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Peter 3 was the son of Peter 1. Is the Board of Peter III really was terrible

In 1762, another palace coup in Russia, which was so rich in the XVIII century. 37 years after the death of Peter the Great to the top of Catherine II Trone occupied six monarchs. All of them came to power after palace intrigues or coups, and two of them - Ivan Antonovich (Ivan VI) and Peter III were overthrown and killed ..

Few of Russian self-containers earned so much negative and ridiculous assessments in historiography - from the "self-director" and "Holly Friedrich II" to the "hater of all Russian" - like Peter III. Domestic historians in their writings did not receive any praise. The authoritative professor Vasily Klyuchevsky wrote: "The development of it stopped earlier, in the summer of courage, he remained the same than he was in childhood, grew, not rising."

In the courses of Russian history there was a paradoxical thing, reforms Peter III - Manifesto on the liberty of the nobility and the elimination of an ominous secret office, which was engaged in political schools - everyone was called progressive and timely, and their author - weakly and not far away. In the national memory, he remained a victim of his royal wife - Catherine is great, and his name was called the most Grozny Bunchik, who hung fear to the House of Romanov - Emelyan Pugachev.

Relative of three monarchs

Before the adoption of Orthodoxy in Russia, Peter III sounded as Karl Peter Ulrich. Whea of \u200b\u200bfate he was the heir to three monarchs at once: Swedish, Russian and Golucket. His mother, the eldest daughter of Peter I Cesarean Anna Petrovna, died three months after the birth of the son, and the boy under the age of 11 was brought up by the Father, the Duke of Hollytein-Gottorpian Carl Friedrich.

Father brought up a son in a military man, to the Prussian Prussian and love for military engineering remained at the young man for life. The first time the boy was preparing for the Swedish throne, but in 1741, Elizabeth Petrovna came to power in Russia, who did not have their children, and she chose a nephew as a future heir to the Russian throne.

After moving to Russia and the adoption of the Orthodox faith, he was made by Peter Fedorovich, and in order to emphasize the continuity of power on the throne in his official title included words: "The grandson of Peter the Great".

Petr Fedorovich is a great prince. Portrait of H. H. Groot Photo:

Heir to Elizabeth Petrovna

In 1742, in the days of the solemn coronation of Elizabeth, Petrovna declared him with his heir. The bride was soon found - the daughter of the deceased German prince - Sofia-Frederic-August, Anhalt Crsbst. Marriage took place on August 21, 1745. The groom was 17 years old, and the bride was 16. The Palaces in Oranienbaum under St. Petersburg and Lyubertsy near Moscow were complained to the young to hold. But their family life was not charged from the first days. Soon both have hobbies on the side. And even the fact that the first time both were in Russia in the same position, in a foreign land, forced to change the language (Catherine and Peter and could not get rid of a strong German accent) and religion, to get used to the orders of the Russian court - all this did not bring them closer.

Petra Fedorovich's wife, who received the name of Catherine Alekseevna, with baptism, she taught Russian who was engaged in self-education, and, which is most valuable - she perceived her move to Russia as an incredible fortune, a unique chance, to miss that was not intended. Natural cunning, seducker, subtle intuition and purposefulness helped her to gain allies, attract sympathies of people much more often than it was able to spouse.

Short reign

Peter and Catherine: Joint portrait of work G. K. Groot Photo:

In 1762, Elizabeth dies and Peter III Fedorovich joined the throne. Peter Fedorovich was waiting for his reign for almost 20 years, and lasted only 186 days on it.

Immediately after the modernity, he developed boiled legislative activities. For his short reign, almost 200 legislative acts were adopted!

He pardoned many criminals and political exile (among them Miniha and Biron), abolished the secret office operating from the times of Peter I and the secret school and torture, announced the forgiveness of repentant peasants who had previously had disobedience to their landowners, forbade the persecution of splitters. With it, a state bank was created, encouraging trade and industrial activities. And in March 1762, it was published a decree, which, in theory, should have attracted the noble estate in Russia in his direction - he canceled the mandatory military service for the nobles.

In reforms, he tried to imitate his great grandfather - Peter Alekseevich. Today, historians note that in many respects, Peter III reforms have become the foundation of the future conversion of Catherine the second. But it was the spouse that became the first source for the unflattering characteristics of the personality of the Russian emperor Peter III. In her notes, and in the memoirs of its nearest girlfriend Prince Ekaterina Dashkova Petr Fedorovich for the first time appears as a stupid and plentyprusak, hateing Russia.


Despite active lawmaking, much more than the laws, the emperor was interested in the war. And here for him was the ideal of the Prussian army.

After the reassure, Peter introduced Prussian uniforms in the Russian army, strictest discipline and daily workouts on the Prussian pattern. In addition, in April 1762, he concluded with Prussia the unprofitable St. Petersburg peace treaty, according to which Russia came out of the seven-year war and voluntarily gave Prussia to the territory occupied by Russian troops, including Eastern Prussia. But the Russian Guard was outraged not only unusual Prussian orders, but also a disrespectful attitude towards the officers of the emperor himself, who did not hide his intention to disband the Guards shelves, considering them the main perpetrators of all conspiractions. And in this emperor Peter was right.

Portrait of Peter III Artist A. P. Anthropova, 1762 Photo:

Most likely, the conspiracy against Peter Fedorovich began to make up long before the death of Elizabeth Petrovna. Dislikes between spouses were no longer no secret. Peter III discovered that he was going to divorce his wife to marry his favorite Elizabeth Vorontsova.

On the eve of Petrov Day on June 28, Peter III went Peterhof to participate in large festivities, he did not meet Ekaterina Alekseevna in the residence, the main organizer of this celebration. The emperor reported to her escape in early morning to St. Petersburg with the Guards officer Alexei Orlov. It became clear that the events took a critical turnover, and suspicions in treason were confirmed.

In St. Petersburg, Catherine swore major government agencies - Senate and Synod. Guard also supported Catherine. On the same day, Peter III, and did not decide on any response actions, signs the renunciation from the Russian throne. He was arrested and sent to Ropshu, where after a few days he died. The circumstances of his death still remain completely unclear.

By official versionThe cause of death was an attack of "hemorrhoid colic". This version was questioned during the life of Catherine, assuming that the emperor was just strangled. Some scientists believe that death came as a result of an extensive infarction. There is no doubt that only the fact that the alive emperor Peter III was not needed either guvia nor Ekaterina Alekseevna, his wife. According to the contemporaries of Catherine, the news of the death of the spouse plunged her in shock. Despite steel, she remained ordinary person And feared the retaliation. But the people, the guard and the offspring forgave her this crime. In history, she remained, above all, as an outstanding statesman, unlike his unfortunate husband. After all, the story, as you know, write winners.

Peter III Fedorovich (nebar Karl Peter Ulrich, it. Karl Peter Ulrich). Born 10 (21) February 1728 in Kiel - died 6 (17) July 1762 in Ropsch. Russian Emperor (1762), the first representative of the Holstein-Gottorp-Romanovsky dynasty on the Russian throne. Weldor Duke Holstein-Gottorpsky (1745). Grandson of Peter I.

Karl Peter, the future emperor Peter III, was born 10 (21 in a new style) February 1728 in Kiel (Holstein-Gottorp).

Father - Duke Karl Friedrich Golstein-Gottorpsky.

Mother - Anna Petrovna Romanova, daughter.

