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Astafev Angel Guardian is an interesting episode. V.Astafyev. "Guardian angel". Text of the work

Thirty-third year, our village pressed hunger. Songs were silent, the weddings and the goules stuck, the dogs swept, did not become pigeons. Noisy Vatagi children did not bother on sleds from Yara, the cattle in the courtyards roared under the knife, the horses began to fall among the streets. Immediately Zamverted and seemed to be at home. They had corners, like jaws from hungry people, dry and bony. Who is like, who mined and this nucleus is impregnation. Hunters snow snow in a taiga, found wild goats, sokhaty, marals, bear bears. But snow in that winter was deep. In addition, there is a belief that the human trouble is mad and a beast, allegedly leaves the beast further in Taiga, in the impregnable mountains, in a word, hunger drives and a wolf from the ring.

A lucky man Alexander Yaroslavtsev still mined a bear. Brothers Verrechtins and Salamatin-Old man brought goats. Hunters were shared with neighbors than they could, for each of their own family, relatives and friends not to count. The city has always been a misfortune and revenue of our village. He consumed rural products: firewood, milk, meat, fish, vegetables, berries. He dressed and soldered. He was a hospital man, while he got out of the village that he needed. FROM empty hands And with empty lodges, the city met the men reluctantly. He himself was hungry, this big and now an intenseed city.

That year, it was that year, the peasants and women with Kotomikov appeared on the winter skate and hungry, they suffered a junk and Zolotishko, who had it, on Menu, in Torgsin. Our family, led by a grandmother, dodgy in the farm, enterprising in affairs, more than once starving and disagreeed for their lives, little interrupted. Grandmother desoled. The bone on it performed, the character of her, steep and noisy, softened noticeably.

Nothing, men, nothing. Before Spring, they will be totan, and there ...

Men - Grandfather, Ringa Jr. and I - listened to the grandmother and understood that they would not disappear with her, if only she did not pass, did not fall. Again came to us to live another "man" - Aleshka. The aunt of August moved from logging on the Ust-Mansk Alloy Plot. Borrowing on Mane ceased to exist, the fields of another order went on the fields: they rolled and drove the forest on them, pumped stacks where potatoes, rye and wheat grew up. Grandfather was lost without arable land, did not know where to give himself and where to sow bread.

What do you do, men? - Interpreted grandmother about Aleshka. - Where to give him? Gusk bucks to give on ...

She would seem to justify for Aleshka. But in our family and earlier it was not customary to discuss the grandmother's actions, now and suppressed. August on Sundays came from Ust-Mana, brought flour, cereals. One time canned - "piglets in jelly". Jelly is the most, our student, in the bank was, but we did not find a piglet there. From him to the jar was sealed with a bone. There is nothing to hope for Augustine, we understood after the "piglet in jelly".

The grandmother piled into knitted festive tablecloths, attributed them to the city and exchanged bread. Then Grandfather has taken a new fur coat, then his, carefully, on a rustic tradition stored - for mortality - clothes: dress, stockings, handkerchief, and lower skirt. It was necessary every day, and the junk on the market fell and fell in price. And how many junk in the peasant family, which never lived in big sufficiency?

Grandma shot a homemade plywood case several times from the "Zignene" car, handed over her worn body as if she was alive and warm. But the machine was so old, so unlikely to see what nothing would be given for it. In addition, the machine worked only because the grandmother knew her character before the subtleties. , it happened, the machine - the threads to tear will become either at all will refuse - the grandmother will raise her body, reveals with complex mechanisms, will take a look, talk to the machine, to one thing, to one thing, to another place, where from the alarm, where sour cream, dunet, plunks - and Yours, you see, faded the machine with a machine gun, came to life for the joy of our and all neighboring houses.

The machine though was Babushkina, but at the same time, as it were, it belongs to many other people. Grandmother was cut on her almost half. And although in a hungry year, no one brought anything to anything, worn still with anxiety looked into our - Is the machine? All of them and grandmother also believed - while there is a machine, it stands in its place - alive and hopes for the fact that they will pass the troubles, which will still work, there will be people to sew updates. Grandma and not going to "tear off the machine", and so that only not to take her from the village, then someone would be used and after either buy it back, or know that she is here nearby, you can always look at her, even sew, And thus, the machine as it should not be completely left of grandmother's life. But no one in the village did not change the car, and when he refused her and climb, saying that while he would take her, so she crumbling, her grandmother calmed down.

Yes, I better cut and out out than the cars will decide ...

But there was nothing to register and dry. We started and we have potato cleaning, a mustleed millet in half with a pokykin, there are all rubbish there. I have always been in the family in a special position. And I was always separated the best, the sweetest piece. And no one against this objected - it should be so it should be. And after I got a fever, and even rheumatism donimal me constantly, all our especially cared for me and denied themselves in everything, just that I was full, wearing and did not feel.

I looked more like everyone. Began swelling. And legs, thin my legs ceased to obey me, I walked, staggering, my head was spinning. Made in our home in our home. Standing holding grandmother, though he instructed us, wear a dress, do not fold, terply grief, do not say, but herself more often and more often brushed out of her face tears, anxious her, drained a mischievous look all the longer delayed on me. Once we have fallen frozen potatoes. With milk fir potatoes, with salt, and everything seemed to be satisfied with everything, but I began to torment and rinsed me so that my grandmother was barely assigned to me.

Men! We need to do something, men ... - she roared. - The guy will disappear. And he will disappear - and I'm not a tenant in this world. I will not survive the day ...

