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Comic horoscope for the year by. Taurus' tirelessness will be appreciated. Healthy passion has always distinguished Scorpio from other signs of the zodiac. Business acumen and wisdom will bring him success in the Year of the Dog. Of course, if the Scorpio stops stinging others. Especially in

Everyone knows the past, but looking into the future is fantastic. As early as 5 centuries before the appearance of Christ, the beginnings of astrology existed. Society did not possess scientific knowledge, therefore, it connected fate with the Sun, date of birth and stars. Even today, astrology is relevant, there are entire institutions and other institutions that are seriously involved in constellations.

Pros and cons

Some people passionately believe in horoscopes, reread astrology publications every day. Others are indifferent to predictions. There is no consensus whether astrology is true or false. Arguments in favor of the theory:

  • Much is coming true.
  • People are grouped according to characteristics and traits.
  • It is part of the culture of the community.
  • Astrology creates jobs, provides psychological assistance.

Be carefull:

  • Fraudsters often hide behind the screen of astrologers.
  • Not everything comes true.
  • If you delete the names of characters, then it will be impossible to find yourself by description.
  • If you believe in God, then astrology is a sin!
  • There is no scientific basis.
  • The world is ruled by chance, the theory of probability has proven its worth.

So if you buy a magazine with horoscopes, then remember: you are investing in someone's business!

No tediousness

It's boring to live if you don't break the rules, don't entertain yourself with kind nonsense about the signs of the zodiac. A horoscope can cheer you up, set the rhythm of the day, and cheer up guests at a New Year's party. If it is difficult to decide on the choice of a life partner, then the compatibility of signs sometimes determines the scales. Zodiac, Taurus, Aquarius - these names entered everyday life. These words are called shops and cinemas, firms and salons. Astrology is always in demand on a big holiday, on a birthday, before the start of the New Year. Even Darwinists, skeptics and physics professors want to know what awaits them in the coming year: a promotion, a change of car, or a busty mistress. Personal astrologers are in large companies and at the top officials of the state, they are often invited to radio or television.

The highlight of the evening

Combining two arts into one is a great idea. Any party can be decorated by composing a comic horoscope in verse. After the third toast, the people will want creativity, such an unpretentious number will cheer everyone up and cheer up even those who are by a hair's breadth from being fired. It is not at all necessary to accurately verify the rhyme and the description of the sign, which may differ in the most stringent horoscopes. More humor and fantasy. If the muse left and did not promise to return, then use this option:

Aries honest, Aries is quick-tempered, even sometimes picky,

He leads everyone, we love him with a crowd!

Twins impatient, and obstinate in their minds,

They love jokes, they love laughter - they are chased by success!

Our Taurus always calm, and he is worthy of stubbornness,

Loyalty appreciates this sign, he will not betray for a nickel!

On a moonlit night Cancer he gets high, so nobly rejoices,

We will entrust all the secrets, we send only the best greetings!

Proud a lion- a reliable friend, for boys and girlfriends,

Strong, bright, noble, he put on a folk costume!

Glorious for their kindness scales, often look at the clock,

Our restless sign is to give them vodka just like that!

Virgin eternally blameless, thrifty - that's for sure,

Sincere in all worries - rest on Saturdays!

Scorpion does not tolerate falsehood, they want to know what will happen next,

Trials are not a sin - this is the right to success!

Cheerful and truthful Sagittarius, often wants to go down the aisle,

He is mobile, restless, worthy of a tour to the seas!

Aquarius original, though banal at the table,

A gentle, modest diplomat - you can't hear a mate from him!

Enduring symbol Capricorn, he will go to the goat in the horn,

Do not be sad, be more fun - you are in the company of friends!

Fishes extremely indifferent if you are tactless to them,

Intuition from birth, they love and mood!

You can always send a comic horoscope to a friend by e-mail:

To the epigraph:

The most honest horoscope is a kaleidoscope for the soul, it will amuse friends, all friends, guests!

As we already know, the earthen yellow Dog is the patroness of 2018. Funny horoscope with humor, he will predict the fate of each sign for the whole next year. These will only be good jokes that can be used in the midst of New Year's feast and entertain the guests.
Funny horoscope for 2018 for the diligent Aries

All Aries need to be hammered into work. You have worked hard enough, and in 2018, the Dog should not drive you into the corral. Separate from the herd imperceptibly, paint, powder the horns and blow to the disco, since you have the curls ready. The Yellow Dog will forgive you for such offenses all year round. So take the moment.

Frivolous horoscope for 2018 for the imposing Taurus

The ringing of your hooves can give you important point, so be sure to ask your owner for warm white fur boots. If you dreamed of a nose ring, then this is the very moment to make it happen. The patroness of the year will forgive you for such a bold step, even if you are the TV presenter of the first channel.

