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Boy missing versions in Belovezhskaya Forest. It became known whether the Maxim Marhalyuk missing in Belovezhskaya Forest

Grodno, 27 Sep - Sputnik, Inna Grishuk. Maxim Marhalyuk who disappeared in the forest was thinking about shooting from home, and long ago. This is told by residents of the village New Yard, in the surrounding forests of which the 10-year-old boy is already looking for the second week. Many are sure: the child is not lost, but consciously left the house.

Why go to the forest at night looking?

"I saw Maxim in the village on Saturday. Watch at five pm. I was in front of it in the forest. I went out, and here Maxim rides. I am:" Do not be afraid, Maksimka, Rex does not bite. "And he says, they say," I And I'm not afraid, "said a resident of the new court Valentina Aleksandrovna, Maxim was friends with her son and often came to visit them.

According to the companion Sputnik, her girlfriend said that on the same day, but after 19 o'clock, I saw Maxim rode in the center of the village. And then - how to fall through the earth, everyone said that he left the forest. But the woman is sure that it is so late to go to the forest - it does not look like Maxim. Indeed, at eight o'clock in the evening at this time of year it is already felt, and in the dark, the boy would not want to go.

© Sputnik.

"He was so slightly cowardly. Even my puppy was afraid. When it came to us, then it would be near the gate:" Ilyusha! "Or" Aunt Valya! "And I will come out and spend it in the house. And in order to go to the forest At night, he is unlikely to go, "Valentina Aleksandrovna adds.

Many in the village converge in the opinion that if that evening the child was in the forest, he would have been found. After all, the searches began immediately and continued even at night. And the child wandering over the night forest could not go far away.

Built plans for shoot three years

The villagers suggest that the boy could be frightened. And not bison, but, for example, the coming punishment for some kind of propulsion. "Maybe he was afraid of his parents?" - Distribute neighbors and tell one speaking example.

Last year, Maxim for some reason went to the lake one, without parents, went swimming and almost drowned. He was saved by resting people. That day, his parents were very strongly punished, they say, even beat.

It is rumored that then the boy is either seriously, or because of the resentment he told parents: "I will not live with you and still run away. I do not buy anything, all Sasha (elder brother - Sputnik)."

In the village, the words of the native grandmother Maxim, who told how grandson a few years ago, when he was 7 or 8 years old, said: "I'm still a departure from the house." Grandma him: "You will find you." And he: "Will not find, I will leave in the swamp." And then he periodically said that he had such a plan.

Another resident of the new courtyard Tatyana Petrovna told that the child in lately changed.

"With my grandson, Maxim is friends from five years old. Always together when he is on vacation. And this year, the grandson said that he would not be more friendly. That Maxim began to smoke, behaved differently. Maybe teenage it. I regret, What immediately did not tell the parents, this grandson really asked not to speak anyone, "recalls the villagers.

At the same time, the woman emphasizes several times that the Maxim family is very positive, prosperous, the parents are hardworking.

Could leave

The main version that tend to believe the inhabitants of the new yard are, - that Maxim went to another terrain, and did it at the same evening or the next morning.

The child's money was most likely. Even local children tell that they are very easy to earn them in the forest. For example, you can sell berries or mushrooms.

And the maxim is all characterized as a very solitary and purposeful boy. They say that he often walked into the forest.

Tatiana Petrovna argues: "I was looking for so many times with the thermal imagers, we went with dogs, and how many people were in the woods on the weekend. Ours are constantly walking. If the boy was here, then there would be at least some traces."

© Sputnik.

Rumors that in different time We saw a child in the forest, then on the road, neighbors consider inventions. And immediately ask: "If you saw a child, why not caught up? Adult people. And it turns out that they saw and allowed to leave."

Many local people are constantly sent to the forest to search for Maxim.

"The soul hurts for the boy and for the family. We also do not sleep at night. I am every day and in the afternoon, and in the evening I go to the forest, call him. So now I go, maybe something will be found," Valentina Aleksandrovna adds.

Recall that Maxim Marhalyuk disappeared on September 16, was declared to the national wanted list. On September 26, the SC opened a criminal case on the fact of the disappearance of the child. Maxim still not found. The main version of the police - the boy got lost in the forest.

