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Economic transformations of Peter 1. Economic reforms of Peter I

The formation of a Russian state as an empire and the exit of it as a serious player on the European international arena inevitably was to be accompanied by bloody wars and trade combat. In such conditions, the country needed modernization, the beginning of which the reforms of Peter the Great were. These reforms included very large-scale transformations in a variety of state life: administrative, judicial, religious, public,

military. One of the most important transformations in the elevation of Russia was the economic reforms of Peter 1. The giant leap, which traded and, above all, the industry, provided the possibility of internal self-sufficiency of Russia, independent of the importation of goods, as well as creating a mass export of Russian goods abroad. The economic reform of Peter 1 consisted of the next row of events.


Redistribution of labor

The economic reform of Peter 1 was often conducted by subaneight labor. So, at the beginning of the eighteenth century, the state's authorities of the peasants were seriously intensified. The serfs were forcibly translated from their land plots to work in created manufactories, building channels and other works. This process was especially active in the northern non-black earth regions of Russia. As a result of this use by the state of sub-minced labor, the future capital was built - St. Petersburg.

Foreign experience

In the economy, the education and diplomatic structures of Russia were intensively involved in foreign qualified specialists, which contributed to the acquisition in their own fatherland an advanced European experience.


To fill the state treasury, the economic reforms of Peter 1 provided for an increase in duties and the creation of new types of taxes. New duties appeared with baths, stamp paper, the famous Petrovsky beard tax. Thus, the economic reforms of Peter 1 significantly contributed to the creation of an industrial base of the Russian state, the formation of high commodity turnover and export trade, the development of marine and river paths in the country.

  • 7. Ivan IY - Grozny - the first Russian king. Reforms on the Board of Ivan IY.
  • 8. Official: its causes and consequences.
  • 9. Troubled time in Russia at the beginning of the XYII century.
  • 10. Fighting ingenic invaders at the beginning of the XYII century. Minin and Pozharsky. Swimming dynasty.
  • 11. Peter I - Tsar Reformer. Economic and state reforms of Peter I.
  • 12. Foreign policy and military reforms Peter I.
  • 13. Empress Ekaterina II. The policy of "enlightened absolutism" in Russia.
  • 1762-1796 Board of Catherine II.
  • 14. Socio-economic development of Russia in the second half of the XYIII century.
  • 15. Internal policy of the Government of Alexander I.
  • 16. Russia in the first world conflict: wars as part of the Anti-Napolation Coalition. Patriotic War of 1812.
  • 17. Decembrist Movement: Organizations, Software Documents. N.Muraviev. P. player.
  • 18.Nontracted policy Nicholas I.
  • 4) streamlining legislation (codification of laws).
  • 5) Fighting liberation ideas.
  • nineteen . Russia and the Caucasus in the first half of the XIX century. Caucasian war. Muridism. Gasavat. Imamat Shamil.
  • 20. Eastern question in Russia's foreign policy in the first half of the XIX century. Crimean War.
  • 22. The main bourgeois reforms of Alexander II and their meaning.
  • 23. Features of the internal policy of Russian autocracy in the 80s - early 90s of the XIX century. Alexander III counter doors.
  • 24. Nicholas II-th is the last Russian emperor. Russian Empire at the turn of the XIX -XX centuries. Code structure. Social composition.
  • 2. Proletariat.
  • 25. The first bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia (1905-1907). Causes, character, driving forces, results.
  • 4. Subjective feature (a) or (b):
  • 26. Reforms of P.A.Stolapina and their influence on the further development of Russia
  • 1. The destruction of the community "from above" and the withdrawal of peasants to cut and the farm.
  • 2. Help peasants in acquiring land through the peasant bank.
  • 3. Encouraging the resettlement of small-earth and landless peasants from Central Russia to the outskirts (in Siberia, to the Far East, to Altai).
  • 27. World War II: causes and character. Russia during the First World War
  • 28. February bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917 in Russia. Fall autocheavia
  • 1) the crisis of "tops":
  • 2) The crisis of "lower":
  • 3) increased the activity of the masses.
  • 29. The autumn class of 1917. The arrival of the Bolsheviks in Russia.
  • 30. The exit of Soviet Russia from the First World War. Brest peace treaty.
  • 31. Civil War and Military Intervention in Russia (1918-1920)
  • 32. The socio-economic policy of the First Soviet government during the civil war. "Military Communism".
  • 7. Canceled accommodation fee and many types of services.
  • 33. Causes of the transition to the NEPU. NEP: goals, tasks and main contradictions. The results of the NEPA.
  • 35. Industrialization in the USSR. The main results of the industrial development of the country in the 1930s.
  • 36. Collectivity in the USSR and its consequences. The crisis of Stalin's agrarian policy.
  • 37.Form the totalitarian system. Mass terror in the USSR (1934-1938). The political processes of the 1930s and their consequences for the country.
  • 38. Foreign policy of the Soviet government in the 1930s.
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  • 11. Peter I - Tsar Reformer. Economic I. state reforms Peter I.

