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The color of the human aura, which means pink. Human aura color

The structure of each unit of the universe is multidimensional and consists of several planes. The center in this structure is consciousness, which is the reason for the preservation of its integrity. The bodily shell is the material manifestation of consciousness. But in a single structure with the dense and tangible, the energy-informational plane coexists, which mystics and esotericists call the aura.

Human aura is essentially a code, on which data about all layers of his psyche are written: emotional background, mental images, character, habits, memory of the bodily and subtle spheres ... Only in this code of embodiment, instead of zeros and ones, human perception distinguishes colors and shades of radiation.

Every shade is a light vibration a certain level, bearing the appropriate qualities. Thin and high frequencies carry a charge of cosmic levels of reality. In the aural glow, the presence of cold tones: blue, blue, violet communicates about spiritual development, ideological and intellectual insight.

Coarse and low-energy waves gravitate more towards dense worlds. Warm gamut - yellow, orange, red correspond material world visible forms. It is the hot shades of the palette that will prevail in the biofield of the mundane and materialistic.

Aura colors

The general structure of the human biofield consists of seven energy levels, each of which corresponds to one of the colors of the radiation spectrum.

  • the physical body is red;
  • etheric - primordial energy - orange;
  • astral - emotions - yellow;
  • mental - intelligence - green;
  • causal - karmic memory - blue;
  • budhic - the intellect of the soul - blue;
  • atmanic - the cosmic plane - violet;

It should be noted that such a system of color interpretation is only one of the existing alternatives, due to the subjectivity of the perception of human consciousness. There is also a well-founded vision that the etheric layer, as a result, appears as a white glow. In this system, orange will be correlated with the astral body, scarlet - with the material, and yellow - with the vibrations of the will and vitality.

What does an aura look like?

The layers of the soul are not static, because in the human psyche there are constant changes in the mental content and emotional-sensory background. Therefore, the aura is rather a multidimensional crystal, which is in constant motion and change, rather than a motionless drawing. However, depending on temperament, life circumstances, emotional background and evolution of consciousness, one or another gamut prevails in the aura of each creature.

The meaning of the aura colors:

Red: energy, passion, ardor, power, striving for leadership, emotionality, spirit of victory, stamina and resistance, immunity, assertiveness, belligerence, sexuality;

Burgundy: aggression, jealousy, anger, emotional instability, rage, irascibility, intransigence;

Pink: tenderness, unconditional love, romantic mood, inspiration, inspiration, infantilism, gullibility, naivety;

Orange: optimism, love of life, enthusiasm, vitality, confidence, courage, sex appeal, creativity, enthusiasm, fun, optimistic mood;

Yellow: generosity, cordiality, warmth, will, striving for success, cheerfulness, health, friendliness, abundance and well-being, thirst for knowledge, openness, curiosity, friendliness;

Mustard: envy, acrimony, pride, stagnant processes;

Golden: wisdom, healing effect, ideological spirit, bright individuality, creative charge, splendor, royalty, wealth, beauty;

Silver: purity, dreaminess, isolation from reality, the gift of healing and enlightenment, intuition, rich imagination, imagination, connection with the subconscious;

Green: harmony, calmness, peacefulness, stability, balance, rational approach, sociability;

Khaki or dirty green: boredom and melancholy, envy, cunning, deception, emotionlessness, apathy, despondency;

Turquoise: kindness and sociability, the gift of a teacher and leader, speaker skills;

Blue: purity and sublimity, spirituality, faith, sincerity;

Blue: intellectuality, immersion in oneself, the gift of clairvoyance, concentration and concentration, calmness, coldness, detachment;

Purple: high ideals, spiritual aspirations, integrity, perfection, closeness to the divine;

Purple: religiosity, suggestibility, deep devotion, arrogance, a sense of superiority, ostentatious piety;

White: initial energy, purity of views, faith, closeness to truth, absolute harmony and unity;

Dark: fear, pain, envy, hatred, resentment, guilt, destruction program.

Soul Orbs

In most cases, the main color of the aura reveals sufficient information about the person. Although, it happens - in general, a spiritual person, at a moment of emotional excitement, is able to actively produce hot shades, which will be perceived by the clairvoyant as the predominant tone of a fine structure.

