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The purpose of education under Catherine 2. Faculty of "The History of World Culture". Judicial reform of Catherine

V. O. Klyuchevsky believed that "the reign of Catherine II is a whole era of our story, and historical epochs It is usually not closed within the human century, they do not end with the life of their creators. "The Empress corresponded with French enlighteners and wanted to participate in the scientific and literary life of the West.10 Therefore, Catherine's ideas were the last word of Western European thought.

Carefully examining the experience of organizing education in the leading countries of Western Europe and the most important pedagogical ideas of their time (the works of Yana Komensesky, Phenelon, the "thoughts about the education" of Locke and others), Catherine formulated new tasks for school: not only learning, but also to educate.11 for The basis was taken by a humanitarian ideal that originated in the era of the Renaissance. He proceeded from respect for the rights and freedom of personality and eliminated everything from pedagogy all that the nature of violence or coercion is.

There was mainly non-critical borrowing, unconditional transfer of social and cultural, up to the domestic, experience of European countries in educational institutions and the educational system of Russia. The scale of borrowing in the 60s of the XVIII century characterized the Capterev: "Each Russian teacher dragged everything from German that he liked. Not only private techniques and teaching methods were borrowed, not only general guidelines and whole pedagogical worlds were borrowed, even people were borrowed, the fulfillires began German pedagogy "12.

Classical education that was responsible to the developing targets of education was a new phenomenon for Russia. Often, its main meaning is reduced only to the fact that "dead languages" - Latin and Greek, and mathematics, as a fundamental basis for the development of human consciousness, were introduced to its content, which is true. But for domestic education, something else seems to be more important: we can say that the introduction and development of classical education in Russia was an important stage in the process of changing the ideas about the ideal of a person and the goal of education, since new for the second third of the XVIII century educational institutions were no longer on Installations of the Petrovsk epoch, which had the most quick training of specialists, and to prepare for the life of a more or less free man who had to have the right to choose the scope of the application of his forces. Such an approach for domestic educational practice, which has developed its development during the reign of Catherine II, was fundamentally new and reflected the vision of man and its upbringing in Russia as a whole.

A broad fame and distribution acquired a document created by M. V. Lomonosov - "Project of the Regulation of Moscow Gymnasium .13 The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe" project ... "was the separation of a gymnasium for two compartments: for children of the nobles and children of the differences. The main purpose of this enough open school was only training for schoolchildren on the beginning of science. All attention was concentrated only on the transfer of knowledge and training of a gymnasium to continue education.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a system of class schools, belonging to G. N. Teplov, was to divide all general educational institutions for "Schools for scientists", military schools, civilian schools, merchant schools, "Lower School" and "Schools for Inoverts". The proposed system clearly reflected the trend towards the development of the heterogeneity of the educational ideal of a person, characteristic of Russia after Petrovsky reforms. For all classes, the goals of education were identified in accordance with their social destination and regulations.

In part of school education, Prussian and Austrian education systems were taken as a basis. It was assumed to establish three types of secondary schools - small, medium and most important.

In fact, in the lower schools - schools organized by the secular power and the church in the arrival, in practice, it was envisaged to implement the former patriarchal-Orthodox approach: "The book on which agricultural children in parish schools are obliged to study, should contain such a doctrine that did Would have been settled in Christian law, virtuous and hardworking, therefore it should contain the following parts: 1) Russian alphabet with warehouses of church and civilian printing, while calculating letters and numbers; 2) short morning and evening prayers and prayers before dinner; Catechism with a clear, but brief interpretation of the tenthies and dogmas faith; 4) Christian virtues, consisting in the position of Sovereign, in unquestioned obedience to state instructions, in reverence and obedience to the Lords of their own and other established authorities and in office itself and neighbor. "14

Nevertheless, this Catherine reform played a significant role in the development of Russian education. For 1782 - 1800 different types Schools graduated from about 180 thousand children, including 7% of girls.

TO beginning of XIX. in. Russia had about 300 schools and guest houses with 20 thousand students and 720 teachers.

New government educational institutions, primarily the Cadet Corps and the institutions of noble maidens, were characterized by a good organization and certainty of approaches to the pedagogical realization of the goal. It should be noted isolation of pupils and the process of education in closed educational institutions from family and society. Parents of cadets of a hushy land case, giving their five-six-year-old sons for training, signed a special "announcement", in which they stated that they reported their child to upbringing and learning for a fifteen-year term and will not demand their return or short vacation.

New for Russia during this period was a change in attitudes towards the formation of women. The noble estate developed by this time not only the male, but also the female ideal of a noble person. Institutions and guest houses for noble maidens received significant distribution by the end of the 18th century and enjoyed popular.

All the content of education in women's guesthouses and institutes was focused on the upbringing of these qualities. The start of sciences, including foreign languages, the heads of mathematics and natural science, architecture, familiarization with Heraldry, needlework, the law of God and the rules of "secular passage and courtesy" were designed to provide girls needed to communicate in their social circle the necessary intellectual level. The purpose of the female noble education was not to prepare for any service, and the upbringing of the perfect wives of the nobleman.

In reality, the reform led to a major positive result: a network of small and main schools was created as a basis for the construction of the average and higher education; A special program for teacher training has been developed - all this in the aggregate created fertile ground for a new and more successful reform of the next century.

In general, the entire XVIII century for Russia passed under the sign of violent imposition of the supreme power to the society of the teachings and the creation of educational institutions, initial attempts to involve children of all classes in them, with the exception of the fortress peasantry, but gradually the educational policy of the state eventually focused on two states - nobility and Distributions and practically did not touch other submitted classes.

Even entering the nomenclature of educational institutions of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment Church-Parish schools, intended for the lower estates, were not funded from the treasury and their existence was entirely dependent on the will and desire for landowners and rural communities.

Catherine II introduced a significant contribution to the development of culture and art in Russia. She herself received a wonderful home education: training in foreign languages, dancing, political history, philosophy, economics, law and was considered a smart and educated woman. In Catherine, the Russian Academy, a free economic society, was established, a lot of magazines was founded, a system of folk education, the foundation of the Hermitage, the opening of public theaters, the emergence of the Russian opera, the flowering of painting was created.

A number of events of the Epoch of "Enlightened Absolutism" had a progressive meaning. For example, for example, Schivalov-based and Lomonosov, in 1755, Moscow University played a huge role in the development of education, Russian national science and culture, producing a large number of specialists in various parts of knowledge. In 1757 Start training Academy of Arts. The scooping of church land tenure significantly improved the situation of former monastic peasants who received arable land, meadows and other areas, on which they had served before that, saved them from everyday punishment and torture, from service in the courtyard and violent marriages.

In the second half of the century, the authorities took an interesting attempt to reform education and upbringing. Her initiator and active conductor became Ivan Ivanovich Petskaya. The welling of Catherine II, whose mother, at one time, presented Bezzki, brought him huge wealth and boss over a number of establishments - the Academy of Arts, the Land Shuttle Cadet Corps and Educational Houses in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the Smolny Institute.

The basis of his pedagogical reform Bezzka put the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a new breed of people by education. According to his thoughts, borrowed from French enlighteners and supported by Empress to give young a good education and moral development. For this, students need to be isolated from the oblique environment and put in closed schools. These efforts of Beetsky contributed to the dissemination of general education. He laid the beginning of female education.

