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It has long been the war - the literary and musical composition for the Victory Day. Peddortion


For a long time ended the war

Leading. We are here with you not because the date
As an evil fragment, the memory burns in the chest,
To the grave of an unknown soldier
You are on holidays and on weekdays come.

Leading. He defended you on the battlefield
Fell nor stepping without stepping back
And the name has this hero:
Russian army Simple soldier.

Reader. Peacefully the country woke up

This June day,

Just unfolded

In the squares of its lilac.

Rejoicing the sun and the world

Morning met Moscow.

Suddenly they separated by Ether

Memorial words ...

Immediately recognized the country.

In the morning we have on the threshold

Filled war.

Vocal group Performs the song "Sacred War" (Sl. V. Lebedeva-Kumacha, Muz.A. Alexandrov).

Leading. 22nd of June. This day will forever return our memory by 1941. So, by May 9, 1945. Between these two dates - a durable thread. Without one, it could not be the other.

Reader. It seemed to be cold in colors,

And from the dew they run down.

I dare that went through herbs and bushes,

They were shaking German binoculars.

Flower, in Rosinka all, to flower a trick.

And the border guard held hands to them.

And the Germans, king coffee to drink, that moment

They climbed into the tanks, closed the hatches.

So all breathe silence

That the whole earth still slept seemed

Who knew that between the world and the war

Just some five minutes left!


Yes, did not expect. Yes, were not ready. But on June 22, death carried away people's lives. Already on June 22, the land of buzzing under the caterpillars of tanks, rushed with the shells, made his way with automatic queues. Began an account 1418 bloody days great Patriotic War.

The country rose. All who could keep the weapon in their hands, who could protect their homeland. Yesterday's school students were deposited by the military registration and enlistment offices, they asked for the front, adding themselves a year or two. And left not to return. Almost all the school release of 1941 did not return from the front ...

Reader. It is important with girls forgiven,

On the go kissed mother,

In all new, they dressed up,

How to play the soldiers to play.

Neither bad nor good or medium ...

All of them in their place

Where no first nor the latter

They all overtake there.

Vocal group: Song "Take Sinel ..."

Reader. We went up and went to the attack, rushed to meet the flame and the wind to pass at least a meter of our land, but fell, without making it half meter.

And for the fifth time with the command "Forward!", Bright bayonets, Rota rose. But beat the stubborn enemy machine gun from the small dock ambrusuras.

And suddenly, behind the smoky shaft, a person dotted a lot of Dota, and a machine gun, muffled by forever, the latter jets choke. None of us then did not know who he was such and from the land, who gave life for a small quarter, defending his big land.

Vocal group:Song "Ninth Our landing battalion"

Resort to the headquarters of women
They say: - Head of the headquarters,
Send the squad soon.
For the village in Ovin
People saw alive
Three fascists - they say.
Commander Surov and Palen. -
I are poor people today.
All at the expense ... how can I be
One? .. here if, kaba
You have subscribed to me, women.
Baba: - Rada to send!
"Well, then," he said, "nat. -
Granted babam
And he led them.
And the head of the headquarters went
Explaining in short babam
How the grenade battle is leading.
Behind the village of Ovin is fragrant.
The three fascist caught
Firmly in the hay sleep ... and here
The first pomegranate is broken,
And rattling orders to rolling:
- on the enemy! .. Pomegranates! Platoon!
Trembled enemies
Under the fire is not to the style! -
Raise the arms hands
Tighten only pants,
But when the hands raised,
Warked: "Are you East Das?!
Platoon ... grenades ... but in fact? "
And in fact I looked at:
That's the thing, damn it!
Headquarters headquarters ahead
And around the raven ... Baba!
And no more than eight!

Vocal group:The song "For a long time we were not at home."

Lucky to the front of the boy
Comrade Military doctor ...
"My mother, mommy,
Not smooth me and do not cry!
On me a military form
Do not smooth me with others!
On me a military form
Your boots are on me.
Do not Cry!
I already twelve
I am an adult almost ...
Two, two ways, two
Rail tracks ...
In my pocket my documents,
Printing military stories.
In my pocket my documents,
For which I am the son of the regiment.
Famous, Guards,
Tested on fire ...
I'm going to the front, I hope
That Brauning will give me.
That I'm not a string in the attack,
That my time came ...
Also me, old women
Wear hard:
"Son, soldier small ...
I've come days ... "
My mother, mommy!
Mostly they explain everything!
Tell me why it is for
Do they need me?
Why are they stroking me?
Why my son is called?
And something whispering is vaguely,
And warm fussing Kalach ...
Russia is not!
Do not smooth me! And do not cry!
Do not smooth me!
I'm just the future son of the regiment,
And no heroism
I did not achieve yet!
And even you are not clear
What I'm ahead ... "
Two, two ways, two
Rail tracks.
The train goes measured
Swirl ridiculous
Long and very slow
What is the queue for bread.

Leading. Many mothers, having received the notice of the death of the Son during the Great Patriotic War, did not believe in this and the rest of the rest were hoping for a miracle - a miracle of resurrection.

Let's go to death with enemies
Her eagles, her sons.
Mother expects them for years:
Perhaps everyone will come from the war ...
Sleeps at Mamaeva Kurgan,
Near Stalingrad, son alone,
Other - the midst of the sea-ocean,
The medium of gloomy Baltic depths.
And the youngest of the Danube:
Medals talk about ...
And my mother believes, waiting for
What children will return to the house.
Sitting real estate
With a frozen stone face ...
Or maybe this is a strict profile
On the stone carved with a cutter.

Leading. Hitler's plans included foods with foreign lands. On the captured territories, as if thistle, the German gendarmes began to rail, and they were all selected from cattle peasants, bread, bird, vegetables. The fascist army sent thousands of echelons to Germany with a worn cargo. The enemies wanted to do worry on the painful slow death as many people who remained alive, take Leningrad with bare hands, and turn the prisoners into slaves ... It was a fascist strategy of hunger.

Reader. Girl hands stretched out and head on the edge of the table. At first they thought - fell asleep, and it turned out - she died. No one pulled a word, only hoarsely, through the blurred moan, the teacher said that again lessons - after the funeral.

Leading. September 8, 1941 over the city closed the ring blockade in length in 900 days and nights. In the ring of the blockade of Leningrad turned out to be 2 million 887 thousand people.

Due to the expiring reserves, the flour continued to decline the rates of extraction of bread. From November 20, 1941, the fifth time is reduced by bread wipes: the workers began to receive 250 grams of bread per day, and non-working (employees, children) - 125 grams of bread per day. Tiny, almost weightless slice.

