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It became hard to live? What to do if life is heavy. Heavy period in life - what to do

how can I live hard (if I asked me - if I want to be born to live such a life that I had lived until the present moment, I would immediately answer - no, no, no one again .. The most interesting thing I have everything well, or relatively good, I communicate with people and they are interested with me, but these are not close people, the cat scolded with me, because there is not a single soul that I would understand me in this world, none. I live under constant press of circumstances, no one for real Before me there is no case, I have sick nerves, a dead heart, a bunch of gray hair and I don't have 30 .. I don't want to list all these circumstances, but believe me - if they brought a person to such a state, then everything is serious. . All I do in this life is to solve a bunch of current problems and questions and I have long ceased to please something. You say - develop, read the book, communicate, do sports - I do the first and second and third and fourth, if I hadn't done - it would probably live in a mental hospital. I really feel in the Western, I feel in a cage, I want to escape from this place somewhere very far, where no one knows me and forever so that I just shelter, fed, gave work and did not touch any of the people who I am surrounded never to see and do not remember them. People causing me a lot of evil in this life, I never wanted to anyone and did not make evil. And those who loved me (if it was true) made me suffer and cry another twice as much more. Why I all the time I turn out to be among those who make me suffer, and not feel happiness? It sometimes seems to me that someone I cursed me, I always had no luck. I tried and try to live inpite anything, but my killed nerves no longer allow me to swallow all this. I'm scared, what will happen next .. I think I can go crazy literally, I no longer cope with the pressure of this life. A few times in the last month I wanted to throw the iron in the mirror at home, break all the dishes, but I crossed myself and just silent or even answered something rather correct. I scares this abyss between my feelings and how I lead myself. I also look quite decent, even beautiful. We communicate with people pupilly. But in the soul I hate all this world and people and everything that happens here if the suicide was not fatal sin - I would have gone for a long time, since this life for me is a nightmare and every year worse, if after death, a person would simply grasp nowhere would not be afraid of post-mortem torment, then I would have already chosen death for a long time, as she didn't scare me, it was much better than staying with pills from nerves every day, You just walk like zombies and you do not perceive anything, I don't understand why I fell all this and I'm afraid to think than such a life could end, it would be better not at all starting. God looks at me and sees my blackened soul suffering, and, probably, it prepares for me new, because in my life it was always so and never will never change anything. Amen. Sorry, it was a confession of an unfortunate hidden neuroticism, which is hoping soon by chance to disappear somewhere, otherwise my surroundings will soon find out about the state of my soul in colorful form, and it will be a disaster, I really don't really want this

Hello! Once he already appealed to you for help, I would not say that they helped, but it was pronounced and became easier. I am alone. No, I have a family, a husband, children, but so often there is no one to throw in the word. I have no friends nor acquaintances, my sister never considered me sister, I sometimes hate me, and my father threw us and left the family when I was still small. Internet communication also did not help me. Nobody is looking for friends there. Yes, and in general, are you looking for friends in 30 years? I do not know. The only friend was a cat. He loved me, but I did not have time to take him to the vet, and he died in a few hours from the disease. I myself always all damage. My eldest son was born heavily sick. He has a congenital mental illness. He is not capable of servicing at all. I'm always with him. Immediately it became clear that I should devote my life to him. Neither my mother nor mom husband helped nothing, and still do not help. Although it is so hard that sometimes I want to impose hands on yourself ... No, I love him very much, and never gave him anywhere, I can not imagine life without him. It's just so hard to sit all the time in the four walls, not to go anywhere, not to communicate with anyone ... And maybe it is for the better that no one. Mental diseases only scare all. I don't see anyone myself and I can't see anyone. Once it was all different. I was 18 years old, I had, if not friends, the familiar, was a loved one. Even now in your 30 years, I understand that I loved him. But my mother believed that her duty was to spoil my life. She for a long time inspired that it was bad personWhat we must look for the other, but she was mistaken .... And now I am sitting in a terrifying situation with a heavy child-disabled person in my arms. And the person I drove under the influence of the mother became very worthy. And I might be mistaken, coming out married to whom the heart was drawn .. how much I remember myself, my mother solved everything for me. No, not in the sense, but managed by me. From the early years, I was cleaning, cooking and ironing, but at the same time she chose to communicate with whom to deal with where to learn. And in the case of my disagreement, he reinforced his words by a police rubber baton, which her father was brought to her for this business. All childhood I was sitting on a change, then under the table, then under the bed, hiding from her .... she managed to everyone, and for a long time I considered myself a doll, I simply did not have my opinion. And I obediently married to whom Mom pointed me. Happiness in marriage never saw. The only good thing that received is children. For the sake of them and I still live. And the mother just hate.

There is an opinion that people are divided into two categories. Supposedly is happy peoplewho are not life, but raspberry. They are rich, lucky, joyful and always stay in a great mood. There are other people, they are constantly unhappy, they have a lot of life: there is no money, everything does not fold, there are no discourse around the joy at all. Most of us, of course, defines themselves somewhere in the middle, but still with the second category: life from time to time throws the troubles and in the heart there will be pain, offense, fear, disappointment, depression. How finally, start to live normally and go into the category "constantly happy"?