In the marriage contract, the parents concluded by his parents at Peter I in 1724, they refused any claims to the Russian throne. But the king reserved the right to appoint his successor "one of the princes marriage of the princes with his successor."

In addition, Karl Friedrich, being a nephew of the Swedish king Charles XII, had the right to the throne of Sweden.

Shortly after the birth of Peter, a mother died, having witned during the fireworks in honor of the appearance of the son. The boy grew up in the gravity atmosphere of tiny North-German duchy. Father loved her son, but all his thoughts were aimed at returning Schlesvail, which Denmark occupied at the beginning of the XVIII century. None military powerNor financial opportunities, Karl Friedrich laid hope either to Sweden or to Russia. Marriage with Anna Petrovna was the legal consolidation of the Russian orientation of Charles Friedrich. But after joining the throne Russian Empire Anna Ioannovna, this course was not impossible. The new Empress sought not only to deprive his cousins \u200b\u200bof his cousin Elizavet Petrovna, but also consolidate him for the line of Miloslavsky. The grandson of Peter the Great grew in Kiel was a constant threat to the dynastic plans of the childless empress Anna John, with hate repeatedly: "Churchushka still lives."

In 1732, the demarisha of the Russian and Austrian governments with the consent of Denmark Duke Carlo Friedrich was invited to refuse to have a huge redemption from the rights to Schleswig. Karl Friedrich categorically rejected this offer. All the hopes for the restoration of the territorial integrity of their duchy, the father laid on his son, inspiring him the idea of \u200b\u200brevenge. Karl Friedrich from the Small years brought up his son in a military man - to Prussian Lad.

When Karl Peter turned 10 years old, he was assigned a rank of second lieutenant, which produced a huge impression on the boy, he loved military parades.

At eleven years he lost his father. After his death, he was brought up in the house of his cousin in the father's line, Bishop Adolf Eitinsky, subsequently - King of Sweden Adolf Fredrik. His educators O. F. Bummer and F. V. Burhgolz did not differ in high moral qualities and more than once cruelly punished the child. Crown Prince Swedish Crown repeatedly sequels, subjected to other sophisticated and humiliating punishments.

Educators took little about his education: by thirteen, he only owned a little french language.

Peter Ros was afraid, nervous, impressionable, loved music and painting and at the same time adored all the military - but was afraid of cannonal flips (this fear was preserved for his life). It was with the war whistles that all his ambitious dreams were connected. Strong health did not differ, on the contrary, was painful and sick. By the nature of Peter was not evil, often he himself was eatenly. Already in childhood, he was addicted to the guilt.

In 1741, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna wanted to consolidate the throne along his father and ordered a nephew to Russia. In December, soon at the glance of Empress Empress, I was sent by it in Kiel Major von Korf (Grandfit Mare Karlovna Spavronskaya, cousin of the Empress) and with Him. Background Corf, Russian Messenger at the Danish courtyard to take a young duke to Russia .

Three days after the departure of the duke, they learned about it in Kiel, he traveled incognito, under the name of the young Count Duker. At the last station in front of Berlin, they stopped and sent cameras-intente to the local Russian messenger (minister), and began to expect him on the post office. But on the night of the day before, the lawyer died in Berlin. It accelerated their further journey to Petersburg. In Keslin, in Pomerania, the postmaster learned the young Duke. Therefore, they drove all night to leave the Prussian borders as soon as possible.

5 (16) February 1742 Karl Peter Ulrich passed safely to Russia, in the Winter Palace. There was a big confluence of the people to see the grandson of Peter the Great. February 10 (21) February celebrated the 14th year of his birth.

At the end of February 1742, Elizaveta Petrovna went with a nephew to Moscow for his coronation. Karl Peter Ulrich attended the coronation in the Assumption Cathedral on April 25 (May 6) of 1742 for a particularly built place, beside her majesty. After the coronation, he was produced in the lieutenant colonels of the Preobrazhensky Guard and went every day in the uniform of this shelf. Also in the colonels of the first Life Kirassirian regiment.

At the first meeting, Elizabeth was amazed by ignorance of his nephew and grieved external species: Lucky, painful, with an unhealthy face of the face by his educator and teacher, became Academician Jacob Schedule, who considered his student quite capable, but lazy. The professor noticed his inclinations and tastes and arranged his first classes. He reads books with him with pictures, especially with the image of fortresses, siege and engineering tools; Different mathematical models in small form and on the Big Table arranged complete experiments from them. At times, ancient Russian coins brought and told an ancient Russian history with their explanation, and according to the medals of Peter I, the new history of the state. Twice a week he reads him the newspapers and imperceptibly explained to him the foundation of the history of European states, while he held it with the Landarkards of these states and showed their position on the globe.

In November 1742, Karl Peter Ulrich moved to Orthodoxy under the name of Peter Fedorovich. In his official title, the words "grandson of Peter the Great" were included.

Peter III (documentary)

Height of Peter III: 170 centimeters.

Personal life Peter III:

In 1745, Peter marked to the princess Catherine Alekseyevnaya (in the neborn Sophia Frederic Angular) Anhalt Czyrrs, the future empress.

The wedding of the heir was played with a special scope. Peter and Catherine were complained of the possession of the Palaces - Oranienbaum near St. Petersburg and Lyubertsy near Moscow.

After removing the Holster's Holsters and Berchgoltz from the throne, his upbringing was instructed by the combat general Vasily Refnin, who looked at his duties through his fingers and did not interfere with the young man to devote all the time the game in the soldiers. The training of the heir in Russia lasted only three years - after the wedding of Peter and Catherine Schlyanin was set aside, but the location and confidence of Peter forever retained.

The immersion of the Grand Duke into the military fun caused an increasing irritation of the empress. In 1747, she replaced the spouses with the spouses of Choglock, Nikolai Naumovich and Maria Simonovna, in which he saw the example sincere loving friend Friend couple. In pursuance of the instructions drawn up by the chancellor of Bestuzhev, Choglokov tried to limit the access of his ward to the games and replaced his favorite servants for this.

Petra's relationship with his wife did not work out from the very beginning. Catherine in his memoirs noted that her husband "scared his German books, but what books? Part of them consisted of Lutheran prayers, and the other - from the stories and processes of some robbers from the big road, which were hung and rolled. "

It is believed that until the beginning of the 1750s, there were no married relations between her husband and his wife, but then Peter was made some operation (presumably - circumcision to eliminate phimosis), after which in 1754, Catherine gave him the son of Paul. At the same time, the letter of the Grand Duke to the spouse dated December 1746, suggests that relations between them were immediately after marriage: "Madame, I ask you this night by no means bored myself to sleep with me, stout late already deceive me The bed became too narrow, after two-week separations with you, from this day, your unfortunate husband, who you never honored this name. Peter".

The paternity of Peter historians put under a great doubt, calling the most likely Father S. A. Konacovsky. However, Petr officially recognized the child to his own.

The heir to the baby, the future Russian emperor Paul I, was immediately after birth to take away from the parents, the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna itself was engaged in her upbringing. Petr Fedorovich was never interested in his son and was quite satisfied with the resolution of the empress Cook with Paul once a week. Peter was increasingly moving away from his wife, his favorite became Elizaveta Vorontsova, sister E.R. Dashkova.

Elizaveta Vorontsova - Lypot Peter III

Nevertheless, Catherine noted that the Grand Duke for some reason always fell into her invalid trust, the more strange that she did not strive for spiritual proximity to her husband. In difficult situations, financial or economic, he often appealed for help from a spouse, calling her ironically "Madame La RESOURCE" ("Mrs. Beat").

