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The image of Catherine 2 in history. The proclamation of Catherine Empress. Unsettled personal life of Empress Catherine

Doctor of Historical Sciences M. Rahmatullin.

During the long decades of the Soviet pore, the history of the reign of Catherine II was filed with obvious bias, and the image of the empress itself was obviously distorted. From the pages of few publications, the tricky and vain German princess appears, insidiously seized by the Russian throne and most of all concerned about the satisfaction of his sensory desires. At the heart of such judgments - either frankly politicized motive, or purely emotional memories of its contemporaries, or, finally, the tendency intent of its enemies (especially from among foreign opponents), who tried to defam the rigid and consistent defendant by the empress of the national interests of Russia. But Voltaire in one of his letters to Catherine II called it "Northern Semiramid", like a heroine greek mythology, with the name of which connects the creation of one of the seven wonders of the world - hanging gardens. Thus, the great philosopher expressed his admiration of the empress for the transformation of Russia, its wise rule. In the proposed essay, an attempt was undertaken to talk about the affairs and identity of Catherine II. "I performed my task quite well"

Venedous Catherine II in all shine of coronation apparel. Coronation by tradition took place in Moscow, September 22, 1762.

Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, who reigned from 1741 to 1761. Portrait of the middle of the XVIII century.

His older daughter Zesarevna Anna Petrovna Peter I was married to the Holstein Duke Carla Friedrich. Their son became the heir to the Russian throne Peter Fedorovich.

Mother Catherine II Johann-Elizabeth Anhalt-Crebst, who tried secretly from Russia to intrigue in favor of the Prussian king.

Prussian King of Friedrich II, who tried to imitate a young Russian heir in everything.

Science and life // illustration

Great Princess Ekaterina Alekseevna and Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich. Their marriage was extremely unsuccessful.

Count Grigory Orlov is one of the active organizers and performers of the palace coup, ascended Catherine to the throne.

The most hot participation in the coup of June 1762 took a completely young princess of Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkov.

Family portrait of the royal couple, made shortly after joining Trone Peter III. Next to the parents - the young heir Paul in an eastern suit.

The Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, in which the dignitaries and Velmes brought oath by Empress Catherine II.

The future Russian Empress Ekaterina II Alekseevna, nee Sophia Frederick Augustus, Princess Anhaltserbsta, was born on April 21 (May 2) of 1729 in the stratification at that time, Strattin (Prussia). Her father is not a noteworthy prince Christian-August - a devoted service to the Prussian king made a good career: shelf commander, commandant Shttitin, governor. In 1727 (he was then 42) married the 16-year-old Hollytein-Gottorpian princess Johanne-Elizabeth.

Several wrought-down princess that fed an irrepressible addiction to entertainment and short-sized trips on numerous and, not as an example of her rich, rich, set family worries not at first. Among the five children, the father's daughter Fixchen (so called all the homemade Sophia Frederick) was not her favorite - they waited for her son. "My birth was not particularly happily welcomed," Ekaterina will write later in his "notes". Plouding and strict parental from the desire to "knock out the pride" often awarded the daughter with the patches for innocent children's pranks and for the non-persistence of character. Little Fixchen found consolation from a good-natured father. Constantly engaged in the service and practically did not intervene in the upbringing of children, he nevertheless became an example of conscientious ministry at the state field. "I never met more honest - both in the sense of principles and in relation to the actions of a person," the father of Catherine will tell about the day when people have already learned well.

The lack of material resources did not allow parents to hire expensive experienced teachers and governess. And here fate generously smiled at Sophia Frederica. After changing several unrelated governess, her good mentor was the French emigrant of Elizabeth Cardel (nicknamed Babet). As Catherine II later wrote about her, she "almost everything knew, without learn anything; he knew how his five fingers were all comedies and tragedies and was very funny." The heart review pupils draws bales "the model of virtue and prudence - she had an elevated heart soul, a developed mind, an excellent heart; She was patient, Maunder, cheerful, fair, constant."

Perhaps, the main merit of the clever Cardel, who had an exceptionally balanced character, can be called that it gledged a stubborn and secretive at first (fruits of former education) Fixchen to read, in which the capricious and fighting princess found true pleasure. The natural consequence of this hobbies - the interest that developed not on the years has emerged is not in the years for the serious works of philosophical content. It is no coincidence that in 1744, one of the enlightened friends of the family, the Swedish Count Gullenborg, joking, but not without reason called Fixchen "Fifteen-year-old philosopher." Curiously recognized by Catherine II itself, that the acquisition of the "mind and merits", a lot contributed to the Mother of Mother, "as if I am completely dunked," who kept the princess from empty secular entertainment. Meanwhile, one of the contemporaries recalls: "She was perfectly folded, with infancy he was distinguished by the noble Ovanka and was above his years. The expression of her face was not beautiful, but it was very nice, and an open look and a kind smile did all her figure very attractive."

However, the Further Fate of Sofia (like many of the German princesses then) has not been determined by its personal advantages, but a dynastic situation in Russia. The childless Empress Elizabeth Petrovna immediately after the topics began to seek the heir to the Russian throne. The choice fell on the only direct successor of the genus Peter the Great, his grandson is Charles Peter Ulrich. The son of the eldest daughter of Peter I Anna and the Duke of the Hollytein-Gottorpsky Charles Friedrich had already remained round orphans for 11 years. The prince's education was engaged in pedantic German teachers, led by a pathologically cruel gofamarshal Count Otto von Rubummer. The damned from the birth of the Duccian siblos, sometimes kept the injignment, and for any provinces for hours they were forced to stand knees on the peas, often and painfully sequels. "I am so drove," I went in a crummer scream, "that the dogs will lick the blood." The boy found an inventory in the hobby of music, addicted to a fighter sounding violin. Another passion was playing tin soldiers.

The humiliation, which was subjected to him from day to day, gave their results: the prince, as contemporaries celebrate, became "quick-tempered, fake, loved to boast, learned to lie." He grew up a cowardly, secretive, without a measure of capricious and a lot about herself an impetuous man. Here is a laconic portrait of Peter Ulrich, drawn by our brilliant historian V. O. Klyuchevsky: "His image of thoughts and actions impressed something surprisingly inhabitant and unfocused. He looked at a serious thing with a childhood look, and he treated the children's court with the seriousness of a mature husband. He looked like a child imagining himself as an adult; in fact, it was an adult man, forever as a child. "

Such a "decent" heir to the Russian throne in January 1742 hops (so that he did not catch the Swedes, whose king he could also become the king) was taken to St. Petersburg. In November of the same year, the Prince against His will drew in Orthodoxy and called Peter Fedorovich. But in the soul, he always remained the East Lutheran-German, who did not show any hunt to so much to master the language of his new homeland. In addition, with studying and education, the heir was not lucky in St. Petersburg. At his main mentor, Academician Jacob Schlyanin did not have any pedagogical talents, and he, seeing the striking inability and indifference of the student, preferred to please the permanent whims of the digestion, and not to learn it properly a mind.

Meanwhile, 14-year-old Peter Fedorovich has already found the bride. What did Princess Sofia princess? Saxon Resident Pezzold wrote about this: Being, although "from a noble, but so small kind," she will be an obedient wife without any claims to participate in great politics. Elegy memories of Elizabeth Petrovna about her failed marriage with the elder brother of Mother Sofia - Karl Augustom (shortly before the wedding, he died from smallpox), and the Portraits of the Miloid Princess, who, who, even then, "liked the first look "(so without false modesty will write in their" notes "of Catherine II).

At the end of 1743, Princess Sofia was invited (for Russian money) to St. Petersburg, where she arrived accompanied by the mother in February next year. From there they went to Moscow, where at that time there was a royal court, and on the eve of the birthday (February 9), Petra Fedorovich Prshoroshnaya and like (for the same money) bride appeared in front of the Empress and Grand Duke. Ya. Schlyanin writes about the sincere delight of Elizabeth Petrovna at the sight of Sofia. And the mature beauty, to become and the greatness of the Russian queen, made an indelible impression on the young provincial princess. As if I liked each other and narrowed. In any case, the mother of the future bride wrote her husband that "the Grand Prince loves her." Heself, Fixchen raised more and more soberly: "Talking in truth, the Russian crown I liked more than him (the groom. - M. R.) Especially. "

And really, idyll, if she originated at the beginning, lasted long. Further communication of the Grand Duke and Princess showed complete nurses and characters, and interests, and externally, they differed apart from each other: long-grade, narrow-profile and grievous groom losing even more against the background of an unusually attractive bride. When the Grand Duke suffered an OPP, his face was so disappointed by fresh scars that Sofia, seeing the heir, could not restrain and frankly horrived. However, the main thing was in the other: the stunning infantality of Peter Fedorovich opposed the active, purposeful, amplifting the princess of the princess of Sophia Fredericks, who was named in Russia in honor of the Mother of Empress Elizabeth Ekaterina (Alekseyevna). This happened with the adoption by Her Orthodoxy on June 28, 1744. The Empress made a convert noble gifts - a diamond cufflink and a necklace of 150 thousand rubles. Another day the official gain, which brought Catherine the titles of the Great Princess and the Imperial Highness.