On Saturday evening, Maxim told his friends that would go for mushrooms. This does not surprise anyone here: in the top ten meters from his house in the agro-country, the new courtyard of the Svislochesky district begins the protected Belovezhskaya forest. When the child did not return to the dinner, the parents scored alarm. 800 meters from the house in the forest at the Shalashik, who kids built for their games, found a bike and a basket with mushrooms. Since then, more than three days the search operation continues.

Over 500 people participated in it on Monday, on Tuesday - over 300. Tonight, volunteers from Grodno and Minsk continue to arrive. The search does not stop during the day nor at night.

"Militia employees are involved, rescuers, foresters, organizations from our and neighboring areas are connected to the search, sighing volunteers' forest. Nobody stayed away from the trouble, people do even more than you can expect," the head of the Swisloche ROVD Valery Romankuk. He with colleagues of the third day on the legs. Huge areas of forest areas are checked: first worked out the territory next to the new courtyard, then the search for the search expanded farther. The bill goes to dozens of square kilometers. Even large spaces are covered with air: the helicopter of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is sent in search. A similar search operation in the area is held for the first time, it happened, adult mushrooms could get lost in the forest, but they managed to find a couple of hours later.

"The search operation is carried out on the territory of three forestry: Novoselkovsky, Novodvorskiy and Porozovsky," shows the map of Valery Romankuk. Even on the first night, cars with loud--speaking devices came out in the surrounding area, bonfires were divorced to attract attention.

The criminal nature of the loss of the boy is still excluded. The child on Saturday saw several mushrooms. He walked along the forest path aside settlement Loop bridge. It is almost the last housing for many kilometers around, the south begin with impassable swamps. However, the locals say that the boy knows the neighborhood well, focuses in the forest, and it also adds hopes.

A regular group of search engines is going to the Voovet Bridge: police officers, rescuers, forestry workers and ordinary people. Among them, Lyudmila Kuryan, a vocal teacher from Volkovysk. She joined the search by chance on Sunday: collected mushrooms, heard about the incident, helped to look.

"We hoped that Monday boy would find. When they heard that there were no results, they gathered and arrived again. In addition to me and the husband came to our friends, we will search for how much we can. Everyone who has children, we will understand us," notes She, becoming in the chain. On the third day, the combing of search engines is becoming more thick: on the first day we went rare chain, tried to do the bottom, now the look should be covered every square meter the woods.

"And he is not simple, thick, there is enough burvero, and the swamp is near, in our opinion it is called Ales," Roman Yanovich notes. He worked in the local department of emergency, the local places know from and to. Now he joined the fission of the forest, and before that, in two days, she took more than a hundred kilometers through the forest and the swamp, tried to find a child independently. Someone from the search engines calls mobile. Another witness somewhere saw something, the information is immediately checked. Any hook is important. The dog brought to the feeder for animals, where the child could sleep. However, on Monday, lilva rain, and work with the following was impossible.

"There is a lot positive examplesWhen children were alive for the sixth seventh day of searches. Moreover, the conditions were much more complicated, "says the forest search coordinator of the search and rescue squad" Angel "Kristina Kruk. Together with her a group of twenty people arrived: experienced search engines are looking for traces, witnesses, some hooks. Show the photo of the trace small size in a dried puddle. Unfortunately, the missing boy was wound into another shoes. Somewhere found a children's cap - may, bring on the trail. But no, the child went into the forest without a headdress.

We catch the edge of the ear conversation in the search engines chains, they say, someone turned to a clairvoyant, and he said where to look for a boy. Information is decided to check.

In the evening in the forest darkens much earlier than in the city. Teams are proposed to restore rest, but people seek to have time to take another area to the darkness. Mubles this year a lot, for every taste - Boroviki, Polish, Later chanterelles and chickens, but all of the forest go out with empty hands.

The silence of the new courtyard in front of the sunset fills the hum of votes and motors: dozens of cars from Grodno, Minsk, other regions of the country brought volunteers and volunteers. Tomorrow with dawn hundreds of people will come out again. However, individual groups will work at night. Nobody lowers hands here, everyone is sure that Maxim will be found.

