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Gregory Rasputin is the mysterious death of a mysterious personality. Could Rasputin drown

His magnetism, his supernatural power of suggestion changed the course of history and were the reason for the many misfortunes that collapsed to the Russian Empire.
The murder that occurred in December 1916 in the Palace of Yusupov was inevitable, but was late, from the point of view of many left, right, liberal and conservative groups. Although the Efimovich Grigory himself has long been and repeatedly warned about the inevitable tragic end. 1905.
. Year - Clairvideo Luis Hamon predicted Grigory Rasputin, that he will die of bullets and poison, and the grave will become icewate Not you. But did not listened the elder.
A small group of conspirators gathered for the murder. It included the Grand Prince Dmitry Pavlovich, a relative of the Romanov Prince Felix Yusupov, a deputy from the right-wing purishkevich and the lieutenant Sukhotkin. They decided that they should end with Rasputin with the help of poison by choosing it as a means most suitable for hiding traces of murder. But everything went at all as the killers counted.
So as not to retell the events associated with the murder of Rasputin, you should only dwell on one fact: in the memoir literature, it was described many times that the conspirators wanted to use poison - tool, though not for bravers, but, from the point of view of the participants, faithful. Famous writer er Radzinsky disagree with the fact that the poison was used, and generally leads their personal version of the murder, and the emphasis does that, in his opinion, Rasputin did not like and did not eat sweet. In general, the farther the events retreat, the more implausible and fantastic versions appear. So, in 1981, the book "Intimate and Sexy life Famous people"Irving Wallis, Silvia Wallis, Emmy Wallis and David Valvenski. It is written about Gregory Rasputin. We will give only one passage from the creation, testifying about the" scientific "approach of the authors, that's what they have written:" When Rasputin began to lose consciousness from the beginning Act poison, Yusupov initially raped him, and then shot him four times out of the pistol. Rasputin fell to the floor, but was alive. Grigory Rasputin then neutered. His cut off penis later I found the servant. "
However, if you follow the generally accepted picture of the murder, which was recorded in documents and memoirs, the poison was still applied, and the scene of the murder was less than a phantasmagoric than in the references of the authors from England. For example, the French ambassador in St. Petersburg, Maurice Paleolog, in his memoirs about Rasputin writes: "There was a round table in advance in advance, the round table was placed in advance, on which two plates of cakes with cream, a bottle of maders and Tray with six glasses.
Cakes set near the elder were poisoned cyanium potassium delivered by the doctor of the Obukhov hospital, familiar prince Felix. In each of the three glasses, which are located near these cakes, contained three decygrms of potassium cyanide, dissolved in several drops of water; No matter how low this dose seems, it is also huge, because already a dose of four centigram is fatal ....
Suddenly, the "old man" drinks his glass. And by clicking the tongue, says:
- Madera is notable. I drank it yet.
Machinely yusupov filled with a glass not extended by the old man, but two other glasses with cyanium cyanium.
Gregory is enough and a glass drinks a glass. Yusupov is waiting for the victim to faint.
But for some reason, the poison did not have actions.
Third glass. All no action. "
But the prince of Yusupov himself wrote in his memoirs: "I managed to lose a glass of a glass, from which Rasputin drank, she crashed. Taking advantage of it, I poured maders in a glass with cyanium potassium."
The only reaction of the old man on an attempt to poison, described by the Paleologic, is as follows: "But Rasputin barely listens to him; he walks back and forth, hanging out and fishing. Calios Cyanos acts." Yusupov so described the impact of poison at the elder, who drank poisoned drinks and eaten the poisoned snack: "Yes, something of something rigged, and in the stomach it is hard. Give it even a glass - it will become easier."
But as you know, the murderers still had to resort to the revolver and dumbbells, and after drowning a vitality of the elder. Why poison did not affect the organism Grigory Rasputin - it remained the mystery, which he took with him to the grave (later his decomposable corpse burned. Perhaps a miracle was due to the fact that Rasputin, like the king of Mithridate, taught his body to different poisons. In The years of youth in the Virtsouch Gregory more than once in the Kabakov showed focuses with poisons. He diluted the poison provided him and gave a little dog along with meat. That died in terrible cramps. After that, Rassett drank the whole poison and scored him with a kvass from stall. Accurate answer to the question The presence of poisons could be given forensic medical experts, but they were not allowed to do this. During the opening in the stomach Rasputin, a pulling mass of dark-brown color was found, but it was not possible to determine its composition, because according to the orders of the Empress Alexandra Fedorovna further research It is forbidden. The absence of the results of the opening and the subsequent burning of the remains of the Great Older do not allow to confirm the hypothesis that the size Liver in Rasputin significantly exceeded the norm and this anomaly allowed to take a dose of poison, deadly for an ordinary organism.

How many years did Rasputin lived?

47 years (1869.-1916)

What can unite Gregory Rasputin, Emperor Nicholas ІІ and Joseph Stalin? The fate of these great personalities is contradictory and full of secrets, the life of historical characters has not yet been studied to the end. But the death of three of these people is even more mysterious, and the secrets that are revered in the graves of their owners, expand the minds of many modern people. The author, Edward Radzinsky, is trying to explore the life and death of Rasputin, Nikolai II and Stalin to respond to some questions. The writer lifts the veil of secrecy, and who knows what will be behind her?

Name: Grigory Rasputin (Grigory Rasputin)

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Age: 47 years

Activity: Peasant, friend of King Nicholas II, Provider and healer

Marital status: married

Gregory Rasputin: Biography

Gregory Rasputin is a famous and ambiguous personality in domestic history, disputes about which is already a century. His life is filled with a mass of inexplicable events and facts associated with an approach to the family of the Emperor influence on the fate of the Russian Empire. Some historians consider him an immoral charlatan and a fraudster, while others are confident that Rasputin was a real providen and healer, which allowed him to gain influence on the royal family.

Grigory Rasputin

Rasputin Grigory Efimovich was born on January 21, 1869 in the family of a simple peasant Efim Yakovlevich and Anna Vasilyevna, who lived in the village of Pokrovskoye Tobolsk province. The day after the birth of the boy was baptized in the church named Gregory, which means "awake."

Grisha became the fourth and only surviving child with his parents - his older brothers and sisters died back in infancy because of weak health. At the same time, he also had a weak since birth, so he could not have been playing with peers, which was the cause of his closets and thrust to solitude. Exactly at early childhood Rasputin felt affection for God and religion.

Where and how did Rasputin killed?

Yusupovsky Palace, St. Petersburg, Russia

Gregory Rasputin interesting facts. Gregory Rasputin - Interesting Facts

Hi friends. Today I will tell you interesting Facts From the life of Rasputin Grigory Efimovich, and no less mysterious history of death. But consider everything in chronological order.

He comes from the village of Pokrovskoe Tyumen region, but about accurate date No one knows his appearance on the light, is called 1864 - 1872, and the number on May 9 or 21. Different information in different sources are reported on this occasion. As a child, he was a painful child and had health problems.

Interesting facts of the biography of Rasputin begin after his age. Up to 18, he was an ordinary peasant and engaged in agricultural work. And after the majority hit the pilgrimage.

In 1890, the wife of peasant origin was acquired, she also led a pilgrimage lifestyle. It was characterized as a person with a shrill look, but slightly dressed. He began his way from the Uphoturian monastery, and then he was in Greece, Jerusalem and directly in his native Russia.

