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Scenario of New Year's corporate party for small content teachers. New Year's tale of a miracle. Songs and dancing

Scenarios of New Year's corporate houses

1 part feast
(Melody sounds, leading to the microphone)

Lead 1:
There are quite a few beautiful holidays,
Everyone comes to his cerebrals.
But in the world is the kindest holiday,
Most best holiday - New Year!
Lead 2:
He comes a snowy road,
Skiving snowflakes dance.
Beauty mysterious and strict
Fills the heart of the new year!
Lead 1:
He gives us faith in a good case,
On the first day and in a new turn,
Helps get better
All in the light of people New Year!
Lead 2:
Calling laughter and joyful arms,
And flies from all earthly latitudes
Clock chime. We are all brothers all each other!
On the planet holiday - New Year!
Happy New Year!
Lead 1:
And we suggest the first glass for the outgoing old year!
Lead 2:
Champagne in glasses pour
And they drink everything together to the bottom!
For the old year we raise your toast,
Let's drink with you all friends!

(drink the first glass, eat, sounds song)

Lead 1:
And now, before the next toast sounds, we would like to introduce you to the charter of our evening, with his rules that we hope you will all be strictly and with great pleasure to perform.
Lead 2:
Rule 1:
Play and sing in the beloved hall,
For this you called you here!
Lead 1:
Rule 2:
Forgive all the mistakes today, but not the lack of smile!
Lead 2:
Rule 3:
Seven times wondered, once a rest!
Lead 1:
Rule 4:
We will send boring back,
You can be bored at home, completely free!
Lead 2:
Rule 5:
The entrance to our evening is free, but exit from the hall - on tickets signed by the leading evening. The price of the yield ticket - 42 smiles, 1000 cotton in your hands, 5000 troduptions in the dance.
Lead 1:
And now, when you are familiar with the rules of the evening, we can go to the main part of it - to friendly congratulations and wishes - after all, on the eve of the New Year, they sound especially exciting.
Lead 2:
Words of congratulations and wishes for you prepared our chief, he is a word for New Year's congratulations!

(director pronounces toast)

Lead 1:
Alcohol all in glasses pour,
And drank together again to the bottom.
For the toast director, we raise a glass,
Consider, waiting for you a glass now not alone!
Lead 2:
In this connection, I would like to give you the next order:
Drink, laugh, having fun
But I know the measure in everything.
Drink so that the new year
Did not give you trouble.
To grandfather frost
In the detox not carried away!

(Drink and eat)

Lead 1:
Dear friends! Continue to eat, but we ask you not only to eat, but listen to us very carefully.
Lead 2:
And we will introduce you to some interesting pages of history belonging to the celebration of the New Year.
Lead 1:
The custom to celebrate the New Year on the night of January 1 was introduced in Russia in 1700. Before that, the New Year met on September 1. And the New Year's fun we owe Peter I. It was he who began to spend the fun winter Assembly with fireworks in the night Winter Sky, he came up with decorating at home and the gate of pine branches.
Lead 2:
And the custom dress up on the feast the Christmas tree appeared later in european countries. For the first time the Christmas tree began to decorate in the first half of the 20th century in Alsace. Then it was the territory of Germany, now it is part of France.
We chose this tree because it was believed that the Christmas tree possesses the magic force and her needles are protected from evil. In addition, the Christmas tree is evergranulated, and it means that it brings long life And health people.
At that time, the Christmas tree was decorated with paper roses. She began to decorate with glass toys only in the middle of the XIX century. Where trees do not grow, other trees are decorated. For example, in Vietnam, the tree replaces the peach, in Japan, a bamboo and plum branches add to the pine branches.
By the middle of the XIX century, the Christmas tree becomes famous in Russia.
Lead 1:
But from the October Revolution, the tradition of meeting the New Year in the elegant tree was predicted by oblivion as a feast of the bourgeois contradictory worker-peasant worldview. And only in the mid-1930s, the New Year holidays were revived with us and the Christmas tree ceased to be considered a "bourgeois prejudice".
Lead 2:
And today, the Christmas tree is again the main participant of the New Year holiday in any house.
The Christmas tree came to our holiday. Here it is, in front of you - beautiful, elegant. And we now offer everyone together to sing in honor of our green guests a song that everyone is well known from orphanage.
Lead 1:
But only words from this song will be others - taking into account the fact that we are all, unfortunately, have not been children for a long time.
Words of the New Year's songs about the Christmas tree for adults you have on the tables. Take them in hand, waters, if you need glasses, gather with spirit and thoughts. And with feeling, lyrically, in places nostalgically, I sing a song about the Christmas tree!

(Performed song about Christmas tree)

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest.
We sing, remembering youth,
And the youth passed.

I do not believe more fabulous,
New Year's Eve.
And Santa Claus gifts,
It does not bring us.

We sang about the Christmas tree
For each new year.
And even though we have come,
But the Christmas tree lives.

Thank you, baby Yolchka,
That you had.
And a lot of joy,
We brought us in life.

Lead 1:
Well done! With the first task for children of age kindergarten You coped well. We hope that the following our tasks will not be forced by surprise.
Lead 2:
And remember that ...
Those who will be fun
Today in this room.
We award such people
Good prizes.
Lead 1:
Happy New Year with a new happiness,
With a new joy of all.
Let us right today,
Songs, music and laughter!
It is for that we offer to raise the next toast!

(Drink and eat)

Lead 1:
There is a legend. One day, the Buddha convened animals and promised to reward them. It came to it 12 animals: mouse, buffalo, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, boar. All these animals received "in possession" by year. Lead 2:
The East Horoscope believes that people born in the year of any animal receives features and character of this animal. And now we would like to check it.
To do this, we ask you to get all those who were born a year, which we have to meet - the year of the dog.

(People who born in the year of the dog come to the middle)

Lead 1:
According to eastern horoscopeDog born in the year - the most ...

(Competition is held. If "dogs" are much, then you can use it all in the competition, but only 3-4 people. The winner you need to hand the prize. Prizes can be given to other participants of this contest.)

Lead 2:
And now we will check the intelligence of our "dogs". And we will do it as follows while you fill the glasses, "dogs" will have to come up with the words of congratulations for you and offer us the next toast.

(words of congratulations and toast "Dogs")

Lead 1:
New Year - the time of the fulfillment of desires. These desires can be the most different, but we all wish that the coming year is more joyful and happy.
In anticipation of the miracle, we read various horoscopes to find out what the stars about the days are talking about the day. After all, a person is so arranged that he always wants to know about his past, present and future. This need is especially increasing during the New Year's Eve. And now we want to satisfy your curiosity.
Only now, and only once you can learn about your further fate.
It is only for someone from you to keep me a handle, and I will give you an accurate forecast for your future.
Lead 2:
Dear colleagues, friends, ladies and gentlemen I offer all those present to make a desire. Many?
And now look at reverse side The backs of your chair, there is a digit. Looked?
Remember it, since the fulfillment of your desire will largely determine it.
By remembering the figure that you got, remember the desire that you fucked, and carefully listen to the forecast for whether your desire will come true or not.
Raise your hand to whom Digit 1.
Remember, you need to act boldly, decisively, risky, assertive. All this is required to execute your desire. It can come true, but for this you have to compete.
Figure 2: Your desire will be fulfilled, which will undoubtedly bring you the joy and feeling of the completeness of life. Moreover, nothing will interfere with the execution of your desire.
Figure 3: deciphered as an unambiguous "no". The forecast advises you to abandon decisive actions, do not try to overcome circumstances. Nothing is worth it from this.
Figure 4: To fulfill your desire, the time has not yet come. You need to wait, and then it may be fulfilled.
Figure 5: says that you have every chance to get the desired. This figure inspires hope, predicts success, promises good conditions For the execution of conceived.
Figure 6: Categorical "No". By the execution of desires, the path is completely closed. What you want will not come true. But if you make me a pen once again, then the forecast may be more favorable.
Figure 7: Digit of good luck. But do not interrupt it as accurate "yes" on your question. The forecast suggests that to fulfill the desire you will be given a wide range of possibilities, and extremely favorable. You use them to fully, if you show the will and measure your self-conceit.
Figure 8: What you fucked can come true, but provided that seeking the desired, you will not act out the head, spontaneously. The exact answer will give you a voice of mind. The obstacle can serve gossip and intrigue.
Figure 9: This is "yes", and the mandated to be fulfilled without any effort. The forecast for you is so far that you will not have any barriers to achieving the desired one.

(Then the presenter chooses 2-3 people from among those who fucked the figure 9, and invites them to the microphone)

(Guests talk about their desires)

Lead 1:
If you're lucky today, let it be lucky in everything. Therefore, the following words of congratulations to their colleagues and toast are yours.

(congratulations and toast those that the desire for the forecast should be fulfilled)

(Drink and eat)

Lead 1:
And now it's time for the next test. To do this, we invite you to go to the microphones for one representative from each structural division of our team.

(Representatives go to the microphone)

Lead 2:
Dear friends, you will now take part in the contest of poets. After all, every person in the soul is a poet, even if it cannot come up with a single rhyme.
Lead 1:
Do not be afraid, poems for you are already composed, you just need to come up with the last word. We will read poems, and you call this word. Who is faster, better and more will call words in Rhyme, he will become the winner.
In the Commission on the counting of votes, people present at the table are participating.
The condition of the competition is understandable? Then begin:
To make makeup,
Acquired beauty ... (Trellier)

Club Nudists as an application
Takes abandoned .... (Smelting)

All the girls fell in love with himself once
Rybnikov in comedy ... (girls)

One bidon and many roofs
Lucky thrush on ... (market)

Burst with milk package
Poured trousers and ... (jacket)

Wrote one blond so for
In the county count ... (Angola)

Tell me, dear frankly,
Was on the part of your ... (treason)

In Lukomorier, the cat decided
That he is local ... (Raquita, Deboshire, Stragged)

Grand Draft and Screen
Italian ... (Chilentano)

Once new faith light
He lit by Arabs ... (Muhamed)

Worse and more dangerous than mine
For mountaineers Mountain ... (Top)

The publication stores the library
And Domino and Maps ... (Gameka)

I, as Karatet, do not calm down,
If you do not give me a black ... (belt)

Already both half have expired
And on the scoreboard is still ... (zeros)

Sumo champion for cargo
Good to have a big ... (belly)

Sports Elite Rada,
Again the next one ... (Olympics)

Wolf, looking at football, decided in the end:
"Like me, they are also fed ... (legs)."

There was almost submissive vertex,
But the snow (avalanche) was prevented.

Lead 2:
The calculation showed that in this competition won .... He is awarded the prize and the honorable right to pronounce the words of congratulations and the next toast.

(congratulation and toast of the winner of the competition)

Lead 1:
We laughed a lot and joked a lot,
But we are completely forgotten about one.
Who will say: What is waiting for us friends ahead?
Who should have an immediate holiday to come?