Why so hard to live? Why is life often unfair and wrong?
How to change your life? How to start living normally? How to live a full life?
Is it possible to constantly be happy?

Humanity has been in pursuit of a non-abundant dream for a lot of centuries - in the full, beautiful, carefree life, where there is no place of weight, pain and suffering, and there is only happiness and joy. However, this is aspiration, no matter how clean and beautiful it is, is always encountered on the realities of life, capable of fighting, even the most intended person. There are many negative factors that are from time to time, but happen to each of us, and completely without our consent.

A natural continuation of reflection on this topic can be the conclusion that they say to man on the nature is written to be unhappy. Angry rock, evil fate - as opposed to happiness and joy - this is the reason for all our troubles and misfortunes. Allegedly, the cunning God or the evil-pretty strong world of this was specifically so conceived - to arrange a world full of pain and suffering, enslaving humanity in a chain grip of misfortune. There are even people who in the rustling of their own suffering begin to think about suicide, as a way to get away from all the misfortunes.

You can, of course, continue in this impasse to sit and suffer from injustice. And you can search another angle of view on suffering - after all it can not be that they are very meaningless.

Why is life so hard?

We feel about changing states. We can not do without comparison. It is impossible to imagine life in a purely white space, our eye needs at least a twist of yellow, and even better, contrasting - black to understand the distance, perspective, to evaluate beauty, generally cling to thought. And the more pronounced the opposite, the more we are from what to repel.

If you look closely, we will not find a single example in life so that there is no comparative category to it, through which we learn it. We want or do not want, love or hate, he annoys us or worries. The whole world exists around us precisely in the spectrum of opportunities where there is its plus and its minus. Let's say wealth - but the very fact of its existence is possible only under the condition of the presence of poverty. A person is rich only on another, who does not have such a number of money. His wealth is expressed in something: the number of money, cars, houses, yachts - all this can be considered and understand the opposite. If all people had the same, equal wealth, the very concept of wealth would not exist as objects without opposite.

No in the light of a person who is constantly like Manna Heavenly, only wonderful events fall on the head. Each of us lives in a series of events and each of us is intended for some lacks, pains, experiences. Another thing is that for one problem of another look small and ridiculous, and the third problems are inepent and terrible, but this is only a side view. And if we abstract from your own personal assessment, we will see that every person lives life in variables, from a lack of filling. And the life of any person can be pretty heavy.

At the most primitive level, such a principle can be seen in food and water. We feel the taste of food, only if before you test the hunger, feed the appetite. We enjoy the taste of water, only if you feel thirst, the desire to drink. When we are full, then the food no longer seems so tasty. When we moved and sit with a stomach stuffy, the most best Food Will we fight and unpleasant. To re-enjoy food, all overflowing her taste, it is necessary to wait for hunger.

But food is primitive, one can say an animal example. If we talk about all other aspects of life, then our desires, when filled, increase. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in the "Fairy Tale of Goldfish" described this feature. The desire is increasing and not always filled on time - the feeling of the lack of growing is growing, we give us the severity of our life.

Actually, this is why our world develops. That is why we go to cars and can send a telescope to Pluto, take pictures of it. The desires of mankind began with the smallest values: to eat, do not disturb, save offspring and get a bit of entertainment. Today, the implementation of these desires has reached incredible sizes, but after this, according to the principle of ripples, our desires have increased. We suffer and suffer very much. Greater lacks than our generation, humanity has never experienced. In the age of industrial abundance, various entertainment, the development of medicine and technology, we are all incredibly suffering.

How to start living normally?

For a start, it is necessary to realize that the very fact of the existence of the feeling of gravity of life is not a problem, but that spurred element, which is created for our development. All shortages, all problems, all tragedies that occur in our lives are created only for one reason - so that we develop. And in order to compete to the goal, they could feel the joy of filling.

The problem is not that life is hard, but in the fact that we do not see where we go, how to get to the opposite state. This is because this most opposite condition is often not obvious, but hidden. For example, everyone knows the feeling of fear - an unpleasant that is crazy. What is his opposite? At first glance, this is the absence of fear. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world are looking for a recipe "How to stop afraid? How to get rid of fear of your life?" But this is a mistake. In fact, the opposite of fear is not his absence, but a feeling of compassion and love.

Feeling fear, we suffer. Without feeling fear, we will, as an empty bank, do not feel anything. And only converting fear into compassion and love, we can fill with happiness and joy.

Through hardship to the stars

Surprisingly, life can really be felt as solid happiness. But not when we do not have any problems. And only if we can see in the trials, in the weights of life, which falls on our fate pointers to their own development.

It happens that it is hard for us to live, but these nine rules help you overcome difficult times and find lost interest to life.

