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New Year's games in the room for schoolchildren. New Year's games and contests for children

Fun around the New Year tree, decorated with Mishur, garlands and toys, - such a holiday will probably cause delight from any child. An even more interesting celebration will make games and contests. knows which competitions and fun to arrange for children so that the holiday becomes unforgettable.

New Year competitions for preschoolers

Horror around the Christmas tree
To interest the most young players, you need to try: the kids are very quickly lost if the occupation does not cling. In such a situation there will be a dance around the Christmas tree. This is a win-win version that you like for children of any age. Usually dances are watering under the song "The Little Christmas tree is cold in winter" or "a Christmas tree was born in the forest."

The game "What are the Christmas trees?"
The presenter (in his role the Snow Maiden or Santa Claus) says:
- See what the church is elegant with us: all in beautiful toys and garlands. Guys, do you know where the Christmas tree grow? Of course, in the forest! Christmas trees are different: wide and thin, high and low.
Next, the lead must explain the rules of the game:
- Guys, get into a circle and take each other by hands, and I will say, what Christmas trees are. If I say: "High", you must raise your hands up, and if you hear: "Low", you need to sit down and lower your hands. If I mention about wide christmas trees, you need to make a circle wider. And if I say, "thin," you have to make a circle already. Everyone is understandable? Once or two or three, started!

Music game
(on the motive of the song "Good Beetle" from the film-tales "Cinderella")
1. Stand up, children, stand in a circle, stand up in a circle, stand up in a circle! Chlo in the palm, do not regret your hands! Jump like bunnies: jump yes ICK, jump yes IC! Now sweep, do not regret your feet!
2. 3A Hands we will rise quickly, cheering and raise your hands up, jumping above all! Hands we lower down, let's get down the leg of the leg, the left left we feet and twist your head!
The game is repeated 2 more times.

Game "Fucking a Christmas tree"
Children are divided into two teams. Each has a box with christmas toys (preferably unboring). The essence of the game is that players should dress artificial Christmas treewhich stands at a distance from the teams. The child must take a toy out of the box, reach the Christmas tree, hang toy on her and return to his team. And so to the last player. The team wins, whose tree will be decorated with the first.

Cat-Mouse game
Three players from the team are dressing in the costumes of the cats and hand it over a stick to which a long rope is attached. A bout flesh is attached to the opposite end of the rope. Players under fun music wind up the rope on the wand, and gradually the mouse is approaching. Wins the most agile cat, which was faster than the other "catch" the mouse.

Games for younger schoolchildren 6-10 years

Game "Christmas Crochets"
The presenter says the quatrains, and the children shouted the words of each final line.

Good in his dress
Devora is always glad to her,
On the branches of her needle,
In the dance calls everyone ... (Christmas tree)

There is a Christmas tree
In the cap, a mixed clown,
Silver horns
And with pictures ... (checkboxes)

Beads, colored stars,
Miracle masks painted,
Squirrels, cocks and pigs,
Very ringing ... (slappers)

From the Christmas tree Wink Martyka,
Smile brown bear,
Zainka hangs from the watt,
Lollipops and ... (chocolates)

Next to him a snowman,
Red Cat-Fluff
And big on top ... (bump)

No colorful outfit:
Multicolored garland,
Gilding Mishura
And shiny ... (balls)

Bright foil flashlight,
Bell and boat,
Train and machine,
Snow-white ... (Snowflake)

Christmas tree All surprises knows
And everyone wishes fun.
For happy defones
Light up ... (lights)

The game "Who is ahead?"
Competition for agility. Pre-hang on the backs of two chairs on a winter jacket with twisted sleeves, and on the seat, put a fur hat, a scarf and a couple of mobs. During the competition, players under fun music must turn the sleeves of the jackets, then wear them and the rest of the winter equipment (header, scarf and mittens). The prize will receive the one who is the first to take place on his chair and cry: "Happy New Year!"

New Year's contest "Mask, I know you!"
Of all the guys you need to choose only one player. His master puts on a mask. Moreover, the player should not see whose mask is hope for him. The rest see what this hero is. The player in the mask must guess who is depicted on it. He asks questions to other children and receives tips from them. Only "yes" or "no" can be answered for questions. As a prize, the mask was guessing.

Competition "Mishura"
Competition competition for two teams. As a details, the host gives Mishur to each child. New Year's song sounds, for example, Jingle Bells. To the music in each team, the first participant tie his tinsel to his tinsel on the hand of the second participant, then the second - on the hand of the third and so on. The last player runs to the first and tie Mishur to him - it turns out a circle. The team wins, the participants of whom earlier rivals coped with the task and raised their hands with tied tinsel.

