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Economic changes in Peter 1. The economic reforms of Peter I - briefly

The sage avoids any extremes.

Lao Tzu

The Russian economy in the 17th century has significantly lagging behind European countries. Therefore, the economic policy of Peter 1 was aimed at creating conditions for the country's economic development in the present and future. Separately, it should be noted that the main direction of the development of the economy of that era was to develop, above all, the military industry. It is important to understand, since the entire Board of Peter 1 took place during the period of wars, the main of which was the Northern War.

The economy of the Peter's era and should be considered from the point of view in the following components:

State of the economy to the beginning of the epoch

The Russian economy before coming to power of Peter 1 has had a huge number of problems. Suffice to say that in the country with a huge amount natural resources, did not have required material For your own ensuring even the needs of the army. For example, metal for guns and artillery was purchased in Sweden. Industry was in an adequate condition. Throughout Russia, there were only 25 manuffs. For comparison in England, more than 100 manufactories operated in the same period. As for agriculture and trade, the old rules operated here and these industries practically did not develop.

Features of the development of the economy

The great embassy of Peter in Europe discovered the problems in the Russian economy. These problems aggravated with the beginning of the Northern War, when Sweden stopped the supply of iron (metal). As a result, Peter I was forced to overpay church bells in the guns, for which the church called him hardly by Antichrist.

Russia's economic development during the reign of Peter 1 was aimed at developing primarily the army and fleet. It is around these two components that the development of industry and other objects came. It is important to note that since 1715, individual entrepreneurship has become encouraged in Russia. Moreover, part of the manufactory and factories were transmitted to private hands.

The basic principles of Peter 1 economic policy developed in two directions:

  • Protectionism. This is support for the domestic manufacturer and encouraging the export of goods abroad.
  • Mercantilism. The predominance of the export of goods over the importation. Economic terms - exports prevailing over imports. This is done to concentrate funds within the country.

Industry development

By the beginning of the board of Peter I in Russia there were only 25 manufactories. It is extremely small. The country could not even provide the most necessary. That is why the beginning of the Northern War was so sad for Russia, since the lack of deliveries of the same iron from Sweden made it impossible to conduct war.

The main directions of the economic policy of Peter 1 fluttered in the 3rd mainstreams: the metallurgical industry, mining industry, shipbuilding. In total by the end of the board of Peter in Russia, 200 manufactories operated already. The best indicator that the economy management system has worked is the fact that before coming to power Peter Russia was one of the largest iron importers, and after Peter 1, Russia came out on 3-Emezo in the world in the production of iron and became the country exporter.

With Peter, the first industrial centers in the country began to form. Rather, such industrial centers were, but their significance was insignificant in Petra, the formation and rise of industry in the Urals and in the Donbas. The back side of the growth of the industry is to attract private capital and difficult conditions for workers. During this period, attributed and planting peasants appeared.

Pressing peasants appeared by the decree of Peter 1 in 1721. They became the property of manufactory and were obliged to work there all their lives. The recreation peasants came to replace the asscript, which were reconciled from among the urban peasants and were attributed to a certain factory.

Historical reference

The problem of peasants, expressed in the creation of a possession of the peasantry, was associated with the lack of qualified labor in Russia.

The development of industry in the Petrovsk Epoch was different in the following features:

  • Stormy development of the metallurgical industry.
  • The active participation of the state in economic life. The state acted as the customer of all objects industry.
  • Attracting feeding labor. Since 1721, plants are allowed to buy peasants.
  • Lack of competition. As a result, major entrepreneurs have no desire to develop their industry, so in Russia and there was a long stagnation.

In the development of industry, Peter had 2 problems: weak government efficiency, as well as the lack of interest among major entrepreneurs for development. It was decided that everything was simple - the king began to transfer, including large enterprises, to the management of private owners. Suffice it to say that by the end of the 17th century, the famous Demidov family controlled 1/3 of the entire Russian iron.

The figure shows a map of the economic development of Russia under Peter 1, as well as the development of industry in the European part of the country.


Consider what changes occurred in agriculture Russia during the reign of Peter. The Russian economy under Petrian I in the field of agriculture developed on an extensive path. The extensive path, in contrast to the intensive, assumed not to improve working conditions, but expanding opportunities. Therefore, under Peter, the active development of new pasta lands began. The most fast land was mastered in the Volga region, in the Urals, in Siberia. At the same time, Russia continued to remain an agrarian country. Approximately 90% of the population lived in the villages and was engaged in agriculture.

The orientation of the country's economy on the army and the fleet was reflected in the agriculture of Russia of the 17th century. In particular, precisely because of this focus of development of the country, the development of sheepship and horse breeding was developed. Sheep were needed for the supply of fleet, and horses for the formation of cavalry.

It was in the Petrovsk era in agriculture that new workers began to apply: braid and rake. These tools were purchased from abroad and imposed with local economy. Since 1715, Peter I issued a decree on the expansion of the sowing of tobacco and cannabis.

As a result, a system of agriculture was created, in which Russia could feed itself independently, and also for the first time in history began selling grain abroad.


The economic policy of Peter 1 in the field of trade as a whole corresponds to the overall development of the country. Trade also developed on the protectionist route of development.

