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Breath in Budeyko detailed steps. Technique Breathing in Buteyko. What you need to know before starting

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Breathing spirit

The wise men at all times said: in order to know God, the man should first of all ... learn to breathe! Or rather - improve your breath. Only in this case the person will be able to confidently manage not only in his own words and emotions, but also health and even fate.

Therefore, in the history of humanity, the process of respiration and conscious work with him was paid to all without exception by religious traditions and systems of spiritual practices.

So, Torah tells how God breathed life in Adam, thereby reviving him. It also says that breathing returns to God after the death of man.

In many global cultures, the concept of respiration is also key. After all, in many languages, the words "spirit", "soul" and "breathing" have a general origin. People have long been distinguished by breathing as the main property of all living and animated.

In Chinese philosophy, one of the main categories of "Qi" is defined as "air", "breathing", "Energy". The ancient Chinese believed that "Qi" permeates everything in this world and binds everything among themselves.

In Indian medicine, the concept of "Prana" literally in Sanskrit means "life", "Breathing". And the yoga is confident that Prana permeates the whole universe.

And from ancient Greek mythology in the arsenal of global philosophy, psychology and medicine, the word "Psycha" moved, which is translated as "soul", "Breathing."

The respiratory practices themselves originated many thousand years ago in the East: in India - Pranayama, in China - Qi-Gong, in Central Asia - the Sufi exercise system, in Tibeta - the breathing practices of Buddhism Vajrayana. To the West, all these oriental teachings penetrated only in the twentieth century. And in the XXI, they became a vital necessity.

The fact is that modern civilization has very much changed people. And first of all, we have changed because they have learned to breathe correctly. For comfort, you have to pay a very high price. After all, our health depends on how we breathe.

Civilization diseases

Another 300 years ago, when medicine was not developed, sick people "chose" natural selection. And most people barely lived to mature age, not leaving a sick offspring.

Under these conditions, only a small part of the disease was determined by genetic defects, but most of the diseases were a consequence of the conditions and lifestyles. Only after antibiotics appeared, serious infections were defeated.

Dying steel less. And live longer. But life has changed.

The first fruits of civilization are the emergence of a huge number of harmful products, due to which the human body began to be clogged by toxic concentrates, chemical carcinogens, new food refined products and alcohol. Such changes in human genes were not adapted. And the natural selection stopped working, because medicine well earned. And here there have been new chronic diseases, shortening life. Scientists called them "diseases of civilization." They are developing at first imperceptibly for a person, as the harmful effects of the external and internal environment accumulate. Man is not yet ill, but not healthy. But he could be healthy if the necessary measures would begin in a timely manner. Prevention is of particular importance in the fight against "diseases of civilization."

And one of the most important prevention measures - the ability to breathe correctly. Experts assure: breathing is a reliable barometer of the human body. Even by how often we breathe deeply, you can put an accurate diagnosis of any ailment and assign treatment. And eventually cure not only the body, but also the head. According to scientists, breathing is closely interconnected not only with the state of health, but also with the state of consciousness.

Maybe, breathing not only keeps the soul in the body, but also solves her fate?

Basic instinct

What does it mean to breathe right? A strange question at first glance. After all, each of us daily makes almost 20,000 inhales and exhale. And we absolutely do not think about how they do. Otherwise, the same tragedy occurred with us as with an anecdot hedgehog. Remember? Hedgehog ran through the forest, forgot how to breathe, and died.

Breathe! This basic instinct laid out nature in us. A person is considered born when he will make the first sigh. And the dead - when he leaves the last sigh. And between the beginning and end - only the series of breaths. The same - and with the brothers our smaller.

But everything is breathing in different ways. For example, jellyfish possesses the simplest breathing form. The oxygen dissolved in water is absorbed through their skin, and dissolved carbon dioxide is derived from the same way. And on the insect poulter there are many small holes. Each of these pores is the entrance to the tube called the trachea. It acts the same way as the human respiratory tube, or breathing throat! Thus, insects breathe in the same way as we, with the difference only by the difference that hundreds of breathing tubes can be located on the bastard.

And the pace of breathing, that is, how often we inhale the air, largely depends on the size of the creature itself. The animal is more, the slower it breathes. For example, an elephant is inhaling about 10 times a minute, and the mice is about 200. And with the frequency of breathing, it turns out directly lifetime lifetime: the elephant lives longer than the mouse. And the turtles breathe very slowly and live very long.

Man on average inhales 16 times a minute. But maybe less often - 6-8 times breathing per minute. Or maybe more often - up to 20 times per minute. Depending on the circumstances. Moreover: young children breathe 20-30 times per minute, and infants - 40-60 times!

Above the mystery of uneven respiration, the physician was thinking over yet. The first information and tips on proper breathing were found already on Chinese jade inscriptions, which are dated by the VI century to our era. Ancient sayings teach: "When breathing, it is necessary to act as follows: to hold the breath, it accumulates if it has accumulated, it applies further if it extends further, it becomes calm if it becomes calm, it becomes calm. If we release, it grows when it has grown, you need to compress again. If it is squeezed, it will reach the head of the head. There it puts on his head, puts down. The one who follows this method lives, and who acts on the contrary will die. "

Revolutionary opening of Buteyko

Konstantin Buteyko (1923-2003), a scientist, physiologist, a clinician, in 1952 committed a revolutionary discovery in the field of medicine. He argued that people breathe wrong - very deeply. And it is because of this often and seriously sick.

The scientist found out that, contrary to the generally accepted conviction, deep frequent breathing (and we were always taught: "Belm deeper!") It does not contribute to saturation of oxygen. Sick people inhale more air, which leads - as it does paradoxically sounds - to a decrease in the level of oxygen in body cells. The fact is that the cause of the development of diseases - in hyperventilation (this is intensive breathing, which exceeds the needs of the body in oxygen. - Author.). That is, with deep breaths, the amount of oxygen obtained by a person does not increase, but carbon dioxide becomes less. And its disadvantage leads to the emergence of serious diseases. For example, the volume of light healthy person is 5 liters, and a patient with bronchial asthma is about 10-15 liters.

According to Buteyko, the excessive removal of carbon dioxide from the body leads to the spasms of the bronchi and the vessels of the brain, limbs, intestines, biliary tract. The vessels are narrowed, and therefore oxygen to the cells flows less. In cells, biochemical reactions change, the metabolism is disturbed. Thus, chronic "overeating" oxygen leads to oxygen deficiency.

Konstantin Buteyko claimed: the deeper breathing, the hardest man is sick. What his breathing is more superficial, the more healthier and rustier. Therefore, the respiratory gymnastics Buteyko is a system of recovery of the body. It is aimed at restricting deep breathing and is called "the method of volitional elimination of deep breathing (VLGD)", which allows you to get rid of lung hyperventilation.

