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Lion in marriage. Man-lion in love and family life. What sex love men lions? How to win the love of a man-lion

Want to know what lion is married? How do representatives of this sign behave in family relationships? Men Lions are beautiful husbands and fathers.

What is the lion in marriage

As a husband, this man is a generous miner and a stone wall for their loved ones. He is proud of his family and herself in the family, that is, his role. He actually wants to give them the best.

At the same time, the very least important is to remain the center of attention. All family members should depend on him and wander it for it. But in his behavior, he is absolutely not aggressive, but, on the contrary, is devoted, gentle and loving.

Lion in marriage has its own opinion on all that is happening and about how his households should be. He dictates a line of behavior, but gently and gently. He loves romantic and all-consuming. At the same time, everyone knows everything in the house - the word of the father and her husband - the law.

Passionate from nature, he can look for hobbies on the side, if not paying due attention from his wife. But in case of strong response feelings, it can keep loyal to their beloved throughout life.

He is a conservative owner, so it will not allow any dubious behavior of his wife and even more thanks for her. But it is unlikely to happen. He was looking for his halm for too long and chose the one to play his wife to play according to his rules.

Man lion in marriage

Men are lions in marriage wise and are considered connoisseurs of human souls. Therefore, it easily recognizes false and infidelity. He needs love and care from his wife, in return to it will provide royal existence and loyalty.

His chosen should initially behave like a lady, and even more so she should control his behavior when he became the mother of his children. And if he is king, then the king's wife should be out of suspicion.

You can only influence the lion in marriage only tenderness and caress. Suggestions, persuasion and orders he does not perceive and considers them offensive towards himself. The wise spouse can quickly calm the swollen lion and gently remove the most rapid manifestations of his emotions.

To the middle age the lion becomes perfect husband. Having overcome the tick period, they and his wife live peacefully and happily. The faithful and devoted husband Lion will make a happy any soft feminine partner.

Lviv golden hands, they are hardworking and able to repair everything in the house themselves, although they have enough money to buy new equipment.

Lion in marriage will not allow their choices to make a career, even if she will work, then more for his pleasure and in his free time. At the same time, it should not be competing a husband or on achievements or on earnings. Lions will not fail to compete with anyone, even with children or with his wife.

Compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage. Full list over all zodiac signs.
Learn how much you come to each other by the sign of the zodiac. Each woman dreams of finding such a man with whom it would be possible to create a solid and happy family. And sometimes it seems to us that here it is, the chosen one who was waiting for all his life, but in time we understand what was mistaken.

Compatibility of zodiac signs.

It is not necessary to part with a man if he does not fit on the horoscope. It is enough just to find out what kind of marriage with this man may have problems, and be ready for them.

Compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage by year - Great thing! With the right approach, it helps to bypass many sharp corners in the relationship. We want this? Of course! So let's ask the stars as you behave with my spouse - a representative of this or that sign of the zodiac. So…

Compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage.

1. Woman Aries

With a man-autumn, she strives for dominance, which will create tension. For a normal marriage, his wife should be compliant. Marriage with a man-taurus is also complicated - Taurus Pragmatic, and it annoys.

A union can be very good with twins. Both tirelessness are inquisitive, active and capable of complementing each other. Communication with a man-cancer promises the initially powerful sexual attraction, and then - quarrels due to the smallest detail. Regular storms can lead to the collapse of the Union.

With my husband, Lv's marriage will become prosperous if you constantly praise his sexuality and potency.

Spouse-Virgo - also a very suitable party. It is only necessary to forgive him the restraint and inability to behave too relaxed. But with the weights, with their inclination to idealize everything, it will be quite difficult to get along, - the ideal of her husband will have to fit.

Spouse Scorpio is so independent that if he does not provide freedom, it can lead to serious disagreements.

The Union of Aries-Sagittarius promises to be quite good if you treat conflicts with humor. Aries with Capricorn will also catch a lot, it is worthwhile to awaken in their restrained husband a strong libido.

