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What was the project prepared by Speransky. Causes of Speransky's resignation. State Device according to Plan M. M. Speransky

Exercise 1

Using a textbook material and additional sources, list the main milestones political biography M. M. Speransky in 1801-1812 What can you explain the success of his political career?

Secretary of Prince A. B. Kurakina. Officer in the Senate at Curakin. He was brought to the discussion of the materials of the Neglass Committee, was the projects on the topic given. Director of one of their departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Stas Secretary of the emperor. Deputy Minister of Justice.

Task 2.

Prepare a message on the topic "Reforms M. M. Speransky". Make up and write down his exploration plan.

1. The first plan of reforms "Notes on the Device of Judicial and Government agencies in Russia."

2. The second draft reform "Introduction to the deposits of state laws".

3. The main provisions of the project

4. "Project to master the Governing Senate".

5. The value of the proposed reforms for Russia.

The first project of political transformations Speransky proposed the king back in 1803 in the "note on the device of judicial and government agencies in Russia." He set a question about the need for careful introduction in the country constitutional monarchy And to prevent this way for Russia "French revolutionary nightmare".

Only after the Tilzite world, the king instructed him to draw up a draft comprehensive reform of public administration. In 1809, Speransky prepared in 1809 one of the most important documents in his political career - "Introduction to the deposition of state laws."

Historians celebrate the following key provisions of this document, as a system that is quite clearly characterized by the Speransky reform:

1. At the heart of the political power of the state. Separation of branches on legislative, executive and judicial. Speransky has learned this idea from the ideas of French Enlightenment, in particular Montesquiece. The legislative authority was to be carried out by the State Duma, the executive - already created by the ministries, and the court - the Senate.

2. Creation of a deliberative body under the Emperor, the State Council. This body was to prepare draft laws, which would then be submitted to the Duma, where after the vote could become laws.

3. Social transformation. The reform assumed to carry out the section of Russia's society into three classes: the first - the nobility, the second ("secondary class") - merchants, gentlemen and state peasants, the third - "People workers".

4. Implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200b"natural law". Civil rights (the right to life, arrest only by court decision, etc.) for all three classes, and political rights should belong only to "free people", that is, the first two estates.

5. Social mobility was allowed. When capital accumulation, serfs could redeem themselves, which means to become the second estate, therefore, to get political rights.

6. State Duma is a selection body. Elections were supposed to be held in the 4th stage, thereby creating regional authorities. First of all, two estates were chosen by the Voloste Duma, the members of which chose the county Duma, the deputies of which, in turn, were formed by the provincial Duma. Deputies of the provincial level chose the State Duma.

7. The leadership of the Duma moved to the Chancellor appointed emperor.

Despite the incomplete implementation of the first stage, the Speransky reforms in 1811 published "Casting the Governing Senate". This document suggested:

1. Suggested to divide the Senate to the Governmental (local management issues) and judicial (the main body of the judicial branch of the authorities Russian Empire).

2. Create a vertical of the judiciary. The provincial, district and volost courts should be created.

3. Expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bproviding fortress civil rights.

This project, as well as the first document of 1809, remained only a project. At the time of 1812, only one idea of \u200b\u200bSperansky was implemented - the creation of the State Council.

Despite the fact that the Speransky reforms were not implemented, they continued to discuss them in russian society Even after the death of the reformer. In 1864, when conducting judicial reform, we took into account the ideas of Speransky regarding the vertical of the judicial system. In 1906, the State Duma in the history of Russia has earned. Therefore, despite the incompleteness, the Speransky project had a huge impact on political life Russian society.

Task 3.

Specify the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe project political reform Speransky. What, in your opinion, was its particular importance for Russia?

Restriction of autocracy and cancellation of serfdom. Providing serfdom civil rights. This would avoid the fate of the French Revolution in Russia, to ensure its economic and political development.

Task 4.

Read the document and answer the questions in writing.

From the letter F. Lagarpa Emperor Alexander I (October 1801)

Let those whom you put at the head of different branches of the Office get used to the idea that they are just your delegates that you have the right to be aware of all the cases, to be about everything you are awareness and what you want to make it a rule. Keep the power inseparable ... In the name of your people, the sovereign, keep an inviolable power entrusted to you ... Do not let disgust that inspires you autocracy, go away from this path. Keep the courage to keep power in your hands all the entire entirely, it is undivided, since the establishment of your country provides you for this legal grounds.

Why is Lagarp, orienting Alexander I for reforms, calls him not to give up autocracy? Is he right in your opinion? Why?

Lagarp rights. The proposed reforms were new for Russia. They had to happen gradually. However, with existing orders and weakening the power of the emperor, the collapse of the empire could happen at that moment. At first it was necessary to form in the minds of officials that all this is done for the country, and not for the personal benefit of everyone.

Task 5.

Write what functions, according to the project M. M. Speransky, should have had:

Senate - judicial authority.

The State Duma - legislature.

The State Council is a deliberative body under the emperor, considers all projects to their arrival in the Duma.

Ministries - executive.

Task 6.

Using a textbook material, make up a scheme of higher state authorities in Russia and their interaction on the project M.M. Speransky.

Task 7.

Choose the correct answer.

According to the plan of M. M. Speransky Russia was supposed to be:

a) autocratic monarchy

b) constitutional monarchy

c) parliamentary monarchy

d) Republic

Why M. M. Speransky chose this option? What did he guide?

Speransky chose this option due to the repetition of the events of the French revolution in Russia.

Task 8.

Using the textbook material, fill in the table.

Task 9.

Fill in the table using the textbook material.

Task 10.

