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What happened to her husband Catherine 2. The proclamation of Catherine by Empress. Relationships with Georgia. Georgievsky treatise

Portrait of the future emperor Peter III - G. K. GOOD, 1743

Family tree - Proof of the relationships of Peter III and Catherine II

The history of the greatest Russian empress begins in 1729 in the city of Shttin. She was born under the name of Sophia August Federica Anhalt-Crebst. In 1744, Elizabeth Alekseevna invited Ekaterina II to St. Petersburg, where she accepted Orthodoxy. She did not agree with her destiny, but her upbringing and humility took over. Soon, a great prince Petr Ulrich was sucking young person in the bride. The wedding of Peter III and Catherine II took place in 1745 on September 1.

Childhood and education

Mother Peter III - Anna Petrovna

Father Peter III - Karl Friedrich Golstein-Gottorpsky

Ekaterina II husband was born in 1728 in the German town of Kiel. He was unarked by Karl Peter Ulrich Hollytein-Gottorpsky, since childhood he had to inherit the Swedish throne. In 1742, Elizabeth Alekseevna declared Charles heir to the Russian throne, he remained the only descendant of Peter I Great. Peter Ulrich arrived in St. Petersburg, where he was painted and gave the name Peter Fedorovich. The procedure has passed with great strength, the young heir resisted to Orthodoxy and openly declared dislike for Russia. Education and education did not betrayal, this affected the future views of the emperor.

Cesarevich Petr Fedorovich and great Princess Ekaterina Alekseevna, 1740s Grot

Portrait of Peter III - Antropov A.P. 1762.

The volitional, ambitious, fair Empress of the Russian and his spouse was not lucky. Ekaterina II husband was not a worthy person, not too physically and mentally developed. With the first acquaintance of Peter III and Catherine II, it was outraged by his ignorance and low-education. But the choice of young people was not, the future was predetermined by Elizabeth Petrovna. Marriage was not formed by Peter Fedorovich, on the contrary, he expanded the range of his fun and hobbies. He was a man with strange preferences. The emperor could rush around the room with a whip or collect all the Laces, in order to play soldiers. Peter Fedorovich had a genuine interest in military serviceBut exclusively in the game form, he was not going to do this seriously.

Relationships between spouses

Catherine's husband was cold to her, indifferent and even hostile. For example, he could wake her at night to eat oysters or tell about the lady like him. Peter Fedorovich was tactless, not only to his wife, but also to others. Even after the appearance of the son of Pavel Petrovich in 1754, Peter remained a big child. Catherine all this time was engaged in self-development and education. Even during the reign of Elizabeth, she took her decent niche at the court, where she soon found like-minded people and minions. People saw in her future for the Russian Empire, many were close to her liberal views. The neat mind was one of the reasons that pushed the future empress in the embrace of the first lovers and favorites.

Ekaterina Alekseevna led diplomatic correspondence, intervened in the affairs of state, tried to influence them. And it did not remain not seen by Elizabeth Petrovna and her husband Catherine Great to avoid links, she began to play his game secretly, convincing the courtyard in her simplicity and harmlessness. If it were not for the sustainable death of Aunt Peter Fedorovich, he would not climb the throne, because the conspiracy already existed. With the death of Elizabeth Petrovna, the old branch of the genus Romanov was interrupted.

Peter III with Catherine II and Son - G.K. Grot

Minopery Board

Peter III began his Board with the destruction of the "secret office", gave the liberty of the nobles in 1762, pardoned many people. But it did not arrange the people to the emperor. His desire to reform the church and the return of all the land all the land in the Prussia in a seven-year war made the emperor the subject of nationwide resentment. Catherine II used hostility to his spouse, all this time, preparing a coup, for the day of which for her back was 10 thousand. Army soldiers and supporters among the nobles, including the Orlov brothers. Which, while Ekaterina's husband was Great in Oranienbaum, secretly brought it to St. Petersburg and proclaimed the Empress, and Paul I in the future, the heir of the Russian crown on July 9, 1762.

The next day, Peter III renounced the throne. The letter of Peter III has been preserved to his spouse who overthrown him.

Despite this request, during his conclusion in Ropsch, he died with unexplained circumstances, according to one of the versions - from hitting the head during the booze, on the other was poisoned. The people declared that he died from the "hemorrhoidic colic". This was the beginning of the Epoch of the Board of Catherine II Great.

Cathedral of Catherine II in the Assumption Cathedral. 1762 year. Figure J.L. Devili and M. Makhaev

Version of the murder

According to one of the versions, Alexey Orlova called the killer. Three letters of Alexey are known to Catherine from Ropsha, of which the first two exist in the scringers.

