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Gospel from John Chapter 9 Interpretation. Bible online. Special knowledge of John

William Barkley (1907-1978) - Scottish theologian, Professor of the University of Glasgow. For 28. years Lecturer of the Department of Studying the New Testament. He taught the New Testament and ancient Greek language :.

"The strength of Christian love should keep us in harmony. Christian love is that kind will, that goodwill, which never comes in irritation, and which always wants only good for others. This is not just the urge of the heart, like, for example, human love; This is the victory of the will overhead with Jesus Christ. It does not mean to love only those who love us, or those who like us, or those who are mil. And this means - an uncompressible benevolence, even in relation to those who hate us, to those who do not like us, and to those who are unpleasant and anticipated to us. This is the true essence of Christian life and she has an influence on earth and in eternity.» Ulyam Barkley

Comments on the Gospel of John: Chapter 9

! 1-5 Light for blind eyes (In.9: 1-5)

This is the only miracle recorded in the Gospels, in which the sufferer it says that he was born with his ailment. The Acts of the Holy Apostles speak twice the people who were weak from birth: chrome at the Red Gate of the Temple in Acts 3: 2, and crippled in Acts in Acts. 14: 8, but this is the only case in the Gospels when a person suffers suffering from birth. He was, apparently, a famous person, because the disciples knew perfectly well about him. Seeing him, they took the opportunity to appeal to Jesus with the question, which from time immemorial disturbed the Jews and is still worried about many. Jews associated suffering with sin. They always understood that there, where suffering, there should be a sin. And therefore students asked Jesus this question: "Rabbi, who sinned, he or his parents, what was he born blind?" How could his blindness be a consequence of his sin if he was born blind? This question, Jewish theologians gave two answers to this question.

1. Some had a strange idea of \u200b\u200bsin before birth. They literally believed that a person could start sinful in the womb. In an imaginary conversation between Anthony and Rabbi Juda Patriarch, Anthony, allegedly, asks: "Since what time, an evil influence leaves his mark on a person, since the formation of the embryo in the womb, or from the moment of birth?" Rabbi answered first: "From the beginning of the formation of the embryo." Anthony objected and convicted Judah with his arguments, and Judas had to admit that if an evil influence began from the embryo, the child would have fought in the womb of the mother, which would come out out. Judas found the text to confirm this view. He took a saying from life. 4: 7. Where says: "At the door of sin lies" and gave him the importance that sin can expect a person at the door of the womb, at the time of his birth. This dispute shows that the idea of \u200b\u200bmorning sin was known.

2. During Jesus Jews believed in the preexition of the soul. They borrowed this idea by Plato and Greeks. They believed that all souls existed before the creation of the world in the Eden Garden, or that they were in the seventh heaven, or in a famous place where they expected the unfinished body. The Greeks believed that such souls are kind, and that the breakdown in the body defiles them, but there were some groups of Jews who believed that even then the souls were kind and evil. The author of "Book of Wisdom" says: "I was a good child in nature, and a kind soul fell to me" ("Wisdom" 8.19).

In the days of Jesus, some Jews believed that the ailment of a person, even if he had he from birth, maybe he had because of his sin even before birth. This is a strange thought and may seem to us even fantastic, but in its foundation lies the idea of \u200b\u200bthe universe infected by the sin.

The second possible reason for the illness of this person was the sin of his parents. The idea that children inherit the consequences of the sin of parents, woven into the thinking of the entire Old Testament. "I am the Lord God of your, the God of the Zeper, who punishes children for the guilt of the fathers to the third and fourth kind" (ISX.20: 5; 34.7; number. 14: 18). About the wicked person, the Psalm People says: "Let him be amented to the Lord of the lawlessness of his fathers, and his mother's sin, yes, he did not cite" (by. 108.14). Isaiah speaks of their lawlessness and "On the lawlessness of their fathers" and adds: "And I will measure their previous acts in the bowels" (IS.65: 6, 7). One of the leading thoughts in the Old Testament is the idea that the sins of parents are always striking children. But no one will forget that no man lives for himself and does not die for himself. When a man sins, he keeps the chain of the consequences that there is no end.

Light for blind eyes (IN.9: 1-5 (continued)

In this passage there are two great and eternal principles.

1. Jesus does not try to withdraw or explain the relationship between suffering and sin. He says that the ailments of this person existed so that God's affairs appear on it. This can be understood in two meanings,

A) In the Gospel of John, Miracles are always a sign of the glory and power of God. Other evangelists have a different opinion. They saw in them the manifestation of the compassion of Jesus to people. Looking at the hungry crowd, Jesus squeezed over them, because they were like sheep, not having a shepherd (MK.6: 34). When he came to him leveled with his plaintive request for cleansing, Jesus was dying over him (MK.1: 41). Therefore, you can often hear that in this respect the fourth gospel differs from others. Of course, there is no contradiction. It's just two views on the same thing, both are based on the highest truth that the glory of God in his compassion, and that he does not show anything in his glory as in compassion.

2. But there is another meaning in which human suffering serves to the phenomenon of the glory of God. Female, sorrow, illness, disappointment, loss always serve as the possibility of manifestation of Divine Grace.

First, all this makes suffererly able to show God in action. When trouble persists unbeliever, he can break under her, but when she comprehends someone who goes with God, she awakens power, patience and nobility in which God manifests itself. They talk about the death of one believer, which in torments and suffering sent for loved ones and said: "Come and see how Christian dies." Only when the life of us is cruelly hurt, we have the opportunity to show the world, as a Christian lives, and how, if necessary, dies. Any suffering is the opportunity to show the glory of God in our own life.

Secondly, helping those who suffer or are in cramped circumstances, we can show other glory of God. Frank Laubach expressed the idea that when Christ, who is a way, puts up in us, "We become part of the way. God's road passes right through us. " When we spend ourselves, helping those who are in trouble, grief, illness. God enjoys us as an expensive, on which he will send help to his children. Helping the neighbor in need, it means to show the glory of God, because it shows what he is.

Jesus further says that he himself and his followers should do good, while there is time. God gave man a day for labor and the night for rest. The day comes to an end and time for labor ends. Jesus was to hurry to make God's affairs, because his day was nearing towards the end and the night of the cross approached. But this is true for every person. We are given only a certain amount of time, and everything that we have to do should be done on this time. In the city of Glasgow, there is a sundial on which it is written: "Think of time until it passed." We do not dare to postpone anything for later, because then it may not come. The debt is a Christian - to use the time he has, and no one knows how much time he has for serving God and neighbor. There are no more tragic grief than the discovery that it's too late to do what was done. Sorrow of missed is terrible.

But there is another possibility that we can skip. Jesus said: "Leadal in the world, I am the light of the world." Saying this, he did not mean that his life and ministry time is limited, but that our opportunity to accept it is limited. Each person is given the opportunity to take Jesus Christ as the Lord and the Savior, and if this opportunity is missing, she can never happen again. In the work of E. D. Starbuk "The Philosophy of Religion" there are several interesting observations regarding age, when spiritual appeal usually occurs. It can occur at an early age - a seven-year or eight-year-old, more often aged ten-year and eleven-year-old, then the frequency increases sharply to sixteen, but it falls sharply to the twenty-year age, and after thirty years it is already very rare. God always tells us: "Time - now." Not because the strength of Christ is weakening, or his light will fade, but because by posting the greatest solution in life, we are becoming less and less capable of accepting it over the years. You need to work and make decisions, while there is a day, and until the night has come.

6-12 Miracle Implementation (In.9: 6-12)

This is one of two miracles in which Jesus enjoyed saliva for healing. The second miracle happened to a deaf kosonaya ball. 7.33). The use of saliva seems to us as strange, unpleasant and nonhygienic, but in the ancient world it was very common. Saliva, and especially saliva outstanding person, was considered healing. Tacitus says that during the visit to Alexandria Vespasian, two people approached him: one with sick eyes, and the other with a sore hand, and they said that they came to him on the advice of their God. Sick eyes asked Vespasian to moisten his eyes saliva, and a man with a sick hand asked him to come on his hand. Vespasian initially did not agree to fulfill such requests, but was represented by them and agreed, finally, to do what they asked. "The hand instantly fastened, and the blind could see again. Both facts are witnessed to this day, those who attended the case "(Tacitus" History "4.81).

In Plinia, the Roman collector that was then considered scientific information, there is a whole chapter on the use of saliva. He says that this is the strongest fuse from the bite of the snake, and that the carcineate (malignant tumor) and stretching the cervical muscles can be successfully healed by saliva. The saliva was considered very useful and in healing from the "evil eye." "Persia tells how aunt or grandmother, afraid of gods and capable of disgusting the" bad eye ", raised the child from the cradle and middle finger" smeared his brilliant saliva his lobik and lips. " The use of saliva was very common in the ancient world. Donyne, burned his finger, we instinctively stuck it in the mouth, and many are confident that the warts can be treated with the false saliva during the post.

The fact that Jesus took advantage of the methods and customs of that time. He, as a wise doctor, sought to conquer the patient's confidence. He did not do that because he believed in virtue of his saliva, but because he wanted to initiate faith with such an action that the patient expected from the doctor. After all, before this day, the success of treatment with any method depends equally, both from the medicine and the patient's faith in it.

