Repairs Design Furniture

Woods for manual tubes on wood: features and general classification. Lobzik Lobsik Lobsch Marking Lobzik

Electric jigsaw (electrolybiz) is practically every wizard. After all, the tree is the most comfortable Material For domestic crafts. However, today the electric bike for teeth is not only it, and the secret of new opportunities is the saw blades - saws for the electric bissing. In this article we will introduce you to the standards of saws, as well as with the area of \u200b\u200btheir application.

Modern Master places high requirements for the tool that works. It is interested in performance, geometrical accuracy of the cut, as well as the final result - the quality of the line was cut. In order to correctly choose a file for your jigsaw, it is necessary to consider a number of criteria: the material to be processed; Pitch toothpings and their shape; Type of shank; The width and thickness of the saw blade, as well as the material from which it is manufactured.

Processed material

Different materials create a different power of cutting resistance. Therefore, for each of them the optimal strength and geometric characteristics of the saw blade have been developed. So the first search criterion is as intended. There are saws for wood and for metal, for wood with metal inclusion, as well as many types of saws special purpose - for of stainless steel, abrasive materials, laminate, ceramics, cement, for different species Plastics and fibrous materials.

Shape of teeth

In the form of the teeth, the saw blades can be divided into four types, which are schematically shown in the figure. The capabilities of the peking depend on what sizes and form of her canvas and what the magnitude of the teeth. A large number of small teeth provides accurate sawing, but the work is moving slowly. A small number of large teeth gives a fast but rough cut. The geometry of the tooth is largely determined by the technology of manufacturing the saw blade.

Saw blatse geometry

Milling teeth, divorced. The teeth are alternately bent in different directions. The width of the wiring is considered normal if it is equal to the half-and-and-half thickness of the canvas. The wiring prevents excessive heating of the saw blade and helps to remove sawdusts that came between the saw and the walls of the cut. Used to quickly cut solid and soft wood, non-ferrous metals and plastic.

Milling teeth, wave-like. The linen wiring is performed not through one tooth, but groups deviating that right, then to the left. The saw blade is intended to obtain a smooth and clean slice when the aluminum, non-ferrous metals and plastics.

Grinding teeth, with conical grinding. The saw blade with a conical grinding of non-working edges is intended for clean saws in wood and plastic.

Grinded brown teeth. Saw blade for quick sawing wood with a rough cut line. Used for cutting soft tree (5-50 mm), joinery, chipboard and fiberboard.

Step teeth

In our country, step (t) is the distance between the peaks of the teeth. In a number of countries, the step is denoted by TPI (Teeth Per Inch) and measured the number of teeth coming on an inch (for example, TPI \u003d 7, i.e. 7 inch teeth). With the transverse sawing of wood, it is convenient to use a saw with a large tooth T \u003d 3.5-6.5 mm (TPI \u003d 7-3.5), with conventional carpentry work - with a medium tooth T \u003d 3-3.5 mm (TPI \u003d 9 -7), with responsible sawing - with a fine tooth T \u003d 2-3 mm (TPI \u003d 13-9). At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the sawn material. Fill it easier if at the same time at the same time at least 5-8 teeth are involved. If this rule does not observe, the canvas will vibrate when working, and the cut line will turn out to be a curve and torn.

Width of the saw blade

From the width of the saw blade depends on the quality and speed of cutting when moving in a straight line, as well as the possibility of drinking curves. The wider the saw blade, the more it is stable: it allows a greater cutting speed and deviates less from the plane of the cut. To cut the curves of lines, you should use narrower saw blades: they fit better in turns. It is important that the teeth of such a saw blade are located on the axis of the electric bissing drive. This increases the handling of the tool: it can more accurately follow the scheduled linte of the cut.

Pilking thickness

The thickness of the peel affects the stability of the saw blade when cutting in a straight line and provides perpendicularity to cut to the plane of the workpiece. However, for cutting thick blanks requiring high precision Mutual location of surfaces, it is better to use disk saws.