During the Board of Catherine II, such a feather masters as Vasily Lukich Borovikovsky, who acquired fame portraits of the empress, Derzhavin, many nobles, Dmitry Grigorievich Levitsky, in the 60s, the Academician table, taught at the Academy of Arts, Fedor Stepanovich Rockots, who worked with Lomonosov, wrote a coronatory portrait of Catherine II, who really liked her.


The historical importance of Catherine II is determined on the basis of what was said in the abstract of individual parties to Catherine Policy. The historical meaning of the Catherine era is extremely large precisely because in this era, the results of the previous history were summed up, historical processes were completed, earlier developing. This ability of Catherine to bring to the end to complete permission, those questions that the story put on it makes everyone recognize the primary historical figure in it, regardless of her personal mistakes and weaknesses.

The ability of Catherine to sum up the result is visible in Russian diplomacy of the Epoch of Catherine and in solving the main tasks inherited by it from the XVII century; Fastening the achievements of Peter the Great in the Baltic States; Reunion of land populated by the Russian people by Belarusians and Ukrainians. Conquesting a decisive voice in pan-European affairs.

From the fact that at the end of the XVIII century, the policy of Russian absolutism was aimed at preserving and strengthening the feudal-serfral system that the dominant position of the nobles in the economy and political life, Catherine II, enhancing the throne during the exacerbation of the class struggle of the peasantry against the fastener oppression, is trying to attract Problems and search for ways to exit them enlightened people recognized by the Western World. This is perfectly seen from the attempts to attract them to one of the largest shares of the politics of "enlightened absolutism", namely, to the competition on the right of peasants to have land ownership.

From the death of Empress Catherine, a whole epoch of Russian history ended. Catherine herself and her associates managed to rely on folk forces, to achieve brilliant success and foreign Policy, military actions, and in the domestic device, and in cultural endeavors.

Catherine 2 reforms (briefly)

Catherine 2, like most monarchs, rules at least a considerable time, sought to conduct reforms. Moreover, Russia went to her in a difficult situation: an army and fleet were weakened, a large external debt, corruption, a collapse of the judicial system, etc., etc. Next, we briefly describe the essence of the transformations carried out in the rule of Empress Catherine 2.

Provincial reform:

"The institution for the management of the provincial All-Russian Empire" was adopted on November 7, 1775. Instead of the previous administrative division on the provinces, the province and counties began to share the territory on the provinces and counties. The number of provinces increased from twenty-three to fifty. They, in turn, were divided into 10-12 counties. The troops of two or three provinces commanded the Governor-General, otherwise called the governor. At the head of each province stood the governor, appointed by the Senate and submitted directly to Empress. The vice-governor was engaged in finances, he was subordinate to the State Chamber. The highest official of the county was Captitipa Corp. Cities of counties were cities, but since they were not enough, the status of the city received 216 major rural settlements.

Judicial reform:

For each class, his court was established. The nobility judged the Zemskoy Court, citizens - magistrates, and peasants - reprisals. Soviet courts were also established from representatives of all three estates that performed the function of the conciliation. All these courts were elected. Higher instance was the court chambers whose members were appointed. And the highest judicial authority of the Russian Empire was the Senate.

Secularization reform:

Was held in 1764. All monastery lands, as well as the peasants who lived on them were transferred to the management of a specially established collegium of economy. The maintenance of the monasticity took over the state, but from now on, the number of monasteries and monks and monks received the right to determine the necessary empire.

Senate reform:

On December 15, 1763, Manifesto Catherine 2 "On the establishment in the Senate, Altitz, Vulture and Revision-Collegiums of Departments, about the division of the affairs of it" was published. The role of the Senate was narrowed, and the powers of his head, the prosecutor general, on the contrary, were expanded. The Senate became the highest judicial authority. It was divided into six departments: the first (headed by the prosecutor himself) conducted state and political affairs in St. Petersburg, the second - court in St. Petersburg, the third - transport, medicine, science, education, art, the fourth - military-land and naval affairs, the fifth - state and political in Moscow and the Sixth - the Moscow Judicial Department. The heads of all departments, besides the first, there were obur-prosecutors subordinate prosecutor general.

City reform:

The reform of the cities of Russia was regulated by "literacy on the rights and benefits of the cities of the Russian Empire", which was issued Catherine 2 in 1785. New elected institutions were introduced. The number of voters has increased. Residents of cities were divided into six discharges on various property, class signs, as well as by merit to society and the state, namely: real city inhabitants - those who owned real estate within the city; merchants of three guilds; shop artisans; foreign, as well as non-resident guests; Eminate citizens - architects, painters, composers, scientists, as well as rich merchants and bankers; Posad people are those who engaged in the city of needlework and crafts. Each category had its rights, duties and privileges.

Police reform:

In 1782, the Empress of Catherine 2 was introduced by the "Charter of the rallying or policeman". According to him, the urban police department has become the prepayment of a degree. It consisted of bailiffs, gingerbread and polytzmester, as well as townspeople determined by elections. The court for social disorders: drunkenness, insults, gambling, etc., and the police bodies themselves carried out for unauthorized development and bribes, and, after all, a preliminary investigation was carried out, after which it was transferred to the court. The punishments applied by the police were arrest, the censure, conclusion in the workshop, a fine, and in addition - the prohibition of some activities.

Reform Education

Creation in the cities of people's schools marked the beginning of the state system of general education schools in Russia. They were two types: the main colleges in the provincial cities and small in the county. These educational institutions were kept at the expense of the treasury, and people of all classes could study in them. School reform was conducted in 1782, and earlier in 1764 the school was opened at the Academy of Arts, as well as the society of two hundred noble maidens, then (in 1772) - a commercial school.

Monetary reform

In the reign of Catherine 2, the state bank and loan ticket office were formed. And also, for the first time in Russia, paper money (assignment) was put into circulation.


Chapter 1. Development of Russian culture in the second half of the XVIII century

Chapter 2. Basic features of Education in Epoch of Catherine II

Chapter 3. Smolny Institute


List of used literature


Ekaterina II is an extraordinary figure in the history of Russia and primarily in the history of political and legal thought, public administration and education. It belongs an important role in the appearance of the ideology of "enlightened absolutism" in our country.

The period of the origin of the Russian school itself dates back to the 17th century, although Academician B. D. Greek believed that ordinary literacy, and, therefore, he was training in Russia before the reign of Vladimir Svyatoslavich and the emergence of schools "book teachings". True, some facts confirm the opinion of this scientist. So, according to the archaeologist S.A. Vysotsky, who revealed on the wall of the Sofia Cathedral in Kiev, you can find the Slavic alphabet of 27 letters, the origin of which is dated to the IX century.

For the structure of Russian society in the Catherine Epoch, rigid social barriers between classes, estates and groups were characterized. The educational policy of Catherine, as well as Peter I, was based on the Russian interpretation of social development, according to which the will of the dealer dictates the laws of being. The scope of education and the pedagogical thought of the Russian Empire from the XVIII century were focused mainly on the experience of Europe (England, France, Austria, Germany), their philosophy, pedagogy and culture.

The scope of education was privatized by the state, the authorities, declared the sphere of state interests, so any public initiatives are permissible in it only from the knowledge, permission and under the control of power. Education was elevated to the rank of the Creator, not limited by laws of social and cultural life; Education was considered as a powerful tool for the formation of a given type of personality transforming society. State pedagogy focused on the interests of society, there was no place for man and his personal qualities.