The game "Dr. Aibolit"
Again command game. This time players become in the ranks. Doctor Aibolit wants to know: Does anyone have a temperature during the New Year holiday? The fabulous hero puts under the mouse to the first participants in both teams on a large cardboard thermometer. At this time, cheerful music sounds. The second players must take a thermometer and put it to themselves, then they take away the thermometer of third players and so on last child in rank. In the same way, the thermometer moves to reverse order: From the last players to the first. The team wins, whose first player will quickly return the thermometer Dr. Aibolit.

Competition "Christmas playing"
Before the two players, the host places a prize, wrapped in a bright wrapping paper, and says the following text:
"IN new Year's hour, friends,
It is impossible!
Digit "Three" do not skip
Take the prize, do not yaw!

Herringbone guests met.
Five children came first,
To not be bored in the holiday
They began to count everything on it:
Two snowflakes, six clappers,
Eight gnomes and parsley
Seven nuts gilded
Among Mishura twisted
Ten cones numbered
And then read tired.
Tripped three girls ... "
If the players did a prize, he was betraying and says: "Where were your ears?" In the event that one of the players proves to be attentive, the presenter concludes: "Here is the attentive ears!"

Game "New Year's Transsets"
Santa Claus says phrases, and children must answer "yes" or "no" regardless of rhyme.

You, friends, came here to have fun?
I discard a secret: did you wait for the grandfather?
You frost, cold scare mind?
Are you still ready to dance in the Christmas tree?
Holiday is nonsense, do you like it better?
Santa Claus brought sweets, will you eat them?
With Snow Maiden, do you always play ready?
Are you disappearing without everyone around?
Never melts grandfather. Do you believe it?
Sneaking from the Christmas tree a coupler in the dance need?

Competition "Laugh Nesmeyanu"
For the competition, it is necessary to prepare details in advance: funny masks, overhead noses, ears.
Tsarevna Nesmeyana knows where the Snow Maiden is hidden, but can not open the secret to children, as it is constantly crying. The task of the contestants is to launch it with cheerful movements and dances. For add-on bright image The guys can take advantage of a fun requisite.

For children from 10 years

Competition "New Year's suit"
For this contest, it will take props: paper (sufficiently large size - at least A4), tape, pins, scissors and glue.
For a certain time (let's say, 10 minutes) you need to come up with and make a New Year's suit. The task complicates what it is necessary to have time not only to make an outfit, but also to present it to the public, to tell what exactly he means and for which it serves (for example, the evening is an outfit or a masquerade suit). The jury assesses the result of applause. The team wins, earned the most high-profile and prolonged ovations.

Competition "Ball with Surprise"
On sheets of paper it is necessary to write comic New Year's tasks, put the notes in balloonsand then inflate them. Each participant should give a ball with a task. It must be burst without hands. When a participant cope with it, he will need to perform a written task (for example, sing a song, to dance the dance of small swans, etc.). Won the one who will do it most funny.

Competition "New Year chain"
For this contest, the sheets of A4, adhesive pencil and scissors should be prepared. Two teams must take part. For a certain time (5-7 minutes), participants must cut strips (3 cm wide and 12 cm long), and then connect them to the New Year chain. The team wins, which will make the longest chain.

  • 01 Remember that children quickly switch their attention. Therefore, contests should not be done too long.
  • 02 Do not hold several contests at once. Dilute them with a dance program or concert numbers.
  • 03 Be sure to reward and encourage the winners.

New Year holidays adore children of any age. And it's not just in gifts, but in the ability to have fun with a noisy company. Interesting games, funny tasks, merry Phanti - In all this, they are ready to take part until the morning. Especially loved by New Year's phantas for children who are simultaneously interesting, and fascinating, and cheerful. Children's phantas, must be drawn up taking into account age interests, so we offer tasks for both preschoolers and students of junior and middle classes.

In this article:

Phanti for children 5, 6, 7, 8 years

Preschoolers I. junior schoolchildren - These are merry and playful guys who adore different games, fun and contests. Putty phantas will help entertain both familiar and unfamiliar company. But even the easiest and funny tasks always require help adults.

"Photo portrait"

Merry phantas offer you carefully look at the neighbor on the left, to the neighbor on the right, then blindfolded, describe how they look with full details of the appearance (moles, hair color, etc.). If the company is small, you can describe all.


Speak tying (text will fit adults, focusing on children).


Woman without hand chopped different fruits on a plate.