Wood saw blades

Below are saw blades for wood from Wilpu. Rooms in brackets indicate the appropriate analogue of the company Bosch.
The exact incision is also suitable for plastic. Saw blade from high carbon steel with pointed teeth and conical grinding. Provides a clean line of cutting in soft wood and a chipboard with a thickness of up to 30 mm, as well as in plastic. (Wilpu NS 12 / Bosch T101 B)

Bimetallic saw blade. Bimetallic saw blade is very durable, manufactured by laser welding: the back of the rear - from flexible high carbon steel, cutting part - from high-quality high-speed steel (NA 12 Bi / T101BF)

Saw blade with reverse teeth system. Due to the tooths directed in the opposite direction, the canvas saws during the progress. Wherein visible line Cut remains clean and without chips. Scope - veneered plates (NA 12 R / T101BR)

Clean line with curvilinear pickle. With a reduced twice width of the saw blade, the teeth are located on the axis of the longitudinal stroke of the jig. With the help of such a canvase, you can cut on a very steep curve, as well as in a circle (NA 12 k / T101 AO)

Saw blades for flooring. Special saw blade intended for processing materials such as laminate and parquet teeth are directed in the opposite direction, and the distance between the teeth is less than that of traditional saws (NA 19 R Bi / T101 BIF)

Wood sawing wizard. A new generation of sawn cloths: the teeth have a special geometry and triple sharpening. Very sharp! (NA 123 / T234 x)

Universal saw blade. Saw blade for all occasions: it universal tool For coarse and fast saws of wood with a thickness of up to 5 cm. The pink is made of high carbon steel, diluted and grinded teeth. Cuts quickly and clean (HGS 14 / T144D)

Wood pinks with a thickness of up to 120 mm. Teeth geometry is the same as the universal saw blade, however, the length of the working part of -155 mm. With the help of such a peel, you can cut a ram with a thickness of 120-130 mm (HGS 54 / T744D)

Specialized saw blades

If there is a need to cut such materials such as glass, stone or metal, you will need special saw blades with appropriate characteristics. Obviously, the peeling teeth should be harder than the sawn material. but solid materials have a big drawback: they are fragile, which causes frequent breakdown of sawspit. For such cases, manufacturers produce bimetallic cloths. They are 2/3 consisting of elastic high carbon steel and one third - from tempered high-speed steel. Such caps provide optimal value ratio - quality and quickly pay off due to a long service life.

Pink for soft wood and insulating materials. Such saw blades have a teeth with 1.2 to 2 mm; With their help, it is convenient to cut up soft wood, as well as various insulating materials (HW12 / T119A

Pillet for sheet metal. To dry the thin sheet metal with a thickness of 0.5 to 1.5 mm, saw blades with a small step and a wavy web. Since the pitch of the teeth is only 0.7 mm, the pure supply line is obtained (MG107 / T118G)

Pillet for plexiglas and metals. Plexiglass, polycarbonate, non-ferrous metals and aluminum thickness up to 30 mm - not a problem if you use such a saw blade with rear angle and pointed teeth (MS 12 BI / T101A)

Pillet for steel. A bimetal coil with a wavy blade is designed for cutting of a thin metal, multilayer materials, pipes and aluminum profiles (Mg11 Bi / T318AF)

Pillet for multilayer materials. Special bimetallic canvas is intended for cutting blanks with a thickness of up to 120 mm consisting of different materials (Metal, insulation material). Differs on high flexibility (MG 51 Bi / T718HF)

Tree pedel with metal. Such a saw blade with a distance between teeth from 1.8 to 2.5 mm is intended for sawing wooden structural elements containing nails and other metal elements (MG 1014 Bi / T111HF)

Saw blade with a special teeth. Universal saw blade with a special teeth system M-shaped. Silent canvas quickly saw material (wood and metal) when moving both forward and backward (ST-006 BI)

Pillet for rubber, carpet and leather. A wavy sharpening pad is designed to dry materials such as cardboard, leather, rubber, polystyrene foam up to 120 mm thick, as well as carpet coatings (313 AW / T313AW)

Shanks of sawspit

Suitable for instruments: AEG, BOSCH, METABO

Suitable to Tools: AEG, Atlas Copco, Bosch, Black & Decker, DeWalt, Elu, Festool, Flex, Hitachi, Holz-Her, Kress, Mafell, Makita, Metabo, Protool

Suitable for Tools: Black & Decker, Skil, Ryobi

Fit tools: Fein AST (E) 636,638; Mot 6-17-1

Suitable for tools: Fein AST (E) 649; Mot 6-18-1, Spitznas

Suitable for instruments: Makita

Equipment for electrolovka

Leading companies tool manufacturers produce additional snap to their power tools. Such pleasant additions can be attributed a device that warns the high-layer of the material: it is mounted on the support plate. And the support panel itself can be made of different materials, which counteracts slippery when picking.