Explain the meaning of the concepts:

The ideologist is an expressive and defender of ideology - the aggregate of views, ideas that reflect the attitude of people to existing reality.

Conservatism is a course of whose supporters defend the ideas of conservation of traditions, continuity in political and cultural life.

The instance is a step in the structure of the wards of each other organs.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky (1772-1839) - Russian political, public figure, author of numerous work and jurisprudence, author of major bills and reforms.

Speransky lived and worked during the reign of Alexander 1st and Nikolai 1st, was the current member of the Academy of Sciences, engaged in social activities and reform the legal system of the Russian Empire. Under Nicolae, the 1st was the educator of the heir to the throne - Alexander Nikolayevich. Speransky wrote many theoretical work on jurisprudence and is considered one of the genericants of modern law. In addition, he was a draft constitution.

A brief biography of Speransky

Born in the Vladimir province in the family of church studio. FROM early childhood He studied literacy and read the sacred books. In 1780, Speransky entered the Vladimir seminary, where soon due to his acute mind and unusually strong abilities to analytical thinking became the best student. After graduation, Speransky continued his education there, but already as a student. For his success in school, he received the opportunity to translate to the Alexander-Neva Seminaria in St. Petersburg, after the end of which remained there to teach.

Speransky's teaching activities in the seminary launched relatively long. In 1795, he received an offer to become secretary of Prince Kurakina. So the political career of Speransky began.

Speransky quickly moved on the service staircase. In 1801, he became a valid Stat adviser, which allowed him to more actively participate in the country's socio-political life. In 1806, Speransky met with Emperor Alexander 1st and so impressed him with his talents and the mind that he received an offer to engage in the development of a reform project that could improve the country's condition. In 1810, Speransky became the Secretary of State (the second person in the country after the sovereign), his active reform activity began.

The reforms proposed by Speransky threw the interests of too many layers of society and were so extensive that they were afraid of their nobility. As a result, in 1812, Speransky got into opal and is in such a miserable situation until 1816.

In 1819, he unexpectedly received the position of General Governor Siberia, and in 1821 he returned to St. Petersburg.

The emperor died, and his brother climbed into the throne ,. Speransky met Nikolai and also fascinated him with his mind, which allowed him to return his former political influence and respect. At this time, Speransky received the post of teacher of the heir to the throne. Opened high school legal entity in which he actively worked.

Speransky died in 1839 from a cold.

Political reforms Speransky

Speransky received wide fame due to its numerous reforms that were bored with a comprehensive nature. Speransky was not a supporter of the monarchist building, he believed that the state should give all citizens the same rights, and the government should be divided, but at the same time he was sure that Russia is not yet ready for such radical changes, so he suggested how it seemed to him More than suitable option. By order Alexander 1st Speransky developed a reform program that should have helped Russia get out of the crisis.

Speransky offered the following ideas:

  • obtaining by citizens, regardless of the estate of equal civil rights;
  • a significant reduction in all costs for state bodies and officials, as well as the establishment of severe budget control;
  • separation of power on legislative, executive and judicial, restructuring of the system of ministries and a change in their functions;
  • creating more modern judicial authorities, as well as writing new legislation that would take into account the needs new system management;
  • extensive transformations in the internal economy, the introduction of taxes.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe Speransky reform was to create a democratic management model led by a monarch, which, however, the government will not belong alone, and society will be equal to the law. According to the project, Russia was supposed to become a full-fledged legal state.

The Speransky reforms were not adopted by the nobility, which was afraid to lose their privileges. The project was not fully implemented, only some of his items were embodied into life.

Results of the activities of Speransky

Results of the activities of the Speransky:

  • a significant increase in foreign trade by increasing Russia's economic attractiveness in the eyes of foreign investors;
  • modernization of the state management system; reforming the army of officials and reducing the costs of their content;
  • the emergence of a powerful economic infrastructure, which allowed the economy to self-regulate and develop faster;
  • creation of a modern legal system; Speransky became the author-compiler of the "Complete Assembly of the Laws of the Russian Empire";
  • creature theoretical Basics modern legislation and rights.

short biography M. M. Speransky

Mikhailo Mikhailovich Speransky was born on January 1, 1772 in the village of Cherkutino, 40 kilometers from Vladimir and was the son of a rural priest. Initial upbringing, he received in a Suzdal spiritual seminary and tried his education in the St. Petersburg major seminary, which in Pavel I was transformed into the Sacred Academy. Excellent after graduating, he remained a teacher of the Academy; He taught mathematics, then eloquence, philosophy, French, etc. All these diverse items he taught with great success. Prince Kurakin recommended in the home secretaries, Speransky, when he protected, entered the office General of the prosecutor, which then became this noble. So in 1797. 25 - Summer Master of theology was transformed into a titular adviser. Speransky brought in the Russian untidy stationery of the XVIII century an unusually refined mind, the ability to work infinitely, an excellent ability to speak and write. This prepared his extraordinarily fast service career.

At the topics of Alexander, he was transferred to a newly formed indispensable council, where he was instructed to manage the expedition of civil and spiritual affairs. Speransky was appointed to the post of State Secretary at the State Secretary of the Trochinsky, and in July of the same year he received the rank of a valid Stat adviser who gave the right to the hereditary nobility. In 1802, he was transferred to the service to the Ministry of the Interior and appointed director of the Second Department of the Ministry, which was carried out by the "police and the well-being of the empire". All the most important projects of the laws published since 1802 were edited by Speransky as the Governing Department of the Ministry of the Interior. In 1803, on behalf of the Emperor, Speransky was a "note on the device of judicial and government agencies in Russia," which manifested himself as a supporter of a gradual transformation of autocracy to a constitutional monarchy based on a thoughtful plan. In 1806, when the first employees of the emperor were removed from the emperor one by one, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Kochubey during his illness sent instead of Speransky with a report to Alexander. Meeting with him made a big impression on Alexander. The emperor, who already knew the deft and distortion of the State Secretary, was amazed by art, with which the report was also drawn up and read. At first he brought to himself in Speransky as the "Business Secretary", and then as the nearest helper: he began to give him personal orders and take with him in private trips.