To the Petrovsk era, all major trading was carried out through the port in Astrakhan. But Peter is the first, terribly fond of St. Petersburg, his own decree banned trade through Astrakhan (a decree was signed in 1713), and demanded the full transfer of trade to St. Petersburg. A special effect for Russia did not bring it, but it was important factor To strengthen the position of St. Petersburg as the city and the capital of the Empire. It is enough to say that Astrakhan as a result of these changes has reduced the trade turnover of about 15 times, and the city gradually began to lose his rich status. Simultaneously with the development of the port in St. Petersburg, ports in Riga, Vyborg, Narva and Roer were actively developed. At the same time, the St. Petersburg accounted for about 2/3 foreign trade turnover.

Internal production support was achieved by introducing high customs duties. So, if the goods were produced in Russia, its customs duty was 75%. If the imported goods in Russia were not produced, its duty varied in the range from 20% to 30%. At the same time, the payment of the duty was made exclusively in foreign currency at a profitable course for Russia. It was necessary to obtain foreign capital and obtaining procurement necessary equipment. Already in 1726, the volume of exports of products from Russia 2 times exceeded import volume.

The main countries with which Russia led trade in those days, England and Holland.

In many ways, transport has been the development of transport. In particular, 2 large channels were built:

  • Vyshnevolotsky Canal (1709 year). This channel connected the River Retprets (the tribute of the Volga) with the river's rush. From there, through Ilmen Lake, a way to the Baltic Sea was opened.
  • Ladoga Obloat Canal (1718). She was going around Lake Ladoga. This bypass was necessary, since the lake was restless and could not move on him.

Development of finance

Peter 1 had one oddity - he loved the taxes very much and strongly encouraged people who came up with new taxes. It is in this era that the taxes were introduced almost all: on the furnace, on the salt, on state forms and even beard. In those days, they even joked that there were no taxes only on the air, but such taxes will soon appear. An increase in taxes and their expansion led to folk unrest. For example, the Astrakhan uprising and the uprising of Kondrai Bulavin are the main major discontent of the masses of that era, but there were also dozens of small performances.

In 1718, the king holds his famous reform by introducing a pillow to submit in the country. If earlier taxes were paid from the courtyard, now from each male soul.

Also one of the main undersions was the financial reform of 1700-1704. The focus of this reform was given to the chasing of new coins, equating the number of silver in the ruble with silver. The same weight of the Russian ruble was equated to the Dutch Gulden.

As a result financial changes There was an increase in income in the treasury by about 3 times. It was a great help for the development of the state, but made almost impossible accommodation in the country. It is enough to say that the population of Russia has decreased by 25% for the Pharmaceous era, taking into account all the new territories that this king won.

The effects of economic development

The main results of the economic development of Russia in the first quarter of the 18th century, during the reign of Peter 1, which can be considered the main:

  • The increase in the number of manufactories is 7 times.
  • Expansion of the volume of manufactured products within the country.
  • Russia came out on the 3rd place in the world of metal smelting.
  • In agriculture, new workers of labor began to be applied, which in the future proved their effectiveness.
  • The foundation of St. Petersburg and the conquest of the Baltic States expanded trade and economic ties with European countries.
  • St. Petersburg became the main trading and financial center of Russia.
  • By paying attention to the state trade, the significance of merchants increased. It was during this period that they were established as a strong and influential class.

If we consider these items, then a positive reaction to economic reforms Peter 1, but it is important to understand what price all this was achieved. The tax burden on the population has greatly increased, which automatically caused the impoverishment of most peasant farms. In addition, the need to develop the economy with a rapid pace actually contributed to the strengthening of serfdom.

New and old in Petrovskoe economics

Consider a table where the main aspects of the economic development of Russia in the era of the Board of Peter 1, indicating which aspects to Peter, and which appeared with it.

Table: features of the socio-economic life of Russia: what appeared, and that preserved under Peter 1.
Factor Appeared or preserved
Agriculture as the basis of the country's economy Preserved
Specialization of economic districts Appeared. To Peter specialization was insignificant.
Active industrial development of the Urals Appeared
Development of local land tenure Preserved
Folding of the Unified All-Russian Market Appeared
Manufactory production Preserved, but significantly expanded
Protection policy Appeared
Passenger's attack to the factories Appeared
Excess export of goods over import Appeared
Construction of canals Appeared
An increase in the number of entrepreneurs Appeared

Regarding the growth of the number of entrepreneurs, it should be noted that Peter 1 actively contributed to this. In particular, he allowed any person, regardless of its origin, to conduct research to find minerals and substantiate their own plants.

The young king put the strategic goals: free access to the country for the country, the development of trade. It was possible to implement them only as a result of victory in war. And the ability of the army successfully fighting already at that time, directly depended on the level of the state economy, and, above all, from the development of such industries, such as metallurgy, textile and cloth.

