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Vivos Voco: V.M. Karev, "Francis Bacon: Political Biography." Philosophy Francis Bacon - Brief

Atheism is a thin layer of ice, according to which one person can pass, and the whole people will collapse into the abyss.

Wealth is a good maid, but a bad mistress.

A man who owns others, loses its own freedom.


The ability to steal creates a thief.

In peacetime, the sons bury fathers, in the military - fathers of sons.

Time is the greatest of innovators.

Heroism is an artificial concept, because the courage is relative.

There is no more successful combination than a little nonsense and not too much honesty.

Pride is deprived better quality Cleasions - she is not able to hide.

If pride from contempting to another rises to contempt to themselves, it will become philosophy.

Both in nature and in the state, it is easier to change at once much than something one.

Money - like manure: if they are not scattered, there will be little sense from them.

Money is a good servant, but a bad owner.

Friendship reaches the same result as bravery, but only more pleasant way.

In life - like on the way: the shortest road is usually the most dirty, and the long one is not much cleaner.

Envy does not know the weekend.

Beauty makes the virtues and blush vices.

We are most flattered by yourself.

Lest is the style of slaves.

If a person is truly skillful in logic and manifests both sound judgment and ingenuity, he is destined to be great things, especially when the times are favorable.

Match your mercy with the size of your possessions, otherwise the Lord commensurate your possessions with your insufficient mercy.

Emergency thirst for the authorities led to the fall of angels; Excessive thirst for knowledge leads to a falling person; But mercy cannot be excessive and does not cause harm to an angel nor a person.

Silence - virtue of fools.

Able to be silent hears a lot of confessions; For who will open the tallery and gossip.

I knew one wise manWhich, at the sight of excessive unevenness, loved to say: "Thrown to make it rather."

Only that pleasure naturally, which does not know the suggestion.

The courage is always a blind, because it does not see dangers and inconvenience, - and it became bad by the Council and good.

The courage does not hold words.

Reading makes a person knowing, the conversation is resourceful, and the habit of writing is accurate.

It is necessary to give the human mind not to the wings, but rather lead and gravity so that they restrain all his jump and fly.

A modest man assumes even other people's vices, proud has only their own.


The human mind granted to itself does not deserve confidence.

This courage is rarely without stupidity.

People are afraid of death for the same reason why children are afraid of darkness, because they do not know what is the matter.

Began to confidently finish doubts; The same who begins their way in doubt, will finish him in confidence.

Francis Bacon (1561-1626) lived in the era of the powerful economic and cultural development of England, was a contemporary of Shakespeare. It was from a good kind, he studied at the University of Cambridge, achieved high government chi - became Lord - Chancellor of England. In 1621 It was attracted to the court for bribes, deprived of all the titles and posts. The remaining life was dedicated scientific work. The main essay of F.Bekon - "New Organon", also interestingly his utopia "Non-Atlantis".
According to F. Bekon, "Man - servant and an interpreter of nature," can know exactly as much as it opens in nature. He must study the act of such what it is actually, and not to bring different fan and delusion into it.
One of the main ideas of F.Bekon - "Great Restoration of Science" after the middle hibernation and all of its work is devoted to the implementation of this idea. It gives the classification of sciences, develops its practical objectives, criticizes the excuses of ordinary and scholastic mind, creates a teaching about the method.
F. Bacon understands science extremely widely in the spirit of rebirth, including even poetry and astrology in it. In accordance with the basic properties of the soul, F. Konkon allocates three kinds of sciences:
1) Memory science, giving a description of single factors (natural and civil history, sacred and church history);
2) science imagination (fantasy) - poetry, natural magic, alchemy, astrology;
3) Mind science, giving knowledge of universal in nature, man and God. This is philosophical sciences, they are divided into the philosophy of nature (science, indicating Laws and practically using them), the human philosophy containing anthropology (the doctrine of a person) and politics (society's doctrine).
Anthropology, in turn, is divided into science about the body and science about the soul, and the science of the soul is on logic and ethics. As for theology, i.e. Science, knowing God, then she goes beyond philosophy.
As can be seen, the classification of sciences, given by F. Konom, covers various forms of spiritual life and unlawfully spreads the borders of scientific knowledge, but it fully complies with the ideas about the science of the beginning of the XVIIV.
During the antiquity and the Middle Ages, the main function of science was knowledge, an explanation of the world, the task of its transformation was not put. F. Konkon was one of the first to consider scientific knowledge in close connection with their utility. The main goal of science - invention and discoveries, their use for improvement