"Break's breath leads to the fact that we breathe too much air, and our vessels are narrowed," wrote Butyko. - Healthy breathing - slow, no more than 16 breaths per minute, through the nose, as well as quiet and easy. "

An important rule is to breathe only to the nose. Because only the nose is equipped with a complex filtration and heating system. The nose is intended only for breathing, and the mouth - for eating food.

When breathing through the mouth, the air that enters into the lungs is not moistened, is not subjected to cleansing from microscopic dust and everything else, which leads to various diseases and negative phenomena in the respiratory tract:

The respiratory function of the nasal sinuses is reduced;

Memory disorder;

The composition of the blood changes (the amount of hemoglobin, calcium, sugar is dropped; the acid-alkaline balance is broken);

Changes in physical development;

Impaired development of the skeleton of the face;

The function of the nervous system (headache, nervous tick, irritability, urinary incontinence, night fear) are broken;

Frequent development of angino, bronchitis, pneumonia;

There is a hearing disorder;

Violated vision;

Digestion deteriorates;

Reducing the protective properties of respiratory tract when infections getting.

This is an approximate list of diseases and disorders that may occur when breathing disorders through the mouth.

What does Nast

The beginning of the respiratory tract is the nasal cavity. It performs a number of essential functions in the respiratory process. First, the nose is the first barrier for penetration into the lungs of the substances harmful to the body. Volosters nostrils delay dust particles, microorganisms and other substances falling into the nose when inhaling. Secondly, cold air, passing through the nasal moves, heated with heat of blood vessels. Thanks to this, the air is already firing air. In addition, in the nasal cavity, the inhaled air is moistened, and the noseal mucus due to local immunity struggles with harmful microorganisms and viruses.

In children, in comparison with adults, the nasal cavity has a number of distinctive features. The nasal moves are narrow, and the mucous membrane of the nose is abundantly equipped with small blood vessels, so rhinitis often occur in children. So that this does not happen, children from an early age must be trained in proper breathing through the nose.

It is from diseases of the nasal cavity (chronic runny nose, adenoids, the curvatures of the nasal partition, etc.), many diseases of the lungs and disturbances of the respiratory function begins.

The nose is the first and most important borderline line between the "inner world" of our organism and an aggressive external environment. Passing through the nasal moves, the cold air is moistened due to the nasal mucus and heated with heat of blood vessels. The hairs growing on the mucous membrane of the nostrils, and the nasal mucus delay dust particles, protecting the bronchi and lungs from contamination. With each sigh, the nose will begged to fight the danger components of the air, disinfecting the air flow. Faced with a viral attack (and today, 200 respiratory viruses are known to science), the nose is trying to withstand her with her means - produces a huge amount of mucus that flushes harmful agents. In the absence of infection in the nose, about 500 ml of mucus and fluid is formed per day, and during the disease - much more. That is why a person sick with a runny nose should increase the daily fluid intake at least 1.5-2 liters.

In general, a runny nose is a signal that "attacked you". At this point, it is necessary to act very vigorously to stop the further spread of infection. Otherwise, the "harmless" squabble nose can be a predecessor of more serious health problems.

So spoke Konstantin Butyko:

"The paradox is that when the chipping asthmatic greedily swallows the air, then he only aggravates his condition. I want to breathe even more, the lungs work like blacksmithing furs, the heart knocks, like a motor on complete revs, and the oxygen is increasingly lacking. It is only worth delaying breathing, instantly comes to relief. A protective reaction is triggered: without waiting for the next breath, the body responds to the delay in the expansion of blood vessels in order to deliver to organs as greater than blood as possible and ensure their maximum oxygen. Normal breathing is not only a breather in order for the next portion of oxygen, but also a reasonable pause on the exhalation necessary to save carbon dioxide, from which we rush to get rid of it, considering it harmful. "

The essence of the method

The scientist experimentally proved that in the blood of healthy people of carbon dioxide, it contains much more than in patients, say, bronchial asthma, colitis, ulcer of the stomach or undergoing infarction, stroke. Consequently, to save a person from the illness, it is only necessary to teach it to save carbon dioxide in its body. Make it allows not deep, but superficial breathing.

To saturate blood with carbon dioxide, which is very little in the surrounding air, you need to regulate your breathing, making it superficial, and the pauses between the breaths are longer.

The advantages of respiratory gymnastics in Buteyko is an opportunity to do exercises where and ever: at home, on a walk, at work and even in transport. In addition, it is quite simple and suitable for all age groups, ranging from children from 4 years and ending with the most advanced age.

The essence of treatment is to gradually reduce the depth of breathing. As the breathing delay is elongated, the blood and tissue are increasingly saturated with oxygen and carbon dioxide, the acid-alkaline equilibrium is restored, metabolic processes are normalized, the immune protection is fixed. And the disease retreats.

Why is the carbon dioxide important for humans

Quotes from lectures, articles, books Konstantin Butyko:

"... The poisonous effect of deep breathing or hyperventilation was openly in 1871 by the Dutch scientist de Costa. The disease was called "hyperventilation syndrome" or the initial stage of deep breathing, which accelerates the death of patients. In 1909, the famous physiologist D. Genderson conducted numerous experiments on animals and experimentally proved that deep breathing was disastrous for a living organism. The cause of death of experimental animals in all cases was a shortage of carbon dioxide, in which excess oxygen becomes poisonous. " But people forgot about these discoveries, and we often hear calls to breathe deeply.

* * *

"... a few words about the origins: life on Earth arose about 3-4 billion years ago. Then the atmosphere of the Earth consisted mainly of carbon dioxide, and the oxygen in the air was almost at all, and then life was arose on Earth. All living beings, living cells were built from air carbon dioxide, as built and now.

The only source of life on Earth - carbon dioxide, the plants eat it using the energy of the Sun. The exchange of substances billions of years walked in an atmosphere, where the content of carbon dioxide was very high. Then, when plants appeared, they and algae ate almost all carbon dioxide and formed coal reserves. Now in our oxygen atmosphere, more than 20%, and carbon dioxide is already 0.03%. And if these 0.03% disappear, there are nothing to eat plants. They will die. And all living on Earth will die. This is quite accurate: the plant placed under the glass cap without carbon dioxide, immediately dies. "

* * *

"We are pretty much lucky: we poured one hundred of the most frequent diseases of the nervous system, lungs, vessels, metabolism, the gastrointestinal tract, etc., etc. It turned out that these hundred with excessive diseases are directly or indirectly associated with deep breathing. The death of 30% of the population of modern society comes from deep breathing. "

* * *

"... We prove your right point instantly. If a hypertensive crisis cannot be removed by weeks, we remove it in a few minutes. "

"Chronic pneumonia of the guys, which is ongoing 10-15 years, is liquidated by reducing breathing in a year and a half. Cholesterol stains, deposits in patients with sclerosis on centuries, which were previously removed by a knife, and they were again absorbed, they are absorbed by our method of reducing breathing in 2-3 weeks. "

"The reverse stroke of atherosclerosis is proven by indisputable."