Anointing the eyes of the blind saliva, Jesus sent him to the swimming pool. This bath was one of Jerusalem's monuments. She was the achievement of the construction art of the ancient world. The stock of water in Jerusalem was always unreliable during the Opad. It was replenished mainly from the source of the Virgin or Geon (Tikhon in Jewish), located in the cedron valley. The staircase from thirty-three stone steps was descended to him, and people went down and dragged water from the stone pool. The source was completely open and in the case of siege could be easily cut off, the consequences of which could be disastrous for the city. When King Jezekia learned that Sanna Christ conceived to attack Palestine and capture her, he decided to cut through the water pipe through the rock and connect the city with a source (2 Par.32: 2-8; IS.22: 9-11; 4Tzar.20: 20) . If the builders had cut the mountain directly, the plumbing would be long in 366 yards, but they drove the zigzag, following the natural cracks in the stone or by the sacred place, and the tunnel came out in length in 583 yards. In places the tunnel is not wider than two feet, but the bridge of it everywhere is on average six feet. Builders began work from two ends to meet in the middle, which was a striking achievement in the construction case of their time.

In 1880, a memorable plate was discovered with an inscription on the end of this construction. She was found by chance two boys bathed in the pond. It said the following: "The work is over. When still workers raised the kirk towards their comrades on the reverse side, and when only three elbows remained to the meeting, each side heard the vote on the other hand screaming to them, because there was a crack in stone on the right side. And on the day, the end of the Tunnel Kamenotees hit the last time to see themselves with their comrades, Kirk to Kirk, and flowed the water on the tunnel for a thousand two hundred elbow, and the stall of the stone was the head of Kamenotesov. "

Siloam's bathing was the place where the source of the Virgin (Geon) flowed into the city. It was a reservoir in an open-air in size of twenty to thirty feet. That's where this reservoir was called Siloam, meaning sent: Water in it was sent for water supply to the city.

Jesus sent this man to wash in the bathhouse and he washed and clear. Healed, he could not convince the people in the fact that this healing really happened to him. But he resistantly defended the miracle that Jesus was committed. Jesus still creates cases that seem unbelievable incredible to take them on faith.

13-16 Prejudice and belief (In.9: 13-16)

Now the inevitable discontent of the Pharisees is coming. Jesus made a barrage and healed blind on Saturday. Jesus violated Saturday and Pharisees were ready to blame him in many ways.

1. By making a barrage, he was guilty of "worked" on Saturday, because even the most simple classes were considered the work. Here, for example, several things that could not be done on Saturday: "You can not pour oil into a vessel and, putting it next to the lamp, dip wick to the oil." "It is impossible to go on Saturday in sandals with nails." (Nails were considered a cargo, and on Saturday was not allowed to wear a cargo.) "You can not cut your nails on Saturday, to pull out at least one hair from the head or beard." Obviously, with such a strict law, the preparation of warring was difficult to violate Saturday.

2. On Saturday it was forbidden to heal. Medical assistance could only be given in case of extreme danger. But then it was possible only to help the patient not worsening the state, but not try to improve it. For example, a man with dental pain was forbidden to suck the vinegar through the teeth. The bone is also prohibited. "If one has a hand or foot, he can not pour cold water on them." It is clear that the elbow was not at risk and, therefore, Jesus violated Saturday, healing him from death.

3. The use of saliva was clearly explained: "relatively saliva, illegally use it on the eye eyelids."

Pharisees were like many in our days that condemn all who do not practice religion as they. They thought to serve God only as they serve. But there were others who thought that no one could do what Jesus did and be a sinner.

They led healed and tortured him. When he was asked what he thinks about Jesus, he replied without knocking that Jesus prophet. In the Old Testament times, the Prophet was often recognized by signs and wonders that he could create. Moses proved by Pharaoh that he is actually a messenger of God by what wonders have worked in front of him (Isch.4: 1-17). Elijah proved that he was a prophet of a true god of the cases that the Prophets of Waal could not do (3 sir.18). Undoubtedly, this man remembered these events before I decided to call Jesus the Prophet.

This man was brave. He knew well that the Pharisees were thinking about Jesus, and he knew that if he would take the side of Jesus, he would threaten his excommunication from the synagogue. But he expressed his opinion and stood firmly on it. He as if he said: "I have to believe in him and is obliged to protect him, because he did so much for me." In this, he can serve us as an example.

17-34 Disobedience Pharisees (In.9: 17-34)

In all the gospel there is no more bright description of the characters than here. A skillful, sharp strokes John makes all the participants in this event, alive to speak to our gaze.

1. The first personnel is blind. He begins to show irritation in response to Phariseev's Parking. "Speak what you want about this man," he says, "but I don't know anything about him, except that he healed my eyes." This is a simple Christian experience when many cannot convey words, or express in theological language that they think about Jesus, but may always testify that he did with their soul. Even when a person does not understand his mind, he can feel the heart. It is better to love Jesus than to talk about him beautifully.

2. There were parents of the elborn. They were clearly not friends with the Pharisees, but they were afraid of them. In the hands of the Pharisees there was a strong weapon: weapons of excommunication from the synagogue, after which the person was deprived of communication with God's people. We read that for disobedience to the authorities "On all the estate, by defining the bilgeons and elders, a spell will be made, and he will be overwhelmed from the commigracy society" (Ezd. 10.8).

Jesus warned that "people will be raised and ... will leave you and will displacing, and your name will carry your own, as dishonest, for the Son of Human" (LK.6: 22). He spoke to them: "Call you from Synagog" (In.16: 2). Many bosses in Jerusalem believed in Jesus, but they were afraid to confess this "In order not to be excommunicated from the synagogue" (In.12: 42).

There were two kinds of rally. There was a curse (Herge), after which a person was leaning from the synagogue for life. In such cases, it was publicly distinguished by Anathema. He was cursed in the presence of the people and he became cut off from God and people. There was a sentence and temporary excommunication that a month could last, or some other deadline. The worst thing was that Jew in such cases was considered to be cut off from God, and not only from society. Therefore, parents healed said with caution that their son in adulthood and may answer himself. Pharisees were so poisonously fierce against Jesus, that they were ready to resort to the most terrible, which sometimes the clergy resorts - to take advantage of the spiritual procedure to promote and achieve their own goals.

3. There were Pharisees. They did not believe that this man was blind. That is, they suspected that this miracle was false. The law recognizes that false prophets can create false miracles for their own purposes. Dev.13: 1-5 warns of false prophets, which are LONA signs to lead the people after false gods. Therefore, Pharisees began with suspicion. They began with intimidation of this man: "Give the glory to God," they said, "we know that the person is the sinner." "Give the glory to God" - it was an expression that was used in cross interrogation, and which meant "Tell the truth before the face of God and in the name of God." When Joshu Navin interrogated Ahana about sin, who brought the trouble to Israel, he told him: "Give the glory to the Lord to God Israel, make a confession to him, and declare me what you did, I don't tempt me" (IIS. N. 7, nineteen).

They were annoyed by what they could not oppose the arguments healed, who said: "Jesus made a wonderful thing, and the fact that he could do this says that God hears him." That God does not listen to the sinner, it was one of the main thoughts of the Old Testament. Speaking about hypocrites, Job exclaims: "Will God hear his cry when the trouble comes?" (Jov.27: 9). The psalmist says: "If I saw my heartlessness in my heart, I would not hear me the Lord" (Ps.65: 18). Isaiah hears how God speaks the sinning people "And when you extend your hands, I close my eyes from you; And when you multiply your praying, I do not hear. Your hands are full of blood "(IS.1: 5). Ezekiel speaks of a dismissed people: "And at least they appeared in her ears with a loud voice, - I will not hear them" (Iz.8: 18). "The eyes of the Lord are addressed on the righteous, and his ears - to the scream" (Ps.33: 16). "The desire of fearing him, he performs, the cry hears them, and saves them" (Ps.144: 19). "Lord of the Lord from the wicked, and the prayer of the righteous hears" (Proverbs.15: 29).

The former blinding presented the pharysey the argument, which they had no answer. See what they did when they met with such an argument: they showered him by the ukrai. Then they switched to insults and told him that he was born all in sins. That is, they accused him of an uterine sin. When it did not help, they switched to threats, and kicked it out.

We often have disagreements with people and it does not matter. But when ukoles, insults and threats go to the stage and become part of the dispute, then this is no longer a dispute, but a contest in cruelty. If I enhancing the dispute, we are starting to be angry and put into the course of Branj and threats, it means only that our business is very weak.

35-41 Revelation and Condemnation (In.9: 35-41)

This passage begins two great spiritual truths.

1. Jesus was looking for this person. John Zlatoust (Chrysostom) speaks about this case: "Jews were driven by him from the temple, but Mr. Temple found him." When a christian certificate separates him from neighboring, it brings him to Jesus Christ. Jesus is always faithful to someone who is faithful

2. This man was given a revelation that Jesus Son of God. Loyalty always leads to revelation. To the one who is more faithful to him, the Lord opens more. The price of loyalty can be the persecution of the hands of people, but her award is closer to walk with Christ and the growing knowledge of his wondrous nature.

John ends this story with two thoughts.

