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Vitya Maleev at school and houses are the main. Vitya Maleev at school and at home (ill. Y. Pozin)

The story of the friendship of the student of the 4th grade Viti Maleev and the bone of Shishkin, the guys of merry, inventive, but careless.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov
Vitya Maleev at school and houses
Figures: Heinrich Oscarovich Valka


Just think about how fast the time flies! I did not have time to look back, as the holidays ended and it was time to go to school. I just did a whole summer that I ran through the streets, I played football, but about the books even forgot to think. That is, I read sometimes books, just not training, but some fairy tales or stories, and so to work in Russian or on arithmetic - it was not. In Russian, I studied so well, and the arithmets did not like. It was worse for me - these are tasks to solve. Olga Nikolaevna even wanted to give me a job for the summer in arithmetic, but then I regretted me and translated into the fourth grade, without work.

You do not want to spoil the summer, "she said. "I will translate you like that, but you give a promise that you are doing on arithmetic in the summer."

Of course, I gave a promise, but as soon as the classes ended, all the arithmetic jumped out of my head, and I probably would not remember it if I didn't come to go to school. It was ashamed to me that I did not fulfill my promise, but now nothing can do anything.

Well, so, it means breaking holidays! One fine morning was the first of September - I got up early, folded my books in the bag and went to school. On this day, the street, as they say, reigned a great revival. All boys and girls, and big and small, as a team, poured out on the street and walked to school. They walked one by one, and two, and even whole groups of several people. Who walked slowly, like me, who rushed string, as a fire. Kids drag flowers to decorate class. Girls scratched. And the guys, too, some squealed and laughed. Everyone was fun. And I had fun. I was glad that I would see my pioneer detachment again, all the guys from our class and our warp Volodya, who worked with us last year. It seemed to me that I was a traveler who had once left for a long journey, and now returns back home and is about to see his native shores and familiar faces of relatives and friends.

But still I was not quite fun, since I knew that I would not meet among old school friends Fedy Rybkin - MY best friendWith which we were sitting at one desk last year. He recently left with his parents from our city, and now no one knows, we will see you with him sometime or not.

And I was sad, since I did not know what I would say Olga Nikolaevna, if she asks me, if I did in the summer of arithmetic. Oh, this is me arithmetic! Because of her, my mood was completely spoiled.

Bright sun shone in the sky in a summer, but the cool autumn wind broke the yellowed leaves from the trees. They circled in the air and fell down. The wind drove them in the sidewalk, and it seemed that the leaves were also in a rush somewhere.

I also published a large red poster on the entrance to school. He was used on all sides by garlands from flowers, and it was written on it with big white letters: "Welcome!" I remembered that the same poster hung on that day when I was completely small for the first time in school. And I remembered all past years. As we studied in the first grade and dreamed of eager to grow up and become pioneers.

I remembered all this, and some joy was fixed in my chest, as if something good was happening! My feet themselves faded themselves, and I barely restrained, so as not to go run. But it was me not to the face: After all, I am not some first grader - as is still the fourth grade!

In the yard of the school there was already full of guys. The guys were going to groups. Each class is separate. I quickly locked my class. The guys saw me and joyed towards a joyful cry, began to clap on the shoulders, on the back. I did not think that everyone would be so pleased with my arrival.

And where is Fedya Rybkin? - asked Grish Vasilyev.

True, where is Fedya? - shouted guys. - You always went together. Where did you lose it?

No Feda, "I replied. - He will not learn more.

He left our city with his parents.

How so?

Very simple.

Are you not lying? - asked Alik Sorokin.

Here's another! I will lie!

The guys looked at me and smiled incredulously.

Guys, and Vanya Pakhomov is not, "Lenya Astafyev said.

And Seryoga Bukatina! - shouted guys.

Maybe they also left, and we do not know, "Toleri said.

Hooray! - We shouted.

All ran to meet Vana and attacked him.

Stick! - Wanted from us Vanya. - A person never seen in life, or what?

But everyone wanted to pat him on the shoulder or back. I also wanted to slap it on the back, but by mistake I got along the back of the back.

And so you still fight! - Vanya got angry and struggled from us to break away from us.

But we still have dense surrounded it.

I do not know how all this is over, but here Sergei Bukatin came. Everyone threw Vanya to the arbitrariness of fate and thrown on Bucatin.

Now, it seems, everything is already assembled, "said Zhenya Komarov.

Or maybe it is also not true. So Olga Nikolaevna will ask.

Believe it or not. I really need to deceive! - I said.

The guys began to look at each other and tell someone who spent the summer. Who traveled to the pioneer camp, who lived with parents at the cottage. We all grew over the summer, tanned. But the most of all tanned Gleb Bembaykin. He had his face as if he was smashed over the fire. Only bright eyebrows sparkled on it.

Where did you catch up so? - asked him toly the race. - Probably the whole summer in Pioneerweigher lived?

Yes, you are not about the skin, but about the sea tell!

Now I will tell ... the sea - it is huge! And the waters in the sea! In short, the whole sea of \u200b\u200bwater.

It is not known that the Gleb Bembaykin would also tell about the sea, but at that time Volodya came to us. Well, the cry went up here! Everyone was surrounded by him. Everyone hurried to tell him anything about himself. Everyone was asked, he will be the leader this year or someone else will give us.

What are you guys! May I give you someone else? We will work with you, as in the past year. Well, if I want you, then the matter is different! - Washed Volodya.

You? Tarnish? .. - We shouted everything at once. - You never twist in life! We are always fun with you!

Volodya told us how he was in the summer with his comrades Komsomol members traveled through the river on the Rubber Boat. Then he said that he was still seen with us, and went to his comrades to high school students. He also wanted to talk to his friends. It was a pity that he left, but Olga Nikolaevna approached us. Everyone was very pleased, seeing her.

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Chapter first

Just think about how fast the time flies! I did not have time to look back, as the holidays ended and it was time to go to school. I just did a whole summer that I ran through the streets, I played football, but about the books even forgot to think. That is, I read sometimes books, just not training, but some fairy tales or stories, and so to work in Russian or on arithmetic - it was not. In Russian, I studied so well, and the arithmets did not like. It was worse for me - these are tasks to solve. Olga Nikolaevna even wanted to give me work for the summer in arithmetic, but then I regretted and translated into the fourth grade, without work.