You need to be very tactful with my husband, and then the connection with him will be great. The Union of Aries - Fish is extremely successful in all respects;

2. Woman Taurus

Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac. The Russian Taurus is successful only when the wife does not cool the enthusiasm of her husband and forgives him rare treason. Taurus's tie with Taurus ambiguous - Men-Taurus loves to do with women.

If the wife does not give this importance, the connection will become strong and pleasant. With a twin husband, marriage is folded.

The twins are dual and changeable, and the Taurus prone to constant is difficult to adapt all the time under their half. With cancer, the Taurus may be a prosperous marriage if the physical side will satisfy both.

Musha Lion's wife-tolets will have to constantly cheat. Otherwise, the marriage will quickly fall apart. With a male-Virgin special problems will not arise, if you do not pay attention to the Puritanism of the spouse. Good marriage and spouse-scales that will try to satisfy his wife in everything.

With husband-scorpion, the connection promises to be violent, and it will be needed for it. Male-Sagittarius is a good option for the Union, if you do not try to put it on a short leash. With her husband-Capricorn, marriage is unresolved, but stable under the condition that the calf curls his stubbornness.

Life with a man-aquatic is problematic due to the difference in temperaments. With the husband, the fish will be difficult to cope if it is not tactfully helping him in the embodiment of fantasies;

3. Twin Woman

Good perspectives at the Union of twins with a fan. They are not bored together. But with a man-taurus, almost complete incompatibility in everything. Tales - jealous owners. They will limit the freedom of the twins that will not be injured.

Communication of twins with twins is unstable due to the impulsivity of both. The connection of twins with cancer is not very successful.

Cancer trusting and will perceive the twin seriously. It is worth it to understand that the twin plays, and the marriage will fall apart. But the marriage of twins with a male-lion is just the perfect option! The Lion husband will respond to all the rests of his wife with admiration and will not let her do in anything.

Gemini with the Virgin is unlikely to create a happy union. Men-virgin are not adventure and tend to criticize the unpredictability of twins. With my husband - the scales marriage promises to be very happy. Both spouses are not jealous, not owners, both have appropriate temperaments and love to experiment.

But with jealous scorpion, twins will have to be tight. Passion will cool quickly, and relationships can become hostile.

With a husband, the marriage marriage is not bad if the spouses do not prevent overgrowth requirements. With Capricorn, creating a strong alliance is not easy if you do not take into account its conservatism.

With the husband, aquatic twin will be good. The main feature of his character is the unpredictability of fantasies that twins love so much. But with a male fish, the relationship is unstable due to the atmosphere of suspicion and distrust;

4. Cancer Cancer

Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac. With a man-autumn Communication complicated. Cancer - owner, Aries loves freedom and adventure. Cancer jealousy can destroy marriage. With the Taurus, the marriage is successful - the Taurus is able to understand the mood of cancer and smooth out the problems arising because of him.

With a twin husband, a good union is possible if Cancer can curb his jealousy. Spouse-cancer is too similar to his wife. The marriage is unlikely to be happy if the partners do not become more friendly.

Cancer and Lion - Communication is successful, provided that the lion will dominate, and cancer is constantly admired. A good marriage of cancer and a virgin, perfectly understanding and complementing each other. With the weights of the cancer, it is difficult to focus due to inconstancy of scales. Union will be risky. But Scorpio is able to make his wife happy with his passionism and the need to protect.

Communication with Sagittarius may be stable if they allow him to satisfy his wishes of the wanders. With Capricorn Cancer Find a common language is difficult, - Capricorn has too many alien cancer of interests. Union will be unstable.

Aquarius is too fussy, prone to adventure and little comply with the needs of cancer. Good partnership to create difficult to create. Cancer and fish - the union is beautiful. They great fit each other in everything;

5. Woman Lion

Lero is very suitable for the marriage of Aries - he has the same eccentric and passionate nature. But the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in marriage Leo Taurus is doubtful because both too stubborn. With twins, the lion will be excellent relationships, if the twins are cared and allow lion to dominate in the Union.