(sitting at the table shouting, that this is Santa Claus and Snow Maiden)

Lead 2:
You are right, of course, this is Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, without which no New Year's Eve costs.
But in order for them to come to us for a holiday, we must call them. Taking into account that Santa Claus is already at the age of calling them together, and as loud as possible.

(sitting at the table several times shout "Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden")

Lead 1:
With wind, blizzard and snow
Santa Claus Sedoyed with Snow Maiden Young.
Meet Santa Claus and Snow Maiden!

(only one Snow Maiden appears in a very modern outfit)

Snow Maiden:
So ... Everything is already assembled, and for some reason Dedka is not yet.
Where is my cell phone? Need to call.

(gets out the ordinary phone from the bag)

Hello, is it a firm "Zarya"? What? Not "Dawn", but what do you take the phone then? What? I didn't get the number? You are not my brains for me! Look for "Zara"!
I scored a number and will wait. So do not pull rubber and let me "zary".

Allo "Zarya"? Snow Maid says. What do I want? I want to ask who I will work with today?
How to work? At the evening of the Economic College staff.
Where are they? Yes, at the table are sitting, in all eyes stared at me, as if the Snow Maiden was never seen.
What? Starting now Santa Claus? Why not Santa Claus? Sady frosts are somehow tired of me.
What? Santa Claus only for the currency and all the grip? Damn it, I did not have time!
Well, well, good, let's at least Santa Claus, just not quite ancient.

(Addresses to the table sitting)

Wait a bit, now my grandfather will fit, and we will be the brains of the brains. That is, we will entertain.

(Santa Claus comes out, also dressed in modern outfit)

Santa Claus:
For a whole year, we have not met.
I missed you.
Everyone hugged you today
This holiday is New Year.
Yes, I'm afraid not enough hands ...
Snow Maiden:
Grandfather is mine, another beetle!
Hey, frost, do not be keen
Do your work.
Congratulations Let's
I want to drink soon!
Santa Claus:
New Year knocks on the window,
Congratulations to you!
On a snowy track
I came in the desired hour.
Gave you a blizzard,
Wind, sun and frost,
And resinous smell ate
And hopes whole WHO.
Happy new year to you friends
Congratulations on Christmas tree! I!
Snow Maiden:
Happy New Year Congratulations
Many happiness you wish you
And we want to do on the tree,
Instead of festive animals,
There are a lot of different
Pol lithric bubbles.
To Santa Claus in a smile,
Semi-eyed pure eyes
The most delicious, sweet
Used champagne you.
Santa Claus:
We wish the sky clean
And air crystal
Twelve months spring
And nothing sad!
Snow Maiden:
Happy New Year Congratulations
We wish you happiness!
Santa Claus:
Everyone who has a single - get married
Everyone who is in a quarrel - torture,
For resentment forget.
Snow Maiden:
Everyone who is sick - to become healthy
Flaw to raise.
To everyone who is skinny - become thorough
Too thick - lose weight.
Santa Claus:
Too smart - to become simpler,
Nearby - wise.
Snow Maiden:
All gray - so that darkened,
So that the bald hair on the top of the thickened
Like Siberian forests!
Santa Claus:
To songs to dances
Never cleaned ever.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Yes, you will be afraid!

(toast rises for the new year)

Santa Claus:
I have a long time you know
We are old friends.
At the celebration of celebration
Not the first year me.
I am a winter grandfather
Shalun not by year
And so that the holiday
I will ask him!

(Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and guests, which they invite themselves in partners)

Santa Claus:
This day you waited long,
Few for a whole year.
Become, ka, friends,
Faster in dance.
With songs, dance and fun
Let's meet a friendly new year!

(Raise all guests from the table in the dance around the tree)

Snow Maiden:
To celebrate the biggest
It became more fun
In the dance we will pass
A friendly song is presido.

(dance around the tree)
(Dance and Competitions Block)

Lead 1:
We played having fun
And fame worked
It was hard for us hard
We gone a lot of strength.
It is necessary to relax a little
And eat though B a little bit.

(invite everyone at the table)

2 part feast

Lead 1:
Again to the neighbors, the postman goes,
As rarely, we sometimes come to ourselves.
But they say that on the night of the new year
Hearts of relatives are always together.
Lead 2:
New Year is a family holiday. Therefore, today we encounter it in a circle of colleagues, and tomorrow we will meet the New Year in the circle of our relatives and loved ones. Those who love and appreciate us in spite of everything.
Lead 1:
So let's rise, raise the glasses for all our relatives and loved ones, and all together say such simple, but such exciting words that we speak to each other only once a year: "Happy New Year to you! With new happiness!".

(All these words utter chorus)

Lead 2:
For the happiness of our relatives, loved ones, friends, we offer to drink a glass to the bottom. And then, whatever the distance between you and expensive people for you, your hearts will always be together.

(Drink, eat)

Lead 1:
And now we suggest you sing with us. Pay attention to the words of the songs that lie on your table. Let's try to fulfill it all together.

(Performed song on the melody "Call me with you")

Again from me the wind of good hopes
takes you away
Without leaving us even the shadows instead
And he will not ask
Maybe we want to stay with you,
With yellow autumn foliage,
With summer funny dream.
But the new year comes,
And the evil nights go,
Come again with you,
To the path to us neither propheted.
We will come there where you
Draw the sun in the sky,
Where broken dreams
Walk again the power of height.
Old year passed like a shadow
In the crowd of passersby.
Here is the last day,
And you come.
You will give us joy, offended not taia.
And as before loving
We again meet you.
But comes New Year
And the evil nights go
Come again with you
Whatever the way to us
We will come there where you
Draw the sun in the sky
Where broken dreams
Walk again the power of height.

Lead 1:
After such a mental song, I was born toast.
Lead 2:
Lead 1:
We raise this toast for ensuring that our dreams always gained the power of height. And that the new one gave us only joyful days!
Lead 2:
Under the battle battle, under the sounds of the Waltz
Under the new year we wish again
Raise a glass for peace and happiness
Hope, faith and love!

(toast rises)

(the astrologer holds a comic divination)

Lead 1:
And now dear friends, colleagues let's break a little.
I suggest, without leaving the table to play one antique game, "Phanti".
For a whole year, you performed all sorts of orders of your immediate bosses, and now please fulfill my comic orders.
To simplify everything, the phantas we have already prepared. And all I will ask you about this now, pull out one piece of phantom and perform the tasks that it is written on it.

(Suitable for sitting at the table and asks them to take a phanta. Each, stretched out the phanta, immediately performs the task.)

Tasks for phantas:
1. apologize to the neighbor (neighbor) and achieving his (her) forgiveness
2. Kiss a neighbor (neighbor).
3. Explain the deaf neighbor (neighbor) that you are very hungry.
4. Drink on Brucershaft with a neighbor (neighbor).
5. Image flight of an eagle
6. Prosecursion three times
7. Give (if you can) your neighbors something.
8. Image of a child who has lost at the station.
9. Say a compliment to your colleagues.
10. Tell me the solemn phrase "I sit the fourth day at the table and drink."
11. Image like you eat last year's tear.
12. Crocricks with a scandalous voice: "I'm not somehow there, I'm decent!"
13. Space your favorite song.
14. Explain our eyes or facial faces in Love neighbor (neighbor)
15. Try to persuade a neighbor or a neighbor to drink wine or vodka.
16. Offer a toast and congratulate everyone on the New Year.

Lead 2:
What do you think who coped with the task, i.e., with the execution of the order is better than all.

(Everyone chooses the most executive colleague).

Lead 1:
He is assigned the title "The most executive in college", is awarded the prize and is given the opportunity to congratulate everyone happy New Year!

(congratulation and toast winner game of phantas))

Lead 2:
And now we invite representatives from different tables to the microphone.

(3-4 representatives come out)

Lead 1:
You will be singing right now. Each of you will try to recall the songs of the song about the new year, about winter, snow, blizzards and frosts - and starts this verse to sing. Sitting at his desk can singing.
The conditions of the competition are understandable, then the song contest is beginning.
Dear viewers, only once, pass from Paris to Moscow, for you they sing the best soloists of the Opera House of La Rock!

(a competition is held, the winner is determined, he is awarded a prize and is given a word for congratulations and toast)

(words of congratulations and toast the winner of the song contest)

Lead 2:
In the days filled with pre-New Year care, we still find the time to look back, on the path traveled and rushing your eyes on the day of tomorrow, even more joyful and happy. And so today, on the eve of the new year I would like to hold a small sociological survey that came to the New Year's holiday colleagues.

(asks questions sitting at the table)

What good brought you outgoing year?
What dreams and hopes do you associate Happy New Year?
How do you plan to celebrate New Year's holidays?
What do you want to wish your colleagues?

Lead 1:
And now I ask you to go to the microphone of all who just participated in a sociological survey and so brilliantly answered our questions.

(survey participants come out, they are given a word for congratulations and toast)

(congratulation and toast of the participants of the sociological survey)

Lead 2:
Listen, (referring to 1 leading) I want to tell you one cheerful story.
One Jew asks: "Rabinovich, why do you have such a kind of kind? There is no face on you. "
"You see, I came today on the racetrack, there is full of people. And at this time I have a lace on the shoe. I got down to tie it, and suddenly someone put me on the back of the saddle. "
"So what"?
"Nothing. Came third. "
Lead 1:
After listening to your story, I realized that we probably need to announce the competition for the best joke. The most original narrator is waiting for the prize.

(A jokes competition is held, a prize is awarded to the winner and he is given the right to congratulate colleagues and pronounce the next toast)

(toast the winner of the competition of jokes)

Lead 1:
Continuous good luck, not promising, I hope I, that the new year
Establish all of you from the seals and unforeseen concerns.
I still hope for another, and I believe in it hot
That all of you happiness is waiting for such as it was still.

(offered toast in a circle)

Lead 2:
Dancing and games, songs and jokes
Games and dancing again and again
All you have already rested a little
We invite you to dance again.

