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Who is Alexander 3. A brief biography of Alexander III Most importantly

V. Klyuchevsky: "Alexander III raised Russian historical thought, Russian National Consciousness. "

Education and start

Alexander III (Alexander Aleksandrovich Romanov) was born in February 1845. He was the second son of Emperor Alexander II and Empress Mary Alexandrovna.

His senior brother Nikolay Alexandrovich was considered the heir to the throne, so the younger Alexander was preparing for a military career. But the premature death of the elder brother in 1865 unexpectedly changed the fate of the 20-year-old young man, which became before the need for the prestolia. He had to change his intentions and to get more fundamental education. Among the teachers Alexander Alexandrovich were the most famous people of the time: the historian S. M. Soloviev, J. K. Grota, who taught him the history of literature, M. I. Dragomirov taught military art. But the largest impact on the future of the emperor was provided by the teacher of the law of K. P. Victoroscale, who during the reign of Alexander held the post of Ober-Prosecutor of the Holy Synod and had a great influence on state affairs.

In 1866, the marriage of Alexander was held with Danish Princess Dagmara (in Orthodoxy - Maria Fedorovna). Their children: Nikolai (later the Russian Emperor Nicholas II), George, Ksenia, Mikhail, Olga. On the last married photo made in Livadia, depicted from left to right: Zesarevich Nikolay, grand Duke George, Empress Maria Fedorovna, Great Princess Olga, Grand Duke Mikhail, Great Princess Ksenia and Emperor Alexander III.

Last family photo Alexander III

Advanced to the throne, Alexander Alexandrovich, consisted of an apparent Ataman of all the Cossack troops, was the commander of the troops of the St. Petersburg Military District and the Guards Corps. Since 1868, he was a member of the State Council and the Committee of Ministers. He participated in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, commanded Rushchuksky detachment in Bulgaria. After the war, he participated in the creation of a voluntary fleet - a joint-stock shipping company (together with the victorious), which was to promote the government's foreign economic policy.

Emperor's identity

S.K. Zaryaznko "Portrait of the Grand Duke Alexander Aleksandrovich in the South Surtuk"

Alexander III was not like his father either appearance nor the character or habits nor the mind warehouse itself. It was distinguished by a very big height (193 cm) and power. In his youth, he could hit the coin with his fingers and break the horseshoe. Contemporaries noted that he was deprived of external aristocracy: she preferred unaccepting in clothes, modesty, was not inclined to comfort, the leisure loved to spend in a narrow family or friendly circle, was thrifted, he kept strict rules of morality. S.Yu. Witte described the emperor: "He impressed his impression, the tranquility of his manner and, on the one hand, extreme hardness, and on the other hand, complacency in the face ... on the outside - was like a large Russian man from the central provinces, it came to him the most It would be a suit: fur coat, fashion and lapties; Nevertheless, he is his appearance in which his huge character reflected, the wonderful heart, greatness, justice, and at the same time hardness, undoubtedly impressed, and, as I said above, if I had not known that he had an emperor, and he would He entered the room in any kind of costume, - undoubtedly, everyone would pay attention to him. "

He negatively referred to the reforms of his father, Emperor Alexander II, as they saw their unfavorable consequences: the growth of bureaucracy, the serious position of the people, imitation of the West, corruption in the government. He fell dislike to liberalism and intelligentsia. His political ideal: Patriarchal-decent autocratic board, religious values, strengthening the class structure, national-distinctive social development.

The emperor with his family lived mainly in Gatchina due to the threat of terrorism. But for a long time I lived in Peterhof, and in the royal village. Winter Palace He did not love very much.

Alexander III simplified the court etiquette and ceremonial, reduced the staff of the Ministry of the courtyard, significantly reduced the number of servants, introduced a strict supervision of money spending. Replaced with the courts of expensive overseas wines with Crimean and Caucasian, and the number of balls limited per year to four.

At the same time, the emperor did not regret money for the acquisition of art objects that he knew how to appreciate, because in his youth he studied painting from Professor Painting N. I. Tikhodova. Later, Alexander Alexandrovich resumed occupations together with the wife of Maria Fedorovna under the leadership of Academician A. P. Bogolyubova. During the reign, Alexander III, due to the workload, left this occupation, but retained love for art for his whole life: the emperor gathered an extensive collection of paintings, graphics, objects of decorative and applied art, sculptures, which after his death was transferred to the Russian Emperor-founded by the Russian Emperor II in memory of his father's Russian Museum.

The emperor was fond of hunting and fishing. Favorite place his hunt became Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

On October 17, 1888, the royal train, in which the emperor made a journey, failed not far from Kharkov. There were victims among servants in seven broken wagons, but the royal family remained a must. When crashed, the roof of the canteen was collapsed; As is known from eyewitness stories, Alexander kept the roof on his shoulders until his children and wife came out of the car and did not come help.

But soon after that, the emperor began to feel pain in the lower back - a shaking in the fall was damaged by the kidney. The disease has gradually developed. The sovereign increasingly began to feel ailment: the appetite disappeared, the interruptions began with a heart. Doctors identified nephritis. In the winter of 1894 he was cold, and the disease quickly began to progress. Alexander III was sent for treatment in Crimea (Livadia), where he died on October 20, 1894.

On the day of the death of the emperor and in the preceding the last days His life next to him was Archpriest John Kronstadt, who laid his hands on his head dying at his request.

The body of the emperor was delivered to Petersburg and buried in the Petropavlovsky Cathedral.

