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Beautiful phrases about life and love. Quotes about the meaning of life

We ourselves choose our thoughts that build our future life.

In order to learn to tell the truth to people, you need to learn to speak it yourself.

The surest way to the heart of a person is a conversation with him that he appreciates above all.

When trouble happens in life, it is necessary only to explain its cause - and it will become easier for my soul.

The world is bored for boring people.

Learn from everyone, do not imitate anyone.

If our life paths disagree with someone, it means that this person fulfilled his task in our life, and we are in it. New people come to their place to teach us something else.

The hardest person is given what is not given to him.

You live only once, and even in it can not be sure. Marseil Ashar.

If you regret once, I did not say, you regret a hundred times that I did not say.

I want to live better, but you have to go more fun ... Mikhail Mamchich

No person can throw us, because initially we do not belong to anyone except us.

The only way to change your life is to go there where you are not waiting

Let I do not know the meaning of life, but the search for meaning already gives the meaning of life.

Life has the price only because it ends, baby. Rick Riordan (American Writer)

Life is more likely like a novel than our novels for life. J. Sand.

If you do not have time to do something, it means that you should not have time, it means you need to spend time on something else.

There are no fun to live, but you can do so that it does not want to laugh.

To live bad, it is unreasonable, it is impossible - it means not to live badly, but slowly die.

Besle life devoid of illusions. Albert Cami, philosopher, writer

Life is hard, but, fortunately, short (P.S. Pts. Famous phrase)

Nowadays, people are not tortured by Calen. There are noble metals.

It is very easy to check whether your mission is over on Earth: if you are alive - she continues.

Wise quotes about life fill its definite meaning. When you read them - you feel like the brain begins to move.

Understand - it means to feel.

It's so simple: you need to live until you die

Philosophy does not answer the question about the meaning of life, but only complicates it.

Everything that suddenly changes our lives is not an accident.

Death is not terrible, and sad and tragic. Be afraid of the dead, cemeteries, morgues - the top of idiocy. It is necessary not to be afraid of the dead, but to regret them and their loved ones. Those whose life was interrupted, without giving accomplishing something important, and those who remained forever to mourn away. Oleg Roy. Powet Lie.

We do not know how to do with our short life, but still wish to live forever. A. France

The only happiness in life is a constant desire forward.

In tears, which each of the women shed down the grace of men, you can drown any of them. Oleg Roy, Roman: A man in the window opposite 1

Man always seeks to be the owner. People need to have houses decorated in their name, cars with the right of the owner, their own companies and spouses chained as a stamp in the passport. Oleg Roy. Powet Lie.

If you do not pay attention to difficulties, they will come and leave ...

No one makes a lock without a key, also life will not give problems without solving.

It is difficult to lead to good morals, easy example.

Planning forever! After all, the rain was not when Noah built the ark.

When we bump into the closed door, the other door opens to us. Unfortunately, we look so long on the closed door that we do not notice the one that is open to us.

Life is fatigue growing with each step.

Life like a bath, boiling water, then ice water.

And only with age you begin to realize,How to turn the crane correctly, but the soul is already ski, and the body is almost glaced.

Abortions protect exclusively those people who themselves were already born. Ronald Reagan.

Beware of a young doctor and an old hairdresser. Benjamin Franklin

. "Of the two angry, I always choose the one that I have never tried before." Benedict Cumberbatch

Who can't change their views, can not change anything. Bernard Show

With a diploma you can make a living. Self-education will make you. Jim Ron.

It is better to pray and seemed fool than to open the mouth and finally dispel doubts. Abraham Lincoln

Patience has more power than power.

Be faithful to those who are faithful to you.

Chaotically move only molecules and assholes.

Death is when a person closes his eyes to everything.

Not for that I live, so that it is for living. Quintilian

The main thing in this world is not where we stand, but in what direction are moving. Oliver Holm

Speak about yourself only good: the source will rush, and the hearing will remain.

Want to avoid critics - do nothing, say nothing and be someone.

The only moment in life when a person tells himself the truth is a moment before death.

If you want to laugh God, tell him about your plans.

A woman should not look defiantly, but a call ...

The person gets used to everything, even to Visilice ... Hells, hangs and stop ...

Do not waste time in vain - this is the material from which the life is worn

Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted. Coco Chanel

It is better to talk to mouth-stuffed than to be silent with a naked muzzle.

Watching more, remember that it may not be Olympus, but Vesuviy. Emil Ozier

Life is so short that hardly manage to spoil it.

All the best we are obliged in yourself the lack of worst.

Difficulties begin where they try to simplify.

We only live once, but to the end.

Life goes in English - not saying goodbye

The arrogance is the second happiness of those who have no first.

Old age begins when instead of "tasty / tasteless" you start talking

"Useful / harmful"

Who knows how to own themselves, he can command others. J. Volter.

Who wants to live for others, should not neglect his own life. Hugo

The biggest mistake is to try to correct the error of the other.

Money and care is impossible to hide. (Lope de Vega)

Nothing contributes to peace of mind as a complete absence of his own opinion. (Lichtenberg)

It is necessary to live so as not to be afraid to sell your parrot the biggest gossip of the city. - Yu. Tuwym.

Great science live happily is to live only in the present. Pythagoras

Half of our life lies parents, and the second half - children. Darrow

Apparently, there is nothing in the world that it could not happen. M. Twin

The number of years has not yet indicated about the length of life. The life of a person is measured by what he did in it and felt. S. Smilers.