(Dance and Competitions Block)

Scenario of New Year's corporate party

Active persons: Zoya Vezlushushkin, Peter Cherryev, Nicholas Non-Smoking, Leonid Nepi, Katerina Balabokina, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.
The melody of the song "Snowflake" sounds (music. E. Krylatova. In the middle of the hall, the leading - elegant Zoya Vezelushkina and Peter sorcereev, dressed in a wizard costume.)
In our hall a lot of space jokes, games, dance, songs! Peter: It is smartly and beautiful, lights shine playfully!
The tree of coniferous aroma gave all rich!
See I am immensely glad your prime, cute look!
We promise to you surprises and fun reprises!
Meet the new year without sorrow and worries! Zoya:
New Year's carousel for you are given to: Zoya Vezelushkin
And Peter Charger!
Song, as you know, any holiday decorates.
And we have an unusual song, - New Year.
Vezelushkin and sorceress sing a "New Year's Eve" to the motive of the song "Snowflake".
New Year's song
1. When the windows of the Purga and the night are longer than the day, Last page Calendar is calling, tricky man. Savory him and the new year will come to the cherished hour. That's about the whole country, the chimes are trying 12 times. 2. The desire is secretly coming while the chimes beaten. They are in the magical moment of night any chance give. Perform everything the coming year, Only firmly believe; And there is no return route last year now. Chorus: We will celebrate this holiday at the table in a circle of loved ones and friends. Let it be good and brighted, will give the joy to our children, and the happiness of the rimenitsa of the days will give us as soon as possible!
(To the Charger): In my opinion, the beginning turned out simply wonderful.
Yes. I liked the song, "we were loudly climbed. Zoya:
Now you need to spend a fun game.
: Right. The game is called "the opposite". The game "Just on the contrary"
The leading say phrases, and the audiences must answer "yes" or "no" regardless of the rhyme. - Jokes festive bouquet need you? Of course ... (yes.) - At work, we always say idleness ... (No.) - We have one secret, we will reveal it? ... (yes.) - Guess without difficulty! Autumn comes ... (No.) - Hall smiles will be warmed, so there will be a holiday? .. (yes.) - We will celebrate then, say boredom together ... (no.) - Santa Claus went to the buffet. Will we wait for it? .. (yes.) - He will come back when, rubbing the grandfather? .. (No.) - Very correct answer! Loves grandfather us? .. (yes.) - Sometimes forgets grandfather gifts at home? .. (No.)
Peter, it does not seem to you that Santa Claus is actually delayed? He with his granddaughter Snow Maiden should already be here. (Looks at the clock.)
Do not worry, Zoe, now they will be in our hall.
We'll have to look loudly to call Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden.
We will not call anyone loud. This is an obsolete way.
What then needs to be done? Peter:
Do not do anything. Give me to cope with such an honorary mission. No wonder I recently graduated from the wizard courses.
Clavoys corrects their suit and with an important view, spreading with their hands, whispering something. As a result, nothing happens.
Peter, what are you so worried?
Magic spell.
Let me know why?
So that Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden appeared now in our hall.
Only for some reason they are not. Maybe you confused spell?
No, everything seems to be done correctly. I want to admit, - I have been practicing miracles for the first time, I want to do quite a few surprises today.
Peter, maybe you will try again to create your first miracle?
With great pleasure!
Charger is trying to apply their magic abilitiesbut in vain.
(discouraged): Unfortunately, you have nothing left again.
Do not be mistaken, Zoe. For the third time my magic spell will definitely work.
Srolls again breed and whispers spell. In the hall goes out light, drum fraction sounds. Then the light turns on and everyone sees two men who are standing and surprised at others.
(Fun): Oh, this is Nicholas Non-Smoking and Leonid Nepi - our colleagues!
How did you get here?
We ourselves wanted to know it.
We sat in the reading room of the city library, got acquainted with a fresh press. (Shows the newspaper.)
Fresh press is good. We invite you to join universal fun. Peter:
Please take place at the festive table!
(surprised): at the table?
We are conducting healthy image Life.
Do not smoke. Leonid
: And do not drink.
You no longer smoke and drink.
And I see a subject with a cigarette.
And on the tables champagne stands.
Colleagues, we will not breed demagogy. Better tell us something fun.
It's possible.
For example, I watched one musical, "Kolobok - rich side" is called.
Lenya, can you show it now?
Not bad idea. Kolya! (In the hall.) Watch your health! Musical "Kolobok - rich side"
Acting faces: grandfather, grandmother, kolobok, hare, wolf, bear, fox. (Artists are dressed in contemporary with elements of costumes of their characters. In the role of the host alternate the non-smoking and nonbeid.) Host: Lived, grandfather and grandma. (The grandfather and a grandmother "Many, Many" from the repertoire of the ABBA ensemble.) The song of his grandfather and grandmother money, money, money we copied money on the motive. There are them from us! Poor, poorly, poorly lived, rather than now! Now we are together for envy everyone will heal! If there is a lot of money, wake up!
Grandma, look, how much money we have accumulated with you! Grandma:
Apparently invisible!
Grandma, I'm afraid we can rob and iron door Does not save, and lattices on the windows too.
: Where are we hiding our money?
The bakes are in a kolobok, nobody will hurt him.
Well, you, grandfather, came up with. Now bakery. (Imitates that the bake.)
Baked grandmother bun. (It turns out a kolobok and sings on the motive of the population of the song "Bouquet" from the repertoire of A. Barykin.)
Song Kolobka.
I became cool! Richer is not me! I'm downloaded to the failure of money! I was lucky - rich relatives! She guess my appetite!
Cool bang turned out!
: Kolobok - rich side!
Now you can sleep well! (Grandfather and grandmother leave.)
Bored became a bun. He decided to have fun. He left the apartment, and towards him the hare-alkashonok goes. (It turns out the hare and sings on the motive of the command of the song "Yesterday" from the repertoire of the "Beatles" ensemble.)
Song hare
I did not drink. From the evening today I did not drink. I haven't shuffled my throat yet. I am very, very sorry. Where to find? On a bottle of money where to find? Maybe to visit to me to whom to come, soon pour your sadness? ..
Kolobok, dreamed with me for the company.
Why not dreamed - wander!
(Joyful): Then with you a bottle!
: I bought a kolobok of expensive wine, culled him with a hare, littered and went on. Suddenly, from behind the corner, the wolf-robber turns.
(A wolf appears and sings on the motive of the song "And I will find out on the gait" from the repertoire of the city of Sukachev.) Song of the Wolf
And I find out the trick on the gait. Hope my gaze attracted it. I will be happy to such a unheard of find - this fiercer will give me a wallet!
Life or wallet?! (Sticks a gun in s side by a pistol.)
(frightened): Life. Wolf: Then you have to upset!
Having laid out a bang wolf great amount money. The wolf was delighted and let go of a kolobka. Going a bun on and sees a casino.
Suitable to the Bar Bear-Shuler.
(It turns out a bear and sings on the motive of the songs of the song "For lovely ladies!" From the repertoire of M. Shufutinsky.) Song of the Bear
I love to play cards - the talent does not take away in it! I have a porch, playing poker with him, fool! I have been able to know from childhood in the maps! I am more Schuler than a player, but no one is even uncommon!
Kolobok, I see you cool small! Play the pictures?
(Fun): Play!
: Then money on the table!
: A lot of money lost a bun with a bear and sadly walked away ... From nowhere to appear in front of him Lisa-Putan.
(Fox appears and sings the "Toy" songs from the repertoire of I. Allegrova on the motive of the regime.)
Fox song
Where are you, passerby dear? I warm you and save you. Appear, good, my dear, appreciate the indispensable beauty. You will forget with me about everything, even about your beloved wife. You will find out I stand at what, wishing me now one, me alone. A fox:
Kolobok, wish you a pleasant time?
: I wish.
A fox:
Then let's go with me. (Takes a kolobka at hand and takes away from the hall.)
Dried a bun for the last money and returned back to her grandfather and grandmother for new fusties.
Very instructive story.
Thank you for the Musical shown!
Let's go, Lenya, a non-alcoholic New Year to meet.
With great joy!
Non-smoking and non-drinkers leave, wish everyone a happy new year.
What a good feast it turns out, all on etiquette!
Zoe, let's cancel etiquette for a while?
(Surprised): Peter, don't you like a feasting etiquette?
Of course, like it. I just wanted to hold a contest called "Roads". Competition "Oven"
Two participants in the competition are proposed to demonstrate the eating of salad, inappropriate etiquette. Spectators with applause choose the winner, i.e. One who is funnier to empty their plate.
Peter, do you know how to show tricks?
Of course! I graduated from the courses of wizards!
Charger shows tricks. As a result of the last focus, it appears rubber gloves with small holes at the end of each finger.
Oh, rubber gloves! Peter, what are you going to do with them?
Another contest to spend! Competition "Deliara"
4 contestants are divided into pairs. Each pair is given along the rubber glove filled with water: one holds a glove, the second - squeezes water out of each finger. Wins a couple who quickly "drove" water from his glove.
A wonderful competition, only he reminded me of more autumn with the rain than the new year.
I read your thoughts, Zoe, and now I will fulfill what you want!
Enchanting breeds, whispers a magic spell. In the hall goes out light, drum fraction sounds. Then the light turns on and everyone sees an elegantly dressed girl with hair curlers in her hair.
Peter, I thought about the Snow Maiden, and not about our employee Katerina Balabolokina.
I do not understand how it was here? (Shrugs.)
(Fast speech): I also do not understand anything: I just stood at the mirror, I was going here for a holiday and suddenly I found himself, I didn't even have time to remove the hair curlers. (Removes hair curlers and puts under the Christmas tree.)
Always you, Katerina, are late.
Better late than never! Tell me, how did I get into this room?
: Peter Charger tried. He is now a wizard.
True, I spoke a magic spell on the Snow Maiden, but for some reason you appeared. Katerina
(ironic): This can only work out by the wizard-laundry, such as the fact that from one famous song! Zoya:
Let's not criticize each other, let's have fun.
: I love it very much!
Then we told us a fun story.
Now I will tell you - at least stand, even fall! Monologue "Blond Wig"
I got acquainted with a man. He is such an intelligitude all, in general, greatly competent. Invited me to the theater on the operetta. Of course, I immediately agreed. The whole day was picking up. Finally, it was detached, "the neighbor entered and did not know. Beauty, says, poured Merilin Monroe, only dark hair. But she quickly decided that the problem - she brought his new blond wig. On the street, passers-by is waiting for me, and in the subway one pensioner noticed that I look like a idol of his youth, which he forgotten as called. I suggested him the name of the idol and the pensioner enthusiastically agreed. So I got to the theater. My intelligo ones stands, worried, throws a delighted look at me, but does not fit. Think, how modest it was found! In general, I myself came to him and greeted. What was his perplexity, you would have seen! He missed himself: "Hello." And I reminded that it was time to take place in the hall. For some reason, my intelligitude began to look around, but I did not see anyone, I agreed. There was no queue in the wardrobe. My gallant cavalier politely offered his services, helping me to remove the raincoat. I suddenly myself a true Merilin Monroe felt and, fascinated, freed from the head of the head, who gave birth to a neighbor. The wardrobker somehow stared on me, but I performed my mission. Here my intelligitude changed bewilderment of joy, as if he saw an old familiar in me. It seemed to me that his behavior seemed to me, but I did not dare. In the hall sounded overture. We occupied places, according to tickets, and began to enthusiastically look at the operetta. In the intermission, walking in the lobby, I looked at myself in the mirror (it should be noted that I did it for the first time for all stay in the theater) and found a terrible fact - there was no wig on my head! I began to figure out what an excuse would give a neighbor. My cavalier as if nothing noticed, was, as before, causing. When he at my request went to the buffet behind the chocolate, I instantly went down in the wardrobe. The wardrobe gave me a raincoat and ... a wig. And I thought it was stolen: they took off somehow from my head during a sucker action. Shooting a wig in the bag, I ran out of the theater. Then I was not at all the case to the sophisticated intelligitude. That evening I firmly decided never in life no longer woven wigs - in the first and last time! My delicate cavalier called the next day and said that I was charming, mysterious and unpredictable. To all of this, he also added that he loved various surprises and invited me to the ballet. It turns out, the wrap is useful as - in no way by the way!
Indeed - even stand, even fall!
And what only curiosities do not happen to lovers!
That's for sure! Tell me, leading, today on holiday dancing are scheduled?
Of course scheduled.
Just now came to their time.
: Then we will dance!
Dancing. After dancing under the sounds of fanfar in the hall, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are included.
Finally, Grandfather Frost with his granddaughter Snow Maiden to us pleased!
We are already waiting for you! Snow Maiden:
We are glad to always come to the New Year holiday! Many we went through the grandfather today.
Santa Claus:
But the drifts were never obstacle. Every year we rush to where we are very happy!
After long expense need to rest. (Seats guests at the chairs in the Christmas tree.)
And at this time we will listen to family couplets!
Woman and man perform couplets on the motive of the song "Pretty You are mine."
Family couplets 1. Pretty you, let's go home. There, in my native choirs will be happy with me. My dear, why did I get married? The house is very boring, there is only one. 2. Moy you, then do not go home. Walk out the night. As if you are idle. My dear, I'm not a boy for a long time, to walk under the hand and look at you. 3. Moy you are mine, let's go to the movies. The film is not forbidden to watch there. My dear, I'm not the idol, - sit in one place and look at the screen. 4. Moy you are mine, then go to the forest. We will have fun, Single Song. My dear, I go there and have fun, if you want. Stay there forever. 5. Pretty you, let's go to the restaurant. Together we are with a rest. Dug, wife! You got me! The restaurant is cute enough and without you!
A man picks up the lead with the Snow Maiden and leads them to the hall. Woman waving his hand, takes his place among the audience.
Santa Claus:
Where did he learn my granddaughter? Peter:
Do not worry, Grandfather Frost, will soon lead back, but while I will spend the competition called "What you stand, swinging ..."! Santa Claus:
I know a lot of contests, but I have never heard about such such a time.
This is a very funny contest! ... (collects contestants from the auditorium and appeals to them.) You have to compose one vehicle, the first line should begin at the same way: "What are you standing ..." for example: what you stand, swing like a blade in May? I rode all day, right, you're in the tram. Or is it: what are you standing, swinging, fool in a puchglase? If I drank little, I would say right away. Competition "What you stand, swinging ..."
Each contestant is given on a piece of paper and handle. (Dancing is held in the process of writing computers.) Competitors are allowed to take advantage of the help of dancing. Then the newly minted creations are performed on the motive of the song "Thin Rowan". The winners of the competition are determined by applause.
The hall appears leading with the Snow Maiden.
Santa Claus:
The granddaughter, you missed one very interesting competition.
Snow Maiden:
I think my game will seem no less interesting, it will help instantly get rid of extra problems.
The game "Excess problems" by all those present in the hall is given on a piece of paper and handle. Everyone writes its problems and the folded sheet puts on the tray of the lead. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with burning candles ignite the contents of the tray.
Snow Maiden:
Now everyone you got rid of their problems that remained in the old year.
Santa Claus:
And since the old year says goodbye to you, it means that the new year begins without any problems.
Sounds the phonogram "Fight of the Chorans". The leading breaks the champagne in the feud.
Snow Maiden:
The champagne river flows, fastened fuels. We raise them for the new year, not losing moments! Let him bring you, friends, health, a lot of laughter, well-being in the family, in all matters of success! Santa Claus: Let's meet a new year with a cheerful kind view. How good that we are now gathered here! Smiles lovely from the soul there is nothing more beautiful! The new year came to us, friends, and with him love and happiness!
All those present dried their glasses, begins feast ..
Our New Year carousel is gaining speed! We continue to have fun! Game "Merry handkerchiefs"
Players are divided into 2 teams, each forms a circle. Players stand for each other and get a handkerchief. Under merry music, they begin to tie a handkerchief ahead of standing: the second first, the third second ... the first one. At the same time, there are ahead standing should stand back to those who tie to the handkerchiefs, and not correlate it. The team wins, which first coped with the task, and also estimated how the players are caught. (It is possible that there will be a draw in this game.)
And now I will ask you to approach me those who know the funny phrases.
Competition "Funny phrase" 2 teams participate in the competition. Competitors give newspapers, scissors, glue, tassels and landscape sheet. Merry music sounds. Contestants view newspapers, cut out signs, words or individual letters from them, making up a ridiculous phrase and sticking it into a landscape sheet. The team that turned out to be more prompt and witty.
Snow Maiden:
The competition begins for those who love surprises!
Competition "Surprises"
Competitors are removed from the hall and everyone is attached to the back on the sign with the inscription (for example: juicer, orange, crocodile, double bass, etc.). A surprise for contestants will be that none of them knows who he is in this moment (What is written exactly on his tablet). Competitors, in order of priority, enter the hall, sit on the stool back to the audience and begin to ask them questions about the signs written on their own signs. Spectators are responsible for the words "yes" or "no". Wins the one who short term The time will be able to find out who he was in the process of the competition.
Santa Claus:
New Year's carousel so quickly wriggled that we are in the granddaughte. It's time for us to stroll through the snow-covered streets and squares. Snow Maiden:
But before you go away, we and my grandfather want to give all the fireworks of snowflakes with New Year's wishes. Z.
Vuchit the phonogram of the song about the New Year performed by the group "Disco" Accident ". Santa Claus and Snow Maiden scatter snowflakes on a festive table, say goodbye and go. The evening ends with dancing.