In addition to the military and diplomatic spheres in the field of view, all parties to the policies and management of Russia, and at the end of 1808, Alexander instructed Speransky the preparation of the state-transformation plan of Russia. Then he was appointed a comrade Minister of Justice.

Transformation plan M. M. Speransky

"Introduction to the deposition of state laws"

Years 1807-1812, which constitute the second period of the reign of Emperor Alexander, are characterized within the state by the influence of the Speransky, and outside the Union with Napoleon.

The foreign policy situation forced the emperor to distract from the conversion work of the ruin wars 1805-1807. The prestige of Alexander 1, and the humiliating and unprofitable Tilzite peace treaty with France (1807) caused extreme discontent not only noble fronds, but also merchants. By 1809, dissatisfaction with the government acquired such a scope that Alexander 1 found it necessary to somewhat adjust its political course and start new stage reforms.

By the end of 1809, Speransky, on behalf of the emperor, prepared a plan of state transformations. To work on the project, Alexander I passed all the materials of the Slash Committee in Speransky (1801-1803), projects and notes received by the Commission of Cutting Public Laws. The reform plan was presented in the form of a large document that carried the name "Introduction to the deposition of state laws". The project was ready and presented to Alexander I in October 1809. The emperor recognized him "satisfactory and helpful." Speransky even compiled a calendar plan for its life (during 1810-1811)

The need for transformations Speransky justified the need to resolve contradictions between the level of social and economic Development Russia and outdated autocratic form of government. It is necessary to clothe the autocracy of the Constitution, to implement the principle of separation of the authorities to the legislative, executive and judicial and proceed with the phased cancellation of serfdom. Based on the fact that Russia goes along the same way as Western EuropeSperansky actually offered to reform Russian statehood on the European beginnings.

Estimia by plan M. M. Speransky

Speransky dismembered society on the basis of the difference in rights. Speransky's nobility assigns all the categories of rights, and the rights of political "not otherwise as on the basis of ownership." The people of the middle state (merchants, breasts, state peasants) have the rights of civil common, but do not have special, and political are "by their property". People workers (serfs peasants, workshops, servants) has common civil rights, but does not have political rights. If we remember that the Speransky meant under the general civil rights civil liberty of the individual, and under political rights - participation in the state administration, then it can be understood that the Speransky project responded to the most liberal aspirations of Alexander: he denied the fortress right and went to representation. But at the same time, by drawing two "systems" of indigenous laws, Speransky depicted one of them as destroying autocratic power in its being, and the other - as a detaining power of the autocratic external forms of the law with the preservation of its being and strength. On the other hand, in the sphere of "special" civil rights belonging to one nobility, Speransky retained "the right to acquire real estate ownership of the populated, but it is not otherwise to manage it, as by law." These reservations reported the future of the flexibility and uncertainty that could be used in any direction. By establishing "civil liberty" for the peasants of the landlord, the Speransky at the same time continues to be called "serfdom". Speaking of "People's Representation", Speransky and with it is ready to identify the essence of the supreme power as a true autocracy. Obviously, the project of Speransky is very liberal on principles could be very moderate and careful.

State Device according to Plan M. M. Speransky

According to the Speransky principle, the principle of separation of the authorities was to be the basis of the state structure of Russia. At the same time, all authorities would have connected in the hands of the emperor. It was assumed to create the State Duma as a law on the law. The executive power to focus in the ministries, and the supreme body of the judiciary to make the Senate. From the plan of Speransky, those parts were implemented that concerned the introduction of the State Council and the completion of the ministerial reform.

The forms of public administration seemed to Speransky in this form: Russia is divided into provinces (and areas on the outskirts), province - to the district, the district - on parish. In the procedure, the legislative in the parish is made up of all landowners, the Volmet Duma, electing members of the local administration and deputies in the district Duma; In the area, the same role belongs to the district Duma, consisting of deputies of the Duma of the Voloste, and in the province - the provincial Duma, consisting of the deputies of the Duma district. The provincial Duma sends their deputies to the State Duma, which is the legislative estate of empires. In order, the vessel acts the courts of volost, district and provincial under the supremacy of the Senate, which "is the Supreme Justice for the whole empire". In the order of the executive, the management of the volost, district and provincial under the leadership of the ministries. All branches of the Office are connected by the State Council, which serves as a link between the main power and management bodies and is drawn up from the SPEC, appointed by the sovereign.

The State Duma limited autocratic power, since no law could be published without approval. She fully controlled the activities of ministers, could make the submission of the supreme power on violations of basic laws. The emperor remained the right to dissolve the Duma and appoint new elections. The provincial Duma elected the highest court court - the Senate. It was assumed that the Duma would give conclusions on draft laws, submitted for its consideration, and to hear reports of ministers.