"The freak is very zalenor and covered his unexpected colic, and I'm dangerous, Stob he did not die today, and I'm afraid, I can't come to life ..."

"I'm afraid of the wrath of your Majesty, the Stob you did not know how to think on us did not know and stretch, we were not the parable of the death of the villain of your<…> He himself is so sick now, I don't think, I did not think to life until the evening and almost completely in no way, about what the whole team knows and praiths God, it's easier from our hands. "

From these two letters, the researchers realized that the depleted sovereign suddenly Zalemog. For example, the guardsmen were not required for violence in view of heavy disease.

The third letter refers to the violent nature of Peter III death:

"Mother, it is not in the world, but no one thought about this, and how we think to raise your hands on the sovereign. But, the sovereign, the trouble was accomplished: we were drunk, and he, too, he hovered with Prince Fedor [Baryatinsky]; We did not have time to fill, and it was no longer. "

The third letter is the only one who has been known for today's documentary evidence of the murder of the deployed emperor. Before us, this letter came in the copy, removed F. V. Rostopchin. The original letter was allegedly destroyed by Emperor Paul I in the first days of his reign.

Without exaggeration, the most influential and well-known Russian Empress - Catherine Second. From 1762 to 1796, it is the rules of the powerful empire - due to its efforts, the country flourished. I wonder what was the personal life of Catherine Great? Let's find out.

The future Russian Empress was born on April 21, 1729 in Prussia. At birth, she received the name of Sofia Frederick Auguste. Her father was a prince of the town of Shttin, in which the Empress was born.

Parents, unfortunately, did not give a lot of attention to the girl. They loved their son Wilhelm anymore. But Sofia had a warm relationship with her governess.

Her Empress Russia often recalled, going to the throne. Wise nanny trained a girl religion (luterance), history, french and german languages. In addition, since childhood Sofia knew Russian and loved music.

Marriage with the throne

In the homeland of the future Empress of Russia was very boring. A small town in which she lived was not at all interested in a girl with big ambitions. But as soon as she grew up, the mother of Sofia decided to find her rich groom and thus improve the social position of the family.

When a girl turned fifteen, she invited her with the capital Russian Empire Empress Elizabeth Petrovna itself. She did this in order for Sofia to make a marriage with the heir of the Russian throne - the Grand Prince Peter. Having arrived in someone else's country, Sofia fell ill with pleurisy and almost died. But, thanks to the help of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, she soon managed to defeat a heavy ailment.

Immediately after recovery, in 1745, Sofia married Prince, became Orthodox and received a new name. So she became Catherine.

The political marriage was not happy for the young princess. The husband did not want to give her time and loved to have fun. Catherine at this time, read books, studied jurisprudence and history.

Briefly about the personal life of Catherine Great will not tell. She is full of intriguing events. There is information that the spouse of the next hostess of the Russian Empire was the girl on the side. In turn, the Princess was noticed in close communion with Sergey Saltykov, Gregory Orlov ... She had many favorites.

In 1754, Catherine had a son, Paul. Of course, the courtesome had a rumor that is unknown who are the real father of this child. Soon the child was given to Elizabeth Petrovna, so that she cared for him. Catherine Cook with her son was practically not given. Of course, this circumstance did not like it at all. Then the princess appeared in the head of the princess about what would be good to climb the throne itself. Moreover, she was an energetic, interested person. Catherine still enthusiastically read books, especially in French. In addition, she was actively interested in politics.

Soon the daughter of Empress Anna was born, which died, being an infant. Ekaterina's husband was not interested in children, he believed that they could not be at all from him.

Of course, the princess tried to dissuade her husband in this, but he tried himself on his eyes not to come across - almost all his time she spent in Boudar.

In 1761, I went to the world of other Elizabeth Petrovna, then the husband of Catherine became the emperor, and Ekaterina herself is Empress. State affairs did not bring together a couple. In political affairs, Peter the Third preferred to consult with his favorites, and not with his wife. But Ekaterina Great dreamed that one day she would manage exactly the Great Power.

The young Empress tried in every way to prove to the people, she was predicted by him and the Orthodox faith. Thanks to the tricks and the mind, the girl achieved his goal - the people began to support it in everything. And one day, when she offered to overthrow her husband with the throne, the subjects did it.

Government of the Empire

In order to realize his plan, Catherine appeared with the appeal to the soldiers in the Izmailovsky regiment. She asked them to protect her from her husband - Tirana. Then the guards forced the emperor to renounced the throne.

Soon, after Peter renounced the throne, he was strangled. There is no evidence of the guilt of Catherine in what happened, but many openly suspect the empress in this supper act.