Evaluating the situation that emerged in the spring of 1744, when the Empress Elizabeth, who realized the frivolous attempts to prone to the intrigues of the Mother of Sofia, Princess Johann-Elizabeth, to act (secretly from the Russian yard) in the interests of the Prussian King Friedrich II, almost sent her with her daughter back "To your home" (what the bride, how sensantly caught the bride, perhaps would be happy), Catherine expressed his feelings like this: "He was almost indifferent to me, but the Russian Crown was not indifferent to me."

On August 21, 1745, the last ten days of wedding ceremony began. Magnificent balls, mascaras, fireworks, the sea of \u200b\u200bwine and mountains of treats for a simple people at the Admiralty Square of St. Petersburg surpassed all expectations. However, the family life of newlyweds began with disappointment. As Catherine herself writes, tightly who dined the spouse that evening, "beside me beside me, hurt and slept safely until the very morning." And so it went out of the night on the night, from month to month, from year to year. Peter Fedorovich, as before the wedding, played selflessly in the dolls, trained (or rather, tied) to his dogs, arranged a daily hanging company from the court cavaliers of his age, and at night with Azart taught the "Ruzhin Execution" to his wife, bringing it to complete exhaustion. At the same time, he was first discovered excessive addiction to guilt and tobacco.

It is not surprising that Catherine began to experience physical disgust for her nominal husband, finding consolation in reading a wide variety of serious books and in horseback riding (it happened, she spent on horseback to the horse to 13 hours a day). Strong influence On the formation of her personality, as she recalled, the famous "Annals" of Tacita, and the newest work of the French enlightener Charles Louis Montesquieu "On the spirit of laws" became a desk book for her. It is absorbed by the study of the writings of French encyclopedists and already at that time intellectually turned on the head of all others.

Meanwhile, the older Empress Elizaveta Petrovna was waiting for the heir and that he did not appear, Vinyl Catherine. In the end, the empress on the prompt of the trusted persons arranged a medical examination of the married couple, about the results of which we learn from reports of foreign diplomats: "The Grand Duke was not able to have children from the obstacle to the eastern peoples circumcision, but which he considered the incurable." The news of this plunged Elizabeth Petrovna in shock. "Agrowed by SEE news, like a thunder blow," he writes one of the eyewitnesses, "Elizabeth seemed to be numb, he could not wait for a long time, finally buried."

However, the tears did not prevent the Empress to give consent to the immediate operation, and in case of her failure, she ordered to find a suitable "cavaller" for the role of the father of the future child. He was "Handsome Serge", 26-year-old Chamber Sergey Vasilyevich Saltykov. After two miscarriages (in 1752 and 1753), on September 20, 1754, Ekaterina gave birth to the heir of the throne set by Pavel Petrovich. True, evil tongues at the courtyard could hardly say that the child would have to be magnifying Sergeevich. Doubted his fatherhood and safely delivered by the incidence of Peter Fedorovich: "God knows where my wife takes his pregnancy, I don't know too much, is it a child and should I take it to my account?"

Timestone showed unperative suspicion. Paul inherited not only the specific features of the appearance of Peter Fedorovich, but, more importantly, its characteristics of his character are, including mental impassions, irritability, a tendency to unpredictable actions and irrepressible love for a senseless Mushtra soldiers.

The heir immediately after birth was excavated from the mother and was given under the supervision of Nycycles, and Sergey Saltykov was sent from the Catherine in Love in Sweden with a meticulous diplomatic mission. As for the Grand Double Four, Elizaveta Petrovna, having received the long-awaited heir, Lost for her former interest. With his nephew because of his unsteady tricks * and foolish curves, she could not stay "and a quarter of an hour, so as not to feel disgust, anger or chagrin." He, for example, drilled holes in the wall of the room, where the aunt-Empress took Alexei Razumovsky's favorite, and not only he watched himself what was happening there, but invited to look into the eyes and "friendships" from his surroundings. You can submit the power of anger of Elizabeth Petrovna, who learned about the trick. The aunt-Empress from now on in the hearts often calls him that fool, then freak, and then "damned nephew." In such a situation, Ekaterina Alekseevna, who provided the throne of the heir, could calmly reflect on his further fate.

Twenty-year-old great Princess On August 30, 1756, he informs the English ambassador in Russia Sir Charles Herbert Williamsu, with whom he was in secret correspondence, which decided to "die or reign". Life installations of young Catherine in Russia are simple: like a great prince, I like the Empress, to like the people. Recalling about this time, she wrote: "Truly, I did not neglect anything to achieve this: a wishness, submission, respect, desire to like, the desire to do as it should, sincere affection - all on my part constantly used to be used from 1744 to 1761 . I confess that when I lost hope for success in the first paragraph, I doubled efforts to fulfill the last two; it seemed to me that I had time to do in the second, but the third was a success in all its volume, without any restriction by any time, And, therefore, I think that quite well performed my task. "

The ways of acquiring Catherine "Power of Attorney of the Russians" did not contain anything original in themselves and in their simplicity, it was impossible to be better than the mental confusion and the level of enlightement of the St. Petersburg higher light. Listen to her: "They attribute it to a deep mind and long study of my position. At all! I have to do this with Russian old women<...> And in the solemn meetings, and on simple bitches and parties, I approached the old women, sat down, asked about their health, advised, what to use them means in case of illness, patiently listened to the endless their stories about their young years, about the current bored windiness of young people; He herself asked their advice in different cases and then thanked them sincerely. I knew what the name is Mosek, Bologna, Parrots, Dor; He knew when which of these Baryn is a birthday man. On this day, my valet was to her, congratulated her from my behalf and brought flowers and fruits from Oranienbaum Orangers. Two years have not passed, as the hottest praise, my mind and heart heard from all sides and separated throughout Russia. The simplest and most innocent way I made up a loud glory, and when I went about the lesson of the Russian throne, I found out a significant majority on my side. "

December 25, 1761 after a long disease did not become Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. Announcing this long-awaited message Senator Trubetskoy immediately proclaimed the entry into the throne of Emperor Peter III. As a wonderful historian S. M. Solovyov writes, "the answer was sobs and moans to the entire palace<...> Most of the gloomy new reign met: they knew the character of the new sovereign and did not expect anything good from him. "Catherine, if he had an intention, as herself recalls," to save the state from that death, whose danger was forced to foresee all moral and physical qualities of this sovereign " , then, while at that time in the fifth month of pregnancy, practically could not actively interfere with the course of events.

Perhaps this was for her for her and for the best - for six months, Peter III managed to configure the capital society to such an extent against himself the capital society and the nobility as a whole that practically opened the spouse to power to power. Moreover, the attitude towards it has not changed any universal education to the abolition of all the hated secret office with her shy, filled with arrestants one by one uniquely famous shouting: "The Word and Case of Sovereign!" Nor proclaimed on February 18, 1762, a manifesto on the liberty of the nobility Mandatory public service and granted them freedom to choose the place of residence, classes and the right to travel abroad. The last act caused by the nobility such an attack of enthusiasm that the Senate was removed even to put the monument from pure gold. However, Euphoria lasted for long, "all the Emperor's actions were extremely unpopular in the society, which threatened the national dignity of Russian people.

An angry condemnation was deliberately advertised by Peter III Adoration of the Prussian King Friedrich II. He loudly proclaimed himself with his vassal, for which he received the nickname "Monkey Friedrich" nickname. The degree of social discontent was particularly sharply jumped when Peter III concluded the world with Prussia and returned to her without any compensation to the blood won the Russian soldiers of the Earth. This step has practically reduced to Russia for Russia, all the successes of the seven-year war.

Peter III managed to configure himself against himself and the clergy, because according to his decree of March 21, 1762, it began to hastily implement the decision on the secularization of church lands in Elizabeth, the decision on the secularization of church lands: the rapid regulation was replenished by many years of war. Moreover, the new king threatened to deprive the clergy of the usual lush closures, replacing them with black pastoral regions, and shake beard priests.

I did not add fame to the new emperor and a detrimental addiction to the guilt. It left unnoticed and how extremely cynically led himself in the days of a sorrowful farewell with the late empress, allowing obscene clamps, jokes, loud laughter at her coffin ... According to contemporaries, Peter III did not have these days "more cruel enemy than he himself, because he does not neglect anything that he could damage. " This confirms Catherine: her husband "in the whole empire there was no longer an enemy than he himself." As you can see, Peter III thoroughly prepared the soil for the coup.

It is difficult to say when exactly the concrete outlines of the conspiracy appeared. With a large probability, its occurrence can be attributed to April 1762, when Catherine after childbirth received a physical opportunity for real action. Finally, the decision on the conspiracy, apparently, was established after the family scandal happened in early June. At one of the solemn lunches, Peter III in the presence of foreign ambassadors and about 500 guests in all sorts of several times in a row called his wife fool. Then followed by an adjutant to arrest the spouse. And only the persistent persuasion of Prince Georg Ludwig Golucket (he had to have an emperto dyslushka) put off the conflict. But they did not change the intention of Peter III by any ways to free themselves from his wife and to fulfill their desire - to marry a favorite, Elizabeth Romanovna Vorontsova. According to the reviews of loved ones to Peter, she "swore like a soldier, mowed, badly smelled and spoiled when conversation." Ryabyaya, fat, with an exorbitant bust, she was just that type of a woman who liked Peter Fedorovich, during Popophek loudly called his girlfriend not otherwise as "Romanov". Catherine also threatened the nail to the nun.