Peter never concealed from his wife's hobbies with other women. But Ekaterina did not feel humiliated with such a state of affairs, having a huge number of lovers by that time. For the Grand Duke, his wives were also no secret.

After the death of Choglockov in 1754, the Arrogneto from Holstein became the arrival of the Small Yard, General Brocdorf, who encouraged the militaristic pests of the heir. In the early 1750s, he was allowed to write a small detachment of Holstet soldiers (by 1758 their number is about one and a half thousand). All free time Peter and Brockdorf spent, engaged in military exercises and maneuvers. These Holstet soldiers some time later (by 1759-1760) made a garrison of the fun fortress Peterstadt, built in the residence of the Grand Duke Oranienbaum.

Another passion of Peter was a violin game.

For the years spent in Russia, Peter never made attempts to learn the country, her people and history, he neglected Russian customs, led himself inappropriately during the church service, did not observe posts and other rites. When in 1751, the Grand Duke found out that his uncle became the Swedish king, he was mentioned: "I dragged me into this damn Russia, where I should consider myself to the state arrestant, whereas if I left me in the wild, now I would sit on the throne civilized people. "

Elizaveta Petrovna did not allow Peter to participate in solving political issues and the only position on which he at least somehow could show himself, was the position of Director of the Shuttle Corps. Meanwhile, the Grand Duke openly criticized the activities of the government, and during the seven-year-old war publicly expressed sympathy for the Prussian King Friedrich II.

The causing behavior of Peter Fedorovich was well known not only at the court, but also in the wider sections of the Russian society, where the Grand Duke did not use any authority, norpricted.

Personality of Peter III

Jacob Schlyanin wrote about Peter III: "Quite witness, especially in disputes, which developed and maintained in it with the weldings of his Ober-Gof Marshal of the Belummer ... From nature, it judges quite well, but attachment to sensual pleasures frustrated than developed him judgments, and therefore he did not like deep reflection. Memory is excellent to extreme little things. Ready read descriptions and military books. As soon as the catalog of new books went out, he read it and noted for himself a lot of books that made a decent library. I discharged a library of my deceased parent from Kieil and bought an engineering and military library of Melling for a thousand rubles. "

In addition, Schlyanin wrote: "Being a great prince and not having a place for the library in his Petersburg palace, he ordered it to be in Oranienbaum and held a Biblift with her. Having done the emperor, he instructed the Stat adviser to Sannel, as his chief library, arrange a library in the Maison of his new Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, for which four were appointed large rooms And two for the librarian itself. For this, in the first case, he appointed 3000 rubles, and then annually 2 thousand rubles, but demanded that he did not enter any Latin book, because from the pedantic teaching and coercion Latin opposed him from the youngsters ...

There was no Hangeho, but did not like any jokes over the faith and the Word of God. It was somewhat inattentive with external worship, often forgotten ordinary bows and crosses and talked to the surrounding flare and other persons.

Empress very much did not like such actions. She expressed her grieving to Chancellor Count Besyuzhev, who, from her behalf, with the like and many other cases, instructed me to make a great prince serious instructions. It was fulfilled with all attentiveness, usually on Monday, regarding such an indefiniteness of his actions, both in the church and at the courtyard or with other public meetings. He was not offended by such comments, because he was convinced that I wanted to him well and always advised him how to please her Majesta as much as possible and make up his happiness ...

Alien to any prejudice and superstitions. Povement regarding faith was more Protestant than Russian; Therefore, from the youngsters, I often received a guarantee not to show such thoughts and show more attention and respect for worship and to the rites of faith. "

Schlyanin noted that Peter "had always with him german Bible And the Kiel prayer name, in which he knew some of the best spiritual songs. " At the same time: "Fucking thunderstorms. In words, no death was not afraid of death, but in fact was afraid of any danger. It often praised that he would not be left in any battle, and that if he was struck by a bullet, he was sure that she was appointed to him, "wrote Schlyhalin.

The reign of Peter III

At Christmas on December 25, 1761 (January 5, 1762), the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna died in three hours in the afternoon. Peter joined the throne of the Russian Empire. Imitating Friedrich II Peter did not crowble, but planned to be crowned after a hike to Denmark. As a result, Peter III was crowned posthumously Paul I in 1796.

Peter III did not have a clear political program of action, but he had his own vision of politics, and he, imitating his grandfather Peter I, planned to hold a number of reforms. On January 17, 1762, Peter III at a meeting of the Senate announced its plans for the future: "The nobles of the service continue in their will, how much and where they wish, and when wartime will be, they will all appear on such a basis, as in Liflaland with Nobles go. "

A few months of stay in power revealed the controversial character of Peter III. Almost all contemporaries noted such features of the character of the emperor, as a thirst for activity, tirelessness, kindness and gullibility.

Among the most important reforms of Peter III:

Abolition of the secret office (the office of secret search cases; manifesto on February 16, 1762);
- the beginning of the secularization of church lands;
- encouraging trade and industrial activities by the creation of a state bank and the output of assignments (registered decree of May 25);
- making a decree on freedom of foreign trade (Decree of March 28); It also contains the requirement of a careful attitude towards forests as one of the most important wealth of Russia;
- Decree allowed to start the factory for the production of sailing canvas in Siberia;
- Decree, qualifying the murder of peasant landowners as "Tirans a torment" and providing for this lifetime link;
- stopped the persecution of the Old Believers.

Peter III also attributes the intention to carry out the reform of the Russian Orthodox Church on the Protestant pattern (in Manifesto Catherine II on the occasion of the end of the throne of June 28 (July 9), 1762, Peter was put in wine: "Our Greek Church is extremely already exposed to the last danger of change Ancient Orthodoxy in Russia and the adoption of an innovative law ").

Legislative acts adopted during the short Board of Peter III largely became a foundation for the subsequent reign of Catherine II.

The most important document of the reign of Peter Fedorovich - "Manifesto on the liberty of the nobility" (Manifesto on February 18 (March 1) of 1762)Thanks to which the nobility has become an exceptional privileged estate of the Russian Empire.

The nobility, being a forced Peter I to the mandatory and vigorous service to serve the whole life to the state, with Anna Ioannovna received the right to retire after a 25-year-old service, now received the right not to serve at all. And privileges, at first put the nobility, as serving class, not only remained, but also expanded. In addition to liberation from the service, the nobles received the right of almost unhindered departure from the country. One of the consequences of Manifesta was the fact that the nobles could now freely dispose of their land possessions regardless of the relationship to the service (Manifesta went around the right of the nobility to their estates; whereas the previous legislative acts of Peter I, Anna John and Elizabeth Petrovna, concerning the noble service, Linked serial duties and landowner rights).

The nobility became so free as far as the privileged estate in the feudal country could be.

With Peter III, a wide amnesty was carried out by persons who were subjected to references and other punishments. Among the returns were the favorite of the Empress Anna Ioannovna E. I. Biron and Field Marshal General B. K. Minich, approached by Peter III.

The Board of Peter III is marked by the strengthening of serfdom. The landowners were able to wait for the peasants who belonged to them from one county to another; There were serious bureaucratic restrictions on the transition of fortress peasants into a merchant estate; For six months of the board of Peter from state peasants, about 13 thousand people were distributed in the fortress (there were more than them: in the audit lists in 1762, only men included). During these six months, peasant riots arose several times, suppressed by punitive detachments.