    Peter I - the second of the Romanov dynasty - Alexey Mikhailovich - was married twice. The first wife was Miloslavskaya and 14 children were, but mostly patients, and the second wife - Naryshkin, who gave birth to Peter I and a few more children.

    Years of life Peter I (1672-1725). 4 years was Peter I, when his father died - King Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov. After the death of King 6 years, his son from the first marriage, Patient Fedor Alekseevich (1676 - 1682), who died at the 20th age. After the death of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich broke out the struggle for the throne. The throne claimed: Ivan - brother The deceased Fedor Alekseevich and Peter I are a consolidated brother. Their sister Sophia intervened in the case - Native Sister Ivan and Conscious Peter I. So, in 1682 Ivan - it was 15 years old; Peter I was 10 years old; Sofye was 25 years old.

    Ivan was painful and unable to rule. Supporters of the Naryshkina proclaimed the king of Peter I. But Sofya, very powerful and energetic raised on the Naryshny Moscow Sagittarov. At the request of Streltsov, Ivan was proclaimed "first", and Peter "the second" king. In fact, the head of state was Sophia (1682-1689) - their guardianship. Sophia politicians were unhappy. When Peter I was 17 years old, he managed to send Sophia to the Novodevichi Monastery. Two brothers Ivan and Peter I were edited. When Peter I was 24 years old, Brother Ivan died, and Peter I becomes an unique ruler. Peter I was the 15th child from Alexei Mikhailovich. The growth of Peter I in adulthood was 2 meters 04 cm, size 44, and the size of shoes 37-38. Was educated, very clever, talented man. He loved medicine, knew how to build ships. Peter I was married twice. The first wife he had a Lopukhin, and the second - German Martha Skavron, who received the name of Catherine I, when baptized, he had 12 children from the second marriage. His daughter Elizabeth Petrovna was subsequently an empress. The Russian emperor was his grandson Peter III - Son Anna Petrovna. Peter I accepted the title of emperor, and is considered the first emperor in Russia. Peter I is buried in Petropavlovsky Cathedral in the city of St. Petersburg. There are also buried all Russian emperors and members of their families.

    In the 25th year of age, Peter I went to Europe as part of a large delegation. This trip was named "Great Embassy". I traveled the king incognito, under the name of the Probrazhensky regiment of Peter Mikhailov. But its incognito was revealed. The king visited Holland, England, Austria. Europe appeared in front of him in the form of a noisy and smoky workshop with cars, ships, shipyards, factories. Abroad Peter I was a little more than a year. I had to return to return when the next Streletsky Riot began in Russia. Peter I thought that this Sofya escaped from the monastery and raised to the rebun. In fact, as it turned out, the Archers were unhappy with their position and salary. Returning to Russia, Peter I brutally suppressed the riot.

    Causes of reforms:In the XVII century, Russia has severely lagging behind the Western European countries. There were only a few ironing plants in Tula, Kashira, near Moscow and Voronezh; 20-30 manufactories (paper, glass, hydrochloric, etc.). There was no regular army. The army between the wars was blocked at home so as not to spend public funds on it. Schools were at churches. Secondary education did not exist. There were no national medicine (foreigners). There was one pharmacy for the whole country, and the tsarist. Typography printed mainly church books. For Europe of that time, Russia was a barbaric country.

    So, there was an economic lag from Western European countries. Russia could lose national independenceSince capitalist production has already developed in a number of Western countries, and a colonial seducing policy has been carried out.

    To overcome the economic, military, cultural backwardness of the country, it was necessary to carry out the following reforms: 1) Create a regular army and navy 2) to create a trading fleet; 3) achieve access to the Baltic and Black Seas; 4) develop manuff production 5) to ensure the preparation of the necessary specialists; 6) involve the country into the world market; 7) strengthen state power

    Petrovsky reforms were conducted with the domination of the feudal system and were aimed at strengthening. Petr I starts reforms after arriving from the "Great Embassy".

    Major economic reforms PeterI.

    1) Development of Manufactory. There was no market free labor. Manufactory were based on the work of serfs. Listing manufactory: metallurgical plants, cloth, leather, cable, glass, powder, shipyard, distillery, textile, paper, sugar, solar, etc. Total for Peter I appeared 200 manufactories. Russia's dependence on imports has decreased. Steel to export iron, canvas.

    2) monetary reform. Our silver ruble began to be valued on the foreign market, and in the domestic market - a penny. Changed also: polkopayka - money; The fourth part of a penny was called a half; The eighth of a penny - half-hearted. What were the prices? For example, chicken - 3 kopecks, goose - 9 kopecks, 100 crayfish - 3 kopecks, 1 beef beef (16 kg) - 28 kopecks, bag flour - 1 ruble, beer barrel (50 liters) - 2 rubles. And what was the salary? For example, 585 rubles per month received in the secret office.