* * *

"We have established a general law: the deeper breathing, the hardest man and faster death, the smaller (superficial breathing) - the more he is healthy, straining and durable. In all this has the importance of carbon dioxide. She does everything. Than it is more in the body, the more healthy. "

* * *

"The fact that carbon dioxide is important for our body, confirms embryology. The latest data suggest that we all were with you for 9 months, it would seem in terrible conditions: in the blood we had oxygen 3-4 times less than now, and carbon dioxide 2 times more. And it turns out that these terrible conditions are needed to create a person. "

"Now accurate studies show that the cells of our brain, hearts, kidneys are needed on average 7% carbon dioxide and 2% oxygen, and the air contains 230 times less carbon dioxide and 10 times more oxygen, it means that it has become poisonous!"

* * *

"And especially poisonous for a newborn, which has not yet adopted to him. It is necessary to be amazed by people's wisdom, forcing parents immediately tightly swaded newborns, and in the east to screw their hands and a chest rope to the ski. And our grandmothers were pellenyli tight, then a rather dense canopy covered.

The child slept, I survived normally. Gradually, the infant was accustomed to this poisonous air. "

* * *

"... we are now clear what carbon dioxide is - this is the most valuable product on Earth, the only source of life, health, wisdom, cheerfulness, beauty, etc. When a person learns to keep carbon dioxide, his mental healthy increases dramatically, the nervous system is reduced. . Our method of eliminating deep breathing (VLHD) treats only one disease - deep breathing. But this disease creates 90% of all diseases. "

* * *

"... Now, as a result of a huge research and experimental work, the actual action of oxygen is well known. It turns out that mice begged with pure oxygen, they die after 10-12 days. Many experiments with respect to people breathing oxygen - the lungs are damaged and inflammation of the lungs from oxygen begins. And we treat the inflammation of the light oxygen. If mice are placed under pressure into oxygen, where the concentration of molecules is even greater, with 60 pressure atmospheres they die in 40 minutes.

Obviously, for our body, the optimal level of oxygen is about 10-14%, but not 21%, and this is approximately at an altitude of 3-4 thousand meters above sea level.

Now it is clear why in the mountains the percentage of long-livers is more, the fact is indisputable - there is less oxygen. If you raise patients in the mountains, it turns out that they feel better there. Moreover, there is also the least sainted by angina, schizophrenia, asthma, infarction, hypertension. If there is such patients there, the medium with a smaller percentage of oxygen is more optimal for them. "

* * *

"... Our blood comes with the air of the lungs, and the air of the lungs just contains carbon dioxide of 6.5% and about 12% oxygen, that is, just that optimum, which is needed. Strengthening or shorting breathing, we can violate this optimum. Deep and frequent breathing leads to the loss of carbon dioxide in the lungs, and this is the cause of serious violations in the body. "

* * *

"The deficiency of CO 2 (carbon dioxide) causes a shift of the inner medium of the body in the alkaline side and this disrupts the metabolism, which, in particular, is expressed in the appearance of allergic reactions, tendency to colds, the growth of bone tissues (sowing in use of salts), and so on ., Up to the development of tumors. "

* * *

"We consider it proven that deep breathing causes epilepsy, neurasthenia, heavy insomnia, headaches, migraines, ears, irritability, a sharp decline in mental and physical disability, a deterioration in memory, a decrease in the concentration of attention, a disturbance of the peripheral nervous system, cholecystitis, chronic runny nose , chronic inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumosclerosis, tuberculosis occurs in deep breathing, because their body is weakened. Next: Expansion of the veins of the nose, veins on the legs, hemorrhoids, which now received its theory, obesity, disruption of metabolism, a number of violations by genital organs in men and women, then toxicosis of pregnancy, miscarriages, complications during childbirth. "

"Deep breathing contributes to the influenza, rectifies rheumatism, chronic inflammatory foci, inflammation of almonds, as a rule, can be breathing deeply. Chronic tonsillitis is a very dangerous infection, no less dangerous than tuberculosis. These infections deepen their breathing and more striking the body. The deposition of salts (gout) - also arises from deep breathing, wen on the body, any infiltrates, even the brittleness of the nails, dry skin, hair loss - all this, as a rule, the results of deep breathing. These processes are still not treated, not warned and have no theory. "

Every day, each person makes about 23 thousand breaths. Each of them can help cope with bronchial asthma and other diseases, strengthen health and reduce the amount of drugs you need.

To do this, it is necessary to master the respiratory gymnastics of Buteyko - this technique has been developed for more than half a century ago, and since then research has prove its effectiveness around the world. What is the secret of Dr. Buteyko's method?

about the author

About Constantine Butyko, a doctor and physiologist, they spoke a lot in the sixties of the last century. It was then that he developed his own system that allowed to get rid of asthma attacks or reduce their duration and frequency.

It should be emphasized that Konstantin Pavlovich is a developer of not only respiratory gymnastics, but also more than a hundred different discoveries.

He opened his own clinic only at the age of 65, and before that he was heading the laboratory of functional diagnostics - first at the Sechenov Institute, then at the Institute of Cardiology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Respiratory gymnastics Buteyko - What is her essence

This system is based on approval that too fast and deep breathing violates the metabolism, but the correct volume and speed of breathing and exhalations allow you to get rid of many health problems. It is worth emphasizing that the author of the technique suffered from Bronchial Asthma, cured from which it is due to its development.

The essence of the system is reduced to the fact that it is necessary to breathe "superficially", through the nose. Such exercises make it possible to reduce the attacks from those who are sick of heart and asthma, atherosclerosis, hypertension.

They allow reduce carbon dioxidewhich is contained in the blood of a person and causes shortness of breath leads to a violation of metabolism. During the "surface" breathing, a diaphragmal muscle is relaxed.

Scientists of different countries conducted research of the method of Buteyko, as a result of which it was established that this respiratory gymnastics is simplicity and accessibility - no special preparation is needed for its development. In addition, the exercises can be performed anywhere and age, and their effectiveness is very high.

Thus, the respiratory gymnastics in Buteyko can also have for the treatment of children, and to facilitate the state of adult patients.

At the same time, she has and limitations:

  • at the initial stages of classes in patients, the state is often sharpened (they are especially observed in asthmatics);
  • the emergence of fear;
  • aggravation of pain;
  • decline in appetite, the appearance of the feeling of weakness;
  • dizziness and frequent breathing;
  • feeling shortness of air.

As the patient continues classes, all these symptoms disappear.

Please note that the exercises should necessarily follow the stringent control of the specialist, and if aleacum appears, report this to the doctor.

Is it possible to lose weight, "breathe in Buteyko"

Since the gymnastics in Buteyko helps not only with arrhythmias, asthma, atherosclerosis and other diseases, but also allows you to normalize metabolism, This leads to a decrease in weight. Due to the reduction of carbon dioxide in the body, the metabolism is accelerated, which allows you to burn a certain amount of fatty deposits.