Songs alterations, converted words songs

How not to have fun

From pleasant, from hassle,

Snow on the street will sparkle

New year comes!

Holidays have long been waiting

And guests full house,

He goes through MGLU and Dali,

The one from childhood is familiar to us!

From other longing and boredom,

We are sad for nothing

So much light, so much sound

How to be sad here, I do not understand!

Exactly at midnight he comes

A fairy tale, joy carries us,

All around the game turns out,

This glorious new year!

Those who holidays do not like

Resting, well, let

But we are this evening

Forever ride sadness!

I sing for you today

And believe me friends,

This evening is New Year,

You came here not in vain!

Crystal ringing and lyrical music sounds.


We gathered today in this room,

To congratulate everyone, hurray, cheers!

Look, is there anything in a glass?

Per last year It's time to drink a long time!

Let's forget about care,

About influenza, cold, headache,

About what strains us work

Excess zero is not added to the salary ...

Let's drink, let the wine sparkles,

Champagne pour me soon

And only good let new Year will happen,

And only happiness will meet at the door!

The presenter takes from the table a feud and champagne and bypass guests.

As soon as she went around everyone, he begins to play cheerful music and the strange couple of Zina and Vanya poured into the hall, alcoholics, but with a spike of nobility.

Miniature on the song V. Vysotsky "Oh Wan, look, what clowns."

New converted songs, parodies on songs


Oh, Wan, look, what is the audience,

Probably the holiday here comes

Well, let someone floor bagel,

Or maybe someone will splash?


Well, and we remember, Zin,

On the birthday of Birth, Sless one,

I drank perfume as Mr.,

Well, however, Zin!


You, Wan, rushing to rudeness,

Why all this in humans,

You and the spirits are gaining

I look, and you are on the eyebrows!

And people are not at all

Eaten so only on the pile

And you enter like a fool,

Do not be offended, it's so!


You, Zin, go to rudeness!

All, zin, offend torment,

Same as you kwwing

I will come, you sit with men!

And how I ask you,

So everything is distant relatives,

And Shurin was generally Georgian,

Not ashamed, Zin?


You, Wan, for that already noted

For a month, I go to glasses,

Got on the eye, as if he was stiff,

As I remember, again I tremble!

Well, Georgians, well, Georgian,

And remember all your cousin?

How to remember, so sled one,

And you all: "Zin".


Come on, zin, let's not quarrel,

After all, still the holiday here goes

Look, how they all argue,

Perhaps who is still nallet!

You congratulate you from the soul,

All guests are good,

Well, we, everything, as always,

let's go then ...

During the miniatures, they work with the public, drink and eat, Zina hides in the bag everything they give.


How well, most women look and behave quite differently! And the men are very appreciated for it.

Competition "What I like in this woman."

5 men and 5 women are caused from the audience. Men sitting on chairs in a row, and before each woman dancing east Dance. After the dance, the man is asked: "What do you like in this woman?" A man answers.

And here the lead says that a man must kiss a woman in the place that he liked!

After that, the music block begins.

Leading invites to the competition "Sign of temperamental man"

Call five men, sit down in a row and ask to sit down "foot on foot", and on the bottom that top, they ask to roll the pants, so that the naked leg is visible.

In this form, each man should utter a temperamental dialogue, such a congratulation so that the Snow Maiden began to melt!

After all men glittered with the mind and wit, the presenter says:

"In fact, the contest was the most hairy leg!" And evaluates the winner for this criterion!


We bring to your attention a happy horoscope for the new year 2012!

After that, the music block, disco and the output of Santa Claus.

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Be merry, healthy!

Year will die very quickly,

Come up with a new year scenario, I think it is always more difficult than for a family, because it is important to stay with any scenario in a decent form so that all the jokes and contests are appropriate, to do not hit the face in the dirt and leave a good impression about yourself. I spent this script for another year 3 or 4 years ago, but after that, all other new years, none of the colleagues remember, it was the best New Year evening!

I suggest your attention:

1. Introduction

As the saying goes: how to celebrate the team, such the next work year will be.

Now I will tell you - how to behave at a corporate party:

Nothing shares people like a joint sin. So we do not drink at work - we come closer that is why they do not respect the non-drinking in Russia.

If you want to make a career - you have to drink. Failure to drink with colleagues and bosses is equivalent to premature career funeral. Another thing - how to approach corporate drinking. The situation of active "filling" is not considered at all. If the team adopted every Friday to get drunk to the "position of Riz" and you are actively involved in this, you can't see careers.

Career drink from the point of view is not a rest, but hard work. Opportunities here are enclosed with colossal! During corporate party It is easy to identify the necessary information, track who is in informal relationships, who sympathizes the chef, and who annoys it. Sin then not to use such information.

- To corporate drinking should be prepared in advance. First you need to collect a gentleman's set. You must have napkins and shawls - in case you or the chef are inadvertently seen or ignite, in the pockets of the business cards - do not hope that at the end of the evening someone remembers what your name is, and of course, there must be a notebook with a handle - Your own memory is not worth trusted.

After reading, distribute all business cards and notebooks with handles.

2. Then then can be paid to heating.

In that festive evening I propose to pay on the champagne player and find out what awaits us in the coming year.