Speransky emphasized that the judgments of the Duma should be free, they express the "public opinion". All citizens of Russia, ownership of land and capital, including state peasants, used electoral rights. Master, domestic servants and fortress peasants did not participate in the elections. This included a fundamentally new approach of Speransky: the actions of the authorities in the center and in the ground he wanted to control public opinion. The reformer proposed to carry out reform in several stages, not declaring the conversion purposes immediately, and complete it by 1811. The execution of the Speransky project was supposed to start from 1810

Transformation of the central control according to plan M. M. Speransky

The united parts of the Speransk conversion plan are all referred to as a central control, and their implementation has informed the latter stronger species. It was a second, a more decisive approach to the device of a new state order.

On April 3, 1809, a decree was published on court titles. The ranks of the chamber and chamber-juncker were not connected with certain and permanent duties, but they gave important advantages. Decree was presented to everyone who wearing this title, but did not consist in any service, military or civilian, in a two-month period to enter such a service, saying what department they wish to serve. After four months, with the final distribution of chamber meters and chamber-junkers in various departments and positions, it was confirmed: all the others who did not express the desire to enter the service, read in resignation. The very title appeared in a simple difference, not connected with any official rights.

Decree on August 6 of the same year established the procedure for production in the civilian ranks of the College Assestor (8th grade) and the Stat advisor (5th grade). These ranks, which largely determined the appointment of positions, were acquired not only by merit, but also a simple service, that is, the deadline for service. The new decree was forbidden to produce employees into these ranks that did not have evidence of the course ending in one of the Russian universities or did not stand at the University of the Exam installed programwhich was applied to the decree. According to this program, the knowledge of the Russian language and one of the foreign, knowledge of the rights of natural, Roman and civil, state economy and criminal laws, a solid acquaintance with the domestic history and elementary information in the history of the national history and elementary information in the history of general, in the history of Russian, was required to obtain the rank of collegiate States in geography, even in mathematics and physics.

Both decisions made the greater stir in the court society and the rank medium, which was published completely unexpectedly. They were developed and compiled by the Speransky secret from the highest government spheres. Decrees clearly and firmly expressed the requirements of which employees should satisfy in government agencies. The law demanded the performers "experience and gradual passage of service to prepared, minute motives not entertained," according to the expression of the decree of April 3, - "performers of knowledgeable, with solid and domestic education", i.e., educated in the national spirit, towering not by the length of years, And "valid merit and excellent knowledge," says a decree of August 6. Indeed, new people needed to act in the spirit of those started, which they tried to spend in government agencies open from 1810

State Council

By decree on January 1, 1810, the manifesto on the abolition of the indispensable council and the creation of the State Council was published, and on the same day his discovery took place. The State Council discusses all the details of the state device, as far as they require new laws, and their considerations represents at the discretion of the supreme power. The State Council is not a legislative power, but only its instrument, and moreover, the only one who collects legislation in all parts of the management, discusses their conclusions to the discretion of the supreme power. Thus, a solid legislation procedure was established.

The Council holds the Sovereign itself, appointing and members of the Council, the number of which was 35. The Council consisted of a general meeting and four departments - legislative, military cases, cases of civil and spiritual and state savings. To conduct the work of the Council, the State Chancellery with a special department for each department was established. The business of each individual management of the State Secretary reported in his department, and the entire Office was headed by the Secretary of State, reporting in the General Meeting and representing the Journal of the Council of the Emperor. The Secretary General was appointed Speransky MM, the main institution organizer, which gave the right to lead the All State Council.

This brainchild M. M. Speranssky existed until 1917. Called to initially consider and approve plans for further transformations, the State Council actually became an opponent of reforms, tightening their discussion. Soon he switched to the consideration of numerous financial, judicial and administrative issues. The value of the State Council decreased even more, when in 1816 the right of the report to the Emperor for the Council cases was transferred to A. A. Arakcheev.

Institution of ministries

The ministries, in which the September Manifesto of 1802 were transformed by Petrovsky Colleges, worked very unproductive. Speransky prepared two important acts reforming their activities. In July 1810, the manifesto "On the division of public affairs for ministries" was published. And on July 25, 1811, "General Establishment of Ministries" was published. According to the new routine, one of the eight previous ministries was abolished, the Ministry of Commerce. The cases of this ministry were distributed between the ministries of finance and internal affairs. From the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, internal security issues were transferred to the new ministry, the Ministry of Police. In addition, there were several special departments called "Main Offices" with the importance of individual ministries: "General Directorate of the Audit of State Accounts" (or state control), "Main Department of Spiritual Affairs of Foreign Confessions" and even earlier, in 1809, " Main management of the message paths. " Thus, individual central departments between which cases were distributed in the order of executive, i.e. administrative, eleven instead of the previous eight appeared.

The head of the ministry was the ministers and their comrades (deputies), they were obeyed by the Directors of Departments, those, in turn, the heads of departments, chiefs of separation teams. The ministers were appointed by the emperor. Governors, also appointed by the emperor, became officials of the Ministry of the Interior. But when transforming ministries, Speransky's suggestions were not carried out on the responsibility of ministers.

The order set by the Speransky remained unchanged until 1917, and some of the ministries established in 1811 and now.

Attempt to transform Senata

For a long time was discussed in the state council of the reform of the Senate, but it was never implemented. The reform was based on the principle of separation of administrative and court cases, which were mixed in the former device of the Senate. According to this, the Senate was assumed to be transformed into two special institutions, of which the one called by the Senate, the Government and Focusing Government Cases, should consist of ministers with their comrades and the heads of special (main) units, this is the former Committee of Ministers. Another, called the judicial Senate, decayed into four local branches, which are posted on the four main judicial districts of the Empire: in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev and Kazan. A feature of this Judicial Senate was the duality of its composition: he was appointed the emperor alone, others had to choose the nobility. This project caused sharp objections in the State Council. Most of all attacked the right to choose the nobility of the members of the Senate, seeing the restriction of the autocratic power. Despite the fact that when filing votes, most of the members of the Council spoke in favor of the project, and the sovereign approved the opinion of the majority, the reform of the Senate was never carried out due to various obstacles, external and internal, and the Speransky himself advised it to delay it.