Therefore, economic reforms at the very beginning of the 18th century were aimed at the accelerated construction of metallurgical plants. Almost all of them specialized in the manufacture of cores, guns and other weapons. New plants add and added new. And their value was not as a metal, but in the fact that they were at a short distance from the battles. The construction of factories in the Urals, especially the foundation of a large silver plant, was of great importance for the economy of Russia. In parallel, the construction of the shipyard was carried out in the large cities of the country. a huge number workers. A lot of factories and individuals were built, without attracting government money. The economic reforms of Peter 1 associated with the creation of metallurgical production allowed the country to make a tangible leap in the development of only twenty-five years. In connection with the increase in the number of the royal army, the need for the development of textile manufactory, which is mainly made by the manufacture of canvas for sails, cloth for soldiers' clothing.

The following economic reform of Peter 1 touched the creation of shop craft production. Despite the fact that this phenomenon By that time, it was already archaic, the Russian state was allowed to control the artisan produced by each artisan. From now on, the master should have put his stigma on the product. In addition, the creation of workshops contributed to the dissemination of the practice of apprenticeship.

Economic naturally, could not but affect trade in the country. She continued to consist of several levels. The lowest of them was represented by county and rural trading, which once every seven days the peasants and small merchants came out. And the highest - wholesale purchases produced by major merchants. The customs network continued to operate inside the country, the sizes of annual amounts in them testified about the active movement of products. The construction of canals that united waterways of several rivers led to even greater development.

A undoubted role in improving the state economy was played by the reforms of Peter the Great relative to foreign trade. The ports of other cities came to replace the ports of other cities: St. Petersburg, Astrakhan, Riga, Narva, Vyborg, Revil, to replace the only Arkhangelsk port.

Economic reforms Peter 1 the best way affected the income of the state treasury. Significantly increased by only she had the right to trade. To fish glue, Potasha, Ires, Smolchuhu and Rhubarm added hemp, down, swallow wool, salt, chalk, yuft, tobacco, and other goods. The merchants could buy off the right to sell listed goods from the treasury, then they became monopolists. Sometimes such monopolies distributed the king himself.

Peter 1 tried to act in the interests of domestic producers, young entrepreneurs. For this purpose, he published decrees that were forbidden to import some kind of product into the country. For example, as soon as Rumines built a needle factory, Peter 1 issued a decree on the import of metal needles into Russia. The top of such an activity of the king was the education in 1724 the customs tariff, which forbade the importation of goods into the country high Quality In the event that domestic production satisfied internal demand.


Department of History and Political Science

Abstract on the topic:

Administrative and economic reforms Peter I "

Performed: Polyakov V.A.

Group: ATPP-15


Tver, 1997.

List of used literature.

1. Solovyov S.M. About the history of new Russia. - M.: Enlightenment, 1993.

2. Anisimov E.V. Time of Petrovsky reforms. - L.: Lenazdat, 1989.

3. Anisimov E.V., Kamensky A.B. Russia in the XVIII - the first half of the XIX century: history. Historian.

Document. - M.: Miros, 1994.

4. Pavlenko N.I. Peter the Great. - M.: Thought, 1990.


In the reign of Peter the First, reforms were carried out in all regions of the country's state life. Many of these transformations are rooted in the XVII century - the socio-economic transformations of that time served as the prerequisites for Peter's reforms, the task and content of which was the formation of the noble-boring apparatus of absolutism.

The exacerbating class contradictions led to the need to strengthen and strengthen the autocratic apparatus in the center and on the ground, the centralization of management, the construction of a slender and flexible system of the management apparatus, strictly controlled by the highest authorities. It was also necessary to create a combat-ready regular military force for holding more aggressive foreign policy and suppressing frequent folk movements. It was required to consolidate the legal acts the dominant position of the nobility and provide him with a central, leading place in public life. All this in aggregate and led to the implementation of reforms in different areas State activities. Two and a half century historians, philosophers and writers argue about the meaning of Petrovsky transformations, but regardless of the point of view of a researcher, everything is converged in one thing - it was one of the most important stages of the history of Russia, thanks to which it can be divided into Dopurerovskaya and the postpeople epoch . In Russian history, it is difficult to find a leader equal to Peter on the scale of interests and the ability to see the main thing in the problem being solved. The specific historical assessment of reforms depends on what is considered useful for Russia, which is harmful, which is the main thing, and what is secondary.

The famous historian Sergey Mikhailovich Solovyov, who, probably, the most deeply investigated the identity and actions of Peter the Great, wrote: "The difference in views ... It was from the hugeness of the case committed by Peter, the duration of the influence of this case; The more significant one phenomenon, the more disgraceful views and opinions, it gives rise to, and the more the more inflicts about him, the stronger feel its influence. "

As already mentioned, the premises of Petrovsky reforms were the conversion of the end of the XVII century. In the second half of this century, it changes, becoming more centralized, the government system. Attempts were also made to more clearly distinguish the functions and areas of activity of various orders, the rigids of the regular army appeared - the shelf of ingenic system. Changes occurred in culture: the theater appeared, the first higher education institution.

But despite the fact that almost all the reforms of Peter the Great were preceded by certain state undertaking of the XVII century, they had unconditionally revolutionary. After the death of the emperor in 1725, Russia was on the path of turning completely to another country: from the Moscow state, whose contacts with Europe were rather limited, it turned into a Russian empire - one of the greatest powers of the world. Peter turned Russia in a truly european country (In any case, as he understood it) - no wonder the expression "burned the window to Europe" was so often used. Muchs on this path were the conquest of the exit to the Baltic, the construction of a new capital - St. Petersburg, active interference in European politics.