Legislative activity of the government of Peter III was extraordinary. During the 186th day reign, judging by the official "full meeting of the laws of the Russian Empire", 192 documents were adopted: manifesto, registered and Senate decrees, resolutions, etc.

Peter III is much more internal affairs of the war with Dania: the emperor conceived in alliance with Prussia opposing Denmark in order to return it from his native Holstein Schleswig, and he himself intended to make a campaign at the head of the guard himself.

Immediately at the end of the throne, Petr Fedorovich returned to the court most of the Oplia wine of the previous reign, which languished in references (except for the hated Bestumev-Ryumin). Among them was Count Borhard Christophore Minih, a veteran of palace coups and a master of engineering of their time. Holuctinsky's relatives of the emperor were caused to Russia: Princes Georg Ludwig Golstein-Gottorpsky and Peter Augustus Friedrich Golstein-Beksky. Both produced in the Feld Marshal general in the perspective of war with Denmark; Peter Augustus Friedrich was also appointed metropolitan governor-general. Alexander Vilboa was appointed General-Feldshmeister. These people, as well as the former tutor Jacob Schlyanin, appointed by a personal librarope, were the near circle of the emperor.

To negotiate the separatic world with Prussia to Petersburg arrived Berginard Wilhelm von der Golz. The opinion of the Prussian Messenger Peter III was so valued that he soon became "refueling with all foreign policy of Russia."

Among the negative moments of the reign of Peter III main is the actual cancellation of the outcome of the seven-year war. Once, Peter III, who did not hide his worship before Friedrich II, immediately stopped hostilities against Prussia and concluded the Petersburg world with the Prussian king at extremely unprofitable conditions for Russia, returning the conquered Eastern Prussia (which for the time for four years already for four years Part of the Russian Empire) and refusing all acquisitions during the seven-year war, almost won by Russia. All the victims, the entire heroism of Russian soldiers were crossed out with a single fibrous, which looked like a real betrayal of the interests of the Fatherland and state treason.

The exit of Russia from the war re-saved Prussia from full defeat. Prisoner on April 24, the world of Petra III was interpreted as a true national humiliation, since a continuous and costly war in the grace of this fan of Prussia ended literally nothing: Russia did not benefit from their victories. However, this did not prevent Catherine II continued by Peter III and finally, Prussian lands were exempt from the control of Russian troops and given to Prussia. Catherine II concluded in 1764 with Friedrich II new Union Agreement. However, the role of Catherine in such completion of the seven-year war is usually not advertised.

Despite the progressive nature of many legislative measures and unprecedented privileges to nobility, poorly thought-out foreign policy acts of Peter, as well as its sharp actions against the church, the introduction of Prussian orders in the army not only did not add to him the authority, but deprived every social support. In the court circles, its policy spawned only uncertainty in the future.

Finally, the intention to bring the guard from St. Petersburg and send it to the incomprehensible and unpopular Danish campaign served as the "last straw", the most powerful catalyst for a conspiracy arising in the guard against Peter III in favor of Catherine Alekseevna.

Death of Peter III

The origins of the conspiracy refer to 1756, that is, by the time of the beginning of the seven-year war and the worsening of the health of Elizabeth Petrovna. The omnipotent chancellor Bestuzhev-Ryumin, perfectly knowing about the proprietary sentiments of the heir and realizing that at the new sovereign he threatens at least Siberia, she kept plans to neutralize Peter Fedorovich when he was addicted to the throne, declaring Ekaterina with an equal co-chair. However, Alexey Petrovich in 1758 came to Opal, having hurried with the exercise of his plan (the intentions of the Chancellor remained untreated, he managed to destroy the dangerous papers). The Empress itself did not feed illusions against his successor on the throne and later he was thinking about replacing the nephew on the grandeer Paul's nephew.

For the next three years, Catherine, who also happened in 1758 to suspicion and almost who did not affect the monastery, did not make any noticeable political actions, except that he had multiplied and strengthened personal connections in higher light.

In the ranks of the guard, the conspiracy against Peter Fedorovich was formed in the last months of the life of Elizabeth Petrovna, thanks to the activities of the three brothers of Orlovy, the officers of the Izmailovsky regiment of the Roslavlevsky and Lasunsky brothers, Preobrachitsa Pazek and Bredichens and others. N. I. Panin, Educator of the Minor Petman Petrovich, M. N. Volkonsky and K. G. Razumovsky, Ukrainian Hetman, President of the Academy of Sciences, and Petman, President of the Academy of Sciences, and Petman, President of the Academy of Sciences, Petman.

Elizabeth Petrovna died and not drainaged something to change something in the fate of the throne. A coup immediately after the death of Empress Catherine did not consider it possible: it was on the expiration of the fifth month of pregnancy (from; in April 1762, Alexei's son gave birth to). In addition, Catherine had political challenges not to rush the events, she wanted to attract to his side as many supporters as possible for a complete triumph. Well knowing the nature of the spouse, she rightly believed that Peter would soon be configured against himself all the capital society.

To carry out the coup, Catherine chose to expect a convenient point.

The position of Peter III in society was a shaky, but also the position of Catherine at the courtyard. Peter III opened openly that she was going to divorce his wife to marry his favorite Elizabeth Vorontsova. He roughly addressed his wife, and on June 9, during a solemn lunch on the occasion of the conclusion of the world with Prussia, a fit scandal happened. The emperor in the presence of the courtyard, diplomats and foreign princes shouted his wife through the entire table "FOLLE" (fool). Catherine Poklakla. The reason for the insult was the reluctance of Catherine to drink standing by Peter III toast. Dislike between spouses reached apogee. In the evening of the same day, he gave her order to arrest her, and only the intervention of Field Marshal George Golstein-Gottorpsky, Uncle Emperor, saved Catherine.

To May 1762, the change of moods in the capital was so obvious that the emperor was advised on all parties to take measures to prevent disasters from possible plotBut Peter Fedorovich did not understand the seriousness of his position. In May, the courtyard led by the emperor, as usual, left for the city, in Oranienbaum. The capital was calm, which was very promoted by the final preparation of conspirators.

Danish hike was planned for June. The emperor decided to wait with the performance of troops to celebrate his namedays. On the morning of June 28 (July 9), 1762, on the eve of Petrova Day, Emperor Peter III with a retinue went out of Oranienbaum, his country residence, to Peterhof, where a solemn lunch was held in honor of the TezoMenitism of the emperor.

On the eve of St. Petersburg, there was a rumor that Catherine was contained under arrest. In the guard began the strongest troubled, one of the participants in the conspiracy, captain of the Parsec, was arrested. The Orlov brothers feared that there was a threat of conspiracy.

In Peterhof, Peter III was supposed to meet his spouse, on the debt of the Empress formerly an organizer of celebrations, but by the time of arrival of the yard she disappeared. After a short time, it became known that Catherine was early in the morning ran to St. Petersburg in a carriage with Alexey Orlov - he arrived in Peterhof to Catherine with the news that the events took a critical turnover and slower).

In the capital of "Empress and the University of All-Russian" in a short time, the Guard, Senate and Synod, the population were sworn. Guard spoke to the side of Peterhof.