Comic horoscope for 2018 for identical Gemini

Now, the very moment has come when it is necessary to remember the brothers and sisters. Remember how they wiped the goats on your clothes, how they wiped your shoes. This year, nothing should be forgotten. You must avenge every sneak that robbed you of your candy. And the Dog will forgive you every revenge, until the end of the year.

Funny horoscope for 2018 for ... but don't be such a Cancer

All the cancer has to do for the next 365 days is to drink beer. Dark, light, filtered and no. The main thing is to beware of non-alcoholic. Cancers run the risk of poisoning them and frighten off their fatal acquaintance, unexpected by the impending need. And also, in any case, do not drink beer with crayfish. Otherwise, your neighbors at the feast will think that you are badly brought up.

Frivolous horoscope for 2018 for Lviv - leaders of the situation

All Leo needs this year is not to offend Dogs. And then luck will smile at them at all 32. Give your subordinates a descent. Print out coloring pages, let them have fun. But the subordinate Lions should smile, because the boss loves idiots. Don't show that you are smarter, bigger, or bolder than the director.

Comic horoscope for 2018 for the most real Virgo

In order not to become an old maid, it is necessary to change the place of acquaintance. Stop going to your library, it's time to get old in some nightclub. But if not seriously, then stay as beautiful as you really are, then other signs will get a lot more bodies of the opposite sex.

Funny horoscope for 2018 for the ever doubting Libra

We bet your friends and acquaintances are already buying new furniture, and you haven’t got enough money for the apartment yet? Enough to weigh everything, so we don't do anything. You can only get rich with a scale by weighing the everlasting white powder. Yes, household chemicals companies are getting stronger and stronger on their feet.

Frivolous horoscope for 2018 for poisonous Scorpions

In 2018, your place is somewhere on the sand. Whether it is Egypt or a local gorgeous beach near the village of Gadyukino. Do not deny yourself parasitism all 12 months, and not just in the summer. You still don’t help at work. But you will return at the end of the year, and the chef will give you a prize for not interfering. Is it Dog Year? So let them take the rap for everyone.

Comic horoscope for Sagittarius for 2018

We know this sign by its long tongue. This year it is desirable to use it for other purposes. And yet, Streltsov is generally invisible on the streets. Make yourself a bow or something. They say that in 2018 it will be very fashionable to walk with a dog and a bow. The truth is better with a gun, but with a bow everything is according to the law.

Funny horoscope for 2018 for omnivorous Capricorns

All Capricorns who dream of losing weight in 2018, do not even dream, you will not succeed in any diet. You'd better go to the South and drown your fat on the sand. Do not worry about the funds, the cabbage will itself jump into the string bag.

Frivolous horoscope for 2018 for chatty Aquarius

Someone who, and these know how to pour water. And they pour it into the ears, and pour it into the empty one from empty. Get down to business in the end, and let others work. If you want a company, then better than Pisces not find who else will listen to you. And so at least your water will be useful for their aquarium.

Comic horoscope for 2018 for talkative Pisces

Have you ever seen a fish speak? So, you are silent too. Be silent for the next year. You never even dreamed of how many problems you can avoid if you just keep silent every time. Have you heard: silence is golden? And silent Pisces always seem smarter. Keep silent all year and next year astrologers will write: smart Pisces ...

As we already know, the earthen yellow Dog is the patroness of 2018. A funny horoscope with humor will predict the fate of each sign for the entire next year. These will only be good jokes that you can use in the midst of the New Year's feast and amuse your guests.

Funny horoscope for 2018 for the diligent Aries

All Aries need to be hammered into work. You have worked hard enough, and in 2018, the Dog should not drive you into the corral. Separate from the herd imperceptibly, paint, powder the horns and blow to the disco, since you have the curls ready. The Yellow Dog will forgive you for such offenses all year round. So take the moment.

Frivolous horoscope for 2018 for the impressive Taurus

The ringing of your hooves can betray you at an important moment, so be sure to ask your owner for warm white fur boots. If you dreamed of a nose ring, then this is the very moment to make it happen. The patroness of the year will forgive you for such a bold step, even if you are the TV presenter of the first channel.

Comic horoscope for 2018 for identical Gemini

Now, the very moment has come when it is necessary to remember the brothers and sisters. Remember how they wiped the goats on your clothes, how they wiped your shoes. This year, nothing should be forgotten. You must avenge every sneak that robbed you of your candy. And the Dog will forgive you every revenge, until the end of the year.