Thesis, separated russian Society At the "noble" and "bitten," significantly influenced the understanding of culture and education in Russia. The nobility is a privileged estate, in which in the XVIII century, along with the old Russian boyars, the "pillars", "the most successful representatives of other segments of the population began to enlighten, having received their title as a reward for merit, and sometimes just buying a noble title.

purpose term paper - consider learning the main features of the culture and education of the Catherine Epoch. In the process of writing the work I put the following tasks before you:

1. It is characterized by the development of the culture of the second half of the XVIII century.

2. To identify the main features of the Epoch of Catherine II.

3. Consider one of the innovations of that time - Smolny Institute.

Chapter 1. Development of Russian culture in the second half XVIII century

The XVIII century - the time of large changes. The centuries-old process of development of Russian culture enters into a new stage of its development. Locality is overcome and the estimated limitations, the formation occurs national Culture. It is a secular direction that makes it possible: a secular enlightenment is created, the centuries-old process of accumulation of knowledge enters into the final stage: transformation into science; There is a new, close to the conversational literary language, national Russian literature appears, the number of print publications is increasing; The masterpieces of church architecture are created, in which elements of civil architecture are clearly traced; Painting, sculpture develops.

It is important that in the second half of the XVIII century, educational idea is formed, and the idea of \u200b\u200benlightenment is deeply penetrated into all areas of the cultural process. Enlightenment - the philosophical flow presented by Voltaire, Didro, Rousseau, whose main thought was the improvement of the human person. The decisive role in the implementation of the ideals of the enlighteners was given by the enlightened monarch, able to convert the country on reasonable, humane beginnings. Enlightenment ideas were so popular that they were equally perceived by representatives of conservative thought (A. P. Sumarokov, M. M. Shcherbatov), \u200b\u200bLiberal (N. I. Novikov, D. I. Phonvizin) and revolutionary (A. N. Radishchev) .

A feature of Russian enlightenment was the anti-refresh orientation. This tendency is reflected primarily in the activities of N.I. Novikova - the largest publisher and journalist (Satyric magazines "TRUNEEN", "painter", "Wallet"), as well as Radishchev, who was standing on the position of radical enlightenment ("Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow").

The literature of the second half of the XVIII century remained at the advantage of the noble. Among the downtown of the urban population and in the peasant environment, the oral compositions of folk poetry were distributed, as well as a variety of stories that were part of handwritten books. The life of serfs of the peasants reflected the "Plach of the Halls", which appeared among the serfs in 1767-1768, i.e., on the eve of the peasant war. There are many satirical stories that paroding the royal court, the soldiers' service, Volokut in government instances.

Printing literature The second half of the XVIII century is represented by three directions. The first of them - classicism was embodied in the work of A. P. Sumarowov, the Peru belongs to the many lyrical and satirical poems, 9 tragedies and 12 comedies. He is recognized as the creator of the repertoire of the Russian theater. Sumarokov, in their ideological and political views, adjoined the conservative camp, also opposed the enemy of the Church Superstition and Domostroevsky Uklade family lifewas a supporter of female education. He saw his writer's debt in the enlightenment of the nobility. Comedy Sumarokov, like the tragedy, performed educational functions, they were aimed at correcting the morals and eliminating human vices.

Another destination was the artistic and realistic, the largest trail in which D. I. Fonvizin was left by the author of the Comedy "Brigadier" and "Lady."

Comedy Fonvizin is externally similar to the compositions of classicism: there are 5 acts in them, the unity of the place and time is stated in the names of the characteristics of the heroes. However, they were not distracted charactersendowed with vices or virtues, and living people, artistically generalized characters generated by serfdom. The objective meaning of the comedies of Fonvizin is beyond the scope of the flaws of the lack of education, they give the defects of serfs that allowed the inhuman treatment of peasants.

The third direction is known as sentimentalism. Adherents of sentimentalism show the feelings of an ordinary person, sometimes nothing distinguished. In psychological novels and posts, sentimentalists depicted intimate life, family life. In their works, heroes leave social activities, they will retire on the lap of nature. For sentimentalism, the idyllic picture of rural life is characteristic: Barin shows a decent care of the peasants, and they pay to him with respect and obedience. The largest representative of this direction was Karamzin N. M., and the most significant essay - the story " Poor Lisa" The basis of the story is the sentimental fiction about the relationship between the poor peasant girl Liza and the young officer Eraste. Idyllic relations end the tragedy - seduced Lisa cums the life of suicide.

Russian painting of the second half of the XVIII century is characterized by improving portrait painting. Portraits performed by Russian artists stood at the level of the best samples of world painting. The flourishing painting flourishing was due to numerous orders of the courtyard, nobles and nobles, striving to capture themselves to descendants. The artist's craft was not considered prestigious, so their ranks were replenished mainly by representatives of unprivileged classes: soldiers and merchant children, immigrants from the clergy and even the fortress peasants.

Among the portraitists, three Great Masters were distinguished: F. S. Rokotov, D. G. Levitsky and V. L. Borovikovsky. The rooks were made by the front portraits of Catherine, her son Paul, nobles. The artist appears a subtle psychologist who was able to convey the spiritual experiences of a person - for him the main thing was the reflection of the mental state.

Levitsky's brushes belongs to the portrait of the famous D. Didro. The artist managed to create an image of a thinker: a high forehead, an insightful look of expressive eyes. He also performed a series of portraits of Smoleanok - pupils of the Smolny Institute of Noble Maiden. Levitsky distinguishes the ability to convey the external similarity of the model in combination with its psychological way.

The peak of portrait skill is achieved in the works of Borovikovsky. He started the church icon painter. Catherine drew attention to him: in 1783 he decorated the palace in Kremenchug, intended for a crowned traveler. Its female portraits N. A. Naryshkina, M. A. Orlova, etc.

From the second half of the XVIII century, one of the richest artistic collections of the world begins to form in Russia - Hermitage. The date of its foundation is 1764. - the year of the purchase of Catherine II in Berlin Collections of paintings by the Dutch and Flemish schools. Already in 1774, the catalog numbered more than two thousand works.

Significant success reached another branch of the visual art - the masters of the cutter appear, the first domestic sculptors. Among them are distinguished by two: F. I. Shubin, which represented the realistic direction in sculpture, and M. I. Kozlovsky, the investigator of Russian classicism.

Shubin was an outstanding master of sculptural portrait, the creator of the Gallery of the second half of the XVIII century. Here are portraits of the empress and its favorites: Orlova, Zubov, Potmikin; representatives of the enlightened nobility: Golitsyn, Sheremetyev, Shuvalov; Commander Chernyshov and Rumyantsev; Rich merchants and industrialists Baryshnikov and Demidov. The insightful eye of the artist knew how to detect and transfer the characteristic features of the model in marble.

If the portraits of Schubin find similarities with the model, then Kozlovsky did not seek to achieve such similarity, he saw his main task in the disclosure of the image to the means used by the brightness of Ancient Rome. In the monument A. V. Suvorov, the sculptor handed over the symbolic traits of the image. In accordance with the canons of classicism, it is heroisated and idealized.

From foreign scratchners the largest was French Etienne Falcon. IN " Copper rider»The image of the genius king of the converter, indicating the path of the updated Russia, transferred so deeply and expressively, that the sculpture and today is one of the symbols of the city.