You do not want to spoil the summer, "she said. "I will translate you like that, but you give a promise that you are doing on arithmetic in the summer."

Of course, I gave a promise, but as soon as the classes ended, all the arithmetic jumped out of my head, and I probably would not remember it if I didn't come to go to school. It was ashamed to me that I did not fulfill my promise, but now nothing can do anything.

Well, so, it means breaking holidays! One fine morning was the first of September - I got up early, folded my books in the bag and went to school. On this day, the street, as they say, reigned a great revival. All boys and girls, and big and small, as a team, poured out on the street and walked to school. They walked one by one, and two, and even whole groups of several people. Who walked slowly, like me, who rushed string, as a fire. Kids drag flowers to decorate class. Girls scratched. And the guys, too, some squealed and laughed. Everyone was fun. And I had fun. I was glad that I would see my pioneer detachment again, all the guys from our class and our warp Volodya, who worked with us last year. It seemed to me that I was a traveler who had once left for a long journey, and now returns back home and is about to see his native coast and familiar faces of relatives and friends.

But still I was not quite fun, as I knew that I was not a meeting among old school friends Fedya Rybkin - my best friend, with whom we were sitting in one thing last year. He recently left with his parents from our city, and now no one knows, we will see you with him sometime or not.

And I was sad, since I did not know what I will say Olga Nikolaevna, if she asks me, if I did in the summer in the arithmetic. Oh, this is the arithmetic! Because of her, my mood was completely spoiled.

Bright sun shone in the sky in a summer, but the cool autumn wind broke the yellowed leaves from the trees. They circled in the air and fell down. The wind drove them in the sidewalk, and it seemed that the leaves were also in a rush somewhere.

I also published a big red poster on the entrance to school. It was used on all sides with garlands from flowers, and it was written on it with big white letters: "Welcome!" I remembered that the same poster hung on this day here and last year, and in the last year, and that day, when I was completely small for the first time at school. And I remembered all past years. As we studied in the first grade and dreamed of eager to grow up and become pioneers.

I remembered all this, and some joy was fixed in my chest, as if something good did it happen! My feet themselves faded themselves, and I barely restrained, so as not to go run. But it was me not to face: After all, I'm not some first grader - how - in no way, after all, the fourth grade!

In the yard of the school there was already full of guys. The guys were going to groups. Each class is separate. I quickly locked my class. The guys saw me and joyed towards a joyful cry, began to clap on the shoulders, on the back. I did not think that everyone would be so pleased with my arrival.

And where is Fedya Rybkin? - asked Grish Vasilyev.

True, where is Fedya? - shouted guys. - You always went together. Where did you lose it?

No Feda, "I replied. - He will not learn more.

He left our city with his parents.

How so?

Very simple.

Are you not lying? - asked Alik Sorokin.

Here's another! I will lie!

The guys looked at me and smiled incredulously.

Guys, and Vanya Pakhomov No, "said Lenya Astafiev.

And Serge Bukatina! - shouted guys.

Maybe they also left, and we do not know, "Toleri said.

Here, as if in response to this, the wicket opened, and we saw that Vanya Pakhomov was approaching to us.

Hooray! - We shouted.

All ran to meet Vana and attacked him.

Stick! - Wanted from us Vanya. - A person never seen in life, or what?

But everyone wanted to pat him on the shoulder or back. I also wanted to slap it on the back, but by mistake I got along the back of the back.

And so you still fight! - Vanya got angry and struggled from us to break away from us.

But we are even dense surrounded it.

I do not know how it would have ended, but here I came Serezha Bukatin. Everyone threw Vanya to the arbitrariness of fate and thrown on Bucatin.

Now, it seems, everything is already assembled, "said Zhenya Komarov.

Or maybe it is also not true. So Olga Nikolaevna will ask.

Believe it or not. I really need to deceive! - I said.

The guys began to look at each other and tell someone who spent the summer. Who traveled to Pioneergly, who lived with parents at the cottage. We all grew over the summer, tanned. But the most of all tanned Gleb Bembaykin. He had his face as if he was smashed over the fire. Only bright eyebrows sparkled on it.

Where did you catch up so? - asked him toly the race. - Probably the whole summer in Pioneerweigher lived?

Not. At first I was in Pioneerwegar, and then I went to the Crimea.

How did you get into the Crimea?

Very simple. Pope at the plant gave a ticket to the holiday home, and he came up with me to go with my mother too.

So you visited the Crimea?


And seen seen?

Seeing the sea. I saw everything.

The guys survived Gleb from all sides and began to look at some kind of wonder.

Well, tell what kind of sea. What are you silent? Said Seryozha Bukatin.

The sea is big, - began to tell Gleb Bembaykin. - It is so big that if you stand on one shore, then another shore is not even visible. On the one hand there is shore, and on the other hand there is no shore. That's how much water guys! In short, one water! And the sun there is a bake so that all skin came down with me.

Honestly! I myself was even frightened first, and then it turned out that I have one skin under this skin. Here I am now and go to this second skin.

Yes, you are not about the skin, but about the sea tell!

Now I will tell ... the sea - it is huge! And the waters in the sea! In short, the whole sea of \u200b\u200bwater.

It is not known that even told Gleb Bembaykin about the sea, but at that time Volodya came up to us. Well, the cry went up here! Everyone was surrounded by him. Everyone hurried to tell him anything about himself. Everyone was asked, he will be the leader this year or someone else will give us.

What are you guys! May I give you someone else? We will work with you, as in the past year. Well, if I want you, then the matter is different! Washed Volodya.

You? Tarnish? .. - We shouted everything at once. - You never twist in life! We are always fun with you!

Volodya told us how he was in the summer with his comrades Komsomol members traveled through the river on the Rubber Boat. Then he said that he was still seen with us, and went to his comrades to high school students. He also wanted to talk to his friends. We feel sorry that he left, but Olga Nikolaevna approached us. Everyone was very happy to see her.

Hello, Olga Nikolaevna! - We shouted the choir.

Hello guys, hello! - Smiled Olga Nikolaevna. - Well, how did you go over the summer?

Footed, Olga Nikolaevna!

We had great rest?

Not tired of resting?

Tired, Olga Nikolaevna! I want to learn!

That's fine!