Funny horoscope for 2018 for ... but don't be such a Cancer

All the cancer has to do for the next 365 days is to drink beer. Dark, light, filtered and no. The main thing is to beware of non-alcoholic. Cancers run the risk of poisoning them and frighten off their fatal acquaintance, unexpected by the impending need. And also, in any case, do not drink beer with crayfish. Otherwise, your neighbors at the feast will think that you are badly brought up.

Frivolous horoscope for 2018 for Lviv - leaders of the situation

All Leo needs this year is not to offend Dogs. And then luck will smile at them at all 32. Give your subordinates a descent. Print out coloring pages, let them have fun. But the subordinate Lions should smile, because the boss loves idiots. Don't show that you are smarter, bigger, or bolder than the director.

Comic horoscope for 2018 for the most real Virgo

In order not to become an old maid, it is necessary to change the place of acquaintance. Stop going to your library, it's time to get old in some nightclub. But if not seriously, then stay as beautiful as you really are, then other signs will get a lot more bodies of the opposite sex.

Funny horoscope for 2018 for the ever doubting Libra

We bet your friends and acquaintances are already buying new furniture, and you haven’t collected enough for an apartment yet? Enough weighing everything, we don't do anything. You can only get rich with a scale by weighing the everlasting white powder. Yes, household chemicals companies are getting stronger and stronger on their feet.

Frivolous horoscope for 2018 for poisonous Scorpions

In 2018, your place is somewhere on the sand. Whether it is Egypt or a local gorgeous beach near the village of Gadyukino. Do not deny yourself parasitism all 12 months, and not just in the summer. You still don’t help at work. But you will return at the end of the year, and the chef will give you a prize for not interfering. Is it Dog Year? So let them take the rap for everyone.

Comic horoscope for Sagittarius for 2018

We know this sign by its long tongue. This year it is desirable to use it for other purposes. And yet, Streltsov is generally invisible on the streets. Make yourself a bow or something. They say that in 2018 it will be very fashionable to walk with a dog and a bow. The truth is better with a gun, but with a bow everything is according to the law.

Funny horoscope for 2018 for omnivorous Capricorns

All Capricorns who dream of losing weight in 2018, do not even dream, you will not succeed in any diet. You'd better go to the South and drown your fat on the sand. Do not worry about the funds, the cabbage will jump into the string bag itself.

Frivolous horoscope for 2018 for chatty Aquarius

Someone who, and these know how to pour water. And they pour it into the ears, and pour it into the empty one from empty. Get down to business in the end, and let others work. If you want a company, then it's better not to find Pisces, who else will listen to you. And so at least your water will be useful for their aquarium.

Comic horoscope for 2018 for talkative Pisces

Have you ever seen a fish speak? So, you are silent too. Be silent for the next year. You never even dreamed of how many problems you can avoid if you just keep silent every time. Have you heard: silence is golden? And silent Pisces always seem smarter. Keep silent all year and next year astrologers will write: smart Pisces ...

Comic horoscope in verses for 2018 Dogs for all signs of the zodiac
The Year of the Dog is coming to us,
Barks loudly at the gate
Soon everything will happen
What will happen to us?

Aries men should prepare for immense happiness. A dog will bring many good changes, auspicious events and profitable ventures to this zodiac sign. Let the Dog drive the Aries to the cost, which is full of hay and curly lambs.

New 2018 will bring Aries women changes in their personal lives, get ready for small changes and big events. Therefore, diligently curl the curls on your forehead, paint your eyelashes and polish your hooves - there are only pleasant moments and a great future ahead!

Aries climbs steadily
And the dog will hurry
Become a good help
Up to the career to the top.

Deep sleep, nerves of steel,
Be in everything, always only the first!
Jump over your head?
There is definitely no need for this!

Horoscope predicts Aries
Grace, luck and love.
May your home be happy, complete.
Let feelings play in your soul again and again!

Happy New Year, Aries dear!
This year will bring you good luck.
Let evil problems run from you
And it will be the best this year!

The time has come for Taurus to "gather himself into a fist" in order to be able to arrange his life the way he dreamed of. Your happiness and your future are in your hands, be light on your feet, may there be less hot temper and more joy in your soul! Horoscope wishes everyone "Hot" Taurus get a faithful and large chick that will brighten his life!

The Year of the Dog must bring all the riotous Taurus women calmness, and all the pacified "chicks" have a large supply of strength for new achievements. The horoscope warns Taurus that the very moment will come when you will need to stop "flying in the clouds" and "go down to earth."
Taurus luck and luck
Horoscope predicts.
Let it bring inspiration
And only joy New Year!

The dog will guard Taurus,
And to keep their peace all year round,
Fate is like rolling cheese in butter,
And there is nothing not to worry about!

It is given to you without difficulty
Not just pond fish!
In short, the doggie in circulation
Will take your world for a whole year!