    3) Development of the tax system. There were more than 30 types of taxes: a bath, with a crossing, from shops, to commit rites and others. The beard tax was 100 rubles.

    4) a monopoly of the state to trade near the goods within the country (salt, tobacco, vodka, etc.) - income in the treasury.

    State reforms of Peter.I.

    1) was dissolved by the Boyarskaya Duma, as an organ restricting the power of the king. Instead of her the Supreme Government, the Senate became the Senate. He completely obeyed the king, and his members were appointed king.

    3) A new administrative division has been created. The whole country was divided into 8 provinces.

    4) was introduced by Peter I "Tabel about ranks." There were 14 ranks. The lowest rank is the 14th. Who lessed the 8th rank - received a life-long title of nobleman.

    5) Special control bodies were created: Prosecutor's Office -the vocal authority led by a prosecutor and fiscality - Unfigured supervision, denominations. A secret office was established. She was cited by the Sale on the most important state crimes.

    6) To strengthen the nobility, a decree was released on the union. Now the estate and behavior were inherited by the eldest son, and the rest of the children were to serve in the public service.

    7) Peter I himself took the title of Emperor (1721).

    9) In 1700, a new chronology was introduced. Began to live in the second millennium from the Nativity of Christ, and not from the creation of the world. Russia began to sense himself in the temporary sense part of Europe.

    10) The capital of Peter I later moved to Petersburg.

    The pace of transformations under Peter I is striking. Under PetraI. There were colossal changes:For 25 years, about 3 thousand legislative acts were published, which in the root changed the life of the country, the number of manufactories increased , created: Army, artillery and fleet, a new capital and a city was built, the reforms are not allowed to evaluate the "window to Europe" to Europe. There was also an impoverishment of the population, the flight of peasants from forced work, from landowners, anti-refortional performances.

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    Economic reforms


    List of used literature


    In the reign of Peter the First, reforms were carried out in all regions of the country's state life. Many of these transformations are rooted in the XVII century - the socio-economic transformations of that time served as the prerequisites for Peter's reforms, the task and content of which was the formation of the noble-boring apparatus of absolutism.

    The exacerbating class contradictions led to the need to strengthen and strengthen the autocratic apparatus in the center and on the ground, the centralization of management, the construction of a slender and flexible system of the management apparatus, strictly controlled by the highest authorities. It was also necessary to create a combat-ready regular military force for more aggressive foreign policy and suppress the frequent folk motions. It was required to consolidate the legal acts the dominant position of the nobility and provide him with a central, leading place in public life. All this in aggregate and led to the implementation of reforms in different areas State activities. Two and a half century historians, philosophers and writers argue about the meaning of Petrovsky transformations, but regardless of the point of view of a researcher, everything is converged in one thing - it was one of the most important stages of the history of Russia, thanks to which it can be divided into Dopurerovskaya and the postpeople epoch . In Russian history, it is difficult to find a leader equal to Peter on the scale of interests and the ability to see the main thing in the problem being solved. The specific historical assessment of reforms depends on what is considered useful for Russia, which is harmful, which is the main thing, and what is secondary.

    The famous historian Sergey Mikhailovich Solovyov, who, probably, the most deeply investigated the identity and actions of Peter the Great, wrote: "The difference in views ... It was from the hugeness of the case committed by Peter, the duration of the influence of this case; The more significant one phenomenon, the more disgraceful views and opinions, it gives rise to, and the more the more inflicts about him, the stronger feel its influence. "

    As already mentioned, the premises of Petrovsky reforms were the conversion of the end of the XVII century. In the second half of this century, it changes, becoming more centralized, the government system. Attempts were also made to more clearly distinguish the functions and areas of activity of various orders, the rigids of the regular army appeared - the shelf of ingenic system. Changes occurred in culture: the theater appeared, the first higher education institution. But despite the fact that almost all the reforms of Peter the Great were preceded by certain state undertaking of the XVII century, they had unconditionally revolutionary. After the death of the emperor in 1725, Russia was on the path of turning completely to another country: from the Moscow state, whose contacts with Europe were rather limited, it turned into a Russian empire - one of the greatest powers of the world. Peter turned Russia in a truly european country (In any case, as he understood it) - no wonder the expression "burned the window to Europe" was so often used. Muchs on this path were the conquest of the exit to the Baltic, the construction of a new capital - St. Petersburg, active interference in European politics.

    Peter's activities created all the conditions for the wider acquaintance of Russia with a culture, lifestyle, technology of European civilization, which was the beginning of a rather painful process breaking the norms and representations of Moscow Rus.

    Another important feature of Petrov reform was that they affected all sectors of society, in contrast to previous attempts by Russian rulers. The construction of the fleet, the Northern War, the creation of a new capital - all this became the matter of the whole country.

    Currently, Russia, as and two centuries ago, is in the stage of reforms, so the analysis of Petrovsky transformations is now particularly necessary.