On the other hand, there are also negative aspects to each color vibration. For example, blue in its negative manifestation reduces tone, suppresses emotions, lulls, plunges into despondency and melancholy. Therefore, its presence in abundance in a person's aura may reflect not so much the height of thoughts as sadness and detachment.

It follows from the above that the picture of the energy field at a given moment may be far from objectivity. And reading information about the fine structure of the living essence is only half the task for clairvoyants and bioenergetics. The other half is the correct decryption of the received data.

For this purpose, for more in-depth information, practitioners turn to different levels energy cocoon, getting a separate picture for each layer: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. And completely different color emissions will be considered normal for each of these areas. At the same time, the vision of the aura will acquire a more detailed character: in addition to the main color, which characterizes the state of this moment, other vibrations will appear before the inner gaze, revealing the essence of each individual dimension of incarnation.

Material sphere

The presence of red shades of the spectrum in the energy halo of a person informs about the health and energy fulfillment of the body shell. In a healthy body, fiery tones are localized in the area of ​​the lower energy center - the root chakra of Muladhara. And the purer the color, the better shape the body is.

The absence of red in the emitted spectrum of this level or the faintness of tones indicates a lack of energy of action, isolation from earthly world, inability to adapt to the environment and circumstances. Cold blue in the glow physical plane indicates energy blocks that literally freeze the active forces of the body.

Astral sphere

In the bioenergetic system of the body, the astral world corresponds to the center of the solar plexus, where, in the opinion of the seers, the channel of life force is located. Therefore, the localization in this area of ​​yellow and orange radiation is considered the norm in the human biofield.

Impurities of brown indicate laziness and passivity, as well as greed and impurity of motives. Another possible reason such inclusions may be disharmonious work of the liver and kidneys.

Mental sphere

The radiation of the mental layer of consciousness is colored in shades of blue. Pale tones speak of instability of views, insecurity and confusion. A rich and even sapphire color is usually found in individuals with outstanding intellectual abilities inclined to abstract thinking and a philosophical mindset. Dark blue or indigo is emitted by people with the gift of subtle vision, carrying a great mission into the world.

The presence of crimson dyes at the level of higher dimensions of the human biofield may indicate inflammatory processes. The low-frequency spectrum in the head region indicates emotional immaturity, a revolutionary attitude, a destructive way of thinking.

Spiritual realm

The higher layers of the biological system emit a glow from blue to violet. A pure heavenly tone is found in people in a state of goodness and acceptance. Such people are not necessarily religious, but harmony and peace reign in their souls. Such a radiation of a subtle structure indicates inner freedom, nobility, sincere faith and purity of thoughts.

More saturated backgrounds - sapphire and violet emit those seeking deep truths walking along the mystical path. These are people of high ideals: esotericists, magicians, keepers of metaphysical knowledge and spiritual teachers.

Lilac color, that is, purple with a high content of fiery, suggests that you are facing a mystic with an overestimated sense of self-importance. Such vibrations are emitted by people who are vain, proud, ambitious and arrogant. Dirty tones indicate depression and depression.

Heavenly, cornflower blue, aquamarine - shades of this delicate and truly high color almost always speak of good qualities owner of energy.

The blue aura speaks of the refinement of a pure nature, which does not darken itself in thoughts or feelings, has a persistent spirit and does not respond to base desires and passions. The blue energy of a person carries with it devotion, the pursuit of perfection, religiosity, reverence and the constant search for true beauty.

Blue aura color: meaning

The owners of such a biofield are distinguished by developed intuition and sensitive psyche. They have very rational thinking, but if the shade becomes dark, the number of dreams and flights of fantasy increases. It is extremely important for these people to develop, acquire new skills and accumulate information. Many even find their purpose in this.

In childhood, carriers of blue energy are quite emotional and generous in relation to love. They please their parents for the sake of mutual affection, show obedience and absorb good manners. True, romantic feelings arise in them in early age they reach for the opposite sex and dream of happy marriage... Peers love the owners of the blue biofield, so such a person can easily become a leader in his environment. But even such popularity sometimes does not hide their feelings of inner loneliness and lack of love.

