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Fruits in English for children: Long live, '' delicious '' lessons! Fruit in English

In the grocery store you decide to buy Vegetables [Wajtebles] - Vegetables.

First you take the most basic in the product basket:
Cabbage [Cabin] - Cabbage
Potato [Potteuto] - Potatoes
Onion [ониON] - Onion
Carrot [Carrot] - Carrot
Cucumber [Kyukumbe] - Cucumber
Pepper [pepper] - pepper
Tomato [Tomato] - Tomato, Tomato

I Go to the Grocery for Vegetables. I Need Potatoes, Cabbage, Carrots and Onions for the Soup. [Ayu Tue Ze Groucery Form Wajtebles. Ai Nyd Pottetos, Kabidge, Carrotes and Onion Forms Sauce] - I will go to the grocery store for vegetables. I need potatoes, cabbage, carrots and bow for soup.

Mary Likes to make a Light Salad of Cucumbers and Tomatoes [Mary Likes Tu Maik End Tomatoos] - Mary loves to make a light salad of cucumbers and tomatoes.

Other vegetables may be required:
EggPlant [EGPLAT] - Eggplant
PEA [FDI] - peas
Bean [Bean] - Beans
Radish [Radish] - Radish
Garden Radish [Garden Radish] - Radish
Beetroot [Biitrut] - Beet
Lettuce [Lattuk] - Salad
Broccoli [Broccoli] - Broccoli

WE ATE SOUP WITH BEETROOT AND FRIED EGGPLANT FOR LUNCH TODAY [VIROS Visa Visa Biitrut and Fireyard Eggplant Form Lunch Tuey] - Today we ate soup with beet and fried eggplants.

Ann And Peter Take The Frozen Broccoli With Discount [Ann Andes Patter Take Ze Frosen Broccoli visas discount] - Anna and Peter take frozen broccoli with a discount.

Celery [Calery] - Celery
Haricot [Harico] - Beans
Pumpkin [Pampkin] - Pumpkin
Parsley [Pausli] - Parsley
Vegetable Marrow [Wajtebl Mayorou] - Zucchini

WE Need to Buy A Pumpkin for Halloween [vi Nid Tu Bai E Pampkin Form Halloween] - We need to buy a pumpkin on Halloween.

Garlic [Galik] - Garlic
Sorrel [Sorrel] - sorrel
Marjoram [Marjoran] - Majora
Spinach [Spinesche] - Spinach
Horseradish [Hosradish] - Horseradish
Turnip [Tinip] - Rope
Cymbling [Sybelin] - Patchsson
Artichoke [Artichka] - Artichoke
American Artichoke [EMERICAN Artician] - Topinambur
Dill [Dill] - Dill
Basil [Basel] - Basil

It is also worth mentioning and adjectives with which you can describe vegetables:

sweet [Sweet] - Sweet
Salty [Salti] - Salty
SOUR [SOUER] - sour
Bitter [Bitter] - Gorky
Fresh [FRESH] - Fresh
Rotten [Roten] - rotten, spoiled
Tasty [Taine] - Delicious
Delicious [Dalisheshes] - delightful
Tasteless [Testoless] - tasteless
Fatty [Fatty] - fatty
spicy [spice] - sharp

My Mom Makes Delicious Soup with Champignons and Potatoes Almost Without Spices. [May Mam Majks Delishes Social Visas Champignonce End Pottos Olmost Vesaut Spacise] - My mother prepares delicious soup from champignons and potatoes almost without spices.

Still vegetables can be prepared differently; These words can often be found in recipes:

cooked [Quok] - cooked
Baked [Bacd] - baked
Grated [Gratead] - grated
BOILED [BOILD] - boiled
Stewed [Steywood] - stew
Sliced \u200b\u200b[Slice] - Sliced \u200b\u200bSlices
peeled [pyield] - purified
Steamed [Stemid] - cooked for a couple
Cut [Cat] - Sliced
roast [roast] - fried, baked
Broiled [Broyld] - Roasted on fire
Fried [Frate] - Fried

My Friends Like to Eat Stewed Cabbage [May Frendes Like then IT Tyunud Kabidge] - My Friends Like Eating Stew Cabbage.