life of people, multiplying their power over nature. From the standpoint of Anthropocentrism, F. Konsky considers a person as the Lord of the world and therefore the science should serve as a person - perform the instrumental and practical function. The thesis of "Knowledge - Strength," is put forward, Bacon claims that he knows nature and explaining it with the help of science, a person gets the opportunity to dominate her.
The idea of \u200b\u200bconquering nature through achievements of science and technology was consonant with the spirit of bourgeois society with its practical, material and production orientation. New time there is a previously unknown type of interaction of a person with nature - "aggressively - consumer" attitude towards nature.
The central place in Philosophy F.Bekon takes the teaching of the method. F. Konkon categorically denies a deductive method used by Aristotle and Scholat. Deduction as a removal of private knowledge from general parcels and axiom cannot, according to F.Bekon, lead to a new knowledge. Scholast is like a spider that shears a web from himself. He prescribes the world laws and principles instead of bringing them out of the knowledge of nature. Scientific knowledge should be experienced, empirical.
According to F. Konu, scientific knowledge comes from experience. Experience is understood not as simple observation, but as a purposefully organized experiment, which allows to study the object in controlled and managed conditions. Two types of experiment are highlighted: "Light-and-", aimed at obtaining a new knowledge and "fruiting", pursuing practical goals.
The best method of processing experimental data - induction, elimination general provisions from single, private facts. Using induction, the scientist moves from a variety of single facts and the simplest conclusions to a summary knowledge. Bacon induction is a method for developing theoretical concepts and foundation principles of natural science.
F. Konkon illegally absolutizes the value of the inductive method in science, deduction. He considers nature from the position of mechanism, i.e. It is pounding it consisting of a finite number of elements that can be learned by an experiment, and then unambiguously explain with the help of concepts. He does not take into account the endless diversity and developing nature objects and their properties.
For the revival of science, not only the right method is needed, but also overcoming false representations, prejudices and delusions, which F. Konkon called "idols" or "ghosts". He allocated four types of misconceptions.
1 "Idols of the kind" are determined by the limited mind and organs of the senses of humans and are inherent in all people. For example, people judge the nature by analogy with them, carrying thinking, will, and others. Human properties. They attribute to nature expediency, tend to believe more than to prove; Of the small number of facts make general conclusions, etc.
2 "Idolas Caves" are individual errors that occur from the fact that each person evaluates events and facts based on its subjective world ("Caves"). If the "idols of the kind" is overcome with difficulty, then the "idols of the cave" are largely dependent on education and education and can be reduced to the optimal option.
3 "Idolas of the market" - delusions arising from the wrong word
reventures. People are investing in words different meaningWhat leads to fruitless disputes and prevents knowledge.
4 "Theater Idolas", related to excessive faith in authorities, exaggerate any concepts or traditions. So, outdated philosophical systems (for example, scholasticism), like theatrical plays, represent the fictional, artificial worlds and interfere with the true reflection of reality.