It is necessary to drink a glass of champagne to drink to the bottom! But the second full glass will help to understand what awaits you in the next 12 months.

Fill wine glasses and carefully look at air bubbles that strive for the surface.

If there are many of them: it means that you will not be bored, you will have interesting acquaintances, new hobbies will appear.

If there are only a few of them: old friends will play an important role in your life, there are no cardinal changes foresee.

From the center of the glass itself rises a clear line of bubbles: your ideas, even the most brave, is destined to come true. Do not be afraid to seem surrounding too self-confidently, everything is in your hands!

Two or three chains intertwined, forming a spiral: in the new year you will use a special success with the opposite sex, a dizzying novel ahead and maybe not even one!

Bubbles do not rise at all upstairs, but settle on the walls of the glade: in the coming months calm. Follow patience, then your plans can be completely unexpected, as if the magic wand in the manistic!

3. Redemption of Christmas gifts from Santa Claus bag.

Words on the move came up with when frost dressed in Santa and Snow Maiden. When everyone got acquainted and asked how they behaved this year, the redemption of gifts began.

In a circle, the "Snowball" rolls out (we had an ordinary white crumpled sheet of paper). Santa Claus sentences:

Snowball we all ride

Up to five we all believe -

One, two, three, four, five -

You guess the riddle:

Who in dense forest flashes,

Red fur coat buys?

Knows in chickens a lot

This beast is called ... (I want to shout wolf! And this is a fox!)

Another mystery:

This beast is sleeping in the winter,

Clumsy it looks like.

Loves berries and honey

And calling ... (type hippo, and this is a bear!)

Snowball we all ride

Up to five we all believe -

One, two, three, four, five -

For the new year we will raise the toast.

Let the toast be extremely simple:

For happiness, friendship, laughter,

In all matters, great success,

For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness,

Family life warmth!

Snowball we all ride

Up to five we all believe -

One, two, three, four, five -

You will play a song!

(Song "About five minutes")

I'll drink a song about five minutes

Let it sing this song

Let it fly through the light

I give you a song this

This song is about five minutes ...

Five minutes, five minutes ...

The battle battle will soon hesitate.

Five minutes ... five minutes.

Make yourself those who are in a quarrel

Five minutes, five minutes ...!

Snowball we all ride

Up to five we all believe -

One, two, three, four, five -

You dance dance!

(dance of little ducks")

Before each movement, talk: "If you have fun doing so."


Two cotton in your hands before breasts

Two clicks with fingers,

Two times "Gesture from Buratino" in front of the nose,

Two slaps with both palms on their own pope.

Everyone can dance.

Snowball we all ride

Up to five we all believe -

One, two, three, four, five -

And in the pantomime play.

Without words gestures, Santa Claus with a big bag of gifts.

Snowball we all ride

Up to five we all believe -

One, two, three, four, five -

You guess the riddles:

1) in the glorious - the kingdom - the state

Father lives in wealth

Son - Handsome - Well done,

Divated he Sagittarius. (Ivan Tsarevich)

2) In more often, the midfield

Do not find paths anywhere.

Lady lives there with experience

In the highest pilotage. (Baba Yaga)

So it is possible to relete gifts to infinity, the riddles took specially children's, so that the people do not overload.

Then there was a quiz (questions can be found on the Internet or come up with themselves).

4. Role-playing scene

Active faces: Mouse, Flowers, Butterflies, Bear, Fox, Birch, Bunny, Cat, Pine, Spruce, Wolf, Curtain.

For attributes, I bought animal masks, brought boots, bumps, carrots, for trees - branches and so on. Before the scene, let those who want to stretch at random leaves with a role.

I suggest everyone, without exception,

Go to a mouse adventure!

Part one. Scene 1.

Curtain (the one who portrays the curtain, let him run and assist their hands).

There was a good mouse. Every day she watered flower and danced with butterflies.

Once the ferocious bear was announced, dispersed butterflies, threw all the flowers and retired away. Bored became the mouse alone and she cried.

Part one. Scene 2.

She walked past the cat in boots, saw the mouse and offered her friendship her. The mouse was delighted and agreed to be friends with the cat.

They sat down under the birch and arranged tea drinking.

I gave a bunny with carrot, I saw a mouse and cat and treated them with carrots. They began to drink tea together.

Fucked by Lisa, saw a mouse, cat and bunny and invited them to play hide and seek. A bunny hid for a pine tree, fox - for birch, and a cat - for her fir. There is a mouse, looking for and can not find anyone.

Suddenly, the hungry wolf appeared from. He lied and grabbed a good mouse.

Part 2 . Scene 1.

I called the mouse of friends to help. Surrounded by fox, bunny and cat wolf and threw cones. A wolf was frightened, he did not know that friendship courage attached. Let's let go of the mouse and ran away - only it was seen. And while the wolf ran, he did not notice that he stumbled upon a bear - woke him. And he now had to run from the bear.

And friends began to have fun and frolic on the glade. So still live - do not break the water!

5. Well, for a snack, make a drink-snack

IN balloons Insert the paper with the task, on one side will hang from the drink, on the other - with snacks (you can split on the color of the balls).

Let the balls be spooled and perform tasks. How much do tasks come up - so much will be!

Standing on one leg

From the plate,

With a song on the lips,

Paper kuleka

A glass of closed eyes is selected,

Drink to the bottom, asking yet!

Second dose

Snack on the fly

And snacks - it will not be

Instead of snacks, jump on one leg,

A snack ask for a neighbor to the right,

Snow down the sleeve.

I wish you good enough!

How I want, how to spend the whole year, finally, at the end of it, relax corporately so that this event is remembered for a long time, if at all is not forever!

After all, it is no secret that New Year's corporate stands are able to charge a real storm positive emotions And give new forces for labor feats next year! Especially for you, we have developed exclusive jokes to corporate 2020! We are confident that these funny, funny jokes even more split any team! We highly advantaged all what is happening on the video! Happy New Year! And beautiful celebrations!

Fun №1 "Question-answer!"

Participants: Grandfather Frost (D.M.) and all those present.

D.M:: Well, that, my dear! What is there, priceless! Before you start celebrating our magic holidayI have accumulated a number of questions for which I am waiting for honest and unambiguous answers. As you know, I am a magical Santa Claus and very strict. Therefore, I do not like the answer "no". So all my questions do you need to answer only "yes", understandable? And one more small condition: I will approach one of you and my "yes!" You need to talk to different voices and with different intonation, preferably not repeating! Clear?

All choir:: Clear!

D.M.:: AI, Well done! Apparently, you really want to get gifts from me for the new year, right?

All choir :: Yes!

D.M :: So, my fabulous exam begins!

Light music sounds background.

Santa Claus fits every time the new participant:

D.M:: Did you bother well in this year?

1st member: Yes!

D.M:: Have you achieved a lot in this year?

2nd U-K: Yes!

D.M:: Did you offended each other?

D.M.:: And if necessary - saved?

D.M:: Did you drink a lot on Fridays?

D.M.:: Have you ever reached home?

D.M.:: Everyone remembered everything?

D.M.:: Other friend then called?

D.M:: Salary all brought all?

D.M:: Soakuchi well "buried"?

Santa Claus: Spouses found them?

Santa Claus: Did you withdraw your anger?

D.M.:: Did you get them?

D.M:: Did it get for it?

D.M.:: You loved the boss?

D.M.:: From work later went all?

D.M.:: Paper from the meals chopped?

D.M.:: On the salaries of others zyryli?

18th member: Yes!

D.M:: A friend about each other was shuffling?

D.M.:: These words did not mean anything?

D.M:: And now the whole choir is responsible!

Are you all - friendly guys?

All choir :: Yes!

D.M:: Maybe for this and you need to drink?

All choir :: Yes!


D.M:: Pour everything around the Age!

And smash soon by couples!
We will laugh now!
But for this will have to start
Kiss very tightly !!!

Funny №2 "Fabulous Gift!"

Several participants are called. Behind the Santa Claus or the host shows the picture, but so that the participant himself does not see anything. Santa Claus before serving a gift asks the participant questions, and he should answer them.

After answers received all questions, and all observing spectators from the soul laughed at the responses of the participant, Santa Claus pulls out their gifts out of his bag (Children's pot, enema, and a set: handcuffs, whisk, gag): and presents participants to memory.

1st participant - picture "Children's Pot":

Santa Claus appeals to the first participant:: I prepared a very interesting gift for you. But first, you must answer a few of my questions.

So questions:

  • What do you think, how do you need this gift?
  • How do you think how often will you use them?
  • And if this gift will ask you the best friend - give?
  • And how long can you do without it?
  • Who of the closest people are you ready to pass it? Who is it more needed than you?
  • Is there such a person here who has such a gift? And who is it?
  • Could anyone from the surrounding steal it with you?
  • How will you return?

The second participant is called. After his back, Santa Claus shows a picture on which the enema is drawn.

  • Do you think this is a very expensive present to you?
  • Who loves you so much, what could give him?
  • Will you use it every day?
  • What feelings do you experience? List, please!
  • What do you think, sooner or later, he, this gift, can you get bored?
  • Who would you be able to pass it? Who are you especially expensive among those present?
  • Will you observe how he uses your gift?
  • And will the advice be able to give any use?

The third participant is called. Santa Claus holds behind his back, but so that it can be seen to all the rest of the picture of handcuffs, swipes and laptops (set for role-playing games).

  • Do you think you need it?
  • How many years did you have a lack of this gift?
  • Do you like it?
  • And you can share it with friends, or, for example, to use it at the same time, sitting in the same company?
  • What sensations will he give you? What are you experiencing when using this gift?
  • Do you offer your colleagues to buy this gift?
  • And buy a day to buy a birthday?
  • This gift is very unusual and unique. What do you think, is it worth using them to shoot this video?
  • If you were asked in three words to give him a characteristic, what would you say on his account? What is it needed for?

Santa Claus turns to the Hall: Well, who else wants gifts from me?

Write-contest №3 "Sweet Kiss!"

For its conduct, several participants are called on pairs.

The number of men and women should be equal. Each pair is issued on a balloon, on which a young man looking at his pair, a marker draws the eyes and lips of his partner in the competition.

Under the music and on the command of the leading balls are located between persons in each pair. Woman can hold his forehead, nose, cheek or lips. Women's hands are behind their backs. Do not touch the ball. But the partner holds the ball with his hands, as the face of his beloved girl, and a kiss, and more precisely, the teeth, herses the ball.

From the side it looks like a passionate kiss! Who will burst faster, and someone else is more believable and artistically will do it, he won in the "Sweet Kiss!" Contest.
A couple of winners are awarded slow romantic dance.

Funny № 4 Staging the converted song "Song New Year!"

Preliminary preparation:

Record the "minus" songs of Mikhail Szekina - "I have not seen my mother so long!"