Peter's activities created all the conditions for the wider acquaintance of Russia with a culture, lifestyle, technology of European civilization, which was the beginning of a rather painful process breaking the norms and representations of Moscow Rus.

Another important feature of Petrov reform was that they affected all sectors of society, in contrast to previous attempts by Russian rulers. The construction of the fleet, the Northern War, the creation of a new capital - all this became the matter of the whole country.

Currently, Russia, as and two centuries ago, is in the stage of reforms, so the analysis of Petrovsky transformations is now particularly necessary.

Administrative transformations

Since 1708, Peter began to rebuild the old authorities and management and replace them with new ones. As a result, by the end of the first quarter of the XVIII century. The following system of authorities and management has developed.

The whole full of legislative, executive, and the judiciary focused in the hands of Peter, who after the completion of the Northern War received the title of Emperor. In 1711, a new senior executive and judiciary was created - the Senate, which possessed and significant legislative functions. He was fundamentally different from his predecessor - Boyarskaya Duma.

Council members were appointed by the emperor. In the implementation of the executive authority, the Senate issued decrees that had the power of the law. In 1722, a prosecutor general was raised at the head of the Senate, which he had control over the activities of all government agencies. The prosecutor general was to perform the functions of the "Oka State". He carried this control through prosecutors appointed to all government agencies. In the first quarter of the XVIII century. The fiscal system was added to the prosecutors system, headed by overefiscal. The duties of Fiscal was the report of all the abuse of institutions and officials who violated "treasury interest."

In no way corresponded to the new conditions and objectives of the order system, which established at the Boyar Duma. The emerged B. different time Orders (Embassy, \u200b\u200bStreletsky, Local, Siberian, Kazan, Malorosiysky, etc.) were greatly different in their nature and functions. Orders and decrees of orders often contradicted each other, creating an unimaginable confusion and for a long time delaying the decision of emergency issues.

In exchange, an outdated system of orders in 1717-1718. 12 colleges were created, each of which was bred by a certain industry or the scope of management and was subordinate to the Senate. The main points were considered three colleges: foreign, military and admiralty. The competence of Comerz, Manufactory and Berg - the Collegium included trade issues and industry. Three colleges were provided with finances: Chamber Board - income, states - board - expenses, and revision - the board controlled income receipts, fees, taxes, duties, the correctness of the expenditure by the agencies to them. The Justice College was certified by civil proceedings, and his faithful, established a little later, - noble land tenure. Another major magistrate was created, who made the landing population; He was obeyed by magistrates and town halls of all cities. The college received the right to issue decrees on the issues that were included in their maintenance.

In addition to the college, several offices, the office, departments, orders, whose functions were also clearly delimited. Some of them, for example, a Geroldmaster office, who made the service and production in the ranks of the nobles; The Preobrazhensky order and the secret office who made the affairs of state crimes submitted to the Senate, the other - the Mint Department, Salt Office, the Mechanical Office, etc. - obeyed one of the colleges.

In 1708 - 1709. The restructuring of the authorities and field management was launched. The country was divided into 8 provinces that differed across the territory and the number of population. Thus, the Smolensk and Archangelogodskaya province were few difference from modern areas, and the Moscow province covered the entire densely populated center, the territory of modern Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Tver, Kostroma, Moscow, Ryazan, Tula and Yaroslavl regionswhere almost half of the entire population lived. The provinces entered the St. Petersburg, Kiev, Kazan, Azov and Siberian.

At the head of the province stood the governor appointed by the king, focusing in his hands an executive and judiciary. Governor existed the provincial office. But the situation was complicated by the fact that the governor was subordinate not only to the emperor and Senate, but also to all boards, orders and decrees of which were often contrary to each other.

The provinces in 1719 were divided into provinces, the number of which was 50. The province was headed by the province with the Office with him. The provinces, in turn, were shared on the counties with the governor and the county stationery. For some time, in the reign of Peter, the county administration was replaced by the elected Zemstvo Commissioner from local nobility or retired officers. Its functions were limited to collecting pillow by grade, observing the performance of governmental duties, detention of fugitive peasants. Submitted to the Zemsky Commissioner of the Provincial Office. In 1713, the local nobility was granted to choose 8-12 landrs (advisers from the Dobye district) to help the governor, and after the introduction of the pillow, the regimental distributions were created. Armored military units were observed for the collection of filters and stopped manifestations of discontent and antipodeal performances. The painting of the ranks on January 24, 1722, the table of ranks, introduced a new classification of the employee of Luda. All new established posts are all with foreign names, Latin and German, except for very few, are built on the table in three parallel rows: military, Stat and court, with a division of each of 14 ranks, or classes. A similar ladder with 14 steps of ranks was introduced in a fleet and the court service. This constituent act of reformed Russian officials, put a bureaucratic hierarchy, merit and driving, to the place of the aristocratic hierarchy of the breed, pedigree book. In one of the articles attached to the table, the emphasis is explained that the knowledge of the genus itself, without service, does not mean anything, does not create a person of any position, the people of the noble breed is not given no position, until they show them the sovereign and the Fatherland.