And I, Olga Nikolaevna, so rested that even tired! If it would come out a little more from the strength, "Alik Sorokin said.

And you, Alik, I see, did not change. The same joker, as in the past year was.

The same, Olga Nikolaevna, only grown a little

Well, they have grown out decently, "Olga Nikolayevna grinned.

Olga Nikolaevna, Fedya Rybkin will not learn more from us, "Dima Balakirev said.

I know. He left with his parents to Moscow.

Olga Nikolaevna, and Gleb Bembaykin in Crimea was and seen the sea.

That's good. When we write an essay, Gleb will write about the sea.

Olga Nikolaevna, and the skin came down from him.

With Gleb.

A, well, good. We will talk about it after, and now we will keep up in a ruler, soon you need to go to the class.

We built into the ruler. All other classes also built. The director Igor Alexandrovich appeared on the porch of the school. He congratulated us with the beginning of the new school year and wished all students in this new school year good success. Later cool leaders began to breed students in classes. At first they went the smallest disciples - first-graders, for them the second class, then the third, and then we, and the senior classes went beyond us.

Olga Nikolaevna led us to class. All the guys decided to sit down as last year, so I was followed by one, I did not have a couple. It seemed to everyone that this year I got a small class, much less than last year.

The class is the same as last year, exactly the same size, explained Olga Nikolaevna. - All of you have grown over the summer, so it seems that the class is less.

It was true. I then went to see the third class on the change. He was exactly the same as the fourth.

At the first lesson, Olga Nikolaevna said that in the fourth grade we will have to work much more than before, - so we will have many subjects. In addition to the Russian language, arithmetic and other items that were here last year, now more geography, history and natural science are added. Therefore, it should be taken to study as it follows from the very beginning of the year. We recorded the schedule of lessons. Then Olga Nikolaevna said that we need to choose the head of the class and his assistant.

Gleb bembaykin old-age! Gleb bembaykin! - shouted guys.

Cherry! Noise how much! Do not you know how to choose? Who wants to say should raise his hand.

We began to choose organized and chose the old-fashioned Gleb Bembaykin, and the assistant - Shura Malikova.

At the second lesson, Olga Nikolaevna said that at first we will repeat what was held last year, and she will check who forgot what for the summer. She immediately began checking, and so it turned out that I even forgot the multiplication table. That is, not all, of course, but only from the end. Before the family, seven forty-nine, I remembered well, and then confused.

Eh, Maleev, Maleev! - said Olga Nikolaevna. - So it can be seen that you never took the book for the summer!

This is my surname Maleev. Olga Nikolaevna, when angry, always calls me on the surname, and when it is not angry, then calling just Vitya.

I noticed that at the beginning of the year it is always difficult to study for some reason. Lessons seem long, as if someone will stretch them. If I were the main boss on schools, I would do somehow so that the classes began not immediately, but gradually, so that the guys gradually died to walk and gradually got used to the lessons. For example, it would be possible to make it so that in the first week there was only one lesson, in the second week - two lessons, in the third - three, and so on. Or it would be possible to make it so that in the first week there were only light lessons, such as physical education, can add singing in the second week to physical education, you can add Russian to the third week, and so that it does not reach arithmetic. Maybe someone will think that I am lazy and do not like to learn at all, but it is not true. I love to learn very much, but it's hard for me to start working at once: I walked, walked, and then suddenly stop the car - let's learn.

In the third lesson we had geography. I thought that geography is some very difficult subject, like arithmetic, but it turned out that it is very easy. Geography is a science of land on which we all live; About what on the land of the mountain and river, which seas and oceans. I used to think that our land is flat, as if damn, but Olga Nikolaevna said that the earth is not flat, but a round, like a ball. I have already heard about it before, but I thought it was, maybe fairy tales or some fictions. But now it is for sure that it is not a fairy tale. Science has established that our land is a huge-overmower ball, and people live around this ball. It turns out that the Earth attracts all people and animals to himself and everything that is on it is, therefore people who live below, do not fall anywhere. And here's another interesting: those people who live below, go upside down, that is, down their heads, only they do not notice this and imagine that they go correctly. If they indulge their head down and look at themselves under the feet, they will see the land on which they stand, and if they redeem the head up, they will see the sky. That's why they seem to them that they go correctly.

On geography, we slept rapidly, and in the last lesson there was an interesting incident. Olga Nikolaevna came to the class, Olga Nikolaevna came to class, as the door suddenly opened, and a completely unfamiliar student appeared on the threshold. He stood indiscriminately near the door, then wondered Olga Nikolaevna and said:


Hello, - answered Olga Nikolaevna. - What do you want to say?

Why did you come if you don't want to say anything?

So simple.

Something I do not understand you!

I came to learn. Is the fourth grade here?

So I need to fourth.

So you are new to you?


Olga Nikolaevna looked into the journal:

Is your surname Shishkin?

Shishkin, and name Kostya.

Why are you, Kostya Shishkin, has come so late? Do not you know that in the morning you need to go to school?

I came in the morning. I was only late for the first lesson.

At first lesson? And now the fourth. Where did you disappear two lessons?

I was there ... in fifth grade.

What did you get into the fifth grade?

I came to school, I hear the call, the guys are running in the class ... well, and I'm behind them, so I got into the fifth grade. On the change guys ask: "Are you a novice?" I say: "Newbie". They did not tell me anything, and I only figured out the next lesson that I didn't get into my class. Here.

I get into place and do not get more in someone else's class, "said Olga Nikolaevna.

Shishkin approached my desk and sat down next to me, because I sat alone and the place was free.

The whole lesson guys looked around at him and slowly laughed. But Shishkin did not pay attention to this and did the view that nothing funny happened to him. The lower lip of him sucked a little forward, and somehow he somehow looked up. From this he got some kind of contempt, as if he was proud of something.

After the lessons, the guys survived it from all sides.

How did you get into the fifth grade? Does the teacher did not check the guys? asked the glory of burdens.

Maybe he checked in the first lesson, and I came to the second lesson.

Why didn't she notice that a new student appeared in the second lesson?

And in the second lesson, another teacher was, - replied Shishkin. - There's not the case there in the fourth grade. There, at every lesson, another teacher, and, while the teachers do not know the guys, it turns out a confusion.

It was only a confusion with you, but in general there is no confusion, "said Gleb Bembaykin. - Everyone should know, in what class it is necessary.