Frames from the film "Great"

In the first years of the reign of Catherine, the Great tried to prove in every way that she was a wise, fair sovereign. She dreamed of getting universal support. In addition, Ekaterina decided to pay special attention internal politicsand not conquest. It was necessary to solve the problems that accumulated in the country. The queen from the very beginning firmly knew what she wants and began to actively implement political tasks stood before her.

Personal life Empress

Ekaterina Great after the death of the spouse could not get married again. It could negatively affect her power. But many researchers write that an attractive Ekaterina Alekseevna had many favorites. She gave her approximate wealth, generously distributed honorary titles. Even after the relationship ended, Catherine continued to help favorites, ensured their future.

The stormy personal life of Catherine Great led to the fact that she had children from their beloved. When Peter the Third just ascended the throne, his spouse was under the heart of the child Grigory Orlova. This baby was born in secret from all April 11, 1762.

Marriage Catherine at that time was almost completely collapsed, the emperor was not ashamed to appear with his girls in public. Child Catherine gave to the upbringing of his camera Vasily Skurin and his spouse. But when the Empress rushed to the throne, the child was returned to the palace.

Catherine and Grigory cared for their Son, whom Alexey was named. And Orlov even decided to become a husband of Empress with the help of this child. Catherine reflected long over the proposal of Gregory, but the state was more expensive. She got married.

Frames from the film "Great"

Read about the personal life of Catherine is really interesting. When the son of Catherine and Gregory Orlova grew up, he went abroad. The young man stayed abroad for about ten years, and when he returned, settled in the estate presented by the Great Empress.

The favorites of the Empress managed to become outstanding politicians. For example, in 1764 her beloved Stanislav understood became the king of Poland. But none of the men could affect Russia's state policy of Russia. These cases, the Empress preferred to engage herself. Gregory Potemkin became the exception of this rule, which Empress loved very much. It is said that in 1774 the marriage was concluded between them, secretly from all.

Ekaterina's state affairs devoted almost all free time. She worked a lot to remove the emphasis from her speech, gladly read books about Russian culture, and did not know the customs and of course, carefully studied historical works.

Ekaterina Great was a very educated ruler. The borders of the country, during her reign, increased south and west. In the southeastern part of Europe, the Russian Empire has become a real leader. It is no coincidence about Empress Catherine Great and her personal life now remove many films and TV shows.

Thanks to numerous victories, the country stretches to the Black Sea coast. In 1768, the government of the Empire for the first time began to produce paper money.

Imperatrica was engaged not only for his education. She also did a lot so that men and women in the country could learn. In addition, the Empress conducted many educational reforms, the adoptive experience of other countries. Schools were also discovered in Russian provinces.

Long time Empress Catherine Great Rules The country is sole, refuting the theory that women cannot occupy important political posts.

When the time came to pass power into the hands of Pavel's son, he did not want to do it. With Paul, the Empress had stretched relationships. She decided to make the throne of Alexander's throllery instead. Catherine since childhood was preparing a child to climb the throne, and watched him long ago. In addition, she found his beloved grandchildren to his wife so that he could become an emperor without reaching adult age.

But after the death of Catherine, the throne still took her son Paul. He ruled after Catherine Great for five years.

Russian Empress Catherine The second, also known as the Great, reigned from 1762 to 1796. With their own efforts, it significantly expanded the Russian empire significantly improved the administration system and vigorously conducted a westernization policy implying the process of transition to Western ideas and traditions. In the time of Catherine, the Great Russia has become pretty large country. She could compete with the great powers of Europe and Asia.

Childhood of the future Great Empress

Catherine The second, nee Sofia Frederica Auguste, was born on April 21, 1729 in a small German principality in the city of Shtattin, Prussia (now Shecin, Poland). Her Father Christian August Anhalt-Crebstsky was the prince of this tiny ownership. He did a military career with Friedrich Wilhelm first.

Mother Catherine - Princess Elizabeth Golstein-Gottorpskaya. Girl's parents were very hoping for the appearance of the heir, and therefore did not show any special attachment towards her daughter. Instead, they devoted most of the time and energy to the son of Wilhelm, who, unfortunately, later died at the age of twelve years.

Getting education and proximity with a governess

As a child, the future Catherine The second was very close with his governess Babetta. Subsequently, the empress is always warm about her responded. The girl's education consisted of those subjects that they were needed by status and origin. This is religion (Lutheranism), history, French, German, and even Russian, who is very useful subsequently. And, of course, music.