It will not be superfluous in the workshop and a parallel emphasis that cuts the cuts of the same type; The distance between the parallel lines may vary within up to 140 mm. And the circular cutter will provide the ability to accurately process radius surfaces. Additional equipment significantly expands the possibilities of tools and gives a new impetus to creativity.

Some visual examples Miscellaneous work Pelok

Sprews were made in the veneered panel using a saw blade with teeth, directed up (right) and with the help of a saw blade with teeth directed in the opposite direction (left)

If you have no saw blades with teeth in your hand when sawing a veneered panel on your hand, cover the TESA tension adhesive tape along the line, it will help to get a clean edge.

With the help of a simple stop consisting of a plank and two clamps, you will get the exactly verified smooth line of the saw.

For sawing in a circle, use a circular cutter.

This is just a dream of a homemade craftsman - a table for sawing, for example, the production of NEUTECHNIK.

Special clamps will protect the sawn panels from the appearance of monstrous cracks.


T 101 AO. - Bosch 101 AO Fercks are designed to work with soft wood, plywood, coated plates (1.5-15 mm), for curvilinear propilov.
T 101 B. - Bosch T 101 B Flinking Pilking Designed to work with soft wood, chipboard, carpentry, DVP (3-30 mm), polymeric / epoxy materials.
T 101 Br. - The pink is used to work with soft wood rocks, chipboard, fiberboard. The pink step is 2.5 mm., Length is 75 mm.
T 101 D. - The pink is used to work with soft rocks, fiberboard, chipboard. Pitch pitch - 4.0 - 5.2 mm., Length - 74 mm.
T 127 D. - Use these cutting of hollow profiles no more than 30mm with the thickness of the metal itself from 3mm to 15mm.
T 111 D. - Use: Fast coarse plywood, plastic, wood thick 5-60mm.
T 244 D. - The pink is used to perform smooth and curvilinear propuls in soft rocks, fiberboard, chipboard, plywood. Pitch pitch - 4.0 - 5.2 mm., Length - 74 mm.
T 144 D. - Bosch T 144 D Fercks Drops Designed to work soft wood (5-50 mm), chipboard, carpentry, fiberboard
T 118 A. - For rectilinear propulsions in a thin sheet metal (1-3 mm).
T 118 B. - For rectilinear propulsions in the sheets of metal of the Middle Town (2.5-6 mm).
T 119 B. - For rectilinear propilov in soft wood (2-15 mm), plywood, chipboard, joinery, fiberboard.
T 119 BO. - For curly propilov in soft wood (2-15 mm), plywood, chipboard, joinery stoves, fiberboard.
T 111 C. - for rectilinear quick propilov in soft wood (4-50 mm), chipboard, joinery stoves, Feds.
T 123 X. - Usage: metal sheets with a thickness of 1.5-10mm, profiles and pipes (also from aluminum) with a diameter of up to 30mm.
T 344 D. - Use: Cutting soft wood thickness 10 - 85mm, joinery, chipboard and fiberboard. Applied for fast propilov.
T 301 CD. - Use: Cutting soft wood thickness 10-85mm, joinery, chipboard and fiberboard.
T 345 XF. - Use: Wood construction with nails (less than 65 mm), plastic, metal sheet, wood materials, profiles and pipes (aluminum and not only) from 3 to 10mm in diameter.
T 234 X. - Use: soft wood thick 3-65mm, fiberboard, chipboard, carpentry plates.
T 318 A. - Use: Metal sheets 1-3mm, profiles and pipes.
T 301 DL - Designed for fast, thin propilis in solid and soft wood, chipboard, fiberboard (thickness from 10 to 85 mm), laminated plastic (thickness from 4 to 40 mm).

