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The content of the poor Lisa Karamzin. Poor Lisa. Karamzin

"Poor Lisa" (the summary of the story of the epoch of the sentimentalism of Russian literature will be stated in the article) - the story of a simple girl. Of course, transfer all the impression and the entire plot seemingly small work is impossible in such a compressed form.

The author is an outstanding historian N.Karamzin. "Poor Lisa" (a summary can be read below) is a sentimental story that has become a model of this direction in Russian classics. So, the actions of the described events occur in the vicinity of Moscow ...

"Poor Lisa": summary

Not far from the monastery is a house where the main heroine lives. Her father was an honest peasant. After his death, Lisa and her mother had to give the earth in hiring for a little money. Despite this, the girl continued to work diligently. Once Lisa went to the bazaar to sell the valley. There was a pleasant young man named Erast to her. He was beautiful, Intan and rich. He led a rather free lifestyle. Erast suggested a girl for a bouquet ruble, but she, because of her modesty, took only 5 kopecks (this retelling of the text is a summary). Poor Lisa the next day again scored a bouquet, but Erast never came. But the next day the nobleman visited the girl in her house. Since then, they have often become often found.

Eraste saw in a simple girl what he always dreamed of: peace and love. He is tired of the light, from artificial relations and a rackered lifestyle. With Lisa, he was calm and happy. During the next meeting, the girl admitted that she was wanted to marry a rich peasant. Lisa rushed into an embrace of a young man, and "in this hour it was impossible to die in impression." Poor Lisa (a summary of the story should induce to reading the original) continued to go on with his beloved, but now the attitude of the Erast has changed: he no longer saw that clean angel in it. Later he goes to war.

Two months later, Lisa was again in the city, where he saw his beloved in a rich carriage. The girl rushed to him on the neck, but he rejected her arms, led to the office and said that he marries rich widow, as he lost almost all his state. Erast gives the girl a hundred rubles asks forget him. Lisa does not withstand such a resentment. On the way home, she meets his neighbor, which gives money and asks to say the mother that she deceived her beloved person. Lisa rushes into the water. Erast, learning about the death of the girl, blaming himself until the end of his days.

Nikolai Karamzin wrote a wonderful sentimental story "Poor Lisa" (a summary of the work does not convey the whole force). This story has become the basis of many women's novels, has become the basis for creating films and just a sample of sentimentalism in Russian and world classical literature. An exciting story of love of the ordinary peasant and a windy nobleman forced the mind of the mind of that time and forces modern people in one breath read the story. This is the classic of the genre.

  1. Lisa -drawn peasant girl, without memory in love with Erast. It is very good, clean and naive.
  2. ERAST - Young man of noble origin. Attractive, it has a good, but weak temper.

Other heroes

  1. Mom Lisa "The peasant woman loves her daughter very much and dreams of getting married to her."
  2. The narrator - A sentimental person, susceptible to everything touching and beautiful, is experiencing for heroes.

Acquaintance reader with Liza and her mother

It is all the narrative on the face of a narrator who says that he has one favorite place. This is a mountain near which Simonov Monastery is located. The narrator often visits this place not only because of the beautiful view of Moscow, but also due to reflection about the history of poor Lisa.

Not far from the monastery there is a destroyed shack, in which this poor girl with a mother lived 30 years ago. When her father died, she and her mother began to live poorly. The widow was luckless and because of his grief could no longer work. Lisa, who was quite another young girl (she was 15 years old, when she was not her father), I do not regret the strength, worked to feed myself and Mother. In addition to a surprisingly kind and elevated heart, she was also a beautiful girl.

Dating Lisa with Eraste

The girl collected the valley and walked them to sell to Moscow. Once, a handsome young man approached her, and she asked him to buy flowers. He, fascinated by the beauty of Lisa, wanted to give the amount greasy than the stranger wanted. However, she refused to take extra money. The nobleman was not confused and asked her permission to become the only buyer. He asked where her house was located, and Lisa explained to him.