The men were silent, thought. The grandfather also spoke once in extreme necessity, now, having lost borrowings, he was swarming, he sighed only that Taiga swung - on the conclusion of her grandmother. It was completely impossible to get a conversation from him. Grandma glanced Pa Kolch-junior, also looked, having spent. And he always was Rumba, cheerful and deliver. It seemed to me, the grandmother looked at the junior ring, not just like that, with a hidden meaning I watched, would have been waiting for some decision or council from him.

Well, mom, - spoke slowly killed junior and lowered his eyes.

Grandma did not listen him, dropped his head on the table. She did not bother, did not cause, as usual, cried, wait, hooked up. The bone of her big flat back walked, while the hands thrown on the table lay dead. Large, worn in the work of the hand, with the speckle of freckles, with a blurred broken nails, resting as if separate from the grandmother. Ringa-younger took out, started to sculpt the cigar, but turned away, I would smoothly choking, silently and with an unfinished troop, with a plenty in his hand quickly left the hut.

The grandfather shaked the creaking, long and came out after the ring junior. There was some important and hard council. What, I did not know, but vaguely guessed - he concerns me. I got into my head, as if I want to send me somewhere, maybe Zyryanov's aunt and her husband, who had already stayed at the death of Mom's death, but I didn't get to live with childless and people, and I was reconciled to my grandmother .

Babonka, do not send me to Zyryanov, - I said quietly. - Do not send. I still have a bird. And the potatoes are naked leaving ... Sanka told - first only with potatoes, then nothing ...

Grandma raised his head sharply, looked at me blurred, deeply crumbling eyes:

Who is who Zyryanov baked you?

No one. He thought.

Grandmother picked up her hair, wiped her eyes as a handker, and pressed me to himself:

Why are you, how to hood grass from the field, survive? I fucked, nothing to say! Fool you are mine, fool!

She removed me and went to the hube. They sang there, the castle of an antique chest, almost empty, and I did not hurry on this adhesive ringing - no lampsek, no delicacies in the grandmother chest was stored. Grandmothers were not long. I looked into the hubby and saw her knees in front of the open chest. She did not pray, did not cry, stood motionless, even in forgetting. In her hand it was something squeezed.

Here! - Grandmother shook and crushed his fingers.

Here, - she repeated. Stretching my hand.

In the depths of wrinkled dark palm of grandmother in a flower, golden earrings burned.

Mother of your deceased, - stirred her grandmother with her lips.

Everything, it remains. She herself earned them, to the wedding. At limestone Badoga with Leftius Zima-Winter switched. On holidays worn only. She is driving, respectfully ...

Grandmother of Smallkla, forgotten, her hand was still stretched out to me, and in wrinkles, in the cracks of the palm, everything is also joyful, sunny playing gold earrings. I touched the earring with my finger, they ran into the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm. Grandma instantly closed his hand.

I wanted to save you. Mother's memory. Yes, a black day came ...

Grandmother's lips finely trembled, but she did not allow herself to glad once again, did not break down, slammed the chest lid, went in. There the grandmother wrapped the earrings in a clean handkerchief, tightened his ends with his teeth and ordered to call the junior ring.

Colive in the city, - the grandmother pushed and turned away to the window. - I can not...

Ringa Jr. put on the old fur coat, rocked, removed the bundle for the sinus. He did everything slowly and silently, hid his eyes at the same time.

The junior kille sailed in the boat along with my mother, was a fodder, mom on. Still in that boat there was an aunt of the anchor and with them seven or eight people, but my mother drowned. When the boat flew to the head of the alloy and overturned, the mother was tightened with the flow of indigenous water under the bon, she clunted as a slaughter. She was looking for nine days. Under Bonoy, I did not come to my head, and until I drove Spit, my hair was not pulled out, chatted, the soap was a young woman, then tear off the logs, I carried it and snuck out from the village, near Shalunin Bull. A sprinkler hooked her with a bug, and nothing can be seen, the hurry for the soul was not a tramp - she cut off her finger with a wedding ring.

The grief was so great, so it all crushed that our relatives did not complain about the picketers in the village council, only grandmother's head awkhenly:

Why did you gone over the dead? Shoot the Lord for the abuse. And I would have given my ring, everyone would give, what I have ...

Moms are not more than a yearBut Kille Jr. does not find a place, everything tries to caress, kindness to rod some kind of guilt, although he is not to blame for anything - the cause of the cause will find. What to go to him in the city, to pass in the "Torgsin" Mamina Earring?

Well, with God! - crossed the grandmother of the junior ring. - look careful for the handkerchief. Zhulikov Yes Mazurikov in the city divorced clouds.

Nothing did not tell Karch Jr. He climbed onto the track, raised the coat collar, put on a dog lochcashki and with a treasure in the teeth came out of the hut.

You would also go to the corner, to the grandfather, - turning away, pushed grandma with an empty voice, and I went to the grandfather, under a canopy, where he knitted brooms, smirled tobacco, drowning hungry, sucking in his stomach.

Babushka wanted to stay alone. Always it pulled her to people, she always was among them, always in the thick of all the events and aware of all village affairs, but today she wanted to be alone. My grandfather and I did not disturb her. Carefully, as if thieves, they sneak into the hut. The house is quiet, gloomy. We did not light the lamp on this evening. Kerosene ended us, and dinner did not ask.

"They drove all day until the evening, there was enough - there was nothing to dinner," the grandmother would have joked at another time. But she did not even give her voice and did not raise the head. The layer lay a grandmother on the bed and did not move, did not swear, did not figure the prayers, only her eyes glowed in the darkness of the real estate, the lamp.