Domestic politics

Alexander II suggested to continue his reforms, the highest approval received the Loris-Melikov project (called the "Constitution"), but on March 1, 1881, the emperor was killed by terrorists, and his successor reform turned. Alexander III, as mentioned above, did not support his father's policy, besides the new emperor strong influence He had K. P. Victorious, who was the leader of the Conservative Party in the Government of the New Tsar.

This is what he wrote to the emperor in the first days after his entry into the throne: "... an hour is terrible and time does not tolerate. Or now save Russia and yourself, or never. If you have to sing the previous songs of sirens about what needs to calm down, it is necessary to continue in the liberal direction, it is necessary to give way to the so-called public opinion, - oh, for God, do not believe your majesty, do not listen. It will be the death, the death of Russia and your: it is clear to me like a day.<…> Mad villains who destroy your parents will not satisfy any concession and only stripping. They can be hired, the evil seed can only be handed over to the struggle with them on the belly and death, iron and blood. It is not difficult to win: I still wanted to avoid the struggle and deceived the deceased sovereign, you, ourselves, all and everything in the world, because they were not people of mind, strength and hearts, but debristics of eunuchs and magicians.<…> Do not leave Count Loris Melikov. I do not believe him. He is a magician and can still play a double game.<…> A new policy is needed immediately and decisively. It is necessary to end it once, it is now, all the talk about freedom of print, about the pending gatherings, about the representative assembly<…>».

After the death of Alexander II, the struggle between liberals and conservatives in the government unfolded, at a meeting of the Ministerial Committee, the new emperor after some fluctuations accepted after all the same project compiled by victorious, which is known as a manifesto on inviolability of autocracy. It was a departure from the former liberal course: Liberally customized ministers and dignitaries (Loris-Melikov, Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich, Dmitry Milyutin) resigned; At the head of the Ministry of the Interior was Ignatiev (Slavophil); He was an izal circular, who said: "... The great and widely conceived transformations of the last reign did not bring the entire benefit that the king liberator had the right to expect from them. Manifesto on April 29 points to us that the supreme power measured the hugeness of evil, from which our fatherland suffers, and decided to start eradicating it ... ".

The Government of Alexander III conducted a policy of counter-terminal, limiting liberal transformations of the 1860-70s. A new university charter of 1884 was published, which abolished the autonomy of the Higher School. Admission to the gymnasium of lower estates in the gymnasium was limited ("Circular on the kitchen kits", 1887). Since 1889, the peasant self-government began to obey the Zemstvo chiefs from the local landlords who joined the administrative and judicial power in their hands. Zemskoye (1890) and the city (1892) provisions tightened the control of administration over local governments, limited the rights of voters from the lower segments of the population.

During the coronation in 1883, Alexander III announced a volost elders: "Follow the advice and leadership of your nobility leaders." This meant the protection of the lengthy rights of the noble landlords (the institution of the noble landing bank, the adoption of the provisions for the landowners on hiring on agricultural work), the strengthening of administrative care over the peasantry, the conservation of the community and a large patriarchal family. Attempts have been made to raise a public role. orthodox church (The spread of church-parish schools), tightened the repression against the Old Believers and sectarians. The policies of the Russification were carried out on the outskirts, the rights of foreigners (especially Jews) were limited. An interest rate for Jews was established on average, and then higher educational institutions (within a settling line - 10%, outside the line - 5, in the capitals - 3%). There was a policy of Russification. In the 1880s. Learning is introduced in Russian in Polish universities (earlier, after the uprising of 1862-1863. It was introduced there in schools). In Poland, Finland, Baltic States, in Ukraine, Russian language was introduced in institutions railwaysah, on posters, etc.

But not only the counterforms are characterized by the time of the Board of Alexander III. Redempted payments were lowered, the obligation of the redemption of peasant pans, the peasant margin of the peasant bank was established, for the possibility of obtaining loans to the purchase of land. In 1886, the pillow was canceled, inheritance and interest papers were commissioned. In 1882, a restriction on the factory labor of minors was introduced, as well as on the night work of women and children. At the same time, the police regime and the estate privileges of the nobility intensified. Already in 1882-1884, new rules on the press, libraries and reading offices were published, called temporary, but operating until 1905, then followed a number of measures that expand the benefits of the local nobility - the law on the noble firing properties (1883), the organization Long-term loan for the nobility-landowners, in the form of an institution of the Nobility Land Bank (1885), instead of the Foreign Poster Bank Designed by the Minister.

I. Repin "Reception of volute foreman Alexandr III in the courtyard of the Petrovsky Palace in Moscow"

In the reign of Alexander III, 114 new military courts were built, including 17 armored vehicles and 10 armored cruisers; Russian fleet ranked third in the world after England and France. The army and military department were put in order after their disorganization during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, which was facilitated by the complete confidence provided to the Minister to Vannovsky and the head of the Chief Staff Obruchev from the emperor, not allowing foreign interference in their activities.

In the country, the influence of Orthodoxy increased: the number of church periodic publications increased, the circulation of spiritual literature increased; The parishes closed in the former reign were restored, the intensive construction of new temples was accounted for, the number of dioceses within Russia increased from 59 to 64.

During the reign of Alexander III, there was a sharp decrease in protest speeches, in comparison with the second half of the reign of Alexander II, the decline in the revolutionary movement in the mid-80s. The terrorist activity has decreased. After the murder of Alexander II, there was only one permanent attempter of the People's Republic (1882) at the Odessa Prosecutor Strelnikov and failed (1887) on Alexander III. After that, terrorist acts in the country no longer had before the beginning of the 20th century.

Foreign policy

During the reign of Alexander III, Russia did not led a single war. For this, Alexander III got a name Peacemaker.