So I spent my childhood Catherine Great. Briefly describing her years of stay in the homeland, it can be said that nothing unusual with the girl could not happen. The life of the growing Catherine seemed very boring, and she did not know then that she was waiting for an exciting adventure in front - a trip to the distant stern edge.

Arrival to Russia, or the beginning of family life

As soon as Catherine has grown, her mother saw in his daughter a means of moving on a social staircase and improving the situation in the family. She had many relatives, and it helped to take care of the careful search for a suitable groom. At the same time, the life of Catherine was so monotonous that she saw in this upcoming marriage a wonderful means to leave the mother.

When Catherine turned fifteen, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna invited her to Russia so that she could be the wife of the heir to the throne - the Grand Duke Peter Third. He was an immature and unpleasant sixteen-year-old young men. As soon as the girl arrived in Russia, she immediately fell ill with pleuris, who almost killed her.

Elizabeth survived due to frequent bleeding, which insisted, but her mother was against such practice, and because of this he fell into opal to the Empress. Nevertheless, as soon as Catherine recovered and adopted the Orthodox faith, despite the objections of the Father - a devoted Lutheran, she and the young prince got married. And with the new religion, the girl received another name - Katerina. All these events occurred in 1745, and this is how Ekaterina's history began.

Years of family life, or as a spouse playing soldiers

Becoming twenty-first august a member of the royal family, Catherine began to wear the title of princess. But her marriage turned out to be completely unhappy. Ekaterina's husband was an immature young man who, instead of spending time with his own spouse, preferred to play with the soldiers. And the future empress spent the time entertaining by other fun, reading.

The graph who was Catherine's chamber, knew the memoirist James Boswell well, and he reported the graph of the details of the intimate life of the monarch. Some of these rumors contained information that shortly after the marriage Peter took himself in the mistress Elizabeth Vorontsov. But after that he was not in debt. She was noticed in relations with Sergey Saltykov, Gregory Orlov, Stanislav understood and others.

The appearance of the long-awaited heir

Several years have passed before the future empress gave birth to the heir. The son of Catherine is Great, Paul, appeared on the world of the twentieth of September 1754. The paternity of this child became the subject of endless discussions. There are many scientists who believe that in fact the father of the boy is not her husband Ekaterina Great, and Sergey Saltykov is a Russian nobleman and a member of the court. Others argued that the baby looks like Peter, who comes from his father.

In any case, Catherine did not have time on his firstborn, and soon Elizaveta Petrovna took him to her upbringing. Despite the fact that the marriage turned out to be unsuccessful, it did not eclipse the intellectual and political interests of Catherine. An intelligent young woman continued to read a lot, especially on french. She loved the novels, plays and poems, but most of all were interested in the writings of large french education figures, such as Didro, Voltaire and Montesquieu.

Soon Catherine prevented the second child, Anna, who will live only four months. Children of Catherine Great because of various rumors about promiscuity future Empress They did not cause Peter the third warm feelings. The man doubted that it was he was their biological father. Of course, Catherine rejected such accusations of the spouse and preferred to spend most of the time in his Boudar to escape from his irremist.

In one step from the throne

After the death of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, who died on December 25, 1761, the spouse of Catherine entered the throne, becoming the third, while Ekaterina herself received the title of empress. But the couple still lived separately. The Empress had nothing to do with the board. Peter was openly cruel with his wife. He ruled the state with his mistresses.

But Catherine Great was a very ambitious woman with huge intellectual abilities. She hoped that over time she would still come to power and would rule Russia. Unlike her husband, Catherine tried to demonstrate his dedication to the state and the Orthodox faith. As it rightly assumed it helped her not only take a place on the throne, but also to enlist necessary support Russian people.

Conspiracy against your own spouse

After a few months of his reign, Peter Third managed to get a bunch of enemies in the government among military and especially church ministers. On the night of June 28, 1762, Ekaterina Great entered into collusion with his beloved Grigory Orlov, left the palace and went to the Izmailovsky regiment, where he spoke to the soldiers with a speech, in which she asked her to defend her from his own spouse.

So was the conspiracy against Peter the Third. The ruler was forced to sign a document on renunciation, and the son of Catherine Great Paul climbed to the throne. With it, the Empress was supposed to be as a regent before his majority. And Peter shortly after the arrest was strangled with its own guards. Perhaps this Catherine ordered the murder, but there are no evidence of her guilt.

Dreams Come True

From this time, the Board of Catherine is begins. In the first years, she pays the maximum time to ensure the hardness of his position on the throne. Catherine perfectly understood that there were persons who consider it a usurper who seized someone else's power. Therefore, she actively used the slightest opportunities to win the favors of the nobles and the military.