Killya Jr. brought from the city of Pood flour, a bottle of hemp oil and a handful of sweet makovukh - to me and Aleshka a hotel. And a little more money brought. All this was given to him in the institution under the mysterious name "Torgsin", which was uttered in the village with respect and some even trembling. Grandmother started a quaschny, stood out into the flour of frozen potatoes, myakkina, to get more bread, and when it dismissed, half of the flat caravaev, who did not get out of the impurities, stuck in the kittombo. She also threw a nodule with salt, a handful of bulbs, and the junior killed again went on the road. With the call, he was serving in rich villages.

We have called the Verkhovskiy villages located in Uzhursky, Novoselovsky, Krasnotran, Minusinsky districts and the Thakass steppes, because all this was in the upper reaches of the Yenisei. And people are local, and summons running from there, big, long summons with pretty, were also called Verkhovsky.

Ringa Jr. went hired on the throat. He knew how to handle the throat and, as the grandmother approved, equal to Him, and Snorke, near the drum, could not be revealed. What is this drum, I did not know. I was known only one drum in which the sticks are woven. But on the drum, Kolch-Jr. intended to earn bread, and we began to wait for him.

The grandfather had hit the firewood in the village council, and in a big house where the people once had something else, it was quiet, the deserted, the door to the hubby was swollen, so as not to burn extra firewood. Flour from Torgsina, as her stretched her grandmother, all before the dust jammed, it was necessary to have something again. The grandfather was sick and folded in the lunite of firewood near the village council, received money. He received them a little, everything on the bunch of bread, as the grandmother determined.

She went to the city with money earned on firewood weakened by Hunger grandfather. Returned grandmother in the evening, with a cherochkoy batade in his hand. For the first time she took the baptok then and to death with him did not part in the far bearing. In Kotomka, grandmother brought gray, in a bathtub of magnitude, loose.

A couple more likely a piece, - Grandma's grandmother. - Measurement at all the guy. And for yourself.

She sat on the bench without undressing, putting both hands on the cherry stick. And very noticeably rushed into my eyes, what she became old and how he begged in his back. The grandfather took out a loaf from Kotomka, weighed him on his hand and looked around. The overgrown and without that gloomy his face is replaced at all.

Why didn't it be? Dear would fall. Better, right?

Yes, I turned the crust, crushed and dotted here, thank God. I what? - I am a scrambled horse. Dir, cut! Waiting for a child. Aleshka, where?

I said that Aleshka went to his mother to Ust-Mana, there the cauldron opened and fed sprayers of government food. August Aleshka near himself now procets. Now they will live without grief.

And okay. And okay. What are you, father? Did you die? Right trouble with you ...

The grandfather stood with a knife in his hand above the cut puncture and did not turn to us. The back of him, shoulders, the arms were kicked up and below, as if he got all the rag, as if the bones were wedging in him at once, and he became less thanks.

What are you? - Anxiously repeated grandmother.

They mock you in the bazaar, "the grandfather pulled the grandfather and stuck the knife for a wall table, followed by forks, spoons.

K-like mock? "The brush's mouth suddenly began to move silently, became black.

I shouted and covered my eyes with my hands. Grandfather grabbed me and carried me to the wage.

ATA! AT CHEAN! - He tagged, navigating the corner of the visor of the Hoodyman, so that wash me from the coal - from fright and street.

The corner was somewhere contacted, the grandfather scored water into a deep palm. The whole grandfather was shaking, he was all a tambourine, tagged something, and I, who did not hear more than three or five words from him for the day, completely scared, asked me to put me on the oven. The loaf turned out to be stuffed, a shoe, as a thoughted language was said. He is just on top of a loaf, in the middle of the balls of meakin. Grandma cursed herself: where were her eyes?! - asked. It would be better for her to die. With happiness, she would consider if it did not live to live before these days, I would have seen such evils and scam.

Soon and caused a grandmother for a long time. Returning, she managed, by the way, to tell how it was delighted when this big loose loaf, as she was alerted, a similar price was to Her eyes looked, dressed in urban. He also told about that everything will be done soon, as if urban bread on the cards began to give out and the fighting larger on the bazaar because of the products. As the grandmother was pronounced, it became easier for me on my soul and at home is not so scary. That's when the mother's mouth was silently moved and when she sat on a bench stationary, like a stone, then scary. And so nothing. So everything will be done. Now the grandmother will thorough, will make it easier and think something.

And in fact, the grandmother soon called me into the junction.

Gingerbread back. Carabavi's crust, whether he is Naladen, Bread. - Okay and girk. All bread is not without puff. Father, you also eat a little. What to do? Him, our tears will unfold. Who is offended by the poor, that death itself is a stalink. And look - what I brought-ah! - Granny dare, climbed over the sinus, and took a black, shaggy lump. He immediately saw, began to poke his nose in Grandma's palm.

Also want to eat, stained him! "The grandmother smiled through the strength and with the unusual, some kind of children's helplessness looked at me, for his grandfather. And it was in this glance: "Well, the fool I, the old fool! You can judge me, execute, I'm all one. I just wanted as better ... "No one was going to judge her and execute.

Where did God send you such a miracle? - grandfather spent peacefully.

He took a puppy for two fingers and raised into the air. Puppy at once fell silent and only jumped his back legs, looking for support.

Pryed, see, cholera! Do not yell, - Grandfather concluded.