Love and a long journey
Drops to all calves,
There will be many happy meetings
The doggie pleases you

And having run over the world,
Hurry to the jeweler
Need to give rings
To go down the aisle with her.

The Year of the Dog is literally made for you Gemini. For men of this sign it will not be boring and lonely, they will be able to find true friends, a soul mate and a favorite pastime. A year will allow you to get rid of problems in communicating with others. Moreover, people will see you as a leader and a wise intelligent person!

Gemini women in the year of the Dog, you should "watch your tongue", as the horoscope warns: excessive talkativeness and self-confidence will spoil your reputation. In any situation, be calm and smile better where you want to say the next "truth."
The twins are about to move
V new house or an apartment,
The dog tried hard
Here it is a brand new entrance.

And a good job
A doggie suddenly bears in its teeth,
Away from sorrow, away from worries,
After all, a dog is the best friend.

There will be a twin this year
Creator of his happiness
The doggie will only enter the post,
Growth awaits you in every sense!

Personal growth, career too!
In the garden and maybe
Everything will grow with you!
Here is the alignment. Everything, wait!

The twins are lucky today
In the New Year, yes in general!
In the year of the Dog, you have peace of mind,
Joy and personal victories for you!

The horoscope in the year of the Dog is so favorable to Cancer men that they will be able to realize all their secret fantasies, even the most "daring" ones, into reality. Be confident in yourself and your deeds, and then you will definitely find at the bottom of the sea a precious pearl that can decorate your boring existence.

Cancer women in 2018 Dogs should finally get away from the "everyday life" and take care of themselves. Take time to paint your nails or finally paint over the roots of your hair, because in 2018 you will finally have a real chance to meet the man of your dreams. It is only important to be confident in yourself and not "back down" if you find small difficulties on your way.

The doggie is already knocking on the house,
Open the cancer soon
You don't dream all this
Everything will really be like this.

There will be money, there will be happiness
It's like cheese will be in butter
Forget about bad weather
And dig up fat in your belly!

Doggie portends Cancer
Definitely not to get into a fight!
Cock, bully!
If anything, do not admit it!

WITH New Year's miracle, Cancer!
Here's a prediction for you:
You than to step back
Prepare confessions in love!

Leo men should do a little bit of exercise in 2018 to gain trust and respect. Mistress of the Year Dog looks a little aggressively at the "predatory cat", but, nevertheless, is very friendly so that the year will pass successfully and fruitfully.

In 2018, each Lioness should relax a little and, instead of “pulling everything on herself,” give the situation a chance to resolve itself. Aggressive cats have always called negative emotions Dogs, but the hostess of the year is ready to give in to her principles and make a "sweet friendship" with Leos, gifting them with pleasant events and achievements in 2018.

Lions and Lionesses be careful
The Year of the Dog is ahead.
But, with her, of course, you can also
Mark personal corners!

The prediction for Leo is simple:
You need to move, not rest
And then there will be great happiness
Fewer reasons to be discouraged.

In the coming year, Watchdog
Leo will wipe his nose a little!
That's it, a pipe to your laws!
Leo straighten your crown.

Straighten up and smile!
And put up with fate for a year,
All the same, you will take yours.
Tsar, and against, you will not argue!

Play with your fluffy mane
Dear Leo, you have to go
It's beautiful to enter the new year,
Happiness is a new time!

Virgo men in 2018 should devote time to self-development, because if you do not do this, you risk finally "getting" your loved ones with tediousness and self-flagellation. Express yourself in art and do not start quarrels with loved ones!

To Virgo women in 2-18 years, the Dog "promised" long-awaited changes. You should be more on the move, take part in all the gatherings and festivals you can find. Such relaxation will allow you to find spiritual harmony and love for yourself.

Virgos need to develop in the 18th year,
Do not be sad, but smile and "score" on nonsense!
There are such passions near you, you just need to want
And you can dashingly fly into any neighboring space!

In the year of the Dog, virgins need
Look around,
Remember what friendship is
And trust your dreams!

It will be fun and sad
Virgins in a new year
Don't lose your senses
And don't sleep on the go!

Mukhtar orders Virgo seriously
For the whole year to forget to walk to the left!
Only straight ahead, and always forward!
Such a fate awaits Virgo.

And so everything will be in chocolate,
Always and in any case.
Observe the first two lines,
And you will not hear the terrible barking!

Finally, you will get a chance to somehow change your life for the better, for this the stars in the sky will create the most favorable picture. Men should strain a little, but after that they will surely find success and a huge number of gifts from fate.

Libra women in 2018 need to finally stop being indecisive, dubious, balanced and educated. Unleash your hidden feelings, dissolve in emotions and live the Year of the Dog as you only dreamed about it!