Hitachi and Bosch Pilking

How to work electrolovka

Most of the work can be carried out even by the most simple models. But the technique stepped far ahead and such a tool became more convenient and versatile. Have long been hacksaws with electronically control And the pendulum move of the canvas. The choice of the desired broadcasting is difficult only by abundance of proposals. Electronics and pendulum turned into a standard. The best models have a simple and reliable replacement of the saw blade.


The reference plate of the electrolybiz has a smooth adjustment of the angle of inclination to 45 °. Additional snap-in allows you to perform slaughter cuts (on "Us").


The support plate moves in the longitudinal direction, which makes it possible to cut close to the edge, for example, working directly at the wall.


The circuit for the electrolovka allows you to cut the circles, large holes and make accurate roundings. The base of the circulation is adjustable rod.


Parallel emphasis is indispensable with long direct propuls. It is mounted on the reference board. The stop has an adjustable distance retainer from the edge of the part.

Opportunities and Equipment Electrolovka

Thanks to the eccentric gears, the rotational movement of the engine is converted to the vertical course of the slider. The slider establishes a saw blade. The frequency of reciprocating movements of the canvas indicates the heating rate. Speed \u200b\u200bcan be regulated by electronic control. Wood is pilant with greater speed, plastic and metal slower.

If you want to achieve the best results and have a universal tool, it is better to buy a model with electronic control and special web. Pendulatory move allows the saw blade not only vertical movement, but also to move back. Thereby ensures the best course of the canvas in the material and the speed of the sawing increases many times.

Marking and propyl itself during work is always visible. The modern tool is already equipped with a local blowing and dustproof. The reference plate in most models changes its angle to the canvas and allows the sections to "Us", and if it is shifted back, you can work right along the edge.


If the distance to the outer edge is too large or the edge is not parallel with the cuticle, then the locking bar is fixed into parts in the desired position.


A special workbench fixes the jigsaw stationary, which allows you to cut small parts. They can be behaved in parallel focus.


Additional Guide Bureau facilitates thin canvas. It can be equipped with its own tensioning device for the canvas.


The protective protector, pressed in the scene to the surface of the material, prevents the material from being broken down on the edge of the cut.

Guides and devices for the electrolovka

The electrolovik is a tool for free maintenance by hand, and in most cases it is as used. However, it is possible to facilitate work if you need long straight and round rugs. Circle, parallel focus and stubborn timber solve the problem. The slow feed of the canvas gives the best results, since it is flexible, prone to lateral scoring and following texture, especially in solid wood. The saw blade is always fixed. If the details are so small that they cannot be fastened, then the tool itself is installed inpatient for this device are offered.


Soft materials such as rubber, leather, foam and carpet coatings are not saw, but cut with special knives (often with a saw-shaped blade).


Even the solid materials of the type of glass and ceramics will not work out the electrolybiz. Special canvas with carbide coating should be used.


To avoid scratches on the surfaces, a plastic shoe is placed on the support plate. The same function will be performed by self-adhesive felt.


When crossed rounded propilov, rasp and grinding nozzles will help. Their instead of the standard canvase can be installed in the jigsaw.

Quality propuls

The saw blades in such a tool work on stretching, which leads to their hidden and proper geometry of propilov. But at the same time, the edges without chips are only below. This is necessarily taken into account when cutting furniture plates. Special canvases and experience will help cope with this problem.

The conventional canvas teeth are watching up, so the material and breaks down when returning that it leads to chips on the furniture plates. If the item has to cut from the front side, they put a special saw blade with the reverse position of the teeth. In this case, the electrolybiz is tightly pressed to the surface.

When it is not possible to cut the details from the back side, and the chips from the edges cannot be avoided, the scotch glue on the part markup will help. The tape will prevent large edge chips. After the end of work, it is carefully removed.


For today, each craftsman has an electric bike in the home assortment. This device is quite useful because it will be easily safely and accurately perform any manipulation with the material. Buying an electrolybiz, as a rule, the majority acquires and the "stock" on the appointment of which they do not have the slightest presentation.

But when the time comes to experience the electrolybiz in factThe choice of the necessary canvase occurs by the "Tyka" method, since it is quite difficult to immediately understand what kind of plate is needed. For right choice Such a tool, as an electrolybiz, should be aware of the variety of cloths them labeling and other nuances.