Further actions of Peter show the extreme degree of confusion. Having rejected the Council of Miniha immediately go to Kronstadt and the fight fight, relying on the fleet and the army faithful to him, placed in Eastern Prussia, he was going to defend themselves in Peterhof in a toy fortress built for maneuvers, with the help of the Holstein squad. However, learning about the arrival of the guard led by Catherine, Peter threw this thought and sailed to Kronstadt with all the yard, ladies, etc. But Kronstadt by then he already swore Catherine. After that, Peter completely fell in spirit and, rejecting the Council of Miniy again to go to the Eastoprug Army, returned to Oranienbaum, where he signed the renunciation from the throne.

The circumstances of Peter III death are still not completely clarified.

The lowlaced emperor on June 29 (July 10) of 1762, almost immediately after the coup, accompanied by Karaula Guards, headed by A.G. Orlov was sent to Ropshu in 30 versts from St. Petersburg, where in a week, 6 (17) July 1762, the year passed away. According to the official version, the cause of death was an attack of hemorrhoidal colic, strengthened from the continued use of alcohol and diarrhea. At the opening, which was conducted by order of Catherine, it was found that Peter III had pronounced heart dysfunction, intestinal inflammation and signs of apoplexy.

However, on another version, the death of Peter is considered violent and is called the killer Alexey Orlov. This version relies on the letter of Orlova Catherine from Ropshi, not survived in the script. Before us, this letter came in the copy, removed F.V. Rostopchin. The original letter was allegedly destroyed by Emperor Paul I in the first days of his reign. Recent historical and linguistic studies refute the authenticity of the document and is called the author of the fakes of the most growth itself.

A number of modern medical examinations on the basis of the preserved documents and certificates revealed that Peter III suffered from a bipolar disorder with a neuro-pronounced depressive phase, suffered from hemorrhoids, which I could not sit in one place for a long time. Microcardia, discovered at the opening, usually implies a set of congenital developmental disorders.

Initially, Peter III was buried without any honors of July 10 (21), 1762 in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, since in the Petropavlovsky Cathedral, the imperial tomb, was buried only crowning. Senate asked the Empress to be not present at the funeral. According to some information, Catherine still arrived in Lavra incognito and gave the last debt to her husband.

In 1796, immediately after the death of Catherine, on the orders of Paul I, his remains were transferred first in house Church Winter Palace, and then to the Petropavlovsky Cathedral. Peter III was reburied simultaneously with the burial of Catherine II.

The emperor Paul at the same time performed the rite of coronation of the dust of his father. In the headplane slabs of the buried, the same burial date (December 18, 1796), which makes it necessary to make the impression that Peter III and Catherine II lived together for many years and died in one day.

June 13, 2014 in the German city of Kiel installed the world's first monument to Peter III. The initiators of this action performed the German historian Elena Palmer and Kieler Zaren Verein. Alexander Taratynov became a sculptor of the composition.

Impostor under the name Peter III

Peter III became an absolute record holder in the number of impostors who tried to care for the scene of the dead king. According to the latest data, in Russia alone, there were about forty liar-petrov III.

In 1764, Anton Aslanbekov, a ruined Armenian merchant spoke as false-Peter. A detainee with a fake passport in a Kursk undertaking, he declared himself an emperor and tried to raise the people in his defense. The impostor was punished with a screak and sent to the eternal settlement in Nerchinsk.

Soon after that, the name of the deceased emperor assigned a ruthless recruit Ivan Evdokimov, who tried to raise the uprising among the peasants of the Nizhny Novgorod province, and Nikolai Kchechenko in Chernihiv.

In 1765, a new impostor appeared in Voronezh province, he declared himself with the emperor. Later, the arrested and interrogated, he called himself Gavrilly Kreminov, ordinary Lant-Militia Orlovsky regiment. Deserted after 14 years of service, he managed to get a horse to himself and savor to his side of the two serfs of Colorgivov. At first, Kremnev announced himself with "Captain in the Imperial Service" and promised that from now on, the distillation is prohibited, and the collection of pillow money and recruits are suspended for 12 years, but after a while, prompted by the accomplices, decided to declare his "royal name". For a short time, Klisneu accompanied success, the nearest villages met his bread and salt and bell ringing, a squad in half a thousand people gradually gathered around the impostor. However, the untrained and unorganized gang ran away at the very first shots. Kremman was in captivity, he was sentenced to death, but he was pardoned by Catherine and was sent to the eternal settlement to Nerchinsk, where his traces are finally lost.

In the same year, shortly after the arrest of Kremnov, in Slobodskaya Ukraine, a new impostor appears in the Coupup of the Izyumsk district - Petr Fedorovich Chernyshev, a runa soldier of the Bryansky regiment. This impostor, in contrast to his predecessors, captured, convicted and exiled to Nerchinsk, did not leave his claims, spreading rumors that "the Emperor's father", incognito inspected by the soldiers' shelves, was mistakenly grabbed and the beat of the bald. The peasants who believed him were trying to organize the escape, bringing the "sovereign" of the horse and supplying his money and provisions on the road. The impostor lost in the taiga, was caught and cruelly punished on the eyes of his admirers, sent to the Mangazea for eternal work, but on the way there passed away.

In the Iset Province of Kazak Kamenchov, previously convicted for many crimes, was sentenced to cut out the nostrils and an eternal reference to work in Nerchinsk for the spread of rumors that the emperor is alive, but sharpened in the Trinity Fortress. In court, he showed his accomplice Cossack Konon Belyanin, allegedly preparing to act as the Emperor. Belyanin was separated by punishment.

In 1768, the porquet of the Army Shlisselburg Fortress of the Army Shlisselburg Fortress, Josafat Baturin, in conversations with duty soldiers, assured that "Peter Fedorovich is alive, but on a foreign one, and even with one of the watchmen tried to transfer a letter for an allegedly hiding monarch. Randomly, this episode reached the authorities, and the arrestant was sentenced to the eternal link to Kamchatka, from where he later managed to run, take part in the famous enterprise Moritz Benevsky.

In 1769, Mamyukin's running soldier was caught near Astrakhan, he who announced that the emperor, who, of course, managed to hide, "will adopt the kingdom again and will predict the peasants."

Fedot of Bogomolov, the former serf, who fled and joined the Volga Cossacks under the name of the casin was the extraordinary personality. In March-June 1772, on the Volga, in the area of \u200b\u200bTsaritsyn, when his colleagues, due to the fact that Casin-Bogomolov seemed to them too smart and smart, suggested that they had a hiding emperor, the Bogomolov easily agreed with his "imperial dignity." Bogomolov, following their predecessors, was arrested, sentenced to pulling out the nostrils, markings and eternal link. On the way to Siberia, he died.

In 1773, he tried to give himself to the emperor that fled from the Nerchinsky Kamga Robbing Ataman Georgy Ryabov. His supporters later joined the Pugachevs, announcing that their deceased Ataman and the leader of the Peasant War - the same face. The emperor was unsuccessfully tried to declare himself a captain of one of Nikolai Kretov Nikolay Kretov.

In the same year, the Don Cossack, whose name in history has not been preserved, decided to learn money from the ubiquitous faith in the "hiding emperor". His accomplice who issued himself for the State Secretary, climbed around the Tsaritsyn district of the Astrakhan province, taking the oath and prepare the people to receive the "Batyushka-King", then the impostor himself appeared. The duo managed to get started at someone else's account before the news reached other Cossacks, and they decided to give everything a political aspect. A plan was developed to capture the town of Dubovka and arrest all officers. The authorities became known about the conspiracy, and one of the high-ranking military, accompanied by a small convoy, arrived in the hut, where the impostan was located, hit the face and ordered to arrest along with his accomplice. The Cossacks were obeyed, but when they were arrested delivered to Tsaritsyn for the court and reprisals, rumors immediately went that the emperor was in custody, and the deaf unrest began. To avoid attacks, the prisoners were forced to hold outside the city, under enhanced convoy. During the investigation, the arrestant died, that is, from the point of view of the orders again "disappeared".