The main directions of the foreign policy of Alexander III:

Balkan policy: strengthening Russia's positions.

Peaceful relations with all countries.

Finding loyal and reliable allies.

Determination of the southern borders of Central Asia.

Politics in new territories of the Far East.

After the 5-century Turkish yoke, as a result of the Russian-Turkish war, 1877-1878. Bulgaria in 1879 found his statehood and became a constitutional monarchy. Russia suggested finding an allied in Bulgaria. At first it was: Bulgarian Prince A. Battenberg conducted a friendly policy towards Russia, but then the Austrian influence began to prevail, and in May 18881 there was a state coup in Bulgaria, who headed Battenberg himself - he canceled the Constitution and became an unlimited ruler, Conducting pro ALPRIAN policy. The Bulgarian people did not approve this and did not support Battenberg, Alexander III demanded the restoration of the Constitution. In 1886, A. Battenberg renounced the throne. To prevent again Turkish influence on Bulgaria, Alexander III made accurate observance of the Berlin Treaty; He suggested Bulgaria to solve his problems in foreign policy, withdrew Russian military, without interfering in Bulgarian-Turkish affairs. Although the Russian ambassador to Constantinople declared Sultan that Russia would not allow the Turkish invasion. In 1886, diplomatic relations were broken between Russia and Bulgaria.

N. Cherchkov "Portrait of Emperor Alexander III in the Mundire of the Life Guard of the Hussar Regiment"

At the same time, Russia complicates relations with England as a result of the collision of interest in Central Asia, in the Balkans and Turkey. At the same time, relations are also complicated between Germany and France, so France and Germany began to look for opportunities for convergence with Russia in case of war between them - in the plans of the Bismarck Chancellor, it was provided. But Emperor Alexander III retained Wilhelm I from attacking France, using related ties, and in 1891 the Russian-French Union was concluded at the time while there is a triple union. The contract had a high degree of secrecy: Alexander III warned the government of France, that in case of disclosure, the Union will dissolve.

In Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Kokand Khanate, Bukhara Emirate, Khiva Khanate were joined, and the accession of Turkmen tribes continued. During the reign of Alexander III, the territory of the Russian Empire increased by 430 thousand square meters. km. On this expansion of the borders of the Russian Empire ended. Russia avoided the war with England. In 1885 an agreement was signed on the establishment of Russian-English military commissions to determine the final borders of Russia with Afghanistan.

At the same time, the expansion of Japan intensified, but Russia was difficult to conduct hostilities in the area due to the lack of roads and the weak military potential of Russia. In 1891, the construction of the Great Siberian Railway line of the Chelyabinsk-Omsk-Irkutsk-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok (approx. 7 thousand km) began in Russia. It could dramatically increase the forces of Russia in the Far East.

Results of the Board

For 13 years of the reign of Emperor Alexander III (1881-1894), Russia made a strong economic jerk, created the industry, re-equipped the Russian army and the fleet, became the world's largest exporter of agricultural products. It is very important that all the years of the reign of Alexander III Russia has lived in the world.

The years of the reign of Emperor Alexander III are connected with the flourishing of Russian national culture, art, music, literature and theater. He was a wise patron and a collector.

P.I. Tchaikovsky in difficult time for him has repeatedly received material support from the emperor, which is noted in the composer's letters.

S. Dyagilev believed that for Russian culture, Alexander III was the best of Russian monarchs. It was when it began the flourishing of Russian literature, painting, music and ballet. Great art, which then glorified Russia, began under the emperor Alexandra III.

It owns an outstanding role in the development of historical knowledge in Russia: with it, the Russian Imperial Historical Society has been actively operating, chairman he was. The emperor was the creator and founder of the Historical Museum in Moscow.

At the initiative of Alexander in Sevastopol, the Patriotic Museum was created, the main exposition of which was represented by the panorama of Sevastopol defense.

Under Alexander III, the first university opened in Siberia (Tomsk), a project to create the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople was prepared, the Russian Imperial Palestinian Society was to act, and Orthodox churches were built in many European cities and in the East.

The greatest works of science, culture, art, literature, the era of the Board of Alexander III are the great achievements of Russia, which we are proud of so far.

"If the Emperor Alexander III was destined to continue to reign so many years as he coped, then his reign would be one of the greatest reigns of the Russian Empire" (S.Yu. Witte).

The tragedy of the Russian people lies in the fact that at the beginning of the 20th century, with a colossal economic approach, foreign specials managed to ruin the country in the blink of an eye - for some week. It is worth recognizing that the processes of rotting, sorry for the expression, "folk mass" (both the elite and the simple people) were long enough - about 20, or even more, years. Alexandra III's great self-container, Ivan Kronstadt (whose portrait hung in every house of Russia), from the 11th attempt was killed Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin, the British agent Oswald Rainor let the last bullet in the head of Grigory Rasputin - and did not become great Countries whose name left only in our souls, hearts and in the title.

With all the greatness and well-being, our then Elite began to play too much with his foreign friends, forgetting that each country should consider in international politics only his personal, purely mercantile interest. So it turned out that after the defeat of Napoleon in the Patriotic War of 1812, representatives of the British (and under its slave - and French) were injected to us under the guise of secret societies, which began to "extort" the faster young minds, replacing Russian century "for Faith! For the king! For Fatherland! " on "Freedom! Equality! Brotherhood!". But we already know with you today that neither the other, nor the third results of political insinuations, and did not smell. Following the footsteps of the "Great French" Foreign rulers of the Duma with the hands of the Russian people shed as much blood that until now these memories are not easy to us.