Marking knowledge It will give the right choice of the cloth for the jigsaw, as it can tell a pretty much, including about its purpose. To do this, it will be necessary only to closely look at the canvas and decrypt those symbols that are specified.

Marking, as a rule, from a set of Latin letters and numbers. In the marking in the first place there is a Latin letter, which means the type of shank.

The most common letterswhich you can see on the canvase is "t", "x". The most applied marking with the Latin letter "T", and denotes that the tool shank has T-about different shape. Pretty rarity is a cloth with the letter U.

Immediately after the letter goes a series of numbers, it should be paid to the first. The numbers indicate the length of the canvas:

  • standard cloth of 75 mm long;
  • the average pink is 90 mm;
  • an elongated supply of 150 mm;
  • long leg, whose size is more than 150 mm.

Immediately behind the numbers, letters are going to know the size of the teeth. Teeth size indicate the following letters:

  • "A" - Little teeth;
  • "D" - large;
  • "B", "C" - medium teeth, so to speak, intermediate option.

Sometimes there is not one last letter, and a few. In this case, the last letter denotes the quality of the consumable material. The quality of the consumable material designate the following letters:

If you are interested in the material of the canvasIn this case, the next marking will help, which can be seen under the T-shaped protrusion of the tail and the web. About the material from which the tool is made will tell three Latin letters. This marking is divided into four options:

What to pay attention to when choosing a saw for an electrolovka?

Shape of teeth

Such a nuance as "teeth shape", It is impossible to leave without attention, because from their configuration you can determine the capabilities of the acquired electroball. Before making a purchase, it is worth aware of what needs is purchased or another canvas. A huge amount of little teeth will significantly improve the quality of the cut, but the speed is reduced. The canvas with large teeth will significantly speed up the process, but the cut will be quite inaccier. In the form of teeth, you can linen to share the following groups:

Width and Pilking Thickness

Such a nuance as the width and thickness of the LobzikYou cannot leave without attention, when choosing a jigsaw, since these two nuances depends such criteria as the quality and speed of the product of various types of work. Both wide and narrow product have their own positive moments. A wide pink is quite durable and stable. When it is used, you can not worry that it will deviate from the planned course. Narrow canvases are easier to produce various maneuvers, compared with wide. Thickness is also important because, the thickness of the canvas, the higher its stability.

Wood canvas

Purpose of electroballs - Direct work with wood, well, with those materials that are manufactured on it. Trucks on wood have many varieties. Lobsiki distinguish, both in the size of the teeth, and on their sharpening also in the form of a peel. Two main varieties are distinguished:

Distinguish with such parameters:

  1. Pilking length. This parameter defines the direct thickness of the saw.
  2. Pink width.
  3. The magnitude of the teeth affects directly on the purity of the cut.
  4. The direction of the teeth.

Metal canvas

Polls for the electrolovka Made, as a rule, from high-speed steel. Such a product is quite hard and has a bluish shade. The pill has a different shape of the tooth and the geometry of the canvas itself. Depending on which cut, products with rather small teeth are used, which have exactly the same size. As a rule, the canvas with such teeth are used for soft metals.

If the choice fell on the product that has a teeth with changing geometryThe pedel is used to cut more solid metals. Such a product has teeth, where the step and size increases to the edge. The advantage of this option is the direct simplification of the cut, since such a structure of teeth, as if placing metal, with each of the teeth performs its function. This building of the Pillet lowers the load on the tool, therefore, increasing its resource. The same function is performed with a slightly sparkling web in the lower part.

All, without exception, metal Lobzik Pilking have small teeth. These products have a definite marking, where always in the last or in the last other place can be seen the Latin letter "A". This letter indicates the strength of the metal. Before you choose a metal cutting pot, it is necessary to understand, for which material it will be destroyed. Because than the metal is harder, the smallest should be tooth.