It should be noted that only the performance of breathing exercises will not allow the figure to the ideal state - it is better to combine them with cardion loads, as well as adjust the power.
As for the recommendations on the implementation of this complex, be sure to follow the following regulations:

How to breathe on this system

To master such a technique, perform the basic exercises:

Respiratory Gymnastics Butyko - Exercises for Slimming

Please note that for weight loss, excellent results give not only respiratory gymnastics in Buteyko, but also classes on the System Strelnikova. They are based on a sharp short breath through the nose and smooth exhale through the mouth.

However, mix workouts on these systems it is impossible in no case - We need to be engaged in turn: only by completing Buteyko classes, it is possible to help the method of Strelnoye, and our article will help you, the stunning effect of the respiratory gymnastics of Strelnikova.

Respiratory gymnastics Buteyko - reviews


"Beginning to engage in Buteyko to get rid of asthma attacks. Gradually noticed that the muscles of the abdomen were strengthened in two months, and the waist was already one and a half centimeters. For three months, 4 kg dropped, and asthma does not remind themselves. "


"I breathe in Buteyko for half a year. Combine classes with a diet, so in the hips "I did not count" 8 cm, and the scales showed that it got rid of 9 kg. "


"I heard about the respiratory gymnastics in Buteyko from the girlfriend, immediately found a video and began to watch the videos, where it was told how to do it right. At first it was hard, but after a month the pressure was normalized, the shortness of breath was left, and in parallel, and also lost weight by 3 kg. "

Butyko, respiratory gymnastics - video

The Buteyko method is a special respiratory gymnastics, which is easier to learn from a special instructor, but you can also study on video. In the next video about how to deal with, the author himself says, which indicates the main features of the system, and also gives recommendations on classes.

With the help of the Butyko method, you can not only reduce the weight, but also get rid of a wide range of diseases. To do this, it is necessary to extremely correctly and regularly engage in breathing exercises.

Have you tried to breathe in Buteyko? What results were able to achieve? Share your impressions in the comments!

On January 27, 1923, the famous Russian physiologist Konstantin Buteyko was born, who developed a special respiratory gymnastics, helps patients with various diseases to reduce the dose of necessary drugs, to completely cure or significantly improve their condition.

Butyko believed that the wrong, too deep breathing becomes the cause of such common pathologies, like bronchial asthma, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and others.

The fact is that a deep breath and, accordingly, exhale leads to a decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood. This in turn causes the shift of acid-alkaline equilibrium and exchange disorders in cells, as well as the spasm of the bronchi and blood vessels - the body seeks to "delay" carbon dioxide with any ways.

Spasmned vessels do not deliver enough oxygen to the tissues, which leads to oxygen starvation and feeling of patients that it is necessary to breathe deeply - the vicious circle is so closed.

According to Buteyko, it is necessary to breathe, on the contrary, superficially and easily relaxing in parallel, only this will lead to the restoration of metabolic processes, purify the body and improving the condition. Here, his theory crosses with the practice of yoga, the adepts of which also believe that excess oxygen is harmful, but at the same time they offer to breathe deeply and rarely.

The method of volitional elimination of deep breathing Buteyko (VLHD) helps with bronchopulmonary diseases, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, COPD, allergies, angina and other diseases of the heart, migraine, gastrointestinal colic, hypertension. It is less effective in atherosclerosis and other organic lesions, when changes are irreversible.

Butyko Method: Exercises

The VLGD method is aimed at learning a patient with surface breathing, in which the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood occurs. Before proceeding with the exercises, the patient needs to undergo a medical examination, including an assessment of the lung function.

The development of the method occurs under the control of the instructor on the VLGD, as the patient independently can not always correctly appreciate his breathing. Evaluation of breathing and control of exercise efficiency is made using such an indicator as a control pause. The control pause is measured after a calm exhalation before the desire to breathe, but so that it is not necessary to breathe mouth to restore breathing. The norm is considered 60 seconds or more. Less than 60 seconds means a carbon dioxide deficiency and too deep breathing. The pulse frequency is also measured, which is normal at one time should be less than 60.

When performing exercises, the patient fills the diary, where the date and time of classes, control pauses (before, after training and every 5 minutes), the frequency of the pulse, well-being. Exercises are performed on an empty stomach, breathing is performed only by the nose and silently.


  1. Breathing "The tops of the lungs": 5 seconds - inhale, 5 seconds - exhalation, 5 seconds of pause - maximum relaxation. Repeat 10 times
  2. Breathing with belly and breasts: 7.5 seconds - inhale, 7.5 seconds - exhalation, 5 seconds - pause. Repeat 10 times
  3. Nose spot massage at the time of the maximum breathing delay. 1 time
  4. Breathing right, then left half of the nose. 10 times
  5. Abdominal retraction - 7.5 seconds, in full breathe. Then the maximum exhalation is 7.5 seconds, pause - 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times
  6. Maximum lung ventilation is 12 as deep breaths and exhale for 1 minute (5 seconds for inhale and exhalation). Immediately after that you need to perform the maximum breathing delay on the limit exhalation (1 time)
  7. Rare breathing (breathing in levels)

First level

Within 1 minute: 5 seconds - inhale, 5 seconds - exhalation, 5 seconds - pause (4 breath cycles).

Second level

Within 2 minutes: 5 seconds - inhale, 5 seconds - pause, 5 seconds - exhale, 5 seconds - pause (3 breathing cycles per minute).

Third level

Within 3 minutes: 7.5 seconds - inhale, 7.5 seconds - pause, 7.5 seconds - exhalation, after a pause of 5 seconds (2 breathing cycles per minute).

Fourth Level

Within 4 minutes: 10 seconds - inhale, 10 seconds - pause, 10 seconds - exhale, 10 seconds - pause (preferably to bring to 1 breathing per minute).

8. Double breathing retention.

Maximum breathing delay on exhalation, then on inhale. Run 1 time.

9. Maximum breathing delay sitting (3-10 times).

Maximum breathing delay in walking in place (3-10 times).

Maximum breathing delay during squats (3-10 times).

10. Surface Breathing (3-10 minutes)

Sitting in a comfortable position and relaxing as much as possible, performing breast breathing, gradually reducing the volume of inhalation and exhalation, while breathing will not become "invisible" and very easy, at the level of nasopharynk.

Butyko Method: Cleaning Reaction

In the process of training (after 2-8 weeks), the so-called purification reaction occurs - the deterioration of the state with an increase in the wet separation, amplification, or pain, diarrhea, may increase the temperature, to sharpen the main disease. This is a predictable reaction that Buteyko called not to be afraid and considered a good sign of restructuring of exchange processes on the way to recovery.