Many search participants note that they will hold conversations with relatives and loved ones. It should be remembered that it is not safe to go to the forest alone, it is necessary to inform relatives or familiar about the alleged route and return time, to inform in a timely manner if the plans have changed. It is necessary to wear comfortable waterproof clothes and shoes, it is not recommended to go to the forest in camouflage - it is better to dress in anything bright. There must be a phone, water, medicine, knife and matches. It is also worth studying the basic rules of orientation in the forest.

Sergey Gavritsky,

Photo by Leonid Shcheglova,

Local residents told the details about the missing boy.

Missing in the forest Maxim Marhalyuk I thought about shooting from the house, and how long. This is told by residents of the village New Yard, in the surrounding forests of which the 10-year-old boy is already looking for the second week.

Many in the village are sure: the child has not lost, but consciously left the house, writes

Why go to the forest at night looking?

"I saw Maxim in the village on Saturday. Watch at five pm. I was in front of it in the forest. I went out, and here Maxim rides. I am:" Do not be afraid, Maksimka, Rex does not bite. "And he says, they say," I And I'm not afraid, "said a resident of the new court Valentina Aleksandrovna, Maxim was friends with her son and often came to visit them.

According to the villagers, her girlfriend said that on the same day, but after 19 o'clock, I saw Maxim rode in the center of the village. And then - how to fall through the earth, everyone said that he left the forest. But the woman is sure that it is so late to go to the forest - it does not look like Maxim. Indeed, at eight o'clock in the evening at this time of year it is already felt, and in the dark, the boy would not want to go.

"He was so slightly cowardly. Even my puppy was afraid. When it came to us, then it would be near the gate:" Ilyusha! "Or" Aunt Valya! "And I will come out and spend it in the house. And in order to go to the forest At night, he is unlikely to go, "Valentina Aleksandrovna adds.

Many in the village converge in the opinion that if that evening the child was in the forest, he would have been found. After all, the searches began immediately and continued even at night. And the child wandering over the night forest could not go far away.

Built plans for shoot three years

The villagers suggest that the boy could be frightened. And not bison, but, for example, the coming punishment for some kind of propulsion. "Maybe he was afraid of his parents?" - Distribute neighbors and tell one speaking example.

Last year, Maxim for some reason went to the lake one, without parents, went swimming and almost drowned. He was saved by resting people. That day, his parents were very strongly punished, they say, even beat.

It is rumored that then the boy is either seriously, or because of the resentment he told the parents: "I will not live with you and still run away. I do not buy anything, all Sasha (elder brother)."

In the village, the words of the native grandmother Maxim, who told how grandson a few years ago, when he was 7 or 8 years old, said: "I'm still a departure from the house." Grandma him: "You will find you." And he: "Will not find, I will leave in the swamp." And then he periodically said that he had such a plan.

Another resident of the new courtyard Tatiana Petrovna said that the child had changed lately lately.

"With my grandson, Maxim is friends from five years old. Always together when he is on vacation. And this year, the grandson said that he would not be more friendly. That Maxim began to smoke, behaved differently. Maybe teenage it. I regret, What immediately did not tell the parents, this grandson really asked not to speak anyone, "recalls the villagers.

At the same time, the woman emphasizes several times that the Maxim family is very positive, prosperous, the parents are hardworking.

Could leave

The main version that tend to believe the inhabitants of the new yard are, - that Maxim went to another terrain, and did it at the same evening or the next morning.

The child's money was most likely. Even local children tell that they are very easy to earn them in the forest. For example, you can sell berries or mushrooms.

And the maxim is all characterized as a very solitary and purposeful boy. They say that he often walked into the forest.

Tatiana Petrovna argues: "I was looking for so many times with the thermal imagers, we went with dogs, and how many people were in the woods on the weekend. Ours are constantly walking. If the boy was here, then there would be at least some traces."

Rumors that at different times they saw a child in the forest, then on the road, neighbors consider inventions. And immediately ask: "If you saw a child, why not caught up? Adult people. And it turns out that they saw and allowed to leave."

Many local people are constantly sent to the forest to search for Maxim.

"The soul hurts for the boy and for the family. We also do not sleep at night. I am every day and in the afternoon, and in the evening I go to the forest, call him. So now I go, maybe something will be found," Valentina Aleksandrovna adds.