It's time for Libra to walk
Carry on, dance, wash the soles,
In the sky, sparkle with the sun
And wait only for the good!

On a dog, on a sled
Will move into Libra's new home
New Year brings only joy
These are the dogs today!

And in the house they will see -
There's a bag on the table!
That's the doggie tried,
Libra has a shock of happiness!

The horoscope tells Libra
Be more active and bolder
Trust your friends
It's more fun with them!

Scorpio men you need to carefully plan your every business: work, leisure, entertainment and even cleaning the house. In addition, you should not look aggressively at others, waiting for danger. Nobody can harm you, because you are already a "terrible" sign of the zodiac!

In the Year of the Dog Scorpio women you should think about what they could show themselves most vividly. Engage in creativity or handicraft, surprise others, prove that you are not only a master of "playing on your nerves."

Well, what awaits the scorpion?
A whole year of attractions!
What is not a day, then a performance!
The mood is roaring gloriously!

Laughter, fun day after day!
You will be a strong link!
In this doggie to help you,
He's on your heels!

To fall in love is like a queen!
Losing is a million!
Gotta follow the tune
Scorpio in the Year of the Dog!

The sign is serious, the sign is "prickly",
Aggressive and biting
Smile, because the horoscope
Wish you a good year!

Sagittarius men, you should think about rest and useful entertainment. Enough to engage in development and search for beauty, everything that is vital - you already have it! Put all the piercing arrows in the cover behind your back and just open up to the world to receive you!

Women Sagittarius in 2018 there will be a huge number of opportunities to become better, prettier, smarter, and indeed irresistible! The stars tell you to take more care of your health and appearance, because big changes are not far off and they should be met "in full combat readiness"!

On the archer in the year of the Dog,
Will make its attack
Happiness in person!
Life will begin champion!

Traffic jams, quarrels, bad weather -
Everything is not in your everyday life!
Doggie in the coming year
All desires will be taken into account!

Sagittarius desirable now
Find yourself something to do.
Open up to the world like a door
And life will become more pleasant!

It's time for Sagittarius to fall in love
It's time to dissolve in worries,
So that you are happy day and night,
To make the longing run away!

Smile pensive Sagittarius
You have reasons to be happy!
You are a great and glorious fellow,
Let all bad weather pass you by!

Capricorn men stars want to find the very muse, the very thread of inspiration and interest that can make life brighter and happier. It's time to stop being mischievous and resting your horns on any criticism, it's time to accept all your problems with a smile and give those around you only joy!

Capricorn women 2018 will be a significant year: some will find their love, others will find the strength to “go further” towards interesting adventures. In any case, the stars predict very romantic events, which means you need to always be happy, confident and bright personality!

This year is for Capricorn
It will be unrealistically cool!
Only the Dog is on the doorstep
All desires will come to life!

Stunning meetings
Money is a fabulous car,
Happiness will fall on your shoulders
And it will press from all sides!

Capricorns, dear,
You are like delicate flowers
Step forward boldly
And put an end to the past!

In the year of the Dog, wise Capricorn
Joy and luck will smile
Take the right path
To become happy - not otherwise!

Men Aquarius you need to "push" so that their any business "flowed in the right direction" bring good luck and profit. Small failures "let them go", the most important thing for you now is peace of mind, balance and help of loved ones!

Women Aquarius it's time in 2018 to do at least one stupid thing: fall in love with a passerby, buy a motorcycle or go on a trip without a penny of money. It will give you crazy experiences and memories of a lifetime!

Calm, humble Aquarius
The horoscope wants to be a little bolder
Look ahead and see only good luck
Solve simple and complex tasks!

In the Year of the Dog it will not be difficult for you,
Aquarius, because happiness is possible!
Smile and boldly forward
Interesting love awaits you!

Our dear Aquarius!
Forget all the problems
Good Dog this year
Jackpot for you!

In personal life, at work,
There will be everything-everything-everything on takeoff!
Behave well!
And expect good luck in everything!

For Pisces men, the horoscope advises to change work, occupation or professional activity. Monotonous your daily activities, like spoiled water in an aquarium, do not benefit tired hungry fish. Feel free to open yourself to new hobbies and the Year of the Dog will "favor" you!

The horoscope tells Pisces women to do household chores: "warm the hearth" or "spawn". It is very useful for lonely and sad Pisces to acquire offspring in order to brighten up their existence and give love to their neighbors.

The year of the warlike Fire Rooster is drawing to a close. From February 16 to eastern calendar, the year of Yellow will come Earth Dog.
Let's find out what the year of the Yellow Earth Dog is preparing for us? What needs to be done to make the coming 2018 successful?
As you know, the Dog obeys the elements of the Earth, which is associated with peace, peace and harmony. The name itself determines that the predominant color of the year will be yellow - the color of the Sun, comfort, and warmth.