There was no time for organizing a classic conspiracy with long-term training and thinking out of all parts. Everything was solved on the situation, almost at the level of improvisation, however, compensated by the decisive actions of supporters of Ekaterina Alekseevna. Among them was her secret rehabiller Ukrainian hetman K. G. Razumovsky, at the same time the commander of the Izmailovsky regiment, the favorite of the Guardsmen. Explicit sympathies showed to her and approximate to Peter III Ober-Prosecutor A. I. Glebov, General-Feldschmeister A. N. Vilboa, director of the police Baron N. A. Korf, as well as General-Annef M. N.. In preparation, the coup was also participating 18-year-old unusually energetic and enormous friendship with Ekaterina Knyagin E. R. Dashkova (Favorite Peter III had to her sister), who had extensive connections in the world due to the proximity to N. I. Panin and the fact that Chancellor M. I. Vorontsov was her native uncle.

It was through the sister of the favorite, who did not cause any suspicion, to participate in the coup managed to attract officers of the Preobrazhensky regiment - P. B. Pazsek, S. A. Bredikhina, the brothers Alexander and Nikolai Roslavlev ( In other reliable channels, connections with other energetic young guards officers were established. All of them laid the Catherine relatively easy way to the throne. Among them, the most active and active - "Having made out of the crowd with admissions, the 27-year-old Grigory Grigorievich Orlov (who has long been in love with Catherine, who has long been born in April 1762, was their son Alexey in April 1762). Favorita Catherine in all supported the two of his same youth brother-Guardsmen - Alexey and Fyodor. It was three unlike brothers actually showed the main spring conspiracy.

In the equestrian guard, "the future favorite of Catherine II 22-year-old Unter-Officer G. A. Potemkin and his Singowstocks F. A. Khitrovo and his one year old were directed. By the end of June, according to Catherine, her "manifestations" in the guard were up to 40 officers and about 10 thousand ordinary. One of the main inspirationors of the conspiracy was the teacher of Cesarevich Pavel N. I. Panin. True, he pursued the goals other than Catherine: the removal from the power of Peter Fedorovich and the establishment of regency at his pupil, the young king Pavel Petrovich. Catherine knows about it, and although such a plan is absolutely unacceptable for her, she, not wanting a fragmentation of forces, while talking to Panin is limited to anything that did not bind the phrase: "I am a nier to be a mother than the wife of the lord."

The case has brought the fall of Peter III: a reckless decision to start a war with Denmark (with a completely empty treasury) and commanded the troops itself, although the inability of the emperor to the military case was a parable in the panels. His interests here were limited to love for colorful uniforms, to the endless Mushtra and the assimilation of the gross soldier's manner, which he considered the indicator of masculinity. Even the ultimate advice of his idol Friedrich II - to coronation, not to go to the theater of hostilities - did not sign on Peter actions. And now the Guard, spoiled in the Empress Elizabeth, Petrovna in the Epos, and now, by the whims of the king, the Prussian sample dressed in hated uniforms, receives an order to urgently prepare for the campaign that did not meet the interests of Russia.

The direct signal to the beginning of the actions of the conspirators served a random arrest in the evening of June 27 of one of the conspirators - Captain Pazek. The danger was great. Alexey Orlov and Guards Lieutenant Vasily Bibikov on the night of June 28 rush to rush to Peterhof, where Catherine was located. The Gregory and Fyodor and Fyodor prepared everything in St. Petersburg, prepared everything for the appropriate "royal" meeting of her in the capital. At six o'clock in the morning on June 28, Alexey Orlov woke up Catherine with the words: "It's time to get up: everything is ready for your proclamation." "Like what?" - Pronounces the asked Ekaterina. "Passek arrested," was the answer A. Orlov.

And the oscillations are discarded, Catherine and Camera Freillan sit in the carriage, in which Orlov arrived. V. I. Bibikov and Camera Lakuri Schurin are arranged on the stamps, on the goats next to Kucher - Alexey Orlov. A verst five to the capital meets Gregory Orlov. Catherine is transplanted in his carriage with fresh horses. Before the barracks of the Izmailovsky regiment, the Guardsmen are delighted with the oath of the new Empress. Then, the carriage with Catherine and the crowd of soldiers, led by a priest with a cross, head to the Semenovsky regiment, who met Ekaterina Gromov "Hurray!". Accompanied by the troops, she goes to the Kazan Cathedral, where the prayer was immediately beginning and on the projects "they were headed by the autocratic empress Ekaterina Alekseevna and the heir of the Grand Duke Paul Petrovich." From Catherine Cathedral, already the Empress, goes to the Winter Palace. Here, to two regiments, the guard joined slightly raised and scary by these upset guardsmen of the Preobrazhensky regiment. Army parts pulled up to noon.

Meanwhile, the members of the Senate and Synod, other higher ranks of the state are already crowded in the Winter Palace. Without any pricks, they brought oath by Emperatrica by Naskovo-compiled by the future State Secretary of Catherine II G. N. Thermal text. A manifesto about the eDiz on the throne of Catherine "at the request of all of our subjects". Residents of the Northern Capital are bothering, the river is poured for the provisional account of wine from the cellars of private winegotovkov. Heated drunk, the simple people from the soul are having fun and waiting for blessings from the new queen. But she is not yet up to her. Under the exclosed "Hurray!" Canceled Danish campaign. To attract the fleet to Kronstadt, a reliable man is sent - Admiral I. L. Talyzin. Decrees on the change of power are prudently directed and in the part of the Russian army located in Pomerania.

And what about Peter III? Has he suspected a threat to the coup and what happened in his immediate surroundings in the ill-fated day on June 28? The preserved documentary evidence definitely show that he even thought did not allow the possibility of a coup, confident in the love of subjects. Hence his disregard for the previously arrived, truth is foggy, caution.

Having stuck on the eve of the late dinner, Peter on June 28 to the afternoon comes to Peterhof to celebrate the upcoming names. And it discovers that Catherine in Montplasir is not, - she unexpectedly left for St. Petersburg. The messengers were urgently sent to the city - N. Yu. Trubetskaya and A. I. Shuvalov (one - Colonel Semenovsky, another - Preobrazhensky regiment). However, neither one nor the other returned, without thinking, swearing Catherine. But the disappearance of the messengers did not give the decisiveness to Peter, from the very beginning of a morally crushed full, in his opinion, the hopelessness of the situation. Finally, it was decided to move to Kronstadt: on the consecration of the commandant of the fortress of P. A. Devière, it would be seemed to be ready for the reception of the emperor. But while Peter and his people floated to Kronstadt, Talisin had already managed to arrive there and, to the joy of garrison, led everyone to the oath to the loyalty to Empress Catherine II. Therefore, approached in the first hour of the night to the fortress of flotilla of the depth emperor (one galley and one yacht) was forced to turn back to Oranienbaum. Peter and the Council returned to them from the reference of the elderly Count B. X. Miniha will act "in a tsarist", not a hitch, go to the troops in Revel and move with them to St. Petersburg.

And at that time, Catherine once again demonstrates his determination, ordered to pull up to 14 thousand troops with artillery. The task of capturing the throne of conspirators is complex and at the same time simple: to achieve a "voluntary" decent renunciation of Peter from the throne. And on June 29, General M. L. Izmailov delivers Catherine a miserable message of Peter III with a request for forgiveness and with refusal of their rights to the throne. He also expressed his willingness (if it was permitted) together with E. R. Vorontsova, Adjutant A. V. Gudovich, the violin and a favorite pug to go for a residence in Holt, if only he was allocated to be uncomplished for a hazardous existence of a board. From Peter requested the "written and peculiar certificate" about the refusal of the throne "voluntarily and ease." Peter was agreed on everything and wrote in writing to "the whole light solemn but": "From the government, the Russian state is renewed for the whole age."

By noon, Peter took the arrest, delivered to Peterhof, and then transferred to Ropshi - a small country palace in 27 versts from St. Petersburg. Here he was planted "under the strong guard" allegedly until then, the premises in Shlisselburg will be prepared. The main "Karaulcher" was appointed Alexey Orlova. So, for the entire coup, which did not shed a single drop of blood, it took partial two days - on June 28 and 29. Frederick II later in a conversation with the French Messenger in St. Petersburg, Graph L.-F. Segür gave such a review of events in Russia: "The absence of courage in Peter III ruined him: he allowed to overthrow himself from the throne, as a child who was sent to sleep".

In the current situation, the physical elimination of Peter was the most faithful and ill-solving problem. As for the request, this is exactly what happened. On the seventh day after the coup with not quite clarified so far, Peter III was killed. The people were officially announced that Peter Fedorovich died from the hemorrhoidal colic, which happened "by the will of Divine Providence."

Naturally, contemporaries, as subsequently and historians, the zadaism was interested in the question of the involvement of Catherine to this tragedy. There are different opinions on this matter, but they are all built on guesses and assumptions, and no facts that are climing Catherine in this crime is simply not. Apparently, the French messenger Beranta was right, when he wrote to the hot trails: "I do not suspect this princess such a terrible soul to think that she participated in the death of the king, but since the Mystery of the deepest will probably always hide from the total The information of this author of this terrible murder, suspicion and pileness will remain on Empress. "

A. I. Herzzen expressed more definitely: "It is very likely that Catherine did not give orders to kill Peter III. We know from Shakespeare, how these orders are given - a look, hint, silence." It is important to note here that all participants in the "unexpected" (so explained in his repentant note of Empress A. Orlov) the murder of the deplorable emperor not only did not suffer any punishment, but they were then canceled were awarded money and fortress souls. Thus, Catherine, volunteer or unwittingly, took this grave sin on himself. Perhaps that is why the Empress showed no less mercy in relation to his recent enemies: almost none of them were not only sent to the existing Russian tradition in the link, but also did not suffer punishment. Even Metress Peter Elizavet Vorontsov was just quietly walked into her father's house. Moreover, subsequently, Catherine II became the godmother of her firstborn. Truly the generosity and unlocking - the faithful weapons of strong, always bringing the glory and faithful admirers.