After visiting holy places, Rasputin became famous for those who had opened abilities for treatment and prediction. From birth in him was the gift of hypnotist, Grigory Rasputin could talk to wounds and any item to turn into a talisman.

After marriage, they had a son and two daughters. It is not known for what merits, but the elder revered many secular ladies who come to him in Siberia. Even Empress, Alexander Fedorovna herself promoted him and considered him a holy man. While all the people have fun over the stories about the festivities and the Kutzhai Rasputin, the Empress considered them slander envious and ill-wishers. Rasputin completely trusted children of the royal family. According to the elder himself, the Mother of God called him in St. Petersburg, in order to help Tsarevich Alexey, who was sick hemophilia.

Whatever reputation had Rasputin Grigory Efimovich, interesting facts speak for themselves. Rasputin predictions were fulfilled. He foreshadowed the death of the royal family, revolution and death large number Aristocracy. Even his predictions came true, which he suggested after his death, namely, about Tsarevich Alexey's disease. He foreshadowed his death, told about the fate of the throne, upcoming disasters associated with nuclear stations.

In his predictions there were terrible natural changes, earthquakes, decay of moral values, cloning of people and danger from such experiments. Also about one prediction can be told with shudder, let's hope that Rasputin was wrong here - the Third World War.

From the memories of the only remaining daughter Rasputin Matrena, it follows that the father abused alcohol and female floors. But if we consider from the point of view of a third-party observer, then being a tsarist defender, Rasputin did not give peace, including the Soviet power in the face of Bolsheviks. All wines fear that some have experienced knowing about his abilities.

Facts about the last day of Rasputin's life: after making a large dose of poison in food, drinking it with wine, Rasputin remained alive. Apparently the poison was old or something weakened his action. After he finished off his head, and the corpse was thrown into the river.

However, on this day, Grigory Efimovich found a note, where he suggests his death and if she is from the hands of the peasants, the monarchy in the country will remain. If his killers are aristocrats, there will be no monarchy, as will not merge the royal family.

All his predictions were recorded from his words and are still studying. When the February Revolution ended, Elizavet Feodorovna was visited by the monasteries of the monasteries, who talked about strange things after the death of Rasputin. That night most brothers and sisters under the monastery were attached to madness, published loud screams and blasphemed.

In the time of instability, more and more people begins to be interested in predictions of psychics and clairvoyant. Perhaps one of the most important prophecies about Russia was composed of Grigory Rasputin.

The figure of Rasputin in the history of Russia is still a mystery, and it is still about rumors and legends about his influence on the royal family. Pravitin predictions about Russia were published in the "pious reflections" book in 1912. And if at that time most of his prophecies were perceived as fantasy, now almost all of his words in truth can be called prophetic.

What predictions of Rasputin came true

It should be noted that many Prophecies Gregory Rasputin came true. So what did the old man talk about life and what followed him in words?

Shot of the royal family. The fact that the whole royal family will be killed, Rasputin knew long before the tragedy. That's what he wrote in his diary: "Whenever I hug a king and mother, and girls, and Tsarevich, I shudder from horror, as if I hug the dead ... And then I pray for these people, for in Russia they need more. And I pray for the family of Romanov, because the shadow of a long eclipse falls on them. "

On the revolution of 1917: "Darkness goes to Petersburg. When his name is changed, then the empire will end. "

On his own death and the future of Russia after their death. Rasputin said that if he was killed simple people, Peasants, then King Nikolai may not be afraid of his destiny, and Romanov will rule for another hundred years and more. If the noblemen kill him, the future of Russia and the royal family will be terrifying. "The noblemen will run from the country, and the king's relatives will not survive in two years and the brothers will rise against the brothers, and will kill each other," the old man wrote.

Accidents at nuclear power plants. "All over the world will be built towers, they will cast the castles of death. Other from these castles are collapsed, and from these wounds will flow rotten blood, which will infect the land and the sky. Since bunches of infected blood, like predators, will fall on our heads. Many clots will fall to the ground, and the Earth where they will fall, will become a desert for seven generations, "which Gregory Rasputin said about the future of Russia.

Natural disasters. Spoke old man and about natural disasters, every year we see more and more every year. "Earthquakes at this time take off, land and water will be revealed, and their wounds will be plotting people and Skarb ... The sea will enter the cities, and the lands will become salty. And there will be no water that would not be salted. A person will be under the salty rain, and will wander around the salted earth, between drought and a flood ... Rose will bloom in December, and snow will lie in June. "

Cloning. I knew Grigory Rasputin and that in the future will conduct experiments with cloning: "Irresponsive human alchemy, in the end, will turn ants in huge monsters that destroy home and entire countries will be against them powerless and fire, and water."

Pravitin prediction about the future of Russia

The following predictions are difficult to decipher, as Rasputin used characters and images in its prophecies. Probably, this is his prediction about the future of Russia, which has not yet come true or just begins to come true: "People go to a catastrophe. The most immersible will rule the wagon and in Russia, and in France, and in Italy, and in other places ... Humanity will be crushed by the act of madness and villains. Wisdom snack in the chain. Ignorant and domineering will dictate the laws of wise and even humble ... Three hungry snakes will crawl along the roads of Europe, leaving ash and smoke. The world expects three "lightning", which consistently lay down the land of the sacred rivers, palm garden and lily. From the West, a bloodthirsty prince will come from the West, which will enslave the richness, and another prince will come from the east, which is enslaved by a poverty. "

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Who and how killed Rasputin?

Who and why killed Grigory Rasputin on December 17, 1916 (according to the old style) Grigory Rasputin fell from the hands of murderers. He was killed as a result of a conspiracy, at the head of which was not Felix Yusupov and not a deputy of the State Duma Purishkevich, but the agent of British intelligence Oswald Rainer.

Video killing Rasputin. Nightmare before Christmas 1917

Rasputin predicated that he would not live to the new, 1917. In the event that the peasants kill him, then the king has nothing to fear, he warned. If they kill him noblemen, "the brothers will rise against the brothers," and none of the royal family will live longer than two years. " And they fell on him, a few people per unarmed, and killed. Someone believed that this way saves Russia. Someone has driven personal accounts with him. Someone had his distant - special - interest.

To whom he met

The figure of Rasputin caused a kind of mass psychosis. Newspapers - Here it is, True Freedom of Printing! - overwhelmed with gossip; The postcards of the scabing properties are issued; Everyone knew everything, especially in the living rooms, and were sure that they knew for sure.

Mad, but practical Iromona or Odor, several years old friends with Rasputin, had a one woman to castrate him (attempt in July 1914), and then fled abroad and published - on the advice of Gorky - Pamflet "Holy Damn" (1915). Long years This book was the main source of information about Rasputin.

It is curious that I orodor offered the Queen to redeem my work for 60 thousand rubles!

Rasputin hated and feared as a competitor to the Church. He was called a whip, however, cases initiated in connection with his whip (B1907 and 19012) crumbled. Specialist in sects Vladimir Bonch-Bruyevich in response to the request of the Chair III Duma Alexandra Guccova considered "his duty to openly declare that G.E. Rasputin new is completely and completely convinced orthodox Christian, not a sectarian. " Nevertheless, rumors about the whirlpool, about wondering and orgies were constantly worried and with pleasure.

Of the people of the state campaign to Rasputin began, it seems, Peter Stolypin. During the first attempt on the premiere (in August 1906), his daughter Natasha was seriously injured, and Stolypin asked Rasputin to pray over her. Then something has changed.