1. Jesus came to this world to court. Whenever a person meets Jesus, he involuntarily pronounces the court over him. If he does not find anything worthy of aspiration, admiration, love, he sentenced himself to condemnation. If he sees something worthy in Jesus, a response, acquisition, he is on the way to God. The one who is aware of his own blindness and eager to see better and know more, can be disturbed from the touch of Jesus, and he will lead him deeper and deeper into the knowledge of the truth. A person who thinks he already knows everything that does not understand that he is blind and cannot see, truly blind and hopeless. Only the one who is aware of its weakness can become strong. Only the one who is aware of his own blindness can be accepted. Only the one who is aware of his sin may be forgiven.

2. The more the person knows, the more he is worthy of condemnation, if, seeing good, does not recognize him. If the Pharisees were raised in ignorance, they would not be subject to smaller condemnation. Their conviction came from what they thought about themselves, and said that they knew and see everything, but despite this, they did not recognize the Son of God when he came. The law that responsibility is the second side of the advantage, enabled.

More and more (IN.9)

Before leaving this wonderful chapter about the debris, it is useful for us to read it once again from beginning to end. If we read it carefully and focus, we note the wonderful promotion of the thought of the blind in relation to Jesus. His arguments pass through three stages, and each new stage is higher than the previous one.

1. He began with what he called Jesus a man. "A person called Jesus made a barrage (and) acknowledged my eyes" (9,11). He began with the fact that I considered Jesus an amazing person. He had never met anyone who could do what Jesus did with him. He began with what he thought about him, as a person surpassing others.

It is useful for us to think about the greatness of Jesus as a person. In any row of the heroes of the world, he needs to give way. In any compilation of famous biographies, his name must be first. In any compilation of the greatest world literature should be his parables. Shakespeare Mark Anthony talks about Yulia Cesar:

He modestly lived and his whole composition

It was mixed so that nature, insert,

Could say on the whole wide world:

"This is a person."

If something else can be doubted, then there is no doubt in one: Jesus was the best of people.

2. Next, blindly calls Jesus the Prophet. "He said: This is a prophet" (9.17). That was his answer when he was asked what he thinks about him after Jesus holes his eyes. The Prophet is a man who conveys the words of God to people. "For the Lord God does not do anything without opening his secrets to his slaves - prophets" (AM.3: 7). The Prophet lives close to God and knows his thoughts. Reading the words of Jesus, we can not exclaim: "This is a prophet!" If anyone ever had the right to be called the Prophet, then the greatest was Jesus.

3. Finally, the elbow came to the confession of Jesus as the Son of God. He saw that human definitions are not sufficient to describe it. They say that Napoleon, being one day away, heard as a few skeptics discussed the identity of Jesus. They concluded that he was a great man, but no more. "Lord," Napoleon turned to them, "I know people, but Jesus was more than a person."

A striking in Jesus is that the better you know, the more he becomes. His greatness in our understanding over time increases more and more. In relation to people, the trouble is always that the closer we get acquainted with them, the more we see their weakness and disadvantages, but the more we get acquainted with Jesus, the more we are surprised, and it spreads not only for a while, but also for eternity.

. And, passing, I saw a man blind from birth.

And the mimoidal form of a man's sly from Christmas.

Reaffirming what was previously told, and strengthening faith in the fact that he was immediately moving towards the greatest and before that time an unprecedented miracle. Other blind received eyesight, but there is never blind from birth. Therefore, healed, this blind said: "From the agent to be heard, IKO who opened the eyes of the blind born" ().

. Pupils asked him: Rabbi! Who sinned, he or his parents, what was born blind?:

And the question of his student him, verbally: Rabbi, who is sin, is it, or his parent, is it blind?

They were not asked because they certainly assumed that or another, as unreasonable Jews, because it was impossible to sin - it was impossible to endure the punishment for parents - unfair - but the purpose of these words was this: Relaxed sick for her sins, as we then learned; What do you say about it: "Who is sigrish, this, or his parent?" We absolutely perplex and cannot say no one.

. Jesus answered: he didn't sink nor his parents ...

Driving Jesus: neither this sin, nor his parent, ...

Not completely sinless calls them, but argues that neither they nor it is guilty that he was born blind. From here, we also learn that children are not punished for sins of parents. Although the book is the outcome written about God: "Give the sins Father for Chad to the third and fourth of the family ..." (), But this was said only about those Israelis, which will serve as idols. Since they imitated the dishonesty of their fathers who served idols in Egypt, then in fairness sent the same punishment on them: anyone equal crimes, in those, of course, equal and punishment. But after, giving the law through Moses, God said: "Do not die fathers for the sons, and the sony will not die for the fathers" (). And through Ezekiel still says: "What do you have a parable on the lands of Israel, the verbal: the fathers of the people are tart, and the teeth of their crooks are a friend? I live Az, the veropa of Adonai, the Lord, there will be another verb of the parable of this ..., Zobavsha Poddy's teeth will be awake " ().

. ...but this is in orderSo that God's affairs of God appeared.

But God will be the affairs of God on it.

The affairs of God calls here to recreate the eyes blind with the help of the Earth. Since everyone was recognized for the work of God, the creation of the Earth of the body of Adamov, he recreates this blind eye from the ground, the most beautiful part of the body, so that it was undoubtedly for everyone that he is God, as having equal with God, the powerful part may have recreated Create a whole person. Or - the affairs of God calls the invisible power of his deity, which then especially opened. What? Did you really could not appear the affairs of God, if this man was not punished? Could; But he was not punished, but rather treated, narrowing spiritual eyes, thanks to the blindness of bodily. What is the benefit of these latter, if the first do not see? Creator could create this person blind not for punishment, but on the wise planners of houseworks, to be the affairs of God and so that he simultaneously hesitate. Some say that the word - "yes" (ἵνα) is used here not to express the causal bond (goal), but simply to indicate what it may happen (consequences), it is that God's affairs on it. The same sense has an expression: "To the court of Az to the world of this sui, yes, non-violence see, and the evictions of the tples will be" (), i.e. It means that non-violent will see, and seeing - go blind; But not for that came to see the trees. And the Apostle Paul says: "The law of the attitudes, let the lack of interest multipliate" (); But not for this, the law came, and the apostle said only that there will be a multiplication of a gentlement and much more. This is the idiom of Scripture.

. I should do the business sent me, ...

I am pleased to make the case of sending me, ...

I should do business, testifying that I am the Son of the Father, that I am equal to God; I have to discover that I am a humus that people leaving these affairs to faith in me did not die. After I have done, it is impossible to escape differently, as soon as through faith in me.

. ... no docome day; ...

Dongezh day is; ...

While there is a real age while this life continues, while you can do people.

. ... the night comes when no one can do.

It will make a new one ,, if you can do nicknamed.

A future century will come when no one can do, i.e. Referring to me The real age is the time of doing, and the future is rewarding. That the making here calls faith, it is seen from the words mentioned to them: "Being is the matter of God, yes believe in that, the Embiros of the Ambassador" (). The real eyelid called the day, because now you can do, and the future - at night, because then it can not be done. Apostle Paul, on the contrary, the real eyelid called at night due to delusion, ignorance and darkness of passions, and the future - during the day due to the lack of all this. He said: "Nosta Podida, and the day approach" ().

. Docked in the world, I am the light of the world.

Always in the world, the light is the world.

Obsess darkness should be enlightened by faith before you go out of this world. In the twelfth chapter talks about it between this. What? And when he is in the sky, then does not shine the world? Shines; But now he speaks of his stay on earth, encouraging, on the one hand, - to faith, and on the other hand - indicating the proximity of his death.

. Having said it, he spat on the ground, made the birdbreed from the plungeance and anointed by Brohana's eyes blind, ...

Siah rivers, spitting on the ground, and coordinating the sprat from the plungeance, and the aqueous of the eyes of the color of the blind, ...

Why did he not anoint, taking the earth alone? Because the sand without any liquid is not flashed. Why he is not water, and plunge did dirt? So that the miracle is attributed to the plention.

. ... And he said to him: Go fucking in the bathing Siloam, ...

And speeches him: Go, in the fonts of Siloamst, ...

He commands to wash, showing it that he did not need Earth, but used it to just show that he first created the body from the ground. Sends to Siloam's bathhouse, which was far to showered through this faith and obedience to the blind. He did not doubt that the font healed him, meanwhile, as a lot of people were bought daily and washed there and no one ever got healing there from any disease.

. ... What does it mean: sent.

Yezhu affirms sent.

The Jewish title is Siloam, in translation means: "sent", - and was named this bathing precisely because it seems to me that now this blind was sent there. The name of the font indicated that this is the future event.

. He went and washed, and came in vain.

The idea is and washed, and seeing.

I went at all hesitating, but obviously obeying, although he could say: "What does it mean? Maybe he could not heal me? Does he need not mock me and wasn't it ever sent in vain? Often I wash there and nothing helped me, "or so:" If the beagration of me is healing, then why need ablution in the specified font; And if this last healed, then why did you need to be broken? " I did not say anything blind and did not think, but I believed that I did and commanded him that he would serve as healing, he obeyed and went, and he did not be deceived for such faith in his hope.