The main feature of architecture of the second half of the XVIII century is the desire to change the appearance of cities, the natural development of their development is replaced by the systematic creation of urban assemblies. Established in 1762, the "Commission of the construction of capital cities" distributed its activities not only to Petersburg and Moscow, but also the province, approving plans of 213 cities. An example of a new layout can serve Tver.

The architecture on the change of Russian baroque, distinguished glitter and luxury, comes classicism that used an antique heritage. It is distinguished by simplicity, a clear combination of architectural members, the subordination of secondary elements, the main, the presence of porticors and colonnade. The architecture of Russia The second half of the XVIII century glorified the outstanding masters V. I. Bazhenov, M. F. Kazakov, I. E. Starov.

Bazhenova's most famous creation - built in 1784 - 1786. In Moscow, Pashkov House, which is currently decorating the capital. The fabulous building built on the hill differs with ease, grace and perfectly fits into the Kremlin ensemble located nearby.

Cossacks created the buildings of the most diverse destination. The series of buildings for public needs includes the majestic building of the Senate in the Kremlin, the building of the Golitsyn hospital, the building of the noble assembly with its famous column hall, intended for balls and meetings of the Moscow nobility. Constructed Cossacks and manor complexes: House Gubin, Demidov House.

Starov worked mainly in St. Petersburg. They built a cathedral in the Alexander Nevsky Laurel, who was a mausoleum over the tomb of Alexander Nevsky. The main construction of Starov was the Tavrichesky Palace - an architectural monument to Russia and its victories in the Russian-Turkish war.

Successes in culture in the XVIII century appeared part of Achievements of the Russian Empire. It turned into the largest state of the world, which contributed to the formation of the Russian nation, a single Russian language, original Russian culture. The development of the Russian culture of the XVIIIVEK has created prerequisites for its entry to the advanced position in the global cultural process.

Chapter 2. Basic features of Education in Epoch Catherine II.

V. O. Klyuchevsky believed that "the reign of Catherine II is a whole era of our history, and historical epochs are usually not closed within the human century, they do not end with the life of their creators." The Empress corresponded with French enlighteners and wanted to participate in the scientific and literary life of the West. Therefore, Catherine's ideas were last word Western European thought.

Carefully examining the experience of organizing education in the leading countries of Western Europe and the most important pedagogical ideas of their time (the works of Yana Komensesky, Phenelon, the "thoughts about the education" of Locke and others), Catherine formulated new tasks for school: not only learning, but also to educate. As a basis, a humanitarian ideal was taken, which originated in the Renaissance era. He proceeded from respect for the rights and freedom of personality and eliminated everything from pedagogy all that the nature of violence or coercion is.

There was mainly non-critical borrowing, unconditional transfer of social and cultural, up to the domestic, experience of European countries in educational institutions and the educational system of Russia. The scale of borrowing in the 60s of the XVIII century characterized the Capterev: "Each Russian teacher dragged everything from German that he liked. Not only private techniques and teaching methods were borrowed, not only general guidelines and whole pedagogical worlds were borrowed, even people were borrowed, the fulfillires began German pedagogy. "

Classical education that was responsible to the developing targets of education was a new phenomenon for Russia. Often, its main meaning is reduced only to the fact that "dead languages" - Latin and Greek, and mathematics, as a fundamental basis for the development of human consciousness, were introduced to its content, which is fairly introduced. But for domestic education, something else seems to be more important: we can say that the introduction and development of classical education in Russia was an important stage in the process of changing the ideas about the ideal of a person and the goal of education, since new for the second third of the XVIII century educational institutions were no longer on Installations of the Petrovsk epoch, which had the most quick training of specialists, and to prepare for the life of a more or less free man who had to have the right to choose the scope of the application of his forces. Such an approach for domestic educational practice, which has developed its development during the reign of Catherine II, was fundamentally new and reflected the vision of man and its upbringing in Russia as a whole.

The document created by M. V. Lomonosov was widely known and disseminated - "The draft regulation of Moscow gymnasiums". The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Project ..." was the separation of a gymnasium for two branches: for children of the nobles and for children of the differences. The main purpose of this enough open school was only training for schoolchildren on the beginning of science. All attention was concentrated only on the transfer of knowledge and training of a gymnasium to continue education.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a system of class schools belonging to the city of N. Teplov was to divide all common educational institutions To "Schools for Scientists", military schools, civilian schools, merchant schools, "Lower School" and "Schools for Inovers". The proposed system clearly reflected the trend towards the development of the heterogeneity of the educational ideal of a person, characteristic of Russia after Petrovsky reforms. For all classes, the goals of education were identified in accordance with their social destination and regulations.

In part of school education, Prussian and Austrian education systems were taken as a basis. It was assumed to establish three types of secondary schools - small, medium and most important.

In fact, in the lower schools - schools organized by the secular power and the church in the arrival, in practice, it was envisaged to implement the former patriarchal-Orthodox approach: "The book on which agricultural children in parish schools are obliged to study, should contain such a doctrine that did Would have been settled in Christian law, virtuous and hardworking, therefore it should contain the following parts: 1) Russian alphabet with warehouses of church and civilian printing, while calculating letters and numbers; 2) short morning and evening prayers and prayers before dinner; Catechism with a clear, but brief interpretation of the tenthies and dogmas faith; 4) Christian virtues, consisting in the position of citizens of the sovereign, in unquestioned obedience to state instructions, in the worship and obedience of the Lords of their own and other established authorities and in their position to themselves and neighbor. "

Nevertheless, this Catherine reform played a significant role in the development of Russian education. For 1782 - 1800 Different types of schools graduated about 180 thousand children, including 7% of girls.

By the beginning of the XIX century. Russia had about 300 schools and guest houses with 20 thousand students and 720 teachers.

New government educational institutions, primarily the Cadet Corps and the institutions of noble maidens, were characterized by a good organization and certainty of approaches to the pedagogical realization of the goal. It should be noted isolation of pupils and the process of education in closed educational institutions from family and society. Parents of cadets of the Slyhamny land case, giving their five-six-year-old sons for training, signed a special "ad", in which they stated that they reported their child to upbringing and learning for a fifteen-year term and would not require their return or short vacation.

New for Russia during this period was a change in attitudes towards the formation of women. The noble estate developed by this time not only the male, but also the female ideal of a noble person. Institutions and guest houses for noble maidens received significant distribution by the end of the 18th century and enjoyed popular.

All the content of education in women's guesthouses and institutes was focused on the upbringing of these qualities. The start of sciences, including foreign languages, the heads of mathematics and natural science, architecture, familiarization with Heraldry, needlework, the law of God and the rules of "secular passage and courtesy" were designed to provide girls needed to communicate in their social circle the necessary intellectual level. The purpose of the female noble education was not to prepare for any service, and the upbringing of the perfect wives of the nobleman.

In fact, the reform led to a major positive result: a network of small and main schools was created as a basis for the construction of secondary and higher education; A special program for teacher training has been developed - all this in the aggregate created fertile ground for a new and more successful reform of the next century.

In general, the entire XVIII century for Russia passed under the sign of violent imposition of the supreme power to the society of the teachings and the creation of educational institutions, initial attempts to involve children of all classes in them, with the exception of the fortress peasantry, but gradually the educational policy of the state eventually focused on two states - nobility and Distributions and practically did not touch other submitted classes.