The eldest daughter Stolypin, Maria, writes: "Having heard the name of Rasputin, my father wriggled painfully and said with deep sadness in his voice:" Do not do anything. Every time the case is presented to this, warning the sovereign. But that's what he recently replied me: "I agree with you, Peter Arkadyevich, but let it be better than ten dissolve than one hysteria of the Empress". " The accuracy of the transfer of the response of Nicholas - on the conscience of Peter Arkadyevich.

After the death of Stolypin (in September 1911), Vladimir Kokovtsov was appointed to the post of Prime Minister. He offers Rasputin 200 thousand rubles "So that he leaves from St. Petersburg and did not return. The offer is offended by Grigory Efimovich. He replied that if "Dad and Mom want, then he, of course, will leave, but why buy it""(Writes Anna Cubtain).

By the way, about money. There are many evidence that Rasputin was careless and did not give any meaning to the money. "If Rasputin thought only about his own benefits, he would have accumulated big capital ... - Notes the personal secretary of Rasputin Arone Simanovich. - He received gifts, but they were not high cost. ... he took the money only in those cases if he could help them anyone. "

By 1912, the issue of Rasputina comes to the first plan of political life Russian Empirethat it can not not be surprised if you remember how many other questions were waiting for its permission.

Alexander Guccov, who opened the theme of Rasputin in the Duma, did not calm down. In his hands, letters of the queen Alexandra Fedorovna and her daughters towards Rasputin - it was believed that the originals are kept in orodore, but most likely the letters them were also composed. Letters of guffling spread and put on his hands.

Having gathered all the rumors and gossip, the chairman of the IV Duma Mikhail Rodzianko went to reveal the eyes of the king. He strongly advised Nikolai to read the Brochure Novoselov "Grigory Rasputin and mystical Puttingness," showed a "clipping from a foreign newspaper" - about Masons, considering Rasputin as an instrument in their hands, waved with letters: "Here is a letter in which one lady rises that Rasputin her seduced, morally worn; Recailed from him, repented, and after that, she suddenly sees that Rasputin leaves the bath with her two daughters. Wife engineer L. also fond of this teaching. She went crazy and now in a madhouse. Believe me, Your Majesty ... "-" I Believe, "Nikolai replied shortly. Rodzianko decided that he performed successfully.

In fact, the behavior of the Duma was deeply outraged by Nicholas. "I just suffocate in this atmosphere of gossip, fiction and malice," he complained to Kokovtsev.

Who he appointed

On August 1, 1914, Germany declared the war of Russia. For some time, the problem of Rasputin moved to the background. In addition, he at this time came to his homeland, in the village of Pokrovsky, - he was seriously injured by a psychopathist, incited by orodore.

On recovery, Rasputin returned to the capital, which was already called Petrograd. He was against war - as against any violence, - but, since the war soon began, prayed for the victory of the Russians. Rasputin even wanted to go to the front to bless the soldiers to fight. But the Supreme Commander, the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich promised that he would hang it as soon as he appears in the arrangement of troops. They said that it was on the advice of Rasputin Nikolai removed (in August 1915) the Grand Prince from office and assumed his duties.

Tsarina Alexander Fedorovna, two of her elder daughters and Anna Cubeov passed the courses of sisters of mercy and worked in hospitals. In January 1915, Celebov got into the railway catastrophe. She died in the hospital when Rasputin appeared and said: "Annushka, Annushka ... Wake up and get up". And then announced others: "She will live, but will remain crippled". This case again brought closer to Rasputin with the royal family.

Life in the capital of Burlila. For a year and a half, starting from the mid-1915, the fact that Purishevich was witty witty "Ministerial Czechhard": four prime ministers, five ministers of internal affairs, were changed, four ministers agriculture And three military ministers. All these movements of Solver attributed to Rasputin - the influence of his greatly exaggerated, although certainly someone received their post without his tip.

In January 1914, the post of prime minister took 75-year-old Ivan Logginovich Goremykin. Rasputin believed that the old man was wise, he was silent when everyone was scandaling, and should remain like a solid support. Indeed, the king attracted him to work usually in critical situations as a person of a reliable, devoted throne, the bureaucrat of the old sweating. But in the Duma, the appearance of Goremichina caused a storm: the deputies whistled and shouted, not giving the premiere to say words. In January 1916, Nikolai removed Goremykina.

At his place came 67-year-old Boris Stürmer. Simanovich says that they with Rasputin played in this appointment not the last role: "First of all, we were looking for people agreeing to the conclusion of the Separate world with Germany. With Sturmer, we traded for a long time ... I advocated him, because he was Jewish origin ... I assumed that the chairman of the Council of Ministers would not object to the equation in the rights of Jews, and was not mistaken. " Milyukov, in turn, characterizes the Sturmer as follows: "A completely ignorant in all areas, for which he was taken, he could not connect two words to express any serious thought and was forced to write - or entrust to write down - for his speeches a few words or phrases On a piece of paper. In serious matters, he preferred mysteriously silent, as if hiding his decision. But he knew himself very well to comply with all the appointments his own interests. "

In general, to expect anything good when presenting a new premiere did not cost the Duma. And then Rasputin gave the really wise council - so that Nikolai personally attended the opening session on February 9, 1916. It was the only visit of the king to the Tauride Palace for the entire existence of the Duma. Before entering the meeting room, prayers were served. With the appearance of Nicholas, the dimers applauded and delighted, forgotten about their antimonarchic sentiments, tightened "God, King Khana." The Chairman of the Duma Rodzianko received the Order of St. Anne ... As a result, the candidacy of the Sturmer passed easily and unnoticed.

It was through the Sturmer "the courtyard tried to conclude a gentleman agreement with the Duma: in exchange for refusal of speeches against Rasputin, his expulsion from St. Petersburg was offered. Rasputin was indeed expelled to Tobolsk for a while, but the deputies did not manage to close the mouth, as Milyukov writes, "especially in a raised atmosphere reflecting" collective conscience "."

Another purpose could turn around for Rasputin and the courtyard even big trouble. In September 1915, the Nizhny Novgorod Governor Alexey Tailov received the post of the Minister of the Interior. He declared himself, deploying in the Duma a fight with the "German dominion" - it was patriotic and by the way. Moreover, many considered the tail of the "Dark Forces" - "Crubber - Rasputin".

Rasputin "told the soul" of the tailing and found it "no excavated", and later said that God worshi on the tail, although he lacks something "(Milyukov recalls). But the Fresh Minister of the Interior, rather, was something too much: together with Stepan Beletsky, a comrade of the Minister of the Interior, he started the elimination of Rasputin and sent from the Ministry (!) A special mission abroad to orodore - to consult about the murder plan. Beletsky, in turn, began to spy on the tail and report on all the cut-off. All this has become publicity; The conspirators began to pour everything on each other, as a result of which both in March 1916 had to leave his posts.

And finally, the last important appointment associated with the name Rasputin is Alexander Protopopov, who received the same long-suffering post of the Minister of the Interior in September 1916. A rich landowner and manufacturer from Simbirsk, Octobist, Comrade of the President of the IV Duma, Protopopov was a man charming and enjoyed the constant arrangement of colleagues. However, after the appointment, the colleagues staged him a strong drainage at the apartment from Rodzianko: he was set in guilt with the "Cutter - Rasputin", agree to the Cabinet Sturmer, the unwillingness to relieve the Duma authority ... "He was pity, but we did not regret it - Milyukov enclosed hard. The case was aggravated by the fact that the protopopopes did not come to this meeting, "in the modest surpuca," and in the gendarm uniform - it was whisching everyone!