The forecast of the lion's communication with cancer is favorable when the cancer loves Lion very much and worships him. The man-lion is able to make his lioness happy. They both are extremely romantic and swap. With her husband, the Virgin Lero will have to be shattered.

Virgin conservatives and they do not like the royal authority and extravagancy of Lviv.

With the weights of the lions can perfectly blame if they learn to control their mood and admire with their partner. With scorpion will be not easy due to the tendency of scorpion to proper quality. Emergency husband is an excellent option for lion. He is devoted and able to inspire his wife.

Practical Capricorn will be a good batch only under the condition that the lion will give way to some of its requirements and will become less extravagant. Marriage of Aquarius and Leo is generally undesirable.

Analyst Aquarius undermines the confidence of a lion in its own power. Unfortunate lion with fish. They simply do not understand each other;

6. Woman Virgo

Aries - an inappropriate party due to the difference in the interests of temperaments. You will be happy with Taurus Virgo, since in almost all areas of life they are fully compatible.

With the twins, the Union is successful only in a stable question. In the rest of the freedom-loving twins annoy the masses. The magnificent will be the connection of the Virgin with Cancer. Virgo wants to patronize, cancer is inclined to dependence.

With Lev Virgo, hardly comes to mutual understanding. Virgo Pragmatic, and Lev Expansive and does not make critics. With a Men-Virgin Union is possible, but it is unlikely to be bright and joyful due to the restraint of both.

With weights, the connection is not easy. With allowing frequentness of the scales and is intolerable to this, the virgin is not enough. With a scorpion husband, the Union will be prosperous if Deva will allow him to wake his sexuality.

Sagittarius for the Virgin - a notable candidate for husbands. He will not make the calculation of the Virgin and in life, and in sex. The marriage of Virgin and Capricorn will be strong and successful. They both practical, restrained and have many points of contact. With aquiet, Virgin is better not to contact.

Virgo - Puritanka, Aquarius - Sadrod. With fishes, the Union is also complicated - Deva in love is kept, and for fish love - the main thing in life;

7. Woman scales

With autonomy tense. Aries tireless, and the scales are eager for peace. With the Taurus, marriage is unlikely to be successful. Scales are romantic, Taurus owner and materialist. With twins, partnership is perfect. Both are passionate, romantic and freedom-loving.

Marriage with cancer is complicated. Scales are impulsive and non-permanent, cancer pragmatic and econthomen.

With Lvom, the union is warm if the scales are inferior to the powerful lion. Mercantyl dictators of the Virgin are unlikely to make a happy wife-scales. With her husband-scales, she wonders well if both are more practical about life.

Leaders scorpions for weights are too jealous. Communication can be stormy, passionate, but explosive. With Square, the scales are happy if it is forgiving his desire for independence.

The Alliance with the spouse-Capricorn spouse, because the Capricorn workahol is annoying the laziness of the scales, and the scales do not endure the practicality of Capricorn. Union with water is successful.

Aquarius perfectly complements his wife and in everyday life, and in bed. It will not need to live with fish weights. None of them wants to take responsibility for the family on themselves;

8. Scorpio Woman

Compatibility of zodiac signs. With an oily relationship uneven due to selfishness and ambitiousness of both. With the Taurus of Scorpion can only combine bed. Otherwise, they are unlikely to come to mutual understanding.

Twin for scorpion - constant voltage. Twins are too changeable, scorpions are persistent and stubborn. Wonderful union they can create cancer. With it - almost complete compatibility and in the Snsual relationship, and in characters.

With Lv's scorpion, it is better not to contact. They are both very quick-tempered, and constant scandals are inevitable. With the Virgin Scorpions threatens incompatibility in the sexual sphere. If not, the Union will succeed.

Folded scorpion marriage with weights. Scales of lazy and sensitive, scorpion actors and jealous. Unfortunately and scorpion union and scorpion due to almost complete similarity of heavy characters.

Scorpio and Sagittarius also leaves much to be desired. Sagittarius is too freedom, Scorpio - the owner. With Capricorn, Scorpio will easily find a common language, and the marriage will be harmonious.