Economic reforms

In the Petrovsk era, the Russian economy, and above all the industry accomplished a giant jump. At the same time, the development of the economy in the first quarter of the XVIII century. went by ways planned by the previous period. In the Moscow State of the XVI-XVII century. There were large industrial enterprises - Runner courtyard, printed courtyard, Armory in Tula, shipyard in Dedinov, etc. Peter's policy regarding economic life was characterized by a high degree of application of command and protectionist methods.

In agriculture, the possibility of improvement was drawn from the further development of fertile lands, the cultivation of technical crops that gave raw materials for the industry, the development of animal husbandry, agriculture promotion to the East and South, as well as more intensive exploitation of peasants. The increased needs of the state in raw materials for the Russian industry led to the widespread extension of such cultures as Len and hemp. Decree of 1715 encouraged the cultivation of flax and cannabis, as well as tobacco, tute trees for silkworms. Decree of 1712, prescribed to create horse breeders in the Kazan, Azov and Kiev provinces, also encouraged sheep.

In the Petrovsk era, there is a sharp distinction between the country into two regions of the feudal economy - the farewell north, where the feudalles translated their peasants to monetary marks, often holidaying them into the city and other agricultural areas for earnings, and fertile south, where the noble landowners have sought to expand the Barechina .

Also strengthened the state's authorities of the peasants. The cities were built by their forces (40 thousand peasants worked on the construction of St. Petersburg), manufactory, bridges, roads; Annual recruit sets were held, old cash fees increased and new ones were introduced. The main goal of Peter's policies all the time was obtaining as much money and human resources as possible for state needs.

Two censuses were held - in 1710 and 1718. According to the census of 1718, the unit of the draft became the "soul" of the male, regardless of the age with which the pillow was charged in the amount of 70 kopecks per year (from state peasants - 1 rub. 10 kopecks per year).

This ordered the applying policies and sharply raised the revenues of the state (about 4 times; by the end of the board of Peter, they accounted for up to 12 million rubles per year).

In industry there was a sharp reorientation from small peasant and craft farms on manufactory. With Peter, at least 200 new manufactories were founded, he strongly encouraged their creation. The state policy was also aimed at the fencing of the young Russian industry from competition from Western Europeanly by introducing very high customs duties (customs charter of 1724)

The Russian manufactory, although there have had capitalist features, but the use of predominantly the labor of the peasants - the possession, assigning, workers, etc. - made it a serfdom. Depending on whose property they were, manufactory were shared on state, merchant and landlords. In 1721, the industrialists were granted the right to buy peasants to consolidate them for the enterprise (post-peasants).

State casual factories used the labor of state peasants, assigned peasants, recruits and free hired masters. They mainly served heavy industry - metallurgy, shipyard, mines. At mercenary manufactures that produced mainly consumer goods, and recreation, and manproof peasants, as well as free-controlled work force. Protection enterprises were fully provided with the forces of the owner's serfs.

The protectionist policy of Peter led to the emergence of manuffs in various industries, often appeared in Russia for the first time. The main ones were those who worked for the army and fleet: metallurgical, weapons, shipbuilding, cloth, linen, leather, etc. Encouraged business activitiesThe preferential conditions for people who created new manufactories were created or was taken to rent state.

Manufactory occurs in many industries - glass, powder,

paper, canvas, linen, silk-choking, cloth, leather, cable, hat, colorful, sawmill and many others. The emergence of the foundry industry in Karelia on the basis of the Ural Ruds, the construction of the Novnevolotsky Canal, contributed to the development of metallurgy in new areas and brought Russia to one of the first places in the world in this industry.

By the end of the reign of Peter in Russia, there was a developed diversified industry with centers in St. Petersburg, Moscow, in the Urals. Major enterprises There were Admiralty shipyard, Arsenal, St. Petersburg Powder Plants, Metallurgical Plants of the Urals, Hamovny Yard in Moscow. There was a strengthening of the All-Russian market, the accumulation of capital thanks to the mercantilistic policy of the state. Russia has supplied competitive goods to world markets: iron, canvas, yuft, sweat, path, caviar.

Thousands of Russians passed in Europe training in various specialties, and in turn foreigners - weapon engineers, metallurgists, the wizard of the gateway hired to Russian service. Thanks to this, Russia is enriched with the most advanced European technologies.

As a result of Petrovskiy policies in the economic field for the ultrashort period, a powerful industry was created, capable of fully ensuring military and state needs and in anything independent of imports.


The main outcome of the entire totality of Petrovsky reforms was the establishment of the regime of absolutism in Russia, whose crown was the change in the title of Russian monarch - Peter declared himself an emperor, and the country began to be called Russian Empire. Thus, it was issued what Peter was all the years of his reign - the creation of a state with a slim control system, a strong army and a fleet, a powerful economy that influence international policies. As a result of Petrovsky reforms, the state was not connected with anything and could use any means to achieve its goals. As a result, Peter came to his ideal of the state device - a military ship, where everything and the whole subordinate to the will of one person - Captain, and managed to remove this ship from the swamp into the stormy waters of the ocean, bypassing all the reefs and melels.