Exercises at first are performed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, then, as the control pause increases, the frequency of workouts decreases, but the duration, on the contrary, may increase.

After a significant increase in the control pause and improving well-being, it is recommended to get a full survey to assess objective health indicators.

Minuses of the Buteyko method

It remains to add that the opinions of doctors about the method of Buteyko are rather contradictory. While supporters of the method provide many examples of cure from bronchial asthma, his opponents believe that any arbitrary respiratory control is harmful to the body, since the respiratory center can lose the automatic mode of its work, which is fraught with a complete respiratory stop.

Reduction of breathing should be carried out through physical exertion and increasing endurance by training the body, and not through work directly with breathing.

Objective data also suggests that after long-term exercises on the method of Buteyko, a decrease in pulmonary indicators (the lifetelter of the lungs, etc.) can occur.

The healing system of the body, known as respiratory gymnastics or exercises in Buteyko, is named by the author of the "method of wreck liquidation of deep breathing". According to him, the correct breathing should be quiet, slow and nasal. The scientist claims that the level of carbon dioxide in the blood is an indicator of health and the most important factor of its recovery. And in healthy people, it is much higher than in patients. Therefore, for the treatment and overall recovery, Buteyko recommends exhausting as little as possible and less often using surface breathing.

The dependence of the state of a person from breathing well demonstrates the attack of bronchial asthma. When the patient begins to choke, he actively grabs air than significantly worsens his condition - there is not enough breathing even more, the lungs are swelling hard, and the need for oxygen rises. But if he stops breathing for a few moments, the protection of the body will work - the vessels will expand and increase the delivery of blood with oxygen to the tissues. As a result, the overall well-being of astmatics will improve significantly.

Important! Breathing in Buteyko is not only inhalation of oxygen, but also saving carbon dioxide by slowing the respiratory process. According to the scientist, carbon dioxide in an increased amount is heated by the body and is able to deliver from many diseases.

The essence of the methodology is to perform exercises that contribute to a gradual decrease in respiratory depth and an increase in the duration of its delay. The greater the pause between the breath and exhalation, the better the saturation of the cells with oxygen and the preservation of carbon dioxide in them. As a result of the restoration of the correct ratio of these two most important elements in the body, a number of positive changes occur - the acid-alkaline balance is regulated, the metabolism is established, immunity is being strengthened, the existing diseases are undermined.

The technique of respiration proposed by Dr. Buteyko is positioned by modern medicine as a method of getting rid of bronchial asthma. But in reality, it allows you to cure 118 diseases without drugs and other auxiliary events. First of all, it is allergic, pulmonary, heart and vascular diseases, obesity, painful syndrome of various origin, pathology of the digestive tract and many others.

The great advantage of respiratory gymnastics in Buteyko is that the exercises can be performed anywhere, regardless of time and external circumstances. They differ simplicity, accessibility and versatility - can be engaged in both children from 4 years of age and the most elderly people.

Contraindications and cautions

The restriction for the use of the method of Constantine Butyko may be the following diseases:

  • mental and mental violations;
  • leaning to bleeding;
  • acute infections;
  • diabetes with insulin addiction;
  • aneurysm with large thrombami.

Also respiratory gymnastics is contraindicated in the presence of grafts, after operations on the heart, during the pregnancy period. Difficulties may occur with diseases of teeth or chronic tonsillitis.

For those who are suitable for gymnastics, it is necessary to consider the warnings of the author of the technique:

  1. Be prepared for difficulties - treatment requires a lot of effort so that at the initial stage will be able to resist from deep breath. In some cases, to achieve the goal, do not do without a special corset.
  2. Be prepared for unpleasant sensations - at the initial stage, fear often appears, unwillingness to perform gymnastics, aggravation of diseases, painful sensations, malfunction in the respiratory process. It is very important for such manifestations not to abandon classes, waiting when discomfort will disappear and recovery.
  3. Discard medication therapy - if it is impossible, you need to at least reduce the dosage of drugs by 2 times, but in case of complex diseases, it is necessary to perform it under the control of the doctor.
  4. Exclude other methods of treatment - Buteyko exercises are effective in themselves and do not require any auxiliary events.

Preparatory exercises

Before performing respiratory gymnastics, Buteyko must prepare an organism:

  • gradually move to less deep breathing;
  • learn to breathe with a delay and only when the feeling of the lack of air, which must accompany the performance of all exercises in the future;
  • increase the duration of the exhalation so that he lasted a few times longer in the breath.

To achieve this goal, you need to perform only 2 exercises, each duration of 7-10 minutes:

Exercise 1:

  1. To become smooth. Exhale, at a slow breath, slowly raise your shoulders and immediately start exhaling, lowering shoulders.
  2. Slowly inhaling, turn the shoulders back, trying to bring the elbows. On the slow exhale to serve shoulders ahead, squeezing the chest. Do everything without tension.
  3. In the next breath, perform a slope one way, to straighten up. Repeat on the other side.
  4. Exhausted, gradually thump the head back, breathe. On the new exhale, lower your head on the chest. Inhale and become smooth.
  5. In the breath, turn the torso in one direction so that one hand is behind the back, and the second ahead. On the exhale to return back. Repeat on the other side.
  6. Without controlling the breath, twist at first, then the other shoulder, and then both immediately, as if driving oars.

Exercise 2:

  1. To take a posture of the soldier - to become smart, deploy your shoulders, pull the belly, lower the compressed brushes.
  2. Smoothly climb the fingers of the feet, making a good breath inhaling.
  3. Measure, do not breathe for 5 seconds.
  4. Also slowly exhale, returning to the initial position.

After the end of these exercises, you need to adjust your breathing.

Learning proper breathing

This complex includes 3 exercises. They are aimed at a gradual decrease in respiratory depth right to notice.

Experience exercise:

  1. Sit smoothly, relax, look ahead.
  2. Start breathing very briefly for 10-15 minutes, overcoming the lack of air and the desire to sigh.
  3. If the breath is missing at all, you can make it a little deeper.
  4. With proper execution, the body will be filled with heat, and then heat, it will want to take a deep breath. To overcome this desire, you need to relax a diaphragm.
  5. At the output, the depth of breathing is not changed.

After the end of the exercise, the usual pause after the inhalation and exhalation should increase by 2 seconds.

Muscle tension:

  • To lie on the stomach, with the power to press the chin to the floor or the fist-plated under it.
  • Hold breathing, reinforcing chin pressure. Suppose as much as possible.
  • When it is not possible to delay the breath, strain the other parts of the body - raise your head and shoulders, pull the hands alternately, then legs.

Such consistent muscle tension will help easier to go to surface breathing.

Respiratory Delay:

  • Become smoothly inhaling.
  • Lay on how much it turns out.
  • Heavily breathe mouth.

First, the respiratory delays will be short, but over time it is much lengthened. To control the change in the duration of the pause, the exercise must be performed with a stopwatch.