Even entering the nomenclature of educational institutions of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment Church-Parish schools, intended for the lower estates, were not funded from the treasury and their existence was entirely dependent on the will and desire for landowners and rural communities.

Chapter 3. Smolny Institute

smolny Institute Education Catherine

On the left bank of the eaves of the Neva, at the end of the Suvorovsky Avenue and the Tilery Street, there is a stronger and elegant Smolny Cathedral, a crown ensemble of the buildings related to him. In St. Petersburg, there was a legend that Empress Elizaveta Petrovna (1709-1762) wanted to quietly finish life in the monastery and commanded the architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli to build a Women's Resurrection Monastery on the site of the country's Solin Palace. In 1748 its bookmark took place. Years passed, a seven-year-old war began, and money on the completion of the architect was lacking on the plan. In their direct appointment, the monastery was never used. After the death of Elizabeth Petrovna, the fate of the Smolny Monastery was already becoming Ekaterina II. At that time, there was not a single school in Russia, where girls would study. Girls-nobility were taught at home, and girls from poor families, as a rule, were not taught at all. And Ekaterina II in 1764 decided to open the "Educational Society of Noble Maiden" in the Smolny Monastery, so that, as mentioned in the decree, "... to give the state of educated women, good mothers, useful family members and society." Later it became known as the "Smolny Institute of Noble Maiden".

Catherine instructed Russian diplomats in European countries to inform her about all the best educational female institutions. However, the Russian Empress completely did not make a single sample. Thanks to the help and ideas of I.I. The project has appeared a project of a completely new educational institution like which has not yet been anywhere.

Smolny Institute has become a closed educational institution for girls from noble families. Girls have been credited there for six years, eighteen-year-old girls were produced. The closeness of the educational institution was the main condition and the main idea of \u200b\u200bBeetsky, who was speaking about the upbringing of the "new breed" of people. In his view, everything looked really perfect: young girls are fully isolated from the influence of the environment, family, streets, for twelve years of study and education they become adult women free from vices.

The routine of the day at the institute was strict: the rise at 6 am, then - 6 or 8 lessons. Time for games was very limited. Girls lived in Cutter, 9 people with a lady attached to them. In addition, there was also a cool lady, which watched the behavior of girls in the lessons.

The smallest girls studied at the first age. They wore a dress of brown or cherry blossom and white aprons. Later, the color of their dresses has changed to the coffee maker, for which girls began to call "Coffee people".

Girls "middle age" called the color of their shaped dresses "blue", and girls "older" - "white", although they came to the lessons in green dresses, and their ballotes were white.

In addition to ballroom dances, such discipline such disciplines as read, spelling, French and German (later Italian), physics, chemistry, geography, mathematics, history, etiquette, needlework, home-based, the law of God, were added to the Smolianok's training program.

April 30, 1776 was the first edition of the fifty-one Smolenki. They kept the exams before the Council of Educational Society not only in all subjects, laid in the Charter, but also on geometry and mythology that did not enter the program. Apparently, all the knowledge was at the pupils, because the advice found that the "multiple number is worthy of awarding", but in view of the insufficient number of the awards, he awarded "as with general consent otherwise and by lot. . Decent awards were: ciphers and large gold medals - Devitsa Alyomov, Molchanova, Rubanovskaya, Levshina, Borscheva, Eropkin, Viestin and Nelidov. They also awarded their appointments to the sovereign. The following four received gold medals too; twelve - silver medals; Twelve - praise and only fifteen did not receive anything. In addition, from percent from capital to one hundred thousand, presented to Empress for Eternal Times Smolny for issuing benefits to the excellent and the poorest, six thousand were distributed among them. The Meshchang girls who came out of the school were awarded gifts and money.

Petrovna was built for the Resurrection (Smolny) monastery by the architect of Rastrelli, for this above the residential buildings of the monastery were injected with a third floor. However, for an educational institution, these premises still remained uncomfortable. In the early 19th century it was decided to build a new special building for the Smolny Institute. His project was developed by architect D. Kaprengy. The wonderful master of classical architecture, a kingdom, nevertheless, bowed to the magnificent creation of Rastrelli - Smolny Monastery, so I decided to lead new construction to the side, south of the monastery complex. The quarters created a strict and significant building, which as it should be the painting of the creation of Rastrelli.

Smolny Institute had a convenient layout: on the first floor, training facilities were located on the ground floor, and on the second floor - residential Rooms. A large main hall with original chandeliers has become a real decoration of the building. The kievnaments not only gave the importance of each detail of the building, but also thought out the planning of the space around it: from the side of the main entrance they arranged a large area, and on the opposite side, a regular garden was laid.

Smolny Institute of Noble Maiden became one of the most durable undertakings of Catherine II: he existed until 1917. The very building of the same Smolny entered the history of Russia as one of the symbols of revolutionary shocks of the beginning of the 20th century.


Giving an assessment of the Catherine era should not not be noted that the culture of the XVIII century, despite a number of contradictions, is characterized by an unprecedented interest in person's personality. Catherine The second knew how to surround himself by smart and business people. It was in her era that a number of the largest, state, political, military leaders, and creators of culture, supported and inspired by the monarchin, were prompted.

Venid Ekaterininsky Welject I.I. Bezzka, referring to Ekaterina Great, said: "Peter the Great created in Russia people; Your Majesty is vague in them the souls. " In his opinion, Catherine The second "Krotko and calmly finished the fact that Peter the Great was forced to establish violently."

Explicit and hidden paradoxes of the enlightened Ekaterininsky century, its internal division always intrigued Russian public consciousness. Remember at least AS Pushkin. Catherine for him, on the one hand - "Tartuf in the Skirt and Crown", on the other - the wise Mother - the sovereign " Captain's daughter" But nevertheless, as Karamzin designed: the Russian people never felt so happily as in the years of the reign of Catherine. "

But it was in the Catherine Epoch that a prominent leader of the Russian Education, Volnodoms and Democrat Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov (1744-1818), for the first time in Russia, uses the term "pedagogy" and attempts to justify the goal of upbringing. The section "On the Universal and the last goal of education and the parts of it", which included the work of "on the upbringing and instruction of children" popular in those years, is fully dedicated to this problem.

In the Russian philosophical and pedagogical thought of the Catherine Epoch, the ideas of European enlighteners were reflected, which, synthesize in the consciousness of Russian thinkers with the ideas of traditional for Russia, formed very original ideas about the ideal of a person who had the basis of the goals of education and education in the second and in the last third XVIII century.

In the development of education in Russia in the XVIII century, those changes that occurred during this period in views on the spiritual and vital values \u200b\u200bof the highest sections of Russian society were reflected. New values \u200b\u200brelated to the idea of \u200b\u200bpublic service, the preparation of children to occupy a place in society worthy of high origin, reflected in authorized documents and projects formed educational institutions. At the same time, it is impossible not to pay attention to the class character and thesis discrimination of educational institutions. In the XVIII century, a tradition of a clear division of educational institutions for "noble", "spiritual", "Distatory", etc. Belonging to "Higher Society" became independent vital valueWhat was clearly reflected in the typology of schools.