And if I'm a beginner? - says Shishkin.

Newbie, so do not be late. And then, don't you have a language. Could ask.

When to ask? I see - the guys run, well, for them.

You could get into the tenth grade!

No, in the tenth I would not get. This I would immediately guessed: there are big guys, "Shishkin smiled.

I took my books and went home. In the corridor I met Olga Nikolaevna

Well, Vitya, what do you think to learn this year? She asked. "It's time to you, friendship, to take a job as it should." You need to inflict on arithmetic, she has been lame since last year. And multiplying tables are not ashamed to know. After all, it is in the second grade.

Yes, I know Olga Nikolaevna. I just forgot little from the end!

The table is all from the beginning to the end you need to know well. Without it, it is impossible to learn in the fourth grade. Tomorrow I learge, I check out.

Nikolay Nosov

Vitya Maleev at school and houses Drawings Y. Pozin.


Just think about how fast the time flies! I did not have time to look back, as the holidays ended and it was time to go to school. I just did a whole summer that I ran through the streets, I played football, but about the books even forgot to think. That is, I read sometimes books, just not training, but some fairy tales or stories, and so that it was not for the Russian language or arithmetic - it was not in Russian, but I didn't love arithmetic so well. It was worse for me - these are tasks to solve. Olga Nikolaevna even wanted to give me work for the summer in arithmetic, but then I regretted and translated into the fourth grade, without work.

You do not want to spoil the summer, "she said. "I will translate you like that, but you give a promise that you are doing on arithmetic in the summer."

Of course, I gave a promise, but as soon as the classes ended, all the arithmetic jumped out of my head, and I probably would not remember it if I didn't come to go to school. It was ashamed to me that I did not fulfill my promise, but now nothing can do anything.

Well, so, it means breaking holidays! One fine morning was the first of September - I got up early, folded my books in the bag and went to school. On this day, the street, as they say, reigned a great revival. All boys and girls, and big and small, as a team, poured out on the street and walked to school. They walked one by one, and two, and even whole groups of several people. Who walked slowly, like me, who rushed string, as a fire. Kids drag flowers to decorate class. Girls scratched. And the guys, too, some squealed and laughed. Everyone was fun. And I had fun. I was glad that I would see my pioneer detachment again, all the guys from our class and our warp Volodya, who worked with us last year. It seemed to me that I was a traveler who had once left for a long journey, and now returns back home and is about to see his native coast and familiar faces of relatives and friends.

But still I was not quite fun, as I knew that I was not a meeting among old school friends Fedya Rybkin - my best friend, with whom we were sitting in one thing last year. He recently left with his parents from our city, and now no one knows, we will see you with him sometime or not.

And I was sad, since I did not know what I will say Olga Nikolaevna, if she asks me, if I did in the summer in the arithmetic. Oh, this is the arithmetic! Because of her, my mood was completely spoiled.

Bright sun shone in the sky in a summer, but the cool autumn wind broke the yellowed leaves from the trees. They circled in the air and fell down. The wind drove them in the sidewalk, and it seemed that the leaves were also in a rush somewhere.

I also published a big red poster on the entrance to school. He was used from all sides by garlands from flowers, and it was written on it with big white letters: "Welcome!" I remembered that the same poster hung on this day here and last year, and in the last year, and that day, when I was completely small for the first time at school. And I remembered all past years. As we studied in the first grade and dreamed of eager to grow up and become pioneers.

I remembered all this, and some joy was fixed in my chest, as if something good did it happen! My feet themselves faded themselves, and I barely restrained, so as not to go run. But it was me not to face: After all, I'm not some first grader - how - in no way, after all, the fourth grade!

In the yard of the school there was already full of guys. The guys were going to groups. Each class is separate. I quickly locked my class. The guys saw me and joyed towards a joyful cry, began to clap on the shoulders, on the back. I did not think that everyone would be so pleased with my arrival.

And where is Fedya Rybkin? - asked Grish Vasilyev.

True, where is Fedya? - shouted guys. - You always went together. Where did you lose it?

No Feda, "I replied. - He will not learn more.

He left our city with his parents.

How so?

Very simple.

Are you not lying? - asked Alik Sorokin.

Here's another! I will lie!

The guys looked at me and smiled incredulously.

Guys, and Vanya Pakhomov No, "said Lenya Astafiev.

And Serge Bukatina! - shouted guys.

Maybe they also left, and we do not know, "Toleri said.

Here, as if in response to this, the wicket glanced, and we saw that Vanya Pakhomov was approaching


Hooray! - We shouted.

All ran to meet Vana and attacked him.

Stick! - Wanted from us Vanya. - A person never seen in life, or what?

But everyone wanted to pat him on the shoulder or back. I also wanted to slap it on the back, but by mistake I got along the back of the back.

And so you still fight! - Vanya got angry and struggled from us to break away from us.

But we are even dense surrounded it.

I do not know how it would have ended, but here I came Serezha Bukatin. Everyone threw Vanya to the arbitrariness of fate and thrown on Bucatin.

Now, it seems, everything is already assembled, "said Zhenya Komarov.

Or maybe it is also not true. So Olga Nikolaevna will ask.

Believe it or not. I really need to deceive! - I said.

The guys began to look at each other and tell someone who spent the summer. Who traveled to Pioneergly, who lived with parents at the cottage. We all grew over the summer, tanned. But the most of all tanned Gleb Bembaykin. He had his face as if he was smashed over the fire. Only bright eyebrows sparkled on it.

Where did you catch up so? - asked him toly the race. - Probably the whole summer in Pioneerweigher lived?

Not. At first I was in Pioneerwegar, and then I went to the Crimea.

How did you get into the Crimea?

Very simple. Pope at the plant gave a ticket to the holiday home, and he came up with me to go with my mother too.

So you visited the Crimea?


And seen seen?

Seeing the sea. I saw everything.

The guys survived Gleb from all sides and began to look at some kind of wonder.

Well, tell what kind of sea. What are you silent? Said Seryozha Bukatin.