Plans of the Speransky met from many energetic opposition, and an expressive of his opponents appeared Karamzin: in his "note about ancient and new Russia," a given by the sovereign March 18, 1811, he argued that the sovereign does not even have the right to limit his power, because That Russia handed His ancestor autocracy inseparable. As a result, the Senate remained in the same form, making some incontinuity into the general central control warehouse.

It can be concluded that only the first two, the third reform and did not touch the third reform, could be concluded that of the three industries of the highest management.

Reorganization of the financial policy of the state

In 1809, at Speransky, the improvement of the financial system was entrusted, which after wars 1805-1807. It was in the state of the deepest disorder. Russia stood on the verge of state bankruptcy. With a preliminary review of the financial situation for 1810, a deficit of 105 million rubles was opened, and the Speransky was instructed to draw up a determinant and solid finance plan. The manufactured finance plan was awarded the sovereign to the chairman of the State Council on the very day of its discovery, January 1, 1810. Here is its main provisions: "Costs must comply with income. Therefore, no new consumption can be appointed before, the source source commensurate will be found. Expenses must be divided:

1) by departments;

2) according to the degree of need in them - the necessary, useful, excess, unnecessary and useless, and the latter should not be allowed at all;

3) in space - general government, provincial, district and volost. No collection should exist without the knowledge of the government, because the government should know everything that is going from the people and appeals to expenses;

4) on the subject purpose - ordinary and extraordinary expenses. For emergency expenses in the reserve should not be money, but methods for their preparation;

5) By degree of consistency - stable and changing costs.

According to this plan, government spending has been reduced by 20 million rubles, and taxes and taxes are increased, all in circulation applications are recognized as a public debt provided to all state propertyAnd the new output of the assignment was supposed to stop. Capital to repay the appliances was supposed to be made by selling untenal state lands and an internal loan. This financial plan was approved, and the commission of repayment of public debts was formed.

The laws of February 2, 1810 and February 11, 1812, all taxes were elevated - other doubts, others more than doubled. So, the price of Pone Salt with 40 kopecks was raised to the ruble; Pillow from 1 rub. It was up to 3 rubles. It should be noted that this plan included a new, unprecedented tax - "income progressive". These tax was covered by the income of the landowners with their lands. The lower tax was charged with 500 rubles of income and amounted to 1% of the latter, the highest tax fell on the estates that gave more than 18 thousand rubles of income, and amounted to 10% of the latter. But the cost of 1810 significantly exceeded the assumption, and therefore the taxes established only for one year were facing permanent. Tax exaltation and was the main reason People's Ropot against Speransky, than managed to take advantage of his enemies from the highest society.

At 1812, a large deficit threatened again. Manifesto on February 11, 1812, temporary additions were established in filing and new duties. Responsible for all these financial difficulties and increasing taxes caused by the difficult political circumstances of that time, public opinion made Speransky. Promises to stop the issue of assignments The government could not hold back. The new tariff, 1810, in the compilation of which Speransky participated, was met in Russia sympathetically, but angry Napoleon, as an explicit evasion from the continental system. The Finnish affairs were charged with Speransky, which only with his amazing hardworking and talentedness could cope with all the responsibilities assigned to him. Speransky Reorganization Financial Policy

1812 was fatal in the life of Speransky. The main guns in the intrigue that destroyed the Speransky was the Baron Armfelt, who used the large location of Emperor Alexander, and the Minister of Police Balashov. Armfelt was dissatisfied with the attitude of the Speransky to Finland: According to him, he "sometimes wants to raise us (Finlands), but in other cases, on the contrary, it wishes to let us know about our dependence. On the other hand, he always looked at the affairs of Finland, as on Small, secondary business. " Armfelte made a proposal to Speransky, making a triumvirate with Balashov, to seize the government to his hands, and when the Speransky refused and, on disgusting to the denunciation, did not bring this sentence to the information of the sovereign, he decided to destroy him. Obviously, Armfelt wished, removing Speransky, to become the head of the non-one Finnish affairs in Russia. Speransky sometimes, perhaps, it was not sufficiently reduced in his reviews about the sovereign, but some of these reviews in a private conversation brought to the information of the sovereign were obviously the fiction of slanderians and diamons. In acceptance letters of the Speransky began to accuse already in the obvious treason, in intercourse with Napoleon agents, on sale public secrets.

The imperor and very sensitive to the insults in early 1812 will noticeably cool to the Speransky. Aimed against the liberal transformations of Karamzin's note (1811) and various philizes of the enemies of the Speranssky made an impression on Alexander I. Magnifying to Speransky, the sovereign became his influence and began to avoid him. Getting Started with Napoleon, Alexander decided to part with him. Speransky was suddenly sent to the link.

Relief M. M. Speransky from public affairs

On March 17, 1812, Alexander I settled from numerous posts and exiled the Secretary of State M. M. Speransky. The nearest employee and the "right hand" of the emperor, for several years, essentially, the second person in the state was sent to Nizhny Novgorod in the same evening.

In a letter from there, he expressed his deep conviction that the plan of state transformation was compiled by him - "the first and only source of everything that happened" with him, and at the same time expressed the hope that sooner or later the sovereign returns "to the same basic ideas" .

