - if the situation is started, then laziness will become a habit and then it will be very problematic to do something. No wonder they say that habit is second nature.

Each specific case of laziness is individual. And you can get rid of laziness different ways. It is noteworthy that laziness is not always an unambiguous evil. Sometimes laziness is a defensive reaction of the body to excessive stress.

Causes of laziness and methods of dealing with it

1. As Gleb Arkhangelsky writes, laziness can often be a sign of a person’s extreme fatigue. There the body tries to protect itself from overload. In this case, you need to take a break: take a vacation or at least a few days off.

2. Lack of health and lack of sufficient energy to perform certain actions. Do not confuse this case with banal fatigue. The reasons may be purely individual. For example, if you diet too much, your brain may simply not have enough energy to perform high-intensity intellectual work. Feelings like a lack of blood sugar can feel like laziness - you may constantly want to sleep and do not want to do anything. But in fact, this may be the result of an unbalanced diet. In the same way, with the abuse of sugar, we can feel a short-term burst of energy, but in the long run, sugar acts as a moneylender - a person quickly gets tired and fatigued. He becomes too lazy to do something. Any health problem can significantly reduce productivity. Therefore, in case of health problems, you should consult a specialist (doctor). When health is put in order, energy will appear for the tasks at hand.

3. Lack of motivation. Simply put, you just don't want to do what you need to do. It is possible that this or that goal was imposed on you from the outside. It is possible to deal with a lack of motivation with the help of self-motivation techniques. Sometimes you need to tune in to work and do even what you don’t really want to do. However, in some cases, laziness can serve as a signal flag. It is possible that you do not take up this or that matter in any way, simply because it is not really important and you feel it on a subconscious level. V general case a person is motivated by a big fat goal or dream. I advise you to read about how visualization works.

4. Procrastination is one of the causes of laziness. It's a habit of procrastinating. Or take on secondary matters first, and a person simply does not have enough strength for the main thing. A person may not have enough willpower to stop procrastinating until the deadline (deadline) comes and then begins - sleepless nights preparing a diploma or submitting an annual report. Of course, with this approach to business, both the quality of work and the health of the person himself suffer. Many self-development experts say that it is possible to deal with this. Sometimes it's enough just to start doing some work. And then you get so involved in your work and you get into a state of flow. As a result, you will do more than you expect from yourself. If it develops into a habit, you have a chance to stop being lazy.

5. Doing things is not to your liking. Of course, when you go to study where your parents put you, and you don’t like your specialty, you will be too lazy to study. In the same way, you will be too lazy to do an unloved job and go there. Careful consideration should be given to the choice of profession and work. And also, you should not take on a job that is not characteristic of you.

Tips for combating laziness

Reward yourself as you work. Many time management experts write about this. For example, after writing a paragraph in a diplomatic work, you can afford to eat a bar of chocolate, pull a coffee.

Get ready for work. The state of mind must be positive. I noticed a long time ago that it is enough to go to a good kintso to improve your mood, and then the work goes on much faster. Personally, good music also helps me.

If you yourself can not cope with laziness, you can pay another person to control you. According to this scheme, the purchase of personal training works. It has been noticed: with a personal trainer, you usually do more than when you work out in the gym alone. Simply put, the coach is engaged not only in programming, but also in “butt kicking”.

Learn biographies famous people Read books about success. As a last resort, watch videos of good business coaches and motivation experts. Stories of success and failure successful people often leads to interesting thoughts.

The myth of Russian laziness

There is a stereotype about Russians as lazy people. In fact, this is nothing more than a stereotype that appeared from fairy tales about Emelya, who lies on the stove and does nothing. Perhaps this stereotype, which takes its roots from the times when peasants were engaged in agriculture, and because of our northern climate, people were forced to work quickly and hard in a short summer season, and in winter there was simply no work. Nowadays, any Russian can show such a mobilization style of work and work according to Western measured methods. The same person, having got into different organizations, can show both low labor productivity and extremely high one. One way or another, laziness is characteristic of all people, regardless of nationality and religion. Rather, laziness can be influenced by climate, lifestyle, environment up to friends and work colleagues. Anyone who likes to drink beer every evening causes serious damage to the health of hormonal levels. As a result, obesity female type and laziness as a result of low testosterone. And on the contrary, a sports fan is more energetic and productive at work.

Laziness is for everyone. Each of us loves to feel sorry for ourselves, to cherish, giving eternal promises that from Monday I will go on a diet or find a job. But, as often happens, we deceive ourselves, and in the end we continue to lie on the couch.

Fight laziness and apathy very difficult, especially when these conditions have become ordinary and ordinary. You can try to force yourself to act, to come up with motivations, but all this will have a short effect.

How does laziness appear?

Laziness is a state that does not appear just like that. No one can be immediately born lazy or become so in an instant. It accumulated over the years, and at one point resulted in what we call laziness.