To raise yourself the mood, advise to be whine sweet. An excellent option for snack will be Fruits [Frut] fruit. Basic names Fruits in English:
1. Apple [EPL] -Labok
2. PEAR [PEA] - Pear
3. BANANA [BENEN] - Banana
4. Melon [Male] - Melon
5. Watermelon [Watemelean] - Watermelon
6. Peach [Peach] - Peach
7. Pineapple [Pineapel] - Pineapple
8. Tangerine [Tenzharine] - Mandarin
9. Plum [Plam] - Plum
10. Apricot [Epricot] - Apricot
11. Orange [ORENZH] - Orange
12. Coconut [Coconate] - Coconut
13. Cherry [Cherry] - Cherry.

If I Need to Choose Between An Apple and A Pear, I Will Choose An Apple.
An Apple Day Keep Doctor Away. - One apple a day will save you from doctors.
Tangerines and Oranges Are Citrus Fruits. - Mandarins and oranges belong to citrus fruits.
Nick Has Two Oranges and Three Apricot. - Nick has two oranges and three apricots.
If You Want To Be Healthy, You Should Eat Many Fruits. If you want to be healthy, eat a lot of fruits.

Fruits - one of the sources of easily friendly carbohydrates. Fructose, bone-glucose and sucrose prevail in the fruit of seed rocks.
Fruit Is One of the Sources of Easily Digestible Carbohydrates. Fruit of Pome Fruits Predominates Fructose, Stone Fruit - Glucose and Sucrose.

For those who are just beginning to teach English, the names of fruit in English can become a good training base. First, having learned the names and seeking to apply them in practice, the fruit in English can be called in the most ordinary situations - in the supermarket, in the garden, and often right in your kitchen. Secondly, fruits in English - a wonderful base for a combination with other thematic groups of words for primary training - "Colors", "Form", "volume", "Taste", etc. That is, having learned the fruit in English, you can make many phrases with a variety of adjectives, which will certainly help you consolidate these words in memory.

For example:
Apples - Apples
may be Red Apples - Red Apples
And maybe Round Red Apples - Round Red Apples

PEARS - Pear
may be Yellow PEARS - Yellow Pears
And maybe Sweet Yellow PEARS - Sweet Yellow Pears

And if you want - you can mix everything - Sweet Round Yellow Apples - Sweet Round Yellow Apples

You can always make any chain from the words yourself, depending on what words you remember. By the way, the compilation of chains from words can become an exciting and useful game if you are studying English with a child. In such a game, you can also include a competitive moment - who will make more chains, or who will be the longest chain. Everything will depend on your imagination.

Call fruit in English.

One of the frequently asked questions on the topic "Fruits" in English is, actually the word itself fruit - Fruit, Fruits. In which cases, it should be used in the form of a single number to refer to several fruits (considering this noun as incarmed) - fruit. and when - in the form of a plural - fruits. ?

If we are talking about fruits in general, as a meal, without having a set of individual fruits, we use fruit..

Fruit is Cheap Here. - Fruits are cheap here.

If we mean different types of fruits, we use a plural fruits..

There Are Pears, Apples and Other Fruits in the Menu. - There are pears, apples and other fruits (fruits) in the menu.

So, with the word fruit. We figured out, we turn directly to the names. First we call a dozen most common and all familiar fruits. By the way, to simplify the task of novice, the names of fruit in English we wrote in Russian transcription.