Surface breathing training

These exercises of respiratory gymnastics in Buteyko are aimed at developing the habit of breathing superficially and bring the pause to 1 minute.

  1. Make a maximum possible delay. With the emergence of a strong sensation of air deficiency, perform the minimum breaths. If an irresistible desire appeared to breathe deeply, do it and repeat the exercise first.
  2. During a similar delay, do not stand, but to go without stops. After the maximum possible pause - to breathe and repeat the actions.
  3. To breathe superficially, first a couple of minutes, and then bring these periods up to 15 minutes.

Such training needs to be performed daily, at least 4 times a day or more, but with equal intervals.

Basic exercises

This complex develops the ability to delay the breath for a long time, regardless of the load:

  1. Breathing shallow, performing every respiratory movement for 5 seconds, including withstanding the pause of the same duration after each exhalation. We make 10 repetitions.
  2. I breathe full of breasts, but the duration of respiratory movements increase to 7.5 seconds, and the delay remains the same. At the same time, inhalation should begin with a diaphragm, and then move on to the chest, and exhalation, on the contrary, end with a diaphragm. We also do 10 repetitions.
  3. We massive your nose with your fingers along the entire length, delaying breathing.
  4. I breathe alternately nostrils - 10 repetitions.
  5. Tighten your stomach and repeat the breathing movements of the second exercise. Belly do not relax until the end of the exercise. We make 10 repetitions.
  6. We ventilate the respiratory system - quickly breathing, breathing and exhausted without delay of 2.5 seconds. Make 12 times. In completion, delay your breath to the limit, heavily exhale.
  7. Breathe rarely in levels:
    Level 1: All respiratory movements, including delay after each exhalation, last 5 seconds. We make 4 repetitions and proceed to the next level without break.
    Level 2: We repeat the exercise of the previous level, but we make an additional delay after each breath.
    3 level: The duration of inhalation and exhalation increase to 7.5 seconds, we only do the delay after the exhalation of 5 seconds. We perform 6 repetitions.
    4 level: We repeat the exercise of the second level, but the duration of each movement increases to 10 seconds. In just 60 seconds, a 1.5 respiratory cycle is performed. We make 6 repetitions. The goal is to reach 1 cycle per minute.
  8. Tighten the pause - standing, delay your breath, how much is possible, first after the exhalation, then after inhale. Make 1 time.
  9. The same exercise, sitting - 10 repetitions.
  10. The same exercise in walking in place - 10 repetitions.
  11. The same exercise, squeezing - 10 repetitions.
  12. I breathe superficially - completely relax, breathing breasts, gradually making respiratory movements with less deep, until they are performed only in the nasopharynx. Such a rhythm adhere to 3-10 minutes.

Important! All exercises of respiratory gymnastics in Buteyko must only be performed on an empty stomach, they are silent and strictly through the nose, unless otherwise indicated in the description.

Stages of recovery

The final stage of the wellness technique of respiration is the reaction of recovery and purification of the whole organism. This process is very individual, depends on many factors and can vary significantly in terms of appearance - from 1 hour to several months after the gymnastics.

The initial signs are very unpleasant:

  • nervous overvoltage;
  • sleep disorders;
  • feverish states;
  • increasing body temperature, headaches;
  • pain in the deep breath of tissues;
  • the aggravation of the symptoms of the main disease.

The recovery itself takes place in the 5 stages, each of which corresponds to the achieved duration of the breathing delay - from 10 to 60 seconds. This delay is customary to be called a control pause, which is performed after the usual exhalation and is considered to be inhaling to the first weak desire. That is, it shows how many people may not breathe without the slightest voltage. To measure the test pause, you need to ride in the usual rhythm of 5 minutes, and then hold the specified test. After him, breathing should remain the same as it was before checking.

  1. While the control pause does not exceed 10 seconds, the body is cleared of surface problems. Usually, enhanced selection of all liquids and mucus appears, signs resembling colds are developing, dryness appears in the oral cavity and the nasopharynk, severe thirst.
  2. When pause, in 20 seconds, it starts to hurt, including the places of old injuries or operations, all chronic diseases are sharpened, the sputum is separated, with pulmonary diseases, the temperature is strongly rising.
  3. The possibility of a 30-minute delay begins psychological cleaning, which causes the reaction of the nervous system, appears without a reason, irritability increases, the development of depression is increased.
  4. When the pause lasts 40 seconds, there is already a cardinal cleansing - the state of the vessels, metabolic processes, the work of all organs, eliminate cardiovascular problems, allergies, hypertension are eliminated, neoplasms are resolved.
  5. After reaching 60 seconds, the body is fully cleaned and adopted, but negative manifestations still remain and manifest themselves depending on the availability and type of most soased diseases. An indicator of the reaction will be tongue. If there is a flare, it means that the process has not yet ended. With full recovery, it will be pink and clean.

Treatment with the help of exercises of respiratory gymnastics in Buteyko helped many people to restore their health. This method of recovery has a huge number of supporters all over the world. But the body has each individual, and the result largely depends on its features. However, try this unique method still stands, because there is always a chance of a positive outcome, if a person himself strives for recovery.

This method was developed in 1952 and from the same time it is successfully used to relieve and treat the symptoms of allergic manifestations, bronchial asthma and other diseases of the respiratory organs.

Respiratory gymnastics in Buteyko can be effective in the following diseases:

  • - allergic diseases;
  • - with violation of cerebral circulation;
  • - with hypertension;
  • - during angina;
  • - with pneumosclerosis;
  • - at bronchial asthma;
  • - in the emphysema of the lungs;
  • - with asthmatic bronchitis.

According to the famous scientist Buteyko, the cause of the development of the described pathological conditions is hyperventilation, which causes a lack of CO2. This is due to the increased tone of smooth muscles, disruption of the tissue free breathing and spasm of all available respiratory tract.

To saturate human blood by carbon dioxide, which is extremely little in the air surrounding a person, you need to learn how to clearly regulate your breathing so that it becomes more superficial, and the pauses themselves between the breaths have become longer.

The principle of such proper breathing is extremely simple - it is necessary to make a surface shallow breath for 2-3 seconds and then exhale for 3-4rsec. A pause between inhams need to be tried to zoom. At this time, the human body should relax, and during the pause, to stimulate the trigeminal nerve, it is necessary to look up. It is not necessary to scare the appearing feeling shortness of air.

If you decide to start studying on this system, then you need to prepare for the emergence of unpleasant sensations that will appear at the first stages of exercises. You may have disgust for exercises, fear, feeling of pain, aggravation of disease. In addition, such unpleasant symptoms such as respiratory increase, the deterioration of appetite, attacks of the lack of sufficient air is possible. The most important thing in this is not to stop your classes, because only in this case, after some time, recovery will begin and will gradually undergo unpleasant feelings.