Year of the Yellow Earth Dog

A dog is a peace-loving creature, loyal, kind, and devoted to man. This means that the year will be peaceful, calm and warm in all respects. And so that he was like that, let's listen to what the Earth Dog recommends to us.

A short horoscope for the year 218 according to the signs of the zodiac

Let's start by all the rules of astrologers.


  • Aries is honest, impudent, quick-tempered, sometimes picky. All sloths will give a worthy battle, therefore, he is so proud!
In order for the year to be extremely successful and especially successful, Aries needs to show the best traits of their character. Then no one will doubt his nobility. Good nature and goodwill - these are the traits that should accompany an Aries for a whole year. He needs them like never before.
To do this, it is imperative to moderate the exorbitant temper and curb the notorious assertiveness, and also it is necessary to reduce ambition and emotions. Then worthy partners with great deals will be drawn to Aries.
And emotions, they will come in handy when he goes to rest.

Good advice

The Yellow Dog recommends travel to England, Germany and Italy, where painting and music will be in complete harmony with the emotional feelings of Aries. And also Georgia, where the beauty of the mountains will fill their world with new colors.


  • Our Taurus is worthy of praise, since in life he is calm. But he is still a stubborn person who cannot live without worries. Nice and loyal, but not sure about many things. Money appreciates this sign, everyone values ​​them.
For Taurus, 2018 will bring a lot of good changes, especially in terms of career. The main thing is not to be childish, to communicate more with colleagues and friends, and not to go into silence. Replenish your knowledge, make new acquaintances, not be sad about the past and be more optimistic.
Taurus should go to rest in Australia, which will allow him to enjoy the peace of the green mainland with all his soul. Or to Ireland, Poland, where he can not only have a great time, but also successfully resolve business issues with partners.

How can I disagree

The main thing is to be decisive, and the Dog will give Taurus a great year!


  • Our twins are obstinate, and sometimes fussy. It is not a sin for them to be more serious, a sharp mind promises success!
Gemini Earth Dog recommends focusing on one lucrative project. You should not fuss in vain and slightly reduce your ambition, as well as hide away the manifestation of sudden aggression. Then success will come in business, and conquest career ladder will not seem so complicated and unrealizable.

The main thing is to dream right

The Dog recommends visiting Canada, Belgium, or Egypt in the coming year. There, the Gemini will not only have a good rest, but will also find new ways to achieve success and implement their risky ideas.


  • Noble Cancer rejoices, in the year of the Dog he gets high. I would not rush to get high, it's time to crawl out of the shell.
For Cancer, the year of the Dog will not be entirely easy. To achieve something realistically, Cancer needs to be more open, less responsive to criticism from outside, and less emotional and touchy. And hide your vanity away.

Great medicine!

Cancer plans to travel to Holland, or Australia. And hot Africa will amuse. But you need to go on a trip not alone, because loneliness is categorically contraindicated for Cancer. A friendly Dog will try to surround Cancer with a friendly atmosphere and loved ones.


  • Proud Leo is a reliable friend, he is praised by everyone around him. And how not to praise, one must live with strength in friendship.
Strong-willed and temperamental Leo is a power-hungry personality. But in order to maintain friendship and a good attitude towards him, the Dog advises Leos to moderate the manifestation of their royalty, to be noble in relation to those who are weaker.
In order for 2018 to be successful, Leo should not lie on his side for a long time, the Dog does not like the lazy. Leo's hard work will be rewarded with an excellent rest.

And really, what's the difference ...

A trip to France, or Italy, will bring a sea of ​​positive emotions to the royal beast. Morocco is fine too.


  • Virgos are very patient and immensely frugal. They are as accurate as all watches, Libra will soon replace them.
That a calm and modest person needs to be happy. Not much. A good trip with great friends or a loved one is fine.

The Marine Station is also suitable.

Such a trip can be a trip to Greece, or to Israel. Since Virgos are very thrifty, they may not dare to make such expenses. The Earth Dog hints to close people that they do not skimp and give Virgo a ticket to distant countries.


  • Libras are very romantic, gentle, kind, and not critical. They are creative at times. But here's the comfort ... Eh! He pulls them home.
They say that the Dog has prepared a special year for Libra. He will be very lucky if Libra, known for their curiosity, devotes time to deep knowledge of the World or direct their energy to the struggle to preserve the environment... Libra's diplomacy and intelligence will help in this matter.
But it is worth being more decisive in your actions, not endlessly weighing all the pros and cons, and then life will acquire new colors. They will be especially striking when traveling.