With a water union fail. Scorpio will not be able to adopt its sociability and impracticality. Good scorpion marriage with fish. They will be happy to obey Scorpio;

9. Sagittarius woman

With having a lot of common interests with him. Marriage will be excellent. With a Taurus for good relationships, self-discipline will be required. Taurus is a practical Domosted, Sagittarius.

Twins are too mobile and unpredictable. Serious relationship is problematic. Unfortunately and a union of scorpion with cancer. Cancer loves stability and safety, the Sagittarius adventure and craves adventures.

Lion for Sagittarius is an ideal partner. They have a lot in common, which allows you to perfectly understand each other.

With the virgin connection is continuing. Pedantic Virns do not endure the recklessness of Streltsov. But the husband's husband's practicality is suitable and even liked.

Union with weights are promising and will become long and happy. Scorpions wife-Sagittarius will be annoying with its independence all the time.

Marriage between them is not easy. Communication Sagittarius - Sagittarius is unpredictable due to the similarity of natur. The Sagittar Union with Capricorn is unreliable. Sagittarius impulsive and undisposed, Capricorn is careful and attached.

Sagittarius with Aquarius will perfectly understand each other, as they have similar characters. Good family at Sagittarius with fish doubtful. Fish are inactive and shy, Sagittarius are energetic and sociable;

10. Capricorn Woman

Compatibility of zodiac signs. With another, she will compete in everything. The marriage will be successful if both the battles like.

With Taurus, relationships will be perfectly due to the similarity of life values. Gemini and Capricorn - opposites.

The Union is unlikely to last long. Capricorn's connection with cancer can be also a briefly - they are too different. Lion for Capricorn is also an unimportant partner. Both are too independent.

A strong union will succeed in Capricorn with the Virgin. Both are conservative, dependent, practical and neat. With weights, the connection is not easy.

Scales are selfish and are not able to satisfy the needs of the Capricors. Capricorn and Scorpio marriage are successful. Capricorn is able to adopt the tendency of scorpion to domination.

A union with Sagittarius is complicated due to the conservatism of Capricorn and the extravagance of Sagittarius. Capricorn connection with Capricorn is satisfactory. Both hardworking and economical.

With an alarm, the marriage is successful if friendly relationships are installed between the spouses. Capricorn's bond with gorgeous fish. They perfectly complement each other;

11. Woman Aquarius

Compatibility of zodiac signs. With another, if it becomes the leader, the Union is excellent. With the Taurus in Aquarius, constant clashes are both uncompromising and have a strong will. Marriage Aquarius with twins is promising and successful.

Gemini willingly succumb to Waterwords and share their interests. Union with cancer is problematic due to the excessive emotionality of cancer. With the lion relationship complex.

Lion is more interested in physical side, Aquarius is spiritual. With a virgin good marriage is possible only if there are common interests.

With the weights, the connection will be happy. Aquarius and scales have similar aspirations. Scorpio marriage is undesirable. He is very jealous and can become aggressive, with which it is difficult to put up with an alarm.

Beautiful partnership in Aquarius with Square. Both are not jealous, love to fantasize and be in society.

With Capricorn Union contradictory. Capricorn is the owner, it is difficult for him to make society society. Reliable will be a marriage of Aquarius with water - they have a lot of common interests. With fishes in Aquarius, communication is continuing due to the difference in order;

12. Fish woman

Compatibility of zodiac signs. With a happy happy, if it does not attach the values \u200b\u200bof its sharpness. With the Taurus, the marriage is successful when he pays his wife a lot of attention. Fish and twins will walk away if both are less egocentric.

Fish and cancer when the governing role of cancer is a good couple. The union of fish and lion will be difficult. Fish is hidden and sentimental, which annoys the unrestrained lion.

The relationship of fish and the virgin is not easy. Virgin is practical and picky that wounds overly sensitive fish.

Not too favorable union of fish with weights. Fishes are needed leading, the scales are not like to be leaders. In this respect, the fish will satisfy scorpions. They love to dominate the family.

Union with Sagittarius is undesirable. Slispid fish burden an independent and active shooter. With strong and power Capricorn fish will feel protected.

