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Rurikovichi Genealogical Tree over the years of the Board. Vsevolod is a big nest. Prince Gostomysl saw a future dynasty in a dream

The history of Russia's foundation in the 9th century in Px is shrouded in a dense curtain of secrets, which sometimes contradict the statements of the official history of the Russian state. With the name of Prince Rüric, many hypotheses and studies are connected who are trying to restore the chain of true events of that distant time.

Maybe these hypotheses would be less if it were not for one major circumstance: with the name of Rüric, the foundation of the ruling dynasty, whose representatives occupied Russian thrones up to 1610, before the troubled time, to the change of the Rurikov dynasty to the Romanov dynasty.

So, Rurik.

Official data:
- The year of birth is unknown, from the Varangian princely kind, the generic coat of arms - falcon, falling down.
- It is designed to the Slavs for the suppression of intersubs with Finno-Ugro tribes in 862 in Px.
- becomes the prince of the Novgorod and the Rodonchard Prince, the royal dynasty Rurikovich.
- died in 879 in Px.

The arrival of Rüric with a generic squad, in historiography, is accepted called "Varyagov's vocation". Rurik came brothers Sineus and Trourvor. After the death of the brothers in 864, Rurik becomes the sole ruler of the Novgorod Principality.

The versions of the origin of Rüric:
- The Norman version argues that Rurik comes from the Scandinavian Vikings. Some researchers associate Rurik with Rorikik Yutland from Denmark, while others with Eyric from Sweden.

- The Western Slavic version argues that Rurik from the Vagrov or Prussians. This theory adhered to M.V. Lomonosov.

After the death of Rurik in 879, he was inherited by the son of Igor. Raised Igor Oleg, whose involvement to the genus Rüric is doubtful. Most likely, the prophetic Oleg was one of the squadrix of Rüric or, at least, in remote relationship.

The spread of the influence of the Rüric dynasty on all Slavic lands to the south of Novgorod began.

The straight line of inheritance after Rurik continued. After Igor, Svyatoslav Igorevich followed, Vladimir Svyatoslavich (Great), Yaroslav (wise). On the death of Yaroslav Wise (1054) began the process of branching the genealogical line Rurikovich.

The separation is caused by the particulate order and the increase in the feudal crushing of Russia. Separate descendants of the older princes were rapidly the princes of separated principalities. The sons of Yaroslav Wise led the so-called "triumvirate":

  • Izyaslav Rules Kiev, Novgorod and the lands to the west of the Dnieper.
  • Svyatoslav Rules Chernigov and Murom.
  • Vsevolod printed in Rostov, Suzdal and Pereyaslavl.

Of the three these branches, the branch of Vsevolod and his son Vladimir Monomakh turned out to be the strongest. This branch was able to expand possession at the expense of Smolensk, Galich and Volyn. In 1132, the son of Vladimir Monomakh, Mstislav Great died. At this time, Kievan Rus broke up completely. The formation and strengthening of local dynasties, which, however, were also Rurikovichi.

We concentrate on the Rurikovsky dynasty from the main branch - Monomakhov.

Such famous princes belonged to this branch: Yuri Dolgoruky, Andrei Bogolyubsky, Alexander Nevsky, Ivan First Kalita, Simeon Ivanovich Proud, Ivan the second red, Dmitry Donskoy; Cross Princes: Vasily First Dmitrievich, Vasily Vasily Dark, Ivan Third Vasilyevich, Vasily Third Ivanovich; Moscow kings: Ivan Four Grozny, Fedor First John.

The reign of Fyodor John, the third son of Ivan the Terrible, became the last in a long series of siblings of the six-grade Varangian Prince Rüric. With the death of Fyodor John began a bloody troubled time for Russia, which ended with the capture of China-city in Moscow on November 4, 1612 and the elections of the new king.