Nikolay Nosov - Vitya Maleev at school and houses

Vitya Maleev at school and at home: very summary

Vitya after the holidays came to school and realized that I forgot all the arithmetic. He wanted to do, but playing football whole evenings. The new Kostya Shishkin came to their class. Shishkin managed poorly in Russian. Finally, Maleev and Shishkin grabbed the twos. Vitya tried to do, but did not work, but one day the younger sister asked to explain the task and he had to remember the program for the last class. Vitya took himself in hand and corrected marks. Shishkin began to study even worse: he started a dog that she tried to train, and then stopped going to school, pretending to be ill, assuring that the circus was not needed. Shishkin exposed a teacher who came to spend it. Shishkin fell, and Vita commissioned it to tighten into Russian. At the end of the school year, the boys became excellent.

Vitya Maleev at school and houses: short content (more complete)

Vitya is a wonderful boy who does not have time for arithmetic. Over the past summer, Vitya did not do at all, and now understands that he does not even remember the multiplication table. Olga Nikolaevna Cool leader Viti, believes that it may well receive excellent marks in mathematics, only to be lazy.
All attempts to take care, suffer failure. That wate is distracting football, after which the forces are no longer left for the lessons.
The class in which Vitya learn is new. His name is Kostya, and the surname Shishkin. Shishkin's father, died at the front. And now he lives together with mom and sister. Bone having many animals, gives twit two mice, but they are not interested in the boy. They have to take care of them, the youngest sister is a face. Guys come to revenue and rewrite homework each other. It turns out that Shishkin is very smart in mathematics, but neither bad in Russian.
After a while, laziness guys brings their fruits. Vitya and Kostya begin to receive twos. At the meeting class, they take a promise to correct. Vitya begins to train the power of will, but it does not go well. Attached to Vita classmate, instead of classes in mathematics, offers him to play chess. Vitya having studied the strategy of playing the books, begins to beat a classmate.
The class begins to prepare for the evening of creative amateur. Wit and costume do not allow, as they are behind study. But friends go to the trick and perform in the evening as a horse in the scene: "Ruslana fight with his head." Suit horse, guys help to make a face. Because of permanent employment, Vitya gets a two-fourth-quarter, but decides to tell parents about it after the holiday on November 7.
Having admitted to the received twice, Vitu is shamed and parents and classmates. Taking himself in hand, Vitya begins to understand in mathematics. At first he figured out tasks for grade 3 and gradually pulls up in studies.
Shishkin, on the contrary, throws schools. Begins to lie about the disease, whatever to go to school. His mother demands that he would take up studying, otherwise. His favorite pubsik puppy will be fed. Kostya, distributes all other animals to classmates.
After the class visited the circus. Shishkin decides to start training the jigsaw, but it goes badly. All this time he strives to school, and Vite has to cover it. They are doing homework together, so Shishkin's mom is not about, he does not recognize. Charter Looking Lobzik, Kostya decides to become an acrobat. During the training of one of the racks, they find the whole class who came to hold Shishkin.
Friends take to the director. The director insists that Vitya should help the costeral catch up. Shishkin tells that Lobzik trains, what director gives useful advice By dresser. Gradually, Kostya pulls Russian and they manage to perform at the New Year's Eve in the room with a jigsaw.
For success in school, friends get the opportunity to participate in public work. They create a cool library. Public work and regular exercises, change costa. He becomes collected and responsible. And by the end of the year, the guys become round excellent.

Noses: Vitya Maleev at school and at home: summary (one more)

The main character - Vitya Maleev goes into 4th grade. All summer, the boy carelessly rested, yes so that I forgot the multiplication table. Teacher Zhurit vitu for it. Then Maleev makes the decision to "start life from pure sheet", but ... Leng. First performs the easiest tasks, and there are no strength on arithmetic. At the same time, a newcomer comes to the class - Shishkin Kostya. Vitya begins to be friends with him. Both boys are not organized in school, they get bad marks and disassemble them at the meeting. Then again a volitional solution on their part: pull up and abide by the routine of the day. But ... Leng was born ahead.
Once, because of bad weather, Vitya is forced to sit at home. It performs all lessons except arithmetic. Her he prefers to solve with the bones. Kostya, like a chess player, offers a batch in chess. Vitya is fond of this game and even beats the comrade.
At school extracurricular event. The teacher does not allow Vite and the coste to take part in it due to marks. His sister Lik Vitya "help" make a horse to perform. Due to chess hobbies, friends receive a "swan" for a quarter of arithmetic.
Wit a shame. He is struggling to cope with arithmetic. A classmate provides him with help. Viti has shifts in this area. But it's not enough! The younger sister asks for help with solving the problem. Vitya takes her a teacher, decides, and he understands that he cleared in this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge, he figured out in the previous material, and, therefore, it is easier for him to understand studied. First independent mathematical successes.
Costa is not up to study at all. So as not to shield the "couple" on arithmetic for test, He pretends to sick. Then his mother resorts to decisive action. She even promises to drive his favorite dog to the street.
The class goes to the circus performance. Under the impression of the seen Kostya is trying to train his dog. He believes that the circisterial formation is not necessary, walking school. And Vitya covers a comrade ...
Training does not work, then Kostya decides to try himself in acrobatics. Vitya every day engages with bones. The confusion situation, when classmates visit costa. The fact that he strives lessons for no reason. The teacher tries to help the trash. Even agrees with the school principal.
The director talks to friends and recommends VIT pull up a comrade in school. Also advises the croste to perform a trained dog at the school event.
Kostya pulled into studies. He realized that everything was needed to do on time. On New Year's Eve, friends successfully protrude with peel. Spectators are delighted with this number.
Now Vitya and Kostya are no longer behind. They charge social work - the creation of a library corner in the classroom. They are very responsible approach to this instruction. Friends pulled up so much that in the fifth grade they go with one "fives".
Read the summary of Vitya Maleev at school and at home.
Short retelling. For reader's diary Choose 5.6 offers.


When the summer ended, Vitya moved to the fourth grade. The teacher gave him to the summer work in mathematics, which he launched back in the third grade, but Vitya about everything forgot and remembered only now.
At school, all students were on the spot, except Fedi, who moved to another city. In the class, everyone sat in pairs, only Vitya was alone. The teacher said that there would be new items - geography, history and natural science. Then she checked everyone in mathematics, and it turned out that Vitya forgot everything. But geography turned out to be much easier.
In the last lesson came a newcomer named Kostya Shishkin. He was late for the first lesson, because he did not go to the class, but then corrected his mistake and sat down next to Vitea. After lessons, the teacher made Vitya learn at least a multiplication table.