The relationship between them is reliable and strong. Independent Aquarius Such support can not be able to fish, therefore marriage is problematic. Pare of fish - fish, in the absence of a leader, threatens emotional exhaustion and indifference.

Representatives of different signs of the zodiac circle have their own characteristics of nature. And both the animal lion is considered to be the king of animals and the men of this sign of the zodiac for the most part feel the rulers of their own universe. What is the man lion in love and in family life, what woman can be happy next to him and build a strong long relationship?

Not an easy, often hot-tempered, high self-conceit, the requirement of a special attitude towards yourself - these are the qualities that are sometimes made by the men of Lviv completely unbearable. What is being prepared by their future spouses, how to curb the proud temple of the lion and become a real lioness next to him - we will understand everything in order.

And you know what second words Will help to fall in love with a male lion very fast?

To find out this - click on the button just below and see the video to the end.

General characteristic of the sign of the zodiac lion

Man Leo is a congenital nobility. The idealist, a romantic, devoted to his life principles, goals close to the circle of loved ones and native people. To describe the character of such a man, build any quality in an excellent degree, and you are not mistaken - the lions do not know the semi -mer. If good, then immensely, if jealous - Othello, generous - distributes everything to the last thread.

Inborn leaders, immensely ambitious and vain, Men Lions often achieve success in what they do, because they simply cannot otherwise. The same applies to family relations - such a man responsibly performs married duty, and in the end almost always achieves the best for his family.

Relationships with Lvom are most often difficult to build it most often because of his difficult character. Nevertheless, it is worth it, since these are worthy and noble men who are responsible for their favorite woman and family.

Man lion in love

Beautiful and charismatic, representatives of the sign of the zodiac lion is a living embodiment of vital energy and passion; No wonder this is one of the three signs of the fiery element. Love is the most important part of their lives, they are very in love, they need to feel the female admiration and worship.

When such a man falls in love, he invests a lot of his spiritual forces. A rare woman can stand under the pressure of these emotions - the lion literally sweeps everything on its path to achieve chosen.

Actually, strong emotions are needed to representatives of the signs of fire elements at all stages of relationships - they needed that everything around them was boiling and buried, so a woman who is near, will have to immediately get used to the fact that it will not be possible to sit in the corner.

Stormy secular life, where the Lion's companion needs to constantly demonstrate their best qualities, not forgetting that of course there is a more perfect being in all respects - he himself. That she is certainly a diamond, but a diamond, who is only part of a magnificent crown, put on his head.

In general, lions in love need a huge, and your favorite woman must constantly maintain their level in relations at the highest point. Then in response, she will receive all that care and loyalty to which he is capable. Do not deceive it with high self-esteem, talk about what is wonderful - a man lion strongly needs it.

What qualities you need to possess a woman to conquer a lion man

As already mentioned above, the key to the heart of a Men Lion lies in the recognition of its exclusivity, uniqueness. Representatives of this sign adore feminine attention and courtship, on a sincere admiration they most often correspond to reciprocity. However, in order to achieve love of such a man, this is certainly not enough.

How to find the key to the heart of a man-lion? Use second wordsthat will help you conquer it.

If you want to know what you need to say a man to charm it - click on the button just below and see the video to the end.

The lion wants to see a lioness next to him, to whatever zodiac sign she did not belong. A strong character, self-esteem and positive confident attitude to life is necessarily inherent in the spouses of men of Lviv. What other qualities are they dreaming of finding a woman?

Love of life

Mandatory trait inherent in the lions themselves. If you prefer to spend time in the rubber on the unjust device of this world - pass by. Or learn and be able to see good, even in the most difficult situations.

The ability to divide his interests, hobbies and values \u200b\u200bwith him

If you want to know the love of the Lion's Men, you will need to fully and fully accept and share it with him, life goals and aspirations, thirst for life, the desire to create. Be active and active next to him, maintain in everything, be near.

Ability to show and demonstrate their feelings

We are not only about love. But also about all other emotions. Lions are emotional if they do not see your emotions, they think that you do not feel anything that you do not care. Therefore, learn to show them all that you feel, only then you will be understood correctly.