To get rid of delusions, an experiment and an enforcement method should be used. The experiment allows you to eliminate the "idols of the kind" and "caves", and the induction is "market idols" and "theater".
Particular attention to F.Bekon pays criticism of errors and distortion characteristic of scientific research. In the work "On the dignity and attachment of science", he describes "three types of perversions that discredit science": "Empty dreams", "empty barcias", "empty affectation" 1. The most serious of all errors is the deviation from the ultimate goal of science. "After all, some people strive for knowledge due to innate and infinite curiosity, others - for the sake of pleasant, the third - to acquire authority, the fourth - to win in a firm and dispute, most - for the sake of material benefit and only very few "GIE - in order for the god of the god of the mind to send to the benefit of the human race."
In essence, F. Bacon considers nature from a technocratic position as a kind of storage room, from which you can impossible to draw resources of activities, transform and conquer it for the benefit of humanity. In the work "no
by Atlantis, "he creates a project of an ideal society, which is based on
titles of science and technology are solved by all social problems.
Unlike F. Bacon, R. Descartes stood on the position of rationalism. His teaching, directed against scholasticism and resting on experimental sciences, largely determined the subsequent development of European philosophical thought.

The famous English thinker is one of the first major philosophers of the new time, epochs of Mind. The very character of his teachings is very different from the systems of ancient and medieval thinkers. Bacon does not have a touch of knowledge, as a pure and inspired striving for the highest truth. He despised Aristotle and religious scholasticism for the fact that they approached the philosophical knowledge with suchpoints of view. In accordance with the Spirit of the new, rational consumer era for the baccon characteristic, first of all, the desire for domination above nature. Hence his famous aphorism knowledge is power .

Before the whole of philosophy, Francis Bacon was one of the most prominent officials of the British Royal Court. His social activity was marked by extreme unprincipledness. Starting a career in parliament as an extreme oppositionist, he soon turned into a faithful loyalist. Betraying his initial patron Essex, Francis Bacon became Lord, a member of the secret council and the custodian of state press, but then he was triggered by Parliament in large bribes. After the scandalous proceedings, it was awarded a huge fine of 40 thousand pounds and imprisonment in Tower. The King forgave Bacon, but with a political career he still had to part (more - see Bacon Article, Francis - a brief biography). In his philosophical works, Francis Bacon proclaimed the goal of the conquest of material power with the same merciless one-sidedness and dangerous disregard for moral laws, with what acted in practical politics.

Portrait of Francis Bacon. Artist Frans Purbus Jr., 1617

Humanity, according to Bekon, should subjugate its nature and dominate her. (This goal, however, animates the whole era of revival.) The human race moved forward due to scientific discoveries and inventions.

Recognizing the brightness of many ancient philosophers, Bacon argued, however, that they did not serve as a genius, as it was falsely directed. All of them disinterestedly looking for abstract metaphysical and moral truths, without thinking about practical benefits. Bacon himself thinks that "Science should not be reduced to the fruitless satisfaction of idle curiosity." She should consult a wide material productive work. In the aspirations and the Personality of Bekon, the practical Anglo-Saxon Spirit embodied.

New Atlantis Bacon

Francis Bacon was imbued with the idea that the development of science would lead in the future to the offensive of the Golden Age. With almost undoubted atheism, he wrote about the upcoming great discoveries with the raised enthusiasm of the religious prophet and treated the fate of science as a kind of shrine. In his unfamiliar philosophical utopia "New Atlantis", Bacon draws a happy, comfortable life of the wise, small people of the islanders, which are systematically used in the "House of Solomon" all previously made discoveries for new inventions. In the inhabitants of the "New Atlantis" there is a steam machine, balloon, microphone, phone and even eternal Engine. SAME bright colors Bacon portrays how it all improves, decorates and lengthens human life. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe possible harmful consequences of "progress" does not even come into his head.

Bacon "Great Restoration of Sciences" - briefly

All the main books of Francis Bekon are united into one giant work entitled "Great Restoration of Sciences" (or "Great Revival of Sciences"). The author puts three challenges in it: 1) an overview of all sciences (with the establishment and special role of philosophy), 2) the development of the new method of natural science and, 3) its application to a single study.

The decision of the first task is devoted to the compositions of Bekon "On the Departure of Knowledge" and "On Dignity and Multiplication of Sciences". The book "On dignity and attachment of science" is the first part of the "great recovery". Bacon gives it overview of human knowledge(Globus Intellectualis). According to the three main abilities of the soul (memory, imagination and mind), it shares all sciences into three branches: "story" (experienced knowledge in general, humanitarian and natural), poetry and philosophy.