. There are neighbors and seen before he was blind, said: Is it not that this, who sat and asked alms? Other said: this is he, and others: it looks like him. He said: it's me. Then they asked him: how did your eyes open? He said in response: A man called Jesus, made a barrage, anointed my eyes and told me: go to the bathing Siloam and the clever. I went, washed and clear.

The neighbors and izhui saw it before, I was blind, verbahu: It's not this seen and see this? Ovia Glagolaha, Yako there is this, the in the same glaglah, it is similar to him. He [the same] verbolash, Yako Az Yesh. Glaglahu him: What kind of casual eyes? It is reacted and spectable: a man who is nine Jesus Breast Schatvory and My Oki's eyes and Retrieve: Go to the font Siloamle and the member. The semist and washing, transparent.

What are you saying? Is a person can do it? Blind has not yet known that there is God. And he did not say: "spat on the ground," because then he had not yet seen, and the Branching of the Schatvory, and my beautiful eyes, because it felt and found out from touch. But where did you know the blind that I was called Jesus? Without a doubt, he asked those present. Maybe also before he heard of his wonders; Therefore, he immediately obeyed, as was said.

. Then they told him: where is he? ...

Solvka Himself to him: who (Where) That is? ...

Jews were looking for Jesus Christ, as he was evading them from rage, and only heard about it, began to investigate where he.

. ... he answered: I do not know.

Verb: do not look.

Outlooking the birdscape and commanding the blind to go to the font, immediately gone, avoiding praise for a miracle.

. Told this former blind to the Pharisees. And was Saturday, when Jesus made a barrage and rejection to him.

I was kept [same] His to the Pharise, others sometimes blind. Beyond the Saturday, becoming a barrage Jesus and rejected by the eyes.

Having found Jesus Christ, lead him to prove that Saturday is broken.

. They asked him also the Pharisees, as he was clear. He told them: he put on my eyes, and I washed, and I see.

Paki of the same question and Pharisees, how (πῶς ἀνέῳξέ σου τοὺς ὀφθαλμούς ). He is speaking to them: Broen put me on the eyes, and mad, and see.

They did not ask: "How did you get vision," - but: "How he opened your eyes," - by submitting a reason to incite on Jesus Christ for the case, as if prohibited on Saturday; But he, referring to those who have already heard about this case, reduces the story.

. Then some of the Pharisees said: not from God this person, because it does not store Saturday. Others said: How can a man be sinful to create such miracles? And it was between them dressed.

Glagolaha Szo from the Pharisee of Netsya: to carry this from God (Of course - sent) Man, Yako Saturday does not store. Ovia Glagolaha: how can a man sin sin scene signs? And rushing into them.

If not from God, then hence the devil, and therefore, the man is sinful. The separation was and then, and before, as I said: "It's not concatest world, but the sword" (); But it continued for a long time: at the insistence of the supervisors, everyone has been connected again.

. Speak blind: What do you say about him, because he curses the eyes?:

Glagolaha [Wob] Slept Paka: What are you thinking about him, who are clarified by your eyes?

It is not said that they said: "Bust this from God", and those who separated from them. In order not to seem to protect this person, they provide to resolve the perplexity of himself, how to experience the power of Jesus Christ.

. He said: This is a prophet.

He is spectable, I can have a prophet.

The prophets were called by the God of Music Music. So, he openly says that - from God, and is not afraid of anger of those who said that he was not from God. It was a brave man, truthful, bonionless.

. Then the Jews did not believe that he was blind and prose, ...

Not Yasha Uzba Vera Judea About him, IKo blind Bee and Prose, ...

- who said that: "Bust this from God". But, about insane! If it's true that he is blind, then how did you hurt Jesus Christ for healed him on Saturday?

. ... Doccies did not call the parents of this clear and asked them: Is it your son about which you say, what was born blind? ...

Dongezh the parent of the parent of that transverse and question I, verbolly: Does this have a son of Wash, you are a verb, Yako blindly born? ...

Pay attention to the soreness of them. They ask strictly, wanting to intimidate their parents, so that the renunciation of them threw the shadow on the most miracle: "You are a verb, Yako blindly guess". Saying a lie, causally pretending, wanting to deliver the glory to Jesus Christ.

. ... how does he see now?

What does it see now?

If he was born blind?

. His parents told him in response: we know that this is our son and that he was born blind, but as she sees, do not know, or who rejected Him, we do not know.

Assocate [the same] to them the parent of His and Resta: Vechi, Yako there is a son Nau and Yako blindly bother, why now sees, no veams, or who rejected him eyes, we are not veam.

Since they were offered three questions: whether they were their son, whether he was blind and how he now sees, then on the first two they answered the affirmative, and as to how he now sees, they say that they do not know, afraid of Jews how it will be visible now.

. Himself in perfect years; ask yourself; Let him say about himself.

It is myself, the question of myself, myself, myself, and a height.

Putting yourself out of danger, they send a question to the healed, as more reliable in such an investigation.

. So the parents answered it, because they were afraid of Jews; For Jews have already argued already to, who recognize him for Christ, to heal from the synagogue.

This parents of his parents, Yako afraid of Jews; Already boyyui lay down the Jewish, yes, anyone who will correspond to Christ, is excommunicated from the summistry.

Lay down, i.e. They agreed, agreed.

. Therefore, the parents of him were told: he is in perfect years; ask yourself.

This is for the sake of the parent of his reparation, I can hertie, the very question.

Again, the evangelist repeats the same thing, confirming it that parents from timidity and fear of being excommunicated from the synagogue said they did not know, and thus the whole severity of this struggle laid on her son.

. So, once the man who was blind, and told him: give glory to God; ...

Heading the second fellow man, the fact of the blind, and decide to him: giving glory to God; ...

Give the glory to God, because you are healed, and not Jesus Christ.

. ... We know that the person is the sinner.

We are veam, this is this sin one.

When it is not, you, wicked, say so; And when he was and recently asked you: "Who deals from you about Gres?" (), then you could not say anything, because the truth made you silenced you.

. He told them in response: whether he was sinner, I don't know; I know one thing that I was blind, and now I see.

It is reacted by the TSBE, and there is a rush: there is a sin, do not eat; We are uniform, Jaco Slep Bech, now I see.

The words: "There is no sinner, do not look" - He said not because he doubted, but because this kind I wanted to reject such slander doubting. Then he clearly shows it, saying: "The Voeses, Yako, sinners do not listen" ().

. Again asked him: what did he do with you? How are your openings?:

Solve him Paka: What do you create? Why is your opening of your eyes?

Almighty at all points and without reaching anything, they again return to the first question. Therefore, healed, pouring them, responds without fear, completely free.

. I answered them: I already told you, and you did not listen; ...

Driving to them: Recool you already, and do not hear; ...

- You did not believe.

. ... what else do you want to hear? ...

What do Paks have a key to hear? ...

Why do you want to hear again?

. ... or and you want to deal with his students?

Food and you are a pupils of His His Knight Knob?

With the words: "Food and you," showed that he himself is already a student, and boldly stated this, without fear of their rage. How strong is the truth that making courageous all who chose her, at least they were too afraid, the same, on the contrary, is powerless to lie, making robust even those who were courageous.

. They wicked him and said: You are a student of him, and we are Moiseev's disciples.

They are wharrenish him and decide to him: You are a student of the ESI, we are Moses.

But even not Moiseyev: if you were the students of Moses, they would have pupils and Jesus Christ. "Through boils believed Moses, - said - - requercted by fast [climbing and] me ().

. We know that God spoke with Moses; Now we do not know where he was from.

We are veams, Yako Moses of the verb God, of course, there are no verm, there is a sputum,

where he was sent from; But in various places, he told you who testifies to him - John, the cases that he creates, and his father is God. Moreover, you hear about Moses only, but do not see, but you do not only hear about things, but also see them; And you know that your eyes need to believe more than ears.

. Human perevankov He told them in response: it's amazing that you do not know where he is, and he rejected me with eyes.

Driving a person and spectacle to them: about Sebo is everybody there is, Yako you are not welcome, there is a sputum, and my eyes open.

It is surprising that being unknown for you and without taking fame, he opened my eyes and committed such a miracle. If he had been known to you and famous, it would not be so surprising. He probably is some great man, although you do not know where he is from.

. But we know that sinners do not listen; But whoever honors God and creates his will, he is listening.

Voemy, Yako sinners do not listen; But anyone who is Godchkitz and his will do it, it hears.

Pay attention to his intelligence: as well, he proves and strengthens his speech. Without a doubt, he was enlightened not only external eyes, but also internal. When the Jews told the above: "We are veams, Yako, this is this sin" (), then he is in the form expressing some kind of kind of doubt, reject their words; And now, taking courage, proves that he is not only a sinner, but even honors God and fulfills the will of God. He still looked at Jesus Christ, like a person, as we said above. "Sinners does not listen". To make such miracles.

. From the century, it does not dry out to open the eyes of the uniform. If he had not been from God, could not do anything.

From the century to be heard, IKO who is opening the eyes of the blind born. It would not be this from God, could not create nice,

nothing. Some others opened their eyes, but nobody, never. The greatness of the miracle shows that his performer is some kind of divine face. Who makes the miracle more than those miracles that are committed by people, the most of all people.

. They told him in response: in sins you were born all, and do you study us?:

Having reacted and decide: you were born in Gresh all, and do you teach us?