  1. Rurikovichi ruled for 748 years old - from 862 to 1610.
  2. It is significantly unknown practically nothing about the founder of the dynasty - Rurica.
  3. Until the XV century, none of the Russian kings called themselves "Rurikovich". The scientific dispute about the identity of Rurik began only in the XVIII century.
  4. The general ancestors of all Rurikovich are: Rurik himself, his son Igor, grandson Svyatoslav Igorevich and great-grandfather Vladimir Svyatoslavich.
  5. Eating in Russia of patience as part of the generic name is a confirmation of human connections with his father. Noble I. simple people They called themselves, for example, "Mikhail, Petrov Son." A special privilege was considered to add to the patronymic of the end of the ending "-", which was allowed to people with high origins. So called Rurikovich, - for example, Svyatopolk Izyaslavich.
  6. Vladimir Sacred was from different women 13 sons and at least 10 daughters.
  7. Old Russian chronicles began to be made up 200 years after the death of Rurik and the century after the baptism of Russia (the appearance of writing) on \u200b\u200bthe basis of oral legends, the Byzantine chronicles and few existing documents.
  8. The largest government officials from Rurikovich were the Grand Princes Vladimir Saint, Yaroslav Wise, Vladimir Monomakh, Yuri Dolgoruky, Andrei Bogolyubsky, Vsevolod is a big nest, Alexander Nevsky, Ivan Kalita, Dmitry Donskaya, Ivan Third, Vasily Third, King Ivan Grozny.
  9. For a long time, the name of the Jewish origin of the name Ivan did not apply to the ruling dynasty, but since Ivan I (Kalita) they are called four sovereign from the genus Rurikovich.
  10. The symbol of Rurikovich was Tamga in the form of a dive falcon. The historian of the XIX century Zada \u200b\u200bGedeonov associated the name of Rurik with the word "Rerek" (or "Rarog"), which in the Slavic tribe of encouraged meant falcon. When expanding early settlements of the Rurikovsky dynasty, many images of this bird were found.
  11. The birth of Chernihiv princes leads their origin from the three sons of Mikhail Vsevolodovich (the greatness of Oleg Svyatoslavich) - Seeds, Yuri, Mstislav. The Glukhov Prince Semyon Mikhailovich became the princes of the princes of Vorotnsky, Odoevsky. Tuskaya Prince Yuri Mikhailovich - Mezetsk, Baryatinsky, Obolensky. Karachay Mstislav Mikhailovich-Mosalsky, Zvenigorodsky. Of the princes of Obolensky, there are a later than a few princely childbirth, including Shcherbatov, Repnins, Silver, Dolgorukov are the most famous.
  12. Among the Russian models of the Emigration times were the princesses of Nina and Mia Obolensky, the girls from the most significant princely kind of Obolensky, leaving their roots to Rurikovich.
  13. Rurikovich had to abandon dynastic preferences in favor of Christian names. Already Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, when baptism, was given the name of Vasily, and Knyagin Olga - Elena.
  14. The tradition of the Direct name originates in the early pedigree Rurikovich, when the Great Princes was simultaneously carried by the pagan and Christian name: Yaroslav-Georgiy (wise) or Vladimir-Vasily (Monomakh).
  15. Karamzin has numbered 200 wars and invasions in the history of Russia from 1240 to 1462.
  16. One of the first Rurikovichi, Svyatopolk Okayan, became the anti-mode of Russian history due to the accusation of the murder of Boris and Gleb. However, today historians tend to the fact that the Great Martyrs were killed by the warriors of Yaroslav Wise, since the Great Martyrs recognized the right of Svyatoslav for the throne.
  17. The word "Rosichi" is the neologism of the author "Words about the regiment of Igor". More this word as the self-configuration of Russian times Rurikovich is not found anywhere.
  18. The remains of Yaroslav Wise, whose study could answer the question about the origin of Rurikovich, due to disappear.
  19. In the Rurikovsky dynasty there were two categories of names: Slavic dioxide - Yaropolk, Svyatoslav, Ostromir and Scandinavian - Olga, Gleb, Igor. The names were fixed high status, and therefore, they could exclusively with a grand permanent person. Only in the XIV century such names are included in the overall use.
  20. Since the reign of Ivan III among Russian states-Rurikovich, a popular version of the origin of his dynasty from the Roman emperor of August was becoming a popular.