    Economic reforms

    In the Petrovsk era, the Russian economy, and above all the industry accomplished a giant jump. At the same time, the development of the economy in the first quarter of the XVIII century. went by ways planned by the previous period. In the Moscow State of the XVI-XVII century. There were large industrial enterprises - Runner courtyard, printed courtyard, Armory in Tula, shipyard in Dedinov, etc. Peter's policy regarding economic life was characterized by a high degree of application of command and protectionist methods.

    IN agriculture The possibilities of improvement were embarned from the further development of fertile lands, the cultivation of technical crops that gave raw materials for the industry, the development of animal husbandry, promotion of agriculture to the East and South, as well as more intensive exploitation of peasants. The increased needs of the state in raw materials for the Russian industry led to the widespread extension of such cultures as Len and hemp. Decree of 1715 encouraged the cultivation of flax and cannabis, as well as tobacco, tute trees for silkworms. Decree of 1712, prescribed to create horse breeders in the Kazan, Azov and Kiev provinces, also encouraged sheep.

    In the Petrovsk era, there is a sharp distinction between the country into two regions of the feudal economy - the farewell north, where the feudalles translated their peasants to monetary marks, often holidaying them into the city and other agricultural areas for earnings, and fertile south, where the noble landowners have sought to expand the Barechina .

    Also strengthened the state's authorities of the peasants. The cities were built by their forces (40 thousand peasants worked on the construction of St. Petersburg), manufactory, bridges, roads; Annual recruit sets were held, old cash fees increased and new ones were introduced. The main goal of Peter's policies all the time was obtaining as much money and human resources as possible for state needs.

    Two censuses were held - in 1710 and 1718. According to the census of 1718, the unit of the draft became the "soul" of the male, regardless of the age with which the pillow was charged in the amount of 70 kopecks per year (from state peasants - 1 rub. 10 kopecks per year).

    This ordered the applying policies and sharply raised the revenues of the state (about 4 times; by the end of the board of Peter, they accounted for up to 12 million rubles per year).

    In industry there was a sharp reorientation from small peasant and craft farms on manufactory. With Peter, at least 200 new manufactories were founded, he strongly encouraged their creation. The state policy was also aimed at the fencing of the young Russian industry from competition from Western Europeanly by introducing very high customs duties (customs charter of 1724)

    The Russian manufactory, although there have had capitalist features, but the use of predominantly the labor of the peasants - the possession, assigning, workers, etc. - made it a serfdom. Depending on whose property they were, manufactory were shared on state, merchant and landlords. In 1721, the industrialists were granted the right to buy peasants to consolidate them for the enterprise (post-peasants).

    State casual factories used the labor of state peasants, assigned peasants, recruits and free hired masters. They mainly served heavy industry - metallurgy, shipyard, mines. At mercenary manufactures that produced mainly consumer goods, and recreation, and manproof peasants, as well as free-controlled work force. Protection enterprises were fully provided with the forces of the owner's serfs.

    The protectionist policy of Peter led to the emergence of manuffs in various industries, often appeared in Russia for the first time. The main ones were those who worked for the army and fleet: metallurgical, weapons, shipbuilding, cloth, linen, leather, etc. Encouraged business activitiesThe preferential conditions for people who created new manufactories were created or was taken to rent state.

    Manufactory occurs in many industries - glass, powder, papermaking, cansight, linen, silkobyk, cloth, leather, cable, hat, colorful, sawmill, and many others. The emergence of the foundry industry in Karelia on the basis of the Ural Ruds, the construction of the Novnevolotsky Canal, contributed to the development of metallurgy in new areas and brought Russia to one of the first places in the world in this industry. By the end of the reign of Peter in Russia, there was a developed diversified industry with centers in St. Petersburg, Moscow, in the Urals. Major enterprises There were Admiralty shipyard, Arsenal, St. Petersburg Powder Plants, Metallurgical Plants of the Urals, Hamovny Yard in Moscow. There was a strengthening of the All-Russian market, the accumulation of capital thanks to the mercantilistic policy of the state. Russia has supplied competitive goods to world markets: iron, canvas, yuft, sweat, path, caviar.

    Thousands of Russians passed in Europe training in various specialties, and in turn foreigners - weapon engineers, metallurgists, the wizard of the gateway hired to Russian service. Thanks to this, Russia is enriched with the most advanced European technologies.

    As a result of Petrovskiy policies in the economic field for the ultrashort period, a powerful industry was created, capable of fully ensuring military and state needs and in anything independent of imports.


    The main outcome of the entire totality of Petrovsky reforms was the establishment of the regime of absolutism in Russia, whose crown was the change in the title of Russian monarch - Peter declared himself an emperor, and the country began to be called Russian Empire. Thus, it was issued what Peter was all the years of his reign - the creation of a state with a slim control system, a strong army and a fleet, a powerful economy that influence international policies. As a result of Petrovsky reforms, the state was not connected with anything and could use any means to achieve its goals. As a result, Peter came to his ideal state Device - Military ship, where everything and all subordinate to the will of one person - Captain, and managed to remove this ship from the swamp into the stormy waters of the ocean, bypassing all reefs and melels.