My grandfather was not a hunter, did not understand anything in dogs, however, we agreed with him - a puppy purely, he is very much Lochmat and his ears are big, hanging.

I'm dragging this. I have a rest houses, "said Grandma, already familiar, in a singing voice," and he, Gorushko, is kept in the snow, it can hardly hear sculits. Threw him to the frost - in the middle. Does dogs? I stopped it, I look at Goryun and cry, I think about the Vitaka. Do not be Pasch, I would have thrown him out ...- Grandmother wiped out volatile, foul tears and began to undress.

Wait, coming, men. From the cowwell stretch the milk. No need to milk her. Calf Zeshe in the womb. Well, yes last time. And you so far get the crust, gentle. And the puppy, Vitka, finger give. He will learn. Not hummane - you will not live, it turns out, "the grandmother concluded and glanced as angrily on a cut loaf.

I soon. "She grabbed the boat with a climb and hurried to the courtyard, and my grandfather and I began to pull out of the punishment, from the crusts of mykkin. The biggest, convex, as if the skull lid, we put a brush.

Smokal puppy, squeezing my finger chibanko to the ribbed naula, I was finished and trembled from hungry island. Grandma returned, brought milk at the bottom of the bottom and the first thing his puppy splashed. Then she took out the cast iron from the oven, poured it all boiling water and bleached him with milk. We pushed crusts in tea. A ate grandfather, ate grandmother, ate, ate a shaggy puppy. He rocked the bank and chuckled.

You are after all, ulcers, eats, forever-from! It wants to live! - Grandma said, looking at the puppy, and then sighed: - Every God's creature is needed to live. Nothing, men, nothing, cool Mountain, yes forgetful, Likha trouble, but excessive. Root. Corovenka, God will give, will soon cast off. Ring of bread groove. We would be up to spring, to reach the grass to reach ... I found it, the place of Ishshmet.

Puppy Daughto milk with a pagan, walked around Kuti on sprawling legs.

You take it to the furnace to the furnace, he shouted, for all his life it will not be warm.

And I took a puppy with my stove. He will ship me under the mouse, I would have risen there and fell asleep, hearing me with his, barely tangible breathing. And I stroked it in a curly wool and softenly thought that the "Sugostites" will rejope the grandmother's tears and that the puppy will grow, a dog will be done.

Bab, and women, and how will we call him?

Puppy? And so we will call - the ball. He is exactly the ball. So we will. Dryknet?

SPI IT. Mouse climbed and sleeps. Schoekly me from him.

Let him sleep. And the person, and the animal it is necessary to regret, Batyushko, because the animal also has a soul. Memoful soul. Good animal man's animal remembers. We got the balls, fed. Does he need a lot? And in the house immediately easily. And the obstacles are my word ... - the grandmother was interrupted, listened to something in the dark was wary and got out of bed:

Oh, more, killed junior arrived! Father, have you heard anything?

Yes, I would have creaked the gate.

Kolch is, killed! - confident voice confirmed the grandmother and slammed the skirt. - And I thought even the evening ... here! Here he is, the ball! The sign it came to me, in the image of his angel-Savior appeared ...

When we went out with my grandfather to the street, my grandmother had already managed to kiss the junior ring, something told him, cried, helped to remove the kitto.

Vitenka! Alive! .. - Step-junior stepped to me, raised his hands, pressed against an unshaven cheek. - So okay! That's right! And I brought you a hotel! ..

Although the trouble comes in puddies, but it goes to spools, until spring, we still got up, but with a typewriter "Zignene" had to be separated. They exchanged her bag of potatoes - there was nothing to satisfy. For the first time in that year, our sewls cut into two years, where four halves potatoes and chibanko doubted the future crop. That year, there was a lot of things and was done for the first time. When they endured the machine, the grandmother left the house and shouted as if the dead man. From the grass to fresh bread and vegetables were still far away - and how far - after all, every hungry month, but what is there for a month, day - eternity, but it was still easier to live.

Kille Jr. joined the collective farm and married another row. In our house there appeared a bedside and laughing Nuren, whitewind, light temper, fast on foot. She came to me but the soul, and we have become friends with her. But with her grandmother they did not fit. Grandmother sorely sucks a ring-junior bride, a power, humble, debral body. I repeatedly noticed that the people of the general warehouse of the soul do not have a chance in those who have the character of angelski-quiet. But the times, when they married, not married, to the great chagrin of her grandmother, passed. As - in no way the city from our village was only in eighteen versts, and although the cliffs were separated from us from us, the rocks and passals, still free, the godless spirit would reach us and turned over to the bottom.

Grandmother Klyhal urban tetry, Sulil the glad and mor, praised people because the sky will fly iron birds and fiery zmies, that the ice and cold will cover the Earth, as stated in some Scripture, which she did not read and read could not, because As letters did not know at all. The glad has come. Morel, though small, too, Iron birds - airplanes, flew over the mountains. Everyone came true in grandmother's scripture. Frightened by terrible predictions, I was clogged under the porch or on the stove, when the airplanes flew over the village. However, the old women were afraid of iron birds, I still have some kind of kids, wearing a navel.

Orls Uncle Levonthy were not afraid of anything, and when the airplane was buzzed over the village, they, the Golozady, poured out on the street, shouted into the sky: IROPLAN, IROPLAN! Posted me in my pocket! And in my pocket, it grown cabbage! ..

The cow worned safely. Ringa Jr. and Nyura worked on the sowing, they were given a little bit of the litter. August on the alloy plot came to the drummers, she was allowed to make lads. Now she sat down and we were small - a day later I sent a portion of porridge from the caculus. Together with Augusta worked on alloy Uncle Vanya. For Harch, Kesha ran to him. Through the mountain ran, through the one that I once defeated in new pants, he also delivered porridge.