"I know everything"

The master pronounces the text, and the performer should be repeated (show) it, but in motion. "I'm going to kindergarten, right hand I clean my teeth, and I wash my eyes with my left hand. I comb your hair with my left hand, but I eat my porridge with his right hand. Left hand I do a charge, right foot - Mahi, left hand I am ironing the tummy after breakfast. Right leg I am Masha, the left hand again charging, I'm sacing with right again. With my left hand, I drink milk, right I wear pants, and I go to school, and now on one leg ski, but on another roller horse. "


Organize a train and rent all guests around the rooms. Required condition: Nothing to demolish on its way.


For 60 seconds, it is beautifully describing today's children's holiday.


Cover the bedspread, choose a lion and the children's song "Lion and Turtles".



Perform the desire of the second left player.


Friends should hide in the room some subject, and the player find it on the tips "hot" and cold.


To come up with everyone, including yourself, harmless nicknames and until the end of the evening call each other.


Picture using a pantomime as a bear falls in a hibernation and sleeps in winter.


Tell quatrain about New Year's holiday.


In the task of 5 words come up with a tale.

Words: "Forest, Hut, Boy, Beast, Baba Yaga".


Blindfolded new Year tree.


Laugh two minutes without any reason, thereby sure to laugh friends.


This participant of the New Year holiday should be eats without hands a cake, while the child should stand on his feet, and lay the cupcake on the chair.


A minute for a minute on one leg, you can bounce, while not touching the floor. In the case of touch, 10 seconds are added.


Draw, holding a pencil between your fingers, a portrait of any of the guests, pointing to it the rest.


Choose a partner who will tell any meek fairy tale or poem, and Phanti will have to show it in a domestic language with different movements.

"Master of the Year"

To congratulate guests on the face of the host of the year in the Japanese calendar. Everything should be approaching and walking, and manners, and voice.

"Fairy tales"

Recall 10 of any fairy tales, cartoons, movies for children, where we are talking about winter, christmas or new year. Example for the lead:

  1. "12 months",
  2. "Nutcracker",
  3. "Winter Tale",
  4. "Snow Maiden" (from the cartoon "Well, wait"),
  5. "The Snow Queen",
  6. "Adventure Viti and Masha",
  7. "Morozko",
  8. "Toyed last year's snow",
  9. "Winter".


Remember 10 songs where we are talking About winter, christmas or new year. Example for the lead:

  • "Three white horse",
  • "Tell the Snow Maiden, where it was",
  • "Santa Claus song" (cartoon),
  • "Kaba did not have winter",
  • "Snowflake",
  • "Ice ceiling",
  • "5 minutes",
  • "Umka",
  • "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree",
  • "Little Christmas tree."

"Fashion show"

To make a fashion show by using the gathered guests. If they are not very elegant, you should be stocking of various details of the wardrobe and dress up. Talk about children's costumes, show all their beauty on the podium.

"The president"

Come up with 5 new decrees from the face of the president and announce them by entering the role of the role in the appropriate situation.


Show Snow Maiden or Snowman, which began to melt with the arrival of spring and the appearance of the first sunlight.

"12 months"

List 12 months first from the 1st to the 12th, and then on the contrary.

"New Year costume"

From the primary materials to make a cool New Year's suit.

Phanti for children from 9 to 12 years.

Children 9, 10, 11 and 12 years old love New Year holidays and various funny Games, contests. Connect them not only to the process of holding an event, but also to prepare for it and they will be happy. The guys will be able to pick up funny details for children's New Year competitions, and perhaps even tell interesting ideas. But leave the Children's New Year's phantas as a surprise, the children are so loved.


This player must show all how he juggles with three apples or oranges.


Pail with guests such plot tasks:

  • "Three heroes".
  • "Monument to the janitor."
  • "Kitten from Lieseukov Street" (remember exactly how it is depicted).


Singing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" in the RAP style, necessarily dancing.


The player is given two minutes. For the first minute, he must tell how to spend a week, describe the daily schedule: in the morning and to evening. For the second - to tell the same, only on the contrary, it should be started from today and ending in the morning of weekly limitation.


Come up with a short filmcenery with the participation of your friends, with a good end.


Come up with simple movements and show them all, then to the music to dance all together.

"I love everyone, I'll hunt everyone"

This phanta must be told about every good best, making compliments.

"Beautiful girl"

Childishly portrayed in front of an imaginary mirror as adult women, from beginning to end, and not just one eyes or some lips.


In the task of 5 nouns, 5 verbs, come up with a dream of a fairy tale.

Nouns: "Forest, night, sorceress, magic, princess."
The verbs "hid, saved, ran away, cried."


Show Pantomime Morning Awakening and Charges to School.


Prepare for a certain period of time from the fact that there is a fruit salad on the table and treat friends, waiting for assessments to your skill. Do not forget to wash your hands before cooking.

"Caring friend"

To tie a neighbor on the left towel, instead of a napkin, and blindfolded his eyes.