Recall that Maxim Marhalyuk disappeared on September 16, was declared to the national wanted list. On September 26, the SC opened a criminal case on the fact of the disappearance of the child. Maxim still not found. The main version of the police - the boy got lost in the forest.

Maxim Marhalyuk, according to the residents of the village, the new yard, the last three years often said that he wanted to leave home.

Maxim Marhalyuk who disappeared in the forest was thinking about shooting from home, and long ago. This is told by residents of the village New Yard, in the surrounding forests of which the 10-year-old boy is already looking for the second week. Many are sure: the child is not lost, but consciously left the house.

Why go to the forest at night looking?

"I saw Maxim in the village on Saturday. Watches at five pm. I was in front of it in the forest. I went out, and here Maxim rides. I am: "Do not be afraid, Maxim, Rex does not bite." And he says, they say, "I'm not afraid," - tells a resident of a new yard Valentina Aleksandrovna, Maxim was friends with her son and often came to visit them.

According to the companion Sputnik, her girlfriend said that on the same day, but after 19 o'clock, I saw Maxim rode in the center of the village. And then - how to fall through the earth, everyone said that he left the forest. But the woman is sure that it is so late to go to the forest - it does not look like Maxim. Indeed, at eight o'clock in the evening at this time of year it is already felt, and in the dark, the boy would not want to go.

A resident of the village is a new yard Valentina Aleksandrovna, with her son friendly missing Maxim

"He was so slightly cowardly. Even my puppy was afraid. When we came to us, then it will usually call: "Ilyusha!" or "Aunt Valya!". And I will come out and I spend it into the house. And in order to go to the forest at night - it is unlikely, "

Many in the village converge in the opinion that if that evening the child was in the forest, he would have been found. After all, the searches began immediately and continued even at night. And the child wandering over the night forest could not go far away.

Built plans for shoot three years

The villagers suggest that the boy could be frightened. And not bison, but, for example, the coming punishment for some kind of propulsion. "Maybe he was afraid of his parents?" - Distribute neighbors and tell one speaking example.

Last year, Maxim for some reason went to the lake one, without parents, went swimming and almost drowned. He was saved by resting people. That day, his parents were very strongly punished, they say, even beat.

It is rumored that then the boy is either seriously, or because of the resentment he told parents: "I will not live with you and still run away. I do not buy anything, all sachets (Elder brother - Sputnik). "

The ten-year Maxim Marhalyuk is looking for militia, MES, volunteers and locals

The words of the native grandmother Maxim, who told the grandchildren a few years ago, was transmitted in the village, when he was 7 or 8 years old, said: "I'm still a departure from the house". Grandma him: "You will find you". And he: "Will not find, I will leave in the swamp". And then he periodically said that he had such a plan.

Another resident of the new courtyard Tatiana Petrovna said that the child had changed lately lately.

"With my grandson, Maxim is friends from five years. Always together when he is on vacation. And this year, the grandson said that he would not be more friendly. That Maxim began to smoke, behaved differently. Maybe teenage is. I regret that I didn't tell my parents at once, this grandson very much requested to say anyone, "- recalls the villagers.

At the same time, the woman emphasizes several times that the Maxim family is very positive, prosperous, the parents are hardworking.

Could leave

The main version that tend to believe the inhabitants of the new yard are, - that Maxim went to another terrain, and did it at the same evening or the next morning.

The child's money was most likely. Even local children tell that they are very easy to earn them in the forest. For example, you can sell berries or mushrooms.

And the maxim is all characterized as a very solitary and purposeful boy. They say that he often walked into the forest.

Tatyana Petrovna argues: "I was looking for so many times with thermal imagers, we went with dogs, and how many people were in the forest on the weekend. Our constantly go. If the boy was here, then there would be at least some traces ".

A resident of the village New Yard Tatiana Petrovna says that Maxim's family is very positive, prosperous

Rumors that at different times they saw a child in the forest, then on the road, neighbors consider inventions. And immediately ask: "If you saw a child, why not caught up? Adult people. And it turns out that they saw and allowed to leave. "

Many local people are constantly sent to the forest to search for Maxim.