No self-respecting Chaldon, whether he is at least as a result, if there is a river near the river and it carries a log - it will not go on foot, knowing that the misfortune is lucky, water is drunk. In the summer, all of our villagers floated on slicks - two, three or four logs, chilling with brackets or linked wire. More often on two. Four are luxury. People people climbed from fear, human nurses on two logs in the middle of a mad river. Some other times saved and returned wrapped, confused, bred by their hands.

Having received the soldering of the father and August on the alloy plot, Kesha tied or pinned two logs, attached a saucepan on them with a hay, in a saucepan - a cup with porridge, in porridge - a hunch of bread. Then he chose the board, which is easier, and with such a "paddle" served to the village, where I, grandmother and the ball waited for him. Because he ran not one cache for Harch and they loved to swim everything, then the brackets from the alloy plot were dragged out, the good wire was waiting. Since Kesha tied two thick logs with a torn rope, and first sailed, sang song: "Four in the country Irkutskaya." Salik walked walker, baked in bones, in a log. But the sliced \u200b\u200bto the May bull walked. This bull performed into the river, the water beat into his stone corner. Here, like a guard bull, there was a dullness, only even deeper, failing. Bubbles, boils water in a dilapidated and, squeezed, crumpled, crugs are thrown from there, rushing under the rusty rusty belly. The Kesha under the man's bull sailed many times, nothing was afraid, even louder the song Oral, so that echo under the rock Ehalo.

But the trouble overtook him at the most inopportune moment. Burst padded. The slave of the board of the Kesha did not unsubuliced \u200b\u200bSalik, he dragged him under the bull, shouted - and the logs diverged - the rope burst. Kesha is not about himself and not about Salica slammed in that loss of a minute, about a saucepan with soldering. He signed the pan, he did not give her to drown. Meanwhile, half of Salik left him. Kesha remained on one log and, so as not to be overshadowed into the water, sat down on a log on a log, lowered his feet into the river - and it suffered him, it was necessary, as he wanted, because the steering is completely nothing, in the hands of a saucepan, the legs are kept.

We are sitting in babe: I, grandmother and ball, waiting for a soldering. I throw stones into the water, my grandmother thinks about something. The ball is mildly looking at her, the tail on pebbles is kolotititis, shebarshite, pebbles are scattered. The man seemed to seemed like a slick, but for some reason without oars. Tested a person, stealing, turns it before, then the back, about the bones knocking, but it does not grant any signs of life. Grandmother looked, looked, let's swear:

Occasion some ripper on rolling! Occupy puff! Well gigans! Well, Sorvigolov! Tight, hynut - everything is neat! ..

I have an eye, I see - the Kesha is our accident hit, how to say grandmother, I will not come up with. By the way, the grandmother had a grandmother and order. Sherso also floats on slick. Putting a cat on a log, turns on the limestone plant, in the sun-sunrise, goes to Salik and say:

Replicate, Batyushko! Done, fasten!

And I will spit it away, and she sails to the city, the cheerful burden. As you can see a boat or a steamer, puts out, hell waving: "Go! Drive down! " - So that it was not cleaned with her logs.

All harsh looks at the grandmother's river, the broomstick is swimming and closer. - Nausea! "Granny hooked, and her legs were lifted."

Yes, it's more, ours cache? What is it, a cortex, swimming on one log? ..

Vozh-zhaya-ah Lo-o-abnown-ah! - Zaewged Kesha. - Catch me, and, and then the soldering is drowned-yu-y!

We collided with the shore of someone's boat, caught the cache below the village. I bare my fingers were kept - so he firmly kept the pan for the arms. Grandma and swear, and laughed, and baptized, Kesha nose rushed, sitting on our stove. Grandmother treated him and, passing the grandson "shorts" - Uncle Vana, punished, so that he was in the forge of the bracket, and he would make Keshe Salik, not that zagiga will drown, not at least an hour, and he will decide.

Slended rooted water on Yenisei. Zhalitsa, sorrel, wild radish, median, cocks and a lot of things grew in the meadows. Bread like bricks became a furnace in a church adapted under the bakery, and give out a little on each consumer. The grandmother caused and swear: the office de not only the temple of God, but also female halves Forest. From the stove of Bab eliminated, it became necessary to redo them on soap. Why are they? Bread, which, who, she will not be a brick, because he stinks the car and does not like the bread at all.

You do not blame you, you do not, "the grandfather looked up," did the crust be happy long ago?

Grandmother immediately on him, of course, a bootiness, "communist" and aspid called, Corlin, that he was baptized for blossom - before eating, so as not to be sick, yes before the sowing and hay, so that the luck was, therefore, it is possible to eat But the same did not "speed."

Well, do not eat! - Bubnil grandfather in the beard. - The old woman was angry for three years to the world, and did not notice the world.

Grandma pretended to do not hear grandfather dishes, soon, however, and bread, which, slowly, it became more likely to pinch and suffer from him, justifying it:

Lyuba Pisha from God, and this breadwinner in the holy place is also baked, to strive, notice of God's ...

The ball, whom the grandmother called mockingly the guardian angel, listened carefully and with everything that is with everything she said, agreed and, no matter how to sum up, pounded the tail: "Perfect truth! Well, of the perfect perfect! .. "

There was a constant ball between the ball and grandmother, in which victories more often defeated the ball. The main goal in the life of the ball is to get into the hut, to shove the cat's milk and perseve on the broom under the college. When the ball grew up, everything as they came up, they squeezed, they scratched him belly. He overturned the paws in front of each counter-cross, and no one could pass by the ball, anyone and each clever his full, dusty belly.