One of the books that fell into my hands is just devoted to the role of secret societies in revolutionary movements and coups in Russia - from Peter I and to the death of the Russian Empire. She belongs to Peru Vasily Fedorovich Ivanova and is called "Russian Intelligentsia and Freemasonry". I bring to your attention a quote from this book, which clearly proves why the people loved Alexander III so much - not only for his will, but also for phenomenal economic indicators.

So, I quote the above book p. 20-22:
"From 1881 to 1917, Russia was victorious about its economic and cultural development, which is evidenced by well-known numbers.

Shocked by the Crimean Campaign 1853-1856, Russian finances were in a very difficult situation. The Russian-Turkish war of 1877 - 1878, which demanded enormous emergency costs, upset our finances even more. Large budget deficits, therefore, have become permanent annual phenomenon. The loan fell more and more. It came to the point that five percent funds in 1881 were valued only from 89 to 93 per 100 nominal value, and five percent bonds of urban credit societies and mortgage lists of land banks were already quoted only 80s - 85 per 100.

By reasonable savings in expenditures, the government of Emperor Alexander III has reached the restoration of budget equilibrium, and then the annual large extension of income on costs has followed. The direction of the received savings on economic enterprises that contributed to the rise economic activityThe development of the railway network and the device of ports has led to the development of industry and organized both internal and international exchange of goods than and new sources of increasing government revenue were opened.

Compare for example, at least the data for 1881 and 1894 on the capital of joint stock banks commercial loan. These are the data in thousands of rubles:

It turns out that it turns out that the capital belonging to banks in just thirteen years increased by 59%, and their balance sheets rose from 404,405,000 rubles by 1881 to 800,947,000 rubles by 1894, i.e. increased by 98%, or Almost twice.

No less success was also a mortgage loan. By January 1, 1881, they were issued to the appeal of mortgage sheets by 904,743,000 rubles, and by July 1, 1894 - already at 1,708,805,975 rubles, and the course of these interest papers rose by more than 10%.

An accounting and loan operation of the State Bank, which reached 211,500,000 rubles by March 1, 1887, increased by October 1 of the current year to 292,300,000 rubles, an increase of 38%.

The suspension was built in the late seventies the construction of railways in Russia with the top of Alexander III resumed and went rapid and successful move. But of all the most important on this part was to establish the influence of the government in the field of railway economy, as the expansion of the plantal exploitation of railway tracks, so - in particular, the subordination of the activities of private societies to government oversight. The length of the opened railways (in the versts) was:

By January 1, 1881 To 1 Saint. 1894
Casines 164.6 18.776
Private 21.064,8 14.389
TOTAL: 21.229,4 33.165

Customs under the foreign goods, which constituted 10.5 metal in 1880, kopecks. From one ruble of the cost, increased in 1893 to 20.25 metal, cop., Or increased almost twice. The beneficial impact on the turnover of foreign trade in Russia did not slow down to lead to important results: our annual major surcharges of foreigners were replaced by even more significant receipts from them, as evidenced by the following data (in thousands of rubles):

The reduction in bringing to Russia of foreign goods, naturally, was accompanied by the development of national production. The annual production of factories and plants consisting in the institution of the Ministry of Finance was calculated in 1879 at 829,100,000 rubles at 627,000 workers. In 1890, the cost of production rose to 1,263,964,000 rubles at 852,726 workers. Thus, for eleven years, the factory-factory production cost increased by 52.5%, or a terrain one and a half times.

Especially brilliant, in some industries, directly striking successes are achieved by the mining industry, as can be seen from the following certificate of production of the main products (in thousands of pounds):

Emperor Alexander IIItirelessly cared together with the welfare of the worker of Luda. The law on July 1, 1882 was much facilitated by the classes of juvenile in factory-factory industries: on June 3, 1885, the night work of women and adolescents in fiber factors was prohibited. In 1886, a provision on hiring on rural works and a decree on hiring workers in factories and plants, then augmented and expanded. In 1885, changed by setting more summary Pensions of pensions Miner workers approved in 1881 Regulations on the cash desks of the Mining Facilities.

Despite the extremely difficult situation at the time of public finance, the redemption payments were significantly reduced by law on December 28, 1881, and the law was discontinued by law on May 28, 1885.

All these concerns of the improper autocrat were crowned with brilliant success. Not only were eliminated by the difficulties inherited from the previous time, but state economy in the reign of Alexander IIIit has achieved a high degree of detention, as evidenced, by the way, the following data on the execution of the state budget (in rubles):

In 1880 In 1893
Revenues 651.016.683 1.045.685.472
Costs 695.549.392 946.955.017
TOTAL: 44.532.709 +98.730.455

Let government spending increased in 1893 against 1880 by 36.2%, but the revenues at the same time increased by 60.6%, the result of the execution of painting instead of the former deficit of 44,532,709 rubles in 1880 now turns out to be excess of income at 98,730,455 rubles. Unusually rapid increase in state revenues has not reduced, but increased the accumulation by the people of savings.

The amount of contributions to the savings cash registers, determined in 1881 at 9,995,225 rubles, increases by August 1, 1894 to 329,064,748 rubles. In some thirteen and a half years, folk savings from 10 million have reached 330, i.e. increased by 33 times.

INthe reign of the emperor Nicholas II.Russia in economic and cultural attitude has also achieved great success.