On July 6, 1762, Senate was declared signed by Ekaterina Manifesto about the Edema for the throne. On September 22, a solemn coronation took place in the cool member of her Moscow. So the 34-year-old reign of Catherine second began.

Getting Started by the characteristic of the long reign of Catherine II and its personality, pay attention to one paradoxical fact: the illegality of the advantage of Ekaterina's throne had their own undoubted pluses, especially in the early years of the reign, when she "was supposed to pay a hard work, great service and donations to pay the fact that the kings are legitimate are without difficulty. This is the most need and was partly the spring of the great and brilliant affairs of it." This was not only a well-known writer and memoirist N. I. Greek, who owns a given judgment. In this case, it only reflected the opinion of the educated part of society. V. O. Kleevsky, speaking about the tasks that were standing in front of Catherine, and not received power by law, and noting the extreme confusion of the situation in Russia after the coup, did the focus on the same moment: "The authorities captured always has the nature of the bill on which We are waiting for payment, and in the mood of the Russian society, Catherine had to justify a variety of dissenters. " Looking ahead, let's say that this bill was repaid on time.

In the historical literature, the main contradiction of the Ekaterininsky "Age of Enlightenment" has long been noted (though, not all specialists shared): Empress "wanted so much enlightenment and such a world so as not to be afraid of his" imminent effect. "In other words, Catherine II was before the explosive dilemma: Enlightenment or slavery? And since she never allowed this problem, leaving fortress law in immunity, it seems to be a reason for subsequent bewilders about why she did not. But the above formula ("Enlightenment - slavery") causes Natural questions: And whether there were corresponding conditions for the destruction of "slavery" in Russia and was the need for a radical change in social relations in the country and aware of the society? Let's try to answer them.

Defining the course of its internal policy, Catherine rests primarily to the book knowledge acquired by it. But not only. The conversion of the empress at first was fueled by its initial evaluation of Russia as a "not yet plowed country", where all the reforms are best. That is why on August 8, 1762, in total on the sixth week of his reign, Catherine II, a special decree confirmed the Martov Decree of Peter III on the ban on the purchase of industrialistic peasants. Owners of factories and mines should be content with the difficulty of free-paced workers paid under the contract. It seems that she generally had an intention to cancel forced labor and make sure to save the country from the "shame of slavery," as the spirit of the doctrine of Montesquieu. But the intention is not so else she sucked to decide on such a revolutionary step. In addition, Catherine has not yet had any complete presentation of Russian reality. On the other hand, as noted one of small people Pushkin era Prince P. A. Vyazemsky, when the acts of Catherine II have not yet become "a deepest deep", she "loved reforms, but gradual, transformations, but not cool," without breaking.

By 1765, Catherine II comes to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to convene a laid commission for bringing "in the best order" of existing legislation and in order to reliably learn "the needs and sensitive shortcomings of our people." We will remind, attempts to convene the current law-consistent authority - a laid commission - more than once, they have been undertaken before, but they all fail in virtue of various reasons. Given this, endowed with the non-Ravyful mind of Catherine resorted to an unprecedented act in the history of Russia: she personally compiled a special "malfunction", which is a detailed written program of the Commission's actions.

As follows from the letter to Voltera, she believed that the Russian people were "excellent soil on which a good seed increases rapidly; but we also need axioms, indisputable for true." And these axioms are known - the ideas of enlightenment, put it for the basis of the new Russian legislation. Another V. O. Klyuchevsky specifically allocated the underlying condition for the implementation of conversion plans of Catherine, in a compressed form outlined by it in the "AUTO": "Russia there is a European power; Peter I, entering the morals and customs European people in the European people, found such amenities as and He himself did not expect. The conclusion was followed by itself: axioms representing the last and the best fruit of European thoughts will find the same features in this. "

In the literature on "Apassia" for a long time there is an opinion on the purely compile character of this chief Catherine political work. Justifying such judgments, usually refer to her own words, spoken by the French philosopher and the enlightenment D "Alambera:" You will see how I for the benefit of my empire, I absorbed the president of Montesquieu, without calling him. "And indeed, out of 526 articles" Peny ", Broken at 20 chapters, 294 go down to the work of the famous French enlightener Montesquieu "On the spirit of the laws", and 108 - to the composition of the Italian lawyer Cesare Beckkaria "On Crimes and Punishments". Catherine has been widely used and the works of other European thinkers. However, it was not A simple arrangement to the Russian manner of eminent authors, and their creative rethinking, an attempt to attach the ideas of Russian reality laid in them.

(To be continued.)

Russian Empress Catherine The second, also known as the Great, reigned from 1762 to 1796. With their own efforts, it significantly expanded the Russian empire significantly improved the administration system and vigorously conducted a westernization policy implying the process of transition to Western ideas and traditions. In the time of Catherine, the Great Russia has become pretty large country. She could compete with the great powers of Europe and Asia.

Childhood of the future Great Empress

Catherine The second, nee Sofia Frederica Auguste, was born on April 21, 1729 in a small German principality in the city of Shtattin, Prussia (now Shecin, Poland). Her Father Christian August Anhalt-Crebstsky was the prince of this tiny ownership. He did a military career with Friedrich Wilhelm first.

Mother Catherine - Princess Elizabeth Golstein-Gottorpskaya. Girl's parents were very hoping for the appearance of the heir, and therefore did not show any special attachment towards her daughter. Instead, they devoted most of the time and energy to the son of Wilhelm, who, unfortunately, later died at the age of twelve years.

Getting education and proximity with a governess

As a child, the future Catherine The second was very close with his governess Babetta. Subsequently, the empress is always warm about her responded. The girl's education consisted of those subjects that they were needed by status and origin. This is religion (Lutheranism), history, French, German, and even Russian, who is very useful subsequently. And, of course, music.

So I spent my childhood Catherine Great. Briefly describing her years of stay in the homeland, it can be said that nothing unusual with the girl could not happen. The life of the growing Catherine seemed very boring, and she did not know then that she was waiting for an exciting adventure in front - a trip to the distant stern edge.

Arrival to Russia, or the beginning of family life

As soon as Catherine has grown, her mother saw in his daughter a means of moving on a social staircase and improving the situation in the family. She had many relatives, and it helped to take care of the careful search for a suitable groom. At the same time, the life of Catherine was so monotonous that she saw in this upcoming marriage a wonderful means to leave the mother.

When Catherine turned fifteen, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna invited her to Russia so that she could be the wife of the heir to the throne - the Grand Duke Peter Third. He was an immature and unpleasant sixteen-year-old young men. As soon as the girl arrived in Russia, she immediately fell ill with pleuris, who almost killed her.

Elizabeth survived due to frequent bleeding, which insisted, but her mother was against such practice, and because of this he fell into opal to the Empress. Nevertheless, as soon as Catherine recovered and adopted the Orthodox faith, despite the objections of the Father - a devoted Lutheran, she and the young prince got married. And with the new religion, the girl received another name - Katerina. All these events occurred in 1745, and this is how Ekaterina's history began.

Years of family life, or as a spouse playing soldiers

Becoming twenty-first august a member of the royal family, Catherine began to wear the title of princess. But her marriage turned out to be completely unhappy. Ekaterina's husband was an immature young man who, instead of spending time with his own spouse, preferred to play with the soldiers. And the future empress spent the time entertaining by other fun, reading.

The graph who was Catherine's chamber, knew the memoirist James Boswell well, and he reported the graph of the details of the intimate life of the monarch. Some of these rumors contained information that shortly after the marriage Peter took himself in the mistress Elizabeth Vorontsov. But after that he was not in debt. She was noticed in relations with Sergey Saltykov, Gregory Orlov, Stanislav understood and others.

The appearance of the long-awaited heir

Several years have passed before the future empress gave birth to the heir. The son of Catherine is Great, Paul, appeared on the world of the twentieth of September 1754. The paternity of this child became the subject of endless discussions. There are many scientists who believe that in fact the father of the boy is not her husband Ekaterina Great, and Sergey Saltykov is a Russian nobleman and a member of the court. Others argued that the baby looks like Peter, who comes from his father.

In any case, Catherine did not have time on his firstborn, and soon Elizaveta Petrovna took him to her upbringing. Despite the fact that the marriage turned out to be unsuccessful, it did not eclipse the intellectual and political interests of Catherine. An intelligent young woman continued to read a lot, especially in French. She loved the novels, plays and poems, but most of all were interested in the writings of large french education figures, such as Didro, Voltaire and Montesquieu.

Soon Catherine prevented the second child, Anna, who will live only four months. Children of Catherine Great because of various rumors about the promiscuity of the future empress did not cause the third warm feelings in Peter. The man doubted that it was he was their biological father. Of course, Catherine rejected such accusations of the spouse and preferred to spend most of the time in his Boudar to escape from his irremist.