So that you die! - Say the ball.

Eki you Padla! Eka bald creature!

The ball burned out, put the tip of the red language from bliss, having fun at the back paw. I do not think that the ball understood that he was told, but one he learned firmly: the more stupidly, than herself behave, the more profitable and it is better to live on the current world.

However, in such a village, like our one, you can not cost one. Need care and caution. She came to the ball not immediately. He is not a hunter, he is not the owner believed from us who did not hold his dogs. And what dogs! During the hunger, the gang of our pieces was kept, but as soon as it was erupted with food, the dogs got back in the courtyards, they began to hang around the village again. Dogs were held with us only inlet, they are not rushing like people, but they are constantly born in themselves. Leading balls rural dogs They took for a ricker little animal and constantly on duty at our gate, to scratch this little animal and break. In the doorway all the time three or four dog noses were sticking out. Pots pulled air, roamed, rolled. The ball, peacefully twisted the tail, crawled alongside the belly to the gate to get acquainted and enter the dog family of a good friend and a friend. Good it could not end.

Once upon our goal rose to the face of howl, screech, barking.

Sick me! - screamed grandmother and rushed out of the house.

Balls Vertim! Balls Vertim! .. Give! Would you like! Take! Wolves encouraged! ..

Brought the balls due to the gate on their hands, almost damaged, weakly faithful. The grandmother was shuffled with a poor fellow with the leaves of the plantain, wrapped it into an old fur coat. A few days the ball lay on the ovens, sick and quiet.

Did I not tell you? Did I not prevented you? - babied grandmother ball. - Do not climb the gate, do not climb! So you listened to me? So you walked for moma?

The ball weakly pounded the tail that, they say, can be done, the bluscle came out. I wanted to fit in kind to the team, the people and those in the collective farm are united ... then then, during the illness, the ridden ball of the ball had a cat's milk and walk on a broom. Oh, I erased, like any guard's grandmother, he caught his moment.

I will dial! Everything is unforgettable and nasal nod! - the grandmother threatened, and, I must say, she was in achieving the goal.

Here the ball got out from under kitchen table, I stretched - the grandmother of the bowbun in the okroshka cuts out any attention to the PSA. The ball pounded into the cat's cat - there is no milk there, he already cleaned it. The ball rarely blurted out and leaned toward the wage. Grandmother onion cuts, but all it is on the onset. Slowing a broom, the ball was departed from the haunted man, thought, thought and flopped on the belly among Kuti, she flew, she fell, rose and again to a broom. The grandmother turned sharply. On her anger and celebration. Ball sniffed broom with innocent muzzle. Turning to the grandmother, he pulled the tail: What's so special here? I do not understand the broom!

Well, not? Do not burn out?! - Reselle fell on the Babel's bench. The ball boldly extended his grandmother paw.

And read you to Lesme? She pushed the balovnya. - Duck you, deft! Yes, and I, brother, not Lopouch! I am all one of you and I will donate and Natu, Natuka! ..

Ball full of attention. He listened and at the same time looked at tin jar - I would have splashed, they say, a piercing, than to chat.

Yes, on the lice! After some time, the door of the hut swung open - this is a ball, sneaking, hired on her and was such!

After all Shovel! - Granny granny, looking at the gloomy.

And the search began - under the canopy, and the barn, in the pack, under the porch. His grandmother in the hand of twigs. Grandma is filled with perturbation through the edge, but, humming itself, called gently, gorgeously:

BOOK, BOOK! Go, cute, go-ko, I am the milk ladies, milk-ah-ah!

Ball either Mur-Moore. The ball threw the ball through the ground.

Ugh! - spit grandma and dropped twigs.

Better home are not, unclean spirit!

The ball was declared at that time when her grandmother would grasp and the anger would go to the wagon. The ball politely scraps a paw on the door, complains:

I do not interfere with you, soup, in the hut! Do not go out! -

Shadih's ball, calmed down. He is the main thing now - to hear the voice, to smooth, to what extent a person is still riveted.

Having managed with the affairs, the grandmother took a baotog - for defense and followed the village, to hold their numerous rhodations, you need to indicate where to intervene in the matter of what to praise. In the same house, they will be silent, in the other splashes, in the third, you look, and the grandmother let go, the general will come. Often, she arrived with the exemptions home, swore that her legs would not be up to the condation of the century in such a thing and such a house, at such and such such daughters and the sounds.

Gospess! - Brown grandfather.

Behind the grandmother from the house in the house burned the ball. Followed by him rustic dogs, snores from published, confused ball. But grandmother did not give her guardian angel offense. If what a desperate dog has rolled out of the gateway and, despite the baotog, the ball hit the ground, the grandmother had enough to take him. Were alive and did not slide in the ball of hunting passions. He tried all the time to get to the chicken and, although he did not belong to any, did not leave his prolongation. When the chickens appeared in the yard, the grandmother had a new portion of the struggle.

Long summer evening. The doors of the hut open, windows and the doors are open. Grandfather, as always, something crawled under a canopy. Grandma prayed, standing on his knees in front of the iconostasis in the hill. I saw through the leaves of Gerani and the curtains of red earrings, as her head arose behind the flowers, then the window fell below.