6 men participate. The appearance of them should be "mumbling". Ties Wheel, shirts are incorrectly fastened and incorrectly refilled. Jackets or inside out, or dressed on one sleeve, the second is dragging. Hairstyles are shaggy, the view is very tired. They support each other.

All choir 1 verse:

We have not been resting so long for so long ago,
Neither drank beer and did not eat salad
We every day, we only plowed every day,
And give strength to work every happy.

2 verse:

1st participant sings:
Around the fire, WHO problems, but we knew

2nd participant:
What you need to accurately, you need to definitely defeat.

3rd member:
Clutching in the chair, grieving his teeth, expected

4th member:
When we are able to pour on the Abylfa!

3 verse:

5th participant:
Not all of us, not all of us will reach the goal.

6th participant:
Some are tired, someone even fell ill.

1 year:
But for sure we, but for sure everything so wanted,

2nd participant:
So that the new year, so that everyone has managed to all!

4 verse:

3rd participant:
Let someone there, let someone there, wanders in the forest.

4th participant:
And looking for a Christmas tree elegant in the forest.

5th participant:
Let us nobody, let nobody condemn us.

All choir:
After all, the holiday of happiness, the holiday of fairy tales on the nose!

Men hugging and congratulating each other Happy New Year, leave the scene!

Jokes on corporate party № 3 "Continue New Year's poem"

Better, if you read the Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden. It is also possible to embed into the words leading to the script itself.

When the new year is knocking,
Open him rather!
He came to us over the whole year
Open the sewing ... (Doors!)

Let grandpa frost come
And with him his toys:
Cars, dolls, steam locomotive,
And different ... (animals!)

We also wait and let him come,
To us girl -Deschulka!
What is your name you remember?
Of course, ... (Snow Maid!)

And the snowman comes let
But just let it not melts!
And then all year to stand him,
After all, everything is there ... (notic!)

Jokes number 4 "Drawing Santa Claus"

Oval was drawn on two watmans (this is the future face of Santa Claus). Watmans are fixed on the stand, there are markers nearby. Two teams are formed: "Deligious" and "Milestones".

Two teams are built on the "Start" (chair). Each first blind eye.

Task: For speed, blindly, walk to Watman and draw only one element of Santa Claus. Then the bandage and the participant runs to his team. The eyes are tied by the next participant, he comes to Watman and draws another element of the face with closed eyes and so on. Then both drawing are compared. Santa Claus commented and chooses the team - winner! With her, Santa Claus and is photographed! Makes selfie.

Jokes №5 Corporate Scene "I read thoughts"

Song of Serdyuchka Verka sounds "And I only with frost!"

The Serduchka Verka appears (VS) with a suitcase in hand.

V.S: Oh, hello everything! And where did I get? Isn't that station?

Suitable for the nearest stop, pours a glass, salvo drinks.

V.S: And here and not bad! Good people, and you learned me? Who am I?

All: Verka Serduchka!

VS: And not only! So that you understand, simple, ordinary people, I'm not just a star, and also the great psychic! Do not believe? Well, look, yesterday a neighbor-fool, hung underwear. I say to her with Russian language that the rain will go! And she gives his bastard and does not believe. And what do you think? Only I left ... and the rain did not go! Lingerie is damned, so until the evening and sucked! In the evening, this idiot even thank you did not say! How for what? Well, I got the weather and rain with my extrasensory abilities and canceled! And you want, I'll show you now, what is me phenomenal abilities? Well, I can all your thoughts read! Do you want to?

All Yes!

V.S:, Running the handles, comes to a man: Let's start with you, our sleek is clear! So what are we thinking now? (Makes the groove with hands over his head) Songs of the song V.Serdychuk "Ah, Gorilka!"

V.S: Sing him on the shoulder: Well, wait, wait, it is still too drunk!

Suitable for the next participant, girl.

V.S: Moves over her movement with hands. Song of V.Serdyuki sounds "And I go all this in Dolce Goban!"

V.S: Oh, and the trains are you, honey! One husband will not extend such costs ... look for him assistant!

Suitable for the next full woman. Drives her hands over her. Song of V.Serdyuki "Pie" sounds.

V.S: Slaves her on the shoulder: And I'm so! Everything would eat, yes ate! Especially when you lose weight ... the diet is such - more than more!

Suitable for the next participant. Song of the Verka Serdyuchka "Gop, Gop, Gop!"

V.S: No, I did not understand, what have you already accepted on the chest? When managed? Look, still sober .... Yes, you still dance, dance!

Suitable to another beautiful girl. Takes over her and sounds the song "I did not understand!"

V.S: Well, honey, I'm all clear to you! And you know that I can still read the thoughts of your second halves through you. Do not believe? Yes, look, I do not feel sorry! Raise your hands, who is married?

Among the men chooses the most modest and suits him. Drives hands over his head. Sounds Song Serdyuchka Verka "You got drunk like a pig!"

Everyone laughs and V.S., looking at the clock, waves with all his hand.

V.S: All, Major, make you a general charge of energy for the whole next year!

Waving hands over all. The song Song Serdyuchka sounds "Everything will be fine!", Picks up the suitcase and runs away to the music.

V.S: immediately returns with screams: "Yeah !!! Did you really decide that so easily got rid of me? And who with me, the star and psychic wants to make selfie? "

Everyone is being photographed with it in turn. She distributes autographs.

These are such corporate jokes we have prepared for you for the new year 2020. We hope you enjoy it and your holiday will pass so much that you will remember it for the whole year!

New Year is the most favorite holiday as adults, so children. It is thoroughly prepared to it, choose a suit, menus and invent the creative course of the event. Many prefer not to do it on their own, but turn to professionals, conducting a holiday in a cafe, in a restaurant.

One way or another, all of the above will be organized according to the patron saint of the year on the Eastern calendar. Selection of clothing, dishes, table setting and script development - 2017 symbol will be present in everything. Next year, a rooster comes to their rights, which is quite close to the spirit of the inhabitants of our country. But also no holiday does not do without traditional heroes - Santa Claus and his granddaughter, Snow Maiden, who, in the course, other characters can be joined to choose the lead. To prepare for the holiday went easier, we offer you a ready-made script. new Year's corporate party 2017.

Requisites for the event

For any event, it will take props. In our case, he is pretty simple, which makes it very mobile. This is especially convenient for leading female.

  • Clothing (most different, very bright, comic, funny).
  • Stools / chairs (usually take place).
  • Disposable cups.
  • Rope.
  • Hoops (napkins).
  • Plastic balls and bucket (basket).
  • Powered alcohol bottle (usually take from the table).
  • Mat sports.
  • Scooters 4 pcs.
  • Chips with the image of the year symbol.

Also, the prizes are preparing for each event, which highlight the funds of the holiday customers.

  • Bottle of champagne.
  • Souvenir.
  • Small, incentive prizes.
  • Souvenir with the image of the year symbol.

New Year's Corporate program 2017

First of all, the one who leads entertainment program, pronounces the words of greetings. This can be done both in prose and in verses. Then passes the entry of the sign of the year and, directly to the games and competitions.

Veda - What can I come up with in 2017, when not only the cocks of the cock enters into its rights, but also the most mitently in our Galaxy Planet - Mars will patronize the earth, and the color of 2017 is appointed scarlet? Everything is very simple - we will arrange "roasting battles." But first, we need to choose the most suitable and strong applicants. Those who wish must pass a series of tests where they will show all their qualities. After each contest, distinguished will receive chips with the image of the rooster. Someone who gets a large number of The differences will call the "master of the year" and will celebrate the appropriate diploma, as well as a statuette with the image of the patron of 2017!

The first game "Stream!"

Veda - So, all players must stand in a single line, tighten the stomachs, straighten your shoulders and pull the neck. Happened? We look. And now loud-loud crokering "ka-ka-re-ku".

The winner can choose both lead and public. If there are no men in the company, then the main chicken is selected.

While the players did not dissolve, it is necessary to arrange them a second test.

Veda - all roosters are very preferable to their appearance, so in the next task it will be necessary to fit beautifully, well, or dressed up as it turns out.

Second game "France"

At the lead in the hands of the bag, in which bright clothes are hidden: capers, balls, sweaters, jabs and shoes. It can be bright large slippers. Without looking, in order of the queue, players take out the wardrobe alone and put on themselves. Then all this will be assessed by the audience.

Veda - the patron saint of 2017 is distinguished by accuracy and thrift. When he eats or drinks, neither crumbs nor a drop does not shed at itself. Now we will check it with our participants.

Third game "Akchachy"

Before the participants there is a stool with a disposable cup of alcoholic beverage (choice for discretion). Everyone has to drink her without hands. Crystal and glass can not be taken, as people can accidentally bite it. The presenter looks at who will make it more accurately, praises and rewards with a chicken.

Veda - after people dressed up, you need to make a show and protection of costumes. Otherwise, as we understand, which of them is the real symbol of this year - France and fashionable!

Fourth game "Defile"

Each participant must produce from point to point, demonstrating its suit. It should be shown here and the character character. All can be evaluated by applause.

Veda - Rooster is also famous for its ability to see in any position. They lead their church everywhere and always. Now we will check how good our participants can cope with this.

Fifth "unprecedented opportunities"

It is called 3-4 people, each is issued on a scooter. They need to drive back from the initial position to the installed point, quickly and without falling. In the course of the game, the presenter fun comments on what is happening.

Veda - Of course, such an important, strong and dexterous symbol eastern calendarlike a rooster, you can not do without demonstrating your advantages. Now we will check the power of our applicants for the title of "Master of the Year". Who can pass through all the test, he will prove to all that he may be the most real "master of the year."

The presenter offers a complex of power contests in which both men and women can take part.

Complex games

  1. Tightening the rope by pairs.
  2. Pressing from the floor.
  3. Armirusling on account.

Veda - and we go to the most serious check, which will confirm that you correspond to the rank of the "owner of the year". So, what is the most characterizes the rooster? (Guests are guessing) The same His chicken. Each player, I will issue a hoop, in which, for a certain amount of time, he must collect his chickens around the hall. Music will help to focus on players. Once the music turns off, the counting of yours will begin, so to speak, the family.

If, there are few ladies in the hall, the players are issued napkins white colorwhich he must collect kisses, or rather, traces of lipstick. Who will have them more, he won.

Winners are distributed chips with a symbol image.

Veda - Well, well, we passed the tests on the "best owner of the year", now you should choose the winner in the number of chips. To do this, we will choose from the Hall of the Account, which will summarize.

The winner welcomed with applause and gift, the rest receive comforting prizes. If the winners can be somewhat still a test, for example: to build all the women's companies in a row and with closed eyes to determine who is who, calling each name.