The next day, a beautiful girl waited for him, but he never came. But when Lisa was engaged in yarn and recalled him, he saw that her modest house had a ERAST and talking to her mother. When a young man left, a woman shared with his daughter his impression from her friend. For a poor woman, he was for whom she dreams of giving marry Lisa. Daughter objected to her that it was impossible because they belong to different estates.

Boat riding and admission in love

ERAST, despite the fact that he had a good heart and was a smart, in nature, there was a windy and is inconsistent, he only wanted entertainment from life. But the simplicity and purity of Lisa conquered him so much that he had not doubted that he met the only one.

Lisa, who spawned a disturbing bed, got up even before the sun climbed and went to the banks of the Moscow River. And unexpectedly noticed Erast, who sailed on the boat. Seeing his beloved, he ran to her, took his hands, kissed and confessed to love. Lisa was happy and said that he would love him too.

After recognition, they began to see every day. During his meetings who were clean and innocent, they kissed and talked about love. Erast every day more and more in love with Lisa, all the former secular entertainment lost all meaning for him. The young man was sure that he would never go bad in relation to this charming girl.

Fracture in the relationship of Liza and Erast

During one of their meetings, the girl came in frustrated feelings. On Lisa wanted to marry the son of a wealthy peasant, and Mother was very happy, because he didn't even guess that her daughter was in love. Erast promised her that they would never break out. After his words, Lisa, in the rustling of feelings, rushed to him in his arms, and they became close.

But after this meeting, their relationship changed. Those special sublime relations that admired the young man were replaced by the feelings that were familiar to him. Lisa continued to love him all stronger. Her beloved began to come to her less often, and then disappeared at all for several days. When Erast came to the meeting, he told her that this is their last meeting, because his regiment goes to war. On the day of parting, young people cried.

An unexpected meeting of Liza and Erast and the consequences of this date

Two months have passed since the beloved girl went to war. Lisa strongly for him. When she was in Moscow, suddenly she notices in an Erast carriage. Having waited when he came out, she ran up to him and hugged him. But the young man was cold and said Lisa that he was engaged. Yes, he continues to love her, but the circumstances have developed so that he needs to marry. But Erast wishes her only happiness, so he asks to give her 100 rubles and leaves.

The young man was really in war, just did not bravely fought, but lost all the state behind the card game. And in order to fix financial position, he decided to marry a rich widow, long in love with him.

After meeting with Eraste, Lisa did not understand what she did next. Having woke up, she realized that she came to the very place on the shore, where they saw Eraste. Remembering everything, the lucky time they spent together. Seeing nearby a neighbor girl, she asked to give 100 rubles of mother and convey her apologies. And Lisa herself rushed into the pond and drowned. Mother could not survive the loss of his daughter and died. Erast, having learned about the death of Lisa, decided that it was to blame, it was not happy. Shortly before death, Erast met a storyteller and told him a story about poor Lisa.


In the surrounding-no-styles of Moscow, the once-stimper from Simo-Nova lived once a young girl Lisa with his old mother. After the death of the Lysih Father, a pretty closer-nine-nine, wife and daughter lunch-neli. The widow of the day from the day of the bed is weaker; and could not work. One Lisa, without sparing its delicate milk-achievement and rare beauty, work day and night - the canvas fabrics, knitted stockings, Sobi-Rala Flowers, and in the summer of berries and sold them in Moscow.

One day in the spring, two years after the death of the Father, Lisa came to Moscow with Landa Shami. Young, well-dressed man met her on the street. Having learned that she sells flowers, he suggested her ruble instead of five kopecks, saying that "the beautiful valley, torn by the hands of a beautiful girl, stand ruble." But Lisa refrain from the pre-loe amount. He did not Nasta-I-tob, however, he said that he would continue to mournful flowers and would like her to rush them only for him.