The conversations that Skopopov - Crazy, he treated in the clinic Badmaeva progressive paralysis, which is on him, like Rasputin, at times rolling. Nikolay was amazed: so far I have not appointed the minister - was not crazy ... The king, apparently, could not fully appreciate the whole of the measure of the dooms of the Duma to the court.

Another prime minister (November - December 1916) Alexander Trepov tried to give Rasputin a bribe to remove the Protopopov and eliminated himself. What he expected is not clear.

Who loved him

In addition to the relatives, the queen Alexandra Fedorovna and her children, cut-off and admirers, Grigory Efimovich loved: peasants, Jews, gendarmes and Vasily Vasilyevich Rozanov.

The peasants saw in Rasputin the same as they, a man who got to the royal chorus to speak the truth. He received many letters from people of a simple title, and they themselves came for help. In Soviet times in the village of Pokrovsky, it seems to be even Collective farm Risatin. And one-room is still honored by the memory of his famous countryman.

Rasputin's personal secretary attributed to Nicholas to the Tsarist Yard was Kiev Jeweler Aron Simanovich. Having survived in 1905 in Kiev, Jewish pogrom, Simanovich gave himself an oath with all their might struggle for the rights of Jews. In this case, Simanovich tried all the options, including very extravagant. So, he asked for a famous cutout Countess Nina Sarnekau "Touch in front of the spirits in favor of Russian Jews" - perfumes were to get the king to the cancellation of a sketch. But the session did not take place.

Once representatives of Jewry gathered at the attitude of the lawyer Slienberg. "Rasputin was met very solemnly and with big honors. Jewish delegates, old men with long gray beards, told during the evening ... about the persecution of the Jews ... Their stories left a deep impression on Rasputin ... When he was trying to calm the Jewish delegates, he had difficulty holding away tears ... Rasputin got up and crossed. This meant that he gave him an oath to us to help. " Felix Yusupov recalls how Rasputin said: "They ask everyone to the Jews freedom to give ... what, I think, do not give? The same people as we, - God's creature ".

The characteristic that Rasputin the commander of a separate building of the Gendarmes gave Rasputin, General Pavel Kurles, "I ... was struck by his natural mind and practical ability to deal with current issues, even a government. He was a zealous fan of the further existence of the Duma, despite even a counterfeit mood, and always spoke of the need to streamline the issue of popular food, the correct permission of which, in his opinion, was the only means to calm the country. "

It is worth adding that reinforced observation was conducted for Rasputin - all its movements, meetings, contacts were recorded in the reports; Mail perplexed. However, the object was in the most friendly relations With agents, and they often helped him in difficult situations.

« Grisha - Brilliant Man- Records Rozanov in April 1915, after meeting with Rasputin on one literary dinner. - He is not at all whine»; « "Tolstoy stupid ... He spoke against the Synod, against the clergy - and right. P.Ch. Above, stronger and cleaner. But he did not speak against them, but against the words that they (clergy). And these words from Vasily the Great, Grigory Theologian and John of Zlatoust. And then he himself and his writings - small "... The Siberian Peasant said thought. Which allows everything. ... Then the Russian danced - with the art, as I did not see anyone, in any theater (i.e., at the Masters of Dance). How does he not "dance" with such a thought?" And that's what else notes Rosanov: "A serious tone of Grisha said: "I never went to them myself and did not attract: And when they went to me, I took". And most importantly from said Rasputin: "There is only one border here and important to someone not falling suffering.".

Who killed him

Here are the main members of the conspiracy:

Vladimir Mitrofanovich Purishkevich (1870-1920) graduated from the Historical and Philology Faculty of Novorossiysk University. Deputy Chairman of the "Union of Russian People", organizer of the "Union Mikhail Arkhangel". Deputy II, III and IV Duma from Bessarabian province. Nikolai second spoke about him: "Amazing energy and a wonderful organizer." "Purishkevich is incident at the department, - writes the secretary II of Duma. "He says very thoroughly, Boyko, Cheeky, the opposition and causes a homerical laughter of the audience ... In general, Purishkevich man is dangerous, not at all such an insignificant value as it should think." For the scandalous behavior and replicas of the type "Scounding", "Sukin Son", "Merzavets" was repeatedly removed from the hall; 15 meetings were excluded from the composition of the Duma. Somehow, during his speech, he threw a glass with water in Milyukov - did not like the expression of the face. The author of Pieces, Satir and Political Bonmo (among which is "Ministerial Checkhard"). Wrote poems, clumsy, but, apparently, sincere: "Let the poor / people, let the people / our and drunk, / and the Zhidovsky Rus / we don't need!" He died in Novorossiysk from rapid typhus.

Vasily Alekseevich Maklakov (1869-1957) - lawyer, member of the Cadet Party Central Committee, Deputy II, III and IV Duma, in 1917 - Russian Ambassador in France. Participated in the development of a murder plan and, according to some information, I took poison. Gave Felix Yusupov Rubber Dubbing - just in case. Remembered this did not like it. "Being a person (even in old age), more than a cheerful nrava, he suffered a conscience in connection with his role in 1916-1917, as many other cadets, and believed that it lies a part of the guilt for the catastrophes that occurred in Russia," - writes Nina Berberova.

Prince Felix Feliksovich Yusupov, Count Sumarok-Elston (1887-1967), the heir of the greatest condition in Russia. He studied in Oxford, was considered "the most beautiful young man in Europe." Fan of Oscar Wilde. He loved in a female dress to walk along Nevsky and to take it for a prostitute. With Rasputin, consisted in a short relationship - that gentlely called the prince "small". Simanovich writes: "Since Felix was a homosexual, then parents tried to cure him with the help of Rasputin ... But Felix quarreled with Rasputin, since the latter was against his marriage with the daughter of the Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich ... Since he could not be a husband at all." In Irina, Nikolai niece, Yusupov still married. In his memoirs, Yusupov said that he had a "painful game" in friendship "" with Rasputin, so that the object should be studied.

(1891-1942), cousin Nicholas. He was friendly with Alexandra Fedorovna, who loved him and fell. "Dmitry is not busy anything and constantly drinks ...", "wrote a husband to the queen. He not only drank, but also indulged Sodomy with another Felix. If you believe Simanovich, Rasputin was against the marriage of Dmitry Pavlovich with one of the daughters of the king. In 1926, Dmitry Pavlovich married a rich American; traded champagne in Florida; Memories did not write. Died from tuberculosis in Davos.

Finally, one who has recently began to be considered the organizer and the chief executive of this crime - the British Intelligence officer Lieutenant (1889-1961), Oxford friend and, apparently, the homosexual partner of Felix Yusupov. I did not remember about my participation in the murder of Rasputin, but transferred to the English first book yusupov - "Rasputin; HIS Malignant Influence and His AssassInation by Youssoupoff » (1934). And also called his son in honor of a friend: John Felix Reiner. His murder is explained by the desire of England to prevent the Separate Agreement on the World of Russia and Germany. (Which is at least stupid.)

Purishevich introduced Dr. Laziswaert, a senior doctor of the Red Cross squad, and the Yusupov - the lieutenant of the Transfiguration Regiment of Sukhinka. Many people were devoted to the conspiracy: starting with the wives of the conspirators and ending with the fools - I knew Milyukov, I knew Vasily Schulgin, the chairman of the Duma Rodzianko knew. But everyone was silent.