In one step from the throne

After the death of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, who died on December 25, 1761, the spouse of Catherine entered the throne, becoming the third, while Ekaterina herself received the title of empress. But the couple still lived separately. The Empress had nothing to do with the board. Peter was openly cruel with his wife. He ruled the state with his mistresses.

But Catherine Great was a very ambitious woman with huge intellectual abilities. She hoped that over time she would still come to power and would rule Russia. Unlike her husband, Catherine tried to demonstrate his dedication to the state and the Orthodox faith. As she rightly assumed, it helped her not only take a place on the throne, but also to enlist the necessary support for the Russian people.

Conspiracy against your own spouse

After a few months of his reign, Peter Third managed to get a bunch of enemies in the government among military and especially church ministers. On the night of June 28, 1762, Ekaterina Great entered into collusion with his beloved Grigory Orlov, left the palace and went to the Izmailovsky regiment, where he spoke to the soldiers with a speech, in which she asked her to defend her from his own spouse.

So was the conspiracy against Peter the Third. The ruler was forced to sign a document on renunciation, and the son of Catherine Great Paul climbed to the throne. With it, the Empress was supposed to be as a regent before his majority. And Peter shortly after the arrest was strangled with its own guards. Perhaps this Catherine ordered the murder, but there are no evidence of her guilt.

Dreams Come True

From this time, the Board of Catherine is begins. In the first years, she pays the maximum time to ensure the hardness of his position on the throne. Catherine perfectly understood that there were persons who consider it a usurper who seized someone else's power. Therefore, she actively used the slightest opportunities to win the favors of the nobles and the military.

As for foreign policy, Catherine The second great understood that Russia needs a long period of peace in order to concentrate on internal problems. And this world could only be obtained by cautious foreign policy. And for her holding Catherine chose Count Nikita Panin, who was very knowledgeable in foreign affairs.

Unsettled personal life of Empress Catherine

Portrait of Catherine Great shows us her as a woman of pretty pleasant outfice, and it is not at all surprising that the personal life of the empress was very diverse.

Catherine could not join a re-marriage because it would put it at risk of her position.

According to the majority of researchers, the history of Catherine Great has about twelve lovers, whom she often gave various presents, honors and titles in order to win their favor.

Favorites, or how to provide your old age

After the Roman Catherine with the adviser to Gregory Alexandrovich Potemkin ended, and it happened in 1776, the Empress chose a man who had not only physical beauty, but also excellent mental abilities. It was Alexander Dmitriev-Mamonov. Many lovers of the Empress tremblely treated her, and Ekaterina Great always demonstrated generosity towards them even after completing all connections.

So, for example, one beloved - Peter Zavadovsky - received fifty thousand rubles, a pension of five thousand and four thousand peasants after their relationship ended (this happened in 1777). The last of her numerous lovers is the prince of teeth, which was younger than the empress for forty years.

But what about the children of Catherine Great? Are there anyone who gave her one more son or daughter among so many favorites? Or did Paul stayed her sole descendant?

Children Catherine Great Born by Favorites

When Empress Elizabeth Petrovna died, Catherine was on the sixth month of pregnancy from Grigoria Orlov. The baby was born in secret from all April 11, 1762 in the remote part of the palace. Her marriage with Peter Third at that time was completely destroyed, and he often flared at the court with his mistress.

Camerer Catherine Vasily Schurin and his wife took the child to her house. The Board of Catherine Great began when the boy was only a few months. He was returned to the palace. The baby began to enjoy normal childhood under the control of his parents - Empress Catherine and Gregory. Orlov began using a child, trying to push Catherine to marriage.

She thought very long and stubbornly, but still accepted the Council of Panin, who said that Mrs. Orlova would never be allowed to rule the Russian state. And Catherine did not dare to marry Orlov Gregory. When Alexey became a teenager, he went to travel abroad. The travel continued for ten years. After returning to Russia, the son received as a gift from the mother of the estate and began to study in the Holy Cadet Corps.

The influence of favorites on the affairs of state

According to other historical data, a boy and a girl gave birth to the Uchratovskiy Empress, but these children of Catherine have lived only about sixteen months. They never were recognized in public. The majority came from noble names and managed to build an outstanding political career. For example, Stanislav understood became the king of Poland in 1764.

But none of the beloved Catherine did not use their status so much to influence the state policy. With the exception of Grigory Potemkin, with whom Catherine the Great tied very deep feelings. Many experts even argue that a secret marriage was concluded between Empress and Potemkin in 1774.

Catherine is the Great, the years of the reign of which brought significant benefits to the Russian state, throughout their life remained a woman loving and beloved.

Main merits to the Russian state

And although the love in the life of Catherine was an important part, feelings never obscured political interests. The Empress always worked hard in the development of the Russian language to such an extent to fully remove his focus, absorbed the Russian culture and mastered the customs, and also scrupulously studied the history of the empire. Catherine Great Indicates that it was a very competent ruler.

During his reign, Catherine expanded the borders of the Russian Empire to the south and west almost 520,000 square kilometers. The state has become a dominant force in the southeastern part of Europe. Numerous victories on the military front allowed the empire to access the Black Sea.

Moreover, in 1768, the assignment bank was entrusted with the task of issuing first government paper money. Such institutions opened in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and then bank branches were created in other cities.

Catherine paid great attention to the formation and education of young people of both sexes. A Moscow educational house was opened, soon the empress established Smolny, she studied pedagogical theories in the practice of other countries and initiated many educational reforms. And it was Catherine who laid the obligation to open schools in the provincial parts of the Russian Empire.

The Empress constantly patronized the cultural life of the country, and also demonstrated the dedication of the Orthodox faith and the state. She paid maximum attention to the expansion of educational institutions and an increase in the economic relics of the country. But who rules after Catherine are great? Who continued her path in the development of the state?

The last days of the Board. Possible heirs of the throne

Over the course of several decades, Catherine The second was the absolute ruler of the Russian state. But all this time she had a very stretched relationship with his own son - the heir to Paul. The Empress perfectly understood that it was impossible to transfer power in the hands of a sibling.

Catherine is the Great, the years of the reign of which ended in mid-November 1796, decided to make his successor Alexander's grandson. It was in him who saw the future ruler and very warmly treated him. The Empress prepared her grandson in advance to reign, engaging in his formation. Moreover, she even had time to marry Alexander, which meant the achievement of the majority and the opportunity to take a place on the throne.

Despite this, after the death of Catherine, the second with the help of the next son of the Empress Paul, the first took the place of the heir to the throne. Thus, he became those who ruled after Catherine Great for five years.

The topic of this article is the biography of Catherine Great. From 1762 to 1796, this empress reigned. The era of the board was marked by the reassurance of peasants. Ekaterina Great, biography, photo and activity of which are presented in this article, significantly expanded the privileges of the nobility.

Origin and childhood Catherine

The future empress was born on May 2 (according to a new style - April 21) 1729 in Shatttin. She was a daughter of Prince Anhalt-Crembst, who was in Prussian service, and the princesses of Johann-Elizabeth. The future empress was related to English, Prussian and Swedish royal houses. Education She got home: studied French and German languages, music, theology, geography, history, engaged in dancing. Revealing such a topic as the biography of Catherine Great, we note that the independent nature of the future empress appeared in childhood. She was a persistent, inquisitive child, had a tendency to moving, live games.

Baptism and wedding Catherine

Catherine, together with his mother in 1744, was caused by Empress Elizabeth Petrovna to Russia. Here it was baptized by orthodox custom. Ekaterina Alekseevna became Bride Petra Fedorovich, the Grand Duke (in the future - Emperor Peter III). She married him in 1745.

Hobbies of Empress

Ekaterina wanted to win the location of her husband, empress and the Russian people. Her personal life, nevertheless, was unsuccessful. Since Peter was infantile, for several years the marriage of married relations between them was not. Catherine was fond of reading work on jurisprudence, history and economy, as well as French enlighteners. Her worldview has formed all these books. The future empress has become a supporter of the ideas of enlightenment. She was also interested in traditions, customs and history of Russia.

Personal life Catherine II

Today we know quite a lot about such an important historical person as Catherine Great: Biography, her children, personal life - all this is the object of research of historians and the interest of many of our compatriots. For the first time we get acquainted with this empress even at school. However, what we learn in the history lessons is far from complete information about such an Empress as Catherine Great. Biography (grade 4) from the school textbook lowers, for example, her personal life.

Ekaterina II at the beginning of the 1750s started Roman with S.V. Saltykov, Guards officer. She gave birth to a son in 1754, the future of Emperor Paul I. Nevertheless, rumors that his father was Saltykov, are unreasonable. In Catherine, in the second half of the 1750s, a novel was a novel with S. Pesakovsky, a Polish diplomat, who then became king Stanislav Augustus. Also in the early 1760s - from G.G. Orlov. The Empress gave birth to his son Alexey in 1762, who received the name Bobrinsky. Since the relationship with her husband worsened, Catherine began to fear for their fate and began to recruit at the court of supporters. Sincere love to his homeland, her reasonableness and dismissed piety - all this contrasted with the behavior of her husband, which allowed the future Empress to conquer the authority among the population of St. Petersburg and the Great Metropolitan Society.