In 1773, the future leader of the Peasant War of Yemelyan Pugachev, the most famous of Lia-Petrov III, skillfully drew this story in his favor, assuring that "the emperor disappeared from Tsaritsyn" he himself.

In 1774, another candidate for emperors, a certain sweater. In the same year, Thomas Mosyagin, also attempted to try on "the role" of Peter III, was arrested and sent to Nerchinsk after the rest of the impostors.

In 1776, for the same, the peasant Sergeyev, gathered around himself, gathered to rob and burn landlords at home. Voronezh Governor Ivan Potapov, not without difficulty to defeat the peasant Voltaritsa, during the investigation determined that the conspiracy was extremely extensive - at least 96 people were involved in one degree or another.

In 1778, a drunk soldier of the Tsaritsyn 2th battalion of Yakov Dmitriev in Ban told everyone that "in the Crimean steppes there is a former third Emperor Peter Feodorovich, who was previously kept under guard, from where it was painted with the Don Cossacks; With it, she chairs the iron forehead, against which the battle on our side was, where two divisions were beaten, and we expect him as a father; And on the border, it stands with the army of Peter Aleksandrovich Rumyantsev and not defend against him, but he tells that he does not want to defend them from. " Dmitriev was interrogated under Batogas, and he stated that he heard this story "On the street from unknown people." The Empress agreed with Prosecutor General A.A. Vyazemsky, that nothing besides drunk, and stupid chatter for this was not standing, and the soldiers were punished by baotogs was adopted on her previous service.

In 1780, after the suppression of Pugachev Bunte, the Don Cossack Maxim Khanin in the lower times of the Volga again tried to raise the people, giving himself to the "miraculous Pugacheva miracle." The number of his supporters began to grow rapidly, among them were peasants and rural priests, panic began among the authorities. On the River Ilovle, the applicant was captured and delivered to Tsaritsyn. Specially came to lead a consequence of Astrakhan Governor I.V. Jacobi subjected to the arrestant interrogation and torture, during which Khanin confessed that in 1778 met in Tsaritsyn with his friend on the names of the gunsmiths and this friend convinced him that Khanin "exactly" looks like Pugachev- "Peter". The impostor was chained in the shackles and sent to Saratov prison.

His Peter III was in the skobic sect - it was her founder of Kondrathy Selivanov. Rumors about his identity with the "hiding emperor" of Selivanov did not prudently confirmed, but did not refute. The legend has been preserved that in 1797 met with Paul I and, when the emperor is not without irony - "Are you my father?", Selivanov, I did not answer "sin, I am not a father; I accept my business (loose), and I recognize you with my son. " It is thoroughly aware that Paul ordered to place the Skopic Prophet in the House of Charity for the sacrificed at the Obukhov Hospital.

"The missing emperor" at least four times appeared abroad and enjoyed a significant success there. For the first time, he was marked in 1766 in Montenegro, which was led by the struggle for independence against the Turks of the Venetian Republic. This man named Stephen, who was unknown from where and became a rural sign, he never declared himself with the emperor, but a certain captain Tanovich, who was previously in St. Petersburg, "found out" in him the missing emperor, and gathered on the Soviet Council managed to find a portrait of Peter in one From Orthodox monasteries and came to the conclusion that the original is very similar to its image. To Stefan was sent a high-ranking delegation with requests to take power over the country, but he refused flatly until the internal distribution was stopped and the world was concluded between the tribes. Unusual demands were finally convinced by Chernogorstsev in his "royal origin" and, despite the resistance of the church and the march of the Russian general Dolgorukov, Stephen became the ruler of the country.

He did not open his real name, giving Yu.V. Dolgoruky to choose from three versions - "Raichevich from Dalmatia, Turks from Bosnia and finally the Turks from Yanina." Openingly recognizing himself by Peter III, he, however, ordered himself to be Stefan and entered the story as Stefan Small, which is believed to be coming from the signature of the impostor - "Stephen, small with small, kind with good, angry with evil." Stephen turned out to be an intelligent and knowledgeable ruler. In the short time, which he remained in power, internecine distribution stopped. After short frictions, friendly relations with Russia were installed, and the country confidently defended against Natios from both Venetians and the Turks. This could not come to taste to conquerors, and Turkey with Venice repeatedly attempted Stephen. Finally, one of the attempts succeeded and after five years of the reign of Stephen Small was slaughtered in a dream by his own doctor, Stanko Clastomuny, bribed with scandadar Pasha. The impostor things were sent to Petersburg, and his associates tried to make their pension from Catherine for the "valiant ministry of her spouse."

After the death of Stephen, the ruler of Montenegro and Peter III, once again "miraculously saved from the hands of murderers," he tried to declare himself someone Stepan Zanovich, but his attempt was not crowned with success. After leaving Montenegro, Zanovich since 1773 corresponded to the monarchs, supported the connection with Voltaire and Rousseau. In 1785 in Amsterdam, the fraudster was arrested and opened his veins.

Another impostor wrote in the report of the Venetian Republic of Count Mohenyo, who was at that time on the island of Zante in Adriatic. This impostor acted in Turkish Albania, in the vicinity of the city of Art.

The last impostor was arrested in 1797.

The image of Peter III in the movies:

1934 - Slutty Empress (in the role of Peter III actor Sam Jaffe)
1934 - Evaluation of Catherine Great (Douglas Fairbenks ml.)
1963 - Ekaterina Russian (Caterina di Russia) (Raul Gracili)

Peter III was a very extraordinary emperor. He did not know the Russian language, loved to play the soldiers and wanted to baptize Russia on the Protestant rite. His mysterious death He led to the emergence of a whole Pleiada of impostors.

Heir to two empires

Already from the birth, Peter could claim two imperial titles: Swedish and Russian. On the Father's line, he had to be the grandchildren of King Carlo Xii, who himself was too busy with military campaigns to marry. Sant Peter from the mother was the main enemy of Karl, the Russian Emperor Peter I.

Early orphaned boy spent his childhood from uncle, Bishop Adolf Eitinsky, where he was brought up in Hate in Russia. He did not know the Russian language, was baptized in Protestant custom. True, other languages \u200b\u200bbesides the native German, he also did not know, only a little spoke French.
Peter was supposed to take the Swedish throne, but the childless Empress Elizabeth remembered the son of his beloved Sister Anna and announced his heir. The boy is brought to Russia to meet the imperial throne and death.

Games in Soldiers

In fact, the painful young man was not particularly needed by anyone: neither aunt-Empress, nor caregivers, nor, subsequently, his wife. All of all his origin was interested, even the cherished words were added to the official title of heir: "Petra I's grandson."