Vitya Maleyev at school and houses: Chapter 1(text completely)

Chapter first

Just think about how fast the time flies! I did not have time to look back, as the holidays ended and it was time to go to school. I just did a whole summer that I ran through the streets, I played football, but about the books even forgot to think. That is, I read sometimes books, just not training, but some fairy tales or stories, and so to work in Russian or on arithmetic - it was not. In Russian, I studied so well, and the arithmets did not like. It was worse for me - these are tasks to solve. Olga Nikolaevna even wanted to give me a job for the summer in arithmetic, but then I regretted me and translated into the fourth grade, without work.

"You don't want to spoil to you," she said. "I will translate you like that, but you give a promise that you are doing on arithmetic in the summer."

Of course, I gave a promise, but as soon as the classes ended, all the arithmetic jumped out of my head, and I probably would not remember it if I didn't come to go to school. It was ashamed to me that I did not fulfill my promise, but now nothing can do anything.

Well, so, it means breaking holidays! One fine morning was the first of September - I got up early, folded my books in the bag and went to school. On this day, the street, as they say, reigned a great revival. All boys and girls, and big and small, as a team, poured out on the street and walked to school. They walked one by one, and two, and even whole groups of several people. Who walked slowly, like me, who rushed string, as a fire. Kids drag flowers to decorate class. Girls scratched. And the guys, too, some squealed and laughed. Everyone was fun. And I had fun. I was glad that I would see my pioneer detachment again, all the guys from our class and our warp Volodya, who worked with us last year. It seemed to me that I was a traveler who had once left for a long journey, and now returns back home and is about to see his native shores and familiar faces of relatives and friends.

But still I was not quite fun, as I knew that I would not meet among old school friends Fedya Rybkin - my best friend, with whom we were sitting at one desk last year. He recently left with his parents from our city, and now no one knows, we will see you with him sometime or not.

And I was sad, since I did not know what I would say Olga Nikolaevna, if she asks me, if I did in the summer of arithmetic. Oh, this is me arithmetic! Because of her, my mood was completely spoiled.

Bright sun shone in the sky in a summer, but the cool autumn wind broke the yellowed leaves from the trees. They circled in the air and fell down. The wind drove them in the sidewalk, and it seemed that the leaves were also in a rush somewhere.

I also published a large red poster on the entrance to school. He was used from all sides with garlands from flowers, and it was written on it with big white letters: "Welcome!" I remembered that the same poster hung on this day, when I was completely small for the first time in school. And I remembered all past years. As we studied in the first grade and dreamed of eager to grow up and become pioneers.

I remembered all this, and some joy was fixed in my chest, as if something good was happening! My feet themselves faded themselves, and I barely restrained, so as not to go run. But it was me not to the face: After all, I am not some first grader - as is still the fourth grade!

In the yard of the school there was already full of guys. The guys were going to groups. Each class is separate. I quickly locked my class. The guys saw me and joyed towards a joyful cry, began to clap on the shoulders, on the back. I did not think that everyone would be so pleased with my arrival.

- Where is Fedya Rybkin? - asked Grish Vasilyev.

- True, where is Fedya? - shouted the guys. - You always went together. Where did you lose it?

"There is no Fedi," I replied. "He will not learn more.

- Why?

- He left our city with his parents.

- How so?

- Very simple.

- Are you not lying? - asked Alik Sorokin.

In the yard of the school there was already full of guys.

- Here's another! I will lie!

The guys looked at me and smiled incredulously.

"Guys, and Vanya Pakhomov is not," said Leon Astafiev.

- And Seryoga Bukatina! - shouted guys.

"Maybe they also left, and we don't know," Toleri said.

Here, as if in response to this, the wicket opened, and we saw that Vanya Pakhomov was approaching to us.

- Hooray! - We shouted.

All ran to meet Vana and attacked him.

- Stop! - Vanya was fighting from us. - A person never seen in life, or what?

But everyone wanted to pat him on the shoulder or back. I also wanted to slap it on the back, but by mistake I got along the back of the back.

- And so you still fight! - Vanya became angry and struggled to break away from us,

But we still have dense surrounded it.

I do not know how all this is over, but here Sergei Bukatin came. Everyone threw Vanya to the arbitrariness of fate and thrown on Bucatin.

"Now, it seems, everything is already assembled," said Zhenya Komarov.

- Or maybe it is also not true. So Olga Nikolaevna will ask.

- Believe it or not. I really need to deceive! - I said.

The guys began to look at each other and tell someone who spent the summer. Who traveled to Pioneergly, who lived with parents at the cottage. We all grew over the summer, tanned. But the most of all tanned Gleb Bembaykin. He had his face as if he was smashed over the fire. Only bright eyebrows sparkled on it.

- Where did you catch up so? - asked him toly funglass. - I guess the whole summer in Pioneroger lived?

- Not. At first I was in Pioneerwegar, and then I went to the Crimea.

- How did you get into the Crimea?

- Very simple. The dad at the plant was given a ticket to the holiday home, and he came up with the mother and I went to my mother.

- So you visited the Crimea?

- Visited.

- And the sea saw?

- I saw the sea. I saw everything.

The guys survived Gleb from all sides and began to look at some kind of wonder.

- Well, tell what kind of sea. What are you silent? Said Sergei Bukatin.

- The sea - it is big, - began to tell Gleb Bembaykin. - It is so big that if you stand on one shore, then another shore is not even visible. On the one hand there is shore, and on the other hand there is no shore. That's how much water guys! In short, one water! And the sun there is a bake so that all the skin came down with me.

- Log!

- Honestly! I myself was even frightened first, and then it turned out that I have one skin under this skin. Here I am now and go to this second skin.

- Yes, you are not about the skin, but about the sea tell!

- Now I will tell ... the sea is huge! And the waters in the sea! In short, the whole sea of \u200b\u200bwater.

It is not known that the Gleb Bembaykin would also tell about the sea, but at that time Volodya came to us. Well, the cry went up here! Everyone was surrounded by him. Everyone hurried to tell him anything about himself. Everyone was asked, he will be the leader this year or someone else will give us.

- What are you guys! May I give you someone else? We will work with you, as in the past year. Well, if I want you, then the matter is different! - Washed Volodya.