Having come home, Lisa did all the name of Matushka, and the next day the most best lonscashes were narrowing and came to the city again, but the Molo-Dogo-Age this time did not meet Tila. Throwing flowers into the river, she in sadness in the shower will be back home. On the next day in the evening, a member of Komke himself came to her house. Having barely freezing him, Lisa Kino-lashes to Mother and a wave of a mess, who goes to them. The old woman was meeting the guests, and he still lasted her very kind and pleasant man-century. Erast - so called the Molo-Dogo-century - confirmed that she was going to conquer flowers from Lisa in the future, and she was not obliged to go to the city: he himself could take to them.

Erast was a rather rich nobleman, with a fairious mind and kind from nature with a heart, but weak and windy. He led a rushing life, I thought only about my pleasure, I was looking for him in the light-ska fun, and not finding, I missed and sting up on fate. Nepoo-rich beauty Lisa shook him at the first meeting: he was caulible that he found exactly what he was looking for a long time ago.

So it was a polo-female start their long date. Every evening they were video or on the banks of the river, or in the Berezoh Grove, or under the shadow of centenary oaks. They are hugged, but their hugs were chicted and innocent.

So passed a few weeks. Kaza elk, nothing could help them happiness. But once in the evening, Lisa came on a dating sad. I was prevented that the woven for her, the groom, the son of God, of that Peasmen Nina, and Mother wants her to come out for him. Erast, comforting Lisa, said that, by the death of the mother, he would take her to himself and would live with her fearless. But Lisa Nap-Neil Junior, that he will never be able to be her husband: she is a peasant, and he is a noble-sort. You offend me, said Erast, for your friend is the most important than all your soul, a sensitive, innocent soul, you will always be closest to my heart. Lisa was abandoned in his arms - and in this hour, the stress was died, nipped-riche.

Break-duration passed in one minute, giving way to surprise and fear. Lisa cried, saying goodbye to the erast.

Dates for their continued, but as everything is re-mine! Lisa was not already for ERAST an angel of Nepocohnost; Plateau-Ni-Che-Sky Love Usta-Saw Place the feelings, which he could not "be proud" and who were not new to him. Lisa reigned in him, and it is her sorrows.

Once, during a date, Erast reported Lisa that his prizes - service in the army; They will have to break up for a long time, but he promises to love her and hopefully, he never falls out with her. It is not difficult, however, however, it's hard to change Lisa Lisa separation with a loved one. However, hope did not leave her, and every morning she is promoted-paes with the thought of Eraste and their happiness in his return.

It went about two months. Once Lisa went to Moscow and at one of the big streets saw Erasta, pass-junior by in the Veli-Ko-Maznaya Karet, which remains-ni-vomit near the huge house. Erast came out and wanted to go to the porch, as suddenly the smelled of himself in the lysine arms. He turned pale, then, not to mention a word, spent it into the office and locked the door. Osto-Ya-Tel-Perera - Nibe, announced a girl, he is engaged.

Before Lisa could open, he brought it out of Kabi Neta and said the servant to spend it from the courtyard.

Having been on the street on the street, Lisa went where the eyes look, unable to penetrate the Holy Shangh. She came out of the city and for a long time Brela, while suddenly did not find it on the shore of the glove-whose pond, under the canopy of the ancient oaks, which in a few weeks before that were silent silence-lys of her delights. It shocked Lisa, but in a few minutes she fell-za-las in a deep cue. Seeing a neighbor girl, walking along the road, she click-zero her, took it out of his pocket all the money and gave it, asking to re-give Mother, Freed-lo-to give her and put it to forgive the poor daughter. Here she was abandoned into the water, and they could no longer be saved.

Lizina Mother, having learned about the terrible death of his daughter, did not extend the strike and Skon-Chah's on the spot. Erast was unhappy until the end of the life. He did not deceive Lisa when he told her that she was going to the army, but, instead of fighting the non-I-Telem, played the card and lost everything. He had to marry him in an elderly rich widow, which was in him a long time in love. Having learned about lysine fate, he could not comfort himself and read himself as a killer. Now, maybe they are already receiving.