Apple - ["æPL] - (EPL) - Apple

BANANA - - (BE "NENA) - Banana

Lemon - ["Lemən] - (" lemn) - Lemon

Melon - ['Melən] - ("Malen) - Melon

Watermelon - ['Wɒtər.melən] - (" watemelean) - Watermelon

Orange - ["ɔrindʒ] - (" orange) - Orange

Peach - - (PI: H) - Peach

Pear - - (" pEA) - Pear

Pineapple - ["PAɪNæPL] - (" pineple) - Pineapple

Tangerine - [, tændʒʒ "Ri: N] - (Tange" ri: n) - Mandarin

Then, when these words no longer cause difficulties, you can remember a few more fruits in English with translations that may be useful.

Apricot - ['æprəkɒt] - (" epricot) - Apricot

Kiwifruit - [Kiwifru: T] - ("Kiwifera: T) - Kiwi

Lime - - (" lime) - lime

Plum - [Plʌm] - (Plam) - Plum

Pomegranate - ['pɒm ,grænɪt] - (" pompgrit) - Pomegranate

We learn the name of the berries in English.

Using the English words denoting various fruits, you can not get around the attention and name of the berries in English. After all, if we recall the situations in which we use the names of fruit (for example, the name of the juices, different varieties of ice cream, syrups, jams, etc.), and a variety of berries come to memory immediately.

Please note: Berries in English for the most part have the word in the title Berry. What means actually - Berry.

The most common berries in speech:

Bilberry - ["BɪLB (ə) Rɪ] - (" Bilbury) - Blueberry

BlackBerry - [Blækberi] - ("Blackbury) - Blackberry

Blackcurrant - [ˌblækkɜːrənt] - (Black "Corent) - Black Currant

Blueberry - [BLUːBERI] - ("Bluberi) - Blueberry, Lingonberry, Blueberries

Cranberry - [Krænberi] - ("Cranbury) - Cranberries

Cherry - [Tʃeri] - ("Cherry) - Cherry, Cherry

Grapes - [ɡreɪps] - ("Grapes) - Grapes

Raspberry - [Ræzberi] - ("Razbury) - Malina

Strawberry - [Strɔːberi] - ("Strobery) - strawberries, strawberries

We use new words in practice.

Do not forget, having learned new words, use them in practice at any convenient case. If you learn English with a child - it can be a variety of games: as games in words (the compilation of chains, for example, we wrote above) and various role-playing games - play the "Store", in the "cafe", in " Dacha. The main condition should be the maximum use of new words in the game.

If you learn English yourself, we can offer you an effective way to practice - on-line tutorial English. Listening to short texts and performing simple exercises to them, you can replenish the vocabulary and learn to competently compile English offers.

For example, the names of the fruit on the site you can meet here in such a short text for beginners:

He Often Eats PEARS.
Does SHE OFTEN EAT PEARS? No, She Does Not.
She Does Not Eat Pears. She eats apples.
Does He Eat PEARS? Yes, He Does.

Listen text

She often has apples.
He often eats pears.
Does she often eat pears? Not…
She does not eat pears. She eats apples.
Does he eat pears? Yes…

Passing such lessons, you not only consolidate new words in memory, but also develop the use of basic grammatical structures.

Hello, friends! We have already advanced significantly in learning English vocabulary. We learned the name of professions, sports, seasons, etc. It came time to find out what the berries, nuts and fruits are called English. This article will be devoted to this. Today you will learn the name of various fruits, familiarize yourself with the table in which they are represented with transcription and translation. Fruits in English We all love those or other delicious fruits, and often in conversation we mention them. Therefore, it is important to know these words in English and the translation to be in a conversation with English-speaking freely orientate in the names of the fruit. These knowledge will also be useful to you when writing essays, when you correspond to foreigners, or in the case when you want to study abroad. Not knowing these words, you can build a free and competent speech.

By the way, about grammar.

In English, the word "Fruit" has a multiple number with two forms - "Fruits" and "Fruit". The word "Fruit" is used when they say any fruit in general. For example, the Fruit Store department in English will have the name "Fruit", and the phrase "fresh fruit" will look like "Fresh Fruit".