They did not bring an obvious initiation and the brilliant victory of the enemy, but when all the bows of them were drawn to their head, they say in indignation: "You were born in Gresheh all". The sinner you from the beginning, from the first moment of your existence. They recklessly believed that the person was born blind for some sins than it clearly shows that he is a sinner. But if even he was and a sinner, however, he should agree with his words if they were fair: what was the ridiculous he said?

. And they kicked him out.

And run out of it.

From the synagogues of this preacher of truth, as a student of Jesus Christ. Since they could not humiliate a miracle, but on the contrary, their careful investigation was even more disclosed about him, now they pay all his anger on healed.

. Jesus, having heard that they kicked him out, and finding him, said to him: Do you believe in the Son of God?

Hearing Jesus, I will run it out of it, and will find it, rummer him: Do you believe in the Son of God?

It comes to even more to enable the one who was excommunicated for his sake, and gives him the highest benefit - to know him and become a true student of him. Said: You, unlike those who did not believe.

. He answered and said: And who he, Lord, to believe me in him?

He reaches and speak: And who is, Lord, yes I believe in him?

This man inspired, as ready to believe, and wants to know who this son is God. He still did not know who speaks with him now.

. Jesus told him: And you saw him, and he speaks to you.

Him Jesus: And he saw him, and the verbians with you there is.

"I saw him" not before, but now. And he did not say: "I am the one that has opened your eyes." He wished to show the readiness to believe this person, both for the benefit of those present and the entertainment of those who listened to his teachings and saw many miracles, but did not believe it. Hearing only words: "And verbiai with you there is"- He immediately believed, the words of Jesus Christ immediately touched His soul, and, having found her good, moved to knowledge and faith. Look:

. He said: I believe, Lord! And bowed to him.

He is speaking: I believe, Lord. And bowed to him.

Bowed and confirmed that he believed.

. And Jesus said: I came to the court in the world of this so that the unrelated seen, and the swirls were blind.

And Retracting Jesus: To the court of Az to the world of this sui, and there are seen in the world, and the vidicals of the tples will be.

Above () said: "I did not ambass in my son in the world, yes judges the world"; But here, under the court, he will understand the condemnation: "To condemn some, he says, - I have done." And explaining these words, he adds: "Yes, not seeing ...". so that those who seem blind in the mind, due to ignorance of the Scriptures, saw the light of truth, since the faith will open their spiritual eyes in me - on the other hand, that those who are considered seeing, as knowledgeable writings, turned out to be invisible, since the disbelief will close They are their inner eyes. And here the word: "Yes" (ἵνα) need to be understood not in the sense of the cause, since it did not come to "Yes, the swirls will be"But in the sense of instructions on what will happen exactly - that not seeing will be able to see, but seeing to go blind, - as the above it has already been said. Or: "To the court of Az to the world of this sui ..."This is said instead of: to distinguish, for separation of one from others, it becomes apparent to all the epiphany alone due to goodwill and blinding others due to the evil.

. Hearing this, some of the Pharisees who were with him, told him: ...

And hearing from the Pharisei of this sushi with him, and he solves him,

those. Those sometimes were with him, and sometimes lagged behind, or here they are simply those that happened at the time. Some of the Pharisees followed Jesus Christ in order to watch and listen to what he did and says.

. Jesus said to them: if you were blind, then they would not have on myself sin; ...

Retrum to them Jesus: Thickest the tagged were, there were no sin,

it is - disbelief; You could say in your defense that you did not see miracles.

. ... But as you say, you see ...

Now the verb, I can see ...

You say it, but not me. If you have seen, we would believe those wonders that I do before you. Just you think that you see, but in fact you do not see, being blinded by the mind. The mind sees and the mind hears, and everything else blindly and deaf, says the proverb.

. ... it remains at you.

Sin of your stay is,

it remains without forgiveness, because, saying, what you see, and not seeing, you are unavailablely blind yourself with envy and soreness. Thus showed that bodily vision, which the Pharisees are so proud of, condemns them itself. At the same time, he consoaled this clear layer and further strengthened faith in it. But so that the Jews do not say: "Not therefore we do not believe in you that we do not see, but because you seduce the people," Jesus Christ shows in the parable that he is not a seducer, but a shepherd. At first, he sets signs of the seducer and the destroyer, and then a shepherd and the Savior, so that he could learn, whether he seducer, or a true shepherd.

And passing, I saw a man blind from birth. Pupils asked him: Rabbi! Who sinned, he or his parents, what was born blind? The Lord leaves the temple to tame any anger of Jews. It starts to heal the blind, so that these signs to soften their crucial and perseverance, although they did not take advantage of the Sim, and show them together that he was not in vain and told self-harvesting: "I had previously left Abraham, I am" (John 8, 58 ). Deliciously approached the blind, and not this to it. Pupils, taking attention to his blind, ask: "Who sinned: he or his parents, what was born blind?" This question seems strange. For how could he warm his before his birth? The apostles probably did not share the pagan superstition about the soul before the connection with the body lives in another world and for sin, as if in punishment, descends into the body. Being angler, they could not hear anything like this, because such thoughts belonged to the sages. So the question seems unreasonable, but not for careful. For know. The apostles heard Christ said relaxed: here, you recovered, not sin, so that it did not happen to you worse (in. 5, 14). Now they see the blind and puzzled, and as if they say that: we put that he was relaxed for sins, but what do you say about it? Has he sinned? But this cannot be said; Because he is blind from birth. Or his parents? It is impossible to say that, because the son is not punished behind the father. So, the apostles in the present case are not asked as perplexed. The Lord in the permissions resolve them says: "He did not sink (for he, as it were, sinned her before his birth), nor his parents." However, he says this without freeing them from sins. For it didn't just say that his parents did not have sinned, but he added that "Born blind." Although his parents have sinned him, but not for him is a poverty. Send the sins of fathers on children, in no way guilty, unfair. This is inspiring and God through Ezekiel: Yes, you will not have more saying this: "Fathers ate acidic grapes, and in children on the teeth of Oskomina" (Iz. 18, 1, 2). And through Moses, he ruled by law: so the father would not die for the Son (De. 24, 16). But how, you will say, it is written: give the sins of parents to Chad to the third and fourth sort (Ex. 34, 7)? It can be said to this, firstly, the fact that this sentence is not universal, not said about all, but only about those that came out of Egypt. Then look at the meaning of the sentence. It does not say that children are punished for sins committed by fathers, but that the punishment for the sin of fathers go to children when the children committed the same sins. So that the released from Egypt did not think that they would not be punished with the same fathers, at least they sinned and worse, he says to them: no, not so; The sins of fathers, that is, punishment, will go to you, because you have not become the best, but sins have committed the same, and even the worst. If we see that they often die in punishment to parents, we know that God takes them out of the world's lives in humanity, so that in life they are not worse than parents and did not live on the evil of his soul or even many others. But the abyss of God defended these cases in herself. And we are simple.

Jesus answered: neither he was sinned nor his parents, but this in order to be the affairs of God. I have to do business who sent me, the dock is a day; The night comes when no one can do. Docked in the world, I am the light of the world. Here again, the other difficulty. Other asks: how did he say it? For this would mean that a person who was deprived of the world was offended in order to be the affairs of God? Did they not appear otherwise? - What, tell me, a man, he tolerates offense? That, you say that light is deprived. And what harm from what is deprived of sensual light? On the contrary, it is more enforced. For, together with his eyesight, he was clear and obsolete. The blindness served him on good, since through healing from her he learned the true sun of the truth. So, this one is not offended, but enjoyed. - Then everybody dealing with the Word of God, should know that the particles "in order to" are often used in Scripture to designate not the cause, but the events itself. For example, David says: "So you are righteous in your sentence" (Ps. 50, 6). David did not have sinned so that God was justified. But due to the sin David, God was able to encourage God. For when God handed David as so many gifts, which he was not worthy, and he abandoned the commandment of God, committed murder and adultery and royal power used to insult God, what he had flowed down the investigation, as not that God, fret and denounce David , justified and appeared the winner of the convicted king, because he pulled out the law of what the kingdom received from whom did the kingdom violated himself that he was king? Being a honest person, he could not so easily commit two such great crimes. So, you see, in the proposal, "So you are righteous" (Slavic: Yako and justified) a particle means not a reason, but a consequence. There are many of these revolutions of the speech and the apostle. For example, in the message to the Romans: "What can be known about God, then clearly for the pagans, so they are unrequited" (Slavic: in everyday life it is unrequited) (Rome. 1, 19. 20). God gave the Gentiles knowledge not so that they, sinned, were unrequited, but so that they do not sin. And how they sinned, then due to this knowledge made them unrequited. And again: the law came after, "let the preggie multiplied" (Rome. 5, 20). Although the law is not in order for sin to be multiplied, but in order to decrease; But as the law, the law did not want to reduce sin, the law and served them to the multiplication of sin. For sin, they became more important and harder because they had the law, and, however, sinned. - So and here, the expression "in order to be the case of God" is indicated not the reason, but a consequence. For God's healing was famous for the blind way. "It's often a different builder of the house one will do one, and the other leaves the unfinished in order to be incredible that he arranged the first part, he could have been unclean to prove that he was an artist and before the arranged. So God is our Jesus, Doctors damaged members and leading them to a natural (normal) state, shows that the Creator and other members are he. - "To be the glory of God," says it's about himself, and not about the father. For the Father's glory was apparent, but it was necessary to appear the glory of Jesus and the fact that he created at the beginning. And in that, no doubt, quite a few glory, when it will open that the one who has now appeared by man, at the beginning as God created man. - What does he speak about himself, listen further. He adds: "I should do the business sent me." I says, I must show myself and make things that can show that I do the same thing that my father is creating. Look, I did not say that I should do the same, what the Father creates, but the most that the Father is creating. I says, should do the same things that I have ever created me. I must do them, "while there is a day", while the real life lasts, and people can believe in me. Then "The night will come, when no one can do," that is, believes, because it calls faith. So, in the future century no one can believe. - The real life is a day, because we are during her, as a day, we can do; Although the apostle Paul calls her at night, partly because there are unknown to make virtues or vice, and part compared with the light that illuminates the righteous. The future century is the night, because no one can do there; Although the apostle Paul calls it in the afternoon, because the righteous will come in the world and everyone will open. So, in the future century there is no faith, but everyone will obey, who wish and unwillingly. - "Docom in the world, I am the light of the world," because the teachings and phenomenon of miracles enlighten the soul. Therefore, and now I have to enlighten the souls of many through the removal of the blind and enlighten the pupils in his eyes. Like light, I have to enlighten and sensually, and spiritually.