Concerning foreign Policy, Catherine The second great understood that Russia needs a long period of peace in order to concentrate on internal problems. And this world could only be obtained by cautious foreign policy. And for her holding Catherine chose Count Nikita Panin, who was very knowledgeable in foreign affairs.

Unsettled personal life of Empress Catherine

Portrait of Catherine Great shows us her as a woman of pretty pleasant outfice, and it is not at all surprising that the personal life of the empress was very diverse.

Catherine could not join re-marriageBecause it would put it at risk of her position.

According to the majority of researchers, the history of Catherine Great has about twelve lovers, whom she often gave various presents, honors and titles in order to win their favor.

Favorites, or how to provide your old age

After the Roman Catherine with the adviser to Gregory Alexandrovich Potemkin ended, and it happened in 1776, the Empress chose a man who had not only physical beauty, but also excellent mental abilities. It was Alexander Dmitriev-Mamonov. Many lovers of the Empress tremblely treated her, and Ekaterina Great always demonstrated generosity towards them even after completing all connections.

So, for example, one beloved - Peter Zavadovsky - received fifty thousand rubles, a pension of five thousand and four thousand peasants after their relationship ended (this happened in 1777). The last of her numerous lovers is the prince of teeth, which was younger than the empress for forty years.

But what about the children of Catherine Great? Are there anyone who gave her one more son or daughter among so many favorites? Or did Paul stayed her sole descendant?

Children Catherine Great Born by Favorites

When Empress Elizabeth Petrovna died, Catherine was on the sixth month of pregnancy from Grigoria Orlov. The baby was born in secret from all April 11, 1762 in the remote part of the palace. Her marriage with Peter Third at that time was completely destroyed, and he often flared at the court with his mistress.

Camerer Catherine Vasily Schurin and his wife took the child to her house. The Board of Catherine Great began when the boy was only a few months. He was returned to the palace. The baby began to enjoy normal childhood under the control of his parents - Empress Catherine and Gregory. Orlov began using a child, trying to push Catherine to marriage.

She thought very long and stubbornly, but still accepted the Council of Panin, who said that Mrs. Orlova would never be allowed to rule the Russian state. And Catherine did not dare to marry Orlov Gregory. When Alexey became a teenager, he went to travel abroad. The travel continued for ten years. After returning to Russia, the son received as a gift from the mother of the estate and began to study in the Holy Cadet Corps.

The influence of favorites on the affairs of state

According to other historical data, a boy and a girl gave birth to the Uchratovskiy Empress, but these children of Catherine have lived only about sixteen months. They never were recognized in public. The majority came from noble names and managed to build an outstanding political career. For example, Stanislav understood became the king of Poland in 1764.

But none of the beloved Catherine did not use their status so much to influence the state policy. With the exception of Grigory Potemkin, with whom Catherine the Great tied very deep feelings. Many experts even argue that a secret marriage was concluded between Empress and Potemkin in 1774.

Catherine is the Great, the years of the reign of which brought significant benefits to the Russian state, throughout their life remained a woman loving and beloved.

Main merits to the Russian state

And although the love in the life of Catherine was an important part, feelings never obscured political interests. The Empress always worked hard in the development of the Russian language to such an extent to fully remove his focus, absorbed the Russian culture and mastered the customs, and also scrupulously studied the history of the empire. Catherine Great Indicates that it was a very competent ruler.

During his reign, Catherine expanded the borders of the Russian Empire to the south and west almost 520,000 square kilometers. The state has become a dominant force in the southeastern part of Europe. Numerous victories on the military front allowed the empire to access the Black Sea.

Moreover, in 1768, the assignment bank was entrusted with the task of issuing first government paper money. Such institutions opened in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and then bank branches were created in other cities.

Catherine paid great attention to the formation and education of young people of both sexes. A Moscow educational house was opened, soon the empress established Smolny, she studied pedagogical theories in the practice of other countries and initiated many educational reforms. And it was Catherine who laid the obligation to open schools in the provincial parts of the Russian Empire.

The Empress constantly patronized the cultural life of the country, and also demonstrated the dedication of the Orthodox faith and the state. She paid maximum expansion educational institutions and improving the economic relics of the country. But who rules after Catherine are great? Who continued her path in the development of the state?

The last days of the Board. Possible heirs of the throne

Over the course of several decades, Catherine The second was the absolute ruler of the Russian state. But all this time she had a very stretched relationship with his own son - the heir to Paul. The Empress perfectly understood that it was impossible to transfer power in the hands of a sibling.