  21. In addition to Yuri, there were two more "Dolgoruki" in Rurikovich. This is a source of princes of Vyazemsky, the descendant of Mstislava Great Andrei Vladimirovich Long hand and descendant of St. Michael Vsevolodovich Chernigovsky, Prince Ivan Andreevich Obolensky, on the nicknamed Dolgoruky, the prince of princes of Dolgorukov.
  22. Rurikovich's essential confusion was made to the identification of Rurikovich, in which, by the death of the Grand Duke, the Kiev table occupied his closest relative (and not son), the second on seniority, a relative, in turn, held an empty table of the first, and so all the princes moved For seniority to more prestigious tables.
  23. According to the results of genetic studies, it was assumed that Rurik belonged to a haplogroup N1c1. The area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of people of this haplogroup captures not only Sweden, but also the areas of modern Russia, the same Pskov and Novgorod, so the origin of Rüric is still unclear.
  24. Vasily Shuisky was a descendant of Rüric not in a straight tsarist line, so the son of Ivana Grozny Fedor Johnovich is still the last Rurikovich on the throne.
  25. The adoption by Ivan III of the two-headed eagle as a heraldic mark is made to communicate with the influence of his wife Sofia Paleologist, but this is not the only version of the origin of the coat of arms. Perhaps he was borrowed from Heraldry of Habsburgs, or from the Goldenophants who used a double-headed eagle on some coins. Today, the double-headed eagle is on the coat of arms of six European states.
  26. Among the modern Rurikovichi, there is now the History "Emperor of Saint Rus and Third Rome", he has a "New Church of Saint Rus", "Cabinet of Ministers", " The State Duma"," Supreme Court "," Central Bank "," Plenipotentiary ambassadors "," National Guard ".
  27. Otto von Bismarck was the descendant of Rurikovich. His distant relative family was Anna Yaroslavovna.
  28. The first American president George Washington was also Rurikovich. In addition to him, 20 presidents of the United States led his genus from Rurik. Including the father and son of Bush.
  29. One of the last Rurikovichi, Ivan Grozny, was taking place from the Moscow branch of the dynasty, and Mother of Mother - from the Tatar Dolkin.
  30. Lady Diana was connected with Rurik through the Kiev Princess Noborone, the daughter of Vladimir Saint, who married Polish Prince Casimir Restorer.
  31. Alexander Pushkin, if you look at its genealogy, is Rurikovich through the Prabababook Sarry Rzhevskaya.
  32. After the death of Fedor John, only his youngest - Moscow - branch was pretended. But the male offspring of other Rurikovich (former specific princes) by that time already also acquired the names: Baryatin, Volkonsky, Gorchakovy, Dolgorukov, Obolensky, Odoevsky, Repnins, Shui, Shcherbatov ...
  33. Last Chancellor Russian Empire, the great Russian diplomat of the XIX century, a friend of Pushkin and Comrade Bismarck, Alexander Gorchakov was born in the old nobility family, which occurred from Yaroslavl Prince-Rurikovich.
  34. Rurikovichi were 24 Britain Prime Ministers. Including Winston Churchill. Anna Yaroslavna accounted for him theshka.
  35. One of the most interesting politicians of the XVII century, Cardin Richelieu, also had Russian roots - again through Anna Yaroslavna.
  36. In 2007, the historian Murtazaliyev argued that Rurikovichi was Chechens. "Rusa was not someone, but Chechens. It turns out that Rurik and his squad, if they are truly from the Varangian tribe of Russia, then they are purebred Chechens, and from the royal clan and spoken in the native Chechen language. "
  37. Alexander Duma, an embimmerant Richelieu, was also Rurikovich. His great-grandfather ... Grandma was Svyatopolkovna's Zibyslava, the daughter of the Grand Prince Svyatopolka Izyaslavich, who was issued for the Polish king of Bolevlav Kivoy.
  38. Russian Prime Minister from March to July 1917 was Grigory Lviv, a representative of Rurikovich's branch, coming from Prince Leo Danilovich, a nickname of the tooth, the descendant of Rurik in 18 knees.
  39. Ivan IV was not the only "terrible" king in the Rurikovsky dynasty. "Grozny" also called his grandfather, Ivan III, who, in addition, also had the nicknames of "Orthodi" and "Great." As a result, for Ivan III, the nickname "Great" was entrenched, and his grandson became "Grozny".
  40. "Father NASA" Werner von Brown was also Rurikovich. His mother was Baroness Emmy, the nee von Kvistorn.