Having said it, he spat on the ground, made a barrage from Plunship and anointed by Brohany her eyes blind, and said to him: go, going to the battleship Siloam (which means: sent). He went and washed and came in vain. Having said this, Jesus did not stop in words, but joined them and the case. He spat on the ground, made the birdbreed from Plunov and Brevel anointed the eyes blind, showing the barrage, that Adam's body formed from the birdplace. Some words that I created Adam, I could seem seductive for listeners, but when the words are confirmed by the case, there was no longer an occasion to the temptation. Arranges from the Bainy, using the same way of creativity as Adam created. Not only made his eyes and opened them, but she gave sight, and this showed that he breathed and soul in Adam. For without the action of the soul, the eye would never see, at least it was arranged. Used and the wonder for gifted by vision. Since he intended to send a blind to Siloam, so that the source was not attributed to the miracle of the water, but he knew that she formed the blind eyes and opened their strength, who spat it out of his mouth, spat on the ground and from the plungy of mouth made a barrage. Then, so that you do not think that a miracle depended on the ground, it commands to wash so that the barrage is completely behind. However, some say this barrage did not fall at all, but turned into eyes. - He commands the blind to go to Syloam to be part of the degree of faith of his and obedience, because he did not argue that it is not necessary to go on Syloam or wash it, if the beaning and a sprawl make it quite in vain, but obeyed the commandment; part in order to block the mouth of unreasonable Jews, because, naturally, many looked at him when he walked with eyes, anointed birdland, and carefully peeled into him, so they could not later say: this is he, it's not him; And finally, in order to send it to Siloam, to witness himself, that he is not alien to the law and the Old Testament. - Why did the evangelist add explanation by Siloam? In order for you to know that the blindness of Christ was healed and that Siloam is the image of Christ. For Christ is like a stone of spiritual (1 Cor. 10, 4) and Silos, spiritual; And as the stream of Siloamsky, his strange stream was represented by something sudden and striking and the coming of the Lord, the innermost and disadvantaged Angels, his power swells every sin.

There are neighbors and seen before he was blind, said: Is it not that this, who sat and asked alms? Others said: this is he, and others: it looks like him. He said: it's me. Then they asked him: how did your eyes open? He said in response: A man called Jesus, made a barrage, anointed my eyes and told me: go to the bathing Siloam and the clever. I went washed and prosened. Neighbors affected by the extraordinary miracle did not believe. Although the procession of it on Syloams with eyes, anointed birdnings, for that, so that many see him and then they would not reject ignorance, but they still do not believe. The evangelist does not notice without intention that he asked alms, but to show the inener humanity of the Lord in the fact that he condescended and to the poor, that he was with the great care of his heal and beggars, and from here we would have learned not to despise their smaller brethings. And a blind man, without having former poverty, without fear of the people, openly says: "This is me," preachs benefactors and says: "Man called Jesus." - Names the Lord, a person, because they did not know anything else about him, and what he learned now, he confesses. How does it know that this is Jesus? From the conversation of him with students. The disciples asked the Lord about him. He was quite long answered: "I need to make business who sent me; I'm the light of the world." So no one taught other than one Jesus, and he used such speeches often. From here, I learned the blinder that it was Jesus. What he made a barrage and anointed his eyes, he knew from touch and said. It was silent about the plunger, because I did not know, but I did not know, I did not add. It can be seen, this man was righteous.

Then they told him: where is he? He answered: I do not know. Told this former blind to the Pharisees. And was Saturday, when Jesus made a barrage and rejection to him. They asked him also the Pharisees, as he was clear. He told them: he put on my eyes; And I washed and see. Then some of the Pharisees said: not from God this person, because it does not store Saturday. Others said: How can a man be sinful to create such miracles? And it was between them dressed. Since the Lord, granting healing and making a miracle, usually covered in his modesty, then a blind way to the question of where Jesus, says "I don't know" to be quite faithful truth. - lead him to the Pharisees to subjected to its more detailed and strict interrogation. - The evangelist notices that "was Saturday" to show the evil them, as they catch every case against Christ: accused him of impaired Saturday and those attempted to darken a miracle. Therefore, they do not ask him how you were prose, but as he clarifies the eyes, - in all the slander on the Lord, as the Saturday opened. Forcing the very blind to remember that he made a barrage on Saturday. He, answering already heard, does not mention the name of Jesus, nor about the fact that the Lord spoke to him, but only he says: he put the barrage on my eyes, and I washed and see. For, probably, the Pharisees were previously heard from those who led them to the blind, and perhaps slandering the Lord and said: That's what Jesus makes on Saturday. The comments are worthy of the courage of the blindness that he disgusts disagreeable with the Pharisees. He was given so that he, struck by fear, rejected the reality of healing, and he hurts very clearly: I see. - From the Pharisees some, not all, and more daring, said: not from God this person. And others said: How can a man is sinful to create such miracles? You see, under the influence of miracles, many are softened. These people are Pharisees, chiefs, however, as a result of this miracle, they are assessed and defended somewhat. "And it was between them dressed." This time was taken before in the people, for alone said that he seduces the people, and others that he was kind (John 7, 12. 43), and now begins between the heads. And now many Pharisees, separated from others, protect the miracle. However, the department also speaks for Christ very weakly and more doubtfully and duedly than firmly. For listening to what they say: how can a man is sinful to create such wonders? See how weakly object? Look at the cunning slanderous. They do not say that he is not from God, because he heals on Saturday, but that he does not store Saturday; Constantly exhibit not blessing, but a violation of the day. Nothing and the fact that the bosses are more slow than the people. The people were previously divided into opinion, and not everyone spoke against Christ, and the bosses after the people came to this commendable separation. For it is well sometimes a division, as the Lord says: I came to bring a sword on the ground (Matt. 10, 34), that is, no doubt disagreement because of good and piety.

Again they say blind: You, what do you say about him, because he curses you? He said: This is a prophet. Then the Jews did not believe that he was blind and prosened, did not urged the parents of this clear and asked them: Is your son about which you say, what was born blind? How does he see now? Who were asking: you, what do you say about him? These were from among the prudent. For they said: How can the sinner create such things? In order not to seem like in vain defenders, they lead to the testimony of the most beneficially, as his strength to themselves, in order to block the mouth of the slanders. See how prudently ask. They did not say, you will tell you about him, because he made a barrage, because he did not save Saturday, but remind of a miracle, "because he opened your eyes", as if he supports healed to say about Christ, the truth. Remind him and encourage him: Because he opened your eyes. He, they say, enabled you. Therefore, you must preach about him. The blind now confessed what could, it was: that he is not a sinner, but from God, it is a prophet, although others say that he is not from God, because it does not store Saturday. - Christ with one finger committed anointing by the benation, and he is considered a suburban violator. They themselves, they all are evolving animals in order to drink them, and consider themselves pious. - Cruel and stubborn call on their parents to put them in difficulty and to force them to reject their former blindness of the Son. Since they could not block well-free mouths, they inschee their parents, hoping to destroy the miracle. So, put them in the middle and make interrogation with rage and even with more evil. Do not say: Is it your son, the former once blind, but "about which you are talking about", as if so speaking: which you made blind and wept about it everywhere, completely fictional and false. But, about the malicious Pharisees! What father will love to lie so about your brainchild? From two sides, they are constrained and forced to give up the son, on the one hand, - the expression "about which you say", on the other, - the question "How does he sees now?" You see? False as if the testimony of parents that their son was previously blind, they humiliate this miracle - that he later became in vain. They say: false or what he sees now, or what he was blind. But that he is greedy, it is true: therefore, you are falsely disclamed that he was first blind.