Alexander III Aleksandrovich (February 26 (March 10) 1845, Anichkov Palace, St. Petersburg - October 20 (November 1) 1894, Livadia Palace, Crimea) - Emperor All-Russian, King Polish and Grand Prince Finland from 1 (13) March 1881 . Son of Emperor Alexander II and the grandson of Nicholas I; Father of the last Russian monarch Nicholas II.

Alexander III is a significant figure in the history of Russia. During his reign, in Europe, Russian blood has not flowed. Alexander III provided long years Calm for Russia. For peace-loving politics, he entered the Russian history as "King is a peacemaker."

He adhered to conservative and protective views and conducted a policy of counter-reviews, as well as Russification of national outflows.

He was a second child in the family of Alexander II and Mary Alexandrovna Romanov. According to the rules of the Prestoland, Alexandra did not prepare for the role of the ruler of the Russian Empire. The throne was supposed to take the elder brother - Nikolay. Alexander, did not hurt her brother, did not experience the slightest jealousy, watching Nicholas prepare for the throne. Nikolay was a diligent student, and Alexander defeated boredom in class.

Teachers Alexander III were such well-deserved people like historians of Solovyev, Grott, a wonderful military tactic of Dragomirov, and Konstantin Victoronians. It was the last one that was a great influence on Alexander III, in many respects by defining the priorities of the internal and foreign policy of the Russian emperor. It was the victorious Russians in Alexander III of the true Russian Patriot and Slavophila. Little Sasha attracted no more student, but physical exertion. The future emperor loved horse riding and gymnastics. Even before his adulthood, Alexander Alexandrovich showed no power, easily raised her gravity and immediately bent the horseshoes. He did not love secular entertainment, he preferred to spend his free time for improving the skills in horseback riding, and the development of physical strength. The brothers joked, they say, "Sasha is a Hercules of our family." Alexander loved the Gatchina Palace, and adored to spend time there, progging the days on the park, thinking about the day of the pressing day.

In 1855, Nikolai proclaimed Cesarevich. Sasha was glad for his brother, and even the fact that he himself would not have to be the emperor. However, fate still prepared the Russian throne to Alexander Alexandrovich. Nikolai's health staggered. Cesarevich suffered with rheumatism received from the spinal injury, later he picked up and tuberculosis. In 1865, Nicholas did not. Alexander Alexandrovich Romanov was proclaimed by the new heir to the throne. It is worth noting that Nikolai had a bride - Danish Princess Dagmar. It is said that dying Nikolai took the hands of Dagmar and Alexander with one hand, no matter how calling two close people, after his death.

In 1866, Alexander III goes on a trip to Europe. His path lies in Copenhagen, where he wovers to the bride of his brother. Dagmar and Alexander became close when they were taking care of the sick Nikolai. Their engagement took place on June 17 in Copenhagen. On October 13, Dagmar accepted Orthodoxy and became referred to as Maria Fedorovna Romanova, and on this day, young wrapped.

Alexander III and Maria Fedorovna Romanov lived happy family life. Their family is a real imitation standard. Alexander Alexandrovich was a real, exemplary family man. Russian Emperor loved his wife very much. After the wedding, they settled in Anichkov Palace. Chet was happy, and brought up three sons and two daughters. The primient of the imperial couple was the son of Nikolay. Alexander loved all his children very much, but the second son was a special fatherly love - Bear.

High morality The emperor gave him the right to ask her and from the courtiers. Under Alexander III, in the opal of the Russian self-adjustment fell for marital treason. Alexander Alexandrovich was modest in everyday life, did not like the idleness. Witte - Minister of Finance of the Russian Empire, witnessed how the emperor vinener dotted him wipes.

The sovereign loved the paintings. The emperor had even his own collection, which by 1894 consisted of 130 works of various artists. On his initiative, the Russian Museum opened in St. Petersburg. With great revelation referred to the work of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Alexander Romanov liked Alexander Romanov and the artist Alexey Bogolyubov, with whom the emperor had a good relationship. The emperor provided all sorts of support to young and talented cultural figures, under his patronage, museums, theaters and universities opened. Alexander adhered to true Christian postulates, and protected the Orthodox faith in every way, without tired of defending her interests.

Alexander III entered the Russian throne after killing revolutionaries - Alexander II terrorists. It happened on March 2, 1881. For the first time to the oath, the emperor was brought to the peasants, along with the rest of the population. In the domestic policy, Alexander III stood on the path of counterposses. The new Russian emperor was distinguished by conservative views.

During his reign Russian empire achieved great success. Russia was a strong, developing country with which all European powers were looking for friendship. In Europe, some political movements constantly happened. And once, by Alexander, who surprised the fish, came the minister, talking about affairs in Europe. He asked the emperor somehow respond. To which Alexander replied - "Europe can wait until the Russian king catches the fish." Alexander Alexandrovich really could afford such statements, because Russia was on the rise, and its army was the most powerful in the world. Nevertheless, the international situation obliges Russia to find a reliable ally. In 1891 began to take friendly relations between Russia and France, which ended with the signing of the Union Agreement.

According to the historian P. A. Zayonchkovsky, "Alexander III was rather modest in personal life. He did not love lies, was a good family man, was hardworking "Working on public affairs is often up to 1-2 hours of the night. "Alexander III possessed a certain system of views ... to protect the purity of the" Fathers' faith ", the inviolability of the principle of autocracy and develop Russian people ... - These are the main tasks that the new monarch set themselves ... In some issues of foreign policy, he discovered and probably common sense. ".