Modern encyclopedia

Rurikovichi, descendants of Rurik, dynasty of Russian princes, including the great princes of Kiev, Vladimir, Moscow, and Russian kings (end of 9th 16 centuries; the last Rurikovich from the Dynasty of the Moscow Great Princes Tsar Fedor Ivanovich). From the genus Nizhny Novgorod ... ... Russian history

Rurikovichi - Rurikovichi, princes, in the chronicle news, the descendants of the leader of Varyagov Rurik, who ruled in the 2nd half of the 9th century. in Novgorod. Headed the ancient Russian state; Great and specific principalities (princes of Kiev, Vladimir, Ryazan, ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Large encyclopedic Dictionary

The Russian Princely Rod, rolling over time on a variety of branches. Branch begins with Vladimir Saint, and first of all the line of Polotsk, the descendants of Iaslav Vladimirovich, is separated. By the death of Yaroslav Wise (1054) his ... ... Biographical Dictionary

- (inloom.) The ancientѣyšiu Ruskіe's nobles (hint at Rurik, one of the founders of Russia). Cf. Sun ѣ You, gentlemen, nothing else, like yesterday's nobles against me, for I originated from Rüric. D. P. Tatishchev Magnam in VѣNѣ, with an argument about antiquity of them ... ... Large intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (original spelling)

SUT., Number of synonyms: 1 dynasty (65) Synonyms for ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

Russian princely genus Multiple branches with a tissue rushed over time. The branching begins with Vladimir St., with some of all the line of the princes of Polotsk, the descendants of Izaslavavladimirovich are separated. By the death of Yaroslav Wise (1054) his ... ... Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Ephron

Dynasty of Russian princes, including the great princes of Kiev, Vladimir, Moscow and Russian kings (Kon. 9 16 centuries, the last Rurikovich Tsar Fedor Ivanovich), who were considered descendants of Rüric. Some nobles belong to Rurikovichi ... ... Political science. Vocabulary.

Russian princes and kings who were considered descendants of Rurik, including the great princes of Kiev, Vladimir, Moscow, Tver, Ryazan (IX XVI centuries); Last Rurikovich from the dynasty of the Moscow Great Princes and Kings King Fedor Ivanovich. From ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Rurikovichi, Volodichin Dmitry Mikhailovich. Dynasty Rurikovich Rus Rus Seven and a half centuries. The fate of our country is shovel with the fate of this kind. The person belonged to him had a noticeable impact on politics, ...
  • Rurikovichi, Volodichin d .. Rurikovsky Dynasty Rusy Rus Seven and a century. The fate of our country is shovel with the fate of this kind. The person belonged to him had a noticeable impact on politics, ...

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15.Avgusta.2018, 18:05


used to Eastor. L-re the name of the descendants of the Great KN. Igor, who, in the chronicle legend, was considered the son of Rurik (drank. Rurik, Sineus and Trour). R. stood at the head of the Old Russian. State, as well as large and small principalities of the feud period. fragmentation. In 12-13 centuries. Some R. were also called by the names of the branches of the branches of the genus-Monomakhovichi, Olgovichi and others. R. The rulers of the Russian centralized state were also considered (descendants of Vladimirosumdal Monomakh). The last king Dean. R. Fyodor Ivanovich died in 1598