The blue glow of the aura speaks of a person's love for diversity.

Such individuals go on a journey with pleasure, move several times and even change their social circle in a dramatic way. These personalities keep youthful souls. long years, they are honest and sincere in everything, do not hide the truth of their thoughts. The giftedness of such subjects is manifested in the skills of clairvoyance: they often predict the course of events in advance.

Many of the people with blue energy are perplexed by the search for the Creator. They are highly spiritual individuals who are devoted to their ideas and families. The thirst for love among carriers of the blue glow is also very high, so checks for partners from such individuals are not uncommon. You will not surprise such a person with compliments.

In business and in business in general, people of this type act independently. They do not like to disturb someone and create discomfort for their surroundings. Obligation is also a useful quality of “gay” subjects in business sphere and family life... But the inability to live in the present often becomes a problem, because the memory of the past burdens the aura.

These people are very fond of children and strive to establish emotional contact with them. They can play for hours, hug, read and generally get involved in the life of babies with their heads.

Answering the question “What kind of souls have the most common blue aura color?”, I must say about the inconsistency of each personality with such a shade of energy. Of course, pure thoughts and striving for spiritual values ​​are wonderful. Such individuals keep traditions and devote time to self-development. However, due to problematic socialization in the modern world, individuals of this type often become detached from the course of life, very withdrawn. Therefore, it is so important to be able to find the right balance of external and internal, to defend their own views and share them with the environment.

A shade of blue in the aura allows you to change fate in better side, become happy without any special barriers, using only your own talents.

Such people show themselves especially well in the career of a teacher, first of all, due to clear thinking. And they also like to strive for the truth and convey it to society. Sometimes creative inclinations are combined in these personalities with adventurism and a penchant for great deeds.

Blue individuals are incredibly learnable, sensitive, gullible and outgoing. With all this, they are internally protected by their freedom and honest faith, so it is difficult to change their principles of life.

Blue aura often has a melancholic meaning. From this follows a slight inconsistency, but it is rather associated not with apathy, but with a thirst to be in time everywhere and everywhere. But even with such a temperament, one can be able to be inspired by fresh impressions and discover new cultures for oneself. An overly active lifestyle can prevent such people from simply resting and lead them to stress as a result. “Blue” subjects never channel their energy into an evil channel, therefore, among the ministers dark forces and there are practically no individuals with such a biofield just dishonest people.

Sometimes individuals in this biofield spend their strength illogically. They need to be able to concentrate on one thing and not start several projects in parallel. Such people are hindered by the love of innovation, as well as fussiness and haste. Learn to appreciate all your achievements in the old fields, but do not dwell on them. Also develop patience in yourself, and then the heavenly energy will smoothly flicker and shimmer without dark spots and holes.

What does a person's blue aura mean for his environment? The owner of such a biofield will constantly develop feelings of guilt for the erroneous course of events, so they need to be reassured in time. Fortunately, such people do not know how to harm, they make good helpers and teachers. If a person runs out of energy, she torments herself, regrets and manipulates the environment at the expense of her kindness and dedication.

Help such subjects manage their talents correctly and return them faith and self-love in time.

V friendly relations As in the family, a single spirituality of communication comes to the fore among “blue” individuals. It is extremely important for these people to be perfect with partners. With a weak will, such a person can choose a powerful person who is prone to mockery as his chosen one. Or they will make a choice in favor of an even weaker and lost individual. Fortunately, all "gay" people are monogamous, and they will never let go of the one who is close to them.

The blue aura of a person is also significant in the sexual sphere. So, the heavenly color of the shell runs counter to the desire for base needs, therefore, for such people, sexual intercourse, if not evil, is clearly an unclean occupation. An individual in a blue biofield is capable of indulging in pleasure only with a single partner. During passion, such individuals often wail or cry.

When such people become parents, they devote all their time to the child and forget about ambition. In return, they only want a feeling of full-fledged love, but sometimes they overdo it and turn the baby into a subject dependent on them.