Veda - So, we accompany the players to their places and say goodbye? Not? And what did we forget something? The main heroes of the new year? Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. In the children we called them three times, and they appeared before us. Today, New Year's characters and Santa Claus and Snow Maiden have become more popular, more arrogant and asked to invite them with verses. We divide the teams of 3-5 people (depending on the number of guests). Who will come up with and read the best rhymed invitation in verses, he not only contributes to the emergence of our long-awaited heroes, but also will receive a prize as a reward. After each reading, the applause should follow, on which our winner will determine.

Winner's words are read twice for the immediate invitation of a snowy pair, after which Santa Claus comes out and Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden


  • Good evening, gentlemen!
  • We traveled here,
  • On snowdrifts snowy
  • Through snow-white blizzard,
  • In fields and dollars,
  • In his sleigh rushed to you!

Snow Maiden:

  • We will celebrate the holiday,
  • Happy New Year to congratulate!

But us, the main characters of any New Year's fun, first of all wondering what guests have? Combat Lazy? Drunk? What thoughts attend them in such an evening. All this is very easy to check what we will do, however, Grandfather Frost? You're a wizard and can easily find out what our guests think about?

D.M. - Of course, granddaughter, now only the staff will prepare the magical.

Entertainment "Thoughts"

For the game need cuts from different songs. Santa Claus takes turns to keep a staff over his head of each participant, the song will sound at that time. If there is an opportunity, the presenter must learn the character of all guests separately to choose the proper composition. For example, if, this is the boss, you can take the song Boyarsky "A-AP, and tigers at the feet of my sings!". If the head of the man and works only with women, such a song is suitable: "If I were Sultan." And if the team is not familiar, then neutral, but very interesting compositions should be selected. Let us give a few examples:

  • Slow: V. Leontiev "And all run-run".
  • For the abuser: G. Leps "Welcome a vodka on the table".
  • The one who loves to eat: "I love pasta."
  • Love: Mikhail French "Mute My".
  • For someone who often breaks the female hearts A. Sotnik "Platolo Heart".
  • For the one who complains all the time: S. Lazarev "Seven digits and a call ..."

For women's audience, such compositions are suitable as

  • Coquets: K.Lel Musi-Pusi.
  • Feeding: Nyusha "Tsunami" or K. Orbakayte: "Again a blizzard."
  • For a supper and rough employee: Timothy "I hear, what are you so bold."
  • Little: Nyusha "Above."
  • Workaholics: Jasmine: "Heart".
  • Insome: Glory "S * COP is not love."
  • Dreamers: Valeria "Airplane".
  • For those who do not understand anyone: K. Orbakayte "You are abnormal."

You should take the corresponding situations of the word, cutting them out of the songs. It is easy to do even at home. You can invent indefinitely, the main thing is that everything is in accordance with the age category. Young is unlikely to know Leontiev's songs, and a more adult generation will not understand the comic testicle of Timothy songs.

In the course of the game, Santa Claus should comment from whom what thoughts than it is fraught, why this is happening. Each actor has its own set of phrases for any audience.

D.M. - Well, we dealt with the mood, now let's summarize festive event And we learn who those present turned out to be the most sober.

Complex of the game "Test for sobriety"

Games can hold both Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

  1. Gait.

Veda - everyone knows that the rooster is smooth and proudly gait, and whether our heroes will be able to go beautifully as the owner of the year? For this contest, it is necessary to build all the end and install the end point. By teammate, all guests will go beautiful and, most importantly, smooth, gait to the point and back.

  1. Accuracy. Players are built into the snake, each other, each is issued a certain number of plastic balls, on the contrary, at a distance of 2-3 meters, a bucket is installed.

Veda - the participant should get to the basket with a ball, because the rooster is distinguished by excellent coordination and one hundred percent eyesight, it will never miss the found grain found.

  1. Equilibrium. The lead will need to determine who the longest can stand on one leg with closed eyes, which are pre-tied to the best.

The one who coped with all the tasks will be rewarded with a bottle of champagne, because it is no one for the new year to be sober.

Snow Maiden:

  • Well, well, friends came to say goodbye,
  • But, so beautiful to us part
  • We light on the Christmas tree we lights,
  • And in a friendly, the choir will repeat:
  • To happiness las for a long time,
  • You light up the Christmas tree,
  • Pronounce spell
  • So that everyone came true desires:
  • Once and two and three - the Christmas tree is fabulously burning!

After the tree was lit, from thematic, the party becomes idle, respectively, comes to say goodbye.


  • Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye,
  • I ask you to smile more often!

Snow Maiden:

  • Good health,
  • We wish you with love!


  • More money and friends
  • And holiday to sing more fun!

We hope you liked our corporate scenario! Merry celebration and happy new year!

Corporate Scenario for the New Year "Journey to New Year's Planet"allows guests not only to get acquainted with New Year's traditions. different countriesBut also participate in some of them. The script includes new musical, gaming and mailing entertainment in which everyone will be able to participate. All music files can be downloaded. oh this

The first part of the scenario of the New Year's corporate party.

1. New Year's fanfare sounds.

(for download - click file)

Leading leaves

Purchase greeting leading.

Leading: Good evening!

Good afternoon, minute, hour,
I welcome all of you,
Very good, salaam Alaikum,
Bon Sir, you from das ...

Leading: Dear friends who can say for sure - how many greetings of different nations Sounds in this passage from the fairy tale L. Filatova? (Guests offer options) That's right, five. Guess I want to give a small prize (gives a small present) And personally shake hands of foreign languages.

In fact, to greet and shake your hand - I want to literally everyone, but I'm afraid that it will delay for a long time, so I ask my team (Suitable for extreme guests sitting in the column on the right side) Pass my greeting your neighbors (shakes the nearest guest in this row of hand).And you pass - your neighbors (Suitable for extreme guests sitting in the column on the left side and shakes the nearest guest in this row). And now, what side will faster my hello to me - we hand over in the opposite direction, went!

(goes back to a quick feature game for acquaintance)

Sounds 2. Popcorn - Background

Leading: Well done! And now what side will fill the glasses faster - it's time to drink for a meeting and for the coming new year! (Fill glasses)

Toast 1:

Let there be ringing glasses today.

Let the wine sparkles today,

Let good luck at night

It will find and look out the window!

Miss anyone can not be bored

Happy New Year, Friends!

Sounds 3. Brilliant. New Year's song.

Leading: Once again good evening, my name is (name), Our DJ is called (name)and today, together with you, we will be happy to go on a trip to the New Year festive planet! I propose a train boss (name of the head of the company)- His word, pupricial speech before a long dear, so to speak!

Toast chief

Sounds 4. ka and safari. New Year

Banquet Pause

Leading: So, we go on a trip: initial station Year 2012, final station New 2013. Everyone on the table lies a ticket - save it until the end of the pass, because they, like everything today - unusual, there are an encrypted code and a draw number in the lottery (On each ticket the picture with animals: Cockerels, piglets, cows, dogs and cats - to participate in the concert program and the number - for the draw). And on these magic clock (Shows the "magic" clock) We will follow the schedule of movement - we start the clock (The host moves the clock for 5 minutes)!

Leading: Go!

Leading: Got into the car, got a drink and snack, what usually happens next? That's right, familiarity with fellow travelers. A personal acquaintance will take place a little later, but for now I will ask for a stormy applause of representatives (collective name), And now we will greet the organizers of this party - the team (collective name).And the next toast, of course, for acquaintance!

Banquet Pause

Sounds 7. Polish melody.

Entertainment by new Year's table "Predictions in balls".

Leading: And at the same time, Warsaw - the capital of Poland seemed to see the windows of our New Year express.

The new year here is celebrated very fun and noisy, a series of official and improvised carnival processions replace one other, streets and houses are decorated with "bouquets" of balloons.

Poles along with the clock clock shove all this many balls , and it turns out such a general original New Year Salute. Let's stop here and do the same (To the chair of each guest is tied with a ball with predictioneat). In the balls that you got, hidden predictions for the next year. Let's find them out (all shovel balls).

Who got instead of the prediction of the "watch", this will take the whole year and he gets the right to move our symbolic clock forward for 5 minutes t, So also closer the new year! (Lucky Moves Watch -the countdown on the symbolic clock begins with 23 hours)

Sounds 5. Excerpt of the song Valery. Watch.

Leading: We continue the journey, and what trip without abundant nutrition and the subject? Pour, drink, eat!

Toast 4.

Let relieve losses and worries

Many joy will give a new year!

Sounds 8. Song Serdyuchka. Christmas trees.

Leading: What else do on the road? (guests call options) Right, guess crosswords and riddles. Let's also work your head a little, while we can also answer my questions together - answer options: "no" or "yes" - regardless of the rhyme.

Small break

Sounds 9. Italian song.

Leading: What do we hear, Toto Kutuno? So we arrived in Italy, the country of bright and temperamental people. AND new Year's tradition In this country, under the Italian temperament - this night is made to get rid of the whole old, unnecessary and boring: household items, furniture, and so on. It is believed that instead of all that thrown into this magic night - a new one will definitely. The more you throw it - the more you get. Who is how much will be ready to throw out for the right to move our clock further. We carry out auction, the initial rate of 10 rubles.

It sounds 10.Tube for auction. Give me money.

(A small auction is held)

Leading: Winner, go here, what is your name? I climb a lucky one who literally moves the time and good luck forward. New Year's closer! (Move the clock for another 5 minutes forward) With the upcoming holiday!

Sounds 5. Excerpt of the song Valery. Watch.

Leading: And the station is ahead - dance, but before you leave the "wagons" to warm up a little, look carefully on your tickets and remember the animal that you have encrypted. Remember, then - Dancing!

Dance Break

Distribution during dancing.

(During the dance, the music and light turns off)

Leading: Do not be scared, it is a reason to find each other and become a little closer. Remember what sounds usually make up the animal depicted on your ticket, and play them. Cats were hushed up, the dogs were flashed, etc. Find your fellow and form a command: cats are looking for cats, cockscoat cocks, etc.

(The light turns on)

Leading: Ready? And now look at each other, we have formed 5 creative teams - everyone gets the right to participate in our concert program with its number. Petushki, when we will approach our express to Moscow - will be depicted in Moscow, piglets - in Kiev, dogs - at an unknown train station of any country, a cow somewhere in the east, and cats at the station "New Year's". How exactly - I will explain to everyone when we arrive at one or another station. In the meantime, do not disperse.

11. German melody sounds.

Leading: We seemed to be in Germany, where there is a tradition: to climb higher - on tables or chairs and with loud joyful shouts "bulging" in the New Year. No, I do not offer us to climb on the tables, we still drank little. Just divide and form two lines (at a distance of at least 3 meters).And now happily shouting, jump towards each other, as far as possible. So we became closer to each other, and at the same time for the new year! Who jumped on all at this half? And here? Okay. What is your name? It is that you are given the right to move the arrows of our clock further (move arrows)

Sounds 5. Excerpt of the song Valery. Watch.

Leading: We continue to dance. And those who were lucky enough to get into the group "Petushkov", please approach me (They prepare for the "Baba Yaga and Children" number - change clothes and get words).