If we are talking about any specific form of fruits, then the word "fruits" is used. For example, the phrase "Tropical fruits" will be written so - "Tropical Fruits": I like Citrus Fruits - I like citrus.

As for berries (BERRY), which also part of this type of fruit plants, this word is part of the name of almost every berry. Later you will be able to make sure that it will be clear. This phenomenon you can observe the names of nuts.

I also want to note that in various dialects of the English language and in the regions of their names may differ. So, for example, the "cloudberry" in the US is called "yellowberry" or "cloudberry", in England you can hear "Knotberry", "Averin" will be called it in Scotland, and in Canada - Bakeapple. Therefore, do not be surprised if you have a completely different translation of any word somewhere.

Fruits in English in pictures

Thematic cards with pictures, translation and transcription help it easier to assimilate a large number of words. This technique for children is especially effective. But many adults with pleasure use bright pictures to remember all numerous names significantly faster.

But there are also cards not just with pictures, but also with transcription. You will have the opportunity to see how to pronounce or another word.

Print these cards on the color printer. Cut and show them to children, calling objects, or use themselves, repeating the words any minute free time. Thanks to this technique, you will quickly remember all the names, translation and pronunciation.

All fruits - in one table!

There are many disputes about what to call fruit, that berry, and that vegetable. Finding out this, I learned that botany to the form of fruit, except berries, also include grain, and bulk, and nuts. Therefore, you should not be surprised if in the table, you will see some fruits that you used to think about how about vegetables.




Citrus Fruits)

orange Orange. [Ɔrɪndʒ] orange
lemon Lemon. ["Lemən] lemon
tangerine Tangerine. [, Tændʒʒ "Ri: N] mandarin
grapefruit Grapefruit. ["GreɪPfru: T] grapefruit
pomelo Pomelo. ["Pɔmɪləu] pomel
clementine Clementine [Kleməntaɪn] clementine
lime.lime. lime
satsuma Satsuma. [SAT-SÜ-Mə] satsumuma
kumquat Kumquat. ---- kumquat

Tropical / Exotic (Tropical /Exotic Fruit.s)

kiwifruit kiwifruit. [Kiwifru: T] kiwi
pineapple Pineapple. ["PAɪN,æPəL] a pineapple
avocado Avocado. [, Ævə "kɒdʋʋ] avocado
guava Guava. ["gwɒvə] guava
starfruit Starfruit. [STɑ: FRU: T] karambola.
passion Fruit Passion Fruit ["PʃʃʃN FRU: T] maracuy
banana Banana. banana
lychee Lychee. [Laɪtʃi:] litchi
mango Mango. ["mŋŋgʋʋ] mango
papaaya Papaya. [Pəpaɪɪɪ] papaya
feijoa Feijoa. faicho.
pomegranate.pomegranate. ["Pɒm /Grænɪt] garnet
persimmon Persimmon. persimmon
cape Gooseberry Cape Gooseberry physalis

Stone (Stoned Fruits)

apple Apple. ["æpəl] apple
peach Peach. [PI: Tʃ] peach
quince Quince [kwɪns] quince
Granny Smith Granny Smith ["grænɪ -smith] green apple
plum Plum [PLʌM] plum
pear Pear. pear
cherry Cherry. ["Tʃerɪ] cherry
apricot Apricot. ["æprəkɒt] apricot
nectarine Nectarine. [ˌNektərēn] nectarine

Bahchy (Melons)

watermelon Watermelon. ["Wɒtər.melən] watermelon
honeydew Honeydew Melon. ['Hʌnıdju:] winter melon
melon Melon. ["Melən] melon

