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Wise women in the world. Wise statements of famous women (13 photos). Birthday is a holiday

It is almost impossible to understand the mysterious female soul, but it is still worth trying. Moreover, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity willingly share their thoughts about what is considered truly important.

About beauty

We, women, there are only two weapons: mascara and tears, - but we cannot use both at the same time. Marilyn Monroe

To look like a goddess, you need 20 minutes. But to look natural, you need 3 hours. Yanina Ipokhorskaya

A woman firmly confident in his beauty will be able to eventually convince all others in it. Sophia Loren

In 20 years, you have a person who gave you nature; At 30, you have a face that lived your life; And in 50 you have a person you deserve. Coco Chanel

No one ever told me about what I am beautiful when I was a little girl. All young girls should be told that they are beautiful, even if they are not. Marilyn Monroe

No need to be born beautiful to be the devilish attractive. Diana Vryland

Many complain about their appearance and nobody - to the brains. Faina Ranevskaya


There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. There is no other time. Coco Chanel

A woman who does not like the shortcomings of her man, does not love him. Sophia Loren

If the ordinary woman and an ordinary man consider each other uncomfortable - this is love. Yanina Ipokhorskaya

Love, sex and food - this is what makes us truly happy. Everything is very simple. Maryl Streep

A man needs to be taken as it is, but to leave it in this form - is unacceptable. Sari Gabor

Career is a wonderful thing, but she can't warm anyone in a cold night. Marilyn Monroe

The boy becomes completely unknown when approaching 50 years. Yanina Ipokhorskaya

Adam and Eve could be an ideal married couple: Adam did not have to listen to the stories about men, for whom she could marry, and Eve - about how his mother prepared well. Wanda Blonskaya

It is possible to betray to forgive, and it is impossible. Anna Akhmatova

This love is not the one that withstands the long-years of separation, but that that withstands many proximity for many years. Helen Rowland


In some people lives the devil, in some - God, and in some - only worms. Faina Ranevskaya

I believe in power laughter. And it seems to me that you can easily disarm people if you manage to laugh. Maryl Streep

All pleasant in this world is either harmful or immoral or leads to obesity. Faina Ranevskaya

Stren, laid on the opinion of others, provides a calm and happy life. Faina Ranevskaya

I find the plots of your detective novels behind washing dishes. This is such a stupid lesson that the thought of murder is involved. Agatha Christie

Each second woman is in love with himself - and could fit and worse. Magdalena Samozvana

If you want to have something that you never had, you will have to do what they never did. Coco Chanel

Happiness is good health and bad memory. Ingrid Bergman

The house should be the center, but not the border of the world of a woman. Margaret Thatcher

Life is too short, so start with the dessert. Barbara Streisand

Lay in the moon. Even if missed, you will find yourself among the stars. Mary Kay.

Under the most beautiful tale of Peacock hides the most common chicken ass. So less pathos, gentlemen. Faina Ranevskaya

Life is too short to spend it on diet, greedy men and bad mood. Faina Ranevskaya

Women dying later than men, because they are forever late. Faina Ranevskaya 10

People like candles: either burn, either in their ass. Faina Ranevskaya 11

Husband is a person who always forgets your birthday and never miss the chance to call your age. Marilyn Monroe 10

My God, as life stumbled, and I never even heard how Nightingale sing. Faina Ranevskaya 10

Fashion passes, style remains. Coco Chanel 11

It is easier to protect your virtue from men than your reputation from women. Bridzhid Bordeaux 12

Money bother and when they are not, and when they are. Faina Ranevskaya 11

I get letters: "Help become an actor."
I answer: "God will help!" Faina Ranevskaya 12

do not worry, and excite! Marilyn Monroe 12

Children, especially girls, should always say that they are beautiful and that everyone loves them.
If I have a daughter, I will always tell her that she is beautiful, I will comb your hair and I will not leave her one for a minute. Marilyn Monroe 12 - statements of great women

I find the plots of your detective novels behind washing dishes.
This is such a stupid lesson that the thought of murder is involved. Agatha Christie 14

I agree to live in the world who rule the men, as long as I can be in this world a woman. Marilyn Monroe 12

I gave men your youth and beauty. Now I give my wisdom and your experience is the best that I have, - animals. Bridzhid Bordeaux 10

I started my career like a silly jew-blonde. And also end. Marilyn Monroe 11

I owe friends who have honor to me by our visit, and deeply grateful to friends who deprive me of this honor. 11

I married an archaeologist, because this is the only man who is interested in his wife than she is older. Agatha Christie 11

Women tend to choose a nightdress for themselves much more carefully than her husband. Coco Chanel 13

There are two things that a man will not comprehend: it is the secret of creation and his wife's hat. Coco Chanel 12

There is a time to work, and there is a time to love.
There is no other time left. Coco Chanel 13