IV State Duma should be considered an accomplice of the crime also because it asked the appropriate tone. First of all, the famous Milyukov's speech at the opening of the session in November 1916. Speaking of " dark forces"And" sinister rumors ", Milyukov repeated, as a mantra:" What is it - nonsense or treason? " The most shock place for his speech was pcessioned in German (contrary to the ban to use foreign words at the Duma Tribune), translated like this: "This is the victory of the court party, which is grouped near the young Empress." "For my speech, the reputation of the assault signal towards the revolution was established," Milyukov recalls. "I didn't want it." Well, I wanted - I did not want, but it turned out.

After a few days, Purishevich spoke. The diary was recorded: "... The whole, immeued by the feeling of loyal love, she [his speech] should show a sovereign that all Russia, from the extreme right wing to representatives of the left parties, not deprived of state sense, the same / ... / looks at that horror that Represents Rasputin as the restless lamp in the royal rest. " Hearing Purishkevich's speech, the prince of Yusupov turned to him with a proposal to kill Rasputin.

How he was killed

And finally, the last preparations. Purishevich in the "Diary" describes them like this: "I feel the greatest calm and self-control. Just in case I take a steel caste and a revolver, the magnificent thing is the "SAUVAGE" system .. I do not know why, but I have it all day twist in the head of the verse of ODY Horace: "Tu Ne Quasieris, Scire Nefas, Quem Mihi, Quem Tili ... "" In this picture, it is worth lingerie - a deputy of the State Duma, with a crawler in his hand, a revolver in his pocket and Horacie in the head of the unarmed man ...

Yusupov in his memoirs "End Rasputin" (1927) announces that Rasputin was not anyone else as the "First Commissioner of Bolshevism". In general, it is clear from the text that the relationship of Prince with Rasputin was shorter than he wanted to imagine.

The conspirators began to converge over midnight. "The appearance of everyone was cheerful, the mood is raised," writes yusupov, "but I noticed that everyone was talking to everyone, they were unnaturally merry." Owing rubber gloves, Dr. Lazautert pounded in cube potassium cake. Yusupov went for Gregory Efimovich. Purishevich and Dmitry Pavlovich in two glasses of dark glass poured already liquid poison to their arrival - to be a fresher. Then they rose into the upper room and, having heard the sound of the driving car, the gramophone was converted to a party. Which found on the lieutenant, it is difficult to say, but he put everything and put the same record. ("The sound of the American Marsham" Yankee-Dudle "... and persecute, at times, pursues me," Purishevich writes two days after the crime.)

In addition, meanwhile, Rasputin ate poisoned pastries, drank his beloved Madera, also poisoned - and nothing! "It seemed to me that he was knowing why I brought him here and that I intend to do with him," the yusupov is terrified. But Rasputin saw the guitar: "Play, the darling, something cheerful," he asked ... when I finished singing, he opened his eyes and looked at me with a sad and calm look: "Sleight still. I painfully love this music: a lot of soul in you ... ".

Perhaps the prince was really the soul. At least, his nerves began to take it for the third hour. He climbed to his comrades and consulted; We decided to fulfill everything together and strangle, but retalked. Dr. Lazautert fainted. Dmitry Pavlovich offered to postpone the event until the best times. "Never!" - Evilled Purishkevich; He had two options: either to lay a guest from the revolver, or hesitate his head as a tape.

Finally, Yusupov, taking a revolver, went again to Rasputin. "" Grigory Efimovich, you would have looked at the crucifixion da prayed before him. " Rasputin was surprised, almost frightened at me. I read the new, unfamiliar expression in his gaze: something is meek and submissive glowing in it, "we read by Prince. And the laws of the unknown, then science of victimology, according to which the victim proclaims provokes a criminal. Yusupov fired, kneading in the heart. The rest came down on top, and Purishevich first saw the one whom he wanted to kill ...

If you believe Purishkevich, after the murder, they with Yusupov complacently "talked and dreamed of the future of Russia." But suddenly Rasputin ran to the exit, saying: "Felix, Felix, I will tell Tsarice!" Two times Purishevich missed, the third bullet hit the back, the fourth - in his head, and Rasputin collapsed from a snowdrift. Yusupova rushed in the restroom; He repeated like the head: "Felix, Felix, Felix, Felix ..." Seeing the body, the prince grabbed the gift Maclakova and began to thwart the dead to face while he, in all in the blood, did not catch off.

According to the British version, which appeared in 2004, with the filing of Oswald Rainer, who was in the house, the conspirators first beat Rasputin to get information about negotiations with the Germans. And fired later .... The control shot produced Rairener from the revolver "455 Webley" so finished his life He who taught good and love, hated violence, did not want to hurt anyone ...

Rasputin's body was dragged in Rolls-Royce the Grand Duke. Throw from the bridge to the hole between Petrovsky and the Cross Islands. Forgot, however, tie the chains with weights (carefully purchased by Purishkevich with his wife in the Alexander market). They wrapped them in a fur coat and too - in the hole ... Meanwhile, Yusupov ordered the caller to shoot his beloved dog so that there was an explanation for shots and blood in the yard. The dog is sorry too.

The crime remained unpunished. Dmitry Pavlovich was sent to Persia, Yusupova exiled to his estate rocket in Kursk province. Purishevich felt like a national hero and continued to work in the Duma until her last meetings in February 1917. As for the Englishman, he soon left Russia.

Yes, and not in the British case. Even if he was in this sealing and terrible history, the main doll, the wines from the Russian participants is not removed. Equally, both the wines are not removed from the same, the State Duma, the successor of which considers himself the current one. Is that the wildest excesses of the current Duma can (partly) explain in heavy heredity.

In this watch, Grigory Rasputin killed in St. Petersburg on the old style in St. Petersburg. Around this name and contemporaries and historians are broken many copies. But only the fact we cannot miss attention - the death of Rasputin and the renunciation of Nicholas II, and the further death of him and the time of time turns out to be mystically connected, moreover, it was precisely the emperor and the empress himself Rasputin: "While I am alive, - with you All and with the dynasty will not happen anything. Will not be me - in half a year I will not become and you. "

Therefore, the death of Rasputin in our story is the most important episode in which it would be necessary to put a bold point.

The murder of Rasputin is written very much by his murderers, none of which is punished. It is well known that the killers were five. Prince Felix Yusupov, Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich Romanov, deputy of the State Duma Vadim Mitrofanovich Purishkevich, as well as at the pick-up Dr. Stanislav Sergeevich Lazzvert (photo from LJ

And a lieutenant Sukhotin Sergey Mikhailovich. And Purishkevich, and Yusupov, who saw their own significance, wrote memoirs, where the laurels of the killers of Rasputin were assigned to everyone, and the Yusupov practically repeated the word written in Purishkevich. In addition, then the then ambassador of France in Russia, Maurice Paleolog, whose book I recommend to everyone, was well writing about the murder and Rasputin.

Yusupov graduated from Oxford and was, let's say, alternative sexual orientation. This fact is indisputable, moreover, his Rasputin himself took him from demonlessness. From the protocol of the investigation in the case of F. F. Yusupova "Grishka treated this way: she laid out the sacrifice on the verge of the room and the belt, until our Dorian Gray prayed for a mercy." From there, they reached the words of Rasputin, said to them by the prince: "We will pay you at all, just need to go to the gypsies, there you will see pretty women, and the disease will completely pass." Historian N. M. Romanov, who knew the mysters of the highest light, wrote: "I am convinced that there were any physical outpouring of friendship in the form of kisses, mutual feeling and possibly ... even more cynical. How big was the carnial perversion from Felix, I still understand little, although rumors about his lusts were distributed. " In 1914, he married Nikolai II niece II and "corrected."