How lions relate to marriage

For the most part, these men are most suitable not only for passionate novels (in which they are practically no equal), but in general, they become faithful reliable satellites of life (if of course a woman will be able to take the shortcomings of the spouse).

Lions respectfully apply to the female wishes to vite a family nest, and this is exclusively in the presence of relations legalized by the state. But do not rush it - before he must make sure that you exactly, with whom you want to live the rest of days.

Representatives of this sign are important to someone else's opinion, in addition, they are committed to their loved ones - which is why, despite the fact that they adore with other women, they rarely change their spouse and rarely bred.

Man lion in family life

What is the man lion in love and family life? A number of serious deficiencies should make you threaten to think before agreeing before agreeing to tie themselves with him of marriage. In the family such a man is a little tyrant. Everything should be as he wants, and in no way differently.

Separate point - jealousy. Lions jealous, because of the same feeling property. You are all his whole, he will be jealous not only for men, but also to the family, work, friends, hobbies, children. A woman should be initially ready for such a relationship, because it will not be able to change it, just take the rules of the game.

Advantages of family life with lion

But not everything is so gloomy, of course. Lions are excellent husbands. Not bored with them, life boys, projects and ideas million, only find time and effort on their incarnation. They are if the lion really loves you, you will have everything you wish, in all plans, not only in material.

The loyal and devotees, noble men, from those who will never leave in a difficult moment, to whom you can rely on, in whom you can be confident. If it is a combination - turbulent passion and stability - you are looking for in a relationship with your loved one, the lion is for you.

There are only a few secret wordsHaving heard that the man-lion will begin to fall in love.

Open the secret that only the units of women know. Click on the button and see the video to the end.

For Lviv, honor is always important and dignity, except that only he was poorly raised. Despite the fact that today women are free and strong, for a lion-man it is always fragile creatures offended by cunning men requiring protection and guardianship.

The lion is in return for his patronage expects good words and sincere delight without regardless of flaws. Sometimes strong and independent women attract it, but with such it rarely creates a stable relationship. Horoscope Husband warns: Lev-man in marriage should play the first violin, even if for his beloved is ready for everything. Or, in any case, he must be sure that he is the main one in the family.

Lev-man married: What is he in family, domestic life when he marries?

According to traditional astrology and the husband's horoscope in particular, men are divided into two main categories. The first are good for intoxicating novels, and the second are beautiful husbands. The lion is considered one of the best candidates for the role of the husband, especially if you want to be perceived by others as the Queen, as well as if "worldly" cases are important. The king of the zodiac has huge advantages and ... terrible disadvantages. But all that is strong and beautifully shine, throws and deceptive attractive shadow ...

How does Lev-husband provide a family?

My beloved wife Lion will get the stars from the sky. He will try to do everything so that she lacked except that bird milk: his queen must have all the best that is under this sun. Lion praises her publicly, appreciates support and character so hard that other women mruh from envy.

Husband lion changes or no, jealous or not?

Lev-husband in bed shows a big sexy appetite, so his partner on the marriage lie can not too often sow head. If the lion changes you, and you are a smart wife, you will notice it immediately. He begins to sink you with expensive gifts and looks like a walking of conscience. You can beat the opponent with the right tactic. But even if the lion is greatly falling in love with someone on the side, a man is weaker than he who demands care, he will probably not leave. Is that his wife's behavior very painfully disappointed or hurt his pride.

The lion seems to be solid, brutal, even rude, but under the "signboard" macho hides a golden heart and a big sensitivity. Of course, in this form, the lion will never cease to the public. He is also not so confident as it usually seems to be surrounding. Sometimes it is very sensitive to everything that concerns masculinity, so Lev Husband is insanely jealous of his partner's love past.

Male Lion: How to behave with him, how to live, how to be together and keep lion husband?

His second half must be beautiful, smart and enjoy a great success in men. Because, like any predator, Lev husband in marriage appreciates only that it was difficult for him to get.

Well, when a beloved wife supports a spouse, has wider life ambitions and plans, serves as a model for him - then the lion sincerely admire her. In addition, his wife should awaken his "appetites" to success, even overestimated financial requirements.

For lions, congenital excess energy is characteristic, they are designed to go and conquer the peaks, and not to waste life for lying on the sofa with a remote control from the TV in the hands. Delivered to shine and influence the environment, the lion becomes a very difficult partner. Then the big eagle becomes pinned with chicken, which is also turning into an evil, even aggressive in relation to others. Unfortunately, it often happens that the lion is associated with people emotionally unsatisfied, restless, weaks that make up his strength. Then he loses its natural nature and is too easy to tempt.

A man and a woman born under the sign of a lion can be quite good, but only if they have nothing to share. Since each of this couple has a strong character and, under any conditions, seeks his goal, in colliding of interests, these people will not give up each other. On the other hand, if the lion and the lioness form a mutually beneficial union, such as partnerships in the business field of activity, they will tightly hold on to each other and cherish this union. Representatives of the sign of Leo know that they can rely on each other. Each of them easily solves the problem and takes serious decisions, so a man nor a woman has a feeling that the second enjoys them. Together, these people can achieve great success in any launched.

♌ + ♌: In love relationships

Average compatibility - For each of this couple, bright and sociable people are attractive, so the guy and the girl will immediately reach attention to each other. The relationship of lovers will develop rapidly, and young people will not hide it from others. From the outside this union looks just perfect. The lion and the lioness prefer to spend the same leisure, they don't swear on people, they are almost always in a good mood, but not really everything is so smooth, as it may seem.

The main problem of these relations is to struggle for leadership. Each of this couple wants to do everything in his own way, not always believed with the opinion of the second half, which will not be delighted with such behavior of his beloved person. Lion guy attracts bright girls, what a lioness is, but he wishes to be the main relationship with his beloved, and she will not give him such an opportunity. The girl lion will appreciate the strong character of the chosen one and will not strive to oppress him in something, but it will never come with his interests in favor of her beloved, even if further relationships are directly dependent on this. As a result, there is a very difficult situation - the qualities that at the beginning of relations are in love with each other as the most attractive, start annoying both. If one of them in relations is more interested in more than the second, it is him and to take this situation to his control and save spoiling relations with his beloved person.

♌ + ♌: married

Average compatibility - Since the lions belong to the elements of fire, they will not be quiet and peaceful family life, but they do not need it. Both spouses love to spend a lot of time outside the house, so they will not be bored in the absence of each other. There is no mutual control and restrictions on this pair, because the husband and wife feel greatly changed in the mood of the second half. Flirt on the side, and even more so, to betray the lion will feel immediately and attempts to preserve the relationship will not become, because it is the owner and does not want to share a beloved person with someone. Unfortunately, treason is the main cause of divorces of such steam.

In intimate relations, Lev and Lioness or Idyll, or the most complete distribution - the middle can not be. The lion is one of the most passionate signs of the zodiac, and at the same time very romantic. In the period of bright love, this couple will be fine in bed, but if you feel a little cool, my husband and wife will stop thinking about the pleasure of each other, and sex for both will cease to be desired.

In everyday life, spouses may have mutual claims. The man Leo appreciates the comfort, and his wife does not like to burden his home duties. If the financial situation of the family is stable, the quarrel on this occasion will not be - a couple will prefer to use the services of hired personnel.

Families in which lions are both spouses are often found. Such marriages are usually concluded on the basis of passionate love and last long, but there are exceptions. In order to in the family of a lion and the lioness, there was a peaceful situation, her husband and wife need to abandon the struggle for leadership.

♌ + ♌: in friendship

Average compatibility - Friendship between allone lions is possible only if they are relatives. In the rest of the situations, the lion and the lioness will attract each other as a guy and the girl, so a short friendly communication will grow very quickly into love relationships.

If these people associate common affairs or work, then the level of compatibility is very high. Lions are perfect and understood each other with a half-clow, but only if they are united by teamwork and there is no rivalry between them.

Video: Lion ♌ Zodiac sign