The second part of the script "Journey to the New Year Planet"

Leading: I will ask everyone again to take places, according to purchased tickets. We have a new stop in front - Moscow. Have you ever wondered, and what could the characters of our favorite Russian fairy tales in our days? We have submitted that Baba Yaga got a teacher in one of the Moscow kindergartens. And how does she prepare children to the New Year's matinee? Meet!

- watch the link.

12. Song sounds. Together haggles together - on the output

A riding game for a close company "And I have in the pants."

(For the game you need to prepare cuttings from newspapers and magazines in advance - separately for men and women. Cut, for example, such:

For the ladies of approximately such a content: "Double occasion for the holiday", "tariff - home", "Holiday from childhood", "Quality check", "New Year's discounts", etc.

For cavaliers: "The strongest in Europe", "the moment has come", "lights without a gold account", "law and order", "super-turtle", etc.)

Baba Yaga: And with you, guests are expensive, I will play in one playful game. Called "and I have in pants." Give any clipping and, saying "And I have in my pants ..." We read what fell like. Started!

Baba Yaga spends the game, comments.

Baba Yaga: Did you stumble?! So nice, smile more often, and I finally also sleep, Star, or not a star?! (sings, flirt with guests and leaves)

Sounds 13. Jagi's song.

Leading: I will ask you to approach me who got a clipping that he had a "hour pants". Let's get acquainted S. (Name?)- and bring our time to the new year (Move the clock).

Sounds 5. Excerpt of the song Valery. Watch.

Banquet Pause

Sounds 14. The song Agurbash. Hello New Year - Background

Leading: Our journey in the magical New Year express continues. I noticed, it came to reading the corporate newspaper (or profile magazine - some tenderloin is really made from corporate press)

Toast: And it's time to drink for the enterprise (name). We wish him and everyone individually all prosperity! GUI-HUB - HOOR !!! (drink and shout)

Leading:Who hungry - supports who bored - drinks, and I ask me to approach those whose cipher - "piglets" (disguise in the costumes of Ukrainians and Serdyuchka)

Sounds 15. Ukrainian melody.

Leading: It seems that we drove up to the glorious city of Kiev and the Ukrainian delegation is encountered on the platform.

Costumen number "Serduchka and Ukrainian delegation".

Song sounds 16. Serdyuchka. New Year.

Ukrainians overlook and perform their number, dance under the song, run around the rows and with everyone linked. "Serdyuchka" sings.

Leading: Here, thanks, rightly lit, faith (addresses "Serdyuchka"), You like an experienced guide know that the train must follow strictly on schedule. Set us a clock 5 minutes ahead so that we are not late for the final stop.

Sounds 5. Excerpt of the song Valery. Watch.

Leading: Thank you! After such an incendiary song, sin does not drink and not dance! And again the station dance!

Dance Break

Final Part Scenario Corporate.

Leading: Our train goes, I will ask you to go to the wagons and take our places. Sit down well, and we are going even better - I suggest drinking for it! And I ask for all the cows (During a banquet pause, they change clothes in Sultan, Women and Thurster)

Small banquet pause

Sounds 17. Eastern melody.

Leading: And with us with you - another stop. And at the station we welcome the guests from the east!

Costume room "Sultan with a harem".

Sultan comes out, his three wives and three mother-in-laws. Fite the content of the song-alteration, which sounds a living sound under the sounding minus or is recorded in advance on the plus.

Song-alteration on the motive of the song "If I were Sultan ..."

1st Coupling: If I were Sultan,

I used three wives

And Triple Beauty

Would be surrounded.

But on the other side

With such cases

In the new year cargo caring

Oh, save Allah!

Chorus:Not bad very

Have three wives

But very bad

On the other hand.

2nd verse:New Year is faithful

I congratulate everyone around:

Zulfia marks:

Iron it is new to edit!

And Guli with Fatima

Ask overlog

Well, mother-in-law

New boots!

Chorus: Not bad very

Have three wives

But very bad

On the other hand.

3rd verse: Christmas tree in the house bring

Fireworks let

Santa Moroza back

Each invite!

How to be to us, Sultans,

Clarity is needed here

In the New Year just right -

Snow Maiden one!

Chorus: No, the holiday is better

Completely without a wife

Not very bad

On any side!

Sounds 18. Minus songs. If I were Sultan.

Leading: Dear Sultan, you will not be honored: Turn the arrows of our magic watches. Thank you!

Sounds 5. Excerpt of the song Valery. Watch.

Interactive with guests "We accommodate the outgoing year."

Leading: We carry out guests from the east! Let's see what our magic watches show? Before the onset of the new year, it remains quite a bit. I suggest: think about the outgoing 20 .. year. What did each of us have in it bad and good? (Bypassing the guests and selectively ask about the outgoing year. Who married? Who raised the salary? What is remembered for a year? Etc.)

Rich on events was a year! I suggest, let's be bad - he will forgive him, and for good - thank you! And for the same time you can drink! In the meantime, everyone drinks and eat, I ask for "dogs" to come to me! (change clothes in Gypsy)

Small break

Leading: And to us in New Year's express, guests who can be found at any station in any country were welcomed. Who is it? (Guests offer answers) Of course - Gypsies. We meet!

Costume number "New Year's Gypsy".

Girls come out and show the number: one sings under the minus and plays the guitar (or burn alteration on the plus), the rest are dancing

Song - Alteration on the motif "Black" .. "

Oh, in the forest, ne-ne, the Christmas tree grew,

She is beautiful and all in needles

She is slim. And the whole is green.

Know in love she was born!

And the blizzard in the winter sang a song to her

And frost with snowball cute warming.

But they cut down her Christmas tree slim.

They wanted to kill her beauty!

And now she burns all in the fires,

Beauty to all around gives!

But they did not ask her, color award,

Maybe she likes her more in the forest?

She is slim, she is green

Eh, under the New Year, yes cut!

Sounds 20. Minus songs of black

Leading: Thanks for such pre-New Year passions. But maybe you will leave someone who gave us? Wonderful. We spend the rest.

Gypsy begins to guess with a deck of cards (on one side of the pictures: kibitka, heart, top of the mountain, kids, dog, clock)

1. You have a native (aya) mine, today favors the ideas aimed at the future, you will live in the palace! ( kibitita)
2. Wai, I see a career growth awaits you, you will be a big boss! ( peak)

3. Golden (oh) mine, love is waiting for you big. Love will be, the world to your feet will throw! ( a heart)

4. Wai-Wai, cute. Waiting for you a big family happiness and love of all your households! (children)

5. Friend to meet reliable. You will never deceive you and the words bad will not say! ( dog)

6. And your dear (and I), Creative successes at this evening will be seen by all those present! (Clock)

Sounds 21. Tools. Gypsy - Gypsy all calls to dance

Dance Break

Leading: It's time to eat again, our car-restaurant is waiting for you. And here I invite you to whom Gypsy has risen creative success, who fell out the "clock" in the deck. What is your name? Be kind - move our magic clock a little forward.

Sounds 5. Excerpt of the song Valery. Watch.

Leading: Hooray! 10 conventional minutes left before our midnight. Very soon our watches are trying the conditional 12 strikes - it's time to think that we will make it up for the next year. In the meantime there is a time, I invite you to approach me "cats and cats" (They are preparing for the New Year's fairy tale - they get elements of costumes).

Leading: We have a stop at the station "New Year's"

Sounds 23. Song. One simple fairy tale. - to the exit

The output of the characters "New Year's fairy tales", ...

small break


Sounds 23. Song. The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Raffle - Lottery of New Year's Prizes.

Leading: Dear passengers, once again check for their travel tickets. Each ticket has its own number. And now Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden will hold a New Year Lottery (Prepare barrels from the game Lotto and small prizes).

Santa Claus: Hello, girls and boys!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, these are adults, we are not on the matinee.

Santa Claus: Oh, granddaughter, I live so long ago in the world, that for me, even Caucasian long-livers are children, and here all young, and beautiful. Well, come together - tell the poems - we get gifts.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, tired already poems - gifts. Come on, arrange a lottery: to whom that will get. And they have already performed poems and songs.

Santa Claus: Well, lottery, so lottery, start, granddaughter!

Snow Maiden: The first prize is played: christmas decoration - Bell. And such a prize receive the following numbers ... .. All check the numbers, how to hear yours - go out for the prize.

Get from the bag 7 barrels and call their numbers

Santa Claus: And now the prize from me personally: christmas decorations With my brother Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden: (pulls 6 barrels) And such a prize receive numbers ....

Santa Claus: This prize will also decorate your Christmas tree - New Year's drum .(Christmas tree toy)

Snow Maiden: (Pulls 7 numbers) And such a prize gets the rooms ....

Snow Maiden: And this prize personally from me - the pleasure of all night - the dummy (pulls 2 keg).

Santa Claus: And he gets lucky with numbers ...

Santa Claus: The following prize is sweet (chocolates) and it gets numbers ….(pulls 6 barrels)

Snow Maiden: And again, what you can decorate your Christmas tree. And this prize gets numbers …..….(pulls 6 barrels)

Santa Claus: And now prizes are played from our main sponsor - (company name)

Snow Maiden: Beauty Yacht (toy) Get numbers (get 2 barrels)

24. Fanfares sound

Snow Maiden: Rooms are invited here. ….(Pulls 5 kegs)

24. Fanfares sound

Snow Maiden: Please delay, now the exit of a specially invited New Year's singer in Russia.

Sounds 25. Song of the Christmas tree. Provence.

(Eating "Christmas tree" - in advance to move one of the guests, as if sings and put autographs on the discs, "Christmas tree sings", the rest go)

Leading: Dear Christmas tree, please move our magic clock for another 5 minutes ahead.

Sounds 5. Excerpt of the song Valery. Watch.

Leading: Thank you. We carry out a star. Thanks to all.

Snow Maiden: And there was a queue of the superprise draw. Place the right to move the clock to the New Year midnight.

Santa Claus: And this prize gets the number ...

Snow Maiden: We welcome! He is given flag in hand (check box) Prepared, filled glasses!


26. Quarants.

The evening ends new Year's games and

To the corporate scenario for the new year it is necessary to cook:

1. A beautiful clock clock in which the arrows are moving. 2.Baleti, on every ticket Picture with animals: Cockerels, piglets, cows, dogs and kitty - to participate in the concert program and number - for the drawing of New Year's prizes, barrels for the lotto and prizes for everyone, 3. Balls with positive predictions for each. four.Cuts from newspapers and magazines for the game "I have in pants", 5.Musical design for dance program and congratulatory numbers

6. Costumes:Baba Yagi and Children, Serdyuchka and Ukrainians, Eastern costumes (Sultan, 3 wives, 3 mother-in-law),Gypsy,Santa Claus and Snow Maiden,. As well assuits (or costume elements) for fairy tale characters:Christmas tree, pig, bunny, snowflake and For a parody of singer Tree,