- Are you? Tarnish? .. We shouted everything at once. - You never get tired in life! We are always fun with you!

Volodya told us how he was in the summer with his comrades Komsomol members traveled through the river on the Rubber Boat. Then he said that he was still seen with us, and went to his comrades to high school students. He also wanted to talk to his friends. It was a pity that he left, but Olga Nikolaevna approached us. Everyone was very pleased, seeing her.

- Hello, Olga Nikolaevna! - We shouted the choir.

- Hello, guys, hello! - Smiled Olga Nikolaevna. - Well, how did you come over the summer?

- Footed, Olga Nikolaevna!

- We had great rest?

- Okay.

- Not tired of resting?

- Tired, Olga Nikolaevna! I want to learn!

- That's fine!

- And I, Olga Nikolayevna, was resting that even tired! If it would be a little more - I would not get out of my strength, "Alik Sorokin said,

- And you, Alik, I see, did not change. The same joker, as in the past year was.

- The same, Olga Nikolaevna, only grown a little.

"Well, they have grown out." Olga Nikolaevna grinned.

The whole class snorted loudly.

"Olga Nikolaevna, Fedya Rybkin will not learn more from us," said Dima Balakirev.

- I know. He went with his parents to Moscow.

- Olga Nikolaevna, and Gleb Bembaykin in Crimea was and seen the sea.

- That's good. When we write an essay, Gleb will write about the sea.

- Olga Nikolaevna, and leather gone from him.

- Who?

- With Glebka.

- A, well, good. We will talk about it after, and now we will keep up in a ruler, soon you need to go to the class.

We built into the ruler. All other classes also built. The director Igor Alexandrovich appeared on the porch of the school. He congratulated us with the beginning of the new school year and wished all the disciples in this new school year of good success. Then the class leaders began to breed students in classes. At first they went the smallest disciples - first-graders, for them the second class, then the third, and then we, and the senior classes went beyond us.

Olga Nikolaevna led us to class. All the guys decided to sit down as last year, so I was followed by one, I did not have a couple. It seemed to everyone that this year I got a small class, much less than last year.

- The class is the same as last year, exactly the same size, "explained Olga Nikolaevna." All of you have grown over the summer, so it seems that the class is less.

It was true. I then went to see the third class on the change. He was exactly the same as the fourth.

At the first lesson, Olga Nikolaevna said that in the fourth grade we will have to work much more than before, since we will have many objects. In addition to the Russian language, arithmetic and other items that were here last year, now more geography, history and natural science are added. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of learning from the very beginning of the year. We recorded the schedule of lessons.

Then Olga Nikolaevna said that we need to choose the head of the class and his assistant.

- Gleb bembaykin old-age! Gleb bembaykin! - shouted guys.

- quieter! Noise how much! Do not you know how to choose? Who wants to say should raise his hand.

We began to choose organized and chose the old-fashioned Gleb Bembaykin, and the assistant - Shura Malikova.

At the second lesson, Olga Nikolaevna said that at first we will repeat what was held last year, and she will check who forgot what for the summer. She immediately began checking, and so it turned out that I even forgot the multiplication table. That is, not all, of course, but only from the end. To the seven Seven - forty-nine I remembered well, and then it was confused.

"Eh, Maleev, Maleev!" Said Olga Nikolaevna. "So I can see that you didn't take a book for summer!"

This is my surname Maleev. Olga Nikolaevna, when angry, always calls me on the surname, and when it's not angry, then the call is just Vitya.

I noticed that at the beginning of the year it is always difficult to study for some reason. Lessons seem long, as if someone will stretch them. If I were the main boss on schools, I would do somehow so that the classes began not immediately, but gradually, so that the guys gradually died to walk and gradually got used to the lessons. For example, it would be possible to make it so that in the first week there was only one lesson, in the second week - two lessons, in the third - three, and so on. Or it would be possible to make it so that in the first week there were only light lessons, such as physical education, in the second week to physical education you can add singing, you can add Russian to the third week, and so that it does not reach arithmetic. Maybe someone will think that I am lazy and do not like to learn at all, but it is not true. I love to learn very much, but it's hard for me to start working at once: I walked, walked, and then suddenly stop the car - let's learn.

In the third lesson we had geography. I thought that geography was some very difficult subject, like arithmetic, but it turned out that she was completely easy. Geography is the science of land on which we all live; About what on the land of the mountain and river, which seas and oceans. I used to think that our land is flat, as if damn, but Olga Nikolaevna said that the earth is not flat, but a round, like a ball. I have already heard about it before, but I thought it was, maybe fairy tales or some fictions. But now it is for sure that it is not a fairy tale. Science has established that our land is a huge-overmower ball, and people live around this ball. It turns out that the Earth attracts all people and animals to himself and everything that is on it is, therefore people who live below are not falling anywhere. And here's another interesting: those people who live below walk upside down, that is, down their heads, only they do not notice this and imagine that they go correctly. If they indulge their head down and look at themselves under the feet, they will see the land on which they stand, and if they redeem the head up, they will see the sky. That's why they seem to them that they go correctly.

On geography, we slept rapidly, and in the last lesson there was an interesting incident. Olga Nikolaevna came to the class, Olga Nikolaevna came to class, as the door suddenly opened, and a completely unfamiliar student appeared on the threshold. He stood indiscriminately near the door, then wondered Olga Nikolaevna and said:

- Hello!

- Hello, "answered Olga Nikolaevna. - What do you want to say?

- Nothing.

"Why did you come if you don't want to say anything?"

- So simple.

- Something I do not understand you.

- I came to learn. Is the fourth class?

- Here.

- So I need to be in the fourth.

- So you are new to you?

- Newbie.

Olga Nikolaevna looked into the journal:

- Your surname Shishkin?

- Shishkin, and name Kostya.

"Why are you, Kostya Shishkin, has come so late?" Do not you know that in the morning you need to go to school?

- I came in the morning. I was only late for the first lesson.

- At first lesson? And now the fourth. Where did you disappear two lessons?

- I was there ... in the fifth grade.

- What did you get into the fifth grade?

"I came to school, I hear the call, the guys go to the class ... Well, I'm behind them, so I got into the fifth grade. On the change, the guys are asked: "Are you a novice?" I say: "Newbie". They did not tell me anything, and I only figured out the next lesson that I didn't get into my class. Here.