Philosophy has three objects: God, man and nature. However, the knowledge of God, according to Francis Bacon, is not available to the human mind and should be drawn only from the revelation. Sciences studying humans and nature - anthropology and physics. Experienced physics Bacon considers mother of all sciences" Metaphysics (the doctrine on the initial causes of things) is the number of sciences, but it is inclined to look at it as an excessive formation.

Monument to Francis Bacon in London

The first thinker who made experienced knowledge for any knowledge - Francis Bacon. He together with René Descartes proclaimed the basic principles for the new time. Bacon's philosophy gave rise to a fundamental commandment for Western thinking: knowledge is power. It was in science he saw powerful tool For progressive social change. But who was this famous philosopher, what is the essence of his doctrine?

Childhood and youth

The founder of Bacon was born twenty-second January 1561 in London. His father was the highest official at the court of Elizabeth. The atmosphere of the house, the formation of parents, undoubtedly influenced Little Francis. At twelve he was sent to the College Trinity at the University of Cambridge. After three years, he was sent to Paris as part of the royal mission, but the young man soon returned because of his father's death. In England, he took up jurisprudence, and very successful. However, he considered his successful activity of a lawyer only as a springboard to a political and public career. Undoubtedly, the entire further philosophy of F. Bekon experienced the experiences of this period. Already in 1584, he was first elected in the court of Jacob of the first stewart, a quick elevation of a young policy took place. The king killed him many ranks, awards and high positions.


Bacon philosophy is closely related to the reign of the first. In 1614, the king dissolved completely parliament and the rules actually alone. However, needing advisors, Yakov closer to Sir Francis. Already by 1621, Bacon was appointed Lord of the Supreme Office, Baron Verlalala, Vikonont Saint Albanian, royal press keeper and an honorary member of the so-called secret council. When the king began to re-assemble the parliament, parliamentarians did not forgive such an elevation by the usual former lawyer, and he was sent to peace. The outstanding philosopher and the political figure of the nine-April 1626 died.


During the years of the court-of-challenging service, the empirical philosophy of F. Bacon developed due to his interest in science, right, morality, religion and ethics. His essays glorified their author as a magnificent thinker and the actual generic team of the whole philosophy of the new time. In 1597, the first work under the name "experiments and instructions" was published, which was then finalized and reprinted repeatedly. In 1605 he saw the light of an essay "On the meaning and success of knowledge, divine and human". After her depart from Francis Bacon's policy, whose quotes can be seen in many modern work According to philosophy, they deepened in his mental surveys. In 1629, "New Organon" was published, and in 1623 - "On the merits and multiplication of science". Bacone's philosophy, briefly and theses outlined in an allegorical form for a better understanding of the broad masses, was reflected in the utopian story "New Atlantis". Other wonderful writings: "About the sky", "On the principles and reasons", "History of King Heinrich Seventeenth", "The Story of Death and Life".

Basic thesis

The whole scientific and ethical thought of the new time anticipated the philosophy of Bekon. Briefly state its entire massif is very difficult, but we can say that the main objective of the composition of this author is to lead to more at the end Communication between things and mind. It is the mind - higher Mera Values. The philosophy of the New Time and Enlightenment, developed by Bacon, made special accents on the correction of fruitless and vague concepts that are used in the sciences. From here and the need "with a new look to turn to things and carry out restoration and in general the whole knowledge of the human."

View on science

Francis Bacon, whose quotes used almost all the eminent philosophers of the new time, believed that science had moved very little since the times of the Ancient Greeks in understanding and studying nature. People have become less thinking about the source principles and concepts. Thus, the Bekon philosophy calls the descendants to pay attention to the development of science and do it to improve the whole life. He opposed prejudice about science, sought recognition of scientific research and scientists. It was from it that the sharp change of European culture began, it was from his thoughts that many directions of the philosophy of the new time grew. Science from suspicious classes in the eyes of Europe is becoming a prestigious and important area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. In this regard, many philosophers, scientists and thinkers are "in the footsteps" of Bekon. Scholastics, which was completely torn off from the technical practice and knowledge of nature, comes a science that has a close relationship with philosophy and relies on special experiments and experiments.