    Russia became an autocratic, military-bureaucratic state, the central role in which belonged to the noble estate. At the same time, the backwardness of Russia was not completely overcome, and reforms were carried out mainly due to the most severe operation and coercion.

    The role of Peter the Great in the history of Russia is difficult to overestimate. As if not to relate to the methods and the styling of the transformations, it is impossible not to recognize - Peter the Great is one of the most notable figures of world history.

    List of references:

    Anisimov E.V. Time of Petrovsky reforms. - L.: Lenazdat, 1989.

    Anisimov E.V., Kamensky A.B. Russia in the XVIII - the first half of the XIX century: history. Historian. Document. - M.: Miros, 1994.

    Pavlenko N.I. Peter the Great. - M.: Thought, 1990.

    Solovyov S.M. About the history of new Russia. - M.: Enlightenment, 1993.

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    Introduction ................................................... .. ..................................3

    Economic reforms .................................................................. 5

    The state of the financial and credit system of Russia in the late XVII - early

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    In the reign of Peter the First, reforms were carried out in all areas

    state life of the country. Many of these transformations go

    roots in the XVII century - socio-economic transformations of that time

    served as the premises of Peter reforms, the task and content of which was

    formation of the noble-boring apparatus.

    Exceident class contradictions led to necessity

    strengthening and strengthening the autocratic apparatus in the center and on the ground,

    centralization of Management, Building Slender and Flexible System

    management apparatus, strictly controlled by higher authorities

    authorities. It was also necessary to create a combat-ready regular military

    forces for more aggressive foreign policy and suppression

    frequent folk movements. Required to consolidate legal acts

    dominant position of the nobility and provide him with central,

    guiding place in public life. All this in the aggregate and

    led to reforms in various fields of activity

    states. In Russian history, it is difficult to find a leader equal to Peter on the scale of interests and the ability to see the main thing in the problem being solved.

    The specific historical assessment of reforms depends on what is considered useful for Russia, which is harmful, which is the main thing, and what is secondary.

    As already mentioned, the prerequisites of Petrovsky reforms were

    transformation of the late XVII century. In the afternoon of this century

    varies, becoming more centralized, the state system

    control. Attempts have been made to more clearly distinguish the functions.

    and the areas of activity of various orders appeared a regular jurisdiction

    army - shelves of ingenic building. Changes occurred in culture:

    the theater appeared, the first higher education institution.

    Peter turned Russia into a truly European country (in any case, as

    he understood it) - no wonder the expression "drove the window to Europe" became

    so often used. Milestones on this path became conquest

    access to the Baltic, construction of a new capital - St. Petersburg,

    active interference in European politics.

    Another important feature of Petrovsky reform was that they

    affected all the sectors of society, unlike previous attempts by Russian

    rulers. Construction of the fleet, Northern War, creating a new capital -

    all this became the matter of the whole country.

    Currently, Russia, like two centuries ago, is in stage

    reforms, so the analysis of Petrovsky transformations is now particularly necessary.

    Economic reforms

    In the Petrovsk Epoch, the Russian economy, and, above all

    industry, made a gigantic jump. At the same time, development

    the farms in the first quarter of the XVIII century went by ways scheduled for the previous


    The policy of Peter in relation to economic life was characterized by a high degree of application of command and protectionist methods.

    In agriculture, the possibility of improving was drawn from

    further development of fertile lands, cultivation of technical

    crops that gave raw materials for industry, livestock development,

    advancement of agriculture to the east and south, as well as more intense

    operating peasants. The increased needs of the state in raw materials for

    russian industry led to the widespread dissemination of such

    crops like Len and hemp. Decree of 1715 encouraged the cultivation of flax and

    cannabis, as well as tobacco, tute trees for silkworms. Decree of 1712

    prescribed to create horse breeders in Kazan, Azov and

    Kiev provinces, also encouraged sheepship.

    In the Petrovsk era, there is a sharp distinction between the country into two zones

    the maintenance of feudal economy - the farewell north, where the feudalles translated

    his peasants for money marks, often holidaying them into the city and others

    agricultural locations on earnings, and fertile south, where

    the noblemen-landowners sought to expand the bargains.

    Also strengthened the state's authorities of the peasants. Their forces

    cities were built (40 thousand worked on the construction of St. Petersburg.

    peasants), manufactory, bridges, roads; Annual recruites were held

    sets, the old cash charges rose and new ones were introduced. The main goal

    politicians Peter all the time was obtaining as much money as possible and

    human resources for state needs.

    Two censuses were held - in 1710 and 1718. According to the census 1718

    the unit of the Cover became the "soul" of the male, regardless of

    age with which the pillow was charged in the amount of 70 kopecks per year (with

    state peasants - 1 rub. 10 cop in year).

    It ordered the applying policies and sharply raised state revenues

    (about 4 times; by the end of the board of Peter, they accounted for up to 12 million.

    rub. in year).