Not far from Moscow, near the monastery Simonov, a beautiful girl lived with her mother and called her Lisa. Her father has long died. Once upon a time, during his father's life, they were pretty rich, but after his death, the mother began to weaken and they had a strong meal. Young Lisa tried as he could, and sometimes she didn't even take care of himself: she did the canvas, stockings, collected wildflowers and even hot summer days she did not hide in the shade, but collected berries. All she could collect or make she sold in Moscow.

Two years have passed since the time her father did not.

Already warmed in spring, she collected the valley and sold them in the bazaar. As she met the beautiful, perfectly dressed, a young man who as soon as he found out that she sells flowers, I decided to buy them from her, and offered money much more than they cost. But Elizabeth was a modest girl, and she refused such a generosity of an unfamiliar citizen. He did not insist, but in the future he asked her to collect flowers only for him.

He taught home, Lizonka told everything with her mother, she was so inspired that he had gathered the best colors and the next day ran into the city, hoping to meet with an excellent stranger. But it was not there. Lisa was very upset and even threw flowers into a river. Passed the day and the stranger was on the threshold of her house. Lisa, seeing him, rushed to his mother. Mom Elizabeth honored guests. On the same evening, Lisa learned that the man is called Erast. Erast said that he really wants that Lizonka rolled flowers only for him, and what is not necessary to go to the bazaar, he will come to them himself for Lisa.

Erast possessed a great condition, he was smart and kind, but he could not be cooled, his secular life was attracted and all the fun adjacent to her. Once he was simply amazed by the innocence and the beauty of the young person. They often met, hugged, but their meetings were absolutely innocent.

Mother decided to give Elizabeth under the crown, since a good young man came to them quite recently with a sufficient state. Lisa understood that she had no future with Erast, since she was a peasant, and he was a nobleman. In the upset feelings of Elizabeth, almost made a mistake in the arms of Eras, but soon took himself in hand. Lisa said goodbye to the erast.

They were still met, but their meetings were no longer like that. Erast no longer saw in her impurity, as Platonic love covered him. Lizonka noticed all this and from this she became sad.

Erast called in the army. Lisa is given that separation is very hard, but Erast promised that as soon as he returns, they will never break out.

Two months have stretched eternity. One day Lisa went to Moscow. In the crowd, she saw her beloved and rushed to him in his arms, but Erast had a sharply started her in his office and explained that life had given a strange turn and his wedding would soon. Elizaveta brought out the servant house.

The girl was very upset, she wandered a quiet step, not noticing anyone and nothing on his way. During this time, she has already managed to leave the city. Waking up, she understood that he was near the pond. More recently, she was happy here with Erast, and now everything is quiet and even luxurious oaks did not give her any joy. Memories flooded in Elizabeth and she went deep into her dreams and fantasies.

Near the young girl took place. Lisa gave her all the money that he earned today in the bazaar and said to bring them to her mother and ask for what she would apologize for her act. And a minute later rushed into the pond.

Mom Elizabeth died with grief. And Erast married an elderly lady, because before that he lost everything. When he learned about Lisa, he realized that he was he who killed her and could not forgive him.

A brief retelling "Poor Lisa" in the reduction prepared Oleg Nikov for the reader's diary.

Plan Revet Ochaw

1. Life Lisa in her mother's house.
2. Lisa meets Erast.
3. Young, man comes to the house of Lisa.
4. Experiences of heroes.
5. Heroes begin to meet every day.
6. Erast deprives Liza innocence, and his attitude to it changes.
7. Lisa meets Eras in Moscow and finds out that he should marry rich widow.
8. Suicide Lisa.
9. Death of mother's mother from grief. Flies of conscience of Erast.