Catherine is the Great, the years of the reign of which ended in mid-November 1796, decided to make his successor Alexander's grandson. It was in him who saw the future ruler and very warmly treated him. The Empress prepared her grandson in advance to reign, engaging in his formation. Moreover, she even had time to marry Alexander, which meant the achievement of the majority and the opportunity to take a place on the throne.

Despite this, after the death of Catherine, the second with the help of the next son of the Empress Paul, the first took the place of the heir to the throne. Thus, he became those who ruled after Catherine Great for five years.

The life of the Russian Empress Catherine is a great, attracting the attention of both ordinary inaders and creative personalities for more than two centuries, is surrounded large quantity All sorts of myths. AiF.Ru recalls the five most common legends about the most famous Russian master.

Myth first. "Ekaterina II gave birth to the heir to the throne not from Peter III"

One of the most stable myths associated with the Russian Empress concerns who was the father of the heir to the throne, Pavel Petrovich. For Paul I, asking for the throne, this topic remained painful until the last days.

The reason for the stability of such rumors is that Ekaterina II itself did not seek to refute them or somehow punish those who spread them.

Relations between Catherine and her husband, the future emperor Peter III, did not really differ in warmth. A marital relationship in the first years was defective due to Peter's illness, which was subsequently overcome as a result of the operation.

Two years before the birth of Paul, Ekaterina appeared her first favorite, Sergey Saltykov. Relations between him and Catherine stopped after the future empress appeared signs of pregnancy. Subsequently, Saltykov was sent abroad as the Russian Messenger, and practically did not appear in Russia.

The grounds for the Father's version of Saltykov seemed to be much, but they all do not look convincingly against the background of a certain portrait similarity between Peter III and Paul I. Contemporaries, oriented to rumors, but on facts, have no doubt that Paul is the son of Peter Fedorovich.

Myth second. "Ekaterina II sold Alaska America"

A stable myth at the end of the 20th century was supported by the song of the group "Lube", after which the status of the "liquidator of Russian America" \u200b\u200bwas finally approved for the empress.

In reality, in the period of the Board of Catherine, Russian industrialists only proceeded to the development of Alaska. The first permanent Russian settlement was based on the island of Kodiak in 1784.

The Empress really without enthusiasm reacted to the projects submitted by it the development of Alaska, however, it was caused by those who, as intended to master it.

In 1780, the secretary of the Commerce College Mikhail Chulkovthe prosecutor General of the Senate Prince Vyazemsky, a project to create a company, which was supposed to get a 30-year monopoly on fishing and trade in the entire Pacific North. Catherine II, who was an opponent of monopolies, rejected the project. In 1788, a similar project, which provided for the transfer of trading and commercial monopoly of monopoly rights to mining the fetus in newly opened territories in the new light, industrialists were submitted Grigory Shelikhovand Ivan Golikov. The project was also rejected. Only after the death of Catherine II, the development of Alaska by the monopoly company was approved by Paul I.

As for the sale of Alaska, the transaction with the United States was concluded in March 1867 on the initiative of the greatness of Catherine Great, emperor Alexander II..

Myth Third. "Catherine II had hundreds of lovers"

Rumors about the incredible sexual adventures of the Russian Empress, who are replicated for the third century, are greatly exaggerated. The list of her hobbies for all life contains a little more than 20 surnames - this is, of course, uncharacteristic for the Russian court of the da Epoch, but for the morals of Europe, the situation was quite normal. With small clarification - for men monarchs, not for women. But the thing is that women, uniquely ruled by states, at that time it was not so much.

Up to 1772, the love list of Catherine was very short - in addition to the legitimate spouse Peter Fedorovich, it appeared in it Sergey Saltykov, future Polish king Stanislav Augusta understood and Grigory OrlovRelationships with which lasted about 12 years.

Apparently, on 43-year-old Catherine, the fear of fading his own beauty has worked. In an effort to catch up with youth, she began to change the favorites, which were all the younger, and the duration of their stay next to the Empress is all shorter.

The last of the favorites lasted as many as seven years. In 1789, 60-year-old Ekaterina brought the 22-year-old Connogvardeys Plato Zubov. An aging woman was very tied to the tooth, the only talent of which was pulling money from the state treasury. But this sad story is definitely nothing to do with the mythical "hundreds of lovers."

Myth fourth. "Catherine II spent most of the time on pirants and balas"

The childhood of a small fic was indeed far from the classical ideas about how the princess should live. The girl was forced to even learn to dare stockings. There would be nothing surprising if, having arrived in Russia, Catherine would have rushed to compensate for "difficult childhood" addiction to luxury and entertainment.