Russia became an autocratic, military-bureaucratic state, the central role in which belonged to the noble estate. At the same time, the backwardness of Russia was not completely overcome, and reforms were carried out mainly due to the most severe operation and coercion.

The role of Peter the Great in the history of Russia is difficult to overestimate. As if not to relate to the methods and the styling of the transformations, it is impossible not to recognize - Peter the Great is one of the most notable figures of world history.


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1. Development of industry

Already in the XVII century. In Russia, a small-wing craft began to take shape, first manufactory appeared. However, the economic development of the country was restrained by the divorce from world markets due to the lack of marine trading paths.

Decisive jerk B. economic Development It was made in the first quarter of the XVIII century, under Peter I. If for the entire XVII century. About 30 manufactories were founded in the country, then in the first quarter of the XVIII century. - About 200.

Economic transformations carried out by Peter Great, were carried out not by a predetermined plan. They dictated by the needs of the army during the Northern War. The army and fleet required a large amount of iron, forests, sails, ropes, shoes, cloth, etc. Since the beginning of the Northern War, Russia lost the supply of Swedish gland. The state was forced to hastily develop industry industries that worked for military needs. The main metallurgical area of \u200b\u200bthe country was the Urals, who pushed the old Olonetsky and Tula-Kashirsky districts to the background. In 1698, an Nevyansky Metallurgical Plant was built in the Urals. In 1702-1707, 11 more plants were founded. This made it possible to satisfy the needs of the country in the metal. Ural Iron for a long time turned out to be the best in the world.

Economic industry enterprises developed. Built: Hamovny (linen), rope, spinner, leather, hat, cloth, butterfly, glass, cotton, silicate, and other plants. All of them were enterprises of a manufactory type, the most advanced at that time. All these enterprises were built on a government account and belonged to the treasury.

At the end of the Northern War, Peter began to encourage private entrepreneurship. In 1719, Berg-Privilege was announced, according to which all Russian subjects were entitled to develop the subsoil and construction of factories. In private hands, the plants belonging to the execution of the execution were widely transmitted. As a rule, merchant companies were becoming new owners who were provided with loans and tax breaks. The objectives of the production remained at the same time: first of all, the enterprises had to execute a government order. Violation of this condition dealt with the confiscation of the plant, even if it was based on the owner's own funds.

Work on the executive order was attractive for entrepreneurs, as provided guaranteed sales of products. But the same circumstance, reducing competition, allowed not to take care of the technical and organizational improvement of production. Providing benefits to merchant companies also meant suppressing competitors.

Russian manufactory was fundamentally different from Western European not only with his close relationship with the state, but also the nature of the working force used. If in the Dopamerov period on manufactories worked both by free hiring and forced, then under Peter I, workers on manufactories have become almost completely plumless. Since the needs of the army in recruits and the applied reform demanded the consolidation of the population in the field, the cheer of fluently tightened significantly. In this situation, voltagenable workers simply could not have enough. In this regard, in 1721, Peter I, a special decree allowed owners to buy fasteners to the factories. Unlike the fortresses, such peasants were called posts. They were considered the property not the owner, but the plant could not be sold separately from the enterprise. In addition to the main workers, they worked on the auxiliary works of attribute peasants in addition to the main workers, for which the factory work replaced state-owned policy.

Thus, the Russian manufactory of the Petrovsky era, being a bourgeois phenomenon in the nature of the organization of production (division of labor, partial work on the market) on the method of exploitation of labor remained feudal.

2. Trade development

In an effort to replenish the state treasury, Peter I sought to expand trade. Large merchant companies were created for this purpose, the Vyshnevolotsky Canal, tied Petersburg with a Volga basin, was built. The construction of the Volga-Don Channel was planned.

The production and sales of many goods were announced by the government monopoly and were given to the deposit of large merchants. Often foreign merchants became monopolists. However, at the end of the Northern War, most monopolies were canceled. The state tightly controlled trade, prescribing merchants, which ports to carry goods which build ships.

Foreign trade developed in accordance with the theory of mercantilism. According to it, the basis of state wealth is the accumulation of money in the treasury. Consequently, exports should have exceeded imports. Protectionism became the main means to ensure this, i.e. High customs duties on the import of goods produced in the country and encouraging low duties for export. In this regard, Peter I continued and developed Russian traditions of the XVII century. The customs tariff of 1724 had an even more pronounced pronouncer character, rather than a new-track charter of 1667: duties for some types of iron achieved 75% of their cost. Already in 1726, Russian exports widow exceeded imports. The main trading port was Petersburg, whose turnover exceeded Arkhangelsk turnover of 12 times. Russian exports were mainly agricultural and forestry products: flax, hemp, forest, leather. They were added to iron and canvas. Sukna, silk, paints, wines, sugar, luxury items imported.