About Alena Delon: Of course, Alain is beautiful. But the chest of drawers in Louis XVI in my living room is also very beautiful. Bridzhid Bordeaux 12

For me, it was always a mystery - as great actors could play with artists, from which there is nothing to get infected, even a runny nose. Faina Ranevskaya 11

Career is a wonderful thing, but she can't warm anyone in a cold night. Marilyn Monroe 13

Strip in a bad movie - I don't care what to spit in eternity. Faina Ranevskaya 11

Sex symbol is just a thing, and I hate to be a thing.
But if you already be a symbol, then it is better than a symbol of sex than anything else. Marilyn Monroe 13

How small requires first love. It does not require anything - no look, no word. Pure adoration. Agatha Christie 12

It is completely no matter.
That is why it is so interesting. Agatha Christie 9

I love when fashion goes out, but I do not allow it to come from there. Coco Chanel 12

There are people in whom God lives; There are people in whom the devil lives; And there are people that live only worms. Faina Ranevskaya 13

Your face in twenty years is given to you nature; What it will be fifty, depends on you. Coco Chanel 8

I had enough mind stupid to live life. Faina Ranevskaya 12

So the long-awaited day came for all girls. On the calendar on March 8, in the soul of spring, the apartment is full of pleasant flower aroma and it does not care that it is outside the window to slush and frosty wind. I congratulate all the customers of our site with this beautiful day! Be always beautiful, kind, caring, cute, funny, surprising, charming, charming. In general, stay girls and women with a capital letter! And most importantly, love and be loved!

I, as well, decided to make a selection with quotes. Today these are quotes of beautiful famous women.

"Learn to use your brains as deftly as your piernets, and then, perhaps, you will not need a fierce age ... Know, smart women are male, beautiful - eyes snatch from the crowd and only charming do not forget."

- Sophia Loren

"There is no more hard work than look beautiful with eight in the morning to twelve night."

"It is better to be incorrect than right without desire to be."

- Brigitte Bardot

"Taking care of beauty, you need to start with the heart and soul, otherwise no cosmetics will help."

Hold yourself when it is hurt, and not to arrange scenes when it hurts - that's what is an ideal woman.

- Coco Chanel

"Never go back to what I decided to leave. No matter how much you did not ask you, and no matter how you wanted yourself. Conquer one mountain, start storming another. "

"Do not worry, but to worry."

- Marilyn Monroe

"God created women beautiful so that men can love, and - stupid so that they can love men."

How many times a woman bluses in life?
"Four times: In the first wedding night, when the first time he changes her husband when the first time takes money when the first time gives money.
- And a man?
- Two times: the first time - when the second, the second - when the first cannot.

- Faina Ranevskaya

"Love is, when you want all the best to people who like when you put their interests and well-being above our own. Always."

Even strong people need a strong shoulder. This is me about women and about men.

- Angelina Jolie

"A truly beautiful woman is always good and to other women, and to people at all. It does not accept rivalry, intrigue and palls. "

- Sharon Stone

"It is better to die standing than to live on the knees."

- Dolores Ibarruri

"Feel free to your forms. All that the Lord gave you is beautiful. And if it is beautiful, you need to emphasize your forms. The main thing is to do it competently and tastefully. "

- Evelina Khromchenko

"To understand how you live, you have to live. Do not think about it, but live with it. "

- Helena Bonham Carter

"Never let your heart take the top over the mind, otherwise you will have problems."

- Whitney Houston

"If a woman shows a character, they say about it:" harmful woman ". If the character manifests a man, they say about him: "He is a good guy." "

- Margaret Thatcher

"In order for the lips to be beautiful - say good words. To the eyes are beautiful - emit good. The beauty of a woman is not in clothes, not in her shape or hairstyle. The beauty of a woman in her eyes, because her eyes are gates in the heart where love lives. "

- Audrey Hepburn

"For a woman, beauty is more important than the mind, because the man is easier to watch than to think."

- Marlene Dietrich

"When I won't be enemies, then I will understand that nothing is worth nothing."

- Maria Callas

"Life is not paradise, you should not be perfect."

- Jia Karandzhi

"It's much easier to make people cry than laughing."

- Vivien Lie

"Loneliness and feeling that you do not need anyone - the most terrible kind of poverty."

- Mother Teresa

"Love is the best cosmetics."

- Gina Lollobrigida

"Anyone who wants to achieve something must work a lot."

- Maryl Streep

"I never said:" I want to be alone. " I just said: "I want to be left alone," and this is not the same. "

- Greta Garboy

"If you do not like yourself, no one will love you. You need to love yourself. "

- Alla Pugacheva

"Anger and anger is not able to solve any problem."

- Grace Kelly

"I am a mother, and the mother never is lonely."