But in fact, going to the throne, Catherine II lived in the hard rhythm of the head of state. She got up at 5 am, and only in late years it was shifted at 7 am. Immediately after breakfast, the reception of officials began, and the schedule of their reports was clearly painted by the clock and days of the week, and this order was not changed for years. The work day of the Empress lasted to four hours, after which the rest time was coming. At 22 o'clock Catherine went to bed, because in the morning it was necessary to get up to work.

Officials who visited the empress on official affairs outside the solemn and official events saw her in simple dresses without any jewelry - Catherine believed that she had no need for weekdays to blind subjects to appearance.

Myth fifth. "Catherine II killed Polish Avenger-Dwarf"

The death of the empress was also surrounded by a variety of myths. A year before the death of Catherine II, he made one of the initiators of the third section of Poland, after which the country ceased to exist as an independent state. The Polish throne, which was previously rented by the former lover of the Empress, King Stanislav Augustus is understood, was sent to St. Petersburg, where from him, by order of the Empress, allegedly made "Stulchak" for her restroom.

Of course, Polish patriots transfer such humiliation of their own country and the ancient throne of the dynasty of fives could not.

The myth says that a certain Polyak-dwarf allegedly managed to sneak into the quarters of Catherine, poded her in the restroom, struck her a dagger and disappeared safely. Cut the court who discovered the Empress could not help her, and soon she died.

The only truth in this story is that Catherine was really discovered in a restroom. On the morning of November 16, 1796, 67-year-old Empress, as usual, rising from bed, drank coffee and went to toilet roomwhere delayed too long. The duty chamelner dared to look there, and found Catherine lying on the floor. Her eyes were closed, the complexion of the crimson, the throat came from the throat. The empress was moved to the fence. With the fall of Catherine launched his leg, her body was so rejoice that the servants did not have enough strength to raise it on the bed. Therefore, on the floor, the mattress was laid and put the empress on him.

All signs indicated that Catherine had an apoplexy shot - under this term then understood the stroke and hemorrhage into the brain. She did not come into consciousness, and the courtes, who provided her help, did not doubt that a few hours remained to live in Empress.

According to doctors, death should have come for about three o'clock in the afternoon on November 17. The strong organism of Catherine and here made their own adjustments - the Great Empress went away at 9:45 pm on November 17, 1796.

See also:

The second is the Great. What was the Empress Empress Catherine?

Serial "Ekaterina" caused new wave Interest in Catherine Great. What was this woman actually?

Crazy empress. True, myths in the series "Catherine"

LESTOK did not blame Catherine, and and Gregory Orlov did not exempt her from under arrest.

Just fic. How poor German provincial became Catherine Great

On February 14, 1744, an event occurred, for the subsequent history of Russia is extremely important. In St. Petersburg, accompanied by his Mother of Profit Princess, Anhalt-Cretor Sophia Augustus Frederica.

From the ficker to the rulers of Russia. 10 facts about the young years Catherine Great

About how the young German princess went to the throne of the Russian Empire.

Ekaterina II - pediatrician on the throne. How to brought up royal children and grandchildren

Up to five, august child was considered a baby, who followed only to beware. The vanity of such a system of Catherine perfectly understood the Smalod.

Imperial trivia: Catherine II introduced a premium and samovar fashion

"Trivia", which were invented by Catherine, were introduced into fashion and so firmly included in our daily lifeThat them from there you can't cut off any ax.

Prince Tauride. Genius and vanity Grigory Potemkin

Even foreigners, skeptical about Russia at all and to Potemkin personally, recognized that volumes real arrangement Novorossia with Favorite Catherine was indeed grand.

Poor Lisa. History of unrecognized daughter Catherine Great

The estimated daughter of the Empress and Grigory Potemkin lived her life away from political passions.

Bastard Bobrinsky. The history of illegitimate son Catherine Great

Why did Grigory Orlova come to a long-term opal at his mother?

At birth, the girl was given the name of Sofia Frederick Augustus. Her father, Christians, August, was the prince of the small German principality of Anhalt Cerbst, but the glory gained his achievements on a military field. The mother of the future Catherine, Princess Holstein-Gottorpskaya Johann Elizabeth, cared little about raising her daughter. And because the girl raised the governess.

Education of Catherine was engaged in tutors, and, among them, Kappellan, who gave the girl's lessons of religion. However, many questions have their own point of view. She also mastered the three languages: German, French and Russian.

Entry into the monacon of Russia

In 1744, a girl rides with his mother in Russia. The German princess shall be engaged with the Grand Duke Peter and takes Orthodoxy, receiving the name of Catherine when baptized.

On August 21, 1745, Catherine marries the heir to the throne of Russia, becoming a cesarean. but family life It turned out to be distant from happiness.