In September of the same year, due to the Donos that, in a conversation with the archite, the Speransky mentioned the renowned by Napoleon with the clergy in Germany, Speransky was sent to Perm, from where he wrote his famous acquittal writing. In this letter, seeking to justify, Speransky with the maximum fullness lists all possible accusations - both those who heard from the emperor, and those that he believed could remain unspoken.

Restoring Speranski

Decree on August 30, in which it was said that "on attentive and strict consideration of the actions of the" Speransky Sovereign "did not have convincing reasons for suspicions", Speransky was appointed to the position of Penza Civil Governor to give him a way to clear himself fully ".

In March 1819, Speransky was appointed Siberian Governor General, and the sovereign in his own letter wrote that this appointment was clearly designed to prove how unfairly the enemies slandered Speransky. Service in Siberia even more cooled the political dreams of Speransky.

Siberian governors were famous for their cruelty and despotism. Knowing this, the emperor instructed Speransky carefully examine all lawlessness and endowed it with the most broad powers. The new Governor-General had to simultaneously conduct the audit of the edge entrusted to him, to manage them, develop the foundations of paramount reforms. He was a personal office of the people devoted to him. He then began inspection trips - traveled to the Irkutsk province, visited Yakutia and Transbaikalia.

He established the General Directorate of Trade of Siberia, the Casual Chamber for the Solution of Land and Financial Affairs, adopted a number of measures for promoting agriculture, trade and industry industry. A number of essential legal acts were developed and adopted. The result of the activities of the Speransky as the Siberian Governor General, the new chapter in the history of Siberia, became the fundamental "Code for Siberia Management", a detailed device, management, legal proceedings and the economy of this part of the Russian Empire.

In March 1821, Alexander allowed Speransky to return to Petersburg. He returned to a completely different person. This was not a defender of the complete transformation of the state system, the conscious of its strength and sharply expressing his opinions, it was an evasive dignity, not bent of flattened diet, even before Arakchev and did not depart before the commendable printed word of military settlements (1825). After the projects of transformations developed by him or under his observation, the transformation projects in Siberia received the strength of the law, Speransky had to be more frequently to see the sovereign, and his hopes for the return of former importance were not justified, although in 1821 he was appointed a member of the State Council.

The death of Alexander and the Decembrist's uprising led to the next change in the fate of the Speransky. He was introduced to the Supreme Criminal Court, established over the Decembrists, and played a far from a recent role.

Another important thing is to prepare a "full meeting" and "Code of Laws of the Russian Empire" - Speransky has already fulfilled in the reign of Nicholas I.

The reforms of Speransky

Speransky Mikhail Mikhailovich (01/01/1772- 11.02.1839) - State Affairs, Graf (1839).

M. M. Speransky was born in s. Cherkutina Vladimir province, in the family of the parish priest. Mikhail received his last name when he received in the Vladimir seminary from Uncle Matvey Theological (Latin word "Speranta" means "hope"). From Vladimir in 1790, Speransky for excellent studies and approximate behavior were transferred to the St. Petersburg Alexander Nevsky Seminaria, which was considered the best in Russia. In 1795, Mikhail Mikhailovich graduated from her and remained to teach it.

For 12 years, from 1795 to 1807, the Speransky went through the teacher of the Alexander Nevsky Seminary to the State Secretary of Emperor Alexander I. It was helped by independence and hardness of character, the ability to get along with everyone and understand the characters of people and his unique abilities . He quickly and clearly exposed his thoughts on paper, able to make up the most difficult documents. Initially, he served as a home secretary at Prince's prosecutor A. B. Kurakina. By the beginning of the reign of Alexander I, in 1801 he was already a valid statistical adviser (which corresponded to the military rank of general). Then he met "young friends" Alexander I, with whom he thought about the plans of state transformations. Speransky became the control stationery of an indispensable council created by the emperor to develop reforms. At the same time, Speransky was in service at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Secretary of his head of V. P. Kochubey, who began to send his secretary with the reports to the emperor.

Alexander I appreciated the talents of the Speransky and appointed it in 1808 by a member of the Commission for the Compilation of Laws and Comrade (Deputy) Minister of Justice, and its main state-owned adviser. Now all the documents addressed to the emperor were held through M. M. Speransky. In 1809, he prepared a draft government transformation in the Russian Empire, which included the gradual elimination of serfdom, the introduction of the court of jury and the creation of a bipotable parliament. However, this project was not implemented. In 1810, Speransky began financial reform. At the same time, on his initiative, the State Council was created. The political opponents of the Speranski organized a courtish intrigue, they began to blame him in the undermining of state rules of Russia, called the traitor and French spy. As a result, in 1812 he was exiled to Nizhny Novgorod under strict police supervision, and from there - to Perm, where he lived until 1816

Since 1816, a new stage of the Speransky Career official began. Alexander I appointed him to Penza Civil Governor. Speransky thought he would return to St. Petersburg, but in 1819 Alexander I appointed Mikhail Mikhailovich General Governor Siberia. Only in 1821, he returns to Petersburg and becomes a member of the State Council and the Siberian Committee, as well as the Governing Commission for the preparation of laws. Speransky was the compiler of Manifesto on December 13, 1825 on joining the throne of Emperor Nikolai I. He participated in the work of the investigative commission on the case of the Decembrists.

In 1826, the Speransky was headed by the II branch of his own imperial majesty of the office, which occupied by the codification of laws - the systematization and revision of existing laws. By this time, there were no other laws in the Russian Empire, except for the outdated cathedral deposits of 1649 in the beginning. 30s. 19th century M. M. Speransky led the group of officials involved in the compilation of the "full arch of the laws of the Russian Empire" in 45 volumes, as well as the "Code of Laws" in 15 volumes. He also participated in the activities of a number of secret committees of the 20-30s. 19th century, he read the course of law to the heir to the throne, the future Emperor Alexander II.