Interestingly, success in the value system of an individual with blue energy is measured by the number loving people and those who were able to help. Therefore, it is not surprising that they count their faithful friends and are ready to participate in the spiritual growth of each person close to them.

It is very comfortable for such a subject to feel himself in the role of a peacemaker and to reassure others in a few words.

When it comes to money, people with a blue ethereal shell can be a little careless and irresponsible. They can hand out bills to the right and to the left, but their task in life is to learn how to take away honestly earned money. You must be able to evaluate your work at its true worth, without underestimating your value.

A psychological portrait of a person emerges in a matter of seconds, if it becomes clear that he has a predominantly blue aura color. What this generalization means becomes clear with close communication with this person.

Most carriers of this energy are distinguished by wisdom, politeness, nobility, and laconic speech. They are reliable people who know how to forgive and cooperate, while they honor the Almighty and maintain independence, combined with increased sensitivity. But if you anger such a person, offend him, you will immediately notice how he withdraws into himself, begins to isolate himself from the world, and falls into emotional coldness and depression.

People with blue energy must learn to trust what goes into their hands. Let them listen to to the inner voice honestly and hopefully. Logical thinking combined with a powerful psyche, developed intelligence allows you to achieve success.

What does the blue color of the aura mean by shades

  1. Heavenly coloration with dark spots indicates the ability to lie. Such people suffer from their own pride and worship of false idols.
  2. Intense dark blue tone shows the suspiciousness of the person. These individuals rarely bother themselves with additional reflections, they prefer to dream more. The pure shade of this type hints at the process of realizing oneself as a person, the growth of spiritual potential in a person. Also dark blue denotes wise people, true missionaries. Dark tones appear in energy when success is achieved, passion for pleasant life tasks.
  3. Light blue aura- a sign of a minimal leadership nature in a person's character. Such a person needs support and external motivation for action. But there is no need for such people to go ahead, because they are very charming, intuitive, delicate and refined in taste. Soft persistence for implementation decisions taken- this is exactly what they need. And yet these people follow very noble ideals.
  4. Sky blue tint reveals the individual as dynamic and spiritual. A bright blue palette in the biofield is identified with loyalty and service to high ideals. How brighter color, the more health and vigor in a person. Heavenly tones appear in those people who are in harmony with wildlife, but at the same time rejoice in the bustle of the city too. They think a lot about eternal values ​​and get angry when they are distracted by trifles.
    This shade is sometimes called azure. Its representatives devote themselves to noble deeds, ahead of the world, they reason soberly on various topics and are honest with themselves and those around them.
  5. Pale blue coloration the aura refers to the indecision of the individual. There are many hesitations and doubts in such a person. In such a person there is a little giftedness by nature, but he tries. Problem places the carriers of this energy are the heart and the head.
  6. The fear of a person, his tendency to depression and anxiety is evidenced by dirty blue aura... What does lack of purity in color mean? This is the process of a person's renunciation of society, a slow immersion in oneself for the sake of self-abasement. Often a dirty tint means addiction, personality disorder, soreness.
  7. Lilac blue reflects the highest aspirations in life and is accompanied by small golden stars in the aura.
  8. The appearance of red streaks and spots in blue energy hints at a person's failure in terms of spiritual development, as well as excessive irascibility. Many scarlet spots appear at the moment of an individual's anger. Multi-colored and vibrating spots on a blue background in the heart area warn of diseases of the pulmonary system. And if the red wide stripes constantly move in the blue aura, it is a matter of the person's greed and his ruthlessness for the sake of financial condition.
  9. Turquoise color in the aura refers to the charisma of its owner. Such a person is gentle and peaceful, he is remembered for the skills of an orator, which combines both the store of knowledge and teaching skills. People of this type quickly find their bearings in life, they have a quick reaction and incredible fortitude, which supports them even in difficult moments. The turquoise color of the aura has meaning even in the context of shortcomings, because its excess leads to pride, lack of integrity in the cognitive experience, arrogance.
  10. Bluish green demonstrates maximum spirituality. If at the same time the shade is transparent and a little highlighted, the person has everything superior qualities by nature: he knows how to sympathize, understand, express sincere sympathy. Any difficulties only strengthen the strength of the spirit in such a subject.