Berries (Berries)

blueberry Blueberry. ["Blu:, Berɪ] blueberry
sTRAWBERRY STRAWBERRY. ["Strɔ: Bərɪ] strawberry
grape Grape. grapes
redcurrant Redcurrant. ["REDKʌRəNT] red currants
blackcurrant Blackcurrant. [Blækkʌr (ə) NT] black currant
white Currant WHITE CURRANT white currant
raspberry Raspberry. ["ræs --berɪ] raspberries
gooseberry Gooseberry. ["GU: S.BERɪ] gooseberry
dEWBERRY BlackBerry / Dewberry ["BLæK.BERɪ] [DJU: BERɪ] blackberry
mULBERRY MULBERRY. [mʌlbəri] mulberry
huckleberry Huckleberry. ["HʌKəL.BERɪ] blueberry
cranberry Cranberry. ["Kræn.berɪ] cranberry
cornelian Cornelian. [Kɑ:'NI: Lıən] dogwood
Olive Olive. ["ɒLɪV] olive

Nuts (Nuts)

coconut Coconut. ["Kʋʋkənʌt] coconut
cashewNut CashewNut. ['Kʃʃu: nʌt] cashew
peanut Peanut. ["PI: Nʌt] peanut
almond almond. ["ɑ: Mənd] almond
walnut Walnut. ["Wɔ: LNʌT] walnut
macademia Macademia. makadamia.
hazelnut Hazelnut. ["Heɪzəl ,Nʌt] hazelnut
brazilnut Brazilnut. [brə-zil- nʌt] brazilian nut
pistachio Pistachio. pistachio
pecan Pecan. pekan
pine Nut Pine Nut cedar nut
chestnut Chestnut. [͵hɔ: S'Tʃestnʌt] chestnut

Dried fruits (Dried Fruit)

We often use words in our speech relating to household and economic topics. This article will consider a lexical topic dedicated to edible plants. Vegetables and fruits in English with translation and pronunciation in Russian will also be presented in this article.

The origin of the word vegetable

Vegetable - culinary definition, meaning edible part (for example, fruits or tubers) of various plants, as well as any solid food of plant origin, with the exception of fruits, cereals, mushrooms and nuts.

In English, the word vegetable is translated as vegetable. It was first fixed in English at the beginning of the 15th century. It came to the tongue from StaroFronzus language and was originally used for all plants; The word is still used in this sense in biological contexts.

It comes from Vegetabilis medieval Latin and translates as "grows, flourishes." Semantic transformation from the Late Latin language means "revival, acceleration."

The meaning of the word Vegetable as a plant grown for use was not known until the 18th century. In 1767, the Word was specifically used in order to designate all edible plants, herbs or roots. In 1955, a reduction from Vegetable in the role of slang was used for the first time: VEGGIE - "Vegetarian".

As an adjective, the word Vegetable (vegetable) in English is used in a scientific and technological meaning with another much broader definition, namely "related to plants" as a whole (edible or not), that is, the object of plant origin, plant kingdom.

Vegetables in English with translation

Consider the names of the main vegetables and fruits in English. The list will consist of those products that we use every day. Vegetables and fruits in English with translation and transcription are presented below:

1. White cabbage - Cabbage - [kæbədʒ] or White Cabbage.

And translation of its varieties and cooking methods:

  • wild - Wild Cabbage;
  • marinated - Pickled Cabbage;
  • dried - dehydrated cabbage;
  • sauer - Liberty Cabbage;
  • chinese - Celery Cabbage;
  • chopped - shredded cabbage;
  • decorative - Ornamental Cabbage.

2. Garlic - Garlic [ɡɑːrlɪk]; Parking garlic - Fragrant Garlic.

3. RISA - TURNIP [TɝːNəP].

3. Onion onion - onion [ʌnjən].

4. Leek - LEEK [Liːk |].

5. Potatoes - Potatoes.

Sustainable phrases with word potatoes will be translated as follows:

  • cook potatoes to boil potatoes;
  • dig potatoes - Lift Potatoes;
  • young potato - New Potatoes.

6. Ordinary carrot - Carrot [Kærət].

7. Tomato - Tomato.

Previously, the tomato was called the apple of love. This is due to the literal translation from Italian. Vegetables and fruits in English mainly have a borrowed origin.