From any guest to create a New Year tree. Dress up with girlfriend, napkins, spoons, etc.


For a minute, call 10 cities (can both countries) on the letter "A".


Mix all guests. You can show a pantomime or come up with some joke.


For a certain amount of time (depending on the guests), pronounce friends names on the contrary.

"Lopni Ball"

Click the balloon between the legs and burst it.


Tell friends about your poles, which has not yet told anyone.

"Dance of Little Swan"

Wear a pack, cape and dance the dance of small swans. You can also wear a butterfly wings or something funny.


Choose a partner, to repeat the flow of movement two or three minutes. For example, it may be a children's dressing pantomime before the holiday or actions of dining meals.


Bypassing the whole apartment, without turning never. If the player turned, then it is necessary to go through a new one.


Choose a partner. Children need to stand shoulder to shoulder, hug each other for the waist with one hand. Free hands They will have to have a snack, feeding each other and walk around the room as Siamese twins.

"Ryaba chicken

Tell a fairy tale, showing and playing every hero, including the author, himself.

"Merry singer"

Watch any modern song with different sounds: "Hrew-Khrew", "Be-Bee", "Gav-Gav".


Show how chicken gets out of your egg and how does your first steps.


Pail with rope S. closed eyeswhich passes through the room. At the same time, it is necessary to do the same "Pa", as presumably can make a circus artist.


Take an interview in an adult, for example, at your dad or mom, asking questions about childhood of any of them.

"Well no"

For a minute, cook 10 questions to which there will be answers only "yes or no" and for the second minute, very quickly ask them to your friends, for example, to the right left.

"Nesmeyan (a)"

Strengthen 2 minutes without leaning never. At this time, friends should mix the player in every way, but without touching his hands.


To eat half of the lemon, neatly chopped on a saucer, explaining to everyone, as it all delicious, sweet and great.

About the calendar-waiting holiday sooner or later almost every family is conceived. Little children are not very well aware of the time, so, receiving the boxes with sweets within 30 days new Year's tasks, they can better imagine how much time it remains. The problem is usually the fact that parents remember the calendar too late when the strength and time to prepare surprises is very small. In December, everyone is already buying gifts and compells. That is why we offer to begin early preparation strongly and publish 31 idea-tasks for the pre-New Year calendar expectations.

3 Lifehak for those who are planning a pre-New Year marathon

1. Look carefully on the task list before you start making a calendar, and buy everything you need: small surprises for children, decorations, sequins and glue.

2. Do not try to make a calendar for 1 day. To 25 tasks, you will get tired of glue boxes or sign leaves with a task and practically wave an idea. Act without hurrying.

3. Do not make 30 tasks for children under 5 years: to such a calendar they lose interest in the second week. The kids are enough 10 days so that the holiday expectation does not lose his charm.

30 tasks for the New Year calendar who will make the expectation of the holiday joyful

1. Write a letter Santa Claus
Ideally, this task should be the first to have parents to buy gifts ordered by a child. By the way, on there is useful article On this topic, "We write a letter to Santa Claus: Instructions for moms and babies."

Required: Envelope, colored paper, markers, glue, sequins.

2. Find out about the traditions of the celebration of the New Year in different countries : About the name is the name of Finnish, French, American, Spanish and other sheds of frost, and how people celebrate the holiday. Prepare and yourself, read the article "How to celebrate the New Year in different countries."

Required: A selection of videos, cartoons, books on the topic (for example, the book of the new year and Christmas from Mann, Ivanov and Ferber

3. Make your own hands snowflakes, christmas toys, garlands and decorate them home
Our instructions and photo galleries with ideas can be useful here:
10 ways to make garlands
Snowflake cutting instructions
Three-dimensional snowflake
Christmas tree toys do it yourself
Christmas toys do it yourself. Part II.

Required: Colored and white paper, glue, decorations for crafts.

4. Start learning New Year's poems and songs
Focus on the age of the child and pick up the poems that he can remember and love. Do not torfer the baby: the child must receive from New Year's songs positive emotions, not stress.

Required: Selection of poems I. musical compositionsfrom which you can start a day. Here you have a crib from
New Year's poems
15 main children's New Year's songs

5. Watch the cartoons and family films about New Year and Christmas
Excellent reason to show children old cartoons "Night Before Christmas", "Snowman-Mailing" and others.

Required: Internet access and a pre-thought-out list. Prompt:
New Year in cartoons
Review of New Year films for family viewing

6. Make a bird feeder

Required: Cardboard bags from under milk or juice, paints or implant markers, scissors, rope, glue.