After a long childless years, Catherine II finally made the heir. Her son Paul was born on September 20, 1754 and there are hot spores about who actually is the father of the boy. Whatever it was, but His firstborn Ekaterina almost did not see: shortly after birth, the child for her upbringing takes the Empress Elizabeth.

Capture the throne

December 25, 1761, after the death of Empress Elizabeth, goes back to the throne Peter IIIAnd Catherine becomes the wife of the emperor. However, it has little relation to state affairs. Peter and his wife was frankly cruel. Soon, due to the stubborn support provided by Prussia, Peter becomes alien to many courtiers, secular and military ranks. The founder that today we call progressive internal state reforms, Peter raised himself with the Orthodox Church, who fucked the church lands. And now, after six months, Peter was overthrown from the throne as a result of a conspiracy, in which Ekaterina joined his lover, Russian lieutenant Grigory Orlov, and a number of others, with the aim of seizing power. She successfully manages to make her husband renounce the throne and take the management of the empire into his hands. A few days after the renunciation, in one of his estates, in Ropsch, Petr was strangled. What a role in the murder of her husband played Catherine, it is unclear to this day.

Fearing to be discarded by opposing forces, Catherine is trying by all their might to win the arrangement of troops and churches. She recalls sent by Peter to war against Denmark troops and encourages and bestows those who go to her side. She even compares herself with Her Peter Great, declare that he was going on in his footsteps.

Governing body

Despite the fact that Catherine is a supporter of absolutism, she still takes a number of attempts to spend social and political reforms. She publishes the document, "Okaz", in which he proposes to cancel the death penalty and torture, and also proclaims the equality of all people. However, the Senate for any attempts to change the feudal system corresponds to a decisive refusal.

After the end of work on the "Opt", in 1767 Catherine convenes representatives of various social and economic layers of the population to form a laid commission. The legislative body did not come out of the commission, but its convocation entered the story as the first time, when representatives of the Russian people from all over the empire were able to express their ideas about the needs and problems of the country.

Later, in 1785, Catherine publishes the charter of the nobility, in which the politics changes and disputes the power of the highest classes, in which most of the masses are under the coup of serfdom.

Catherine, a religious skeptic by nature, seeks to submit to his power orthodox church. At the beginning of his reign, she returned the Church of Earth and property, but soon changed their views. The Empress announces the church part of the state, and therefore all its possessions, including more than a million fortress, become the property of the empire and are subject to serve.

Foreign policy

During his reign, Catherine expands the borders of the Russian Empire. It makes significant acquisitions in Poland, pre-settled on the throne of the kingdom of his former lover, Polish Prince Stanislav Constable. By agreement of 1772, Catherine gives part of the regime of the Commonwealth of Prussia and Austria, while the eastern part of the kingdom, where many Russian Orthodox lives, departs the Russian Empire.

But such actions cause extreme disapproval of Turkey. In 1774, Catherine enters into peace with the Ottoman Empire, according to which Russian state receives new lands, and access to the Black Sea. One of the heroes of the Russian-Turkish war was Gregory Potemkin, a reliable adviser and lover of Catherine.

Potemkin, a faithful supporter of the policy of the Empress, and himself showed himself as an outstanding statesman. It was he who, in 1783, convinces Catherine to attach the Crimea to the Empire, thereby strengthening her position on the Black Sea.

Love for education and art

At the time of the modernity of Catherine on the throne, Russia for Europe was the state backward and provincial. The Empress is striving to change this opinion by all means, expanding opportunities for new ideas in education and arts. In St. Petersburg, she bases guesthouse for girls of noble origin, and later in all cities of Russia are opening free schools.

Catherine patronizes many cultural projects. She conquers the glory of a zealous assembler of the arts, and most of her collection is exhibited in her residence in St. Petersburg, in Hermitage.

Catherine, passionately literature, especially favorably refers to philosophers and writers of education. Announced by the literary talent, the Empress describes his own life in the meeting of memoirs.

Personal life

The love life of Catherine II has become the subject of many woven and false facts. Myths about her insatiability are debunked, but this regulatory person for his life really had a lot of love ties. She could not get married, as the marriage could shake her position, and therefore in society she had to wear chastity mask. But, away from prying views, Catherine showed non-reasonable interest in men.

End of Board

By 1796, Catherine here as a few decades had absolute power in the empire. And B. last years The board she showed the whole of the same liveliness of the mind and the fortress of the Spirit. But in mid-November 1796, she was found unconscious on the floor in the bathroom. At that time, everyone came to the conclusion that it was enough to strike. 4.2 points. Total ratings received: 57.