The main thing is not to lose optimism

Thailand, China or Japan are waiting for the curious Libra. This is where their caution and prudence will come in handy.


  • Scorpio does not tolerate falsehood, loves to know what will happen next. Traveling is not a sin - the year promises success in everything!
Healthy passion has always distinguished Scorpio from other signs of the zodiac. Business acumen and wisdom will bring him success in the Year of the Dog. Of course, if the Scorpio stops stinging others. Especially in the business community.
He needs to control his character more often, and not to find fault with trifles, to be kinder and more generous, and also more condescending, and then fate will smile at him again.
And Norway, Sweden and Algeria will give unforgettable memories unless of course Scorpio visits them.

Knowledge is power! Something I am completely exhausted

  • Cheerful and desperate, our irrepressible Sagittarius. I will not hide from you - he is young in heart and soul, although now he is ready to become again down the aisle. And he is mobile, restless - he is worthy of travel!
For Sagittarius, the Year of the Dog promises to be prosperous if, for the fun, he does not forget to work as well, as well as persistently strive for the fulfillment of the assigned tasks. Love for freedom and mobility will not allow him to stay in one place for a long time.

The main thing is to have a good rest.

It is likely that in the Year of the Dog, Sagittarius will visit Latin America, Portugal or Spain. These countries are very suitable for his hot character.


  • An implacable proud Capricorn, he will willingly twist all enemies into a horn. In the Year of the Dog, be more fun - you will find new friends!
Prudence and thoughtfulness in solving all problems have always been inherent in Capricorn. So 2018 expects from him the same thoughtful decisions. And success will be ensured - both in financial matters and in career growth. The Yellow Dog is very supportive of Capricorn, so he should try and not miss his moment to become happy!

Traveling is not easy

But after righteous labors, one should not forget to rest. Mexico and India will help the workaholic Capricorn relax and gain strength for new achievements.


  • Aquarius is original in everything, although it can be banal. Erudite and diplomat - always rich in kindness!
For Aquarius, the Year of the Dog will be extremely successful. Labor and reasonable risk are very appealing to a devoted animal, so Aquarius should not bury their talents deeply. Let him show them to the world, and let his work and creativity be adequately appreciated. The main thing is not to lose optimism.

The main thing is the correct reference point!

Although Aquarius does not lack creativity, he needs to continue to be active and as proactive as possible. And on vacation, hurry to Canada, or Denmark. He will be comfortable in Italy as well.


  • Pisces will become indifferent if you are tactless with them. They have intuition from birth. Let's wish Pisces love and good mood!
In order for the mood in 2018 to be always great, Pisces needs to finally wake up and be more active. A trip to Asia Minor- you can even schedule it for January. Or visit Italy.

And really!

The Year of the Dog promises to be successful for Pisces, cheerful, hardworking and determined. And success will be followed by recognition in the business community, as well as respect and honor.
As you can see from the horoscope for 2018, success awaits all of us - of course, if benevolence, activity, reasonable risk and kindness are used.

Wishes for 2018

And as with the prophecy of the Rooster

I wonder how your year of the Rooster was? Have your hopes and expectations been justified? Have the prophecies of the Fire Rooster come true? Have you, my readers, been able to go on vacation where you planned? Or maybe someone has been on long journeys to the countries that the Cockerel recommended for you in mine, posted on the pages of the site. I really wanted this year and the year of the Yellow Earth Dog to be successful for everyone!

But, if you did not manage to complete something from the planned in the year of the Rooster, do not be discouraged - there is still time. And the coming Year of the Dog 2018 gives hope to be peaceful, calm, benevolent, as the horoscope for 2018 says.
We will achieve our goals!

Comic horoscope for travelers for 2018: 83 comments

  1. Ludmila

    Funny pictures and inscriptions. ... really, what's the difference in WHAT sneakers to walk around Paris - if only in PARIS!)))
    But Cock-2017 crowed in vain - there was no Lions (though I'm talking only about one of them)) this year neither diving in the Red Sea, nor a hang-glider over Turkey, nor alpine skiing anywhere, nowhere - even in the Carpathians!
    Maybe the Yellow Dog will have better luck? 🙂

  2. Olga Parfenova

    I liked very much about Paris. Better in old sneakers, but in Paris. I was in Marseilles, it remains to visit Paris.

  3. Larisa

    Positive sea from your, Tanya, horoscope! Such pictures are optimistic and meaningful that it is simply impossible to read the inscriptions and your horoscope without a smile! How fast time flies! It's even scary - it seems like we recently celebrated 2017 and here, please, it will soon be 2018! Kapets! 🙂

  4. Lara

    I read with interest the wishes for Taurus, Leo, Aquarius - all these signs of the Zodiac are in our family. Jokes aside, but how everything written corresponds to the truth!