Parents told him in response: we know that this is our son and that he was born blind; And how now he sees, do not know, or who rejected Him, we do not know; Self in perfect years, ask yourself: Let him say himself. So the parents answered it, because they were afraid of Jews; For Jews argued already to, who recognize him for Christ, that will take away from the synagogue. Therefore, the parents of him were told: he is in perfect years; ask yourself. Pharisees Parents blind offered three questions: 1) Does this son are them? 2) Did he born blindly? and 3) How did it become in vain? For the first two questions, they respond to the approval that this son and he was blind, and about the way healing is not responsible for ignorance. It happened, no doubt, in order for the truth to be harder, so that her herself would have witnessed himself and therefore, the witness is reliable, as the parents say it: he himself in perfect years, he is not a child or inexpensive, so that he healed. So the parents answered it because they were afraid of the Pharisees. They were unsteady and unwelling her son. And he became an unrelated witness of truth; He began to see well and mental eyes.

So, the second time called the man who was blind, and told him: give glory to God; We know that the person is the sinner. He told them in response: whether he was sinner, I don't know; I know one thing that I was blind, and now I see. Again asked him: what did he do with you? How to open your eyes? I answered: I already told you, and you did not listen; What else do you want to hear? Or and you want to deal with his students? They wicked him and said: You are a student of him, and we are Moiseev's disciples. We know that God spoke with Moses; Now we do not know where he was from. As parents insisted on what they need to ask their son, and they make arrogant. They lead it, but not in order to ask, but to inspire him the accusation of the healer. For the suggestion "give glory to God" means confessing that Jesus didn't do anything for you, and in not attributing anything good Jesus, deliver the glory of God! We say, we know that he is a sinner. Why didn't you give him when he called you to it, saying: Which of you will attach me to sin (in. 8, 46)? Sleptman says: whether he is sinner, I do not know, and now I do not feel this nor claim. But I know very clearly what he committed a miracle. So, let this matter be considered in itself and will give it a concept. Then, when he was asked again what he did with you, delivering to the Savior to blame that he was anointing with the benation on Saturday, this man realized that they were not asked for reason, but for the accusation, and answered them with the urrorism: I don't want To talk to you, because many times I told, and you did not list. Then, that it could especially be hugged, adds: really and you want to deal with his students? Obviously, he himself wants to be a student. Joking and laughing them, says it calmly; And it shows the soul bold and fading, and not fearing their rabies. At offense, they say, you are a student, and we are the disciples of Moiseev. And here is clearly lying. For if there were pupils of Moses, they would be both Christ, as he himself tells them: If you believed Moses, they would believe me (in. 5, 46). They did not say: we heard, but: we "know", that God spoke with Moses, although they were conveyed by ancestors. About what was accepted by hearing, they say, we really know, and those whose miracles saw our own eyes and whose teaching the Divine and Heavenly heard themselves, called a deceiver (John 7, 12). You see, to what madness brought their evil.

The clear man told them in response: it is amazing that you do not know where he is, and he curses my eyes. But we know that sinners God does not listen; But whoever honors God and creates his will, he is listening. From the century is not heard to open the eyes of the elbow. If he had not been from God, could not do anything. You say, Jews, reject my healer because they would not know where he was from. And I say that he is especially worthy of surprise that, not being among the noble between you and glorious people, can make such things that it clearly indicate that he owns some kind of higher force and does not need any human assistance . "Then, since some of them said before: how can a man creating such miracles to create such wonders, then he is taken for this conviction of them and reminds them their own words. We say, everyone knows that God does not listen to sinners, but he listens to who worshiped him and fulfills his will. Note from here, as he not only removes sins from the Lord, but also exposes it to the great desires of God and makes everything in his will, when he says: "If anyone honors God and creates his will." Next, knowing that they want to darken a miracle, he preached with complete understanding about blessing. If he had not been from God, he would not make such a miracle, which nobody did from the century. If, maybe, the eyes of the blind were opened, but not from the birth of spoiled, but from some disease. But the currently committed - unheard of business. So, obviously, the miracle committed such is more than a person. - Some go into cold and sophisticated coordinations. How, they say, it is said that God does not listen sinners? He is a humus person. What, they say, meaning here: God does not listen sinners? This question should not be answered. However, it must also be said that the words of these - God does not listen sinners - the thought is expressed that God does not give to the sinners to work wonders. For the Spirit of God will not stand in the body, covered by sins. The same, which is sincerely and from the hearts ask for sorry of sins, God listens not as sinners, but how they are. For however, as they ask for forgiveness, they moved already from a number of sinners in a row. Therefore it is fair that God does not listen to sinners. He does not give sinners and grace to work wonders. For if they had ever, someday ask for something like, how he would give a contempt of those that he hates for the fact that they would assign themselves indecent? And if he listens to those who ask for forgiveness, he listens not as sinners, but how well. - note. Having said: "If someone honors God," added: "And the will of him creates." For many of the god, and the will of God do not fulfill. And there must be me together: both the god, and the fulfillment of the will of God, otherwise, faith and affairs, or, as the Apostle Paul, Vera and the good conscience (1 Tim. 1, 5), in short, say; Contemplation and activity. For Faith is truly alive when it has both life-friendly things, from which a kind conscience is, like a vicious conscience. And again, things are then alive when they have both faith, and in someone else from each other, they are dead, as it says: Faith without any deeds (James 2, 26), and things without faith. Notice, perhaps, and what courage gives the truth of a poor man, not at all a wonderful person, and he rents great and glorious between Jews. So great the power of truth, while the lie is very timid and looked.

They told him in response: in sins you were born all, and do you study us? And they kicked him out. Jesus, having heard that they kicked him out, and I was found, told him: Do you believe in the Son of God? He answered and said: And who he, Lord, to believe me in him? Jesus said to him: And you saw him, and he spoke to you. He said: I believe, Lord! And bowed to him. The doconst was hoping that this man would say in favor of them, he was called and asked, and more than one day. But when the answers learned that he was thinking unenkyly with them, but is located to the truth, humiliate him, as born in sins. It is quite unreasonable to donate him blindness and think that he, as very sinful and before birth, was convicted to be blind, which is unforgettable. "As the sons of a lie, drive him out, confessor of truth, out of the temple." But it served him for good. It was kicked out of the temple, and the Lord Temple immediately found him. Disclaimed him for the opinion in favor of Christ, and he wondered to know the Son of God. Jesus, said, found him, like a meticuliar guard who takes a fighter, strongly exhausted and crowned. And what does it say? Do you believe in the Son of God? Why does it ask about when he argued so much with Jews, he said so much for him? Not for ignorance does it, but at will, at will, teach blindness to know yourself. Previously, he did not see him at all, did not see him after healing him, because Jews, these worst dogs, dragged him there and here. Now he asks him in order for his question about who is the Son of God, quite by the way to point out himself. Together with Sim shows him and the fact that he highly appreciates the faith of him, saying like this: so much people insulted me, but I'm not at all imputing them. I care about one thing - about faith. Lord, who is this son of God? - He asks with love. Jesus replies: He is the one you saw and who speaks to you. Did not say: it is - I healed you, who said to you: Look, I will be afraid; But he says first in short and unclear: and you saw him, and then more clearly: and he speaks to you. The Lord seems to say with the intention: "You saw it," in order to remind him of healing and that he received the ability to see him. And he immediately believes and actually detects faith with hot and true, worshiped and the case confirms the Word that he glorifies him as God because the law has been behaved to worship one only God (De. 6, 13). - Notice, perhaps that the miracle was accomplished in the spiritual sense. The blind was and in general, every person from birth, that is, from subordination to the birth, with whom it was connected, because since we are condemned to death and in reproduction through a passionate birth, Ottol over our mental eyes, as it were, what a thick cloud, and Maybe that leather clothing that is mentioned by Scripture (Gen. 3, 21). The blind was, in particular, the people of the pagan. And he was blind from birth. For example, Ellity is because it was absolutely born and the latter, were blind, according to said: "Dared to the meaningless heart" (Rome 1, 21). So the wise men (magicians) of Persian life were in the sense of birth and birthdays. "Slepting, that is, in general, every person, or, in particular, the pagans, Jesus" saw. " As a blind man could not see the Creator, he, by the flavoring of mercy, visited us himself, East over (Luke. 1, 78). How did I see? "Passing", that is, not in the sky being, and, according to the Prophet, bowing from the sky and the winning on all the sons of human (Ps. 13, 2; 2, 3), but appearing on Earth. And in a different sense: "Passing" saw pagans, that is, it did not come to them mostly. For he came to the dead sheep at the house of Israel (Matt. 15, 24), and then, as if in passing, looked at the pagans sitting in the darkness of perfect ignorance. - How does the doctor's blindness? Pluging on the ground and making a barrage. For whoever believes that the Word has shown in the holy of the Virgin as a drop, having shuffling on the ground, he will enjoy himself to the eyes of the birds from Plunships and the Earth, that is, a single Christ, consisting of a deity, which is familiar (symbol), serves a drop and spill, and humanity, The sign of which is the earth, from which the body of the Lord. Does his healing stop? Not; It should go to Syloam, the source of baptism, and be baptized in the sent, that is, Christ. For all of us who are spiritually baptized, they baptized in Christ. And who is baptized, that after this subjected to temptations. Maybe for the healing Christ, he will behave before the kings and rulers (Luke 21, 12). Therefore, you need to be solid and adamantly stand in confession; Do not replace from fear, but if you need, become eating, and expelled from the synagogue, according to this: you are hated by everyone for my name, and will cast you out of Synagogue (Matt. 24, 9; in. 16, 2). If people who are crowded against the truth and persecute her confessor, and remove from the saint and precious for them, that is, from wealth and fame, it will find him Jesus, and when the enemies will be guessed, then from Christ will be especially honless knowledge and a large faith . For then the most worshiped Christ as a person visible and as a true son of God. For not a different son of God and the other son of Mary, as a wicked throes of Nestorius, but the same son of God and human. Look. When the former was once blind asked: who is the Son of God, to believe me in him, then the Lord answered: he is the one you saw, and who speaks with you. Who spoke, as not born from Mary? And he is the Son of God, but not different and other. Why and the Holy Maria is truly the Virgin. For she gave birth to the Son of God, which became the flesh, inseparable and in two sacred, which is Christ, the Lord.