The blue aura can change its meaning depending on the person's feelings. Such people are for the most part noble and sincere, they believe in religion, but at the same time they actively think and prepare to act, and not wait for gifts from fate. For full determination, they lack only a little support, self-confidence. Give such a person help in exchange for their tenderness, creative energy, calmness.

The colors of the aura can tell about a person's character, his habits and even his thoughts! Read what each color means!

Today we'll talk about what the colors of the aura mean and how you can use this valuable information.

What are the colors of the aura?

If you hold your gaze for a long time on the radiance emanating from a person or object, you will notice that it has a certain color shade.

This shade can be different, and it can tell you a lot, very much!

Aura colors allow you to determine:

  • mental state of a person;
  • the state of his health;
  • character and dominant thoughts;
  • activity of one or another energy center.

Below is the interpretation of the primary colors that the aura can have, and their connection with the chakras² of a person. ...

1. White aura

  • Gullibility, pure consciousness.
  • Neutrality.
  • The development of the Ajna chakra (third eye) is located between the eyebrows. In this case, he is responsible for the manifestation of will and concentration of attention.

2. Blue color of the aura

  • An inclination to serve others and worship a certain ideal.
  • The development of the Vishuddha chakra is located in the throat (thyroid gland). The throat center is responsible for obtaining pure, sublime knowledge and striving for the ideal.

3. Blue aura color

  • High religiosity.
  • Closure from society and people.
  • Feelings of inner guilt, selfishness.

4. Purple aura color

  • High spirituality: a tendency to meditate and cognize the Absolute.
  • Development of the Sahasrara chakra, which is located at the crown of the head. She is responsible for communication with the higher worlds.

5. Aqua aura

  • Religiousness and fearfulness.
  • Development of Vishuddha chakra (thyroid gland) and Anahata chakra (located in the chest). This combination is responsible for finding new knowledge in context in helping others.

6. Green aura

  • Empathy, gullibility and easy adaptability.
  • Development of the Anahata chakra located in the chest area. Responsible for love for people and all that exists.
  • Self-knowledge.

7. Brown aura

  • Depression, selfishness, self-isolation.

8. Ocher color of the aura

  • The ability to deceive and scam, cunning.
  • The development of the Muladhara chakra, located in the area of ​​the perineum or coccyx. Responsible for safety and provision of everything you need.

9. Orange aura

  • Energetic and sexy.
  • Strong intelligence and logical thinking.
  • The development of the Muladhara chakra, located in the center of the perineum,

10. Dark orange color of the aura

  • Weak intelligence.
  • Great imagination and intuition.

11. The red color of the aura

  • Pride, passion.
  • High sense of justice.
  • The development of the Manipura chakra, located two fingers above the navel.

12. Burgundy aura

  • High emotionality, lack of control over emotions.
  • It is easy to settle doubts.
  • Irritability.

13. Scarlet aura

  • Striving for pure love, developed unconditionality.

14. Yellow aura

  • High intelligence, penchant for the arts and family life.
  • Development of the Svadhishthana chakra: located in the groin area. Responsible for creativity and talents, family creation, worldly love and sophisticated sexuality.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Aura is a shell invisible to the human eye that surrounds the human body, or any other living object, that is, an animal, plant, mineral, etc. (

People have long been accustomed to the fact that there are things in the world that cannot be touched, that cannot be seen, but which are invisibly present around, somehow interacting with a person. No one doubts the existence of radio waves electromagnetic radiation, magnetic field, although we can neither see nor touch them.

The presence of an aura in a person has not been proven by science, it is possible only because modern science does not have the necessary tools and devices for detecting human aura. But it’s only a matter of time. People who have the ability to sense not only the physical world can see the human aura without the use of special devices.

The aura or biofield of a person consists of several layers. In Hinduism, seven main layers are called, including the astral, mental, emotional. Each layer of the aura has its own color. Base color an aura is determined at birth and remains constant throughout life. The colors of the emotional, mental levels change depending on the mood and thoughts of a person.

The aura can tell a lot about a person, about his essence, the deep characteristics of his personality, hidden at the physical level. Therefore, many ask the question: how to see a person's aura?

Of course, not everyone can do this, but it's worth a try. To do this, you need to sit in front of the mirror, behind your back there should be white wall or any other white background with dim lighting. Look deep into the mirror, through it. Vision should be defocused, scattered and relaxed, any tension, an attempt to focus the gaze, and the aura cannot be seen. If you did everything correctly, after a while, with your peripheral vision, you will see a faint glow around the outline of the body. There are people who are able to see the aura without special techniques, without much effort.

If you were unable to see the aura yourself, and there are no “seeing” people in your environment, what color of the aura can be determined using numerology. To determine the color of the aura by date of birth, you need to add all the date digits well in a known way... For example, July 25, 1973. We add the numbers: 2 + 5 + 0 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 3 = 34 = 3 + 4 = 7. If it turns out 11, 22 or 33, they are not added. Each number received corresponds to a specific color.

The meaning of aura colors.

Red, number 1- the color of a born leader. People whose aura is dominated by red are active, energetic, assertive and purposeful. Are active life position, achieve their goal, always defend their point of view. They are prone to violent manifestations of emotions, hot-tempered and passionate. If the color is pure and pleasant, a person can become a wise, just leader. Dirty, dull color - a person is selfish, narcissistic, envious, prone to fits of anger.

Yellow auras, number 2- people with a yellow aura are no less energetic. Their energy is manifested in the generation of new ideas, projects, plans. These people are creative, smart, optimistic. They truly believe that life is pure pleasure and, indeed, get satisfaction from it.

Number 3, orange color- a mixture of red and yellow, and people with an orange aura took a little from both colors. Orange is the color of vitality. These people stand firmly on their feet, they are practical, purposeful, achieve a lot at the expense of their own intellect. They love strong emotions, especially when it comes to love. They achieve their goal with enviable energy, obstacles only push them to new horizons.

Aura green, number 4- people with this aura color are responsive, show sympathy, and often have the gift of healers. Light shade auras can indicate that a person is in development, growing spiritually. They rarely fail, but they are constantly afraid to make a mistake, to harm someone. The dirty green color of the aura indicates a tendency to envy, betrayal, or a person is depressed.

Blue aura color, number 5- the color of creative, extraordinary people. They are constantly striving for excellence, passionate about their work. The color of openness, gullibility, sometimes speaks of self-doubt. They love new experiences, changing places, traveling. They need love and understanding.

Blue color auras, number 6- Self-confident people tend to show compassion and care for others. Sometimes he speaks of detachment, spirituality, contemplation. Light shade - a person strives for the highest ideal, looking for his own spiritual path. Darker shades - a self-confident person who has realized his purpose and is following the intended path.

Purple auras, number 7- people are spiritual, intellectual, strive to learn new things, especially with regard to the area of ​​the unknown, the supernatural. They have a highly developed emotional sensitivity, sometimes the gift of clairvoyance. These people are among those who want to learn the highest spiritual values, get to the bottom of the meaning of life.

Color pink, number 8- people are gentle, gentle, caring. But at the same time they have a clear position in life and know how to defend their point of view. Capable of strong unconditional love... They set themselves specific goals and achieve them, strive for material well-being.

Bronze color, number 9- carriers of this color strive for emotional independence, but at the same time they are always ready to help others, no matter what the cost. These people think positively, and almost always feel happy, regardless of life circumstances.

Silver, number 11- the color of dreamers and visionaries. Such people have a well-developed imagination, creativity and intuition, up to clairvoyance. They hover a little in the clouds, tend to trust people and notice only good things in them. They themselves try to correspond to their ideals - honesty, nobility, spirituality.

Golden, number 22- such an aura is often found in sages. These people set themselves very high goals and slowly but persistently move towards them. They are ready to sacrifice a lot in the name of their goal, but the very process of achieving the result makes them happy.

Aura white, number 33White color- mixing of all colors, therefore it is present in every aura. Pure white color symbolizes self-denial, high spirituality, enlightenment, altruism. These people are pure in soul and ready to serve others for the sake of a higher goal.