This is what Yusupov and Purishkevich wrote about the direct murder:

Aim. The battle. Shot. Return in the elbow. By.
- What the hell! I do not recognize myself ...
Rasputin was already at the gate facing the street.
Shot - Again by. "Or is he really conspired?"
Purishkevich hurts himself for her left hand to focus. Thunder shot - exactly in the back. Rasputin made his hands on himself and stopped, looking into the sky, mowed with diamonds.
"Calmly," said not to him, but Purishkevich said. Another shot - exactly in the head. Rasputin wolf spinned in the snow, sharply walked his head, as if he got out of the water after swimming, and at the same time he descended the lower and lower.
Finally, it collapsed in the snow, but she also continued to pull his head.
Purishevich, ranging to him, with a wisely cracked the mushka with a shoe to the temple. Rasputin Skreb frowning is a clear, making attempts to crash to the goal, and scary brushed his teeth. Purishevich did not leave him until he died

In addition, the cake and wine poisoned with cyanide, which did not affect.

But now I ask everyone to see the photo of the dead Rasputin.

In the forehead zones the hole from the control shot to the head, after which no crawl could no longer be. There was no cyanide in the stomach and blood. This convincingly proves that Purishevich and Yusupov lied. Here is the testimony of expertise

"At the opening, quite numerous damage was found, of which many have already caused posthumously. The whole right side of the head was fragmented, sustained due to the bruise of the corpse when falling from the bridge. Death followed from abundant bleeding due to a firearm in the stomach. The shot was produced, in my opinion, almost in the focus, from left to right, through the stomach and liver with a fragmentation of this last in the right half. Bleeding was very abundant. On the corpse there was also a firearm in the back, in the spine, with the fragmentation of the right kidney, and another wound in the focus, in the forehead, probably already as a temper or deceased. Breasts were intact and surrounded superficially, but there were no traces of death from drowning. The lungs were not fluttered, and in the respiratory tract there was no water or a foamy liquid. In the water, Rasputin was already abandoned dead. "


The inheritance of the imperator was organized the most thorough and quite quickly in the case a completely unexpected English trail appeared. Tsar Nicholas II directly mentioned that the killer is a school friend Yusupov. However, the February Revolution was put on the investigation of the cross, and then Kerensky ordered to dig a corpse of Rasputin and burn. But in 2004, in the UK, the truth about the English roots of the murder Rasputin surfaced. What prevented the British a simple Russian man? The fact is that he was a categorical opponent of war with Germany. I use my influence on the empress and Emperor Rasputin could tell the king not to fight or, after, to conclude the world. And after all, it's surprisingly, Rasputin was seriously damped with a knife on June 29, 1914, and in less than a month a month war began. But fully a story about the English version in the statement of Nikolai Starikov under the cut

The control shots in the forehead Grigory Rasputin was killed by the British spy of Oswald Reiner. It was his name that the Yusupov, Romanov and Purishevich, who became a blind gun in the hands of the English secret service were hidden. On October 1, 2004, the BBC 2 television channel in the Timewatch program was a film dedicated to the murder of Rasputin. The retired employee of Scotland Yard Richard Cullen and the historian Andrew Cook based on photographs of the corpse, acts of autopsy, documents and memoirs of that time significantly restored the kill's picture. And when they did it, it immediately became clear that the existing version of the murder of Gregory Rasputin was intentionally falsified. Yes, Yusupov and Purishevich Both were shooting in Rasputin.
However, it was the English agent that produced the third, control shot in the forehead Grigory Rasputin.
Oswald Reiner.The figure in this matter is not new: it is repeatedly mentioned in the memoirs of Felix Yusupov. The day after the murder, he writes the prince, he dined with Rainer, who "knew about the conspiracy and came to know the news." Yes, and the Memoirs themselves, Yusupov, published in 1927, were written in collaboration with Reiner. If you look at the title page, you will see that in English transferred it ... Reiner. Thus, the collaborator of the "true" memoirs of Felix Yusupova was the herself English intelligence! Is it then to be surprised at the "strange" incurrence and amazing forgetfulness of the prince? Reinera and his leaders the truth was completely nothing. After all, he was a lieutenant of British intelligence, "Sikrit Intellys Bureau", as she was called then. Besides him, according to the information of the authors of the film involved in the murder, the senior officers of the English special services were: Captains John Skale and Stephen Allly.

Where did the valiant British, after so many years, have learned about the old operation of their own special services? By chance. Collecting materials about another knight english Queen, Sydney Reilie (We will talk about in detail a little later), Andrew Cook took an interview with the 91-year-old daughter John Skail, who lives in Scotland. She showed him many other documents, which testified that her father was not only aware, but also involved in the elimination of Rasputin.

Among the documents there was a list of agents in Petrograd, where the name of the Rainer appeared. Interested in this, the British historian lasted the nephew Osawald Reber. He said that his uncle before his death told that he was in the Palace of Yusupov on the night of the murder. He also had a ring made from the bullet, which, he said, was released in Rasputin. It was another confirmation of Rainer's participation in the conspiracy. Skale's daughter and Rainer's nephew lived in different ends of the UK and did not even know about the existence of each other. However, their stories coincided in the smallest details. After that, Richard Cullen and Andrew Cook realized that they managed to reveal the long-term secret of the British intelligence agency.

In early 2004, they spent several weeks in St. Petersburg so that in place to thoroughly examine the circumstances of the murder of Rasputin. Calan, being a criminist, focused on official medical documents on the death of Rasputin and post-mortem photos of the body and the place of crime. In this, he was helped by the famous St. Petersburg Jewelsecpert Vladimir Zharov, who ten years ago launched his own investigation into the crime, but he could not promulgate him.

The behavior of the English ambassador George Buchenna is significant. At the reception in honor of the New Year, he spoke with the Russian emperor: "Since I heard that His Majesty suspects the young Englishman, a school friend of Prince Felix Yusupov, in complicity in the murder of Rasputin, I took the opportunity to convince him that such suspicions are absolutely groundless."
Think about. The official representative of Great Britain is trying to convince the King of Nicholas that the English bullet fell Rasputin in his forehead, based on rumors!
Making this step, Buchanan gives yourself with your head. When another ambassador makes applications, using the expression "I heard." After all, this is not just an Englishman speaks with a Russian self-container, it says the representative of the British monarch. You never know what rumors in the Russian capital, the ambassador can not have the right to respond to them.

Have you been to Yusupov and anyone else from the killers of British agents? Most likely not. But there are many facts of the life of the killers of Rasputin, where anyway, the English line intersects with the line of their fate. It is enough to trace the fate of the main characters that had attracted to the "Rasputy" business, and this strange fact will become completely obvious.