7. Go to the New Year Fair or the most elegant New Year's Eve Square in the city

8. Blind Snowman , paint it watercolor paints Or dress in a pre-stitched suit that is not sorry to leave in the courtyard after a walk.

Required: Cap and scarf for snowman, carrot, paints, brushes, water bottle and cup.

9. Sign and send New Year's postcards in advance to friends and relatives
Even if close people live in one city with you, they will be pleased to get a congratulation signed by children's hand.

Required: Find out the exact address of the recipients and buy a set of cards with stamps.

10. Make ice christmas tree toy and hang her on a tree or bush in his yard
To freeze a glass with water in the refrigerator, in which to put the decorations and a small piece of wire, for which you can hang the toy.

Required: plastic cups, paints, tinsel or other decorations, rope models or wire.

11. Release bubble On Moroza
Not all children comes to mind trying it in winter. Believe me, in winter they are waiting for a lot of discoveries when sprinkling bubbles in the frost!

Required: Soap bubble bottle.

12. Bake New Year's cookies
Perfect entertainment for the whole family on the weekend. Children love to cut the dough figures and spend time in the kitchen with parents.

Required: good recipe New Year's cookies. For example:
Furnishing asterisks for the Christmas tree
Ideas for New Year's liver and other sweets
Decorating New Year's cookies

13. Make a good deed and help someone who needs it
Saw an announcement that animal shelter needs food? Grandmother at the transition does not decide to move the road? Hearney fell angina? You with your child there is a wonderful chance to make a good deed!

14. Package gifts
Do not leave this lesson for the last 2 weeks of the outgoing year: you still do not have time. Already now, notice interesting ideas in our selection:
How to pack gifts: ideas for the new year

Required: Kraft packages, kraft paper, packaging thematic paper, sequins, tape, ribbon.

15. Make a small Christmas tree from non-traditional materials: painted pasta, napkins, wire, etc.

Required: All anything - depends on your idea. By the way, inspired by our stunning photo gallery: what trees are made of

16. Come up with, make and paint new Year decoration salted dough or homemade clay

Required: Salted dough or clay recipes:
Salt dough crafts
New Year's homemade clay toys

17. Make a snowy tree twigs

Required: 2-3 branches of wood, salt, glass jar or vase

18. Coloring a candle with acrylic paints
Or make a candlestick:
Glass Candlestick
Limony in Limone

Required: Depends on the selected idea.

19. Recall and draw or write down the most interesting events of the outgoing year.
This is a great way to teach the child to summarize the year.

Required: Sheet, notepad, pen, markers.

20. To make a conventional or curable plasticine symbol of the year, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Required: Plasticine or dough for modeling.

21. Make a sweet tree with a child
The main thing is not to eat it at a time! Step-by-step instruction from

Required: Cardboard, scissors, glue / "Liquid nails", candy in the candy (better paper), paints, brushes

22. Dress up the Christmas tree with the whole family, having previously purchasing missing garlands or toys

Required: Christmas tree, decoration, garlands, christmas toys.

23. Come up with and rehearse the New Year's performance, which will be pleased to show the holidays of grandparents in the first days of vacation

Required: scenario.

24. Watch the diameters or arrange the theater of shadows, cutting out of the paper of fabulous characters and inventing the New Year's story

Required: Projector for diamers, fabulous plot, colored paper, scissors, glue, markers.

25. Going away the whole family to skate or skis
Or arrange funny winter games on the street.

26. Invite friends to the New Year party
Many children leave for the holidays, so to meet and play at home before the holidays - an excellent thought.

27. Learn to draw the main heroes of the holiday - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Required: Our instruction:
How to draw Snow Maiden
How to draw Santa Claus

28. Prepare gifts to teachers or educators made by your own hands

Required: All that is usually used for crafts.

29. Come up with little surprises to your favorite friends from kindergarten or school

30. Decorate your entrance and floor
Just do not forget to remove all the snowflakes, garlands and balls!

Required: christmas decorations: Toys, garlands, etc.

31. Arrange a family photo session
If there is an opportunity - in the studio with thematic decorIf not - then invite friends and arrange homework!

Required: Camera and excellent mood.

Anna Shumovskaya

Suitable for completion of the next academic year, and very soon on shift Yellow dog, symbolizing the outgoing year, will come yellow Earthy pig - 2019 year. All school brethren look forward to the onset of New Year holidays. Still, after all, the whole 2 weeks of the winter holidays are awaiting children ahead. Finally, it will be possible to relax from endless lessons and homework. Traditionally, every school has a New Year's matinee for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 classes, and teachers are developing on the eve of the holiday an interesting scenario festive event. It may be a traditional masquerade with original outfits, and a matinee saturated with all sorts of competitions, games, quiz. We bring to your attention 13 ideas of interesting and merry competitions At school for the new year 2019, which will seem funny, cool and quite energetic. And remember that such classes will not pass for the guys without a trace, they will definitely affect their self-realization in his future life.

Types of New Year's competitions for schoolchildren

In order to mark the completion of the winter school period at school and meet the New Year 2019, the teachers seek to make as much joy as possible and fun in each class, fill their atmosphere of kindness and anticipation new Year's magic and miracle. During this period, the whole school composition, both children and teachers, must feel the power of a strong and inseparable friendship of this educational institution, his unity. To do this, you have to create entire scripts that contain a list of funny events for children. of different ages. The most interesting and well-known are selected, which will definitely enjoy all the guys without exception. After all, children, first of all, should relax as much as possible, recharged positive emotions, to liberate, and even then shine intellectual abilities. To do this, we give you as an example of the following good and humorous contestswhich simply needs to interest and entertain all students of primary and secondary schools.

Sports contests:

  • "Centipede";
  • "Who jumps further";
  • "Snake";
  • "Silita";
  • "Gymnastics on a chair";
  • "Cincachi";
  • "Drunk caterpillar" and much more.

Dance contests:

  • "Dance Sport";
  • "Dancing with fruit";
  • "Dancing with balls";
  • "Ice dances";
  • "Island narrows";
  • "Primitive dance";
  • "Choose a pair", etc.

Creative contests:

  • "Ah, dress,";
  • "Frog run";
  • "Table setting";
  • "Flower";
  • "The word is code";
  • "Animals from the forest";
  • "Riddles at the bottom" and so on.

Comic contests:

  • "Surprise";
  • "Chairs on stage";
  • "Consistency on three";
  • "Slorvers";
  • "The most careful";
  • "Button and Peeling";
  • "Dress each other" and much more.

Intellectual contests:

  • "Drawing according to the concepts";
  • "Remember the details";
  • "Detectives";
  • "Pun";
  • "Situations";
  • Spoiled fax "and so on.

These and many other contests would be excellent to spend at school for the new year 2019, so that children do not have to miss and wait for the early end of the New Year's event.

Competition "Open Castle"

The rules of this competition are pretty simple, each of the participants leads one the padlock and bundle keys. The task of the contestant is to quickly find the key that suits the castle and open it. The first who can cope with the task becomes the winner and receives a gift. The lock can be hung on the closet, in which the prize will lie.

Video about New Year's competitions for children and parents

Competition "Abrakadabra"

To participate in this competition for the new year 2019, it is necessary to form 2-3 teams, come up with the original New Year's name and choose the captain. While children will be busy leading to school board need to write a few columns various words (The number of columns depends on the number of generated commands) with rearranged syllables and letters. It is possible to highlight the letter with which the word begins to facilitate the task. The task of each team is to write the right one near each word. Who will quickly cope with the task, receives a reward from the lead.

Try to choose the words that will correspond to New Year's theme, for example:

  • esnsnarkaochny (Snow Maiden);
  • elaka (Christmas tree);
  • darchPo (gift);
  • knakuili (vacation);
  • azprnikd (holiday);
  • zhinsenak (Snowflake);
  • yefervescre (fireworks), etc.

Competition "Walk"

To carry out this game at school, the kegli and eye bandages will be needed. Keywords: kegli need to place a snake. Children are divided into two teams and eyes are tied to each player. Holding hands, they need to go through the predetermined distance and to hurt as few kegs as possible. Each mounted bow is one penalty point. At the end of the competition, the number of penalty points of each team is calculated, who will have less them - the winner.

Competition "Artists"

In the center of the circle or pop - two easels with paper. The presenter causes two groups of five. According to the leading signal, the first of the group take coal and paint the beginning of the figure, the signal is transmitted to the following signal. Task - all five competing draw specified drawing faster than their opponents. Everything must be involved in drawing. Tasks are given uncomplicated, often draw it:

  • locomotive;
  • bicycle;
  • steamer;
  • cargo car;
  • tram;
  • airplane, etc.

Such fascinating competition For the New Year 2019, held at school by teachers, will be remembered for children for a long time.

Competition "Festive menu"

Competition "Rack"

Two children on 6 children participate in this speech. This is grandfather, grandmother, bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. The opposite wall has 2 chairs. On every highchair sits a repka - a child in a hat with the image of a repka.
The game starts grandfather. At the signal, he runs to a repka, rushes it and returns, cling to him (takes him behind the waist) grandmother, and they continue to run together, again enhanced repka and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, and so on. At the end of the game The mouse clings to repka. This contest wins the team that faster pulled out a rep. New Year 2019 with such amusing games will be a real holiday for schoolchildren.

Competition "Who? Where? When?"

All participants in the competition, who is held at school, are sitting at the table. Each of them has a sheet of paper and a handle. The presenter asks for all the question: "Who?" At the very top of the Sheet, the contestants write their answer - what occurred to the head (friend, parrot, teacher, starlets, etc.), after which the paper is bent so as to read the word written to them, it was impossible to others and transfers to his neighbor on the right . Then the presenter sets the following question: "Where?", And the participants write their answer again, bend the edge of the sheet and transmit a friend, sitting on the right.

Thus, it is necessary to ask about 10 questions:

  • "when?"
  • "with whom?"
  • "to whom?"
  • "In what time?"
  • "why?"
  • "what for?"

The presenter collects all the notes and begins to read the resulting "stories". It happens, quite funny and funny offers are obtained, which will laugh for the new year 2019 anyone.

Competition "Music Reliefs"

To entertain children for the New Year 2019, you can also hold a funny dance competition called "Music Reliefs". The presenter includes music for 10 to 20 seconds. At this time, all participants of the game can dance, jump, jump, in short, perform any active physical Actionsuntil the music stops. Immediately after the presenter turned off the music, players should sit as quickly or lie on the floor. Who will do it last - he comes out of the game. Thus, the game continues until one player remains - winner.

Competition "Prize in riddles"

This contest is as follows: the prize is taken, turns into paper, and the content of any riddle is glued to the wrapper. Turns around again. And the mystery is glued again. And so ten times. Playing sit in a circle. The presenter gives one wrapped up the prize one wrapped in ten wrappers. The playing removes one wrapper, sees a riddle, reads him. If I guess - says a riddle, if not, reads a riddle out out loud who gave birth to her, gets the right to further deploy the prize and everything continues on the same scheme. Wins the one who guessing the riddle will get to the very end.

Thus, the child will not just take part in this event, which is held at school for the new year 2019, but also, if lucky, wakes up a cherished prize.

Competition "Snowballs"

No less fascinating competition that interests all children for the new year 2019 and will help to rest after the busy training period. For this, children are divided into two teams and choose a captain to which the leading presents a blank package. The rest of the players from paper should make themselves 3-4 snow. At the signal of the leading contestants begin to throw their snowballs in the package, which holds the captain. The captain can help in this, but it is forbidden to catch snowballs and put in his package. The winner becomes the team, in whose package will be more snowballs.

Competition "Christmas tree"

It - funny competitionrecommended for holding at school, as it will allow children a little to have a little. Participants are in a circle. The presenter declares the conditions. Christmas trees are different: high, low, wide and thin. When the lead will be uttered by the word "high" - children should raise up hands, "low" - sit down, "wide" - make a circle wider, "thin" - make a circle already. Turns on musical accompaniment And the game begins. The lead tries to confuse children, pronounce words in different sequences and repeating. The participant who will not fulfill required action - dropping out of the game, which then continues according to the same scenario. For the new year 2019, such a game will give good mood to all participants and audience.

Video: Competition of artists

Competition "Who am I?"

The guys are divided into two teams and choose one person who will guess their character. This player gets a sheet of paper on which the word will be written: cartoon character, movies, fabulous hero, any animal, etc. It is forbidden to look at this leaf. The contestant becomes a face to his team and shows them what is written on a piece. The task is that the player can guess which character was indicated on the paper leading. It is allowed to ask only the questions for which his team members will be able to respond only "yes" or "no".

Possible questions:

That wins in this New Year's competition, spent at school, who fastest gazes the said character.

Competitions for children 5-8 years for New Year.

The hall is beautifully decorated. Congratulations to children. Tea drinking. Everyone is sitting at the tables.

  1. List what happens in the New Year. Players answer alternately. Losers drop out of the game.
  2. Competition "Flying, Snowflake".
  3. Game for New Year's concert
    (Condition: The presenter reads poetry, and the game participants say "and I" after those quadrupp, where it is appropriate).

    I love walking through the snow
    And I love to play snowballs.
    I love to run skiing,
    And I love skates.

    I love in winter and summer
    Sing, play and dance.
    And I love candy
    Straight with frentity chew.

    I love to fly on sledding
    So that the wind witnessed ...
    I am inside out today
    The fur coat was warm.

    I gave way to riddles
    And gifts received
    There was a lot of sweet apples,
    Never missed a minute!

    And girls and boys
    In the dance, fast run,
    And fluffy bunny
    Sleep under the Christmas tree in the snow.

    So danced our legs,
    Even began to creak the floor,
    And in the forest in his burgric
    Before the spring fell asleep bear.

    Our Christmas tree is all in toys.
    Oh, what beauty!
    Clapper slapped loudly
    And inside it is empty.

    This holiday is New Year
    I will never forget.
    Composed all day today -
    It turned out nonsense!

  4. Dance with a mitch of Santa Claus.
  5. Mask, I know you

    Leading dresses a player mask. The player sets different questions to which the answers receive - Tips: - Is this an animal? - Not. - Human? - Not. - Bird? - Yes! - Home? - Well no. - She caches? - Not. - Cracks? - Yes! - This is a duck! Guessing as a prize is awarded and mask itself.

  6. Game "Bears on the ice"
  7. New Year's competition "Christmas trees are"

    We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the woods of the Christmas tree we grow different, and wide, and low, high, thin. That's if I say "High" - Raise your hands up. "Low" - squat and lower hands. "Wide" - make a circle wider. "Thin" - do the circle already. Now play! (The presenter plays, trying to confuse children)

  8. Mousetrap game
  9. New Year's competition from the Snow Maiden

    I'll tell you the story
    One and a half dozen phrases.
    Only I say the word "three",
    The prize immediately take!

    Once pike we caught,
    Considered what inside.
    Small fish saw,
    And not alone, but ... five.

    Dreams of a challenged guy
    Become an Olympic champion
    Look, at the start not the fuck,
    And wait for the team: "Once, two ... march"

    When you want to remember poems,
    They are not bubbling until late night,
    And about them to repeat,
    Time, different, and better ... seven.

    One train at the train station
    I had to wait three hours.
    Well, friends, you have taken the prize.
    I put you a rating "five".

    Himself without hands, without eyes, and it can draw. (Frost)
    Without hands, without legs, and the hut climbs. (Cold)
    Shuba Nova, and on a sub-hole. (Drub)
    It does not sink in water and does not burn in fire. (Ice)
    What is down the top grows? (Icicle)
    Blue sheet all light clothes. (Sky)
    Sister to the brother goes to visit, and he hides from her. (Moon and sun)
    It does not knock, it does not bounce, and the window will enter. (Dawn)
    In the summer walks, and in the winter resting. (Bear)
    Skattered by night grain: I looked in the morning - there is nothing. (Stars on the sky)

    Well, guys,
    Who guesses:
    On ten brothers
    two fur coats. (Mittens)

    Name-ka, guys,
    Month in this riddle:
    Days of all days shorter,
    All nights are longer than a night.

    On the fields and on the meadow
    Before spring lay down snow.
    Only our month will pass,
    We meet New Year. (December)

    Bumping ears, pinch nose,
    Climbs in felt boots.
    Splash water - falls
    Not water is already, but ice.
    Even the bird does not flies
    From frost is a bird.
    Turned the sun by the summer
    What, tell me, for the month it? (January)

    Walks in the field, yes not horse.
    Flying on the will, yes not a bird. (Winter storm)

    From the sky, the star fall, they will fall on the fields.
    Let the Black Earth hide beneath them.
    Many, many stars of thin, like glass.
    Stars are cold, and the ground is warm. (Snowflakes)

    For the new year, she is every happy, although her barrel her outfit. (Christmas tree)
    Which bird has a snow name? (Bullfinch)
    At all sits down, no one is afraid. (Snow)
    What tree has twelve busts, on every bitch four branches, and on each branch for seven leaves? (Year)

    What are the stars through
    On the coat and on the scarf?
    All through, cut,
    And you take the water in your hand. (Snowflakes)

    No bucket, nor brushes, no hands,
    And wins all the roofs around (frost)

    The old man at the gates warmly widths.
    He himself does not run, it does not stand. (Frost)

    Two smoky girlfriends
    Do not fall behind each other.
    Both in the snow run
    Both songs sing,
    Both tapes in the snow
    Leave on the run. (Skiing)

    All white white today
    And light, even though there is no sun.
    From the sky it raves cold,
    White-white soft ... (snow)

    In the blue sky scarlet ball,
    He and leveled and hot. (The sun)

  11. Game "Tag Snowball"
  12. Game "Santa Claus bag" (to choose toy and call it).
  13. New Year's contest "Telegram Santa Claus"

    The guys ask to call 13 adjectives: "thick", "red", "hot", "hungry", "sluggish", "dirty" ... when all the adjectives are recorded, the leading text of the telegram, and inserts the missing adjective on the list . Telegram text: "... Grandfather Frost! Everything ... Children look forward to yours ... arrival. New Year is the most ... holiday in year. We will sing for you ... songs, dance ... Dancing ! Finally comes ... New Year! How I do not want to talk about ... study. We promise we will receive only ... ratings. So, open your wilderness ... Bag and give us ... Gifts. With respect for you ... Boys and ... Girls! "