    In industry there was a sharp reorientation with small

    peasant and craft farms on manufactory. Under Peter had

    at least 200 new manufactories, he strongly encouraged their creation.

    The state policy was also aimed at the fencing of the young Russian

    industry from Competition by Western European by introducing

    very high customs duties (customs charter 1724)

    State government factories used the labor of state

    peasants, assigned peasants, recruits and free hired masters. They're in

    mainly served heavy industry - metallurgy, shipyard,

    rudniks. On mercenary machines producing mainly goods

    widespread consumption, worked and sessions and manproof peasants, and

    also free-controlled labor. Overlooking enterprises completely

    provided by the forces of the destroyer-owner.

    The protectionist policy of Peter led to the emergence of manufactory in

    of various industries, often appeared in Russia

    for the first time. The main ones were those who worked for the army and the fleet:

    metallurgical, weapons, shipbuilding, cloth, linen,

    tannery, etc. Entrepreneurial activities were encouraged, created


    Department of History and Political Science

    Abstract on the topic:

    Administrative and economic reforms Peter I "

    Performed: Polyakov V.A.

    Group: ATPP-15


    Tver, 1997.

    List of used literature.

    1. Solovyov S.M. About the history of new Russia. - M.: Enlightenment, 1993.

    2. Anisimov E.V. Time of Petrovsky reforms. - L.: Lenizdat, 1989.

    3. Anisimov E.V., Kamensky A.B. Russia in the XVIII - the first half of the XIX century: history. Historian.

    Document. - M.: Miros, 1994.

    4. Pavlenko N.I. Peter the Great. - M.: Thought, 1990.


    In the reign of Peter the First, reforms were carried out in all regions of the country's state life. Many of these transformations are rooted in the XVII century - the socio-economic transformations of that time served as the prerequisites for Peter's reforms, the task and content of which was the formation of the noble-boring apparatus of absolutism.

    The exacerbating class contradictions led to the need to strengthen and strengthen the autocratic apparatus in the center and on the ground, the centralization of management, the construction of a slender and flexible system of the management apparatus, strictly controlled by the highest authorities. It was also necessary to create a combat-ready regular military force for holding more aggressive foreign policy and suppressing frequent folk movements. It was required to consolidate the legal acts the dominant position of the nobility and provide him with a central, leading place in public life. All this in the aggregate and led to the implementation of reforms in various fields of state activities. Two and a half century historians, philosophers and writers argue about the meaning of Petrovsky transformations, but regardless of the point of view of a researcher, everything is converged in one thing - it was one of the most important stages of the history of Russia, thanks to which it can be divided into Dopurerovskaya and the postpeople epoch . In Russian history, it is difficult to find a leader equal to Peter on the scale of interests and the ability to see the main thing in the problem being solved. The specific historical assessment of reforms depends on what is considered useful for Russia, which is harmful, which is the main thing, and what is secondary.

    The famous historian Sergey Mikhailovich Solovyov, who, probably, the most deeply investigated the identity and actions of Peter the Great, wrote: "The difference in views ... It was from the hugeness of the case committed by Peter, the duration of the influence of this case; The more significant one phenomenon, the more disgraceful views and opinions, it gives rise to, and the more the more inflicts about him, the stronger feel its influence. "

    As already mentioned, the premises of Petrovsky reforms were the conversion of the end of the XVII century. In the second half of this century, it changes, becoming more centralized, the government system. Attempts were also made to more clearly distinguish the functions and areas of activity of various orders, the rigids of the regular army appeared - the shelf of ingenic system. Changes occurred in culture: the theater appeared, the first higher education institution.

    But despite the fact that almost all the reforms of Peter the Great were preceded by certain state undertaking of the XVII century, they had unconditionally revolutionary. After the death of the emperor in 1725, Russia was on the path of turning completely to another country: from the Moscow state, whose contacts with Europe were rather limited, it turned into a Russian empire - one of the greatest powers of the world. Peter turned Russia into a truly European country (in any case, he understood it) - no wonder the expression "drove the window to Europe" was so often used. Muchs on this path were the conquest of the exit to the Baltic, the construction of a new capital - St. Petersburg, active interference in European politics.

    Peter's activities created all the conditions for the wider acquaintance of Russia with a culture, lifestyle, technology of European civilization, which was the beginning of a rather painful process breaking the norms and representations of Moscow Rus.

    Another important feature of Petrov reform was that they affected all sectors of society, in contrast to previous attempts by Russian rulers. The construction of the fleet, the Northern War, the creation of a new capital - all this became the matter of the whole country.

    Currently, Russia, as and two centuries ago, is in the stage of reforms, so the analysis of Petrovsky transformations is now particularly necessary.

    Administrative transformations

    Since 1708, Peter began to rebuild the old authorities and management and replace them with new ones. As a result, by the end of the first quarter of the XVIII century. The following system of authorities and management has developed.