3. Russian bourgeoisie

Russian bourgeoisie, compared with Western European, was more connected with the regime. Government subsidies, government orders, patronizing customs policy - all this put a bourgeoisie dependence on the government. Being essentially a feudal estate, merchants sought to receive benefits, privileges, monopolies, and the most rich merchants tried to acquire the noble title. If in Europe the bourgeoisie fought against the estate barriers, then in Russia - for their strengthening. All this, with the traditional weakness of self-government institutions in the Russian city, led to the fact that the Russian bourgeoisie did not become an independent political force, the carrier of the idea of \u200b\u200brepresentative rule.

4. Tax policy

The main source of funds that under Peter I needed especially much due to the many years of war were taxes and grants. Traditionally, both direct and indirect taxation existed in Russia. The main type of direct taxation was the residential file. In an effort to reduce payments, the peasants were often taking place for several families in one courtyard. In 1718, a census was conducted, which made it possible to switch to falling taxes. However, due to the concealment of the "souls" after the correspondence, a revision was conducted, completed in 1724. Since 1725, all diverse taxes were replaced by a single pillow with a sum of 74 kopecks. a year with a landlord peasant, 1 rub. 14 cop. from a state peasant or landing man. The difference was explained by the fact that the serfs should be in addition to government payments to pay the subsidy to his Barina. Since then, revisions were carried out periodically. Podachi was taken only from the male population, but regardless of age - and with babies, and from the old people. The peasant, listed in the audit documents ("audit fairy tales"), was called the audison soul. Even if he died, the taxes for it were stopped charged only after the next revision.

With the introduction of the pillow, the total amount of taxation has grown almost twice. In addition to the pillow, various one-time payments were charged (on the construction of fleet, roads, etc.) and natural duties (construction, underwater, road, etc.).

The pillow to file was widespread on the coarse, who had not previously paid the state tax. With the introduction of the pillow, the Soda Cryopes lost the right outputs to the will in the event of the death of Mr. The difference between the holp and peasants finally disappeared. Halophry as a social category ceased to exist.

Thus, Petrov's reforms contributed to a significant acceleration of the country's economic development. But at the same time they strengthened the serfdom and thus laid the conditions for the subsequent lag from developed countries of the West.

To pay attention to the answer:

Communication of the economic policy of Peter I with the Northern War.

Ensuring the interests of the state - the main goal of the economic policy of Peter I.

Active state intervention is the main tool forcing the economic development of Russia.

The lack of developed ideas about private property guarantees. The contradictory position of the merchants in Peter I.

The serfdom of Russian manufactory.

The political weakness of the Russian bourgeoisie.

The continuity of the economic policy of Peter I in relation to the XVII century.

In Russia, the industry was poorly developed, trade left much to be desired, the system of government is outdated. Higher education It was absent, and only in 1687 the Slavic Greco-Latin Academy opened in Moscow. There was no typography, theaters, painting, many of the boyars and the people of the highest class did not know the diplomas.

Peter 1 conducted social reformswho strongly changed the position of the nobles, peasants and city inhabitants. After transformations, people in military service were noticed by no nobles as militia, but now in the service in regular shelves. Nobles began to start service with the same lower military ranks as ordinary people, their privileges were simplified. People who came out of the simple people had the opportunity to reach the highest ranks. The passage of military service was no longer determined by the position of the genus, but a document published in 1722 "Tabel about ranks". He installed 14 ranks of the military and civilian service.

All nobles and undergoing service were to learn literacy, numbers and geometry. Those nobles that refused or could not receive this primary education, lost opportunities to marry and receive officer ranks.

Still, despite strict reforms, the landowners had an important official advantage over ordinary people. Nobles after entering the service were ranked towards the elite guardsmen, and not to ordinary soldiers.

The former regime of the peasant tax change has changed, from the past "donor" to the new "first" where taxes were seized not from the peasant yard, but from each person.

Peter 1 wanted to make cities by the type of European. In 1699 Peter 1 gave the opportunity to cities on self-government. The townspeople were elected in the city of Burmists who were part of the Town Hall. Now the inhabitants of cities were divided into permanent and temporary. People who had various occupations began to enter the guild and shop.

The main goal that Peter 1 pursued during social reforms:

  • Improving the economic situation in the country.
  • Reducing the status of boyars in society.
  • The transformation of the entire public structure of the country as a whole. And bringing society to the European image of culture.

The table of important social reforms conducted by Peter 1, which influenced the social system of the state.

To Peter 1 in Russia already existed in a thoroughly quantity, regimal regiments. But they were gained at the time of the war, and after her end, the regiment was blown away. Before Peter's reforms 1, these regiments combined service with craft, trade and work. Lived soldiers in their families.

Due to reforms, the role of regiments has increased, and the noble militia completely disappeared. Appeared a permanent army that did not bloom after the end of the war. The lower ranks of the soldiers did not recruit both in the militia, they were recruited by recruits from the people. The soldiers stopped engaged in any case other than military service. Before reform, the Cossacks were a free ally of the state and served under the contract. But after the Bulavinsky Bunt Cossacks, they ordered a clearly defined number of troops.

An important achievement of Peter 1 was to create a strong fleetwhich consisted of 48 ships, 800 gallers. General composition The carriage of the fleet was 28 thousand people.

All military reforms in their main mass were aimed at raising the military power of the state, for this it was necessary:

  • Create a full-fledged Army Institute.
  • To deprive the boyar right to form a militia.
  • Make a conversion to the army system where the highest officers were given for the right and long service, and not for the pedigree.