John Lennon Lycho sang in his song "Beautiful Boy": "Life is what happens when you are busy doing other plans." And in fact, most often the life does not turn the way we present it. It seems that everything goes well, but suddenly the panic works and it becomes hard to live. You think that overturns everything around you. Thought O. beautiful Life Begins to disappearAnd for many of us with each breath, life acquires new complex tasks, and in the end we cease to shy away from the endless sequence of melancholy.

Perhaps you have to face obstacles in life. But these obstacles complicate your life, And I want to see life as a wonderful journey. How?

You must remember the following nine rules if it became hard to live.

  1. If you believe and work on it, everything is possible.

  2. You can assume that you live hard and life failed, but if you keep faith And hard work hard, you are destined to achieve success. Yours dreams May be big enough, and you can feel that you will never do it, because it is so hard. What is the point of always whining and fear that it won't go well if you didn't even start? If you work hard, you will definitely move forward. If it seems that the case does not go, as it should, and it has become hard to live, remember that Christopher RIV said to us:

    "If you have chosen hope, everything is possible."

  3. Life is short.

  4. Stevie Wander said:

    "Time is long, and life is short."

    Life is too little in order to achieve everything we have ever wanted. Every time it becomes hard to live, remember it, and you will help themselves in many ways in life. You are not able to achieve absolutely everything , and this is normal. But there is no point in worrying too much about the slightest problems that appear in such a short life. Constant anxiety about this and excessive analysis of events in this short life It will not help you and you will always live hard.

  5. Failures - the basis of success.

  6. Keep this statement in the head that Michael Jordan said:

    "I failed in my life again and again, and again again. And that is why I achieved success. "

    You should not seek success in all at once. Most often in the first attempt, a person is doomed to failure. Do not kill grief and do not learn everything, considering it hard to live. Although you were not crowned with success, however, you learned the features of what you go. Therefore, work next time more resolutely. And you will definitely get to the finish line.

    "When one door closes, another opens; But we often have so long and peer in regret closed doorthat we do not notice how one more one opens for us. "

    These are the words that Alexander Graham Bell said, thereby he portrayed how most of us think in case something went wrong it became hard to live and breathe. I remember about it, you will help yourself if anything in life is not in the direction. We will never reach everything that we want in life, and sometimes, something that gone - left unexpectedly and forever. But this does not mean that it has become hard to live. It makes no sense to make your own life unhappy. Remember every time about new door. Better, which is in life, and take the beauty of life with again open doorAnd it will be much easier to live.

  7. There are no short ways to success.

  8. One of common features, because of which we live hardIs that we want to achieve very much and at a very limited time. But believe me, just that can not. Perhaps you heard about it or even read books like "learns to play a guitar for a week" or "Master Spanish in three days." But perhaps you have already experienced it, such things do not work. The fact that you help to acquire some skills or knowledge cannot be refuted, but what they sell to you, claiming that it will make you an expert at a limited time, simply will not work in practice.

    The same applies to life. Your most big dreams It takes a lot of time to achieve them, sometimes even all your life. But even if so, do not tell yourself that you live hard, just forget about the construction of Rome in one day.

  9. Avoid a permanent comparison with others.

  10. You may find that your salary is much less than others. Your friend always gets the best estimate than you. Your sister is more beautiful than you. We always make such comparisons and complicate life yourself. Often we make comparisons with people located at the top of success, For example, comparing your guitar play skills with the skills of Eric Clapton, and wondering why it is hard for us to live. But one thing, to be and establish a goal. And another thing is to constantly compare ourselves with other people and feel defective, considering that you live hard.

    You must remember that everyone has their own strong and weak sides And perhaps you will not be able to reach the top, or it will take you more time. At the top of great competition, so it is better to take a realistic approach to life, improving itself gradually With each step.

  11. Life is a journey, not a destination.

  12. Ralph Waldo Emerson said:

    "Life is a journey, not destination."

    And this is an important quote to remember it if we are very hard to live and we want a happy and prosperous life for themselves. Many times we present ourselves at the end of the way, when we achieve everything. But when we try to walk along the way, we do not have enough.

    We constantly think about glory and prizes. Remember, honorable is what others offered you, experience is what you really get for yourself. Thus, at every step, and even the most difficult tasks will seem easily fulfilled, and you will stop seeing that you live hard.

  13. Do not worry about what others think.

  14. This is a common problem for most of us, we are always worried about the fact that other people think about us and therefore it is hard for us to live. This is great the obstacle prevents us from carrying out our dreams and enjoy life. We want to create a new thing, but we are visited by thoughts: "What if it is not crowned with success?", "How others will react when they learn about it?" And "Will it really make them happy?" You should not live your life, catering all the time to others. What others think about you simply does not matter. If you always restrain yourself, you really will be hard to live, and you will never be able to and implement your dreams.

  15. Nothing lasts forever.

  16. Life is full of takeoffs and falls. And not always everything works as you planned. What to do when such cases arise and it becomes hard to live? Remember: "Nothing lasts forever." Even your concerns and trouble. It will not help you solve the problem, but it will definitely help you. in the most difficult times move forward.

Remember these nine rules Every time you feel that you can live hard, and then you can make it much easier to get out of crisis life situations.