List of used literature

1. Viktorov V. V. Culturology. Ed. "Exam". M., 2004.

2. Demkov M.I. The history of Russian pedagogy. Part III. New Russian pedagogy (XIX century). - M., 1909 ..

3. Zhukova L. V. History of Russia from ancient times to the present. Ed. "Exam". M., 2005.

4. The architect St. Petersburg. XVIII century. St. Petersburg., 1997.

5. Kamensky A.B. The life and fate of Empress Catherine Great. - M.: Knowledge, 1997.

6. Caus G. M. Zakharov I. V. Ekaterina Great: Biography. M., 2002.

7. Klyuchevsky V. O. O. O. In 9 volumes. M., 1989. Volume 5.

8. Bustor. № 4. 1996.

9. Likhacheva. "Materials for the history of women's education in Russia." 1899

10. New World. - 1949. - № 3.

11. Pavlenko N. I., Andreev I. L., Fedorov V. A. History of Russia from ancient times until 1861. "High school". M., 2004.

12. Pavlenko N.I. Catherine Great. M., 2000.

13. Plans and statutes of the general lieutenant of the Betsky Slyham Land Cadet Corps. - St. Petersburg., 1766.

14. Complete meeting of the laws of the Russian Empire. T.5, No. 2736. - St. Petersburg., 1830.

15. Soviet archeology. - 1970. - № 4.

16. Shishov A.V. Ekaterina II - t. III - M.: Russian literature, 1998.

Kamensky AB The life and fate of Empress Catherine Great. - M.: Knowledge, 1997, pp 4.

Greek B. D. Punch for antipatriotic trends in historical science // New World. - 1949. - № 3. - p. 51 -52.

Vysotsky S. A. Old Russian ABC from Sofia Kievskaya // Soviet archeology. - 1970. - № 4. - P. 128 - 139.

Zhukova L. V. History of Russia from ancient times to the present. Ed. "Exam". M., 2005. P. 188

Pavlenko N. I., Andreev I. L., Fedorov V. A. History of Russia from ancient times until 1861. "High school". M., 2004. P. 374

Zhukova L. V. History of Russia from ancient times to the present. Ed. "Exam". M., 2005. P. 186

Pavlenko N.I. Catherine Great. M., 2000. P. 245

Skotskaya M. Beautiful Smolenki // Kostyon. № 4. 1996.

Likhacheva. "Materials for the history of women's education in Russia." 1899 pp. 233

Architect St. Petersburg. XVIII century. St. Petersburg., 1997. P. 145

Shishov A.V. Ekaterina II - t. III - M.: Russian literature, 1998, p.171.

Kamensky AB The life and fate of Empress Catherine Great. - M.: Knowledge, 1997, pp 4.

Novikov N.I. On the upbringing and instruction of children // Support to Moscow Vedomosti, 1783, Nos. 2, 6, 9.

Educational reforms of the time of the Board of Catherine II

Earthy Tatyana Borisovna,

In Poo, [Email Protected]

Pavlycheva Olga Nikolaevna,

In Poo, [Email Protected]


The article discusses the main trends of the educational policy of the Board of Catherine II, including the creation of a system of closed educational institutions of a classroom. Based on the study of historical documents, a state policy in the field of education and education was carried out.

The article is designed for lawyers, historians, as well as everyone who is engaged in the study and training of scientific literature on the history of education.

Keywords: education, school, education, public policy in the field of education, training, literacy, education, library, school, book, textbook, secular school, spiritual education, class education, gymnasium, Betsky system.


The Basic Tendencies Of The Educational Policy of Times of Board of Catherine II, Including Creation of System of The Closed Teaching and Educational Establishments of Class Character Are Considered in the Article. The State Policy Analysis In The Spheres of Education and Enlightenment Is Carried Out On The Basis of Studying of the Historical Documents.

The Article Is Meant for Lawyers, Historians, and Also On All Who Is Engaged in Studying and Preparation of the Scientific Literature on History of Education.

Keywords: Education, School, Upbringing, The State Policy in the Spheres of Education, Training, Literacy, Enlightenment, Library, School, Book, TextBook, Secular School, Spiritual Formation, Class Formation, Grammar School, Betsky's System.

The reign of Catherine II is the same as the time and time of Peter I brought with you new trends to the wide formulation of the problem of popular education and new funds for its resolution: during this period there appears whole line new projects to create a solid learning system, especially since Catherine II was interested best ways Enlightenment of Russia.

Catherine II, brought up on the ideas of European enlightenment, on the works of Voltaire, Didro, Rousseau, Locke, Montesquieu, Montita, was a lot about the enlightenment. In the correspondence with Voltaire, she repeatedly emphasized her desire to commit to ignorance, to help educate education in their own country. Regarding the Austrian education system, she requested the opinions of Grimma, Dalberg, Epinus 1.

In the 60s-70s. The century was made attempting to create a system of educational institutions, the main goal of which was the upbringing of the "new breed of people" - formed and virtuous.

The act, as the basis for the formation of new legislation on education in Epoch of Catherine II, was the general establishment of the education of both sexes, approved by the Empress on March 12, 1764 (Report of the Academy of Arts of the Chief Director of General-Lieutenant, I.I. Bezzky "On Education of Youth of both Paul" ) 2.

The substance of the report is the basic principles of the new education system. The report indicates the significance of the upbringing: "Rarely great state trucks about such cases have a lot of care, which are slow fruits, and which, the greater promise to benefit and the offspring, the Bolshago of Labor and is inexhaustible, generosity requires ... 3 overcome the superstition of the centuries, to give people to their people New upbringing and, so to speak, a new breeding, there is a matter of collapsed with incredible works, and the direct benefit remains all the offspring "..." From a long time, Russia has a time academy and common schools, and a lot of people use a lot to send Russian junior to teaching sciences and arts; But little will not quite anything, nouns from that fruit assembled "..." Viewing the reasons, we cannot complain about providence and small in the Russian people to science and artistic ability; But it is indisputable to prove indisputable that it was not elected to achieve that the paths were not elected, but it was not quite lacking, there was no problem at all. "The art has proven that one just decorated or enlightened by sciences is still noticeable and directly a citizen; But in many cases, it happens in many cases to harm if someone from the most delicate youth of his age is raised in virtues, and he is not firmly in his heart, and he gets acquainted with the mercy of the mercy, delicacy and disobedience. With such a lack, it is safe to approve that it is rapid in the sciences and arts of success, and the third people in the state expect everyone to caress themselves and caress ... Root all evil and good - upbringing; To achieve the latter with success and firm performance, it is possible that you can choose the means to that straight and founder. Holding this undeniable rule, a single tokmo tool remains, then-there: to make the way to upbringing, so to speak, a new breed, or new fathers and mothers who would have for children with their own straight and the founder of upbringing the rules in the heart could have established, Kakia got them ourselves, and children from them betrayed their children to their children; And so following the birth of childbirth, in future eyelids. Great this intention to fulfill there is no very different way, how to start educational schools for both sexes of children who are not old, like the fifth and sixth year ... Upon the earliest institutions, the first to attach the full fear of God to establish a heart in the younger commendable inclinations, and teach them to a solid and attractive state of their rules, to excite the hunt for hard work in them, and so that the idleness as a source of any evil and error; Teach them decent in the affairs of their and conversations of behavior, courtesies, decency, condolences about poor, unhappy and disgust from all sorts of proliferation; teach them to house-building in all the ingo details, and how much it is useful in it; It is advantageously written in them with its own tendency to tidy and clean, both on yourself and on themselves, in one word, all those virtues and qualities, which belong to good upbringing and which in their time they can be direct citizens, useful societies members, and serve one decoration "4.