And Jesus said: I came to the court in the world of this so that the unrelated seen, and the swirls were blind. Hearing this, some of the Pharisees who were with him, told him: Really and we are blind? Jesus told them: If you were blind, I would not have sin on yourself; But as you say, you can see, then sin remains at you. The Lord saw the Pharisees from the miracle extracted more harm for themselves than good, and through it they became worthy of greater conviction, and therefore says: it seems and how it goes in practice, I came to court, that is, for greater punishment so that the unrelated seen And seeing what Pharisees, became blind with spiritual eyes. For this, invisible from birth sees a soul, and the body, and considering themselves the blind to be blind by the mind. Here he speaks about the dorms and blindness of the dual race. Pharisees, always grabbed for sensual, thought that he was talking about the blindness sensual, and said: Really and we are blind? They were ashamed of only this blindness of bodily. And the Lord wanted to show them that it is better to be blind by the body than unbelieving, and said: If you were blind, then there would be no sin. For if you were, if necessary, from nature, were blind, you could be given forgiveness in disbelief, which you are infected. But now you say that you see and, however, by the samamovids of the miracle over the blind, still remain in disbelief, and therefore unworthy of forgiveness. For your sin remains indelible, and you will all be punished that you do not come to faith with obvious wonders. Words are Sia, if you were blind, they would not have sin, it can be so understood. You ask about the bodily blindness, which is alone and shake. And I'm talking about my spiritual blindness, that if you were blind, that is, nonsticks in Scripture, they would not have such a serious sin on themselves, because it would be sinned by ignorance. And now you say you see, and give yourself to reasonable and experienced in the law, therefore you condemn themselves and have a bigger sin, because you sin consciously.

1 and, passing, saw a man blind from birth.

2 Pupils asked him: Rabbi! Who sinned, he or his parents, what was born blind?

3 Jesus answered: neither he was sinned nor his parents, but this in order to be the affairs of God.

4 I should do the business sent me, the docome is a day; The night comes when no one can do.

Foundation in the world, I am the light of the world.

6 saying it, he spat on the ground, made a barrage of plungeance and anointed by Brohany her eyes blind,

7 And told him: Go, I will be in the battlefish Siloam, which means: sent. He went and washed, and came in vain.

8 There are neighbors and seen before he was blind, said: Isn't it who sat and asked alms?

9 others said: it is he, and others: similar to him. He said: it's me.

10 then asked him: how did your eyes open?

11 He said in response: A man called Jesus, made a barrage, acknowledged my eyes and told me: Go to Siloam's swimming pool. I went, washed and clear.

12 Then they said to him: where is he? He answered: I do not know.

13 led this former blind to the Pharisees.

14 And was Saturday, when Jesus made a barrage and rejection to him.

15 asked him also the Pharisees, as he was clear. He told them: he put on my eyes, and I washed, and I see.

16 Then some of the Pharisees said: not from God this person, because it does not store Saturday. Others said: How can a man be sinful to create such miracles? And it was between them dressed.

17 They say the blind again: What do you say about him, because he curses to you eyes? He said: This is a prophet.

18 Then the Jews did not believe that he was blind and prosened, did not call the parents of this clear

19 And they asked them: Is this your son about which you say, what was born blind? How does he see now?

20 parents told him in response: we know that this is our son and that he was born blind,

21 And as now sees, do not know, or who rejected him with eyes, we do not know. Himself in perfect years; ask yourself; Let him say about himself.

22 so the parents answered it, because they were afraid of the Jews; For Jews have already argued already to, who recognize him for Christ, to heal from the synagogue.

23 Therefore, the parents of him and said: he is in perfect years; ask yourself.

So, I repeatedly called for a man who was blind, and told him: give glory to God; We know that the person is the sinner.

25 He told them in response: whether he was sinner, I do not know; I know one thing that I was blind, and now I see.

26 asked him again: what did he do with you? How to open your eyes?

27 answered them: I already told you, and you did not listen; What else do you want to hear? Or and you want to deal with his students?

28 They wicked him and said: You are a student of him, and we are Moiseev's students.

29 We know that God spoke with Moses; Now we do not know where he was from.

30 People said to them in response: it's amazing that you do not know where he is, and he rejected me with eyes.

31 But we know that sinners God does not listen; But whoever honors God and creates his will, he is listening.

32 from the century does not dry out to open the eyes of the elbow.

33 If he were not from God, could not create anything.

34 Told him in response: in sins you were born all, and do you study us? And they kicked him out.

35 Jesus, having heard that they kicked him out, and finding him, told him: Do you believe in the Son of God?

36 He answered and said: And who he, Lord, to believe in him?

37 Jesus told him: And you saw him, and he speaks to you.

38 He said: I believe, Lord! And bowed to him.

39 And Jesus said: I came to the court in the world of this so that the unrelated seen, and the swirls were blind.

40 Hearing this, some of the Pharisees who were with him, told him: Really and we are blind?

41 Jesus said to them: If you were blind, I would not have a sin on themselves; But as you say, you can see, then sin remains at you.

1 Healing of the delicate. 13 Pharisees ask the healed and his parents. 35 Heerly believed in the Son of God; blindness of the Pharisees.

1 and, passing, saw a man blind from birth.

2 Pupils asked him: Rabbi! Who sinned, he or his parents, what was born blind?

4 I have to do business who sent me, the dock is a day; comes night when no one can do.

5 Docked in the world, I am the light of the world.

6 saying it, he spat on the ground, made a barrage of plungeance and anointed by Brohany her eyes blind,

7 And told him: go fucking in Cupalna SiloamWhat means: "sent". He went and washed, and came in vain.

8 There are neighbors and seen before he was blind, said: Isn't it who sat and asked alms?

9 others said: it is he, and others: similar to him. He said: it's me.

10 then asked him: how did your eyes open?

11 He said in response: A man called Jesus, made a barrage, anointed my eyes and told me: "Go to Siloam's swimming pool". I went, washed and prosened.

12 Then they said to him: where is he? He answered: I do not know.

13 led this former blind to the Pharisees.

14 And was Saturday, when Jesus made a barrage and rejection to him.

15 asked him also the Pharisees, as he was clear. He told them: he put on my eyes, and I washed, and I see.

16 Then some of the Pharisees said: not from God this person, because it does not store Saturday. Others said: How can a man be sinful to create such miracles? And it was between them dressed.

17 Speak blind again: what do you say about him, because he curses to you eyes? He said: This is a prophet.

18 Then the Jews did not believe that he was blind and prosened, did not call the parents of this clear

19 And they asked them: Is this your son about which you say, what was born blind? How does he see now?

20 parents told him in response: we know that this is our son and that he was born blind,

21 And as now sees, do not know, or who rejected him with eyes, we do not know. Himself in perfect years; ask yourself; Let him say about himself.

22 so the parents answered it, because they were afraid of the Jews; For Jews have already argued already to, who recognize him for Christ, to heal from the synagogue.

23 Therefore, the parents of him and said: he is in perfect years; ask yourself.

So, I repeatedly called for a man who was blind, and told him: give glory to God; We know that the person is the sinner.

25 He told them in response: whether he was sinner, I do not know; I know one thing that I was blind, and now I see.

26 asked him again: what did he do with you? How to open your eyes?

27 answered them: I already told you, and you did not listen; What else do you want to hear? Or and you want to deal with his students?

28 They wicked him and said: You are a student of him, and we are Moiseev's students.

29 We know that God spoke with Moses; Now we do not know where he was from.

30 people perevankov He told them in response: it's amazing that you do not know where he is, and he rejected me with eyes.

31 But we know that sinners God does not listen; But whoever honors God and creates his will, he is listening.

32 from the century does not dry out to open the eyes of the elbow.

33 If he were not from God, could not create anything.

34 Told him in response: in sins you were born all, and do you study us? And they kicked him out.

35 Jesus, having heard that they kicked him out, and finding him, told him: do you believe in the Son of God?

36 He answered and said: And who he, Lord, to believe in him?

37 Jesus told him: and you saw him, and he speaks to you.

38 He said: I believe, Lord! And bowed to him.

39 And Jesus said: i came to the court in the world of this, so that the unrelated seen, and the swirls are blind.

40 Hearing this, some of the Pharisees who were with him, told him: Really and we are blind?

41 Jesus told them: if you were blind, they would not have on myself sin; But as you say, you can see, then sin remains at you.

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Gospel from John, 9 Chapter