The world is an intercession, Mother's all-in-law, I am before you, a sinner, dressed in darkness. You are a grace of me, if you fell sorrow and suffering ...

In more and more often, the grandmother's head flashed more often in the window, it was heard, as she frowning his forehead about Paul and her voice was already on a tear. It seemed to me that my grandmother knew that grandfather heard her, and therefore she added acne in prayer, so that to twist him, to prove, what she was diligent in belief, and he was a sinner, but she was a good kindness of his sins.

Mercy door holes for us, blessed by the Virgin, hoping on the things. Yes, we will not die, but we will get rid of troubles, you are saving ...

Sha-a-rick, such a fall! I am here! - Babied grandmother in the frame.

Continuing to pray, she muttered hastily, he was often resting in confusion:

He knocked down, shot down, unclean spirit! - Grandmother moved his lips, remembering the prayer, and so loudly, it was advocated further, jumping from the fifth to the tenth, interpreting the prayers of PA of his way, adapting them to his need.

And speeches him Holy Mother of God: My son and my God. A person who stirs from a pure heart ... Get rid of his eternal flour of fire of the restless, Chervia of the Piece, Hell of Hell. Another person in his house contains clean, then in that house there will be a slave of health, a cattle of arrivals, it will not touch the house, nor ...

Grandma The farther, the Selflessness was pounding his forehead about the floor. At the same time, she looked tearing with one eye on Mati God, another sternly watched the ball, which is plenty between the basement slab and the plot to the kypushka, accustomed to the Zhalice along with the chicken-couple. As soon as the ball is approaching, the chicken was silent, Clochtala, twitching his head, and, disheveled, with an turkey, almost done, flew into the ball, and he asked stringly. The ball arranged the performance, "did not give my grandmother to pray. He could not be without her for a long time, lured her grandmother into the street.

Without withstanding the test, the grandmother popped up on the porch, rummed his hands to the sky, scolded a submitting dinner with further words, put it, spoiled. The ball is plenty to her on the belly, pounded the tail on the ground: I can not blame, it's guilty, but I can't do anything with me ... And if this story, so bitterly and sadly started, is punished differently, the ball is also bucating, Sleepy and devoted dog.

Very briefly 1933. An orphan boy from the village, located on Yenisei, is experiencing the highest winter in his life. Good luck to his family brings a puppy, saved from the Luta of death in a snowdrift.

In 1933, the village, where the boy Vitya lived, "pressed hunger." It did not become pigeons, the dogs and noisy vatagi boys swept away. Introduction to myself was mined, who knew how. The hunters were looking for a beast in the taiga, but he left far into the forest, away from hunger. Only the most skilled hunters returned with the extraction and shared meat on the whole village. People reached out into the city, take the "junk and golden" in Torgsin.

Viti's family was led grandma, dodging in the farm and enterprising in business. His households - Vitu, grandfather and son-junior son - she called "men." Soon they joined them another "man", Aleshka - a cousin to take Viti. Aleshka's mother, auka of August, from logging switched to work on the Ust-Mansk Masonry plot, where she was promised to give Paew. Soon it turned out that the promised paja family does not proceed, and the entrance went the contents of an old grandmother's chest. After some time, only the old sewing machine "Zinger" remained from all wealth in the house, which no one wanted to buy. Family began to eat potato cleaning, poking and other rubbish.

Vitya was a weak child, passing fever and rheumatism. Soon the legs completely stopped holding it. When the boy is almost died, having fun of the murzed potatoes, the grandmother could not stand and decided to part with gold servants - the only memory of Vitina Mother, drowned about a year ago. Take the servants to Torgsin instructed Ringa Junior. He ruled the boat in which his sister sailed, so he vinyl herself into her death, and tried to pour himself more often.

Bringing me flour from the city, a bottle of hemp oil and a little money, the killed junior went to earn money in the rich villages, located in the upper reaches of the Yenisei, and the grandfather hired a firewood. Soon the food is over again. The money earned by weakened from hunger, the grandmother went to the city and brought a huge loaf. The bread turned out to be "fake": an inedible filling from meakna was found under the ruddy crief. The grandmother thwashes for a long time and caused, and then got a little puppy because of her sinuses - he was thrown into the frost.

A puppy called the ball, brought good luck. On the same evening, Kille Jr. returned with money and hotels, and the grandmother managed to reach the spring. Sewing machine, however, I had to sell to buy a bag of potatoes for sowing. In the spring, the junior killed married the second time. Together with his wife, laughing Nuhroe, he worked on the sowing, for which they were given a little live. Babushkin Cow laid out safely. Aleshka took the mother who went to the drummers. Now from its enlarged soldering overreal and grandmother "men".

With a ball, the grandmother stayed in a constant confrontation - the puppy was shattered to drink a cat milk, to urinate on a broom and chasing the chicken. However, despite the balls of leprosy, the grandmother always called him the guardian angel of his family.

In 1933, the village, where the boy Vitya lived, "pressed hunger." It did not become pigeons, the dogs and noisy vatagi boys swept away. Introduction to myself was mined, who knew how. The hunters were looking for a beast in the taiga, but he left far into the forest, away from hunger. Only the most skilled hunters returned with the extraction and shared meat on the whole village. People reached out into the city, take the "junk and golden" in Torgsin.

Viti's family was led grandma, dodging in the farm and enterprising in business. His households - Vitu, grandfather and son-junior son - she called "men." Soon they joined them another "man", Aleshka - a cousin to take Viti. Aleshka's mother, auka of August, from logging switched to work on the Ust-Mansk Masonry plot, where she was promised to give Paew. Soon it turned out that the promised paja family does not proceed, and the entrance went the contents of an old grandmother's chest. After some time, only the old sewing machine "Zinger" remained from all wealth in the house, which no one wanted to buy. Family began to eat potato cleaning, poking and other rubbish.