Table An important military reform conducted by Peter 1:

1683 1685 A set of soldiers was held, of which the first Guards regiment was created later.
1694 Engineering campaigns of Russian troops organized by Peter were carried out. It was a teaching, the purpose of which was to show the advantages of a new army building.
1697 A decree on building 50 ships for the Azov campaign is released. Narget of the military fleet.
1698 Got an order to destroy the third rebellion.
1699 The creation of recruit divisions.
1703 On the Baltic Sea, by order, 6 frigates were created. Rightly considered the first squadron.
1708 After suppressing the uprising, introduced new order Services for the Cossacks. In the course of which they were obliged to obey Russia's legislation.
1712 The provinces conducted a painted on the content of the regiments.
1715 The norm was established to call new recruits.

State management reforms

With Peter's reforms 1, Boyarskaya Duma lost the status of an influential authority. All Petr affairs discussed with a narrow circle of persons. Important management reform was carried out in 1711, creating a Supreme State Authority - Government Senate. Representatives of the Senate were appointed personally by the sovereign, but did not receive the right of power due to their noble pedigrees. At first, the Senate had the status of an administrative institution that did not work on the creation of laws. The supervision of the work of the Senate led the prosecutor, which was appointed by the king.

All old orders were replaced during the 1718 reform on the Swedish pattern. She was 12 colleges who conducted cases on maritime, military, foreign region, accounting of expenses and income, finance control, trade and industry.

Another reform of Peter 1 was the division of Russia on the provinces, which were crushed by the province, and then in the counties. The governor stood under the head of the province, in the provinces the head of the governor.

An important reform of the management, Peter 1 spent about the heritage of the throne in 1722. An abolition of the old order for the obstacle was canceled. Now the sovereign elected the heir to the throne.

Table of reforms of Peter 1 in the field of government management:

1699 The reform was carried out, during which the city received self-government led by the city burmist.
1703 Based on the city of Petersburg.
1708 Russia, by the decree of Peter, was divided into provincial.
1711 Creating a Senate, a new administrative body.
1713 The creation of noble councils, which represented the governors of cities.
1714 Approved the decision to transfer the capital to Petersburg
1718 Create 12 colleges
1719 According to reform, from this year, the province began to include in their composition of the province and counties.
1720 A number of reforms were carried out to improve the apparatus of state self-government.
1722 The old order of heritage of the throne is canceled. Now the sovereign itself appailed a receiver.

Economic reforms briefly

Peter 1 at one time spent great economic reforms. According to his decree, on state money, a large number of plants were built. He tried to develop industryThe state in every way encouraged the large benefits of private entrepreneurs who built plants and factories. By the end of the board of Peter, in Russia there were more than 230 factories.

Peter's policy was aimed at introducing large duties on the import of foreign goodsthat created competitiveness for the domestic manufacturer. The regulation of the economy was applied by establishing trade routes, channels, new roads were built. In every possible way, exploration of new mineral deposits was carried out. The strongest surge of the economy was the development of the minerals of the Urals.

Northern War SPOVILLA PETERS TO INTRODUCTION Numerous Taxes: Bani Tax, Beard Taxes, Oak Coffins Tax. At that time, there was a chacking of lighter coins. Thanks to these introductions, great influx of funds in the country's treasury were achieved..

By the end of the board of Peter, a serious development of the tax system was achieved. A residential tax system has been replaced, on the pillow. What subsequently led to strong social and economic changes in the country.

Table of economic reforms:

Petra 1 reforms in the sphere of science and culture briefly

Peter 1 wanted to create a European culture of that time in Russia. Returning from the trip abroad, Peter began to bring the western sample clothing to the use of Western sample, forced the beard of the boyars, there were cases when the beard of the highest estate himself was cut into a rustling of rage, Peter himself. Peter 1 tried to distribute useful technical knowledge in Russia to a greater extent than humanitarian. Petra cultural reforms were aimed at creating schools where he was taught foreign language, mathematics, engineering. Western literature translated into Russian and was available in schools.

Of great importance for the education of the population was influenced by the reform of the substitution of alphabets from the church to a secular sample. The first newspaper was released, which was called Moscow Vedomosti.

Peter 1 tried to introduce European customs in Russia. Public holidays were held with a bias on a European manner.

Peter reform table in science and culture:

Church reforms briefly

Under Peter 1 Church, being previously independent, has become dependent on the state. In 1700, Patriarch Adrian died, the state was prohibited by the election of the new, as well as 1917. Instead of the Patriarch, the ministry of the Patriarch's throne guard was appointed, which became Metropolitan Stefan.

Until 1721, there were no specific decisions on the issue of the church. But already in 1721, the reform of the Church's management was carried out, during which it was definite that the position of the Patriarch in the Church was abolished, a new meeting was replaced, called Holy Synod. Synod members were not elected by anyone, but were personally appointed by the king. Now at the legislative level, the church has fully become dependent on the state.

The main direction of B. church reformsPeter 1, which was conducted:

  • Relaxation of the authorities of the Church, to the population.
  • Create control by the state over the church.

Table of church reforms: