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What you need to do so that there were bright eyes. How to make eyes bright and radiant. Honey - give the eyes lighter shade

At home, but, nevertheless, it is quite possible. There are only three ways to do this, due to the complexity of the task.

Since it depends first of all from the human genotype (from congenital characteristics), it is necessary to take it extremely careful, in order not to spoil eyesight and not damage the retina. The second, these are their inner structure, on which we just will influence.

The first way how to change the color of the eyes at home: lenses

The easiest and safest way is still wearing lenses. You can buy them either at the pharmacy, or by ordering in specialized stores on the Internet. This option is good because you do not affect the structure itself and the lenses, changing the color of the eyes, just refract out their natural color. Plus to everything, you always have a choice, on which (standard or non-standard) color to change your natural hue. Well, of course, you can always remove them without any consequences for yourself.

The second way to change the color of the eyes at home: drops

Now there are special drops that let and not be able to turn the green eye color into gray, but to make a shade brighter or lighter to them completely. For example, if you have a big-green eye, the use of this tool can make them brighter and cleaner, let and for a short time. Thus, your eyes will take a light emerald shade, which looks so fascinating with any skin color. But if this way is how to change the color of the eyes without lenses, it does not fit you, there is something else.

Tip: Before applying the above-described means, it is necessary to consult with specialists to avoid complications with vision. In no case should not acquire similar drugs on the Internet. Do it exclusively in pharmacies and only on the advice of the doctor.

The third way to change the color of the eyes at home: autotranengi

It has long been proven by the fact that the power of our consciousness is capable of influencing not only on the color of the eyes, but also on our overall physical condition as a whole. This is due to the fact that our brain, controlling the hormonal background of the body as a whole, is able to change certain chemical reactions in the body and, accordingly, in the eyes, which, with a competently constructed technique, will allow diametrically to change the color of the eyes even on the opposite or not at all. To do this, it is enough to carry out daily half-hour meditation (preferably in front of the mirror), visualizing the process of changing the color of the organs of vision organs on the one that you are more interesting.

The process includes not just a momentary shift of colors, but a gradual transition from the tone to the tone (up to the required). By producing such manipulations with your own eyes, you do not risk anything, but, as statistics shows, you can purchase such a feature as an involuntary change of eye color depending on your overall emotional state, which looks extremely attractive.


The eye color largely depends on the environment, starting with your clothes, jewelry and ending the room atmosphere. So, for example, gray eyes will look blue, if you wear bluewood clothes. Green and lilac clothing will give dull green eyes the color of the bright emerald. But in such a method, you can only slightly change the shade, and turn the brown eyes into the green will not come out.

The lighting intensity can change the color of light eye by changing their color range from light gray to a saturated sea. In many respects it depends on the color of lighting, walls and size of the room. So use this method is possible only in limited or in suitable weather.

Pretty simple way to change the shade of eyes - makeup. To do this, use certain shadows and eyeliner to emphasize the color. For example, if gray, you need to apply makeup in gray shades to make your eyes blue. If there is a desire to make them gray, you need to use blue cosmetics. With the help of a brown or green contour pencil, green eyes acquire a darker shade.

The eye color changes by itself during the mature of man, so you can just wait. The kids appear on the light with dark and rich color of the eyes, and the older man becomes, the lighter becomes a hue. In people, eyes become quite light, as if fading. If there was a dark brown color in his youth, in old age, the eyes become a honey shade.

Strong emotions change the color of the eyes, but it is hardly possible to use it on a permanent basis. However, it is worth remembering that any emotional shocks are reflected on the shade, it is enough to experience fear, anger, love, pain, joy. Each emotion is reacting in different ways - they can add or darken.

Some diseases are able to cause change to the eye, although minor. The iris becomes slightly light or dark, blue eyes turn into gray or acquire a green shade. Although the disease in the brownness of the disease is practically no effect - they remain in their colors.

There are inflammatory diseases that affect only one eye. Such diseases include Fuchs Syndrome and Posner Shlosman. Having recovered people, the iris acquires a greenish tint. Although it is unlikely that a person will be purposefully looking for these diseases to change the eye color.