The proclamation of Ekaterina Empress

Relationships of Catherine with their spouse for 6 months of his rule continued to worsen, becoming energic. Peter III openly appeared in the society of his mistress E.R. Vorontsova. There was a threat of arrest Catherine and its possible expulsion. The future empress carefully prepared a plot. She was supported by N.I. Panin, E.R. Dashkova, K.G. Razumovsky, the Brothers Orlov, etc. Once at night, from 27 to 28 June 1762, when Peter III was in Oranienbaum, Catherine was secretly arrived in St. Petersburg. It was proclaimed in the barracks of the Izmailovsky regiment by autocratic empress. The rebels soon joined the other shelves. In the city, the news was rapidly spread about the entertainment of the empress for the throne. Petersburgers met her with delight. The deaths in Kronstadt and the army were sent to prevent Peter III actions. He, having learned about what happened, began to send proposals for negotiations to Catherine, but she rejected them. The Empress personally spoke to Petersburg, heading the Guards Shelves, and received on the road a written renunciation of Peter III.

Read more about the palace coup

As a result of the palace coup on July 9, 1762, Ekaterina II came to power. It happened as follows. Because of the couple's arrest, all the conspirators rose to their feet, frightened that they could be arrested by their torture. It was decided to send for Catherine Alexei Orlova. The Empress at this time lived in anticipation of the name of Peter III in Peterhof. On June 28, in the morning, Alexey Orlov fell into her bedroom and reported on the arrest of the PRESS. Catherine sat in the carriage of Orlova, she was brought to Izmailovsky Regiment. The soldiers ran to the area along the drum battle and immediately swore her. She then moved to the Semenovsky regiment, which also swore the Empress. Accompanied by the crowd of the people, at the head of two regiments, Ekaterina went to the Kazan Cathedral. Here on prayer it was proclaimed by the Empress. Then she went to the Winter Palace and found the Synod and the Senate already there assembled. They also swore to her.

Personality and character of Catherine II

It is interesting not only by the biography of Catherine Great, but also her personality and character who put the imprint on her inner and foreign Policy. Catherine II was a subtle psychologist and an excellent connoisseur of people. The Empress skillfully chose assistants, while not afraid of talented and bright personalities. Catherine time therefore was noted by the emergence of many outstanding states, as well as commander, musicians, artists, writers. Catherine was in handling his subjects usually restrained, tactical, patient. She was an excellent interlocutor, could carefully listen to anyone. According to his own recognition of the Empress, she did not possess creative mind, but they caught standing thoughts and knew how to use them for their own purposes.

Almost no noisy resignation during the reign of this empress. Velmazby was not subject to opal, they were not referred to them and did not execute. Because of this, the time of the reign of Catherine is considered the "golden age" of the nobility in Russia. The Empress, at the same time, was very vain and treated most of all in the light of his authority. She was ready to go for her conservation to any compromises, including to the detriment of his own beliefs.

Religiosity of Empress

This empress was different when the piety was different. She considered himself a defender orthodox church And her head. Ekaterina skillfully used religion in political interests. Apparently, the faith was not very deep. The biography of Catherine Great was noted by the fact that she preached a vers constant in the spirit of time. It was with this empress that the persecution of the Old Believers was stopped. Protestant I. catholic church And mosque. Nevertheless, the transition to another faith from Orthodoxy was still cruel.

Catherine - the opponent of serfdom

Ekaterina Great, whose biography interests us, was an ardent counterpart of serfdom. She considered him contrary to the nature of man and antiguman. A lot of sudden statements on this issue remained in its papers. Also, they can also find its reasoning about how to eliminate serfdom. Nevertheless, the empress was not solved to make anything concrete in this area because of the fear of the next coup and the noble riot. Catherine, at the same time, was convinced that the Russian peasants are spiritually undeveloped, so there is a danger in giving them freedom. According to the Empress, the life of the peasants is quite prosperous in caring landowners.

First reforms

When Catherine entered the throne, she had a rather definite political program. It was founded on the ideas of enlightenment and took into account the features of Russia's development. The sequence, graduality and accounting of public sentiment were the main principles of the implementation of this program. Catherine II in the first years of government conducted the reform of the Senate (in 1763). His work as a result became more efficient. In the following, 1764, carried out the secularization of church lands of Catherine Great. Biography for children of this empress, presented on school textbooks, must introduce schoolchildren with this fact. Secularization significantly replenished the treasury, and also facilitated the position of the set of peasants. Catherine in Ukraine eliminated hetmanism in accordance with the need to unify local government throughout the state. In addition, she invited to the Russian Empire to master the Black Sea and the Volga region of German colonists.

Foundation of educational institutions and a new code

At the same years, a number of educational institutions were founded, including for women (the first in Russia) - Catherine School, Smolny Institute. The empress in 1767 announced that a special commission was convened to create a new deposit. It consisted of elected deputies, representatives of all social groups of society, except for fortress peasants. For the commission, Ekaterina wrote "Okaz", which is, in fact, the liberal program of the rule of this empress. However, appeals were not understood by deputies. According to the smallest issues, they led their disputes. Deep contradictions between social groups were discovered during these discussions, as well as the low level of many deputies of political culture and the conservatism of the majority of them. The laid commission at the end of 1768 was dissolved. The Empress estimated this experience as an important lesson who introduced it to the mood of various layers of the state's population.

Development of legislation

After the Russian-Turkish war ended, which lasted from 1768 to 1774, and the Pugachev uprising was suppressed, a new stage of Catherine reforms began. The empress has become the most important legislative acts themselves. In particular, manifest was published in 1775, according to which it was allowed to start without restrictions. industrial enterprises. Also this year was held provincial reformAs a result of which the new administrative division of the empire was established. It has been preserved until 1917.

Revealing the topic "Brief biography of Catherine Great", we note that Empress in 1785 issued the most important legislation. These were the humbled diplomas to cities and nobility. A diploma of state peasants was also prepared, but political circumstances did not allow it to introduce it. The main value of the letter of the letter was associated with the implementation of the main objective of Catherine reforms - the creation in the empire of full-fledged sample classes Western Europe. A lot meant for the Russian nobility to legal consolidation of almost all privileges and rights that had had.

The last and unfulfilled reforms that the Great Catherine proposed

Biography ( summary) The empress of interest is noted by the fact that she spent various reforms before his death. For example, education reform was continued in the 1780s. Catherine Great, whose biography is presented in this article, has created a network based on a system of class-urgent school institutions in cities. The Empress in the last years of his life continued to plan serious transformations. The reform of the central control was scheduled for 1797, as well as the introduction of legislation in the country on the procedure for swallows, the creation of a representative office based on the 3rs of the highest judicial instance. However, it did not have time to complete the extensive reform program of Catherine 2 Great. A brief biography of it, however, would be incomplete if we were not mentioned about all this. In general, all these reforms were a continuation of the transformation initiated by Peter I.

Foreign policy of Catherine

What else is interesting biography of Catherine 2 Great? The Empress, after Peter, believed that Russia should actively act on the world stage, to conduct an offensive policy, even to some extent aggressive. After the edition of the throne, she broke the union contract with Prussia, prisonered by Peter III. Thanks to the efforts of this empress, they managed to restore the Duke of E.I. Biron on the Kourney Throne. Supported by Prussia, in 1763 Russia has achieved election to the Polish throne of Stanislava of August of the Constable, its own gender. This led, in turn, to deterioration of relations with Austria due to the fact that she feared the strengthening of Russia and began to incite the war with her Turkey. In general, for Russia was a successful Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774, but the difficult situation inside the country encouraged her to look for peace. And for this it was necessary to restore the previous relationship with Austria. In the end, the compromise was achieved. Poland fell his victim: its first section was carried out in 1772 Russia, Austria and Prussia.

Kyucchuk-Kainardzhi world with Turkey, which ensured the independence of the Crimea, profitable for Russia. The Empire in the war of England with the colonies of North America occupied neutrality. Catherine refused to help the english king troops. The declaration of armed neutrality, created on the initiative of Panin, joined a number of European states. This contributed to the victory of the colonists. In the following years, it was strengthening the positions of our country in the Caucasus and in the Crimea, which was completed by the inclusion of the latter in the Russian Empire in 1782, as well as by signing next year Georgievsky Treath With Irakli II, Kartil-Kakhetian king. This ensured the presence of Russian troops in Georgia, and then joining its territory to Russia.

Strengthening authority in the international arena

The new foreign policy doctrine of the Russian government was formed in the 1770s. It was a Greek project. Its main purpose was to restore the Byzantine Empire and the announcement by the emperor of Prince Konstantin Pavlovich, who was grandson of Catherine II. Russia in 1779 significantly strengthened his authority in the international arena, participating as a mediator between Prussia and Austria in the Teshensky Congress. Empress Empress's biography can also be supplemented by the fact that it in 1787, accompanied by the courtyard, the Polish king, the Austrian emperor and foreign diplomats, traveled to the Crimea. It has become a demonstration of Russia's military power.

Wars with Turkey and Sweden, further sections of Poland

The biography of Catherine 2 Great continued that she began a new Russian-Turkish war. Russia has now acted already in Union with Austria. Almost at the same time, the War with Sweden began (from 1788 to 1790), which tried to take revenge after the defeat in the Northern War. The Russian Empire managed to cope with both of these opponents. In 1791 he ended with Turkey. The yosh world was signed in 1792. He secured the influence of Russia in Transcaucasia and Bessarabia, as well as joining the Crimea. The 2nd and 3rd sections of Poland occurred in 1793 and 1795, respectively. They put the end of Polish statehood.