Translation of the main varieties of fruit in English

Let's turn to the theme of fruit. In the English word "fruit" translates as Fruit ["Fruːt]. In essence, this is not a botanical term, but rather, spoken and economic for the name of sweet large fruits.

Here is the list of the most common of them:

  • aprot ["Eɪprɪkɒt] - Apricot;
  • banana - Banana;
  • grape - grapes;
  • grapefruit ["GreɪPˌfruːt] - grapefruit;
  • pear - Pear;
  • melon ["mɛlən] - melon;
  • lemon ["Lɛmən] - Lemon;
  • mandarine ["Mænəriːn] - Mandarin (word of Chinese origin);
  • plum ["pləm] - plum;
  • apple ["æpl] - Apple;
  • citrus ["sitrəs] - citrus;
  • kiwi [Kiːwiː] - Kiwi;
  • fig [Fɪɡ] - figs;
  • date - Pin (this word can translate both as a date);
  • mango [MŋɡŋɡOʊ] - mango;
  • persimmon - persimmon;
  • pomegranate [pɒmˌgrænɪt] - grenade;
  • pineapple ["PAɪNˌˌPL] - Pineapple.

The origin of plant terms

Most of the terms denoting vegetables and fruits in English are borrowed from other languages. For example, the word "Tomato" comes to the European world from the Aztec Empire. The name of the plant Tomal across French Tomate also got into English, and in Russian. In modern Russian, both items are equivalent.

The word Potatoes (potatoes) comes from Spanish, but in Spanish it fell from the Indian language of Kechua during the conquest of conquisites of South America. Thus, these two words denoting the grained, originate from the Indian languages \u200b\u200bof Latin America.

Hey, Guys! Well, spring has already come, and behind it and before the summer it is not far! Therefore, we are increasingly starting to think about favorite fruits and berries. Any self-respecting connoisseur of these useful delicacies must have a basic set of their names to feel confident in the shops and fruit shops abroad. So that "s Why We" Re Here to Help You;)

Oh Berry

In English berry sounds like berry., berries - berries.. Studying the names of the berries, it is worth not only to get their pronunciation and writing, but will also learn to consume them in a conversation. There is a significant difference between the multiple and only number of berries in Russian and English. In Russian, we say strawberries and it might me imply as one berry of strawberries and a bucket. You just say: "I drove strawberries for dinner." At the very word strawberry there is no multiple number. You can only clarify the "Bucket of Strawberries". As for, English, all berries can be used as in the singularwhich is one berry and in pluralWhat is a collective image - type of berries. " Strawberry.» - one berry, « strawberries.» - collective image. All berries in English can be in the only and plural: BlackBerry (one blackberry berry) - BlackBerries (collective image - blackberry), buckthorn - buckthorns, etc.

There is one pretty interesting rule in English. If the berry is so big that it is impossible to eat it at a time, for example, watermelonthen it will be incumbered - watermelon.. It needs to be measured in pieces.

For example, If You Have Many Pieces of Cut-Up Watermelon, You Should Say "I Am Eating watermelon.. "OR" I ATE 4 Pieces. of Watermelon. Yesterday. "

If we are talking about watermelon, as about the form of berries, we say watermelons..

FOR EXAMPLE, " Watermelons. Are Grown on His Farm. "