This system has one indisputable advantage that is that such exercises can be accomplished whenever you want and anywhere: on a walk, at home, in transport, at work. In addition, this technique is suitable for almost all ages: all people who have reached a four-year-old age can do it.

Respiratory Gymnastics Butyko, Exercises

The complex of famous breathing exercises Buteyko is aimed at the development of the most faithful breathing and on the development of human natural abilities to delay his breathing, both in the inhalation, and on the subsequent exhalation, both in the state of activity and alone.

Superior lung departments should work: five seconds inhale, then five seconds exhale (you need to relax the muscles of the chest); Then you should make a five-second pause and do not breathe, while in the maximum possible relaxation. Ten times (as a result - 2.5 minutes).

Proper full breathing. Breast and all, also a diaphragmal breathing at the same time. 7.5 seconds should be inhaled, starting with conventional diaphragmal respiration and ending at the end of the chest; 7.5 seconds should be exhaled, starting from the topmost sections of human lungs and ending with their lower parts, that is, a diaphragm; Five seconds - pause. Ten times (as a result - 3.5 minutes).

Purposeful point massage at the maximum pause of the nose points. Once.

Full breathing, first through the right, and then through the left half of the nose. Ten times ten times.

Stomach pulling. For 7.5 seconds, we make a complete breath, then make the maximum exhalation as much time. Without the five-centular pause, holding the abdominal muscles in the drawn position. Ten times (as a result - 3.5 minutes).

MVL (maximum ventilation of the lungs). We carry out twelve maximum fast breaths and the same exhalations, that is, 2.5 seconds should be inhaled and the same - exhale. We do within a minute. After the implementation of the MVL, MP should be made (maximum pause) on exhale to the limit itself. Perform once.

Rare breathing (performed in levels).

Level First:

  • Inhale - from one to 5 seconds, five seconds - exhale, pause - also five seconds. A minute turns out four breathing. Perform a full moment, then without interrupting breathing, perform the following levels.

Level Second:

  • Inhale - from 2 to five seconds, breathing delay at the end of the breath - also 5 seconds, then exhale - five seconds and a pause - five seconds. A minute turns on three breathing. Two minutes are performed.

Level Three:

  • Inhale - from three to 7.5 seconds, follows 7.5 seconds of breathing delay, exhale 7.5 seconds, pause - 5 seconds. A minute turns out two breathing. You need to perform for three minutes.

Fourth level:

  • Inhale - from 4 to 10 seconds, 10 seconds of breathing delay, exhalation - 10 seconds and the subsequent pause - 10 seconds. 1.5 breathing will be released per minute. You need to perform 4 minutes. So continue to continue. Who is how much can withstand. Normally, you need to bring to one breath per minute.

Breath delay (double). To begin with, it should be performed on the exhalation of MP, then the maximum delay in inhalation. Perform once.

MP in a position sitting from three to ten times, MP in walking in one place also from 3 to 10 times, in the running place MP should be from 3 to 10 times and then MP in the course of squats - also three to ten times .

Surface breathing. Perform breast breathing, sitting in the most convenient position with maximum relaxation. Gradually reduce the strength and volume of inhalation and exhalation - to breathing at the level of nasopharynx or to invisible breathing. In the process of such breathing at the very beginning there will be a light shortage of air, then the average shortage or even strong. It will say that the exercise is performed correctly. On superficial breathing you should hold out from three to ten minutes.

All respiratory activities should be performed only through the nose and without excess noise. After the completion of the complex and before it starts, you need to measure MP, KP (control pause) and pulse. The respiratory gymnastics of Buteyko, the exercises of which you are already known, should be carried out on an empty stomach.

At the final stage of this method, the reaction of the purification of the entire human body will occur. It is impossible to accurately predict when the reaction will begin. It happens, it begins after a couple of dozen minutes, and sometimes after a couple of months of classes. Reactions can be somewhat, and may not be any one.

On the eve of the long-awaited cleaning will be observed a sharp increase in KP (for 3-5 seconds), then in the process of cleaning - it will fall, since the accumulated carbon dioxide in the process of restructuring will be spent on the restructuring of all existing organism systems: liver, intestine, cardiovascular system, lungs , muscular, nervous system. Despite the fact that the KP falls in the process of cleaning, yet on average it will not be lowered, that is, it will not be lower than the level that was before the completion of the complex. The duration of such reactions is usually marked from a pair of minutes and up to three weeks.

There is no need to be afraid of such a reaction. On the contrary, she needs to be rejoiced, as this will mean that the body began to recover. If you get sick where there was no pain, it would only mean that pain you just did not feel, but the disease itself was still.

At this time, the medicine is better not to take, but if you still do not decide to abandon them, then use them at least in a smaller dosage than usual (well, if it turns out to reduce the dosage twice). The most severe patients will require incessant laboratory control (for example, diabetics).

These steps of the purification reaction can be distinguished: they will correspond to KP at 10, then 20, then 30, later 40 and 60 seconds.

First frontier round 10 seconds

From the body will begin to remove everything that lay on its surface. Often, there will be a salivation, separation from the nose, a rapid urination, a liquid chair, sweat, thirst, a sprinkle, flare in the language. If there were previously noted problems with bladder and kidneys, they may appear. The well-being can be like a flu: temperatures, chills, a purulent selection of a nose and eye, lubrication and weakness in the whole body. Appetite can decrease or completely abyss. The person will begin to torment the thirst, there is severe dryness in the nasopharynk, nose and mouth.

Frontier 20 seconds

At this moment, the intestines, lungs, leather (itching), nose will be reacted. The joints will become painful, the spine will be sick, in addition, all your postoperative scars will be silent, injuries, fractures. In addition, there will be places of former medical crashes, all available infiltrates will be solved after numerous injections. Complete and metabolic processes can be partially affected: even migraines may appear, eczema is exacerbated. A rich amount of sputum is distinguished. If the fronts have previously occurred, sinusitis, there were operations on the nose, then it may be distinguished by a huge amount of traffic jams, pus, often with blood.

The taste sensations will be restored. There may be disorders of a daily chair and even vomiting. A certain number of people remains on KP 10-20 seconds to 6 months and more, since their body is overly slapped. In order to be cleaned, you will have to be constantly in the VLGD method. It is known that the pulmonary patients the temperature often rises to 41 degrees, but it will not hold on to the days, it will constantly jump up and down. It is impossible to knock down! If the temperature is in a child, then you can use vinegar wraps. The wet can go out not only for pulmonary patients, but also in hypertensive. Hello is often observed. This means that there is a rejection of the pulmonary fabric, which was destroyed by bronchoscopy and the former suffocating cough. On the complete restructuring of the pulmonary fabric and the lungs in general, it can take two or three years. Perestroika facilitates massage. The heart and the liver need to massage only when the coward is running, for example, in the park, or when jumping on a conventional rope. Even the acute emphysema will pass in 7-14 days. If at this moment there is a radiographic study of the lungs, then you can get a positive trend. In order to be with what to compare, the x-ray picture should be made before the start of classes and then every 6 months.