Most of the differences between representatives of different floors arises when aphorisms about women begin to be discussed. Why is this happening? Probably because it is not always true that I don't like many representatives of beautiful sex. Actually, any dogma ever refuted anyone. Let's deal with this question.

Aphorisms about women: Are they always accurate?

In antiquity, one sage expressed the thought: "Any rule has exceptions. And a woman, like this rule: it is exceptional, correct, but sometimes goes beyond these very rules. "

Men are hard to understand women. And it is easy to explain. After all, the psychology of different people is different. No less difficult and a woman to understand a man. However, by virtue of some natural stubbornness, most of the ladies never admit this.

From here there are aphorisms about women, where they are represented by devoid of logic, strange creatures. But this is a myth: the logic of women is often much wiserfully male. And every lady's oddity can be explained. Another thing is that the lady themselves use this myth in order to justify their rapid or incorrect, erroneous deeds.

Is it possible to open a woman?

The fact that women are stubborn and they are impossible to redo, noticed Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov. He reported to the world in his epigram.

Shame a liar, joking over the fool
And argue with a woman - all the same
What to draw water with residue:
From this three to get rid of us, God! ..

  • The best end of the dispute with his wife is to pretend to be dead.
  • In the dispute spouses always one right, and the second ... husband!

In fact, the reason here lies in the fact that the vocabulary of women is many times more than in men. Yes, and patience to keep a dispute too. Therefore, many men, even if they are confident in their rightness, it is easier to agree with the lady either to leave the battlefield silently, while maintaining your opinion in yourself.

Birthday is this holiday?

The most terrible for each woman is the approach of old age, the loss of external attractiveness. Funny, but men are subject to the same phobia to no less. Just the strong floor diligently hides this weakness. However, in the centers of plastic surgery men are not much less women. And cosmetics they are replenished at the same speed as the ladies.

It is clear that the representatives of both sexes want to look younger. And the fact that they hide their age on righteous and unjust paths, no one secret. That is why Aphorisms about birthday are so often born.

  • Woman after thirty every year marks twenty-nine years.
  • This thirty-five-year-old lady, like all women on Earth, was only twenty-eight years old.
  • Girl, girl, young woman ... Young woman, young woman, young woman ... And here - the old woman died!
  • The perfect husband always remembers the birth date of his wife, but not know how old she is.

Even great people often came up with the winged phrases about the birthday of a woman. For example, Joseph Cosman, the famous American entrepreneur, spoke once like this: "There is no more reliable way to remember the birthday of his wife, than at least once to forget about him!".

And again about the birthday

Some winged phrases contain a lot of irony over how much power is spending a lady to prepare a feast. Sometimes the holiday itself is not a holiday for it - not at all. And this is devoted to aphorisms about the birthday.

  • A woman's birthday is as hard as the Gypsy wedding wedding: the ball in the colors, and the whole thing is in soap!
  • Why is it all around for a birthday all around, and they themselves force the liver and heart, loading the body alcohol?
  • What does a man deserve to celebrate the birthday of a woman? There is little death to him - this is a fact!

The power of a woman - in her weakness

Short aphorisms about strong women in the modern world are very in demand. This is because now too much worries and problems have to solve it. But everyone is clear that this is an incorrect approach to life. Be sure to be next to the woman should be the one who at a difficult moment will substitute his shoulder. Yes, and in any other too ...

  • Next to the woman should always be that man who will solve all her problems at any time and will never create new ones.
  • My lovely woman is always happy. And only the losers and lazy people are strong ...

Aphorisms were even in the past years. Recall at least a phrase from the poem of Nekrasov about a Russian woman who first breaks into a burning house, not a coward even before carrying ahead.

And a chastushka written during the Great Patriotic War?

I and horse, me and bull,

I and Baba, and a man!

In fact, the inner power of a woman, her patience, perseverance is often superior to male qualities. But, as mentioned above, it is rather not a rule, but an exception. A woman cannot be constantly strong. In its nature there is a need for affection, tenderness, care. And therefore "periodically even a very strong woman gets tired of being a man."

Many men tend to compare cute ladies with some animals. In the positive variant there are lows, beats, fish, cats, birds, bunnies and others. Probably, this desire arises because these animals cause a sense of lunizing or admiration.

But Aphorisms about cats and women do not always arise from positive emotions.

  • Baba - Cat, purr to everyone who strokes her.
  • Do not believe the woman when she is purring: at any moment she can release claws.
  • Cat, like a woman, you can climb and die by her reply purring. But it is impossible to make any other commands, if they have no mood.
  • A woman is a cat, which will always walk by itself and come back to you when it needs to be it.

Family and love - the main thing in the female understanding of happiness

Aphorisms talk about the happiness of a woman. Even the most confident ladies in the soul are dreaming of leaning against a stronger man and forget that they are self-sufficient and successful. These Aphorisms about a happy woman wrote the people himself.