    The whole full of legislative, executive, and the judiciary focused in the hands of Peter, who after the completion of the Northern War received the title of Emperor. In 1711, a new senior executive and judiciary was created - the Senate, which possessed and significant legislative functions. He was fundamentally different from his predecessor - Boyarskaya Duma.

    Council members were appointed by the emperor. In the implementation of the executive authority, the Senate issued decrees that had the power of the law. In 1722, a prosecutor general was raised at the head of the Senate, which he had control over the activities of all government agencies. The prosecutor general was to perform the functions of the "Oka State". He carried this control through prosecutors appointed to all government agencies. In the first quarter of the XVIII century. The fiscal system was added to the prosecutors system, headed by overefiscal. The duties of Fiscal was the report of all the abuse of institutions and officials who violated "treasury interest."

    In no way corresponded to the new conditions and objectives of the order system, which established at the Boyar Duma. The emerged B. different time Orders (Embassy, \u200b\u200bStreletsky, Local, Siberian, Kazan, Malorosiysky, etc.) were greatly different in their nature and functions. Orders and decrees of orders often contradicted each other, creating an unimaginable confusion and for a long time delaying the decision of emergency issues.

    In exchange, an outdated system of orders in 1717-1718. 12 colleges were created, each of which was bred by a certain industry or the scope of management and was subordinate to the Senate. The main points were considered three colleges: foreign, military and admiralty. The competence of Comerz, Manufactory and Berg - the Collegium included trade issues and industry. Three colleges were provided with finances: Chamber Board - income, states - board - expenses, and revision - the board controlled income receipts, fees, taxes, duties, the correctness of the expenditure by the agencies to them. The Justice College was certified by civil proceedings, and his faithful, established a little later, - noble land tenure. Another major magistrate was created, who made the landing population; He was obeyed by magistrates and town halls of all cities. The college received the right to issue decrees on the issues that were included in their maintenance.

    In addition to the college, several offices, the office, departments, orders, whose functions were also clearly delimited. Some of them, for example, a Geroldmaster office, who made the service and production in the ranks of the nobles; The Preobrazhensky order and the secret office who made the affairs of state crimes submitted to the Senate, the other - the Mint Department, Salt Office, the Mechanical Office, etc. - obeyed one of the colleges.

    In 1708 - 1709. The restructuring of the authorities and field management was launched. The country was divided into 8 provinces that differed across the territory and the number of population. Thus, the Smolensk and Archangelogodskaya province were few difference from modern areas, and the Moscow province covered the entire densely populated center, the territory of modern Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Tver, Kostroma, Moscow, Ryazan, Tula and Yaroslavl regionswhere almost half of the entire population lived. The provinces entered the St. Petersburg, Kiev, Kazan, Azov and Siberian.

    At the head of the province stood the governor appointed by the king, focusing in his hands an executive and judiciary. Governor existed the provincial office. But the situation was complicated by the fact that the governor was subordinate not only to the emperor and Senate, but also to all boards, orders and decrees of which were often contrary to each other.

    The provinces in 1719 were divided into provinces, the number of which was 50. The province was headed by the province with the Office with him. The provinces, in turn, were shared on the counties with the governor and the county stationery. For some time, in the reign of Peter, the county administration was replaced by the elected Zemstvo Commissioner from local nobility or retired officers. Its functions were limited to collecting pillow by grade, observing the performance of governmental duties, detention of fugitive peasants. Submitted to the Zemsky Commissioner of the Provincial Office. In 1713, the local nobility was granted to choose 8-12 landrs (advisers from the Dobye district) to help the governor, and after the introduction of the pillow, the regimental distributions were created. Armored military units were observed for the collection of filters and stopped manifestations of discontent and antipodeal performances. The painting of the ranks on January 24, 1722, the table of ranks, introduced a new classification of the employee of Luda. All new established posts are all with foreign names, Latin and German, except for very few, are built on the table in three parallel rows: military, Stat and court, with a division of each of 14 ranks, or classes. A similar ladder with 14 steps of ranks was introduced in a fleet and the court service. This constituent act of reformed Russian officials, put a bureaucratic hierarchy, merit and driving, to the place of the aristocratic hierarchy of the breed, pedigree book. In one of the articles attached to the table, the emphasis is explained that the knowledge of the genus itself, without service, does not mean anything, does not create a person of any position, the people of the noble breed is not given no position, until they show them the sovereign and the Fatherland.

    Economic reforms

    In the Petrovsk era, the Russian economy, and above all the industry accomplished a giant jump. At the same time, the development of the economy in the first quarter of the XVIII century. went by ways planned by the previous period. In the Moscow State of the XVI-XVII century. There were large industrial enterprises - a gun yard, a printed courtyard, weapon plants in Tula, shipyard in Dedinov, and others. Peter's policy regarding economic life was characterized by a high degree of application of team and protectionist methods.