When glaucoma, special eye drops are prescribed to reduce intraocular pressure. If you use their long time, the eye color becomes darker. Although if a person has a brown eyes, the difference will be invisible. But it is not recommended to use such drops without appointing a doctor, but they will not register them only for the sake of changing the color of the eyes. After all, if you use them to healthy eyes, side effects and vision will begin to deteriorate. The desire to make eyes a little darker is not worth such a risk.

Sometimes it is quite very much to want to change the color, and the body obediently adjusts to desire. Helps in this visualization - representing yourself with the desired shade of the eyes. To do this, you need to find a quiet place so that no one disturbs you and include calm music. If you understand that you can not focus on musical accompaniment, then you can visualize in complete silence.
When everything is ready, you need to take a convenient position, fully relax and close your eyes. Imagine your face in detail, just replace the real eye color to the desired one. Carefully consider yourself, enjoy the view and send the universe asking us to send you the desired.
For the efficiency of the method, you can change the color of the eyes in Photoshop in your photo and print it to be easier to visualize.
In some embodiments, visualization is recommended to close their eyes and instead of darkness to present the natural color of your eyes before the eyes, and then gradually change it to the desired one.

Another cheap and secure method is self-sufficiency. It is very similar to the previous one, but in this embodiment you need to contact the universe, but to your body. To do this, you need to constantly repeat certain phrases that make the installation of the eyes change the color. They can sound in different ways: "I have eyes (insert the right) color," "My eyes (in this color)". Such phrases need to be pronounced out in the morning and in the evening before bedtime when the subconsciousness is most actively.

Carefully change the color of the eyes with such methods will not work, so sometimes it is much more effective to turn to medicine. For these purposes, you can use a laser correction that removes extra pigments in the rainbow shell and can turn the brown eyes into blue. Although this method has significant disadvantages: a high price of about $ 5,000 and irreversibility. The technique is quite new, so little information about long-term consequences.

In addition to laser correction, you can use another medical service. Dr. Kan developed the procedure of operational intervention, during which a special implant of the desired color is implanted into the iris. A big plus such an operation - through time you can delete it to return to the original color or try something new. However, after such an operation, unwanted consequences may appear, among which glaucoma, cataract, blindness and detachment of the cornea.

Shiny, radiant eyes decorate any face. The look at such a person is unwittingly. The eyes not only reflect our spiritual world, but also are conductors with the outside world.

Eye fatigue familiar to many. Eyes lose their shine, eyelids become swelling and blushing. There are bags and wrinkles under the eyes. Therefore, as soon as you feel the fatigue of the eye, you need to provide vacation with my eyes to preserve their refinery.

Eyes begin to glisten and twisted, when man is in love. Therefore, it is necessary to fall in love with someone. You will sparkle and light not only eyes. Everything will push this energy!

If you have no one to fall in love, you need to maintain a joyful state in the soul. After all, it can please everything: the sun, the rustle of the leaves, the smell of grass ... You just need to learn how to rejoice at any little things, and go to each minute of your life!
Folk methods offer many ways to gain shine in the eyes. Here is some of them.

In the evening you need to make a bath for your eyes. To do this, pour such herbs like a chamomile or parsley. Pour a warm infusion into a glass. Tightly press the glass to the eye. 10 times open and close the eye into the nasty. Make the same thing for another eye.

A good anti-inflammatory and soothing effect is the compresses from the dishes of various herbs: daisies, parsley, mint. Woven tampons wet in heat in the warmth and apply to the eyes for 10 minutes. Then you can apply a cold compress. And if in the cold you often wake up eyes, they need to wash them with these same herbs in the morning and evenings.

Effective means are pieces of ice from mint and green tea. For this, the ice must be wrapped in gauze and slightly massaging, wipe the skin under the eyes.

To eliminate swelling under the eyes, you need to put the cashem out of fresh potatoes, grated, wrapped in a gauze napkin.
. Quickly make eyes clear and clean cold rods from black tea, lime color or chamomile.

Many are often defined, so the wrinkle mesh will help the mask of white bread, moistened in milk. For this mask we apply under the eyes for 15 minutes, removing, lubricating the nutritional cream.

Honey will save from the fatigue of the eye of those who read a lot or working hard at the computer. To do this, it is necessary to dissolve honey in warm water, in the ratio of 1: 1, and each evening have a few drops in the eye. At the same time, you first feel unpleasant burning sensation, which will then pass soon. But by the morning your eyes will be clear and rested!