And the heir himself was interested in toys, first of all - the soldiers. Can we blame him in infantality? When Peter brought to St. Petersburg, he was only 13 years old! Dolls attracted the heir more than government affairs or young bride.
True, with age, his priorities do not change. He continued to play, but secretly. Catherine writes: "The afternoon of his toys was hiding in my bed and under her. The Grand Prince went to bed first after dinner and, as soon as we were in bed, Cruz (Cameric) locked the door to the key, and then grand Duke He played hour or two nights. "
Over time, toys are becoming more and more dangerous. Peter is allowed to write out the regiment of soldiers from the Holstein, which the future emperor with enthusiasm chases the rain. And at this time, his spouse teaches Russian and stirs the French philosophers ...

"Mrs. Beat"

In 1745, in St. Petersburg, the wedding of the heir to Peter Fedorovich and Ekaterina Alekseevna, the future Catherine II were magnificently celebrated. There were no love between young spouses - they too differed in character and interests. More intellectual and educated Catherine rises in his husband's memoirs: "He does not read books, and if he reads, then either a prayer room or descriptions of torture and executions."

With a married duty, Peter was not all smooth, about this testify to his letters, where he asks his wife not to share the bed with him, which became too narrow. From here and takes the beginning of the legend that the future emperor Paul was born at all from Peter III, but from one of the favorites of loving Catherine.
However, despite the coldness in the relationship, Peter always trusted the spouse. In difficult situations, he applied to her for help, and her tenacious mind found a way out of any trouble. Therefore, he received Catherine from her husband an ironic nickname "Mrs. Beat".

Russian Marquis Pompadour

But not only children's games distracted Peter from the married bed. In 1750, two girls were presented to the yard: Elizabeth and Ekaterina Vorontsov. Ekaterina Vorontsova will be the faithful companionship of his royal target, Elizabeth will also take the place of his beloved Peter III.

The future emperor could take any court beauty in favorite, but the choice of his fell, nevertheless, on this "fat and incompetent" Freillina. Love evil? However, whether to trust the description left in memoirs forgotten and abandoned his wife.
Acute to the language of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna found this love triangle very funny. She even nicknamed good-natured, but narrowly Vorontsov "Russian de Pompadur".
It was love that became one of the reasons for the fall of Peter. At the courtyard began to happen that Peter was going, following the example of ancestors, send his wife to the monastery and make marriage with Vorontsova. He allowed himself insulting and to crack Catherine, who, in appearance, tolerated all his whims, and actually cherished the plans of revenge and was looking for powerful allies.

Spy in the service of Her Majesty

During the seven-year war, in which Russia accepted the side of Austria. Peter III openly sympathized with Prussia and personally Friedrich II, which was not added popularity to the young heir.

But he went even further: the heir passed the secret documents, information on the number and location of the Russian troops! Having learned about this, Elizabeth was in rage, but she talked a lot to a nearby nephew for his mother, his beloved sister.
Why is the heir of the Russian throne so openly helps Prussia? Like Ekaterina, Peter is looking for allies, and hopes to find one of them in the face of Friedrich II. Chancellor Bestuzhev-Ryumin writes: "The Grand Prince convinced that Friedrich II loves him and responds with great respect; Therefore, he thinks that as soon he will go to the throne, the Prussian king will look for his friendship and will help him in everything. "

186 days Peter III

After the death of Empress, Elizabeth Peter III was proclaimed by the emperor, but not crowned officially. He showed himself an energetic ruler, and for six months his reign was managed, contrary to the general opinion, to do a lot. The estimates of his rule will highlight: Catherine and its supporters describe Peter as a weak, ignorant soldier and Russophoba. Modern historians create a more objective image.

The first thing Peter concluded the world with Prussia on the conditions unfavorable for Russia. It caused discontent in army circles. But then his "Manifesto on the Worn's Validity" presented the aristocracy of huge privileges. At the same time, he issued laws prohibiting torturing and kill serfs, stopped the persecution of the Old Believers.
Peter III tried to please everyone, but as a result, all attempts turned against him. The reason for the conspiracy against Peter was his ridiculous fantasies about the baptism of Russia along the Protestant sample. Guard, the main support and support of the Russian emperors, spoke on the side of Catherine. In his palace in Orienbaum, Peter signed a renunciation.

Life after death

Peter's death is one big mystery. The emperor Paul did not compare himself with Hamlet: Throughout the Board of Catherine II, the shadow of her deceased husband could not find peace. But was the empress guilty in the death of the spouse?

According to the official version, Peter III died of illness. He did not excel good healthAnd the unrest related to the coup and renunciation could kill a stronger person. But a sudden and so ambulance Death of Peter - a week after overthrow - called a lot of things. For example, there is a legend, according to which the killer of the emperor was the favorite of Catherine Alexey Orlov.
The illegal overthrow and the suspicious death of Peter gave rise to the whole Pleiad of the impostors. Only in our country more than forty people tried to give themselves for the emperor. The most famous of them was Emelyan Pugachev. Abroad, one of the false Petrov became even king of Montenegro. The last impostor was arrested in 1797, 35 years after the death of Peter, and only after that the shadow of the emperor finally found peace.

Peter III (brief biography)

Biography of Karl-Petaire-Ulrich Hollytein-Gottorpsky or Peter the third is full of events and steep turns. He was born twenty-first of February 1728 and remained without a mother in early age. At eleven years he lost his father. The young man was prepared to rule in Sweden, but everything changed when Elizabeth became the heir of his thiemen of Peter's third Fedorovich in 1741.

Researchers argue that he was not a big intellectual, but quite well owned Latin and Lutheran Catechism (I had a little more French). The empress made Peter the third teach Russian and the basics of Orthodox faith. In 1745, he was a heaven with Catherine, who gave birth to him - Paul First. In 1761, after the death of Elizabeth, Petrovna Peter declared the Russian emperor without coronation.

The Board of Peter Third Strengthened One hundred and eighty six days. In addition, he did not use at this time popular in Russian society, as he opened his positive attitude towards Friedrich the second during the seven-year war.

For its most important manifesto from the eighteenth of February 1762, the ruler of Peter Third has abolished the obligatory noble service, the secret office, and also allowed Raskolnikov to return to his homeland. However, even these measures did not bring the tsar folk love. Per short term His reign was strengthened by serfdom. He also ordered the beard to the priests and dress on the manner of how Lutheran shepherd dressed.

Without hiding his admiration by the ruler of Prussia (Friedrich the second), Peter the third brings Russia from the seven-year war, returning the perishable territories. It is not surprising that very soon many of the king's circle become participants in the conspiracy, which was aimed at the overthrow of such a ruler. In the role of the initiator of this conspiracy was the wife of Peter Ekaterina Alekseevna.

These events became the beginning of the 1762 palace coup in which M. Volkonsky, K. Razumovsky, as well as the city of Orlov.

Already in 1762, Izmailovsky and Semenovsky regiments swear to the loyalty to Catherine. It is in their accompaniment that it goes to the Kazan Cathedral, where it is proclaimed by the Empress.

King Peter The Third was exiled to Ropshu, where he died on the ninth of July 1762.

Peter and Catherine: Joint portrait of work G. K. Groot

Much in the Russian history of personalities, who forced their actions (and in some cases even their contemporaries) to catch up with their shoulders and wondered - "Did the people of this country have any benefits?".

Unfortunately, among this kind of figures come across, people who, by virtue of their origin, have come to the very top of Russian state power, bringing their actions to the Supbar and the separation of the translational movement of the state mechanism, and even frankly harm Russia across the country's development. Such people include the Russian Emperor Peter Fedorovich, or simply Tsar Peter III.