Empress Catherine Great short biography With us was considered, died on November 17 (according to the old style - November 6) of 1796 in St. Petersburg. So significant is its contribution to the Russian history that the memory of Catherine II is kept by many works of domestic and world culture, including the creations of such great writers like N.V. Gogol, A.S. Pushkin, B. Show, V. Pikul and others. Life of Catherine Great, her biography inspired many directors - creators of such films, like "Caprice Catherine II", "Tsarist Hunt", "Young Ekaterina", "Dreams about Russia", " Russian riot "and others.

The list of men Catherine II includes men who appeared in the intimate life of Empress Ekaterina Great (1729-1796), including her spouses, official favorites and beloved. Catherine II has to reach the 21st lover, but how can we object to the empress, then of course there were their methods.

1. Even Ekaterina was Peter Fedorovich (Emperor Peter III) (1728-1762). The wedding they had 1745, August 21 (September 1) the end of relations on June 28 (July 9) 1762 - Death of Peter III. His children, according to the tree of Romanov Pavl Petrovich (1754) (according to one of the versions, his father - Sergey Saltykov) and officially the great Princess Anna Petrovna (1757-1759, most likely, the daughter of Stanislav is understood). He suffered, he is the type of impotence, and in the first years he did not exercise marital relations with it. Then this problem was solved with the help of a surgical operation, and to accomplish it, Peter drove away Saltykov.

2. While she was engaged, she also had Roman, Saltykov, Sergey Vasilyevich (1726-1765). In 1752, he was at the small courtyard of the great princes of Catherine and Peter. The beginning of the novel is 1752 years. The end of the relationship was the born baby Paul 1754 October. After that, Saltykov was expelled from St. Petersburg and sent by the Messenger to Sweden.

3. The lover of Catherine was in 1756, Stanislav Augustus was sacrificed (1732-1798). And in 1758, after the fall of Chancellor Bestuzhev, Williams and understood were forced to leave St. Petersburg. After the novel, she was born the daughter of Anna Petrovna (1757-1759) so the Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich himself, who, judging by the "memorization of Catherine,", sentenced: "God knows where my wife will be pregnant from; I do not know if I really have this child and if I should recognize him with my ". In the future, Catherine will make it the king of Polish, and then annexes Poland and will attach it to Russia.

4. Also, Catherine 2 was not frustrated and continued to fall in love further. The next secret lover was Orlov, Grigory Grigorievich (1734-1783). The beginning of the novel in the spring of 1759 in St. Petersburg arrived Count Schwerin, Freedrich II Flegeneant, who was captured in the Tsoreforf battle, to which the guards of Orlov was applied. Orlov acquired fame by beating his mistress in Peter Shuvalov. End of relations 1772 after the death of her husband even she wanted to marry him and then they were dissuaded. Orlova had many mistresses. Also, they were born the son of Bobrinsky, Alexey Grigorievich was born on April 22, 1762, a few months after the death of Elizabeth Petrovna. Generally, that the day she began, her faithful servant Schucharin was acknowledged his home, and Peter was taken away to look at the fire . Orlov and his passionate brothers contributed to the overthrow of Peter and the Etta of Catherine on the throne. Losing the Favor, married his cousin Ekaterina Zinovieva, and after her death went crazy.

5.Vasilchikov, Alexander Semenovich (1746-1803 / 1813) official favorite. Acquaintance in 1772, September. Often stood in the guard in the royal village, got a gold tobacco. Evil's room. 1774, March 20, in connection with the elevation of Potemkin, was sent to Moscow. Catherine considered him boring (14 years of difference). After the resignation settled in Moscow, along with his brother did not marry.

6. Potemkin, Grigory Aleksandrovich (1739-1791) Official favorite, spouse since 1775. In April 1776 went on vacation. Catherine gave birth to Potemkin's daughter - Elizavet Grigorievna Tomkin. Despite the gap in his personal life, thanks to his abilities kept friendship and respect Catherine and for many years remained the second person in the state. He was not married, his personal life consisted of "enlightenment" of his young niecers, including Catherine Engelgart.

7. Zavadovsky, Peter Vasilyevich (1739-1812) Official favorite.
The beginning of the relationship of 1776 November, submitted to Empress as the author, interested in Ekaterina. In 1777, June did not suit Potemkin and was shifted. Just 1777 In May, the acquaintance of Catherine with Zorikh. Jealous Catherine 2, which was damaged. 1777 withdrawn by the Empress back to the capital, 1780 engaged in administrative affairs married to Vera Nikolaevna Apraksina.

8.Sorich, Semen Gavrilovich (1743/1745-1799). In 1777 June, he became a personal guard of Catherine. 1778 June caused inconvenience, expelled from St. Petersburg (for 14 years, the younger empress) was dismissed and sent to resign with a small remuneration. Founded Shklovskaya School. It was confused in debt and was suspected of counterfeit.

9. Rimsky-Korsakov, Ivan Nikolaevich (1754-1831) official favorite. 1778, June. It was noticed by Potemkin, who was looking for a change of Zorich, and differ by him for beauty, as well as ignorance and lack of serious abilities that could make it a political rival. Potemkin presented him with Empress among the three officers. June 1 appointed Flegene Adjutant to Empress.1779, October 10. Deleted from the courtyard, after the empress found him in the arms of the Council of Praskovy Bruce, the sisters of Field Marshal Rumyantsev. This Intrigue Potemkin was aimed at the removal of not Corsakov, but the Bruce itself. On 25 years of the sub-empress; Catherine attracted his announcement "innocence." It was very beautiful and possessed an excellent voice (for the sake of him, Catherine invited musicians with world name to Russia). After the loss of Favor, I first stayed in St. Petersburg and talked about my connection with the Empress, than the pride hurt. In addition, he threw Bruce and tied a novel with Countess Ekaterina Stroganova (she was under her for 10 years). It turned out to be too, and Catherine sent him to Moscow. Stroganova eventually gave a divorce. Korsakov lived with her until the end of her life, they had a son and two daughters.

10 Stakhiev (fears) Start of relationships 1778; 1779, June. End of relations of 1779, October. According to the description of contemporaries, the "jester of the lower parsing". The fears were the Protege of Count N. I. Panin of fears Maybe Ivan Varfolomeevich Strahov (1750-1793), in this case, he was not a lover of the Empress, but a man whom Panin found for the insane, and who, when Catherine once told him that He can ask her some grace, rushed to his knees and asked her hands, after which she began to avoid him.

11 Stoyanov (Become) The beginning of relations 1778. End of relations 1778.Fulvester Potemkin.

12 Rancans (Rontsov), Ivan Romanovich (1755-1791) The beginning of relations 1779. Mentioned among those participating in the "competition", it was not entirely clear whether he managed to visit Alcove Empress. End of relations 1780.Orodi from the extramarital sons of Count R. I. Vorontsova, Dashkova's one-headed brother. A year later he headed the London crowd in unrest, organized by Lord George Gordon.

13 Levashov, Vasily Ivanovich (1740 (?) - 1804). During the relationship of 1779, October. End of relations 1779, October.mior Semenovsky regiment, young man, patronage of Bruce Countess. Was distinguished by wit and fun. Uncle of one of the following Favorites - Yermolov. He was not married, but had 6 "pupils" from the student of the theater school of Akulin Semenovoy, who was granted noble dignity and his last name.

14 Vysotsky, Nikolai Petrovich (1751-1827). The beginning of the relationship is 1780, March. Peremkina nephew. Relations of the relations 1780, March.

15 Lanskaya, Aleksandr Dmitrievich (1758-1784) Official Favorite. The beginning of the relationship 1780 April was represented by Catherine Ober-Politzmeister P. I. Tolstoy, she drew attention to him, but he did not become a favorite. Levashev turned to Potemkin for help, he made it his adjutant and about six months led him to court education, after which in the spring of 1780 recommended him by Empress as a heartfelt friend. Relations of 1784, July 25th. He died after a five-day disease to the toak and a hot. For 29 years under 54-year-old at the time of the beginning of the Empress relationship. The only one of the favorites, who did not interfere in politics and refused influence, ranks, and orders. The interest of Catherine to the sciences and under her leadership learned French, met philosophy. Enjoyed universal sympathy. I sincerely adored the sovereign and struggled to keep the world with Potemkin. If Catherine began to flirt with someone else, Lanskaya "did not jealous, did not change her, did not hesitate, but so touching his [...] dismissed her disjoint and so sincerely suffered that she won her love again."

16.Morvinov. The beginning of relations 1781. May. Lermontov. Probably Mordvinov, Nikolai Semenovich (1754-1845). The son of Admiral, the peer of the Grand Duke Paul, brought up with him. The episode did not affect his biography, usually not mentioned. Became a famous fleet. Relatives Lermontov

17 Yermolov, Alexander Petrovich (1754-1834) 1785 February was specially arranged to introduce to the Empress with Him.1786, June 28. He decided to act against Potemkin (Crimean Khan Sakhib-Garyre was to receive large sums from Potemkin, but they were detained, and Han turned to Yermolov for help), in addition, the empress was cooled to him. He was expelled from St. Petersburg - he was "allowed to leave for three years abroad." In 1767, traveling along the Volga, Catherine stopped in the estate of his father and the 13-year-old took the boy to St. Petersburg. Potemkin took him to his retinue, and almost 20 years later suggested a candidacy as a favorite. There was a high and slim blond, sullen, undiscoverable, honest and too simple. With recommendation letters of Chancellor, Kraf Bezborodko went to Germany and Italy. Everywhere kept himself very modestly. After the resignation settled in Moscow and married Elizabeth Mikhailovna Golitsyn, with whom he had children. The nephew of the previous favorite is Vasily Levashova. Then I went to Austria, where I bought a rich and profitable estate of Frosdorf near Vienna, where he died in 82 years.