One hundred twenty five blockade grams

With fire and blood in half ...

Olga Berggolts.

Vocal group:Song Wake-up "Story Veteran"

Reader. Inscription on stone

At the grave saint

Stand on your knees.

There is a man here

Your genera.

Neither cross, nor colors

Do not rush flags.

Silver Slock

Aluminum flask

And the peat is empty,

And shard grenades -

Inseparable they

Even with a dead soldier.

You think about him

Young and cheerful.

Forty first

He graduated from

High school.

He has a chest

Under the roaring stored

Photo Photo Cart

What lived behind the queen.

... at the grave of the Holy

Stand on your knees.

There is a man here

Your genera.

Let granite preserige

Direct a person

And glass - purity

Sonthrodny century.

Vocal group:Vysotsky's song "He did not return from the fight"


Thousands of innocent people of different nationalities were ruined by the fascists in concentration camps. Each year in the place of the former death camps bloom Maki. They are aley, as a spray of the blood of the victims of fascism, recalling the tragedies of the war.

Scarlet poppies.

In museum rest - shields,

And next to the barracks.

Flowers in Buchenwalde Flowers -

Scarlet flashes.

Maki look from height

Immortal tower.

There are no SSDs.

Smoke is not smoking ...

Flowers flame - and light

Falls on the face.

Does not go along the death camp,

Do not bother dogs

Still, terribly watch

On scarlet poppies.

Vocal group:Song M. Sokhin "Last Fight"

At the grave saint

Stand on your knees.

There is a man here

Your genera.

Neither cross, nor colors

Do not rush flags.

Silver Slock

Aluminum flask

And the peat is empty,

And shard grenades -

Inseparable they

Even with a dead soldier.

You think about him

Young and cheerful.

Forty first

He graduated from

High school.

He has a chest

Under the roaring stored

Photo Photo Cart

What lived behind the queen.

... at the grave of the Holy

Stand on your knees.

There is a man here

Your genera.

Let granite preserige

Direct a person

And glass - purity

Son of the difficult century.

Reader Victory! How did she get? How would you come to her? And the wounds were fatigue, and scars on the Breast of the Earth. Armor in dents deep, and gave roads passed, and the Order on the gymnasters, where the sweat is merciless fabric burned. The graves of fraternal, in which friends of the dead lie.

Reader Love luxury lines in a notebook ...

Let hundreds of times

Snow will come off the slopes

All the heart

Will be faded

With this figure - 20 million

Reader A long time ended the war,
And on the chest of their order
Burn as memorial dates, -
For Brest, Moscow, for Stalingrad
And for the blockade of Leningrad,
For Kerch, Odessa and Belgrade,
For all fragments from shells.
And at night you still
Fights under the Bug somewhere
And "Messers" strictly focus,
And from the hollow do not climb.
Calls to the attack Lieutenant,
But immediately falls, combat ...
And at home will wait for a long time
But only wait funeral.
On the same day and hour
To meet you in a hurry to friends,
But every year less than you,
And you for this you forgive,
That they failed to save you,
Did not heal your wounds.
And here in place of these meetings
The grandchildren of veterans come.
It has long over the war.
For a long time, soldiers came from the war.
And on the chest of their order
They burn like memorable dates.
You all who ruled that war -
In the rear of Il on the battlefields, -
Brought a victory spring, -
Bow and memory generations.

Reader. Victory ended the war,

Those years behind.

Alien burn, orders

Many on the chest.

Who wears the order of combat

For feats in battle

And who is per fever labor

In his native land.

The people won the victory

The country did not give the fascists,

Rebuilt re-power,

He led her to great glory.

Leading. Over the years of the Great Patriotic War, over 27 million people died. More than 6 million buildings were destroyed. There were too 25 million people lost. Many tens of thousands were destroyed industrial enterprises. Located 65 thousand km railway paths. 15 thousand bridges blown up. Thickens of 16 thousand locomotives and without a small 0.5 million wagons. Tens of thousands of hospitals and other hospitals, 100 thousand schools, secondary and higher educational institutions, research institutes are destroyed and looted. Hundreds of museums, theaters. Soviet Union As a result of the war and the enemy occupation of part of its territories, he lost about one-third of all his national wealth. Every 6 seconds were carried on the front one human life.

A. Bogach Reader. Stop, the graves worship ...

Stop! Mogiles worship.

Over our mandry silence.

And we once smiled life,

And we were shone with gold rays.

Live and love - everything was given to us.

And even though we became ashes, anyway.

We went out in the field in the morning,

Where the ear, as if the bell, rings ...

When to collect the whole pain of mortal wounds -

Granite scattered in a stone!

Even when the eyes of our tears harness,

As if crying Rosis grass.

But you do not cry! Your beautiful way!

All of you who do not forget our torch.

When the skyscoon is burning,

And on the fields of the fog seed

"Yes, war will be damned!".

A minute of silence is announced


The memory of the war, about the victims of the war ... She knocks into our hearts, the command did not forget the feat of the people, carefully keep the world conquered by the price of millions of human lives, fight for him. Honor and eternal glory to everyone who in the years of war defended his homeland from the enemy. Veterans we honor the flowers today. Heroes fallen for our happiness, lay on the graves of wreaths and flowers.

Reader. Memory Day - Victory Holiday.

Carry wreaths live licks,

The heat of bouquets of paints of different,

So as not to lose with the past link.

And slabs mournful warms

Flowers with breather field.

Accept, fighter,

As a gift, all this,

After all, it is necessary



Vocal group:Marsh Tukhmanova "Victory Day"

First part
Fairy Tale Rasullen

Shooting on the fifth bastion

Frol had a pistol.

"There are no rest on the way, I have a pistol ..." sometimes said the skinny thinned Frol and stroked over the sinus curve. At the same time, his voice sounded jokingly and even affectionately, but there was no caress in the surreatious eyes.

The old word "pistol" was very suitable for this formile subject. Pistols of this sample even before the war were considered obsolete. Of course, during the siege they were still used - both Russians, and the French, and, especially, the Turks (those generally encountered weapons of the conquest of Crimea), but there were few benefits in battle from such flock. what They are compared to the six-chain French revolvers!

However, Frolkin's pistol was from France. On the inside of the figure curved brackets were distinguishable letters: "Paris 1837".

Frol found this trophy on the empty in front of the former Lunetic Belkin, not far from the cemetery, among the chest of garbage and land. There a lot of things could be found. During the siege, Russian miners laid on this empty Fugas, and a signal electric sparkle In one moment, he drew into the dust attacking French column ...