Vitya was a weak child, passing fever and rheumatism. Soon the legs completely stopped holding it. When the boy is almost died, having fun of the murzed potatoes, the grandmother could not stand and decided to part with gold servants - the only memory of Vitina Mother, drowned about a year ago. Take the servants to Torgsin instructed Ringa Junior. He ruled the boat in which his sister sailed, so he vinyl herself into her death, and tried to pour himself more often.

Bringing me flour from the city, a bottle of hemp oil and a little money, the killed junior went to earn money in the rich villages, located in the upper reaches of the Yenisei, and the grandfather hired a firewood. Soon the food is over again. The money earned by weakened from hunger, the grandmother went to the city and brought a huge loaf. The bread turned out to be "fake": an inedible filling from meakna was found under the ruddy crief. The grandmother thwashes for a long time and caused, and then got a little puppy because of her sinuses - he was thrown into the frost.

A puppy called the ball, brought good luck. On the same evening, Kille Jr. returned with money and hotels, and the grandmother managed to reach the spring. Sewing machine, however, I had to sell to buy a bag of potatoes for sowing. In the spring, the junior killed married the second time. Together with his wife, laughing Nuhroe, he worked on the sowing, for which they were given a little live. Babushkin Cow laid out safely. Aleshka took the mother who went to the drummers. Now from its enlarged soldering overreal and grandmother "men".

With a ball, the grandmother stayed in a constant confrontation - the puppy was shattered to drink a cat milk, to urinate on a broom and chasing the chicken. However, despite the balls of leprosy, the grandmother always called him the guardian angel of his family.


The village in which the boy lived in Vitya, in 1933 she pressed his hunger. The pigeons disappeared, the boys and dogs swept the Vatagi. People mined food as they could. The hunters went to Taiga to catch the beast. However, he went to the depths of the forest, away from hunger. Only the most experienced and skillful hunters returned with prey. They divided meat to the whole village. People went to town to pass their belongings and gold to Torgsin.

Family Viti

Vitina family led grandma. She was an enterprising in business and dodgy in the farm. Grandmother called the men of his households - grandfather, Vitu and Son Kolchu Jr.. Soon the cousin of Viti Aleshka joined this company. His mother, an aunt of August, moved to work with logging on the Ust-Mansk Masonry Plot. Here the woman promised to highlight the laces. However, it turned out that this packs could not feed the family. The contents of the old grandmother chest went into the course. From the whole wealth that was in the house, after some time only the sewing machine "Singer" remained. No one wanted to buy it. The family was forced to eat with poking, potato cleaning and other rubbish.

Heavy tests continue the story of Viktor Petrovich ( summary). Astafyev ("Guardian Angel") shows us that his heroes do not surrender even when death approaches their home.

Viti disease and sale of mother's earrings

The boy Vitya was weak. He fell rheumatism and fever. Soon the legs of Viti completely stopped holding it. Favoring frozen potatoes, he almost died. Then grandmother decided to sell gold earrings. They were the only memory remaining from Vitina Mom, who drowned about a year ago. Ringa-younger was commissioned to attribute this treasure in Torgsin. He vinila himself in the death of his sister, since he was he who managed the boat on that day when she died. Therefore, Kille Jr. tried to pour Vitu. Returning from the city, he brought a bottle of hemp oil, powder and some money.

Men go to earnings, fake ... bread

Kille Jr. decided to go to the rich villages on earnings. They were in the upper reaches of the Yenisei. I found myself a job and grandfather - he hired sawing firewood in the village council. However, the food soon ran out. Taking the money earned by the grandfather, weakened from hunger, grandmother Viti went to the city. She brought from there a huge loaf, which turned out to be false - made of meak. The grandmother was nicking and caused, and then pulled out a small puppy because of her sinuses - he was left to die in the frost.

Puppy ball and position improvement

This puppy was called the ball. He brought the family of Viti luck, as noted by Astafev V. P. ("Guardian Angel"). On the same evening, Kille Jr. returned with hotels and money. So the family stretched to spring. True, grandmother had to sell sewing machineTo buy a bag of potatoes for sowing. Ring-junior spring married the second time. He worked with his wife, laughing Nuhra, on sowing. For this they received a little rush. Babushkin Cow was safely distilled. Aleshka took the mother who came to the drummers. From her enlarged soldering now fell and grandmother with men. Gradually, the financial situation in the family becomes not so hard that Viktor Astafyev shows us.

Family Guardian Angel

The grandmother was in a constant confrontation with the ball - the puppy began to urinate on a broom, drinking a feline milk and chasing the chickens. Despite the leaching of the ball, she always called the puppy angel-keeper of the family.

On this we will finish this work a brief content. Astafiev ("Guardian Angel") on the example of one family showed heavy Life People forced to fight hunger. His heroes do not give up, no matter what. They are trying to cope with all the problems and are not dulling.

We hope you wanted to get acquainted with the original by reading the summary. Astafiev ("Guardian Angel") illuminated the problem of the physical and spiritual survival of people who were in conditions of terrible reality. This topic is definitely very important. It was raised in their works many authors, including Astafiev ("Guardian Angel"). The main characters with honor withstand all the tests and deserve a reward. It turns out not only food and money, but also the "Guardian Angel" of the family.