"On the night of December 17-18, 1916, Grigory Rasputin killed.
Honor and glory to the noble hero and patriot, who decided on this valiant step to save his homeland and the dynasty. " (Marianna Eriknova von Turfelden, Daughter Knyagini O. V. Paley - Morganatic spouse of the Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich - and a summary sister of the Grand Prince Dmitry Pavlovich.).
"If there were no Rasputin, the opponents of the royal family and the preparations of the revolution would create it with their conversations from the cut-down, do not be cut, out of whom you want." (Botkin E. S. - Russian Doctor, Leib Medic Family Nicholas II, nobleman).
These are different and controversial opinions about the death of Gregory Rasputin (new), as well, and opinions about him itself ...
When it was decided to end the Rasputin, Prince Felix Yusupov, who knew him so well to make him come secretly, without the knowledge of the police and guard, told him that his wife, Irina Alexandrovna (Yusupova Irina Alexandrovna (1895 - 1970) - Princess, daughter of the Grand Prince Alexander Mikhailovich and great Princess Xenia Aleksandrovna. From 1914, he was married to Prince F. F. Yusupov.), He arrived from the Crimea for one or two days to meet him.
Since, allegedly, the parents of Prince Felix did not want and hear about Rasputin, this date should be furnished by a mystery and happen not in a large Yusupov house on a sink, and nearby, in him belonging to the wooden two-story house № 92, in the courtyard, going to the river washing and separated from it iron grille ...
Nothing unsuspecting Rasputin very willingly agreed, promising to come alone who was not attached to him and saying pre-nobody about

where he rides.
Indeed, Grigory Efimovich arrived alone. Usually, a sloppy elder in this occasion washed away with a cheap soap and dressed in the embroidered silk shirt and velvety pants.
Rasputin was adopted by Felix Yusupov below and held in the lower floor of the house. Upstairs, on the second floor, there were the Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich, the lieutenant of the Guards Transfiguration Regiment of Sukhotin S. M., Deputy of the State Duma Purishevich Vladimir Mitrofanovich and a solid-defining Sanitary of Purishevich's squad. They started a phonograph to imitate the noise of admission, on which, as Rasputin said, the mistress of the house was temporarily occupied.
The prince of Yusupov was sitting at thenime along with Rasputin, impatiently waiting for the "Knightni". The driver of the prince brought the port, which was pre-poisoned by blue acid; Rasputin drank a large glass and ... no action.
Felix even thought that Rasputin was indeed invulnerable. Perhaps the poison did not affect, since the syntic acid evaporates at T above 27 °, and probably poison kept somewhere in too warm place. According to one of the versions, later the deputy of the State Duma of Maklakov Vasily Alekseevich, dedicated to the murder of Rasputin and who gave the prince Yusupov poison, argued that under the guise of cyano potassium actually gave a simple aspirin powder ...
The Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich came to the car now and drove after another car, to take the body of Rasputin. The rest approached Rasputin and bent over it to state his death.
Suddenly Rasputin opened one eye first, then the second and grabbed Yusupov for the throat. In his glance, as the Yusupov described later, there was something nightmarish and indescribable ...

Then Rasputin stood up and, spreading them, rapidly rushed to the door, and through the front on the courtyard; One Purishevich ran behind him, as the drunkenness became bad, and the strongest hysteria happened to Felix. Purishevich, on the go, hardly pulled out stuck in pocket Revolver and produced in Rasputin, who ran through the courtyard towards the lattice, which was on the sink, two shots, but Rasputin continued to run.
Purishevich felt that he himself begins to lose consciousness, bit his hand to come to himself, and saw Rasputin, who at that moment was trying to climb a locked grille. He ran up to him and fired him in the head. Pouring blood, Rasputin fell back ...
From washing on the shots came ran away. Purishevich, having learned a familiar city in him who was constantly on duty in Maximilianovsky lane, not far from the date of the date, where he often went, asked him:
- Do you know me?.
- Yes sir. Your wellness.
- Are you talking about Rasputin or not?
- I heard your wellness.
- Is it time to kill him or not?
- It is high time. Your wellness.
"Well, I killed him, you're 500 rubles and go."
City did not take and left ...
Purishevich calling the janitor, together with him dragged Rasputin to the house. He was dead ...
Suddenly, something out of the prince of Yusupov occurred from the row of Won: he rushed into a corpse of Rasputin and Castet, who allegedly was given to him by Maklakov, began to strike his head on his head and completely smashed him a skull. After the Rasputin's body was found in the Neva, they thought that the head was bridged with the fall of the body from the bridge, on the stroke.
Dmitry Pavlovich who came on another car, knowing nothing about what happened after his departure, asked: "Is everything okay?"
Rasputin was wrapped in his coat, and then into the blue porter, which was broken from the window. On the cutter was embroidered the letter Y, under the princely crown.
The body was loaded into the car, Sanitary from the Purishevich detachment went with him. Dear, he remembered that they were forgotten to tie the gravity to the legs to go to the bottom.

Arriving to the Petrovsky Bridge, through the railing somehow dropped the body into the river ...
Russian Sovereign Nikolai II and Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovich (Uncle Nicholas II) were in the bet when this murder had happened.

All 18 December 1916, rumors about the disappearance of Gregory Rasputin went to the royal village, but no one knew the truth. Freillina Empress and her close girlfriend Vubov A. A. reported this event Alexander Fedorovna on December 19 in the morning: first she said that Rasputin disappeared, and then that he was killed.
Queen called and instantly ordered the Interior Minister Protopopov A. D.:
1) look for the body
2) For divers reached, if necessary, to Kronstadt, and promised enormous awards for body find.
The head of the search was appointed Protopopic Gendarm General Popov.
In addition, Alexander Fedorovna's sovereign aroused the Adjutant General Maksimovich K. K. and ordered him to immediately go to the great prince Dmitry Pavlovich and he was arresting his home arrest on her behalf.
Maksimovich drove to Dmitry Pavlovich and announced him that he was arrested. The Grand Duke asked Maximovich, whose name he was arrested, and when he learned that the queen arrested him, he said that he, the Grand Duke, can arrest only the sovereign and swore only the king.
Then Maksimovich began to begging Dmitry Pavlovich to regret his gray hair, not to ruin him and sit at home, affirming the sick, to which the Grand Prince replied; "Good, Konstantin Claudiyevich, since you ask, I will do it for you and I will say patients and I will not leave." 2.
Visitors to the great princess allowed.
The sovereign also demanded that Dmitry Pavlovich remove the imperial monitoring of Nikolai II on the chains, but then there were still courage to tell her that it can only make a sovereign.

Meanwhile, the same December 19, Prince Felix Feliksovich Yusupov was going to go to the sick wife in the Crimea, but he was stopped in the Nikolaev station and announced him that, according to her majesty, he was forbidden to leave the capital. He settled in the palace in the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Pavlovich.
On December 20, 1916, the Rasputin Corpse was found and taken to Chesme Raddle, built in the late XVIII century. In honor of the victory of the Russian fleet in the sea battle with the Turkish squadron in the Chesmen bay. At night, the bodies of the corpse took place, during which, as stated, was present by the sovereign. She did not allow him to open it and embalmed since there is a church law that opened cannot be canonized, but she did not listen, since for the investigation it was necessary. Dressed, they say, the sister was the sister of mercy and came from Cubeva.
When opening in the lungs, Rasputin found water - it means that his body was thrown into the hole, he was still alive ...
December 21 was waiting for the sovereign. The Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich returned at 16 o'clock and drove directly to his son. The Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich told him that he would give a full report only a sovereign, but only the sovereign and great princes are right to judge him. He swore the father of his mother's ashes, which he really loved that his hands were not in the blood.
At the age of 21 of the same day, Nicholas II returned to the royal village. He was driving in a beautiful mood, he was satisfied with the destruction of Rasputin and there was a very high opinion about the Grand Duza Dmitry Pavlovic.
In the imperial carriage of the approached the train entered the sovereign and stayed there 15-20 minutes, and when the sovereign came out of the car, there was no person on him, he, not paying attention to the guard, nor in those who met, as if no one did not see anyone, literally ran past They only came to themselves when he took up the handle of his engine waiting for him.
Here he as if he had taken herself in his hands, he returned with his face and did it very kindly all that was needed. It is very characteristic ...
On the same day, at 23 o'clock, the king's audience was appointed to the Great Prince Pavel Alexandrovich, who came to the palace 10 minutes before her, but was accepted only at 23:40, as the king sat the Minister of Internal Affairs of Protopopov.
When the Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich entered, Nicholas II could not learn; He was harsh, he picked up the murder and announced that he would not let the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Pavlovich to his eyes. The effect of Protopopova affected ...
On December 22, 1916, the guard of the Great Dmitry Pavlovich was delivered to the door, gates and inside the palace of the Grand Prince Dmitry Pavlovich, and on December 23 at 23:30, a colonel of the Life Guard of the equestrian artillery regiment Count Kutans was arrived from the sovereign Save to Persia, at the disposal of General Baratov. Kuanaisov said that at this link he is attached to the great prince as a "jailer" with the order, so that Dmitry Pavlovich did not give anyone to know about himself, no letters did not receive any letters, did not go to the place of reference ...
In addition to Kutaisov, his educator General Laiming was still attached to him.