There is no doubt that Bezzka in all his pedagogical plans and presenters was influenced by Western writers and teachers, especially the school of philanthropists. And after a long thought, he came to the thoughts to postpone them to Russian soil: make a special world from young children, eliminating all the influence of family and society from them, to educate them according to the well-known rules, to form, so to speak, the new breed of fathers and mothers. The most important thing from the affairs of Petsk was the establishment of educational houses in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in whose favor he did huge donations 5.

Catherine II adopted the theory of the upbringing proposed by Beetk, and at its orders for education and education in Russia adhered to this theory.

However, the Betsky system promising many in theory, in practice it turned out to be little useful for many reasons. "Children, at the most gentle age, torn off from families, says A. Voronov, cannot develop holy feelings family love To parents and their blood native, are made with cold dry heart. Not in contact with the least with society, they remain in the ignorance of all social conditions, and therefore they acquire and often disadvantaged a look at their relationship to society. Smart and loving educators who thought to replace the bezzled family, even when best qualities The mind and heart and with full love for children, nevertheless not that parents: the love of them, without expiring from the blood relationship, is cold and not able to warm the gentle hearts of children "6.

As fairly indicates S.V. Christmas: Nearest circumstances, among which the general establishment of March 12, 1764 was developed, and his connection with the establishment of an educational house had already determined a partly the nature of the further movement of the educational reform. "Now the legislation is trying to approach this reform completely from the other side than before in the first half of the XVIII century. The first head now the question of the initial school, and the goal of the school is not indicated in the preparation of a professional employee, but in the upbringing of a person and a citizen "7.

The implementation of the General Institution assumed great legislative work, which was divided into two parts: Bezzom was instructed to create two new collections at the Academy of Arts and the Smolny Monastery for noble girls, as well as make detailed regulations and instructions for educational schools, which could be used in all provinces of the Russian Empire.

Bezzka focused on the fulfillment of the first item and already during the 1760s a number of new educational institutions arose, whose charters were composed of bez.

Thus, an educational school was educated at the Academy of Arts, the management of which was entrusted to Bezzler.

These individuals, private experiences of educational reform followed this order: on May 5, 1764, the charter of the educational society of noble maidens, on November 4 of the same year, the charter of the educational school at the Academy of Arts, according to the sample of which in 1765 the educational department was established at the Academy of Sciences, 31 January 1765 Charter of the School at the Voskresensky Branch at the Academy of Sciences, January 31, 1765, the Charter of the School at the Voskresensky Novodevichy Monastery for the upbringing of the Meshchansky Maiden, September 11, 1766, the new charter of the landlock building, August 13, 1767, the 2nd and 3rd parts of Moscow Educational house. However, all of the listed schools, the system of which was subordinated to the new pedagogical principles, were only individual, private experiences of the overall training reform, which was to be fully expressed in the ubiquitous institution of "educational schools" 8. All these institutions in accordance with the General Institution on the upbringing of both the sex of the youth of March 12, 1764 were to make their students first virtuously, and only then enlightened.

Subsequently, however, Bezzka was suspended from the further implementation of the specified project for an unknown reason. Development detailed Plan The ubiquitous institution of educational schools, entrusted first to Bezzk, was then transferred to other persons, and only individual charitable and educational institutions remained on the care of the beets.

In this way, general plan It was not done. As noted by S.V. Christmas, "It can be assumed that the Empress has postponed this or that decision on this issue before developing the foundations of educational reform in the legislative commission, as part of which, in May 1768, began to operate a special commission about the collections" 9.

The plan of educational reform, developed in November 1764, also deserves attention, developed in November 1764 - "Plan about the establishment of different collections for the dissemination of science and the corrections of the morals" 10.

The reform proposed by the Dill covered the whole system of folk education and consisted of 4 parts: the 1st - "On Schedule Schools, as about the first foundation of the preponderance of the upbringing", 2nd about schools of trivial, 3rd gymnasiums and 4th - About universities. Interesting in this project, first of all, Schools are slave - schools for serfdom. They were supposed to create only two: in Moscow and St. Petersburg, with a set of students of 100 people in each; In Moscow, the school is under the leadership of the University, in St. Petersburg - Academy of Sciences.

The System of Enlightenment according to the Diltea plan consists of School of Three degrees: Schools of trivial, gymnasiums and universities. Trivial schools were supposed to create an elementary education in order to teach elementary education, as well as the "Compact Life of the Rules" as noble and merchant "and other not naked states, children." Trivial schools prepare young people to gymnasiums, consisting of 4 classes, with an annual course to each, and open and open for the younger of all states except the fortress. Trivial schools and gymnasium are under the jurisdiction of universities, or under the special patronage of the governors. Dilteem was proposed to create 21 trivial school and 9 gymnasiums for the whole of Russia. Universities were supposed to create three. As a basis for the internal structure of universities, it was proposed to take the experience of organizing universities in Germany, including, 4 faculties: philosophical, legal, medical and theological and theology and only at the end of the biennium biennium of the Philosophy of the Faculty, access to special faculties. This plan was also not accepted.

From the point of view of the estate concepts and interests of the second half of the XVIII century. Each class had to possess some circle of general education associated with well-known professional elements, respectively, the material interests of this class: the formation of the peasantry should not have emerged from the narrow framework of elementary learning; The meshness and allocates were predominantly lower and secondary education, but did not close access and to the formation of the highest in some of its industries.

Consequently, the system of class education did not assume the absolute isolation of the nobility, the meshness and the peasantry. But all classes as it were, as it were, were distributed over the individual steps of a single general education. The lower steps were recognized as equally affordable for all classes; On the mid-stages no longer was the place of the peasantry, on the steps of the highest dominant position belonged to the nobility 11.

As noted in the scientific literature, no later than 1767, Catherine II was presented with a detailed and motivated plan for "Children's Educational Academies" or "State Gymnasiums". However, neither in the text of the plan, nor in its accompanying two reports was not the names of the compusors. But on the wrapper in which this plan is stored in St. Petersburg State Archive, as claimed by S.V. Christmas, there is an inscription, which stars that the plan is drawn up by Philip Dieltem, Gerard Miller, Timofey Klingsttom and Grigory Teplov 12.

There is also a fact that in 1768, a private commission on collections, collecting various materials to work for its work, demanded from the Directorate Commission for the delivering Plan of State Gymnasiums, compiled by Philip Dieltem, Gerard Miller, Timothy Klingstethe and Grigory Teplov. 13

The plan for educational academies or government gymnasium was accompanied by two reports from the Commission: collective - on behalf of all members and individual, the author of which is unknown. "We read in the first report: Your Majesty" Herpoles to command us was expected, so that we presented to your imperial majesty plan for the establishment in all provinces and noble provinces of the empire of such children's educational academies, in which children are brought up in fear of God and the teaching of his law, in the knowledge of direct virtues, Yako, then: love of the near, compassion of the lobing, highway, and honestly in society, mercy, stirrerism, lubling to truth and disgusting to all vices. ... ". In another report, it was indicated that the compilers of educational schools were guided by the instructions of the Empress itself: "Your imperial majesty, wrote the author of this report, could not be taken as the glorious intention and give the highest on that commandments; But, as the first idea of \u200b\u200bthis noble enterprise occurred from your own person, so you yourself deigned to give and wip the orders to the whole establishment of this case "14.

It should be noted that the basis of the formation of a new system of educational institutions was the Austrian model.