There are many factors:

  • self-sabotage to work. The reason may be dislike or even self-hatred;
  • for a long time someone forced you to work, study, behave according to strict rules, do certain things;
  • you can punish yourself in this way for some imaginary sins;
  • limiting attitudes and suggestions, such as "sit here", "don't go there", "don't stand out in the crowd";
  • dissatisfaction with oneself, with one's life. There may also be thoughts that all this can no longer be changed;
  • complexes and psychological problems, which exhaust for many years;
  • fears, like failure in business, ridicule of others.

If you dig deep into yourself, you can find a lot of other reasons that eventually caused depression and apathy. There are many different things that created and maintain your laziness, and you need to get rid of all this “good” somehow. Laziness cannot be overcome quickly, for this it is necessary to work diligently on yourself for several months.

There is no worse pain than that experienced by a person who has not achieved what he wants because of his own laziness.

How to overcome laziness? Do not set too many tasks. For example, you seriously decided at least 5 times a week and swing hard for several hours. As a result, you can completely abandon this case, and not surprisingly. After all, you're just chasing immediate results. You won't be able to look like a magazine cover model in a week. This takes a long time do sport , develop a habit in yourself, gradually increase the load.

10 easy ways to change your life

  1. Set yourself realistic goals that can be achieved quickly and easily. To force myself to work , you do not need to immediately strive to do everything overnight. Start small, and you will not notice how the work will go by itself and soon you will reach your goal.
  2. Prepare your workplace. If there is absolutely no desire to work, clean up your desk, and then there will definitely be a desire to do something else.
  3. Take a break from work. Few people can sit in a chair for hours, and health problems can be picked up. Take small breaks. Walk around the office, or better yet, go outside. It distracts and puts the mind in order.
  4. Get distracted while doing monotonous work. If you need to do a large amount of the same type of work, distract yourself with something more important and interesting. The work will go much easier if you dilute it with something else. But if you are already constantly distracted, then perhaps you should
  5. Remove "junk" from your life. There is a type of people who constantly cry that they cannot achieve anything in this life. As a result, if you take a closer look, they do nothing for this. They just enjoy pitying themselves and making others do it. It is not surprising that such people charge everyone around with their negative energy. Try to communicate less with such people or charge them with positive and faith in a brighter future. Who knows, maybe you will change their lives.
  6. Reward yourself for the work you've done. You wanted to start studying, start working or start losing weight, and in the end you began to slowly but surely move towards your goal. Be sure to praise yourself and please yourself with something pleasant. Of course, it doesn't have to be a lazy day or a big chocolate cake. Buy yourself a nice thing that you have long dreamed of.
  7. Exercise and take a contrast shower in the morning. Those people who do it every day know that these procedures are guaranteed to charge with energy and strength for the whole day.
  8. Break up a lot of work. It is necessary to divide all the work into small parts, and gradually do them, achieving the main goal. For example, you are working on a graduation project. Few people can sit down and write the whole paper at once. Break into small sections and write them gradually.
  9. Try to apply time management. Of course, if you know exactly what will happen in the coming hours.
  10. You can not defeat laziness and fatigue, lie down on the sofa. You can't do anything, relax. Forget about everything and just lie down. After a short time, you will want to start doing something. Checked!

Method of combating laziness - "Kaizen"

How to overcome laziness? With the help of a new Japanese technique called "Kaizen". It is very simple and very effective. You need to do your own business (reading, exercising, working, watching videos) every day at a strictly allotted time, but with one condition - just one minute.

1 minute is very little, so classes or work will pass very quickly, you will even enjoy the process. But laziness will never come, it simply will not have time to get to you in such a tiny period of time.

Every day you will develop a habit. Those things that require a lot more time can be stretched out for a few minutes a day. And you will stop finding reasons and reasons for doing nothing.

Thus, you will improve, develop, work on your disorganization, change life in better side. Agree, it’s much better to fight laziness for 1 minute than to do nothing at all. There are tons of workout videos on the internet, business books, how-to videos, anything that will help you spend this moment in a fun and useful way.

The Kaizen technique helps to become self-confident, in their strengths and capabilities. You will gradually improve and rejoice in success. As a result, a minute will turn into 15, 20, 30 minutes… You won’t even notice how effortlessly you will cope with laziness and apathy.

The Kaizen method originated in Japan, and is considered a true philosophy that can be easily applied to both personal life and work. Kai means change, Zen means wisdom. In the West, this technique was considered ineffective, because to achieve success you need to work hard. But we are not robots, we cannot constantly work, and then study something at home, working on self-improvement. Very soon, you can completely refuse to do anything, and here Mother Sloth will appear on hand with depression.

Therefore, start acting slowly, gradually, for 1 minute, which will gradually increase. And very soon you will surprise yourself. The main thing is to understand what you expect from life and set the right goals for yourself.


Fighting laziness is much easier if you don't chase immediate big results. Victories inspire and motivate us to keep going. Here, in order to avoid failures, set small tasks for yourself, and you will definitely win. As a result, it will become a good habit, and you will be able to change many things in your life for the better.

This rule will help those who find it difficult to perform the same type of action. For example, attending courses or sports training. Based on the Japanese technique (or the rule of one minute), you need to do something every day for one minute. In this case, you will not feel tension, but only joy and pleasure from the perfect.

Short sessions will inspire you, help you believe in yourself and motivate you to greater achievements. Gradually increase the time until you reach the required duration.

Of course, this method is suitable only for those who do not seek to get a quick result, but want to eradicate the very cause of laziness.

2. Rule of three breaths

This is a great way to help when you can't get started doing something. For instance, . Give yourself the setting that after three breaths you will get down to business. Take three deep and slow breaths in and out. During this time, imagine the first action to be taken, such as picking up and dampening a rag. After the third exhalation, you will feel a surge of strength. Take action right away!

3. Rule of good mood

Imagine that you have a great . This advice seems to be stupid. But it works.

Often the reason for our laziness is a bad mood and heavy thoughts. It's quite easy to fool the brain: for a few seconds, think that you are absolutely happy and smile. Your thoughts themselves will lead you to some positive events from the past, your mood will improve, and with such an attitude, getting down to business is easy.

4. The rule of a productive morning

Often in professional activities we need to do small, but uninteresting or unpleasant things. Most often they are postponed until later, sometimes completely forgetting and receiving a comment from the management. Such things do not bring pleasure, but the consequences of not doing them can cause more serious problems.

How to overcome laziness in this case? It is obvious that you need to take and deal with such cases. To make this as flexible as possible for yourself, define morning hours for such cases. Especially if the task is mechanical in nature, for example, to organize the documentation according to a certain criterion.

In the morning, the brain performs such tasks easier and faster. In addition, after successfully completing a boring task, you will feel an additional surge of energy and enthusiastically get down to the rest of the cases.

5. The rule "think less - do more"

This rule applies to long-term goals or projects, the implementation of which we often postpone. We think about everything possible options developments, risks, results, even the opinions of others at each stage.

Of course, with this approach, laziness will tightly tighten its chains around you, and you are unlikely to budge. Sometimes you just have to do it. Think over the next step and carry it out, and then analyze the result. You may be brilliant, but no one will know about it if you do nothing.

Let yourself be lazy sometimes

We are not robots. A person sometimes still has to allow himself to luxuriate on the couch or watch a movie. The main thing is that your life does not grow to this sofa. Reward yourself with these "lazy" days after doing something big.

Do not forget that you can also relax in different ways. Prepare a romantic one, go for a bike ride, arrange a holiday from the most ordinary day: the more diverse all areas of your life are, the less likely laziness is to settle in it.

How to deal with laziness? Today there are many effective ways. Some people use motivational training, others tend to solve problems alone. But before you start working on yourself and your laziness, you need to find out the reasons for its occurrence. Only having understood his fears, a person can begin work. This article will talk about the most common factors of laziness and its types. After all, you need to know the enemy in person. Knowing the original causes of the feeling of laziness, a person will be able to find a way to cope with this ailment. Only at first glance it seems that making yourself work is an impossible task. In fact, everything is much simpler.

The emergence of laziness

Often, when a person is about to do something, he starts bouts of inexplicable apathy. He feels that his will is as if paralyzed. At the same time, there are often feelings of lack of moral or physical strength. At this moment, a person has the idea that he is lazy. As a rule, the individual tries to collect the remnants of the will into a fist and force himself to work. But it doesn't help for long. After a certain period of time, laziness returns again. It makes her even stronger.

Types of laziness

There are two kinds of laziness. The first is physical laziness. The person may simply be unable to raise their arms in order to perform any physical task. But his brain is able to solve any problems and works perfectly. This species laziness is especially prone to those people whose muscles have atrophied. A person who has a trained body loves to move and does not experience discomfort or apathy during physical exertion.

Psychological laziness is the result of insufficient brain activity. But the brain also needs to be trained. With this kind of laziness, the individual feels great and could well accomplish several feats, but in his head the switch responsible for working capacity “broke down”.

Why does laziness appear?

To get rid of laziness once and for all, you need to understand the primary causes of its appearance. To do this, a person needs to understand himself. Then he will be able to control his actions and enjoy the work. The most common causes of laziness are:

  • fatigue;
  • fear of criticism or condemnation from others;
  • fear associated with previous failures;
  • low self-esteem and disbelief in one's own strengths;
  • the far-fetched complexity of the work ahead, which prevents starting it;
  • the conviction that it is already impossible to change anything in life;
  • loss of energy due to a constant feeling of guilt for any actions;
  • a sense of obligation to do the job, which can cause an internal protest against any “must”, which develops in childhood.

The above causes of laziness accumulate in a person's mind over time. They can manifest themselves when exposed to a person external stimuli. It could be other people, new information, or situations that remind you of previous failures. An individual can successfully overcome laziness if he gets rid of the cause of its occurrence.

Signs of laziness

Recognizing laziness is not a difficult task. A protracted rest for several days, an imaginary general malaise are sure signs of laziness. If a person does not want to work, then others consider him a weak-willed lazy person who is not able to pull himself together. This same individual tells everyone that he is simply unable to overcome his weakness. Another sign is irritation. A person can flare up with or without. In addition, he constantly has a feeling that he wants something and something is missing.

How to deal with laziness? Many psychologists argue that you should start by processing episodes of the past. Such work will help remove emotionally negative charges, allow a person to avoid unpleasant sensations, clear the mind, which will have a good effect on the subconscious. This processing it is necessary to carry out using information about each moment from the past, remembering all the details of various negative situations. Rethinking past troubles, their analysis will help a person understand the root cause of his laziness, its origins. Then it will be much easier to do something without experiencing apathy or loss of strength.

If the cause of laziness is established, you should immediately begin to act. The first thing to do is remove all restrictions. That is, a person must get rid of fears and insecurities, he must stop making an elephant out of a fly. It is also necessary to forget unnecessary attitudes of parents, heal depression, and so on. Then you can start setting small goals for yourself. For example, learn ten new foreign words or do a spring cleaning.

On the path to how to cope with laziness, the next step should be the right attitude to work. That is, you need to get rid of what can interfere with the completion of the task: close social networks, turn off the phone, warn colleagues not to be distracted, and the like.

Now we need to get to work. And there is no place for any "I do not want." We need to start taking action. Slowly but surely. Ninety-five percent of people say that they are gradually drawn into work. Last step is motivation. If a person feels that he wants to quit, he needs to think about what he will get by completing the task.

Order, discipline, reward!

Answering the question of how to cope with laziness, psychologists remind us of the importance of self-discipline. The first thing to do is to clean up the workplace. Nothing should distract a person. It is necessary to remove all unnecessary items. Next, you need to properly organize your work and plan your day. It will help to draw up a schedule that is better to write down and follow it clearly. Of course, you need to allocate some time for rest, so that the body restores its strength for new achievements.

Experts say that complex tasks are best done in the morning. It is at this time that a person's performance increases. It is important to start with the hard work, otherwise it may remain undone. The ability to switch from one task to another is a great ability. If any business does not require an urgent decision, it can be postponed for a while, and do something else. The main thing is not to mess around. Equally important is to reward yourself for a job well done. For example, you can afford to sit for half an hour in in social networks or have a cup of tea with a delicious candy.

Sloth in poetry. most famous poem

“Do not let your soul be lazy” is a poem by the poet Nikolai Zabolotsky, in which he urges a person not to be led by his laziness. Zabolotsky urges to force yourself to work, to discipline your will, to control your thoughts. The poet says that if you give indulgence to laziness, then it will take everything from a person. You need to constantly be in good shape, doing something. Then it will become a habit, and there will be no more bouts of laziness.

"Don't let your soul be lazy" is a great motivational verse. He tells a person about the consequences of laziness. Nikolai Zabolotsky recalls that it is necessary to train not only your body, but also your soul. That is, you need to alternate physical and mental stress. Then the performance of a person increases significantly.

Just tired?

Often you can hear from a person that he is tired and cannot perform any task. But what is it really - fatigue or laziness? Of course, you need to devote a small amount of time to rest every day. Working tirelessly is also not an option. If a person is really tired after hard work he just needs to relax. In another case, the individual may confuse fatigue with laziness. For example, a person did nothing, but feels exhausted. He constantly wants to lie down or watch TV. And this is already clear sign laziness. In this case, you need to force yourself to work. As soon as a person gets down to business, imaginary fatigue disappears, and the body's performance increases.


So, in order to decide how to deal with laziness and apathy, you first need to find out the cause of laziness. Having understood the past and the present, you can start planning the working day. It is important not to immediately rush to solve difficult problems. It is better to start with small goals. Having done one thing, you can take on another, more complex one. If the work is done successfully, you need to reward yourself with something. This will help a person tune in to accomplish other tasks. It is not worth starting to solve several cases at the same time. In this case, a person runs the risk of not completing any of the tasks started.

To overcome passivity, you need to tell yourself what to do certain work is quite real. Typically, the first step sets off a chain reaction. He will help you get started new life and make dreams come true. It is important for a person to constantly act, if not physically, then intellectually, in order to overcome inertia. If you follow all the above tips, the question of how to deal with laziness and apathy will cease to be