View on education

In his book, the "Great Restoration of Science" Bacon made a well-thought out and detailed plan for changing the entire education system: its financing, approved provisions and charters and the like. He was one of the first politicians and philosophers who focused on the importance of measures for the provision of funds for education and experiments. Bacon also stated the need to revise the teaching programs at universities. Even now, getting acquainted with the reflections of Beckon, it is possible to surprise the depth of his insight as a state-owned husband, a scientist and thinker: a program from the "Great Recovery of Science" is relevant to this day. It is difficult to imagine how revolutionary it was in the seventeenth century. It is thanks to Sir Francis the seventeenth century in England became the "age of great scientists and scientific discoveries" It is the philosophy of Beckon that has become the forerunner of such modern disciplines as sociology, the economy of science and science. The main contribution of this philosopher into practice and the theory of science was that he saw the need to bring scientific knowledge to the methodological and philosophical substantiation. Philosophy F. Bekon was aimed at the synthesis of all sciences into a single system.

Differentiation of science

Sir Francis wrote that the most proper separation Human knowledge is a division into three natural abilities of a reasonable soul. The story in this scheme corresponds to memory, philosophy is reasonable, and poetry is imagination. The story is divided into civil and natural. Poetry is divided into parabolic, dramatic and epic. The most detailed classification of philosophy, which is divided into a huge many subspecies and species. Bacon also separates it from the "Motion Congue Theology", which he provides exclusively by theologies and theologians. The philosophy is divided into natural and transcendent. The first block includes exercises about nature: physics and metaphysics, mechanics, mathematics. It is they formed the backbone of such a phenomenon as the philosophy of the new time. Bacon is largely and widely thinking about man. In his ideas there is a teaching about the body (this includes medicine, athletics, art, music, cosmetics), and the doctrine about the soul, which has many subsections. It includes sections such as ethics, logic (theory of memorization, discoveries, judgments) and "Civic science" (which includes the doctrine of business relations, the state, on the Management Board). The complete classification of the baccon does not leave any of the existing areas of knowledge without proper attention.

"New Organon"

Bacone's philosophy, briefly and theses outlined above, flourishes in the book "New Organon". She begins with reflections that a person - an interpreter and a servant of nature, understands and does, comprehends in the order of nature by reflection or affair. The philosophy of Bekon and Descartes, his actual contemporary, is a new milestone in the development of world thought, as it implies the update of science, the complete elimination of false concepts and "ghosts", which, according to these thinkers, deeply embraced the human mind and strengthened it. In the "New Organon" outlines the opinion that the old medieval church-scholastic method of thinking is in a deep crisis, and such knowledge (as well as the relevant research methods) are imperfect. The Bekon philosophy is that the path of knowledge is extremely difficult, as knowledge of nature is like a labyrinth in which it is necessary to lay a path and whose roads are diverse and often deceptive. And those who usually lead people on these paths, often come up with them and increase the number of wandering and wandering. That is why it is a sharp need to carefully study the principles of obtaining new scientific knowledge and experience. The philosophy of Bekon and Descartes, and then spino diseases are built by the establishment of a holistic structure and methodology of knowledge. The first task here is the cleansing of the mind, its liberation and preparation for creative work.

"Ghosts" - what is it?

The Bekon philosophy speaks about the cleansing of the mind, so that it approaches the truth, which is three of the case): the exposition of the generated mind of man, philosophy and evidence. Accordingly, four "ghosts" differ. What is it? These are interference that impede true, genuine consciousness:

1) "Ghosts" of the genus, which have a foundation in the nature of man, in the family of people, "in the tribe";

2) "Ghosts" caves, that is, the delusions of a particular person or a group of people who are caused by the "cave" of the person or the group (that is, the "small world");

3) "Ghosts" of the market that arise from people's communication;

4) "Ghosts" of theater that are in the soul from the reported laws and dogmas.