When choosing a pet sheet, it is worth considering the material feature, because the wrong tool does not bring the desired result. To choose to choose a drink, it is important to explore the following marking list:

  • T111CHCS - carbon steel product, which is used to cut wood and plastic (length 75 mm, 3 mm teeth pitch);
  • T119B0HCS - Carbon steel, designed to work with soft wood rocks (length 56 mm, teeth pitch 2 mm). As a rule, used when performing fine works, figured cutting;
  • T101BHCS - Carbon steel canvas, used to cut soft wood species. The advantage of such a canvase is even cut (length 75 mm, teeth pitch 2.5 mm);
  • T101BRHCS - also used for the manufacture of carbon steel, the main nuance of the canvas are the inverse teeth. Designed to work with soft wood (length 75 mm, teeth pitch 2.5 mm);
  • T118AHSS - used for the manufacture of hardened steel and is designed for solid metals (length 50 mm, 1.2 mm teeth pitch);
  • T144D HCS - used carbon steel, the canvas has diluted teeth. Direct purpose of the canvas cutting solid and soft wood species. (length 75 mm, a pitch of the teeth of 4 mm);
  • T127DHSS is used by hardened steel, designed to work with non-ferrous metals. The canvas has milled diluted teeth (length 75 mm, 3 mm teeth);
  • T118GHSS - made of tempered high-speed steel. The main difference lies in the wavy teeth and is used for solid metals. (length 50 mm, teeth pitch 0.8 mm);
  • T118BHSS - made of tempered high-speed steel, teeth shape - phrased wavy. Basic use for cutting solid metals (length 50 mm, step 2 mm).

This labeling can be found directly at the foot of the electrolybiz.

Naturally, when the fillings are selected for the jigsaw, all the nuances and the criteria do not mention. Buying nozzles for an electrolovka, pay attention to the following points:

Speaking about the manufacturer boldly, you can note "Bosch", Makita, "Practice". Electrologies of these producers have proven themselves perfectly with their quality and durability. At the time of selection of the Pilking, remember its direct appointment, otherwise the goals raised will not be afraid. Knowing the types of used pylons, and paying attention to labeling, the fastening method, as well as the manufacturer, the correctness of the choice is guaranteed.

The electrolovka is a high-speed device, which is why do not neglect the safety rules!

What are the plates for the electric bissing and how to choose the best option for a specific case, each master who has this tool in its farm.

There are many factors affecting the choice of cutting canvas: the material that will be cut, its thickness and density required by the quality of the cut, etc. In order not to make a mistake when buying, it should be considered specifications Pellets, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of a particular model.

Cutting Cutting Material

The first thing to pay attention to when choosing a filling is the material from which it is made.

Each cutting of the well-known manufacturers has its own labeling. In order to decipher it, you can easily define whether you will suit you a leg for upcoming work.

Marking, indicating the material of the fabric, is as follows:

Table for the use of pylons.

  1. HCS. Such militants belong to the wood tool. They are made of high carbon steel, which has plasticity and elasticity. They can cut a tree, chipboard, fane and plastic. When choosing such a web should be paid attention not to its hardness, but on flexibility.
  2. HSS. Products from hardened steel, which can be operated at high speeds. Used for processing durable materials, including metals of various density. Despite all its hardness, hardened steel is a rather fragile substance that needs to be operated very carefully.
  3. BIM. Bimetallic canvases that are made from a mixture of high carbon and hardened steel, so that they have all the advantages of the first two species. Depending on the shape and sizes of teeth, they can be used for work on both the wood and metal.
  4. HIM. Made from high-strength alloys, due to which are characterized by high strength and rigidity. Basically are used for cutting ceramic tiles.

Specifying the manufacturer's material and the purpose of the filling can also be its color:

  • white (BIM) - for cutting wood and metal;
  • gray (HCS or BIM) - for processing wood and materials based on it;
  • blue (BIM or HSS) - for cutting metal;
  • black (HIM) - to perform special forces (sawing ceramic tiles, durable steel, etc.).

Marking Pellets for Electrologi

Pinks designed to work with wood are marked with HCS letters.

On the tail part of any cutting facility for the electric lobby there is a marking consisting of letters and numbers. The first is the letter "T" or "U", which means the type of fastening of the canvas to the tool: T-shaped or U-shaped. It follows the numbers indicating the length of the peel:

  • 1 - short canvas (up to 7.5 cm);
  • 2 is a standard cutting element (7.5-9.0 cm);
  • 3 - elongated pedal (9-15 cm);
  • 7 - Long Pillet (more than 15 cm).

The longer the product, the more thick blank you can cut them.