As I wrote S. Yu. Witte, "Emperor Alexander III had completely outstanding nobility and purity of the heart, the purity of morals and mental. As a family man - it was an exemplary family; As the boss and the owner, it was an exemplary boss and an exemplary owner ... There was a good owner not because of the feeling of rolling, but because of the sense of duty. I am not only in the royal family, but also in Sanovnikov, never met that feeling of respect for the state ruffle, to the state penny, who possessed the emperor ... He knew how to inspire confidence in the border, on the one hand, that he will not do unfairly in relation to anyone, will not wish any seizures; Everyone was deceased that he would not start any adventures ... The Emperor Alexander III never had a word with the case. What he said was feeling them, and he had never retretated himself ... Emperor Alexander III was a man extremely courageous ".

The emperor was a passionate collector, yielding in this respect except Catherine II. Gatchina castle turned literally in the warehouse of invaluable treasures. Acquisition of Alexander - paintings, art objects, carpets and the like - no longer placed in the Gallery of Winter, Anichkov and other palaces. An extensive collection of paintings, graphics, objects of decorative and applied arts collected by Alexander III, after his death was transferred to Nikolai II established by the Russian emperor in memory of his parents of the Russian Museum.

Alexander was fascinated by hunting and fishing. Often in the summer, the royal family went to Finnish Schhers. The favorite place of the Emperor's hunt was Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Sometimes the imperial family, instead of rest in Schkers, left for Poland to the fishing principality, and there with Azart indulged in hunting fun, especially the hunt for deer, and completed vacation most often a trip to Denmark, to the castle of Bernstorf - the birth castle of Dagmara, where they were often gathered from all over Europe Her crowded relatives.

With all its external severity in relation to their loved ones, it remained invariably by a devoted family man and a loving father. Not only never in his life touched and the finger of children, but also did not offend a sharp word.

On October 17, 1888, an attempt was held at Alexander III and the entire royal family. The terrorists allowed the train in which the emperor was located. Seven wagons were broken, a lot of victims. The king and his family remained alive by the will of fate. At the time of the explosion they were in the car restaurant. When the explosion, the roof hit the wagon with the royal family, and Alexander literally held her on himself until the help arrived. After some time, he began to complain about the back pain. During the examination, it turned out that the king had a kidney problem. In the winter of 1894, Alexander was very cold, soon on the hunt, the emperor became very bad, diagnosed - acute jade. Doctors sent the emperor to the Crimea, where November 20, 1894, Alexander III and died.

Alexander III left a big mark in the history of Russia. After his death, the following lines were written in one of the French newspapers: - "He leaves Russia, greater than he received."

Spouse: Dagmara Danish (Maria Fedorovna) (November 14, 1847 - October 13, 1928), daughter of the Danish king Christian IX.

1.Nikolai Alexandrovich (later Emperor Nicholas II) (May 6, 1868 - July 17, 1918, Ekaterinburg);
2.Aleksandr Alexandrovich (May 26, 1869 - April 20, 1870, St. Petersburg);
3. Georgiy Alexandrovich (April 27, 1871 - June 28, 1899, abastumba);
4. Aleksandrovna (March 25, 1875 - April 20, 1960, London);
5. Mikhail Alexandrovich (November 22, 1878 - June 13, 1918, Perm);
6.olga Aleksandrovna (June 1, 1882 - November 24, 1960, Toronto).

Alexander 3 - Russian Emperor, who climbed the throne after killing his father terrorists in 1881, and rules until his death in 1894. In contrast to his predecessor, the king adhered to conservative and nationalist views in politics. After the beginning of the board, he almost immediately began to conduct counter-processors. She paid a lot of attention to the development and modernization of the Russian army, but during his reigning the country did not participate in the wars. For this, the emperor after death was nicknamed by a peacemaker. He was a decent family man, extremely religious and hardworking person.

We will tell you in more detail about the biography, politics and personal life of the penultimate Russian king.

Birth and early years

It is noteworthy that initially the future emperor Alexander 3 should not inherit the throne. His fate was not in managing the state, therefore they prepared it to another case. His father Alexander II has already been the eldest son, Zesarevich Nikolai, who grew up a healthy and intelligent child. It was assumed that it was his king. Alexander himself was only the second son in the family, he was born for 2 years later Nicholas - February 26, 1845. Therefore, by the tradition of it with early childhood prepared for military service. Already at the age of the age, he received his first officer rank. At the age of 17, he was rightly enrolled in the emperor's retail.

Like other great princes from the house of Romanov, Alexander 3 received a traditional Military Engineering Education. His training was engaged in Professor Chivilev, who worked at Moscow University and was, according to his enlightenment, historian and economist. At the same time, the contemporaries recalled that the Little Grand Duke did not differ in knowledge, could be lazy. Parents are not too much forced him, thinking that the throne would take his elder brother.

Outstanding for members of the imperial family was the appearance of Alexander. From an early age, he was distinguished by strong health, dense physique and high height - 193 cm. Young prince loved art, fond of painting, took the lessons of wind instruments.

Alexander - Heir to the throne

Suddenly, Nikolai felt bad for everyone, Nikolay felt bad during a trip to Europe. For several months, he was treated in Italy, but his health was only worse. In April 1865, Nikolai died from tuberculous meningitis, he was 21 years old. Alexander, who has always been in excellent relations with his elder brother, was shocked and entered the event that happened. He not only lost a close friend, but should now inherit the throne after his father. In Italy, he came together with the bride of Nikolai, Princess Dagmara from Denmark. They found Cesarevich already at death.

The future king Alexander 3 was not trained by government. Therefore, he should urgently master several disciplines at once. In a short time, he passed a course of history, as well as rights. He was taught by the lawyer K. Victorious, who was a supporter of conservatism. He was prescribed by the mentor of the New Cesarevich.