Using these simple methods along with a positive attitude and a good mood, you will see that your eyes will be bright and radiant!

Dull eyes in the photos - the case is usual and it does not matter to us, this lack of equipment or nature did not give a model of quite expressive eyes. In any case, the eye - the mirror of the soul and very much wants to burn our eyes on our photos and were as attractive as possible.

In this lesson, let's talk about how to fix the drawback of the camera (nature?) And make your eyes brighter in Photoshop.

We will proceed to eliminate injustice. Open photos in the program.

At first glance, good eyes have a girl, but you can do much better.

Let's proceed. Create a copy of a layer with a source picture.

Then turn on the mode Fast masks

and choose "Brush" With the following settings:

tough round, black, opacity and push 100%.

The size of the brush is selected (square brackets on the keyboard) under the size of the iris and put the brush point on the iris.

Now it is necessary to remove the red selection where it is not necessary, but specifically in the upper eyelid. To do this, we switch the color of the brush on the white key X. And pass through the century.

then it must be inverted by a key combination Ctrl + SHIFT + I. Must be allocated only eyes.

Then this selection must be copied to a new layer combination of keys Ctrl + J.,

and make a copy of this layer (see above).

Filter applies to the top layer "Colour contrast"Thereby enhancing the detail of the iris.

The filter radius makes such a minor framework details manifest.

The overlay mode for this layer must be changed on "Overlapping" (After applying the filter).

That's not all…

Click key Alt. And click on the mask icon, thereby adding a black mask to a layer, which will completely hide a layer with the effect. We did this in order to open the effect of the filter only on the iris, not the touch glare. They will make it later.

We highlight the click of the mask in the palette of the layers and we pass through the brush on the iris, showing the texture. Shoots do not touch.

Upon completion of the process by clicking the right mouse button on this layer and select the item "Combine with the previous".

Then change the overlay mode for the resulting layer on "Soft light". There is one interesting point here: with imposition modes you can play, achieving completely unexpected effects. "Soft light" It is preferable because it does not change the source color of the eyes.

It's time to make a look model more expressive.

Create a "imprint" of all layers by a combination of keys Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E.

Then create a new empty layer.

Press the keyboard key SHIFT + F5. and in the dialog box "Fill" Choose the fill 50% gray.

You can simply adjust your diet!

It turns out, change the color of the iris is quite possible, and for this it is not necessary to wear colored lenses. You can simply adjust your diet!

Immediately make a reservation: radically change the color of the eyes, turn the blue eyes in the brown is not under the power of any miracle products. The eye color takes us "by inheritance" from the parents, this is a genetic factor, as well as the form of the ears or the size of the nose.

However, you can make the iris brighter, darker or lighter - in your choice. The fact is that the color of the eye is determined by the concentration of melanin in the iris. In order to change the shade, it is only necessary to use certain products within 60 days.

Tea is an excellent toning. Everyone knows that the skill of tea is able to calm the tired eyes, but it turned out that, in addition, his constant use makes the iris brighter.

Use honey constantly - and you will hurt less! And the regular consumption of this miracle product will make your eyes lighter than usual.


In spinach, as in other green vegetables, there are many zeaxanthin and lutein, these substances provide the netting of the eye, especially with a sharp aggressive effect, say, bright light. Complete spinach regularly, and your color will become much brighter.

A fish

Seafood contains a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements. In addition to the fact that regular use of fish will benefit your body, you will notice that the color of your eyes has changed - has become darker.

Chamomile tea

The chamomile decoction reduces the number of stress hormones in the blood, has an antiseptic effect, and also gives your eyes a warmer shade.

Olive oil

Everyone knows about the benefits of olive oil. It can reduce cholesterol, remove pain in the joints, rejuvenate the skin and smooth wrinkles. In addition, the linoleic acid existing in its composition gives the eyes a warm rich shade.

Studies found out that regular consumption of ordinary onions also changes the color of the eyes.


Eat a day on a handful of nuts - and your eyes will be much brighter! Just keep in mind that for such an effect it is necessary to consume raw, not fried nuts: with heating, most nutrients are destroyed.


The meat products contain a large amount of zinc and magnesium, which not only strengthen health, but also can contribute to the color change of the iris.


His healing properties are known to many, but the fact that the root of ginger in regular consumption changes the color of the eyes, making them lighter, they know a few.