ruling Dynasty B. Kievan Rus. She got a name and starts from legends, Prince Rüric, which is mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years". The most famous heirs were the great princes kiev Igor (Rules in 912-945), Svyatoslav brave (approx. 945-972), Vladimir Great (978-1015), Yaroslav Wise (1019-54), Vsevolod (1078-93) Vladimir II Monomakh (1113- 25), Mstislav Vladimirovich (1125-32). In the period of the feud, fragmentation of representatives of R. Rules to the OKR. Principles (Kiev, Chernigov, Pereyaslavsky, Vladimir-Suzdal, etc.), where the local was founded. Dynasty - Monomakhovy, Olgovichi, Romanovichi, and others. Roman Mstislavich, founder of the Dynasty of Romanovich, formed a thousand one hundred and ninety-nine one of the most powerful states on ter. Kiev. Rusi - Galico-Volyn Principality. His son Daniel Romanovich Galitsky in 1254 became the king of this state. Among the most famous Olgovichi, the descendants of the Chernihiv and Novgorod-Seversky Prince Oleg Svyatoslavich (1,115 died), he is his grandson Igor Svyatoslavich, who is shot in the word about the regiment of Igor. " Specific princes of Dynasty R. Rules in Ukrainian. lands to con. 15 V. One of the branches of the city (descendants of Vladimir-Suzdal Monomakhovichi) subsequently became a grand stained (from the 14th century) and the royal (from 16th century) to the dynasty in Moscow. State-ve. Ost. Mosk. King from Dynasty R. - Fyodor Ivanovich - died 1598 in 17 century. Part R. gradually merged with representatives of other birth, having a led. Effect with rus. The courtyard (for example., Descendants of Chernihiv R.: Baryatinsky, Volkonsky, Gorchakovy, Dolgorukov, Obolensky, Odoevsky, Repnins, Scherbakov, etc.).

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Rurikovsky Dynasty is the very first high-grade dynasty in the Russian throne. She approved, according to the text of the Tale of Bygone Years, in 862. This date has a symbolic name "Varyagov's vocation".

Rurikovy Dynasty existed 8th centuries. During this time there was a lot of displacements, distrust, conspiracies against its representatives. The first representative of the dynasty, that is, its founder, Rurik. It was invited to edit in Novgorod People's Eve city. Rurik put the basis of statehood in Russia, became the founder of the first cereal dynasty. But it is worth noting that the big half of the representatives of Rurikovyia was still coming from Kievan Rus.

So, the Rurikovy Dynasty, the list of which will be presented below with all the characteristics of his leaders, has its branched system. The second representative was Oleg. He was a governor Rurik and rules at the youngster of his son. He is known for united by Novgorod and Kiev, and also signed the first agreement of Russia with Byzantia. When the son of Rurik Igor, the power passed into his hands. Igor conquered and won new territories by postponing them with tribute, because of what was cruelly killed by the Trees. After Igor, the power passed into his wife's hands. wise woman spent the first economic reform In Russian land, establishing lessons and grades. When the son of Olga and Igor Svyatoslav, naturally, had all the power to him.

But this prince was distinguished by his military thinking and was constantly in the campaigns. After Svyatoslav, Vladimir 1 was asked for the throne, more known as Vladimir Saint.

He baptized Russia at the end of the 10th century. After Vladimir Rules, Svyatopolk, he was in the civil war with his brothers, the victory in which Yaroslav Wise won. Such a board was great: the first Russian set of laws was compiled, Pechenegs were defeated and the great temples were erected. After the reign of Yaroslav Rus for a long time to stay in a kind of confusion, because the struggle for the great princely throne is tougher and no one wants to lose it.

Rurikovsky Dynasty, the Tree of which was very difficult, received the next great ruler after almost 100 years. He was Vladimir Monomakh. He was the organizer of the Lyubic Congress, he defeated Polovtsy and retained the relative unity of Rus. Dynasty Rurikovich after his rule again branched.

From this period, you can allocate Yuri Dolgoruky and Andrey Bogolyubsky. Both prince were prominent figures of the era of Rus fragmentation. The remaining period of the existence of this dynasty will be remembered by several names: Vasily 1, Ivan Kalita, Ivan 3, Vasily 3 and Ivan Grozny. It is with the names of these figures that the creation of a single Russian state is connected, it was they who began accessing all the land to Moscow and they finished.

Rurikovsky Dynasty presented our land statehood, huge spacious territories, which were united by the latest representatives of this dynasty, an extensive cultural heritage.