By tradition, the future Alexander 3 as the heir made a trip to Russia. Subsequently, his father began to attach him to state administration. Cesarevich was also produced in Majo-General, and in 1877-78 he commanded his squad during the Russian-Turkish war.

Marriage on the Danish Princess

Initially, Alexander II planned to marry the Danish princess Dagmar his eldest son and the heir of Nicholas. During his journey in Europe, he specifically drove into Denmark, where he asked her hands. There they were engaged in the same place, but did not have time to get married, since after a few months Cesarevich died. The death of an older brother near the future emperor Alexander 3 with a princess. For several days they cared for the dying Nikolai and began friends.

However, at that time, Alexander was very in love with the princess Maria Meshcherskaya, who was Freillan in the imperial courtyard. They secretly met for several years, and Cesarevich even wanted to abandon the throne to marry her. Because of this, a large quarrel was broken with his father Alexander II, who insisted that he would go to Denmark.

In Copenhagen, he made a proposal princess, and she agreed. Their engagement took place in June, and the wedding - in October 1866. Alexander 3's new wife adopted Orthodoxy in front of the wedding and received a new name - Maria Fedorovna. After the marriage, which took place in a large church, located on the territory of the emperor's residence, spouses spent some time in Anichkov Palace.

Father's murder and the end of the throne

Tsar Alexander 3 ascended the throne on March 2, 1881 after the sudden death of his father, who was killed by terrorists. Before that, they committed attempts on the emperor, but those were unsuccessful. This time the explosion turned out to be fatal, and the sovereign died on the same day after a few hours. The event greatly shocked the public and the heir himself, who was seriously afraid of his family and his own life. And not in vain, because during the first years of his reign, revolutionaries continued to arrange attempts on the king and its approximate.

The deceased Emperor Alexander II was distinguished by liberal views. It is known that on the day of his murder he planned to approve the first constitution in Russia, developed by the Graph Loris-Melikov, but his heir did not support this idea. In the first days of his reign, he refused liberal reforms. The terrorists participating in the organization of the murder of his father were arrested and executed on the orders of the new king.

The coronation of Alexander 3 passed 2 years after his entry into the throne - in 1883. By tradition, she was held in Moscow in the Assumption Cathedral.

Internal policy of the new king

The newly minted king immediately refused the liberal transformation of his father, by choosing the way of counter-reviews. The former Mentor of Tsar Konstantin Victoronians, who now held the position of Ober-Prosecutor of the Holy Synod, became their ideologue.

He was distinguished by extremely radical conservative views, which the emperor supported. In April 1881, Alexander signed a manifesto, compiled by his former mentor, in which it was stated that the king moves away from the liberal course. After his release, most of the freely configured ministers was forced to resign.

The new government considered Alexander II reforms ineffective and even criminal. They believed that it was necessary to conduct counter-processors that could eliminate the problems caused by liberal changes.

Domestic politics Alexandra 3 included the revision of many transformations of his father. The changes affected the following reforms:

  • peasant;
  • judicial;
  • educational;
  • zemskoy.

In the 1880s, the king begins to support landlords who have become poor after the cancellation of serfdom. In 1885, a noble bank is created, which is engaged in their subsidy. By decree of the king, limitations of land redistribution of peasant sites are introduced, it is becoming more difficult for them to independently leave the community. In 1895, the position of the Zemsky Chief was introduced for increased supervision over the ordinary people.

In August 1881, a decree was issued, allowing the authorities of the regions and provinces at its own discretion to introduce a state of emergency in the region. At this time, the police could send suspicious persons without trial. They also had the right to close educational institutions, newspapers and magazines, as well as industrial enterprises.

During the counterpords, control over average schools was strengthened. Children of Laces, small shopkeepers and laundors from now on, could not study in gymnasiums. In 1884, university autonomy was canceled. Significantly increased training fees, so let it get higher education Now they could have a few. Primary schools were transferred to the hands of the clergy. In 1882, censorship standards increased. Now the authorities were allowed to close any printed edition at his own discretion.

National Politics

Emperor Alexander 3 (Romanov) was famous for his radical nationalist views. During his reign, the persecution of Jews tightened. Immediately after the murder of Alexander II across the country, excitements began among the people of this nation, who lived behind the scene. The newly made emperor issued a decree on their eviction. The number of seats for Jewish students in universities and gymnasiums was also reduced.

At the same time, an active policy of Russification of the population was carried out. By decree of the king, training in Russian was introduced in Polish universities and schools. In the streets of the Finnish and Baltic cities began to appear Russified inscriptions. Also in the country the influence of the Orthodox Church intensified. The number of periodic publications, which produced huge circulation of religious literature were increased. The years of the reign of Alexander 3 were marked by the construction of new Orthodox churches and monasteries. Restrictions were imposed on the rights of people with other religions and foreigners from the emperor.

Economic development of the country during the Board of Alexander

The emperor's policy is characterized not only by a large number of counterposses, but also the rapid development of the industry during the years of his reign. Successes were especially outstanding in metallurgy. Russia was engaged in the release of cast iron and steel, oil and coal were actively produced in the Urals. Development paces were truly record. The government was engaged in supporting domestic industrialists. It introduced new customs tariffs and duties for imported goods.

The Minister of Finance Bunge at the beginning of the board of Alexander was also a tax reform, which canceled the pillow. Instead, an apartment payment was introduced, depending on the size of the dwelling. It has become an indirect taxation. Also, by decree of the Bunge, excise fees were introduced on some products: tobacco and vodka, sugar and oil.