All these factors should be discarded and refuted by the celebration of the mind over prejudices. It is the social and educational function that is the basis of the teaching about such a kind of interference.

Ghosts kind

Bekon's philosophy claims that such interferences are inherent in the human mind, which is inclined to attribute much more uniformity and order things than really can be found in nature. The mind seeks to fit artificially new data and facts under their beliefs. A person is amenable to arguments and arguments that are most striking imagination. The limitations of knowledge and the connection of the mind with the world of feelings are the problems of the philosophy of the new time, which great thinkers tried to solve from their writings.

"Ghosts" Caves

Arise from the difference of people: some love more private sciences, others are inclined to general philosophic and reasoning, the third reveal ancient knowledge. These differences that arise from individual characteristics are significantly clutter and distorted knowledge.

"Ghosts" market

This is the generation of misuse of names and words. According to Bacon, hence the beginning of the feature of the philosophy of the new time, which are aimed at combating sophistic inaction, verbal crossings and disputes. Names and names can be given to things with non-existent, and on this occasion are created theories, false and empty. For a time, fiction becomes real, and this is paralyzing influence. More complex "ghosts" grow out of ignorant and bad abstractions that are allowed into a wide scientific and practical use.

"Ghosts" of theater

They do not penetrate secretly into mind, but are transmitted from the reporting laws and fictional theories and are perceived by other people. Bacon's philosophy classifies the "ghosts" of the theater for the forms of erroneous opinion and thinking (empiricism, sofistics and superstition). For practice and science, which are caused by fanatical and dogmatic commitment to pragmatic empirism or metaphysical reflections, there are always negative consequences.

Teaching about the method: first requirement

Francis Bacon appeals to people whose mind is enveloped by habit and captives it, who does not see the need to dismember the holistic picture of nature and the image of things in the name of contemplation of a single and whole. It is with the help of "fragmentation", "branches", "soda" components of the nature of the processes and bodies can be established in the integrity of the union.

Teaching about the method: Second requirement

This item specifies the specifics of "dismemberment". Bacon believes that separation is not a goal, but a means by which you can select the easiest and simple components. The subject of consideration here should be the most specific and simple bodies, as if they are "opening in their nature in the usual flow."

Teaching about the method: Third requirement

Search for a simple nature, a simple start, as explained by Francis Bacon, does not mean that we are talking about specific material bodies, particles or phenomena. The goals and objectives of science are much more complicated: it is necessary to re-look at nature, to open its forms, to look for a source producing. We are talking On the opening of such a law that could be the basis of activities and knowledge.

Teaching about the method: fourth requirement

Bacon's philosophy suggests that first of all it is necessary to prepare a "experienced and natural" story. In other words, you need to list and summarize what nature says itself. Consciousness, which is granted to himself, and movable. And already in this process it is necessary to allocate the methodological rules and principles that will be able to get to turn into a true understanding of nature.

Social and practical ideas

It is impossible to detract from the merits of Sir Francis Bacon as a policy and statesman. The scope of his social activity was huge that it will become distinctive feature Many philosophers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in England. It highly appreciates the mechanics and mechanical inventions, which, in his opinion, are incomparable with spiritual factors and better affect human affairs. Like wealth, which becomes public value, unlike the ideal of scholastic asceticism. Technical and societies are unconditionally approved by Bacon, as well as technical development. It is positive about the modern state and economic system, which will also be characteristic of many subsequent time philosophers. Francis Bacon confidently advocates the expansion of the colonies, gives detailed advice on painless and "fair" colonization. As a direct participant in the UK policy, he speaks well about the activities of industrial and trading companies. The identity of the simple honest dolza, the initiative entrepreneur causes a sympathy from Bacon. It gives many recommendations regarding the most humane and preferred methods and methods of personal enrichment. The antidote against the mass riots and sink, as well as poverty, Bacon sees in flexible politics, a subtle state attention to the needs of the public and an increase in the wealth of the population. The specific methods that he recommends is tax regulation, the opening of new trade routes, improving crafts and agriculture, and benefits for manufactory.