In 1838, Nicholas I appointed him by the Chairman of the Department of Laws of the State Council. On January 1, 1839, the emperor complained to the Speransky county title, but soon, on February 11, 1839, Speransky died. He is buried at the cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg. I. V.

Speransky reform - the name of the plan of state transformations, prepared and partially implemented by M. M. Speransky in the reign of Alexander I.

The state transformation plan was prepared by order of Alexander I in 1809 and set forth in the "introduction of state laws". The aim of reforms, according to the plan of Speransky, was the establishment of laws in Russia. It was assumed that these laws in the form of a constitution gives Russia the emperor himself. According to the project, the head of the state was to stand the monarch, clothed with all the completeness of power. New legislative bodies were created: the State Council - the deliberative body from the Sanovnikov appointed by the monarch, and the election state of the Duma is the highest representative body in the country. The system of local urban and provincial dooms was created. The role of the highest court was intended to perform the Senate, appointed for life from among the representatives elected in the provincial minds. The highest executive body, according to plan, became ministries.

At the heart of the elected system M. M. Speransky lay property values \u200b\u200band division on the estate. The entire population of Russia was divided into three categories: a nobility that possessed by all civil and political rights; people of the "mid-condition" (merchants, breasts, state peasants) who had only civil rights - property, freedom of classes and movement, the right to speak on his behalf in court; As well as the "people working" - landlord peasants, servants, workers who do not have almost no rights. The personality belonging to the class was determined by its origin and the presence of property. Speransky formulated rights and obligations for each of the estates. Election, i.e. political rights, had only representatives of the first two classes. For the third class, the "people's people", the draft reform represented some civil rights.

The reforms of the Speransky did not cancel the serfdom, since Speransky believed that serfdom was gradually honored with the development of industry, trade and enlightenment.

Emperor Alexander I allowed to implement only individual, minor proposals of the Speransky Plan. In 1810, the State Council was established, in 1811 the ministries were reorganized. At the same time, the Ministry of Commerce was abolished, whose cases were distributed between the ministries of finance and internal affairs. To resolve issues of internal security of the country, the Ministry of Police was formed. This reforms ended. The Senate Transformation Plan was never implemented, despite the fact that it was discussed in the State Council.

The Speransky's Reformed Efforts caused displeasure of the nobility. This served as one of the main reasons for the resignation and references of Speransky in 1812.

Ultimately, the reform of M. M. Speransky was reduced to the partial transformation of the state apparatus that did not provide a significant impact on the socio-economic and socio-political development of the country. I. V.

The State Council is the Higher Law of the Russian Empire, since 1906 - the Upper Legislative Chamber.

The State Council is founded by Emperor Alexander I first of January 1810. Instead of the previously existing indispensable council - a deliberative body under the Emperor, which consisted of senior governmental dignitaries. The emperor appointed chairman and members of the State Council. The ministers were part of the Position Council. Membership in the State Council was actually life.

In 1812-1865 The chairman of the State Council was simultaneously chairman of the Committee of Ministers. During the 19th century The number of members of the State Council increased from 35 in 1810 to 60 in 1890

According to the "Plan of State Transformations" M. M. Speransky, the State Council was to submit to the emperor projects of final decisions on the most important legislative, administrative and judicial deeds. Projects of laws and regulations discussed in the Department of State Council were carried out at the General Meeting and after approval by the emperor became the law. At the same time, the emperor could approve the opinion of both the majority and minority of the members of the State Council or to make his own decision ("a special resolution"), independent of the opinion of the State Council.

The State Council has considered projects of both new laws and changes, new interpretations of existing laws, as well as estimates of departments, general government revenues and expenses (from 1862 - state-owned income and expenses, i.e., the state budget) and other issues requiring the highest approval. Under the emperor Nicholas I in 1827, annual reports of ministries were seized from the conduct of the State Council, the issues of control over the activities of the Higher and local administration. It was erased by his similarity with European constitutional institutions. The State Council has retained only the case of legislation and budget. Later, in the 60-80s., Legislative affairs demanding a speedy decision, the emperor often conducted on the employment of the State Council - through the Committee of Ministers and other instances.

At first, the State Council consisted of a general meeting and four departments. The Department of Laws conducted nationwide bills. The Department of Civil and Spiritual Affairs dealt with questions about the rights of various categories of the population - classes, nationalities, religious confessions, etc. Department of State Saving - bills of finance, industry, trade, science. The Department of Military Affairs (existed until 1854) followed the execution of military and maritime statutes. In 1817, a temporary department also acted to consider a number of projects, provisions and statutes, and in 1832-1862. - Department of the Kingdom of Polish (in 1866-1871 - Committee on the Affairs of the Kingdom of Polish). In 1901, the Department of Industry, Sciences and Trade was established. Besides, in for different years The State Council creates commissions and special presence to discuss cases of large state importance - legislative, judicial, military, peasant.

All cases from the State Council went to the State Chancellery. Her chapter is the Secretary-General (in the rank of the Minister) - transferred the projects considered on the Council to approve the emperor. After reorganization in the State Council, 2 Departments remained: the 1st Department considered administrative, civil and judicial issues; The 2nd Department - Financial and Economic Cases.

In 1906, after convocation State Duma, The State Council was transformed into the Upper Legislative Chamber, having equal rights with the Duma. Acted until 1917 Sun. IN.

Guriev Dmitry Aleksandrovich (1751-30.09.1825) - Count, State Affairs.