At the initiative of the king, redeemed payments for the peasants were significantly reduced. According to tradition, during the years of his rule, commemorative coins of Alexander 3, dedicated to the coronation of the newly-made sovereign. His portrait was printed only on silver ruble and golden popular copies. Now they are considered rather rare and valuable for numismatics.

Foreign policy

Emperor Alexander 3 after his death was called the peacemaker, since in the period of his reign Russia did not entered any war. However, foreign policy during these years was rather dynamic. The growth of the industry was largely supported by the active modernization of the army. Due to its improvement, the emperor managed to reduce the number of soldiers and reduce the cost of their content. As a rule, historians believe that the policy of the king in the years of his rule contributed to the strengthening of Russia in the international arena and significantly increased its prestige.

In 1881, the Emperor was able to agree on neutrality with Germany and Austria-Hungary, with whom they also concluded an agreement on the division of spheres of influence in the Balkans. He pointed out that Russia had the right to control their eastern part: Bulgaria, which after the war of 1879 gained independence. However, by 1886, she lost its influence on this country.

In 1887, Alexander personally addressed the German Kaiser and was able to convince him not to declare France War. In Central Asia, the policy of attaching border lands continued. During the reign of the king total area Russia increased by 430 thousand km². In 1891, construction began railway roadwhich was supposed to connect the European part of the country with Far Eastern.

Conclusion of the Union with France

The conclusion of a friendly union with France is considered an important merit of Alexander 3. Russia at that time needed reliable support. France also union with another influential state was necessary in order to avoid war with Germany, who constantly claimed her part of the territories.

For a long time, the relationship between the two countries was cold. Republican France supported revolutionaries in Russia and contributed to the fight against autocracy. However, Emperor Alexander managed to overcome such ideological disagreements. In 1887, France provided Russia's large cash loans. In the 1891th of their squadron of ships and arrived at all to Kronstadt, where the emperor solemnly adopted the Allied troops. In August of the same year, the official friendship agreement of the two countries entered into force. Already in 1892, France and Russia agreed to sign the Military Convention. Countries have pledged to help each other if Germany, Italy or Austria-Hungary attack them.

Family and Children

Although marriage between spouses was concluded on political agreements, according to the will of Romanov's father, Alexander 3 was a decent family man. Even before the engagement, he completely stopped relationships with prince Meshcherskaya. Throughout the marriage with Maria Fedorovna, he had no favorite or mistresses, which was rare among russian emperors. He was a loving father, although he was stiffness and demanding. Maria Fedorovna gave him six children:

  • Nikolai is the future last emperor of Russia.
  • Alexander - the boy died of meningitis a year after birth.
  • Georgy - died in 1899 from tuberculosis.
  • Ksenia - married the Grand Duke, subsequently after the revolution, together with his mother, was able to leave Russia.
  • Mikhail - was shot by the Bolsheviks in Perm in 1918.
  • Olga - after the revolution left Russia, married a military officer. Like the Father, he fond of painting and earned her for life.

The emperor was very unpretentious in everyday life, was distinguished by modesty and thrift. Contemporaries believed that he was alien to aristocracy. Often, the king was dressed in a simple and even done clothing. With family, he settled in Gatchina after the advantage of the throne. In St. Petersburg, they lived in Anichkov Palace, since the winter sovereign did not like. The emperor was engaged in collecting, was fond of painting. For his life, he collected so many works of art that they were not placed in the galleries of his palaces. After his death, Nicholas II handed over most of the Father's collection to the Russian Museum.

The emperor had a remarkable appearance. He was distinguished large growth and impressive physical strength. In his youth, he could easily be a coin or even break the horseshoe. However, the king's children did not inherit its growth, no strength. It is noteworthy that the daughter of Nicholas II was like her grandfather - the great princess Maria, which was a major and strong since birth.

At the photo, Alexander 3, together with his family, resting in Livadia to Crimea. The image was shot in May 1893.

Train wreck in 1888

In October 1888, the emperor, together with his family, returned to the train after rest in St. Petersburg. Suddenly, under Kharkov, the composition suddenly crashed and came up with a rail. More than 20 passengers died, more than 60 people were seriously injured. Together with his wife and children, Alexander 3 was at the time of the catastrophe in the restaurant. None of them suffered, although the roof of the wagon could hit them. The emperor kept her on his shoulders while his family and other victims did not get out of the grooves. It was officially stated that the catastrophe occurred due to technical problems and malfunctions of the paths, but some believed that it was a planned attempt on members of the royal family.

The disease and death of the emperor

And although immediately during the disaster, Emperor Alexander 3 did not suffer, very soon he began to complain about the worsening of his well-being. He began to disturb frequent lower back pain. Qualified doctors conducted a thorough examination and concluded that the king began to develop severe kidney disease, which arose due to excessive load on the back. The non-depth of the emperor quickly progressed, he increasingly felt bad. In the winter of 1894, Alexander was very cold and never could recover from illness. In the fall, doctors were diagnosed with acute jade. The king, who was not 50 years old, died in November 1894 in the Livadia Palace in the Crimea.

The years of the Board of Alexander 3 were contradictory as appreciated by both contemporaries and historians. His counter-reforms were able to stop the revolutionary movement in Russia for a while. In 1887, there was a last unsuccessful attempt on the king. After that, until the beginning of the XX century, terrorist acts in the country was not at all. However, the problems that caused the concern of the masses were not solved. Some scientists believe that in part it was the conservative policy of the penultimate Russian king and later led to numerous crisis of the authorities, with which the emperor Nicholas II faced.