  • The success of a business woman who has its own aircraft and a villa on Canaries, nothing is worth in comparison with the quiet happiness of the beloved spouse who prepares in the morning breakfasts for her husband and children.
  • When a woman has a problem, she only needs to hug his child: feeling that he is healthy, he is near, she will understand that she is happy that now she has no problems, and everything that worries her - only little things in life.

Who is the most important in the family?

It is said that a wise woman is not the one who knows everything and knows everything, but that, who knows everything and knows everything. Probably it is. No wonder everyone knows such aphorisms about wise women.

  • Woman - only neck. And the husband is head! He and decide. And the woman just remains turning this head in the right direction ...
  • Wisdom of a woman is to be able to remove and shook noodles on the ears.

And also the people are the opinion that the weather in the house always depends on the woman. And it is partly the truth. Only alone the family will not build. And much depends on a man.

  • In a bad spouse, a wife always gripping a fool yes of something. And for some reason, the beauty is so clever.
  • Fool scolds his spouse, smart - teaches how to live. And only wise loves such as it is!
  • A real man will never be offended by his chosen. He will just wait when she calms down, and will continue to love her further.

When there is no agreement in the family ...

The worst is the troubles between the spouses. With the last years together somewhere in an unknown direction, it takes, and the former love is delighted before its second half. And there are such aphorisms.

  • About the disgruntled husband, often they say, they simply saw the eyes whom the registry office led ...

And still fool over both spouses, who after a few years of living together begin to express their negative attitude towards marriage.

  • Do not stand on the anniversary of the wedding to cut an innocent goose - the one who introduced once two unfortunate ...
  • Every woman sleeps witch, fool, bitch, angel and beautiful princess. The task of the husband is to wake in his wife the one who is he who is worthy.
  • Ideal family: she calls him to drink vodka, and he asks to wait until the house is ...
  • Veliad phrase: All women are the same. And what then men run everything and run from one to another?

The greatest thing that God created is a woman!

It is a beautiful and wise saying often calls from some "tantle suits" a storm of indignation. They fell on women by the flow of dirty and vulgar aphorisms, which are sicked by the current social networks. Among them, "Chicken is not a bird, Baba is not a man!" - most kind.

Probably, these elements were blocked on all representatives of the beautiful floor because of their failures on the love front. But, without knowing how to see his mistakes, they went along the most simple way: they began to blame all women with a scope, without thinking about the fact that the only one who gave birth to, cherished and loved, also belongs to this half of humanity, which they mercy .

Interesting in this sense, there may be such a people's saying: "You can never believe the nudice, which was said to the woman. They proceed either from a man who failed to conquer her or from a woman who envies her! ". That is, the lucky men who met a decent woman and managed to conquer her heart, friendship and devotion to winning her, friendship and devotion, will never devourge to such a lowness to talk badly about all the representatives of the beautiful sex, including their chosen.

Meanwhile, even the great Solomon used to say in the distant past: "Woman is sweetering life and the pretty death." This phrase he emphasizes the ambiguous attitude towards a woman. When everything is successful between the two - there is nothing more beautiful in the world! But what happens a discord, a quarrel - and there is no worse than this test ...

Coco Chanel said about love: "Like a cool, a woman in every man's life is only one, and the rest is only her shadows."

And a woman - is it?

About love everyone knows everything - at least, consider it. But about the difference in friendship there are disagreements. That's why Aphorisms about friendship between a man and a woman there are opposite meaning.

  • There can be no friendship between a man and a woman, because one of them in this case is necessarily loved in his "friend."
  • Friendship Women with a man is love deferred at a later date.
  • Friendship between a woman and a man weakens greatly at night.
  • If a woman is friendly with a man, then this means that one of them would like, but can not achieve more.

Just about serious

There are both merry aphorisms about women. Who is their author, is difficult to say now. But probably people are far from stupid.

  • God first created a man, and then a woman just because before creating a masterpiece, there is always a sketch, draft, otherwise ...
  • All men goats! Everything! And my husband is first of all. But why did I get married then for him? So we have proven the main rule of life: all women are diries!
  • If a woman said that he would be in five minutes, then you need to calmly wait and not to name it every half an hour!
  • The first rule of fulfilling all homework is cleaning. And you need to start with cleaning a computer ... away from myself.
  • The crumbling man is a conceived man, and the crumbling woman - already something invented the lady.
  • To the question "Girl, are you alone?" Most must answer: "No, I'm with the quirks!"
  • A woman, like a fire in the forest, can not be left unattended for a moment. There are two options: either it will fuss at all, or burn everything to hell!

Perhaps someone will not seem ridiculous aphorism, but the proportion of irony in it is available.

  • A woman always sees a double meaning everywhere, even where it is not. There, where he is, - a woman does not see the meaning at all.

The list of aphorisms can be continued to infinity. After all, humorists and philosophers continue to compose them and allow them to be in light.