18.Dmitriyev-Mamonov, Alexander Matveyevich (1758-1803) In 1786, June is represented by the Empress after the departure of Yermolov. 1789 fell in love with Daria Fedorovna Shcherbatov, was the Don of Hay Catherine. asked for forgiveness, forgivers. After the wedding, I forced to leave Petersburg. Future married in Moscow. Repeatedly asked to return to Petersburg, but received a refusal. His wife gave birth to 4 children, eventually drove.

19.Miloradovich. The beginning of the relationship is 1789. Was among the candidates who were offered after the resignation of Dmitriev. They also included a retired Major Major Major's retired regiment, Baron Mengden - all young beauties, for each of which were influential courtie (Potemkin, Bezborodko, Naryshkin, Vorontsov and Zavadovsky). End of the relationship of 1789.

20.Miklashevsky. The beginning of the relationship is 1787. Continued 1787. Miklashevsky was a candidate, but the favorite did not become. Certainly certificates, during the trip Catherine II in 1787 in the Crimea among candidates for the favorites there was some Micklayshevsky. Perhaps it was Miklashevsky, Mikhail Pavlovich (1756-1847), which was part of Potemkin's retinue as an adjutant (first step to Favor), but it is not clear from which year. In 1798, Mikhail Miklashevsky was appointed by the Malorosi Governor, but soon dismissed. In the biography, an episode with Catherine is usually not mentioned.

21.Zubov, Platon Aleksandrovich (1767-1822) official favorite. The beginning of the relationship is 1789, July. Prince N. I. Saltykova, the head teacher of the grandchildren of Catherine. End of relations 1796, November 6th. Last Favorite Catherine. Relations were interrupted with her death. 22-year-old at the time of the beginning of relations with the 60-year-old Empress. The first official favorite since the time of Potemkin, who was not an adjutant. N. I. Saltykov, and A. N. Naryshkin, stood behind him, also had a peroxychin for him. Used great influence, practically managed to oust Potemkin, who threatened "to come and snatch the tooth." Later he participated in the murder of Emperor Paul. Shortly before his death, he married young, doubtful and poor beauty-polka and terribly jealously.

Memory Catherine 2. Monuments dedicated to her.

Without exaggeration, the most influential and well-known Russian Empress - Catherine Second. From 1762 to 1796, it is the rules of the powerful empire - due to its efforts, the country flourished. I wonder what was the personal life of Catherine Great? Let's find out.

The future Russian Empress was born on April 21, 1729 in Prussia. At birth, she received the name of Sofia Frederick Auguste. Her father was a prince of the town of Shttin, in which the Empress was born.

Parents, unfortunately, did not give a lot of attention to the girl. They loved their son Wilhelm anymore. But Sofia had a warm relationship with her governess.

Her Empress Russia often recalled, going to the throne. Wise nanny trained a girl religion (luterance), history, french and german languages. In addition, since childhood Sofia knew Russian and loved music.

Marriage with the throne

In Motherland future Empress Russia was very boring. A small town in which she lived was not at all interested in a girl with big ambitions. But as soon as she grew up, the mother of Sofia decided to find her rich groom and thus improve the social position of the family.

When the girl was fifteen, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna himself was invited to the girl with the capital of the Russian Empire. She did this in order for Sofia to make a marriage with the heir of the Russian throne - the Grand Prince Peter. Having arrived in someone else's country, Sofia fell ill with pleurisy and almost died. But, thanks to the help of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, she soon managed to defeat a heavy ailment.

Immediately after recovery, in 1745, Sofia married Prince, became Orthodox and received a new name. So she became Catherine.

The political marriage was not happy for the young princess. The husband did not want to give her time and loved to have fun. Catherine at this time, read books, studied jurisprudence and history.

Briefly about the personal life of Catherine Great will not tell. She is full of intriguing events. There is information that the spouse of the next hostess of the Russian Empire was the girl on the side. In turn, the Princess was noticed in close communion with Sergey Saltykov, Gregory Orlov ... She had many favorites.

In 1754, Catherine had a son, Paul. Of course, the courtesome had a rumor that is unknown who are the real father of this child. Soon the child was given to Elizabeth Petrovna, so that she cared for him. Catherine Cook with her son was practically not given. Of course, this circumstance did not like it at all. Then the princess appeared in the head of the princess about what would be good to climb the throne itself. Moreover, she was an energetic, interested person. Catherine still enthusiastically read books, especially in French. In addition, she was actively interested in politics.

Soon the daughter of Empress Anna was born, which died, being an infant. Ekaterina's husband was not interested in children, he believed that they could not be at all from him.

Of course, the princess tried to dissuade her husband in this, but he tried himself on his eyes not to come across - almost all his time she spent in Boudar.

In 1761, I went to the world of other Elizabeth Petrovna, then the husband of Catherine became the emperor, and Ekaterina herself is Empress. State affairs did not bring together a couple. In political affairs, Peter the Third preferred to consult with his favorites, and not with his wife. But Ekaterina Great dreamed that one day she would manage exactly the Great Power.

The young Empress tried in every way to prove to the people, she was predicted by him and the Orthodox faith. Thanks to the tricks and the mind, the girl achieved his goal - the people began to support it in everything. And one day, when she offered to overthrow her husband with the throne, the subjects did it.

Government of the Empire

In order to realize his plan, Catherine appeared with the appeal to the soldiers in the Izmailovsky regiment. She asked them to protect her from her husband - Tirana. Then the guards forced the emperor to renounced the throne.

Soon, after Peter renounced the throne, he was strangled. There is no evidence of the guilt of Catherine in what happened, but many openly suspect the empress in this supper act.

Frames from the film "Great"

In the first years of the reign of Catherine, the Great tried to prove in every way that she was a wise, fair sovereign. She dreamed of getting universal support. In addition, Catherine decided to pay special attention to domestic politics, and not conquest. It was necessary to solve the problems that accumulated in the country. The queen from the very beginning firmly knew what she wants and began to actively implement political tasks stood before her.

Personal life Empress

Ekaterina Great after the death of the spouse could not get married again. It could negatively affect her power. But many researchers write that an attractive Ekaterina Alekseevna had many favorites. She gave her approximate wealth, generously distributed honorary titles. Even after the relationship ended, Catherine continued to help favorites, ensured their future.

The stormy personal life of Catherine Great led to the fact that she had children from their beloved. When Peter the Third just ascended the throne, his spouse was under the heart of the child Grigory Orlova. This baby was born in secret from all April 11, 1762.

Marriage Catherine at that time was almost completely collapsed, the emperor was not ashamed to appear with his girls in public. Child Catherine gave to the upbringing of his camera Vasily Skurin and his spouse. But when the Empress rushed to the throne, the child was returned to the palace.

Catherine and Grigory cared for their Son, whom Alexey was named. And Orlov even decided to become a husband of Empress with the help of this child. Catherine reflected long over the proposal of Gregory, but the state was more expensive. She got married.

Frames from the film "Great"

Read about the personal life of Catherine is really interesting. When the son of Catherine and Gregory Orlova grew up, he went abroad. The young man stayed abroad for about ten years, and when he returned, settled in the estate presented by the Great Empress.

The favorites of the Empress managed to become outstanding politicians. For example, in 1764 her beloved Stanislav understood became the king of Poland. But none of the men could affect Russia's state policy of Russia. These cases, the Empress preferred to engage herself. Gregory Potemkin became the exception of this rule, which Empress loved very much. It is said that in 1774 the marriage was concluded between them, secretly from all.

Ekaterina's state affairs devoted almost all free time. She worked a lot to remove the emphasis from her speech, gladly read books about Russian culture, and did not know the customs and of course, carefully studied historical works.

Ekaterina Great was a very educated ruler. The borders of the country, during her reign, increased south and west. In the southeastern part of Europe Russian empire became a real leader. It is no coincidence about Empress Catherine Great and her personal life now remove many films and TV shows.

Thanks to numerous victories, the country stretches to the Black Sea coast. In 1768, the government of the Empire for the first time began to produce paper money.

Imperatrica was engaged not only for his education. She also did a lot so that men and women in the country could learn. In addition, the Empress conducted many educational reforms, the adopted experience of other countries. Schools were also discovered in Russian provinces.

For a long time, Empress Catherine The Great Rules of the country alone, refuting the theory that women cannot occupy important political posts.

When the time came to pass power into the hands of Pavel's son, he did not want to do it. With Paul, the Empress had stretched relationships. She decided to make the throne of Alexander's throllery instead. Catherine since childhood was preparing a child to climb the throne, and watched him long ago. In addition, she found his beloved grandchildren to his wife so that he could become an emperor without reaching adult age.

But after the death of Catherine, the throne still took her son Paul. He ruled after Catherine Great for five years.