"The soul hurts for the boy and for the family. We also do not sleep at night. Every day and day, and in the evening I go to the forest, calling him. So now I go, maybe something will be found ", - Adds Valentina Aleksandrovna.

Recall that Maxim Marhalyuk disappeared on September 16, was declared to the national wanted list. On September 26, the SC opened a criminal case on the fact of the disappearance of the child. Maxim still not found. The main version of the police - the boy got lost in the forest.

Maxim Marhalyuk in the forest has not yet found, the search continues on Wednesday

The parallel version of the child's disappearance is being worked out - he could leave the house, so groups are sent to check nearby villages and buildings on abandoned farms.

Missing Belovezhskaya Pushcha In the Svisloche district, 10-year-old Maxim Marhalyuk has not yet been found, reported in the search and rescue detachment "Angel".

The boy disappeared in the forest array in the village of the village New Yard on September 16, since then, not only numerous volunteers, but also employees of local forestry, employees of the Svisloche ROVD and the Belarusian Society of Red Cresrest are engaged in searches, as well as MES rescuers.

"At 00:00 on September 27, the boy was not found. Over the past day of traces and any signs of the boy's stay did not find ", - reported in PSO.

As Sputnik reported earlier, in the fact of the disappearance of the child in the forest by the Office of the Investigative Committee on the Grodno region, a criminal case was initiated.

According to the information of the IGEL ", the parallel version of the disappearance of the child is being worked out - he could leave the house, so groups are sent to check the nearby villages and buildings on abandoned farms.

In Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Maxim Marhalyukova was 11 years old on October 10, there is still nothing unknown about his location.

On September 16, a 10-year-old boy was missing in Belovezhskaya, two weeks ago in a new yard, a large-scale search and rescue operation was held, one of the largest in the country. More than two thousand volunteers arrived in the Belarusian forest to help find Maxim. Results, unfortunately, not so far.

As the TUT portal. by, now a quiet and measured life continues in the native settlement. Most recently, there was a headquarters of the Red Cross and many volunteers of the "Angel" squad.

Mom of the missing Maxim work in school, it refuses to comment on journalists to journalists. The school was told that they were trying to support a woman with all their might.

I am very sympathetic to my mother, but how to help in this situation, I can not imagine. I have all this time stopped volunteers. Fed, she took, "says the local resident of Zoya. - All versions have already discussed. Of course, I really want him to be found, and believe that he just went to travel.

Now Maxim is declared international wanted, on the fact of the boy's disappearance, the Investigation Committee of Belarus opened a criminal case.

On the this moment Searches are engaged in police officers.

Currently wanted list. The criminal case on the fact of the disappearance of the child was initiated on September 26 due to the expiration of the ten days from the moment the application for the disappearance of the boy and the uninstaluation of its location during the operational-search activities carried out, "said SB portal. By the official representative of the Investigative Committee Julia Goncharov.

According to the press service of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee, police officers from the Svisloche, Slonim, Zelquinsky, Mostovsky ROVD, military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations take part in the search and rescue operation. Experts are learning the most difficult and wetlands.

Do you know how many versions were there? That only people did not say: they say, they stole a child, fled abroad, drowned in a swamp, but it was all the assumptions, but it was actually unknown. In the church we pray for Maxim to be found alive and unharmed, - tells the local father Father Anatolius.

Despite the fact that Maxim Catholic family, in orthodox church New Yard People order services about the health of the child. So the cohesion of residents in the common misfortune is manifested.

In the new yard there is a village council, to find anyone to journalists there only after lunch. The head of the Department for Children, Vera Lisovskaya commented on the situation:

No news. So I can not tell you anything. Maybe only about the family - simple workers who work a lot. Ordinary rural family. And Maxim is the usual, movable, like other children of his age.

Journalists drove up to the place where all operations began - Chalash, called the Base. Here the rescuers found an abandoned bike of Maxim. At the moment, it is empty here, now the locals are not allowed into the forest of their children.

Yes, and we, adults, a little scary to go into the school - now something unclear, because the versions of the boy's disappearance is a lot. It is not clear what happened in fact, "says the local resident of Vera.

On the birth of Maxim in a small farmland, it seems, everyone knows. Locals say: he was 11. He had passed for a month, as Maxim is looking for.