"I'm sitting in place and don't get more in someone else's class," said Olga Nikolaevna.

Shishkin approached my desk and sat down next to me, because I sat alone and the place was free.

The whole lesson guys looked around at him and slowly laughed. But Shishkin did not pay attention to this and did the form that nothing ridiculously happened to him. The lower lip of him was a little bit frightened, and the nose somehow looked up to the top. From this he got some kind of contempt, as if he was proud of something.

After the lessons, the guys survived it from all sides.

- How did you get into the fifth grade? Does the teacher did not check the guys? - asked the glory of burdens.

- Maybe he checked in the first lesson, and I came to the second lesson.

"Why didn't she notice that a new student appeared in the second lesson?

- And in the second lesson, another teacher was, "Shishkin replied." There's not the way in the fourth grade. There, at every lesson, another teacher, and, while the teachers do not know the guys, it turns out a confusion.

"It was only a confusion with you, but there is no confusion at all," said Gleb Bamekin. "Everyone needs to know what class it is necessary."

- And if I'm a beginner? - says Shishkin.

- Newbie, so do not be late. And then, don't you have a language? Could ask.

- When to ask? I see - the guys run, well, for them.

- You can get into the tenth grade!

- No, I would not get into the tenth. That I would immediately see: there are big guys, "Shishkin smiled.

I took my books and went home. In the corridor I met Olga Nikolaevna.

- Well, Vitya, what do you think to learn this year? She asked. "It's time for you, friendship, to take a job as it should." You need to inflict on arithmetic, she has been lame since last year. And multiplying tables are not ashamed to know. After all, it is in the second grade.

- Yes, I know Olga Nikolaevna. I just forgot little from the end!

- Table all from start to end you need to know well. Without it, it is impossible to learn in the fourth grade. Tomorrow I learge, I check out.

Did you read online chapter From the book Nicholas Nosova: Vitya Maleev at school and at home: a summary and text completely. All the work of Nosova (story, story) Vitya Maleyev at school and at home: you can read by content right.

Classic of children's literature from the collection of works for children and schools: ...................

M. Brementer

The story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" talks about a very important in the life of a ten-year-old man - about learning.
Vitya Maleev is fond of football, trains a dog, plays chess, performs on school eveningBut the main thing is that he learns. I emphasize this because in many books for children heroes, although attending school, but not shown by students: the process of acquiring knowledge itself, the comprehension of science is proven.
N. Nosova This process is in the center of the narration. And it is precisely because it is opened by the writer deeply, realistic, and in general, and in the smallest details, a frequency story about how Vitya Maleyev and Kostya Shishkin got rid of the twos, it becomes not only a funny and good sense of the word instructive, but sometimes exciting.
N. Nosov boldly introduces such a book such, it would seem difficult to fit into the framework literary work Material as the course of solving the arithmetic task. Persons on this, dedicated to this, die with numbers like page tutorial. And, however, it is the pages of artistic prose.
First of all, because the course of the thought of Viti Maleev, who seeks to resolve the task, N. nosov shows not only psychologically thin and accurately, but also figuratively. The writer humorous intersects very typical mistakes for students in solutions that almost every small reader probably had to do. The writer managed to truly ridiculously portray the goal of ridiculous conclusions of Viti, who, who did not seek the meaning of the task, impatiently seeks to solve it in any way: in despair it divides the saws on the saws and so on.
The author's smile, then cheerful and wide, then reprehensible, but always infectious illuminate many pages of the story that would seem to be annoyingly didactic. For example, the conversation of Viti Maleev with the director explaining to him what kind of friendship would look like an ordinary teaching if it were not for the beginning of him:
"- You, Maleev, because a friend of Shishkin?
"Yes," I say. - I am his false friend.
- Why is false? Oh yes! After all, I wanted to tell you that you were not good, but I see that you were already explained. What do you like this name - a false friend?
- No, but everyone says that I am false, then I am false. "
Thin and at the same time, youth humor N. N. Nosova is one of the most valuable advantages in his work. And if I have been the previous works of the writer, it was most often humor of the situation, humor of the situation, then in "Vita Maleyev" humor more affects the outlines of characters. And it seems, this is good. After all, that he wrote before. N. Nosov often so fond of the community of the situation, which created very conditional, devoid of real flesh characters.
And Vitya Maleyev and Kostya Shishkin - Live, attractive, funny guys. They are many typical traits for schoolchildren.
The writer is almost anywhere exagresses the sake of laughter the comic features of the characters of his heroes, and it must be said that the images of boys develop from beginning to the end very natural. Nearby, but the Vitya and Kostya are also correct and plausible, not amazing and not puzzling this reader, as it sometimes happens in books for children.
Unfortunately, other images did not succeed at all. N. Nosov. Of the many boys listed by the names in the first chapter, and then appear in subsequent chapters, none is not remembered. These are statists. Near the statists there are, as neither is distressing, and resonants. These are adults, educators. Nothing but standard and therefore a few even annoying centies does not pronounce a teacher Olga Nikolaevna on the pages of the book. Lained whatever damn and accept the leader Volodya, expressing occasionally, is undoubtedly reasonable judgments. The director of School Igor Alexandrovich is more alive, but his image is just hardly planned.
It is also annoying that the reader at all of the desire can not compile himself ideas about the city where heroes live and study the story is great whether he has the past and the future, it is an old or young in which part of the country is located - none of these Questions cannot be found.
Now the story came out with a separate publication. It must be said that the characteristics of adults are somewhat more and more clearly. More motivated became the sudden Schishkin solution to become a circuschist, somewhat eliminated long distance. But the main disadvantages journal option stayed.
In a separate publication, some were injured, undoubtedly, successful humorous places of the story. As a result, for example, the above (by the text of the log), the start of the conversation of the director with Maleyev now looks like a boring, ordinary teaching. At the beginning, I simply lowered half the story of the bone of Shishkin on how his Nalchik familiar Mitya Kruglov prepared her mother to get a twice. In another place, the bright humorous short conversation of Viti Maleev with the counselor is also lowered.
I would like to once again said about the main and decisive advantage of the book: there was a charming reliable close to the little one - and not only a small - reader the image of the student Maleeva Victor.

"Ogonos", 1952, March 30.