Peter III's activities at the emperor's post was inextricably linked to Prussia, which was in the middle of the 20th century a large European power and a well-known role in a large military conflict of that time - a seven-year war.

Seven-year war in briefly can be described as a war against the too stupid after the section of the Austrian legacy of Prussia. Russia participated in the war in the framework of the Antiprucian Coalition (consisting of France and Austria in accordance with the Versailles Defense Union, and joined Russia in 1756).

In war, Russia defended its geopolitical interests in the Baltic region and Northern Europe, in the territory of which Prussia rushed his glorification. The short reign of Peter III due to its excessive love for Prussia has a detrimental effect on the Russian interests in this region, and how to know - how would the story of our state, if he stayed on the throne longer? After all, after the surrender of positions in a practically won war with Prussians, Peter was preparing for a new campaign - against the Danes.

Peter III Fedorovich was the son of the daughter of Peter I Anna and the Duke of the Hollytein-Gottorpsky Charles Friedrich (who was the son of the sisters of the Swedish king Charles XII and it created a famous paradox for the reigning houses of two powers, since Peter was the heir to the Russian and Swedish throne).

Full name Peter sounded like Karl Peter Ulrich. The death of a mother who followed a week after his birth left Peter actually orply, as Charles Friedrich's rampant life did not allow him to raise his son properly. And after the death of the Father in 1739, his educator became a kind of Gofamarshal O. F. Bummer, the old hardening of a harsh soldier, who subjected the boy to every punishment for the slightest provinces, and the ideas of Lutheran meekness and Swedish patriotism (which indicates that Peter was prepared originally Still to the Swedish throne). Petr grew impressionable nervous person, loved art and music, but mostly adored the army and everything that at least somehow was connected with military affairs in all other areas of knowledge he remained a complete ignorant.

In 1742, the boy brought to Russia, where his aunt was engaged, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. He was baptized under the name of Peter Fedorovich, and Elizabeth picked up a candidate for his wife's daughter of Christian-August Anhalt of the Church and Johann-Elizabeth - Sofia Augustus Frederik (in Orthodoxy - Ekaterina Alekseevna).

The relationship with Catherine near Peter did not set themselves from the very beginning: the infantile young man was strongly inferior to his wife, was still interested in children's military games and at all showed any signs of attention to Catherine. It is believed that until the 1750s, there was no relationship between the spouses, but after a certain operation, Catherine gives birth from Peter in 1754 the Son of Paul. The birth of the Son did not help bring together other people in essence, Peter appears the favorite of Elizabeth Vorontsov.

At about the same time, Peter Fedorovich is discharged by a regiment of Golzhta soldiers, and he spends almost all his free time at the plases, completely distinguished by Military Mushtra.

During his stay in Russia, Peter almost never learned Russian language, he did not love Russia at all, did not try to learn her story, cultural traditions, and many Russian customs simply despised. In addition, his attitude towards the Russian Church was also, - according to the testimony of contemporaries, during church services he led himself inappropriately, did not observe orthodox rituals And posts.

Empress Elizabeth deliberately did not allow Peter to solve any political issues, leaving behind him the only position of the director of the Shuttle Corps. At the same time, Peter Fedorovich, not embarrassed, criticized the actions of the Russian government, and after the start of the seven-year war, the sympathy for Friedrich II, the Prussian king, was openly showed. All this, of course, did not add any popularity, not any small respect for him from the circles of Russian aristocracy.

Interesting foreign policy prologue of the reign of Peter Fedorovich was the case, "Announced" with Field Marshal S. F. Apraksin. Russia entered into a seven-year war rather quickly seized the initiative at the Problande direction, and the Army of Friedrich II rubbed the entire spring, 1757. A powerful Natius of the Prussian army for the Neman River after the general battle with the village of Gross-Jersdorf, Apraksin suddenly turned Russian troops back. Walking only after a week of Prussians quickly arrived lost positions, and pursued Russians on the heels right up to the Prussian border.

What happened to Apraksin, this experienced commander and veteran-warrior, what did you find on it for pond?

An explanation serves as a reveuzheva-Ryumin-Ryumin-Ryumin from the capital of the Russian Empire about the sudden illness of Elizabeth Petrovna's sudden illness from the Chancellor. It is logical to judge that in the case of her death, Peter Fedorovich will come to the throne (formerly crazy from Friedrich II) and for military actions with the Prussian king on his head it will not definitely not in ) Reaches back to Russia.

It happened, Elizabeth moved away from the disease, who fell into disgrace, the Chancellor was sent to the village, and Field Marshal was given to the court, then three years later and ending with a sudden death of apraksin from apoplexic strike.

Portrait of Peter III Artist A. P. Anthropova, 1762

However, later Elizabeth Petrovna still dies, and at December 25, 1761 Peter Fedorovich joins the throne.

Literally from the first days after the first time, Peter III developed a rapid activity, as if proving all the royal court and herself that he could rule his aunt. According to one of the contemporaries of Peter, "already in the morning he was in his office, where he heard reports ..., then hurried to the Senate or College. ... in the Senate for the most important affairs, he fell energetically and assert. " As if in imitating her grandfather, Peter I reformer, he intended to conduct a series of transformations.

In general, in 186 days of his reign, Peter managed to publish many legislative acts and rescripts.

Among them, you can call a decree on the secularization of church land ownership and manifesto about the "all-Russian noble nobility of liberty and freedom" (thanks to which the nobles received an exceptionally privileged position). In addition, Peter as if he began a certain struggle with the Russian clergy, making a decree on compulsory shave of the beard of priests and prescribing the form of clothing, very similar to the form of Lutheran pastors. In the army of Peter III, the Prussian orders of carrying military service have been universally imposed.

In order to somehow raise steadily falling popularity of the new emperor, his approximate insisted on the implementation of some liberal laws. For example, by signing the king was issued a decree on the abolition of the secret search of the office.

From a positive side, the economic policy of Peter Fedorovich can be characterized. He created the State Bank of Russia and issued a decree on the production of assignments (entered into force already under Catherine), Peter III decided on freedom of foreign trade of Russia, - all these undertakings fully fully, but embodied already in the reign of Catherine Great .

How interesting were the planes of Peter in the economic industry, cases in the foreign policy sphere were just as sad.

Shortly after the Edema of Peter Fedorovich, Friedrich II Heinrich Leopold von Goltz arrives at the throne in St. Petersburg, whose main purpose was in negotiations on the separatic world with Prussia. The so-called "Petersburg World" dated April 24, 1762 with Friedrich was concluded: Russia returned all the conquered in Prussia Eastern Earth. In addition, new allies agreed to provide each other military assistance in the form of 12 thousand people of infantry and 4 thousand cavalry units in the event of war. And this condition for Peter III was much more important because he was preparing for war with Denmark.

According to contemporaries, Ropot on Peter, as a result of all these dubious foreign policy "achievements", was "nationwide". The stirring of the conspiracy was the wife of Peter Fedorovich, relations with which lately Worstered unused. Speech by Catherine, who announced himself on June 28, 1762 by Empress, was supported in the Wednesday of Guardsmen and a number of courteous nobles - Peter III Fedorovich Nothing remained how to sign the paper about his own renunciation from the throne.

On July 6, the Petr is temporarily located in the town of Ropsh (before the translating to the Schlissburg fortress), Peter dies "from hemorrhoidal fell and breaking colic."

So ended the inglorious short reign of non-Russian in spirit and acts of Emperor Peter III.