Basic berry names:
watermelon. ["Wɔ: Tərmelən] Watermelon
melon. melon
barberry. ["Bɑ: B (ə) Ri] Barbaris
cowberry. ["kaʊb (ə) ri] lingonberry
cherry. ["Tʃɛri] Cherry
blackBerry. ["Blækb (ə) Ri] Blackberry
strawberry. ["Strɔ: Bəri] Strawberry
viburnum [VAɪ "Bɜ: Rnəm] Kalina
cranberry. ["Krænbəri] Cranberries
dogwood. ["Dɒ, ɡWʊD] Kizil
raspberry. ["Rɑ: Zbəri] Raspberry
blueberry. ["Blu:, Berɪ] Blueberry
elder. ["Eldər] Buzin
gooseberry. ["Guzberi] Gooseberry
buckthorn. ["Bək, ɔɔ: Rn] sea buckthorn, coarse
rowan. ["Roʊʊn] Rowan
black Chokeberry. [BLæK "TʃɔKBERɪ] black rowan
red Currant [RED "Kʌrənt] Currant
bLACK CURRANT. [BLæK "KʌRəNT] Black Currant
blueberry. ["BLU :, BERɪ] Blueberry
gooseberry. ["Guzberi] Gooseberry
cranberry. ["Krænbəri] Cranberries
currant. ["Kʌrənt] Currant
sweet Cherry. [SWI: T "Tʃɛri] Cherry
cloudberry. ["Klaʊd, Berɪ] cloudberry
bog Bilberry. [BɔG "Bɪl, Berɪ] Blueberries
wild Strawberry. [waild "Strɔ: Bəri] Forest Strawberry
rose Hip. [Rəuz Hip] Rosehip

About fruce

The word Fruit (fruit) in English has two forms of the plural - Fruit. and fruits.. If we are talking about any fruit in general, the word Fruit is used. For example, a shop called " Fruit. And vegetables "(fruits and vegetables). Or you can say: "It's Hard to Buy Fresh fruit. now. " It is understood that it is hard to buy fruit in general, we do not specify what. If there are a variety of fruit types, fruits are used. For example: "I Want to Try the Tropical Fruits of this Island" - "I want to try tropical fruits of this island," there is clarification, because we speak fruits..

The types of fruits themselves are calculated and can be both in the singular and in the multiple. For example, Banana is one banana, and Bananas is a lot of bananas.

The main names of the fruit:
fruit. ["FRU: T] fruit
apricot ["Eɪprɪkɒt] Apricot
pineapple. ["PAɪN æPL] Pineapple
banana. banana
bergamot. ["Bɜ: Gəmɒt] Bergamot
grape. [greip] grapes
grapefruit. ["Greɪp, Fru: T] grapefruit
pEAR. pear
melon. ["mɛlən] melon
lemon. ["Lɛmən] lemon
tangerine. ["Tændʒʒri: N] Mandarin
peach. [PI: Tʃ] peach
plum. ["pləm] plum
apple ["æpl] apple
lime. lime
kiwi. ["Ki: Wi:] Kiwi
fig ["Fɪɡ] wine berry, fig, fig
mango ["MŋɡŋɡOʊ] Mango
persimmon. persimmon
pomelo. ["Pɑ: Məloʊ] Pomel
pomegranate. ["Pɒm, grænɪt] grenade

Fruits and berries are also used in phraseology. Consider the most common:

lIKE A SUCKED ORANGE - Used when a person is too tired and feels like a squeezed lemon
to pick the plum (or To Take the Plum) - shoot cream, select the best
plum Job - favorable place, profitable position
Big Apple. - Big Apple (Nickname New York)
apple Of Discord. - Apple of discord
apple of One "s Eye - 1) when someone is taking someone, the souls do not
banana Skin. (or banana Peel.) - I went from the expression "slip on the banana peel". Is used in the discussion of a slippery situation
pear-shaped - pear-shaped (about figure)

The names of fruits and berries we learn at school age, and all subtleties, regarding the use of a single or multiple number, are found much later. How to learn words at school age to remember them for a long period? Here are some options:

  • learn words on cards
  • create unusual stories in your head with the name of the fruit
  • cut the Association with the name of the fruit in English and some subject to you
  • listen to the songs and watch cartoons with fruit in English

There are many useful sites and games that will make learning the language interactive and cheerful. Expand your horizons for the knowledge of the names of fruits and berries, do not limit yourself to the purchase of only bananas, staying abroad, due to the ignorance of other fruit or berries. Learn new words, add delicious and useful fruits in your diet and be healthy!

Big and Friendly Family EnglishDom