Francis Bacon, who lived at the turn of the XVI and XVII centuries, formulated many ideas that still repeat psychologists and specialists in cognitive sciences.

In the "New Organon" treatise, or "true instructions for interpretation of nature" Bacon talks about the need to revise and restore sciences, laying the foundations for a scientific method that is familiar to us today. And there he tells about the difficulties that everyone faces, who seeks to explain the world.

"Organon" (from the Greek word "tool, method") was then called the logical writings of Aristotle. Thus, through his works, a method was presented not only to Scholastam, who were based on their own "amounts" and disputes, but and all European scientific thought on Aristotelian logic. Bacon decided to create something no less large-scale, because I called the "new organon" a second part of the work on the "great restoration of sciences". The main method scientific knowledge The world Bacon believed induction, which implies reasoning from private to the general and relies on experience.

On the path of knowledge, even people are reasonable and enlightened many obstacles. He called these obstacles to idols or ghosts - from the word "idolum", which in greek meant the "ghost" or "vision". This is emphasized that we are talking about the marker, illusions - about what is really not.

We offer to take a look at these idols and understand whether they still exist.

Idols Roda.

"Generic idols" is, according to Bacon, delusions that "find the basis of the nature itself." It would be mistaken to believe that the world was exactly what he seems to see our senses. "It is false to argue that a person's feelings are a measure of things," writes Bacon. But the experience that we get, communicating with the external environment, is also subject to interpretation, which also creates inevitable errors. The mind of a person in the "New Organon" is compared with an uneven mirror, which adds its own errors to reflectable things, distorting nature.

The idea that our perception is relatively developed subsequently a multitude of scientists and formed a modern understanding of sciences about man and nature. The figure of the observer affects the interpretation of famous quantum experiments, whether Schrödinger's cat or the experience of Claus Yensonoms with electron diffraction. Study of subjectivity and individual human experiences - main topic In culture, starting with the twentieth century.

Bacon celebrates that all people have the errors of the "tropmenny" character: they are called, because they are characteristic of all of us as a form, and it is not anywhere on this baggage. But the philosopher is a person who goes along the path of knowledge - can, at a minimum, to realize this nature and do a discount on it, putting forward judgments about the essence of phenomena and things.

Idols Cave

Before talking about these delusions, first need to stay on the symbolism of the cave. In classic texts, this image always refers to the Platonian cave, which he describes in the dialogue "state".

According to the myth of the cave, human knowledge and ignorance can be described as follows. Standing back to the light of a fire in a dark cave, a man looks at the shadows discarded by things on the walls of the cave, and seeing them, believes that it is dealing with genuine reality, while only shadow figures sees. According to Plato, our perception is based on the observation of illusions, and we only imagine seem like a genuine reality. Thus, the cave is a sensual perceived world.

Bacon clarifies that every person has its own cave, which distorts the light of nature. Unlike the "idols of kind", the "cave" delusions will differ for each of us: this means that the errors in the work of our perception authorities are individual. Education and development conditions play an important role. Like a few hundred years ago, today each of us has their own experiences learned in childhood a model of behavior, formed inner tongues favorite books.

"Each in addition to the mistakes inherent in the human nature, there is a special cave, which weakens and distorts the light of nature. This is happening or from the special inborn properties of each, or from education and conversations with others, or from reading books and from authorities, in front of which who lies, or due to the difference in the impressions. "Franssis Bacon," New Organon "

Arguing about it, Bacon was in many ways ahead of his time. Only in the second half of the twentieth century, anthropologists, psychologists and cognivists began to massively talk about how much perception varies different people. The disobedient factor can become both and, which, ultimately, determine the characteristics of thinking, not to mention the difference of cultures and the peculiarities of family education.

Idols Square\u003dru.