Most people spend half of their life to make another half of the unhappy. J. Labryuer

It is stupid to build plans for the whole life, without being Mr. even tomorrow. Seneca

Measure of life is not in its duration, but in how you used it. - M. Monten

Life is what people most strive to preserve and the least you caress. - J. Labryuer

Stress is not what happened to you, but how you perceive it. Hans Selre

The main thing in goals is that you have. Jeffrey Albert.

The most important foundation of the formula for success is the ability to get along with people. Theodore Roosevelt

Do not treat life so seriously. You still do not get out of her alive.

The fact is the most stubborn thing in the world.

I was looking for leaders, but I realized that the leadership is to act first.

Try, give at least one chance impossible. You have never thought about how it is impossible, wearily, as it needs us.

Every new day we are building plans for the future. But the future has its own plans.

Loneliness is not just so ... it is to think about ...

You should not be afraid of change - most often they happen at the moment when they are necessary.

Strong come as they want, and weak suffer as they should.

One day you will find that you have only one problem left - you yourself.

Everything needs to be survived on this light, everything needs to be experienced and evaluated ... misfortune, pain, treason, grief, gossip - everything is needed through the heart. And only then, getting up at dawn, you can laugh and love ...

The most difficult thing in life is to appreciate everything you have and at the same time not to be tied to anything. Excessive attachment to anything or who either give birth to a constant concern to lose it.

Yes, not about Tom thinks asked, but about that - for what? Guess - for what, then you will understand how to answer. Maksim Gorky

The shortage of good people is not a reason to cling to anyone.

A person will never be able to write a new page in his life, if he constantly turns and reread the old one.

A man should be stubborn and firm in life matters. But soft and sensitive with his woman.

It is impossible to wait from humans what is unusual for him. You do not squeeze the lemon to get tomato juice.

Everything as usual. Fear pulls back, curiosity pushes forward, pride stops. And only common sense nervously trample on the spot and swears with a mat.

It is important that coming to the aid when he is not even asked.

If you have enough courage to say "goodbye", life will reward you with a new hello. (Paulo Coelho)

It is easier for me to communicate with a person alone, because only alone he becomes a man.

I do not care about those who leave my life. I will find a replacement to everyone. But those who stayed, I love more life!

Even the most sharp fangs of the animal, never amaze those who love, and people can kill one phrase ...

I prefer to do in my life what I love. And not that fashionable, prestigious or laid. (Moscow does not believe in tears)

Take the present moment with joy. If you understand that nothing can be changed now, just relax and watch everything just happens without any effort from your side.

Winged expressions, great statements, quotes, wise sayings.

Everything can be a teacher

    One single real courage is to be yourself.

    To become a blacksmith, you need to joke.

    The best teacher in life is an experience. Takes expensive, but explains it is intelligible.

    Learn on your mistakes. This feature is the only thing that is useful in them.

Through thorn to the stars, Figure:

    Courage, will, knowledge and silence are the weapons and weapons of those who follow the path of improvement.

    When the ears of students are ready to hear, appear melting, ready to fill them with wisdom.

    The mouth of wisdom is open only for the ears of understanding.

    Books give knowledge, but they can't tell everything. Initially, look for wisdom in the scriptures, and then look for the highest instruction.

    Soul - Prisoner of his ignorance. It is chained by chairs for the existence, in which it cannot manage his fate. The purpose of each virtue is to eliminate one such chain.

    Those who gave you the body endowed it with weakness. But everything that gave you the soul, armed with you determination. Act resolutely - and you will be wise. Be wise - and you will find happiness.

    The greatest treasures given to man is a judgment and will. Happy one who knows how to use them.

    Everything can be a teacher.

    "I" chooses the method of learning "I".

    Refusal of the freedom of thinking can mean the loss of the last opportunity to understand the laws of the universe.

    Genuine knowledge comes from the highest way, which leads to the eternal fire. Miscellaneous, defeat and death arise when a person follows the lowest path of earthly attachments.

    Wisdom - child learning; Truth is the child of wisdom and love.

    Death occurs when the purpose of life is achieved; Death shows what the meaning of life is.

    When you meet a dispute, who is inferior to you, do not try to crush him with the power of my arguments. He is weak and will give himself. Do not answer evil speeches. Do not indulge your blind passion to defeat at any cost. You will win him already that those present will agree with you.

    Genuine wisdom is far from nonsense. Wise often doubts and change their opinion. A fool is stubborn and stands on his, knowing everything except by his love.

    Only one part of the soul penetrates the earth chain of time, while the other remains in rampant.

    Avoid talking with many about your knowledge. Do not keep it korestolubily for myself, but also do not put the crowd to the mob. A close person will understand the truth of your words. Far will never become your friend.

    Yes, these words will be in the Larce of your body and can keep your tongue from bakingly.

    Facely misunderstanding.

    The spirit is life, and the body is needed in order to live.

Life is a movement, photo

Great sayings of wise men

    The path to a thousand miles begins with one step. - Confucius

    What you believe - those and you will become.

    Feelings, emotions and passions are good servants, but bad owners.

    Who wants, he is looking for opportunities who do not want - looking for reasons. - Socrates

    It is impossible to solve the problem with the same consciousness that has generated this problem. - Einstein

    Whatever the surrounding life, and for us it is always painted in that color that arises in the depths of our being. - M.Galdi

    Observing is observed. - Jedda Krishnamurti

    The most important need for life is a sense of demand. As long as a person does not feel that she needs anyone, his life will remain meaningless, devastated. - Osho


    To be conscious - it means to remember, be aware, but to sin - it means not to realize, forget. - Osho

    Happiness is your inner nature. It does not need any external conditions; It is just there, happiness is you yourself. - Osho

    Happiness is always in you. - Pythagoras

    Life is empty if you live only for yourself. Running, you live. - Audrey Hepburn

    Listen, as a person insults others, he gives himself a characteristic.