After the numbers again go letters that indicate the size of the teeth:

  • And - the smallest teeth (perfectly suitable for cutting laminate);
  • B - larger teeth (used for wood processing, fiberboard, chipboard and plywood);
  • C and D are the largest teeth used for rough cutting.

Some manufacturers instead of one letter at the end use two (for example, T101BR). The second letter means:

  • O - for figure cutting;
  • R - with a reverse toe (improves the quality of the cut);
  • F - bimetallic products (considered the most durable and reliable);
  • X - universal canvas (they can be cut both wood and metal);
  • P - thick peelles (used for angular cutting).

For example, T118AF marking means that the selected model has T-shaped mount Both small teeth, its length is up to 7.5 cm, manufacturing material - bimetal.

Types of shanks of pylbles.

Choosing a cutting cloth for an electric bike, you need to know with what material it will work. This tool is able to cut not only wood and materials based on it (chipboard, dvp, plywood, etc.), but also plastics, slate, brick, metal and even tile. At the same time, on each material being processed, there is a type of saw from which the electrolybiz will work with the best efficiency. There are also universal cutting canvaswhich are equally well suited, for example, for wood and metal.

Wood peelings. Depending on the purpose, such products are divided into two groups:

  • for quick cut;
  • for pure cut.

If you have to cut the task a large number of Woods, while spending a minimum of time, then the optimal option will be the cutting canvas with large teeth.

The greater the teeth, the faster it passes. However, with an increase in the speed of work, the cleanliness of the cut is reduced, so here you need to choose between speed and quality.

If the first place is in the first place, then the optimal option will be the web with T101D marking. With it, you can quickly cut a wooden billet with a thickness of up to 7.5 cm, for a thicker material, you can purchase a model T244D or T344D.

For pure propyl good option is a T101 Pink. It is often used in professional purposes when assembling furniture and with other works requiring high-quality cut. Such a product you can cut thick blanks, but you will spend twice as much time on this than using, for example, the T2444D models.

Laminate cloth. When laying a laminate, it is important that the cut did not have burrs. This can be achieved using a T101Br, which is equipped with a reverse tooth. However, if you have no present model at your hand, and the laminate is needed to cut something, you can do the usual web T101B. Only in this case, before starting work, the place of the intended cut is recommended to be sealing the usual scotch, which will save the material being processed from chips, burrs and other defects.

Metal Pilking. Have a small teeth and a blue tail. If you work with a metal with a thickness of 3 mm, buy the T118A Pillet. It is also suitable for cutting plastic. For a thicker material, it is recommended to use the cutting cloth T123x, and for aluminum - T227D.

Cafehel pinks. They have a T150RIFF or T130RIFF marking. Instead of teeth, they have cutting part Speakers carbide spraying. It is necessary to know that it is recommended to use an electrolybiz for the cutting of the tile only in extreme cases, since the work will be different by the slowness and high level of dust. For incurability specialized tool For the cutting of the tile, it is better to use the usual glass cutter.

Form of cutting canvas

For various tasks, a certain form of teeth is suitable, which differs not only as sharpening, but also by layout:

  1. Milled divorced teeth. This canvas perfectly suitable for wood cuts. Divorce is carried out by analogy with a conventional manual hacksaw. This allows you to slightly expand, thereby preventing overheating and jamming the tool in the thickness of the tree.
  2. Molded teeth with wave wiring. In this case, not a single, but group layout (for example, 4-6 teeth) is performed. Such pinks are used for cutting metals.
  3. Coloring teeth without wiring. Optimal option For finishing cutting. This web allows you to achieve high quality cut in wood, laminate and plastic.
  4. Divorced teeth with grinding. Such a product is used for quick cutting, when special requirements are not extended to the quality of the question.

Pellet manufacturers for electrolovka

To choose correctly choose a pipe for an electric jigsaw, you need to pay attention not only to the technical characteristics and product labeling, but also on the manufacturer. In the construction equipment market, cutting canvases are presented in a wide range of European, domestic and Chinese models.

Chinese peils have no best qualityThey rapidly step up and overheat. The only advantage is low cost. However, it will be cheaper and easier to choose one high-quality cloth for 300-400 rubles. Than to purchase a set of 20-30 Chinese products for 150-200 rubles. But, if you still need to cut, and there are no pecks at hand, you can sharpen the old one.