  5. Stranger

    I noticed that Italy is often mentioned in the wishes of travelers. Probably, this is fate - my friend lives in Milan, who has been inviting everyone for three years now. And I can't get myself together - this, then the other interferes. We need to tackle this issue! 🙂

  6. Lora

    My middle daughter's spouse, Libra. I laughed at the meaningful picture, and was surprised at the accuracy of the characteristics - that the son-in-law likes to doubt and is indecisive, that's for sure. But he loves to travel, and more and more to the countries of the East. But I need to do something with my excessive emotionality! Thanks for the advice and positive, Tanya!

  7. Irina

    I agree to all the countries that the horoscope suggested to Aquarius) I'll start with Denmark!)

  8. Helena

    Aries brings gratitude! It was to Italy and Germany that I recent times I want to go so thoroughly, for a long time. True, it is not entirely clear what to do with her husband - he should go to Holland and Australia, and not alone :)

    I also liked the idea from the picture, where it is advised to attach a trip to the Maldives to your head for a headache. I would, in fact, agree to Cuba and Mexico ... I'm just somehow sure that it would instantly cure my head.

    1. Post author

      Yes, Elena. Indeed, you have a difficult task. I would like to go to Germany, and to Italy, and to Cuba, and to Mexico. Moreover, my husband would have to make a company to Holland or Australia. In short, on the road all year, there will certainly be no time for my head to hurt. 🙂 To be in time for everything, start right away in the New Year with a trip with your husband to warm Australia, then to the Caribbean (Cuba and Mexico), and only then to Europe - when it gets warmer there too. Successful travels! 🙂

    2. Natalia Litvishko

      Helen, even I, with all my patriotic feelings, will not refuse such a gadget to my head. It is desirable - as a gift and for a long time.

      1. Post author

        Natalia, but what about “I don’t need the Turkish coast and I don’t need Africa…” Or they don’t need them until the right moment comes? 🙂

      2. Helena

        The Seychelles have always attracted me. And my husband will definitely not mind going there.
        By the way, just now I thought: after all, every country has its own protected places, where most of the citizens have never been. And horoscopes are rarely invited there, more and more people are invited to the other edge of the map. The strength of tradition? There is no prophet in his own country?

        1. Post author

          Recently I watched the program "Heads and Tails" about a trip to the Seychelles - what a beauty there! Eh, it would be great to be there. And about the prophet in his own country - who will be interested in what is near and available. Give everyone something remote, romantic and exotic. 🙂

  9. Evgeniy

    We will wait for 2018 and check)

  10. Illyrica

    I always want to know what the New Year is preparing for us? No exception and next year Dogs. Not a single New Year's celebration takes place without mentioning the lord of the year. Either corporate party or any family dinner. I would like to dress up and set the table to please the ruler of the year. Everyone wants a happy year. Therefore, it is important that even comic predictions were positive for all zodiac signs. Tatiana, you have successfully coped with this task! And it turned out believable and with a hint of humor. 🙂 Thank you!

  11. Olga

    Very interesting and fun! Thanks a lot!

  12. Catherine

    An interesting horoscope. Maybe not joking, but someone will really use it in their plans for the next year. I quite like the predicted countries

  13. Designer

    My favorite Asia: - Thailand, China and Japan! I'm just planning to go to Thailand next year!

  14. Anna

    Here I am Aries, and I have no exorbitant temper and assertiveness. They used to be, but with age, the traits of the Iron Rat (Mouse) prevailed and the character has changed a lot.
    Hope that in better side!

  15. Tatiana

    Great jokes! I will add one more ancient one: “Three things are brought with them by pilgrims from Rome: bad conscience, an upset stomach and an empty wallet. "
    Ulrich von Hutten

  16. Maria Korotina

    Good horoscope, only now it is unlikely that I will get to Australia in 2018. As for my career, I was pleased.

  17. Tatiana

    Tatiana, entertained with predictions, thank you! I only read your horoscopes. True, I happily forgot what the Rooster prophesied for this year ... I plan my travels, having scored on all sorts of horoscopes 🙂

  18. Evgeniya

    Excellent horoscope, amused. Pictures and inscriptions also made me happy. I liked the selection of countries, I checked it with some friends, everything fits together)) There is some truth in every joke, and who knows, who knows ...

  19. land_driver

    I already have an approximate idea of ​​where I will go next year, hardly abroad, although I do not exclude Morocco, and so - to the North and to the Crimea on bicycles. I'm already getting ready!

    1. Post author

      You, Lyudmila, as in that saying - prepare sledges in summer, and oars in winter. So the bike route has already been chosen. Where is this going to the North?