This system, originated in Prussia, was strengthened and developed by the abbot of the Salegsky of the Augustinian monastery in Silesia Felbiger. Empress Maria Teresia, concerned about the plantation of public education in Austria, invited Filbiger in 1774 to Vienna, appointed him by the director of the teacher's seminary and instructed to make a provision on primary folk education. In this position or the Charter, approved on December 6, 1775, the foundations of the new system were presented. Folk schools were divided into elementary, the average in which the latin, drawing, interviewing, the founding of agriculture, geography, history and normal, was taught in top of the initial items, i.e. Exemplary schools or teacher seminaries. All schools introduced a new method of teaching: simultaneous occupation with all students in class and catechization; Of the disciplinary rules, some scoring and harmful sentences were expelled. Private training was to obey the method adopted in government schools: "Home Teachers undertake to keep an exam in a teacher seminary or main school. Each school was controlled by his trustee or observer, and several schools are the main trustee. In each province, the School Commission was established with the participation of the director of the Normal School or the teacher's seminary. The main management of the initial folk education was concentrated in Vienna in the institution, in which the main teacher seminary was held 15.

State gymnasiums developed by the General Plan were a rather original type of educational institutions that combined the tasks of the lowest, medium and higher school. Open for all Russian subjects, except for serfs, gymnasiums take students aged 5-6 years and are issued in 18 years of age. The gymnasium rate consists of 3 classes, four years of study in each. The basis of the division into classes is the title and intentions of students: 1) Schools for scientists, 2) military, 3) civil, 4) merchant. The course of the younger two classes is the same for the schools of all four categories, and the older courses are specialized.

For management, government gymnasiums assumed the creation of a special department led by a protector or the main trustee, "a certain special", awarded a particular power of attorney of the Supreme Power and has always free access to the imperial throne. The immediate head of each gymnasium is the rector, a thoroughly scientist and a unborn person.

However, despite the fact that the gymnasiums were intended for children of all classes, except for serfs, as S.V. writes Christmas, they could not serve the educational needs of the population: in every provincial city it was assumed to establish only one school from the four above categories, "depending on, which the title of residents in the province is greater than the number." The comparative smallness of state gymnasium prompted compilers of the master plan "a little thought about the simple and poorest burghers, in the towns and the towns of dwelling, how to extract ignorance from grinding and to file a way to learn how much nature is decent and needed." To this end, it was supposed to arrange elementary "public schools for a simple people" in all cities and towns, in which the children of all residents would have been learned, "no matter what the title, not excluding servants and workers," aged 6 to 14 years old. The care of these schools was entitled to local magistrates and the clergy, the latter had to bear the teacher responsibilities.

These assumptions about elementary folk education were developed in the project, complemening the Gymnasium General Plan "The All -genic Presentation of the Plan, how in all Russian cities and towns to establish schools for a simple people without any government consumption and public burden" 16.

As the closetness of the spiritual estate develops, as follows the author, there was a closure of the spiritual school later during the reign of Paul I, so the spiritual bosses did not like when the disciples of spiritual schools sought to go out on secular service. Meanwhile, in the reign of Catherine, when the government needed people to fill the newly opened vacancies in civil service and in secular schools, these challenges were frequent. After the discovery of the governor, a huge number of young people took place to fill new present places. The first candidates for new stationery were pupils of seminary and academies. Then many pupils went to universities at the Academy of Sciences and Moscow. From 1780, graduates of spiritual educational institutions began to go to the teacher's positions of national schools 17.

On the outside, the history of national education after Catherine II seems to be more or less prosperous: the number of schools of all names, the number of students and teachers is gradually increasing; The main folk schools are transformed into gymnasium; Their former encyclopedism gradually enters the proper pedagogical shores; several universities and spiritual academies opens; Along with other ministries, the Ministry of People's Enlightenment is established with the division of Russia to the training districts and the creation of local authorities in view of the consciousness that "public education in the Russian Empire is a special state part"; The charter of the gymnasium appears; There is also a while, unfortunately, a very long, slender system of folk education (at the beginning of Alexander I), which includes four consecutive steps: School - Parish (one class) and county (two classes), provincial gymnasium (four classes) And the university. Parish school is an initial folk school that every parish or two together should have had; The county school was the heritage of county cities and was elementary school more high levelthan rustic, intended for citizens; The provincial gymnasium, corresponding to the senior classes of current gymnasiums, was followed by the two schools, which was followed by the University of Gymnasium. The student of the lowest school at its end in absentia in absentia to the highest, i.e. From the city school - to the county, from the county - to the gymnasium, from the gymnasium to the university. All these schools, giving each certain completed education, at the same time constituted four steps of one whole - national education. No school, nor the parish school, nor the university stood apart, everyone was interconnected, all together constituted one consistent system of education.

As part of the implementation of its ideas, Catherine II drew attention to spiritual schools. Modern state Spiritual schools, as M.I. Demkov, she was extremely unhappy: she considered unsatisfactory all directions of life seminary and economic and educational and educational. To raise the level of spiritual enlightenment, Catherine II considered it necessary to raise well-being and expand the courses of spiritual schools. According to the instructions, it was ordered in each diocese to make a one seminary and two to three schools and on the maintenance of those and others to make states, and to determine the salary for all teachers and the amount for textbooks (libraries), at the same time expand the course of the seminary teaching by the introduction general educational items - mathematics, history and geography; Pupils were recommended to read more reading in the available seminar libraries 18.

But this outer side School business. Inside, the history of our educational institutions is the history of policies to school from the perspectivity of the priority and extreme conservatism, with which the delay in the development of the national education actually. The charter of the gymnasiums and universities of 1804 was only the glow of Russian school life, quickly faded and replaced gray, gloomy and cold day, almost dark 19.

The projects of Shuvalov proposed "to establish in large cities of the gymnasium in small towns - literacy schools, in which children could be prepared for gymnasiums could be prepared. At the end of the gymnasic course, the young men were supposed to move to the Cadet Corps or to the University and, at the end of the education there, to enter civil or military service" As noted, M.I. Demkov, the project Shuvalov was a discussion of academics, but with the death of Elizabeth Petrovna and the removal from state cases Shuvalov did not receive further development.

In 1764, the invited to Moscow University to lead the Department of History and Law F.G. Diltei presented to the Empress "Plan about the establishment of different collections to disseminate different sciences and corrections of the morals." The project reveals the reasons for serious shortcomings in the formation of the nobility and are proposed to eliminate them. The source of spoiled upbringing lies, according to Diltea, in the thin example of "uncle", to which noble children from the youngsters get used to. Other reasons are the lack of teachers, the fact that unexpected people and office are managed by the schools limit freedom of educational institutions.

To correct the situation, F. Dilte offers the original solution - to create "slave schools" (as he called them), that is, schools for training teachers from serfs. It was proposed to establish teacher seminary in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where 100 boys were brought up under the guidance of two teachers and rector. One teacher would have been taught Latin, German and Russian, the other - Latin, French, as well as arithmetic, and the rector would teach history, geography, as well as what is good education, how to behave in various circumstances, how to talk to With God, that Fatherland should be given that the rules of the morals are allowed or prohibited. Studying in "slave schools" should last 5 years. An investigative program of such training was attached, the regulation of the internal life of the school.

Municipal government special (corrective) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities Special health (correctional) Secondary school boarding school VIII species