Makita, Bosch and Practice are products of Makita, Bosch and "Practice" are the most popular and reliable files for the broadcast.

Several useful techniques for working with an electric bike:

Lobzik What is it? - historical reference

The popular Lobzik Makita, there was a predecessor, which was forgotten completely undeservedly. Manual jigsaw replaced with a laser sharp, an electrolovka, milling.
Manual jigsaw you can cut a tree, phaneur, plastic, ceramics, sheet metal. Previously, in schools in labor lessons, the children were practiced in drinking logs of homemade - frames, shelves, dolls and other homemade. Not to gadgets was ...

Lobzik design

Lobzik is an arc, a p-shaped (1), at the ends of which clamping screws are located (4). At the lower end of the jigsaw attached handle (3). Between the ends of the jigsaw arc using clamping screws, a pedel (2) is fixed, which is installed with some tension (to the ring).
The logs with a wooden arc has a third screw - tension, which serves to tension the peel between the ends of the arc, since the jigscription with a wooden arc does not have sufficient elasticity capable of tightening the pylon to the working state.

Pilking for manual jigsaw (A, B, B) are produced from high-quality carbon steel. But despite this, frosted by the jigsaw is quite painstaking work, requiring patience and attention. A little hurried and trin! It is necessary to insert a new drink.

What can be done with a jigsaw?

The modern electrollovik displaced the manual jigsik from many areas of activity, but if you need an accurate, curvilinear crook - the usual, manual jigsik will not be replaced.
In the jewelry production of the wizard still use the jigscription
to cut the complex figures of gold and silver. Drinking the jigger of plywood and tree of various figures for handicraft crafts - a great hobby, hands are busy and nerves like ropes.

All photos from the article

Saws for a wood jigsaw have many varieties. They differ in width, length, tooth, material and even tail. In this article we will analyze the subtleties of the right choice, on which the quality of the cut and the speed of your work depends.

General provisions

A pink for a manual tubes on a tree is a cutting tool that in the process of operation performs translational movements up and down, making straight or curly cuts.

Tip: When buying an electric jigsaw, check for the presence of a pendulum function.
Thanks to it, an additional movement of the canvas is performed and backward, which speeds up the process and reduces the engine load.

The use of such equipment largely simplifies the processing of wooden and not only products with their own hands. In addition, it makes it easy to create curly slices necessary when collecting some structures or for the purpose of their decoration.


The first thing that you need to pay attention to when choosing a suitable file for the jigsaw wood, is it on its marking that determines the material from which it is made:

Frame material

Marking Description
HCS. The presence of such letters on the tail part of the web means that it is created from carbon steel and is intended exclusively for work with wood, as well as with similar wood-shaped and fibreboard. Be careful, even the presence of small teeth should not be misleading, only wood materials.

It should also be borne in mind that the cutting part may have a ruin that speeds up the process, but worsens the quality of the cut.

HSS. In this case, in the manufacture of the peel, high-speeding tool steel is used, which is ideal for cutting soft and hard metals, such as steel, aluminum and cast iron, but not wood, and has a tangible fragility.
BIM. Under such designation there are cloths that are equally suitable for both metal and wood.
HM / TC. It uses a solid alloy, which perfectly copes with solid and abrasive materials, which include tile, aerated concrete, ceramic tile. The price of such cloths is quite high.

It turns out that if you need a logs in a tree, you should buy products with HCS marking, if the work spectrum can alternate with the metal, then the purchase of the BIM cloth set will become more rational. HSS is definitely not suitable for wood because of the small stroke of the teeth, and the HM / TC is too expensive to spend them on the sawing of wooden samples.

Frame size

  1. The saws for the wood electric bissing, as a rule, are 7.5-15 cm long, which allows you to cut enough wide boards.
    It is indicated as follows:
    • "1" is the shortest embodiment of 75 mm.
    • "2" - the average pink of 90 mm long.
    • "3" - an elongated canvas, reaching 150 mm.
    • "4" - a super long saw exceeds 150 mm.

  1. Patterns for drinking by a jigsaw on a tree are performed only by a thin web, but sawing wood-chip and fibreboard - thick.

Tubes profile

The video in this article will introduce you to additional materials. Have a good choice!