D. A. Guriev was born in the family of a poor noble, received a home education. He began serving a soldier in Izmailovsky regiment. Thanks to the patronage of Prince G. A. Potemkin in 1794 became a ceremonium at the courtyard great Princess Alexandra Pavlovna, the eldest daughter Paul I. In 1799, he was appointed by Senator, but Soon Paul I sent him to resign.

Alexander I again accepted Gurieva to the service, and until the end of his life he served as the head of the emperor's office. The man is cunning and clever, he became close to the young reformers surrounded by Emperor Alexander I. received a number of prominent purposes: until the end of the life was the minister of the lots, in 1810-1823. Member of the State Council and the Minister of Finance.

Together with M. M. Speransky Guryev developed a plan for financial and economic recovery of Russia, which provided for the equilibrium of government revenues and expenses and a change in the tax system (an increase in old, introduction of new). To increase the value of cash bills, 236 million rubles were seized from the appeal. paper money (assignments). But to strengthen the economy of the country Guriev failed.

Gurev established the State Commercial Bank. In 1819, introduced a stateless sale of wine in 20 provinces. In 1818-1819. He headed the work of the secret committee, who was preparing the projects of the peasant reform. Special support for Guryev did not use and held as the Minister of Finance thanks to A. A. Arakcheev. According to the testimony of contemporaries, "possessed the mind of bad," was a fan of culinary art and a big gourmet. IS HE.

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61. Political and legal views M.M. Speransky M.M. Speransky (1772-1839) - a prominent politician in the remaining of Russia. In 1826, the emperor Nicholas I instructed it to draw up the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Commission under the leadership of Speransk, this arch was incorporated

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§ 2. Liberalism in Russia. Projects of state transformations M. M. Speransky Alexander I, who joined the throne as a result of the murder of Paul I, at the beginning of his reign promised to manage the people "according to the laws and to his heart of his grandchilde." Basic concern

Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky (1772-1839) is a Russian political and public figure, the author of numerous theoretical work on jurisprudence and law, lawmaking and reformer. He worked during the reign of Alexander 1 and Nikolai 1, was members of the Imperial Academy of Sciences and was an educator of the heir to the throne of Alexander Nikolayevich. Large transformations in the Russian Empire and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe first constitution are associated with the name of Speransky.

A brief biography of Speransky

Speransky was born in the Vladimir province in the family of church studio. FROM early age He studied reading and, along with grandfather Vasily, constantly visited the church and read the sacred books.

In 1780, he comes to the Vladimir seminary, where very soon becomes one of the best students thanks to his mind and abilities to analytical thinking. At the end of the seminary, Speransky continues his education and becomes a student in the same seminary, and then in the Alexander Nevsky Seminary in St. Petersburg. After graduation, the last Speransky remains to teach.

In 1795, the public and political career of Speransky begins. He enters the post of secretary of Prince Kurakina. Speransky quickly moved through the service and by 1801 reaches the rank of a valid Stat adviser. In 1806, he meets Alexander 1 and very quickly enters the location of the emperor. Thanks to his mind and excellent service in 1810, Speransky becomes the Secretary of State - the second person after the sovereign. Speransky starts active political and reform activity.

In 1812-1816, Speransky is in opal because of the reforms held by him who affected the interests too large number of people. However, already in 1819, he becomes the Governor-General of Siberia, and in 1821 it returns to St. Petersburg.

After the death of Alexander 1 and the Edema on the throne of Nikolai 1, Speransky returns the confidence of power and receives the position of the teacher of the future king of Alexander 2. Also at this time, the "Higher School of Law," in which Speransky actively worked.

In 1839, Speransky dies from a cold.

Political reforms Speransky

Speransky is known, first of all, thanks to its extensive reforms. He was a supporter of the constitutional system, however, he believed that Russia was not ready to say goodbye to the monarchy, so it is necessary to gradually transform the state system, to change the management system and introduce new rules and legislative acts. By order Alexander 1, Speransky developed an extensive reform program that had to withdraw the country from the crisis and transform the state.

The program assumed:

  • Equalization of all classes before the law;
  • Reduction of expenses of all government departments;
  • Establishing hard control over consumption of public funds;
  • Separation of power on legislative, executive and judicial, change in the functions of ministries;
  • The creation of new, more advanced judiciary, as well as the creation of new legislation;
  • Introduction of a new tax system and transformation in the internal economy and trade.

In general, Speransky wanted to create a more democratic system with a monarch headed, where every person, regardless of his origin, had equal rights and could count on protecting his rights in court. Speransky wanted to create a full-fledged state in Russia.

Unfortunately, not all the reforms that Speransky offered were embodied. In many ways, his program was influenced by Alexander 1 fear of such large transformations and displeasure of the nobility that had an impact on the king.

Results of the activities of Speransky

Despite the fact that not all conceived was carried out, some of the projects compiled by Speransky were still embodied.

Thanks to Speransky, managed to achieve:

  • The growth of the country's economy, as well as the growth of the economic attractiveness of the Russian Empire in the eyes of foreign investors, which made it possible to create a more powerful external trade;
  • Modernization of the government system. The army of officials began to function more efficiently for a smaller amount of public funds;
  • Create a powerful infrastructure in the internal economy, which allowed it to develop faster and more efficiently regulate
  • Create a more powerful legal system. Under the leadership of Speransky, the "Complete Assembly of the Laws of the Russian Empire" was issued in 45 volumes - a document containing all laws and acts issued from the moment of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich.

In addition, Speransky was a brilliant lawyer and lawmaking and the theoretical principles of the Office described by him for the period of their activities, the basis of modern law.