Lisa lived together with his old woman in a hut near a birch grove. Her father was a rather wealthy village, but after his death Lisa and her mother had to hand hold the land. Rental income was very small, so Lisa knitted and embroidered covers and napkins, and then sold them. In the summer she was still collecting flowers and berries, sold them in Moscow. Her mother only dreamed of giving daughter for a good man, then she could die calmly.

Once Lisa went to the city with a bouquet of Lily. A young well dressed man approached her. Instead of five kopecks, he suggested her ruble, but Lisa did not take extra. Then the young man asked her so that she would not sell flowers to anyone besides him, he learned where she lives. Lisa really liked this young man. She told her mother about him, but the old woman asked her to be careful, as in the world a lot of evil people who could harm a poor honest girl.

The next day, Lisa went to Moscow again with the valley, but that person did not appear. Then Lisa threw flowers into the river with the words: "No one you own!"

The next day, Lisa sat by the window and hurt. Looking down the window, she suddenly saw that young man again. He looked at her with adoration. He had such a good face that the mother of Lisa could not think about him anything bad. He asked for milk, and while Lisa ran to the cellar, her mother told the stranger about her husband and his death. After that, the stranger asked Lisa only to he sold his work, and then he could come to them, and the girl would not have to leave his mother for a long time. For goodbye, the stranger called his name: Erast. After his leaving lysine, the mother began to dream of such a husband for her daughter, only to be a simple person, and not so noble as their guest.

Erast and in fact was a very rich young man, with good, but weak and windy. "He led a scattered life, he thought only about his pleasure, looking for him in secular fun, but did not find." In Lisa, he saw the embodiment of what he read in novels and idylls. He decided to leave a big light for a while.

Lisa after the meeting did not sleep with him all night. The next day she went to walk, saw the shepherd and began to dream that Erast was the same simple shepherd. Whether he is so, he could go to her, take her hand and make his wife. At that moment, the boat was moored to the shore, in which Erast was sitting. He approached Lisa and took her hand, kissed and confessed to love. They began to meet every evening, only Mother Lisa did not tell anything. "All the brilliant fun of the Big Light seemed to be insignificant in comparison with the pleasures that the passionate friendship of the innocent soul fell his heart." He decided that he would live with Liza as a brother with a sister, and would never utter her love in evil. So passed a few weeks.

One evening Lisa told Erast that the mother wants to give her for the son of a rich peasant. She does not agree to such a marriage, but only very much his mother regrets. "She rushed into his arms - and at this time it was impossible to die in impression." Lisa did not understand his feelings, and Erast knew that she was to say. Suddenly, lightning flashed in the sky, and Lisa decided that it was a bad sign. Since then, their relationship has changed. "Lisa was not already for Erast Slim an indisciencement angel who had previously poured his imagination and soul." If before their feelings were for him something new, now he got what he had so many times. Now they have not seen every day. And once, Erast said that he needed to go to war, and if he won't do this, then his name would parse shame. Lisa cried, even wanted to go with him, but then remembered her old mother and stayed.

Two months later, Lisa went to Moscow and saw Erast there. She rushed to him, but he brought her to his office and said that everything was over between them. He loves her as before, but the duty makes him marry another woman. It turns out that the ERAST did not fight in war, but he played a card and lost almost all his state. Now he needs to marry a rich old widow, which has long been in love with him. Lisa came to himself only on the street. She decided that he was kicked out, because now he loves another. With such thoughts, she went from the city and found himself on the bank of the pond, where he first met with his beloved. There she met her girlfriend, gave her money and said that she would carry their mother Lisa, but handed it that she loved one person who betrayed her, and now she has no need to live. With these words, she rushed into the pond. When from the village came running to pull it out, she was already dead.

The old woman could not bear such grief and also died. " Erast, until the end of his life was not happy. When he found out about the fate of Lisa, he decided that he was her killer. A year before his death, he met with a storyteller and told him this sad story.