If the dry sputum began to stand out, then you can put the mustard pieces, banks, increase the volume of fluid (salted hot water), make a massage. If the pulse does not exceed 70 shots and there are no obvious heart manifestations, then you can be like a sauna with dry steam.

If any kind of skin diseases manifested themselves, then you should visit the bath more often. Soap in this case is better not to use. It is enough just to rinse and rub the body with castor oil after the bath.

Sten sinks and hypertensive can be visited by a bath only when they reach a stable KP within 30-40 seconds. The pulse should be no higher than 70. Patients with ischemic disease during cardiac pains during cleaning can kick Validol. Hypertensive often celebrate nasal bleeding. In this case, the nose cannot be treated. It is best to simply substitute the bath with water and put a cold compress on the bridge.

From the nose of allocation by duration may be longer than from the lungs. No need to wash the nose. You can only apply a little salted water, releasing and pulling it into each nostril alternately.

Frontier 30 seconds

Here will begin to react the nervous system. A person can cry without a special reason, he becomes more irritable and excitable. A depression may manifest themselves, persistent disgust for their breathing gymnastics.

This phenomenon was called psychological cleaning. If a person has skin diseases, cleaning can manifest itself in the form of a rash, itching, which usually disappears themselves, without using any ointments and other drugs, but under the condition of permanent and persistent classes by the VLGD method. Patients with thyrotoxicosis celebrate tears, sobs. Hypertensive are complaining of pressure drops.

Frontier 30-40 seconds

Now cleaning will be very dramatically. The vessels, intestines, metabolism, both kidneys will be reserved. New formations will be dissolved, pressure is normalized. After reaching 40 seconds, the hypertone is no longer hypertensive. All available cardiovascular disorders will disappear with a stable KP 42-44 seconds. Asthmatics spread up with their disease for 22-24 seconds KP. There will be a restructuring of all endocrine systems and functions: the thyroid gland, the menstrual cycle, adrenal glands, pituitary glands, the urogenital sphere.

At the same time, mastopathy exacerbates, pain arise and even possible disorders in the menstrual cycle. If there is mastopathy, then no medicine is needed. Toxicosis and erosion go. A man loses overweight. However, lose weight will be very thin, but after cleaning they will acquire their normal weight. The body recreates the missing forms with new, healthy and clean cells.

All existing metabolic disorders, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis will be given on KP 40 wild pain. Sand will appear in the urine. From the bladder and gallblades will begin to move stones. At this moment you need to continue to train, jump, move, dance in the end, because during exercise the content of CO2 will increase, the channels will expand and the stones will come out without pain.

At the same time, it is cleaned by hemorrhoids, therefore purulent release and bleeding can occur. Varicose veins will disappear. In ulcerative patients, short-term pains, feces with mucus, vomiting. Intestinal colic, strong gravity pain in the abdomen appear. A stool disorder appears and urination is rapidly. During this period, it is not necessary to seek surgical help, no pain deals can be taken. You can try to get rid of all the symptoms with enhanced gymnastics. Sleep normalizes. The need for night rest will be reduced to four or five hours per day.

Rubbrozh 60 seconds

Everything will be cleared here that it did not have time to exit the previous stages. At this stage, it is recommended to provoke an independent reaction of recovery by any colds in the complex in a violation of the rules of normal life (for example, in nutrition). Now there may be a large amount of sputum, as the deepest lung plots will be cleared.

Often in the process of recovery reaction marks breaking voice. It happens from the former suffocating cough or from bronchoscopy. The first attack of the suffocation - the swelling of the larynx, laryngospasm. After the recovery reaction, your voice will be restored. It will take and heart even if there were no such complaints. During cleaning there will be brick-red urine. It will be muddy, with mucus, with precipitation, silent, with the smell of drugs and with blood discharge.

Osteochondrosis patients mark the yield of a huge amount of salts. Watering in such people foamy and white. They have a very unpleasant saliva, they need to constantly spit into a jar. Cometer bleeding can occur.

Language will become a reaction mirror. Ideally, he should be wet, pink, without cracks and furrows, clean. Yellow raid - leaving liver, white - gastrointestinal tract. If the language is dry, then the body lacks water. If the language is covered, then the person is experiencing disgust for food. In this case, it can not be forced to eat. On the contrary, at this time you need to drink a large amount of water, in order to bring the remaining slags from the body. As soon as the language becomes clean, pink and wet, you can diagnose recovery on this turn.

Finally, I want to give a few tips to help facilitate the cleaning of the body:

  1. 1. Do not throw the method. Your main task is to solve, to keep and maintain the position dyed in deep breathing.
  2. 2. Take a sedent bath (in water only hips), hot shower, visit the sauna. All this needs to be done during the chills, if the heart allows and no temperature.
  3. 3. You need to take more salted hot water. During cleaning, do not forget to eat a simple cauldron salt. Do not forget that weakness often becomes a consequence of the lack of salt. In this case, this salt will not have any attitude to the deposition of harmful salts in the spine.
  4. 4. There is violently. Do not distract the body from work - natural cleansing.
  5. 5. You can put mustard pieces, banks, make massages.
  6. 6. Try not to lie. Move around the room, sit, but it is better to do it outdoer.
  7. 7. In the process of cleaning, you eat honey, take a washed tooth powder. White clay is suitable (three times a day at Ch.L.). All these substances will be traveled by transit, collecting all poisons.
  8. 8. If strong pains in the intestinal department appear in the process or stuck in the heart, then you can help yourself with Validol, not forgetting hard to train your breath.
  9. 9. It is necessary to add 2-3 drops of a solution of iodide potassium per day.
  10. 10. Attempt to suppress cough with right shallow breathing. The wet will be easier to depart without coughing.
  11. 11. With poor intestinal work, you can make an enema with a domestic or to adopt a laxative (Senna Sheet, magnesium sulfate or sodium, jox, bark of the crash).
  12. 12. In the process of restructuring, it will be easily necessary, therefore, during this period, it is impossible to transfer. Wear additionally vest. There is no worthwhile. However, it is not necessary to overheat - do not kill very much. Massage of chest and thermal other procedures are useful.
  13. 13. If unbridled cough is tormented, then you can make distracting water procedures - warming feet and hands in hot water (the temperature should be so high as you can endure). You can also dissolve the collar zone.
  14. 14. Do not eat sugar, better go to dried fruits. Tomatoes and grapes are also banned, as they negatively act on the patient liver.
  15. 15. In the occurrence of purulent conjunctivitis, you can wash your eyes with a strong solution of green tea, which needs to be slightly saturated.
  16. 16. In the process of cleaning, you need to monitor the state of the mouth. The oral cavity you need to constantly rinse in the infusions. The language will have to be cleaned from the raids using a spoon.