    No one throws anyone, just someone goes ahead. The one who has fallen behind, believes that he was thrown.

    Responsibility for the result of communication take over. Not "I was provoked", and "I allowed himself to provoke" or succumbed to provocation. Such an approach helps to acquire experience.

    A touchless person - a sick person with him is better not to communicate.

    No one should have anything to you - be grateful and for small.

    Be understandable, but do not demand that you understand.

  • God always surrounds the people with whom we need to heal from our drawbacks. - Simeon Afonovsky
  • The happiness of a married man depends on those on whom he is not married. - O. Wilde
  • Words you can prevent death. Words you can revive the dead. - Navoi.
  • When you do not know the words, there is nothing to know people. - Confucius
  • Who neglects the word, he harm himself. - Proverbs of Solomon 13:13


    Horatio, there is a lot in the world, which did not dream of our sages ...

    And there are spots in the sun.

    Harmony is the connection of opposites.

  • The whole world is the theater, and people are actors. - Shakespeare

Great quotes

    Time does not like when it is wasting. - Henry Ford

    Failure is just the opportunity to start again, but more wisely Henry Ford

    Distrust of yourself is the cause of most of our failures. - K.Bowavi

    Attitude towards children is an errorless measure of the spiritual dignity of people. - I.Bryl

    Two things fill the soul always new and morestary surprise, the more often and longer we reflect on them, - this is the starry sky with me and moral law in me. - I. Kant.

    If the problem can be resolved, it is not necessary to worry about it. If the problem is insoluble, it is meaningless to worry about it. - Dalai Lama

    Cognition always gives freedom. - Osho


About friendship

A true friend is in misfortune. - Aesop

A friend to me one who can say everything. - V.G. Belinsky

No matter how rarely the real love is found, the real friendship is even less common. - Larochefuky

Affection can do without reciprocity, but friendship is never. - J.Russo

Friedrich Nietzsche

  • A woman consider a deep thought, why?
    Because there is no reason to accomplish the reasons for her actions. The reason for its actions never lies on the surface.

    Some and the same affects in men and women are different in pace; Therefore, a man and a woman never cease, not to understand each other.

    Everyone carries the image of a woman who is perceived from the mother; This determines whether a person will read women at all, or despise them, or, in general, to relate to them indifferent.

    If the spouses did not live together, they would meet good marriages more often.

    Many short madness is called love with you. And your marriage, as one long nonsense, puts an end to many short madness.

    Your love for his wife and love of his wife to her husband - Ah, if she could be a pity for suffering hidden gods! But almost always, two animals are guessing each other.

    And even your best love is only an enthusiastic symbol and painful dust. Love is a torch that should shine to you on the highest ways.

    A little good food often affects how we look at the future: with hope or with despondency. This is true even towards the most sublime and spiritual spheres of a person.

    It sometimes sensuality overtakes love, the root of love remains weak, unresponsible, and it is easy to snatch it.

    We praise or blame, depending on that, whether we will give us any more opportunity to detect the brilliance of our mind.

for reference

Aphorism (Greek. Aphorismos - Short saying), generalized, finished and deep thought of a certain author, mainly philosophical or practically moral meaning, expressed in a concise, depotable form.

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updated 04/18/2016

Study, Education

I live in the world, full of things that I do not have, but which I would like to have. Amendment, .. Essential, for this is not life.

If human life consists of only happiness from the bottom, then the first problem becomes its end.

Those who persistently experiencing their lives on strength, sooner or later achieve their own - effectively ends it.

You should not chase for happiness. It is like a cat - chasing it is useless, but it is worthwhile to do their affairs, as she comes and peacefully falls on his knees.

Every day can be the first and last in life - it all depends on how to look at this question.

Every new day is like a match made of a box of life: it is necessary to burn her dottle, but to be careful not to burn the precious stock of the remaining days.

People lead the diary of the past events, and the life is the diary of the events of the coming.

Only a dog is ready to love you for what you are doing, and not for what others think about you.

The meaning of life is not to achieve perfection, but to tell about this achievement to others.

Continue beautiful quotes Read on the pages:

There is only one true law - one that allows you to become free. Richard Bach

In the building of human happiness, friendship builds walls, and love forms a dome. (Goat rods)

For each minute, when you are angry, sixty seconds of happiness are lost.

Never happiness did not put a person in such a height so that he does not need others. (Seneca Lutions Anneas-Shade).

In the search for joy and happiness, a person runs away from himself, although in reality the real source of joy is in it itself. (Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi)

Want to be happy - be it!

Life is love, love is supported by life in indivisible (it has a reproduction means); In this case, the love of the assumption of the mid-rigid power of nature; She is adjacent to the last link of creation to the beginning, in it repeated, therefore, love is the self-refreshrating power of nature - the original and infinite radius in the circle of the universe. Nikolai Stankevich

I see the goal - and I do not notice obstacles!

In order to live freely and happily, you must donate boredom. This is not always an easy victim. Richard Bach

Possession of all kinds of benefits is not all. Getting pleasure from possessing them - that is what is happiness. (Pierre Augusten Bomaouxche)

Sales - everywhere, talent - rarity. Therefore, sales has become mediocre weapons that floated everything.

The misfortune may be an accident. Happiness is not good luck and not grace; Happiness - virtue or merit. (Gregory Landau)

Peoples made their idol freedom, and where is the free people on earth?

The character may manifest itself in important minutes, but it is created in the trifles. Philips Brooks.

If you work on the goals set, then these goals will work for you. Jim Ron.

Happiness is not to do always, what do you want, but to always want what you do!

Do not solve the problem, but look for opportunities. George Gilder

If we do not take care of your reputation, others will do for us, and you will definitely express us not in the best light.

In general, it does not matter where to live. More or less amenities is not the main thing. It is only important for what we spend our lives.

I have to lose myself in activities, otherwise I will die from despair. Tennison

There is only one undoubted happiness in life - to live for another (Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky)

Human souls, like rivers and plants, also need rain. Special rain - hope, faith and sense of life. If there is no rain, everything dies in the soul. Paulo Coelho

Life is beautiful when you do it myself. Sophie Marso

Happiness is sometimes so unexpectedly falls out that you do not have time to bounce aside.

Life should be happy to delight a person. Happiness is misfortune, which for a trading approach to life. Because of him, people lose often the feeling of the joy of being. Joy should be as an integral element of life as breathing. Goldermes

Happiness is a pleasure without repentance. (L.N. Tolstoy)

The greatest happiness in life is confidence that you love.

All unequivocarity prompts life

All the actual life of a person can deviate from its individual purpose, as well as from the total norms. With myself, we all, and therefore yourself, perceive, confusing in the motley cover of illusions, woven from stupidity, vanity, ambition, pride. Max Soller

Suffering has great creative potential.

Each desire is given to you along with the forces necessary for its implementation. Perhaps however, for this you will have to work hard. Richard Bach

When you attack the heavens, you need to take the scope of God.

A small dose of stress returns to us youth and vitality.

Life is a night spent in a deep sleep, often turning into a nightmare. A.Shopengauer

If you are intentionally going to be smaller than you can be, I warn you that you will be unhappy the rest of your life. Oil

Everyone is as happy as much as he can be happy. (Dina Dean)

Whatever happens tomorrow, it should not be pointed today. Whatever happens yesterday, it should not strangle tomorrow. We exist in the present, and it is impossible to despise him. The joy of the burning day is priceless, like life itself - no need to poison their doubts and regrets. Vera Kamsha

Do not chase for happiness, it is always in you.

Life is a difficult lesson, but the most difficult for the first one hundred years. Wilson Mizner

Happiness is not a reward for virtue, but the virtue itself. (Spinosa)

Man is far from perfect. He is hypocrite more than more, more than less, and fools chat that one is moral, and the other is not.

Man exists when chooses himself. A. Shopenhauer

Life continues when the usual way of life is dying.

A separate personality is not obliged to be wiser of a whole nation.

We all live at the expense of the future. It is not surprising that bankruptcy awaits him. Christian Friedrich Goebbel

It is important to learn to take yourself, appreciate yourself, no matter what others talk about you.

To achieve happiness, three terms are needed: a dream, belief in yourself and hard work.

No person is happy until it feels happy. (M.Avreliy)

True values \u200b\u200balways support life because they lead to freedom and growth. T. Moresel

Most people look like falling leaves; They are in the air, are circling, but in the end fall to the ground. Others - some of them - like stars; They move on a certain path, no wind will make them collapse from him; They themselves are their law and their way.

When one door of happiness closes, another opens; But we often do not notice her, staring at the closed door.

We reap in life what sowed: who sowed tears, reaps tears; Who betrayed, that very much. Luigi Setmbrinos

If the whole life of many will come unconsciously, then this life is no matter how. L. Tolstoy

If you were built a house of happiness, the largest room would have to take place under the waiting room.

I see in my life only two ways: stupid obedience or riot.

We live as long as we have hope. And if you lost it, in no case do not let yourself guess about it. And then something can change. V. Pelevin "Relator and Sixpal"

The happiest people do not necessarily have the best; They just make more that they have better.

If you are afraid of misfortune, it will not be happiness. (Peter the First)

All my life we \u200b\u200bare just doing that we take into debt among the future to pay the real.

Happiness is such a monstrous thing that if you do not burst from him, then at least a pair of troops of the killings will require you.

Happiness is a ball behind which we chase while he rolls, and which we pushing the leg when it stops. (P. Buast)

Human life looks like a box of matches. Hold her seriously - funny. Contact is not serious - dangerous.
Akutagawa Ryunca

Every life creates his own destiny.
A. Ameel

The life of most people looks like a vague, incoherent sleep, on half-sized dreams. We are crushed only when life ends.
author unknown

The life of people seeking some pleasures, in essence, no more than a long suicide; They are exactly trying to justify the exaggeration of the Seinea: we do not get life short, but we make it such.
author unknown

Live - it means to do things, and not acquire them.

Life without a goal is a man without a head.

The whole life will fly, like the wind crazy,
Do not restrain her at any price.
Yu. Balasaguni

Life is an alternation of all combinations, they need to be studied, follow them to stay in a profitable position everywhere.
O. Balzac

Strong life shocks heal from small fears.
O. Balzac

It is surprisingly a man - he is upset when he loses wealth, and indifferent to the fact that the days of his life irrevocably leave.
G. Bar-Ebia

Life is the art of extracting significant benefits from minor circumstances.
S. Batler

Live - the same thing that love: Mind - against, healthy instinct - for.
S. Batler

To live in a society, wearing a difficult yarm of posts, often insignificant and siety, and want to agree on the benefits of pride with the desire of Glory - there is a requirement of truly fume.
K. Batyushkov

It's not about whether we live, but in that - like.
N. Bailey

Perhaps in the stream of time only what is deprived of a strong grain of life and that, therefore, it is not worth life.
V. Belinsky

Life is a trap, and we are mice; Oh, it is possible to disrupt the bait and get out of the Western, but most of the perishes in it, and the bait will be lingering. Stupid comedy, damn it.
V. Belinsky

To live - it means to feel and think, suffer and bliss, every other life is death.
V. Belinsky

Many people live without living, but only going to live.
V. Belinsky

Find your way to find out your place - this is all for a person, it means to deal with himself.
V. Belinsky

"To live beautifully" - not just the sound is empty.
Only one who in the world beauty multiplied
Labor, struggle - that life has lived beautifully,
Truly crowned with beauty!
I. Becher

It is worth living only to make immense requirements for life.
A. Blok.

The true life of a person begins in fifty years. During these years, a person masters what the true achievements are based on, acquires what can be given to others, know what can be learned, clears what can be built on.
E. Bok

Not bread is alone. Making money, accumulate material power - it's not all. Life is something more and a person who does not notice this truth is deprived of the greatest joy and pleasure available to a person in this life - serving other people.
E. Bok

To live is to fight, fight is to live.
P. Boualersche

We cut life with your madness and vices, and then complain about the troubles that followed them, and we say that the misfortune is laid in the very nature of things.
K. Bowvi.

The first thing you find out in life is that you are a fool. The last thing you find out is that you are all the same fool.
R. Bradbury

Anyone who lives for others is for the sake of their country, for the sake of a woman, for the sake of creativity, for the hungry or persecuted, as if for magic, forgets his longing and small lifeless troubles.
A. Morua

Life is a battle, and you have to prepare for it from childhood.
A. Morua

Life is not a holiday, not a chain of pleasure, but the work in which there is a lot of grief and a lot of doubts.
S. Nadson

Changing every moment your image is whimsical
Caprickance, like a child, and is ghostly, like smoke,
Boils everywhere life in alarm fussy,
Great mixing with insignificant and funny.
S. Nadson

Anyone who will attempt to live a full life, live in order to feel life, is doomed to be incomprehensible and tolerate constantly disappointing in their relationships with other people.
R. Olddington

Live and scraping. In this life. Do not think that you can be perfection is impossible. Play yourself, your character, to when the test comes - and it is inevitable, - you could deceive yourself with capital truths and loud phrases ...
R. Olddington

Life is a wonderful adventure, worthy of trying to tolerate and fail.
R. Olddington

The stormy life of the tempting for non-hearth minds, mediocrity does not find in it in it: in all their actions, they are similar to cars.
B. Pascal

So the whole life proceeds: looking for peace, fearing to fight against several obstacles; And when these obstacles are eliminated, peace becomes unbearable.
B. Pascal

Life is a permanent work, and only he understands her quite humanly, who looks at her from this point of view.
D. Pisarev

Life is like a spectacle; It often has very bad people occupy the best places.

Life is like playing: others come to them compete, others - to trade, and the happiest - watch.

Long life at a healthy consciousness allows you to look at yourself from the side and lay down the change in yourself.
M. Svtain

Life in itself is short, but when she is unhappy, it seems long.
Publists Sir

Those who all their lives are just going to live well.
Publists Sir

Life is calm only in those who do not know the difference between "My" and "yours."
Publists Sir

Vain gift, the gift is random,
Life, why are you given to me?
A. Pushkin

I want to live to think and suffer.
A. Pushkin

Life is an art in which people often remain amateur. To live, you need to shed a lot of blood to your heart.
Carmen Silva.

Human life is like the gland. If you use it in the case, it is erased; If you do not use, the rust eats it.
Caton senior

Not for that I live, so that it is for living.

The most excellent life is life, lived for other people.
X. Keller

Life is not to live, but in feeling that you live.
V. Klyuchevsky

Life teaches only those who study it.
V. Klyuchevsky

Well-being, misfortune, poverty, wealth, joy, sadness, poverty, content the essence of various phenomena of one historical drama, in which people rehearse their roles in the edification of the world.
Goat rods

The life of our can be convenient to compare with the wayward river, on the surface of which the Chelny swims, sometimes the sick-like wave, often detained in its motion and broken about the underwater stone. Does it be necessary to mention that this duck Chel on the market of prescription is not anyone else, how is the person himself?
Goat rods

On the tasks given to us by life, the answers are not given at the end.
Goat rods

Three ways of a person in order to reasonably act: the first, - the most noble, - thinking, the second, the easiest, is the imitation, the third, the most bitter, is the experience.

In the school life, no no longer leave for a repeated course.
E. Krotsky

Life is a school, but it should not be hurrying with the end.
E. Krotsky

It is necessary to live so that I wish to repeat.
B. Krutier

Who can fill every moment in deep content, that endlessly extends his life.
I. Kuri.

Most people spend a big half of their life to make another half of the unhappy.
J. Labryuer

Life is a tragedy for someone who feels, and comedy for the one who thinks.
J. Labryuer

Life is what people most strive to preserve and the least you caress.
J. Labryuer

A person must consume the first part of his life to talk with the dead (read books); second to talk with alive; Third to talk with himself.
P. Boast.

Only the complicity in the existence of other living beings reveals the meaning and the basis of its own being.
M. Bubeber

... It is easy to live to someone who is cheated, like a crow, muster, obsessive, reckless, is spoiled. But it is difficult to live someone who is modest, who is always looking for a clean, who is impartial, cool, begging, whose life is chista.

Life worthy of his own behalf is the dedication of yourself the good of other people.
B. Washington

It is necessary to log in not a fun walk, like a pleasant grove, but with a reverent thrill, as in the sacred forest, full of secrets.
V. Veresaev

Life is not a burden, and if someone turns it into the burden, then in this he himself is to blame.
V. Veresaev

Life is the most interesting adventure that people are given to experience.
J. Bern.

Live - means not only to satisfy the material needs of the body, but mainly aware of their human dignity.
Well Bern

To live - it means to burn yourself with fire fighting, quest and anxiety.
E. Verjern

Life is what people get, not expressing gratitude, use without meditation, they are transmitted to others in infamousism and losing it, without noticing.

I still love life. This ridiculous weakness may be one of the most fatal flaws: after all, nothing can be more stupid than the desire to continuously carry a burden that you want to lose to the ground, be horrified by its existence and

You will turn back from any road
And only the road of life is irretrievable.
R. Gamzatov

Life is an almost continuous chain of own discoveries.

In life it is impossible to make anything - everyone should learn this truth as early as possible.
X. Goebbel

Life is infinite improvement. Consider yourself perfect - it means to kill yourself.
X. Goebbel

All strong people love life.

Life for nothing passes for people who have awakened at least some strong thought ...
A. Herzzen.

Life that does not leave durable traces, is erased at every step forward.
A. Herzzen.

Life is my natural right: I dispose of the owner in it, moving my "I" into all the surrounding, fighting him, revealing his soul to everything, sucking him, the whole world, remembered him as in the horn, I am aware of the connection with humanity, with infinity .
A. Herzzen.

Private life that does not know anything behind the threshold of his house, no matter how it settled down, is poor.
A. Herzzen.

You live yourself only when you use the location of others.
I. Goette

Only that worthy of life and freedoms,
Who is for them every day go to battle.
I. Goette

Life and activity is just as closely connected between them, like the flame and light. What burns, then, right, shines that it lives, then, of course, acts.
F. Glinka

Life can not be so heavy so that it cannot be facilitated by his attitude towards her.
E. Glezgoou

Who wants to honestly go through his life, should be in mind to keep in mind that someday he will be an old man, and in old age remember that he was once young.
N. Gogol.

Without victims, no effort and deprivation can not live in the world: life is not a garden in which only flowers grow.
I. Goncharov

Life is a struggle, in the fight - happiness.
I. Goncharov

Life "For myself and about myself" is not life, but a passive condition: you need the word and the case, the struggle.
I. Goncharov

Life does not give anything without grave work and excitement.

Who is slow to streamline your life, is similar to that simpleness, which is waiting for the river when she sweels his waters.

There are only two forms of life: rotting and burning. Cowardly and greedy will escape the first, courageous and generous - second.
M. Gorky

Life is coming: who does not sleep behind her, he remains lonely.
M. Gorky

Life is arranged so devilish skillfully, which, without knowing how to hate, it is impossible to sincerely love.
M. Gorky

Life of a person to a funny raft. How to live? Some persistently evade their lives, others are entirely dedicated to her. The first on the slope of the days will be a poor spirit and memories, others are rich in both those and others.
M. Gorky

The life of mankind is creativity, the desire for victory over the resistance of the dead matter, the desire to master all its secrets and make the strength to serve the will of people for happiness.
M. Gorky

It is not true that life is gloomy, it is not true that in it only ulcers da pans, grief and tears! .. It has everything that he wants to find a person, and in it there are the forces to create what is not in it.
M. Gorky

It is more complete and more interesting life when a person fights that he prevents from living.
M. Gorky

A real life is a little different from a good fantastic fairy tale, if we consider it from the inside, from the desires and motives, which is guided by a person in its activities.
M. Gorky

Man all his life should do anything - all my life.
M. Gorky

A person who does not know what he will do tomorrow is unfortunate.
M. Gorky

To live - you need to be able to do something.
M. Gorky

Life can a little can teach someone who did not learn to endure suffering.
A. Graph

Life is a hard debt of the feat, and not pleasure and the path to personal happiness.
N. Grota

I do not know what our ship is ahead,
But here our fate is visible:
We come out with life one on one,
And she defeats us.
I. Guberman

Life has a melody, motive,
Harmony of plots and tonality
And rainbow random prospects
She is covered in monotonous reality.
I. Guberman

Among the influences that shortening their lives, fear, sadness, despondency, longing, foolishness, envy, hatred are preferential place.
X. Gufelland

Not to go to the bow and do not wait to come to the bow for you, here is a pleasant life, the golden age, the natural state of a person!
J. Labryuer

The greatest of the books is the book of life that can neither close, nor reoperse in their arbitrariness.
A. Lamartin

It is impossible to live in society and be free from society.
V. Lenin

Life goes ahead with contradictions, and the living contradictions are many times richer, a versatile, meaningful than the human mind it seems to seem.
V. Lenin

Change, persist, or continue, changing, - this is what truly is a normal life of a person.
P. Lero.

Looks like an ocean life
And we are all - only fishermen:
We dream to wipe whale,
And we produce the tail of the cod.
F. Logau

Every life should have a little rainy weather.

Life reaches its vertices in the minutes, when all of her forces rushes to the exercise of the goals set in front of it.
D. London

I have little live. I still want to understand what life is.
A. Losev

The ownership of life is not given to anyone, but only for a while.

It is necessary to live with straightened wings.
S. McKay

Put one good deed to another is so tight so that there is no gap between them - that's what I call to enjoy life.
Mark Arellium

The first half of life consists of the ability to receive pleasure in the absence of possibilities; The second half consists of possibilities in the absence of ability.
Mark Twain

The events of our life are mainly small events, they only seem large when we stand close to them.
Mark Twain

Good friends, good books and a dormant conscience - here is an ideal life.
Mark Twain

Than your exement, the less you show your life, the more your property, the more your alienate life ...
K. Marx

Some love life for being given, others for what she gives.

Life is divided into two epochs: the era of desires and the era of disgust.

Life is beautiful if you learn to live.

How to live sweetly when you live with whom you want!

Life is a hard lesson, and everything is more difficult for the first one hundred years.
U. Mizner

Life in itself - neither good nor evil: she is a compatibility and good and evil, depending on what we ourselves turned it.
M. Monten.

Everyone lives well or bad depending on what he himself thinks about this. Sottented not the one whom others are happy with satisfied, but the one who changes herself as such.
M. Monten.

Measure of life is not in its duration, but in how you used it.
M. Monten.

We learn to live when life is already lived.
M. Monten.

Life - Mountain: Raise slowly, descend quickly.

Peer - genuine life next to you. She is in flowers on the lawn; In a lizard, which heats up in your sun on the balcony; In children who look at the mother with tenderness; in kissing lovers; In all these houses, where people are trying to work, love, having fun. There is nothing more important than these modest fates.
A. Morua

Life requires a faithful eye and a solid. Life is not tears, do not sigh, but the struggle, and the terrible struggle ...
V. Rozanov

Terrible emptiness of life. Oh, how terrible ...
V. Rozanov

Survival life, but for a person, strong spirit, it is beautiful and interesting, despite all the difficulties.
R. Rolland

It is not at all possible to extract out of your craft to life from your craft, even for the life of "respectable", but you need to at least try to make these benefits and this craft to serve society.
R. Rolland

To live is to fight, and not only for life, but for the completeness and improvement of life.
I. Rubakin

Life lasts only a moment; By itself, she is nothing; Its value depends on the one made ... only good, creatible by man, remains, and thanks to him, the life of something worth it.
J. J. Rousau

We are only more careful about life as it loses its value; Old men regret it more than young.
J. J. Rousau

Not that person lived most of all, which can count more than a hundred years, and the one who felt the most life.
J. J. Rousau

By itself, life does not mean anything; Its price depends on its use.
J. J. Rousau

Twice do not live, but a lot and those who do not know how to live once.
F. Ryuckert

Life is not a spectacle and not a holiday; Life is a difficult occupation.
D. Santyana.

Live in an indefinite position - the most miserable existence: this is a spider life.
D. Swift.

Life as a play in the theater: It is important not how much it lasts, and how well played.
Seneca younger

Life is happy if it is invariably based on the right, reasonable judgment. Then the spirit of man differs with clarity; It is free from all sorts of bad effects, getting rid of not only from torment, but also from small injections: he is ready to always hold his position and defend him, despite the fierce blows of fate.
Seneca younger

We do not get a short life, but we do it; We are not poor, but we use it wastefully. Lyublinna, if it skillfully use it.
Seneca younger

Life, not consecrated by a sense of duty, would not have, in essence, no price.
S. Smilers.

The ship of life is amenable to all winds and storms, if there is no labor ballast.

In life, sometimes falls for moments when the smallest troubles take in our eyes the sizes of the disaster.
E. Suventre

The main rule in life is nothing over measures.

Life is not suffering and not pleasure, but the case that we must do and honestly bring it to the end.
A. Tokville

You can only wave a life due to apathy and laziness.
L. Tolstoy

All life is only the desire and gradual approach to perfection, which is unattainable, because it is perfection.
L. Tolstoy

If life does not seem to be huge joy, then this is just because your mind is falsely directed.
L. Tolstoy

The man spoiled his stomach and complains of lunch. The same with people, dissatisfied with life. We do not have any right to be dissatisfied with this life. If it seems to us that we are unhappy with it, it means only what we have the reason to be dissatisfied with themselves.
L. Tolstoy

A man who knew his life is like a slave person who suddenly finds out that he is the king.
L. Tolstoy

To live honestly, it is necessary to go away, confused, fight, mistaken, start and throwing, and begin again ... And calm - spiritual meanness ...
L. Tolstoy

The life of the Spirit is higher than the life of the flesh and independent of it. Often in the warm body concluded the blurred spirit and in the oily - the spirit is skinny and saint. What do all the riches of the world mean for us when we are poor in spirit?

Life is nothing but a constantly defeated contradiction.
I. Turgenev

Our life includes only two tragedies. The first is that you can not satisfy my desires, the second is when they are already satisfied. The latter is much worse than the first, in it and lies the real tragedy of life.
O. Wilde

By the time we understand what our place in life, what definition we gave themselves, it's too late to get out of the usual gauge.
R. Warren

Excellent needs existence is unnecessary existence.
L. Faierbach

The basis of life is the basis for morality. Where from hunger, from poverty you do not have any material in the body, there is no foundation and material for morality and in your head, in your heart and in your sense.
L. Faierbach

Life in ignorance is not life. Who lives in ignorance, he only breathes. Cognition and life are inseparable.
L. Feichtvanger

Life is a permanent revival process. The tragedy of the majority of us is concluded in the fact that we will die, never have time to be born.
E. Froch

Life - Mirage, Nevertheless, be joyful,
In passion and in intoxion - be joyful.
You lived a moment - and you no longer
But at least a moment - be joyful!
O. Khayam

Life is short, but fame can be eternal.

Live - it means to think.

A short life is given to us by nature, but the memory of a well-held life remains eternal.

After life, it remains only what has acquired with its moral qualities and good affairs.

Live for others - it means to live for yourself.
P. Chayadaev

Life is so wide and the multilateral that a person almost always finds an experience in it, to look for what a strong and true need feels.
N. Chernyshevsky

Easpust and colorless life is only with colorless people who are involved in feelings and needs, in fact not being able to have any special feelings and needs, except for the need to draw.
N. Chernyshevsky

A person can never lose their way to improve his life.
N. Chernyshevsky

Life is always serious, but it is always serious - it is impossible.

Contemplative life is often very bad. You need to act more, think less and not to be a third-party witness of your own life.
N. Shamform

For some life - the battle, for others - prayer.
I. Shevelev

Life never stacked in the scheme, but without the schemes it is impossible to navigate in life.
I. Shevelev

Life is composed of temporary gains and untimely loss.
I. Shevelev

Some burned in life, others live.
I. Shevelev

Sometimes, only living life, a person is aware of what was his life destination.
I. Shevelev

Live only for yourself - there is abuse.
W. Shakespeare

A comprehensive life is only public.
N. Shelgunov

Live - it means to act with energy; Life is a struggle in which you need to fight brave and honestly.
N. Shelgunov

Life, living adequately, should be measured by acts, and not years.
R. Sheridan

There is enough reason to be incredible to treat life. She was so many times deceived us in the most coveted expectations of ours.
L. Shestov

Everything is fine only as long as it will affect us personally. Life is never beautiful: only paintings of it in a purified art mirror are beautiful.
A. Shopenhauer

Every day there is a small life: Any awakening and stacking - a small birth; Every fresh morning is a little youth; Any preparation for sleep and falling asleep - little death.
A. Shopenhauer

Life is, in essence, condition of needs, and often disasters, where everyone has to budge and fight for its existence, and therefore cannot constantly take a friendly expression.
A. Shopenhauer

The first forty years of life gives us the text, and the following thirty represent comments on it.
A. Shopenhauer

From the point of view of youth, life is an infinitely distant future, from the point of view of old age - a very short past.
A. Shopenhauer

To pass your way in the world, it is useful to bring with you a big stock of prudency and condescension: the first will protect us from losses and losses, the second is from disputes and quarrels.
A. Shopenhauer

Life, happy or unhappy, successful or unsuccessful, is still extremely interesting.
B. Show.

The life of a separate person makes sense only to the extent that it helps to make the life of other people are more beautiful and noble.
A. Einstein

Life is short, but honest always prefer to live a long, but shameful.

Human life is nothing but a certain comedy in which people, taping the larva, play every role.
Erasmus Rotterdamsky

The life of each person is moderately complex and moderately good. The most important thing is to be able to extract the experience that we bring different situations so that in the future they did not repeat, or vice versa - repeated if these are good situations. We collected phrases that will be useful to you in different cases of life.

Appreciate people who know how to see three things in you: sadness hiding behind a smile, love hiding behind anger, and the reason for your silence.

Learn to not notice people you do not like. Because people who do not like two types: these are either fools or envious. Fools in a year will love you, and the envious will die and not learning the secret of your superiority over them.

Verify every second life, love, love, miss - Tell me, hate - forget, do not waste time for hatred, because so little time for life ...

My life is a train. In the best of my moments it seemed to me that I manage them. To the worst I imagined myself a passenger. And sometimes I understand that I am lying on the rails.

While you think about the way to you with a person or not along the way, he has time to move with you somewhere ...

Strong people speak eye. Weak people open a dirty mouth behind her back. When suddenly there is a desire to live ...

When life hurts from all sides ... And there is no difference, everything suddenly became the heart ... Terepi and believe that this will all go!

Do not be afraid to lose those who were not afraid to lose you.

What is wealth? Wealth is the health of the mother, respect from the Father, the loyalty of friends and the love of an expensive person.

Fate is not a matter of the case, but a choice of choice. It should not be waiting, it needs to be created.

If a smart thought came and you are looking for where to write it - this is aphorism, and if you think, how to embody her - this is really a smart idea.

Do not listen to anyone, have your own opinion, your head, your thoughts and ideas, plans for life. Never chase for anyone. Go your dear and does not matter what they say behind the back. They spoke, they say and will always speak. That should not be of your concerns. Love. Create. Dream and smile more often.

A man who gave his female wings - will never wear a horns!

No need to be afraid of anything. Risk Let even make a mistake. That's life.

Before throwing out the soul, make sure that the "vessel" does not proceed.

Not necessarily the person who raised his son, built a house, put a tree - a real man. Very often this is an ordinary woman.

Smart thoughts come only when all nonsense has already been made.

You will meet in 25 years old who in 18 you considered the prince ... and you understand what the happiness is that he has slipped on his horse ... by!

Do not be afraid to give warming words, and good doing business. The greater the fire you put firewood, the more heat will return. © Omar Khayam

How fate will be, no one knows. Live free and not be afraid of change. When the Lord picks something, do not miss what he gives in return.

No matter how strong a woman is, she is waiting for a man harder himself ... and not to limit her freedom, but in order for him to give her the right to be weak