(a source:)

These "idols" Bacon suggested to detect (and neutralize) in close communities of people united by common connections, interests and problems. Social communication is our best skill as a species, but it may be the root of errors, which from individual becomes collective, as people pass their delusions to each other.

Special attention to Bacon pays words, because people are combined with speech, and home Errorwhich may arise in this connection - "bad and ridiculous setting words." Let the word "Square" do not deceive you: the name of these idols received simply because the area is noisy place. And this sin of knowledge, according to the philosopher, is simply exposed to greenberry in the markets, but also scientists. After all, even when the dispute is being covered between scientists, he most often fits into the need to "decide on the concepts". Everyone who participated ever in scientific discussions knows: it is possible to define how many years. Therefore, Bacon advised to appeal to the "custom and wisdom" of mathematicians - to start with definitions.

"People believe that their mind commands words. But it happens that the words turn their strength against the mind. It made science and philosophy with sophistic and inactive. The larger part of the words has its own source an ordinary opinion and shares things within the borders most obvious to the Massage of the crowd. "Franssis Bacon," New Organon "

How important is the linguistics for consciousness, today they say a lot - with not only cognitive psychologists and linguists, but also specialists who are engaged in the training of cars. The significance of words and definitions since the twentieth century was actively spoken by social philosophers. Using a language in which there are many reduced concepts, we roughly simplify the thought; Using rude words to identify other people - impact aggression in society. At the same time, giving competent and deployed definitions of things and phenomena, we are talking about them more calmly and weigly, creating more competent descriptions.

What Bacon could not predict in any way, so it is unprecedented for its development tools for communications. However, human psychology with obtaining new tools has not changed too much - just now we can even more effectively create communities with our rules, ideas, prejudices, and the language that fixes all this.

Idols Theater.

The last kind of "idols", which take us in captivity of delusions - these are idols of the theater. There are in mind the presentations that a person boves from other people. These include incorrect philosophical teachings, erroneous scientific ideas and false axioms, myths that exist in society. We can blindly trust the authority of other people, or simply without thinking about repeating the wrong things.

These idols received their name because "how many or invented philosophical systems have been made or invented and played by comedies representing fictional and artificial worlds." Bacon indicates that the interpretations of the universe, which offer incorrect theoretical systems, are similar to theatrical productions. Descriptions of genuine reality they do not give.

This idea looks current up to now. For example, the Theater Idolas can be remembered by hearing another false scientific theory or just a household stupidity based on prejudice.

The epochs are different, and the distortions are the same

In addition to the transfer of four idols, Bacon left in the "New Organon" many mention of thinking errors that we would call cognitive distortions today.

  • Illusory correlation and a few more similar distortions: "The human mind due to its inclination easily implies in things more order And uniformity than they find ", Bacon writes, arguing that people are typical of creating connections that are not really not.
  • The description of the inclination of the subject to confirm his point of view: "The human mind attracts everything to support and consent with the fact that he once accepted, - because it is the subject of a common faith, or because he likes it. Whatever the power and the number of facts testifying to the opposite, mind or does not notice them, or neglect them, or takes and rejects them by distinguishing with great and delicate prejudice, so that the reliability of those former conclusions remains undisturbed. "
  • "The Hero's Error" (hero did not fell into her): "The correctly answered the one that, when he was shown the image from the shipwreck, the adherent, and at the same time achieved a response, now he recognizes the power of the gods, asked in turn : "And where are the images of those who died after brought vow?".

Bacon reasoned about the nature of the superstition, based on the principles of human thinking (namely, indicated that people would teach the events that fit in their expectations, and ignore prophecies that do not come true) and indicated that positively and negatively painted Arguments affect with different strengths.

He noted that the images and events that can "immediately and suddenly hit him to mind are stronger. The remaining events take place more or less unnoticed. It is no secret that the information in which we are interested is remembered best, especially if our life depends on it. Interestingly, Bacon drew attention to these features of human perception for so long ago.

So, having gathered to read Daniel Caneman, it makes sense to supplement his books by Tomik Bacone - or even several dialogs of Plato.