The great prince Pavel Alexandrovich said this link son specifically so late so that he does not have time to come to say goodbye. Dmitry Pavlovich called his father, but soon hung up: the father sobbed so worried that he could not say ...
We were lucky to the commodity station, where the simple wagon wagged to the commercial train. It was ordered to carry out the neighbral paths, without races in any city, and especially ordered it was not to be pronounced through Moscow. Apparently, ovations were afraid ...

With a train, there was no kitchen and they didn't even give any provisions, so they were starving a day.
For participation in the murder of Rasputin, Prince Felix Yusupov was sent to his estate rocket in Kursk Ryabernia under the supervision of the police. One of the officers of the Phazzy Corps went with him.
On December 21, at 03:30, the funeral of Rasputin took place, attended by: the sovereign, the sovereign, three daughters (except for Olga Nikolaevna, who did not go and did not go), the daughter of Rasputin Matrena and Cubeov. The latter was all in a strong.
I buried the confessor of the sovereign Father Vasily, who was in despair, that he was ordered to bury him, and at night, and wanted to go to the monastery to the eternal repentance.
Rasputin was buried in the Alexander Park of the Tsarist village, where Celebova built a shelter for embankient soldiers. There was a temple of Seraphim Sarovsky, and he was laid under the future altar ...

Information sources:
1. Kaznakov S. N. "Murder Grigory Rasputin" (RGIA. F. 948. OP. 1. D. 180. L. 10-11 vol. Autograph.)
2. "Not written by sisters A., Pereremi Marianna Derfelden, now gr. Zarnecau, which plays in December 1920 in the Small theater Nehuriss in Shelook, under the name "Pavlova". " (RGIA. F. 948. OP. 1. D. 180. L. 1-9 vol. Autograph.)
3. Site Wikipedia
4. "Great Mysters of the Past" (Verlag Das Beste GmbH)

Grigory Efimovich Rasputin is an outstanding personality in history. Its image is quite ambiguous and mysterious. Disputes about this person are conducted almost century.

Birth Rasputin

Many have not been able to decide who is so Rasputin and what he actually became famous in Russia's history. He was born in 1869 in the village of Pokrovsky. Official data on the date of his birth is quite contradictory. Some historians believe that Grigory Rasputin years of life - 1864-1917. He himself in mature years did not make clarity, telling various untrue data on the date of his birth. Historians believe that Rasputin loved to exaggerate his age to fit the elder's image created by him.

In addition, many have explained such strong influence At the royal family, it is presence of hypnotic abilities. Rumors about the healing capabilities of Rasputin spread from his adolescence, but even parents did not believe in it. Father believed that he became a pilgrim just because he was very lazy.

Attempt on Rasputin

There were several attempts on the life of Grigory Rasputin. In 1914 he struck him with a knife in the stomach and heavily injured Guseva, who came from Tsaritsyn. At that time, she was influenced by the Ieromonach or Odora, who was an opponent Rasputin, as he saw his main competitor in it. Gusev was placed in a psychiatric hospital, considering the mentally ill, and after a while they were released.

I orodor himself chasing himself with an ax for Rasputin, threatening it to kill, and 120 bombs harvested for this purpose. In addition, there were also a few more attempts at the Sacred Elder, but they were all unsuccessful.

Prediction of own death

I had a striking gift of providence with Rasputin, so he not only predicted his own death, but also the destruction of the royal family, and many other events. The defender of the Empress Bishop Feofan recalled that Rasputin somehow asked what the outcome of the meeting with the Japanese would be. He replied that the Squadra of the Admiral Christmas drowns, which happened in the battle at Cusim.

Once, while together with the imperial family in the royal village, Rasputin did not allow them to dine in the dining room, saying that the chandelier could fall. He was obeyed, and literally after 2 days the chandelier really fell.

It is said that he left behind another 11 prophecies that gradually come true. He predicted his own death. Shortly before the murder, Rasputin wrote a testament with terrible prophecies. He spoke that if he was killed by peasants or hired killers, the imperial family would not threaten anything and Romanov would remain with the authorities for many years. And if they kill him noblemen and boyars, it will bring the destruction of the house of Romanov and in Russia the nobility will not be 25 years old.

The story of the murder Rasputin

Many are interested in who is a Rasputin and what it is famous in history. In addition, his death was unusual and surprising. A group of conspirators was from wealthy families, under the leadership of Prince Yusupov and the Grand Prince Dmitry Pavlovich decided to end the infinite power of Rasputin.

In December 1916, they lured him to the late dinner, where they tried to poison, mixing the potassium cyanos into cakes and wine. However, potassium cyanide did not affect. Yusupov was tired of waiting and shot Rasputin in his back, but only a shot more than the old man, and he rushed to the prince, trying to strangle him. His friends came to the aid of Yusupov, who a few times shot in Rasputin and beat greatly. After that, they knitted his hands, wrapped in a cloth and threw into a hole.

According to some reports, Rasputin got into the water is still alive, but he could not get out, overcame and choked, from which he died. However, there are records and the fact that he received fatal injuries during his lifetime and in the water of the Neva was already dead.

Information about the same as the testimony of his killers, quite contradictory, so it is not known exactly how it happened.

The series "Grigory Rasputin" does not quite correspond to reality, since in the film it was made by a high and powerful person, although, in fact, he was low growth and painful in his youth. According to historical facts, it was a pale, a tricky man with a tormented view and his eyes. This is confirmed by the records of police documents.

There are fairly contradictory and interesting facts of the biography of Gregory Rasputin, according to which he did not have any extraordinary abilities. Rasputin is an unreal name of the elder, it is only his pseudonym. Real surname - Vilkin. Many believed that he was a slate, constantly changing women, but contemporaries noted that Rasputin sincerely loved his wife and constantly remembered her.

It is believed that the "holy elder" was fabulous rich. Since he had an impact at the court, then it was often requested for a great reward. Part of the money Rasputin spent on himself, as he built a 2-storey house in his native village and acquired an expensive fur coat. He spent most of money for charity, built churches. After his death, the special services checked the bills, but they did not find money.

Many said that Rasputin was actually the ruler of Russia, but it was completely wrong, because Nicholas II had his own opinion on everything, and the elder was allowed only to sometimes advise. These and many other interesting facts about Gregory Rasputin say that he was completely not the one who thought he was.