    In agriculture, the possibility of improvement was drawn from the further development of fertile lands, the cultivation of technical crops that gave raw materials for the industry, the development of animal husbandry, agriculture promotion to the East and South, as well as more intensive exploitation of peasants. The increased needs of the state in raw materials for the Russian industry led to the widespread extension of such cultures as Len and hemp. Decree of 1715 encouraged the cultivation of flax and cannabis, as well as tobacco, tute trees for silkworms. Decree of 1712, prescribed to create horse breeders in the Kazan, Azov and Kiev provinces, also encouraged sheep.

    In the Petrovsk era, there is a sharp distinction between the country into two regions of the feudal economy - the farewell north, where the feudalles translated their peasants to monetary marks, often holidaying them into the city and other agricultural areas for earnings, and fertile south, where the noble landowners have sought to expand the Barechina .

    Also strengthened the state's authorities of the peasants. The cities were built by their forces (40 thousand peasants worked on the construction of St. Petersburg), manufactory, bridges, roads; Annual recruit sets were held, old cash fees increased and new ones were introduced. The main goal of Peter's policies all the time was obtaining as much money and human resources as possible for state needs.

    Two censuses were held - in 1710 and 1718. According to the census of 1718, the unit of the draft became the "soul" of the male, regardless of the age with which the pillow was charged in the amount of 70 kopecks per year (from state peasants - 1 rub. 10 kopecks per year).

    This ordered the applying policies and sharply raised the revenues of the state (about 4 times; by the end of the board of Peter, they accounted for up to 12 million rubles per year).

    In industry there was a sharp reorientation from small peasant and craft farms on manufactory. With Peter, at least 200 new manufactories were founded, he strongly encouraged their creation. The state policy was also aimed at the fencing of the young Russian industry from competition from Western Europeanly by introducing very high customs duties (customs charter of 1724)

    The Russian manufactory, although there have had capitalist features, but the use of predominantly the labor of the peasants - the possession, assigning, workers, etc. - made it a serfdom. Depending on whose property they were, manufactory were shared on state, merchant and landlords. In 1721, the industrialists were granted the right to buy peasants to consolidate them for the enterprise (post-peasants).

    State casual factories used the labor of state peasants, assigned peasants, recruits and free hired masters. They mainly served heavy industry - metallurgy, shipyard, mines. At the mercenary manufactures that produced consistent consumption predominantly, and recreational peasants, as well as a winsted working force were worked. Protection enterprises were fully provided with the forces of the owner's serfs.

    The protectionist policy of Peter led to the emergence of manuffs in various industries, often appeared in Russia for the first time. The main ones were those who worked for the army and fleet: metallurgical, weapons, shipbuilding, cloth, linen, leather, etc. Entrepreneurial activities were encouraged, preferential conditions were created for people who created new manufactories or took public.

    Manufactory occurs in many industries - glass, powder,

    paper, canvas, linen, silk-choking, cloth, leather, cable, hat, colorful, sawmill and many others. The emergence of the foundry industry in Karelia on the basis of the Ural Ruds, the construction of the Novnevolotsky Canal, contributed to the development of metallurgy in new areas and brought Russia to one of the first places in the world in this industry.

    By the end of the reign of Peter in Russia, there was a developed diversified industry with centers in St. Petersburg, Moscow, in the Urals. The largest enterprises were the Admiralty shipyard, Arsenal, St. Petersburg Powered Plants, Metallurgical Plants of the Urals, Hamovny Yard in Moscow. There was a strengthening of the All-Russian market, the accumulation of capital thanks to the mercantilistic policy of the state. Russia has supplied competitive goods to world markets: iron, canvas, yuft, sweat, path, caviar.

    Thousands of Russians passed in Europe training in various specialties, and in turn foreigners - weapon engineers, metallurgists, the wizard of the gateway hired to Russian service. Thanks to this, Russia is enriched with the most advanced European technologies.

    As a result of Petrovskiy policies in the economic field for the ultrashort period, a powerful industry was created, capable of fully ensuring military and state needs and in anything independent of imports.


    The main outcome of the entire totality of Petrovsky reforms was the establishment of a regime of absolutism in Russia, whose crown was the change in the title of Russian monarch - Peter declared himself an emperor, and the country became known as the Russian Empire. Thus, it was issued what Peter was all the years of his reign - the creation of a state with a slim control system, a strong army and a fleet, a powerful economy that influence international policies. As a result of Petrovsky reforms, the state was not connected with anything and could use any means to achieve its goals. As a result, Peter came to his ideal of the state device - a military ship, where everything and the whole subordinate to the will of one person - Captain, and managed to remove this ship from the swamp into the stormy waters of the ocean, bypassing all the reefs and melels.

    Russia became an autocratic, military-bureaucratic state, the central role in which belonged to the noble estate. At the same time, the backwardness of Russia was not completely overcome, and reforms were carried out mainly due to the most severe operation and coercion.

    The role of Peter the Great in the history of Russia is difficult to overestimate. As if not to relate to the methods and the styling of the transformations, it is impossible not to recognize - Peter the Great is one of the most notable figures of world history.


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