However, all this Kolya Lazunov learned later. And with the shooting from the old gun, his lasting acquaintance with the company from the Bottham Cellar began.

In that November day, Tatyana Faddeevna for the first time allowed the cola to take a walk alone. To this afternoon, it was not solved: everywhere ruins, black windows of empty houses, bends of stone fences and lanes, where unknown. And the boys who sometimes met her, caused an invalid fear. Inspective, sophisticated, with rapid evasive views, in the unthinkable one dress. Of course, children are always children, but who knows how much bad absorbed from the local unsecured Life

However, it is impossible to constantly keep the nephew with his skirt, who will soon twelve.

Still, she said from the wicket:

- Nicolas, I beg. Do not go far and do not walk long. For the first time there is enough and half an hour ...

I thought he would be a brush: that, they say, I'm not a little! But Kolya responded to the point)

- Tyu-Tanya, I just descended to the road and back. Do not be afraid, I will not deny anywhere.

Corrected the captain's cap, closed the boots on the stoves with frying mud and turned (without looking around!) In the passage between the limestone hedge and the buggy touched wall of a broken barrack.

Tatyana Faddeevna made an effort to not go next. She looked at the watch jacket and went to the house. Kolya, getting rid of a disturbing look in the back, jumped down the rounded protractions of rocky paths.

The day was cold, windy, but dry. The sun comes out of gray clouds. In some places, the grass and gueley brave the stubborn coar, but the high weeds were already dry and gray. Bournan and wormwood ... However, after all, in the summer, the wormwood seems grayish. Kohl himself did not see, but read about it.

At the fortress panelies
Sedets ancient wormwood ...

He pulled his fingers fragile bush, a raster in the palms of the grains, raised his hands to face. The hollow smell of hot summer immediately impregnated it through. Kohl stood clogged. And when I lowered the palm and opened my eyes, I saw the boys.

Of course, these were local residents, the owners of local wasteland and alleys.

To meet Kolya did not dare. Turn and suck back - all the more (enough of him the former littleness!). It remained to watch how they are suitable. And try to look independently.

Guys were five. The biggest moved in the middle. He was long, older if, in a grinding official, pressing the tribes, from which gray shaggy pants were sticking out. And of them - naked (see, chopped) ankles. The shoes were made of red leather, broken and too big. From the gate of the glamor, the unwashed neck with a head, similar to the egg-covered egg (there were no hats).

To the left of the long circular tattatchonok in a velvety lured hat, in Steghan Ripples to Fifth and dark, the boys with a quick fun look - about this they say "Vostrinazy". There was a Vosta-eyed in Kosovo to be torn ripper and in gray, without noticeable details of the clothes. And he, and Tatarchonok - a little smaller than.

From another "flank" two moved. One - apparently, Colin Single and the other - eight years old. Brothers seem to be. Both rounds, light-eyed, with thickening shoes similar to puppet shoes. In neat bumps (probably stuck from adult nipple clothing), in crumpled sailor caps without visors - too large, like Colin "Ropitovskaya" captain. The pants of the brothers were decorated with the knees of the same square patch, and the boots were without payments - dirty, but quite reference.

The brothers looked at curiosity and, it seems, without hostility. Tatarchonok - not clear. Vostro-eyed - suspicious. Long hopped a big lower lip and snapped her mother's on her.

Stopped three steps. Long once again clicked on the lip and walked along the coolay look.

- Che what ... have not met before. Who are and where did it come from?

- From St. Petersburg. - Kolya tried to speak independently, but without blowing. You look, the meeting will cost the world.

- U-y ... - with foolish surprise, the long one said. And the rest (except for the little) pulled the lips with tubes, as if they also wanted to say "U-U".

Long snapped on the lip.

- And the cap is the captain's smoking? Could prenate papal?

- I don't have Papyki ... - Kolya understood that in response to this calm recognition of ridicule will not follow. After all, not a villain, although the pruncated species.

And in fact, embarrassment slid on all persons. But him immediately, as it were, in his own words, Vostro-eyed:

- So, Mama bought. In the "Ropit" shop.

"Mama is also not ... And the cap gave the captain's assistant on the steamer" Andrei Prozoznaya, "when we sailed here from Odessa.

- What are yours beautiful eyes? - With the same scarlet in his voice did not believe the long one. As if specifically, without giving the meanings to the fact that there is no father, nor Mama.

"Not for his eyes, but ... because there was a storm, many were scolded, and I went out to walk and climbed into the bridge. There were sailors, one and says: "So for you for not afraid of the waves ..."

- ah how to lie! - Joyfully told Tatarchonok.

"But not lying! .. If you don't believe, let's go ask the aunt. My ... it's near.

"The aunt will be delighted with such guests ..." smiled long. And touched the lower lip with the tongue.

"You will not come to drink tea, but only ask," Kolya grinned. His fear was dressed.

Long said solemnoye:

- Yes, where we drink tea with you. You probably from the nobles.

- Frol, it is, to see, those who have a home removed! - Senior of the brothers intervened. Skinny Frol missed the ears of this guess. Asked Delivito:

- Maybe they sneak?

- What is it like? .. fight, yes? - it came to Kolya. And inside he walked sadly.

"Yeah," Frol was shaken. - One on one, honest. Or in the knees I saw?

- I have not seased anywhere ... Only I do not understand. What for? I didn't do anything thin to you ... - And suddenly remembered: there was already a similar conversation. Three months ago. From him, they began in the building those unbearable days of despair and shame ... no, there is no second time! And the fists squeezed: - Well, come on, if you have itching!

- Outside the rooster, and inside a mouse, - Ground Frol. - It can be seen that it sweated with fright. In St. Petersburg, all are so fearful?

- But what are you brave! - Kohl anger tried to kill the inner trembling. - With those who are less than growing!

- Yes, I will really sink with you! - Frol pretended to be very surprised. - Let alone, Makarka ...

Already after, remembering this meeting, Kolya realized: here Frol gave a mistake. If he said, "let Makarka fight, but only he won't want," the Vostrinous boy would have spawned immediately: "I won't want it!" And I would be in a fight. Because he was a great debater, which is why he wore a nickname "proper." And now Makarka went down on Frol:

- What do you imagine me like a tsuzic on the cat! Yourself for fun?

"You don't want - no need," Frolov responded peacefully. - Then let Fedyuny ...

But the eldest of the Kulak's Circle Brothers wiped under his nose and judged:

- What is in vain to graze? He also did not really think.

"Tatarchonok will not fight either. Small and not angry, "Kolya smacked and encouraged. Nodded on the smallest:

- You're still a fight for a fight ...

Fedyuny hugged him over his shoulder. And suddenly smiled (and the eyes of both cornflowers):

"No, Savushka never pulls, he has anger to anyone else ..."

Savushka snapped confused.

Frolh markedly went to the opponent:

- And what I ... is not anger, but according to custom, for dating. To see immediately it was - a hero or coward ... what?

Kolya shrugged. What a coward knows they should not.

- I'm probably not the other. Ordinary…

- Sly! - Tatharchonok said fun.

- I'm not cunning. Kaba Sunny was, would say that the hero ...

"Here the heroes will not surprise anyone," Frolla noted with a light zowcom. - A whole year was kept by one heroism ...

- Well, not you kept! - did not squeeze Kolya, although it was unreasonable to argue.

"Not I, of course, I was only a year from the family, Mamka from bombs in the cellar hid. And grandfather died on the second bastion. And Mamkin Brother, that is, my uncle, too, put my head here ...

- Well, my uncle too ... Artillery lieutenant Vesli Andrei Faddeevich. In the northern cemetery is buried. My aunt is because we arrived that here his grave ...

In the faces, everyone immediately changed.

- And what was the battery on? - vividly asked Vosta-eyed McAda.

- Tetushka does not know exactly, and even more so. There was a long time ... And he died not on the battery, but simply on the street. Bomb right under your feet - that's all ...

Of course, it was possible to say that Andrei Faddeevich heroically died when he repelled the assault on the Malakhov Kurgan, but he was sinful to lie about it. And Kolya added military glory on the other side:

- And Papyka also fought. Rather, he treated the wounded right under the focus. Only not here, but in Bomazund ...

- Where is it? Frol asked incredulously.

- On the Baltic Sea.

- Did they fought there too? - again doubted Frol.

- And how! And there, and on the White Sea, and even in the Pacific Ocean, where Petropavlovsk. Admiral Nepire almost to St. Petersburg himself led the squadron, threatened to take Kronstadt, but he was well drunk ...

"And here they would drive, kaba had enough," Makarka jealously stuck.

"Whoever argues ..." said Kolya with understanding. And this, as it were, it would not be against the boys, and next to them.

- And papidka also killed? - Plystically asked Sinegylase Fedyuna. - In this, in the bom ... zone ...

- No, he already after died when I was three years ...

- Do you want to go to one thing with us? Frol asked.

Kohl understood: Fights will not finally and seem to be taken in pleasures. And yet did not restrain the feet:

- And what about something?

"I caught myself again," the insightful macarca was kept.

But Frol gave him good-focus on triumpham:

- Zanozoz ... - And Kolya explained: - noble thing ... Because you do not break.

Yes, he was taken to the company, but also checked at the same time. What was done? Kohl hurried about herself and turned off widespread:

- By God, here ... Nobody's word.

"Then look," And Frol opened a bemp. From under the torn lining, the curved handle with a frequent thread and a copper head. Immediately clear - what.

- Wow! Present?

- And then! .. Do you want to shine?

Kolya did not know whether he wants. Rather, I knew that ... I don't really want. In life, it was not yet necessary to shoot. I suppose this thing gries like a gun. And if you break from rust or wrong charge?

- I ... I want, of course ...

- Then go. Here, not with the hands, they will hear - the cry will be lurking ...

- Are you going to go? - The last time worried Kohl.

- Nearby.

Let's go the street on the street that stretched along the western slope of the artillery hill. Past whitewashed houses and stone fences, past the gray wall of the powder warehouse. By the beginning of the siege, the gunpowder was almost entirely drained in battery cakes, and it saved Slobodka. Otherwise, the waters of the French nuclei could teach a considerable trouble. And so - carried. The remains of gunpowers that were kept deep under the ground, the Russian sailors themselves blew up when they left the city. From the explosion, the long building cracked and settled, but the neighboring houses were almost not injured. Of course, a lot of them was crashed - bombs that flew from Chersonesos and Mount Rudolf. But still shooting on this flank defense was not an example less than, let's say, on the fourth Bastion or Malakhov. The seventh bastion and the eighth battery survived, the sixth bastion also retained his stone towers. And many of the buildings of Slobodki also remained well. BUT broken houses Restored the returned owners or those who moved here with the fully destroyed streets of the city hill and the ship side.

Now the Artillery Slobodka seemed almost untouched by shelling, while the rest of the city was still lying in the ruins and there only a near attentive view was opened in the middle of the collapse of the phenomenon of life ...

"Nearby" turned out to be pretty distant, and Kolya understood that it was hardly in half an hour will be at home and that the explanations with Te-Tanya would not be able to avoid. However, the conversation distracted from anxiety. In the conversation finally asked him, a newcomer, name, and called themselves. Kolya learned the "proper" nickname Makarka and the fact that Tatarchonka is cliche Ibrahimka. And heard negligent, with the shooting of the story of Frol, as he found a "pistol".

Frol delvito explained that there are no difficulties with a gun for a pistol. Even now, after eleven years after the siege, in the old guns of the cellars you can still find the cards with gunpowder. Outside, they are covered with a hardened crust, but inside the gunpowder is quite suitable, it is necessary only to grind if you have a lot of large grains.

Literary and musical composition for Victory Day

"War has long ended"

Readers read an excerpt from Requiem R. Christmas.

Through the century, after a year, - Remember!

About those who no longer come -

Memory of the fallen be decent!

Always worthy!

As long as the heart is knocking, - Remember!

Some price conquered happiness, -

Please remember!

Children will tell about them

to remember!

Children tell children about them,

to remember too!

The melody of the pre-war tango sounds. It may be "Rio Rita" or "in parquicair".

Several couples are elegantly dressed young men and girls dancing this dance that unexpectedly

interrupt the sound of the air alarm and the ruptures of falling bombs. Introduction to die. Sounds

melody of the "Sacred War".


War! Lovely there is no word!

War! Scary there is no word!

And on the mouth of all other

No one can not be!

"A heavy rumble fell on the ground. VMIG went out light. Shuddered the walls of the caaset .c ceiling

fucked plaster. And through a deafening howler and the roar everything is clearer

rolled explosions of heavy shells. Ranied somewhere out.

War! - Skilled someone.

War is, comrades, war!

Outdoor door boldly explosive wave, and oranges were visible through her

fires. True shuddered with a caasemate. Everything around the rode and moaning. And was ito on June 22, 1941 in 4

hour 15 minutes Moscow time. "

B. Vasilyev. "There were no lists."

Gas light. Go slides about war.


Victory! How did she get?

How would you come to her?

And wounds were, and fatigue,

And scars on the chest of the earth.

Armor in dents deep,

And gave the covered roads

And orders on gymnasters,

Where sweat merciless fabric burned.

Fraternal graves in which

Friends of the dead lie.

I. Dashkov. "Victory".

The vocal group fulfills the 1st verse of the song M. Isakovsky "Spark".

To the position, the girl accompanied the fighter.

Dark at night they said on the steps of the porch.

And while you could see a parenchy for the fogs,

On the window on the girl all burned light.


And Kama and the Volga on the battle of the sons were accomplished

And the mother has been waving a long colored headscarf.

The bride was forgiven - the pigtails of the girl's gyrus,

For the first time in female beloved kissed their own.

Threateled wheels, cast wheels thundered,

And sang the soldiers, completely sang in the boyish

About white huts, about the faithful Katyusha ...

And teach those songs of Kombat father

M. Grusan. "Obeliski".

The vocal group performs the 1st versue of the song E. Galitsky, Maximov "Blue Watch".

Cinema, modest handkerchief

Fallen from lowered shoulders.

You said you would not forget

Cute and joyful meetings.

Sometimes night

We parted with you ...

No former nights!

Where are you, handkerchiefs,

Cute, desired, native?

And between lines

blue scarf

Reaps again again.

And I have more than once

Dreamed into the preliminary hour

Curls in a handkerchief

Blue nights

Sparks of maidial eyes.

Presentation of eyewitness battles, veteran of the Great Patriotic War.


1941 year. One of the Hitler's generals so reported in the Brestler's Brestler's breakthrough

fortified: "Russians, however, turned out to be with the very very good soldiers that they were not confused

unexpected attack. On the individuals reached fierce fighting. "

The melody of the song "Katyusha" sounds.


The station was quiet,

Little and sad.

Chewed with the crunch of Horse Oats.

But under the sleeper sharply gravel chirped,

And the rails started from the wheels.

And the berthushki was floated to the gesture.

Birza at Perron stood up.

And he was captured by a chastushka,

Filled pain and longing:

Cute rides fighting

Put on white shirt.

I will wait all the time

Damage will not do.

And burst instantly tensions,

Whipped in the heart is hot and tight,

And what about ... Himself beat! -

And he went, already soldiers of Russia,

To heat shoes, to the sump countrymen,

And sons with him barely bare

Adult steps on the sides.

And the woman remained small, -

From her sorrive would write Russian!

She in pockets fussily shake

And all the scarf can not find.

And in the crowd, she managed to warm up -

Kisses the husband of crying guys ...

And through the village, as if through the heart,

Run the composition in the flaming sunset.

V. Solovyov. "Film".

The vocal group performs the 1st verse of the song "Eh, Roads" (Music A.Novikova, Poems L.


Eh, Roads ...

Dust and fog

Cold, anxiety

Yes Steppe Buryan ...

You can't know

Share your

Maybe the wings will fold

In the midway.

Dust under boots

Steppes, fields.

And the flame is raging around

Yes, bullets whistle ...

The song melody continues. Go slides about war. On their background, readers

requesting about war.


1942 year. The foreman rushed the underwear door, the jump flew into the hut. - Hendhechoh! .. Germans

slept. They sat down before the last throw to the piece of iron. Foreman suddenly all German

words and only shouted hoarsely:

Lyagite! .. Lyagite! .. Lyagite! ..

And they swore black words! The most black, which I knew. No, no screaming they have been screaming, not

grenades whom the foreman swung. Just think could not that one he, on a lot of miles

one-odinee. All four lay down ones down like Basque told. The fifth, hype

in that light, it was listed. They tied a friend's belts, and the last Fedot Evurgraphic personally

tied. And I cried. Tears on a dirty, unshaven person. He was shaking in anger, and laughed through

eties, and shouted:

What took? Took, yes? Fifty days, five girls were only five! And you did not pass

they have not passed anywhere and die here, everything will die! .. Personally, sick, personally, even if

the bosses of raven! And then let them judge me! Let judge!

B. Vasilyev. "And the dawns are quiet here."

Readers (staged poem I. Utkin "Baba").

Resort to the headquarters of women

They say: - Head of the headquarters,

Send the squad soon.

For the village in Ovin

People saw alive

Three fascists - they say.

Commander Surov and Palen. -

I are poor people today.

All at the expense ... how can I be

One? .. here if, kaba

You have subscribed to me, women.

Baba: - Rada to send!

Well, then, - he said, - nat. -

Granted babam

And he led them.

And the head of the headquarters went

Explaining in short babam

How the grenade battle is leading.

Behind the village of Ovin is fragrant.

The three fascist caught

Firmly in the hay sleep ... and now

The first pomegranate is broken,

And rattling orders to rolling:

On the enemy! .. Pomegranates! Platoon!

Trembled enemies

Under the fire is not to the style! -

Raise the arms hands

Tighten only pants,

But when the hands raised,

Warked: "Are you East Das?!

Platoon ... grenades ... but in fact? "

And in fact I looked at:

That's the thing, damn it!

Headquarters headquarters ahead

And around the raven ... Baba!

And no more than eight!

The melody of the song "In the Forest of the front-line" sounds. Go slides about war.

Reader (Memories of documents on the war of 1943 or SFRD letter).

From the letter Mikhail Evdokimovich Relas, his wife. Letter from the front.

"... I ask you, Anna, do not cry. To my share fell great happiness - to defend

Lenin. More happiness is not necessary, just we saw with you. If you give life

in the name of the task assigned to the command, I will give Eesgorka. To you in Donbass moving

gang Gitler. If you are not able to export, then go to my relatives and do at least

something on the army used. Take care of our son. I kiss you and son. Michael".

The phonogram "knock carriages".


Lucky to the front of the boy

Comrade Military doctor ...

"My mother, mommy,

Not smooth me and do not cry!

On me a military form

Do not smooth me with others!

On me a military form

Your boots are on me.

Do not Cry!

I already twelve

I am an adult almost ...

Two, two ways, two

Rail tracks ...

In my pocket my documents,

Printing military stories.

In my pocket my documents,

For which I am the son of the regiment.

Famous, Guards,

Tested on fire ...

I'm going to the front, I hope

That Brauning will give me.

That I'm not a string in the attack,

That my time came ...

Also me, old women

Wear hard:

"Son, soldier small ...

I've come days ... "

My mother, mommy!

Mostly they explain everything!

Tell me why it is for

Do they need me?

Why are they stroking me?

Why my son is called?

And something whispering is vaguely,

And warm fussing Kalach ...

Russia is not!

Do not smooth me! And do not cry!

Do not smooth me!

I'm just the future son of the regiment,

And no heroism

I did not achieve yet!

And even you are not clear

What I'm ahead ... "

Two, two ways, two

Rail tracks.

The train goes measured

Swirl ridiculous

Long and very slow

What is the queue for bread.

R. christmas. "Forty-third."

Slides about the work of the rear workers. Speech veteran rear.

Memories. Documentary material for 2-3 minutes.

Rear - front. Leningrad. Winter 1941-1942 It was extremely harsh. Blockade. Only in

december from hunger died 53 thousand people. In January-February more. In spite of this,

the deposited city, immersed in darkness, hunger, cold, subjected to bombing and

art Makers, lived, worked, fought. Together, adolescents stood up to the machines. For this

the period was manufactured: 95 thousand cordhes of shells and min.; 380 thousand grenades; 435 thousand fuses.

People were cooled, and this cohesion helped to live. From the summary of the trim,

published in the newspapers in the fall of 1942. Stalingrad, Donskoy, South-Western fronts was

sent: Wovenok - 41 thousand pairs; semisobkov - 19 thousand; Stephek and Sharovar - 112 thousand;

mittens and woolen socks - 52 thousand. pairs; Hoods-Ushanok - 42 thousand

The melody of the song "Oh, my fogs" sounds.


The whole night flew like a terrible nonsense.

Execution, appointed early.

And he was sixteen years old,

Partizanian scout.

In the Seine died a swapped grandfather.

Sisters broke hands.

And he all told stubborn "no!" -

And the moan did not give up flour.

Along the sleepy village he was led

In an empty dead field.

Frosty hoax

Bosy feet of prison.

Mother screamed thinly, white as chalk,

And in the field suddenly it became closely.

And he gotten all and soldered

Your favorite song.

On a volley he swung face ahead

And collapsed into a cold ash.

You understand - such people

Cannot be patted in the chain.

And Surkov. "Once at night."

The vocal group performs the 2nd verse of the song E. Vinokurova "Muscovites".

In the fields behind the hangout

Lie in the ground raw

Earrings with small armor

And Vitka with Mokhovah.

And somewhere in the crowded world

Which year in a row

Some in a blank apartment

Their mother is not sleeping.

The song melody continues.


Let's go to death with enemies

Her eagles, her sons.

Mother expects them for years:

Perhaps everyone will come from the war ...

Sleeps at Mamaeva Kurgan,

Near Stalingrad, son alone,

Other - the midst of the sea-ocean,

The medium of gloomy Baltic depths.

And the youngest of the Danube:

Medals talk about ...

And my mother believes, waiting for

What children will return to the house.

Sitting real estate

With a frozen stone face ...

Or maybe this is a strict profile

On the stone carved with a cutter?

L. Bakst. "Mother".

Slides with monuments-monuments dead in war.


Did you dare to die

Life promised, love promised

Does children are born for death,

Didn't you want our death

The flame hit the sky - you remember

Quietly said: "Get up to help ..." -

Nobody had a fame with you,

Just a choice for everyone: I or

The best and most expensive -

Your grief is our grief,

True yours - this is our truth,

Thank you - this is our fame,

R. christmas. "Requiem".

The vocal group performs the 1st verse of the song M. Sokhin "Last Fight".

We have not been resting so long for so long ago,

We were simply not to rest with you.

We have a half-europe in blochy

And tomorrow, tomorrow, finally, the last fight.


A little more, just a little.

The last fight is the hardest thing.

And I am in Russia, I want to go home

I have not seen my mother so long ago!

Speech veteran. Memories of the offensive recent days Wars 1945.

1945 year. Not yet cooled tools. Straighten the fires. Not yet chosen ... Captive

for rent weapons. Berlin residents overlook the basements and lined up for the soldiers

soup, which is issued on the squares of our front-line cooks. And the Soviet Soviet Aleets over Reichstag

Cantarius, Russian and Georgians, raisedovetovy flag over Reichstag.

The melody of the song "Nightingale" sounds.


Still stood darkness dumb

In the fog cried grass,

Ninth day of the majority

Already entering their rights.

Army buzzer squeaked weakly.

Two words shot a cargo sleep,

Regimental headquarters

Jumped up and threw the phone.

And all! Nobody called the hill,

No one has served teams.

There was a rumble of joy of fuckers,

Crushing Chetyl Lieutenant.

Shot tanks and infantry,

And, breaking the crude mouth,

For the first time in four years

Palyl from Waltera Nachpod.

Over a turbid dutter tease

And shots shots, and hum.

To the heat is accustomed, the chef bald

For some reason, the gate unzipped.

Did not rocked the packs of "yaks"

Over dusting gar

And someone sang,

And someone cried,

And someone slept in the ground with raw.

Suddenly quiet flooded through,

And in full silence

Sleeping the nightingale, not knowing yet

What he sings not in war.

I. Nychenko. "On the day of the end of the war."

Phonogram: Sound Trells Solovya. The vocal group performs the 1st couplet song. Ash

"May Waltz".

1. Spring forty-fifth year ...

How did Blue Danube waited for you!

Narodes of Europe Freedom

Brought a hot sunny May.

On the area of \u200b\u200bveins saved

Gathered the people of old and young -

On the old wound in the battles of harmony

Waltz Russian played our soldier.


Remembers Vienna

Remember the Alps and the Danube

That flowering

And singing bright May.

Vortex Ventsev

In Russian waltz through the year

Remembers the heart

I will never forget!

Go slides about veterans, large photos.


Faces are erased, dates are erased,

Sometimes your memory will not save everything,

But see now gray soldiers

Volga steppe, Black Sea Granite.

Front paths will recall again,

Only maps of yellowed touches hand:

Snow under Moscow, rains near Rostov,

April fog for someone else's river.

What ways you passed, soldiers,

What barriers managed to break!

Faces are erased, dates are erased -

Military roads never forget!

Distant time seems close to you

Yes, there are no many friends among you -

Ways noting, there are obeliski,

Lead about battles silent story ...

Dates are erased, faces are erased

But will be victorious and forever blossom

Ninth, salute over the capital,

Loading front-line paths.

Matveyev. "Front paths".


That's the news: the grandmother said

What she fought in the partisans!

You are a panty, cute granny ...

I have a trifling cold,

You have - now with the heart of okay.

If scratching blood,

You lose your health.

And when the cinema is poured from guns,

You immediately boil your ears!

Grandma said quietly in response:

Right! I then was a coward ...

And then at the sight of someone's blood

I thus lost health,

And when a cannon beil from the hill

I was terribly terribly for me!

Only for myself I was not afraid.

So it turned out to be in the detachment.

M. Borisov. "Grandmother-Partizanka"


Breast - Order,

At the temples - gray

Behind the battle.

Do not be sad, old

What stole war stole

Your best young years.

Dnieper and Mozdok dreams

And anxious beep

The bayonet attacks are shot.

Trains - east,

Clouds - east,

You - west, under bullets and tanks.

At the twenty years of gray ...

Do not be sad, old

Hard eyelid is the fate of you.

Your us gray

Your order to us

Every year relatives and more expensive.

At the temples of Sedina.

Behind the silence window.

Let it never explode.

Let Sedina came,

But the country remained

That the great Russia is called!

N. Shumakov. "Veterans".

The readers and the vocal group perform the song S. Kochurova "long ended".

A long time ended the war,

For a long time, soldiers came from the war.

And on the chest of their order

Burn as memorable dates -

For Brest, Moscow, for Stalingrad

And for the blockade of Leningrad,

For Kerch, Odessa and Belgrade,

For all fragments from shells.

And at night you still

Fights under the Bug somewhere

And "Messers" strictly focus,

And from the hollow do not climb.

Calls to the attack Lieutenant,

But immediately falls, combat ...

And at home will wait for a long time

But only wait funeral.

On the same day and hour

To meet you in a hurry to friends,

But every year less than you,

And you for this you forgive,

That they failed to save you,

Did not heal your wounds.

And here in place of these meetings

The grandchildren of veterans come.

It has long over the war.

For a long time, soldiers came from the war.

And on the chest of their order

They burn like memorable dates.

You all who ruled that war -

In the rear of Il on the battlefields, -

Brought a victory spring, -

Bow and memory generations.

Presenting colors veterans.

| Site collection
| Vladislav Petrovich Kratyvin
| For a long time ended the siege ...

Frol had a pistol.
"There are no rest on the way, I have a pistol ..." sometimes said the skinny thinned Frol and stroked over the sinus curve. At the same time, his voice sounded jokingly and even affectionately, but there was no caress in the surreatious eyes.
The old word "pistol" was very suitable for this formile subject. Pistols of this sample even before the war were considered obsolete. Of course, during the siege they were still used - both Russians, and the French, and, especially, the Turks (those generally encountered weapons of the conquest of Crimea), but there were few benefits in battle from such flock. That they are compared to the six-hour French revolvers!
However, Frolkin's pistol was from France. On the inside of the figure curved brackets were distinguishable letters: "Paris 1837".
Frol found this trophy on the empty in front of the former Lunetic Belkin, not far from the cemetery, among the chest of garbage and land. There a lot of things could be found. During the siege, Russian miners laid on this empty of the Fugas, and the signal of an electric spark in one moment turned into the dust the attacker french column ...
However, all this Kolya Lazunov learned later. And with the shooting from the old gun, his lasting acquaintance with the company from the Bottham Cellar began.
In that November day, Tatyana Faddeevna for the first time allowed the cola to take a walk alone. To this afternoon, it was not solved: everywhere ruins, black windows of empty houses, bends of stone fences and lanes, where unknown. And the boys who sometimes met her, caused an invalid fear. Inspective, sophisticated, with rapid evasive views, in the unthinkable one dress. Of course, children are always kids, but who knows how much bad absorbed from the local lively life ...
However, it is impossible to constantly keep the nephew with his skirt, who will soon twelve.
Still, she said from the wicket:
- Nicolas, I beg. Do not go far and do not walk long. For the first time there is enough and half an hour ...
I thought he would be a brush: that, they say, I'm not a little! But Kolya responded to the point)
- Tyu-Tanya, I just descended to the road and back. Do not be afraid, I will not deny anywhere.
Corrected the captain's cap, closed the boots on the stoves with frying mud and turned (without looking around!) In the passage between the limestone hedge and the buggy touched wall of a broken barrack.
Tatyana Faddeevna made an effort to not go next.

She looked at the watch jacket and went to the house. Kolya, getting rid of a disturbing look in the back, jumped down the rounded protractions of rocky paths.
The day was cold, windy, but dry. The sun comes out of gray clouds. In some places, the grass and gueley brave the stubborn coar, but the high weeds were already dry and gray. Bournan and wormwood ... However, after all, in the summer, the wormwood seems grayish. Kohl himself did not see, but read about it.

At the fortress panelies
Sedets ancient wormwood ...

He pulled his fingers fragile bush, a raster in the palms of the grains, raised his hands to face. The hollow smell of hot summer immediately impregnated it through. Kohl stood clogged. And when I lowered the palm and opened my eyes, I saw the boys.
Of course, these were local residents, the owners of local wasteland and alleys.
To meet Kolya did not dare. Turn and suck back - all the more (enough of him the former littleness!). It remained to watch how they are suitable. And try to look independently.
Guys were five. The biggest moved in the middle. He was long, older if, in a grinding official, pressing the tribes, from which gray shaggy pants were sticking out. And of them - naked (see, chopped) ankles. The shoes were made of red leather, broken and too big. From the gate of the glamor, the unwashed neck with a head, similar to the egg-covered egg (there were no hats).
To the left of the long circular tattatchonok in a velvety lured hat, in Steghan Ripples to Fifth and dark, the boys with a quick fun look - about this they say "Vostrinazy". There was a Vosta-eyed in Kosovo to be torn ripper and in gray, without noticeable details of the clothes. And he, and Tatarchonok - a little smaller than.
From another "flank" two moved. One - apparently, Colin Single and the other - eight years old. Brothers seem to be. Both rounds, light-eyed, with thickening shoes similar to puppet shoes. In neat bumps (probably stuck from adult nipple clothing), in crumpled sailor caps without visors - too large, like Colin "Ropitovskaya" captain. The pants of the brothers were decorated with the knees of the same square patch, and the boots were without payments - dirty, but quite reference.
The brothers looked at curiosity and, it seems, without hostility. Tatarchonok - not clear. Vostro-eyed - suspicious. Long hopped a big lower lip and snapped her mother's on her.
Stopped three steps. Long once again clicked on the lip and walked along the coolay look.
- Che what ... have not met before. Who are and where did it come from?
- From St. Petersburg. - Kolya tried to speak independently, but without blowing. You look, the meeting will cost the world.
- U-y ... - with foolish surprise, the long one said. And the rest (except for the little) pulled the lips with tubes, as if they also wanted to say "U-U".
Long snapped on the lip.
- And the cap is the captain's smoking? Could prenate papal?
- I don't have Papyki ... - Kolya understood that in response to this calm recognition of ridicule will not follow. After all, not a villain, although the pruncated species.
And in fact, embarrassment slid on all persons. But him immediately, as it were, in his own words, Vostro-eyed:
- So, Mama bought. In the "Ropit" shop.
"Mama is also not ... And the cap gave the captain's assistant on the steamer" Andrei Prozoznaya, "when we sailed here from Odessa.
- What are your beautiful eyes for? - With the same scarlet in his voice did not believe the long one. As if specifically, without giving the meanings to the fact that there is no father, nor Mama.
"Not for his eyes, but ... because there was a storm, many were scolded, and I went out to walk and climbed into the bridge. There were sailors, one and says: "So for you for not afraid of the waves ..."
- ah how to lie! - Joyfully told Tatarchonok.
"But not lying! .. If you don't believe, let's go ask the aunt. My ... it's near.
"The aunt will be delighted with such guests ..." smiled long. And touched the lower lip with the tongue.
"You will not come to drink tea, but only ask," Kolya grinned. His fear was dressed.
Long said solemnoye:
- Yes, where we drink tea with you. You probably from the nobles.
- Frol, it is, to see, those who have a home removed! - Senior of the brothers intervened. Skinny Frol missed the ears of this guess. Asked Delivito:
- Maybe they sneak?
- What is it like? .. fight, yes? - it came to Kolya. And inside he walked sadly.
"Yeah," Frol was shaken. - One on one, honest. Or in the knees I saw?
- I have not seased anywhere ... Only I do not understand. What for? I didn't do anything thin to you ... - And suddenly remembered: there was already a similar conversation. Three months ago. From him, they began in the building those unbearable days of despair and shame ... no, there is no second time! And the fists squeezed: - Well, come on, if you have itching!
- Outside the rooster, and inside a mouse, - Ground Frol. - It can be seen that it sweated with fright. In St. Petersburg, all are so fearful?
- But what are you brave! - Kohl anger tried to kill the inner trembling. - With those who are less than growing!
- Yes, I will really sink with you! - Frol pretended to be very surprised. - Let alone, Makarka ...
Already after, remembering this meeting, Kolya realized: here Frol gave a mistake. If he said, "let Makarka fight, but only he won't want," the Vostrinous boy would have spawned immediately: "I won't want it!" And I would be in a fight. Because he was a great debater, which is why he wore a nickname "proper." And now Makarka went down on Frol:
- What do you imagine me like a tsuzic on the cat! Yourself for fun?
"You don't want - no need," Frolov responded peacefully. - Then let Fedyuny ...
But the eldest of the Kulak's Circle Brothers wiped under his nose and judged:
- What is in vain to graze? He also did not really think.
"Tatarchonok will not fight either. Small and not angry, "Kolya smacked and encouraged. Nodded on the smallest:
- You're still a fight for a fight ...
Fedyuny hugged him over his shoulder. And suddenly smiled (and the eyes of both cornflowers):
"No, Savushka never pulls, he has anger to anyone else ..."
Savushka snapped confused.
Frolh markedly went to the opponent:
- And what I ... is not anger, but according to custom, for dating. To see immediately it was - a hero or coward ... what?
Kolya shrugged. What a coward knows they should not.
- I'm probably not the other. Ordinary…
- Sly! - Tatharchonok said fun.
- I'm not cunning. Kaba Sunny was, would say that the hero ...
"Here the heroes will not surprise anyone," Frolla noted with a light zowcom. - A whole year was kept by one heroism ...
- Well, not you kept! - did not squeeze Kolya, although it was unreasonable to argue.
"Not I, of course, I was only a year from the family, Mamka from bombs in the cellar hid. And grandfather died on the second bastion. And Mamkin Brother, that is, my uncle, too, put my head here ...
- Well, my uncle too ... Artillery lieutenant Vesli Andrei Faddeevich. In the northern cemetery is buried. My aunt is because we arrived that here his grave ...
In the faces, everyone immediately changed.
- And what was the battery on? - vividly asked Vosta-eyed McAda.
- Tetushka does not know exactly, and even more so. There was a long time ... And he died not on the battery, but simply on the street. Bomb right under your feet - that's all ...
Of course, it was possible to say that Andrei Faddeevich heroically died when he repelled the assault on the Malakhov Kurgan, but he was sinful to lie about it. And Kolya added military glory on the other side:
- And Papyka also fought. Rather, he treated the wounded right under the focus. Only not here, but in Bomazund ...
- Where is it? Frol asked incredulously.
- On the Baltic Sea.
- Did they fought there too? - again doubted Frol.
- And how! And there, and on the White Sea, and even in the Pacific Ocean, where Petropavlovsk. Admiral Nepire almost to St. Petersburg himself led the squadron, threatened to take Kronstadt, but he was well drunk ...
"And here they would drive, kaba had enough," Makarka jealously stuck.
"Whoever argues ..." said Kolya with understanding. And this, as it were, it would not be against the boys, and next to them.
- And papidka also killed? - Plystically asked Sinegylase Fedyuna. - In this, in the bom ... zone ...
- No, he already after died when I was three years ...
- Do you want to go to one thing with us? Frol asked.
Kohl understood: Fights will not finally and seem to be taken in pleasures. And yet did not restrain the feet:
- And what about something?
"I caught myself again," the insightful macarca was kept.
But Frol gave him good-focus on triumpham:
- Zanozoz ... - And Kolya explained: - noble thing ... Because you do not break.
Yes, he was taken to the company, but also checked at the same time. What was done? Kohl hurried about herself and turned off widespread:
- By God, here ... Nobody's word.
"Then look," And Frol opened a bemp. From under the torn lining, the curved handle with a frequent thread and a copper head. Immediately it is clear - that.
- Wow! Present?
- And then! .. Do you want to shine?
Kolya did not know whether he wants. Rather, I knew that ... I don't really want. In life, it was not yet necessary to shoot. I suppose this thing gries like a gun. And if you break from rust or wrong charge?
- I ... I want, of course ...
- Then go. Here, not with the hands, they will hear - the cry will be lurking ...
- Are you going to go? - The last time worried Kohl.
- Nearby.


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